Friday, 2015-07-31

jeblairjhesketh, clarkb: there are two issues: the any/all thing caused changes to show up in gate that did not have jenkins+1.  it's fairly harmless00:00
jeblairjhesketh, clarkb: the getting stuck is caused by the fix for things getting stuck, and yeah, i'm working on reproing00:00
jheskethjeblair: right, good find00:00
jheskethsorry I havne't been able to help more with debugging00:01
jeblairjhesketh: (though note we did revert the any/all thing until we can straighten that out)00:01
ianwclarkb / EmilienM: sure, some generic way to copy logs is fine.  i just don't think devstack-gate cleanup is it.  for a start, it's got all that grenade $BASE crap in there that i don't think works with the posted review00:01
jheskethjeblair: yep, saw that. And given the confusion in the scrollback looks like it needs some work anyway00:01
jeblairjhesketh: np00:01
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dstanekianw: yep, that would do it00:01
clarkbianw: ya my suggestion was to change it to taking a prefix00:01
clarkbianw: then that could default to the $BASE stuff00:01
ianwclarkb / EmilienM: i think i'd prefer to see that copied out and cleaned up into a much smaller slave_script that doesn't bother with the devstack stuff00:03
clarkbianw: thats fine too00:03
ianwclarkb / EmilienM : yes it's some duplication ,but it's all pretty trivial stuff, and gives good separation of logic00:03
EmilienMI can do that00:03
clarkbas a third alternative we could use d-g to do the setup00:03
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clarkband cleanup00:03
clarkbbut run puppet in the middle instead of devstack00:03
clarkbbut we may have sailed way beyond that ship at this point00:04
EmilienMclarkb: that's a great idea though00:04
ianwclarkb: yeah, i think that a generic log collecting script can be useful in more places, too00:04
EmilienMimagine devstack able to pull our integration script00:04
EmilienMianw, clarkb, crinkle: so can I go for a slave bash script in project-config that take some piece of code from d-g and do the cleanup? If so I'll make the script flexible so anyone can re-use it maybe00:05
ianwEmilienM: i'd like to see you just copy cleanup_host into a slave script, and go through it and cut out all the devstack/grendade stuff so you're just getting pretty generic openstack logs00:06
ianwremove all the $BASE/old/new switching stuff, etc, that isn't relevant00:07
EmilienMianw: ok00:07
EmilienMclarkb: does that work for you too?00:07
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jeblairclarkb, jhesketh, fungi: reproduced!  the trigger is a change in the queue with a non-succeeding build for a job that is removed.00:12
jeblair(in the most recent case, the non-succeeding value was NOT_REGISTERED)00:12
jeblair(but FAILED will do as well)00:12
clarkbEmilienM: ianw ya that seems like a reasonable place to start00:13
EmilienMclarkb: ack00:13
EmilienMthanks infra'00:13
fungijeblair: wow, i didn't realize we remove jobs from zuul with that great a frequency, but with as many as we have i shouldn't be surprised00:16
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Shrewsreed: this message is suspicious  "that fixed IP already has a floating IP on external network"00:23
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Shrewsreed: looks like you're trying to associate a floating IP with a port that already has a floating IP. i can't verify that from the output you pasted00:23
reedShrews, yeah, my brain is starting to melt ... the good thing is that using auto_IP=True creates a machine and assisgns a floating IP00:23
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reedif I set auto_IP=False and try to assign an IP then it fails...00:24
reedi'll do more tests tomorrow and keep good track of everything00:24
Shrewsreed: please do. if you can create a reproducible test case, please forward that to me00:24
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reedShrews, try on DreamHost00:26
reedthis is what I got running that file:
reedI have to go now, i'm done for the day00:28
Shrewsreed: i've been done.  :)  will try it tomorrow00:28
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openstackgerritDmitry Borodaenko proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add non voting fuel agent python jobs
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pleia2thingee: for the sake of publicly logged record, I've disabled "StorPool distributed storage CI" as requested on
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pleia2...and I just noticed the mailing list post where anteaya said the same, so apparently someone else got to it first00:46
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pleia2anyway, etherpad is updated so hopefully we're all on the same page now :)00:47
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Fix bug with removing a failed job
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jeblairfungi, clarkb, jhesketh: ^ there's a fix00:49
jeblairfungi, clarkb, jhesketh: i've verified that passes both pep8 and py27 locally00:50
jheskethjeblair: looking00:50
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clarkb I am reviewing too00:52
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jheskethjeblair: lgtm00:55
StevenKConference wifi is conference wifi00:55
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jeblairclarkb, jhesketh: i'll work on applying that manually to zuul.o.o and restarting00:56
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StevenKclarkb: There's no jeepyb on the proposal slave -- I can move ZanataRestService and the registeration code into jeepyb -- or am I going about this the wrong way?00:57
clarkbStevenK: things that consume projects.yaml are generally expected to by jeepyb00:58
clarkb*to be00:58
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jeblairrestarting zuul00:59
clarkbso basically if we remove the job from a project then cancel and remove any exisitng instances of that job from items00:59
clarkbjeblair: shouldn't line 1202 be if build and build.result not if build.job and build.rsult?01:00
jeblairclarkb: yeah, we were canceling, but leaving the builds in the buildset (and therefore report) cause "why not?", but that was before we actually _acted_ on them :)01:00
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StevenKclarkb: Adding translate: true to projects.yaml was also agreed to in an infra meeting, did I see you object to it?01:00
jeblairclarkb: gah, that's from an earlier attempt, i think it can simply not change now.  thanks.01:00
jeblairi think that will be harmless in production though, so we don't need to abort the restart01:00
clarkbStevenK: I was informed that its useful because having all projects in zanata will make life hard for translator01:01
clarkbjeblair: ok01:01
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StevenKclarkb: Yes, not every project requires translations01:02
clarkbStevenK: my bigger concern is coming up with a second pattern for which there are a known set of things to do01:02
clarkbjeepyb + projects.yaml + puppet == update projects in gerrit and storyboard01:02
clarkb(and on git mirrors)01:02
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jeblairStevenK: so i think clarkb is suggesting that we should drive this on zanata.o.o itself via jeepyb rather than via zuul01:03
clarkbyup, similra to the examples above01:03
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Fix bug with removing a failed job
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clarkbI am amazed that we were removing jobs from projects with this frequency01:04
jeblairclarkb, jhesketh: ^ reverified locally, and also rebased01:04
jeblairclarkb: the example i looked at was actually a job rename01:05
StevenKI don't think I want to shoehorn it into manage-projects, but I will refactor the code for the project-config into a jeepyb module/CLI01:05
StevenKjeblair, clarkb: ^01:05
StevenKThere's a missing branch in that sentence but oh well01:05
clarkbStevenK: it doesn't have to go in manage-projects, but it should go in jeepyb01:06
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jeblairStevenK: that sounds good01:06
clarkb(in fact I don't think it should go in manage-projects)01:06
jeblairyeah, it'll be nice to have some modularity in jeepyb; it's another project that hasn't really been 'designed' :)01:06
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack/requirements: Synchronize bandit's requirements with global-requirements
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StevenKclarkb: I will not Abandon the project-config change at the moment, but I'll Workflow-1 so it doesn't get a +A by accident01:07
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clarkbStevenK: ok01:07
jeblairomg some of the change records that zuul queries from gerrit are HUGE01:07
clarkbjeblair: should I go ahead an dapprove the zuul change?01:07
jeblairclarkb: yep, thanks01:08
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jeblairwhy is nothing running?01:09
clarkbdoesnt look like gearman submitted jobs01:11
jeblairclarkb: i think maybe we're waiting on mergers?01:11
jeblairit's the gear listening address thing again01:13
jeblairjhesketh: what's the current situation with that?01:13
jeblairi wrote but it has not merged01:14
jeblairi guess i'll just manually apply that too and restart zuul01:14
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clarkbI don't know what that situation is, will read 204682 to catch up01:16
clarkboh it listens on but mergers are off host01:17
jeblairthings are running now01:17
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jheskethjeblair: ah, you might still be hitting the host issue01:18
jheskethjeblair: I had been patching zuul.conf to listen on
jheskethuntil the real fix merges01:18
jeblairjhesketh: ah ok01:19
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jheskethjeblair: if you remember the first instance of the problem after restoring we had a lot of NOT_REGISTERED errors01:19
jeblairhopefully clarkb will +3 204682 and then the next time we restart zuul it'll be running the two local changes it is now :)01:19
clarkbyup just did it01:19
jheskeththe fix for that was to boot a new nodepool node of that type as when it registers with jenkins that's when jenkins sends a CAN_DO01:20
jeblairjhesketh: we should be okay because the ramp-down while zuul was stuck allowed nodepool to have all node types ready01:20
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jheskethjeblair: right, but I think the registering matters because gearman gets restarted too01:21
jheskethbut so long as nodes are cycling through it'll be fine01:21
jeblairjhesketh: it does, but it waits for the function set to settle, so generally, if you start with a full complement of node types, it should be fine01:21
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jeblair(and workers are constantly trying to reconnect to gearman, so they do so immediately on zuul start)01:22
jheskethjeblair: right, okay01:23
jeblair(though i do think we should add a dequeue command and then drop the registration check; it's sort of getting annoying, and we don't usually mess that up these days)01:23
jeblair(the dequeue command so that we can recover from when we do mess it up)01:23
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jeblairanyway, i think this should be good now, and i've got the re-enqueues chugging along; i'm going to get some food now01:24
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Specify gearman server listen address with separate option
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Do not run keystone-propose-config-updates
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anteayapleia2: thank you01:32
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anteayapleia2: I should have updated the ehterpad, I didn't do that, sorry01:32
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pleia2anteaya: we got there in the end01:34
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Move hook-{name}-rtfd to proposal node
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Create a repository for stackforge/xstatic-mdi
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Set build descriptions less often
anteayapleia2: we did, thanks01:36
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: jenkins: implement copy-puppet-logs publisher
EmilienMianw, clark, crinkle: done ^01:37
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rick__anteaya: Hi Anteaya, Are you here?01:38
anteayahi rick__01:39
anteayayour system is disabled because it doesn't work01:39
anteayaso first thing, get it to work01:39
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anteayarick__: then after it is working come back here and tell us which of the three gerrit accounts you want associated with the account:
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: jenkins: implement copy-puppet-logs publisher
anteayarick__: there were three, that makes us unhappy01:41
anteayarick__: and please don't make any more gerrit accounts that share an email address, each gerrit account should have a unique email address for each account01:41
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EmilienManteaya: you still here? :)01:44
anteayaEmilienM: I am01:44
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Create a repository for stackforge/xstatic-roboto-fontface
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Write post job logs to apache and swift
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add repo for apps-catalog-ui
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anteayaEmilienM: I am in Brisbane01:47
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EmilienManteaya: oh dear !01:48
EmilienManteaya: it's very far01:48
anteayatook a while to get here, yeah01:49
anteayawinter in Brisbane and summer at my house is about the same weather01:49
jheskethanteaya: quite similar for me... one of my brisbane coworkers is wearing a jacket and scarf!01:51
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rick__anteaya: I don't know why has three account. Sorry.01:52
anteayajhesketh: ha ha ha01:52
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anteayarick__: okay how did you create the account? perhaps there is a step in the account creation that has a problem01:53
