Friday, 2015-01-30

jheskethclarkb: so, the ones it fails on appear to reach the retry limit00:00
clarkbmtreinish: so really probably what it needs is a non boolean flag that determines how far along you get00:00
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clarkbmtreinish: no tempest is a service you have to enable00:00
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jheskethclarkb: and during that time continues to fetch the same number of bytes each time00:00
clarkbjhesketh: yup00:00
jhesketh(rather than -c continuing the download)00:00
jheskethso I'm dubious this will fix it, but it's worth a try00:00
clarkbjhesketh: gotcha00:01
mtreinishclarkb: sure, but it's default on iirc. Where in does it set that in the localrc for devstack if it's needed?00:01
armaxmtreinish: posting a patch now to unveil the failure mode I was observing00:01
clarkbmtreinish: via features.yaml00:01
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clarkbwhich dumps tempest in enable_services00:01
fungiso so much teh scrollbax00:02
mtreinishclarkb: ah, that's what I was forgetting sry.00:03
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mtreinishclarkb: was the comment about tempest-lib in response to my question regarding spinning up functional testing in projects?00:03
clarkbmtreinish: yes the only reason we have this problem is tempest is being misuesd00:04
mtreinisharmax: nah, I got what was missing now, clarkb showed me what I was missing00:04
clarkbthe black box integration tests are being used to also run functional tests00:04
clarkbwhich is probably expedient but I thought tempest-lib exists to solve this more properly00:04
armaxclarkb: my udnerstanding is that tempestlib is not quite there yet00:05
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fungimorganfainberg: you are single-handedly restoring my faith in humanity00:06
armaxmtreinish: ya, I think that was what I found out while playing with d-g, but I must have blanked out00:06
mtreinishclarkb: yeah tempest-lib is there for breaking out the common bits so people can write there own functional tests using the bits from tempest they need00:06
mtreinishbut it's still getting rolling, we haven't broken out all the common pieces yet. The only thing people can really do with it now is the cli testing00:07
clarkbI see00:07
mtreinish(which jogo and I started porting novaclient to use the other day)00:07
clarkbjogo: neutron aiopcpu does pass so its likely my networking changes that broke it00:07
clarkb(my networking changes are there just for nova network)00:07
fungiRyan_Lane: long time no ping! hope things are well00:08
Ryan_Lanethey are00:08
Ryan_LaneI got tired of waiting for barbican, so I'm writing a credential manager00:08
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Ryan_Lanealas, it's pretty heavily based on AWS services00:09
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Ryan_Lanethat said, it's all python! :D00:10
openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add variable to allow Tempest to disable the test execution
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Allow JJB to set connection timeout to jenkins server
mtreinishclarkb: but tempest-lib probably won't solve the setup issue. People will probably still need to setup separate devstack envs to run the tests with00:11
fungiRyan_Lane: i hear barbican is coming along, at least. if you have done similar things now, they might appreciate reviews/patches ;)00:11
clarkbmtreinish: well tempest isn't solving that either00:11
clarkbmtreinish: the issue is literally need a working tmepest00:11
clarkbmtreinish: whcih tempest-lib will solve00:11
Ryan_Lanewell, I'm only a week into mine. the scope of mine is also much, much smaller00:11
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-project_config: Add missing LICENSE file
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-openstackid: Add missing LICENSE file
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-httpd: Add missing LICENSE file
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clarkbmtreinish: fungi I just approved the subunit worker revert. Once that gets in I will restart the workers00:18
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mtreinishclarkb: ok cool, thanks00:19
mtreinishIIRC we were only running one process before00:19
clarkbmtreinish: ok00:20
mtreinishI probably should update the policy to indicate that with 4 it seems to eat all the rams00:20
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-vcsrepo: Add missing LICENSE file
fungii'm not sure that ^ one actually makes sense to approve00:20
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-yum: Add missing LICENSE file
fungithe original puppet-vcsrepo seems to be gpl v2+ not apl200:21
clarkbfungi: there was a conversation that happened where puppet said "oh ya thats the wrong license"00:21
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clarkbfungi: I think it was just missed when they did their mass relicensing00:21
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-storyboard: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-redis: Add missing LICENSE file
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-subunit2sql: Revert "Add support to the subunit workers to reuse zuul uuids"
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fungiclarkb: 151455 isn't going to pass without a rakefile. i'll add one00:28
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-ssh: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-vinz: Add missing LICENSE file
clarkbfungi: sorry I am mostly mindlessly going "license file? recheck"00:29
clarkbI thought I could get away with that00:29
jeblairclarkb, fungi, jhesketh:
openstackgerritIlya Alekseyev (irc:adiantum) proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add list for discussions in russian openstack-ru
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jeblairclarkb, fungi, jhesketh: given that git tree structure, if zuul enqueued the * change, which order do you think is correct?00:30
fungiclarkb: keep in mind that i added them to all openstack-infra/puppet-.* projects even if they predated the module split, so some (like puppet-vinz) might be plain broken00:30
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jheskethjeblair: by git tree structure do you mean dependencies?00:31
jeblairjhesketh: yep00:31
jheskethie either through gerrit or the depends-on commit msg00:31
jeblairjhesketh: yeah, either one, though i don't have more than one parent here, so it's safe to assume just git structure for now00:31
fungijeblair: 1 and 2 are in a dependent pipeline together? if so, how?00:31
jheskethjeblair: surely the two scenarios there are the same except with different names?00:32
jeblairclarkb, fungi, jhesketh: (2) is the shortest path to getting C morged, but (1) keeps the children closest to their parents00:32
jeblairfungi: 1 and 2 are alternate scenarios00:32
clarkbjeblair: I would do a breadth first search00:32
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clarkbjeblair: because that should drop out merge conflicts earlier?00:32
clarkbor maybe it will make more merge conflicts00:32
fungii still not understanding the question. in 1 the * change is D and in 2 the * change is C. each has its own parentage and so depending on whether you enqueued D or C you would use the history associated with that commit00:33
jheskethjeblair: I'm confused by the two scenarios... were you meant to * C in both of them?00:33
jeblairclarkb: i _think_ 2 reduces potential for merge conflicts for the actual change added.  of course, this is actually a bit weird because it's very hard to get into that state since you have to ignore events in order to do it00:34
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jeblairjhesketh: nope, enqueuing the commit in the same position regardless -- only the _outcome_ of the linearization changes in the two scenarios00:34
jeblairfungi: yeah ^ the same commit is being enqueued both times -- i'm just asking which ordered outcome is correct00:35
jeblairfungi: (the zuul queue is ABCDEFG in both cases, so you see which commits those point to changes)00:35
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-tmpreaper: Add puppet module files for tmpreaper
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fungijeblair: i assumed each of a, b, c, d, e, f and g would just be cherry-picked onto the branch tip in series in a dependent pipeline in that case00:36
jeblairi'm starting to think that (1) is better because it matches what you would get if you enqueued A, then B, then D00:36
fungijeblair: so the history would look like neither of those and would just be linear00:36
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-subunit2sql: Add missing LICENSE file
jeblairfungi: yes it would, but the order of the commits is different00:37
fungii'm very clearly missing a key part of the problem statement00:37
jeblairfungi: let me redraw00:37
jheskethyeah I'm not sure I follow either, but I just thought that was me being silly00:37
fungii thought zuul enqueued them chronologically in trigger event order00:37
fungioh, though i guess it does skip events and pull changes in immediately for gerrit dependencies00:38
marunwho to talk to about storyboard?00:38
jeblairfungi: yep.  easiest way to imagine this is a cold start with approvals on everything.  then someone adds C or D00:38
jeblairfungi, clarkb, jhesketh:
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jeblairmarun: i'm happy to talk about it, or may further direct your call as needed :)00:39
marunjhesketh: thanks for the review on skip-if. I'll have a patch up shortly with scenario testing working.00:39
clarkbjeblair: ya so its basically breadth first or depth first after B00:39
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jheskethmarun: no trouble, it looks cool. I'd also like to see it as an equeue-if scenario too, (replacing the file match thingy) but we can figure that out later00:40
clarkbjeblair: my initial reaction is still to go with C to cut off long patch chains early rather than late00:40
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fungijeblair: ahh, got it, so green field no events zuul constructing a test order out of the blue00:40
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jeblairclarkb: you mean (1)00:40
clarkbjeblair: yes00:40
jeblairfungi: yep, but starting with D as the triggering change00:40
marunjeblair: I think there is a real need to be able to manage reviews in a similar way to managing the bugs and blueprints they relate to.00:40
marunjeblair: i.e. assignment, priority, etc.00:41
fungijeblair: this is to work out the enqueueing order for cross-repo dependencies i guess?00:41
marunjeblair: I've always thought of this as its own thing, but I think that's me accepting the status quo that is launchpad.00:41
jheskethjeblair: if D is the one to be queued, I would expect the test order to be ABD (ie #2 scenario)00:41
jheskethbecause if the right side of the tree has more commits, where would you stop?00:42
jheskethas far as gerrit is concerned, dependencies are rather linear00:42
marunjeblair: I'd like to take a look at where storyboard is at with an eye to seeing if adding this sort of capability makes sense.00:42
jeblairfungi: actually i'm just trying to correct the current situation with single repos00:42
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jeblairjhesketh: i thought so too at first, but then when i think about the fact that if you re-enqueued everything, you might get a different order, i am being swayed toward (1)00:43
fungijeblair: i think i'm with clark on 1 mainly because that increases the chances that changes closest to the branch tip will make it in earlier, regardless of the fact that it lengthens the change series ahead of the triggering change00:43
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-elastic_recheck: Add puppet module files for elastic_recheck
clarkbjhesketh: (1) should avoid the infinite depth problem too00:43
clarkbsince in my head its breadth first00:44
marunjeblair: awesome, thank you!00:44
jheskethjeblair: I'm not sure how you'd get a different order on re-enqueue unless something has merged in the mean time. If that's the case then it'll be a different scenario anyway00:44
jeblairmarun: so i think we want very good tie in with storyboard and gerrit; i think we are expecting a story task for every commit in gerrit that links to a story00:44
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openstackgerritShiv Haris proposed openstack-infra/project-config: As a next step: Adding <project>.config file
jheskethfungi: I do think that point is valid though (re easier to get changes up the branch)00:45
marunjeblair: neat00:45
jeblairmarun: i don't think that storyboard will take on being an alternate interface to gerrit, but i think there will probably be enough data and cross-linking to help with that00:45
jheskethbut what about where we have a long set of patches relating to the one issue. Wouldn't a depth first make more sense from the patch submitters point of view?00:45
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-zanata: Add missing LICENSE file
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shivharisfungi: hi00:45
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-asterisk: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Add missing LICENSE file
jeblairmarun: krotscheck and ttx are other big-picture thinkers on storyboard; the infra or dev lists are good for discussion, and there's an irc meeting00:47
fungishivharis: what's broken?00:48
marunjeblair: cool00:48
shivharisfungi: nothing, just that I was asked to contact infra team when I am ready to add core members to the project00:49
