Monday, 2015-08-10

anteayaregXboi: yay00:00
regXboianteaya: yes - now I can say the rebase is correct - now for the *real* work00:00
* fungi needs to go have an evening. may be back later tonight00:01
yushiroI need ONE core-members review at Would you please review it?  I'm waiting for infra-team's review for 2 weeks ;)00:01
yushiromordred, Thank you for your review at  I'm very glad :)00:02
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-exim: Add Gemfile and puppet 4 checks
anteayaregXboi: yay00:03
lifelessmordred: can I ask a favor?00:03
anteayafungi: enjoy an evening00:03
lifelessmordred: can you add grenade to the requirements pre-commit jobs ?00:03
lifelessmordred: the complex bit is, we need to run both sides - e.g. on kilo requirements changes run both j->k and k->l grenade00:04
mtreinishlifeless: we really don't have forward testing on grenade working. It's a known issue00:07
lifelessmtreinish: its clearly impossible. mordred shouldn't even trry.00:08
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add networking-fujitsu project
yushiromordred, Thank you so much for your quick review :)00:11
regXboiand the stadium gets another section00:12
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regXboiok, clarkb, modred, fungi - thanks for the quick turnaround - now I'm off to understand real failures :)00:14
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Add pyroute2 (python netlink bindings)
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump the minimum version of XStatic-JQuery.TableSorter
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Require pbr>1.4.0
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Add networking-onos to the project list
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Add networking-sfc repository to the project library list
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Fix url regexp to proceed oslo-specific url's properly
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-dev/hacking: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add periodic/experimental tempest job for using test accounts
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chen12hello, anyone can help review
chen12what else I need to do for this new project ?01:20
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Update the changelog in the readme
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/pbr: We require the use of setuptools.
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mikalIs our gerrit configured to know about trackingid?02:06
clarkbno I dont think so02:07
mikalHerm, that would be cool02:07
mikalThen I could do things like search for "bug:1466390" instead of trusting the bot to have updated launchpad (which doesn't always work)02:08
clarkbyou can search that today already with message:02:08
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump monotonic to 0.3
clarkbthats how zuul does depends-on02:09
mikalGot an example of the search syntax?02:09
clarkbmessage:idnumber here02:09
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mikalclarkb:,n,z returns lots of weird matches though, which is what is confusing me02:10
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clarkbis it matching their change id?02:11
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mikalclarkb: well, I'm trying to search for a bug id. "1466390" in this case.02:12
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clarkbhrm try "bug: 123456x instead?02:18
openstackbug 123456 in xine-lib (Ubuntu) "podcast crashes amarok" [Undecided,Fix released]
clarkber need to close quote02:18
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openstackgerritAtsushi SAKAI proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Fix one typo on git-review documentation
mikalclarkb: as the arg to the message search? Or using the bug: search operator?02:19
clarkbas tge arg to message02:28
openstackgerritRyu Ishimoto proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Set DEVSTACK_GATE_SETTINGS for midonet gate job
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lifelessNakato: ping?03:08
Nakatolifeless: Hey03:09
mordredclarkb: you know - we really should also just add a trackingid config since we already have bug footers with regexes and whatnot03:10
mordredrequires a reindex03:12
lifelessNakato: so, I'd like to try and get all the odds and ends of constraints wrapped up03:12
lifelessNakato: the tox.ini support is a big part of that03:12
lifelessNakato: can I help or do something to unblock you?03:12
Nakatolifeless: So I've got in nova.  Then these two in project config:
Nakatolifeless: Once that's done we'll be able to verify that everything works as intended, and blanket add constraints to tox.ini and experemental.  If everything there looks good we can then work on flipping to experemental flag off.03:15
lifelessNakato: ok, so the latter two were pending feedback from clarkb ?03:17
Nakatolifeless: Or ajaeger03:18
lifelessNakato: so I don't understand the experimental thing03:18
lifelessNakato: you can mark individual instances of jobs experimental in layout.zuul03:18
lifelessNakato: and - I suspect each project is going to migrate over individually, so having everything experimental-or-not would be too big a hammer03:19
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Nakatolifeless: Unless I'm misunderstanding that's already how it's done.  The job is marked as experemental under nova in zuul/layout.yaml03:21
lifelessNakato: I'm likely confused. You said you couldn't use the thing ajaeger pointed you at because of constraining to experimental needs ?03:22
lifelessbut actually I think its because you need a different builder ?03:23
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Nakatolifeless: It's because that would mean I'm swapping out gerrit-git-prep with zuul-git-prep-upper-constraints, in an already using that job template.03:25
Nakato/in an/in anything/03:25
lifelessis that a problem to do ?03:26
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lifelessNakato: for tox jobs that is, not $any-arbitrary-job03:27
openstackgerritRyu Ishimoto proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Set DEVSTACK_GATE_SETTINGS for midonet gate job
lifelessNakato: asked another way, could that patch just patch gate-{name}-tox-{envlist} to use zuul-git-prep-upper-constraints ?03:28
clarkbit can but we want to test with novas experimental job first03:29
clarkbso push a patch to nova that makes the changes, run experimebtal job, ???, profit03:30
lifelessclarkb: that will tell us about constraints + zuul-git-prep-upper-constraints03:30
lifelessclarkb: it won't tell us about non-constraints + zuul-git-prep-upper-constraints03:30
lifelessclarkb: but I don't really grok the potential impact, so really just asking questions to learn a bit myself, and also to see if it shakes a +2 free from you in its current shape :)03:31
lifelessclarkb: there is such a patch03:31
clarkbwe want to make sure it works before xhanging any jobs03:31
clarkbthis will do that03:31
Nakatolifeless: I'm basing keeping it in experemental till tested based on the discussions from the patch that added zuul-git-prep-upper-constraints
lifelessclarkb: ok. So can has your plus-2's ?03:32