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anteayasometimes that happens01:53
anteayaif three accounts with the same email was not intentional01:53
anteayajhesketh: I love seeing the fur trimmed down jackets01:53
anteayaI hold myself back from pointing and laughing01:54
EmilienMw00t, zuul down to 256 jobs, awesome01:54
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rick__anteaya: In a previous, I follow third-part ci document to send email to request account. And I had send email to request change account name.01:55
rick__anteaya: But I only use an account in my zuul configuration.01:57
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anteayarick__: okay, let's get your jobs working first01:59
anteayarick__: then we can get thingee to approve01:59
anteayarick__: then we can figure out which gerrit account id to re-enable01:59
anteayarick__: sound okay?01:59
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anteayarick__: do you understand that your account was disabled because your system continued to post failures for everything02:00
rick__anteaya: OK, Thanks. Yes, I understand it.02:01
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thingeerick__: what was the reason this time?02:02
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rick__anteaya: I don't know which changed to make my ci machine get error "2015-07-29 10:04:46.128013 ImportError: cannot import name deploy" in the log keystone.log of the apache.log.02:06
anteayathingee: this is
rick__anteaya: I need uninstall "python-pastedeploy" for each ci verifying.02:07
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rick__anteaya: Please re-enable the only one gerrit id "prophetstor-ci" for us, Thanks.02:10
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anteayarick__: well first we need to hear that thingee is ready for it to be re-enabled02:11
anteayaso can you run some jobs and show thingee the logs of some successful runs?02:11
rick__anteaya: OK, Thanks.02:12
anteayathank you02:12
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thingeewhoa he just walked on out of here.02:12
anteayathingee: it makes me sad when they do that02:13
anteayahang around folks02:14
anteayasomeone might offer some help02:14
anteayathingee: tell us when you want them re-enabled02:14
anteayawe will wait to hear from you02:15
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openstackgerritKun Huang proposed openstack/os-testr: update requirements
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rick__anteaya:, this is my testing now.02:19
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anteayarick__: great, let's see a few more02:20
rick__thingee:, this is my openstack ci testing report now.02:20
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rick__anteaya: I has some problem, sometime I don't know which changed to make failure but our cinder volume driver did not change any code. This problem sometime need more time to fix.02:22
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anteayarick__: ah okay, yes that is why we disabled the account, you need to show us the problem is fixed before you are re-enabled02:24
anteayarick__: so take the time you need to fix the problem02:24
rick__anteaya: And these failure did not relate on the cinder project. It usually make the devstack unable to work.02:24
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anteayaso your system has a problem02:24
anteayathat needs to be fixed02:24
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rick__anteaya: Like this, the system is fine some days. I don't know which changed to make us need to uninstall the "python-pastedeploy" to solve this problem.02:26
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rick__anteaya: So, Now, I need wait thingee to check the attached report and re-enable my gerrit account, right.02:31
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: jenkins: implement copy-puppet-logs publisher
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StevenKTurns out jeepyb is on pypi, using a short git sha as the version, from 201303:45
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anteayarick__: well part of the problem is that your system started failing and you were not aware of it03:56
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anteayarick__: I highly recommend you find a way to monitor your system so that if this happens again and your jobs start failing you notice and disable it yourself03:57
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anteayarick__: actually you need to figure out what changed that created the problem, find a way to monitor your system, convey you have completed these steps to thingee so that he can see it for himself and then he will communicate with infra04:10
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Nakatolifeless: Does the requirements management spec have a blueprint, does it need one?04:51
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openstackgerritAndrei V. Ostapenko proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move from stackforge/magnetodb to openstack/magnetodb
openstackgerritAndrei V. Ostapenko proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Changes jobs description for MagnetoDB
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rick__thingee: HI Thingee.05:11
lifelessNakato: enfi05:12
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rick__thingee: I ready fixed my CI machine, can you re-enable my gerrit account "prophetstor-ci".
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Retry change query if change not found
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anteayarick__: as I said both in logs and in my rationale for refusing your post to third-party-announce, you have some work to do05:42
anteayarick__: if you can't stay connected to the channel, please read the channel logs05:42
rick__anteaya: OK, I got. I already set e-mail alert in my jenkins server.05:43
rick__anteaya: And I already fixed the devstack unable to start issue.Verify it again based on my ci machine last failure project.05:45
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anteayarick__: great, thingee is probably unavailable right now, when the sun is in the sky over north america next try to find him in the -cinder channel05:49
rick__anteaya: Thanks05:53
rick__anteaya: Can you pass my message to him by email?05:53
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ianwEmilienM: thanks, that's on the right path, but big bits of that should be cut and bits don't work.  i've got some ideas, i won't get to it today but i might make some edits and send it back to you05:59
openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed openstack-infra/jeepyb: Add a register-zanata-projects script
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openstackgerritRyu Ishimoto proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Set DEVSTACK_GATE_SETTINGS for midonet gate job
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anteayarick__: why don't you join #openstack-cinder and leave the message yourself06:08
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anteayarick__: and if you can't stay connected to irc, read the cinder channel logs:
anteayarick__: it would be good if you learned how to communication effectively using irc06:09
rick__anteaya: OK, thanks.06:10
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
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openstackgerritTim Rupp proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Adds onlyIfSuccessful to ArtifactArchiver publisher
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nimhi is any one facing below issue in FC passthrough for rasselin CI07:11
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nimwe are using ubuntu 14.0407:12
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Pass socket timeout to swiftclient
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Process config options via os-client-config
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Remove unused server functions
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-os_client_config: Manage OSCC config file with Puppet
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add openstack-infra/puppet-infra-cookiecutter project
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openstackgerritDoron Chen proposed openstack-infra/project-config: adding a new openstack/storlets project
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SergKhi, My patch (create project on stackforge) was successfully merged, so, who can help me to become a member of fuel-mirror-core group,members08:50
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openstackgerritGreg Chapple proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Allow reviewers to be defined in .gitreview file
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove non-voting job from networking-odl
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: jenkins: implement copy-puppet-logs publisher
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: jenkins: implement copy-puppet-logs publisher
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openstackgerritMichael Prokop proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add ClamAV Plugin support
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nagyzI've pushed in a change for devstack, however i noticed jenkins didn't run gate-tempest-dvsm-full-ceph on it. is there a way for me to ask jenkins nicely to please run it on my change as well?09:58
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Fix bug with removing a failed job
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Per IRC meeting owner, this is at 2000
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kashyapmordred: lol! -- "The Real Slim Shade"11:08
kashyapmordred: I was quietly working in a coffee shop and stumbled on this.  While I began to read the first line of the abstract, my brain was humming the tune and I was laughing out loud, to the amusement of people around.11:09
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kashyapCrazy.  (But, thanks for the laughs!)11:12
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dims_hmm, "test nodes" graph shows just blue ("in use"), nothing in building/available/deleting for the past 2 hours at least -,%20%27Building%27),%20%27ffbf52%27)&target=color(alias(sumSeries(,%11:38
dims_oops -
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openstackgerritBharat Kumar Kobagana (BharatK) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: WIP: Add experimental glusterfs-manila job
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tobiashhi, how do you upgrade zuul in the openstack infrastructure without loosing gerrit events? Do you schedule a downtime or is it possible to upgrade zuul seamlessly?11:57
openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed openstack-infra/jeepyb: Add a register-zanata-projects script
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openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add newlines to the ends of files
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add newlines to the ends of files
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openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add newlines to the ends of files
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add newlines to the ends of files
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sdaguefungi: so I haven't really been keeping up with why zuul has been so touchy this week. It might be really good to have someone in the know send a post mortem to the list to help people understand.12:51
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openstackgerritGreg Chapple proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Allow reviewers to be defined in .gitreview file
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fungisdague: agreed. i've been mostly out of touch this week as well12:54
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openstackgerritwill soula proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for whitesource plugin
fungisdague: i sort of caught the tail end of the resolution last night, but jhesketh has been the one in the trenches on most of the incidents and jeblair did the research and fixes so it's probably better for one of them to elaborate12:57
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pabelangertobiash: schedule downtime12:57
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sdaguefungi: looks like graphite crashed again13:03
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akuznetsovahi guys, is there a way to deploy environment the same as on bare-trusty/bare-precise node ?13:05
akuznetsovaI found some puppets in system-config, but I am not sure what exactly I need to use13:06
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pabelangerakuznetsova: you can look at the prepare node script in project-config:
pabelangerwe have for baren nodes13:07
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akuznetsovapabelanger, thanks, I will try13:11
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StevenKQueue lengths: 1318 events, 1724 results.  Hmmm, I don't think Zuul is happy13:20
fungiStevenK: merge or reset in progress?13:20
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StevenKfungi: I don't think so, but my browser is *really* unhappy with zuul's status page13:22
fungiyeah, i expect the queue is just really huge, but i'll look when i'm at a computer with enough ram13:22
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StevenKHmmm, the little graphs next to the queue lengths look to have dropped to 0 as well, which makes them look visually odd13:27
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fungiStevenK: yeah, graphite.o.o's carbon cache has likely oom'd again and needs a restart13:31
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fungi[Fri Jul 31 10:38:21 2015] Out of memory: Kill process 32197 ( score 753 or sacrifice child13:35
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fungirestarted now13:36
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StevenKfungi: Huh, I wonder if that was blocking something inside zuul, since the queues are emptying13:38
