Wednesday, 2014-09-17

anteayajeblair: I wondered about the zuul/layout.yaml but didn't ask, so my bad00:01
jeblairfungi, clarkb: i learned from "What If?" that every keypress i make on my model m is a magnitude -5 seismic event.00:01
jeblair(other keyboards are M-6)00:02
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anteayasalv-orlando: I concur on all counts00:03
anteayasalv-orlando: if I didn't not have to spend the time I do tracking third party ci I would be a much happier person00:04
anteayaand on that note day 1 of zero noise from the neighbours00:04
anteayaI don't count the power saw from whoever was in their garage00:04
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Unattended upgrades erb expects list of origins
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ianwanyone know off hand what the deal with is?00:20
clarkbianw ya puppet isnt running on all our nodes properly. fix is up for review and once merged should correct that00:21
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rfolcoianw, wow ! I am struggling with the same issue, looks like its empty and tries to confirm it really exists and it fails00:21
ianwrfolco : yep, same issue.  i guess it isn't worth working-around, because it indicates something is wrong00:23
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rfolcoianw, there is a not-much-recent patch forcing git repos to exist and have contents (fetch HEAD must work), otherwise build fails....00:24
rfolcoianw, either it should accept blank repos or it should be removed from yaml:
clarkbjeblair 122001 is the fix00:25
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clarkber it merged cool00:26
clarkbso in about 15 minutes we should be good00:26
ianwrfolco : i think i'm saying that it's wrong to ignore blank repos, because that indicates an error that should be fixed00:26
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rfolcoianw, I'll send a patch removing bandit from that file then, lets see how it goes00:27
mikalWhat's the process for opening master for kilo? Is that a thing the PTL does, or is it done by infra?00:28
ianwrfolco: see clarkb ^, things should re-sync00:28
rfolcooh ok00:28
rfolcothanks ianw00:29
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fungirfolco: it's a known problem, and clarkb's 122001 should allow it to resolve00:32
rfolcofungi, gotcha00:32
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fungioh, he also just said that00:32
anteayamikal: I think that is a ttx question00:33
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rfolcofungi, checksum is always good :)00:33
anteayamikal: I'm fairly certain it has nothing to do with infra00:33
mikalIts true it might be a release thing00:33
mikalI don't think its a PTL thing though00:33
mikali.e. release makes a stable/juno branch or somehting00:34
anteayain the 1:1 sync's today I saw it mentioned00:34
anteayattx has magic things he does00:34
anteayaand stuff happens00:34
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fungiclarkb: yes, we should encourage them to not add a py33 job if it won't pass on py34. leaves more work for us otherwise00:34
anteayaI recall in the heat discussion he mentioned opening kilo, ttx did00:34
clarkbmikal release managers do it by cutting the juno branch00:34
anteayayay clarkb knows00:35
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clarkbat that point master becomes kilo and juno is on the juno branch00:35
clarkbfungi I figured. were you leaving that comment?00:35
fungiyeah, doing now. thanks for the heads up!00:36
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anteayamikal: can you look at this?
anteayamikal: this is the gui you made for me long ago00:39
mikalanteaya: what's wrong with it?00:39
mikalanteaya: its not updating?00:39
anteayaand looking at it it appears there are only 4-5 funtioning accounts on it00:39
mikalOh, three days old00:39
mikalI think jhesketh had ideas about a better way to do this report00:40
mikal(And to more it to infra)00:40
mikalBut I don't know where he got with them00:40
anteayaI don't think plumgrid passing everything is very valid00:40
mikaljhesketh: le ping?00:40
jheskethI didn't volunteer to move it into infra! :-p00:40
anteayale pant, le puff00:40
jheskethbut gerrit 2.8 has a much better api for querying this00:40
anteayait is in stackforge00:40
mikalanteaya: so, I have release stuff I have to do, but I will add fixing this to the team backlog00:41
mikaljhesketh: what's the timeline for gerrit 2.8?00:41
jheskethfor example, I use this tool to determine how turbo-hipster is going:
anteayamikal: thanks00:41
jheskethmikal: we're on 2.800:41
anteayamikal: happy release stuff00:41
anteayajhesketh: have you a view00:42
anteayasomething pretty for me to say ooooh pretty00:42
jheskethanteaya: it's a CLI, so no sorry00:42
jheskethbut if you clone turbo-hipster you can ran it00:42
jheskethor just download that file00:42
anteayaI was thinking about somethign similar on my walk00:43
anteayaso I will test driver this00:43
anteayadownload this file, k00:43
jheskethbasically it determines changes without votes or negative votes so I can check on the health (ie are these real failures or false-positives)00:43
jheskeththe output format is done as 'zuul enqueue change' commands that I can copy and paste00:43
jheskethmostly because I made it when zuul failed terribly and we needed to recheck nearly everything00:44
jheskethso this was the easiest way to enqueue the world00:44
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anteayaha ha ha00:45
anteayayou are such a smart man00:45
jheskethhmm, that's more negatives than usual.. I might go exploring00:46
anteayagood thing we are looking00:46
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anteayawhat time frame would this be from?00:46
jheskethall the time00:46
jheskethall open changes00:46
jheskethit's the equivalent of doing this search in gerrit: "status:open project:openstack/nova NOT label:Verified>=0,turbo-hipster branch:master"00:47
anteayagreat thank you00:47
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jhesketh(you can ignore the merge-failures, they are almost always correct in that they match openstack-infra/jenkins. I should add a check to compare them though)00:48
anteayaNOT label:Verified>=0,turbo-hipster that was what I was looking for earlier00:49
anteayaor something like that00:49
anteayajhesketh: did something fail in the script when I ran it? Traceback (most recent call last):00:50
anteaya  File "", line 28, in <module>00:50
anteaya    patchset = change['revisions'][change['current_revision']]['_number']00:50
anteayaline 5 of the paste00:50
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jheskethanteaya: yeah, so for some reason one of the changes in that query doesn't have a change number returned from gerrit00:51
jheskethI believe it's this one: but I have no idea why00:52
jheskethand it wasn't important to the tool so it just continues on00:52
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Allow webapp to filter json results
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add support for disk-image-builder in nodepool
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ianwclarkb / jeblair : ^ i think that's ready for review, works ok for me01:34
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jheskethjeblair: ping re fixing zuul's pep8 issues02:18
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openstackgerritEdward Raigosa (wenlock) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: give install_modules options for loading requirements externally
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openstackgerritEdward Raigosa (wenlock) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: give install_modules options for loading requirements externally
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openstackgerritEdward Raigosa (wenlock) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: update to pass bashate checks
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Added robust message publisher and subscriber
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Migration CLI framework
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Migration CLI framework
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Added robust message publisher and subscriber
krotscheckMuch better03:31
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add keystone-formula project
openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add glance-formula project
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r1chardj0n3sfungi, clarkb: pip-missing-reqs is finally in nova04:34
r1chardj0n3sI'm currently doing Horizon work, so adding it to others is not high on my TODO I'm afraid04:34
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Always set DATA_DIR
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add glance-formula project
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix for translation early exit
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Update manila jobs
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mikajeblair: i see, thanks for the reply07:06
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tchaypoI wish I could figure out how to craft a gertty query to show me things that are open, verified, and don't have workflow -107:48
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tchaypoat least.07:55
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jheskethtchaypo: This is what I use for infra reviews:*,n,z08:04
jheskethtchaypo: modify the owner and projects and you should be good08:04
jheskethit also filters reviews that have a -1 which you may or may not want08:04
jheskeththe problem is you need to use double negatives to get it to work for some reason08:04
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tchaypothe gertty query syntax seems to be (A) different from gerrit, and (B) undocumented08:09
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tchaypo"status:open NOT (label:Workflow=-1 OR label:Verified<=-1 OR label:Code-Review-2)" does what i want on gerrit, but on gertty I need "status:open and label:Verified=1 not label:Workflow=-1"08:10
tchaypoI've given up getting code-review-2 in as well08:10
jheskethtchaypo: ah, sorry, I misread gertty for gerrit08:10
jheskethin which case, I've got nothing :-(08:10
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praveenkumarHi, I have a basic question regarding jenkins gerrit trigger plugin, can we configure multiple git project in a single job with gerrit trigger in place, assume 3 different python project require same pep8 gate so it's good to have single job instead of setting different job configration.08:27
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nmagnezihello, a question for the broad audience here: who can I reach for the lack of ipv6 support in cirros? specifically the missing ping6 binary:
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1366326 in cirros "ipv6 support" [Medium,Confirmed]08:30
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kashyapnmagnezi, Hi, I don't find a mailing list where one can ask about ipv6,  looking at the source tree --
kashyapI see there's a contact email address there (, probably a direct email to him might be helpful08:35
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openstackgerritJoakim Löfgren proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add PMD publisher
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amullerThe neutron functional job is failing 100% since yesterday...