marunjeblair: You've given me what I'll need to engage, thank you.00:49
jeblairjhesketh: if you had (2), and then cleared the queue and re-enqueued everything in queue order, you'd end up with (1)00:49
jeblairjhesketh: (because you would enqueue A to start with instead of D)00:49
jheskethjeblair: so maybe we need to maintain the order when re-equeuing?00:50
jeblairjhesketh: i think it's easier to just make it stable and go with the algorithm that produces (1)00:50
shivharisfungi: i need to add a group networking-brocade-core group, i have the corresponding .config file ready00:50
jheskethjeblair: sure, that's probably true00:51
jeblair(which is, incidentally, what we would usually see anyway since the only way to get (2) is to miss events)00:51
shivharisfungi: patchset
jheskethI don't think I fully understand the consequences of re-enqueuing, but I think there are enough reasons to do #200:51
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fungishivharis: i've added you as the initial member of the two groups created by that change. you should be able to make further membership edits to those as needed00:52
shivharisfungi: great, thanks much, doing this for the first time ever so treading very carefully00:52
shivharisfungi: bug thanks00:53
shivharisfungi: s/bug/big/00:53
jeblairclarkb, fungi, jhesketh: thanks!00:53
fungishivharis: for some reason, networking-brocade-core and networking-brocade-release groups already exist00:54
fungishivharis: even though that change you linked hasn't merged yet00:54
fungilooking into it00:54
shivharisfungi: surprising, who happens to be in the group00:54
fungishivharis: they were empty00:55
jeblairmarun, jhesketh: i haven't had a chance to do a real review yet, but just letting it rattle around in my brain, i have a small concern that we may find it hard to control the behavior of skip-if across a large number of projects...(i will elaborate)00:55
fungishivharis: oh, there's an existing stackforge/networking-brocade project00:55
marunjeblair: maybe we need to mandate the project field?00:55
jeblairmarun, jhesketh: since it applies to a job, and we use, say, 'gate-tempest-dsvm' on many projects, if we applied skip-if to that, then it might skip the run if someone made changes only to files in the tests/ directory in tempest00:56
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-bup: Add puppet module files for bup
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shivharisfungi: that project was merged three days ago, I am adding a new file to it, gerrit/acls/...00:56
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fungishivharis: did you mean to edit the acl for that project rather than adding one for openstack/networking-brocade (which doesn't seem to be a project)?00:56
jeblair(i don't know offhand what the dir structure of tempest is, but one might imagine that the intention to not run jobs on neutron unit test changes might conflict with the tempest dir structure)00:57
marunjeblair: my intent was that the scope be limited based on how dangerous the potential filter could be.00:57
jheskethjeblair: interesting thought... I might have to rethink on the re-review, but I think it's avoidable by tightening the filter params... will look at it later00:57
marunjeblair: so anything that wasn't universal (and enforced) would have to be project-specific00:57
marunjeblair: e.g. x/tests/.* is always safe to skip tempest jobs on00:58
shivharisi meant to add the file to the existing project at stackforge/networking-brocade00:58
jeblairmarun: yeah, and i don't have fully-formed thoughts around this yet -- after all, the existing files filter has the same problem, though it's a bit easier if you're saying "only run this on a requirements.txt change"; it's inverting that where it gets a little more vague00:58
shivharisfungi: i meant to add the file to the existing project at stackforge/networking-brocade00:58
clarkbfyi I am going to rerun the aipcpu experimental jobs and hold the nodes running the nova networking test. Grepping through logs I don't see why my shift of the IPs would break so going to manually investigate.00:58
jeblairmarun: why is "x/tests/.*" always safe?00:58
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marunjeblair: I made the feature generic because it made for a cleaner implementation, but I didn't intend for its use to be unlimited.00:58
jeblair(is x standing for something important?)00:59
fungishivharis: you'll want to update your change to adjust the correct acl then00:59
marunjeblair: x -> project under test00:59
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marunjeblair: I just mean that unless a certain path means the same thing in every project targeted by a job, we can't skip on it.00:59
jeblairmarun: ok, yeah, makes sense.00:59
marunjeblair: without adding a project specifier, anyway01:00
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jeblairmarun: indeed -- that was the thought i was having.  i'm glad we share it.01:00
jeblairmarun: i don't have anything else to add right now, but we've achieved a shared context, so that will be helpful.  :)01:00
marunjeblair: I'm happy to incorporate that kind of limitation into the feature if you don't think that a convention could be safely enforced.01:00
shivharisfungi: ok will fix it01:00
marunjeblair: cool :)01:01
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-meetbot: Add missing LICENSE file
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-statusbot: Add puppet module files for Statusbot
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-sudoers: Add puppet module files for sudoers
openstackgerritShiv Haris proposed openstack-infra/project-config: File updated gerrit/acls/stackforge/networking-brocade.config
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fungiso as asselin_ said, we01:16
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fungi're now just missing polish commits on puppet-ulimit, unattended_upgrades, unbound, user and zuul01:17
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clarkbok I can pingthe floating ip given to a vm01:24
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clarkbwill let tempest get further along before I much with it too much01:24
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clarkbfungi: watch it will be a security group thing where tempest assumes is the range to open01:26
clarkbhrm shelve instance just failed we shall wait to see why01:26
clarkbit may be less work overall to just rewrite my comments from scratch if thats the case01:27
clarkbsince seems fairly embedded01:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-snmpd: Add missing LICENSE file
fungiit's unfortunate that there's not just one variable somewhere all other uses consult01:27
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clarkbya another ssh time out so at least its consistent now I can work on debugging it01:28
fungii think i'm going to knock off for the night, but enjoy your evening west-coasters01:31
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clarkbhrm there are no rules in the default security group01:36
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clarkbhrm I can't even ping the addr now01:40
clarkbjogo: ^ possibly tempest tests regressed?01:40
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clarkbok tempest cleans up all of its security groups (probably a good thing) which makes it slightly hard to review them after the fact01:44
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jogoclarkb: very possible something regressed01:47
jogoclarkb: which job?01:47
clarkbjogo: nova net aiopcpu01:47
clarkbjogo: the shelve server test fails due to an ssh client timeout01:47
clarkbjogo: I am on the two nodes post tempest fail. I have booted a node, added a floating ip to it, updated security group rules, and both ping + ssh work01:47
clarkbso I have at least convinced my self that the base set of netowrking is sound. Going to try replicating what the test does now01:48
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jogoclarkb: not a regression, its a known issue01:48
jogoclarkb: the shelve issue is:01:48
clarkbjogo: ok? does that mean we cannot merge aiopcpu right now?01:48
jogoshelve instance on machine A, if unshelve moves instance to machine B it fails01:49
jogoelse success01:49
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jogoclarkb: so its a race condition. We cannot make this job voting anywhere01:49
clarkbI see01:49
clarkbwhy don't we stop testing shelve if its broken01:49
jogobut we can get the basic bits in place to make this experimental on tempest and nova so we can better debug01:49
clarkbalso why can't we make it voting?01:50
jogoclarkb: that is an option, I was hoping to try fixing it first01:50
clarkbthe whole point of this exercise is to have the test actually run and provide feedback01:50
jogoclarkb: well we haven't run this job enough to see how stable it is01:50
jogoso first step non-voting experimental on a few repos01:50
jogoand go from there01:50
clarkbsure but to flat out say we can't make it voting anywhere is premature01:50
clarkbits already experimental now01:51
clarkbI want to change the status qu01:51
jogoclarkb: well its only experimental on devstack-gate right?01:51
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marunjhesketh: can you please help me interpret the following?01:51
marunjhesketh: <Completed build, result: SUCCESS name: project-test-skip-if #21 changes: 5,2 6,2>01:51
clarkbjogo: I think it may also be on devstack01:51
clarkbjogo: I would have to check since most of the owrk so far has been on d-g01:51
jogoclarkb: actually come to think of it, enough patches have landed in the d-g patch series to get this to pass most of the time on master d-g01:52
clarkbjogo: but the stability won't change if you move it to devstack/nova/etc experimental...01:52
jogoit wouldn't have multihost though01:52
marunjhesketh: I'm not expecting that job to run on 5,2, only on 6,2, and I'm confused as to why 5,2 is listed in that message.01:52
clarkbbut ya everything but multihost should work (that and things like migration testing which come after multihost)01:52
jogoright, but we can see how specific patches work in multi-node (fixing unshelve)01:52
jogoclarkb: but I think you are right, lets disable the shelve test until its fixed and move on01:52
clarkbjogo: is shelve broken because the host moves but doesn't rearp?01:53
marunjeblair: a question regarding zuul job status messages? ^01:53
clarkbjogo: or maybe the host moves and the floating ip stays on the old hypervisor01:53
jogoclarkb: not sure yet, it only happens on nova-net and not neutron01:53
clarkbjogo: let me try to reproduce on this setup. just shelve unshelve and ping/ssh until it breaks?01:53
jogoclarkb: yup, that should do it01:54
clarkbjogo: can do01:54
jogoclarkb: thanks01:54
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jogoclarkb: on a unrelated note - if we pin stable/juno to the pip-freeze of dsvm-tempest grenade fails, if we pin stable/juno to the pip-freeze of grenade, dsvm-tempest fails01:54
jogobecause the two pip-freezes are different01:55
clarkbjogo: wow01:55
jogoclarkb: isn't that fun :)01:55
clarkbjogo: ok reproduced. However its a little different than you describe. it unshelved onto the same host01:57
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clarkbso now I am trying to see if the NAT rules are wrong (maybe it unshelved with a different kvm assigned ip?)01:59
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clarkbjogo: ya ok, hitting the private ip works but not the floating ip however iptables shows nat rules that look correct to me02:01
clarkbtime for tcpdump02:01
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clarkbjogo: OHHH I see maybe02:09
clarkbjogo: the floating ip is being added to the other node (the one doing the pinging) but the floating ip is still on the other node where the vm is running02:10
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jogoso floating ip is on both nodes?02:10
clarkbjogo: ya that is what I was seeing02:11
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jogoand where is the actual VM02:12
clarkblooks like the nat rule ends up on both nodes too02:13
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clarkbbut since we are multihost the routing needs to happen on the compute node with the VM I think02:13
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clarkbjogo: two node install A and B. VM is running on B. shelve unshelve a couple times, VM continues to run on B but A gets the floating ip and nat rules02:13
clarkbjogo: pings from A to floating ip fail. pings from B to floating ip succeed02:14
jogoclarkb: here is the bug I filed
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clarkbjogo: I will update with what I have found02:14
jogoclarkb: thanks02:14
marunfungi: I'm having trouble interpreting a zuul build status, can you help?02:15
jogoso it sounds like we aren't cleaning something up correctly02:15
marunfungi: <Completed build, result: SUCCESS name: project-test-skip-if #21 changes: 5,2 6,2>02:15
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jogoclarkb: hmm
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marunfungi: what does the inclusion of both 5,2 and 6,2 mean?  In the configuration I'm working with, the 5,2 change should not have run the project-test-skip-if job02:16
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jogoclarkb: or this
clarkbjogo: that second one appears to be the issue02:18
jogoclarkb: yeah and there is a patch up too :)02:18
clarkbjogo: let me get what I have into your first bug then you can link/merge/mark duplicate whatever is most appropriate02:18
jogosounds good02:18
jogowant to try the fix as well?02:18
clarkbjogo: maybe? might be interesting to dig into nova but not sure where to start02:18
