Thursday, 2015-01-29

nibalizerdo you all have ansible timeout issues?00:01
nibalizeri have issues runnign ansible in hp land, but assumed it was pebkac00:01
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mordredI'm thinking it might be that we need to configure some things for the underlying ssh stuff00:05
mordrednibalizer: ssh_args = -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=10m or something00:06
mordredbut  I'm still poking00:06
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Make manila tox job 'genconfig' votable
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mordredbecause I think openssh is timing out for $reasons - we may want to pass keepalives or etc00:10
mordrednibalizer: woah! what is return code -9 ?00:11
mordrednibalizer: 2015-01-29 00:00:21,983 p=13240 u=root |  msg: timeout -s 9 30m /usr/bin/puppet agent --onetime --server --ignorecache --no-daemonize --no-usecacheonfailure --no-splay --detailed-exitcodes --verbose failed with return code: -900:12
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Split out graphite module
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Split out ansible module
nibalizerwell we can figure it out from the bit math i think00:16
nibalizermerged things!00:16
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mordredfungi: you don't ht happen to have any explicit references to timeout failures do you?00:17
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-askbot: Add standard puppet metadata.json and remove Modulefile
nibalizermordred: actually i don tknow00:17
ashleighfarnhamI just signed the CLA for Openstack and created a gerrit account with the same email but when trying to do a git review I get this error message: fatal: "ICLA contributor agreement requires current contact information"00:17
ashleighfarnhamAny ideas on what could cause this?00:17
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ashleighfarnhamthanks! That worked!00:21
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fungiashleighfarnham: you're welcome00:22
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Consume script-writer flag in modern setuptools
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mordreddstufft: <-- idea for making one of the things pbr does less hacky00:23
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out unbound as its own module
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elliottkclarkb: i started with a clean, reverted jenkins vm and did a "pip install jenkins-job-builder" and am running into the same problem00:25
elliottkbut if i look in my /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/jenkins_jobs/, i see "import jenkins", which is a module i have in python2.6 that was installed with jjb00:26
elliottki do also have a python_jenkins-0.4.3.dist-info but i do not see python-jenkins being imported or used00:27
elliottki s'pose i should probably point out that my jenkins instance is on centos 6.200:28
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marunZZelle: hi00:29
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marunjeblair: hi!  I have a question about zuul scenario testing if you have a moment.00:29
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jogomordred: so the pbr issue, any solution in sight?00:34
jogoclarkb: aiopcpu is waiting on
jogo(your patch)00:34
nibalizermordred: heyyy00:34
nibalizerso want to run find /var/lib/puppet -name 'a2mod.rb' and then md5sum it for me?00:35
nibalizerwell nvm00:35
nibalizeri can do a better test thatn that00:35
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add 'Enable condition' support to MultiJob builder
mordredjogo: yes - I have three patches up for review00:37
jeblairmarun: what's that?00:38
lifelessjogo: pbr issue?00:38
marunjeblair: I think I've got it - I was specifying a branch ('stable') for a fake change that hadn't been initialized with create_branch()00:38
mordredjogo: you feel like testing the first and second one and verifying that it works for you?00:38
mordredlifeless: setuptools changed an internal api that we were monkeypatching in to00:38
marunjeblair: I'm using the 'mp' branch as an alternate to 'master' now since it's automatically created00:39
jeblairmarun: ah, phew.  :)00:39
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out statusbot module
fungielliottk: its worth noting we no longer test jjb against python 2.6 so there's every chance it no longer works on centos 6.x (but should work on centos 7.x)00:39
mordredlifeless: I also put up if you want to look at that - forward looking to get out of the business of monkeypatching00:39
lifelessmordred: of course they did00:41
mordredlifeless: this and the two before it  -
mordredlifeless: you may want to read all three to grok where it's going to put the amount of ick in patch 1 in context00:42
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add tmpreaper as a split out module
jogomordred: links?00:43
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mordredjogo: see the 4 lines above with me talking to lifeless00:44
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lifelessmordred: thanks00:44
jogomordred: just saw, thanks00:45
jogodims: ^
clarkbjogo fungi I dont know how to write that better its a /23 but the second half00:45
clarkbits admittedly confusing because we have nested netwoerks and are abusing roue rules00:45
jogoclarkb: to be honest I don't know either, all I know is what you have works00:46
mordredclarkb: when you're bored, you may want to look at those patches too - they're the pbr script generation patches00:46
mordredclarkb: I believe I am supporting all of the things00:46
fungiclarkb: maybe a extra sentence in the comment00:46
fungiclarkb: to say that it's an address range covering the second half of a /2300:47
jogomordred:  I don't have a test env set up to reproduce the issue, but maybe a bit later00:47
clarkbI wonder if we should just flip the values00:47
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fungiclarkb: referencing an address halfway through a /23 and adding the mask doesn't strictly (to a network engineer) imply any kind of range at all00:48
clarkbso 172.24.4/23 for hypervisors and 172.24.5/24 for floating IPs00:48
mordredjogo: ok - I tested pretty extensively on my laptop ... but it's in deep magic land, so I'd love other people to verify00:48
jogomordred: ack00:48
clarkbfungi right00:48
fungiclarkb: _that_ makes fine sense00:48
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clarkbok I can update patch when home to flip values00:49
clarkbthen just note you shouldnt have 126 hypervisors00:49
clarkber 25400:49
fungiclarkb: thanks on behalf of future generations who may need to grok that code00:49
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Remove generic query for 1284424
clarkboh except I bet we rely on that range ugh00:51
clarkbiirc there are iptables rules00:51
clarkbwill just have to update all the things00:51
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-packagekit as split out module
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Split out etherpad_lite module
jogomordred: testing your patch now00:55
mordredjogo: awesome00:55
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add log processor as split out module
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-exim: Add new module boilerplate
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jogohrmm TypeError: dist must be a Distribution instance00:57
openstackgerritDavid Pursehouse proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for JDK axis
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-kerberos as split out module
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Split out mysql_backup module
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Split out ssh module
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jogonot working for me :(00:59
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-bup as split out module
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-iptables: Add module boilerplate files for puppet-iptables
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jogohrmm I see that normally anyway01:03
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out unattended_upgrades module
jogomordred: my env is borked01:04
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openstackgerritMaru Newby proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add support for a skip-if filter on jobs
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/puppet-httpd: Update Rakefile and module info
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add sudoers as a split out module
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out user module
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-ssl_cert_check as split out module
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Email Templating Engine
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Added email sender and configuration.
jogomordred: sweet jesus, it worked!01:10
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add smnpd as split out module
mordredjogo: woot01:11
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out elastic_recheck module.
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openstackgerritDavid Pursehouse proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for JDK axis
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out gerritbot module
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mordredjeblair: look ^^ I actually accomplished something today (jogo's comment)01:18
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out reviewday module
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out planet module
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out releasestatus module
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out sudoers module
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out ulimit module
bhunter71I've been having some troubles in the last few hours with the '' part of nodepool devstack prepare.  This seems to process the project-config/gerrit/projects.yaml and clone everything in there.  It fails at some-puppet-module-or-another, and sure enough the repos are empty.  Is this perhaps transient and will soon get sorted out?01:24
bhunter71failing with something like this..01:25
bhunter712015-01-29 01:08:06,651 INFO Cloning into 'openstack-infra/puppet-logrotate'...01:25
bhunter712015-01-29 01:08:06,652 INFO warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.01:25
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openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Prepare project-config for remaining splits
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jeblairbhunter71: thank you -- it's missing from one or more git mirrors.  i'll replicate now01:28
jeblairbhunter71: done01:29
jeblairbhunter71: please let us know if you see any more of those01:29
bhunter71excellent, thank you jeblair, will spin again01:29
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out mailman module
openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/puppet-kerberos: Add standard puppet module files and .gitreview
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out bup module
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add functional test job for python-novaclient
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-gerritbot: Add standard puppet module files and .gitreview
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-jenkins: Correct puppet module boilerplate files
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-cgit: Add new puppet module boilerplate
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out tmpreaper module
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out packagekit module
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add new project for jeepyb puppet module
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Split out unbound as its own module
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Split out statusbot module
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add ulimit as a split out module
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add tmpreaper as a split out module
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-ssl_cert_check as split out module
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Recast exceptions in get_plugin_directory()
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add mailman as split out repo
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-accessbot as split out module
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add ulimit as a split out module
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add mailman as split out repo
bhunter71jeblair..  newest. repeating again: 2015-01-29 01:39:46,544 INFO Cloning into 'openstack-infra/puppet-jeepyb'...01:46
bhunter712015-01-29 01:39:46,545 INFO fatal: Could not read from remote repository.01:46
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out kerberos module
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-bugdaystats as split out module
jeblairbhunter71: okay, that may not be an error (yet) -- we might still actually be in the process of creating that repo01:47
jeblairbhunter71: we're in the middle of a sprint where we're creating something like 50 repos :)01:47
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out snmpd module
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out snmpd module
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out snmpd module
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Split out elastic_recheck module.
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: subscription_helper now supports timeline_events
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Singularized resource names.
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add smnpd as split out module
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out user module
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out gerritbot module
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out unattended_upgrades module
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Enable nova multi host on aiopcpu tests
clarkbfungi: jogo ^ I think that should be easier to grok now01:54
jeblairomg look at the wall of gerrit01:55
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out log_processor
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add sudoers as a split out module
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out ssl_cert_check module
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jeblairbhunter71: it exists now01:59
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out jeepyb module
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Split out reviewday module
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Split out planet module
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bhunter71jeblair, now puppet-snmpd.  Also, a question about ''.  This is effectively caching all the potential things that are used to devstack. thousands of clones shall be spun up and'd over a 24hr period ?02:03
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jeblairbhunter71: yeah, snmpd is still pending creation; this may not work until the end of our sprint :/02:04
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out sudoers module
jeblairbhunter71: and yes, it's caching everything that might be used in devstack so that no matter what projects are being tested, the test nodes already have most of the git repos cached02:05
bhunter71when a review is tested, there's a git reference to the thing to be tested, where the other 99% is the day before.02:06
jeblairbhunter71: exactly02:06
bhunter71when the git patch is applied, is it 'on top of' the existing pull?02:06
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add stackforge/python-cloudfoundryclient
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out ulimit module
bhunter71I think what I also find is that "GIT_BASE" isn't particularly effective for me.   I only have some 4 downstream forks of things-that-go-in-a-devstack.02:07
bhunter71so, I presume my cache will look exactly like that.  99%, 1% mystuff.org02:08
jeblairbhunter71: it's actually on top of the current tip of the branch (or possibly even expected future state of the branch if it's in the gate); it gets all the differences between the cache and what's to be tested from the zuul merger (so it may be more than just the one patch)02:08
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clarkbgit fetch protocols are smart and only get what they are missing to slap a new thing atop whatever is cloned too, makes the precloned cache repos super handy02:09
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out bup module
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-asterisk: Add boilerplate files for Asterisk puppet module
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Split out kerberos module
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add ulimit as a split out module
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Split out user module
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Split out gerritbot module
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openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Update documentation with new Puppet modules
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openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Update documentation with new Puppet modules
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krotscheckclarkb: You remember off the top of your head where in the node source the “Hey we’re compiling these libraries in statically” is?02:57
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openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out ssl_cert_check module
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clarkbkrotscheck the node libs? I dont remebrr in the source I judt foundthem with strings on the binary03:05
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/puppet-planet: Add standard puppet module files and .gitreview
krotscheckclarkb: I found it. Turns out that they have explicit configure options to link them, which by default are off. So to actually compile a shared version of node you have to do ./configure —shared-openssl —shared-otherlib —shared-ad-nauseum.03:06
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Prepare project-config for remaining splits
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bhunter71jeblair: fwiw, just now made it through full git clone of everything in projects.yaml03:26
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Email Templating Engine
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Added email sender and configuration.
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Created test class for temporary working directories
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Email Utility Methods
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openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out mysql_proxy module
openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out haveged module
openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out subunit2sql module
openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out project_config module
openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out openafs module
openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-openafs as split out module
openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-haveged as split out module
openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-subunit2sql as split out module
openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-mysql_proxy as split out module
openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-project_config as split out module
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Split out ssl_cert_check module
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openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Update documentation with new Puppet modules
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-openafs as split out module
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out packagekit module
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Split out tmpreaper module
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-httpd: Rename apache2 to httpd globally
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Split out bup module
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jeblairmmedvede: i left a -1 on the mysql_proxy split changes because i think the proper name for that module should actually be simpleproxy04:02
jeblairmtreinish, clarkb: ^ i think we'll want to clean up the remaining mysql-specific bits in there to finish making it a protocol-agnostic simpleproxy module04:02
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add sudoers as a split out module
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mmedvedejeblair: ok. I am not touching it today - afraid to make a mistake, it was a long day :) Would be back after sleep04:05
jeblairmmedvede: no problem!  thank you very much for all your work!04:05
jeblairmmedvede: (sorry i didn't notice that until i actually examined the repo)04:06
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out jeepyb module
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mmedvedejeblair: thank you, was a fun day!04:08
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out releasestatus module
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-subunit2sql as split out module
timrcjeblair, clarkb, and friends: I have an interest in helping to split out a puppet module -- not sure how to get started though.04:11
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Split out log_processor
jeblairtimrc: i think they have all had changes written for them, and we are just trying to get them all merged (fixing up merge conflicts, etc)04:13
jeblairtimrc: there is one module that needs some work on its changes04:13
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-haveged as split out module
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-project_config as split out module
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-bugdaystats as split out module
jeblairtimrc: if you wanted to pick up work on changes 151097 and 15109004:13
jeblairtimrc: also, you might want to join #openstack-sprint04:14
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-accessbot as split out module
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add mailman as split out repo
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out ulimit module
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Split out packagekit module
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out unattended_upgrades module
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out snmpd module
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out accessbot module
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-openafs as split out module
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out logrotate
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out jeepyb module
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Split out releasestatus module
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Split out unattended_upgrades module
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Split out ulimit module
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Split out snmpd module
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out bugdaystats module
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Split out accessbot module
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out sudoers module
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Split out logrotate
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Split out jeepyb module
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Refactor the hook logic into a reusable function
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Fix module order
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openstackgerritTimothy R. Chavez proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out mysql_proxy module and rename it
openstackgerritTimothy R. Chavez proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-simpleproxy as split out module
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Split out bugdaystats module
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openstackgerritVenu Murthy proposed openstack-infra/project-config: adding noop-jobs
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out project_config module
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out cgit module
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out exim module
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Split out haveged module
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out exim module
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Split out mailman module
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zaroclarkb: definately a consistency problem in change
zaroclarkb: doing 'curl'   says status is 'merged'05:26
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Split out project_config module
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timrcjeblair, My late night attempt at making the changes upstream as well :) -- eventually someone will need to rename the repo and update the gerrit project upstream.05:28
zaroclarkb: i think there have been some consistency issues in the past,  i see in the latest gerrit documentation that there are rest endpoints to fix consistency issues, index, check and fix:
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-subunit2sql as split out module
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Split out cgit module
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Split out exim module
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Fix module order
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zaroclarkb: actually i used the wrong id there, should have been change 98608.  when i 'curl' the result seems to match what's on the UI.05:45
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openstackgerritjustinsb proposed openstack/requirements: Bump cassandra-driver to 2.1.4
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Really preseed tempest testrepository from database
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DO NOT MERGE COPY ALL OF .TESTREPOSITORY to log server
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Split out subunit2sql module
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/puppet-subunit2sql: Add .gitreview file.