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fungiStevenK: nah, results queue up if they can't be processed fast enough, and then as they're processed many of those translate into more events13:39
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for instance_extra DBDeadlock bug 1480305
openstackbug 1480305 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "FloatingIPsTestJSON fails with DBDeadlock inserting into instance_extra" [Medium,Confirmed]
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fungiit seems to be burning through things sensibly13:40
fungiit just has a lot to do13:40
EmilienMfungi: do you have root permissions on Gerrit?13:41
fungiEmilienM: yeah, why?13:41
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EmilienMfungi: I have a request: - and add me + crinkle to the new group (I can add her myself also)13:42
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fungiEmilienM: that group doesn't seem to exist yet. something may be broken with our acl update automation13:47
EmilienMfungi: but the patch is not merged13:47
EmilienMmaybe I'm missing something13:47
EmilienMI'm trying to create the group actually13:47
fungiEmilienM: oh! the patch isn't approved yet13:48
EmilienMfungi: yeah :-)13:48
fungiEmilienM: sorry, in fix-what's-breaking mode rather than review-some-changes mode. lgtm, approving13:48
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EmilienMfungi: no problem ! infra is having hard time this week :(13:48
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pabelangerEmilienM: fungi I think the patch will fail.13:50
pabelangershouldn't it be:   create = group puppet-manager-release13:51
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fungioh, yep gerrit's going to fail to apply that acl. good catch13:52
EmilienMfungi: can you -2 before it merges?13:52
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fungii unapproved it13:52
EmilienMpabelanger: thanks13:52
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fungiit won't merge without a workflow +113:52
pabelangerEmilienM: some issue is in other puppet-*.configs13:52
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fungii assume you meant s/some/same/13:54
fungiif so, i agree and have marked them just now13:54
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: gerrit/puppet-openstack: create puppet-manager-release group
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fungipabelanger: if patchset #2 looks right to you, then i'm happy to reapprove it13:56
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tobiashpabelanger: thanks for the information13:57
kragnizhow's zuul at the moment?13:59
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kragniz seems to be a bit stuck14:00
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fungikragniz: catching up slowly. i'm giving everything a careful going-over to make sure the system is healthy14:01
kragnizfungi: awesome, thanks!14:01
fungikragniz: i don't see any jobs running for that change14:02
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kragnizfungi: I didn't, either14:02
fungikragniz: oh, it needs to be reapproved. unset your workflow +1 and then set it again14:02
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nimhi fc passthrough is not working with new qemu version installing by devstack14:03
fungikragniz: recheck/reverify when there's already a jenkins +1 verified won't do any good. current limitation of how we use gerrit, it doesn't emit vote data in its event stream if an existing vote is replaced by a new vote of teh same value14:03
nimin ubuntu 14.0414:03
kragnizfungi: can I do that myself, or do I need the person who set workflow +1 originally to do it?14:03
kragnizfungi: okay, good to know14:03
fungikragniz: i believe i heard this is fixed in newer gerrit releases, once we're able to safely upgrade14:03
Shrewsreed: I sent you an email about the shade problem we discussed last night14:03
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fungikragniz: oh, if you're a core reviewer on that project, just add an additional workflow +114:04
fungikragniz: if you're not, you need to get a core reviewer for glance to add an additional workflow +1 or have flaper87 unset and readd his (if he's around)14:04
kragnizfungi: cool, I just did it myself14:05
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openstackgerritJohn Trowbridge proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add ability to build ironic-python-agent ramdisk from packages
kragnizlooks like a job kicked off, so we're all good :)14:05
kragnizthanks for the help14:05
funginim: exciting. i don't think we use fc passthrough. you might want to discuss that with ubuntu and/or nova developers?14:05
nimits part of cinder third party testing14:06
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nimthis is what i am facing
funginim: neat. maybe there's someone here who knows about it, but it's not really on topic14:07
nimrasselin patrickeast might know14:08
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pabelangerannegentle: Do you mind deleting the icehouse-update branch from
pabelangerannegentle: we plan on importing it into openstack-infra, and just doing some house cleaning on it14:12
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fungigrar! NotFound: No Image matching {'name': 'Ubuntu Server 12.04.5 LTS (amd64 20150127) - Partner Image'}. (HTTP 404)14:16
fungii think hpcloud has retired/renamed base images on us again14:16
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fungiyep, that's now "Ubuntu Server 12.04.5 LTS (amd64 20150127) - Partner Image (deprecated)"14:17
fungiand looks like we need to switch to "Ubuntu Server 12.04.5 LTS (amd64 20150707) - Partner Image"14:18
fungipatch on the way14:18
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fungiyeah, they deprecated the 14.04.1 we were using too14:21
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nimfungi: passthrogh is working on 14.04.1 but not on 14.04.214:22
nimfungi: going with 14.04.1 as of now14:22
annegentlepabelanger: done14:22
funginim: not really relevant to what i'm working on, but good to know i guess in case we ever end up needing it14:23
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pabelangerannegentle: danke14:23
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EmilienMfungi: paul +1 (puppet/gerrit)14:25
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Update Ubuntu base image names for hpcloud
fungijeblair: clarkb: mordred: pleia2: ^14:28
greghaynesoh, new hp images?14:28
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fungigreghaynes: that same old fire drill, yes14:29
greghaynesfun fun14:29
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fungihpcloud is throwing a lot of 500 errors when trying to attach floating ips again14:31
fungialso rax-dfw claims we're over quota. presumably nodes stuck in delete state again14:32
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fungiseems like johnthetubaguy/alaski said that was a recent regression in nova cells14:32
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clarkbfor 500 errors with fips did we leak them?14:33
fungiclarkb: i don't think so, since i'd just cleaned some up a few minutes prior and there were <10014:34
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pabelangerfungi: you'd think they'd send out an email about the image renames :)14:38
bhunter71anyone know of something changing with python cron?  I have a few places where I disable things by setting cron to Feb 31, and.. these tasks seem to have started running in both zuul and nodepool.  Thanks!14:39
phschwartzI have a pretty large jjb setup for creating jobs on multiple jenkins servers. I just added a set of labels that go to hosts based on our cloud regions. Currently for jobs that I want to run on these servers I have a job-template with node: label1 that I want to pass the node to use in from the project block. I.e. label-ord, lable-dfw, etc. I just can't find a clean way to do it without creating the jobs directly and not using a job template14:39
phschwartz (currently used to create 25 jobs)14:39
phschwartzAny thouhgs?14:39
openstackgerritKyle Mestery proposed openstack-infra/project-config: fwaas: Enable python3 job
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fungiphschwartz: we do that currently. have the template specify node: {node}14:40
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fungiphschwartz: and then set node: somevalue in your project entries14:40
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fungiphschwartz: example
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phschwartzfungi: interesting. I tried that and get TypeError: cannot serialize {'node': None} (type dict)14:43
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fungiphschwartz: are you making sure to provide it for all your instantiations of that job-template?14:44
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phschwartzfungi: yes. Just verified that it is set for each14:45
fungidon't know what else to suggest other than look at our configs for anything you might be doing differently, and try to reduce your problem set to the simplest possible test case to make it easier to scrutinize14:47
swat30hey, not sure if you guys are responsible for the website, but is displaying an Nginx 40414:47
fungiswat30: we're not, but i'll bring it to the attention of those who are14:47
swat30cool, tks fungi14:47
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fungiswat30: though it's reachable just fine for me. may be a problem with one of their third-party proxy pool14:48
fungiswat30: you mean specifically, yes?14:48
swat30actually, just noticed, it's https://14:48
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fungihrm, yeah not sure if that exists/existed. checking14:49
swat30fungi, Google uses https://14:49
fungiyeah, i have some cached urls that indicate it worked at one time14:49
fungithanks, that's some good detail14:49
swat30cool, np14:50
pabelangerfungi: do you know the reason why we lose graphite? or the stats at the bottom on status.o.o/zuul?14:50
clarkbpabelanger carbon-cache OOMs14:51
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add openstack-infra/puppet-infra-cookiecutter project
pabelangerclarkb: ouch, that sucks14:51
clarkblooks like it may be a newish leak but also possibly tied to our large wueue sizes?14:51
clarkbcacti definitely shows a new uptick in memory use that wasnt there before14:52
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phschwartzfungi: Here is a cut down test that is failing. running it with `jenkins-jobs test -o test test.yaml`14:53
phschwartzfungi: here is the return
phschwartzfungi: jjb version 1.2.0 which pip is returning as the latest14:53
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Remove http.maxWait hack as fixed in Gerrit 2.5
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fungiphschwartz: sorry, i meant node: '{node}' like at
fungiphschwartz: jjb and yaml like to fight over what { and } mean14:57
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phschwartzfungi: ah, that did it. ty14:57
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fungipyyaml is interpreting {node} as a literal dict so jjb never gets a chance to replace the node parameter because it expects a string with the parameter name embedded14:58
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pleia2happy sysadmin day, my friends :)15:13
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nigelbpleia2: here's to a read-only friday on sysadmin appreciation day ;)15:16
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pleia2hah, yeah right15:16
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pleia2it's launch day! (after coffee)15:17
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for instance_extra DBDeadlock bug 1480305
openstackbug 1480305 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "FloatingIPsTestJSON fails with DBDeadlock inserting into instance_extra" [Medium,Confirmed]
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* fungi would rather have a write-only day15:20
fungiso much to get done15:20
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jeblairi'm signing up for an ovh account.  it's all in french, and google translate gives me:15:29
jeblair"A set of guides is not available to explain how not to manage your services:"15:30
jeblairwhich is, tbh, a huge disappointment.  i think we could really use a set of guides to explain how not to use openstack.15:30
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fungithat's great15:35
fungii thought they had an english-language site too, or maybe that was just for runabove specifically15:36
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jeblairfungi: apparently the ovh cloud is only accepting french accounts right now15:37
openstackgerritAnastasia Kuznetsova proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Mistral gate that run unit tests and use postgresql
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clarkbrunabove has english15:40
fungijeblair: put on a beret and fake an accent. you'll do fine15:40
jeblairfungi: pretty much what i did; the address is "Austin, TX, USA, France" and the phone number is the paris opera W hotel.15:41
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jeblairthe management interface supports english15:42
fungigranted, that is a pretty nice hotel15:42
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jeblaircreds are in the password fire15:43
jeblairer, file15:43
jeblair"i'm chilled; throw another password on the fire!"15:43
jeblairthose long ones burn the best15:44
clarkbcan I get bbq in austin, france?15:44
fungi(...cok me up some bacon and some beans, go out to the car and change the tire, wash my socks and mend my old bluejeans...)15:44
jeblairthat particular typo is decidedly a dvorak typo -- you don't get that on qwerty keyboards15:44
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jeblairclarkb: i bet you can get it in paris, tx15:45
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* fungi now has the muppet show video of the waylon jennings performance of tompall glaser's musical interpretation of the shel silverstein poem "put another log on the fire" stuck in his head15:47
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Adds python-magnumclient>=0.2.1
bpokornyDoes anyone know what I need to do to get this review to merge?
