Thursday, 2014-09-25

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nibalizeri don tthing thats right. I think $config_dir = '/etc/project-config' ; require => Vcsrepo[$config_dir] is right though00:01
fungiit's freeze-time00:01
clarkbnibalizer: that requires yo uto use vcsrepo...00:01
clarkbnibalizer: which isn't good parameterization imo00:01
fungilooks like we have three patches in the gate and one more which could use a last-minute +300:01
nibalizerif jeblair confirms that his way works then all good00:02
jeblairseems to! :)00:02
nibalizerim pretty wiped out from puppetconf at this point00:02
nibalizerokay lets do that then!00:02
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add flame project on StackForge
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jogoclarkb: is the logstash config stuff frozen in the big config repo re-org right now?00:03
clarkbjogo: it should be00:03
clarkbjogo: but all of it may not be because some of it is templatized00:03
clarkbjogo: we should treat it as frozen00:03
fungijogo: clarkb: logstash changes? i think we didn't put any of the logstash configuration up on the block for project-config00:03
fungiat least i skipped the logstash configuration changes because it looked like they weren't involved00:04
jogoclarkb fungi: ask because we are not parsing %{logmessage}00:04
jogoovercloud-controller0_logs/os-collect-config.txt *00:04
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clarkbjogo: %{logmessage} comes from blank lines and lines we don't parse properly00:05
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add puppet-manila to Stackforge
clarkbjogo: so that is the end result of a thing not parsed00:05
fungii was limiting my reviews to changes which touched the files in anteaya's git filter-branch sieve00:05
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jogoclarkb: right. so i was thinking filing a tripleo bug and removing that from logstash for now00:05
jogoafter consulting with tripleo folks first00:05
clarkbjogo: can we do it when we are less frozen? I mostly don't want to inadverdently break things (this is why we are frozen)00:06
stevemari guess i can't issue a tox command in a jenkins job :(00:06
clarkbstevemar: the majority of our jobs issue tox commands. do you have a log to where doing so is breaking?00:06
jogoclarkb: yes we can do this when things are less frozen, that is why I asked00:06
clarkbjogo: ok00:06
anteayafungi: tell me when I can clone00:06
stevemarclarkb, ctrl+f "Permission denied"00:06
stevemarclarkb, this is what I was kicking off:
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch gerrit to project-config
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Doc updates for project-config
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch jenkins to project-config
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch specs to project-config
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch gerritbot to project-config
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch nodepool to project-config
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch accessbot to project-config
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch zuul and zuul-dev to project-config
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move zuul layout into /etc/zuul/layout
jeblairnow with ordering! ^00:08
fungiclarkb: jeblair: did one of you want to hit 122922 with a +3? it's the only remaining one i could find we'd want to squeeze in00:08
fungiother than the one still churning in the gate pipeline00:09
clarkbstevemar: that looks like a simple permissions issue. The user runing tox doesn't have perms to update that dir00:09
openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add experimental zaqar-rally job
jeblairfungi: done00:09
clarkbstevemar: I think you want to run as the stack user00:09
fungigah. boris-42 just uploaded another patchset for that00:09
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boris-42fungi oh=)00:10
boris-42jeblair sorry for delay00:10
mwhudson2014-09-25 00:09:44.934 | Testing ICMP connectivit to mirror.rackspace.com00:10
mwhudson2014-09-25 00:09:44.935 | + ping -c 20 mirror.rackspace.com00:10
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stevemarclarkb, just add an su - stack before that i suppose?00:10
mwhudsonyeah, so about that00:10
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mwhudsonoh well, it's some kind of progress00:10
* mwhudson goes for lunch00:10
fungiboris-42: i had already rebased and approved it for you00:10
stevemarlunch? where the heck is mwhudson working out of?00:11
mwhudsonstevemar: nz00:11
anteayaso we wait or move on and boris-42 can offer to project-config?00:11
boris-42fungi could you re approve it00:11
stevemarmwhudson, that explains that :)00:11
boris-42anteaya what kind of project-config?00:11
anteayastevemar: middle of the pacific00:11
anteayaboris-42: config is frozen00:11
stevemaranteaya, i was gonna say00:11
boris-42anteaya ah00:11
anteayaas of 10 minutes ago00:11
boris-42anteaya oh00:11
stevemartime to head on home00:12
boris-42anteaya okay no worries00:12
boris-42anteaya it won't be blocked forever?)00:12
jeblairanteaya: it was a rebase due to merge conflict of a previously approved patch00:12
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anteayajeblair: so the rebase can go through?00:12
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jeblairwe can probably wait for it to land :)00:12
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* anteaya goes to make tea00:13
jeblairi don't think we will approve any changes we have not alrady approved at this point00:13
jeblairnow we will wait for the ones in the queue to land00:13
fungii assume we don't want to try and cram krotscheck's update to switch from group to groups in review.projects.yaml in, and will let it get reproposed to the new project00:14
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mwhudsonoh, that error wasn't fatal, for whatever reason00:14
jeblairfungi: oh i thought we did want to do that00:14
clarkbI thought I +2'd it too00:14
jeblairi thought that was penultimate, and then the remove jobs change is ultimate00:14
fungijeblair: okay, lets00:15
krotscheckoookie dokie.00:15
jeblairoh, it has a conflict00:15
fungikrotscheck: did you need to update that patch one last time once the config gate goes silent?00:15
krotscheckVery likely, yes.00:15
jeblairthat's probably the best approach00:16
krotscheckLemme go see what happens.00:16
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: UI, automation repos for group based policy project
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fungiyeah, the in-flight change is just a job addition so shouldn't conflict with that file00:16
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fungikrotscheck: but you want to make sure you rebase on top of that one that *just* merged00:17
fungi(since it did hit that file)00:17
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Project may now be assigned to multiple project groups.
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krotscheckfungi: That should do it.00:18
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krotscheckTurns out the conflict was due to a different patch of mine, too.00:18
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add meta option for passing meta-data
clarkbthat nova bug fix is going to merge assuming gerrit doesn't refuse to merge it00:19
ianwclarkb: ^ not sure that is clearer than setting on boot, suggestions welcome :)00:19
jogoclarkb: woot!00:20
ianw(the inconsistent use of meta / metadata is a bit annoying :
jogoclarkb: looking at the log breakdown in the last 48 hours00:20
jogoand only half in the check queue have the screen tag on them00:20
krotscheckEvery time I see the project name ‘mistral’ I’m reminded of a really tasty restaurant here in seattle.00:20
clarkbianw: :/00:20
clarkbianw: but ya I think that is more like it00:21
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clarkbianw: will try to properly review in the morning00:21
anteayamistral does ski equipment or did00:22
fungiokay, i'm +2 on the groups change and +2 on the change to remove redundant jobs00:22
ianwclarkb: np, thanks00:22
anteayacan't remember if it was downhill skis or water skis00:22
* clarkb loks at grops thing00:22
clarkbfungi: which chaneg is remove reudndant jobs change?00:22
fungiclarkb: 12219900:23
* anteaya hands clarkb some more vowels00:23
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anteayabless you00:24
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clarkbok I am +2 on both00:26
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clarkbdidn't approve to give jeblair a chance to look too00:26
jeblairclarkb: +200:26
clarkbare we ready to approve both of them?00:27
jeblairclarkb: we're waiting on
fungilooks like it's about to get workers in check00:27
jeblairbut that's the last00:27
jeblairclarkb: i think we can aprv krotscheck's change tho00:28
jeblairno conflict with that one00:28
clarkbok I will do that00:28
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stevebakerdoes anybody know what this mysql_config not found error might be caused by?
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clarkbstevebaker: it means you are missing libmysqlclient-dev as a system package00:36
clarkbstevebaker: you probably need to run devstack with test packages install flage00:37
fungidevstack needs more flage00:37
jogoclarkb: after a spot check of logstash entries I didn't see anything that really stood out size wise00:38
jogothe breakdown is what I expected00:38
fungistevebaker: by default devstack only sets itself up with the packages necessary to run openstack. packages needed for things like unit tests are notably missing00:38
stevebakerhuh, am I going to hit the config projects freeze to fix check-heat-dsvm-functional?00:39
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/puppet-storyboard: StoryBoard Deferred Processors
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clarkbjogo: that doesn't really surprise me. I think the overall volume is just too high00:41
clarkbjogo: but I need to dig into it again00:41
clarkbstevebaker: possibly00:41
jogoclarkb: yeah, it doesn't look like we can realistically drop the volume in a meaningful way00:41
jogofor example a large chunk of the dsvm console.html output is just tempst job names00:42
jogoand we need that00:42
clarkbwe do?00:42
jogoand the other large chunk has the screen tag00:42
jogoclarkb: well arguably we can maybe not log the names of things that work00:42
jogoand only things that fail00:42
clarkb(I agree that ew probably don't want to drop tings just bceause but individual test names are not super useful)00:42
jogothat file is 417k00:43
anteayafeels like the first four hours of config freeze with be debating if config is frozen00:43
jogoand we parse and load *all* of it00:43
* anteaya considers going for a walk00:43
clarkbjogo: yup00:43
clarkbjogo: and we do all of the devstack log for it too00:43
jogoclarkb: those are half the size00:44
jogodevstacklog.txt.gz that is00:44
jeblairanteaya: what do you mean?00:44
anteayajeblair: just trying to figure out where stevebaker's question fits in00:45
jeblairoh. yep.  frozen.00:45
jeblairstevebaker: is that a broken, voting job?00:45
clarkbI said possibly because there was no change yet00:46
clarkband it depends on when the fix comes in00:46
stevebakerjeblair: no, a new job which is yet to work00:46
jeblairstevebaker: then yeah, it'll have to wait, sorry00:46
stevebakerI'll propose a WIP anyway. Is there a new projects repo yet?00:47
jeblairstevebaker: no, we can't actually create it for several more hours00:47
stevebakerok, np00:47
fungibasically the reason for the freeze00:47
anteayawe have to wait for final patches to merge00:47
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jeblairso, unfortunately, we're probably behind a 710-deep merge-check queue00:48
* krotscheck breaks out the movies and the popcorn.00:48
fungiand we approved them just as we hit the largest spike of merge-check jobs of the day launched, yeah00:48
jeblairanteaya: i would recommend that walk :)00:49
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clarkbI may have opened a beer00:49
fungii am personally taking this as an opportunity to wash dishes00:49
anteayaI can do a one hour, hour and a half or a two hour walk00:49
fungithough i like clarkb's idea far better00:49
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anteayahow much do I have time for, do you think?00:49
jeblairanteaya: best guess: 1hr00:50
anteayaI'd like to do the most I can, I didn't get any in today but don't want to keep folks waiting on me00:50
anteayavery good00:50
* anteaya gets shoes and coat00:50
clarkbfungi: if you can get them an IPAs made by breakside and gigantic are amazing00:50
jeblairanteaya: also, i don't think you need to stay up for this00:50
jogoclarkb: for fun makes nova unit tests log pretty big too00:50
jeblairanteaya: if you want to do the repo split/import tomorrow morning i think that will be fine00:50
clarkbalso omsi after dark is tonight but I am missing it (have to go to seattle tomorrow and pack)00:50
jeblairanteaya: whatever works for you00:50
fungiclarkb: yeah, had them when visiting the west coast. haven't seen either here much00:50
anteayajeblair: I will check in once I get back from my walk00:50
jeblairanteaya: ok00:50
jogoconsole for that is now 291k whee00:50
clarkbso I don't know why pretty tox is a thing00:51
clarkbI personally hate it00:51
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clarkbI only care when things break00:51
clarkbI don't need to see 10000 lines of passed passed passed. But apaprently I am odd00:51
fungiit does feel like people optimizing for a very bad workflow00:51
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fungiexcept staring at the screen rather than chair-jousting in the hallway00:53
clarkbfungi: is tonight I went once a few years back. Its quite crowded but yo uget to drink beer while going through the exhibits00:53
* jeblair stops watching the merge-queue counter00:53
clarkbsuper awesome00:53
fungiclarkb: looks awesome00:54
fungioh, that reminds me, i did end up hitting brewfest on my way back from oscon00:54
clarkbfungi: nice00:54
clarkbfungi: I really wish they did it a bit more beer garden style00:54
clarkbbut it has grown to giant size and they do their best I guess00:55
clarkbI didn't bother with any samplers when I went. the lines were too long so I just pciekd beers that looked good and got full glasses00:55
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fungii had a saturday evening flight, so slept in, was heading toward the airport on the max, decided to stop off and check out the park, noticed there was beer, went in and ate and drank for several hours, got back on the max and headed the rest of the rest of the way to pdx00:56
fungiit was one of those happy accidents00:56
clarkbwe enforced a time limit so as not to over do it :)00:56
fungii did do samplers because i had a ton of time to kill00:56
fungiso standing in line wasn't a problem00:56
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clarkbthe best part was when we had to a sign all kinds of paperwork to get a minor in00:57
clarkbthey advertise being minor friendly then make it such a pita00:57
fungialso, the starter pack of tokens all spent on samplers was plenty enough beer to prep me for an afternoon in the airport followed by an overnight cross-country flight00:57
fungisince they were usually overshooting the sample line on the glass, i'm sure i had ~6 pints, a lot of it high-gravity brews00:59
clarkbya I think most of the pourers are volunteers with OLCC licenses so they are generous01:00
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clarkbits both good and bad. Gets locals involved but would be nice if the breweries themselves had a larger part in it01:00
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fungii'm having trouble making heads or tails of the failure in
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fungioh, nevermind. have to look at the testr_resylts.html01:17
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clarkbjeblair: I assume you are still around. Do you have any opposition to me moving all hpcloud devstack-trusty image builds to the dib image once we aer done with this reorg of repos?01:21
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clarkbjeblair: is my test change. and the neutron and not neutron tests are both happy with that image01:22
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add meta option for passing meta-data
clarkbthen once those are moved to the regular node label I would set up rax with the -dib label and test those too01:22
clarkbbasically make sure ^ is working like we expect it01:22
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clarkband that rax is generally happy with the image(s)01:22
fungii guess it's a question of whether we want to push forward building images different ways in two providers, or wait until we can reasonably switch in both01:23
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clarkbfungi: I am not too worried about that because status quo is different images today01:23
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fungitrue, but at least relatively similar methods of assembling them01:23
jeblairclarkb: if i were going to be around next week, i'd say i'd be okay with doing hp in dib while we work on rax01:24
jeblairbut i'm not likely to have to deal with the consequences of that, so i'll abstain :)01:25
clarkbjeblair: thats fair :)01:25
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jeblair(and yeah, semi-around; eating while waiting for changes to go thru)01:25
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clarkbI should eat dinner too /me does that01:25
fungii'm generally in favor of giving it a try as well, so let's go for it01:26
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for keystone bug 1373680
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1373680 in keystone "keystone fails to start on icehouse side of grenade, "error: [Errno 98] Address already in use"" [Undecided,New]
clarkbI think the big win here is reducing the large number of image builds (save cpu time) and moving to a more consistent base. Even if we start doing that in small chunks that is worthwhile01:28
fungii see making the images we test on downloadable as a huge win. i know that's the step-3-profit part but still01:29
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jogowhat just happened? looks like the top of the gate is in queued and nodepool has free nodes01:31
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jogoeven noops are queued heh01:32
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jogoodd, ignore me. there it goes01:32
clarkbjogo: merge check01:32
jogoclarkb:  oh merge-check can slow other things down?01:33
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fungijogo: to some degree, yes. 123846 aims to soften the impact from it01:33
clarkbyes, though jeblair has a zuul change up to make it less problematic01:33
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fungibut the way its unit tests are failing is still making my eye twitch01:34
jogoclarkb: oh interesting01:34
fungilooks like we're probably just a couple minutes out from merge-check emptying01:35
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funginow we just need to wait for those two changes to get bare-precise nodes assigned in the check pipeline to run their apply jobs01:39
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morganfainbergmriedem, +1 on that e-r query for keeping it on the radar01:41
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morganfainbergmriedem, though 2x in 10 days is thankfully pretty low.01:41
morganfainbergmriedem, especially considering the volume of checks/gate runs around RC01:41
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anteayaany estimates on how long 'til precise nodes?01:57
clarkblooks like one node just went ready01:58
clarkbso things should start moving?01:58
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add experimental zaqar-rally job
fungii just deleted a few bare-precise nodes nodepool thought had been ready for more than an hour... i think they missed getting added to a jenkins master at some point and were dead weight02:00
fungiso that ought to speed things up02:00
anteayaone down one to go02:00
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anteayaah okay last one in the gate02:04
anteayathe config patch in check is this one: which isn't approved yet02:04
anteayaplus has unmerged dependencies02:05
jeblairanteaya: where's your remove-jobs change?02:05
anteayanot approved yet02:05
jeblairya, standing by to aprv it when next change lands02:06
fungiit was waiting for the others to merge i think, so that we didn't remove jobs they would have otherwise run02:06
anteayado you want 122199 landed before the filter branch?02:06
fungiand assuming the filtered repo looks okay and someone else reviews 121650 before i start my day tomorrow, i can approve that and get it merged and confirmed created in gerrit before the west coast peeps are up and about for the second installment of fun02:09
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Project may now be assigned to multiple project groups.