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/puppet-subunit2sql: Revert "Add support to the subunit workers to reuse zuul uuids"
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openstackgerritBharat Kumar Kobagana proposed openstack-infra/project-config: GlusterFS: passthrough devstack config
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openstackgerritIlia Meerovich proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Adding publisher for ShiningPanda Plugin
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ttxjeblair: wow, this story has a lot of tasks ! Compare with the ~8 tasks we could reach (with pain) with LP :)07:53
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openstackgerritBharat Kumar Kobagana proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Allow GlusterFS backend for cinder
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openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed openstack-infra/puppet-mediawiki: Add standard puppet module files and .gitreview
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openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed openstack-infra/puppet-mediawiki: Add standard puppet module files and .gitreview
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: oslo.messaging: Setup devstack QPID correctly
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openstackgerritDavid Pursehouse proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Require python-daemon version at least 2.0.4
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Fix project groups controller
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Updating XStatic-Jasmine to
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openstackgerritFilip Blaha proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Functional tests job for policy enforcement
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AJaegerfungi, clarkb, could you add Eran Gampel <> as initial member member to the dragonflow-core group, please? dragonflow is a newly setup stackforge project.10:59
AJaegerfungi, clarkb: Also add him to dragonflow-release as well, please11:00
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openstackgerritNikunj Aggarwal proposed openstack/requirements: Adds Angular Fileupload for horizon
openstackgerritNikunj Aggarwal proposed openstack/requirements: Adds Angular Fileupload for horizon in requirements
openstackgerritNikunj Aggarwal proposed openstack/requirements: Add new angular deps to global-requirements.txt for Horizon
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Fix module order
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk proposed openstack-infra/project-config: oslo.messaging: Move gate hooks to oslo.msg tree
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk proposed openstack-infra/project-config: oslo.messaging: Move gate hooks to oslo.msg tree
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient: Stories and Tasks support
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk proposed openstack-infra/project-config: oslo.messaging: Move gate hooks to oslo.msg tree
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Refactor Tasks to work as a Subcontroller
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openstackgerritJames Polley proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Remove references to "reverify"
openstackgerritJames Polley proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Add clarifications about when to file an ER query
openstackgerritJames Polley proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Add clarifications about when to file an ER query
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openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed openstack/requirements: Remove lockfile from requirements
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Corrected usage of subscription helper.
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Singularized resource names.
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: subscription_helper now supports timeline_events
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Recast exceptions in get_plugin_directory()
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Created test class for temporary working directories
fungiAJaeger: done--thanks for the heads up13:19
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient: Adding pretty-tox
AJaegerThanks, fungi! - and good morning!13:19
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openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/puppet-haveged: Add standard puppet module files and .gitreview
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eran-gampelthanks fungi13:29
fungiAJaeger: eran-gampel: you're welcome13:30
openstackgerritTimothy R. Chavez proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-simpleproxy as split out module
fungidisappearing briefly to find breakfast, and then i'll see what i can do to cram the remaining bits through from yesterday's sprint13:31
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openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openafs: Add standard puppet module files and .gitreview
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Expose SSL key/cert/chain file parameters in etherpad class signature
openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/puppet-subunit2sql: Add standard puppet module files and .gitreview
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: update replication setting for review-dev.o.o match review.o.o
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Remove bare-f20 nodes
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Make apt skip grabbing translations
openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openafs: Add standard puppet module files and .gitreview
openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/puppet-haveged: Add standard puppet module files and .gitreview
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Fix pypi mirror hosts list
openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/puppet-subunit2sql: Add standard puppet module files and .gitreview
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add missed pypi mirror hosts to cacti
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Remove python magic
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Increase max-servers for rh1
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add +e mode to our documentation for IRC bots
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openstackgerritIlia Meerovich proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Adding publisher for ShiningPanda Plugin
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afazekaspip-6.0.7 has issues with fedora:
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: make gerrit commentlink case insensitive for bug and story
elliottkfolks, i could really use some help with a jjb update failure i'm having14:00
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openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/puppet-bugdaystats: Add standard puppet module files and .gitreview
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elliottkwould anyone who's online now be able to lend a hand?14:06
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elliottkanyone?  jjb?  :-)14:12
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Fix status code for delete endpoint.
openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/puppet-subunit2sql: Add standard puppet module files and .gitreview
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elliottkok. how about zuul merging?14:20
fungielliottk: i can point you to the documentation for jjb and zuul, and to our puppet modules for installing them, though i gather you're trying to run things on centos 6 with python 2.6 which we're not testing any longer and are likely no longer going to work14:21
elliottkfungi: i've seen the documentation but i think i've gotten all i can get out of it.14:22
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elliottkfwiw, i'm seeing the same problem when i run the jjb update on my ubuntu vm with 2.714:23
fungielliottk: there's also a fair community built up around constructing ci systems with the tools we publish, and they meet with a couple of agendas weekly
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elliottkfungi: yes, i go to the one monday mornings but can only attend that one14:23
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fungielliottk: have you tried the sample job configs from the jjb testsuite to make sure that it's generating the xml output it's supposed to be?14:24
fungiunfortunately i'm extremely busy and can't devote much time to walking you through it14:24
openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openafs: Add standard puppet module files and .gitreview
elliottkfungi: i've run the test command with my own and the output is as expected. and when i put the config files on my jenkins instance they run correctly14:24
elliottkbut i'm trying to use the update method to copy them there correctly14:25
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fungielliottk: the method where it submits them through the jenkins api?14:25
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elliottkfungi: right14:25
elliottkthe "jenkins-jobs update blah"14:25
fungielliottk: and the jenkins account you're using for that is granted admin privileges14:25
elliottkfungi: yes14:26
elliottkfungi: but my problem seems to be the inability to find certain apis14:26
elliottksuch as crumbIssuer, job, and createItem14:26
fungithere's also a web security feature in jenkins which breaks that api interaction and i think needs disabling. checking real quick to see if i can find it on ours14:26
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fungielliottk: make sure "Prevent Cross Site Request Forgery exploits" is unchecked in the /configureSecurity page of your jenkins master14:28
fungiand if it wasn't see whether that helps14:28
elliottkah, ok14:28
fungithe other thing worth checking is the version of jenkins you're running. we're on 1.565.3 so it's possible they've made backward-incompatible changes in a later release14:29
afazekasianw: Maybe this caused the Uninstall issues:
elliottkfungi: thanks, i'll check that, too. we are definitely on an older version14:30
fungielliottk: okay, if you're on a _much_ older release then it's possible we're assuming api functions which were introduced after teh version you're running14:30
fungielliottk: so the jenkins api documentation for your version might be of some help too14:31
elliottkfungi: great. i'll check that, too.  :-)14:31
openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/puppet-kerberos: Add standard puppet module files and .gitreview
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Index trove logs for logstash goodness
elliottkfungi: when i go to <jenkins-url>/api/, i do see that my version support copying and creating jobs. for example,
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fungielliottk: that's a good sign14:34
elliottkfungi: so we should at least support the createItem sign14:34
elliottkfungi: however, i'm not see an option to disable "Prevent Cross Site Request Forgery exploits" in my system configuration14:35
elliottki'm guessing that's not a good sign14:35
elliottkfungi: oh, one other thing, when i use the jenkins-cli.jar to create jobs, that works14:36
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fungielliottk: it's possible that feature predates your jenkins if it's very, very old. i believe it was added a couple years ago and we had to turn it off at that point, but if it's not showing up there then it may not be the issue either14:36
elliottkfungi: ok14:36
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fungimmedvede: 151097 still has some job config and zuul layout errors reported. also i suspect that renaming the module in 151090 is going to need patches to the subunit worker manifest in the openstack_project module14:37
elliottkfungi: unfortunately, when i run the jenkins-jobs update on my ubuntu vm, i get even less debug information than on my centos vm14:38
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fungielliottk: even if you add --log_level DEBUG ?14:39
fungier, debug14:39
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fungisomething like that14:39
elliottkhmm...  let me try that.  no, i didn't do that14:39
mmedvedefungi: the project config split merged, but storyboard does not show the project still. Do you know why?14:39
fungiit's mentioned by jenkins-jobs --help14:39
mmedvedefungi: looking into 15108714:39
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fungimmedvede: how long ago?14:39
mmedvedefungi: more than 12 hours14:40
mmedvedefungi: oops, about 11 hours14:40
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fungimmedvede: it's possible one of the other modules has broken storyboard's updating from the project list14:41
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fungiin positive news, puppetboard still doesn't see anything broken14:42
mmedvedethat is good news14:43
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elliottkfungi: drat, no. the debug output all the way up to where jenkins.create_job runs looks quite happy14:43
elliottkfrom my untrained eye, anyway. i'm not seeing any blatant failures in it14:44
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Split out openafs module
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fungielliottk: likely so, the interaction with the jenkins master api is the most finicky and delicate part of it. you might get better suggestions out of some of our group who have a better familiarity with jenkins than i do. particularly zaro, pelix, mgagne, and the other jjb core reviewers listed at,members14:47
clarkbdid we get python-jenkins properly installed? pip freeze should confirm14:48
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Split out sudoers module
pelixelliottk: you mention that you have problems with possibly the update call not finding certain APIs, can you provide the full error message/exception?14:50
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fungielliottk: right, pip freeze should output a line like python-jenkins==0.3.4 (that's what it says on our jenkins masters anyway)14:51
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openstackgerritSam Betts proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add networking-cisco to stackforge
elliottkclarkb fungi: yes. python-jenkins==0.4.314:51
elliottkclarkb: however, i also have a jenkins module installed as part of jjb and when i look in jjb, it is importing jenkins, not python-jenkins14:52
pelixthat is the name of the module from python-jenkins14:52
elliottkso i'm not sure how python-jenkins is involved14:52
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fungiright, the pypi package name is python-jenkins but the python module it installs is just named jenkins14:53
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clarkbelliottk is there a jenkins==something line output by pip freeze?14:54
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elliottkclarkb: interestingly, no14:55
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clarkbok thats good14:56
elliottkbut i do have a jenkins module in my python packages dir14:56
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rameshg87anteaya, hi14:56
clarkbya thats what we want14:56
openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-simpleproxy as split out module
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elliottkclarkb: excellent14:58
elliottki think?14:58
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elliottkclarkb: this is the kind of info i'm seeing in my httpd error log on the centos vm:  [Thu Jan 29 07:55:17 2015] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/html/crumbIssuer14:59
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elliottki can't find any output other than the debug on my ubuntu vm14:59
pelixelliottk: that's fine JJb attempts to request that file to see if it needs to set a crumb on the requests as part of the global security15:00
elliottkso i can only assume it's failing for the same reason.  could be a bad assumption15:00
fungielliottk: that sounds like jjb is hitting an apache instance instead of jetty in the jvm15:00
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elliottkfungi: interesting. what jetty should it be?15:01
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fungielliottk: we proxy apache straight into
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mordredclarkb: why are you awake?15:04
fungielliottk: in theory, if you're running jenkins-jobs on the same machine where jenkins itself is running, i think you should also just be able to adjust your jenkins_jobs.ini to use url= (someone who knows more will probably tell me i'm wrong about that)15:04
clarkbmordred I do not know15:04
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add logging to manage-projects calls
elliottkfungi: first, i'll adjust my conf file to include the reverse proxy15:05
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elliottkfungi: but, yes, i'm running it on my jenkins instance but am also trying it from my ubuntu vm, which is also my zuul vm15:07
elliottkfungi: the jenkins instance, again, is centos 6.215:07
fungielliottk: yep, that makes sense for testing purposes15:07
elliottkvery good15:08
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fungimmedvede: clarkb: krotscheck: so this is weird... openstack-infra/puppet-project_config is in /var/lib/storyboard/projects.yaml with use-storyboard set to true, and manually rerunning the exec from load_projects.pp doesn't return any errors, but the project is still _not_ showing up in the projects table of the trove db15:10
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clarkbfungi could it be bailing out early for some reason?15:11
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fungii'll try it with a higher verbosity if it has one15:12
clarkbmordred also can you explain what user, domain, tenant, project, and scope mean to modern keystone? I looked at this stuff the other day and I almost wrote a spec to remove keystone and use a simple ldap schema15:12
elliottkfungi: clarkb: GOT IT!15:12
elliottkyou guys rock!15:12
elliottkit was my proxy setting in my httpd conf15:12
fungielliottk: was it apache not proxying things correctly?15:12
fungii can see where that would lead to confusion and hair-pulling15:13
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elliottkfungi: very much so. but i'm a happy girl now!15:13
elliottkfungi: clarkb: working from both my centos and ubuntu vms15:14
fungielliottk: sorry that took so long to hunt down, but let us know if you run into any other gotchas15:14
elliottkfungi: i will.  thanks so much for the help!15:14
fungiany time15:14
openstackgerritAdam Reznechek proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add PowerVM driver projects to Stackforge
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fungistoryboard.db.projects_loader.do_load_models() needs some basic debug output15:17
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: Add sanity check script for new version tags
fungii'll start with "print out the names of the projects you're processing" and see how far i get with that15:18
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: Enable pep8 checks
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: Check existing version in sanity script
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mrmartinSergeyLukjanov: something wrong here:
bknudsonFor some reason I can't workflow -1 my own change : (there's no workflow section)15:23
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clarkbbknudson: is it possible you have two accounts?15:24
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Email Templating Engine
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Added email sender and configuration.