lifelessmordred: ^
clarkbcan someone show me a successful run against nova?03:33
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lifelessclarkb: I'm thoroughly confused.03:33
lifelessclarkb: to run against nova we need the new job definition that isn't landed yet. Right ?03:34
clarkbnova has an experimental job set up yo test this03:34
clarkbyou need to push a change to nova to take advantage03:34
lifelessclarkb: Nakato has
clarkbshow that it works then we go from there03:34
lifelessclarkb: help me understand03:34
Nakatoclarkb: Isn't that the point of it being added to experemental.  If it goes into experemental we can run "check-experemental" on that nova patch?03:35
clarkbcheck experimental that change03:35
clarkbits already added...03:35
clarkbthe job is there we just need to run it against that patch03:35
clarkband confirm it works03:35
lifelessclarkb: I don't see the job there against nova in layout.zuul.03:35
clarkbthen we can roll out more widely03:35
lifelessclarkb: what name shold I be looking for03:35
clarkblifeless its fungis bindeo based py27 job for bova03:36
lifelessclarkb: bindep == constraints?03:36
clarkbon that jb it does03:36
clarkbwe basically are using nova as the guinea pig for a couple thibgs03:36
lifelessNakato: you had a typo on the check experimental call, fixed, I think.03:37
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lifelessNakato: and now its visible on under experimental03:41
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lifelessNakato: clarkb: hasn't executed with -c03:55
lifeless  /home/jenkins/workspace/bindep-nova-python27/.tox$ /usr/bin/python -m virtualenv --python /usr/bin/python2.7 py27 >/home/jenkins/workspace/bindep-nova-python27/.tox/py27/log/py27-0.log03:55
lifeless2015-08-10 03:44:51.003 | py27 installdeps: -r/home/jenkins/workspace/bindep-nova-python27/requirements.txt, -r/home/jenkins/workspace/bindep-nova-python27/test-requirements.txt03:55
lifelessclarkb: I can't see where it sets the tox environment in that bindep job03:55
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lifelessclarkb: should Nakato push up a different version to a new patch, one that will run contraints on tox -epy27 ?03:58
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openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Adding new meeting for Horizon Drivers
Nakatolifeless: clarkb: It doesn't, it's using the standard python27 builder, which just calls -epy27.  This is what the gate-{name}-pythonNN-constraints do differently.  It uses a tox envlist to run tox with pyNN-constraints.04:03
NakatoI suppose we could edit the bindep test to call tox the same way as well instead of adding the new ones, then add the new ones after the bindep one is updated and confirmed working.04:03
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Adding new meeting for Horizon Drivers
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openstackgerritlifeless proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Handle git being entirely absent
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clarkbyes it has to be py2704:30
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chen12hello, anyone can help review ?  what else I need to do for this new project ?04:50
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Turn anvil rpm centos7 into a voting/gating job
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anteayaclarkb: if you are up and feel like it the topic in -meeting could stand a refresh05:21
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anteayayay jet lag05:21
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Turn anvil rpm centos7 into a voting/gating job
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add docs check to os-ansible-deployment
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add docs check to os-ansible-deployment
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deepakcsmkoderer: ping05:53
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add docs check to os-ansible-deployment
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yushiroHi, I have a question about this patch:
yushiro  Would you please tell me about this patch's status?06:47
yushiro Need more reviewers?06:47
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-httpd: Add logrotate class to Apache
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openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/puppet-pip: Fix the puppet-pip module to install pip
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-cgit: New Updated config for CentOS 7 and Apache 2.4
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-cgit: New Updated config for CentOS 7 and Apache 2.4
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-meetbot: Add Gemfile and puppet 4 checks
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openstackgerritSergey Kulanov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add acls for stable/* branch to fuel-mirror project
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openstackgerritMarian Horban proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Fixed experimental job for Nova API services under Apache2
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/glean: Add support for reading vlan information
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/glean: Rename 'v' to 'network_info'
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/glean: Refactor get_sys_interfaces
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/glean: Make a function for getting a sys/class/net value
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/glean: Extract sys/class/net processing into class
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/glean: Factor out args from finish_files
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/glean: Stop passing args around
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/glean: Make hostname writing play by the rules
mordredSpamapS, greghaynes, TheJulia: ^^ enjoy - I did some beginnings of some code cleanup on the plane08:23
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ricky1folks, what are your thoughts on puppet-pip and puppet-python? There's a functionality overlap there that is causing me quite a bit of grief. puppet-zuul uses puppet-pip to install pip, but the manifest doesn't work. The reason is that, well, puppet-pip does *not* install pip as one would expect08:25
ricky1as such, I pushed
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ricky1which failed one apply tests, as the slaves use puppet-python, which manages and installs python-pip08:25
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chen12 hello, anyone can help review ?  what else I need to do for this new project ?08:28
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mordredricky1: I believe there are some patches up to poke at this area ... I think in infra we do not notice because we use launch_nodepy to create our nodes and that installs pip from get-pip before running puppet08:34
mordredricky1: I think if we're going to have it install pip, we're going to have to get rather clever to deal with the get-pip v. disto-pacakge thing08:35
ricky1yeah, if you run that includes bootstrapping pip, which is why you don't hit this08:35
