Monday, 2014-06-30

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fungiwe lost the openstackgerrit bot at 11:43:28 utc today to a ping timeout13:52
fungii can't find any record of when the openstack meetbot dropped out though, so i must have been netsplit or something when it happened13:52
fungiprobably around when my client reconnected yesterday at 00:33 utc13:53
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for glance unit test race bug 1335878
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1335878 in glance "test_download_policy_when_cache_is_not_enabled fails with ECONNREFUSED" [Undecided,Triaged]
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Creates a list of no-test repositories
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Modularized StoryBoard Module
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mordredfungi: yes - and I was tracking the freespace to make sure we didn't run out15:01
krotscheckStoryboard meeting in #openstack-meeting-315:02
anteayamorning mordred, morning krotscheck15:02
mordredfungi: we might want a separate lv - clarkb said we were low on available volume to be able to put there though, so I was trying to re-use some of what we had ...15:02
fungimordred: awesome. how much room are we going to need for a full pypi mirror, or is that it? if so, maybe we add a 150gb lv for it15:03
mordredfungi: that's it15:03
mordredwe now have a full mirror15:03
krotscheckallo allo15:03
fungiyeah, we are getting tight on available cinder quota15:03
mordredfungi: however, a separate lv would allow us to put an FS on it that was less bad at 32k directories15:03
* fungi looks to see what's still open in tha vg15:03
mordredfungi: before I put the mirror content in that dir, we had 2.3G used15:03
mordredfungi: so we're still double the free space that we'd ever used15:04
fungiyeah, it was basically empty, so we could probably reshuffle it with a little bit of an outage15:04
mordredfungi: and once the full mirror is live, the old partial mirror can go away and we'll be back to 6G free :)15:04
fungiwe have 247.95g available in the main vg on static.o.o according to vgs, so we could probably do it without too much impact15:04
mordredoh - neat15:05
fungiwouldn't need to add another cinder volume for it15:05
fungiwe could even just grow the /srv/static lv by another ~50g if we wanted with no impact at all, but i'd probably feel a little more comfortable if bandersnatch was mirroring into its own fs anyway15:06
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fungiless likely that it might run away with the volume and impact tarball uploads or something15:06
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mordredI'd like another lv - because the 32k dirs thing is crazypants15:07
mordredfungi: any suggestions on which FS would deal with that best15:07
mordredext4 is ... slow15:07
mordredfungi: for context, /srv/static/pypi/web/simple has 32k direct subdirs15:07
fungihrm... ext2?15:08
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fungiit's not like we need much fancy15:09
funginor is a journal much help15:09
fungino requirement for extended attribs...15:09
funginot going anywhere near the max size limit for ext2 either15:09
fungibut there are certainly other options, i'm just not familiar with some of the more exotic ones15:10
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joaSmall question about the openstack gerrit event stream for CI: Can only the system accounts access it ?15:12
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fungijoa: any account should be able to use the stream-events command15:12
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fungiwe have stream events allowed for the registered users meta-group in gerrit's all-projects acl15:13
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joaokay so I might have an issue with my identity file... thanks15:14
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anteayajoa: if you are getting an error, please paste the error at, and please include the command you ran that resulted in the error15:15
anteayaalso, is also known as paste.o.o15:16
joamost probably an issue of forgotten password on my side, I get a permission denied (publickey)15:16
joaor bad key uploaded. Just need to scratch the current one and retry15:17
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anteayajoa: are you trying from your personal account?15:17
anteayajoa: you don't have a ci account yet, correct?15:17
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mordredfungi: actually, ext2/3 has a hard limit of links and you can't make 32k dirs in a single dir15:18
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joayup, trying from personal one15:18
mordredfungi: ext4 bumped the limit15:18
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joato see how things work; waiting for system account :)15:18
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anteayajoa: right15:19
fungimordred: ohhh... good point15:19
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anteayajoa: please paste the command you are trying15:19
mordredfungi: I discovered this the hard way15:19
s0neahey infra team... is anyone around who can create an upstream service account for me, please :)15:19
fungireiserfs is pretty good about that, but...15:19
anteayajoa: you shouldn't have to use a password, unless your ssh key is password protected15:20
mordredwwell, there's the murder15:20
anteayas0nea: have you read
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joaanteaya: it's alright; re-uploading my key fixed that15:21
joadunnow what kind of mistake I did...15:21
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joa(and yes, my ssh key is passworded)15:21
anteayajoa: hmmm, okay glad you are moving forward again15:22
ttxmordred: infra crew wanted your review o before approving it15:22
anteayas0nea: might be good for you to read as well15:22
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mordredttx: looking15:22
mordredfungi: is now available for testing - athough that's not the URL it wants to ultimately be in15:22
mordredfungi: and the first bandersnatch patch should be safe-ish to land-ish15:23
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mordred(I mean, it needs to be sheperded in)15:23
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anteayas0nea: oh and here is a patch on name formating for third party ci accounts: this one is a bit contentious, but that is the patch and comments thus far15:24
s0neaok, thank anteaya i read and
anteayas0nea: great15:24
anteayas0nea: and I gave you documentation on how to go about requesting a third party ci account15:25
anteayas0nea: might I ask what it is you plan on testing?15:25
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mordredttx: why is there an assumption that there would only be one proposed/ branch?15:27
mordredttx: (I'm not disagreeing - just looking for more thoughts)15:27
pcm__hi. Need help with getting latest oslo.messaging release added to global requirements. Can someone advise on the issues I see.15:27
ttxmordred: mostly because it's simpler to pick the "right" one in that case15:27
mordredpcm__: there are issues adding oslo pre-releases to the mirror right now - we're working on a solution ... so you're not alone at least :)15:28
ttxmordred: also the release tooling ensures there is none other when it creates it15:28
pcm__mordred: I guess that is a good thing :)15:28
mordredttx: once you release stable/juno, what do you do to proposed/juno?15:28
ttxmordred: it should be deleted15:28
ttxlike milestone-proposed was15:28
s0neaanteaya, we developed a cinder driver for our storage system openattic and want to submit it to openstack15:29
pcm__mordred: Jenkins failed saying that it could not find the release, but it is available.15:29
ttxideally we'd just "rename" the branch15:29
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fungittx: see comment inline--i think it will break15:29
bknudsonpcm__: mordred: is the fix to remove the check for --no-use-mirror in the check-requirements-integration-dsvm ?15:29
bknudsonoops, wrong option name15:29
mordredbknudson: nope. it's to completely change our mirroring infrastructure :)15:29
anteayas0nea: so Openattic CI?15:29
anteayas0nea: what is the name of your company?15:30
fungianteaya: i'm assuming it's this free software project...
ttxfungi: ah! wanted to make it magically compatible with milestone-proposed, but I guess I shouldn't15:31
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mriedemthis seems wrong
anteayas0nea: is fungi correct, is this an opensource project?15:31
s0neaanteaya, yes openattic-ci and is right15:31
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anteayafungi: should open-attic be in the gate then?15:32
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fungittx: well, you could then do origin/.*proposed/15:32
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mordredttx, fungi: are we making this merge tags thing too complex?15:32
mordredthis runs on a tag event - so we should have the tag name in the ZUUL_ vars15:33
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fungianteaya: perhaps long-term if it doesn't have any problematic requirements, but short-term doing an external ci system to report on it is also fine (there are other free driver/plugin/backend projects doing similar things with third-party systems already)15:33
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ttxmordred: it sounded complicated to me, but hen I was after adding support for proposed/*, not after simplifying it15:34
anteayafungi: okay thanks, just trying to get the open source stuff into open source15:34
mordredoh - wait15:34
fungimordred: true, i guess there wouldn't be a tag job called on a tag which exists in multiple branches, so probably fine15:34
mordredit's because we might tag on stable branches15:34
mordredand we don't want to merge those15:34
mordredok. I remember why we did it this way15:34
ttxmordred: it fails in interestign ways in that specific case15:35
fungimordred: but we could filter those out as a negation instead if we want15:35
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anteayas0nea: great please propose the name open-attic-ci and open-attic-ci for your account name and username (since you have the hyphens in your domain name, let's be consistent)15:35
ruheanteaya: hi! how can i update contact point entry for murano-ci at,members ?15:35
anteayas0nea: once you get up a running, lets look for ways to bring your testing into our openstack infrastructre system15:35
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s0neaanteaya, don't we need the account for setting up the system?15:37
mordredfungi: so - back to mirror - I think we should go forward with this stuff in place as it is, then make an lv for the stuff and take a little downtime over the weekend to do the volume swap15:37
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anteayaruhe: I just created this page for you:
fungimordred: how about we add a new lv first, move that new directory tree into it, then the swap becomes a lot faster this weekend?15:38
anteayaruhe: please fill it out follow this example:
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anteayaruhe: once you are finished please email openstack-infra ml with your desired contact changes and the link to your wiki page with your updated information15:39
ruheanteaya: will do. thank you!15:39
anteayaruhe: thank you15:39
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anteayas0nea: yes you need to the account to hook into our gerrit15:40
anteayas0nea: you need to send an email to the openstack-infra ml15:40
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s0neaanteaya, ok, now it's clear to me. thank you for your help15:41
pcm__mordred: On the oslo.messaging pre-release, is there a workaround or a plan to resolve yet?15:41
ttxfungi: so we could just early exit on "git branch --contains $TAG | grep stable" ?15:41
anteayas0nea: thanks for taking the time to discuss it with me15:41
anteayas0nea: welcome to openstack15:41
anteayas0nea: have you spent much time contributing yet?15:41
mordredfungi: well, we need to do a tiny downtime to land the first bandersnatch patch - which is "/etc/init.d/apache stop ; mv /srv/static/pypi/open* /srv/static/pypi/web ; /etc/init.d/apache start"15:41
mordredfungi: if those are on different volumes, that mv will take longer15:42
mordredif they're on the same volume, that shoudl be an almost instant hiccup15:42
anteayas0nea: the more you understand the developer workflow, the better your default decisions will be regarding your third party ci15:42
mordredfungi: otoh - the openstack dirs don't change nearly as frequently ... so I could just duplicate them on the next volume15:43
mordredfungi: and the above swap could just be the remount15:43
fungittx: we could either have it fail early if the tag is contained in either master or stable/.*, or have it only proceed when contained in origin/.*proposed/.*15:43
fungittx: i'm mostly indifferent15:44
mordredfungi: actually, I think I like that, an apache restart and umount/mount will be super quick15:44
mordredfungi: actually, we could probably do a umount/mount/graceful and have next to no downtime at all15:44
fungimordred: i assumed the "move" during the downtime would be mounting the new docroot to a mountpoint which was the same as the original docroot's directory (or change the docroot in the apache vhost slightly)?15:45
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mordredfungi: both15:45
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mordredthe apache vhost docroot needs to shift a directory level so taht we can have the new and old mirrors side by side on the right urls15:45
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fungiyeah, and that gets us both a dedicated logical volume and access to both trees with a very brief (or no) blip, so seems optimal15:46
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mordredk. I'll work towards that15:48
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mordreddstufft: what FS do you guys use on your mirrors?15:48
AjaegerHi infra team, I would appreciate a second +2 for today for some further patches. Thanks!15:48
s0neas0nea, thanks :) i'm new to such a big open source project and i'm very fascinated of such a organized infrastructure. but it's hard to understand how a project, the developer workflow, "works"15:49
dstufftmordred: dunno, ext4 maybe?15:50
dstufftI'd have to look15:50
mordreddstufft: k. mainly asking because the autoindex seems sluggish15:50
anteayas0nea: I understand15:50
anteayas0nea: and yes it is overwhelming15:50
anteayas0nea: be sure to find me and ask questions as you proceed, I'm happy to help15:51
mordredfungi: anything special other than just lvcreate I should be doing for lvcreating?15:51
anteayaand have done some tutoring for interested parties, you can read the logs from openstack-infra channel at logs.openstack.org15:51
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anteayas0nea: look for logs from last tuesday and wednesday from openstack-dev channel15:52
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mordredfungi: lvcreate main --size 150G --name pypi15:52
anteayas0nea: search on my name and you should find some logs of me helping some folks learn how to review patches15:52
anteayas0nea: let me know if I haven't given you enough to find what I mean15:52
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for glance unit test race bug 1335878
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1335878 in glance "test_download_policy_when_cache_is_not_enabled fails with ECONNREFUSED" [Undecided,Triaged]
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s0neaanteaya,thank you, thats nice :)15:54
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anteayas0nea: anytime15:55
anteayaAjaeger: +115:55
fungimordred: yeah, lvcreate and then mkfs...