bpokornyI thought the reverify would do it, but Jenkins came back with a success on that already.15:48
bpokornyIt's no longer in the zuul queue.15:48
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move puppet-syntax gate to devstack-centos7
fungibpokorny: have TravT remove and replace the workflow +1 vote on it, or add an additional workflow +1 yourself if you're a core reviewer on that repo15:49
pabelangerEmilienM: ^ see commit15:49
fungibpokorny: or have some horizon core reviewer do the same15:49
* jeblair registered for the summit -- AND actually remembered how to apply the discount code this time15:50
bpokornyThanks, fungi.  I'll ask the horizon channel for that.15:50
fungijeblair: it's great we make that so easy to figure out15:50
fungijeblair: now if they can actually have my badge at the check-in this time instead of hunting for where it's stashed and then reprinting it, i'll be thrilled15:51
jeblairfungi: did the proposal bot get an invite?15:51
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fungijeblair: sadly, no, i sobered up enough to strip its e-mail address out of the list of invitees15:51
fungimaybe next time15:51
jeblairfungi: no more working sober for you15:51
EmilienMpabelanger: ack15:52
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jeblairyou must be this drunk [jeblair holds his hand 2 feet above the ground] to operate atc machinery15:52
fungiit's the only way to cope while preserving your few remaining san points15:53
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: wow, the io stats on graphite look way different with the latest restart15:54
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jeblairthough, it looks like they were similarly write-heavy a few weeks ago...15:55
jeblairthat doesn't make any sense to me15:55
fungijeblair: well, this time i restarted not only carbon-cache but also statsd and apache215:58
jeblairoh interesting15:58
fungiso there may have been filesystem reads previously cached which i flushed15:58
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jeblairfungi: yeah, though it looks like writes are higher than previously15:59
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fungiin good news, with zuul back in a happy place and devs seeming to have taken friday off, we're nearly caught all the way back up again16:00
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clarkbfungi woot16:00
jeblairfungi: yeah, maybe 1.5-2 hours out from zero-backlog16:00
fungialso looks like we're burning through 1kjph now16:00
clarkbI hope to get sdagues nidepool devstack plugin working today16:01
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jeblairoh, if that's the case, then <1h16:01
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clarkband work on turning that into a job. which should aid in zuulv3 work16:01
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jeblairoh, hey, has anyone opened a rax-deleted-server ticket recently?16:02
fungijeblair: no, though i saw we're consistently over-quota again today16:02
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fungijeblair: however my friend they recently hired and then stuck on the hazing task of helping them maintain their cells patches says that regression has a fix being rolled out right now16:03
jeblairfungi: oh, are we? i only see two rax servers stuck in deleted16:03
fungijeblair: it may have cleared up on its own in that case16:03
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fungii haven't looked again in the last hour or so16:03
jeblairyeah, and the 2 we have are in iad; i understand they were focusing on dfw, where we now have none16:03
fungiright, dfw was where they all were earlier when i was seeing the quota errors icoming back16:04
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jeblairfungi: it looks like nodepool ocassionally is off by 416:05
jeblairwhich isn't that bad16:05
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fungijeblair: oh, also that may in part be courtesy of template instances for snapshot image updates16:05
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fungisince i think nodepool doesn't factor them into the quota16:06
jeblairyep, plus a few "monty-testing-something-for-shade" servers16:06
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jeblair| 48cf2f7f-be29-434a-94d2-42b31ecabf02 |                         | SHUTOFF | -                    | Shutdown    | public=; private=                                           |16:06
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jeblairfungi: time to delete that one?16:06
fungiso anyway, we may need to adjust our overhead clearance again, until we can stop building some of those16:06
fungijeblair: yep, i can but feel free if you're already right there16:07
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jeblairfungi: i am, will do16:07
fungijeblair: for the record, i put the replacement proposal and release slaves in the ci tenant rather than the jenkins tenant16:07
pleia2pabelanger: lmk when you're around, sorting out how we want to do sizing on this grafana.o.o system (flavor for the VM and what we need in terms of mysql)16:08
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fungican rebuild them fairly easily though if people disagree with that choice16:08
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jeblairfungi: that works for me16:08
fungimakes the nodepool quota calculations a little easier in my opinion16:09
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jeblairfungi: we had 4 old servers in error state plun the proposal; i've deleted all of those16:09
jeblairlascii: hi, we don't have any servers in dfw stuck in 'deleting'! :)16:10
lasciijeblair: awesome!16:10
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fungilascii: i heard from randall there was a fix for that in the process of rolling out today. does that mean it's likely over in dfw now?16:11
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lasciiwe moved back to using the sqlalchemy instance delete rather than our homegrown one and that seems to be making a big difference16:11
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fungiooh, excellent16:11
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lasciiyes, dfw should be totally updated now16:11
jeblairlascii: the only ones we have now are 2 in iad, and they are from multiple days ago16:11
jeblairi'll just open a ticket to ask for them to be cleaned up16:12
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lasciiiad should have been deployed on tuesday, so that makes sense16:13
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lasciiif it happens again just ping me and I'll dig in, since I added some additional logging around that case.  just in case we are missing a case still16:13
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jeblairlascii: cool, will do, thanks :)16:14
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openstackgerritTim Hinrichs proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Change Congress meeting day/time
jeblairShrews, mordred, clarkb: regarding rax servers showing up without IP information, we got a response to the ticket we opened:16:15
jeblair"This is indicative of a build that failed to network properly.  You can either try to "connect" PublicNet and ServiceNet using the control panel or you can delete the servers and retry your builds."16:15
clarkbok so nodepools behavior of delete and try again is sane16:15
jeblairsounds like it16:15
jeblairalso sounds pretty similar to the other (older?) behavior we have seen where we get an error if they don't have an ip address ready16:16
openstackgerritTim Hinrichs proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Change Congress meeting day/time
jeblairticket opened; hopefully the last!16:18
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openstackgerritTim Hinrichs proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Change Congress meeting day/time
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jrolljeblair: why can't nodepool just go to the control panel and connect those? :)16:20
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jeblairjroll: its trackball is broken?16:24
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pabelangerpleia2: sure.  I think we can do the default size of a node.  is that medium?16:24
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jrolljeblair: :P16:24
Shrewsjeblair: i must have missed the discussion of that problem16:24
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jeblairShrews: it's the thing mordred put more debugging info in for (where we got a server record back without any ip info at all)16:25
pleia2pabelanger: we typically go with an 8G of ram node unless there's a good reason to do more16:25
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pabelangerpleia2: Ya, I think that is a good place to start16:25
pabelangerpleia2: a lot of the processing of graphs defaults to client side16:26
pleia2great, I'll log into the rackspace interface to see what our options are database-wise16:26
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fungifwiw, we often size general purpose servers smaller than that if we know they won't need that beefy of an instance16:26
fungibut it's a good middle-ground16:26
pleia2thanks fungi16:27
fungiand if we put the data on a cinder volume and/or in a trove instance, then we can replace the nova instance for it with a more appropriately sized flavor once we collect some cacti stats16:27
pleia2I was planning on using trove16:27
fungiwithout having to copy lots of stuff around16:27
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fungiyeah, no idea if grafana keeps persistent data on-disk as well or entirely in the db16:28
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pleia2pabelanger: any idea what we're looking at data-size for the database? looks like we tend to do 2-4G on the low end, more for things like gerrit and the etherpads16:37
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clarkbthe database should just be graph configs and the real data is on the graphite host right?16:41
clarkbpleia2: I would expect it to be quite small16:41
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pleia2ah, good16:43
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pleia2DFW or ORD?16:44
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clarkbdfw is our default for services16:44
pleia2I should do more server spinups, so rusty16:44
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pabelangerpleia2: Ya, I think that is fine too16:46
pabelangerpleia2: I don't think we'll end up storing much data16:46
pabelangersince we pull it all in from external sources16:46
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pleia2pabelanger: the secret_key is just something we generate like a password, nothing special about it?16:53
pabelangerpleia2: ya, that can be a hash or something16:53
pabelangernothing special16:53
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: gerrit/puppet-openstack: create puppet-manager-release group
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Update Ubuntu base image names for hpcloud
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add option to ignore ref-updated events emitted by branch deletions
pleia2pabelanger: does it use the root mysql password?16:56
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pabelangerpleia2: yes16:57
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pabelangerpleia2: grafana will create tables as root user16:57
pleia2fungi, clarkb - I don't see us using root on other trove instances, should I just add it as another user account?16:57
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fungipleia2: pabelanger: right, you need to precreate the database and tell grafana the host, database and user/password to use to create its tables within that database17:00
fungiso also precreate the user you want grafana to use for that and grant it full access to the database you create for the trove instance17:01
zaropelix: had a question for you in
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pleia2fungi: so using the rackspace database interface, I'm not seeing a whole lot of options17:03
fungipleia2: yep, you just add a database and then add an initial database user17:03
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openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Make hiera default values optional
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fungiand pick names for them17:03
clarkbsdague: with enable_plugin it takes a branch/ref or defaults to master. Does that mena all of our tests that enable_plugin are defaulting to master and are not testing the zuul_ref?17:04
fungipleia2: a trove instance will be created corresponding to the database you ask to have created17:04
pleia2fungi: right, so I added a regular user to the grafana database17:04
fungithat should be sufficient17:04
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pleia2fungi: grafana also wants a root user17:04
sdagueclarkb: no, because it goes through the same git_clone code in devstack, which means in a zuul environment, zuul creates all the refs, and it explodes if it actually tries to manipulate a git tree in devstack17:05
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sdagueit works for the same reason it works on all other git trees in devstack17:05
fungipleia2: can you tell grafana that the root user is that same account?17:05
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pleia2pabelanger: ^^17:05
pleia2fungi: it would need a change to the puppet config at least17:06
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fungipleia2: grafana shouldn't need to do anything as "root" because the account you created for it has full control of the database17:06
clarkbsdague: gotcha17:06
pabelangerpleia2: fungi: we use puppet to provision a mysql::server17:06
fungipleia2: the only things it can't do with that account are create additional accounts, create additional databases, drop the database you created, change mysql configuration settings...17:06
pabelangerso, in this case we'd have to drop it17:06
pabelangerto change it to be unmanaged17:06
fungipabelanger: right, i think in other modules we've made local database management/provisioning optional with a toggle17:07