jogoclarkb: here is the fix
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clarkbjogo: your first bug is updated02:21
jogoclarkb: thanks02:22
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jogoclarkb: ahh that does sound like a duplicate of which has a proposed fix:,cm02:23
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jheskethmarun: sorry was out for lunch... the two changes are possibly because one is dependant on the other02:24
marunjhesketh: it's race-y though02:25
marunjhesketh: or do you mean there is a merge dependency?02:25
marunjhesketh: I can trigger the problem every 5 test runs or so02:25
jheskethmerge dependency... not sure what is race0y02:25
marunjhesketh: I'll upload the change and you can see what I mean.02:25
jheskethmarun: is this as a unit test?02:25
jheskethokay :-)02:25
marunjhesketh: scenario test, as requested.02:26
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clarkbjogo: looks like Alex Xu is still working the fix? updated pretty recently02:29
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openstackgerritYAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add networking-ofagent-ci group
openstackgerritMaru Newby proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add support for a skip-if filter on jobs
marunjhesketh: sorry for delay:
openstackgerritYAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add networking-ofagent-ci group
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marunjhesketh: line 1847 in
marunjhesketh: I was seeing periodic test failures previous to implementing the workaround described there.02:37
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jogoclarkb: I ran a recheck02:40
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jheskethmarun: as in the failures happen in master?02:43
marunjhesketh: master in zuul?02:44
marunjhesketh: no, this is local to my test02:44
marunjhesketh: As per the comment, I need a way to detect whether the skip-configured job ran for a given change.02:44
jheskethoh, I mis-read your explaination02:45
marunjhesketh: The only example of this that I could see was looking at the changes attached to the job status message02:45
marunjhesketh: job status -> build status (I guess?)02:45
marunjhesketh: and sometimes the build status references both a job that should have been skipped and one that should have ran it.02:46
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marunjhesketh: hence my question of merge dependency, since I am assuming that the inclusion of the preceding change id is because of something related to merge order rather than an indication that the job ran for both changes02:47
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jheskethmarun: hmm, so basically they are entering the gate pipeline in an inconsistent order?02:50
marunjhesketh: I'm adding them in the same order every time.  I can only assume that there is some kind of concurrent processing going on that introduces the variability.02:50
marunjhesketh: certainly the skip-if matching has no choice but to be deterministic.02:51
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jheskethmarun: I mean the scheduler is queuing them inconsistently ?02:53
marunjhesketh: Maybe?  I'm pretty sure I know enough to answer that definitively.02:53
marunjhesketh: Do you see anything strange in the test?02:54
marunjhesketh: I cribbed from other similar tests.02:54
jheskethnope, it looks good to me02:55
marunjhesketh: oops, I meant that I *don't* know enough to answer that definitively02:55
jheskethI suspect the race is in the queue processing... if you put the queue in hold mode, queue them all and then release them all at once it might be more deterministic02:56
jheskethlook for a test where  self.worker.hold_jobs_in_build is set02:57
marunjhesketh: but what does it mean when 2 changes are included for a built status message?02:57
marunjhesketh: I don't really care about the ordering, I just need to figure out which changes a job ran for.02:57
marunbuilt -> build02:58
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jheskethmarun: I think it's because it's a dependant pipeline. You're queuing 6 changes (ABCDEF) so for change C the tests are ran with master -> A -> B then C applied02:59
jheskethit's built into the change so that cross project jobs can pull the correct order03:00
marunjhesketh: so does that imply that the only change that was actually tested was the last one in the list of changes on a build status?03:00
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marunjhesketh: and that preceding changes are simply dependencies of the change the job ran against?03:00
marunjhesketh: that's what the code assumes right now, because that seemed the most likely conclusion03:01
jheskethalthough each other change will also have gone through... so E would have been tested with master -> ABCDE applied03:01
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marunjhesketh: so why is the previous change included in some build statuses and not others?03:03
openstackgerritMaru Newby proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add support for a skip-if filter on jobs
jheskethmarun: it's possible that the build is finishing and being merged into master03:04
jheskethso if A and B have merged, when testing E it'd look like master -> CDE03:04
jheskethwhich is why if you put it in hold when queuing the changes it should be more consistent03:05
marunjhesketh: I'll take a look at how to do that03:05
jheskethkeep in mind I may be wrong ;p03:05
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marunjhesketh: worth a try, at least :)03:08
marunjhesketh: I'm not a huge fan of this kind of scenario testing, tbh03:08
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-ulimit: Add puppet module files for puppet-ulimit
marunjhesketh: too many moving pieces to learn and to go wrong, makes it hard to isolate the failure domain03:08
marunjhesketh: but I'll do what's asked :)03:09
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jheskethmarun: intresting, because I am a fan.. when zuul is used in the wild all these moving pieces can go wrong so it's good to test them03:11
jheskethgranted, it's a learning curve to write the tests, but I think it's worth it03:11
marunjhesketh: it's good to be able to do this kind of testing, don't get me wrong03:11
marunjhesketh: but I don't think it should be necessary to test more that the change matchers work in concert with everything else03:12
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-unbound: Add puppet module files for unbound
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marunjhesketh: it should be possible to isolate all specific testing of the change matchers, without involving other machinery03:12
jheskethmarun: I think this is how you uncover edge and race conditions to a certain extent though.. In an ideal world I would agree with you03:13
marunjhesketh: I had validated that job.changeMatches interacted correctly with the skip-if matcher, that the matcher could be constructed from configuration by the scheduler, and that the matchers worked.03:13
marunjhesketh: all of that in unit tests03:13
marunjhesketh: knowing that the existing tests are calling the job.changeMatches function, I know that everything below that would work properly.03:13
marunjhesketh: without that kind of separability for testing, the effort required for full coverage is exponential03:14
jheskethwell in this case you're doing both so it's even better ;-)03:14
jheskethbut I hear you, it's a burden03:14
marunjhesketh: I think the term 'test pyramid' accurately describes my philosophy of testing.03:15
marunjhesketh: validate everything at as low a level as feasible, because the cost is less.  low -> unit, high-> integration, and everything in between.03:16
* marun digresses03:16
jheskethI think your points are fair and I don't necessarily disagree03:17
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-user: Add puppet module files for puppet-user
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asselin_one more!03:18
marunjhesketh: :)03:18
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marunjhesketh: your suggestion to use hold_jobs_in_build seems to be a good approach.03:19
marunjhesketh: I'm seeing consistent behavior at last.03:19
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marunjhesketh: ah crap, spoke too soon03:19
marunjhesketh: I guess the work-around stays for now03:20
marunjhesketh: maybe jeblair can figure it out.03:20
clarkbwhy not run tests in an independent pipeline?03:20
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-unattended_upgrades: Add puppet module files for unattended_upgrades
marunclarkb: test_skip_if_jobs is just trying to verify that jobs are skipped as expected.03:22
clarkbya instead of approving the changes just do patchset created events03:22
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clarkbthen each change is tested independently03:22
asselin_^^ Last one! :)03:22
marunclarkb: do you have a pointer to an example?03:23
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marunclarkb: oh wait03:23
marunclarkb:  you mean run them in the check queue?03:23
marunclarkb: because I don't care about merging, just the job status03:23
marunclarkb: gotcha.  serves me right for cribbing to hard03:23
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marunclarkb: so what command triggers the check queue?03:24
clarkbits a patchset created event should be part of create change if you just drop the approval events03:24
marunclarkb: ah, ok03:25
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openstackgerritMaru Newby proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add support for a skip-if filter on jobs
marunclarkb: that did it, thank you.03:28
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openstackgerritMaru Newby proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add support for a skip-if filter on jobs
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openstackgerritMaru Newby proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add support for a skip-if filter on jobs
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openstackgerritMaru Newby proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add support for a skip-if filter on jobs
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marunjhesketh: I've tried to implement Clark's suggestion but I appear to have muffed it:
marunjhesketh: The jobs are no longer triggered. Am I doing anything obviously wrong in ?04:06
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marunclarkb: ^^04:08
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jheskethmarun: looks correct04:09
jheskethjust in the middle of a meeting or else I'd take a closer look04:09
marunjhesketh: no worries ;)04:09
jheskethmarun: it doesn't work locally?04:09
marunjhesketh: nope04:09
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marunjhesketh: this late in my workday it's likely pebkac and I should try tomorrow :)04:12
jheskethheh, no worries04:13
jheskethhave a good one04:13
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marunjhesketh: you too!04:14
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marunjhesketh: stubborn I am.  Looks like the job is legitimately being skipped due to the change not correctly adding the files that would trigger a skip.04:28
marunjhesketh: or rather, the reverse. not adding files to the default set (commit message, readme) means the skip-if matcher always succeeds and the job never runs.04:30
marunclarkb: ^^ I've done as you suggested and tried to triggered job execution with a 'patch added' event, but now the changes don't seem to include the extra files I provide to addPatchset.04:32
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk proposed openstack-infra/project-config: oslo.messaging: uses devstack-f21 instead f20
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk proposed openstack-infra/project-config: oslo.messaging: add zeromq funcionnal job
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk proposed openstack-infra/project-config: oslo.messaging: enable functionnal jobs
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openstackgerritPetrut Lucian proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Fixes Windows generated scripts headers
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openstackgerritPetrut Lucian proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Fixes Windows generated scripts headers
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openstackgerritPetrut Lucian proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Fixes Windows generated scripts headers
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Fix status code on delete
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nibalizerfungi: nice patchbomb11:32
nibalizeri hope that was scripted :P11:32
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: StoryBoard integration tests specification
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yolandajeblair, krotscheck, amended spec for storyboard testing ^11:50
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odyssey4meHi there - it would appear that zuul is stuck with one or more jobs which have succeeded, but they're not finishing as they usually do by reporting back to gerrit - and they just sit in the check queue. This is definitely happening for
odyssey4mein fact, then entire check queue is sitting...12:08
odyssey4meand the gate queue12:09
odyssey4meI think all the queues, actually. It would appear that perhaps zuul is dead. Long live zuul.12:09
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BobBallWhy is the stackforge/xenapi-os-testing not merge changes? e.g.