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1370347 in neutron "check-neutron-dsvm-functional fails with DistributionNotFound" [Critical,New]09:30
amullerIt's a voting job09:30
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Run the precise nonha job on tripleo projects
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: don't use screen for grenade
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jswidershello infra - since several hours all check-neutron-dsvm-functional jobs fail for so far unknown reason - amotoki (neutron core) before he had to go suggested we should make it non voting to give us time to investigate - should we also make gate job non-voting ?11:11
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openstackgerritJacek Swiderski proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make neutron functional job non-voting
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Install puppet modules in right order
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marun_sdague: around?  the neutron functional job is failing 100% due to a DistributionNotFound exception on rootwrap invocation that I would guess is related to either/or devstack or gate config.12:49
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1370347 in neutron "check-neutron-dsvm-functional fails with DistributionNotFound" [Critical,New]12:49
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sdaguemarun_: I doubt it, I expect that's either a rootwrap or pbr release12:50
marun_sdague: The error is in not finding the expected distribution of Neutron, if that helps:
fungidoes the functional job check out the libs from git or use release packages?12:51
sdagueyeh, it looks like there was a new rootwrap release yesterday12:52
marun_fungi: it uses what devstack deploys12:52
fungidevstack would deploy branch tip in that case then, yeah?12:52
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marun_fungi: But maybe the rootwrap script is picking up dependencies deployed in the tox env?12:53
fungir1chardj0n3s_afk: thanks for the heads up... i'll see if i can get it to proliferate once i get spare cycles12:53
marun_sdague: ah, that must be it then.12:53
sdaguemaybe, I don't know12:53
fungimarun_: looking at the log now to see whether i can make heads or tails of it12:53
marun_fungi: danke12:53
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sdaguebut what I'm saying is that you need to dive into the components in play12:54
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for ssh 'no route to host' bug 1370496
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1370496 in nova "Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to cirros - error: [Errno 113] No route to host" [High,New]
sdaguemarun_: has anyone on the neutron team attempted local reproduce? This seems like it would be pretty easy to trigger12:55
marun_sdague: you're right, it should be easy to trigger.12:56
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jschwarzsdague, amotoki tried to reproduce on a clean ubuntu vm but couldn't12:56
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jschwarzdon't know what version of ubuntu he used, be he did mention an upstream version of neutron and possibly devstack12:57
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sdaguebasically the important thing to remember is the functional job remains the neutron team's responsibility to keep working, because it's in infra doesn't shift the responsibility for debug.12:58
jswidersyeah we are trying to find whats the cause for it12:58
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fungimarun_: indicates it used an alpha release of oslo.rootwrap from a month ago, not the release earlier this week or any branch tip13:16
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fungii wonder if we have a stuck pypi mirror13:17
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marun_fungi: :/13:17
marun_fungi: I'm hearing we can repro locally though.13:18
openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add settings.xml parameter to Jenkins slave class
fungimarun_: is the behavior persistent in our ci or nondeterministic?13:18
jswidersfungi: gate jobs are unaffected - only check jobs fail13:18
fungimarun_: could be the slightly older rootwrap prerelease there is a red herring13:19
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amullerfungi: the behavior is persistent, 100% failure13:22
marun_sdague: Do you know anything about the openstack_citest db/credentials?13:22
marun_fungi: same question ^13:22
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/askbot-theme: updated the moderation queue url
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fungihrm, we do have a bandersnatch mirror run stuck on the rax-iad pypi mirror since some time yesterday (which i'll look into as a separate issue) but that's 1. too recent and 2. not the mirror where the job got that older rootwrap package13:25
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marun_fungi: Interesting if it's failing with the older rootwrap release13:29
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fungifor some reason didn't pick up oslo.rootwrap- until 08:55 utc yesterday, which seems to be roughly when it was uploaded pypi.python.org13:29
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sdaguefungi: yuo have any idea about this - and if it's still an issue13:30
fungithe commit is from 4 days ago but the tag is dated yesterday13:30
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1301128 in nova "nova floating-ip-list has blank server id field" [Undecided,Incomplete]13:30
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fungimarun_: so if your jobs are still failing consistently, then double-check the pip-freeze.txt archived in the logs dir but it's probably using rootwrap now13:31
fungithough why it installs that from pypi rather than git is a little disconcerting13:31
fungisdague: not sure13:32
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fungisdague: i believe we narrowed it down to possible nova->neutron communication issues causing the floating ip delete to fail when instance delete succeeded, but worked around it in nodepool by tracking and retrying to delete floating ips13:35
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sdagueok, well I'm going to mark that bug as invalid at this point because there is basically no information that lets it move forward13:36
fungi(this goes back to mordred's assertions about how getting, and i guess discarding, a vm with a reachable ip address is way harder than it should be)13:36
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fungiahh, that's what it was... sometimes when creating an instance the floating ip gets created but doesn't successfully attach. with the addition of we started removing those rather than losing track of them13:37
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fungibut we do still leak floating ips through other issues13:38
yolandafungi, do you have experience with diskimage-builder? i'm finding that the last step, the  99-up-to-date is downgrading my puppet modules and throwing errors13:39
fungithe "floating ip with no instance uuid" is merely an indicator that it's disassociated, i believe13:39
fungiyolanda: i have never used dib, sorry13:39
fungiyolanda: i believe clarkb has test-driven it some though13:39
yolandaok, trying to ask in tripleo, but i guess it's still early for that team13:40
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Turn on swift log uploading for infra jobs
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openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add version-properties builder to macros.yaml
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Try to keep an open connection swift
jheskethsdague: If you have time to look at ^, I think we'll see an improvement to the swift stuff14:01
jheskethit's not ideal though, let me know if you have a better idea14:01
jhesketh(also this os-loganalyze patch has been open for a while:
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sdaguejhesketh: is there retry logic if the connection dies?14:09
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sdaguethat code seems too optimistic that we'll establish a swift connection that will be valid for infinity14:10
marun_sdague: how to pull a change out of the queue once approved?14:15
sdagueupdate the patch14:16
marun_sdague: what if it's not my patch?14:16
marun_sdague: and I didn't approve?14:16
sdaguegit review -d14:16
sdaguegit review14:16
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marun_sdague: ah, ok. So no reviewing action would suffice, it has to be a patch update?14:16
sdaguemarun_: correct14:17
marun_sdague: good to know, thank you.14:17
marun_mestery: ^^14:17
mesterymarun_ sdague: Thanks for the info!14:17
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fungimarun_: a "very cheap" way to do edit the commit message in the gerrit webui and save. this causes a new patchset to be created14:17
marun_fungi: ah, even simpler.  danke14:18
marun_mestery: ^^14:18
jheskethsdague: yes there is14:18
mesteryfungi: Nice, thanks!14:18
jheskethsdague: swiftclient calls where func is get_object14:18
jheskethsdague: swiftclient handles auth timeouts and rate limiting14:18
jheskethit'll raise an error if it continues to fail which os-loganalyze's catchall will log14:19
sdaguejhesketh: so that's not really sufficient14:19
sdaguebecause it has 5 retries14:19
sdagueand attempts are instance level14:19
sdagueand in a wsgi context this process lives until apache restart14:19
sdagueso... assume forever14:20
sdaguewhich basically means you get 5 token timeouts then it stops working14:20
jheskethsdague: my read of the swiftclient code is that it'll fail after 5 attempts of trying to fetch the one object, this'll then raise an error which we'll log14:21
jheskethsdague: then on the next request (for a different object or otherwise) it'll try 5 times again14:21
jheskethsince we're continuing after a swift failure it should be fine to live forever in an apache process14:22
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sdaguejhesketh: so I'm pretty sure that's not right14:22
sdaguethis is setting python global state14:22
sdaguethat's not *per request*14:22
sdaguethat's the life of apache14:22
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jheskethsdague: right, the swiftclient.client.Connection() doesn't actually establish any connections14:23
jheskethwhen get_object is called it tries to connect then14:23
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jheskethit'll hold the connection as long as possible but if it needs a new one for whatever reason it'll fetch it14:23
sdagueso that means we'll introduce a periodic 500 error back to the user14:24
sdaguewhen we timeout14:24
jheskethno, it'll re-attempt14:24
jheskethget_object() is what we call:
sdaguejhesketh: where is the re-attempt on get_object?14:24
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jheskethand get_object uses the _retry():
jheskethsdague: so _retry ^ should answer that14:25
sdagueand when _retry runs out?14:25
sdaguebecause connection stores attempts14:25
jheskethsdague: line 1252 shows an auth timeout14:25
jheskethsdague: we'll catch that in our catch all exceptions14:25
jheskethwhich is per request14:26
sdaguejhesketh: but then we'll throw an error all the way back to the user14:26
jheskethsdague: see line 163 of in my proposal14:26
jheskethsdague: no, we log the error and throw a 40414:26
jheskethsdague: this is after 5 attempts though14:26
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sdaguebut those 5 attempts aren't inside a single request14:27
openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: tests: factorize has_opt handling
openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: autodoc: allow to exclude modules from auto-generation
sdaguebecause self._attempts increments forever14:27
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sdagueso over 500 requests, we eventually exceed retry on attempts14:27
jheskethsdague: hmm, there's another local attempts counter here:
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jheskethmy reading of that is that it's per-request14:28
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jhesketh(actually I can't find a self._attempts...)14:28
sdaguejhesketh: oh, sorry, I didn't see that it was zeroed every time in14:29
sdaguewow that's confusing14:29
sdaguewhy is that an instance variable14:29
jheskethsdague: it is interesting that it's counting it on self though14:29
jheskethI think we may be susceptible to some races here14:29
jheskethand many of them...14:29
jheskethswiftclient nearly needs a lock of some kind14:30
sdagueso... it looks like it's an instance variable just for testing14:31
sdaguethat should probably be fixed14:31
sdagueand test it's value with mock14:31
sdaguejhesketh: ok, so, now that I understand, yeh, this looks fine14:33
sdaguethanks for the patience14:33
jheskethsdague: all good, I might have a go at fixing swiftclient tomorrow14:33
jhesketheh, today... (it's 1230am, I've been up since 5am)14:33
sdagueyeh, the functional change is simple14:34
sdaguebut you'll have to fix a bunch of unit tests that want to touch that value14:34
sdagueI just took a quick look14:34
jheskethsdague: well I think it's also more complicated... the _retry method changes a number of instance variables that could cause races14:34
jheskethwhat if two requests try to reset the http_connection at the same time14:35
sdagueit's also odd that they don't use the python built ins for this -
sdaguefor url building, but that's totally different14:35
sdaguejhesketh: the 2 requests are in different processes14:36
sdagueit's clearly not thread safe14:36
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sdaguebut that's not actually an issue for us14:36
jheskethwell thinking of being helpful :p14:36
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sdaguebut, regardless, there is no reason for it to be on the instance14:37
jheskethyou just mean the attempts right?14:37
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add non-isolated jobs to experimental pipeline
sdaguejhesketh: yeh14:38
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sdagueattempts is used as a stack variable, it should be one, and not an instance variable14:38
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Run bandersnatch under file locking and a timeout
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jheskethsdague: oh yeah, agreed... just checking you didn't mean the connection/auth stuff as we want that to be on the instance or else we'll gain nothing from this os-loganlayze change14:41
sdaguejhesketh: oh, right, sorry :)14:41
jheskethdon't apologise, just clarifying :-)14:42