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Email Utility Methods
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clarkbmrmartin: I just rechecked that. I think it may have gotten bit by someting funny but should otherwise be fine15:24
bknudsonclarkb: I don't think so... one difference is it's on stable/ branch15:25
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mrmartinyeap, the patch is ok, we had a magnetic storm during the check15:25
fungikrotscheck: i see you uploading changes... any chance you have a suggestion on my dilemma above?15:25
sdaguettx / adam_g - and friends will make the testing of requirements on stable/juno much better15:25
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ttxsdague: will have a look15:26
clarkbbknudson: oh that may explain it. let me look at permissions really quickly15:26
openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/puppet-kerberos: Add standard puppet module files and .gitreview
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krotscheckfungi: Checking backscroll15:27
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clarkbbknudson: yup that is why. there are exclusive permissions on workflow -1 on messaging's stable branches15:28
SergeyLukjanovmrmartin, yeah, I'm already looking15:28
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bknudsonclarkb: ok, thanks.15:29
fungikrotscheck: i've gotten a little further stuffing some ad-hoc debugging into the live copy of that function. we seem to be failing the _get_project(project, session) call for a handful of recently-added projects15:29
clarkbbknudson: would need to be edited to allow -1 workflow on stable branches by the change owner group15:29
krotscheckfungi: let me pull down the projects.yaml file and run it on my local.15:30
fungiaha! validation failures15:30
bknudsonclarkb: I'll put it on my list of things to do.15:30
krotscheckfungi: Ooooor you could figure it out.15:30
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krotscheckfungi: Just looking at the name I wonder if it’s a strlen issue.15:31
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fungikrotscheck: what all of them have in common: underscores15:31
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krotscheckfungi: That seems like an oversight15:32
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fungikrotscheck: failures are hitting openstack-infra/puppet-elastic_recheck -etherpad_lite -log_processor -mysql_backup -project_config -ssl_cert_check15:32
fungioh, and -unattended_upgrades15:32
fungiseeing if i can spot what's wrong with the validator now15:33
fungiyep, storyboard.common.custom_types.NameType has _name_regex = r'^[a-zA-Z0-9]+([\-\./]?[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*$'15:34
fungineeds more cowbell^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hunderscore15:35
jeblairkrotscheck, NikitaKonovalov: wait, why did you add ?15:35
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clarkbjeblair: rainbow colors!15:35
fungikrotscheck: i think that fixed it. patch on the way15:36
NikitaKonovalovthat is pretty usefull when the test progress is shown15:36
* krotscheck is racing fungi to a patch!15:36
clarkbfungi: krotscheck maybe name regex should just match all printable chars?15:36
NikitaKonovalovso it is clear it the test hangs or it runs slowly15:36
krotscheckclarkb: Well, some things are URL reserved.15:36
krotscheckBut I don’t think underscores are one of those15:36
clarkbkrotscheck: you can encode them right?15:36
jeblairNikitaKonovalov: but the whole run takes 1 second15:37
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Added underscores as permitted in a nametype.
rameshg87hi, i am trying to setup a 3rd-party-ci following
NikitaKonovalovjeblair: storyboard tests run 5 seconds each15:38
rameshg87it setup zuul, zuul-merger, jenkins on the master node successfully15:38
jeblairNikitaKonovalov: 2015-01-27 13:53:17.241 | Ran: 23 tests in 1.0000 sec.15:38
rameshg87zuul is responding to the configured pipelines, it's getting the code using zuul-merger, and triggering jenkins jobs through gearman15:38
clarkbjeblair: 151078 has two +2s I didn't approve bceause I think that is the sort of change you might be interested in15:38
rameshg87but the jenkins jobs triggered through gearman are stuck "waiting for next available executor"15:38
krotscheckWait, there’s colors?15:39
krotscheckI don’t see colors when I run my tests.15:39
rameshg87jenkins jobs triggered manually from jenkins console goes through fine. only jobs triggered through gearman are stuck15:39
* krotscheck feels cheated.15:39
clarkbrameshg87: I think that means you need more jenkins slaves15:39
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: Ignore release-tag dirs when running flake8
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: allow sanity check to report multiple warnings
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: Fix use of actual vs. expected
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: ignore release-tag-* temporary directories
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: Skip tag and push if tag exists
clarkbkrotscheck: there may not be. I just remember when those tools were eing made that colors were one of the demands15:39
rameshg87clarkb, i am just trying with noop-check-communication15:39
rameshg87clarkb, on sandbox15:39
jeblairclarkb: i think it's a different tool15:39
* krotscheck doesn’t feel quite so cheated anymore.15:40
rameshg87clarkb, does that also require to be run on jenkins slave ?15:40
clarkbrameshg87: that still requires a slave to run the job on15:40
NikitaKonovalovjeblair: that's what I usually see
rameshg87clarkb, oh, i missed that part then ..15:40
rameshg87clarkb, one question15:40
rameshg87clarkb, is it configured such that it doesn't run on master ?15:40
jeblairNikitaKonovalov: for storyboardclient?15:41
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openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Remove devstack_host puppet module
clarkbrameshg87: yes you can configure that using labels. The master is labelless if I remember how that works so any job with a label won't run on the master15:41
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mrmartinfungi, SergeyLukjanov: more failure now, and log files not published:
krotscheckjeblair, clarkb: We’re trying to figure out how to make our client gate on our api and vice versa, your input on this spec would be invaluable :)
clarkbmrmartin: fun. I should find where that job ran and see why we have no logs15:42
fungikrotscheck: what's the ttl on storyboard's search cache?15:42
rameshg87clarkb, i took gearman-client from here and tried triggering job:, but still didn't work15:43
fungikrotscheck: the projects are now in the db but searches in the webui aren't returning them yet15:43
NikitaKonovalovjeblair: yes, client tests are fast now. But someday we may want to run client tests against a real api, like we do in a web-ui, so they may become comparable in speed15:43
rameshg87clarkb, let me try adding a slave15:43
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rameshg87clarkb, thanks15:43
jeblairNikitaKonovalov: no, this is really important -- is that actually the output from storyboardclient?15:43
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: Rename to
jeblairNikitaKonovalov: because you ran 218 tests, and jenkins ran 2315:44
krotscheckfungi: As long as that validation rule isn’t in the current running apache thread, it will error on db read.15:44
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clarkbno module named magic. Magic where have you gone !?15:45
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jeblairNikitaKonovalov, krotscheck: at any rate, I don't like adding extra tools to the test pipeline, and I don't think that pretty-tox provides useful output.  it is used in tempest where individual tests may take 5 or 10 minutes to run, but here, it will only output information that no one will want to or have time to read15:46
krotscheckjeblair: I think that’s the output from storyboard proper. I don’t think the client has that many tests.15:46
fungikrotscheck: oh, good point15:46
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clarkbmrmartin: fungi: we have had a new bare-precise image in rax-dfw for about an hour15:46
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clarkbmrmartin: fungi sothis is possibly related to image building I will start by looking at those logs15:47
jeblairNikitaKonovalov, krotscheck: in other words it's bad ui design to spew out lots of information that is not useful to the user.  i'd rather we stick with the standard testr output unless we have a really compelling reason otherwise15:47
fungikrotscheck: yep, that did it. for some reason i expected that only to get used by the loader. i should have thought to restart apache too15:47
* krotscheck is ambivalent to the pretty-tox discussion. He likes the new output, but didn’t have a problem with the old output.15:47
fungimmedvede: okay, the missing projects should be showing up now15:47
mmedvedefungi, confirmed - can see puppet-project_config15:47
mmedvedefungi: thank you15:48
openstackgerritBrian Hunter proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add doc for 'pool' parameter for nodepool provider config
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fungiclarkb: looking. i wonder if something has happened to the virtualenv creation, or whether we somehow reverted back to running that outside a venv15:48
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clarkbfungi: that job did not run in the venv15:48
clarkbfungi: the virtualenv was created on the image and successfully isntalled python magic15:49
sdagueabout to get on a plane, but the thing I realized that we did wrong that wedged us the last couple of days is that if a library has a stable/ branch it must also have a version cap in requirements15:49
clarkbfungi: remember we reverted the venv change15:49
krotscheckBy the way: Good morning everyone!15:49
jeblairsdague: version cap in master reqs or stable reqs?15:49
krotscheckWe are mighty productive for it being before 8AM PST :)15:49
fungisdague: actually, it's worse than that. if a library is used it must have a stable branch with version caps15:50
sdagueversion cap in stable15:50
sdaguewe have oslo libs with stable/juno branches, but no version caps15:50
sdagueso the testing against juno doesn't do what we think15:50
jeblairsdague: so potentially a subset/subproblem of "we should have caps/pins of everything in stable"15:50
sdaguethis is the actual technical wedge issue15:51
openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/puppet-project_config: Add standard puppet module files and .gitreview
jeblairsdague: (we "should" have caps of everything, we "must" have caps of libs with stable branches)15:51
sdaguevs. the policy decision15:51
* krotscheck was bitten by version caps in javascript dependencies recently. 15:51
fungisdague: because master requirements has open-ended versions, which end up in master branches of libs/clients some of which only have master branches, and which then get used as dependencies of things in stable branches15:51
sdaguejeblair: ++15:51
krotscheckOr rather, lack thereof.15:51
openstackgerritBrian Hunter proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add doc for 'pool' parameter for nodepool provider config
jeblairNikitaKonovalov: anyway, please consider removing it -- not everyone finds the output useful (some of us, the opposite) or worth an extra dependency + complexity15:52
mordredkrotscheck: I have come to dislike not-caps15:52
clarkbfungi: I think we may have been getting python-magic implicitly on those image builds15:52
fungii'm pretty sure even when we get caps on all reqs of everything which has stable branches, we're still going to find corner cases where things without stable branches are pretty much all going to have to add stable branches15:52
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krotscheckmordred: What’s fun is when you cap your own dependencies, but that dependency doesn’t cap.15:53
mordredkrotscheck: yup!15:53
clarkbfungi: so we have a couple options. Give the venv a try again (I like this one) or install python-magic globally and forcefully15:53
fungiclarkb: we were--it had been added at one point for that script but then we reworked it to use a virtualenv and removed the library from the system context later15:53
sdaguedtroyer is working on the venv code15:53
mordredkrotscheck: does the javascript stuff do dep solving properly? like, can you add a pin in your depends and have it wind up doing the right thing?15:53
clarkbfungi: no we reverted that15:53
fungiclarkb: i thought we had confirmed that the virtualenv was being used before the removal got approved15:53
clarkbbecause the venv did not have everything it needed15:54
sdagueok, flight kind of boarding, turning off computer until I'm back up in the air15:54
fungiclarkb: gah, so the removal change was probably hanging out there with a "depends on this other change" which is showing as merged even though it got reverted later15:54
jeblairsdague: nice flight!15:54
clarkbfungi: I still don't see the removal change15:54
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krotscheckmordred: ….sortof? In bower things we have to explicitly include the js file into the final index.html anyway, so any upstream is already included and/or irrelevant. For node build things you can explicitly declare the version of the subpackage. Occasionally, if the version resolution of multiple packages don’t overlap to something sane, they ask you to force which version to resolve to.15:55
clarkbfungi: I398e6d689d878fbfc9755422948fd992494a1128 is the revert of using the venv15:56
fungichecking recent history15:56
mordredkrotscheck: that is better than the options we have in the pythons15:56
clarkbfungi: which we can unrevert again, but I still don't see anything removing magic from the global install spce15:56
krotscheckmordred: That seems to be a common thread.15:57
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clarkboh its in system-config15:58
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fungiclarkb: it was approved and merged about 20 minutes before image updates kicked off today15:58
clarkbI was looking at project-config because that is where the miage build scripts are but then they go and run puppet15:58
clarkbso thats the cause then. We can either revert that change or the change that belongs to the change id above15:59
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fungiclarkb: what was broken that caused us to revert the virtualenv?15:59
fungier, revert using it i mean15:59
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clarkbfungi: it wasn't complete. Half the dependencies were missing15:59
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clarkbwhich we simultaneously updated but then you have to rebuild images and all that16:00
fungiright, because the deps for that script aren't enumerated anywhere like a requirements file so i guess it was just a stab in the dark16:00
fungii say we push forward reverting the other revert16:00
clarkbwill need to be force merged likely16:00
clarkbwe need a giant here be dragons sign around the swift upload stuff once we get it working consistently16:01
fungiyeah, no matter what fix we put through it will need to be manually submitted to gerrit16:01
clarkbotherwise anytime we change this after we move to swift the whole world will break16:01
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fungiyou creating teh revert or shall i?16:02
clarkbgo for it16:02
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clarkbits unfortunate that that script is called "pretty_tox" when it has nothing to do with tox really16:03
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fungioh! whaddyaknow... i already did a couple weeks ago
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fungii'm going to jump on a bare node real quick and make sure /usr/zuul-swift-logs-env/bin/pip freeze indicates sanity16:05
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clarkbit has my +216:05
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fungipython-magic==0.4.6 requests==2.5.116:06
fungiwas it supposed to have anything else?16:06
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clarkbargparse on centos6 nodes16:06
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: Fix use of actual vs. expected
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: ignore release-tag-* temporary directories
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jeblairmordred: check out 15110016:07
fungiclarkb: ^ lgtm16:07
jeblairmordred: and can you weigh in on 151102 ?16:07
mordredjeblair: yes16:08
fungiclarkb: i'll manually submit that revert and then get images updating again16:08
clarkbfungi: awesome we should be good then. I double checked the import list again too. And that should be all we need16:08
fungiclarkb: and i guess delete the ones we just added16:08
clarkbfungi: we don't need new image updates just update to jenkins jobs16:08
clarkbfungi: so should be pretty quick to get in once merged16:08
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fungioh, good point16:08
openstackgerritGeorge Peristerakis proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Whitelisted bash in the tox configuration
openstackgerritJames Graf proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for Job DSL plugin for Groovy-based job and view creation and management
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Revert "Start using the zuul-swift-upload venv""
fungithere ^16:09
fungiand yeah, reverting the _other_ change instead _would_ have required image updates16:09
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fungiso this is definitely the faster solution of the two, assuming it doesn't bring yet new and exciting bugs16:10
clarkbfungi: just like in starship troppers16:10
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fungiyep, just like in starship bloopers16:11
fungior that really good book the horrible film was based on16:11
clarkbfigure it out citizen16:11
fungi"based" on16:11
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clarkbwow its only 0814am PST16:13
clarkbI must be preparing myself for getting up early to make superb owl brisket16:13
fungiafter all, there's no brisket quite so superb as owl brisket16:14
mordredjeblair: done16:14
jeblairmake who?16:14
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clarkbsuperb owl brisket ! so apparently "Super Bowl" is trademarked and they defend it quite a bit. So colbert made fun of the whole thing by talking about the "Superb Owl" last year16:15
clarkband now I will forever remember the Super Bowl as the Superb Owl16:16
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Email Templating Engine
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Added email sender and configuration.
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Email Utility Methods
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clarkband iirc trademark doesn't have the same fair use rules as copyright so its use in parody/satire may have been lawsuit worthy? I am not a lawyer16:19
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clarkbhowever the disclaimer they blast at you before every game's broadcast saying you can't reuse this for any reason without their permission seems to ignore fair use because they are jerks16:19
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openstackgerritAleksey Ripinen proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Added branches to storyboard
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dtroyerIIRC trademark actually only applies to use of the mark in 'commerce'.  parody generally isn't selling its targets16:21
dtroyerat least that's my story and I'm sticking to it16:21
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clarkbdtroyer: I think parody can lead to brand confusion which is what trademark is supposed to protect against so there is a bit more scrutiny16:21
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fungii suspect that he was actually parodying their ardent defense of the trademark, moreso than just the trademark itself16:22
clarkb(there are fair use rules with trademark they just aren't as nice as copyrights)16:22
dtroyerfungi: yes he was16:22
fungiin which case his choice to replace the term with something obviously silly, while perhaps not necessary for legal reasons, was nevertheless an effective comedic choice16:22
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fungii'm reminded of the firefox->iceweasel switch in debian years ago, and the community's decision to pick a truly ridiculous name/mascot to underscore the sillyness of mofo's trademark policies16:24
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clarkbfungi: I am going to check jenkinses now for updated jobs16:26
clarkb01 has the new stuff at least16:27
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clarkbprobably worth a recheck now16:27
fungii'm getting ready to run back through open module-split changes and then start trying to fix py34 tests for jenkins-job-builder16:27
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clarkboh looks like mrmartin may have recently rechecked16:28
clarkb is one of the jobs16:28
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: Rename to
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: Skip tag and push if tag exists
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Added underscores as permitted in a nametype.