* mordred reads patch08:36
mordredricky1: so - the problem is "package { $::pip::params::python_pip_package:" is not enough08:36
ricky1but some modules, like puppet-zuul, does use puppet-pip,08:36
mordredsince that will install pip from distro packages08:36
mordredwhich we do not want, really - we want to install pip from get-pip and then via pip08:36
ricky1the slaves where the puppet apply test runs have puppet-python, which has python-pip package resource08:36
ricky1thus, redeclare issue08:36
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mordredthe slaves are installing pip via apt? because if they are, we should fix that08:37
ricky1yup, look here:08:37
ricky1most hated puppet error evar, dupliacte declaration08:38
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mordredyay! my favorite08:38
ricky1so, the slave use puppet-python, which apparently leverages pip via distro packages08:38
ricky1or whoever, truth is we have a package['python-pip'] that collides here08:39
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ricky1and i don't really want to put on my patch a 'if ! Package['python-pip']', cos, well, a class that supposedly installs pip shouldn't have those sort of hacks08:39
ricky1imho, we should deprecate one of them08:40
ricky1cos threre's no point having puppet-pip and puppet-python if there's overlap between the two08:40
ricky1if there's functionality that puppet-pip has that puppet-python does not (managing pip.conf as far as I can see), we upstream patch to it08:40
ricky1yolanda: you pushed the manage pip.conf to puppet-pip, thoughts ^ ?08:41
yolandaif puppet-python is the one that is managing pip, i'd rather add the pip.conf management there08:41
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yolandaright now puppet-pip seems to be doing nothing else08:42
ricky1then refactor all other service puppet classes using puppet-pip to use puppet-python08:42
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ricky1i'll send an email to get opinions on this, seems like a major refactor08:42
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yolandawhere is puppet-python used? only on slaves?08:43
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ricky1puppet-python = stankevich python08:45
ricky1it's one thing that gets installed on slaves via install_modules08:45
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yolandai'd like if pip can be properly managed on all instances, not relying just on install_puppet script08:47
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yushiroHi. I have a question about  Would you please tell me about this patch's condition?  Though the dependency patch has already merged,  this patch has not merged yet.08:49
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Start using local replication features from gerrit module
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openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack/requirements: Bump websockify to 0.6.1
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mescanefhi, please remove the branch named "1.0" from fuel-plugin-zabbix-snmptrapd project as its no longer needed. :-)09:23
mescaneffungi: ^^09:23
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TheJuliamordred: thank you for the heads up on that10:44
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: move nova-api meeting to Tuesday
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Adding support for Hipchat plugin 0.1.9 as publisher
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed stackforge/python-jenkins: Wrap url building with helper method
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add in extra connections tests
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Refactor sources out of triggers
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Document the new connections in zuul
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Configure triggers dynamically
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add support for 'connection' concept
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add base class for triggers
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add base class for sources
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add base class for reporters
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add support for negative requirements (take 2)
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Tidy up zuul-env-reqs
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Remove absent file check for zuul-env-reqs.txt
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Test osloganalyze in devstack
dtantsurhi folks! seems like with pbr 1.4 ironic docs job started failing with pretty weird error messages (all dependencies can't be imported), e.g.
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dtantsurbut I don't see anything suspicious in pbr changelog... any ideas?11:38
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add nodejs to the source modules
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eantyshevjhesketh: Hello, could you take another look at
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jhesketheantyshev: sure, were you able to address my comment?11:47
jheskethI may have missed something obvious11:47
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eantyshevjhesketh: I wrote you a reply there. Problem was I couldn't understand the problem you stated11:49
jhesketheantyshev: I can't see the reply sorry11:50
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eantyshevI see it as 'draft', or should I do something to 'confirm' it?11:52
jhesketheantyshev: in-line comments are posted when you submit a comment on the whole patch. So you need to browse back to the patch, and click "add comment"11:54
jhesketheantyshev: I think I see the confusion (which is totally my fault), but I'll wait for your comment and then reply11:54
eantyshevjhesketh: okay, done11:55
jhesketheantyshev: thanks, I can see it now11:56
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jhesketheantyshev: posted some more thoughts :-)12:01
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eantyshevjhesketh: I admit there could be issues with dependent pipelines, I didn't play much with them (perhaps, because 3rd party CIs don't need such)12:05
eantyshevjhesketh: I'll look at it more closely, thank you!12:06
jhesketheantyshev: yeah, maybe it's just a feature of independant pipelines to ignore unknown projects12:06
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Log which repo zuul references are created on
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fungimordred: rcarrillocruz: yolanda: could always revisit/take over my change if you're no longer opposed to the idea of dropping the puppet pip module12:16
pc_mCan a second core reviewer look at and approve ? This adds a gate-hook to the neutronclient functional job, so that we can get this test passing again (there are several commits blocked on this).12:16
fungimordred: rcarrillocruz: yolanda: the objections seemed to come from downstream consumers of our modules in hp12:16
chen12hello, anyone can help review ?  what else I need to do for this new project ?12:17