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove havana compat jobs from tempest experimental
jeblairjhesketh: good evening! ;)14:45
jheskethjeblair: Evening :-)14:45
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openstackgerritMark Vanderwiel proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove unnecessary metadata check
jheskethjeblair: regarding the pep8 issues you commented on in 115187... most of those were E129 which is why I needed to fix them to have pep8 pass..14:46
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jheskethsince we weren't ignoring E129 originally14:46
jheskethis this something we want to ignore though?14:47
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dhellmannfungi, marun_ : did you work out the cause of the rootwrap installation issue?14:47
fungijhesketh: e12* are hobgoblins14:47
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fungidhellmann: i hadn't heard... though i do wonder whether it's pbr-related14:48
jeblairjhesketh: oh, we/you must be using a new pep8 version14:48
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jeblairjhesketh: e129 is their "solution" to e12514:48
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marun_dhellmann: near as I can tell neuron is being installed from source and leaving an explicit dependency in the neutron rootwrap script, then neutron is being installed not-from-source14:48
jheskethjeblair: yeah I did some reading, that seems to be the case14:48
jeblairjhesketh, fungi:
marun_dhellmann: I haven't gotten farther than that yet, and I'm having to go afk shortly.14:48
jheskethjeblair: the question becomes, do we want to disable E129... or do we just keep it now I've fixed it all?14:48
jeblairso we now need to ignore e129, and could reconsider e12514:48
jheskethor that..14:49
dhellmannmarun_: ok14:49
jeblairjhesketh: we should ignore it, because i'm going to unfix it :)14:49
fungidhellmann: that job, for whatever reason, is installing pbr from git branch tip but oslo.rootwrap from alpha packages14:49
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jheskethjeblair: unfix what now?14:49
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jeblairjhesketh: (it is counter to the pep8 spec, and my editor tabs are configured to work with the pep8 spec...14:49
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marun_dhellmann: not an oslo.rootwrap issue from what I can tell14:49
fungidhellmann: not sure if that's related, but i do find it troubling14:49
jeblairjhesketh: i can't really convince other people they should change that because, we'll, it's not in the spec and that's the value of specs)14:50
jeblairjhesketh: so all those e129 fixes will be gradually undone as i work on the code14:50
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jheskethjeblair: right, but you're currently -1 on my patch, so wouldn't it make more sense for me to reroll or something?14:50
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jheskethpossibly enabling 125 in the process14:50
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jheskethjeblair: or are you proposing we accept the patch as is?14:51
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jeblairi'd be okay disabling e12* as fungi suggested, btw; i haven't really thought about the "new" e125.14:51
dhellmannfungi, marun_ : devstack does have a step to install rootwrap from source, so is that job doing something else before/after that stage? In the past when we've had an issue with packages being re-installed over the source version it was due to some sort of requirements specification causing a version change. I thought the req sync in devstack fixed that, though.14:51
jeblairjhesketh: i'd prefer not to land fixes to e12914:51
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jeblairjhesketh: i think the thing to do is to add e129 to the exception list and leave e125 in there for now.  then just merge the handful of fixes needed14:53
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jeblairjhesketh: let's consider lifting e125 as a separate step14:53
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jheskethjeblair: okay noted... I'll reroll that tomorrow as I'll need to rebase all of my patches14:53
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jheskethjeblair: unless of course you'd like to review them all and then undo 129 later :-p14:54
jeblairjhesketh: not really, i hate thinking about whitespace ;)14:54
fungidhellmann: not sure. it's happening in devstack at
jeblairjhesketh: thanks, and sleep well :)14:54
jeblairmika: i looked at adding submit, and we don't need a database change, but i can't find an api call that says if we have permission to submit (which we should use to determine whether to offer the option to the user).  we may need a gerrit patch to add that14:55
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fungidhellmann: i read that as it didn't find oslo.rootwrap installed from source and then proceeded to download a tarball14:55
jheskethjeblair: heh, all good, I was only (half) joking14:55
mikajeblair: wow, thanks for looking into that!14:56
dhellmannfungi: this looksl ike it is installing oslo.rootwrap from source:
fungidhellmann: oh, so it does14:59
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fungidhellmann: aha14:59
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dhellmannfungi: iirc, we do the oslo libs before any of the projects15:00
fungidhellmann: oslo.rootwrap-1.3.0.dev10.g8c68df8 <
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dhellmannfungi: sigh15:00
dhellmannlifeless: ^^15:00
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fungido we downgrade from branch tip source to the most recent alpha tarball15:01
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dhellmannI'm going to be terribly annoyed if those semver changes broke alpha versioning15:02
fungiooh, are we possibly using an older pbr at that stage?15:02
dhellmannwe install pbr from source, too, I thought15:02
fungiright, but that's after we installed oslo.rootwrap, yeah?15:02
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fungiwait, no, it's before15:03
dhellmannyeah, the timestamp is earlier15:03
openstackgerritBradley Jones proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Add updated column to the list of changes
dhellmannunless we're uninstalling and reinstalling that for some reason, too15:03
* fungi is stumped15:03
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dhellmannoh, interesting15:04
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dhellmannwe find an earlier version of pbr, remove it, then install the update15:04
fungithough that's before oslo.rootwrap is installed/versioned so i wouldn't expect it to cause this15:05
fungibut yeah, what installed it? i don't see it downloading/installing pbr15:06
fungiso must have happened before/outside devstack15:07
dhellmannfungi: we should probably make sure devstack installs pbr before trying to install anything else15:09
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fungidhellmann: agreed. there's a distinct risk if we don't that someone might add one of its dependencies and end up with odd versions because it grabbed an older tarball of pbr15:11
fungier, one of its reverse dependencies15:11
fungidhellmann: !!!
fungidhellmann: it's coming in from ubuntu as a package dependency15:12
dhellmannfungi: oh, wow15:12
dhellmannI wonder what depends on it15:13
fungidhellmann: also we end up installing other python libraries there which might be a bad idea... for example python-pip gets pulled in at that step (is that before or after we do our dance?)15:13
dhellmannI'm not sure, but yeah, that seems like a bad thing to be bringing in early, too15:13
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fungiwe also pull in python-lockfile as a system package15:16
fungithough that may not be urgent to address right away (not sure what the current state of that is in oslo)15:16
dhellmannwe haven't released a new version, afaik, but I expect to do that for kilo15:16
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jheskethokay, I'm off... see you in the morning!15:18
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Update python-novaclient to 2.19.0 for Juno RC
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fungidhellmann: we're installing sqlalchemy-migrate from packages, and it uses pbr15:20
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dhellmannwe should probably be installing that from pip instead of a system package15:21
dhellmannwe'll still get the wrong version of pbr that way, though15:21
fungieh, not unless it declares a version cap on pbr that's older than the branch tip state15:22
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fungibut regardless, pip will do a better job of cleaning up after a pip-installed copy15:23
fungithan comingling files with a distro package we never uninstall15:23
fungidhellmann: yeah, i think ultimately we may want to stop installing any python libs from system packages in devstack. it's been discussed and there seemed to be more acceptance of the idea from devstack cores than there used to be15:23
dhellmannok, maybe that's a discussion for later (summit?)15:25
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fungithe only clean ways to do this are either 100% pip installs or 100% distro packages (and on-the-fly package the source for our various git refs of libs)15:25
fungidhellmann: likely, yes. or maybe just a ml thread15:25
fungior a qa spec15:25
mtreinishfungi: ooh, that would be the first qa-spec for devstack.15:26
mtreinishalthough IIRC devstack has never done bps15:26
fungimordred: ^ you might want to read recent scrollback if you get bored at ossv15:26
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dhellmannfungi: sqlalchemy-migrate has "pbr>=0.5.21,<1.0" in requirements.txt for some reason15:27
dhellmannthere was a discussion about needing that sort of thing yesterday right as I was going offline. Maybe because just having it in install_requires isn't enough?15:28
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clarkb++ to not installing python system packages in devstack. it is only a source of confusion particularly when we say via global requiremenys that this is what we test when really half the packages are much older15:31
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clarkbdhellman you need that if you have a runtime dep on pbr iirc15:31
rcarrillocruzguys, are you already running infra machines on trusty?15:31
bswartzrequirements.txt allows comments -- why don't people use them?15:31
dhellmannclarkb: that makes sense, but I'm not sure why sqlalchemy-migrate would need that.15:32
dhellmannneed to run an errand, bbiab15:32
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clarkbbswartz: people do use them? is there more context to the question?15:32
bswartzI'm thinking generally there should not be questions about why something is in requirements.txt -- if people added comments when they changed something15:33
clarkbwe have trusty jenkins slaves and a trusty puppetmaster. with puppet 3 working we can trusty other things too15:33
fungircarrillocruz: i believe we haven't yet deployed any trusty infra servers because that required puppet 3 which we only finished upgrading to last week15:33
fungi(other than the master)15:33
fungialso, what clarkb just said15:33
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clarkbbswartz generally comments arent necessary and I dont think thry are necessary in the pbe case. This is more an issue of cargo culting than anything else and a comment legitemizing the cargo culting will only make it worse15:35
bswartzwhen I look at a requirements.txt I just scratch my head and assume whoever wrote it knew what they were doing -- it would be nice for blacklisted versions to have links to bugs, for example15:35
fungiclarkb: do we want to press forward with 121931 now? i've logged into a bare-trusty slave and confirmed the pypy packages actually are installed since updating all the images last night15:35
clarkbbswartz for that info check out the openstack/requirements repo15:36
fungithis way we have time to notice if it's breaking anything since it's still early in the day (and i'm not around tomorrow)15:36
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bswartz+1 for reference to cargo cult software development15:36
clarkbfungi yup lets do it15:37
mordredfungi: yes to no distro python15:37
fungiokay, approving15:37
anteayaI had made the patch to create the new repo for project-config wip as requested and had hoped folks would give me feedback on tests and the acl file?
anteayaI hope my request isn't unreasonable15:38
fungimordred: the example of a distro package we're installing having a dependency on distro package of pbr being the fun new example (this is the first time we've been running a distro release newer than the appearance of pbr)15:39
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fungiand since we do strive to make many of our libraries general-purpose and usable by other python projects, we should expect, even hope, to see more of that over time15:40
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clarkbanteaya I dont think we want the ci-docs job on that repo and the experimental jobs can go away as well unless I am mistaken15:42
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fungioh, yeah, i have some draft comments which point that out, plus a bunch of other stuff15:42
fungii should save that to the review now15:43
* clarkb gets out of fungis way :)15:43
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fungicomments published15:44
fungianteaya: though i had no comments on the acl. it seemed fine15:45
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zarorcarrillocruz: want to talk about the maven multi-module job?15:45
yolandamordred, doing some testing with dib right now, i have some problems on precise, installing puppet package , looks there is some conflict with libaugeas package15:47
yolandado you remember something like that?15:47
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anteayafungi clarkb thank you!15:48
yolandamordred, clarkb, looks that final dist-upgrade done by dib is causing trouble with these two packages, forcing a downgrade of puppet ^15:49
rcarrillocruzzaro: hey khai15:49
rcarrillocruzsure, pm15:49
zarorcarrillocruz: so it works for you?15:50
clarkbyolanda do we know what versions are installed and what they are trying to downgrade to?15:50
rcarrillocruzyes, the upload is done with maven deploy-file15:50
anteayafungi: is there a patch yet to remove gate-{name}-puppet-apply from the config repo and I missed it?15:50
rcarrillocruzi.e. we use maven to do the upload, instead of curl15:50
rcarrillocruzand that uploads both the pom and the artifact15:50
anteayafungi: if no, I can offer that patch15:50
zarorcarrillocruz: are we talking about this change?