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: Rename to
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: Ignore release-tag dirs when running flake8
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: allow sanity check to report multiple warnings
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: Skip tag and push if tag exists
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clarkbit is interesting how the "what mysql driver should we probably use?" thread has turned into a "argue the merits of native threads vs greenthreads vs twisted" thread16:32
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jeblairyeah, it took that turn in post #216:33
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clarkbfungi: woot that job ran and succeeded. venv seems to work on centos6 at least16:33
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fungijeblair: clarkb: i take that as a sign that switching over to pymysql is non-controversial and we should move forward on that front16:34
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fungiclarkb: great!16:34
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clarkbjeblair: the other interesting thing about that is most of our stuff uses native threads and we have used pymysql in places because its easy16:34
clarkbjeblair: we are trend setters!16:34
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clarkbfungi: ya a change to switch the default in devstack is probably a good next step16:35
clarkbdhellmann: ^ unless you already have a pln for the switch16:35
clarkbfungi: trusty job copied logs successfully too16:36
clarkbjhesketh: I likely have time today to assist in debugging the trunated log thing if you want help. Just let me know16:37
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openstackgerritRomain Soufflet proposed openstack-dev/hacking: Fix E211 error
dhellmannclarkb: zzzeek, viktors, and rpodolyaka are leading that effort16:37
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fungithough in positive news, we're already using it in places (for example subunit2sql)16:38
clarkbyes and at least when I tested it it just works with the single node devstack test setups16:38
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clarkbjogo: appers to be a new issue with multinode stuff?16:42
clarkbjogo: if you can debug that I will try to figure out why neutron on a single node doesn't like my floating ip change16:42
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clarkbfungi: ^ I think that is why neutron is cranky16:43
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-ansible jobs
fungiclarkb: yeah, could we shrink the usable range just a little and put the gateway at .5.1 or something?16:46
jeblairclarkb, fungi:
fungiclarkb: it's either that or convince it to use an interface local route16:46
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fungiwhich may be outside the realm of possibility for neutron... i have no idea16:47
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fungijeblair: thanks--i noticed that earlier and hadn't gotten to it yet16:47
jlkmordred: hey, so when are we going to push through those ansible openstack modules? I'm having to carry more and more in my tree...16:47
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rameshg87clarkb, it worked after i configured the slave :)16:48
rameshg87clarkb, thanks for your suggestion16:48
clarkbfungi: I am just going to put it on .5.116:49
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clarkbfungi: I don't think I have to shrink anything to do that. Its just where neutron is going to talk "out"16:49
jeblairclarkb, fungi: is not having logs at all for infra jobs the venv thing you were working on earlier?16:49
clarkbjeblair: yup16:49
jeblairclarkb: is that fixed?  anything i can do to help?16:49
clarkbjeblair: swift uploads were broken for a couple hours which led to that16:49
clarkbjeblair: it is fixed now16:49
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jeblaircool, thx16:50
fungiclarkb: so that won't run the risk of having a fip collide with it?16:50
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Enable nova multi host on aiopcpu tests
jlkpuppet to manage ansible, to manage puppet16:50
clarkbfungi: no, in the previous scenario FIP range as 172.24.4/24 and gatway was
clarkbfungi: so putting everything under 172.24.5/24 should be fine16:51
fungiahh, right16:51
fungiyep, sounds great then16:51
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clarkbfungi: in any case latest patchset should confirm16:51
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morganfainbergfungi, dhellmann, clarkb, are we in a happy-ish place gate wise now?16:53
morganfainbergso i can approve changes?16:53
fungijlk: i hadn't thought about that, but it _is_ a bit of an ouroboros16:53
morganfainbergor is grenade still cranky or whatever was oslo.vmware related?16:53
clarkbmorganfainberg: should be better now16:53
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morganfainbergclarkb, awesome thanks! :)16:53
morganfainbergclarkb, didn't want to cause things to back up / fail if we were stilly in less fun state16:54
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fungimorganfainberg: yeah, the changes to make grenade happy went in last night. i think it got promoted ahead of your giant keystone patch series so at least some of that probably merged16:55
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clarkbdtroyer: maybe you have opinions on how we are setting up networking in too?16:55
silehtSomeone can re-approve:, it have lost the +A because of a gate failure, thanks in advance16:55
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clarkbdtroyer: goal there is to have nova multi host routing working during multinode testing so we do a slightly nasty thing with overlapping network ranges to avoid managing routing tables16:55
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openstackgerritAleksey Ripinen proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Added branches to storyboard
dtroyerclarkb: I'll have a look in a bit, thanks16:56
clarkbsileht: the oslo messaging change has not merged yet16:56
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silehtclarkb, this is a experimental job16:57
jeblairclarkb, pleia2: tbh, i'm not sure those should all be '/tree' links in the docs, but it's at least more correct than what we have now, and we can change it later.16:57
clarkbsileht: gotcha16:58
silehtclarkb, I'm working on it, it have never worked yet16:58
clarkblooks like fungi beat me to approving16:58
silehtfungi, clarkb, thanks16:58
fungisileht: yeah, it wasn't unapproved because of any sort of failure, SergeyLukjanov merely took back his approval (he might have approved it accidentally or something)16:59
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-mediawiki: Add standard puppet module files and .gitreview
SergeyLukjanovfungi, sileht, I've removed +A from it because isn't landed yet16:59
silehtoh rigth I haven't the comment16:59
clarkbthere is something wrong with the glusterfs experimental job17:00
clarkbdo we know who was responsible for that?17:00
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silehtSergeyLukjanov, ok the job have never worked yet and is experimental, so it should not break anything :)17:00
clarkbmeh its not erlly hurting anything17:00
SergeyLukjanovsileht, ok17:00
fungiSergeyLukjanov: agreed, it would have helped to have a comment there saying it was an experimental job they wanted to test from the project end17:01
jeblairclarkb: i thought it was fixed?
fungii can understand why you didn't let it merge17:01
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fungijeblair: it's possible jjb is hung/not updating on one or more of the jenkins masters17:01
clarkbjeblair: did that just run? it has been working for quite a few jobs. Maybe a single master doesn't have updated job config or a particular slave image is stale17:01
clarkbI can hunt that build down17:02
fungii'm checking17:02
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jeblairfound it
jeblair2015-01-29 16:51:45.074 | HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 502 Proxy Error17:02
clarkbdifferent and new errors!17:03
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clarkb doesn't complain that the proxy is broken at least17:03
fungijust confirmed the config for that job is identical on all 8 masters, so not jjb-related17:04
openstackgerritJames Graf proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for Job DSL plugin for Groovy-based job and view creation and management
clarkbthats ^ interesting17:04
clarkbdoesn't jjb do that for you?17:04
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: oslo.messaging: Move gate hooks to oslo.msg tree
fungijenkins04 doesn't look particularly sick, at least not in the ways that we'd seen in recent history17:05
fungino giant pile of stale slaves or anything17:05
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Update documentation with new Puppet modules
clarkbcool someone else has noticed that feature branch pulling changes into other branch ug if you have changes that are in the same git graph against two branches17:07
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clarkbzaro: ^ didn't you file a bug about that?17:07
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-haveged: Add standard puppet module files and .gitreview
fungiclarkb: there was a preexisting bug report on it17:07
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fungiclarkb: it's not entirely clear what the fix should be. basically you can (accidentally even) propose a change to one branch which is parented to changes from another branch and gerrit doesn't make it entirely obvious in the ui, nor do acls about not uploading certain types of changes apply to the already-existing parents17:09
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clarkbfungi: I think gerrit should refuse cross branch change dependencies17:10
clarkbif two changes A and B against branches X and Y respectively are pushed reject B17:10
clarkbonly allow B if there is an A' against branch Y17:10
fungiclarkb: at one point i had realized that at least some of our workflows depend on that being possible, but now i'm having trouble remembering what the case was17:10
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-openafs: Add standard puppet module files and .gitreview
clarkbthe exception would be merge commits17:10
anteayarameshg87: hello how can I help?17:11
fungiclarkb: which is where these issues have tended to crop up. you can propose a change which depends on a merge commit from another branch17:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-bugdaystats: Add standard puppet module files and .gitreview
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-subunit2sql: Add standard puppet module files and .gitreview
fungiclarkb: though i guess you mean the other way around17:12
clarkbfungi: ya only the merge commit would be allowed to depend on other branches17:12
fungiclarkb: only allow proposed merge commits to depend on changes from other branches17:12
clarkbso in my example B could be a merge commit but not A17:12
rameshg87anteaya, hi17:12
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jeepyb: Add new project boilerplate
rameshg87anteaya, i was stuck on something on third party ci setup17:12
clarkboh I left out that B depends on A in my example17:12
rameshg87anteaya, just resolved with help from clarkb17:12
fungiclarkb: yeah, and gerrit would need to explicitly check the history on the target branch to make sure that the parent exists in that branch rather than just anywhere in gerrit17:12
anteayarameshg87: great, clarkb is helpful that way17:12
fungiclarkb: except when proposing a merge commit17:13
anteayarameshg87: in future best to just say what is on your mind17:13
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clarkbfungi: right17:13
anteayarameshg87: that gives everyone the chance to help you, it wastes your time to wait for a specific person17:13
fungiclarkb: that seems sane, though i've forgotten most of my earlier thoughts around that since it was months ago we last delved ito it17:13
rameshg87anteaya, yeah .. i just said that out when i saw you weren't online17:13
rameshg87anteaya, thanks for checking back :)17:14
clarkbfungi: but its kinda tricky because X and Y are just pointers to a commit. They don't actually represent a real branch if the change A and A' are otherwise the same17:14
clarkbfungi: so then submission affects the pointers only?17:14
rameshg87anteaya, btw we are trying to setup a third party ci for proliant systems in Ironic17:14
anteayarameshg87: wonderful17:14
anteayarameshg87: I do believe JayF is the third party contact for Ironic17:15
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* JayF is not17:15
anteayaJayF: ah I have mis-remembered17:15
fungiclarkb: the workaround is to look at the dependencies in the ui, which if memory serves won't be expanded (assuming the dependency has already merged) but will mention the branch on which it sits17:15
anteayaJayF: you are just so handy17:15
JayFI can try to help with any questions though :)17:15
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anteayaJayF: awesome thank you17:16
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fungiclarkb: i don't care to join google groups just to reply to that thread, but the url you want to pass along is
silehtI have other question about my oslo.messaging new three jobs: I got gate-oslo.messaging-dsvm-functional-amqp1: NOT_REGISTERED, but it works well for the two others17:21
silehtthe only difference is the node list17:21
silehtI would like it run on fedora 2017:22
fungisileht: we removed fedora 2017:22
silehtfungi, perhaps you have a idea ?17:22
silehtfungi, oh  that exaplains :)17:22
silehtfungi, should I use fedora 21 ?17:22
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clarkbdtroyer: so I think devstack might be broken for multinode deployment now you don't want to enable eg rabbitmq on a subnode, you just set the rabbit host ip variable17:23
fungisileht: yes, we have devstack-f21 nodes17:23
silehtfungi, ok I will change that, thanks17:23
fungisileht: i see one sitting ready in rax-iad as i type this17:23
clarkbIf108f314e1ad2ecc79f41cbca47d08c4024a23cd appears to be the breaking change17:23
clarkboh wait that just changes the message not error detection17:24
clarkboh never its echo -> die thats the problem17:24
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk proposed openstack-infra/project-config: oslo.messaging: uses devstack-f21 instead f20
silehtfungi, this should do the trick ^^17:25
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk proposed openstack-infra/project-config: oslo.messaging: uses devstack-f21 instead f20
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clarkbjogo: should be the fix for multnode devstack17:27
fungisileht: yep, looks good after the rebase17:27
silehtfungi, thanks for your help17:27
clarkbfungi: I will pass that along17:27
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fungisileht: though it's possible we need a more explicit node override for it in or modify the job name to include -f21 in it17:29
openstackgerritJames Graf proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for Job DSL plugin for Groovy-based job and view creation and management
* fungi checks what's happening with the f20 version currently to see17:29
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jeblairkrotscheck, yolanda: left comments on 15074317:31
fungisileht: yep, that's a problem... 2015-01-29 17:17:35,434 INFO zuul.Gearman: Build <gear.Job 0x7fa48abf6990 handle: None name: build:gate-oslo.messaging-dsvm-functional-amqp1:devstack-trusty unique: 693814350f044181b5c5378aa2eb19d0> complete, result NOT_REGISTERED17:31
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clarkbfungi: sileht: ya think we can probably simplify node selection. The trouble is for most dsvm jobs we have to switch on branch to select trusty or precise17:32
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fungisileht: we have a branch split for devstack node types right now where all dsvm jobs go to devstack-trusty nodes unless overridden (usually to send stable/icehouse changes to devstack-precise instead)17:32
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clarkbfungi: sileht: so the trick is finding a reasonable way to have exclusions to that rule for fedora/centos17:32
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clarkbright now its very explicit which is nice because its easy to update but it does add a step when adding jobs17:33
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SergeyLukjanovjeblair, clarkb, fungi, mordred, is there any reason we're not using in pbr? or it's not needed17:34
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clarkbSergeyLukjanov: because pbr tries to have minimal dependencies. It would have to bundle that code if it wer to use it and people hate bundling17:34
yolandajeblair, i thought about that approach as well, my fear was it storyboard continues growing and we need to add more interaction17:34
silehtclarkb, fungi, so do you want I add '-f21' in the job name or you will fix the override code ?17:35
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SergeyLukjanovclarkb, agreed, just want to be sure :)17:35
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, but if some project in OS would like to add it as dependency there should be no concerns about intersection with pbr?17:35
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jeblairyolanda: yeah, i think that most interaction will still be pairwise (eg, python-client -> storyboard, ruby-client -> storyboard, ...) so it still generally scales well; storyboard itself will end up having a lot of jobs, but maybe when we get to > 10 of those, we think about how we could combine them into one job for simplicity17:36
jeblairyolanda: (we could still probably do that without needing another project)17:36
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: I would probably only be concerned if it used the semver lib to determine its versions instead of letting pbr do it17:36
fungiSergeyLukjanov: or phrased another way, pbr is used as an install_requires in so that it can take over handling requirements lists, so anything it depends on is potentially one more thing something it's installing could end up conflicting on17:36
fungier, s/install_requires/setup_requires/17:37
jeblairyolanda: and if it scales like that -- by adding language bindings -- it would probably be weird to have all those tests in one repo17:37
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yolandajeblair, ok, i'll amend the spec about it. The job workflow should be more or less the same, cloning the branches, install backend and client, etc... but we will be relying on the jobs in jjb rather than in some engine on an independent project to drive that install17:37
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fungiSergeyLukjanov: basically we want pbr installed before anything else we might install, so installing other things pbr needs before pbr adds danger17:38
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jeblairyolanda: yeah.  since the setup is in common, i would put that in storyboard, then in jjb, have jobs like "run zuul-cloner; run storyboard setup; run (appropriate) tests"17:39
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, fungi, this lib is needed to manage versions of the artifacts in storage17:39
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, fungi, I mean not this lib but anything that could parse and compare versions in semver style17:39