Ajaegeranteaya: thanks for the review15:56
anteayaAjaeger: anytime, I always learn so much from your patches15:56
anteayakrtaylor: you around yet?15:57
anteayakrtaylor: feel like taking an initial pass at the meeting agenda?15:57
anteayakrtaylor: I'm going to be on the road the next three mondays after today15:57
dstufftmordred: fwiw I plan on someday changing the FS structure so it uses hashes in the URLs like a/b/c/d/abcdefgasdadsad/Dajngo-1.0.tar.gz15:58
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anteayakrtaylor: I'd like to start getting you into the chair chair for third party meetings, now that we have a bit of structure to work with15:58
anteayakrtaylor: if you are okay with that15:58
Ajaegeranteaya: you learn from mine? That surprise me. Thanks!15:58
anteayaAjaeger: oh yes, always15:59
Ajaegerfungi: thanks for the review!15:59
cindyoanteaya: using weechat per your suggestion!  Thanks!15:59
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anteayaAjaeger: your patches are well documented in the commit message, and I like your motivation for your patches15:59
anteayacindyo: hey there15:59
anteayacindyo: yay!15:59
anteayacindyo: much less noise from your client than last week15:59
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anteayaand weechat is a popular choice in channel, so if you need a hand finding a command, do ask16:00
cindyoanteaya: yes!  Still not sure about multiple channels but at least this won't disconnect a lot16:00
Ajaegeranteaya: seems I don't review as many infra patches as you do ;). Will try to keep the level up ;)16:00
anteayacindyo: sure, that makes sense, a bit at a time16:00
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anteayacindyo: just type /join #openstack-dev in the text line16:00
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anteayaand hit enter16:00
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anteayayou should join the -dev channel as well16:01
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anteayacindyo: did that work?16:02
cindyoanteaya: cool!!16:02
anteayacindyo: okay so escape key and digit work for channels 1 through 1016:02
anteayajoin as many as you like16:02
fungior alt+digit16:03
anteayaescape key, letter j and two digits work for channels 11 to 9916:03
anteayayay, thanks fungi16:03
fungior alt+j,digit,digit16:03
cindyoanteaya: would these two topics be the best to hang out on , since we are stackforge?16:03
anteayanot sure how to get to channels over 2 digits16:03
cindyoanteaya: channels I mean16:03
fungianteaya: /buffer 123416:03
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anteayacindyo: sure, and #openstack-meeting, #openstack-meeting-alt and #openstack-meeting-316:04
anteayamorning zaro16:04
anteayafungi: ah cool, thank you16:04
anteayacindyo: see, by teaching you, I get to learn something new16:04
cindyoanteaya: yeah sure, I think you know it all16:04
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cindyoanteaya: :)16:05
anteayacindyo: you will soon find out I don't16:05
anteayaI just ask a lot of questions16:05
cindyoanteaya: haha16:05
anteayacindyo: :D16:05
cindyoanteaya: that's what I do too16:05
anteayayou are in a good place then16:06
anteayalook at your weechat16:06
anteayaI just pinged you in -dev16:06
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anteayathe 3 should be highlighted16:06
anteayago to window 3 and reply16:06
fungiipse se nihil scire id unum sciat16:06
cindyohmmm 3 is not highlighted16:06
anteayamaybe you don't have names highlighted then16:07
anteayaah maybe your name isn't registered?16:07
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Nikolay_Sthi all16:07
anteayacindyo: do you know about registering your name with freenode16:07
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anteayacindyo: ping16:07
Nikolay_Stwe have this error in blazar:
Nikolay_Stany suggestions?16:08
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Adds a docs-specs repository
anteayacindyo: try this set of instructions:
anteayacindyo: just follow the command line stuff16:08
cindyoanteaya: at the bottom of weechat I saw a pink number, does that mean go to the channel?16:09
mordredfungi: actually - screw it - I'm just going to make the downtime be a single apache graceful16:09
fungimordred: wfm!16:09
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for glance unit test race bug 1335878
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1335878 in glance "test_download_policy_when_cache_is_not_enabled fails with ECONNREFUSED" [Undecided,Triaged]
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fungiNikolay_St: bug 128279516:09
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1282795 in openstack-ci "InterpreterNotFound: python2.6" [Low,Confirmed]
anteayacindyo: yes16:10
anteayacindyo: yes the pink number says, soneone in that channel is alerting you16:10
Nikolay_Stfungi: uvirtbot: thx, guys16:10
anteayacindyo: so you can have over a hundred channel connections, and if someone calls you, you can see16:10
cindyoanteaya: ahh!  I'll read the link, thanks!16:10
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anteayacindyo: awesome16:11
anteayacindyo: yes best to register your nickname with freenode16:11
anteayaI have to get a walk in before the third party meeting16:11
anteayaback in a bit16:11
fungianteaya: cindyo: i have some more important channels set to track activity (so i know when anyone in that channel says something) and others set to only highlight when someone says a particular keyword (for example, my nick/name or other topics of interest)16:11
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Create zuul template translation-jobs
fungikeeps the volume of channels manageable16:12
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cindyoanteaya: cool!  walking and exercise is the best for clearing our minds!16:13
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mordredfungi: any issues with me using dir_index on this FS?16:13
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jeblairmordred: what fs?16:16
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fungimordred: reading up on it16:17
fungijeblair: ext416:17
jeblairmordred: because if it's something we care about, i'm surprised it's not already ext416:17
jeblairwhich has that built in16:17
fungiahh, yep. on by default in 4, not in 316:18
jeblairfungi, mordred: i didn't mean which filesystem type, i mean, literally, which actual filesystem is this discussion about?16:18
fungijeblair: new filesystem for pypi.o.o docroot16:18
jeblairoh, yeah, so it should be created as ext416:18
mordredjeblair: for the bandersnatch mirror16:18
jeblairand setting dir_index should not be necessary16:18
mordredand yeah. it will be ext416:18
fungijeblair: since bandersnatch will mirror ~100g of data, this helps keep it from possibly starving out the fs where tarballs are being uploaded and such16:19
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mordredjeblair: did you see the piece about the full mirror having a dir with >32K subdirs? this is the thing I was hoping to optimize for with dir_index - but if you dont' think it's necessary, I'm happy to not do16:19
fungier, well, i guess not tarballs specifically, since we already moved that onto its own fs as well16:19
mordredoh - I see - built in16:19
mordredsorry - didn't read enough words above16:19
dstufftmordred: looks like we're using ext4 for our mirro btw16:20
dstufftI just looked16:20
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fungibut could potentially break status, releasestatus, reviewday, et cetera if it runs wild16:20
dstufftAlso we're currently using 93GB of data16:20
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add gating for security-doc repo
fungier, not status either... i guess we moved that to another host16:20
fungithis /srv/static lv is becoming increasingly unused ;)16:20
fungiperhaps we should move /srv/static itself back to /16:21
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fungibut that *will* be downtime for logs and such, to move their mountpoints to the root fs16:22
fungiso maybe something for later16:22
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mordredyah. doesn't seem super important16:22
mordreddstufft: thanks!16:22
mordreddstufft: and yes - I got that same figure :)16:22
dstufftgive yourself lots of room16:22
dstufftthat's apparently growing quicker than I thought16:22
dstufftcouple G a month or so it appears16:23
fungiwell, projects have a tendency to release things, and not un-release things, so makes sense ;)16:23
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/pbr: Allow examining parsing exceptions.