jeblair122199 aprvd02:10
clarkbwait I am expected to be up and about?02:10
fungiout of curiosity, was there a plan to address the chicken-and-egg situation 121650 presents?02:10
anteayado expand on the chicken and egg situation you are thinking of02:10
jeblairreviewing that now02:10
fungipresumably we'll need to propose a copy of that change to the new repo once it's created02:10
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jeblairfungi: yeah, we should02:11
clarkbfungi: I had not considered that, but yes02:11
fungisince it won't be included in the filtered repo it's importing02:11
anteayafungi: I'm slow, try me again?02:12
anteayaso a backport to project-config02:12
fungianteaya: 121650 uses the filtered repo to seed openstack-infra/project-config02:12
anteayafor the create the project-config repo?02:12
clarkbthe first chane tp project-config should be a copy of 12165002:12
fungibut the filtered repo has already been created from a state of openstack-infra/config from before 121650 was merged02:13
clarkbor maybe gitreview things first if necessary02:13
clarkbthen 12165002:13
* anteaya does inception brain for a minute02:13
fungiso it needs a copy of that change02:13
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fungiyeah, gitreview edits can either be squashed with that or the change prior to it02:13
clarkboh jeblair just -1'd as I +2'd02:13
jeblairanteaya, fungi: left comments on 121650, i think it will need some work02:13
anteayaoh okay02:13
clarkbjeblair: don't we want the puppet integration test tests?02:14
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jeblairalso, those jobs that remain will likely fail, but we can probably work an a monolithic commit to fix them02:14
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anteaya8 comments02:14
jeblairclarkb: there's no puppet in that repo02:14
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clarkbjeblair: right but the /config repo depends on those files02:14
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fungii assumed they were going to be treated as integration jobs02:14
clarkbso this would be more of a make sure that deleting a thing doesn't break us? though the tests are probably not able to test that effectively02:15
fungialso there is one python script in the new repo i think, though i'm ambivalent about style checking it02:15
jeblairclarkb: but the apply test is --noop02:15
anteayathere is more than one python script now02:15
anteayasince we added 5 files from tools/02:15
clarkbjeblair: oh right, ya so I think the test isn't able to test that effectively02:15
jeblairanteaya: ok, we can keep pep8 then02:16
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* anteaya prepares to rebase02:16
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jeblairclarkb: it's possible this could break the apply tests.  what we probably should do is actually execute the project_config puppet class at the beginning of the integration test02:16
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jeblairclarkb: then do include the project_config repo in the integration test02:17
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clarkbjeblair: execute it without --noop?02:17
jeblairthen i think we will effectively test that02:17
jeblairclarkb: yep.  like "puppet apply class {...}"02:17
clarkbthat seems like a reasonable approach02:17
fungiahh, yep02:17
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Removes redundant jobs from config gate and check
jeblairbut we can do that all tomorrow; i think we'll actually have quite a bit of work buliding these tests up again02:18
jeblair(that's what i'm planning on spending most of the day doing)02:18
fungiquite probably so, yes02:18
fungii'm going to take this opportunity to knock off and pick up in the am02:18
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jeblairanteaya: the remove-jobs change has merged, so you are clear to do the filter branch now02:19
jeblairanteaya: (at your leisure)02:19
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anteayathanks going to finish fixing 12165002:19
jeblairfungi: and with the comments i've left on 121650, i'm cool with you approving an updated version of that whenever everything is ready to your satisfaction in the morning02:20
fungijeblair: i figured. hopefully it'll all be working and i won't instead discover a dozen new bugs we've merged this afternoon02:20
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jeblairwe merged so many bugs today!02:20
fungiwhich i am fully bracing myself for being a possibility02:20
clarkbfungi: we made sure to fedex next day them for you02:21
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Creates a new repo, project-config
clarkbjenkins should be in
clarkbis that what "openstack community" is I have a hard time believing jenkisn isn't doing the most testing02:25
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jeblaironce again, "community" is used in a divisive way.02:26
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Creates a new repo, project-config
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clarkbthis is what happens when it is late and I am reviewing code02:27
clarkbI was only good for 6k loc this cycle02:27
clarkbclearly I should pick up on that :P02:27
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anteayamy ability to work tomorrow morning is entirely dependent on whether my monster neighbours want to drive heavy equipment around backwards tomorrow or not02:28
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anteayaso don't wait for me if any of my patches need fixing02:28
clarkbI am looking at 121650 now02:29
jeblairanteaya: i noticed one more thing on there02:29
clarkbthe groups thing was addressed02:29
anteayajeblair: what did I miss?02:29
jeblairanteaya: we need to change the job names for three jobs; but those will require jjb changes02:29
anteayacan I do that now?02:29
anteayaI would much rather work tonight when it is quiet02:30
fungiwow, "openstack foundation" made stackalytics' top-ten list of reviews by company02:30
anteayaha ha ha02:30
anteayago fungi02:30
jeblairanteaya: we could continue to do that in 121650, or we could punt and do those in another change (though we would also need to re-propose that to the new repo)02:30
anteayayour call02:30
anteayadoesn't matter to me02:30
clarkbare they not templated?02:30
jeblairclarkb: these are the special one-offs02:31
jeblairit might just be a matter of changing their names02:31
fungipoop. i was ranked #1202:31
* fungi is slacking02:31
anteayafungi: who beat you?02:31
anteaya12 from the foundation?02:31
anteayawho are the other 11?02:31
anteayaand where are they hiding?02:32
fungianteaya: no, i'm #12 on the reviews by engineer list02:32
anteayaoh well02:32
anteayaSergeyLukjanov never sleeps02:32
anteayaand AJaeger is cloned at least 3 times02:32
fungijogo and i barely missed the top 1002:32
anteayaso that is those two02:32
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jeblairi'm 4th on the foundation list.  i'm not likely to catch up at this point.02:32
anteayayeah what a week left?02:32
anteayaI made it to 3002:33
anteayasecond female for reviews02:33
jeblairanteaya: and i'm not working for the foundation at all during that week02:33
anteayaxing beat me02:33
clarkbAJaeger is crazy. apparently wrote >300k loc02:33
anteayaha ha ha, good point02:33
clarkbthough all the docs folk appera to be high in the loc list. I call hacks02:33
openstackgerritKen'ichi Ohmichi proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Remove Nova v3 API test configuration
anteayait is almost like they have to write a lot of lines of code02:33
jeblairanteaya, clarkb, fungi: for 121650 i think any of these options would be okay:02:33
jeblaira) ignore the names of the jobs for now because it's probably not important anyway; b) drop the jobs and add them back later; c) changes the names in 12165002:34
clarkbI think I prefer b to a and c would be best but is more work02:34
clarkbso I will say b02:35
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anteayaI have no opinion02:35
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anteayabut yes due to chicken and egg b might be easier02:35
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add nova-formula project
fungii kinda like a, but maybe that's my it's-late-why-am-i-still-on-the-computer-ishness talking02:36
anteayaoh yeah, a is the least work02:37
* anteaya changes her vote to a02:37
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anteayaclarkb: can I sell you on a?02:37
jeblairwfm. 121650 +202:37
clarkba is fine too, its just has higher potential for wedging02:38
anteayajeblair: thanks02:38
jeblairg'night! :)02:38
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* anteaya filter branches02:38
fungii expect we'll be working through the wedging tomorrow regardless02:38
clarkbfungi: godo point02:38
clarkbI do not oppose a02:38
clarkbbut I also think my ability to computer is quickly fleeing02:38
funginight all. more excitement awaits us on the morrow02:39
anteayaI'm just going to do the filter branch submit to github and call it a night02:39
anteayanight fungi02:39
clarkbsounds good02:39
anteayafungi: redo any of my work as you need to02:39
fungianteaya: i doubt there will be redoing, just more doind02:39
clarkbI will be on a train for much of tomorrow afternoon but in theory I will have 110v and wifi so intend on working02:41
anteayawhere are you going from and to?02:41
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clarkbportland to seattle. going to finish packing then drive box truck back to portland on saturday and unload all my stuff02:42
anteayayay portland02:42
anteayaI hope everything goes well02:43
clarkbit should be straighforward, I actually have the seattle place for another month (woo leases) so its nota huge rush but camping in the new place is getting old02:43
anteayatoothbrush in a bag is fun for only so long02:44
anteayaso I'll have to make it to oscon next summer then02:44
anteayato watch everyone else eat your brisket and drink your beer02:45
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anteaya2500 commits to go02:47
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add cinder-formula project
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anteayaonce folks are awake again:
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SpamapSmordred: you know how we were wondering how standalone Heat auths without a keystone catalog?02:58
SpamapSmordred: I wonder if we could just have KaaS (Keystone as a service) ...02:58
morganfainbergSpamapS, interesting.02:59
openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add cinder-formula project
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add nova-formula project
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Removes content split into project-config
lifelesssdague: fixtures is on github now03:02
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add neutron-formula project
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anteayaI'm waiting for jzhang to show up03:06
anteayaI'll give him another few minutes before I head off to bed03:07
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jeffrey4lhey guys, could anybody explain this "The config repo is frozen. Please stop offering patches. These files won't be in config once we are done the work." ? What's means by *frozen*.03:10
anteayathere you are03:10
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anteayawas wondering how long it would take you to read that03:10
anteayawas about to head off to bed03:10
anteayayeah the config repo is frozen03:10
anteayaplease stop offering patches03:10
jeffrey4lwhat's the reason?03:11
anteayawe are implimenting this spec:
anteayahere is the annoucement email:
anteayathe changes you want will need to be offered to project-config once it is in gerrit03:12
anteayawhich it isn't yet03:12
jeffrey4lok. Got it.03:12
anteayaand if you clone if from github and work on it from there you are just wasting your time03:12
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anteayawe should be done tomorrow03:12
jeffrey4lUnderstand. Thanks for you information.03:13
anteayaso save your energy03:13
anteayaand offer the patches to project-config tomorrow03:13
anteayagood night03:13
* anteaya heads off to bed03:13
jeffrey4lgood night03:13
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lifelessmordred: dhellmann: ping03:30
lifelessre: namespace packages03:30
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stevemari'm super excited for this new repo03:48
stevemarthe old one was kinda... full03:49
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Upgrade django-pyscss to 1.0.3 for Horizon
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stevemarwhen is the new project-config repo going to be created?03:59
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Remove lesscpy
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to stackforge/python-jenkins: Add a get_plugin_info method
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jogofungi: time to do a bunch of reviews I guess :)05:29
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/python-jenkins: Support node configuration
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SergeyLukjanovanteaya, nope! I'm sleeping sometimes - I like to sleep in the plane (and push client releases as well)06:31
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Run tripleo tests on horizon
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openstackgerritThomas Bechtold proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Update ssh module to support SUSE
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openstackgerritThomas Bechtold proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Update snmpd module to support SUSE
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed a change to openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Stop using intersphinx
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AJaegerberendt, seems you have more repos checked out than I have ;)08:29
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berendtI use this list08:32
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AJaegerberendt, I haven't checked out all repos ;)09:23
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AJaegerSo my grep for intersphinx did not catch all - thanks for getting the rest...09:24
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sdague lifeless thank you!09:59
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grue_pmany of you guys seen mordred around - I kind of need to catch him in a hurry11:07
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sdaguegrue_pm: this is pretty early for him11:23
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grue_pmmy timezone conversion must have been wrong11:25
grue_pmah bother it - doesnt matter anyway.11:26
grue_pmI hate timezones - how dare he sleep ;-p11:26
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sdaguettx: - how do you feel about approving that in so we can have the README in requirements before we branch it12:28
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AJaegersdague, do you want to fix the two nits I noticed? Or shall I send a followup?12:29
sdagueAJaeger: honestly, I'd rather stop fixing minor typos at this point. That's how things like this die with the thousand paper cuts :)12:30
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AJaegersdague, that's why I didn't -1 it ;)12:30
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AJaegersdague, created
sdagueAJaeger: thanks12:36
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ttxsdague: sure. I just haven't had time to read it yet12:40
ttxbut then we have time (requirements branch is cut when ALL RC1s are done)12:40
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fungiAJaeger: for checking out repos, i just iterate over the gerrit ls-projects api method output. that will get you *every* project in gerrit13:16
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fungiokay, new project-config project change 121650 and its specified upstream repo lgtm, so approving and keeping tabs on it now13:22
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KiallHeya - I'm sure I'm just being blind, but where can I find the git repo containing ? Tis missing the Designate specs link!13:27
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fungiKiall: the index file is just plan html and currently resides in the openstack-infra/config repo, but is presently in the process of moving to a new openstack-infra/project-config repo later today13:37
fungiKiall: you might want to hold off and ask again tomorrow, since the project and file path you want to patch will be completely different than it is now13:37
Kiallooh - I never even thought to look there! And, if it's moving.. yea, holding off is better.13:37
fungiwe hope to have it knocked out later today13:38
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KiallSure - No rush13:38
fungibut that's probably going to be pretty late in europe13:38
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fungialso, we seem to have lost openstackgerrit again13:38
fungii'll go find it13:38
AJaegerKiall, will be in project-config/modules/openstack_project/files/specs/index.html13:38
Kiallfungi: Yea.. He said something about not being appreciated and ragequit ;)13:39
fungiAJaeger: it will only be there momentarily... the file paths are being reorganized in that repo as a next step after import13:39
AJaegerfungi, oops ;( I'm so used to these long paths ;)13:39
fungiAJaeger: the imported repo is just the result of a git filter-branch run so the original file path will match the source copy in the config repo, but then there will be a huge change full of git mv calls13:40
AJaegerfungi, fine with me ;) Thanks for the heads-up. I missed that somehow.13:40
AJaegerI like this ;)13:41
fungithe end goal is to have a much saner organized/structured set of data files which doesn't really have anything to do with puppet13:41
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fungifiles will be grouped by purpose and (loosely) by affected system13:42
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AJaegernice ;)13:45
AJaegerI'm looking forward to this13:45
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derekhtchaypo: you had some kind of an opinion on this didn't you , I couldn't add you in gerrit for some reason13:52
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derekhtchaypo: and I guess your asleep, so let me know if you don't get this message ;-)13:53
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anteayamorning sdake14:11
anteayafungi: thanks14:11
anteayafungi: anything I can do now?14:11
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fungianteaya: probably not yet. poking around now to see if it worked14:14
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anteayadon't see it on git.o.o yet14:15
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fungiyeah, it's possible we approved one or more broken projects yesterday, so i'm digging through m-p output to figure out what's going on with it14:16
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fungione thing to note, the -attic projects, because they're set to read-only, are not updatable from m-p so it throws errors about failing to push the config for them14:17
fungithough that's been going on for a while and doesn't appear to impact creation of other projects14:18
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sandywalshfor you kids today
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fungisandywalsh: yep, i love that one14:20
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anteayasandywalsh: :D14:20
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fungithis is fun...