BobBallHas the project config needed changed?13:17
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Remove duplicate register_options call
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andreafodyssey4me, yes indeed everything seems to be dead - no tests are started on new commit13:22
odyssey4meBobBall as andreaf has confirmed, zuul has stalled for all jobs13:23
odyssey4meeverything in the queue has stayed exactly as it was for the last two hours or so13:23
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-user: Add puppet module files for puppet-user
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funginibalizer: yes, scripted. i had held off until we had more of the pending boilerplate changes merged13:30
fungilooking into zuul status issues now13:31
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fungilooks like the scheduler is just queuing events and results, but not acting on them13:36
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odyssey4mefungi that queue must be looking quite long by now13:38
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fungifor some reason its signal handler didn't act on my attempt to generate a thread dump either13:41
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fungioh, wait it did13:42
BobBallthanks odyssey4me13:42
fungii was looking in the wrong log13:42
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fungithis traceback in the log may coincide with when things stopped moving
fungitrying to match it up to the graphs now13:47
fungiyeah, looks likely13:49
fungiseeing what the gerrit logs have to say about that... the change itself exists and is merged according to the webui13:50
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openstackgerritAleksey Ripinen proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Delete created_at and updated_at fields from requests
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funginothing that looks at all related13:57
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fungithe only thing anomalous i can find in gerrit or zuul's cacti graphs in that window is a spike in established tcp sessions for gerrit
openstackgerritAleksey Ripinen proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Fix stories put method
fungia few git uploads hanging around in the gerrit show-queue output for several hours, since that time14:02
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fungikilled the stale git upload-pack threads in gerrit but it doesn't seem like that has started zuul moving14:08
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openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Pass the old entity values in the NotificationHook
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fungii wonder if zuul lost contact with its local gearman service14:13
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HenryGsdague: Morning. This could do with a +A to unblock a lot of dependent work.14:14
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fungiugh. the gearman log doesn't seem to have timestamps14:15
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openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Pass the old entity values in the NotificationHook
fungi#status alert zuul isn't running jobs since ~10:30 utc, investigation underway14:17
fungigah, and statusbot is missing?14:17
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BobBallstatusbot is always missing when there is something important to say :P14:19
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rcarrillocruzhas zuul gone postal?14:22
fungi#status alert zuul isn't running jobs since ~10:30 utc, investigation underway14:22
openstackstatusfungi: sending alert14:22
rcarrillocruzk, thx fungi14:23
annegent_happy attic day!14:24
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: zuul isn't running jobs since ~10:30 utc, investigation underway14:24
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fungii think the "exception moving gerrit event" is a red herring. i find plenty of them in zuul's log from previous days14:25
openstackstatusfungi: finished sending alert14:26
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openstackgerritAleksey Ripinen proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Reject false creator_id from requests
fungibased on merger debug logs it looks like they were getting merge requests up until ~10:50 utc14:29
fungiwhich is very closely correlated to the spike in established tcp connections on gerrit14:30
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fungiright at that time fifieldt remarked on another channel about "gerrit downtime"14:31
fungibut he's not around now so i don't quite know what he meant by that14:32
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openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/puppet-etherpad_lite: Change /sbin/nologin to /usr/sbin/nologin for Ubuntu
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fungijeblair: if you're waking up, zuul has gotten itself into a state where it's not processing its queue. it looks like it may have corresponded to some sort of network traffic anomaly for gerrit. it's not obvious to me from zuul's logs or thread dumps what it's waiting on and i don't want to restart it for fear we might lose a critical debugging opportunity14:36
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openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/puppet-etherpad_lite: Enable websockets transport on Etherpad
* fungi will brb14:36
fungimade the mistake of looking at irc before i got my morning coffee14:36
* rcarrillocruz redoing puppet changes that were by the time on system-config and now are unnmergable due to puppet modules split14:36
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fungircarrillocruz: thanks, it was on my agenda to -2/abandon those today anyway14:39
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rcarrillocruzno worries, i can do, i guess you have a loooong list of changes to abandon14:39
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openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/puppet-etherpad_lite: Add connection-tuning file to new Apache 2.4 conf folder structure
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bknudsonis this supposed to work?
bknudsonit's the link from
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fungibknudson: it's _supposed_ to work15:03
fungibut looks like the webserver is kaput on it15:03
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fungibknudson: ohhhhh, http not https15:04
fungicaffeine is just starting to kick in finally15:04
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* mordred is once again not here - but would like to annoucne that today is the last day of his two weeks of nearly constant meetings15:04
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bknudsoncan be updated?15:05
fungimordred: too bad--we have a zuul outage i'm having little luck debugging. you get to miss the excitement15:05
fungibknudson: yeah, i'm working on that right now15:05
bknudsonor can https be enabled?15:05
bknudsonfungi: thanks!15:05
bknudsonsomeday that launchpad page config will be in gerrit.15:06
fungibknudson: launchpad is updated now15:06
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bknudsonfungi: tried it and it works for me. Thanks15:06
fungibknudson: someday that launchpad page config will be unnecessary because we won't be using launchpad15:06
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fungii think i've about exhausted my options with zuul's situation and have collected any debugging info i know how, so i'm going to grab a snapshot of the current pipeline states and then restart it and try to figure out from the logs what else needs to get reenqueued which is hiding in the event queue currently15:13
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fungiit's restarted, reenqueuing previous changes now15:18
fungigah, i didn't wait long enough for all the node types to register15:19
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fungirestarted again, and i'll toggle the gearman plugin on one of the jenkins masters once it's into the main scheduler loop15:20
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tchaypo is it possible to find how many bugs times a bug has been mentioned in a “recheck bug xxxx” message?15:22
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fungiohhhh! i think i know what may have precipitated this15:28
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clarkbtchaypo yes but we fpund the data to be mostly useless. which is why we dropped the bug requirement and focused on elastic recheck15:29
fungirackspace was restarting trove database instances in dfw (and are still in progress doing so according to updates)15:29
clarkbfungi oh good I was going t have to start looking at logs15:29
jeblairfungi: morning15:29
fungiso that at least explains why gerrit's open tcp connections would have spiked up over about a 10-minute period15:30
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fungii'm still trying to get bare-precise and py3k-precise workers registered in zuul's gearman before i reenqueue the lists i saved15:30
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clarkbtchaypo I think sdague may have the script that combs comments for recheck bug #### if you want a way to do it. uses gerrit rest api iirc15:32
jeblairdisabling the registration check is next on my list of zuul features to add15:32
jeblairyou could probably use a gerrit search now, right?15:32
jeblair"comment:'recheck bug'"15:33
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fungiunfortunately we have some stuck in a building state in nodepool for a similar timeframe so possible something went south with the (looks like rax-iad) nova api endoint15:33
fungisomething tells me the rackspace "reboot all the things" scramble is not over and we'll probably be fighting fallout from it well into the day15:33
jeblairmaybe we should just go ahead and move our maint window to now :)15:34
fungican't hurt i guess15:34
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fungii'm going to restart nodepool so i can clear these hung building nodes and try to get some workers registered15:35
* clarkb notes he isnt quite awake yet but dont let that stop you15:35
jeblairneither am i; if we wanted to move it, we'd probably still need a little while to get ready15:35
tchaypothanks jeblair15:36
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tchaypo,n,z isn’t finding me anything.15:46
fungiokay, bare-precise and py3k-precise are registered so reenqueuing saved changes now15:47
fungiand then i'll try to see what's in the event history in the zuul log and get those manually enqueued15:47
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fungijeblair: once you're more awake, there are a couple of thread dumps in my homedir on zuul (threaddump1 and threaddump2) taken a couple minutes apart while zuul was not processing its queues15:49
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jeblairfungi: cool, will take a look15:51
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jeblairfungi: it was stuck trying to report back to gerrit15:54
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fungihuh, so the paramiko thread?15:54
jeblairfungi: well, the reporting happens in the main thread15:54
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fungioh, got it. paramiko is the stream events listener i guess15:54
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jeblairfungi: Thread: 14034406262144015:55
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jeblairso either gerrit went non-responsive, or the connection went bad15:56
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fungii _think_ gerrit's trove database was offline15:56
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fungi(being fanatically rebooted by rackspace)15:57
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jeblairi wonder what gerrit's behavior was in that case?  did you restart gerrit?15:57
fungiit continued on its merry way15:57
fungii need to dig deeper into the gerrit logs once i'm done getting the straggler changes reenqueued from the triggers in the zuul log15:57
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clarkbmaybe a bug in the ssh command gerrit side?15:58
jeblairso figuring out how to time out an ssh command in zuul might be a good thing15:58
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clarkbzaro did you see replication in gerrit 2.9 requires an explicit flag to force push? we will nees that16:00
jeblairwe can probably work something out with that ^16:02
fungieverything that got approved while zuul was offline is getting reenqueued into check now (and will propagate into the gate once it passes if it's ready)16:02
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superdando we need to recheck things after this morning's outage? (either now or at some point)16:04
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fungieverything that got a patchset uploaded or was restored from an abandoned state while zuul was offline is being enqueued into the check pipeline now too16:07
clarkbsuperdan I think fungi has you covered16:07
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superdanrock on16:07
fungisuperdan: i don't think so, except possibly for a few minutes between when zuul was restarted i've mined events out of the logs (since zuul was still listening to gerrit while it was stuck)16:07
fungisuperdan: in a few minutes everything will be done getting reenqueued and then you should check for changes if in doubt as to whether or not zuul is planning to test them already16:08
superdansure, thanks16:09
fungiyou bet16:09
fungiand apologies for the disruption. clouds16:09
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fungi#status ok zuul is running again and changes have been reenqueud. see before rechecking if in doubt16:11
openstackstatusfungi: sending ok16:11
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clarkblast night I mostly figured out the multinode test failure. when you shelve then unshelve a node you can get floating ip and nat rules on both routers16:11
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clarkbthis creates brokeness with multi router nova net16:12
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: zuul is running again and changes have been reenqueud. see before rechecking if in doubt16:12
clarkbthere is a proposed fix I need to test though so hopefully not an issue for long16:12
mtreinishclarkb: we can just add skip for the bug to tempest if you want to unblock faster16:14
openstackstatusfungi: finished sending ok16:15
mtreinishI don't think the loss of coverage on the shelve api for small time is really a big deal compared to getting multinode testing16:15
clarkbmtreinish if the nova fix works we can probably go with it16:15
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openstackgerritAleksey Ripinen proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Reject false creator_id from requests
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fungiokay, i'm going to catch up on e-mail and eat some breakfast now that there's a bit of a lull16:18
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DO NOT MERGE testing nova multinode fix
clarkbmtreinish: ^ let us see how that does16:30
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clarkband now to turn on subunit worker16:31