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anteayaand would gate-infra-puppet-apply-{ostype} also be removed from the project-config jjb/projects.yaml?15:52
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rcarrillocruzi can comment from all your suggestions and paste back here when done15:54
rcarrillocruzto not hijack the channel with the discussion15:54
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rcarrillocruzi commented on
rcarrillocruzcould you please check?15:55
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fungianteaya: it already merged, so yes15:55
fungianteaya: look in the git history for the config repo15:55
zaroyeah, ok.  i just don't know how you got it to work with that jenkins bug.15:55
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rcarrillocruzi think it's good to keep at least "_path", as it's the file path, someone may think it's the file content or the source attribute of the puppet file resource15:56
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anteayafungi: kk thanks15:56
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anteayafungi: should I remove the gate-infra-puppet-apply-{ostype} job from the project-config jjb/projects.yaml as well?15:57
mordredfungi: oh, excellent15:57
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fungianteaya: no, those are the new jobs15:58
zarorcarrillocruz: ok, you'll got a good point there.15:58
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zarorcarrillocruz: how about 'maven_settings_path' and maven maven reference /etc/maven?15:59
anteayafungi: ah15:59
zarorcarrillocruz: put settings.xml in the slave.pp?15:59
fungianteaya: you should move them from experimental to check/gate in layout.yaml though, i probably ought to have mentioned that16:00
fungianteaya: basically just recompare to the current state of jobs and job templates applied to openstack-infra/config16:00
fungianteaya: also, i was a little torn on whether it needed a pep8 job. i couldn't remember if we were moving any python scripts into it, but i expect not?16:01
fungineed to check the spec to be absolutely certain16:01
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AJaegerfungi, my latest change for the translation change removed by accident a previous change - could you review please?16:02
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anteayafungi: kk, or we can leave the pep8 job for now and review again before we are ready to merge16:02
zarorcarrillocruz: ohh, that doesn't seem to work with the puppet notation.16:03
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rcarrillocruzas is, it works16:04
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Deprecate API_RATE_LIMIT setting for Tempest runs
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fungiAJaeger: good catch16:05
rcarrillocruzthe reason for putting the puppet class param to file 'source' attribute is to avoid creating a template16:05
rcarrillocruzas openstack-infra does not use a global settings.xml modified, but downstream may16:05
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rcarrillocruzno point in creating a dummy settings.xml template and pushing it within the change if o.o will not use it16:06
AJaegerfungi, we run into this situation this morning and I was puzzled and then double checked the patch and noticed the accidental removal16:06
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zarorcarrillocruz: yeah, i see.  i just couldn't get over the naming :)16:07
rcarrillocruzas for the maven new jobs: i can show you internally how it looks like16:08
rcarrillocruzit works16:08
rcarrillocruzyou have good points that i will address16:08
rcarrillocruzbut overall it's working16:08
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openstackgerritBradley Jones proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Add updated column to the list of changes
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/pbr: Support reading versions from wheels
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Start running all PyPy jobs on Ubuntu Trusty
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mordreddhellmann: I was mostly not here yesterday - there was discussion around pbr release, no?16:23
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Creates a new repo, project-config
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix for translation early exit
anteayafungi: as a step to the grand merging of everything working will I need to remove any jobs from config? such as the gate-config-projects.yaml job?16:31
anteayaif so, I should get a patch ready now when I am thinking about it16:31
pleia2good morning16:31
anteayamorning pleia216:32
anteayaare you home now?16:32
clarkbanteaya yes we should remove the redundant checks16:32
anteayaclarkb: I'll take a guess at what those are and welcome correction and mark it work in progress16:32
pleia2anteaya: yep, and looked at my calendar, I have an eye dr appointment this morning :)16:32
clarkbthose are fun.16:33
anteayaI'm wondering if it should have a dependency relationship on 121650 or perhaps I should use the same topic16:33
anteayapleia2: glad you looked at your calendar16:33
clarkbanteaya dependency pleasw16:33
pleia2anteaya: indeed!16:33
anteayaclarkb: kk so new patch is dependent on 121650? or other way around?16:33
dhellmannmordred: master of pbr is returning the wrong values for versions for alphas of oslo libraries, so we are not going to release it16:34
mordreddhellmann: EXCELLENT16:34
dhellmannmordred: I need to understand why it is doing what it is, and whether something is wrong with it or with the tags or whatever16:34
dhellmannmordred: yea16:34
mordreddhellmann: I agree with your reasoning regarding not releasing it16:34
dhellmannapparently it is enforcing rules that there can't be development versions of pre-releases16:35
dhellmannit also calls 1.3.016:35
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clarkbanteaya: ya make new patch dependent on the existing one (121650)16:40
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1370608 in pbr "pbr mishandling alpha tags" [Undecided,New]16:40
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dhellmannfungi: you might have comments to add to ^^ as well16:40
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clarkbfungi: it looks like bandit was corrected yesterday as expected. any other opposition to merging new project adds?16:43
clarkbjeblair: ianw yolanda mordred I am approving 102583 now16:44
mordredclarkb: I'm excited by your choices in life16:44
clarkbmordred: its the next step towards dibing16:44
clarkbits super exciting :)16:44
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fungisorry, was lunching16:45
clarkbthough gertty doesn't seem to like listing all the things on the config project...16:45
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clarkbmordred: also for the docker stuff that will require us to rebuild nodepool.o.o as trusty? or do you just want to update the kernel there?16:46
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clarkbfungi: jeblair ^ both options are available to us now that we are puppet3 everywhere16:46
mordredclarkb: what docker stuff?16:47
clarkbmordred: the docker dib stuff. I can get you a change number in just a second16:47
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mordredclarkb: we don't really need that patch for anything16:48
fungidhellmann: thanks, looks like you covered it fairly well though16:48
mordredthat was a thought train I was going down to see if it made things easier16:48
clarkbmordred: gotcha16:48
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fungiclarkb: i have no objections to further new project changes merging. the puppet clog seems to have been cleared by your patch last night16:49
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Creates a new repo, project-config
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Removes redundant jobs from config gate and check
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anteayafungi clarkb if you have time to take a peek and let me know if I am close or wildly offbase I would be grateful16:51
anteayaI'm also thinking I should do something to let storyboard know about these16:51
anteayaI forgot to add Story: 167 in the commit message of the last one, d'oh16:52
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Removes redundant jobs from config gate and check
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anteayakrotscheck: how soon before I can search for the id of a story in the search text box?16:54
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anteayakrotscheck: and how do I abandon adding a task if I am uncertain that that is what I would like to do yet stay on the same page?16:55
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add translation jobs for swift
clarkbmordred: do we set the unbound forward resolver to at boot for all nodes?16:57
clarkbmordred: wondering if the dib stuff needs to try so hard to work around that now16:57
anteayafungi: there is at least one python script targetted for inclusion in project-config:
fungianteaya: then keeping the pep8 job sounds like the right thing to do16:58
anteayafungi: I had left the pep8 jobs on project-config jobs16:58
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clarkbmordred: looks like we do so we do need that in dib scripts16:58
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anteayagoing over the git filter branch documentation it appears the command is to remove what you don't want, so with two fresh clones of config I would run one command to remove everything that will not be the project-config repo and a different command that will be the config repo with everything destined for project-config removed17:15
anteayathen I suppose a comparison is in order to ensure something didn't say in both repos17:15
timrcWe have a need downstream at HP within our deployment of openstack-ci to store secrets in hiera yaml which get written out to files which jobs can then source and use to execute.  We'd like to use eyaml and the hiera-eyaml backend to encrypt these secrets so that they can be stored in-tree rather than in some sort of separate, local repo.  With specific regards to eyaml, it has a nice CLI for adding, removing, and updating17:17
timrc encrypted data.  Another nicety is that encrypted data is encoded in the yaml such that it can be interlaced with unecrypted data.  My questions are: Does upstream mange any secrets in hiera today and if so, would they benefit from this?17:17
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fungitimrc: we do and we (probably) would, yes17:18
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timrcfungi, Cool.  I'll look into proposing the change upstream then.17:20
* mordred is looking at changing how we do that however17:20
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timrcmordred, Oh?17:20
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mordredtimrc: so - we should probably sync up on my crack-addled evil plans17:20
fungitimrc: yeah, consult with mordred and nibalizer since there is work going on to possibly shift our use of hiera17:21
mordredtimrc: where does the thing to decrypt the encrypted things go?17:21
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mordredtimrc: I'm assuming there is just a private key on the puppetmaster somewhere?17:21
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timrcmordred, Yep17:22
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fungiyeah, the benefit i see to it is that it would allow us to directly back up our hiera file(s) while only excluding the decryption key17:22
fungias opposed to backing up everything except our hiera files17:23
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mordredit looks nice17:23
fungibut as always when you encrypt credentials, it's turtles all the way down17:23
clarkbright we would continue to make tis a private repo17:23
clarkbI am always uncomfortable pushing that data because once you derp its over17:23
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clarkband I am only human17:24
mordredI'm not sure this gets us any security wins17:24
fungiwell, once you derp you get to reset all the things17:24
funginot entirely game over17:24
fungijust a month of your life you won't get back17:24
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fungiplus risk of racing against potential attackers17:25
mordredtimrc: so - tl;dr on the evil plan is to move from ansible -> puppet agent to ansible -> puppet apply17:25
timrcI think this adds convenience but is at the expense of security? Not sure... if someone pushes a review with an unencrypted secret surely that'll be caught?17:25
mordredtimrc: which means we'd move from hiera managing the secrets through puppetmaster to ansible reading the secrets and passing them as parameters to the puppet apply call17:25