yolandafungi, i think that even upstream is using a custom logic, that should be managed and puppetized12:18
yolandaeven if you rely on a scrpt12:18
yolandawe should document it , make it available12:18
yolandawe just rely on install_puppet for it?12:18
fungiyolanda: we do, though i suppose it could be driven by a puppet module12:20
fungiif we wanted12:20
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yolandafungi, i'd prefer if we could bring it with puppet yes, right now downstream consumers (as us), can have different ways to deploy puppet12:21
yolandaso we can find cases where pip is not installed, and we need something to rely on12:21
yolandait means, pip module install as long as pip configuration, as depending on the context, several settings need to be added for pip to work, such as timeouts, proxy settings, etc12:21
fungiyolanda: i'm pretty sure the only real reason we originally introduced the pip module is that we needed to override the pip provider for platforms like ubuntu that, for a while historically, had python 2.x and 3.x versions of pip to install modules into the correct libpaths depending on the interpreter you wanted to use them12:22
openstackgerritEvgeny Antyshev proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Check if grub2 rpm is already installed
fungiwhich is no longer necessary12:22
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fungithe other bits could be refactored out to somewhere else i guess12:22
yolandafungi, i'm ok in removing puppet-pip, for sure, but move the logic somewhere else12:22
rcarrillocruzfungi: i saw that, tbh i don't see there a downstream usage issue, it's a system-config change. I'm more concerned on the dependency that other service puppet modules use of puppet-pip, since puppet-pip does not install pip whatsoever right now and it won't gate, cos the slaves have puppet-python already deploying pip package12:23
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yolandait puppet-python is a good place, we can move it there. pip configuration can be optional as well, moving that to a subclass12:23
fungii think the other logic got added to it after i proposed removing it 6+ months ago12:23
rcarrillocruzthus I got a redeclare resource failure because of it12:23
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fungircarrillocruz: right, that was meant to be a step toward deleting the pip module12:24
rcarrillocruzyolanda: OR make puppet-pip just a class for managing pip conf and rename it to pip-settings or smth ?12:24
rcarrillocruzjust thinking out loud if pushing the pip.conf handling to upstream puppet-python becomes a burden etc12:24
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rcarrillocruzi'm not sure how well is that module maintained, if they are open for PR etc12:24
yolandai'd move to a pip-settings, yes. I don't want to confuse people trying to remove pip from their jobs, and having them using again because of the pip.conf need12:25
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rcarrillocruzfungi: i haven't +1 it cos it needs rebase, but otherwise it would be a +1 from me12:26
rcarrillocruzdon't see that as a problem for downstream for sure12:26
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rcarrillocruzfollow-up patches could depending on approach taken12:27
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yolandawith that conversation, i'm fine with removing puppet-pip and moving the pip.conf somewhere else12:27
fungianyway, i don't have too much stake in it one way or the other. mostly just saw it as a dead module (at the time i proposed that change it was basically bookkeeping to indicate that a class made use of pip in some way)12:27
yolandamanaging pip.conf is really important downstream, so i want this to be automated, and on a module12:27
fungibut i do want to make sure that our modules don't suddenly begin pulling in distro packages of pip on our servers, whatever solution is arrived at12:28
rcarrillocruzyeah, that should be done via pypa bootstrap script i reckon12:28
fungimainly because we install other things that need a newer pip version than any of our distros package12:29
rcarrillocruzthe fix i pushed for puppet-pip was to complete the half-implementation, the module has package variables defined but not for pip, and it doesn't install pip anyway12:29
rcarrillocruzwhich is bad, cos puppet-zuul fails miserably12:29
rcarrillocruzand probably others, just hit that particular one12:30
yolandai'd say that we get rid of puppet-pip, and we can propose a puppet-pip_settings for example12:30
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rcarrillocruzyeah, that looks like a good compromise to me12:30
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rcarrillocruzwe'll need to check the service class modules out there, which ones use pip tho12:31
rcarrillocruzand replace for puppet-python12:31
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rcarrillocruzi think most service class that use ::pip use it just to install the pip package, i doubt any of it uses it for pip.conf (that's a very downstream thing, to put proxies whatnot)12:32
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Anyican some one kindly review my patch to jenkins job builder. at   Thanks so much!12:35
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openstackgerritSean M. Collins proposed openstack-infra/project-config: [WIP] IPv6 only neutron experimental job
yolandarcarrillocruz, yes, i believe it. Although adding timeouts or retries won't hurt upstream :)12:38
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mescanefhi, please remove the branch named "1.0" from fuel-plugin-zabbix-snmptrapd project as its no longer needed. :-)12:54
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fungimescanef: done. stackforge/fuel-plugin-zabbix-snmptrapd branch tip of 1.0 was 66e007426ceaacf0c1dc7fc5869264b8b8f6e112 (same as tip of master)13:02
fungiand on that note, i need to disappear for a while to wrangle a moving truck for the last of our things. back later today13:03
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mescaneffungi: thansk, btw I posted email on openstack-infra about adding me to some newly created SF fuel-plugin projects.. :-)13:05
mescanefif you could have a look13:06
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openstackgerritAssaf Muller proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Skip neutron fullstack tests on doc-only changes
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jenkins: Add creation of user in jjb
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add a developer coding standards doc
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jenkins: User versioncmp to compare strings
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Shrewsmordred: hey... look... moar docs ^^^^13:19
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openstackgerritAndrei V. Ostapenko proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move from stackforge/magnetodb to openstack/magnetodb
openstackgerritAndrei V. Ostapenko proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Changes jobs description for MagnetoDB
rcarrillocruzShrews: zomg, shade developer docs :D13:21