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openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add a remote url override location
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alexpilottimordred: hello16:48
alexpilottimordred: we have a small blocking issues on pbr:
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alexpilottimordred: wonder if you could please take a quick look, it’s missing the second +2 blessing :-)16:49
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clarkbalexpilotti: by brackets do you mean quotes? I am trying to understand the code change given the commit message16:50
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alexpilotticlarkb: quotes, possibly lpetruts wrote brackets instead of quotes :-)16:51
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clarkbalexpilotti: +A16:52
alexpilotticlarkb: tx a lot!16:52
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add networking-cisco to stackforge
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clarkbmtreinish: I ran into a thing yesterday when debugging the shelving test. The default security group after tempest ran had no rules in it. Does tempest remove all rules so that it can test specific things?17:05
clarkbor is the default security group completely locked down by default?17:05
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zaroclarkb: that's will look into that replication flag.17:07
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add test for a enqueuing complex dependencies
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clarkbzaro: good morning. sounds good. I noticed it in a recent gerrit group thread17:07
jeblairclarkb, fungi, jhesketh: ^ okay that's the result of my tour down the rabbit hole from yesterday17:07
jeblairclarkb, fungi, jhesketh: the result is that basically, i think zuul is working correctly, and i made one tiny change that shouldn't really make a difference.17:08
jeblairbut at least it's explained, documented, and tested now :)17:08
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jeblairclarkb, fungi, jhesketh: and that tree ordering is actually a third option, different from the two yesterday (it's a true depth-first order)17:09
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mtreinishclarkb: it's that way by default. We create a new tenant for each test class and the default sg for a new tenant doesn't have any rules in it IIRC17:10
clarkbmtreinish: huh that is not how public clouds work :)17:11
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clarkbmtreinish: well shelve instance test failed with the supposed nova fix so we may want to skip it after all17:12
clarkbI am going to double check that the right versino of nova was installed17:12
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clarkboh cool my checkout nova fix may be buggy let me fix that before we skip any tests17:14
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DO NOT MERGE testing nova multinode fix
mtreinishclarkb: ok17:17
jeblairclarkb, fungi, mordred, jhesketh, SergeyLukjanov:
clarkbthe zuul mergers are not replicated to so cannot be treated as mirrors17:17
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dougwighi infra, what's the right copyright header to put in source files? i've been using company name, which I assume then gets assigned via the CCLA, but have some review feedback to use openstack foundation.17:18
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jeblairdougwig: if you do not work for the foundation, you should not indicate that your copyright is owned by it.  the right answer is _probably_ your company (i can't say that for certain of course)17:18
jeblairdougwig: can you point me at the review?17:18
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clarkbthe CLA does not require copyright assignment so it basically boils down to who owns the work you did. Often your employer but not necessarily17:19
clarkbjeblair: !17:19
dougwigclarkb: that's what i thought.17:20
jeblairi really love it when i get to write an email like that :)17:20
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* mtreinish is still happy to have a personal copyright in tempest from a week of unemployment17:20
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jeblairmtreinish: i don't work on apache licensed projects on my own time :)  i spent my week of unemployment in the mountains17:21
clarkbjeblair: where you wrote GPL licensed smoke signal drivers?17:23
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mtreinishjeblair: I didn't really have that luxury then. It was the week before I departed on my road trip to Atl so I had a bunch of summit prep stuff to do. I would have prefered not to be working that week17:24
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/hacking: Fix H238 to allow parent classes to be returned by a function
mtreinishclarkb: heh, well it would have to be gpl if it was for the linux kernel right? :)17:26
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clarkbmtreinish: it could toggle a usb device from userspace I dunno17:27
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mtreinishclarkb: hahaha, fair enough17:28
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clarkboh hey the ceph job seems to be working now17:32
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Suspend Py3K jobs for oslo.messaging oslo.rootwrap
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Switch from Python 3.3 to 3.4 for Py3K jobs
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Stop building py3k-precise nodes
ccrouchclarkb: quick update on my "changing my openstack related email addresses" saga ..17:34
ccrouchI'm think I'm ready to flip them over from @redhat to @gmail17:34
ccrouchI can see my primary contact email address in Launchpad is @redhat, but my @gmail is confirmed there too17:34
ccrouchon I can see @redhat is preferred email, but @gmail is also registered now17:34
ccrouchfinally has my primary as @redhat and secondary @gmail17:34
ccrouchclarkb: I think the next steps are...17:34
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Stop using py3k-precise nodes
clarkbccrouch: in your foundation profile flip your primary to gmail then do the same for gerrit17:35
ccrouchswitch @gmail to preferred email in review.openstack.org17:36
ccrouchthen switch Launchpad so primary is @gmail, and I'll need to reset the password17:36
ccrouchthen finally set so primary is @gmail17:36
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed openstack-infra/shade: Adds get_flavor() and get_network() functions
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed openstack-infra/shade: Fixes broken image/object hashing
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed openstack-infra/shade: Adds some more swift operations
clarkbccrouch: ya that sounds about right17:36
clarkbfungi: ^17:36
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clarkbmy only concern is when the launchpad change happens you may still get a new openid?17:36
clarkbbut iirc fungi had a workaround for that so probably just a step missing if at all17:37
ccrouchI'm a little concerned on the openid side17:37
ccrouchin launchpad i have
fungiccrouch: yeah, check the openid lp reports for you currently and make a note of it17:37
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ccrouchin > Identities > @redhat has an entry17:37
ccrouchbut @gmail is blank17:37
fungiccrouch: stay logged into gerrit while you switch launchpad17:38
fungiccrouch: then check the openid launchpad is reporting after the switch17:38
clarkbccrouch: to check what launchpad reports view the source of your use page17:38
fungiccrouch: if it's different, add it at (maybe. for some reason i don't see the ability to add to that list though)17:38
fungiccrouch: so it might end up with a new gerrit account the next time you log out of lp and back in anyway17:39
fungiccrouch: if it does, we'll have to go poking in the gerrit database to disable one of the duplicate accounts, just give us a heads up17:39
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mtreinishclarkb: I don't think it will I switched mine from an ibm address to my domain a while ago and didn't have any issues17:40
mtreinishit did take me forever to figure out how to switch it in lp though17:40
ccrouchfungi: launchpad > OpenID login: and17:40 > Identities17:40
ccrouchare definitely showing different urls for the same @redhat email right now17:40
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fungiyeah, i've never quite been able to pin down what triggers lp to create a new openid. definitely seemed to be tied to lp account modifications, just not sure what exactly17:40
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fungiccrouch: does it show more than one there?17:41
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zarozuul-dev.o.o will be up and down for testing17:41
mtreinishclarkb, fungi: qq can we change the permissions on the openstack-qa list to only allow the emails from the periodic jobs and reject all others?17:41
jeblairfungi, clarkb: i'm going to send an email about our 61 new repos; sound good?17:41
fungijeblair: sounds great!17:41
clarkbjeblair: yup, I assume with some directions on making puppet changes too?17:41
jeblair(granted, probably only 57 of them are actually new, but who's counting)17:42
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jeblairclarkb: can you elaborate on that?17:42
clarkbmtreinish: I am no mailman expert but I believe you can give certain subscribers extra permissions17:42
ccrouchfungi: on > Identities17:42
ccrouchthere are two rows one for @redhat and one for @gmail17:42
ccrouchbut only the @redhat has anything in the identity column17:42
clarkbjeblair: like "you will now need to make puppet changes to specific modules to modify their behavior" that seems to general17:42
jeblairclarkb: here's what i have:
clarkbjeblair: just a heads up that system-config is no longer the place to update eg jenkins17:42
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jeblairclarkb: okay, i grok.  lemme add some stuff...17:43
ccrouchfungi: fyi url for @redhat email in > Identities is
fungijeblair: we're up to 109 infra projects, 255 active (not -attic) official openstack projects, 308 active stackforge projects and 569 total projects in gerrit17:44
clarkbspeaking of attic. Do we need any prep changes for the 1900 renames?17:44
jeblairfungi: drat, i was really hoping we'd be a higher % of openstack by now; at least half.  :)17:45
ccrouchfungi: again fwiw in LP the openid login is just
clarkbccrouch: is what I see for you in LP as well17:45
clarkbccrouch: so those match up17:45
fungijeblair: announcement lgtm17:46
clarkbccrouch: if you view the source of your user page you will see them listed17:46
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ccrouchah ok17:46
clarkbccrouch: so what happens is you are still ~ccrouch in lp but sometimeswhen you make changes to mail ou get a new +id/$hash string thing17:46
ccrouchclarkb:  got it <link rel="openid.delegate"17:46
clarkbccrouch: it doesn't remove the old string either you just end up with two of them, then order comes into play and it causes gerrit to get confused17:47
ccrouchso just to be crystal clear..17:47
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ccrouchi should be swapping emails in *before* LP right?17:47
ccrouchand remaining logged into review.o.o while making the LP change17:48
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clarkbccrouch: yes17:48
ccrouchack, thanks17:48
* ccrouch dons his openid retardant suit17:48
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clarkbmtreinish: jogo I got the shelve nova fix installed properly this time but the test still failed17:50
jeblairclarkb, fungi: puppet announcement email updated17:50
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clarkbjeblair: looks good, thank you17:51
clarkbmtreinish: jogo: so maybe a skip is best for now? can we skip based on multinode vs single node? eg could tempest ask nova for the number of computes and select that test only if one compute exists? makes that test seem somewhat artificial though17:52
clarkb"here is a feature for the cloud, it only works with a one node cloud"17:53
jeblairclarkb: ha!17:53
fungiebadditions are great17:53
jeblairfungi: i hope they are not ebad17:53
fungijeblair: additions are great17:53
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fungifor some reason my terminal ate the initial j in jeb and so my tab complete failed and i didn't notice17:54
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jeblairfungi: "oh! The badditions you've made are great!"17:54
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mtreinishclarkb: well we can skip on the bug and a config flag17:55
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fungithey're all terrigreat17:55
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mtreinishbut we don't allow skip decisions to be made by api responses17:55
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jeblairfungi: sounds flawsome!17:55
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clarkbmtreinish ok17:55
mtreinishbecause the last time we did that we accidently ended up skipping all of the neutron testing and didn't even realize it17:56
fungii'll whip up a change to the governance repo for the new e-badditions while i'm thinking about it17:56
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jeblairfungi: already done17:56
clarkbmtreinish nice17:56
jeblairfungi: 15110017:56
zarozuul question: anybody know where the is located?  that's the file that gets included in layout.yaml17:56
fungijeblair: yep, i checked the proposed list just now when i started17:56
fungizaro: project-config17:56
fungizaro: it's possible the manifest for zuul-dev is lacking a file resource for that17:57
fungizaro: alternatively, we could simply strip out the include directive from its layout.yaml17:57
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jeblairfungi, zaro: i think we changed it to be a directory, so the manifest shouldn't need changing17:57
jeblair(i mean, maybe double check that, but that's my recollection)17:58
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zaroit's not on review-dev and i think that might be the problem.  testing it now17:58
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fungihas anybody started the maintenance plan for the project renames yet? if not i'll get the etherpad put together since we're t-minus one hour and counting18:00
jeblairfungi: nak18:01
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clarkbI havent18:03
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ccrouchfungi: clarkb: so the results for switching my primary email in review.o.o and LP were I think mixed :-/18:13
ccrouchthe good news:18:13
ccrouch1) i was able to successfully switch both accounts to have @gmail as primary email18:13
ccrouch2) I can then log into both accounts with the @gmail address18:13
ccrouch3) the openid in launchpad remained the same (according to openid.delegate in the src for, its still
ccrouchnow the bad news18:13
ccroucha) when I'm logged into review.o.o I can no longer see any Starred Changes ( I could have sworn I had some)18:13
ccrouchI presume this is due to the fact that now when I go to
ccrouchI only see one row with my @gmail address but a new OpenId url:
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clarkbhuh I would expect the starred changes table to use the internal account id as a foreign key not anything openid related18:16
openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Pass the old entity values in the NotificationHook
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Only start 1 subunit worker per node
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fungiclarkb: nope, if you log into gerrit via openid, gerrit seems to first consult its table of external identities looking for a match for the openid url. if it finds none, it creates a new account and associates that openid url with it18:18
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ccrouchclarkb: hmm I *thought* I had some watched changes. /me can't be sure18:18
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clarkbccrouch: you have two accounts \o/ :)18:19
fungiccrouch: i'll deactivate the new account and associate that new openid url with the old account if so. what's your new account id number shown at ?18:19
* ccrouch bets fungi has a simple and elegant fix to the above situation18:19
clarkbaccount id 9352 is the old one and 14911 is the new one18:19
ccrouchthanks fungi clarkb18:20
clarkbfungi: is that all doable through the command line yet? or does it still require manual db edits?18:20
clarkbset-account should be able to set external ids but maybe only email addrs?18:20
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clarkbya just emails ... boo18:21
fungiyep, looks like right now18:21
fungii'll give it a shot via the api18:21
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clarkbfungi: do we have an etherpad yet? I can etherpad while you fix account stuff18:22
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fungiset-account --help doesn't mention anything for changing arbitrary external ids, just e-mail18:22
clarkbfungi: ya I think set account is limited in its abilities18:23
clarkbfungi: but set account 14911 inactive may be sufficient in this case?18:23
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fungiccrouch: log out of gerrit and back in again18:24
fungiclarkb: nah, because it'll just create yet another account with that new openid url if we only deactivate18:24
clarkbfungi: but ~ccrouch in LP only has the one openid18:25
fungiyeah, the new one, which doesn't match what gerrit had for the old one18:25
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fungii did `update account_external_ids set account_id=9352 where account_id=14911;`18:25
clarkbI see18:25
fungiand then `gerrit set-account --inactive 14911` via the api18:25
clarkba couple of the rename changes need rebases so I am doing that now18:26
clarkbI have not started on the etherpad18:26
fungithanks. i'm nearly done wit the etherpad. should be ready for review shortly18:26
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ccrouchfungi: clarkb: \o/ old account number is back at review.o.o and I can see my Starred Changes :-)18:27
ccrouchthank you very much guys18:27
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clarkbhrm maybe they were just caught in the zuul merger blip. rechecking now18:27
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yginger5Hi, when upgrade the services, will it recreate the config files? I checked the code and seems they will not create the config file, am I right?18:27
jeblairclarkb, fungi: i set their topics to 'project-rename'18:28
asselin_clarkb, fungi  I think this patch has issues:
fungiyginger5: it uses the old config files. the new services have to be capable of working with the previous configs18:28
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fungijeblair: thanks18:28
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asselin_still need to confirm18:29
ccrouch is overflowing with identities :-), but everything looks good18:29
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Moves the <service>-api repos to the attic
clarkbfungi: jeblair ^ that one did have aconflict18:29
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openstackgerritAlexander Tivelkov proposed openstack/requirements: Add semantic_version to global-requirements
clarkband after rechecking the other one it claims to still conflict so rebase will be pushed18:30
yginger5fungi: thanks for answer, so if a new config item added, the default value has to make sure it will not break anything, right? It really make sense.18:30
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: move oslo.version to attic
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fungiyginger5: correct--that's one of the things grenade is there to confirm. operators need to be able to upgrade services in-place with the config files from the previous release, then update their configs later (before the next release)18:31
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Just store preseed subunit stream
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yginger5fungi: thanks for your answer.18:34
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asselin_clarkb, fung, so reverting that patch resolves this issue: I'll see if there's a fix18:35
openstackgerritMaru Newby proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add support for a skip-if filter on jobs
clarkbasselin_: oh hey at least the error is useful, what does your nodepool.yaml look like?18:37
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clarkbasselin_: I did test that it builds both snapshot and dib images so I wonder if maybe the nodepool.yamls differ in ways that break it?18:37
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asselin_clarkb, it's possible. top half:
clarkbasselin_: ya your label name has to match the image name18:39
clarkbiirc that is necessary due to dib18:39
clarkbor rather how the dib machinery works18:39
clarkbdib itself knows nothing about labels in nodepool18:39
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clarkbwould need to spend time to see if we can remove that requirement18:40
asselin_clarkb, ok I see. I was taking advantage of the ability for them to be different.18:40
jeblairstatus notice Gerrit and Zuul will be offline from 1900 to 1930 UTC for project renames18:41
jeblairclarkb, fungi: ^ lgty?18:41
clarkbjeblair: yup18:41
jeblair#status notice Gerrit and Zuul will be offline from 1900 to 1930 UTC for project renames18:41
openstackstatusjeblair: sending notice18:41
clarkbasselin_: from memory, the reason its that way is label providers provide labels they do not provide images18:41
clarkbasselin_: so the image key is redundant? its defnitely fixable it just wasn't the existing behavior18:42
fungijeblair: lgtm18:42
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shivharisfungi: hi, how do i look up the group member list of "networking-brocade-core" and "networking-brocade-release"18:42
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asselin_clarkb, ok, I had a need to shorten the names of the nodes, but maybe there's another way.18:43
openstackstatusjeblair: finished sending notice18:43
openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/puppet-etherpad_lite: Add connection-tuning file to new Apache 2.4 conf folder structure
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fungijeblair: clarkb: i think is ready to go18:47
asselin_clarkb, fyi, docs would need to be updated:
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clarkbasselin_: no I think we fix it to do the expected behavior18:48
jeblairfungi, clarkb: i'll do step218:48
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix invalid spacing in yaml file
zarofungi ^18:48
fungishivharis: (browsing people -> list groups in the top navigation bar of the webui gets you there)18:48
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shivharisfungi: thanks18:49
clarkbasselin_: we will just need to untangle places where is used instead of label.image and swap them out properly18:49
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fungii've deleted the -2 or wip votes from,n,z in preparation for the maintenance18:50
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fungii'll go ahead and grab the gerrit cli steps18:51
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clarkbasselin_: I can look into it mroe deeply once we rename things. This may actually be simpler than I thought18:52
asselin_clarkb, ok. I can help test then :)18:53
clarkbasselin_: as we do seem to use label.image during disk image building so not sure why I thought that wasn't the case18:53
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clarkbI can do the github and mirror renames18:55
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fungitry your hand at the transfer ownership feature in github?18:55
fungiworked well for me last time around18:55
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jeblairfungi, clarkb: still waiting on puppet/ansible; will keep you updated18:56
fungiclarkb: might want to make sure to do that before manage-projects runs via puppet18:56
fungiotherwise we'll end up with new repos in the destination org18:56
clarkbfungi: yup18:56
clarkbasselin_: oh I remember, I think it is because image-update completely ignored the concept of a label which is where we map clouds to images18:58
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clarkbasselin_: so we need to get the label and do that mapping properly but I seem to have done it wrongly18:58
clarkbasselin_: the old code just shotgunned images which wasn't quite right either. Maybe new change will be better than both18:58
asselin_clarkb, +118:59
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clarkbasselin_: like image-update would allow you to build an image on a cloud that it didn't have a label for18:59
clarkbasselin_: which should be an error18:59
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clarkbbecause there is no way that nodepool would boot slaves off of that image so its just a waste of effort19:00
jeblairoh how interesting...19:00
jeblaira new ansible run has started even though the old one was still going19:01
jeblairi didn't think that was supposed to happen19:01
clarkbthere should be a lock, however do we run two different ansible "jobs" now?19:01
clarkbmaybe that is how it happened19:01
fungihuh. with flock around them? or were we just relying on puppet agent locks to prevent concurrent runs on a specific node?19:01
asselin_clarkb, it seems you should be able to map a label to multiple images19:01
clarkbasselin_: possibly. that would be a new feature though19:02
asselin_clarkb, and when bootstrapping, I would like to do a manual image-update, even though it's not on a label19:02
clarkbasselin_: like instead of a single image key allow for each provider in the provider list to specify a distinct image19:02
asselin_clarkb, yes that would be new, but a bit implied by the way it's configured19:02
clarkbasselin_: so I really think that should be an error, because there is no way for nodepool to use that image if there is no label19:02
clarkbit will just make an image that is never booted off of19:03
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* jeblair is killing ansible processes19:03
fungiwith a vengeance?19:03
clarkb*shuts down puppetmaster19:04
asselin_clarkb, yes, but the intent is to 'temporarity' not boot off of.19:04
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clarkbasselin_: in that case just add a label...19:04
asselin_clarkb, ok I see, that can work19:04
jeblairclarkb, fungi: okay, ansible is stopped.  i'm ready to proceed.  shall i stop zuul now?19:05
asselin_clarkb, that's actually a really good idea. it also solve the next issue I have: creating the image & testing it. thanks!19:05
jeblair#status alert Gerrit and Zuul are offline until 1930 UTC for project renames19:06
openstackstatusjeblair: sending alert19:06
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fungii'm ready to kill gerrit as soon as you're ready19:06
jeblairfungi: zuul is stopped19:06
fungistopping gerrit now19:06
ekarlsowhat projects are renaming ?19:06
jeblair(i'm going to do nodepool cleanup now)19:06
clarkbfungi: jeblair: I am going to start renaming things on the mirrors19:06
clarkbthen do github19:07
zarofungi: so what should we do about the file?19:07
mroddenever thought about an ansible playbook to do the renaming?19:07
zarois it even needed by zuul-dev?19:07
zaroshould we keep it in the zuul-dev layout.yaml?19:07
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clarkbmrodden: yes, my only concern with it is I would still have to github because their api never works19:07
fungigerrit is now offline. proceeding with database edits19:07
mroddenclarkb, yeah that would be an issue19:08
clarkbmrodden: but renaming on things we do control would be a simplish playbook if we can feed in a mapping19:08
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clarkbI just don't know how ansible expects that info19:08
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* clarkb <- ansible noob19:08
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mroddenclarkb, yeah i just started with it, but they have like a ridiculous amount of ways to feed in variable data19:09
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fungigerrit database edits completed without error, proceeding with gerrit filesystem changes19:10
openstackstatusjeblair: finished sending alert19:10
clarkbnow to do github this will be new and exciting19:10
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fungigerrit filesystem changes completed without incident, lucene search reindex running now19:12
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fungizaro: we can either adjust the manifest for zuul-dev so that the file gets installed, or adjust the layout.yaml to not include it. depends on whether we feel it necessary to test functions in it (maybe keep it around so we can still set the offline node option for ephemeral nodes we might want to test on jenkins-dev?)19:16
clarkbok github is done19:16
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fungilucene reindex has reached ~50%19:17
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zarofungi: ok.  i'll make an attempt to adjust manifest to include it so it can be tested.19:19
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fungilucene reindex just completed19:21
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fungieveryone ready for me to start gerrit again?19:21
jeblairfungi: yep19:21
zarorcarrillocruz: ping19:22
clarkbfungi: yes gitXX and github things have been renamed19:22
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fungihere goes19:22
fungiseems to be up and working19:22
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jeblairi'll start zuul now19:23
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jeblairshould be okay to merge the project-config changes now19:25
fungifor some reason gerrit's not giving me the option to select verified votes on 141812 but does on the other two19:25
fungigonna try flushing caches real quick19:25
fungiwhich of course makes gerrit very unresponsive for a minute :/19:26
clarkbfungi: if you have previous votes it doesn't let you add categories19:26
clarkbfungi: so the fix is vote 019:26
clarkbthen vote +2 all the things19:26
clarkbbecause gerrit19:26
fungithanks clarkb--that did it19:27
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fungiokay, approving them now19:27
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jeblair#status ok Gerrit is back online19:28
openstackstatusjeblair: sending ok19:28
fungidawned on me i didn't need to set verified on these anyway19:28