fungiOperationalError: (2006, 'MySQL server has gone away')14:22
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fungiaha, one cause is if the sql socket connection idles for too long and then the program tries to reuse it once it's timed out14:25
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fungithis seems like an entirely likely possibility14:25
fungihrm, this one shouldn't be failing... 2014-09-25 14:25:39,785: manage_projects - ERROR - Failed to push config for project: openstack/sahara14:26
anteayaserver has gone away is always a fun error14:26
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fungioh, it looks like maybe we've broken puppet or the puppetmaster ran out of memory again14:33
fungiahh, yep, no puppet processes running at all on the master14:34
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fungi[Wed Sep 24 20:35:58 2014] Out of memory: Kill process 22172 (ruby) score 313 or sacrifice child14:34
fungithat a'splains it14:34
funginothing we approved after 20:35 probably got applied anywhere14:35
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fungii'm rebooting the puppet master server to make sure everything comes back up correctly14:35
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fungihuh. didn't start on its own either14:37
fungioh, there it goes14:37
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fungineeded an incoming connection through apache14:37
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fungii'm manually executing /opt/config/production/ now just so i can watch its progress14:40
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anteayafungi: enjoy14:40
anteayalike watching progress bars maybe14:40
fungiwell, in this case i want to see what errors, if any, it throws14:40
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anteayatristanC is going to take care of today's election duties14:43
anteayaand tomorrow morning we get to create electral rolls14:43
anteayabut we can figure that out tomorrow morning14:43
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fungii've cleared my morning tomorrow to make sure i can get the rolls assembled and double-checked before i hand them over14:43
anteayathank you14:43
tristanCfungi: alright! many thanks!14:44
clarkbhow many programs are without ptl candidates so far?14:44
anteayaand morning clarkb14:45
clarkbgood morning14:45
anteayahey you have commits in every program14:45
anteayaany look appealing to you?14:45
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clarkbI do? I mean I might wouldnt surprise me14:46
tristanCclarkb: Trove, Swift, Glance, Sahara and Barbican14:46
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anteayaclarkb: well all your tox change over patches14:47
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clarkbWoot I was just subscribed to project-config14:52
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fungigood, it worked14:52
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fungii'll get our groups set up in it momentarily14:53
mordredmorning all14:53
anteayamorning mordred14:53
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add Kolla project - Dockerizing OpenStack
anteayawhat did we decide is the first patch that project-config needs14:54
sdagueclarkb: can we drop lines that don't time parse in logstash instead of making up their time as parse time?14:54
anteayasdake: config is frozen, we have split it out14:54
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anteayasdake: that will need to be reproposed to project-config once project-config is taking patches, don't do it yet since you will just have to do massive rebases14:55
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anteayasdake: best to wait a few hours14:55
clarkbsdague we can drop them sure. I dont understand why we would do that14:55
sdaguebecause they mostly confuse the issue14:55
clarkbsdague its better to handle parse failures gracefully imo14:56
clarkbwhat issue?14:56
anteayaI think the .gitreview patch is first14:56
sdagueso lets take -
clarkbdropping on the floor is going to make debugging hard impossible hard14:56
sdaguewhich is just the front page14:56
sdagueclarkb: what is the value of - "container-server: Started child 2197"14:57
sdaguethat has a time that's completely unrelated to when that message was created14:57
clarkbsdague the value is its there if I have to debug why it failed14:57
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clarkbin this case its known but when oslo.log rewrites everything without telling anyone we need that info14:57
mriedemwhy don't i see pymongo in a tempest run?
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Adds .gitreview file
sdagueclarkb: ok, so in this case should we change os-loganalyze to make those things not considered info lines?14:59
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sdagueI guess we could do it on that side as well15:00
* anteaya stands by for reviews on that patch15:00
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sdaguemostly we keep getting confusion that logstash is really 23 hrs behind15:00
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clarkbsdague I think that is slightly better but potentially has the same problem if we overmatch15:00
sdaguebecause there are hits for "now"15:00
sdagueand if oslo scrambled the world15:00
anteayamordred 12407415:00
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sdagueit would break badly enough that i think having everything jumbled in logstash wouldn't be any better than it not being there at all15:01
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clarkbthats not the point. the point is if its jumbled there you can debug it15:02
clarkbif its not there you have no info at all15:02
clarkbjust that its not there15:02
clarkbthe bug here is some of our logs are bad15:03
clarkbwe have the power to fix this in theory15:03
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clarkb(granted I have tried and was met with massive resistance)15:05
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clarkbsdague: another option is to not try to parse files we know that are bad15:05
clarkbI am more open to that because we can specifically identifu issues in those cases15:06
sdagueit's not actually that our logs are bad15:06
sdagueit's actually that stuff is printing to screen15:06
sdagueremember, the logs we capture, aren't actually logs, they are screen sessions15:06
clarkbno in this case its swift being bad15:07
sdaguereally? I though that was a pre log handler setup print15:07
clarkbscreen session logging goes through python logging and can/should have timestamps like all loggong15:07
clarkbsdague nope I already match and drop that15:07
clarkb(with positive matches not fail to parse drops)15:08
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sdaguecd /opt/stack/old/swift && /opt/stack/old/swift/bin/swift-object-server /etc/swift/object-server/1.conf -v15:08
* anteaya notes she is working on this etherpad to co-ordinate project-config stuff:
sdaguethat's in ER15:08
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clarkbits all swift though. we dont have that problem with other screen files15:10
clarkbits possible the positive match is not sifficient for screen-swift*15:10
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add debootstrap to the needed packages for dib
sdagueright, because os-loganalyze dumps those lines15:10
sdagueso... that is a possible fix here as well15:11
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/dox: Simplify Popen.communicate() result parsing
anteayayolanda: config is frozen and that patch is just going to have to be abandoned and reproposed to project-config after it is accepting patches15:13
anteayayolanda: don't propose to project-config yet since ti has to undergo a massive reorganization15:13
yolandaoh, ok, thx15:13
yolandaanteaya, any idea about when?15:13
anteayasometime by end of day today we hope15:14
anteayaprobably your tomorrow15:14
yolandaok, not any urgent issue15:14
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clarkbso a junk screen line starts with +15:16
sdagueyeh, though you don't actually see those except in the swift case15:17
sdaguebecause os-loganalyze considers those level=None15:17
sdagueso level=INFO drops them15:17
clarkbdrops the +?15:18
sdaguedrops the lines entirely15:18
fungiokay... i'm in the infra-core group in gerrit, i included it in the project-config-core gerrit group, i even flushed all gerrit caches, but i can't +2 124074 which is proposed against the openstack-infra/project-config project even though its acl says project-config-core should be able to...15:18
clarkbthen how do we get them in logstash?15:18
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sdague vs
clarkbsdague logstash should drop any of those + prefixed lines if they come through15:19
sdaguebecause the swift log files are completely punted15:19
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clarkbI think the issue is swift logs dont have the prefix15:20
sdaguemaybe something else is going on15:20
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sdagueI'll look in a few, I'm breaking up some bugs right now in nova15:20
anteayafungi: interesting15:20
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anteayafungi: and thanks for at least trying to +2 the new gitreview file15:20
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clarkbfungi gerrit has basically told us to take the day off15:21
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* clarkb tries15:21
anteayagerrit and puppetmaster so far15:21
fungiif it's the same for you, i'll see if we ended up with divergent group uuids in gerrit for it or something like that15:21
anteayaI wonder what other tools are in on the work-to-rule15:22
sdagueclarkb: hmmmm
sdaguedefinitely no +15:22
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clarkbI have +2. try logging out and back in?15:22
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sdagueclarkb: oh... grenade runs don't have the +15:22
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sdagueprobably because it's actually screen15:23
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sdaguevs. the exec15:23
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annegent_Anyone seen a reed?15:25
anteayaannegent_: I haven't seen him so far today15:26
annegent_ok thanks anteaya15:26
sdagueclarkb: semi related - message:"%{logmessage}"15:27
sdaguelooks like the parsing for logs/overcloud-controller0_logs/os-collect-config.txt15:29
sdagueis completely bonkered15:29
fungiclarkb: strangeness... i did not log out and back in, but now i suddenly have expected access15:30
anteayaas a note, if anyone is inclined to drive around to look at the autumn colours in ontario/quebec/or north eastern states, they are shaping up to be _spectacular_ this year15:30
jeblairi+2d 12407415:30
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anteayafungi: you said the magic words apparently15:30
anteayaor something updated15:30
anteayajeblair: thanks15:30
fungii approved it just to see how broken it is15:31
fungistill waiting on workers in check though15:31
anteayayeah, sitting here staring at it15:31
anteayago go15:31
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JayJ_Anybody have any pointers on how to slipstream a driver into Ubuntu PXE server? My server need a RAID driver to see the volumes15:32
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add precedence to merge jobs
fungiJayJ_: wrong channel?15:34
JayJ_fungi: I guess. Thanks :)15:35
fungiJayJ_: i was just trying to figure out how your question applies to the channel topic15:35
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openstackgerritTomas Bezdek proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Flatten attribute for publish plugins
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jeblairanteaya: have you proposed your re-org change to project-config?15:38
anteayajeblair: not yet, I was waiting on the gitreview file15:39
jeblairanteaya: would you go ahead and do that please?15:39
anteayabut I can do so as a dependency on the gitreview file15:39
jeblairi can then start working on changes to make the jobs work15:39
anteayaI will15:39
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anteayadependency on the gitreveiw file okay?15:40
BobBallDo 3rd party CIs really need an email address? If the contact details are in can we give a blackhole for gerrit emails?15:40
jeblairanteaya: sure; we're going to have to do some creative squashing anyway15:40
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jeblairi think we will end up with 2 changes: (.gitreview + fix jobs) and (reorg + change paths in jobs)15:41
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sdakeanteaya sure do you have a top level git repo I canwork with?15:41
sdakejust same location with project-config instead of config?15:41
jeblairanteaya: but if you write gitreview and reorg, i can do the others and we can squash them15:41
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Reorganizes project-config
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/dox: Close files after use
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anteayasdake: well project-config but it will be undergoing a massive directory shuffle as 124087 outlines15:43
jeblairthanks.  i've got some vms spinning up so i can run the tests; i'm going to go work on that for a little while.  biab.15:43
anteayasdake: honestly I would suggest you work on something else today (or help us?) and come back to it tomorrow15:44
sdakeanteaya cool I'll rebase tonight15:44
morganfainberganteaya, i hate to be the one pointing this out but looks like dreamhost build is posting "Starting" messages on (at least one) reviews at 04:54 this morning15:44
sdakeI'll rebase tomororw then  :)15:44
morganfainberganteaya, not sure if this is the right place to point it out/not15:44
morganfainberganteaya, or if it's a concern.15:44
anteayajeblair: kk15:44
anteayamorganfainberg: it is and it is15:45
anteayamorganfainberg: I will get back to it, thank you15:45
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morganfainberganteaya, happy to help. let me know if you need anything else.15:45
anteayamorganfainberg: thanks15:45
clarkbsdague: ya jogo was looking at that but we hit config freeze15:46
anteayamorganfainberg: okay yeah, third party ci commenting on keystone is new for me15:46
clarkbsdague I thinkbhe wanted to just stop indexing that file15:46
sdagueclarkb: ok15:46
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for keystone bug 1373680
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1373680 in keystone "keystone fails to start on icehouse side of grenade, "error: [Errno 98] Address already in use"" [Undecided,New]
jeblairanteaya, clarkb, fungi: or maybe we just force-submit the first few changes instead of squashing them.  i kind of like that.15:46
anteayamorganfainberg: do you know who the operator of that ci is?15:46
anteayajeblair: your call15:47
morganfainberganteaya, no idea. the link doesn't go anywhere either.15:47
anteayajeblair: as long as my code is correct15:47
morganfainberganteaya, i've never seen that CI before tbh.15:47
anteayamorganfainberg: kk, we can just disable them then15:47
fungijeblair: wfm15:47
jogosdague: I filed a bug with tripleo over that. The good news is it looks like those bad entries aren't big percentage of the data we have15:47
clarkbjeblair wfm15:47
krtaylorBobBall, are you referring to the email listed in the request?15:48
morganfainberganteaya, it doesn't bother me, it might be an isolated incident, but it just wanted to raise the flag it's an oddity and shocked me15:48
sdaguejogo: yeh, I was just trying to get back to what we need to filter out to get logstash to report the last valid parsed thing15:48
BobBallkrtaylor: the email associated with the gerrit account that gets spammed each time someone comments on a change the CI has voted on15:48
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anteayamorganfainberg: me too and multiple problems there and I need to focus on project-config so I will just disable15:48
morganfainberganteaya, ++ yeah will let you get back to prject-config stuff! /me lurks in the corner and watches you all do magic.15:49
derekhsdague: jogo
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed a change to stackforge/dox: Use base class for config file parsers
anteayafungi: I don't have in my list of third party cis15:50