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Ajaegeranteaya: I hope you like as well ;)16:34
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cindyofungi: thanks for your tips too, I had to page up to get it all.  Not as fast as you guys in the IRC yet!16:39
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add gating for security-doc repo
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Stop running pypi-mirror for old mirror creation
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Start building a bandersnatch mirror
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make select-mirror use the bandersnatch mirror
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Delete select-mirror and all the args
mordredfungi: ^^16:41
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mordredfungi: so the plan in my head is - I'm currently moving the bandersnatch dir into the /srv/static/mirror volume16:41
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix django_openstack_auth translation setup
mordredfungi: then I'll _copy_ the openstack dirs into place16:42
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mordredfungi: so all we need to do is land the first patch in the sequence and graceful apache and it _should_ just work with no interruption in service16:42
mordredonce the new mirror is happy and also we're still serving the old mirror from the new location16:42
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mordredwe can delete /srv/static/pypi at our leisure16:42
mordredjeblair: ^^16:43
mordredbtw - I have verified that followup bandernsatch runs take very little time - so the 5 minute cron should work very well16:43
mordredand could probably go to a 1 or 2 minute cron easily16:44
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mordredjeblair: if you haven't looked at the last two changes in that sequence yet - they're fun - they involve a lot of deleting of things16:45
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* mordred expects the mv to take about another hour16:47
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mordredflaper87: moving here16:47
* flaper87 knocks infra's doors16:47
mordredjeblair, fungi: so - ... flaper87 is having a problem with tagging a glanceclient release16:48
flaper87this is the last build:
flaper87It creates a tarball using the wrong version string and I'm not sure why16:48
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flaper87The tag I'm trying to release is 0.13.0 and it's a signed tag16:48
mordredthere are two issues ...16:49
flaper87I tried running sdist locally and it worked perfectly. AFAIK mordred tried to do the same and it worked for him as well16:49
mordred1) it allowed him to push an unsigned tag this morning16:49
flaper87oh yeah, I was able to push an unsigned tag16:49
flaper87bad gerrit, bad gerrit.16:49
mordredwhich is, I _think_ maybe because there is still a create acl in the acls file?16:49
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mordredso maybe we should make a pass and clean those up16:49
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jeblairfungi: is that in your cleanup series?16:50
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fungijeblair: yep,
* mordred goes to look ...16:51
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krtayloranteaya, yes and yes!16:53
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krtayloranteaya, I'll be happy to chair next week16:53
fungithat series insta-conflicts when any new config changes are approved, so if we can get some consensus that we're okay with them, i'll update them one last time immediately prior to sending into the gate16:53
jeblairfungi, mordred: maybe we should do that right now?16:54
fungi(well, not when any new config changes are approved, but fairly rapidly nevertheless)16:54
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mordredfungi: ++16:54
mordredI'm reading through them now - but  I think insta-approving a new set would be great16:55
mordred(they look great so far)16:55
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james_liHi All, we are seeing fatal: unable to connect to
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flaper87fungi: jeblair mordred do you think the problem with the tarball job is related to this cleanup? Any other ideas about what it could be?16:57
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fungiflaper87: that was the run from the unsigned tag?16:57
mordredfungi: I think zaro was saying "why isn't requireChangeId in global ... not the CLA one16:58
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flaper87fungi: nope, that one is the signed tag16:58
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fungiflaper87: did you previously push an unsigned tag with that same number?16:58
mordredfungi: and I agree - requireChangeId should be global16:58
flaper87fungi: yes16:58
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flaper87fungi: The previous tag was deleted and then I pushed the signed one16:58
fungimordred: oh, well yes requireChangeId probably should be global. that's one we can add a cleanup pass for if we add it to all-projects first16:59
mordredfungi: yah. I don't think we need to chagne that now obviously16:59
fungiflaper87: that's the problem. tag deletion isn't particularly effective because updates won't spot that a tag was replaced17:00
fungiflaper87: you'll need to tag and relase a 0.14.0 or 0.13.1 or or something newer than the bad tag17:00
flaper87fungi: ooook, lemme do that17:01
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mordredfungi: btw - I'm super happy about the tab normalization17:01
fungimordred: yeah, that was a happy discovery17:01
mordredthe git leading tab in ini file thing is about the most ass-tastic thing ever17:01
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fungimordred: i expect it to significantly reduce errors in new/changed acls17:02
fungimordred: however, we *do* need to keep in mind that these still can't be parsed correctly by python's configparser module because option keys can be duplicated within a section17:02
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fungi(food for thought if we decide to make a linter of some sort for them down the road)17:03
mordredfungi: nod17:03
mordredfungi: it would be neat if python's config parser had an option called "read git config files"17:03
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mordredalso, if there were an option called "allow mysql style no-equal-sign toggle flags"17:04
mordredwhich lets you do things like [mysqld]\nuse-innodb17:04
mordredand have it show up as config['mysql']['use-innodb']==True17:04
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mordreddhellmann: ^^ you fix python all the time, right?17:05
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mordredfungi: do you want me to finish reviewing the cleanup patches before you respin?17:11
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fungimordred: or we can approve the first few in the series if we see gains from them and land the later ones another time17:12
mordredfungi: I think we should land them all17:12
anteayamorning clarkb17:12
mordredfungi: and I am +2 on all of them17:12
fungimordred: okay, cool. i'll update them now17:13
anteayaI haven't had a chance to review all fungi's changes17:13
anteayabut I am +1 on the design decision behind them all17:13
mordredanteaya: you'll like them - they simplify17:13
mordredanteaya: and are quite pleasing to the eye17:13
anteayaif they go through before I can +1 them individually17:13
mordredclarkb: morning!17:13
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fungii just like them because they delete lines. i like deleting things17:13
fungia lot17:13
mordredclarkb: morning update - I'm close to having the bandersnatch mirror ready to go and will want to land the first patch of the series in about an hour17:14
clarkbgood morning17:14
anteayamordred: yes, I like them, haven't been able to review every file yet though17:14
anteayaand don't want to hold things up if today is the day they merge17:14
clarkbmordred: cool, so quick question. Are you replacing the existing mirror at the same time?17:14
anteayamerge them by all means17:14
mordredclarkb: so if you don't mind eyeballing at least the first one I'd appreciate it17:14
mordredclarkb: side by side17:14
clarkbmordred: because I am curious what you think about the wheels and enforcement piece of this17:14
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mordredclarkb: what do you mean?17:15
mordredclarkb: for enforcement, I think we're doing a great job with the requirements repo, so I don't think we need enforcement17:15
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mordredclarkb: for wheels - I think we _do_ want to build wheels of things for our target hosts - but probably want to rework that since it wasn't being used in the gate yet anyway, so I haven't done any hacking on it yet17:16
clarkbmordred: ok I wasn't sure if there are missing pieces of encforcement.17:16
mordredclarkb: I don't think so - I think we're pretty solid on it17:16
clarkbmordred: mostly thinking on the unittest side where we don't really enforce much17:16
mordredclarkb: we don't - but we enforce on the repos ... the main thing that could slip by there is someone putting reqs directly into tox.ini17:16
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mordredbut I think if we see that become a problem, we can just make a job that reads tox.ini and interprets the reqs value - I think socially cores are unlikely to approve such a thing at this point17:17
clarkbmordred: fungi: for the thing I want to tackle today (ssd volume on elasticsearch07) any opposition to me just deleting ES01 and its volume rather than going through and cleaning them up in a nice way?17:17
jeblairclarkb: es01 or es07?17:18
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fungiclarkb: umm... what would you have had in mind for "a nice way"?17:18
clarkbjeblair: es01 is still around and is consuming 1TB ofvolume. so I would delete 0117:18
clarkbfungi: well I can unmount the fs, remove the physical device, delete the volume then delete the host17:18
clarkband stop at some point in the middle if necessary for other raisin17:18
fungino, no point at all in being nice to a server you're going to delete anyway17:19
jeblairclarkb: why are you deleting es01?17:19
clarkbjeblair: because it isn't doing anything but consuming quota17:19
fungies01 has been out of service for a week or more (replaced by 07)17:19
jeblairis 07 new?17:19
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jeblairoh, you're rolling hosts; i thought you were rolling volumes on hosts17:20
mordredjeblair: 7 is the new black17:20
clarkbjeblair: well we tried rolling hosts first17:20
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clarkbjeblair: because dstufft had indicated it helped their gluster at one point17:20
fungithat was a host roll from an earlier attempt to work around the slow-volume-problem17:20
clarkbjeblair: however in our case it doesn't seem to have done much17:20
clarkbso now the thought is to roll onto ssd volumes17:20
clarkband see if that helps any17:21
mordreddstufft: there's so much bad in teh scrollback, which thing makes you unhappy this time? :)17:21
clarkbor we can continue to hope pvo shows up (mordred did you ping pvo?) and we have have a deeper discussion about it17:21
dstufftmordred: oh, just that the thing that helped gluster didn't help y'all17:21
jeblairclarkb: is there an end state that has our first es node being called 01?  or are we going to be 02-07 for a while?17:21
fungies01's cinder volume was waaay slower than the other servers, so bringing a new cluster member in and stopping that one was an earlier attempt at solving this... until the problem cropped up on yet another cluster member17:21
mordredoh - crappit17:21
clarkbor submit a ticket but in my experience that tends to not help as much when you need a real conversation around how to make it work17:21
mordredclarkb: can you tell me in small words because of my dumb manager brain what I need to ask?17:21
clarkbjeblair: just 02-0717:21
mordredclarkb: I've got troy in a channel17:21
clarkbmordred: I think mostly looking for information on rax side how they would build such a thing17:22
clarkbmordred: we are kind of flying blind here when all of a sudden it takes 5 seconds for all disk ops17:22
clarkbmordred: is that a network bandwidth issue? is that a spinning disk issue?17:22
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clarkbis that a particular hypervisor being sad?17:23
clarkband given whatever it is how should we build a ~6TB elasticsearch cluster that needs reasonable IO and cpu performance17:23
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: IRC setup for security-doc and training-guides
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clarkbfungi: jeblair: at this point I could also add an ssd volume to 01, and readd it to the cluster (I think this may require firewall updates too)17:26
clarkbthen work to kill 07. But again its a bit like flying blind and a bit more of a conversation with the other side would be good17:26
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Update pipelines to new Zuul syntax
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anteayakrtaylor: any progress on the meeting agenda?17:27
fungiclarkb: i am so far succeeding in not letting the ocd in me care that we have servers numbered starting from 2 instead of 1 (after all, why not start at 0!) since there is no efficiency gain from shuffling 01 back into service and shifting shards back off 0717:28
yolandajeblair, mordred, can we tak about nodepool and dib process for building images?17:28
clarkbfungi: ya it doesn't bother me either. Just realized that is an option if others prefer it17:28
mordredjeblair: you were saying in your review that you think we should do the "build once" approach out of the gate17:28
mordredjeblair: but that will necessitate a data model change I think?17:29
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mordredclarkb: ok. I've poked troy17:29
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jeblairmordred, yolanda: i think i left a comment suggesting how it could be done... let me see17:29
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anteayakrtaylor: sorry I haven't gotten to it yet, I will expand today's meeting agenda17:31
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Normalize Gerrit ACL documentation
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add a script to normalize Gerrit ACLs
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Strip/condense whitespace and sort Gerrit ACLs