fungiso just did normal +2 and approve19:28
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zarocan someone tell me where things like '$::project_config::gerrit_acls_dir' in system-config repo get defined? i thought it might be in project-config repo but can't find it there either.19:29
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clarkbzaro: its part of the project_config module which now lives at openstack-infra/puppet-project_config19:30
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit is back online19:30
zaroclarkb: ahh, thanks!19:30
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openstackstatusjeblair: finished sending ok19:32
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Update gerrit rename instructions
jeblairwow, so many cloud errors19:37
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fungicloud errors?19:39
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: stackforge cookbook-ceph is being removed
jeblairfungi: nodepool -- rax-dfw nodes are going straight into error; novaclient 500s; timeouts waiting for servers in hpcloud to go active19:40
jeblairthat's actually probably why our 'delete' ratio seems so high -- nodes going straing from build to delete :(19:40
jeblairclarkb, fungi: i cleaned up the alien list19:42
fungiawesome--i was just about to do that. now i can do something else ;)19:42
clarkbjeblair: fungi: could we be leaking floating ips again? though timeouts probably aren't leaked floating IPs19:44
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fungiif it's hpcloud maybe19:45
jrolljeblair: what sort of errors on rax?19:45
jeblairjroll: nova error state19:45
jrolljeblair: any details, though?19:45
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jeblairjroll: probably not at this point -- we should have nodepool query nova and log info there :/19:46
fungii'm going to start going through and marking system-config changes wip or abandoning depending on whether they're split between openstack_infra and other modules or don't modify openstack_infra and the remaining files in that repo at all19:46
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Moves the <service>-api repos to the attic
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: move oslo.version to attic
jrolljeblair: ok, poking around to see if there's known things19:47
jeblairjroll: (because it immediately starts deleting servers in that case)19:47
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Better image checking in update_image command
jeblairfungi: all 3 changes are merged -- should i re-enable ansible cron?19:48
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clarkbasselin_: ^ that is what I have whipped up after a few minutes of tackling the problem19:48
fungijeblair: yep, go for it19:48
* asselin_ looking19:48
jeblairi think that's everything then19:48
clarkbasselin_: I think it should fix the case you ran into and another case where the old code wasn't quite right19:48
clarkbjeblair: woot19:49
fungijeblair: thanks--i'll check back in on the acls in a bit and make sure they're appropriately updated19:49
clarkbjeblair: do we need to debug the locking around ansible runs?19:49
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jeblairclarkb: looking at /opt/system-config/production/, i don't see any locking19:51
jeblairi have to run, back in a bit19:51
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clarkbI think the cron it self has the lock. I will check19:51
asselin_clarkb, +119:52
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clarkbjeblair: fungi hrm doesn't look like there is locking. I will write a patch for that19:53
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fungik, awesome19:55
clarkbasselin_: so you ran it and it fixed your error?19:55
asselin_clarkb, yes it did!19:55
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asselin_clarkb, thank you :)19:56
jrolljeblair: still seeing rax issues?19:56
asselin_clarkb, installed it here: and ran the image-update as before as nodepool user19:58
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jrolljeblair: at any rate, not seeing issues on our end20:01
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Use flock around puppet_run_all script
clarkbfungi: jeblair that should do it20:03
clarkbjroll: I can look in a secnd20:03
asselin_clarkb, the error message could be improved however in the case that there is no label-image mapping:
jrollclarkb: ok, tenant id would be helpful too if you are seeing problems20:03
clarkbasselin_: hrm I thought I covered all errors with explicit errors20:04
clarkbasselin_: so that failure happened because no label has image dpcfc?20:04
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clarkbasselin_: line 185 of my change is what guards against that then line 225 should report that error20:05
clarkbasselin_: oh I see the bug derp20:05
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Better image checking in update_image command
clarkbasselin_: ^ I used the wrong variable name in one location20:06
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pleia2thanks guys, I think now I should drink more beer at fosdem :)20:20
clarkbpleia2: yes!20:21
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asselin_clarkb, looking now20:25
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fungii checked the 8 renamed projects in gerrit and all of them have the new read-only acls applied correctly, so manage-projects seems to have been successful once puppet was restored to order20:26
fungiand i've skimmed all outstanding system-config changes, either abandoning (if they only applied to other puppet modules than openstack_project) or marked wip (if they applied to openstack_project and one or more other modules). i'll follow up to the mailing lists letting everyone know to check their abandoned changes20:28
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openstackgerritAnne Gentle proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adds a Sphinx theme for use for
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Mithrandirpleia2: ooh, at fosdem?  Slightly envious.20:36
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fungilooks like we have 6 more module-split topic reviews waiting for a second +2 and approval. the end is in sight!20:37
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asselin_clarkb, -1, error message shows but is misleading. see my comment on the patch
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openstackgerritAnne Gentle proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adds a Sphinx theme for use for
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fungiclarkb: jhesketh: this change looks like it had a couple of log upload failures today
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clarkbasselin_ thanks will fix20:52
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Fix module order
clarkbasselin_ not sure how it gets there though since the first loop should only add providers with labels that have that image20:53
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-ulimit: Add puppet module files for puppet-ulimit
asselin_clarkb, yea, I'm looking at that too...after re-reading your previous comment 12:0520:54
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-unbound: Add puppet module files for unbound
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-user: Add puppet module files for puppet-user
clarkboh i see because if you specify the specific provider then it goes there20:54
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-unattended_upgrades: Add puppet module files for unattended_upgrades
clarkbI can fix that20:55
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Better image checking in update_image command
clarkbasselin_: ^ how is that?21:25
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* asselin_ looking21:26
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asselin_clarkb, looks good: Exception: No label with image dpc is provided by provider p21921:28
asselin_clarkb, will check the other cases now make sure they still work :)21:28
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clarkbasselin_: cool -1 away if necessary :)21:29
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-etherpad_lite: Add missing LICENSE file
fungithat ^ one got missed21:31
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fungii probably raced with a boilerplate approval on it and so didn't pick it up until my clean-up pass just now21:31
clarkbfungi: should we rm the py33 stuff now?21:32
clarkbfungi: eg have we reached enough consensus on the thread to do that?21:32
fungiclarkb: if you're ready21:32
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fungiclarkb: yeah, dhellmann confirmed21:32
fungii'll send an announcement to the ml later this evening once it switches over21:33
clarkbfungi: did you see AJaeger's -1 at ?21:34
clarkbI approved the first patch in the chain though21:34
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Update Gerrit Puppet module for Trusty
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clarkband the -1 may explain why the test failed too21:34
fungiunfortunately the log is truncated21:35
clarkbfungi: ya but I am pretty sure that the thing ajaeger points out is why it failed21:35
clarkbI have just approved and can rebuild images to see if that makes jenkins happier once that merges21:36
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fungiclarkb: i'm not sure what AJaeger suggests i'm missing in jenkins/jobs/python-jobs.yaml21:38
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fungithough i do see that i missed deleting the template from the python-jobs group in the later wip change 15171521:39
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clarkbfungi: I think the jjb job group for python jobs must do 33 and not 3421:40
clarkbso the layout check breaks when looking for 34 jos21:40
fungiclarkb: it has both in it already21:41
clarkboh nevermind then21:41
* clarkb runs the tox command locally to see the error21:41
fungii have it running right now21:41
fungishould know something momentarily21:41
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Suspend Py3K jobs for oslo.messaging oslo.rootwrap
fungiJob gate-ironic-discoverd-python34 not defined21:42
fungithere we go21:42
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clarkbwhat is an ironic-discoverd?21:44
fungia stackforge thing21:44
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clarkbI can't help but think about ironic discoveries let us see what google has to say about that21:44
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clarkbwow ironic-discoverd comes up when I search ironic discovery gj21:45
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Switch from Python 3.3 to 3.4 for Py3K jobs
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Stop using py3k-precise nodes
fungianyway, fixed those couple changes ^21:45
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Do not use cache while fetching console logs
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add to zuul-dev.o.o
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Declare a non-overlapping dynamic UID/GID range
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Run review-dev on Ubuntu Trusty
clarkbsweet rebuilding bare-trusty nodes now21:49
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add openstack/oslo.versionedobjects
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Run review-dev on Ubuntu Trusty
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zarofungi: you know what happened here?
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fungizaro: i'm wondering if we have a problem with the swift upload script on centos6 workers21:59
fungiclarkb: jhesketh: ^21:59
clarkbmtreinish: still around? what do I need to do to skip the shelve test?21:59
clarkbmtreinish: I bet there are docs I should read huh?21:59
mtreinishclarkb: hmm, I'm not sure we have docs for that one22:00
mtreinishbut basically just push a patch to tempest with a skip_because decorator on the test22:00
clarkbok I can grep for examples22:00
mtreinishI can find an example one sec22:00
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mtreinishclarkb: oh look at that there is a doc on it :)
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-httpd: Rename apache2 to httpd globally
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nibalizerafternoon y'all22:02
nibalizerawesome to see pleia2 getting nominated for core22:02
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fungiokay, heading out to grab some dinner, then i'll be back to send the couple of announcements i owe the ml22:03
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add a test for enqueuing complex dependencies
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Support cross-repo-dependencies in dependent pipelines
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Support cross-repo-dependencies in independent pipelines
zaronibalizer: afternoon22:05
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zaronibalizer: hey how do you check that puppet is even running? is there a status command?22:06
zaronibalizer: i meant the agent22:06
jeblairzaro: we don't run the agent, we run puppet apply from the puppetmaster22:07
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jeblairzaro: you can check for an individual host on
jeblairzaro: review-dev, storyboard-dev, and zuul-dev are all having problems right now22:08
jeblairwhere problems == not able to run puppet22:08
clarkbfungi: we should ping ryanpetrello about running a pecan scaffolds 34 job22:08
clarkbryanpetrello: ^ you have been pung22:08
jeblairthat's some good pingin22:09
clarkbryanpetrello: see
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clarkbryanpetrello: we are trying to move away from py33 since the test nodes for that are a bit crazy. But you get 34 now which is more awesomer :)22:09
clarkbryanpetrello: just pointing out that we should switch your pecan job there to 3422:09
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ryanpetrellofungi: you mind just changing that s/3/4 for me?22:10
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ryanpetrellothere already exists a scaffolds-34 in pecan's tox22:11
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jeblairzaro: there were mismatched ssh keys because of host replacement.  i have fixed it for review-dev and zuul-dev22:12
jeblairzaro: puppet should run on those hosts at 22:20 utc22:12
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jeblairzaro: or rather, between 22:20 and 22:3022:12
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jogoclarkb: thanks for
clarkbjogo: ya I tested the proposed nova fix and it idn't help so moving onward!22:17
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jogoclarkb: yeah I saw22:19
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mtreinishclarkb: I take it the centos 6 apply job is fubar? Or should I jsut recheck my patches22:23
clarkbwe should have new bare-trusty images shortly across all providers22:23
clarkbmtreinish: in some cases yes because git22:23
clarkbmtreinish: did it timeout?22:23
zaroclarkb: no log file22:24
mtreinishclarkb: err yeah I can't check because I get a 404 on the log link22:24
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zaromtreinish: i've already recheck, same thing again.22:25