Shrewsrcarrillocruz: right?? crazy13:22
rcarrillocruzwe should put a note 'please put everything within, otherwise we'll -1 it'13:22
rcarrillocruzXD XD13:22
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jenkins: Add Gemfile and puppet 4 checks
Shrewsrcarrillocruz: if i could get mordred to handle his umpteen outstanding changes, i'd split out the two classes in that file. I may do it anyway and make him enter rebase hell.13:23
rcarrillocruzyeah, that's going to be fun13:23
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rcarrillocruzwe'll have to do it at some point, the code base is getting hard to follow...13:24
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chen12anyone can help review ?  what else I need to do for this new project ?13:32
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* regXboi pads back in with another simple question13:36
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pabelangerfungi: do you mind approving:
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regXboiI'm looking for a way to filter pipeline results in the following way: job A in the pipeline passes, but job B fails13:36
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regXboiis there a way I can get all of those cases so that I can go look at why job B fails13:37
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mordredShrews: I will throw a half-eaten chili-crab at you13:54
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Shrewsmmmm, chili-crab13:55
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Upgrade grafana.o.o to 2.1.0
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/requirements: Raise minimum required neutronclient to >=2.4.0
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anyiCan someone help review the patch to jjb  Thanks so much!14:07
regXboimordred: ping14:07
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regXboimordred: do you know how I can filter change sets in gerrit based on the failure of particular non-voting jobs in the check pipeline?14:08
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for q-svc vpnaas kilo bug 1483266
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openstackbug 1483266 in neutron "q-svc fails to start in kilo due to "ImportError: No module named"" [Undecided,New]
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jenkins: User versioncmp to compare strings
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anteayaregXboi: you can't filter in gerrit based on job name, but you can using logstash: logstash.openstack.org14:10
anteayaregXboi: build_name is going to help you a lot14:10
openstackgerritAndrey Pavlov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: remove branch limiting for ec2api functional jobs.
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pc_manteaya: hi14:15
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anteayapc_m: well hello there14:19
chen12anyone can help review ?  what else I need to do for this new project ?14:19
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pc_manteaya: Can you review/approve for us? This adds a to neutronclient job, so that we can enable plugin in neutronclient repo to unblock test for several commits.14:19
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* anteaya looks14:21
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pc_manteaya: Thanks!14:21
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anteayapc_m: where is
anteayaI see post_test_hook.sh14:24
pc_manteaya: It will be added under, but cannot test that, until we have the hook.14:25
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pc_manteaya: When script runs, it looks for gate hook and if it exists, will run it. This commit adds the hook, 210021 implements the hook.14:26
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pc_manteaya: So 209887 defines the gate hook, and 210021 implements it. Infrastructure tests for existence of the gate hook file, before sourcing.14:27
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anteayathis is a voting job, if this breaks you can't merge any code to python-neutronclient14:28
pc_manteaya: It's broken currently, so no neutronclients can go through right now (since last week)14:28
pc_manteaya: This is to fix the breakage, by adding a gate hook and enabling plugin.14:29
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pc_manteaya: examples of breakage are and
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anteayawell you have convinced me it is broken14:34
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anteayaand that you are aware this could make you more broken14:34
openstackgerritSahdev Zala proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new repository for stand-alone TOSCA Parser
anteayapc_m: so be it14:34
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dougwigpc_m: anteaya: let's not merge that hook until we fix the bleeding.  There is a grenade fix that should go in first, or we should revert Vpn being deleted from devstack.14:35
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pc_mdougwig: This is not for a grenade failure.14:36
anteayadougwig: so remove my +A on
anteayadougwig: tell me now14:37
pc_mdougwig: and not for the stable/kilo issue.14:37
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dougwigIt won't hurt, but what we really need is to go back to a stable place and redo these commits in non crisis mode.14:37
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add serveraliases for
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pabelangerfungi: ^ I think this is what we need to match on
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anteayaI would prefer to remove my +A if merging this adds to the problem14:38
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anteayapc_m: I have revoked my +A14:39
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anteayapc_m dougwig can you compose an etherpad with current status as well as a plan to address the issue(s), then I have a better chance of following along14:40
anteayaand perhaps offering some thoughts for the workflow14:40
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dougwiganteaya: yes.14:42
anteayathank you14:42
dougwiggive me an hour, i literally just woke up.14:43
anteayaI look forward to understanding the bigger picture14:43
anteayaas did I, you have an hour at least, I have a meeting upcoming14:43
anteayadougwig: and good morning!14:43
Sam-I-Amhowdy folks14:43
anteayamorning Sam-I-Am14:44
pc_manteaya: understood.14:44
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anteayapc_m: thanks14:46
anteayapc_m: I am trying to help here, hope you can see that part14:46
pc_manteaya: yup.14:46
anteayafungi: have you a moment to refresh the topic in -meeting14:47
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jeblairanteaya: done14:50
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jeblairhrm.  spiky nodepool graph.14:51
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anteayajeblair: thank you14:52
anteaya:( on spiky graph14:52
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jeblairi don't see an obvious problem from the logs14:54
jeblairi'll give it some more time14:55
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* anteaya nods14:57