nibalizerya my feeling is that eyaml hiera is kinda stupid17:26
clarkbtimrc: once you push its too late17:26
nibalizerit doesnt get you anything17:26
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clarkbtimrc: so I think the tool is useful but not because you can push into a "public" repo17:26
clarkbat least for us the use is from simpler backup story17:27
clarkbmordred: I am running the devstack dib stuff now with slightly modified local scripts to do things like install zuul which is new17:27
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clarkbmordred: we'll see how this goes17:27
timrcSo, the scenarios are: 1) You add a new secret but forget to encrypt it; and 2) You push a review where someone was one encrypted, but is no longer encrypted.  I think 1) is pretty easy to recover since the secret is not yet in place.  You can simply generate a new one and push a new review right?  The 2) one is where the concern is?17:27
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mordredclarkb: ++ to backup story17:27
clarkbtimrc: that is a bad assumption17:27
clarkbtimrc: often you have to spin up a resource with a secret then add it to hiera17:28
clarkbso the time between pushing and generating a new one for review you are exposed17:28
timrcclarkb, Aye.  That's a solid point.17:28
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mordredalso - we wouldn't be able to encrypt/decrypt on our laptops since the key would only be on the puppetmaster17:28
mordredso pushing/pulling would be strange, due to user accounts17:28
timrcYou'd be able to encrypt if you had the public key17:29
timrcwhich you'd probably want17:29
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clarkbI had forgotten how cold a cold dib cache made this process :)17:29
mordrednod. in any case- I think the backup usecase is useful for us - however I'd need to figure out how to call eyaml from ansible for the ansible->puppet apply stuff17:30
timrcBut I get the point that the risk of accidentally exposing a secret outweighs the convenience17:30
mordredclarkb: I hit that just the other day too17:30
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nibalizermordred: there is a gpg one where you can add multiple -r's so laptops could decrypt17:30
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clarkbmordred: can we just cache the entire internets on our laptops and take it with us everywhere?17:30
mordredyeah - I don't think that's actualy a thing we'd want17:30
mordredclarkb: yse17:30
nibalizerclarkb: make an issue against gertty for that17:31
mordredtimrc: the only way to get the eyaml command is by installing hiera-eyaml - am I reading that right?17:31
mordredlike, there's not a standalone eyaml that hiera just uses?17:31
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timrcOur backup story at HP is this: backup to tape, dig through e-mail for process asking for a restore, pray17:31
mordredtimrc: that sounds like a solid story!17:32
timrcmordred, AFAICT you need to install hiera-eyaml to get the eyaml cli17:32
clarkbspeaking of. I was thinking that if/when we rebuild all our nodes as trusty we should rebuild via backup only17:32
clarkbexercise the backups!17:32
clarkbits probably going to be slower that way but not a terrible practice?17:33
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fungialso, from the "you get a cli to edit entries" standpoint, jeblair's already hacked one together which does admirably for that use case17:34
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timrcOur typical usecase at HP is to use long-lived privileged slaves to write secrets to and source and consume from blessed jobs.  So backup (beyond tape) is something that's important as well as having a nice API for adding, removing, and updating encrypted information since we have security policies which will make life really annoying if doing those things is not easy.17:36
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jeblairhi. i'm not currently useful due to dilated eyes.  i'll check back in a few hours.17:37
anteayatake care of your eyes17:38
anteayamy first attempt at playing with git filter branch:
timrcs/usecase/process/, rather.  Usecases so far range from accessing databases to deploying apps into other environments17:39
anteayaI am failing and don't yet know why17:39
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clarkbanteaya: is that the correct path to the file?17:40
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anteayaclarkb: yes I did a ls and the file is in the root dir17:41
fungijeblair: gotta stop with the ludes. they'll only lead to trouble17:41
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anteayaclarkb: the ls is in the paste17:42
clarkbanteaya: oh you know what it is, that file doesnt exist in the first revision17:42
anteayaI don't know what that means17:43
clarkbanteaya: so you may need to have an `|| true` at the end of your command17:43
anteayaI will do so17:43
anteayaif this works then I will ask why17:43
clarkbanteaya: if you checkout 5d85125bf7739a38c788256ccfba7877b46d2132 which it says it is rewriting and do an ls that file doesn't exist17:43
clarkbbecause that commit is the first commit17:43
anteayanope, I have appended to the paste so refreshing should show my attempt17:44
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clarkbanteaya: I don't see anything new on the paste17:45
anteayanope appending to the paste gives different urls:
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openstackgerritmark mcclain proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: fix type in git-root example config
clarkbanteaya: the || true goes with the rm command17:45
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fungianteaya: yeah, lodgeit is unlike pastebin in that regard17:46
clarkbanteaya: we are telling git that it should try to delete that file or move on to the next revision with the || true17:46
fungior maybe i'm thinking of gist17:46
anteayaha ha ha17:47
anteayamuch output now17:47
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anteayait is scrolling through each and every sha telling me it can't perform the command on it17:47
anteayawe have a ways to go17:47
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anteayaokay after I figure out what I am doing we are going to have to figure out how to optimize for speed17:48
anteayait still has finished17:48
anteayaone file17:48
anteayathis will take days to filter branch for project-config17:48
anteayas/has finished/hasn't finished17:49
anteayaI might take a walk17:49
anteayayeah, still going, going to take a walk17:49
anteayanext time I run a filter branch command I am doing to time it17:50
sdaguewhere should I record wish list behavior for storyboard based on things that actually trip me up in lp?17:50
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clarkbsdague: in storybaord itself against storyboard17:51
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anteayacan git filter branch be parallelized I wonder?17:53
anteayastill going17:53
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fungisdague: my new favorite is every morning, the first new bug i try to pull up spins for a couple minutes and eventually returns an lp error asking me to try again in a few minutes17:59
clarkbanteaya: I don't think so17:59
clarkbanteaya: because it has to evaluate each commit serially17:59
sdaguefungi: that's new to me17:59
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fungisdague: maybe i'm just special^Wlucky18:00
sdaguemostly I'm trying to figure out better tooling for dealing with triage. Checking the state of inprogress bugs is sort of .... "fun"18:00
sdaguebecause I'd like to be able to use the last updated field in lp to sort on18:00
sdaguebut that doesn't reflect the state of current patch activity18:00
fungisdague: yeah, i like how you've been johnny-on-the-wontfix with nova. it's refreshing18:01
clarkbapparently if you try to `git fetch /some/local/path/ sha1` in a git repo that fails18:02
clarkbbut if you change sha1 to a branch name it works18:02
clarkbyay git18:02
sdaguefungi: thanks :)18:02
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clarkbsdague is like a logger in a forest of nova bugs18:04
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clarkbsome bugs you just have to leave behind18:04
fungiclarkb: tried using file:// instead of a direct path?18:05
clarkbfungi: not yet18:05
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fungiclarkb: their behavior is fairly divergent18:05
clarkbfungi: I am more interested in getting a dib image at the moment but will try to swing around and test that18:05
clarkbI finally have dib actually doing things rather than just failing to cache a git sha18:05
sdaguehey, we're almost below 1000 open bugs - :)18:06
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fungisdague: that's... pretty awesome actually18:07
clarkbsdague: are you triaging + fixing or just trying to traige all the things?18:07
clarkbthere is a significant change in that graph though that is awesome18:07
kim_Can someone send me a example of how to post logs to the artifacts?18:07
fungifor a vast majority "fixing" is telling the bug reporter to pack sand18:08
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clarkbkim_: can you be a little more specific. Is this a jenkins job run by zuul that you want to have copy additional files to the log server?18:08
sdagueclarkb: so this morning was the purge of all the really old incomplete bugs18:08
sdagueI've been throwing up fixes for stuff where the fix is < 30 minutes of work18:09
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sdagueI did actually read all the incomplete bugs that were waiting on create responses18:09
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sdagueand marked most of them as invalid, as they had clearly lost interest in the bug, and there wasn't enough there usually to move forward18:10
kim_clarkb: I mean the job that run by the JJB and copy the logs to the artifact18:11
kim_clarkb: I am  looking for exampl of the copy command18:11
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clarkbkim_: includes an example of using jenkins artifact archiver18:12
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clarkbwe don't use that publisher though. all of our publishing currently happens via the scp publisher18:13
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kim_clarkb: I am using a script that copy the *.txt.gz with scp I think that we do the same..but i have a problem18:15
clarkbkim_: what is the problem?18:15
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kim_clarkb: My  *.txt.gz  copy to the server as an application type instead of plain/text18:18
kim_clarkb: You can see this by the chrome inspector18:18
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clarkbkim_: I think that is correct. tarballs are not plain/text18:18
kim_clarkb: In all of the other CI I see plain/text18:18
clarkber gnuzip files are not plain/text18:18
kim_clarkb: CAn you send me a url to your CI logs?18:19
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clarkbkim_: the trick for getting those gz files as text on the client side is to have your web server properly serve them as being gnu zip encoded18:21
clarkbkim_: when you do that your browsers and other tools can decompress them and see the original file18:21
kim_clarkb: console.html.gz /56/119456/5/check/check-tempest-dsvm-full/e5ce6df GET 200 OK text/html18:21
kim_clarkb: The problem is with my scp I take *.txt.gz from another CI that as the the: text/html I copy it with my scp and I got application instead of text/html18:22
kim_clarkb: Can you send me the line that copy your files?18:22
clarkbkim_: that is correct because it isn't html or text it is zipped. I think you need to be looking at your web server and not the file copying18:23
clarkbkim_: we use those publishers to copy our logs18:23
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kim_clarkb: I do not use the publisher...I use a script18:27
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add crm114 logstash queries to uncategorized page
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clarkbmordred: ianw yolanda ok I think I have working up to date dib stuff. Going to push as soon as I clean it up18:32
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fungisdague: bug 1368773 is all yours now ;)18:33
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1368773 in nova "nova.api.openstack.compute.pluginlibvir:  error : internal error could not initialize domain event timer" [Undecided,New]
* fungi is a master of passing the buck18:33
sdaguefungi: good stuff18:34
fungisdague: wontfix as you see fit18:34
sdaguestraight to incomplete ... because I'm pretty sure it's the multiprocess issue, but I can't tell with only that snippet18:34
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fungii just didn't want to steal your joy18:35