fungisileht: if you can get -f21 into that job name, it'll be the easiest solution for now17:40
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silehtfungi, ok I will do that17:40
clarkbsileht: fungi note that f21 doesn't work at all right now17:40
clarkbso my next question is why f21?17:40
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fungiclarkb: it boots and goes ready at least17:40
silehtclarkb, for amqp1.0 python lib17:40
fungiclarkb: you mean as opposed to centos7?17:40
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: for that is probably fine. I think the only thing that pbr needs to do determine versions of the software it installs17:40
yolandajeblair, need to dig a bit more about zuul-cloner, i'll also add it to the spec for the implementation details17:41
clarkbfungi: no thats broken too. I mean with devstack17:41
* sileht checks if devstack can install the libs on centos17:41
clarkbf21 and centos7 don't work with devstack right now and that job depends on devstack17:41
yolandaso far i've seen a sample on infra.yaml file but never used myself17:41
fungisileht: is there a amqp1.0 for ubuntu trusty?17:41
clarkbsileht: and we can't install a python lib on ubuntu?17:41
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, fungi, thx17:41
silehtclarkb, fungi with a ppa only17:41
clarkbsileht: not pypi?17:42
silehtclarkb, nop this is a c module17:42
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fungisileht: so you need _older_ amqp it seems17:43
fungisileht: and ubuntu trusty has too new of a version?17:43
silehtfungi, trusty doesn't have the package at all17:43
fungisileht: says 1.3.317:44
silehtsorry, the requirements are python-qpid-proton, libqpid-proton2-dev17:44
fungigot it17:44
silehtonly fedora > 20 have them for now17:44
silehtfungi, this is written by qpid, but this is a protocol implementation, so the amqp broker can be anything else17:45
fungilooks like python-qpid-proton 0.7-2 is definitely not in trusty, it's in vivid so will be in the next lts i guess17:46
silehtthat why I'm looking for fedora17:46
fungisileht: so you probably need to join forces with ianw and afazekas on getting f21 working17:46
clarkbso use fedora just keep in mind it does now work right now17:46
silehtthe devstack support for this lib:
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clarkb looks like dependency issues on f2117:49
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anteayamorning zaro18:19
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clarkbmmedvede: re is the capitalization worthy of a -1?18:27
clarkbmmedvede: trying to figure out if I am going to cause problems if I approve that as is18:27
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mmedvedeclarkb: It can be merged. I was thinking if it was fixed before all the approvals, then it worth fixing.18:28
mmedvedeclarkb: we can fix it later18:28
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-mailman: Add initial puppet module files
clarkbok I did a pass at the remaining open changes. We are very close to clearing that list out completely18:35
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jeblairclarkb: 15128318:37
mordredjlk: yes - Shrews is working on it with me18:38
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-logrotate: Add puppet module files for logrotate
mordredjlk: as is adam_g_out18:38
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mordredjlk: we had to fall down the rabbit hole a bit withi keystone auth plugins to get it all right18:38
mordredjlk: sorry for the delay18:38
jlkmordred: okay. I just hasn't seen anything come by since I dumped a bunch of feedback in the PR18:38
jlkno worries18:38
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mordredjlk: yeah - Shrews has been working through most of that18:39
jlkeither of you going to be in Philly?18:39
mordredI will be18:39
morganfainbergso, since most of you all here work with openstack and some deploy it regularly...18:39
mordredjlk: do you think it would be useful to bring Shrews up too? Shrews - you interested?18:39
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-ansible jobs
morganfainbergany thoughts on SQL migrations that ... well don't have a good downgrade path? [it seems rare people actually downgrade their schemas]18:39
dstufftmordred: is something happening in philly?18:40
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jlkmordred: well, I'll be there, we could spend some time getting them polished up18:40
mordreddstufft: yah - openstack operators midcycle Mar 9-1018:40
mordredjlk: awesome18:40
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-simpleproxy as split out module
mordredjlk: we're hoping to get them initially mergable soon so that we can all iterate on them easier too18:40
dstufftmordred: I might have to drive down to say hi then ;P18:41
mordreddstufft: woohoo!18:41
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-kerberos: Add standard puppet module files and .gitreview
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dstufftI have no idea what the openstack operators midcycle does if it'd be interesting at all for me or not heh, but meeting people is fun :D18:43
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-snmpd: Initial puppet module files
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jlkmorganfainberg: the strategy is to keep failing forward18:43
jlknever go back18:43
jlkgoing back... that way lies madness, if you're doing these things on live clouds18:43
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jeblairfail fast, often, and forward18:45
morganfainbergjlk mordred i agree, but the expectation is... we can downgrade18:45
jlkthen change the expectation18:45
morganfainbergwe set that expectation even in some cases if it's unreasonable18:45
mordredmorganfainberg: I think that expectation is bogus18:45
morganfainbergwe = openstack18:45
morganfainbergnot we = keystone18:45
mordredwe should not set that expectation18:45
jlkis that expectation ever tested anywhere?18:45
morganfainbergmordred, i think we need to set the expectation that schema downgrades are crazy18:45
morganfainberglike... pure insanity18:45
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mordredI'd argue that we should not have downgrade migrations at all and should add a hacking rule to throw an error if someone writes one18:46
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mordredbecause if theyre there it's an implicit indication that we think they're a good idea18:46
fungimorganfainberg: reset the expectation by quoting the four laws of thermodynamics18:46
morganfainbergmordred, i smell a ML topic happening here including the [tc]18:47
fungimorganfainberg: if they won't believe computer science and information theory explanations, maybe they'll at least believe the laws of physics18:47
morganfainbergmostly because i think we need to clarify this expectation in our docs....annnnnnnd potentially stop writing these downgrade insanities18:47
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fungimorganfainberg: the term "attractive nuisance" comes to mind18:48
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morganfainbergfungi, nice18:48
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jeblairwhen i wrote the migrations for gertty, i started writing downgrades, but after about 0.05 seconds of reflection, i realized that a system to automatically and efficiently permanently lose data wasn't actually my goal18:49
fungibecause they exist people expect them to work, and then proceed to add more of them... it's a downward spiral18:49
morganfainbergi only asked here because keystone is about to collapse 2 data types... and sussing out what was originally what is impossible unless we carry the data and write compat code all over to make it "keep working as it did before"18:49
mordredmorganfainberg: I support the removal of all downgrades18:49
fungitime flows in only one direction, at least for us18:50
morganfainbergmordred, i think if you aren't restoring from a snapshot in the case of a failed migration you're expecting tooooooo much18:50
morganfainbergpermanent data loss argument is great jeblair, thanks18:50
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mordredjeblair: how hard do you think a flexible project list for gertty would be - that is, that if the project has zero todo list items it doesn't show up in the list?18:55
mordredjeblair: with all the new puppet-* repos, my gertty subscription list is kinda long now18:55
jeblairmordred: isn't that the default?18:55
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mordredjeblair: no - there are lines that have 0s in the unreviewed and open columns18:55
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Update and clean up docs
jeblairmordred: hit 'l'18:55
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mordredthank you. you are awesome18:56
jeblairmordred: (and the state you were in was the non-default state)18:56
mordredI must have hit l by accident or something18:56
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jeblairyeah, i sometimes forget which kind of l to hit for which kind of list :/18:56
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mordredjeblair: nod18:56
jesusauruswe probably should have added LICENSE files to all the new module projects18:56
clarkbjesusaurus: thats tricky18:57
jeblairjesusaurus: indeed!  here's your chance to bump your commit count by a nice 61 changes :)18:57
jeblairclarkb: why?18:57
clarkblast time I tried to do that I got denied18:57
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk proposed openstack-infra/project-config: oslo.messaging: uses devstack-f21 instead f20
clarkbI think we should for the ones we can18:57
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mordredclarkb: what can we not LICENSE?18:57
jesusauruswell we set the license to apache 2.0 in all the metadata.json files18:58
clarkbmordred: soren got all cranky about how you would have to track a bunch of things back to the before times and beg permission18:58
zarofungi: so regarding , I believe we have a working review-dev.o.o on trusty now.  Do we want to attempt to do same with review.o.o?18:58
mordredclarkb: I'm fairly certain that most of our modules were written not in the before times18:59
clarkbya a lot of it is probably doable but jenkins and gerrit and similar may not be18:59
jeblairclarkb: i wrote those18:59
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clarkboh even better18:59
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: fix project matrix doc rendering
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waynri am having trouble setting descriptions on job templates in jjb19:02
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bhunter71question/sanity check; What makes a nodepool managed instance get deleted?   Alternately, is this delete-on-completion in some way connected to the OFFLINE_NODE_WHEN_COMPLETE zuul/openstack_function property that performs the gearman unregister?   Thanks!19:03
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-log_processor: Add puppet module files for log processor
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fungibhunter71: the zeromq event publisher plug-in in your jenkins master that nodepool listens to, and no but it helps keep those workers from picking up new jobs before nodepool deletes them (which would end up with the nodes going offline mid-job)19:07
morganfainbergjeblair, mordred, fungi, jlk
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fungizaro: i think so, though we'll want a gerrit outage scheduled to try to cut over. we have one for tomorrow (if the announcement for renames has been sent that is) but that's probably a little soon19:08
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fungimorganfainberg: fair warning, that's going to turn into another of those "the perfect is the enemy of the good" debates and the operator community will likely be on the other side of the argument, so it may be work cross-posting to the ops ml or at least posting a pointer there to this thread19:10
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morganfainbergfungi, i know19:10
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morganfainbergfungi, i'll x-post it to -operators19:11
fungisame situation as with the ec2 deprecation thread and the sample config publishing thread i suspect19:11
fungiand your recent ldap thread19:12
waynrderp, set the description on the wrong template19:12
fungithough that one ended up being a lot less contentious than i was expecting, so maybe this will be the same19:12
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-jeepyb: Add new project boilerplate
morganfainbergfungi, yeah i kept asking for feedback and it took the HEY THIS IS GOING AWAY to even elicit a response (except from CERNs perspective, because we asked them first since we KNEW they used it)19:12
morganfainbergfungi, i'll do some minor less-dev rephrasing and send that message to operators list as well.19:13
fungigreat idea19:13
clarkbmorganfainberg: maybe I should bug you about it. But it seems like keystone really needs a what is a user, tenant, project, domain, scope and how are they different document19:14
morganfainbergi keep trying to explain downgrades to people and i think i'm going insane...who would want to trust the data?!19:14
clarkbmorganfainberg: and maybe justification for their existance in the case of not a user19:14
morganfainbergclarkb, i can't justify tenant's existence :P19:14
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stevemarclarkb, we have an API :P19:14
clarkbbecause I always get confused whenever I have to go figure out what new piece of information keystone wants to auth19:14
clarkbstevemar: yes the api says provide a domain19:14
clarkbthen I go "WTF is a domain and how is that differant than the other data I am already giving you"19:14
* morganfainberg lets stevemar volunteer to write this all up19:15
jlkI can't fathom any operators thinking that downgrades are a useful thing to attempt19:15
morganfainbergjlk, neither can I19:15
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-mysql_backup: Add initial puppet module files for mysql_backup
morganfainbergclarkb, in all seriousness we should have some better docs on what each resource type is19:15
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stevemaryeah we probably should19:16
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Make needs_change plural
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Support cross-repo-dependencies in dependent pipelines
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Support cross-repo-dependencies in independent pipelines
jeblairthose are just trivial rebases19:17
clarkbI still don't know what a domain is ftr19:17
fungijlk: having been on that end of the equation in years past, my team similarly concluded that downgrades of environments are (with some very narrowly-focused exceptions) more or less impossible19:17
clarkbfungi: jlk people that want downgrades are people that are forced by change management to have a backout plan19:18
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stevemarclarkb, i'll try and whip up a doc we can host on docs.o.o that describes basic auth info19:18
clarkbwhen you tell some group of stamp stampers that you don't downgrade you just blaze through all problems in a wild ride of glory they don't stamp your paperwork19:18
jlkclarkb: I was forced to have a backout plan. It was called "fucking panic"19:19
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jlkbut actually it was "restore from backup, grant service credits to thousands of customers"19:19
fungiclarkb: our backout plans involved rolling back the database from transaction logs and losing data19:20
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-ssh: Add initial puppet module files for SSH
clarkbfungi: jlk ya neither of those options would've flown with any of the change mangement boards I had to answer to19:20
fungiand then doing a lot of manual cleanup for consumed resources which were at that point no longer tracked19:20
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jlkin reality, we reached an agreement with our change board, in that we just couldn't go backwards.19:21
fungiwe basically had acceptance tests which had to pass during the maintenance window and any data accumulated during the maintenance was deemed expendable19:21
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/puppet-subunit2sql: Revert "Add support to the subunit workers to reuse zuul uuids"
fungiand if acceptance tests didn't pass, we immediately rolled back and lost that period of data19:21
fungiand if the acceptance tests passed then there was no option to downgrade later19:21
fungiso if bugs turned up post-maintenance, we were stuck with them until fixes were implemented19:22
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clarkbfungi: thankfully for me at least it was all network changes so you did silly things like load up a backup sup module in your lab with identical software to what is currently running in prod, then if your ios upgrade exploded you jus swapped sups out19:22
clarkbso data loss wasn't really a thing19:22
openstackgerritYichen Wang proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Register new project "vmtp" into stackforge
fungibut we also had a change board which was populated mostly by sane people who understood the balancing act of pragmatism19:23
fungii was also on the change board but i won't claim to have been sane19:23
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fungialso very glad to have left that world behind me ;)19:24
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Email Templating Engine
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Added email sender and configuration.
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Email Utility Methods
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fungioh, right, sourcefire held the trademarks on clamav, so with the cisco acquisition that explains why their mailing lists include a (r) symbol next to the name clamav now :(19:26
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fungimy knee jerked and i almost marked it as spam19:27
morganfainbergfungi, x-posted to operators. /me sits back and wears fire-protective gear.19:27
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fungimorganfainberg: <human_torch>flame on!</human_torch>19:27
* morganfainberg also needs coffee badly </gauntlet reference>19:28
fungioh no, someone shot the food!19:28
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fungiheh, there's a tee shirt
morganfainbergfungi, i... need that shirt19:30
zarofungi: should we propose another gerrit outage window specifically for moving to trusty?19:30
morganfainbergactually... i think i'm going to wear a shirt at the next summit (provided I'm still PTL): "Keystone PTL needs coffee badly"19:30
morganfainbergor maybe just "keystone-core19:31
morganfainbergOpenStack Developer Needs Coffee Badly19:31
morganfainberg[even better]19:31
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fungizaro: yeah, but first we need some documentation of the steps you followed to set up the new server (specifically what files you needed to copy in from the old server)19:32
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fungimorganfainberg: it needs the poison bottle from gauntlet too19:34
morganfainbergoh yes!19:34
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fungimorganfainberg: bottom right of
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Set the Gerrit change screen default to OLD_UI.