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Get rid of unneeded tags create in Gerrit ACLs
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove active project.state in Gerrit ACLs
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Strip *.owner Administrators from Gerrit ACLs
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Sort exclusiveGroupPermissions in Gerrit ACLs
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Combine infra/ci core/admin gerrit groups
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cindyoanteaya: do you usually '/part' or '/close' the buffer when you want to leave weechat?17:32
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jeblairmordred: we're much closer to the data model necessary since you first started working on it (we're also no longer in a time crunch since we have trusty)17:33
krtayloranteaya, I reviewed, did you want me to add anything?17:33
jeblairmordred, yolanda: nodepool now has a 'label' construct, which has an image name17:33
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/pbr: Check for git before querying it for a version
mordredjeblair: nod17:34
clarkbcindyo: I think most of us run weechat perpetually17:34
jeblairmordred, yolanda: that currently is linked to the provider, but it could reference a new "images" section in the nodepool config17:34
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jeblairand drop the link to the provider base-image bit17:34
clarkbcindyo: for example my weechat has been running since april 8th (heartbleed reboots)17:35
anteayacindyo: I have weechat running in tmux, and I detach from tmux17:35
mordredjeblair: yah. that sounds completely reasonable - yolanda - does that make sense to you?17:35
anteayacindyo: I use /close when I want to close one window17:35
anteayacindyo: and quit when I want to quit weechat17:35
anteayacindyo: since I have it running in tmux, I leave it running and just attach and detach17:35
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anteayakrtaylor: yeah, I needed to fix the dates17:35
anteayakrtaylor: don't worry, I'm addressing it17:36
anteayakrtaylor: then you will see what I mean17:36
cindyothanks.  How do you detach from tmux while in the weechat app?17:36
jeblairmordred: i'm sensitive to the idea that this may be a smaller step to get us there... but here's why i was thinking it might be worth a little more investment (assuming we have time):17:36
yolandamordred, jeblair, so when nodepool is runninng, it looks into the labels/images section, checks if we have an image built for that and if not, it starts to build one17:36
cindyoanteaya: clarkb ^^17:36
anteayacindyo: I usually move to the first window, so if I am pinged in channels while I am away I can tell once I return17:37
anteayathen control+b and d for detach17:37
jeblairmordred: when we actually start to use this, and if there's a problem, i'd rather not have to figure out why there is a difference between one of the 8 'precise' images we built17:37
anteayathe control+b is tmux the next command is for you17:37
openstackgerritpritesh proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Add hacking check for vim configuration in source files
yolandamordred, jeblair, and where will we store it? we have an snapshot_image table, but it's linked to the provider17:37
jeblairmordred: and when we make changes, i'd rather not have to worry about the nodepool host building 8x the number of images (and how long/how much resources that will take)17:38
yolandashall we just use the same, and leave provider blank?17:38
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jeblairyolanda: i think we still need a snapshot images table because there will be a glance id for each image uploaded to a provider17:38
jeblairyolanda: so that stays the same17:39
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create git repo and jenkins jobs for oslo.utils
mordredjeblair: makes sense - totally agree17:39
cindyohmmm control b + d not working from my mac keyboard17:39
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yolandajeblair, so we create the image once, then we upload to glance for all the providers needed?17:39
pleia2fire alarm testing in my building today, my favorite ;)17:39
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clarkbbeep beep beep17:40
clarkbbeep beep beep17:40
jeblairyolanda: yes17:41
yolandajeblair, ok, makes sense for me now17:42
yolandai'll work on it this week17:42
anteayakrtaylor: I had to create a new agenda for today and add a date to last week's agenda17:42
anteayakrtaylor: you can start the meeting and then use #chair to add me as co-chair17:43
anteayakrtaylor: okay for you?17:43
jeblairyolanda: i left a specific suggestion inline about how to do the build once, and pass the result to N-number of upload threads17:43
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krtayloranteaya, sure, will do17:43
anteayakrtaylor: also I haven't seen ilya from stackalytics add an agenda item, but do ask if anyone is there to discuss the driverlog page (we haven't finished that discussion) or the new ci status page (that was presented on the ml)17:44
anteayakrtaylor: thanks, and let me know if you don't know what I am talking about, I'm referecing the ml threads from last night17:44
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yolandajeblair, i saw it, thx17:46
fungiokay, tests all came back successful on the updated,n,z patch series. some were seen as trivial rebases, others picked up a few additions17:46
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jgriffithjeblair: you don't by chance have any insight to why py26 might not be able to generate conf options correctly versus py27?17:46
jgriffithjeblair: result of the recent oslo messaging update17:47
ryanpetrelloanybody mind taking a peek at ?  I’d like to get this in to release a new version of pecan soon17:48
mordredryanpetrello: krotscheck and NikitaKonovalov were asking something about pecan a few days ago - I think specifically about supporting return codes or something ...17:49
mordredkrotscheck, NikitaKonovalov: if you haven't met hi, ryanpetrello is the pecan guy17:49
ryanpetrellomordred: related to a new release, or just a pecan question in general?17:49
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mordredryanpetrello: I think it was related to pecan in general - and I seem to remember something that we thought might make a good upstream patch - but it was more than 1 hour ago, so I have forgotten17:50
clarkbfungi: so you are saying we should review that stack really quickly now so that we can stop rebasing it?17:50
ryanpetrellomordred: heh, yea, feel free to send folks to #pecanpy w/ questions17:51
fungijgriffith: i wonder if that config generation is at all dynamic based on support it finds on the system (maybe redis is installed on our py27 test platform but not for py26 for example)?17:51
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mordredryanpetrello: +A'd the patch17:51
mordredclarkb: yes.17:51
jgriffithfungi: oh... interesting17:51
fungiclarkb: jeblair and mordred went through it moments ago17:51
fungijgriffith: that was only a wild guess17:51
krtayloranteaya, were you saying you wanted me to chair today?17:51
mordredI'm +A on the whole stack17:51
clarkbfungi: cool will poke at it now too17:51
jgriffithfungi: it's dynamic based on code inspection though I thought17:51
fungijgriffith: i don't know much about the config generator17:51
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anteayakrtaylor: yes, I am saying I would like you to chair today17:51
clarkbmordred: also, I suppose I should wait to see what rax says before I do anything new with volumes17:51
jgriffithfungi: yeah... it scrubs through the FLAGS using some OSLO tools17:52
anteayakrtaylor: start the meeting then add me as chair17:52
jgriffithfungi: I've asked on OSLO channel but crickets17:52
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jgriffithfungi: so you guys are my go to (as much as I'm sure it pains you) for things like this17:52
krtayloranteaya, ok, we were discussing next week too :)17:52
anteayakrtaylor: you can learn how to drive and I'll be around today17:52
fungijgriffith: mainly just grasping at straws for what could cause a config section to be generated in the 27 job and not in the 26 job17:52
anteayayes today is practice17:52
krtayloranteaya, sure, np, I'll just need practice with the hash commands17:52
anteayakrtaylor: when I am still around, so you can ask questions17:52
jgriffithregardless, it appears that updating the RPC lib has some cost that wasn't expected17:52
anteayakrtaylor: great17:52
anteayakrtaylor: do your best and ask as we go17:53
jgriffithfungi: fair enough... I'm going to keep hollaring in all channels and ML *again*17:53
anteayaseeing someone ask and learn would be good for the group17:53
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krtayloranteaya, I have run meetings before in other opensource projects, I'm just a bit rusty17:53
jgriffithfungi: thanks for ack'ing17:53
anteayakrtaylor: today is the day to knock off the rust17:53
krtayloranteaya, no better time than the present17:53
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mordredclarkb: ok. I've +2'd/+A'd some of them and +2'd the rest -17:56
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Switch jobs to use the build-timeout macro
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anteayakrtaylor: you're up18:01
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jeblairclarkb: are you reviewing fungi's stack, or should i just +A?18:02
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Normalize Gerrit ACL documentation
clarkbjeblair: I am reviewing it18:03
clarkbjeblair: but feel free to +A if you have beaten me to it18:03
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jeblairclarkb: the A is yours18:03
clarkb(I was trying to skim the 5k line change to make sure nothing funny happened)18:03
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Gate pecan against designate.
clarkbwhich may be a bit silly18:03
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: IRC setup for security-doc and training-guides
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fungiclarkb: not silly at all. i spent a ton of time staring at that one too18:08
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ryanpetrelloclarkb: I’m seeing the same “NOT_REGISTERED” issue w/ the new pecan-designate tests as I saw last week w/ the ceilometer ones18:17
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fungiryanpetrello: i'm not finding those jobs as existing on any of our jenkins masters. i'll try manually rerunning a full jjb update on one and see what happens18:21
ryanpetrellofungi: okay, thanks18:21
fungiryanpetrello: do you have the link to the change which added those jobs handy?18:21
ryanpetrelloyep, sec18:22
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fungiryanpetrello: oh! this merged 20 minutes ago18:23
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fungiit may be that zuul picked up the update before jjb has finished running on any of our jenkins masters18:23
ryanpetrelloah, gotcha18:23
ryanpetrellookay, sounds good, I’ll give it an hour or so18:23
ryanpetrelloI was just seeing this same error w/ the ceilometer stuff last week when clark moved them explicitly to trusty nodes18:24
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jeblairryanpetrello: if you want to be safer in the future, you can make 2 changes -- add job to jjb, then add it to zuul18:24
ryanpetrellookay, gotcha18:24
mordredfungi: I wonder if we should start running puppet on the jenkins masters before we run on them zuul?18:24
jeblairryanpetrello: one change or two mostly depends on your tolerance for this kind of race condition :)18:24
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mordredfungi: we have the power to do that now18:24
mordredjeblair: ^^18:24
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mordredso, we could do "git-farm, gerrit, jenkins farm, zuul, everything else"18:25
jeblairmordred: wfm; btw, any chance we can do that scatter-gather?18:25
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mordredjeblair: can you say a few more words just so I know what you're thinking? I think we probably can ...18:26
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mordredzomg. mirror move ALMOST done18:26
jeblairmordred: right now git-farm is sequential, but we really could run all 5 in parallel and then iff all 5 succeed, continue, else, fail18:26
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Strip/condense whitespace and sort Gerrit ACLs
mordredjeblair: in the new ansible world order, the git-farm is parallel18:27
jeblairmordred: same applies to jenkins masters/zuul18:27
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mordredjeblair: so, YES!18:27
jeblairgood, then let's do that with ansible rather than the current system, so we don't slow it down too much18:27
mordredjeblair: btw - I rebased and squashed that change and did not apply it over the weekend like I'd planned18:28
mordredjeblair: as I tested it extensively and then tweaked some18:28
mordredjeblair: so patch one needs a re-review - but also has been tested18:28
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mriedemanyone here know anything about apache mesos?18:29
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Get rid of unneeded tags create in Gerrit ACLs
mordredmriedem: I think I heard the name at one point18:31
mriedemmordred: yeah trying to figure out the difference between mesos and openstack, or if they play together or what, read an article from ebay on how they ran mesos on top of openstack with jenkins18:32
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mriedemi'm getting buzzword overkill since docker is also in the mix18:32
mordredjeblair: thanks for the review - I'll babysit that in next time I've got spare minutes18:32
mordredmriedem: god18:33
clarkbfungi: jeblair mordred ok fungi's stack is compeltely approved now18:33
openstackgerritKen Giusti proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add pyngus for oslo.messaging
clarkbmriedem: mesos is just a job scheduler thing18:33
mriedemyeah sounds like orchestration18:33
mordredah. seems like zuul+nodepool to me18:33
clarkbmriedem: so you tell it I have a foo, and it needs this sort of cpu time make it go18:33
clarkbmordred: less specific but yesish18:33
clarkbmordred: I actually think nodepool could add mesos nodes nad zuul schedule with mesos instead of gearman18:34
clarkbbecause mesos doesn't really do smarts about I need more nodes or what it means to test git trees18:34
mordredoh. weird. ok18:34
clarkbyou can however implement custom schedulers for it that could do nodepool and zuul18:34