anteayamorganfainberg: thanks15:51
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fungianteaya: looks like they're probably using a normal gerrit account15:54
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anteayafungi: thanks15:56
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fungianteaya: they seem to have created it just over a week ago15:57
anteayayes, dhellmann will email them and I have asked them to talk to me in -dev15:57
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anteayafungi: can you disable that account while you are there?15:58
fungidisabling now15:58
anteayajust so we quell the tide of patches15:58
dhellmannanteaya: they're on the west coast, so they may not be online yet15:58
anteayadhellmann: fair enough, well they are disabled now so at least we will have some quiet from them15:59
jeblairespecially in socal, they're probably surfing15:59
anteayatide of comments I mean15:59
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anteayasurfing would be good15:59
fungifwiw their lp profile seems to be set to private because i can't look them up through the api reversing their openid url15:59
anteayaI have never surfed15:59
anteayathat is odd16:00
anteayajeblair: what else can I do now to keep us moving along?16:00
anteayashould I submit the back port of as a dependency to the reorg patch?16:01
jeblairanteaya: good one; ++16:01
fungianteaya: you'd probably need to insert it between 124087 and its parent, or else move the files around to match in your backport16:02
fungi(though git might be smart enough to figure it out from the mv info)16:02
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anteayaI'll try as a dependency of the reorg and see if I fail16:03
mdboothAt some point in the past, when you told jenkins to recheck it would post a comment about having queued a job, and remove its -116:04
mdboothIt doesn't seem to be doing that now16:04
mdboothIs that intentional?16:04
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: what do i do to tox.ini to say "this isn't a python package, don't try to install it?"16:05
clarkbjeblair something like skipsdist = true16:05
fungimdbooth: yes, that was unfortunate noise we had to bear due to shortcomings in older versions of gerrit. we've since managed to upgrade and have turned that behavior back off16:05
jeblairclarkb: thx16:05
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mdboothfungi: The -1/-2 removal was very useful. Would it be possible to add that back without the comments?16:06
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for heat security group race bug 1374021
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1374021 in heat "test_server_cfn_init in check-tempest-dsvm-neutron-heat-slow fails with "BadRequest: Security group default already exists for project"" [Undecided,New]
mdboothThe reason is that when I've submitted a lot of changes, I will get a lot of failures16:06
fungianteaya: i've gone over the resulting tree in a checkout of 124087 and it looks perfect16:07
mdboothWhen Jenkins removed its -1/-2 after kicking off a job, it was really easy for me to see which ones I'd already done16:07
mdboothi.e. I could do a quick scan and expect to see either nothing or +1 in that column. -1 always required attention.16:07
mordredjeblair: k. I'm off the phone- where can I help?16:08
fungimdbooth: unfortunately changing a vote in the current versions of gerrit causes a new comment to be created16:08
mdboothfungi: Hmm. Is that so bad? If that's the price, I'd personally have it back, tbh.16:08
mdboothWas it causing problems?16:09
fungimdbooth: we have other systems which provide information on what's currently got jobs running, much more closely coupled to the systems running those jobs16:10
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mdboothfungi: Right, it's just that it was a *really* useful view16:10
fungimdbooth: and yes, every comment on a change is yet one more e-mail sent to subscribers16:10
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anteayafungi: thank you16:11
mdboothOtherwise I'd have to write a separate tool which hooks into both gerrit and zuul to tell me which changes require recheck attention16:11
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fungimdbooth: probably better to spend time helping fix the bugs which are resulting in you needing to recheck over and over. that sounds like a really futile existence16:11
mdboothfungi: Heh, a trivial matter of programming :)16:12
mdboothSeriously, that's not a quick fix.16:12
mdboothAnd yes, it does very much feel like a really futile existence. No need to rub it in ;)16:13
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jeblairmordred: are you interested in hacking up the puppet apply test in infra/congfig to add the project-config repo to the zuul cloner (installing it in /etc/project-config) ?16:13
fungimdbooth: it's like that adage "dress for the job you want, not the job you have." we try to optimize for a working system rather than optimize to make it easier to live with a broken system16:14
jeblairmordred: (we figured then we can actually include project-config in our puppet integration tests)16:14
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mordredjeblair: ooh, neat16:14
mordredjeblair: yeah - lemme go look at that16:14
mdboothfungi: That's all very well, but in the mean time it leaves us dressed for the wrong job, with no currently outlook of a career change.16:15
fungidoesn't stop me dressing like a fireman ;)16:15
mdboothFireman is appropriate :)16:16
jeblairany objection to making the irc access check job voting?  (not sure why it isn't, actually)16:16
mordredjeblair: cloner is first-come-first-served, right? so if I want to put in a more specific rule, I put it first and it'll apply more sticky than the general .*/.* ?16:16
clarkbjeblair none here16:16
mdboothOk, my 2p anyway. Vote removal made me happy. At least I know it's intentionally gone.16:16
jeblairmordred: excellent question! :)16:16
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fungijeblair: oh, no not at all. seems to pass normally16:16
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fungimdbooth: there is work toward embedding views of testing activity into the gerrit webui, which i expect to be the eventual actual solution to that problem16:17
mdboothfungi: Sounds ideal.16:18
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jeblairfungi, mdbooth: it's _possible_ we could use the gerrit rest api to remove jenkins as a reviewer from a change (thereby silently removing its vote).  we need zuul to start using the rest api, and then add some features to zuul to enable that.16:20
jeblairthough, we should actually test my hypothesis first :)16:20
jeblairand it's a few days of hacking to actually implement it.  so it's not a short-term thing.16:21
zaroclarkb: you in seattle today?16:22
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add project-config to zuul cloner
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Tell project-config about itself
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anteayamorning zaro16:26
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Tell project-config about itself
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anteayalooks like I need a tox.ini with the .gitreview file in order to pass jobs16:32
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* anteaya works on a tox.ini file16:32
jeblairanteaya: please don't :)16:32
jeblairanteaya: that's what i'm working on16:32
anteayaI won't do that16:32
* anteaya gets out of jeblair's way16:32
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clarkbzaro on my way16:37
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jeblairclarkb, fungi, mordred, anteaya:
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jeblairhow's that look for a plan?16:44
clarkbseems reasonable16:45
fungiyeah, covers everything we know about so far, anyway16:45
* mordred needs to move locations - back online in about 3016:45
jeblairfungi: advantage of using etherpad instead of paste!  we can insert the unknown unknowns later!16:45
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anteayalooks good16:46
jeblairso i think 124109 is ready for review; i've locally tested: irc access check, compare xml, layout, pep8, bashate, projects-yaml16:47
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jeblairanteaya: want to write a change to add project-config to gerritbot in this channel? :)16:49
jeblairi've merged the 1st 2 changes, waiting on review of 12410916:49
anteayais that not on the backport?16:49
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jeblairthen why isn't it announcing in here now?16:50
jeblairor did you add that to the backport?16:50
anteayaI did16:51
jeblairoh ok.  then i guess we'll get it soon16:51
anteayaand I have announcements in the backsrcoll16:51
anteayaunless the bot left16:51
jeblairoh, yeah, i see them16:51
jeblairi guess we must have just lost the bot or something since the merges didn't get announced16:51
* jeblair looks16:51
clarkbso I stayed up much too late last night rereading up on mesos. I dont think it directly solves many or our problems but compute clusters are fun16:51
clarkbjeblair 124109 lgtm16:51
jeblairrestarted gerritbot16:52
fungidid we lose it again? i just restarted it a couple hours ago16:53
fungilooks like so16:53
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jeblairfungi: are you reviewing 109?16:53
fungiyeah, almost done16:54
fungilgtm. who was going to force submit those?16:55
jeblairalready did the 1st 216:55
fungioic the first two already went in16:55
fungihence missing gerritbot noticed16:55
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Fix test jobs
jeblairthere we go!16:55
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fungiso once zuul picks up the layout change we should be safe to recheck16:56
jeblairoh, it's still in the queue from the first time, so we need to wait for those results before rechecking16:56
jeblairfungi: no, we haven't merged the changes that will cause zuul to use that layout.yaml yet16:57
jeblairwe're still drifting on the old config16:57
fungihah! right16:57
jeblairbut the layout.yaml change there was unimportant16:57
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jeblair(it won't trigger the irc check, but other than that, we should be good)16:57
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jeblairwe could probably go ahead and approve the changes to do the switch16:58
fungialso 123846 is passing jobs now if we wanted to work in a zuul restart sometime today16:59
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jeblairfungi: how convenient would that be? ;)16:59
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jeblairfungi, clarkb: you want to start at 122532 and work up the stack?17:00
jeblairfungi, clarkb: maybe don't approve 122532 itself until last so they all go in together?17:00
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anteayaI'm not much help on getting the tests working but do tell me if there is anything else I can do17:01
jeblairanteaya: you want to write the change against project-config that renames those jobs from 'gate-config' to 'gate-project-config'?17:01
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anteayaI can do that17:01
jeblairanteaya: and review the stack at 122532 if you haven't already (istr you reviewed earlier versions?)17:01
jeblairother than that, we're waiting17:02
anteayaI am reviewing the stack yes17:02
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jeblairmordred: reviews of stack at 122532 are helpful17:02
anteayaam I also doing the jjb changes to make sure the gate-project-config jobs work?17:02
fungiyep, reviewing that stack while i lunch17:02
anteayais that the decision?17:02
jeblairanteaya: i don't understand?17:02
mordredjeblair: back on laptop in 1017:03
* clarkb reviews17:03
anteayawell to get those jobs working it was required to make changes in jjb was it not?17:03
anteayathat was my understanding17:03
jeblairanteaya: nope, just to rename them17:03
jeblairanteaya:  the changes to get them working all merged in 12410917:03
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* jeblair afks for 15m17:03
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Tell project-config about itself
anteayathat fixed a whitespace error17:06
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anteayadoes config-compare.xml get renamed to project-config-compare.xml?17:14
fungianteaya: i tend to think yes17:15
anteayaI will17:15
fungianteaya: since project-config is where the jjb configs live now17:15
anteayaand will await reviews17:15
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harlowjahave we been seeing any weird eventlet errors recently?17:17
harlowja :-/17:17
harlowjathe requirements repo pretty much lists 0.15.2 (the one that is unstable)17:17
clarkbfungi nice catch on the gerrit switch change17:17
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Update jenkins job names that test project-config
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clarkbharlowja it doesnt say >= something?17:18
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harlowjawell it says >= 0.15.1 and the only other version is 0.15.2 currently :-P17:18
fungii don't think that one's likely to merge-conflict when updated, so i'm going agead reviewing the rest on the assumption those votes will carry over as a trivial rebase17:18
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fungiclarkb: but yeah, that could have been mildly disastrous if we failed to catch it before it got applied17:20
anteayafungi: is that patch kinda-sorta what jeblair has in mind do you think? 12411617:20
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fungianteaya: well, the job names in jenkins job builder configuration will need to be altered to match17:21
anteayayes I had thought that was a part of it as well17:22
anteayaperhaps I am confused17:22
anteayaI will have something to eat and await jeblair's further guidance17:22
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/dox: Use base class for config file parsers
fungianteaya: for example
anteayaI can just go ahead and make the changes in that file and add that to that patch17:25
anteayaI will do that17:25
fungigood deal17:25
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Update jenkins job names that test project-config
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anteayayeah so SergeyLukjanov and notmyname and SlickNik either email the list or find someone who will17:28
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anteayathis is shaping up to be a sleepless night for me, don't do that17:29
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SergeyLukjanovanteaya, I'll do it in an hour, do I have an hour? :(17:30
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anteayaSergeyLukjanov: you have an hour, but don't delay17:30
notmynameanteaya: for the PTL nominations?17:30
anteayanotmyname: yes17:30
notmynameanteaya: isnt' the deadline tomorrow (/me is planning on doing it today)17:30
SergeyLukjanovanteaya, yeah, I'm trying to do 10 things at a time, but 10 more is waiting :( will try to send an email asap17:30
anteayanotmyname: your tomorrow will be too late17:31
anteayanotmyname: you have to do it by the end of your day today17:31
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anteayaAny member of an election electorate can propose their candidacy for the same election until September 26, 05:59 UTC.17:31
anteayathat works out to midnight tonight pst time17:31
anteayanotmyname: you are pst?17:31
notmynameanteaya: ya17:32
fungithat's actually 11pm pdt i think you'll find17:32
anteayaso today17:32
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anteayathat time is a holdover from when elections were held in pst timeframes17:33
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anteayaand nominations closed end of day thursday17:33
anteayaopenstackgerrit left again17:33
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jeblairanteaya: oh, i have another for you; do you want to write a change to rm from config all the stuff that moved to project-config?17:34
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anteayabut jenkins doesn't like it17:35
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fungiyeah, jenkins won't just yet17:35
fungibecause it'll need a rebase17:36
mordredjeblair: back17:36
jeblairbut moreover, AJaeger doesn't like it :)17:36