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openstackgerritYichen Wang proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Register new project "vmtp" into stackforge
pc_mclarkb: ping19:41
nibalizercan someone help me understand the state of this change
anteayapc_m: while you are waiting for clarkb, I see you were looking for me at one point in the last 24 hours19:42
nibalizerit has approved, but the jenkins failure lingers? so it needs a recheck is taht right?19:42
clarkbpc_m pong19:42
pc_mclarkb: I found that for Neutron, they use the local copy of for API test case (vs. dsvm-functional)19:42
clarkbpc_m ok that should be undone19:43
pc_mclarkb: No idea why.19:43
pc_mclarkb: I can do that as a separate commit.19:43
anteayanibalizer: toggle ci19:43
anteayanibalizer: your docs job failed19:43
pc_mclarkb: There is one other file in the contrib area.  functions.sh19:44
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Shrewsmordred: who? what? when?19:44
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clarkbya that should be removed too19:44
anteayawhich for some reason is not found: I get File Not Found19:44
pc_mclarkb: Is that needed too? I don't see it used by any of the hooks19:44
pc_mclarkb: OK will do.19:44
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pc_mclarkb: thanks!19:45
clarkbits used by the d-g script19:45
pc_manteaya: Yeah, during the L3 meeting this morning Ihar  was looking for infra help on test failures. We pointed him to the channel.19:46
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-project_config: Add standard puppet module files and .gitreview
pc_manteaya: I was pinging you, to see if you knew who could help with the issue (all DVR tests were failing during server creation).19:46
funginibalizer: anteaya: we had a misstep with log uploads earlier today. recheck and they should work correctly now19:46
anteayapc_m: have you a link to the logs?19:46
pc_manteaya: I didn't follow up with him, so not sure if he got ahold of anyone (may have).19:46
anteayafungi: ah thank you19:47
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anteayanibalizer: looks like recheck is your best way forward19:47
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fungispecifically for infra project changes19:47
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anteayafungi: ah thanks19:47
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pc_manteaya: No. They were listed in the L3 meeting notes. Again, I'm not sure, as Ihar may have got help already.19:47
fungisince we're not doing the swift log uploads for other projects' changes just yet19:47
pc_mihrachyshka: ^^19:47
anteayafungi: ah a swift log upload issue, well yay for new errors19:48
anteayanotmyname: hi there19:48
notmynamelet me know if I need to look at something in swift19:48
anteayasorry to invoke you for no need19:48
anteayanotmyname: nope, just an issue with infra logs19:48
funginotmyname: not at all. swift was working fine, we just prematurely cleaned up some things our upload script was using19:49
mordredShrews: ops midcycle philly mar 9-1019:49
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mordredShrews: jlk is also interested in collaborating on the ansible stuff, will be there, thought we could sit down and hack potentially19:49
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pc_manteaya: Not sure if ihrachyshka is around.19:50
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: middleware-specific ceilometer package
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anteayapc_m: well you did your bit and did it well, thank you19:51
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anteayapc_m: you are only responsible for the choices you make19:51
pc_manteaya: np.19:51
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anteayapc_m: :)19:51
fungii'm going to clean up mmedvedev's 151090 change so we can get that moving through19:51
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out mysql_proxy module and rename it
fungimmedvede: ^19:52
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fungisorry for some reason i thought you had dropped off the channel19:53
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Fix for finding addresses
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Port to use keystone sessions and auth plugins
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add consistent methods for returning dicts
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Create a neutron client
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mmedvedefungi: thank you. I was afk. And had a day job things to do :)20:00
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Pass service_name to nova_client constructor
fungimmedvede: no problem! just didn't want you to think i was stepping on your toes with that change20:02
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fungisomething's still not quite right with it though (precise apply test is showing failing in zuul status). looking at the log for clues20:02
mmedvedefungi: feel free to do it any time :)20:03
fungimmedvede: thanks! same for my changes as well20:03
fungiError: Could not find class simpleproxy for on node bare-precise-1422540854.template.openstack.org20:03
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Adds get_flavor() and get_network() functions
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* Shrews rebases all the shade things20:04
mmedvedefungi: we still did not rename things inside the module itself, have we?20:04
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fungimmedvede: ooh, i bet that's the issue20:04
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fungimmedvede: we likely need a patch to the module project first, yeah20:05
fungimmedvede: i'll write that up if it's not already existing20:05
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fungimmedvede: thanks for the suggestion20:05
nibalizerfungi: anteaya thanks!20:05
mmedvedefungi: glad to help20:06
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clarkbhow long was I disconnected?20:06
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clarkbfungi: simpleproxy issues? anything I can help with?20:08
fungiclarkb: nah, i think mmedvede hit the nail on the head20:09
clarkboh I see it in the logs now20:09
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anteayahow long was I disconnected is like how long was I asleep20:11
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Make sure Gerrit sites are using the proper libraries.
krotscheckAnyone have experience with mailbox.Maildir and the multi-threaded name conflict thing they warn against in the docs? I’m trying to figure out if it’s something I need to be worried about.20:16
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-simpleproxy: Add standard puppet module files and .gitreview
fungi151090 won't pass until ^ that merges20:20
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Bump rabbitmq module to 5.0.0
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clarkbgreghaynes ^20:22
fungiclarkb: so in theory should disappear shortly?20:23
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greghaynesclarkb: whatd I do?20:24
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clarkbgreghaynes: krotscheck maildir question20:25
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greghayneskrotscheck: ah, is it for the mail name uuid's?20:25
greghayneskrotscheck: if so, just put a tid in the mail id20:25
clarkbfungi: maybe? do we install the latest version?20:25
clarkbfungi: I am revinewing 151372 now20:25
krotscheckgreghaynes: I think so? I’ve got multiple workers generating emails that I just want to store on disk, and then have a different worker actually send them.20:26
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fungiclarkb: that ups the module, which will cause the fact to cease being reported to puppetdb right?20:26
krotscheck(Not using the actual server’s mail system because not all clouds permit email)20:26
clarkbfungi: oh there is a second change20:26
fungiclarkb: according to the release notes on 5.0.0 anyway, supposed to close that hole20:26
greghayneskrotscheck: yea, where do they reference that issue?20:26
clarkbfungi: ya that should go away20:27
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krotscheckgreghaynes: , under add() / update(). It’s in red, hard to miss.20:27
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fungiclarkb: that was the whole "sensitive data should never be handled by facter" debacle20:27
krotscheckgreghaynes: OH wait! It’s by _thread_ id. Since all my workers are single-threaded independent processes, I should be fine.20:28
greghayneskrotscheck: yea, so its just name collisions, that is a real thing thats a problem ;) the name format is basically "anything goes" though so you should be able to easily override and include a threadid20:28
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greghaynesyea, if you have different pids its not an issue20:28
krotscheckgreghaynes: Awesome, thanks.20:28
krotscheckgreghaynes: I can’t guarantee that that’ll remain the same in the future though, so I’ll go ahead and bake the thread id in as well.20:29
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-simpleproxy: Add standard puppet module files and .gitreview
zarofungi: steps are here
fungipuppet lint fixups20:29
fungizaro: thanks20:29
greghayneskrotscheck: or even use a uuid ;)20:29
krotscheckgreghaynes: That’s madness.20:30
krotscheckgreghaynes: Down that road lies randomness.20:30
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clarkbwow my devstack change is still stuck I am just going to kill that job20:30
fungiclarkb: killed the network on the worker?20:30
clarkbfungi: no it looks like volume trouble and its just slow20:31
Shrewsjlk: added some responses to your comments on the PR for the ansible modules.20:34
Shrewsfungi: such language!20:34
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Fix gerrit mimetype references
fungiShrews: sorry, i forgot about your sensitive nature20:35
Shrewsfungi: all will be forgiven if you come visit and buy me beer20:35
Shrewsfungi: fedex'ing some is also acceptable20:36
fungiShrews: come here and i can take you to all three of our local breweries. count them, "three"20:36
fungiwhich, per-capita in the off-season is actually a pretty high proportion i guess20:36
clarkbfungi: 3 isn't bad20:38
fungiclarkb: well, you'd have to see them on a map... one is next to me, one east one island from me across the bridge to the south, and one is on the mainland across the bridge to the north20:39
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adreznec it seems the gate-infra-puppet-apply-* jobs on my latest changeset failed but the URL gives a File Not Found. Should I try a recheck?20:40
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fungiclarkb: so not in super close proximity, but the furthest is less than 30 minutes by car20:40
clarkbI have rechecked my devstack change. Hopefully I can get that through today so we can make progress on multinode20:41
fungiadreznec: yes, we had a problem with the script which uploads those logs earlier but it's fixed now20:41
anteayaadreznec: yes we had a log file upload issue earlier20:41
adreznecfungi: ok, thanks20:41
anteayafungi: faster typer20:41
fungiseems we're mildly starved for bare-trusty nodes at the moment20:42
clarkbjogo: did you see the devstack change and my new patchset on the nova multihost change? jogo I am hopeful20:44
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Make sure Gerrit sites are using the proper libraries.
anteayaclarkb: may I? linky linky20:44
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clarkbanteaya: and
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jogoclarkb: not yet, will look pretty soon though20:46
fungiclarkb: okay, 151372 has its lint removed and is ready to go in i think20:46
fungiclarkb: that will dislodge the last of our module removal changes20:46
clarkbfungi: looking20:47
jlkShrews: thanks, I'll poke through that later today20:47
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anteayaclarkb: ah so ABORTED means you killed it20:48
mtreinishclarkb, fungi: if you get a sec, revert 2.0:
jogoclarkb: clarkb I did see your devstack revert though, thanks20:49
clarkbanteaya: yes20:51
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fungiclarkb: is empty now, so that's good20:54
craigbrCould someone review (and maybe approve) Add maven build and repo upload for monasca-persister?20:55
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funginibalizer: were you handling the license file additions to openstack-infra/puppet-.* projects? if not, i'll go ahead and submit them real quick20:57
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jogoclarkb anteaya: any idea what is wrong with my patch
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jogoI can't spot the error in the config layout job output20:59
clarkbjogo: you don't instantiate your job template anywhere20:59
clarkbjogo: so the job specified in zuul/layout.yaml does not exist21:00
jeblairfungi: jesusaurus was involved in the license conversation... don't know if he's planning on doing it21:00
clarkbalso I think nibalizer is or is about to get on a 10 hour flight21:00
jesusaurusi was going to add them, then got caught up with other work21:01
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fungijeblair: nibalizer: d'oh right, sorry!21:01
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fungijesusaurus: it's still all yours if you want it, just suddenly felt naked when you pointed out we added 60-something projects missing license files21:01
mtreinishclarkb: is there still truncation issues going on with the logs on swift? because I think the failure log for jogo's patch isn't all there21:02
jesusaurusfungi: if youre ready you can take it, otherwise i'll do it later tonight21:02
mrmartinfungi: do we need to add license files to all puppet-x repos?21:02
clarkbmtreinish: yes21:02
fungimrmartin: i think we should take every reasonable step to clarify the licensing terms of all our projects21:03
jogoclarkb: ahh thanks21:03
jogomtreinish: thats very possible21:03
fungijesusaurus: up to you--it will only take me a couple minutes because bash for loops21:03
anteayajogo: no meeting today for nova?21:03
jesusaurusfungi: ok, go for it21:04
jogoanteaya: I assume not21:04
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add functional test job for python-novaclient
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asselin_pleia2, there's a few or 'your' puppet module splits that need puppet module files. Will you do them, or shall I?21:12
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morganfainbergjlk, oh hey, you're Bluebox, didn't realize it! you in seattle?21:16
jlkmorganfainberg: I am indeed21:16
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morganfainbergjlk, awesome! i'll be up that way for triple-o midcycle. maybe catch you and others up there21:17
jlkneat. We may be hosting an openstack meetup around that time21:17
* morganfainberg fails to map IRC names to people sometimes.21:17
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clarkbfungi: apparently it will use the gateway IP21:18
clarkbfungi: so uh I have no idea what the expected behavior is there but it seems to mostly work21:18
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anteayaasselin_: she is flying to fosdem if memory serves21:20
anteayaasselin_: I'm going to support you going ahead with that21:20
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-ansible: Add standard puppet module files and .gitreview
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-mailman: Add initial puppet module files
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asselin_anteaya, ok will do21:23
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Remove devstack_host puppet module
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jogosdague: you ever see this?