pleia2ah, I had trove on the brain and missed that we were actually using local mysql here17:07
fungior abstracted it into something like a grafana::mysql class which isn't directly included but which you can compose with the base ::grafana class17:07
clarkbsdague: I am running your plugin change locally now17:08
pabelangerpleia2: okay, so in this case we don't want a mysql server?17:08
fungipabelanger: well, if we use trove, that allows us to spin up a replacement grafana server without having to dump/import the database17:08
pabelangerfungi: Ya, I am fine with that. I just expect mysql to be provisioned too17:09
pabelangerI can make the change17:09
pelixzaro: just haven't had time to put together the tests needed for testing the recursive behaviour of get_jobs()17:09
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pleia2and I can remove grafana_mysql_root_password from hiera since we won't need it17:10
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jesusaurusjeblair: can you revisit your -1 on 186621 now that clarkb has weighed in?17:11
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clarkbsdague: think I found a bug in devstack where it assumes the requirements repo is present to use constraints when installing prettytable17:14
clarkbsdague: I will work on a fix17:14
openstackgerritTim Hinrichs proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Change Congress meeting day/time
pabelangerfungi: pleia2: which existing modules in system-config are using trove?17:15
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pleia2pabelanger: review, etherpad, paste, translate-dev, storyboard, groups, wiki17:16
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fungipossibly others17:17
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pabelangerpleia2: paste cannot be right. We still use root_password for mysql17:23
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clarkbpaste is local db now iirc17:23
pabelangersame with wiki17:23
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clarkbit had toruble iwht the remote db disconnecting17:23
pleia2ah, I just saw it in the list of trove instances we're running17:24
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fungiright, those have gone back and forth17:24
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fungipaste could go back to trove again i think, now that i'm pretty sure we've worked out what was causing it to constantly break17:25
zaroclarkb: was jenkins wonky last week sometime?17:25
clarkbzaro: it is still wonky, the slave thread leak is affecting us17:26
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fungii moved paste off trove before i realized that rackspace defaults the server to timing out idle connections after 2 minutes (as opposed to mysqld's 8-hour default)17:26
zaroclarkb: so slave threads don't go away after disconnect?17:26
fungiso now we have a custom trove config to set that to a more sane value17:27
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rcarrillocruzhow does the diskimage-builder elements folder keep up to date with glean?17:28
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rcarrillocruzi mean17:28
rcarrillocruzthere's openstack-infra/glean17:28
rcarrillocruzand openstack/diskimage-builder, which contains as an element glean17:28
jeblairjesusaurus: aprvd17:28
rcarrillocruzi checked but it's not a git submodule within diskimage-builder17:28
clarkbzaro: correct and there seems to be a shared lock around that operation so all of the slave threads pile up behind it17:29
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clarkbzaro: and we end up with 12k threads and a dead jenkins server17:29
pabelangerpleia2: okay, so you are going to setup the trove DB and give the grafana user correct permissions right?17:29
clarkbrcarrillocruz: it installs latest glean from pypi17:29
pabelangerpleia2: that should allow me to remove all the mysql::server logic17:30
rcarrillocruzso that means17:30
rcarrillocruzthat in order to get latest fixes of glean as an element17:30
pleia2pabelanger: yes, a user with access to the grafana database17:30
rcarrillocruza new release must be cut for glean17:30
clarkbrcarrillocruz: yes and I believe a new release was cut a day or two ago with all oustanding changes17:30
pleia2pabelanger: you don't need to remove it, it's nice to have in the module if other people want it, just don't include it in our instance of the module17:30
pabelangerpleia2: okay, user will need 'all' access. removing code now17:30
pleia2er, our configuration17:31
rcarrillocruzi'm hitting the /root/.ssh folder missing issue, it fails on ubuntu-minimal as that folder is not created by default17:31
rcarrillocruzi wonder if it got thru17:31
SpamapS1TB is not actually the magic size for grub to fail.17:31
SpamapSit must be geometry related17:31
SpamapS1100GB works fine17:31
pabelangerpleia2: well, it looks like I will need to create a puppet-grafana modules moving forward, to toggle that logic now.17:31
SpamapS1800GB does not17:31
fungircarrillocruz: it needs a new release on pypi17:31
rcarrillocruzmordred: ^17:31
pleia2pabelanger: yeah, likely so17:31
rcarrillocruzTheJulia: ^17:32
pabelangersince this was a simple local mysql, I just kept it in system-config17:32
pleia2pabelanger: it just needs all on that one database, right?17:32
pabelangerpleia2: right17:32
pleia2pabelanger: ok perfect17:32
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fungircarrillocruz: shows the /root/.ssh fix landed after 1.4.0 was tagged (most recent release)17:32
clarkbah there is a newer fix17:32
rcarrillocruzyep :/17:33
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SpamapSIIRC mordred is in UTC+10 right now17:33
fungilooks like it could stand to be 1.4.117:33
SpamapSso, likely awake soon17:33
SpamapS3 hours or so17:33
fungii would consider that patch a simple bug fix, from a semver perspective17:33
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jesusaurusjeblair: awesome, thanks17:34
rcarrillocruzi'm not familiar with semver, you mean simple bugfix => 1.4.1 instead of 1.5 right?17:34
SpamapSfungi: concurr, 1.4.117:34
fungiand yes, it's nearing the coffee hour for mordred17:34
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Remove local grafana database
fungiin his current waveform-collapsed observed state17:34
pabelangerpleia2: fungi: ^ that should be what you are looking for17:34
fungircarrillocruz: yep, if it included a new feature then 1.5.0 and if it included a backward-incompatible/breaking change then 2.0.017:35
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add newlines to the ends of files
fungianyway, since he'll likely be awake soonish, i'd leave it to mordred to tag because he's tagged at least the last few on that repo. but if it's extremely urgent then i or someone else can tag it sooner17:36
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rcarrillocruzproviding it's tagged today i'm ok17:37
rcarrillocruzi can bug him later17:37
rcarrillocruzhave my deploys broken due to that, but they are not in prod so it's not the end of the world whatsoever17:37
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pabelangerEmilienM: Ya, we need dsvm-centos7 in the name of the job to keep zuul happy17:40
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pleia2pabelanger: great, thanks17:43
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clarkbwow you can't base compute in 2GB18:01
clarkb* 2GB of ram18:01
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jeblairclarkb: i'm having trouble parsing that.  i'm not sure if it's a drug reference.18:08
EmilienMpabelanger: it's weird a bit18:09
clarkbjeblair: I am trying to test the nodepool devstack plugin and naively did so on a 2GB VM. I run out of memory with mysql + nova + neutron + glance + swift + keystone18:09
clarkbI remember back in the day when 1GB was plenty if you just wanted to run a cirros VM18:09
mordredfungi: what did I do?18:10
fungimordred: nothing, rcarrillocruz is just asking for a glean 1.4.1 for the /root/.ssh fix18:10
fungiand since you did the prior glean releases, i thought i'd save that for you18:10
rcarrillocruzyeah, turns out that fix came just a bit after the the latest release was cut18:10
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rcarrillocruzhitting that on my bifrost/ironic deploys18:11
EmilienMpabelanger: can't we just change the trusty | precise thing?18:11
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mordredrcarrillocruz, fungi: done18:11
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rcarrillocruzthx a bunch!18:11
rcarrillocruzTheJulia: ^18:11
fungiEmilienM: the tricky part is not in the job configuration but in the zuul configuration, specifically at
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EmilienMfungi: ok18:13
fungiEmilienM: so it's matching regular expressions against the job name to figure out where to run things since we still have some jobs that run on different node types conditional on what branch is being tested18:14
EmilienMfungi: +118:14
rcarrillocruzjeblair: when you get a change, i responded to your comments on , chatted with mordred about it last week iirc18:14
rcarrillocruzi'm out for the weekend now18:14
rcarrillocruzhave a good one folks!18:14
pleia2have a nice weekend, rcarrillocruz18:15
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fungiEmilienM: yeah, lgtm18:16
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pabelangerEmilienM: -infra wants to remove the bare-* nodes in the future. So, the patch is just preparing for that18:16
EmilienMpabelanger: this is super cool18:17
EmilienMpabelanger: I did not have all the bits18:17
fungipabelanger: though fwiw we want to remove the devstack-* nodes too, and have more generic node names ;)18:17
clarkbjeblair: I am somewhat amazed we are able to run tempest on 8GB nodes iwth all the additional services18:17
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pabelangerfungi: true18:17
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pabelangerlooking forward to zuulv3 stuff18:18
fungihence ubuntu-trusty instead of bare-trusty/devstack-trusty and centos-7 instead of bare-centos7/devstack-centos718:18
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clarkbgreghaynes: / being 13GB for ubuntu-trusty on rax is the resize problem?18:19
greghaynesclarkb: yes18:19
greghaynesclarkb: I suspect its the broken cloud-initramfs-growroot package18:19
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clarkbgreghaynes: so we are just waiting for a package fix?18:20
pabelangerfungi: if you have some time, would like your feedback on and the following patch18:20
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greghaynesclarkb: that needs to be confirmed as the cause, I know that we are hitting it on debian but havent confirmed for ubuntu. Also would be fixed by if the package is actually the cause18:22
clarkbwe hit it on ubuntu-trusty18:23
greghaynesclarkb: you checked initrd logs?18:23
clarkbno, I just checked that / is 13GB and should be 30GB iirc18:23
greghaynesI know it wasnt resizing, but I need to boot a node and confirm its growroot barfing18:23
greghaynesor, someone does :)18:24
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pabelangerpleia2: do you mind reviewing too?18:27
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clarkbgreghaynes: where should I be looking? I don't see anything in boot.log18:31
greghaynesclarkb: prints out on the console, I only know because I saw qemu spit it out18:31
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clarkbgreghaynes: ah, thats harder to check so I probably wont and will go back to findning and 8GB test node to test this thing18:35
clarkbgreghaynes: you can test locally right?18:35
greghaynesclarkb: haha18:35
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greghaynesclarkb: ill just boot up in a cloud and look at the console log18:35
greghaynesclarkb: that isnt something I want to do on vacation though ;)18:35
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clarkbare you sure? fixing grow root sounds like fun18:36
greghaynesclarkb: oh, im writing the script18:36
greghaynesjust not making an image to boot in a cloud to look at a console18:36
greghaynesbecause that sounds tedious18:36
clarkbfungi: jeblair I am just going to boot a devstack-trusty node in one of the cloud regions and will lcean it up when done18:37
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fungiclarkb: k18:37
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pleia2pabelanger: aprvd18:37
clarkbgreghaynes: no because that dones't give me enough disk18:38
clarkbgreghaynes: I am trying to test nodepool devstack plugin18:38
greghaynesoh, unrelated problem18:38
clarkband was chased away from ubuntu0trusty by ENODISK18:38
clarkbwhich I could fix by hand but meh18:38
greghaynesclarkb: oh, if you actually booted it18:38
greghaynesclarkb: just run growpart18:38
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greghaynesgrowpart /dev/vda 1 or w/e your /18:39
pabelangerpleia2: danke18:39
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pleia2no meetings going on for the rest of the day (2 were scheduled for 1800, but no activity), if someone wants to approve this one we can finish the move to #openstack-i18n I began this morning and get them logging
pleia2for the peanut gallery: redirect from their old channel is in place, so they're pretty much moved now once they channel cycle18:51
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Move puppet-syntax gate to devstack-centos7
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/pbr: Fix docs for environment markers in extras
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jeblairaww, what happened, did people come in to work?19:11
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fungiat the moment all my gerritbot spam is hitting #openstack-nova instead19:12
fungithough i'm preparing to knock off early and schlep more junk between houses once i see whether my latest bindep experiment is working out19:13
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clarkbsdague: ok I have it all running and it is attempting to build an image now, will let yo uknow how that goes19:18
sdagueclarkb: cool, did you need fixes?19:18
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-specs: Add Zuul v3 spec.