clarkbsdague: is the mutliprocess thing te issue affecting unittests?18:35
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sdagueclarkb: yep18:36
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sdaguefungi: we talked about exposing the rebase button on projects, and I think you said it was manual.18:45
sdagueany chance we could try that with the nova project so that nova-core had the rebase button?18:45
fungisdague: sure, i'll propose the patch. just a sec18:46
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sdaguefungi: thanks18:46
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Allow nova-core to rebase nova changes
fungisdague: ^18:50
sdaguefungi: great, thanks!18:51
fungideceptively simple18:51
fungii tested adding it through the acl editor in the webui to make sure the syntax was correct18:52
openstackgerritAaron Rosen proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add nova-docker to tracked project list
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sdaguefungi: appreciated18:56
sdaguewho all do we need sign off from to get that landed? or just normal infra review18:56
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fungisdague: in my opinion a nova core +1 from you is fine plus normal infra review. a +1 from mikal won't hurt though18:57
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fungibut really, it's adding a button for something any contributor (project core or otherwise) can already do on their own18:58
fungiso it doesn't seem that risky, modulo bugs in the rebase in jgit potentially being overlooked in subsequent review18:58
fungibut i've also seen my share of cgit rebases gone wrong (which still seem to be a trivial rebase to gerrit) that i'm not sure jgit is necessarily any worse at it18:59
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sdagueyeh, it's just nice to try to flush things some times19:00
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sdagueand figure out if there is a rebase that will work19:00
fungiso my only concern with adding it for all registered users is that it could serve as an attractive nuisance19:00
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lifelessfungi: actually semver says that dev10 can't be compared to alphas19:01
clarkbfungi: using file:// seems to work so I am incorporating that into the change19:01
lifelessdhellmann: you here too, we discussing here or in oslo ?19:01
clarkbits takes dib about 15 minutes to build a devstack trusty image with a warm cache19:01
clarkbwill push up the dib changes after I eat lunch19:02
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lifelessactually C just woke, I'll have to come back to this19:03
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anteayawell less than an hour and 20 minutes19:06
anteayaI am hoping that if I give it a list of files to delete it will delete all the files as it evaluates each sha19:06
anteayaso I hope that the time to filter branch does expand the more I ask it to delete19:07
anteayawill try again and time it this round19:07
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marunfungi: I've narrowed the scope of the issue that is breaking the neutron functional job.19:12
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marunfungi: Devstack uses setup_develop and symlinks the /opt/stack/neutron path and hardcodes the package version in the rootwrap script19:13
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marunThen the functional job invocation of tox packages /opt/stack/neutron and updates the package version in /opt/stack/neutron/neutron.egg-info/PKG-INFO19:14
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marunThis results in the hard-coded version in the rootwrap script differing from the version that python sees neutron as having.19:15
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marunThe annoying thing is that after tox runs, it breaks the rootwrap script from then on - not just for tox invocations.19:16
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marunsdague: ^^]19:16
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sdagueso this is because of the namespace issue?19:17
marunsdague: namespace?19:17
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marunsdague: I may not be familiar with that issue19:18
sdagueso we pip install -e most of /opt/stack19:18
sdagueexcept the libs19:18
sdaguewhich we system level install, largely because pip install -e doesn't work with oslo.* correctly19:19
marunah, right19:19
marunNo, I think this is a different issue.19:19
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marun'pip install -e' can install scripts that hardcode the package version but link to the package directory such that any change to the package version changes the scripts19:20
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sdaguethat's mostly stevedore?19:21
marunand tox updates the package version when it builds for deploying into venv19:21
sdagueis your tox using system packages?19:22
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lifelessthis might be related to
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1370608 in pbr "pbr mishandling alpha tags" [Critical,Triaged]19:22
marunsdague: tox is not using system packages, no19:23
marunsdague: maybe being more specific will help.19:23
sdaguemarun: so... isn't that fundamentally an issue for interacting with system level components?19:23
marunsdague: actually, yes.19:24
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marunsdague: the problem is neutron being installed system-wide in editable mode and the system-wide scripts hard-coding the package version19:24
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marunsdague: I'm wondering if I shouldn't add explicit support for the rootwrap script as deployed in the tox env19:25
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sdaguemarun: there is a tox.ini flag that will use system packages19:25
marunsdague: I still think it's a good idea to use the rootwrap, since I expect the functional tests to eventually provide more coverage than tempest.19:25
marunsdague: that sounds promising19:26
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add support for disk-image-builder in nodepool
anteayaha took 8 minutes, guess I am just impatient19:26
sdagueI don't remember what it is19:26
fungilifeless: yeah, dhellmann opened that bug as a result of our earlier investigation of the logs from that job19:26
clarkbfungi: mordred jeblair ianw yolanda ^ 88479 should be ready for review now19:26
marunsdague: that would presumably avoid the problem of tox changing the package version19:26
sdagueit used to be set in nova's to deal with libvirt19:26
clarkbonce we get that in we should be able to switch to dib images for our devstack nodes19:26
sdaguemarun: yeh, because you'd get the version that was already there19:26
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marunsdague: I'll test that out...19:27
fungilifeless: basically, we discovered that the neutron functional job was downgrading from git-installed oslo.rootwrap to the most recent alpha release because the dev version pip saw installed was assumed to be too old19:27
sdaguemarun: yep, that's it19:28
arosen1sorry to bug you guys but is anyone hitting this devstack error ?
fungilifeless: presumably because of pbr's new version comparison algorithm19:28
lifelessfungi: when did this start? because the comparison thing has been there for a month or more19:28
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fungilifeless: not sure--it was spotted while investigating an issue with the job which turned out to be probably unrelated, but means that we've likely been testing with older versions of some of our libs than we thought19:29
fungilifeless: possibly for as long as those updates when into pbr19:30
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fungilifeless: the "test with branch tip of libs" logic in devstack assumes that an open-ended version spec in the requirements file will result in pip seeing the branch tip version as newer than whatever got requested19:31
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fungiand therefore satisfying the request19:31
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fungibut using prerelease version requirements for the same version development is working toward breaks that assumption if dev versions can't be compared to actual versions19:32
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arosen1figured it out. Looks like if you're already run there is stuff in /etc/glance that was causing a conflict. So you gotta rm -fr /etc/glance then run stack.sh19:37
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arosen1I think we should probably do that anyways in devstack on stack to ensure we are in a clean state.19:37
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clarkbarosen1: or maybe have it deal with things existing there previously and either overwrite or accept current contents?19:38
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lifelessfungi: right - see the spec does discuss the needs of CD; perhaps we should be following that path ourselves19:39
arosen1clarkb:  i think it's cleaner to just rm -fr /etc/{project} before we go to configure it.19:39
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Creates a new repo, project-config
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lifelessfungi: or perhaps we need to revisit the nested choice - get further from and consider pre-release versions releases.19:39
lifelessfungi: alternatively, rather than using >= as a construct, we could use > $last_full_release19:40
lifelesswhich I'm now going to guess will run into the pip thing where you have to explicitly opt into alphas19:41
mordredlifeless: yup19:41
mordred(I'm going to guess that too)19:41
lifelessbut we could do that19:41
lifelessand since we /really/ shouldn't release wit a dep on an alpha package19:41
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mordredlifeless: but we have deps on alpha packages during dev all the time19:42
lifelessmordred: sure, I think thats fine19:42
lifelessmordred: I don't think releasing with a dep on a non-released version is ok though.19:42
mordredlifeless: I agree19:43
mordredlifeless: I may not fully understand what "we could do that" was in reference to19:43
lifelessso the big question here is do we need to rework the spec19:43
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-specs: Add spec for creating a test metric database
marunsdague: sitepackages=True fixes the problem.19:47
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openstackgerritCraig Bryant proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add python and pypi jobs for monasca-persister
sdaguemarun: haza!19:47
marunsdague: good call :)19:47
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* fungi thinks this all comes back to "release early and often"19:49
* fungi notes that esr did not say "pre-release" there19:50
lifelessfungi: that would fix the issue too :)19:50
mtreinishanteaya: ^^^ hopefully the last round of my lazy writing fixes... :)19:50
anteayamtreinish: that spec was proving entertaining to review19:50
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anteayawill be sad to see it end19:51
anteayamtreinish: oh the semi-colon19:52
clarkbfungi: looks like pypy jobs are failing due to not being registered19:52
anteayamtreinish: getting brave there19:52
clarkbfungi: I am looking into it19:52
lifelessyou know, a test that we honour tags is a good idea. We didn't have one :)19:52
anteayamtreinish: not going to minus -1 on the semi-colon but actually that is call for a comma there19:52
clarkbfungi: I know why, patch incoming19:52
mtreinishanteaya: heh, I flew too close to the sun...19:53
anteayamtreinish: semi-colons are two complete phrases; they can stand on their own19:53
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anteayamtreinish: you wild man you19:53
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anteayamtreinish: if you were to get rid of teh so after the semi-colon it would work19:54
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix the pypy job node specification.
clarkbfungi: ^ we should probably fast approve that19:54
anteaya"needed; mysql-proxy will be used"19:54
mtreinishanteaya: ok, I'll respin it right now while I still have it open19:54
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-specs: Add spec for creating a test metric database
mtreinishanteaya: ^^^19:55
* anteaya clicks19:55
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anteayasuch a wonderful example of how to use a semi-colon19:56
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fungiclarkb: gah, yep. approved19:56
anteayamtreinish: +119:56
clarkbfungi: note we will need to make the same change with py33 when that happens19:56
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Honour validly tagged versions.