anteayanice amount of blue there though, despite the pointy hats14:57
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pabelangerjeblair: do you mind approving ? This is for fedora 22 dibs requirements15:03
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jeblairpabelanger: done15:07
pabelangerjeblair: danke15:07
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chen12anyone can help review ?  what else I need to do for this new project ?15:10
openstackgerritSahdev Zala proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new repository for stand-alone TOSCA Parser
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sdaguemriedem: is failing the validate tests on stable15:12
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sdagueis that supposed to be non-voting on stable?15:13
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-pip: Fix warning on puppet-pip about trusted-hosts
sdaguefungi: so, who has the magic wand on approving irc-meeting schedule changes?15:13
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jeblairsdague: +215:16
sdaguejeblair: ok cool, what's the general approval policy on that?15:16
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jeblairsdague: for a change like that, i'm interpreting it as "looks like it makes sense and seems to have consensus of the involved parties"; i understand you are fairly involved in nova, so i'm assuming the second point -- if instead you want to propose that change as a consensus building focus point, you might want to leave a comment to that effect and i can remove my +2.15:18
jeblairsdague: (other criteria i have applied to different changes are: "is it even an irc meeting?"  "is it in an appropriate channel?")15:19
jeblairsdague: but generally, i think it's not intended to be heavy handed (ie, doesn't review meeting content or desirability or anything like that)15:20
sdaguejeblair: ok, yeh this just reflects the concensus already on the ML, I linked to the discussion15:21
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sdaguein a follow on comment15:21
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anteayaanyone knowing anything about dib have a moment for some troubleshooting in the third-party meeting happening now in -meeting?15:21
anteayawe do want to support them using dib, I understand15:22
sdagueit's fine that it hangs out a couple more days in case anyone really objects on the ML or the review, monday has passed for AP, so I assumed everyone that would care from there would speak up already (and we had 2 of the 3 folks who I expected from there to ack it)15:22
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jeblairianw, pabelanger: you may want to look at  (this is related to what anteaya was just asking about re -meeting)15:24
pabelangerpuppet peeps. I'd _really_ like to land today if at all possible.  This appears to be the only blocker for fedora22 dibs15:25
pabelangerjeblair: checking15:25
anteayajeblair pabelanger ianw thanks15:25
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added npm publish to eslint-config-openstack
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added npm publish job.
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pabelangerjeblair: anteaya15:32
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pabelangerjeblair: anteaya: the odd thing is, ianw runs a nodepool build checker on nodepool.o.o logs.  Saddly, it did not catch this build issue15:33
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anteayawell thank goodness for users15:33
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openstackgerritEvgeny Antyshev proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Check if grub2 rpm is already installed
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jlvillalhi folks! seems like with pbr 1.4 ironic docs job started failing with pretty weird error messages (all dependencies can't be imported), e.g.
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pabelangerjeblair: would love to add statsd coverage into failed dibs.15:36
pabelangerneed to look into that15:36
* jlvillal repeats what dtantsur said four hours ago15:36
jlvillalIronic gate seems to be blocked with the issue15:37
dtantsurwe got a work around patch, but it fails with a new problem
dtantsurnamely,  /usr/local/jenkins/slave_scripts/ line 25: .tox/docs/bin/pip: No such file or directory15:37
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Don't run gate-requirements-tox-validate on stable/juno or stable/kilo
mriedem^ would help unblock stable/kilo15:38
jeblairpabelanger: that sounds totally doable.  in addition to counts, i wonder if we should also create a guage that just uses binary values 0/1 to indicate the most recent build status for each image type.15:38
pabelangerjeblair: Yup, that should be good too15:39
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jeblairjlvillal, dtantsur: hrm, something looks very wrong with the docs job15:40
jeblairit is not supposed to reference the docs env _at all_15:40
jeblairmtreinish: ^15:40
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added npm publish to eslint-config-openstack
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added npm publish job.
anteayaannegentle: was it an ironic issue you helped debug about a week and a half ago?15:41
anteayaannegentle: that had a venv issue with the docs build?15:41
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annegentleanteaya: it was barbican, and they had changed their venv in their own settings/tox stuff15:41
anteayaannegentle: ah thank you, yes barbican, you have a better memory than I15:42
krotscheckjeblair: ^^ Those address your comments from last week. Sorry I didn't get them polished off until this morning and wasted your time commenting on the review.15:42
jeblairjhesketh, SergeyLukjanov: I433126a8247e7e1c316f2c96bb21e15582b247ce should not have been approved15:42
clarkbjeblair that changed somehow at some point15:42
annegentledtantsur: looks awfully familiar though, make sure you are not changing the venv in your own project builds15:42
jeblairyeah, i -2 a change like that once already15:42
clarkbjeblair it now checks for a docs target. not sure when that change was made15:42
jeblairclarkb: it's the one above ^15:42
mtreinishjeblair: all I did was fix a broken if check in the run-docs script15:42
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, hi, looking15:43
jeblairmtreinish: yeah, the check never should have been there in the first place15:43
TheJuliawin 815:43
clarkbTheJulia next is 1015:43
annegentleclarkb: ah ok15:43
clarkbdunno what hapoened to 915:43
mtreinishjeblair: oh, but we kinda need it for tempest, because we build a sample config for the docs source dir during the docs tox job15:43
jeblairmtreinish: not okay15:44
mtreinishif we just do a sphinx build in a venv we would be missing those files15:44
TheJuliaclarkb: disk failed, or a gravity well ate it.  Not quite sure :)15:44
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jeblairmtreinish: we need to find some other way of doing it15:44
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jeblairmtreinish: essentially, that is there to enforce the idea that "python build_sphinx" is how you build docs15:44