jogodhellmann: 2015-01-29 00:07:08.612 32473 TRACE ceilometer.pipeline AttributeError: 'Connection' object has no attribute 'connection_errors'#01221:24
jogo sdague ^21:24
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-logrotate: Add puppet module files for logrotate
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clarkbasselin_: want to add license to or do it in a followup change?21:27
clarkbasselin_: either way is fine with me but one way I don't approve the other I approve :)21:27
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clarkbfungi: should we just approve 151372 with just my +2?21:28
fungiclarkb: sure, seems fine21:29
fungi is almost empty finally21:29
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clarkbnice, once we get simpleproxy change merged we can delete mysql_proxy ya?21:30
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fungiclarkb: the change for that is already pending but won't work until 151372 merges21:31
dhellmannjogo: looks like an oslo.messaging issue21:31
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mtreinishclarkb: oh, I was going to ask you about that. Did you already take care of that? If not I can convert it to be generic proxy now21:31
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clarkbmtreinish: its semi done. fungi did the bare minimum to make it work as is21:31
clarkbmtreinish: but we will need follow changes to make it more parameterized simple_proxy stuff then switch over to that21:31
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clarkbjhesketh: good morning21:32
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anteayamorning jhesketh21:32
clarkbI must report that robot vacuum is pretty cool. Also shoelaces kill it. Remember this when the robots try to take over21:33
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mmedvedeclarkb: which one did you get?21:33
clarkbmmedvede: a neato botvac 7521:33
mmedvedeneato is awesome21:34
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anteayaclarkb: I'll keep my shoelaces handy21:34
asselin_clarkb, I think I read that fungi was going to do all of them?21:34
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-ssh: Add initial puppet module files for SSH
fungiasselin_: yeah, i've got a script ready to propose them anywhere they're missing once the existing initial patches merge21:35
clarkboh ok I won't wait then21:36
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add functional test job for python-novaclient
fungiasselin_: i'm going ahead and adding them on the changes i have to update for unrelated reasons though21:36
fungiasselin_: just to keep the review churn to a minimum21:36
asselin_fungi, ok I see. Then I will add them to the new ones.21:36
fungiasselin_: if you need to create a new patchset anyway, then feel free. otherwise we can just approve existing changes as-is21:37
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-simpleproxy: Add standard puppet module files and .gitreview
fungino need to update them just for that21:38
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zigoCan someone explain to me what configuration tempest is expecting?21:38
zigoI mean, in terms of networking ...21:38
zigoI'm scratching my head around it.21:38
clarkbfungi: failed and file not founded21:38
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Use mock in a Python 3.4 compatible way
clarkbzigo: ou will probably have better luck over in openstack-qa with that question21:39
anteayaI'm going to ask a dumb question21:39
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anteayawe use nova-net for our test set up21:39
zigoclarkb: Thanks, trying that.21:39
anteayathis was brought to my attention in the multi-node work21:39
anteayado we have a plan for using neutron?21:39
mtreinishanteaya: except on the jobs that have neutron in the name21:39
clarkbanteaya: we use both21:39
fungiclarkb: zaro: also is somewhat urgent so i can switch jenkins-job-builder to test on python 3.4 tomorrow21:39
fungithat's a somewhat recent regression21:40
asselin_fungi, ok, understood.21:40
anteayamtreinish: fair point21:40
clarkbright the neutron jobs use neutron, the non neutron jobs use nova-net and there are currently two multinode tests. one runs with nova net work and the other with neutron21:40
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anteayaclarkb: ah thank you21:40
clarkbanteaya: my understanding is that neutron sets up its own tunneling layer so unlike nova network doesn't need all of that configuration21:40
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anteayathat was the part I was forgetting21:40
clarkbfungi: thats amazing21:41
anteayayou saying that reminds me I knew that21:41
anteayaI forgot21:41
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clarkbanteaya: no problem there are a lot of variables at play21:41
anteayathanks for being generous with me21:41
clarkbfungi: so six.moves.mock does not exist on 3.3 and 3.4?21:41
clarkbfungi: typically six.moves works with all versions21:41
fungiclarkb: well, with 3.4 is lacks some methods apparently21:42
fungier, it21:42
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jogodhellmann: any ideas what though, that is only failure I am getting with pinned stable/juno21:42
fungiclarkb: rather, it tries to use nonexistent methods in the stdlib mock21:42
dhellmannjogo: so that's in juno?21:42
clarkbfungi: I guess my question is how does six.moves.mock importation throw an error. in do we need all that exception handling?21:42
fungiclarkb: i borrowed it from taskflow, but really we could just try to import mock and then try to import six.moves.mock instead21:43
jogodhellmann: icehouse => juno grenade yeah21:43
dhellmannjogo: do you know which version of oslo.messaging is being used? I can figure it out, but if you already have...21:44
clarkbfungi: I am going to investigate if six.moves does the right things21:44
jogodhellmann: oslo.messaging==1.4.121:45
jogodhellmann: running a recheck to see if this is a one time issue or a real thing21:45
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-accessbot: Add puppet module files for accessbot
clarkbfungi: in fact I don't think six.moves.mock is a thing but I am testing21:47
dhellmannjogo: I see that attribute being initialized inside the _connect() method, which is the thing throwing the error. So my guess is this is a real bug, but there may be conditions that trigger it that we haven't seen before.21:48
clarkbfungi: ya six.moves.mock is an import error in the py27 tox env for jjb21:49
clarkbfungi: but it installs mock as a dependency21:49
fungiclarkb: i might have the comment backwards21:49
clarkbfungi: no I think six.moves.mock just isn't a thing21:49
dhellmannjogo: that code is gone from master; possibly as part of our shift to relying on kombu to handle reconnects for us21:49
clarkbso that will always fail then you do the other two choices21:49
fungiclarkb: at least on python 3.4 those tests call into mock.funcopy.__module__ which raises AttributeError: 'method-wrapper' object has no attribute '__module__'21:49
clarkbwhich is import mock for >=3.4 and <321:50
jogodhellmann: if the bug appears on the recheck then I will need some help digging in21:50
clarkband unittest.mock for the others?21:50
fungiclarkb: ahh, yeah i think you're right21:50
fungitesting that hypothesis now21:50
dhellmannjogo: I'll do what I can, but sileht is much more familiar with the internals of that lib so he may be more help21:50
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Add developer script to build wheels
clarkbactually it may be unittest.mock for >321:50
clarkband import mock for else21:50
jogodhellmann: cool21:50
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clarkbfungi: ya unittest.mock imports on 3.421:51
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Use mock in a Python 3.4 compatible way
fungicorrected the comment to sanity as well21:52
clarkbfungi: I am guessing mock is not py34 compatible then but unittest.mock is21:52
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-mysql_backup: Add initial puppet module files for mysql_backup
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-snmpd: Initial puppet module files
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fungiclarkb: same21:53
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-packagekit: Add puppet module files for packagekit
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clarkbfungi: also if that came from taskflow should probably push a patch to them too21:53
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clarkb indeed it is wrong there too21:56
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clarkbharlowja_: ^21:56
fungiclarkb: yeah, maybe harlowja_ knows why added it since he wrote that change21:56
clarkbjhesketh: any chance you will be debugging the truncated log thing soon? I would like to see that get fixed21:57
fungimaybe that's future-proofing for when a future six backports unittest mock?21:57
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clarkbjhesketh: can help or try to debug myself if you weren't planning to21:57
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-planet: Add puppet module files for planet
clarkbfungi: except I am not sure how much six.moves deals with things that are stdlib in new but not in old21:58
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clarkbfungi: its mostly dealing with core language and stdlib21:58
fungifair point21:58
fungino clue then21:58
clarkbmy devstack change is back in the gate21:58
jogoclarkb: I am stumped about what is wrong with
jogois there a doc that expains how to do this etc?21:59
fungiclarkb: 151090 is all set to approve now21:59
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-reviewday: Add puppet module files for puppet-reviewday
jheskethclarkb: yeah I'll look at it today. Not sure what's going on though. Thinking maybe a sleep before reaching in case Jenkins is still processing. Do you have any thoughts?22:01
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Expand ranges on iptables rules for floating IPs
clarkbfungi: jogo ^ that is related to the floating ip range move22:02
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clarkbjhesketh: current one is maybe jenkins is caching the data for us22:02
clarkbjhesketh: maybe we can convince it to not do that22:03
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jheskethSeems odd, but maybe22:03
jheskethI guess that's explain why the loop doesn't pick up more22:03
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-releasestatus: Add puppet module files for puppet-releasestatus
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add jobs for openstack-infra/puppet-etherpad_lite
fungialso ^22:04
clarkbjogo: an entire manual in fact22:05
fungicould use fast approval assuming it checks out22:05
jogoclarkb: well a guide for adding new tests I mean22:05
anteayajogo: to be honest I am looking at your patch and to my foggy eyes can't see the issue22:06
clarkbjhesketh: I do find it kinda funny that the test node ships off the console log to the master then the test node grabs it back over a different protocol and somehow we lose data :)22:06
clarkbjogo: anteaya I see at least two problems already22:06
clarkbjogo: anteaya: you need to double up {}s in templates where you don't want substituions22:06
anteayasee it is my eyes that is the problem22:06
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clarkbjogo: anteaya: and projects.yaml diff specifies a job parameter that the job does not accept. branch-designator22:07
pleia2asselin_: if you haven't already, feel free to add the module files to the ones I signed up for (am traveling now, next airplane is soon)22:07
asselin_pleia2, working on it22:08
clarkbjogo: anteaya left comments on the change22:08
pleia2asselin_: thanks :)22:08
anteayaclarkb: what about branch-override22:08
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jogoanteaya clarkb: thank you :)22:08
anteayapleia2: safe travels22:08
clarkbanteaya: branch-override is used but really should be cleaned up without branch-designator22:08
clarkbjogo: actually ya you should add branch-designator to the job not remove it22:09
jogoclarkb: can you comment in line22:09
clarkbjogo: I did22:09
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-ssl_cert_check: Add puppet module files for puppet-ssl_cert_check
pleia2jeblair: re: using /tree in the docs urls, I actually didn't when I started, but then I noticed that storyboard.rst linked to /tree and went with that precedent (don't care either way really)22:09
jheskethclarkb: maybe there is another way we can get it from the test node22:10
anteayaclarkb: thank you22:10
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-planet: Add standard puppet module files and .gitreview
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-ansible: Add standard puppet module files and .gitreview
anteayaI love my cup from lca but I can't get it to stop dripping when I use it :(22:13
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-graphite: Add puppet module files for puppet-graphite
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add functional test job for python-novaclient
jeblairanteaya: drink faster?22:15
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harlowja_fungi clarkb whats up22:19
clarkbharlowja_: is buggy. six.moves.mock isn't a thing22:19
clarkbharlowja_: so that always fails to import then you do the other two cases which appear to be valid22:19
clarkbharlowja_: but we weren't sure if we were missing something like mabe six will support that in the future?22:20
anteayajeblair: that is an option22:20
harlowja_i thought o ?22:20
harlowja_sooo; depending on the import order of your stuff; u may or may not have a six.moves.mock :(22:21
clarkbnevermind I won't argue I will just go do something else22:21
harlowja_idk why either :(22:21
clarkbbut first: "protip don't execute code at import time"22:21
anteayajeblair: though since I favour tea, I might go a differnt direction22:21
anteayaright now my cup is wrapped in napkins22:21
harlowja_clarkb ya, i think enough people are now dependent on oslotest that they may not know this is happening22:22
anteayanot giving up on the folkswagon22:22
harlowja_and if its removed its gonna break things22:22
harlowja_*with safety wrapper like in taskflow22:22
clarkbfungi: so theres the reason, won't help jjb because jjb uses mock not mox and no oslo.test22:22
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clarkboh wait maybe it would work?22:23
clarkbI just I don't even thats not the sort of thing you hide from users22:23
clarkbtime for lunch22:23
harlowja_clarkb i can try to get that into six; probably would save this pain22:24
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harlowja_but my guess is not gonna happen, six doesn't depend on mock so can't easily say which is the right version to use :-22:24
clarkbharlowja_: I don't know that six wants to deal with stdlib and non stdlib things like that but I can't speak for them22:24
fungiclarkb: yeah, i think the current jjb patch is good enough then22:24
clarkbharlowja_: so I think the bug here is that oslo.test is doing this behind the scenes22:24
clarkbharlowja_: not that six doesn't do it22:24
clarkbfungi: yup22:25
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anteayaI think I need an o ring between the cup and the lid22:26
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lifelessharlowja_: clarkb: gutworth takes patches22:26
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harlowja_lifeless ya, i've done a couple; this one though is odd; and it does seem more like a oslotest bug22:27
clarkblifeless: right but to deal with things being not in stdlib prior to 3.3 and in stdlib after?22:27
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Fix module order
clarkbit just seems weird to me to transparently add stuff to six.moves like that22:27
clarkbbecause then six documentation isn't correct and so on22:27
harlowja_clarkb opened;
clarkbanyways I was thoroughly confused, we fixed it in jjb with less code than the oslo.test code22:28
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harlowja_clarkb thats not even the best one i've seen :-P22:28
clarkbso my argument is this is unnecesary22:28
lifelessclarkb: sure22:29
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harlowja_clarkb is another similar one (but has wider effects that any users of anyjson now get our special json encoder/decoder)22:30
harlowja_*whether they like the oslo variety and its specialness or not22:30
harlowja_*another hard one to change once people start getting used to that...22:30
* harlowja_ tried ripping it out but nobody wanted that, lol22:31
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harlowja_'anyjson.force_implementation(__name__)' sadface...22:31
clarkbright I think once its in its hard to remove22:31
fungijeblair: you probably want to rebase 151103 on top of 151090?22:31
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fungijeblair: sorry, jhesketh ^22:31
clarkbit just feels like a thing that wasn't well thought out if what taskflow does is the right way to use it. since we fixed the problem with less code22:31
clarkbok really eating leftover pizza now22:31
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harlowja_clarkb ya, idk so much of the history as to why it was done22:32
harlowja_*for the anyjson one or the six.moves.mock one22:32
jheskethfungi: yep, good idea, I'm about to merge 151090 anyway22:32
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add jobs for openstack-infra/puppet-etherpad_lite
fungionce that ^ hits zuul and the jenkins masters we can recheck 151315 and it should finally merge22:35
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jeblairjhesketh: your comment in 144555 ("can we drop the approval event...?") has sent me down quite a rabbit whole were i have realized a major feature of zuul has been working mostly (but possibly not entirely) correctly, but for the wrong reasons, more or less since its inception.  :)22:37
jogois gate-infra-puppet-apply-centos6 working?22:37
jeblairjhesketh: that's like the best kind of code review :)22:37
jogobecause that failed on my job with no logs
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-ssl_cert_check: Add puppet module files for puppet-ssl_cert_check
fungisomehow 151396 is in need of a rebase22:38
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-releasestatus: Add puppet module files for puppet-releasestatus
jeblairjogo: if there are no logs, it's probably the swift log stuff we're testing having failed; give it a recheck22:38
* fungi rebases 151396 now22:38
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jeblairjogo: (clarkb and jhesketh are working on that)22:38
jeblairand fungi22:38
jogojeblair: thanks22:39
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-reviewday: Add puppet module files for puppet-reviewday
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-packagekit: Add puppet module files for packagekit
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-accessbot: Add puppet module files for accessbot
jheskethjeblair: heh, goodie :-)22:40
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fungiasselin_: 151396 was a duplicate of 151080 so i'm abandoning it22:40
asselin_fungi, ok22:40
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Email Templating Engine
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Added email sender and configuration.
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Email Utility Methods
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Email Outbox
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fungigrr... the centos6 job for 151090 is hanging in the gate on a git operation for >10 minutes now. i'm going to abort it and recheck22:44
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jogoo_O rally22:48
anteayaI'm at the end of my mid-cycles tour yay22:49
anteayanext week I will be online mostly for meetings and nova-net to neutron migration stuff22:49
anteayawhile eating oranges off my parent's tree22:50
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fungiremaining to-do list (puppet modules with no .gitreview and no change adding them): bup elastic_recheck log_processor pip statusbot sudoers tmpreaper ulimit unattended_upgrades unbound user zuul22:52
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-log_processor: Add puppet module files for log processor
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-graphite: Add puppet module files for puppet-graphite
asselin_fungi, logprocessor ^^22:53
fungiasselin_: thanks, i figured someone was working on those, just wanted to run a quick loop over them to see what might be missing22:53
asselin_I had it done, forgot to submit it22:54
fungilicense file catch-up blast incoming. brace for impact22:54
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: [WIP] Send Email Worker
asselin_fungi, btw, I updated the status here to 'merged'!/story/30222:55
zarorcarrillocruz: ping22:55
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zuul: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-apparmor: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-askbot: Add missing LICENSE file
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-asterisk: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-bugdaystats: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-cgit: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-dashboard: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-drupal: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-elasticsearch: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-exim: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerritbot: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-github: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-haveged: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-httpd: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-iptables: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jeepyb: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jenkins: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-kerberos: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-kibana: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-lodgeit: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-logrotate: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-logstash: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-mailman: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-mediawiki: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-meetbot: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-mysql_backup: Add missing LICENSE file
zarofungi: mock switch out change failed pep8?