clarkbsdague: there is one devstack fix I need to push up, will do that now. Not sure if nodepool plugin needs changes until we see how this image build does19:18
sdagueclarkb: ok cool19:18
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clarkbsdague: but it is attempting to build the image so thats major progress19:19
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clarkbsdague: image built now it is attempting to boot a slave off of it19:24
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clarkbif that works we can merge your change then add a test that runs devstack, sleep 15 minutes then checks the nodepool state19:25
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Rename -translation IRC channel and enable logging
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clarkbnibalizer: ^ btw dsague was kind enough to write a nodepool plugin given my doc on how to do it manually19:26
clarkbnibalizer: so in theory you can just use that if you are dvestacking19:26
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nibalizerclarkb: thats neat19:27
nibalizeris that a devstack plugin for nodepool or a nodepool plugin for devstack?19:27
fungidevstack plugin for nodepool, so that we can integration-test a running nodepoold19:28
clarkbnibalizer: its a devstack plugin that installs configures and runs nodepool19:28
pleia2pabelanger: going to lunch, we can keep an eye on 208002 passing checks so hopefully we can get it in today so we can get grafana done, hopefully the hard parts are done, trove is set up and everything is in hiera, just need to deploy with this database change19:28
nibalizeroh so you get an openstack and a nodepool to poke at the same time19:28
pabelangerpleia2: ack19:28
clarkbnibalizer: yes19:28
nibalizerya that would be realyl useful when I start hacking on beaker-nodepol19:28
nibalizerwow I am a bad typist19:28
* nibalizer => run away now19:29
clarkbnibalizer: well mostly I want you to see that yo ucan just run a nodepool without a zuul and without a jenkins19:29
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clarkbnibalizer: and it juts works beause see devstack plugin :)19:29
clarkbsdague: yup node booted19:29
* fungi tells nodepool to hurry up and build more ubuntu-trusty already19:29
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clarkbnibalizer: and very soon now we will test that it continues to do that19:30
nibalizerclarkb: oh i believe you, I use it myself19:31
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nibalizerno wait Im not actually here19:31
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clarkbsdague: this is awesome, just confirming that using config drive works too (as that appaers to be our default devstack setup) and if it does will suggest one tiny update to the config for the nodepool service19:32
fungiwow, he's right... he's _not_ actually here19:32
openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/cookiecutter: Stop specifying requirements.txt in tox.ini
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mtreinishfungi: ooh I like that unit, we should standarize it as 1 fungi = 1 kjph :)19:37
fungikjph is 20% less typing19:37
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mtreinishheh, then 1 fung = 1kjph19:38
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mtreinishor 1 ungi :)19:38
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mtreinishwhichever you prefer19:39
cody-somervillefungi: Do you have this charted?19:39
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fungicody-somerville: at the bottom of
fungithough there's an unsightly gap from when graphite fell over earlier today19:40
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fungi(just mind the gap)19:41
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add a JJB quick start guide
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clarkbsdague: commented about the one update. I can push a new patchset if that is easier for you but this seems to work. I am writing a job now19:45
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Improve delete all job performance
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zaroclarkb: do you think the gearman-plugin issue could be due to a WORK_FAIL event??
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EmilienMpabelanger: re- - BTW, why not also lint & unit ?19:58
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run a nodepool devstack test
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clarkbzaro: what gearman-plugin issue?19:59
clarkbsdague: fungi ^19:59
zaropelix: meh, not a big deal but probably should remove it.  i noticed that send-as is not in any of the hipchat tests so maybe just remove it in your change and add it to one of the existing tests that target plugin version 0.1.8 ?20:00
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zaroclarkb: I thought the jenkins being wonky was a gearman-plugin issue, no?20:01
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clarkbzaro: no it sa jenkins ssh plugin issue20:02
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clarkbzaro: the plugin is holding a shared lock and backing up slave threads20:02
zaroclarkb: ohh, sorry i just came back from vaca.20:02
clarkbzaro: this is the same issue from before20:02
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zaroahh, i remember there was a bug for it?  any progress?20:03
pelixzaro: will do20:04
clarkbthere is a bug upsream I haven't seen any movement after I provided the stack dumps20:04
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jeblairwould anyone be terribly upset if i restarted zuul?20:06
funginot i20:06
pelixzuul might be :p20:06
jeblairactually, i want to see I7c255937f08aef28bdad72e8f523ca34f2c6262c in action20:06
jeblair"set build descriptions less often"20:06
jeblairit might appreciate having less work20:06
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openstackgerritPete Zaitcev proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Update test requirements for Python 2.x
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: nodepool devstack plugin
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zuul: Log gerrit an INFO level
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zuul: Log gerrit at INFO level
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mtreinishsdague: ^^^ oh cool so that'll enable running nodepool on a local devstack env20:15
zarowaynr: anything i can do to get a  +2 on ?20:15
sdaguemtreinish: yes20:15
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mtreinishnice, that makes it simple to play around with it. Last time I had to play with nodepool stuff I just submitted blind20:17
clarkbmtreinish: yup and 208043 will test that nodepool changes work with devstack20:18
clarkbshoul dmake nodepool dev a bit easier (which is a good thing with zuulv3 happening)20:19
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make sure puppet-syntax jobs have beaker installed
jeblairmtreinish: it has fakes for all of its external interactions, so if you aren't working on that part of it, you can run it locally very easily (just needs a mysql db, which it will create).  but yeah, there hasn't been a good story for testing it with a cloud other than "point it at your hpcloud account" until now.  so this is very cool.  :)20:20
pabelangerEmilienM: clarkb: fungi Do you mind revewing ^ to fix the puppet-gate?20:21
EmilienMpabelanger: I did, thanks for the fix, hopefully it will unblock our CI20:21
mtreinishjeblair: oh, well I didn't know that either. I guess I could have tested things locally then :)20:21
jeblairit's good to cover the bases20:21
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make sure puppet-syntax jobs have bundler installed
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pabelangerEmilienM: ^ fixed typo20:26
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jeblairException: Dependency cycle detected: 187171 in [u'187171', u'185942']20:30
jeblairooh neat20:30
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jeblairindeed, those 2 changes depend on each other20:31
clarkboh crap bug in my make nodepool dsvm test go change20:31
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jeblair"oh crap" should be a bug severity20:32
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run a nodepool devstack test
clarkbjeblair: yes!20:32
mtreinishjeblair: heh, yeah I agree20:32
clarkbI think 208043 is ready togo now20:32
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clarkbit is super simple now and just checks that nodepool made an image and booted a node after 15 minutes20:34
openstackgerritDavid Lyle proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add searchlight channel to statusbot list
EmilienMpabelanger: +1 - we might need fast approval on this one20:36
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pabelangerEmilienM: ya, that is my bad. I assume beaker was setup properly, missed it :(20:36
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EmilienMpabelanger: no prob, it happens :)20:37
pabelangerEmilienM: I actually plan to look at the puppet stuff closes next week, see how we can avoid duplicated code better20:37
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EmilienMpabelanger: cool20:37
jeblairi'm slightly concerned that zuul is wandering down a long road... it last started its queue processor >45 minutes ago20:37
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clarkbjeblair: it was like this earlier today and got it down to 020:38
pabelangerjeblair: Ya, see that too20:38
clarkbbut not sure how long that took20:38
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jeblairyeah, i'm not panicking; i'm just going to look into whether it's doing unecessary work20:39
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/python-jenkins: Add socket timeout tests and helpers
fungiyay! bindep/zuul-cloner variant of nova py27 unit tests on ubuntu-trusty worker with a minimal bindep file in the repo, running the same number of tests as its traditional gerrit-git-prep predecessor on bare-trusty20:41
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jeblair2015-07-31 19:46:19,716 DEBUG zuul.DependentPipelineManager: Starting queue processor: gate20:41
jeblair2015-07-31 20:40:22,161 DEBUG zuul.DependentPipelineManager: Finished queue processor: gate (changed: True)20:41
jeblairit did finish :)20:41
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pabelangerjeblair: is that metric exposed to statsd, the queue length?20:41
jeblairit's just, that normally takes about 0.1 seconds20:41
jeblairpabelanger: i don't think so, but could be fairly easily20:42
pabelangerjeblair: Ya, working on some grafana.o.o dashboards. would be neat to add it20:42
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clarkbjeblair: oh was that time for a single event/rsult to be processed?20:45
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jeblairclarkb: a single pass of the nnfi algorithm through the current gate pipeline20:45
jeblairi'm filtering out log lines from it.  i'm down to 24961 lines.20:46
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pabelangerjeblair: I'll play with zuul this weekend to add it. Any suggestions on statsd key name for the trigger_event_queue?20:49
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pabelangerjeblair: zuul.event.trigger?20:50
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jeblairpabelanger: we already incr 'gerrit.event.<type>'.  that's actually wrong now, we should future-proof that a little by moving that into the trigger class, though maybe after jhesketh's refactor lands20:51
jeblair(we don't guage the queue though)20:52
pabelangerokay, let me check out jhesketh patch20:52
jeblairpabelanger: for the queue itself, i'd probably do 'zuul.event_queue.trigger' (and also .management and .result)20:53
pabelangerya, I was going to add all 320:53
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fungiokay, heading out for the evening. back later20:56