Swansonmriedem: stable/kilo still wedged with the same grenade/requirements issue?15:44
jeblairmtreinish: and that's a standard for all of our projects15:44
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mriedemSwanson: it's an onion15:45
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, oh, I got it, will -2 next time15:45
mriedemSwanson: we need to move forwared
mtreinishjeblair: well my other idea was to bake it into, but just adding the call to tox was easier15:45
jeblairmtreinish: if you need to add something as part of that build, then see if you can add it to sphinx so that it can be built that way15:45
mriedemSwanson: and we need a neutron fix for to move forward grenade on stable/kilo15:46
openstackLaunchpad bug 1483266 in neutron "q-svc fails to start in kilo due to "ImportError: No module named"" [High,Confirmed] - Assigned to Doug Wiegley (dougwig)15:46
jeblairmtreinish: yeah, it's easier today, but it makes the docs build process non-standard which is :( for users and devs who expect that to work15:46
mriedemSwanson: sounds like this is the proposed fix15:46
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Swansonmriedem: Yee gads.  Proposed back on the 13th of July.15:47
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mriedemhowever, didn't really start breaking things until 8/5 last week15:47
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert use of docs env in docs job
jeblairmtreinish, jhesketh, SergeyLukjanov, clarkb, jlvillal, dtantsur: ^15:48
jlvillaljeblair: Thanks!15:49
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Swansonmriedem: Thanks for the update15:49
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jeblairmtreinish: this is the abandoned governance change from the last time this came up:
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jeblairmtreinish: see my comment from sept 24 for my thoughts in more words, and also dhellmann's suggestions on how to accomplish similar things15:50
jeblairSergeyLukjanov, jhesketh: strictly from a procedural point of veiew, if we wanted to change run-docs to use a different env, we need to change the PTI first.  or in other words, our jobs should conform to the PTI where it applies.  see this page:
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Prevent breaking doc build in future
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mtreinishthat should fix the issue15:59
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mtreinishkinda hacky but it works16:00
jeblairmtreinish: yeah, dhellmann might have prettification suggestions :)16:00
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: awesome, thanks :)16:00
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Revert use of docs env in docs job
jeblairjlvillal, dtantsur|brb: do you know when you started seeing problems?16:03
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jlvillaljeblair: I'm asking in #openstack-ironic now16:04
jeblairwe may need to either delete our current images or start building new ones to get the fix16:05
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jlvillaljeblair: rloo said August 8th16:06
rloojlvillal, jeblair: I saw it in this patch on aug 8:
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jeblairokay, so we probably need to kick off new builds to get the fix16:06
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jeblairjlvillal, dtantsur|brb, rloo, fungi, clarkb, SergeyLukjanov: I've started rebuilds of bare-trusty to get the docs fix16:12
jlvillaljeblair: Thank you16:12
rloothx jeblair!16:12
jeblairjlvillal, dtantsur|brb, rloo: hopefully that should be in place in ~ an hour16:12
openstackgerritNikki Heald proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Make the output of puppet-apply easier to read
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Prevent breaking doc build in future
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pabelangernibalizer: crinkle: mind reviewing? like to get that landed today16:43
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nibalizerpabelanger: did you grep around for anywhere we are passing 0 in as a version?16:48
pabelangernibalizer: I did. Didn't find anything16:48
nibalizerso 'puppet 4 on fedora 22' confuses me16:50
nibalizerI can understand this as a step to puppet416:50
nibalizerbut fedora22 nodes, imho, should run puppet 3 with everything else until we're ready to 416:50
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pabelangernibalizer: well, to be honest, this is the only fix needed to run fedora 22 dibs16:51
pabelangereverything else will pass16:51
pabelangerI'd rather use puppet4 under fedora 22, then hack in support for puppet316:51
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nibalizeris it a hack?16:53
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nibalizeror is it add the puppetlabs repos for puppet3 and yum install puppet16:53
nibalizerbecause that second one is probably all you have to do16:53
nibalizerunless they didn't release puppet3 for f22 which would be -_-16:53
nibalizerwhere does p4 come from on f22 anyways? just pc1?16:53
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pabelangerpuppet 4.1 ships with fedora 2216:55
nibalizerhuh ok16:55
pabelangerwe can still run fedora21, which gives up puppet 3.7 support16:55
nibalizerand the package is called puppet?16:55
nibalizerand that will cascade to redhat?16:55
nibalizerwell the puppetlabs folk intentionally changed the package name, installation process16:56
sdaguefungi: is this still a thing you want in?16:56
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sdagueit's been in merge conflict for a long time16:56
nibalizerto give greater control of upgrades, and to provide 'collections' of stuff that worked together16:56
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: A Devstack-plugin that installs a HDFS backend
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pabelangernibalizer: not sure honestly16:57
pabelangerI just know puppet4 ships with fedora2216:57
nibalizeryae not your issue16:57
pabelangerand tasked with get f22 nodes rolling upstream :)16:57
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Turn anvil rpm centos7 into a voting/gating job
fungisdague: it was proposed because the thing it's reverting was apparently rushed in without sufficient oversight and it complicated the scripts seemingly unnecessarily to support a non-upstream use case which was not well explained. jeblair posted an alternative solution but didn't link it there so now i don't recall what it was or if it landed16:59
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-jenkins: User versioncmp to compare strings
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jeblairfungi, sdague: how many "other changes" could there possibly be?  ;)17:01
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fungiseeing if i can track it down so we don't lose context on whether it's safe to abandon17:02
jeblairme too17:02
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fungiunless you meant an alternative _suggestion_ in the comments posted at
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fungiwhich looks possible17:04