jeblairanteaya: but cool, i'll add that to the etherpad17:36
anteayajeblair: thanks17:36
fungioh, indeed. AJaeger hath spotted teh badness17:36
anteayayes I will address AJaeger's spotted badness17:36
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SlickNikanteaya: Yes, I'm working on the email to the list — will be out in the next hour or two.17:37
anteayaSlickNik: good, no delays please17:38
jeblairif gerritbot were here, it would have told you i pushed a new series that fixes the gerrit dev thing17:38
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SlickNikanteaya: roger that.17:38
anteayaha ha ha17:38
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* jeblair restarts gerritbot17:39
clarkbgah my tether thinks I should be hitting some 10 net address for everything why android why17:39
fungijogo: sounds like we're cheated out of an amusing opportunity to pointless debate as worthless alternative cantidates to an otherwise ptl-less project17:39
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fungipeople are actually on the ball with nominations this time around17:40
mtreinishfungi: it's not too late, throw your hat into the ring17:40
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fungimtreinish: nah, it's no fun when there are legitimate nominations. takes the joy out of it17:40
anteayafungi: you can still fight for glance17:40
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anteayaI didn't mention markwash since he posted he wasn't running17:41
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* anteaya gets something to eat before fixing the badness17:41
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for heat security group race bug 1374021
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1374021 in heat "test_server_cfn_init in check-tempest-dsvm-neutron-heat-slow fails with "BadRequest: Security group default already exists for project" (dup-of: 1370782)" [Undecided,New]
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1370782 in nova "SecurityGroupExists error when booting multiple instances concurrently" [Medium,In progress]
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clarkbjeblair: considering the thing that fungi caught, should we be applying these changes as noop changes? more manually as we go?17:42
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clarkbjeblair: not sure how paranoid you want to be17:42
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fungii was considering making the same suggestion17:42
jeblairfungi: i say glance should store more data in swift!17:42
jeblairjogo: i say glance should store even more data in swift!17:42
fungitrying to think through whether --noop will actually do anything17:42
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jeblairwe'd probably have to do an initial checkout of the vcs repo manually17:43
fungijeblair: i say your glance data in switch doesn't go too far enough!17:43
notmynameEVERYTHING IN SWIFT!!!111!!!elevety!!!111!!17:44
jogojeblair: hehe17:44
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fungijogo: i'm considering running on a platform which would dissolve glance and re-merge it back into nova. i just can't tolerate your unfettered love for expanding swift into an artifact mega-mart17:45
jogonotmyname: you know swift doesn't have anyone running yet  ...17:45
fungier, expanding glance17:45
fungisee, i care so little about the project i'm running for i can't even remember which name it has17:45
jogofungi: is it more like kmart or walmart17:46
notmynameI've actually been wondering what features would need to be in swift to allow nova to talk directly to swift for image management17:46
fungijogo: you should propose a rename as part of your platform. i wonder if anyone already has a trademark on either of those17:46
notmynamewe've had a _lot_ of requests for better ways to index/search (or hooks at least). and we've got some interesting thing in-progress around permissions that solve some problems around who can edit what17:47
jeblairjhesketh caught another error; i'm about to push another series in a minute17:47
jogonotmyname:  I like that idea a alot. just cut glance out all together17:48
fungii need to start a new cloud service which allows customer money to talk directly to your company's bank account... cut out all that needless software in the middle17:48
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jogonotmyname: although some people use shared filesysystem backends for glance as well17:48
clarkbjogo: ya was just going to say17:48
clarkbglance makes sense in that context17:49
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jeblair(especially shared filesystems with excellent client-side caching and invalidation protocols)17:49
notmynameyeah, I'm not sure how realistic "totally replace glance" is, but I strongly suspect there are some things we can do in swift to offload stuff from glance17:49
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notmynameas in, solve hard problems for the app (glance) so the app devs can focus on the value they bring17:50
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fungiclearly the answer is _artifacts_17:50
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch gerrit to project-config
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Doc updates for project-config
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch jenkins to project-config
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch specs to project-config
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch gerritbot to project-config
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch nodepool to project-config
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch accessbot to project-config
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch zuul and zuul-dev to project-config
clarkbjeblair: which change was the error in?17:51
jeblairclarkb: zuul and gerrit17:51
jeblairdev/ instead of /dev17:51
fungiohh, my eyeballs totally glazed over on that17:52
clarkbalso ec2 is rebooting all the nodes17:52
clarkbshould we reboot all the oepnstack clouds too?17:52
clarkbjeblair: mostly a bad joke (we like doing what amazon does [or at least we often seem to do these things])17:53
clarkbgah my wifi hopped on PSUs network and was captive portalled that explains the tethering weirdness17:53
clarkbthat said I would not be surprised if rax had to reboot everything as soon as they patch17:54
clarkbapparently a xen bug17:54
clarkbcritical enough to reboot all ec2 instances17:54
fungiyeah, there was a heapin' helpin' of xen security bugs announced yesterday17:54
clarkbso I guess we should be prepared for the possibility17:55
anteayawas watching the 5 turkeys on my lawn17:55
jeblairyeah, you know, just the portion of our system in rax :)17:55
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fungimostly lost in the noise of "shellshock" (because everyone's servers are like so totally pwnd by the bash environment parsing issue or something)17:56
clarkbworse than heartbleed17:56
fungiclearly. lock up your children and datas17:57
* fungi prepares the bunker17:57
clarkbjeblair: the dev/ vs /dev swaps seem to have flopped in the zuul and gerrit changes17:57
clarkbjeblair: so it isn't clear to me which one we actually want17:57
sdagueshellshock only impacts if you run bash cgi, right?17:57
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clarkbsdague: sort of. it affects anything that has access to bash. so if you run a terminal box and someone ssh's to it they can pwn themselves17:58
clarkbsdague: and python's popen apparently is vulnerable if you cgi that and subprocess to bash17:58
jogofungi: clarkb like gerrit?17:58
fungisdague: under fairly limited conditions. depends on how your cgi is invoked, what it does with its environment, what interpreter it's using, how it invokes subprocesses, what your default shell is in those circumstances...17:58
jeblairand ssh with forced commands17:58
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fungiright. the forced ssh commands situation is actually a lot more insidious, but it's also something very few sites use17:59
clarkbjogo: gerrit runs a java ssh thing without letting you exec bash so gerrit is fine17:59
sdagueI was kind of annoyed by the "all the IoT devices are broken with this" ... because mostly those run busybox, so no17:59
jogoclarkb: java FTW17:59
jeblairfungi: right, just the ones really concerned about security :)17:59
fungijeblair: yep! ;)18:00
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch gerrit to project-config
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Doc updates for project-config
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch jenkins to project-config
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch specs to project-config
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch gerritbot to project-config
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch nodepool to project-config
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch accessbot to project-config
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch zuul and zuul-dev to project-config
JayFfungi: yeah, the bypassing of command= in authorized_keys is one of the nastiest expressions of that bug18:00
jeblairswappeded zuul's dev path again ^18:00
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* clarkb rereviews18:01
fungiJayF: agreed. though generally, if you've done that you know you've done it, and can reason about the exposure risk. as opposed to the cgi-related means of exploiting it which tend to mean you get to dig around inside nebulous web app code you didn't write18:02
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mordredfungi: you should probably just stop running thigns as CGI ...18:03
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clarkbmordred: you know what runs as cgi? mailman and our wiki18:03
JayFCGI is easy to exploit in this case; bash gets run everytime Apache tries to call a CGI18:03
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JayFyou don't even need vulnerable code in the CGI being run, just the fact you're running a cgi causes you to be vuln18:04
mordredclarkb: sigh18:04
clarkbJayF: I don't think that is true18:04
fungiJayF: that was not at all my takeaway from the thread on the oss-security ml18:04
clarkbthe big issues were if you cgi scripts were bash or subshell to bash then you have problems18:04
clarkbmordred: its ok I used the power of ansible to update bash everywhere18:05
mordredwouldn't an exploit during CGI only get you the lower-priv apache user too?18:05
anteayasubmitting a new patch to requires a rebase, I am happier to checkout a new config, run my new-improved delete script and use the same change id18:05
mordredclarkb: NICE18:05
anteayaany objections?18:05
mordredclarkb: did it make you happy?18:05
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fungiJayF: apache doesn't invoke a shell unless you happen to have written your cgi *in* shell script. but your cgi may make system exec calls to run other executables and if it preserves the calling environment and if it's defaulting to bash as that user's shell (or something symlinked to bash) then your goose is cooked18:05
clarkbmordred: ansible '*' -m apt -a 'name=bash update_cache=yes state=latest' -f1018:05
JayFfungi: clarkb: gimme one sec to get the log from a buddy, I might have misinterpreted this...18:05
clarkbmordred: it still a bit clunky as far as figuring out how ansible wants me to do the things, but its amazing that I can do them18:05
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JayFfungi: clarkb: although looking at this I don't think he was successfully exploited, it was just an attempt18:06
AJaegeranteaya: go ahead18:06
anteayaAJaeger: thanks18:06
anteayaAJaeger: and thanks for the awesome review!!18:06
anteayaI can always count on you18:06
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fungiJayF: but of course if you get your security analysis from new stories, then the sky is falling. doomsday. armageddon. apocalypse. cats and dogs living together...18:06
clarkbevery news story I said made sure i knew this was worse than heartbleed18:07
anteayado you know that now?18:07
JayFfungi: I tend to err on the side of thinking that more things are vuln than they are, keeps me on my toes and adequately patched :P18:07
anteayawere the news people successful?18:07
JayFanteaya: yes18:07
fungiJayF: yes, i think we all err on the side of just patching anyway18:07
JayFanteaya: my English-teacher wife asked me last night if I had patched my "bash" on servers at work18:08
anteayaglad someone is doing their job18:08
anteayawell at least they are learning the buzz words18:08
anteayamy mom figured out how to stop brute force password hacks18:08
anteayawhen I was telling her the iCloud thing18:08
fungilrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Jan 10  2014 /bin/sh -> dash18:08
anteayashe said why don't they just stop them after 3 wrong password attempts18:09
anteayaway to go mom!18:09
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AJaegeranteaya: that was pure luck - I wanted to figure out quickly were layout.yaml was and then was confused ;)18:09
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* AJaeger didn't check each and every file18:10
anteayaI'll take luck18:10
fungibetween my debian servers and my openbsd servers, i wasn't extremely worried about my personal systems... sane operating systems don't use a full-featured shell for non-interactive default environments18:10
anteayawhen I points out my errors18:10
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clarkbjeblair: stack lgtm18:11
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clarkbI need to afk now to find early lunch and my train. back as soon as I find a seat18:11
arosen1What do you guys thinking about adding support for nodepool and zuul to devstack?18:11
fungiclarkb: jeblair: agreed. i'm +2 on all of them now18:12
fungiarosen1: zuulstack!18:12
arosen1I think it would make it easier for people if they could deploy all their CI from that since it's a pretty well known tool18:12
jeblairfungi: do you want to go with manual apply / noop, or just do it?18:12
arosen1fungi: :)18:12
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Removes content split into project-config
jeblairarosen1: so we're at the beginning of a very long process to make all of this more reusable18:13
anteayayay that worked18:13
anteayaAJaeger: have at it18:13
jeblairarosen1: if we start encoding the current practice into devstack, i think it will conflict with where we are going, and moreover, these are all production systems, which we won't be mananging with devstack18:13
fungijeblair: i think probably manual, to give at least one of us a chance to see what puppet actually wants to do. shall disable remove the cron entry on the master?18:14
jeblairarosen1: we do manage them with puppet, so that's why we're working on making that more useful for downstreams18:14
jeblairarosen1: the project-config move we are doing is part of this process18:14
fungier, shall i18:14
* anteaya returns to reviewing the jeblair stack18:14
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anteayaAJaeger: do join in, lots to review:
arosen1jeblair:  yea i understand that running a production system from devstack isn't the best idea but i think it will at least allow people to see what they need to do to easily configure it.18:15
arosen1also will allow developers to contribe to nodepool more easily18:15
fungii think for testing out nodepool it might be interesting to install it on a devstack machine you can point it at, if you don't already have an openstack cloud to point it at instead, but meh18:16
dtroyerso -1 on  ;)18:16
jeblairyeah, we have so little manpower working on this project as it is, i don't think it's helpful to start fragmenting the way we install it and set it up18:17
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jeblairwe can make a pushbutton deployment, and we can do it with the actual tools we use to deploy in production18:17
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jeblairand then we won't have two teams of people playing catchup as it all changes18:17
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jeblairfungi: yes, please disable the cron on master18:19
fungii have, though the run from 18:15 hasn't wrapped up yet18:20
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jeblairk, i'm working on writing next steps18:20