lifelessdhellmann: mordred: fungi: ^19:57
lifelessnow we just need to sort out the upgrade question19:57
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mordredlifeless: oops19:58
fungiclarkb: yeah, will be sure to do19:58
lifelessmordred: I blame the reviewers19:59
fungilifeless: i probably reviewed the previous patch, so feel free to blame me ;)19:59
mtreinishanteaya: I wonder if clarkb will notice the not so subtle hint in that spec :)19:59
openstackgerritmark mcclain proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: fix typo in git-root example config
lifelessfungi: :P19:59
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clarkbmtreinish: does it say something like clarkb is the implementor? :)20:01
clarkbmtreinish: fwiw I have been trying to focus on the priorities we have set recently whcih is why I haven't gotten around to that stuff20:01
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mtreinishclarkb: heh, yeah it does. :) There's no rush, I've got plenty of things that are higher prio too which is why I haven't spun on it much lately either.20:02
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anteayaclarkb: you mind reader you20:03
anteayafun to pick apart your grammar though, you are entertaining20:03
anteayathat last was for you mtreinish20:03
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mtreinishanteaya: I tried to have fun with it20:05
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anteayamtreinish: you succeeded20:07
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marunfungi: here is the fix for the neutron functional job:
marunfungi: Given that the job fails 100% now, bumping it up in the queue when a reset happens would probably be a good idea.20:09
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fungimarun: well, it needs a neutron core to approve it first20:23
marunfungi: I guess we're waiting on the check jobs :/20:24
fungiunless you want me to masquerade as one, which seems like not a great idea ;)20:24
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anteayaI am at a loss for why these jenkins jobs are failing on the patch to remove redundant jobs after project-config is created:
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anteayathe patch has a dependency and the jenkins jobs are defined in the parent20:25
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marunfungi: It would be really great if we could trigger single jobs for a given change.20:28
marunfungi: The change in question doesn't need to run 20+ jobs including tempest.  It only needs to run the functional job.20:28
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lifelessok, I need to pop out to a dr appt20:30
lifelessfungi: / dhellmann / mordred - perhaps we should take this to email or arrange a time to discuss?20:30
fungianteaya: your change is out of date, based on an old state of that file. compare to
anteayafungi: boo20:31
anteayagit reivew -d and rebase?20:31
fungimarun: there's nothing stopping a core reviewer from looking at the jobs which have already run for it in the zuul status page and making a decision that it's okay to approve20:31
marunfungi: I know, it just seems wasteful to run so many jobs20:32
marunfungi: As we get more and more functional jobs I hope we can trim the list of integrated jobs to the point where merges don't take so much resources.20:32
fungimarun: yes, but jobs run on computers. the artificial intelligence needed to identify which jobs don't need running depends on humans to write it. we have more of one thing than the other ;)20:32
openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add settings.xml parameter to Jenkins slave class
marunfungi: but if we can do validation against specific dependencies (e.g. mysql and postgres) in functional jobs all on the same machine, we no longer need to do full tempest runs against every combination of dependencies20:33
marunbut I recognize that's going to be a while yet.20:34
fungimarun: i believe that is one of the goals sdague and others have set forth for scaling back integration testing20:34
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Migration CLI framework
marunfungi: ready for fast-track:
fungi(though where postgres testing is concerned, if nobody steps forward to work on it we're likely to drop it from the integration testing matrix altogether)20:35
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marunfungi: I don't think anybody should cry over that20:36
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marunfungi: we can validate pg interaction better in functional-land anyway20:36
marunfungi: no need for it to be multi-service20:36
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craigbrI've got one +2 for Could I please get one more? We've got code ready to add20:40
adam_gjeblair, so yesterdays reconfig of the ironic jobs through without a hitch, should be good now20:41
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Removes redundant jobs from config gate and check
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Creates a new repo, project-config
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funginodepool doesn't seem to be adding new nodes20:45
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fungioh, maybe due to gate resets and there's just lag20:46
anteayain my benchmarking so far 8:47 to go through config to delete one file, 9:37 to delete two20:46
dhellmannlifeless: sorry, was afk, email may work best20:46
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fungithe waiting jobs list was near zero recently, so i guess it's fine20:46
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fungiyeah, i caught it between a substantial lull in demand and the graph updating to reflect a gate reset20:52
anteayajeblair: for the project-config split I do need to preserve some things in the root directory do I not? tox, test-requirements, and .cfg .gitignore .gitreview20:52
anteayado I not?20:52
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anteayaI'll practice getting rid of doc/ launch/ and manifests/20:53
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openstackgerritpatrick-crews proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Make function for logstash query encoding
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix the pypy job node specification.
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SlickNikclarkb / fungi: Can I get one of you to take a look at when you get a chance? Thanks!20:55
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anteayafungi: should it be the nova-milestone group with rebase permissions on the proposed branch, rather than nova-core?20:56
fungianteaya: why?20:56
anteayasince it is nova-milestone that has the rest of the permissions on proposed20:56
fungioh... maybe20:56
fungiyeah, i guess that would make sense... editing20:57
sdaguerebase shouldn't matter though, right?20:57
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anteayaI don't know20:57
sdagueI think we've decided that this is mostly a convenience function20:57
anteayawhat do the milestone group think?20:57
sdagueand they can do it anyway20:57
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anteayaif the milestone group is fine with core rebasing that is fine20:57
anteayawas just looking for consistentcy20:57
fungithe change is likely fine as-is, just thinking more about how i could magically roll it out to all acls if it works out20:57
fungiwe have no direct mapping of core->release groups for various projects20:58
anteayasome milestone groups may care20:58
anteayaI don't know20:58
fungiwhereas duplicating whichever groups have approval rights on a specific ref pattern is easy20:58
anteayahaving them tell me how they feel would help me know20:58
anteayaand if milestone needs more folks add them to milestone20:59
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Add to git config in tests
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: DO NOT MERGE: proposed alpha/dev handling
dhellmannmordred, fungi: ^^21:14
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melwittdhellmann: the patch you just put up solves the problem I was having running pbr unit tests (I posted comments to bug 1296200 about it)21:17
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1296200 in pbr "Unit tests are failing in Sid" [Undecided,Incomplete]
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melwittdhellmann: that patch that is21:17
jeblairanteaya: i think you can get rid of most of that stuff.  we'll want a .gitreview file, but we can add that back in later.21:17
dhellmannmelwitt: oh, good, I'll update my patch to refer to that bug #21:18
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* jeblair can see a little better but still has anime eyes21:18
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Add to git config in tests
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anteayajeblair: very good21:24
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anteayajeblair: I want photos of your anime eyes21:24
jeblairanteaya: so did the doctor :)21:25
anteayaha ha ha21:25
anteayawill (s)he share on imgur?21:25
jeblairi hope not21:25
anteayano kidding21:25
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anteayaI always like the orange dye they put in first21:26
anteayaI love that blue light21:26
anteayathe only part I look forward to with eye injury21:26
anteayathen stumbling around with patches on for 24 hours, always fun21:27
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anteaya7605 commits in config if anyone is keeping score21:29
jeblairwhat do we win?  .... a new repo to hold them all in!21:29
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nibalizersplit out all the things!21:31
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sdaguelifeless: do you know if there is an event stream out of lp ?21:34
dhellmannI'm sure I've seen this before, but I can't remember. What does "NOT_REGISTERED" mean as a test job outcome?
sdaguethe atom feed is ... not very useful21:34
jeblairsdague: i believe soren uses email for uvirtbot21:34
sdaguejeblair: that makes me sad21:34
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jeblairdhellmann: it means that the job doesn't exist in jenkins, for one of several potential reasons21:36
jeblairdhellmann: do you know if the change to add that job merged recently?21:36
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dhellmannjeblair: I don't know, let me look at the commit logs21:36
openstackgerritAndrew Lazarev proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Bump sahara client to 0.7.3
jeblairdhellmann: that's the easiest explanation, and the solution is wait a bit and try again21:37
dhellmannjeblair: there's a commit from clarkb about "fix the pypy job node specification" but it's not directly related to that instance of that job21:38
openstackgerritAndrew Lazarev proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Bump sahara client to 0.7.3
fungidhellmann: if it's for a pypy job, we had a brief window where i missed that the job still declared a different node type than we switched it to with zuul's parameter function. it's resolved now21:38
dhellmannjeblair: and another one about running pypy jobs on trusty21:38
openstackgerritAndrew Lazarev proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Bump sahara client to 0.7.3
dhellmannfungi: ok, yeah, that's the one -- I'll recheck21:38
fungidhellmann: pypy jobs have run and succeeded on the correct (new) nodes since so you should be all set21:39
anteayaohhh I never thought of us winning anything at all, except more work21:39
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dhellmannfungi: cool, thanks21:39
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fungianteaya: it's not work, it's fun21:40
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homelesshi guys, can anyone look at this in a chance please?
anteayafun fun fun21:41
anteayawell it appears querants only want help from the men21:41
anteayawhat a relief for me21:41
jeblairanteaya: i don't have a picture of my anime eyes, but i have a screenshot of how large my irc window is:
fungithat's a big twinkie21:44
jeblairthat spans two monitors, and check the type at the top for scale21:44
jeblairit's almost comfortable to read at this point21:44
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anteayajeblair: wow21:46
anteayaha ha ha21:47
anteayasee you should just be resting21:47
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anteayadim light and a nap21:47
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krotscheckI’ll join you21:48
anteayaI may have met the monstor neighbours who think it is okay to destroy my life for 10 months and then charm me, while walking on the road - she looks like an abused person to me21:48
anteayaif I find out it is them I am going to offer to help her leave her husband if she is ever tired of being dismissed and told her needs don't matter21:49
anteayakrotscheck: so after your nap21:50
anteayakrotscheck: a few storyboard questions21:50
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* krotscheck is not actually taking a nap21:50
krotscheckWhat’s up?21:50
anteayaokay so add a task, I push a button, get a drop down form21:50
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anteayawhat do I do if I change my mind and don't want to add a task?21:50
krotscheckanteaya: Click the add task button again.21:51
krotscheckthat toggled last time I tried it.21:51
krotscheck(To a little minus sign)21:51
* krotscheck goes to investigate21:51
anteayait works21:51
anteayabut I see a consistent + sign when toggling21:51
krotscheckYeah, but it’s supposed to switch from “+ Add Task” to “- Add Task"21:52
anteayaah ha21:52
anteayanext question21:52
anteayaso I sign in, and want to search for story 16721:53
anteayaI put 167 in the search text box21:53
anteayagot no results21:53
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clarkbjeblair: would it help if we all YELLED?21:56
anteayaha ha ha21:56
krotscheckanteaya: Searching by number is not a thing, but perhaps it should be?21:56
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anteayaI would like it to be21:56
anteayasince that is my only reference in a commit message21:56
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anteayaStory: 16721:57
krotscheckI find this funny21:57
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anteayacopy 167 paste in text box is what I would like my workflow to be21:57
krotscheckNot because your use case is invalid, it’s totally valid.21:57
anteayauntil it links automatically21:57
* anteaya feels validated21:57
krotscheckBut because right at the beginning there were a bunch of people arguing that ‘oh I just modify the launchpad url'21:57
anteayawell know we know21:57