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hasharclarkb: oh please stop changing your stack all the time. I have trouble keeping up :-D18:35
clarkbhashar: I am not suggesting we change :)18:35
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Remove active project.state in Gerrit ACLs
clarkbjust trying to describe what mesos does wtih examples18:35
clarkbmordred: the problem space I actually think mesos might be kind of neat for is in baremetal land. Ironic spins up a datacenter for you then you throw lots of mesos work at it18:36
clarkbmordred: because in theory you can restrict the crazyness in that case and have relatively secure bare metal workloads18:37
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Combine infra/ci core/admin gerrit groups
clarkbmy held bare-trusty node appears to have been cleaned up /me grabs another18:40
fungiclarkb: oh, i think i might have overzealously deleted really old nodes when cleaning up from the jenkins03 problem this morning18:41
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fungisorry about that18:41
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clarkbfungi: thats ok18:42
clarkbthere wasn't anything important on the node18:42
clarkbjust having a node is what I nee18:42
fungiokay, cool18:42
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clarkbgoing to test oslo on trusty now18:43
clarkband start looking at projects like designate and trove18:43
bdpayneOSSG has been using the #openstack-security channel for some time now.  I'm trying to register #openstack-security with chanserv so that the infra team has access.  However, I'm seeing an error "#openstack-security is not registered".  Thoughts?18:43
mordredif you've been in there non-registered and lost ops on teh channel, we may have to get jeblair to use his super cow powers18:44
Ajaegerbdpayne: you're quick - thanks ;)18:45
mordredfungi, clarkb: the mirror file move is complete, I'd like to land
bdpaynelet me check, someone else may have ops in that channel at this point18:46
mordredbdpayne: if not, I Think jeblair is on a call right now, but he has the power to help18:46
mordredfungi, clarkb: I've disabled puppet on static.o.o18:46
bdpayneok, I will need his help... doesn't look like anyone online has ops18:46
SlickNikclarkb: FWIW, I'm attempting to run trove tests in devstack-gate on a trusty image atm.18:46
clarkbmordred: mirror file move?18:46
clarkbSlickNik: well devstack-gate is already trusty :)18:46
mordredclarkb: I built the bandersnatch mirror on teh old volume, needed to move it to the new volume18:47
bdpaynejeblair please ping me when you have a sec... thanks :-)18:47
clarkbSlickNik: we moved all of the integration tests at once becuase they are integration tests18:47
mordredthat move took a couple of hours18:47
fungibdpayne: one alternative option is if you can convince everyone to part the channel, then you can join as a chanop18:48
clarkbmordred: are the old jobs being turned off?18:48
clarkbmordred: it looks like you are keeping the jenkins jobs18:48
SlickNikclarkb: ah, nice. I brought this one up myself (not using nodepool) to test moving the trove functional tests to a devstack-gate setup.18:48
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mordredclarkb: yeah - there isa  sequence - this is purely about adding the new mirror and moving the directory18:49
mordredclarkb: so we should be able to test things against the new mirror before removing anything that currently works18:49
clarkbmordred: gotcha18:49
clarkbmordred: because we have the openstack/ prefix18:49
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clarkb(the second change in that stack helped me grok all that)18:51
clarkbI didn't approve anything as it sounded like you are babysitting18:52
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fungimordred: i'm cool with it, though wondering whether we should consider latest instead of present for the bandersnatch package18:52
mordredfungi: we probably do - but I figured while we learn a little more about the stability, we know this one works :)18:53
fungisure, wfm18:53
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fungiugh. i think something is still going on with jenkins03 even after the reboot. it keeps accumulating "ready" nodes at a fairly rapid clip which don't actually pick up jobs, and are starving us out of rarer node types as a result18:54
fungiright now it has >80 nodes in a "ready" state while its peers have <1018:55
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fungi70 of those are 1-3 hours old (no older than that because i deleted any which were ready more than an hour on it a couple hours ago)18:57
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fungioh wow, they're running jobs18:59
clarkbfungi: :/18:59
fungiit's not reporting them back to nodepool as being in use18:59
clarkbfungi: sounds like nodepool may not be getting events18:59
clarkbprobably need to restart nodepool19:00
clarkband logstash jenkins/gearman client. I can do logstash19:00
fungii bet the network derp jenkins03 had this morning left a hung established socket from nodepoold to the jenkins api endpoint19:00
fungior something along those lines19:00
anteayaso as an update, I couldn't get stackalytics to agree to stop making up definitions of success for third party ci systems on their pages19:01
clarkblogstash side is done19:01
anteayaso I will have to keep following them around on the ml19:02
anteayathey seem determined to want to define this for openstack19:02
clarkbdhellmann: are you around? I am looking at the oslotest cross project tests to test that before switching them to trusty19:02
krtayloranteaya, do you have time to put some thoughts down around definitions?19:02
anteayarather than contribute and allow us the time and space to define this for ourselves19:02
anteayakrtaylor: yes19:02
anteayattx ^^19:02
clarkbdhellmann: and well I am not groking why they run in devstack19:03
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Start building a bandersnatch mirror
clarkbdhellmann: is there a reason for devstack?19:03
krtayloranteaya, I can bring it up again next week, but maybe we can start framing a glossary of sorts19:03
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anteayakrtaylor: I think a glossary is a great idea and will be an ongoing project19:03
krtayloranteaya, ++, I'll get it started this week19:04
anteayakrtaylor: thank you19:04
* Ajaeger just reads glossary without context - and thus wants to point out
mordredboom. new mirror live19:05
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mordredclarkb, fungi: ^^19:05
mordred can now be used19:05
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krtaylorAjaeger, thanks, this is for 3rd party CI specifically, but I'll make sure it is consistent or uses any existing definitions19:06
enikanorov__anteaya: could you please explain your confusion around the term 'success'?19:06
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add node def for puppet3 master
dstufftmordred: tls imo19:07
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mordreddstufft: aroo?19:08
dstufftmordred: https://19:08
anteayaenikanorov__: hi19:09
Ajaegerkrtaylor: I pointed out the glossary for the documentation project, I guess it's unrelated  but if you can use it, great...19:09
enikanorov__hi anteaya19:09
mordreddstufft: yah. on the tdl19:09
mordreddstufft: :)19:09
dstufftmordred: yay19:09
anteayaenikanorov__: can you share the context for your question? have you been following all the email replies and the third party meeting?19:09
anteayaor just party?19:10
fungimordred: the change to remove the mirror slave definitions from the global site manifest needs a rebase still19:10
krotscheckSo I’ve been thinking. There’s a lot of vagueness about what StoryBoard “Is going to be”. I kindof feel that having a long-term vision doc would be super useful, because it’ll put our requirements and features in context. Something… higher level, that doesn’t make statements about implementation, but describes what its raison d’etre is. We already have part of that in the “About” page, but would it make sense to actually hav19:10
krotscheckvision spec in infra-specs?19:10
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clarkbkrotscheck: your first long message got cut off at sense to actually hav19:10
krotscheck...., but would it make sense to actually have a vision spec in infra-specs?19:11
enikanorov__anteaya: i'm asking in the context of email thread19:11
krotscheckClient fail19:11
fungidstufft: though also a purported reason for not doing https with our pypi mirror is to discourage people for using it for anything important (so they'll not be tempted to use it for their own production systems instead of the real pypi, as an example)19:11
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anteayaenikanorov__: ah so you didn't attend the third party meeting, okay19:11
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dstufftfungi: that'd be good except I bet people will still do it and just be insecure ;(19:12
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anteayaenikanorov__: so in the third party meeting, we discussed that the use of the term success in reference to evaluating a third party ci system is a misnomer19:12
enikanorov__testing results expressed as a vote on gerrit always seemed something natural to me, thought without any special meaning. "if it's green - skip it, if it's red - look at it"19:12
clarkbkrotscheck: I don't think it will hurt, but also worry that decoupling that broad vision from the project itself may hurt19:12
fungidstufft: probably so19:12
anteayasince returning 100% build status successful is not indicative of a trustworthy system19:12
enikanorov__that's true19:12
krotscheckclarkb: To me that says it should live in the project documentation…19:13
clarkbkrotscheck: ya I think that isn't a terrible place for it19:13
enikanorov__so I'm trying to understand, is there an issue with stackalytics or with most of 3rd part CIs19:13
anteayaso until we have some form of agreed upon algorithm, from the community, to decide how to assess fitness of a third party system, using the term success if confusing19:13
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anteayathe issue with stackalytics is the use of the word success19:14
anteayain regards to third party systems19:14
anteayait is premature19:14
anteayawe don't have an algorithm to asssess fitness19:14
sdagueclarkb: the grenade log fix definitely seems to help. Now when we get rediculous spikes in ES, we at least catch up again19:14
anteayaand every time stackalytics uses success, the media thinks it has a meaning it doesn't have19:14
anteayaso please stop19:15
anteayaand join us in the conversation to develop an algorighm to assess fitness of third party ci systems19:15
sdagueclarkb: I had a question on indexing idea if you have a few minutes to kick something around19:15
anteayasince having to chase people down on the ml is a waste of my energy19:15
anteayaI would rather participate in the discussion of the algorithm to assess fitness of third party ci systems19:16
anteayaand then everyone can use that algorithm19:16
anteayaincluding stackalytics19:16
enikanorov__So are you suggesting just to be more descriptive explaining what 'Success, %' means?19:16
anteayaI'm suggesting you take a step back19:16
anteayaand particpate in the discussion19:16
anteayaand acknowledge taht noone knows what it means yet19:17
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anteayaand we have to arrive at the meaning together19:17
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enikanorov__well, beside the discussion one may want to know bare numbers19:17
anteayaI should hope so19:17
anteayaand number should come out in the discussion19:17
enikanorov__so... what would you call the number of +1s CI has ever voted?19:18
anteayabut please participate in the discussion19:18
anteayaplease stop trying to fragemtn my focus19:18
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anteayaI would like to focus on the algorithm to assess fitness for third party ci systems19:18
anteayaplease participate or don't19:18
enikanorov__that seems to be a discussion about the terms. That raraly happens to be productive19:18
enikanorov__if you have better suggestion for the metric name - that's fine19:19
anteayabut if you choose not to, please stop trying to put definitons in this space19:19
enikanorov__the funny thing is that we don't put definitions19:19
anteayayes you are19:19
anteayayou just think you aren't19:19
enikanorov__the number is not an interpretation19:19
anteayathat is the problem19:19
enikanorov__it's a mere metric, simple count19:19
anteayayou aren't paying attention to houw your information is consumed19:19
anteayano it isnt'19:20
anteayathe count is 119:20
enikanorov__how it is consumed IS the interpretation19:20
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anteayaenikanorov__: are you willing to participate with the rest of the community on this19:20
enikanorov__interpretation deserves discussion, terms - don't19:20
anteayayes they do19:20
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anteayaenikanorov__: are you willing to participate with the rest of the community on this?19:21
nibalizerjeblair: thanks for the +2 on the puppet3 master review :)19:22
enikanorov__anteaya: that's a discussion of what name to put on top of the +1 rate column19:22
anteayaenikanorov__: no, it is the willingness to participate with the communtiy19:23
enikanorov__is that what you want to discuss? the number in the column will not change, not will change the simple algorithm that collects numbers19:23
anteayaas teh community defines the algorthim to decide how to assess the fitness of third party ci systems19:23
enikanorov__anteaya: i'm willing to participate in productive things19:23
anteayahwo to communicate19:23
anteayawell this is necessary19:23
anteayathird party ci systems affect a lot of people19:24
enikanorov__yes, they do19:24
anteayaand people need to be given accurate information19:25
anteayaand they aren't right now19:25
anteayaand that is a problem that needs to be addressed19:25
enikanorov__the only issue i may see here is more verbose about what 'Success, %' means19:25
clarkbsdague: after lunch I can19:25
anteayaare you willing to particpate with the communtiy in ensuring accurate information about third party systems is conveyed?19:25
sdagueclarkb: sounds good, ping me when you get back19:25
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anteayaenikanorov__: then you aren't understanding the concern19:26
anteayaand I dno't know why19:26
anteayayou are otherwise an intelligent person19:26
enikanorov__because the concern doesn't deserve the discussion19:26