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AJaegeranteaya: I didn't review all that puppet stuff, just found some wrong docu in 122908 ;)18:20
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arosen1fungi:  I was asking you about this yesterday and tried a bunch of random things last night and haven't gotten a working solution :(18:21
fungigiven stackalytics says AJaeger does more reviews than anyone else in all of openstack, we can probably cut him a little slack ;)18:21
jeblairarosen1: what's not working?18:22
arosen1fungi:  I'm working on this stackforge project call congress. I have tempest tests in this project that i copy over to tempest. Though the problem is tempest doesn't have the congressclient in it's requirement.txt;  Heres my jenkins job config for it:
anteayaAJaeger: good work18:22
fungiarosen1: i have promptly forgotten most of last night, even without the assistance of alcohol. what were you asking me about18:22
fungiarosen1: ahh, yes, that18:22
anteayafungi: :D18:22
jeblairarosen1: i think we may have been talking about _very_ different things.  :)18:22
fungiarosen1: so if memory serves, you need congress installed from git into the devstack-gate workspace?18:23
fungier, python-congressclient i guess18:23
arosen1so tempest runs from devstackgate using: tox which creates a venv. If i put python-congressclient in requirements.txt i tries to download it from pip i think?18:24
arosen1fungi: nah different issue we got that one fixed :)18:24
fungiarosen1: so, yes, if you have it in requirements.txt and it's not already installed, it will try to install from pypi18:24
mikaany chance that we'll might get a new jenkins-job-builder release? :)18:24
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mtreinisharosen1: the tempest tox.ini has site-packages=True, so it'll use the git versions if they're installed18:24
fungiarosen1: one solution is to install it from source before the requirements.txt gets parsed18:25
fungiwhat mtreinish just said18:25
arosen1fungi: it is installed on the system though. I can import the congressclient from the cli18:25
fungiarosen1: what does the requirements entry look like?18:25
* AJaeger needs some slack ;)18:26
anteayamika: I think zaro and mgagne are the folks you want to ask on that one18:26
mikaanteaya: thanks for the pointer18:26
anteayamika: np18:26
fungiarosen1: is it unversioned?18:26
mikazaro: mgagne: any chance that we might get a new jenkins-job-builder release? it would be great if a recent version could make it into Debian/jessie18:26
mtreinisharosen1: oh, is the issue that congressclient isn't in the tempest requirements file so it's not getting put in the venv?18:26
fungiarosen1: oh, also it does look like you're doing pip install -U (upgrade) which will try to find and install the newest version of all requirements even if you already have them installed18:27
fungii'm guessing the full-serial section in tempest's tox.ini specifies to use -U18:28
arosen1mtreinish:  right but i put it in there as part of my jenkins job18:29
arosen1fungi:  right there are no git tags and it's not on pypi18:29
mtreinishfungi: yeah it's set on the testenv section:
arosen1fungi:  i'm just running the command that devstack-gate runs to run tempest.18:29
fungiarosen1: unrelated note, you may want to go ahead and register it on pypi just so someone else doesn't decide to squat it and force you to rename18:30
arosen1fungi:  k, will do that.18:30
anteayaAJaeger: if you offer a patch with those doc fixes I will review18:31
jeblairfungi: does the etherpad look correct for those puppet commands?18:31
jeblairfungi: (i'm in the process of testing them)18:31
fungijeblair: is done btw and commented out18:31
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AJaegeranteaya: yeah let me do those so that jeblair's stack can sail in easily...18:32
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mtreinisharosen1: I'm curious why you're copying things into tempest. Instead of just importing the bits you need from tempest18:32
fungijeblair: yeah, we haven't tweaked so what you have there is i think all we'll need to test18:32
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arosen1mtreinish:  I do import things from tempest in my code. But this code needs to get copied into tempest to run with tempest. Checkout:
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arosen1fungi:  so is the issue that site_package is not set to true in
mtreinisharosen1: why? you just need to call the test runner on that file (and specify a location for tempest config file with the env variables) and it should work just the same if you run it in that repo vs in tempest's18:36
mtreinishwell assuming you adjust the import path for the policy client18:36
AJaegeranteaya: "Job config-compare.xml not defined" in
jeblairfungi: okay, the apply command works18:37
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jeblairfungi: so i think we merge the stack now18:37
arosen1mtreinish: right i agree. It doesn't matter if i copy it into the tempest project or not if i do that. Though I'll still have the same problem with the python-congressclient18:37
fungijeblair: agreed18:38
mtreinisharosen1: well depending on how you run it. The issue is the venv right? why not just setup a post-test hook that directly calls the test runner for the congress tests without using a venv18:39
mtreinishI think barbican has an example of how to do that18:39
jeblairfungi: done18:39
jeblairwell, approved anyway18:39
anteayaAJaeger: yeah fixed in the patch that is the child of the failing patch18:39
zaromika: yes, when is the deadline?18:39
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arosen1mtreinish: hrm, i kinda wanted to leverage all the goodness of devstack-gate. I think the problem with this is if i want to run additional tests from tempest too things will get more complicated as there'll be 2 results.html.gz files18:41
arosen1or i guess i can just have my own tempest tests output to a different file.18:42
mtreinisharosen1: oh, I assumed this was going to be separate from a full tempest run18:42
mikazaro: beginning of november is freeze, until then the package must be in Debian/testing, so ASAP would be good ;)18:42
arosen1mtreinish: I'd prefer to combine i think this will let me make things more flexable if i want.18:43
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Improve jeepyb.rst content
AJaegeranteaya: here's the patch you wanted to review ;)18:44
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Make gate-config-bashate nonvoting
* anteaya reviews18:44
jeblairwe will need to force-merge and maybe force-apply it too18:45
arosen1fungi:  actually this is what is running: tox -eall ; which has sitepackages=True18:45
fungijeblair: yep. i'm happy to take care of that18:45
anteayaAJaeger: thanks18:45
AJaegeranteaya: thansk for the review!18:46
jeblairfungi: cool, why don't you go ahead and do that then; that way it will be in the repo when the config changes merge to start using it18:46
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Make gate-config-bashate nonvoting
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lifelesssdague: dhellmann any thoughts on my namespace proposal?18:48
dhellmannlifeless: is that on the ML? I haven't looked today18:48
fungidoes zuul need sighup to reread its config, or does it just take a moment to notice when the layout file is modified?18:48
lifelessdhellmann: yes couple days ago18:48
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notmynameanteaya: done18:50
dhellmannlifeless: let's talk in openstack-oslo, the infra team is busy in here today18:51
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anteayanotmyname: thank you18:52
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Move zuul layout into /etc/zuul/layout
anteayaawesome, tristanC will confirm you when he has a moment18:53
anteayanotmyname: :D18:53
anteayaglad swift is not orphaned18:53
fungiaha, says yes, sighup18:53
notmynameanteaya: "I'm running for Swift PTL. You may know me from my previous emails: 'I'm running for Swift PTL', 'I'm running for Swift PTL', 'I'm running for Swift PTL', and 'I'm running for Swift PTL'"18:54
anteayanotmyname: ha h aha, I sense a theme18:54
anteayaconsistency is important18:54
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notmynamemaybe next time elections come around, we can use metacloud's card deck. "You may know me as the 10 of spades..."18:55
fungiokay, zuul's config is reloaded with 122532 manually applied18:55
morganfainbergnotmyname, LOL18:55
funginotmyname: useful as a future conference speaker headshot18:56
jeblairfungi: oh, er, what?18:56
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anteayanotmyname: ha ha ha18:56
clarkbnotmyname: :P18:57
anteayaI don't always self-nominate for swift ptl, when when I do...18:57
jeblairfungi: i'm not sure what you're working on or how it fits into the sequence18:57
fungijeblair: was asking how to notify zuul the layout configuration changed since puppet was not the one doing it18:57
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jeblairfungi: yeah, i'm just wondering why puppet is not the one doing it18:57
clarkbjeblair: are the files different?18:58
nibalizeris the notify passed up from the vcsrepo?18:58
clarkbpuppet will md5sum them and won't copy if they match18:58
jeblairbasically, there's a process in
jeblairit starts on line 1018:58
fungijeblair: oh, when you said manually apply you meant through puppet, not hand-patched and reloaded. sorry18:58
finchclarkb: - our default vhost config doesn't set up a max requests per ruby instance - you might want to set that to some low value and then tune up18:58
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Update xstatic-jquery-ui for Horizon
jeblairi thought we were wating on line 11 to complete18:58
clarkbfinch: is that a bug in the package?18:59
clarkbbut that seems like a reasonable thing to do18:59
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finchclarkb: it's a tuning parameter, it should probably be set by default but the specific value will depend on the site18:59
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to stackforge/python-jenkins: Add a get_plugin_info method
fungijeblair: i thought you meant 122532 needed to go in before we approved those changes18:59
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clarkbfinch: sure, I just expect defaults to work for small deployments :)19:00
fungior before they merged at any rate19:00
clarkbotherwise they are poor defaults19:00
fungibut thinking about it now, it doesn't seem like it needed to19:00
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fungiit just wouldn't have been able to merge on its own19:00
arosen1dtroyer: have you seen this before: it's weird if i do: sudo pip install e . (in openstackclient/congressclient) everything works. But if i open a new terminal i get this same error.19:00
fungisince the other changes are to the openstack-infra/config repo not openstack-infra/project-config19:00
clarkbfinch: clearly you should drink more19:01
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jeblairyeah, that's all i meant.  i did want it to be in the project-config repo before we ran puppet for real on zuul so that it would be applied, but that's about it19:01
jeblairanyway, we should be fine19:01
fungiokay, well no harm done19:01
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jeblairand, incidentally, we can recheck 124103 again now :)19:01
fungihappy accident19:01
finchclarkb: blrrrrfgh I just got back from puppetconf and don't want to do anything in particular19:01
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Switch zuul and zuul-dev to project-config
jeblairanteaya: 124103 has an error19:02
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jeblairi need to add a 'favorites' screen to gertty19:02
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* anteaya looks at 12410319:03
zaromika: ok.  will do next week.19:03
fungiahh, yep, config-compare.xml19:03
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zaroclarkb: we all go on this one?
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arosen1dtroyer:  odd; it seems like sudo pip install -e . ; unsets this variable which makes things work;19:04
arosen1unset os_PACKAGE19:04
arosen1i put that in my .profile and it lets me avoid it.19:05
fungijeblair: that's i think what the cryptic comment in the etherpad meant about the fix for it being in the child change 12411619:05
mikazaro: very much appreciated, thanks! \o/19:05
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finchclarkb: anywho. try turning that on and see if something neat happens. if that solves your issue then we can do a PR to fix that in upstream.19:05
anteayajeblair: yes that is config-compare.xml not defined, which is defined in the child patch19:05
clarkbfinch: kk19:05
fungianteaya: jeblair: so maybe the order of those changes needs to be switched19:05
anteayaI can do that19:05
clarkbfungi: jeblair: I know you are busy. any opposition to me manually uncommenting # PassengerMaxRequests 1000 in the puppetmaster vhost?19:05
clarkbsee if that curbs the leaking19:06
jeblairclarkb: wfm19:06
fungiclarkb: please do19:06
fungiclarkb: i had to reboot it this morning... it had oom'd and stopped all puppetmastering yesterday evening19:06
fungiclarkb: thus about half of the config changes we merged yesterday had yet to be applied when i woke up19:07
jeblairanteaya, fungi: so project-config doesn't exist until the backport patch19:07
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Switch jenkins to project-config
clarkbI am going to restart apache for good measure (I hope a reload is sufficient bbut I never know)19:07
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Switch gerrit to project-config
jeblairanteaya: the error is in the backport patch, which adds config-compare.xml19:07
clarkball done19:07
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Switch nodepool to project-config
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Switch accessbot to project-config
jeblairanteaya, fungi: i think the etherpad comment is wrong; the backport patch should correct the job, and the rename patch should still be based on it19:08
fungiahh, yep19:08
fungithat'd do it19:09
anteayaokay I will do that19:09
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anteayaI'm staring at it and can't see the typo19:12
anteayaI'm an idiot19:12
lifelessmordred: ping - pbr semver versioning need your ack19:12
mordredlifeless: will look later - I'm very poorly attempting to keep up with the project-config split today19:14
fungianteaya: compare-xml not compare,xml19:14
fungii can see where finger memory would make -xml harder to type than .xml19:15
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Tell project-config about itself
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anteayafungi: thanks yeah I had to look at the infra.yaml jobs to see that19:16
anteayaI could have addressed AJaeger comment about upstream at teh same time and I didn't19:16
anteayasorry AJaeger19:16
fungianteaya: though you'll also need to update 12411619:16
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anteayayes and rebase19:17
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Sinclerhi. I'm having a problem and i wish if any one can help me, when i upgrade to gerrit 2.8.4 jenkins stop working, if i push a commit jenkins don evaluate it, i have the change in queue on zuul waiting for the jenkins vote, do you had this problem when you made this upgrade?, how do you solve it?19:18
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zaroSincler: what version are you upgrading from?19:20
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Sinclerzaro: from 2.4.419:20
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anteayafungi: if I want to rebase the second patch in a series on the first19:21
anteayafungi: git rebase -i sha-of-parent-patch?19:21
zaroSincler: what version of zuul? and gearman?19:21
AJaegeranteaya: no problem19:23
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anteayaAJaeger: :D19:23
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Switch specs to project-config
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Sinclerzaro: Zuul version: and checking gearman19:24
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zaroSincler: zuul listens to gerrit events to do it's thing, so make sure that gerrit is still firing events for you.