mikalanteaya: so... the TC hasn't merged the extra-atc patches, which I think the window is going to close before they land?21:57
krotscheckSo the use case back then was “Just type it into the URL bar and you’ll be fine"21:57
anteayamikal: we have a week and a half21:58
krotscheckAnd now that there’s a quicknav, people’s behaviors are changing :)21:58
anteayamikal: they need to merge prior to Sept. 2621:58
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anteayamikal: so we can chew about it at next week's tc21:58
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clarkbkrotscheck: speaking of quicknav is there a how to or help text for it? I find myself experimenting trying to find things that work and a listing would be helpful21:58
anteayamkerrin: ttx mostly wanted the integrated/incubated questions answered, since that affects the ptl nominations which opens Friday21:59
anteayamikal: ^21:59
anteayasorry mkerrin21:59
mikalanteaya: ok, that's the last meeting of this TC iteration, so we might have to be... forceful21:59
krotscheckclarkb: Are you asking quicknav or taggy search?21:59
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anteayamikal: let's be forceful21:59
anteayamikal: and I have an email to the tc, which is held until ttx wakes up21:59
clarkbkrotscheck: the thing I type text into. taggy search? iirc quick nav is similar21:59
fungimikal: you're kind of a big thing in openstack. you don't need to be forceful, right? ;)21:59
clarkbkrotscheck: so possibly both21:59
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krotscheckclarkb: So, quicknav is just a LIKE text search. It assumes you can type and know where you want to go.22:00
mikalfungi: lol22:00
mikalfungi: I'm the office whipping boy22:00
anteayabut bascially I am so relieved, since bascially states we don't have to check the foundation db for gerrit commiters22:00
krotscheckclarkb: The taggy search has a whole bunch of different search dimensions which definitely need a help icon.22:00
clarkbkrotscheck: does it not accept tags at all? I think what I am looking for is tag info22:00
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clarkbbceause I did eg project:storyboard and that got me nowwhere22:00
anteayamikal: but I still appreciate foundation membership status being checked for extra-atcs22:00
fungimikal: you shouldn't let mattoliverau and jhesketh beat you up like that22:00
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mikalfungi: heh22:01
krotscheckclarkb: Ok, so the quicknav is the one in the top right of the header bar. If you start typeing into that, it’ll try to figure out where you want to go and let you arrow-pick the option. If you do that, it’ll take you directly there.22:01
mikalfungi: my plan is to reorg those guys into a dungeon and then move on22:01
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clarkbmikal: careful I think they spy on you here22:02
fungiahh, "the rackspace way!"22:02
krotscheckclarkb: If you don’t arrow-pick something, (i.e. the search icon remains highlighted) It’ll take you to the search interface with a fuzzy text search instead.22:02
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mikalclarkb: nah, they don't read scrollback22:02
clarkbkrotscheck: I see22:02
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krotscheckIn completely unrelated news, I’m using the migration CLI script to pre-seed my local database with all kinds of awesome and UI-breaking data :)22:03
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clarkbkrotscheck: sounds like fun22:04
clarkbkrotscheck: is this in prep for migration?22:04
krotscheckclarkb: Naah, just a “Hey when you start putting lots of things in the UI it falls down” useful tool thing.22:04
krotscheckclarkb: Speaking of migration,
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anteayakrotscheck: just so you know, if there are multiple places to put 167, I'm going to pick the one topmost to the right22:06
anteayakrotscheck: since that matches where I enter queries in gerrit22:07
krotscheckanteaya: As I would expect you to do :)22:07
* anteaya feels validated again22:07
* anteaya schedules more chats with krotscheck22:07
krotscheckanteaya: Really we’re just going to add the ID to the story like search22:07
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Switch sample sqlalchemy url to use mysql
clarkbdoes work for everyone? want to make sure that is visible before I write and send mail to the list linking to it22:07
nibalizerclarkb: wfm22:08
jeblairclarkb: why are you breaking down timing by provider?22:08
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Added visual indicator for add task form
anteayaclarkb: by works, you mean do to see images at this url, if yes, yes I do22:09
clarkbanteaya: yup22:09
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fungiyeah, i think average across all providers (or across runs) with the two jobs on one graph would make the point a little better22:09
clarkbjeblair: that is what sdague's script doe22:09
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clarkbjeblair: but its important as it seems to show that hpcloud is much worse when it comes to making postgres slow with may be importlant22:10
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clarkbyou guys are going to make me hack the script :P22:10
jeblairclarkb: i'm not sure what the point of this is, but i don't think we should be in the business of publishing inter cloud benchmarks22:10
clarkbjeblair: that isn't the point. the point is postgres job is ridiculously slow22:10
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fungithat seems more like something we should take up with hpcloud than with our developer community22:10
clarkband since we are in a stabilization period maybe someone should look at that22:10
jeblairclarkb: that's what i got out of the graph.22:10
* mikal school runs22:10
clarkbfungi: well its consistently slow regardless of provider22:11
jeblairclarkb: the way to show that is one graph with two lines22:11
clarkbjeblair: ok22:11
* clarkb goes to hack script22:11
jeblairclarkb: or possibly even just two numbers22:11
jeblair(it's a graph over time, but time is meaningless here)22:12
fungithat's a good point. the change over time is fairly irrelevant to your point as well22:12
jeblair(so the actual information is one-dimensional)22:12
fungiyeah, that22:12
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clarkbwell it does help to visualize the variance seeing it graphed per job. I know thinking in stddev is hard for me22:15
clarkbbut I can hack up the script to spit out times and deviation instead22:15
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fungimean time to completion is probably even sufficient in this case22:16
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fungiwith a sufficiently large sample the deviation ought not be terribly significant22:17
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clarkbfungi: I dunno but looking at that graph I think it is significant22:17
clarkbdeviation of up to 10.5 minutes22:17
fungionly if it doesn't balance itself out22:18
fungibut sure, discarding outliers will probably be marginally helpful22:18
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* mattoliverau plans a way to get back at mikal22:19
mattoliveraumorning btw22:20
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anteayamorning mattoliverau22:23
anteayamattoliverau: read the backscroll?22:23
mattoliverauanteaya: some, especially the dungeon part from mikal :)22:23
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anteayano, that is my suggestion for getting back at mikal :D22:24
openstackgerritpatrick-crews proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Make function for logstash query encoding
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lifelesssdague: other than email, and some fairly narrow stuff related to code branches, there isn't. There is machinery to do one for things where it is desired22:36
lifelesssdague: but it hasn't been massively capitalised on22:36
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add subunit2sql-db-manage utility
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anteayamorning jhesketh22:45
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harlowjaanyone got a sec to look at a grenade log that i'm unsure what the root cause is?22:58
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harlowja (tempest seemed to pass there, but something still ended up not working out)22:58
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clarkbharlowja: doesn't look like tempest ever ran. The main setup script failed...23:00
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harlowjaclarkb ah, i was looking at the tempest that seems to run in ''23:00
clarkbharlowja: oh yup it did run the first time23:01
clarkbharlowja: I think that is why it failed23:01
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harlowjaok, that was my suspicion also23:01
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harlowjaalthough not much in of much use23:02
clarkbharlowja: I think it means greande told that service to die and it didn't23:03
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clarkband since it didn't die and restart it was not upgrade23:03
harlowjabad service!23:03
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harlowjai wonder if grenade should give the services some set of alloted time to shutdown23:05
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harlowjaand not expect them to immediatly honor that request23:06
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harlowjasince depending on what nova compute is doing it might be busy calling out to something23:06
clarkbjeblair: fungi: is that better?23:06
harlowjaalthough it does appear that nova-compute in that case wasn't actively doing anything so likely shouldn't need any shutdown delay time23:07
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harlowjaguess i'll open a bug for nova, so at least they aware of this oddness23:09
fungiclarkb: lgtm23:10
fungiharlowja: yeah, i think if we make grenade do things above and beyond what we'd expect an operator to have to do in the field when upgrading services, we've failed and running a good upgrade test23:11
fungier, failed at running23:11
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harlowjaclarkb fungi  thx, opened with the details that i could locate23:16
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1370763 in nova "Not responding to grenade 'kill' command" [Undecided,New]23:16
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harlowjaqq, can uvirtbot be added to other channels?23:22
harlowjai like that bug description thing :)23:23
clarkbharlowja: soren runs it and is usually receptive to people asknig it be added to other channels23:23
harlowjaseems like it doesn't respond to invites so likely manual addition then23:23
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harlowjasoren hey, is it possible to get uvirtbot added to #openstack-state-management (or have it respond to being invited?)23:24
harlowjaif it requires a code change to do the 'invite' thing, i'm all for doing it :-P23:24
pleia2you'll want it added to a config anyway so it auto-rejoins after quitting and things23:25
harlowjasure, either way, i'm fine with reinviting it if needed23:26
harlowja*under such circumastances23:26
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Quicknav is now even quicker!
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mikalSo, I've seen a lot of these in the alst few days:23:32
mikalpy26 tests fail before they even run23:32
mikalIs this a known issue?23:32
clarkbmikal: yes it is the multiprocessing issue that sdague and jaypipes were looking at iirc23:33
clarkbmaybe dansmith too?23:33
mikalOk cool23:33
mikalI shall let them do their thing then23:33
clarkbanyone else want to double check the etherpad I linked? otherwise I am throwing this onto the list23:34
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Quicknav is now even quicker!
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krotscheckEverytime I modify that patch, it gets just a little bit quicker!23:34
mordredmikal: quick solution is to just stop caring about py2623:36
mikalWho understands
mikali.e. who can answer my dumb question?23:36
mordredmikal: it's a collection of specs23:36
clarkbmordred: it affects py27 as well23:36
mordredclarkb: should we stop caring about that too?23:36
mikalIs it possible to do 302 redirects on
mikalopenstack probably23:37
clarkbmordred: possibly23:37
mikalCould I have a .htaccess file in my repo or something which does that?23:37
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clarkbmikal: we just publish what the specs poop out23:37
clarkbso in theory if you htaccess it it should work. are you trying to redirect nova specs to some other hosting location?23:37
mikalI want to reorganized things into "implemented", "approved" etc directories23:38
mikalWithout breaking previous URLs23:38
anteayakrotscheck: lol23:38
mordredmikal: you're being fancy23:38
mikalmordred: I'm addressing complaints in the code review23:39
clarkbmikal: gotcha, I would expect that to work if your spec doc build dumps a .htaccess file out that is copied from the doc/build/html dir23:39
clarkbI don't think we have done anything fancy on our hosting side to prevent that. mordred am I wrong?23:40
mikalOk, is there any way I can test that before merging it?23:40
mikalOr just merge and pray?23:40
clarkbmikal: the doc check jobs should upload your files into a similar hosting env for review23:40
clarkbmikal: you can check the redirect there23:40
clarkbjenkins gives you a link to that as the build results23:40
mikalAs in I could write a test for it?23:40
mikalOh, /me looks23:40
clarkbmikal: no, instead of linking to console logs for doc jobs we link to the output of the doc jobs23:41
anteayamikal: just look at the doc build out of the check queue23:41
mikalclarkb: ahhh, only if it passes?23:41
clarkbmikal: correct23:41
mikalclarkb: my _failed_ docs job just gives me a console log23:41
mikalSo step one is to get that docs job to pass23:41
anteayasounds like a good step one23:42
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anteayakevinbenton: do you have a url so that I can also see vArmour responding to recheck?23:44
anteayakevinbenton: too much noise on the ml for things that can be addressed on irc may upset subscribers23:44
kevinbentonanteaya: one sec23:45
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kevinbentonanteaya: this one
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for ssh 'no route to host' bug 1370496
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1370496 in nova "Failed to establish authenticated ssh connection to cirros - error: [Errno 113] No route to host" [High,Incomplete]
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