anteayayes it does19:26
enikanorov__1+1=2 doesn't deserve the discussion19:26
anteayayes it does19:26
anteayathis needs to be discussed19:27
anteayadevelopers are confused19:27
anteayaand you are giving out inaccurate information on your pages19:27
enikanorov__what are their confusion?19:27
anteayaI just told you19:27
anteayaand you dismissed it19:27
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enikanorov__no, i don't dismiss it, sorry. I'm telling you that stackalytics provides very simple basic info19:27
enikanorov__and the interpretation is responsibility of those who consume it19:28
enikanorov__even more, it's just an aggregate of what gerrit has19:28
fungimordred: i must say that i find 103355 extremely exciting. i hadn't given much though to how much "the one mirror" would simplify our job definitions and slave scripts19:28
anteayais stackalytics willing to participate in teh definiton of the algorithm to assess fitness of third party ci systems?19:28
jaypipesanteaya: yes.19:29
enikanorov__anteaya: stackalitycs is willing to improve based on reasonable suggestion of the community19:29
anteayajaypipes: awesome19:29
anteayajaypipes: thank you jaypipes19:29
anteayajaypipes: I've missed you19:29
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jaypipescan we all calm down a bit, please? nobody has ill intent here.19:29
enikanorov__that's true19:29
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jaypipeslet's discuss on the ML about an algorithm for assessing whether a driver is successfully passing a CI test suite.19:30
jaypipesI believe we all have the same goal of providing as much accurate information as possible.19:31
jaypipeslet's make that a reality and discuss on the ML. I will write a new post to the ML offering my thoughts on such an algorithm, and let's take it from there, ok, anteaya?19:31
bodepdhow are you guys connecting jenkins clients to the master? I didn't see any code that did it19:32
anteayajaypipes: wonderful, thank you19:32
jaypipesbodepd: look in nodepool-scripts... one sec, grabbing a link for you.19:32
bodepdjaypipes: thanks!19:33
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fungibodepd: are you asking how nodepool registers a new slave with a jenkins master?19:33
jaypipesbodepd: start here :)
bodepdfungi: yes19:34
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fungibodepd: if so, that's going to be more in the source for
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fungibodepd: but the short answer is that it uses the python-jenkins library to make the api calls19:35
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Sphinx doc for zuul {promote,show}
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enikanorov__jaypipes: looking forward for such algorithm...19:36
jaypipesenikanorov_, anteaya: got a link to that stackalytics report page?19:37
fungihashar: awesome! i was just playing around with the zuul show cli subcommand earlier today19:37
enikanorov__jaypipes: for example:
enikanorov__(we initially were discussing 3rd part Cis, not vendor drivers though)19:38
hasharfungi:  I got it installed last week (finally upgraded Zuul on my instal) and looking at  I was wondering what can be done19:38
hasharfungi: turns out my PrettyTable version is too old :-(19:39
jaypipesenikanorov_: yes, understood.19:39
jaypipeshashar: PrettyOldTable? :P19:39
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hasharjaypipes: yeah we run Precise which has 0.5  and 0.6 has slightly different API :-d19:39
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hasharone day I will find a solution to ship whatever deps I need instead of the deb packages19:40
bodepdfungi: if you guys did move to heat, where would this logic exist?19:40
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bodepdfungi: would it be part of userdata? moved to Puppet, or a separete script that runs post provisionig?19:40
bodepdfungi: or would you "Those are all good questions" :)19:41
fungibodepd: i am ashamed to say that i haven't though that far ahead yet19:42
bodepdfungi: for context, I put togehter some heat templates to deploy the bits of infra that I wanted19:42
bodepdfungi: they do everything except connect slaves at the moment19:43
fungibodepd: oh, awesome! do you have a cloud with heat service exposed, or are you using heat as a standalone orchestration engine?19:43
bodepdfungi: rackspace cloud :)19:43
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anteayakrtaylor: for next week's third party meeting, be sure to mention the system's listed at the top of this etherpad:
anteayakrtaylor: we need to ensure systems have lots of communication that they need to take action19:44
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bodepdfungi: I guess I could have also probably used HP cloud :)19:44
bodepdthe issue that I am running into is that userdata is pretty purpose towards bootstrapping Puppet and I was hoping to make something generic/reusable19:45
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krtayloranteaya, understood, will do19:46
bodepdIt feels like the heat scripts becoming less reusable if I start adding custom post-puppet-actions19:46
bodepdalthough, I guess it's doable...19:46
krtayloranteaya, thats a great reference19:46
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bodepdI could sit down and write jenkins_node types that use those libs. Is that something you guys would be interested in?19:52
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anteayakrtaylor: thanks, yes very helpful19:55
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jeblairbdpayne: hi there19:59
bdpaynedid you see the situation in the backlogs?19:59
jeblairbdpayne: you need #openstack-security registered, yeah?20:00
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jeblairbdpayne: any chance you can convince everyone in the channel currently to leave?20:00
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bdpayneheh, we were just talking about that20:00
bdpayneI can try... but likely that they are not all present20:00
bdpayneI'll hope over there now and see what I can do20:00
jeblairbdpayne: it's okay20:00
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jeblairbdpayne: if you think it's going to be difficult, i'll try to ask a freenode op20:01
clarkbdhellmann: is devstack used purely for cogating?20:01
clarkbdhellmann: trying to make sure I test this mostly properly20:01
clarkbsdague: ok now is good20:01
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bdpaynejeblair let's see if it works20:02
bdpaynewe'll know in a few20:02
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sdagueclarkb: so I was thinking about other information that would be really good to just know about a run20:04
sdagueand one of them that pops up is which tests failed, by name20:04
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Cleanup manual jobs
sdagueand I was wondering if we could get those indexed into a tag namespace20:05
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clarkbsdague: something like failed_tests: [name1, name2, name3] for documents associated with the job?20:07
clarkbthe most direct way to do that would be to ask the subunit log20:07
clarkbbut those are huge...20:07
clarkbit might get old fetching and loading those for each test that fails20:08
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sdagueso could we put the query server side?20:08
clarkbmaybe we can do a testr failing at the end of a failed job and just index the data more naturally20:08
hasharnibalizer: I noticed a talk about puppet 3.  Do you have your manifests migrated already? There are slight differences20:08
sdagueclarkb: sure, that's an option as well20:08
fungibodepd: userdata can be an executable script too. for my personal systems i pass a fairly complex shell script which does a lot of post-build configuration. its main downside is that anything launched from userdata has to complete before nova boot will return, and you don't get redirection of that to your calling terminal20:09
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sdagueclarkb: however you think is most sane to get this info, I'm happy to help implement20:10
fungiryanpetrello: your jenkins jobs seem to exist now, so the "not registered" situation should cease20:10
clarkbok, let me think about it but I have a hunch that just generating the data we want in the job and indexing it naturally seems best20:10
clarkbit reducses special code20:10
sdaguebut staring at new bugs recently I realized a lot of these I can actually pattern match in my head based on fail pattern20:10
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ryanpetrellofungi: thanks :)20:11
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sdagueand so failure + log strings would probably help mitigate the need for multiline for some of the more tricky ones20:11
nibalizerhashar: not yet20:13
nibalizerbut first step is to spin up a p3 master so you can see the problems20:13
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hasharnibalizer: we  (Wikimedia) completed the migration from p2.7 to p3 last week iirc.  Two of our ops  wrote a catalog compiler that takes a node + facts and compile with puppet 2.7 and 3.020:14
jeblairbdpayne: all set20:14
bdpaynedid you also do the registration with openstack infra?20:15
nibalizergot that tool up somewhere?20:15
jeblairbdpayne: you can give yourself (and others) op access by making a change to ./modules/accessbot/templates/accessbot.config.erb in openstack-infra/config20:15
hasharnibalizer: that really helped the migration. example output
jeblairbdpayne: (sorry that's not documented yet)20:15
jeblairbdpayne: sorry, i mean ./modules/openstack_project/files/accessbot/channels.yaml20:16
bdpaynegot it, I'll head over there while it's on my mind20:16
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nibalizerhashar: oh thats slick20:16
bdpaynejeblair but otherwise we should be all set?20:16
nibalizeris the tool open?20:16
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: remove H904
jeblairbdpayne: oh, actually, just add it to the list, and then i'll bootstrap you as an op20:16
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: remove H305 because it's python version specific
nibalizeror is it just shell around puppet catalog or whatever?20:16
jeblairbdpayne: yeah, you can also add it to eavesdrop if you want20:16
hasharnibalizer: some nodes have difference (blue links).20:16
hasharnibalizer: source code is  at:   git clone && cd compare-puppet-catalogs20:17
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hasharnibalizer: author is Giuseppe Lavagetto  he is europe based, feel free to contact me on my behalf.20:17
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Ajaegerbdpayne: once everything is setup for #openstack-security, please comment on so that it gets reviewed again ;)20:18
bdpaynecan do20:19
nibalizerhashar: awesome20:19
hasharnibalizer: and the very basic Jenkins job that wrap around it
anteayastorms are overhead and I'm shutting off power20:21
anteayaback later20:21
hasharnibalizer: there is some other hacked stuff that are not in the conf though. But the compare-puppet-catalogs might well have everything you need.20:21
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Cleanup manual jobs
jaypipesanteaya: k, mail sent.20:23
openstackgerritBryan D. Payne proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add openstack-security to accessbot and eavesdrop
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Cleanup manual jobs
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fungiokay, i'm ready to tag a git-review release and send a release announcement (we don't have any outstanding changes that address bugs in the utility itself now, just its tests). however, since this is a major shift in packaging (switch to pbr/module, adds external dependencies, functional testing framework) and adds major features (particularly http support), should it be 2.0? commence to20:27
clarkbfungi: it maintains backward compat so I think next 1.x is fine20:28
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fungido we at least need a news file entry mentioning the changes to packaging, or just assume distro packagers will figure it out on their own?20:29
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clarkbsdague: is another one that seems to cause trouble20:29
clarkbsdague: I notice that the end of the log isn't timestamped20:29
clarkbsdague: but other than that nothing too crazy jumps out20:29
mordredfungi: me too (re 103355)20:30
clarkbmordred: are you watching algeria take it to germany?20:30
fungimordred: i only gave it a +1 because i was having a bit of trouble matching up the jjb config changes to the changes in the slave scripts, but in general i'm still very excited20:30
mordredclarkb: EFAIL - no! I was on the phone. now it's on20:31
sdagueclarkb: does thas really impact things?20:31
clarkbsdague: no idea20:31
clarkbsdague: but it took 14 minutes to index that one file20:31
mordredfungi: I _think_ I did it right :)20:31
sdagueclarkb: I wonder if it's about the new curl in there -
sdaguealso, that's probably badness20:33
fungihrm... at least in debian, git-review is collaboratively maintained by the openstack packaging team, so at least on debuntu this will probably just work itself out since they're already used to pbr at this point20:33
openstackgerritIlya Shakhat proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Enable py33 gating for Stackalytics
fungii'll just make sure to mention the new packaging highlights in the release announcement to cover our bases there20:34
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sdagueclarkb: I wonder if that came in in a way that nodepool doesn't understand it20:36
sdagueI might not have been diligent enough on that review20:36
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clarkbsdague: maybe? we do depend on devstack to tell us what to cache now20:37
clarkbsdague: via that script in devstack20:37
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sdagueI integrated this wrong20:40
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clarkbhmm oslo.rootwrap doesn't seemto have docs20:48
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clarkboslosphinx too20:53
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Make ironic-undercloud voting and replace seed
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Moved Tempest regex outside pre_test_hook
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* Ajaeger would appreciate a quick review of gating for the new security-doc repository -
Ajaegerjeblair: thanks for your review!21:01
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move oslo default test node to trusty.