SergeyLukjanovanteaya, done re ptl candidacy email19:25
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Update jenkins job names that test project-config
anteayaSergeyLukjanov: thank you19:25
anteayaboo, I rebased by gerrit still says it is outdated19:26
anteayaI had done git review -d 124116 in a new branch and rebased19:26
fungianteaya: yeah, without knowing the current state of your working dir, hard to say19:27
anteayaI had tried to cherry pick 124103 then 124116 in a new branch but I can't cherry pick 124116 it erros19:27
anteayaI deleted project-config and started with a fresh repo19:27
fungianteaya: right, there will be a merge conflict because you're changing a line in 124116 which is changed in your updated patchset for 12410319:28
Sinclerzaro:  gearman-plugin': version => '0.0.3' and if i run ssh -i /home/gerrit2/.ssh/gerrit2 -p 29418 gerrit2@localhost gerrit stream-events  there is no answer19:28
fungiwhen it complains that there are conflicts, edit layout.yaml to resolve those conflicts, git add that file, then git cherry-pick --continue19:28
anteayalet me try again19:29
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zaroSincler: you won't get a response until there is an event in gerrit.  try pushing a change or updating an existing change.19:32
anteayafungi: do I edit layout.yaml to match the parent or the child?19:32
fungianteaya: you edit layout.yaml to match what you want it to look like19:33
anteayaso the child19:33
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fungithe conflict section there shows you what the parent commit and the attempted update look like, and you edit them for what you want to appear in the new patch you're trying to apply19:34
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AJaegeranteaya: contains now an outdated dependency, something went wrong...19:35
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Switch gerritbot to project-config
fungiAJaeger: she didn't edit them at the same time, so she's in the process of updating that one now to be based on the other19:36
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Tell project-config about itself
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Update jenkins job names that test project-config
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Doc updates for project-config
anteayafungi: I understand now19:36
anteayaI'm used to doing the edit after the cherry pick but with conflicts I do the edit in the middle of the cherry pick19:37
clarkbso is glance the last project without a ptl candidate?19:38
fungianteaya: eventually you may want to get comfortable with using git rebase -i to edit changes in the middle of a series19:38
fungianteaya: once your familiarity with it increases, it makes that particular problem much easier to deal with19:38
fungiclarkb: apparently19:38
anteayaclarkb: yes19:38
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AJaegerfungi: ah - so I was too fast ;)19:39
anteayathough two different people have contacted me about being a last resort19:39
AJaegerclarkb: do you want to step up?19:39
anteayathey are chatting to decide between them who will post19:39
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anteayafungi: okay thank, I'm used to git rebase -i master19:39
fungianteaya: good. saves me and jogo embarrassing ourselves ;)19:39
clarkbAJaeger: fungi's platform sounded good to me :)19:39
anteayaand git rebase -i sha just worked19:40
AJaegerclarkb: can we propose him? ;)19:40
anteayafungi: well you anyway19:40
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anteayaAJaeger: twist arms all you like but candidates have to self nominate19:41
arosen1fungi:  doh! I think i figured out why i'm getting this... I had: echo "enable_service congress" >> localrc ; so that gets put at the top of the localrc file. Though later in that file it does ENABLED_SERVICES=etc ; which over rides my: enable_service congress X.x19:41
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anteayaclarkb: well SlickNik still hasn't posted but he said he will19:41
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jeblairfungi, clarkb: i believe our changes have merged19:43
jeblairfungi: do you want to update the production config repo on puppetmaster?19:43
jeblairi'll get ready to test out the procedure on zuul-dev19:43
fungijeblair: yep, looks like it. doing that now19:43
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jeblaironce confirmed, we can split up the rest of the hosts19:43
Sinclerzaro: i restored a change, and stream-events return this {"type":"change-restored","change":{"project":"tutorials","branch":"master","id":"Ica5a096b3d74a034fefafa38c7de7942c0018886","number":"1","subject":"Omar Test","owner":{"name":"Demo User","email":"demouser@localhost","username":"demouser"}......19:45
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jeblairfungi: i think you can skip the step19:46
fungijeblair: should be all set to try on zuul-dev now19:46
mordredanteaya: oh, I was going to put in for glance as a last resort too :)19:47
anteayathe turkeys are still on my lawn, they usually don't stay this long19:47
anteayamordred: great, so three now19:47
mordredanteaya: maybe all three of us should submit and see how the voting goes :)19:47
fungianteaya: yeah, my folks have had a bunch this year. they installed a turkey feeder (elevated where the bears don't get to it) to keep them around19:48
jeblairmordred: istr you have strong feelings about glanceclient options19:48
anteayamordred: would be fun voting19:48
fungimordred: i for one welcome our rewritten glanceclient masters19:48
anteayafungi: nice19:48
mordredthat's my platform, btw19:49
anteayaapparently I have enough good eatn' on my lawn to keep them amused19:49
fungimordred: someone needs to run with a platform of dissolving glance and merging it back into nova19:49
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mordredwell, that won't be me - I think it's fine as a thing19:49
mordredand don't think we should have a more complex nova ata ll19:49
fungi"Subject: well, i guess this multi-year experiment failed..."19:49
anteayajust a thing with a better client19:49
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anteayathere are some good devs there19:50
anteayaI think the just need a flag in the ground to rally around19:50
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anteayayou are good at sticking flags in the ground mordred19:51
jeblairfungi: we're not going to get detailed info for zuul without manually applying the change to move the layout dir (since it's an absent->present change as opposed to diff)19:51
jeblairfungi: however, you have, with great prescience, done that on prod ;)19:51
jeblairfungi: so i'm going to say the process looks like it works, run this for real on zuul dev, then move on to zuul19:51
fungijeblair: oh, i didn't move the file, i merely edited it to set that one job non-voting19:51
jeblairfungi: oh, i confused that with another change19:52
jeblairwell, do you think it's worth applying manually to get the detailed diff?19:52
fungibut yeah, i suspected the file moves were going to result in a fairly opaque --noop result unfortunately19:52
jeblairi kind of think we can just let it slide on zuul19:52
fungii agree. i was more worried about gerrit19:52
jeblairi think it's either going to work or not and we'll know pretty quick19:52
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jeblairwe can save the queue before doing it just in case19:53
fungiand about manage-projects running roughshod over stuff19:53
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jeblairk, lemme run this for real on zuul-dev and see if there are any issues19:53
fungimordred: the joke was going to be that if nobody stepped up to lead the project, then someone should step up to dissolve it instead ;_19:53
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jeblairzuul-dev looks good; content looks correct and it ran the reload trigger19:54
jeblairi'll do zuul now19:55
jeblairfungi: you want to start on the jenkinses?19:55
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fungiyep, hitting jenkins.o.o first since it tends to not do things very often19:55
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jeblairfungi: er, did i completely miss the git backends?19:57
fungijeblair: oh, you know what? they use projects.yaml to create cgit repos don't they?19:58
jeblairi think they do19:58
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jeblairi'm going to finish up zuul, then i'll go write that change while you continue with jenkins19:58
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fungijeblair: as for jenkins, --noop wants to remove project-config from /etc/jenkins_jobs/config/projects.yaml but otherwise no relevant file content changes19:59
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* fungi goible-checks that that's right19:59
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jeblairhrm, wouldn't hurt to get 124103 in19:59
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fungigood idea, that way the job updates from this make sense20:00
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed a change to stackforge/dox: Better support for multiple commands
jeblairmaybe let's pause until that happens20:00
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jeblairi'll go write the git change20:00
fungishall i approve 124103 or did someone else want to review that most recent patchset too?20:00
jeblairi just review/aprvd20:01
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zaroSincler: might be the events have changed.  have you checked your gerrit trigger in zuul layout.yaml file to see if they still match?20:02
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mriedemwhen is the stable/havana branch going to be deleted?20:02
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: CORS support for StoryBoard API
fungiSincler: when we upgraded from gerrit 2.4 to 2.8 we had to modify our comment trigger patterns to account for changes in the comment formatting in the gerrit event stream20:03
fungimriedem: when i or someone writes the patches. i'm trying to work on them this week, but it may end up being next week20:03
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Sinclerzaro :  gerrit:20:03
Sincler        - event: patchset-created20:03
Sincler        - event: change-restored20:03
Sinclerthe name  match20:03
mriedemfungi: ok, i knew it was coming up20:04
fungimriedem: regardless, we wanted to wait and not actually delete those branches until a week had passed after the last release (which was this past tuesday)20:04
mriedemgot some scripts using stable/havana tempest and wanted to plan for when those will break :)20:04
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fungimriedem: tuesday of this coming week, at the earliest20:04
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fungimriedem: the one week grace is to account for if the stable release manager made a mistake tagging the last version and didn't notice it right away, or if some egregious bug was introduced between the last two versions which needed a brown-bag update20:06
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch git and storyboard to project-config
jeblairfungi, clarkb, mordred, anteaya: ^20:09
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Sinclerfungi: i'm testing with your layout.yaml for example
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anteayajeblair: does that patch need to define those variables to match actual paths in the project-config repo?20:11
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anteayajeblair: I didn't see paths in that patch20:11
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jeblairanteaya: it's already defined (it was defined in the gerrit change).  though the gerrit change used the wrong name (gerrit -> jeepyb)20:12
fungiyeah, looks like we missed that in the earlier review20:12
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Update URL for projects.yaml
fungisort of odd that the puppet apply job didn't break20:13
jeblairfungi: what puppet apply job?20:13
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jeblairoh that puppet apply job :)20:14
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zaroSincler: zuul talks to your gearman server.  so now you should check whether zuul added a job to the gearman queue.20:14
jeblairyeah, i have a suspicion something is really wrong with those since the move to puppet320:14
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jeblairif someone has time to look into that, that would be really great20:14
fungijeblair: the ones which ran on 122894 and its successors20:14
jeblairbecause i think they are throwing _lots_ of errors and then succeeding20:15
zaroSincler: ohh actually zuul runs it's own gearman server. so what you see in the zuul queue is the gearman queue.20:15
jeblairnibalizer, jesusaurus: ^ if you have a minute20:15
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zaroSincler: your version of the gearman plugin seems pretty old.  i would upgrade that to the latest release which is 0.0.7 i believe.20:15
zaroSincler: also what version of jenkins are you running?20:16
anteayajeblair: I question the paths in 12417320:16
Sinclerzaro: Jenkins ver. 1.565.220:16
jeblairanteaya: did you visit the url?20:16
anteayaI did not20:17
jesusaurusjeblair: whats going on with the apply jobs?20:17
jeblairanteaya: i would recommend doing that, and then comparing the output to the one you suggested20:17
fungianteaya: "plain" is what cgit changes the url to instead of "tree" if you ask to see the raw file content20:18
zaroSincler: ahh i think there are issues with later version of jenkins.  we are running LTS ver 1.532.220:18
anteayaah, I'm wrong20:18
jeblairjesusaurus: we're not sure they're working since the move to puppet320:18
zaroSincler: can you downgrade jenkins?20:18
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Sinclerzaro:yes i'll try upgrade gearman and downgrade jenkins20:19
jeblairjesusaurus: that change used an undefined variable20:19
jesusaurusoh interesting20:20
anteayagrey squirrel on the deck 4 metres in front of the cat, looks like she will jump through the screen20:21
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jeblairjesusaurus: 'gerrit_projcet_file' was used instead of 'jeepyb_project_file'.  i don't see an error in the log relating to that20:22
anteayaso we want to keep going using the jeepyp variable rather than fixing it to gerrit?20:22
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annegentleI once worked at a software company that supported every software release they ever had, including the one on floppy disks.20:23
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anteayaannegentle: ha ha ha20:23
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fungianteaya: jeepyb_project_file is a more accurate name for the puppet manifest20:25
fungianteaya: gerrit/projects.yaml is a more user-friendly path for the project-config repo20:25
anteayaokay as long as those addressing the puppet manifest are happy20:26
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1353891 in gearman-plugin "Jobs generated by jenkins job builder are not registered" [Undecided,New]20:29
anteayaI'm looking at the gerrit patch again: and I am not seeing the jeepyb reference20:29
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Sinclerzaro: ok, i'll check it and downgrade to test, thanks20:32
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jesusaurusjeblair: in that particular case, it looks like the incorrect 'gerrit_project_file' was use on the right-hand side, so it may have silently resolved to an empty string? its concerning that theres nothing in the log about that20:33
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jesusaurusjeblair: but in general there are a lot of errors in that log, but puppet agent seems to have returned 0, so we may have to use --detailed-exit-codes and manually check each run for a return of 4 or 6 (the possible returns for an error)20:34
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anteayafound it:
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jeblairjesusaurus: that all makes sense (though i thought we were using detailed exit codes in the apply job)20:38
anteaya124103 is in the gate awaiting nodes20:40
jesusaurusjeblair: no, we aren't. i don't think we can with clarkb's `xargs -P $(nprocs)` trick, we will have to run them serially to check each exit code20:40
jeblairclarkb, mordred: around to review 124166?20:40
jeblairjesusaurus: the other thing is that a lot of those errors are not really errors, they are mostly due to noop20:41
clarkbI can try currently in dead spot of train ride20:41
jeblairclarkb, fungi: we're waiting on 124166 to merge to proceed20:41
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jeblair(as well as 103, but that's imminent)20:42
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jeblairclarkb: do you suspect the logstash queue second derivative is related to rax cinder performance?20:43
fungijeblair: yep, it's currently waiting on workers in the gate pipeline20:43
clarkbjeblair: yes20:44
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jeblairthe line has been decidedly discongruous with our workload recently20:44
fungiand clouds are notoriously inconsistent for performance, _especially_ where i/o is concerned20:45
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fungimainly because of lack of good metering/quotas/enforcement around iops20:46
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mordredjeblair: on it20:48
mordredjeblair: oh - nevermind :)20:49
jeblairmordred: feel free, you still have time :)20:49
jeblairanteaya: are you updating 124116?20:49
mordredjeblair: it looked approved to me ...20:49
anteayajeblair: ah, I wasn't working on it, should I be?20:50
jeblairmordred: yes, but not merged20:50
jeblairanteaya: it has an error20:50
mordredjeblair: nod20:50
clarkblgtm edge service so bad20:50
anteayait failed again :(20:50
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mordredjeblair: lgtm - no need to panic -220:50
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anteayawell the errors are fixed in the child patch: 2014-09-25 20:23:09.714 | Job config-compare-xml not defined20:51
anteaya2014-09-25 20:23:09.714 | Job gate-config-irc-access not defined20:51
anteayaso am I squashing the patches?20:51
jeblairanteaya: there is no child patch20:52
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jeblairanteaya: that's the end of the line, and the error is in that patch20:52
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jeblairi'll leave a pointer20:53
fungianteaya: you've renamed those jobs in the jenkins config but missed instances of them in the zuul config20:53
anteayaah yes okay20:53
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jeblairanteaya: i left pointers to the things that need changing20:54
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fungihah, tristanC just showed me
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notmynameis the merge-check queue deduped?20:57
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Update jenkins job names that test project-config
jeblairnotmyname: i hope so?20:57
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anteayajeblair: I'm just not sure about line 3025:
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jeblairnotmyname: spot checking some nova numbers, i only see them showing up once20:59
notmynamejust curious. I only noticed that it exits just now20:59
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anteayawe have a glance ptl candidate!! woooo21:00
jeblairyeah, it's been kinda busy lately21:00
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fungiwhich is good news--means stuff is merging!21:00
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jeblairanteaya: what are you unsure about?21:00
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jeblairoh, erm, why wasn't that job dropped?21:01
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jeblairanteaya: i think you can drop it.  right fungi?21:01
anteayaso drop that job?21:01
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jeblairyeah.  we are not currently running it; it must have been missed in the backport21:02
fungijeblair: anteaya: yeah, the data and the script exercising it have nothing to do with that repo any longer21:02
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Update jenkins job names that test project-config
jeblairmordred: 124102 has errors21:04
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add project-config to infra integration test
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anteayamorning mattoliverau21:06
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jeblairmattoliverau: we're working from here on the project-config split:
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fungiyesterday's review frenzy put a 40% wallop on my unreviewed config changes21:10
anteayajeblair: for 124181 do we need to add anything to jenkins/jobs/projects.yaml? here is what the state soon will be:
anteaya40% is a lot21:11
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mordredjeblair: gah. fixing21:14
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add project-config to zuul cloner
jeblairanteaya: no21:15
jeblairanteaya: they already exist21:16
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anteayajeblair: kk21:16
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Tell project-config about itself
asselinis this correct? creates a directory 'layout', or should it be 'file'?
asselinor /etc/zuul?21:21
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jeblairasselin: directory now; we put both the layout.yaml and the in that directory.  we have adjusted our zuul.conf to point one level deeper for its layout21:22
fungiokay, since that finally merged i'm retesting jenkins.o.o21:22
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jeblairasselin: that was to accomodate arbitrary include files in the project-config repo21:22
fungioh, right, need to update the puppetmaster again21:22
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jeblairfungi: should be good.  we'll just want to stop before we get to gerrit if 124166 doesn't merge before then.21:22
* fungi notes this21:23
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fungiaha, right, needed to rerun the module apply21:24
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fungiokay, no relevant content changes that time21:25
fungijeblair: should be safe to proceed with a non --noop apply right?21:25
fungilooks good. i'll apply on the other masters21:26
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jeblairfungi: i'm going to save the zuul queue, cross my fingers, then apply on zuul21:29
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fungijeblair: good plan21:30
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lifelessdstufft: ping21:30
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jeblairfungi: zuul is done21:31
jeblairi'll start on git backends21:31
jeblairer no i won't21:32
jeblairthat's waiting on 124166 too21:32
fungiahh, right21:32
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Stop using deprecated TESTR_FULL option
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Remove TESTR_FULL option for running tempest
fungimtreinish: i suspect 124189 has been proposed against teh wrong project21:33
mtreinishfungi: oh, was that part of the repo split?21:33
fungimtreinish: yep, the change to delete those files from the config repo just hasn't merged yet21:33
jeblair(it's still a bit dangerous to merge it)21:34
mtreinishok I can push it against the other repo instead21:34
mtreinishit's not super urgent21:34
anteayamtreinish: wait a few21:34
anteayamtreinish: since project-config isn't quite yet in the shape we would like it to be21:35
anteayayou might just be creating rebases for yourself21:35
anteayamy sense is jeblair will post to the ml once we have the all clear21:35
morganfainberganteaya, what if mtreinish really likes pointless rebasing? :P ok ok /me quiets up again21:35
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anteayanever let me stand in the way of someone wanting do to useless work21:36
mtreinishmorganfainberg: sometimes I do. The monotony is calming, that's why I like doing giant hacking fix patches.21:36
anteayaunless of course it beeps when it backs up21:36
anteayathen I hate you21:36
jeblairanteaya: i am, in fact, drafting a message right now21:36
anteayajeblair: cool21:36
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fungiokay, jenkins masters are all done21:41
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fungii'm being told that it's time to go eat something21:42
jeblairfungi: okay, i'll take care of the rest when 124116 merges (in 2 mins)21:42
anteayamy dinner is ready as well21:42
jeblairalong with clarkb and mordred, i hope.  :)21:42
anteayaback in a bit21:43
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clarkbI am approsching olympia and should have better internets once north of there21:43
jeblairis anyone else around?  i've got some independent project-config tasks that could be done21:43
fungijeblair: i'll return as quickly as i can and help with running down whatever fresh fun we've created21:43
clarkbjeblair what should I be doing?21:43
jeblairclarkb: want to add LICENSE, README, and CONTRIBUTING files to project-config?21:44
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Switch git and storyboard to project-config
clarkbjeblair yip can do21:45
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/puppet-storyboard: Added CORS configuration to puppet-storyboard
jeblairupdated puppetmaster config repo again21:51
clarkbjeblair: apache 2 license I assume?21:53
jeblairclarkb: hrm.  i guess so.  :)21:53
anteayaI can do a README21:54
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clarkbanteaya: oh I was going to do it all in one change.21:55
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anteayaah go you21:55
anteayawhat else can I do21:55
jeblairanteaya: i pasted my draft email in the etherpad; want to review?21:55
anteayaI can do that21:55
anteayaI am thinking I should update the spec to include the 5 files from the tools directory we moved over21:57
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Expanded length of storytag name.
anteayado you think I should?21:57
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Sanitize title during launchpad import.