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Add missing LICENSE file
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openafs: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackid: Add missing LICENSE file
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-project_config: Add missing LICENSE file
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-redis: Add missing LICENSE file
clarkbjogo: rally?22:59
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-snmpd: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-ssh: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-storyboard: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-subunit2sql: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-vcsrepo: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Split out mysql_proxy module and rename it
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-vinz: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-yum: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zanata: Add missing LICENSE file
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jogoclarkb: woops wrong room23:00
jogoneutron failures23:00
fungizaro: so it did, fixes on the way23:00
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jheskethfungi: you beat me to it (/me was about to add licenses)23:02
jeblairyay reviews!23:02
fungiclarkb: what's the workaround for pyflakes complaining about an unused conditional import?23:02
fungiclarkb: does #noqa work for that?23:02
clarkbfungi: it should ya23:02
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fungigiving that a try now23:03
asselin_fungi I will do these: bup elastic_recheck log_processor pip23:04
jeblairfungi: your LICENSE files are all indented a few spaces.. is it sposed to be like that?23:04
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fungijeblair: that's copied from the file in project-config23:04
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Fix module order
jeblairit does seem to match what apache publishes23:05
clarkbI think the official .txt file from apache is that way too23:05
jeblairokiedokie then!23:05
fungicult of cargo, now accepting new converts23:05
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jeblairthis proves i'm actually reviewing these changes.  at least a little.  :)23:05
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clarkbI am updating my subscription list now to help with the reviews23:06
jeblairso... the httpd module is the reason i like having license headers in files23:07
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Use mock in a Python 3.4 compatible way
asselin_what is 'bup'?23:08
fungiclarkb: zaro: that ^ passes pep8 for me now23:08
jeblairasselin_: a backup system23:08
clarkbjeblair: I am a fan of having them in files too23:08
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fungiahh, yeah, i forgot to manually filter the list of projects for any which are forks of other modules, sorry23:09
fungiplease -1 or -2 as appropriate23:10
jeblairyeah, i'm trying to figure out what we should do there...23:10
clarkboh is puppet-apache not properly licensed and all that?23:10
fungilet's definitely _not_ add license files which are contrary to the actual primary license of the content on those23:10
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-bup: Add puppet module files for bup
clarkbfungi: ++23:11
jeblairclarkb: define 'properly'.  it is apache2 licensed.  just sort of slipshod23:11
jeblairi mean, it doesn't actually have a copy of the license, and they put their copyright notice in the license file23:11
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jeblairi feel like we should just make a README and put the puppetlabs c in there23:12
clarkbjeblair: I guess there is no LICENSE file and headers are not in files?23:12
jeblairclarkb: the LICENSE file is a copyright statement and short license23:12
jeblairi think it is effective in communicating the licensing status of the module, but it is not how i would like to organize things23:13
jeblairso maybe if we add a README with "Contains works originally Copyright (C) 2012 Puppet Labs Inc", we're probably cool23:13
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-elastic_recheck: Add puppet module files for elastic_recheck
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jeblairwe could also, if we feel like doing extra work and annoying richard fontana, _add_ copyright headers to all the files for them.  i'm not sure we need to go that far though (unless we start adding our own)23:15
clarkboh is richard anti header in file with (C)?23:15
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jeblairyeah, he doesn't think it's necessary (i think he advocates for a CONTRIBUTORS or COPYRIGHT or something file at the top level)23:16
fungimaybe anti adding copyright assertions on the behalf of others (which i can sort of agree on)23:16
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fungianyway, i need to go get dinner, but will check back in later23:16
* fungi -> food23:16
clarkbmy only thing is copy pasta happens (see neutron and their fork of d-g) and having the headers is really nice for that23:16
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jeblairyup.  also, what?23:17
mtreinishclarkb: jogo and I were discussing that, and we were thinking we probably just move some of that copy pasta for functional testing in a common place23:18
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-pip: Add puppet module files for pip
clarkbjeblair: they have basically forked d-g23:18
mtreinishespecially as more things start spinning up dsvm functional testing23:18
clarkbjeblair: yes I already sort of got cranky about it23:18
jeblairwho did this?23:18
clarkbjeblair: marun? armax? I dunno23:19
jeblairthis should be using zuul-cloner, and it should be done in a reusable way23:19
armaxclarkb: it’s a detour :)23:19
jeblairarmax: a what?23:19
armaxclarkb: tehre’s no interested in keeping the fork23:19
clarkbjeblair: its not even for zuul cloner that they copied it23:19
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clarkbarmax: I know but it should never have happened in the first place23:19
clarkbbut at least it was copied with appropriate license info which is mostly my point23:20
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-askbot: Add missing LICENSE file
armaxclarkb: well, I am happy to drop those files as soon as the changes in teh respective projects are accepted23:20
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clarkbarmax: did you see my comment?23:20
armaxclarkb: on the devstack-gate patch?23:20
clarkbI unraveled my confusion and have suggested a small change to make it less confusing23:21
armaxclarkb: ya, I replied23:21
armaxclarkb: thanks23:21
asselin_fungi, onto statusbot sudoers tmpreaper23:21
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clarkbarmax: _NOTESTS is good with me23:21
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armaxclarkb: ok, change coming right up23:23
armaxclarkb, jeblair: it was never our intention to keep those files in the neutron’s tree…we just wanted to unblock some other efforts on the functional api job23:24
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-statusbot: Add puppet module files for Statusbot
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clarkbarmax: I guess the point of frustration is we know where everyone is in order to figure things out. You don't see us monkey patching neutron in d-g to make the gate work instead we work with neutron to fix these problems in neutron23:26
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clarkband it makes it very hard for us to fix bugs and properly support the tooling neutron needs when its slurped into a corner without saying anything23:27
armaxclarkb: I am not sure I understand your point, to be honest23:27
clarkbyou have a thing that needs correcting in devstack gate you fix it in devstack gate23:28
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clarkbI am right here, happy to help with that23:28
armaxclarkb: that’s what I am doing23:28
openstackgerritAlexander Tivelkov proposed openstack/requirements: Add semantic_version to global-requirements
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-sudoers: Add puppet module files for sudoers
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armaxclarkb: the introduction of the scripts in the neutron repo where a stop-gap solution to unblocck some other neutron’s effort23:28
armaxas soon as the right fix is in place those files go away23:29
clarkbthats not the correct way to fix things23:29
clarkblike I said we don't go and monkey patch neutron outside of neutrons tree23:29
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-bugdaystats: Add missing LICENSE file
clarkbwe work with neutron to fix neutron and sometimes it hurts (the same thing with other projects023:29
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Use mock in a Python 3.4 compatible way
armaxclarkb: but that’s what I am doing!23:30
armaxclarkb: working with the infra project to get the right fixes in place23:30
clarkbjogo: looks like aiopcpu is still broken?23:30
clarkbarmax: but you also monkey patched devstack gate straight into neutron23:31
armaxclarkb: with the plan of get rid of that as soon as the patch in the right project got approved23:31
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armaxclarkb: what’s the harm in that?23:31
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-cgit: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-drupal: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-elasticsearch: Add missing LICENSE file
armaxclarkb: no-one is asking you to maintain or even look at those files in the neutron repo23:32
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-exim: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-tmpreaper: Add puppet module files for tmpreaper
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-apparmor: Add missing LICENSE file
clarkbone big one is I am currently unable to fix bugs in d-g for you23:32
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-zuul: Add missing LICENSE file
armaxclarkb: why? You fix them in d-g, and it’s my interim job to get them ported over if they burn in Neutron23:33
clarkbanother is they may diverge in the interem in we will have even more things to converge when the two attempt to converge23:33
asselin_fungi, the u's are left:  ulimit unattended_upgrades unbound user23:33
asselin_zuul looks good to me23:33
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Add missing LICENSE file
asselin_I need to go now however23:34
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-gerritbot: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-github: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-haveged: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-iptables: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-jeepyb: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-jenkins: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-kerberos: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-kibana: Add missing LICENSE file
clarkbjogo: judging by my network changes may not quite be right23:35
armaxclarkb: the divergence danger can only increase if the change in the right repo takes forever to merge :)23:35
morganfainbergfungi, so far everyone seems to think downgrades of data would be a bad idea.23:35
clarkbjogo: will likely need some debugging23:35
morganfainbergfungi, yay!23:35
jeblairarmax: so you should work on devstack-gate enough to become core, then you can speed up the process without duplicating work23:36
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-lodgeit: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-log_processor: Add puppet module files for log processor
clarkbjeblair: fungi for 151442 should we run that by ryan_lane? I don't expect him to have any issues with it but he wrote most of that if my memory is correct23:36
armaxjeblair: that’s a process that doesn’t happen overnight23:36
mtreinishmorganfainberg: at least in my experience most downgrades in migrations don't even work, which is why the snake walk tests are normally turned off with data.23:37
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-logrotate: Add missing LICENSE file
armaxI am not duplicating work, I had no intention of keeping of fork of d-g in neutron23:37
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-logstash: Add missing LICENSE file
jeblairclarkb: it was a contribution to an apache licensed project.  i don't think that's necessary.23:37
clarkbjeblair: kk23:38
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-mailman: Add missing LICENSE file
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-etherpad_lite: Add new project boilerplate files
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clarkbjeblair: that file does have the header and copyright. So you are ok adding the LICENSE file as proposed to puppet-pip?23:41
marunclarkb: I don't really understand the problem.23:41
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marunclarkb: We're using it for a non-gating job.23:41
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marunclarkb: and it's temporary.23:41
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marunclarkb: If we were screwing with tempest jobs, I could maybe see the point of your frustration.23:42
marunclarkb: but it has zero to do with the integrated gate at this point.23:42
clarkbso I had to spend a chunk of today unwinding this to help someone else setting up functional testing23:42
clarkbthat was the initial point of wah?!23:42
marunclarkb: it has zero to do with functional testing either.23:42
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clarkbexcept it is how neutron runs functional tests apparently23:43
marunclarkb: we have a common gate hook, but the functional path uses devstack-gate as-is.23:43
clarkband other projects in th eneutron sphere of influences are trying to figure out how to run their tests too23:43
marunclarkb: so we have to be a shining example despite the fact that we're still in the process of figuring out how to best do this?23:43
clarkbmarun: no they do not use d-g as is23:44
armaxclarkb: the functional job has nothing to do with this preliminar attempt of getting the API job off the ground where we added the d-g files in the neutron repo23:44
jogoclarkb: oh networking23:44
marunclarkb: that's the api job.23:44
clarkbmarun: no you don't have to be a shining example but please don't go vendoring projects like that23:44
marunclarkb: see line 1123:44
armaxclarkb: look line 1123:44
armaxit’s the pristine d-g file23:44
marunwe use the gate script and then go on to make sure we can test against both mysql and psql23:45
jeblairclarkb: it says apache license.  i'd leave that as is and add the license file23:45
clarkblike there is experimenting and there is doing things wrong23:45
marunworking around a deficiency in devstack that is going to take a while to deal with23:45
Ryan_Laneclarkb: I'm fine with that license23:45
clarkbRyan_Lane: thanks for confirming I figured it wasn't an issue23:45
marunclarkb: you're entitled to your opinion, but it's only that.23:45
armaxclarkb: what is it that we’re doing wrong? Copying the file over?23:45
clarkbarmax: yes23:46
clarkbarmax: well the two files but yes23:46
marunclarkb: and this is wrong because why?23:46
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marunclarkb: I think we made it pretty clear in the review what we were doing.23:46
armaxclarkb: please read the commit message that introduced those files:
clarkbmarun: there are the general arguments against vendoring23:46
marunclarkb: it wasn't exactly merged blindly or without consideration.23:46
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marunclarkb: I'm afraid I'm not clear on what you mean by 'vendoring'.  Can you please explain?23:46
clarkbmarun: copying one project and dumping it into another23:46
armaxclarkb: I wanted to unblock an effort and I chose the stop-gap solution of bringing the file in the Neutron repo23:47
marunclarkb: would you like me to be blunt?23:47
clarkbmarun: for example pytho nrequests does this with urllib3 iirc and it makes lots of people cranky23:47
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-mediawiki: Add missing LICENSE file
marunclarkb: that is nothing like this, sorry.23:47
armaxclarkb: I then promptly followed with the patches in the respective projects23:47
clarkbI am just going to continue reviewing changes23:47
armaxclarkb: you’d have a point if I didn’t care or bothered fixing d-g in the right places23:47
marunclarkb: I get that you've been burned by stuff like this.23:47
clarkbI have made my frustration known23:47
clarkbI have reviewed the cahnge neutron wants23:47
clarkbthat is what I cando23:47
armaxclarkb: but I did, so I really don’t see how your point is justified23:47
marunclarkb: But I would appreciate getting some benefit of the doubt.23:48
armaxclarkb: and your help in reviewing is highly appreciated23:48
marunclarkb: I've been working hard for the past year to be able to come up to speed on infra resources, including dg.23:48
marunclarkb: I've been extremely frustrated for a long time as to the turn around time on patches to infra repois.23:48
marunI get that you all are crazy busy.23:48
marunSo we're trying to make progress in a way that we aren't blocked on you.23:48
marunAnd we don't have to nag the crap out of you all the time to make progress.23:49
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marunThis was done out of respect as much as anything, whether you're willing to see that or not.23:49
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Allow JJB to set connection timeout to jenkins server
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marunWe're going to converge on what you consider to be sane, please trust me on that.23:49
marunI have as much interest as you do in being able to have what we're trying to do be usable by others.23:49
marunBut we're mid-flight right now.23:50
clarkbok that argument would be fine if I didn't have people tracking me down to figure out this mess23:50
marunIf there's any lesson from this, it's that folks are ill-advised to be copying our efforts just yet.23:50
clarkbI now know who to send them to23:50
marunfair enough23:50
clarkband please do help us review if turn around time isn't good enough23:51
marunclarkb: I'm also a ft core on neutron, so my cycles are limited.23:51
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marunclarkb: but I will try to help.23:52
jeblairbest way to improve our turnaround is to be us :)23:52
marunclarkb: I know more about *-config and zuul than most at this point, and I plan on adding docs around functional test jobs real soon now.23:52
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openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add variable to allow Tempest to disable the test execution
mtreinisharmax: on ^^^, I'm just wondering what you're trying to achieve. Which of things do you need out of d-g that's not getting done when the tempest flag is 0?23:54
clarkbarmax: can you update the other comment too?23:54
clarkbmtreinish: they want tempest to be installed nd configured but to run no tests23:54
marunmtreinish: we need a devstack-configured deployment that tempest would test23:54
marunmtreinish: but then we want to run neutron in-tree tests instead of neutron23:55
mtreinishyeah devstack does that by default23:55
clarkbmtreinish: which was another thing I was confused about because tempest-lib is a thing but that was less bothersome23:55
marunoops, instead of tempest23:55
clarkbmtreinish: no, there is chowning and stuff that needs to happen23:55
clarkbmtreinish: so its basically do everything but run tests23:55
mtreinishok so why not just always chown?23:55
clarkbmtreinish: I think you would need to do a larger chunk of refactoring. sdague hints at it, I am fine with the structure of the current change23:56
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openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Allow Tempest to install and configure for the Neutron API job
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mtreinishclarkb: ok, I was just curious. I wouldn't have expected doing the chown before that if tempest block to have required a major refactor but I'll go with it23:57
clarkbmtreinish: basically if you set DEVSTACK_GATE_TEMPEST=1 then d-g sets the devsatck flag to install tempest but it also chowns some things and then it runs tests23:57
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-mysql_backup: Add missing LICENSE file
armaxmtreinish: I have noticed that with DEVSTACK_GATE_TEMPEST=0, things simply don’t work as expected23:58
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-pip: Add puppet module files for pip
armaxmtreinish: that’s why I left the logic as is and added another ‘bool switch’23:58
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Do not use cache while fetching console logs
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-openafs: Add missing LICENSE file
clarkbjhesketh: ooh23:59
jheskethclarkb: ^23:59
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mtreinisharmax, clarkb: devstack will always install tempest and configure it iirc, regardless of d-g. The chowning and running tempest in some form (along with 2 extra lines in the localrc unrelated to tempest) is all I noticed d-g doing with that flag23:59

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