clarkbdhellmann: ^21:04
clarkbI tested py27, pep8 and doc jobs21:04
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Ajaegerfungi, thanks a lot!21:06
clarkbdhellmann: and since the other jobs run on dsvm they are already on trusty21:07
anteayajaypipes: thanks, will read in a few21:07
anteayahouse got hit (I think)21:07
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anteayaI lost my phone but strangely have internet21:07
anteayastill assessing21:08
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add gating for security-doc repo
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clarkbmordred: in 103363 you still need to select a mirror21:12
clarkbmordred: otherwise how will it know to use your new bandersnatch mirror?21:12
clarkbmordred: those cp's will copy empty files21:13
clarkbor non existant files21:13
mordredclarkb: why?21:13
mordredclarkb: did you look at the part of that patch where we install base config files that are not empty?21:13
fungiclarkb: finish looking at the change, those files are moved21:13
clarkbmordred: because the tool default is pypi.python.org21:13
mordredclarkb: look at the rest of the patch21:14
fungiclarkb: and installed permenantly into the slave21:14
clarkbI am looking at the whole thing21:14
clarkbis there a different change?21:14
mordredclarkb: in the config sequence21:15
mordredsorry - you were looking at the devstack-gate change .. I should have mentioned it needs the other change to land first21:15
clarkbyes please :)21:15
fungiheh, i missed the d-g change... which one is that?21:15
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mordredit's all topic bandersnatch21:16
mordredclarkb: this is where the files get installed21:16
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clarkbarg office wifi so bad21:19
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clarkbI shouldnt need to tether in the office...21:21
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix typo: security-guide -> security-doc
mordredclarkb: I tether at the office all the time21:27
clarkbmordred: another question for you. pip.conf and pydistutils.cfg files are moved to openstack_project. Were they used at all in jenkins?21:27
clarkbmordred: its crazy that that would be a thing21:28
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clarkbmordred: that seems like an excellent "this is why I work at home" response21:28
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mordredclarkb: they were not21:29
mordredclarkb: which I found amusing21:29
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jgriffithjeblair: clarkb any idea why this might be happening:
jgriffithjeblair: clarkb never mind21:33
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-specs: StoryBoard Permissions Specifications
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stevebakerhey, there are 22 check jobs which haven't terminated for 16 hours (21 of them are mine ;)
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jesusaurusclarkb: did you get a chance to look at
clarkbjesusaurus: is that the one about apache?21:35
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clarkbjesusaurus: I don't think that was the only problem with 0.4.021:35
jesusaurusyeah, reverting your downgrade to 0.0.421:35
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clarkbjesusaurus: and if we are going to change we should go to whatever is currentish21:36
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clarkbbut that may be a bigger delta21:36
fungistevebaker: something happened to the network connectivity for jenkins03, so jobs which were running on it at the time got their statuses forever lost. the options there are currently either to push a new patchset to those or restart zuul21:36
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jesusaurusclarkb: well, we at least need to specify a custom vhost template, so i think 0.0.7 (i would need to double check) is the newest we could do21:36
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stevebakerfungi: ok, I can push a new changeset21:37
clarkbjesusaurus: wait did they remove that feature again?21:37
jesusaurusagain? they removed it long ago21:37
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jesusaurusor did they re-add it and i didnt notice?21:37
clarkbjesusaurus: I thin kthey readded it because I complained21:37
clarkband everyone else21:37
clarkbnibalizer: ^21:37
Ajaegerfungi, jeblair I overlooked one thing in my last patch, could you review, please?21:37
nibalizeryou can custom_fragment now21:38
jgriffithmordred: so none of the oslo requirements in the globa-requirements file are pinned with upper bounds?21:38
jgriffithfor stable/icehouse21:39
sdaguejgriffith: right, that's general policy though21:39
openstackgerritpritesh proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Add hacking check for editor configuration in source files
jgriffithsdague: but then shit breaks21:39
jgriffithsdague: ie I get that on master21:39
jgriffithsdague: but for stable?21:39
fungijgriffith: nah. for those, you know where to send hate mail (burning poop, cetera) if they break you ;)21:39
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jgriffithfungi: well I get plenty from Mark :)21:39
sdaguejgriffith: well, markmc is actually one of the strongest advocates for not pinning21:40
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jgriffithso I'm in a perdicament with the oslo.messaging update21:40
clarkbnibalizer: oh so you can't do a realy template?21:40
jgriffithsdague: what I mean is...21:40
clarkbnibalizer: jesusaurus: I cannot grok how that is an improvement21:40
jgriffithif you look at the ML thread between he and I just now21:40
jesusaurusnibalizer: oh cool, and custom_fragments would allow us to do mod_rewrite proxy stuff? how big of a change would that be?21:40
sdaguejgriffith: yeh, I was just reading it21:40
jgriffithoslo.messaging update changes config21:40
clarkbnibalizer: jesusaurus: that is like apple taking away features from its users21:40
clarkbthen saying yo ushould be happy for it21:41
jgriffithsdague: ok... I'll refrain from paraphrasing21:41
jesusaurusclarkb: but you WANT a macbook wheel21:41
sdagueso honestly, it's not helpful, but the libraries having config vars is where this really breaks down21:42
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jgriffithsdague: yeah... as we now see21:42
sdaguehonestly, I'm ok with proposing that all oslo libraries are pinned21:42
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sdagueas the oslo libraries are apparently only going to release with the release21:42
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jgriffithsdague: I'm at least going to propose pinning stable/icehouse oslo.messaging at the moment21:43
sdagueso they should be set to >=1.3.0,<1.4.0 on stable/icehouse21:43
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sdaguejgriffith: yeh, it would probably be good to force policy back there on the list as well21:43
jgriffithagreed, trying to figure out where "everything" else should be21:43
jgriffithsdague: ok.. thanks21:43
jgriffithI'll send a thread ot ML and log a defect21:44
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fungijgriffith: were you able to figure out why it was impacting py27 tests but not py26?21:45
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cody-somervilleWhat causes pypi mirror to create Ubuntu-12.04 vs. Ubuntu-13.10 directory?21:46
fungithat definitely felt like a spooky-action-at-a-distance sort of thing21:46
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clarkbcody-somerville: its part of the pypi mirror tool21:46
fungicody-somerville: the wheel-building depends on the platform on which it's run21:46
clarkbcody-somerville: it builds platform specific wheels21:46
jgriffithfungi: not quite yet21:47
jgriffithhad to step away for a bit21:47
cody-somervilleclarkb: fungi: Is it possible to get both created?21:47
fungicody-somerville: yes, by running on both and rsync'ing them to a common destination21:47
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jesusaurusclarkb: fungi: where is that being run? on the pypi-mirror host? or can the wheels be built elsewhere then published?21:48
* jesusaurus needs to better grok wheels21:48
clarkbjesusaurus: it is run where you run the pypi mirror tool21:48
clarkbwe use a jenkins slave21:48
fungijesusaurus: it's happening on our mirror26/27/33 jenjins slaves right now21:48
clarkbthese slaves rsync to the common mirror location21:48
clarkbalso please stop using 13.10 that is all21:48
fungiclarkb: sts is the new lts!21:49
jesusaurusits not eol for... a couple weeks...21:49
nibalizerclarkb: so you can custom_fragment your way to victory21:49
clarkbjesusaurus: right so spend your time now moving to trusty instead21:49
clarkbnibalizer: I shouldn't need to21:49
jesusaurusclarkb: ++21:49
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clarkbmordred: please see comment on 10335521:51
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fungipuppet templates are the puppet answer to customizing a file. interspersed/interleaved file fragments seem very un-puppetly21:51
nibalizerclarkb: so you can go custom_fragment => template(thingy.vhost.erb),21:52
nibalizeryou'll have to set listen and snip the bottom and top lines of the vhost but other than that, should work pretty well21:52
jesusaurusfungi: i disagree, i think that things like the concat module are a very puppetty answer to config files that arent very config-management friendly21:53
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nibalizerfungi: my point is we can replace vhost_template => template('thingy.vhost.erb') with custom_fragment => template('thingy.vhost.erb')21:55
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clarkbnibalizer: and rewrite all of our vhosts21:55
nibalizerso we can use the modern apache module much as the old one was21:55
nibalizerrewrite is a stronger word than i would use21:55
clarkbin a way that shouldn't be necessary21:55
nibalizeryou just snip off the listen component and thats it21:55
clarkbbecause the first release supported the only thing you really need...21:55
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fungijesusaurus: well, we at least agree that apache's httpd.conf isn't very config-management friendly ;)21:56
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nibalizerthe older one was loosely modeled, the new one is tightly modeled21:56
nibalizerbut you can still pass arbitrary stuff into the vhost and apache module will just get-it-done21:56
nibalizerwould it be helpful if i made a work-in-progress review showing what the implementaion of the new apache module would look like?21:58
clarkbnibalizer: I think we know what it would look like21:58
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clarkbnibalizer: the frustration is that it is necessary and that there is no good way to make the change piecemeal21:58
nibalizerpicemeal would be better21:58
clarkbso its all or nothing21:59
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fungimordred: you may want to follow up to with any relevant info on how your mirror changes will benefit the prerelease/wheel testing situation, lest the void be filled with misinfo22:07
clarkbmattoliverau: good morning22:09
clarkbhrm no jhesketh yet22:09
* clarkb waits patiently22:09
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mattoliverauLol, not yet.22:10
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clarkbdhellmann: any chance I can get you to weigh in on
clarkbdhellmann: oslo.config  oslo.db  oslo.i18n  oslo-incubator  oslo.messaging  oslo.rootwrap  oslo-specs  oslosphinx  oslotest  oslo.version  oslo.vmware those are the projects I tested22:16
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ianwsdague: (Make one copy of grenade log files) still seems to be happening22:18
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Archive Ironic VM nodes console logs
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anteayalost phone line at the house, next door lost phone line and hot tub22:23
anteaya4.75 inches of water in 2 hours22:23
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clarkbanteaya: wow22:23
anteayadon't understand how we lost phone line and still have internet22:23
anteayaclarkb: yeah, I'm amazed22:24
anteayatwo storms22:24
fungithe hot tub floated away?22:24
anteayawe never get weather like this22:24
anteayafungi: ground fault22:24
anteayait got hit22:24
anteayaor something did22:24
sdagueianw: +222:24
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix typo: security-guide -> security-doc
nibalizeranteaya: where are you based?22:24
whoopsI'm guessing you have cable internet.. the line is probably buried22:24
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anteayawhoops: no dsl22:25
anteayaand isp checked the line, only 10 decibels of random noise22:25
whoopsreally? then it's really odd you have internet but no phone22:25
anteayathey do something at 30 decibels22:25
anteayawhoops: yeah, same at the other house too22:26
anteayareally weird22:26
bknudsonit's a canada day miracle22:26
anteayabknudson: praise be22:26
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fungiall glory to the dominion?22:27
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Stop running pypi-mirror for old mirror creation
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make select-mirror use the bandersnatch mirror
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Delete select-mirror and all the args
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anteayafungi: welll, not sure I'd go that far22:27
clarkbfungi: hypnotoad22:27
mordredfungi, clarkb, jeblair: ^^ I reordered these to allow us to more safely land the next in the series without removing the infrastructure needed ot rollback22:27
anteayabut glad I can still work, while the three stoges phone company takes the rest of the summer to fix service22:28
fungilater this week my country will celebrate its independence by blowing up very small pieces of itself. you know, for fun22:29
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anteayaso there's that to look forward to22:30
fungi<simpsons>celebrate the independence of your nation by blowing up a small part of it</simpsons>22:30
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anteayaI have had fireworks for three nights straight22:30
anteayabased on the number of cottagers hanging out22:30
anteayaI'd put money on two more nights of it22:30
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anteayafungi: ah, see I don't watch the simpsons22:31
anteayathat is my nephew's22:31
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anteayaI can't infringe22:31
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fungiyeah, that was a reference to an episode from ~18 years ago22:32
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jeblairfungi: i don't remember that quote, which suggests it's probably time for me to start over again from the beginning ;)22:34
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anteayafungi: ah, I really wouldn't have gotten it then22:34
anteayajeblair: ha ha ha22:34
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anteayadoes a simpsons fan need an excuse to watch simpsons?22:34
clarkbjeblair: for that will stop running those jobs with the jenkins provided maven and use system provided maven. Did you take that into account with  your +2?22:35
clarkbjeblair: mostly wondering if that was discussed somewhere and I should just not worry about it22:35
* anteaya considers food22:35
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Remove envinject from gerrit-plugin-jobs
clarkbjeblair: if we don't think that is a problem I will go ahead and approve22:35
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Remove envinject from gerrit
fungijeblair: season 7, episode 25, "summer of 4 ft. 2"22:36
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Remove envinject from javascript
jeblairclarkb: i'm not positive, but it's something we should work toward anyway22:36
clarkbjeblair: ok so better to discover a problem with it now than later wfm22:36
clarkb(and ya with future gearman world that makes sense22:36
jeblairclarkb: yeah, and i think our tolerance for discovering problems in that space is high right now22:37
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fungiit's not feature freeze rush *yet*22:37
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Remove envinject from groups
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move trove default test node to trusty.