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Added catch for OpenID Failures in Launchpad Import
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: CORS support for StoryBoard API
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Manage autoincrement in migration
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jeblairanteaya: either way21:57
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add license, readme, and contributing files
clarkbok I feel like my muse has taken a day off21:59
clarkbthe contributing file is bsaically from nova21:59
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clarkband readme problably needs work. anteaya maybe you want to push a new patchset with better readme and we can coauthor the change?21:59
clarkbin any case feedback is very welcome22:00
jeblairi wonder if it might be useful to itemize the directories and what they are for with links to their documentation pages on ci.o.o?22:00
clarkbjeblair: maybe a per dir readme or just at the top level?22:01
jeblair(just very briefly -- not to duplicate the docs, but just to provide an intro and context)22:01
anteayajeblair: looks good, the links all work, the docs look accurate22:01
jeblairclarkb: heh, some of the directories get copied over wholesale; including a readme in them is probably okay but requires thought and double-checking :)22:01
clarkboh right22:01
jeblairclarkb: so i was thinking just at the top level22:02
clarkbjeblair: probably better just at the global level then22:02
clarkbI can add that to the readme22:02
jeblaira link to the stackforge howto might be good too22:02
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anteayathe contributing.rst22:02
anteayaare we ready to point to the infra/manual yet on docs.o.o?22:03
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jeblairi don't think so, i'm so far behind on reviewing that i don't know the current state22:03
anteayaokay also project-config bugs, still launchpad?22:03
anteayaclarkb: what are all the \r marks in the license?
jeblairanteaya: yeah, i guess link to lp for now22:04
anteayaclarkb: the readme looks fine to me22:04
jeblairstarting review-dev now22:05
anteayaI honestly expect whoever contributes to do so based upon lurking in the channel and asking us questions22:05
anteayaI don't expect anyone to contribute to project-config based on the contents of the README file22:05
jeblairi would rather they read the readme than ask the sort of questions that can be answered in the readme :)22:06
anteayaread ci.o.o is in the readme22:06
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added CORS allowed domains to storyboard server config.
clarkbanteaya: apparently the nova readme has \r in it22:06
clarkbor was it zuul22:07
anteayawhat does \r mean or do?22:07
anteayaI have never seen it before22:07
boris-42jeblair hi22:07
boris-42jeblair seems like we found the issue with rally-designate job
boris-42jeblair wrong indent22:08
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jeblairboris-42: you'll be able to fix that tomorrow when the project-config repo is finished.  those files are about to be deleted.22:09
boris-42jeblair ah okay22:09
boris-42jeblair so it will be openstack-infra/project-config ?22:09
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clarkbanteaya: it is carriage return22:09
clarkbon windows you need \r\n for newlines22:09
jeblairboris-42: yep.  it's not ready for changes yet.  i'll send an email to the list when it is.22:09
boris-42jeblair ok, thank you22:10
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jeblairanteaya: oops, we forgot something in the split.  patch incoming22:10
anteayaclarkb: ah22:10
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* anteaya stands by to review22:10
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Move review-dev acl file
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jeblairanteaya, clarkb: ^22:13
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Update jenkins job names that test project-config
anteayayeah, never knew that, so wouldn't even have thought to look22:14
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* asselin updated 3rd party ci repos to latest infra changes. So far so good.22:17
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jeblairasselin: neat.  i'm hoping this will be a big help (you can make your own project-config repo and just point to it).  still a long way to go, but it's the direction we're heading.22:18
asselinjeblair, is infra's stable enough to start looking at?22:19
jeblairasselin: not quite22:19
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asselinjeblair, ok, let me know and I'll start migrating over. thanks!22:20
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add license, readme, and contributing files
clarkbanteaya: jeblair ^ how is that?22:21
clarkbI wgetted that license file straight from apache22:21
jeblairclarkb: cool; can you aprv 124203 while i look at 200?22:21
clarkbjeblair: yup looking now22:21
lifelessclarkb: wgot ?22:21
clarkblifeless: english is hard22:22
jeblairclarkb: why md instead of rst?22:23
clarkbjeblair: it is what config used22:23
jeblairoh, heh.  i think we've switched most things to rst now, yeah?22:23
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clarkbjeblair: yeah, but I figured consistency with config at this point is good?22:23
clarkbI can convert to rst if that is preferred22:23
finchclarkb: how's the memory usage looking?22:24
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jeblairclarkb: i think so, if you don't mind22:25
anteayaclarkb: readme looks very nice22:25
clarkbfinch: its still low but we are not running puppet at full power right now22:25
jeblairclarkb: left one correction in there22:25
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clarkbfinch: doing some major refactoring should know more tomorrow22:25
clarkbjeblair: ok22:25
finchclarkb: okiedokie, just thought I would check in22:25
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jeblairjhesketh: morning.  we're working from
anteayamorning jhesketh22:28
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add license, readme, and contributing files
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clarkbnow with more rst22:30
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jeblairclarkb: 1 thing inline22:31
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arosen1almost got this working i think... Needed to add: --allow-external python-congressclient to the tempest requirements.txt22:31
clarkbgah missed that last markdown thing22:31
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add license, readme, and contributing files
jeblairclarkb: i am getting my -1 count up! :)22:33
clarkbMORE!? I am so bad right now22:34
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add license, readme, and contributing files
clarkbcomputers are hard22:34
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jeblairyay +322:38
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jeblairclarkb: are you in a position to login and run puppet on systems?22:39
clarkbjeblair: probably for about 10 more minutes22:40
clarkbgive me easy ones :)22:40
jeblairhrm, that's sketchy; let's pass :)22:40
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Autoconfiguration before bootstrap.
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Simplify API-base configuration.
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Update URL for projects.yaml
anteayawas reviewing and then had a phone call22:46
clarkbjeblair: can I approve 124173?22:46
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jeblairclarkb: er yes.  but i just did :)22:46
clarkboh you got it :)22:46
jeblairclarkb: want to take over 124102?22:47
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Move review-dev acl file
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jeblairresuming work on review-dev now22:47
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clarkbjeblair: sure22:50
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add notify_mpact to dev gerrit
jeblairclarkb: actually, want to +3 that one first ^ :)22:50
clarkbjeblair: also what is (.*?) matching22:53
clarkbis the ? redundant and should be replaced with +?22:53
anteayajeblair: typo: the bugs it creates.22:53
jeblairanteaya: what?22:53
clarkboh I think that was a cp we should fix that in a different change22:54
anteayafirst line of that patch22:54
anteayalast word, you have create I think it should be creates22:54
jeblairyeah, i didn't write that file.  i'm trying not to change anything (i mentioned that in the commit msg)22:54
anteayaah sorry22:54
clarkbI have +3'd22:55
clarkblooking at regexes now22:55
asselinjeblair, if you have time. what does include do? why remove it?
anteayathere is a typo in the commit message: Add notify_mpact to dev gerrit22:55
asselin(line 1 & 2)22:55
clarkbI am not going to overthink (.*?) that is what we matched in the first glob perviously22:56
clarkband the second part makes sense to me22:56
clarkbso pushing as suggested22:56
jeblairclarkb: current is "shortest string of anything up to a /".  it doesn't need to be the shortest since we only expect one /.  i think the alt would be (.+)/  i think either will work.22:56
jeblairanteaya: oops.  oh well.  :)22:57
clarkbjeblair: ya (.+)/ is how my brain works. do you have a preference?22:57
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arosen1do you guys ever see this on your jenkins?
clarkbjeblair: I will keep it as is, makes the diff smaller22:58
arosen1it's like the ssh connection got broken. Second time i've seen it :(22:58
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add project-config to zuul cloner
clarkbarosen1: ya we see it too. zuul will detect some occurences of that type of bug and rerun the job22:59
jeblairasselin: it imports a file that should not be necessary22:59
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jeblairasselin: in our setup, it switches node types based on jobs23:00
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asselinjeblair, ok, so for single use nodes, I should keep it, correct?23:00
jeblairasselin: yes, it does that too. if you are using nodepool and single use nodes, you will need a variant of it.23:01
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jeblairasselin: probably shouldn't be called though :)23:03
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openstackgerritJan Kundrát proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Fix help string for --version
openstackgerritJan Kundrát proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Unify small vs. capital letters in help output for consistency
asselinjeblair, ok thanks for the clarification23:05
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Add license, readme, and contributing files
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Added configuration file for docs-draft.
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Upload custom configuration for js-draft build.
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Update URL for projects.yaml
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reeddo openstack ntegrated and incubated programs map 1-1 to Gerrit groups? example Release Managers  are "core" members of all RelMgmt program?23:28
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Add notify_mpact to dev gerrit
reedRel Mngmt is the wrong example... let's look at Telemetry program23:29
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jeblairreed: not always, but it's close.   most programs have a core group and a release group, and all of their projects use the same groups (at least, for recent well structured groups in gerrit)23:31
jeblairreed: some larger programs (eg infra, oslo) have a global core group and also have individual projects with their own core groups that build on that23:31
reedjeblair, makes sense... how about the clients, like ceilometer-client?23:31
morganfainbergreed, jeblair, pycadf is that way in keystone as well. (separate core group)23:31
jeblairreed: clients usually used the shared core groups23:32
reedmorganfainberg, isn't pycadf in Common libraries?23:32
morganfainbergreed, no keystone took it over from oslo team23:32
* fungi checks for actual excitement, rather than the fabricated stuff23:32
reedok, thanks jeblair. So it's fair to say that Programs are made of people *and* git repositories23:32
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reedmorganfainberg, thanks, I just saw the yaml file :)23:33
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morganfainbergreed, yeah, we are doing a lot of audit work, makes sense for keystone folks to have a closer eye on it.23:33
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* reed is editing the Programs page on the wiki23:34
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jeblairfungi: i believe i've corrected the review-dev related errors.  i then rm'd all of the _production_ acl files from review-dev and ran puppet and it now reports no changes23:35
jeblairfungi: (it was going to rm them itself and run manage-projects; i did not think it was necessary to have it do that)23:35
jeblairi ran it for real on review-dev; moving on to review now.23:35
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jeblairfungi: similarly, i'm going to manually rumove /home/gerrit2/acls/test-manage-project.config from review.o.o to prevent a m-p run.  sound good?23:37
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jeblairi'm going to re-enable the puppetmaster cron now23:39
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fungiscrollback is full of patches which have already merged...23:40
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fungialso, i always use "mpact" as an abbrev for impact. doesn't everyone?23:41
jeblairsounds the same to me!23:41
anteayalike mkay23:41
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fungimkay, so i'm all caught up now23:44
fungiwhat should i help break^H^H^H^H^Hfix?23:44
fungiI can start going through openstack-infra/config and -2'ing changes which only touch files that got moved to project-config, and -1 the ones which should touch both projects... or is it still early for that?23:45
fungiproofing the e-mail now23:46
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add project-config to zuul cloner
jeblairfungi: yeah, i think we're about ready for that.  when you're done reviewing the email, i'll send it, then i think we can aprv the remove files in config change23:48
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Improve jeepyb.rst content
fungii guess the jobs addition can get approved now? ^23:48
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jeblairfungi: yep23:48
jeblairfungi: then i'd say we're set to -2 related changes.  maybe keep a list of those and we can abandon them after a couple of weeks?23:48
jeblair(this seems like a good use of abandon to me)23:49
fungiwill totally add a running list of the change ids in the etherpad23:49
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fungiapproved 12418123:50
jeblairpuppet is running for real globally and so far looks good23:50
jeblairfungi: email lgty?23:51
SukhdevFolks, I am hitting failure in jenkins -
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SukhdevI rechecked to kick off another jenkins run and now I get this failure
fungijeblair: just finished proofing, lgtm, no edits, send it asap, kthxbai23:52
jeblairSukhdev: those don't look like test infrastructure failures to me23:52
jeblairSukhdev: you might try asking in the #openstack-qa channel23:52
SukhdevIs this known issue? anything I can do to get past this issue?23:52
Sukhdevjeblair: I did - no body responded23:52
Sukhdevjeblair: I usually get better luck with these kinds of issues - hence, thought I ask in both channels23:53
anteayaSukhdev: or a neutron issue23:53
jeblairSukhdev: it's near or past the end of day in US, you could wait or try again at a different time23:53
anteayaBadRequest: Security group default already exists for project23:53
jeblairemail sent!23:54
fungifinish line in sight23:54
jeblairfungi: i think we're ready for you to aprv 123921 at will23:55
fungijeblair: now that it's sent, i can quote a url to it in the -2 and -1 comments i'm about to leave on changes ;)23:55
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clarkbwoo I am back to old place now23:59

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