clarkbhrm you know hpcloud centos6 images may be old enough that they don't have the fix for the virtualenv stuff22:25
clarkblet me try rebuilding those. Likely an image was renamed22:25
jeblairmtreinish: link to change or 404 log link?22:26
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mtreinishjeblair: and
mtreinishjeblair: the 404's are and
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Just store preseed subunit stream
clarkbya I think that when we are under more node contention hpcloud gets used for those images and they are out of date22:28
clarkband the reason they are out of date is epel22:28
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clarkbianw: are you weekending?22:28
jeblairmtreinish, clarkb: there's one of the failures22:29
jeblair2015-01-30 20:28:05.706 | /tmp/ line 2: /usr/zuul-swift-logs-env/bin/python: No such file or directory22:29
clarkbya the venv is missing22:29
clarkbwe need new images but Error: Cannot retrieve metalink for repository: epel. Please verify its path and try again22:29
jeblairwhy would that only affect hpcloud?22:29
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jeblairi have not read that yet, but i'm kind of dreading what i'm about to read22:30
mtreinishjeblair: yeah, I just read it, you're not going to like it...22:31
mtreinishtheir fix to the problem is to run: sudo sed -i "s/mirrorlist=https/mirrorlist=http/" /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo && sudo yum update22:31
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Sukhdevclarkb: can I ask you a quick question?22:32
jeblairwhere are these endpoints set?22:32
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clarkbI guess no one is interested in fixing the base image. that is from november22:32
jeblairwhy is the solution not to remove the endpoints that use ssl3.0 (and then nuke them from orbit)?22:32
jogomtreinish: wow is tempest's experimental list up to date22:32
clarkbSukhdev: sure22:32
jogomtreinish: are those all 'in progress'22:32
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mtreinishjogo: dunno, I haven't looked in a while, there's probably some pruning that could be done22:33
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Sukhdevclarkb: How do I find out why has this not merged yet -
SukhdevI looked at zuul status dashboard - I can not see it there22:33
jeblairclarkb, mtreinish: "sudo yum upgrade ca-certificates --disablerepo=epel" from
jeblairclarkb, mtreinish: so i'm guessing that what they actually need to do is to install a never ca-certs package on the base image?22:34
mtreinishjeblair: yeah that's what it sounds like22:34
clarkbSukhdev: thats a good question. I suppose it is possible that change got caught up in our gerrit downtime today22:35
clarkbSukhdev: you can safely recheck and it should go straight to the gate22:35
Sukhdevclarkb: "recheck no bug", right?22:35
mtreinishjogo: what were you looking at?22:35
jogoadding aiopcpu22:36
clarkbSukhdev: just `recheck` will work22:36
Sukhdevclarkb: cool - thanks22:36
clarkbjeblair: hrm we have that in prepare_node.sh22:36
clarkbjeblair: I am looking at the log more closely to see if it needs to happen earlier22:37
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run aiopcpu experimental job in a several places
jogomtreinish: tempest has a very long list22:37
mtreinishjogo: yeah I just looked at the list, all of those are either in progress efforts or voting somewhere but not important enough to be voting on tempest22:37
Sukhdevclarkb: I did the "recheck" it did not go to gate queue, instead it went to check queue - is this normal?22:38
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* jeblair quietly discards flaming commit he was authoring22:38
jogomtreinish: what about keystonev3 full?22:38
mtreinishjogo: the only one I'm not sure about is why there is a ceilo mongo job which is smoke and full we probably don't need one of those22:38
mtreinishjogo: that's tempest using v3 auth only22:39
clarkbjogo: oh lol22:39
clarkber jeblair ^22:39
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clarkbjeblair: I will paste code and logs so we can see what happens22:39
jeblairclarkb: ++construcive approach22:39
jogomtreinish: that isn't our default yet?22:39
mtreinishjogo: I'd have to check with andreaf_ on the status of that, my guess is it would probably work fine though22:40
clarkbjeblair: the problem is the if yum repolist check fails due to the same error so then we skip the update ca-certs with the ignore epel option22:40
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jogomtreinish: well added aiopcpu so if that lands I will run check experimental on clarkb's patch to turn off the bad test22:40
clarkbjeblair: I don't know enough about yum to know exactly what we want here, but what if we just remove that if else check and always update ca-certificates without epel then update with epel22:40
mtreinishjogo: the rest of your d-g stack landed?22:41
clarkbjeblair: that is my naive suggestions22:41
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jogomtreinish: enough to get smoke working22:42
jogonext patch in series is turn on nova net multihost22:42
jeblairclarkb: i wonder if we can just check for a file's existence22:42
jogobut things should work without that too22:42
jeblairclarkb: i will spin up some hpcloud centos test nodes22:43
clarkbjeblair: sounds good22:43
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* jeblair learns nova boot22:44
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asselin_jeblair, nibalizer looks like module-split is basically done. last change that needs +A
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clarkbI was going to review that change but I already reviewed it22:45
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asselin_jeblair, nibalizer I updated!/story/302, added a clean-up task to remove the extra pre-merged changes.22:46
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jeblairasselin_, sweston: i still think we should merge 137991 -- it's super cool, handy institutional knowledge we shouldn't forget22:48
jeblairsweston: do you have time to address the comments there or maybe replace it with the latest version of what you actually ran?22:49
jeblairasselin_: thanks!22:49
asselin_jeblair, sweston did an awesome job. that saved a ton of time!22:49
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swestonjeblair: yes, I will address the comments now.22:50
swestonasselin_: thank you :-)22:50
Sukhdevclarkb: so, the recheck did not take to the gate - it is executing in the check queue - is there a way to get it into the gate - so that it can merge?22:52
clarkbSukhdev: hrm, it should've gone to the gate unless it cannot merge for some reason. I may need to look closer22:53
Sukhdevclarkb: can you please?22:54
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jeblairclarkb: so we can either test for /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo22:57
jeblairclarkb: or run  sudo yum update -y ca-certificates || sudo yum --disablerepo=epel update -y ca-certificates22:58
clarkbjeblair: I was thinking to double tap the yum update in order to get ca-certificates updated ptentially from epel after we do the first update?22:58
clarkbsudo yum --disablerepo=epel update -y ca-certificates ; sudo yum update -y ca-certificates22:59
jeblairclarkb: i don't think ca-certificates is expected to be in epel...22:59
clarkbjeblair: oh then why don't we just run it with the disablerepo always?22:59
jeblairclarkb: comment says "--disablerepo will fail"23:00
jeblairif we don't have epel configured23:00
jeblairyay, just corrupted my yum database; moving on to a new host :)23:00
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jeblairclarkb: i _think_ disablerepo=epel* might work23:02
jeblair(this is coming from finger memory from a past life; testing)23:02
clarkbif not your suggestion with the || sounds fine to me23:02
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clarkbSukhdev: I am not seeing anythin readily apparently in the zuul logs23:05
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix centos6 image updates on hpcloud
jeblairclarkb: i think epel* will work for us23:05
jeblairi will now detabify it.23:06
Sukhdevclarkb: interesting!! So, what would be the next step for me once it passes the check (it seems half way through) to get it to the gate?23:06
clarkbSukhdev: well hopefully it goes to the gate, if not then need to figure out what is keeping it out23:07
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix centos6 image updates on hpcloud
Sukhdevclarkb: OK I  will wait and see what happens next once it passes the check. Will ping you once the check is done23:07
clarkboh hrm recheck isn't a thing on the gate23:08
clarkbjeblair: ^ when did that change?23:08
clarkbso that probably explains it. needs to go to check then gate23:08
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move missing periodic qa jobs to tempest experimental
mtreinishanteaya, clarkb, jeblair: ^^^ should be a quick review23:09
jeblairclarkb: my guess is that is since it's only useful if zuul misses an event (since all genuine failures should end up with negative votes and need to go to check for clean-check)23:09
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Clean-up deleted/refactored puppet module repo not
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clarkbjeblair: do you need to escape the * to avoid shell globbing?23:10
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clarkbI guess that is only a problem if something glob matches epel* in the current dir23:10
jeblairclarkb: or glob matches "--disablerepo=epel"?23:11
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clarkbright :) its probably fine as is23:11
clarkb+2 I can rebuild images as soon as that merges23:11
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clarkbon the incomplete console log front: I can reproduce locally by fetching the same urls as the job23:17
clarkband the --no-cache option doesn't seem to help23:17
clarkbalso my browser exhibits the same behavior so I don't think wget and/or wget -c are at fault23:18
jeblairclarkb: oh interesting; how long after the job finished?23:18
clarkbhowever as soon as the job finishes I seem to get the complete log23:18
jeblairah ok23:19
clarkbjeblair: so it seems to do that while the job is running but works after the job completes23:19
jeblairclarkb: are you seeing the whole log in the browser?23:19
jeblairclarkb: or does the browser look the same?23:19
clarkbjeblair: when the job was running browser was truncated, after job finished log was complete in browser23:20
jeblairclarkb: so it seems like buffering, yeah?23:20
clarkbmaybe the slave process itself needs to flush23:20
jeblairclarkb: but we see it move one line at a time on slow jobs23:20
clarkboh right so in the browser on the normal cosole page that worked23:20
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clarkbso probably not the slave. sorry when I was talking about truncated things in the browser above I meanted looking at the urls that the swift uploader is grabbing23:21
clarkb vs first one is complete second one was truncated until job end23:21
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jeblairclarkb: jenkins actually using a POST with start=x parameter23:23
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clarkbjeblair: I am just going to approve now. I want those images rebuilt23:23
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jeblairclarkb: ++23:23
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clarkbjeblair: wait the 420/console path is doing a POST to get the data back?23:26
jeblairclarkb: a POST to progressiveHtml23:27
* clarkb turns on some chromium developer tools23:27
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Fix centos6 image updates on hpcloud
clarkbunfortunately that means we have to calculate our start: X offset manually since wget -c probably won't23:31
clarkbbut it seems to work23:31
jeblairclarkb: i'm not understanding this yet23:31
jeblairclarkb: this isn't a problem in all cases -- do we know if there's a pattern?23:32
jeblairclarkb: i just watched and it worked normally23:32
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clarkbjeblair: I think it has to do with file length. the layout job console is much longer/larger than the other jobs23:33
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clarkbjeblair: so the other jobs get the entire log the first go around whereas the layout console is longer and needs to try again (assuming buffering is happening)23:33
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jeblairclarkb: and you're thinking progressiveHTML has a limit to how much it will serve?23:34
zarozuul question: noop jobs should get return success back to gerrit immediately correct?  for some reason noop jobs are getting stuck in the zuul queue.
zarocan anybody help?23:34
clarkbjeblair: ya23:34
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jeblairzaro: no merger running23:36
jeblairzaro: 2015-01-30 22:51:48,069 DEBUG zuul.MergeClient: Submitting job merger:merge with data {'items': [{'oldrev': None, 'newrev': None, 'refspec': u'refs/changes/72/5272/3', 'merge_mode': 2, 'number': u'5272', 'project': 'gtest-org/gtest', 'url': 'ssh://', 'branch': u'master', 'patchset': u'3', 'ref': 'Z5a2e180e51ae467faad89dcca5f8d13b'}]}23:36
clarkbI am rebuilding centos6 images now23:36
jeblairzaro: that's the last action from the log file23:36
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zarojeblair: thanks23:37
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fungiclarkb: the scaffords33 job wasn't being run anyway, which is why i removed that section23:40
clarkbjeblair: I think we could probably switch over to `curl -XPOST --data="$(wc -c /tmp/console.html || echo 0)" $URLTOJENKINSPROGHTML` >> /tmp/console.html23:40
fungiryanpetrello: ^23:41
fungier, scaffolds23:41
fungioh, actually i do see it in the layout on master now23:42
clarkbthough maybe stat would be faster than wc23:43
fungiahh, i see my confusion. updating 151713 accordingly23:43
jeblairclarkb: sounds reasonable23:44
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fungiryanpetrello: i haven't tried that job on python 3.4 since it wasn't a standard py34 tox env, but if you suspect it works then fine by me23:44
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asselinjeblair, fungi: last one, really:
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Switch from Python 3.3 to 3.4 for Py3K jobs
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Stop using py3k-precise nodes
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fungiclarkb: ryanpetrello: ^23:47
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jogoclarkb: I just noticed tempest-full version of aiopcpu takes 20 minutes or so23:48
jogowhile regular tempest-full takes 33 minutes23:48
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jogohmm maybe not23:49
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jogooh that was when devstack was broken23:49
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clarkbjeblair: centos6 iamge builds are progressing now.23:51
fungiclarkb: did you manato spot what was broken with swift log uploads for centos6?23:53
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* fungi skipped some of the copious scrollback which accumulated while he was dining23:53
clarkbfungi: ya hpcloud images were ancient due to epel cert fun. jeblair whipped up a fix23:53
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