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move troveclient default test node to trusty.
clarkbMOAR trusty22:40
clarkbmordred: any word on the volume stuff?22:40
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SlickNikclarkb: nice!22:42
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mordredclarkb: yes. one sec22:44
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Remove envinject usage from maven-plugin-jobs.yaml
jgriffithsdague: fungi
jgriffithfungi: it would seem that that alpha build isn't py26 compat so isn't used.  Haven't figured out quite how it figures that out22:46
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clarkbmordred: I don't think latest patchset of addressed my comment22:46
fungijgriffith: yep, saw the ml thread. +1 but i'm not stable branch core22:46
jgriffithfungi: but that *appears* to be the deal22:46
jgriffithfungi: ml?22:46
* jgriffith looks22:46
jgriffithoh... derp22:47
fungijgriffith: oh, well i saw markmc's comment about the prerelease version spec in the stable reqs files being at fault for pulling in the new alpha weel22:47
fungithe py26 bit is still news to me, and will keep that in mind if we see similar in the future, so thanks!22:47
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jgriffithfungi: certainly22:48
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fungijgriffith: i'm guessing though that it's a python 2.7 version expressed in the wheel22:48
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jgriffithfungi: makes sense... I'll buy it and move on :)22:48
clarkbjeblair: any particular reason you didn't approve 103421?22:48
mordredclarkb: ++22:49
fungijgriffith: hrm, though the whl file just claims to be py2 not py27...
fungiso no idea really22:49
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Remove Jenkins EnvInject plugin from jenkins_dev
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jeblairclarkb: didn't want to deal with the consequences22:50
clarkbmordred: for 103421, do you need to include -cpp as well?22:50
clarkbjeblair: :) ok22:50
clarkbmordred: I think that is what the c++ resource was meant to be22:51
clarkbas I don't see a c++ compiler22:51
clarkbonly cpp and g++22:51
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clarkbI guess that could be platform dependent22:51
clarkbI will leave a comment22:52
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mordredclarkb: ccache doesn't need to be set for cpp22:53
mordredclarkb: ccache works on the results of the output of the preprocessor stage22:53
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clarkboh it doesn't cache any of the preprocessor data?22:54
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clarkbwell then I shall approve instead22:54
mordredit caches the result, aiui - but in either case, it does not hook into cpp22:54
dstufftfungi: basically the whl file stuff is supposed to define the outcome of, so even if something doesn't work on python 2.4 (for instance), if would have the same outcome on python2.4 and 2.7 then it should be py222:54
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fungidstufft: yeah, reasoning about why a centos6 machine didn't pull in a wheel of a prerelease and fell back to the release tarball, while an ubuntu 14.04 machine grabbed the wheel22:55
* clarkb gets brave and approves things that jeblair didn't want to deal with consequences on22:55
fungidstufft: mostly grasping at straws22:56
dstufftalso wheels are generally implemented as"and later than"22:56
dstufftso a py26 wheel will be used on py2722:56
dstufftIf I recall22:56
* fungi worries that a py27 wheel would be used on py31?22:56
dstufftit's smarter than that22:57
fungi2.and-later-than vs 3.and-later-than i guess22:57
dstufftpretty sure that's special cased for pure python wheels too22:57
fungigot it22:57
dstufftthe idea being that the likelyhood that somehting for 3.3 also works on 3.4 if it's pure python is pretty high22:57
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mordredfungi, clarkb: ok. I'm going to land the select_mirror patch22:59
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mordredunless anyone has any last minute concerns...23:00
clarkbmordred: nope, just remember you need to rebuild images to see the change23:00
mordredoh right. so landing teh patch is safeish for now23:00
fungimordred: just please be around at ~14:00 utc tomorrow when the image rebuilds happen, if you're not planning to trigger fresh builds tonight and watch jobs run on the resulting nodes ;)23:02
clarkbalso that ^23:02
* fungi does not relish being on revert duty when it can be avoided23:02
mordredfungi: I'm going to trigger images23:03
* fungi is entirely in favor of this plan!23:03
clarkbit doesn't look like dhellmann is/was around today23:04
clarkbhow do people feel about pushing through the oslo on trusty change anyways?23:04
clarkbmy biggest concern is that they are running some test that I didn't expect because they do that23:04
clarkband dhellmann might be able to point that out if it exists23:04
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clarkboh ENOBATTERY /me moves23:04
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fungiclarkb: have we yet found anything besides the reqs integration job which didn't actually work fine on trusty?23:05
fungioh, and there was a solum job... something not quite right with rabbitmq apparently?23:05
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add symlinks for plat-specific compiler names
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clarkbfungi: thats basically it23:09
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Make select-mirror use the bandersnatch mirror
clarkbfungi: horizon but I reproduced on precise23:09
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: IRC setup for security-doc and training-guides
fungioh, right the httplib2 thing23:09
fungiyeah, seems a safe enough bet to me23:09
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anteayamorning jhesketh23:10
anteayajhesketh: can you use you powers of +A and merge this for me, all green and already has a +223:10
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Remove system cron activities on slaves
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anteayajhesketh: oh and this too:
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clarkbjhesketh: does 102893 conflict with your stack that I just approved?23:27
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anteayaclarkb: yay, thank you23:30
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add python34 build and job template
clarkbzul: ^ quick update to your change so that we can keep that ball rolling. thank you for starting it23:32
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Proper passing of SUDO flag for neutron functional tests
clarkbfungi: I think 102822 will need a rebase now?23:34
clarkbfungi: is that somethign your script tools will have made easy?23:34
clarkbI suppose sed may just work (tm)23:34
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jheskethanteaya: 102893 doesn't conflict, it's needed :-)23:35
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Adds test artifact retention requirement
clarkbjhesketh: I thought you had a change that did that though23:36
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jheskethclarkb: in a different module23:36
clarkboh that was maven-jobs23:36
jheskethI only skipped that module because Khai had done it for me23:37
clarkbwith that change I think we have removed all the envinject?23:37
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: remove envinject usage from jenkins-plugin-jobs.yaml
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clarkbjhesketh: one step closer!23:42
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Clarifies that CI accounts must request accounts from infra
clarkbjhesketh: maybe we should take a stab at using krtaylor's hack for uploading console.html files?23:43
jheskethclarkb: yeah I like that... I've asked if he can perhaps incorporate his changes and use our other files23:43
clarkbjhesketh: we can just have your python script fork a child to do that right?23:44
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add missing export -f in rally-cli job
clarkbor is it shell?23:44
clarkbin either case the method should work regardless of language23:44
jheskethclarkb: actually it's a bash script grabbing the console log23:44
jheskeththe python script is to collate all the required files and make an index and push it up23:44
jheskethbut yeah, it should be doable23:44
mikalSo... who wants to talk to me about temptest tests which require modifications to the test guest?23:45
jheskethclarkb: so the envinject module has been removed from puppet, do we need to delete it off the puppet masters somehow? (I didn't know to express that when I did the change)23:45
clarkbjhesketh: we do23:45
clarkbjhesketh: basically need to do what we do for plugin updates to remove it. Tell jenkins to remove the plugin, restart master23:45
mikalsdague: le ping?23:46
clarkbjhesketh: I may have time to do that tomorrow morning prior to US v Belgium23:46
clarkbjhesketh: but no promises :)23:46
jheskethmikal is getting ready for the Paris summit clearly23:46
sdaguemikal: le pong23:46
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mikaljhesketh: no, I have a spec where someone wants to add a feature, so I asked about tempest tests23:46
sdagueor is it la pong?23:46
mikalThey've pointed out that testing in tempest would require modifications to the guest os for the test instance23:46
jheskethmikal: I was referring to your 'le' ;-)23:47
mikalAnd I was wondering if we have any precident for that sort of thing23:47
mikaljhesketh: :P23:47
mikalsdague: ^-- all that is the reason for my euro-ping23:47
sdaguemikal: explain what needs to be modified. Also lets do this in -qa23:47
jheskethclarkb: right, I tried to find an example of where that was but I couldn't dig it out of the git tree... any pointers?23:47
mikalsdague: sure, moving there23:47
clarkbjhesketh: the process? it may be tribal knowledge >_>23:48
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clarkbjhesketh: we should probably update our jenkins doc with a section on plugin modifications23:48
clarkbanteaya: see comment on 10258123:48
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clarkbmordred: I +2'd 101763 but didn't approve it as I believe that step needs ansible to be working for us and I am not sure if it is fully there yet23:50
clarkbmordred: feel free to approve based on where you are in the ansible stack23:50
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clarkbAaronGr: hey on 101603 a quick local test has gzip -f foo.gz resulting in foo.gz.gz which ends up being double compressed with a different sha1sum23:56
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Make rally-install-bare-centos6 voting again
clarkbAaronGr: I am almost positive that this is not what we want as a failover csase23:56
clarkbAaronGr: and the find already excludes .gz files23:56
clarkbAaronGr: is there something I am missing for how this helps?23:56
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clarkbjesusaurus: nibalizer ^ do you guys know?23:58
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* clarkb walks home but do ping if anyone knows what is going on there23:59
pleia2clarkb: hm, good catch23:59

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