jeblairfungi: night!20:56
EmilienMjeblair: do you mind if I ask you an outstanding +A to unblock our CI: - thank you20:57
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jeblairEmilienM: sure, let me finish debugging zuul though, i'm keeping a lot of stuff in my head right now20:57
EmilienMjeblair: sorry for interruption, no problem20:58
clarkbEmilienM: I will take a look20:58
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EmilienMclarkb: cool20:59
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EmilienMclarkb: btw, ianw pushed over my patch about logs20:59
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EmilienMclarkb: I'll test it. Is it possible to exec it on a remote dvsm node?21:00
clarkbEmilienM: propose a change that uses it?21:00
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EmilienMclarkb: sounds cool21:00
pabelangerpleia2: gate happy with 208002. I need to step out for a bit, but can be back online in 2 hours21:01
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pleia2pabelanger: I see! needs another +221:02
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pabelangerpleia2: okay, if we don't land it today when is your next window?21:02
pleia2can someone have a look at ? hoping if this lands today, we can for real get grafana going21:02
pleia2pabelanger: I'm around Monday21:02
pabelangerpleia2: holiday here in Canada :(21:03
pleia2pabelanger: tuesday too!21:03
pleia2Wednesday I get on the plane21:03
pleia2so let's try for today :)21:03
pabelangerhopefully we find a +2 :D21:03
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pleia2fail over is tuesday21:03
pabelangerI'll check back in 2hr21:03
clarkbI am looking21:03
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pleia2pabelanger: see you in a bit21:04
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pleia2clarkb: thanks!21:06
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jeblairclarkb: okay, i understand what was happening -- sever changes in different repos merged during that pass of the processor.  the zuul-trigger that supports the merge-check queue by querying open changes ran for each of them, and it can take a while.  eg, it took nova like 15 minutes with a cold cache.21:09
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jeblairwe _do_ have a cache, but we expire things from it at the end of every queue run to keep it from growing indefinitely21:10
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jeblair(and that includes changes that go into the merge-check pipelines, so it can actually stay at a substantial size)21:11
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openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add non voting fuel agent python jobs
jeblairhowever, changes that aren't in any pipeline (including closed changes, etc) will still be expired from the cache, and of course, once merge-check works through the backlog, the cache will get pretty small again21:12
clarkbI have deleted my test node for the nodepool devstack plugin21:12
jeblairclarkb: so i'm thinking we may want to let zuul keep a larger change cache, but to avoid it having every change ever, have it discard closed changes, or maybe do a time-based expiry21:13
clarkbjeblair: that sounds reasonable. Can we also make the gerrit queries faster?21:13
jeblair(maybe discard changes untouched in 30 mins or something)21:13
clarkbI am guessing we already do a bulk give me 500 open chages at a time query21:14
clarkbI seem to recall reviewing it that way21:14
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jeblairclarkb: well, we do a fast "give me all the changes" query and ask for very little data, but then we query each individual change to get all the data.  otoh, that's a little slower, however, it does let us use the cache. (and of course we're on a persistent ssh connection, so network overhead is minimal)21:15
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jeblairclarkb: we could consider making the open change query include more data, so that we don't have to do the secondary queries.  however, i don't know if that would be better.  maybe i'll benchmark that.21:16
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Remove local grafana database
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clarkbpleia2: can I trade you ?21:20
clarkbpleia2: also sinc eyou were familiar with my doc on how to do it by hand21:21
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pleia2clarkb: sure, taking a look now21:21
pleia2ooh neat21:21
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waynrzaro: looking21:25
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waynroh looks like i +1'd it back before attaining +2 powers21:27
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waynrzaro: what does "workflow +1" mean?21:27
jeblairwaynr: that's the button you press to enqueue it into the gate pipeline in zuul to be merged21:28
jeblairwaynr: so there's a separation of saying "i think this is ready to be merged (code-review +2)" from "i will cause this to be merged now (workflow +1)"21:29
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waynroh, has JJB's requirement for workflow +1 been reduced to a single +2? for some reason I had through previously that 2 +2's were required21:30
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waynrmy brain is probably addled by heat and too much work21:31
pleia2aynr: 2 +2s is a social construct, not technically enforced one21:32
pleia2waynr: ^^21:32
jeblairwaynr: there's only a _technical_ requirement for one +2, it's a self-observed policy that there be 2x+2s.  this way we can exercise some judgement and in some cases (trival rebase of patch with multiple prior +2s; typo fix, etc) bypass the requirement21:32
zaropleia2: nice description, very concise.21:33
jeblairpleia2 is good at words21:34
pleia2I've had to explain it many times :)21:34
* jeblair is not as good at word-putting-togethering.21:34
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pleia2jeblair: you are detailed though!21:34
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waynrthanks both of you for the explanation :D21:35
jeblairclarkb: i'm (still) running that benchmark now.21:35
openstackgerritPaul Michali proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove q-vpn service enable from devstack based jobs
jeblairclarkb: ah, it just finished.  summary: simple query: 2MB data in 20s.  full query: 55MB data in 492s.21:36
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jeblairclarkb: that's probably enough data that my dsl line may have an impact on the test time.21:37
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jeblairclarkb: at any rate, i think i am leaning toward the option of leaving the queries the way they are and keeping a larger cache21:38
jeblairi think that will reduce the load on gerrit more than the option of gathering more data in the query21:39
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jeblairclarkb: oh, i missed something earlier -- we actually only prune the cache when we reconfigure21:41
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Improve delete all job performance
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openstackgerritewitter proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Add topic support for commit messages with 'US'.
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Make sure puppet-syntax jobs have bundler installed
pleia2if any roots are bored (ha ha) and want to help me debug grafana, I welcome the collaboration over on
jeblairpleia2: you got it.22:15
jeblairpleia2: i do not, however, confess to being bored.22:15
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pleia2jeblair: cool, so there's a weird error in /var/log/grafana/grafana.log about the database22:15
pleia2it seems to do smart things first, then falls over on the database url that totally resolves22:16
pleia2apache also has problems in /var/log/apache2/grafana.openstack.org_error.log but that may just be because grafana isn't quite right in the head yet22:16
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pleia2yeah, it's not running on so apache won't redirect22:17
jeblairyeah, i'd assume that's the case and focus on the grafana db problem first22:17
jeblairwhich i agree, is weird.22:17
nibalizerso did the grafana patches land?22:17
nibalizerI looked at modules.env but did not see the grafana module22:17
pleia2nibalizer: it's there22:17
jeblairpleia2: it looks like it succeeded at 21:53, but then maybe restarted at 21:54 and failed?22:19
pleia2jeblair: yeah, it does look like it's starting over what it was trying to do before22:20
pleia2this is a brand new machine, only did the first puppet run so far22:20
nibalizerhuh okay, I think we discovered internally that the grafana module requires camptocamp-archive and puppet-elasticsearch requires puppetcommunity-archive which do not have the same api22:20
pleia2(ignore 9:50 AM in puppetboard, that's a different server)22:20
nibalizerso that is probably a problem for upstream as well22:21
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pleia2nibalizer: oh, that would be unfortunate22:21
nibalizerhowever puppetboard seems sorta happy so Idunno...22:22
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jeblairwe should add the mysql client to the host :)22:26
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jeblairtables exist in the db and have data in them22:27
pleia2for debugging?22:27
jeblairpleia2: yep22:27
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jeblairi've logged in from another host that does have a client22:27
pleia2I'll toss up a patch22:27
jeblairso i'm pretty sure when grafana said it ran the migrations, it wasn't lying22:27
clarkbfor that you can use the mysql module :)22:27
* pleia2 nods22:27
jeblairerm.  i'm kind of at "restart grafana and see if it happens again"22:28
pleia2wfm, I'll see how that goes22:28
clarkbpleia2: for the nodepool test I was sort of going for minimal "it works" then we can go from there like poll and pass early, delete and check it rebuilds, etc etc22:28
jeblairbtw /var/log/grafana/xorm.log is empty.  :/22:28
pleia2hey, that worked22:29
pleia2I'll set up dns and hope it doesn't break again22:29
jeblairthat's pretty much my favorite kind of software.22:29
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pleia2ok, dns should be resolving by the time pabelanger returns and can do his thing22:31
clarkbthere is indeed a thing there22:32
clarkbI don't have any dashboards though22:32
pleia2clarkb: yeah, that's fine, it should usually work :)22:33
pleia2and yeah, I don't know what grafana is supposed to have right now22:33
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jeblairi think it's empty until we start defining dashboards with grafyaml22:34
pleia2but it's running and not spewing errors22:34
clarkbI have to say this UI is far too busy for me22:34
clarkbI just want to graph a thing22:34
cody-somervilleclarkb: graphite should still be available to you ol' man ;)22:35
clarkbit is, I am just saying that the number of knobs here is ecrazy22:35
mwhahahahey openstack-infra folks, we have some reviews that were workflowed this morning that still haven't merged (for example what is the best way to proceed?22:36
clarkblooks like I can define new ones but not save them, guessing we can manually creat things ,export then put into the grafyaml?22:37
jeblairclarkb: well, i hope we can just define them in the grafyaml; it should be easy to read22:38
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jeblairbut yeah, can create things ad-hoc in memory to play around22:38
pabelangerpleia2: back online22:38
pabelangerjust reading scrollback22:38
clarkbthough I can't ad hoc with our graphite server as it is not (yet) a datasource22:39
clarkbmwhahaha: its possible it was lost in the zuul restart earlier, I would try re approving it22:40
pabelangerpleia2: NICE!
pabelangerpleia2: would be interested to see what DB issue was22:41
pleia2it lives, eventually22:41
pleia2pabelanger: the error log said it could resolve the url, after it just did a minute before22:41
pabelangerpleia2: Hmm, I'll have to test with a remote DB locally and see what happens22:42
pabelangerlets see how it holds up22:42
* pleia2 nods22:42
pleia2we can always fall back to local if there's something wrong with this setup, but I'm hoping it works22:42
pabelangervery cool22:43
jeblairclarkb, mwhahaha: yeah, it was missing a jenkins +1, so it needs a recheck22:43
pabelangerpleia2: now I can get started on grafyaml stuff22:43
pabelangerpleia2: thanks for the help!22:43
pleia2pabelanger: hooray, let me know if you need anything22:43
pabelangerwill do22:43
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pleia2pabelanger: and enjoy your 3 day weekend :)22:44
pabelangerpleia2: will thanks22:44
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clarkbjeblair: any chance you can review so that the nodepool plugin can be self testing before it merges?22:45
mwhahahajeblair: thanks we'll give it a shot22:45
mwhahahaclarkb: thanks22:45
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timrcpabelanger: Congrats on grafana :)22:46
pabelangertimrc: thanks, should be fun the coming weeks22:46
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: configure git PathRestriction as an extension
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clarkbgreghaynes: I am looking at your WIP'd dib change for growrooting22:49
clarkbgreghaynes: looks like its only a debian/upstart thing? is that because everything else has working growroots?22:49
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jeblairclarkb: +3 with comment22:53
jeblairclarkb, pleia2: i believe this is a request to manually trigger some jobs:
jeblairi can do that; but it's a release job, so i wanted to make sure to grab the mutex on that22:54
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clarkbjeblair: I won't touch it22:55
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pleia2jeblair: all yours22:55
apevecjeblair, thanks for looking into missing tag events22:58
jeblairapevec: no problem, i'm preparing to run the jobs now22:59
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apevecttx mention that dhellmann had issues w/ *aas for liberty-2 too, but that was unrelated I guess22:59
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jeblairyeah, i believe we've worked around those and expect it to succeed22:59
timrcpabelanger: Yeah, I already want to push a dashboard for nodepool :)23:00
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jeblairhonestly, i think this is complex enough that i want to quickly update the enqueue command to support refs23:03
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openstackgerritTerry Howe proposed openstack/requirements: Add openstacksdk to the global requirements
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Run a nodepool devstack test
clarkbgreghaynes: ok review posted23:06
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mordredjeblair: bah23:06
mordredjeblair: (oh, I was bah-ing something from scrollback, nm)23:07
jeblairmordred: blaeunaouhnohu!23:07
mordredjeblair: yes. that is the correct response23:08
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clarkbmordred: we are || that close to testing nodepool upstream against devstack23:10
clarkbmordred: it is going to be awesome23:10
mordredclarkb: WOOT23:10
mordredclarkb: I am very excited about that23:10
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mordredclarkb: that will make landing the patches to use more shade functions less terrifying23:11
clarkbmordred: yup23:11
clarkbmordred: and should make testing the zuulv3 functionality less scary23:11
mordredclarkb: I feel like we're blocked on some of the dib-nodepool things but keep travelling - is there anything I should be looking at?23:12
clarkbmordred: we need to fix rootfs growing23:12
clarkbmordred: thats where greghaynes is trying to do it with dib23:12
clarkbI just reviewed it and its WIP so general ideaing there is probably good23:12
mordredok. and I think we need to add retries for rackspace 396 and also maybe fail slightly better when instances don't get IPs23:13
clarkbmordred: as is we can't devstack on ubuntu-trusty because the / partition is only 13 GB23:13
mordredI saw in the scrollback that we're doing the right thing on that already23:13
mordredbut we could properly throw the right error23:13
clarkbmordred: jeblair got the response for lack of IP and they basically said delete and make a new node23:13
mordredright now I think we catch that as an exception later in nodepool and delete it - it would be nice to fail in the create server same as if it hit error state23:14
mordredhrm. and maybe a statsd counter for "error" then one for "error.error" and one for "error.noip"23:15
mordredmight be nice to be able to show no-ip server error rates23:15
clarkbfor error 396 you just want shade to rety or nodepool to retry? Blindly retrying there seems odd because its an obtuse error and its meaning could change at any time23:16
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mordredclarkb: I want shade to retry until we hit the configured timeout23:16
mordredclarkb: since that's the meaning of the error that has been communicated so far - but I do think logging that we're doing it is important23:17
mordredclarkb: I already added that to shade :)23:18
clarkbalso we are all living in an oven in the northwest23:18
mordred                if status.status == 'failure':23:18
mordred                    if status.message == IMAGE_ERROR_396:23:18
clarkbso come monday we may have been eaten by the sasquatches23:18
mordredclarkb: you shudl come to brisbane, it's a lovely 14C here now23:18
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mordredclarkb: just consider - when is the last time someone in australia said "you shoudl come visit here, the weather is more reasonably cool"23:19
docaedoclarkb: I'm concerned, haven't been up here more than a year - does the heat increase sasquatch activity? Should we be worried?23:19
clarkbdocaedo: I am pretty sure they use the volcanos as heating elements to cook the humans for a great feast23:19
mordreddocaedo: just make sure to rub old garbage on the back of your neck - it helps scare them off23:19
clarkbalso I didn't realize it had been years since we had a 100F day and now I feel spoiled23:20
docaedogreat advice, thanks! brb23:20
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move puppet-unit gate to devstack-centos7
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for ceilometer meters faultstring 500
mordredclarkb: so - it looks like we're not having 396 errors anymore23:24
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clarkbmordred: oh? did the images start uplodaing?23:24
mordredclarkb: at least, Ido not see 396 or "Image creation failed:" in any of the logs23:24
clarkbI saw it when running manually23:24
clarkbso not sure how it shows up in the service logs23:25
mordredyeah? I don't see it in the logs at all23:25
pabelangerEmilienM: ^ for puppet-unit jobs. Going to call it a day, see you Tuesday23:25
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Ensure we actually purge all puppet related directories
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clarkbgah small bug in the nodepool devstack job def23:35
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EmilienMpabelanger: ack23:36
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run gate-dsvm-nodepool-nv on devstack-trusty
clarkbmordred: jeblair pleia2 ^ sorry to bother but thats the fix (wrong node type was used previously)23:36
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mordredclarkb: +223:37
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Throw an exception when servers don't have IPs
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add enqueue-ref command to client
* clarkb reviews the new zuul command23:40
jeblairclarkb, mordred: can i trouble you for a review on that so that i can instamerge it, restart zuul, and use it for the neutron releases?23:40
clarkbjeblair: yup trade you for review on 208090 :)23:40
mordredjeblair: on it23:40
jeblairclarkb: deal23:40
* jeblair pretends to spend longer thinking about 20809023:41
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clarkbjeblair: refresh my memory, trigger is gerrit or timer? maybe we should help doc that better?23:42
clarkbfollowup chnage is fine since the older command doesn't help it either23:42
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jeblairclarkb: trigger=gerrit in our case (timer would be a valid value that won't actually work)23:42
mordredjeblair: fine by me - also, in the world of docs - something indicating difference between enqueue and enqueue-ref would be nice - not necessary this instant though23:43
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jeblairclarkb: i think it gets better with the jhesketh stack23:43
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clarkbmordred: I don't know what a hing is and now I feel like I don't understand your talk that I am not at23:51
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EmilienMclarkb: are you root on gerrit?23:52
clarkbEmilienM: yes23:52
mordredclarkb: :)23:52
EmilienMclarkb: please add me on,members23:52
EmilienMclarkb: this is a new group, that allows me and crinkle to manage branches and tags23:52
clarkbEmilienM: done23:52
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EmilienMclarkb: thanks23:52
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EmilienMcrinkle: welcome to puppet-manager-release team ! we are 223:53
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add enqueue-ref command to client
jeblairpep8 can diaf.23:55
jeblairpyflakes, otoh, thank you very much.23:55
clarkbjeblair: this way your whitespace looks like my whitespace and everyone rejoices \o/ thats how it works right?23:56
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jeblairclarkb: most of those were "golly gee your git shas are too long"23:57
clarkbso I have thought about this a bit and I think some enforcement is good ebcaus whenever I have to read jenkins related code vim gets all crnaky23:57
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clarkbbecause they mix tabs and spaces and its all over the place hard to read, but realigning function args when they are aligned already is meh23:57
jeblairclarkb: yeah, there are some good things.  figuring out how to fit a git sha on a line in a test isn't one of them. :/23:58
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jeblairthe result is actually _less_ readable than before.23:58
jeblairbut anyway23:59
mordredyah. line-length is not particularly helpful I don't think23:59
jeblairi'm going to pick up my film and maybe that will be merged when i get back23:59
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