jeblairfungi: i'm starting to think that's what i meant17:04
fungithough in that case, no idea whether andreaf followed through and posted it17:04
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fungibasically i left the revert on hold so as not to break his downstream use17:04
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fungibut i admittedly did a poor job of keeping tabs on whether it got solved another way17:05
sdagueok, so is this a patch that's getting rebased or abandoned?17:05
fungimight be good to get andreaf's input and see if he's willing to take it over or implement an alternative17:06
fungii'll wip it for the moment17:06
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ShamailHi everyone, I had a quick question/request about a recently created repository (  Would this be a good time to discuss or should I send an email?17:07
nibalizerpabelanger: the packaging fixes aren't your issue but I think we should be standardizing... so Idunno exactly how to get puppet3 on f22 nodes but I think we should do that17:07
jeblairjlvillal, dtantsu, rloo: the image builds are complete -- let me know if it works/doesn't work now17:07
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jlvillaljeblair: Thanks!  I will start adding some rechecks.17:08
rloojeblair: great! will check. thx.17:08
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pabelangernibalizer: well, we could do gems. Like puppet opestack team does.  However, I think there is a need to also run puppet4 in the gate. I personally, would like to see both. Either OS version of puppet or puppet from gems17:09
nibalizerya we should probably have f22 on 3.x17:10
pabelangernibalizer: If anything, this effort for getting puppet4, we should be testing with it when possible. Even if they are non-voting gates17:10
nibalizerthen have nonvoting tests for all puppet tests for puppet417:10
pabelangerbecause, downstream we'll be starting to consume puppet4 and infra modules17:10
pabelangernibalizer: for now, we can still run fedora21 nodes. giving us puppet317:10
pabelangerbut, we'll need to figure out once fedora21 becomes EOL17:11
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yushiroHi infra-team :)  I have one question about .  Are more review necessary?17:12
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pabelangernibalizer: are we going to drop vcsrepo?17:12
nibalizeryou want to run infra on f22? I care less about that17:13
nibalizerI thought you meant to provision f22 nodes for nodepool or something17:13
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pabelangernibalizer: well there are a few things.  Getting fedora 22 DIBs upstream (this is done), getting check gates for puppet4 (in progress), running downstream infra using puppet-4 (not your issue).17:14
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clarkbpabelanger only the first rewuires f22?17:15
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nibalizerwell the goal is to run infra on puppet4 ofc17:15
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Add section on retiring a project
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openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Delete ux-team-meeting. Change ironic meeting to weekly.
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-dashboard: This module is no longer supported
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove check-dg-tempest-*
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jlvillaltonyb: If you can comment on it would be appreciated :)17:24
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jlvillaljeblair: My doc job passed in Ironic :)  Thanks!17:25
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pelixwaynr: you feel comfortable with final review on some JJB patches that appear approval ready?,,,,,,
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waynrpelix: yeah I can do that during lunch today17:38
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add periodic/experimental tempest job for using test accounts
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add docs check to os-ansible-deployment
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mriedemdoes depends-on only work for certain projects/changes? there is a devstack change here which requires an os-brick change but it's not pulling in the os-brick change17:44
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pabelangerfungi: now I get to fight with cache-devstack under fedora22 :(17:48
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jeblairmriedem: aiui, os-brick is installed from pypi releases only in devstack, so it is not possible to test potential changes to os-brick with other software.17:52
jeblairmriedem: sdague may be able to elaborate17:52
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Move some content to HOWTOs
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pelixwaynr: cheers :)17:57
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waynrpelix: I have way too much work and most of it is related to reading&responding to tickets related to JJB and our config repo :( :(17:58
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add docs check to os-ansible-deployment
waynrthe bugs in JJB DSL are sooooo difficult to explain and it seems like the conventions I have been trying to establish with regards to job-group and project usage are more harmful than helpful18:00
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mriedemjeblair: ok, so is depends-on really for server projects to depend on other server project changes? or projects to depend on devstack changes18:07
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mriedemi'm trying to figure out how to add some notes on limitations to
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clarkbmriedem its for any project but the jobs have to take advantage18:07
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clarkbin this case the job doesnt take advantage because it ibstalls from pypi18:08
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mriedempypi or git18:08
mriedemi guess i'm not sure how trivial it would be to add that support to dsvm jobs18:09
mriedemto depend on library changes18:09
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fungipabelanger: i have a feeling you'll need the work greghaynes (i think) was putting into making it possible to use diskimage-builder to pre-cache distro packages on rpm-based platforms (some refactoring and an override for the yum element)18:09
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clarkbmriedem: you would need to run the from source jobs everywhere18:10
clarkbmriedem: right now they only run on changes to the libs18:10
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fungialso they only set the lib being tested to come from source, not every possible lib18:12
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pabelangerfungi: I have something going local, but ya. Think caching in diskimage-builder needs some work18:12
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pabelangertesting local now18:12
waynrpelix: i can workflow+1 multiple patches and zuul will figure out which ones can be safely merged right?18:12
fungipabelanger: right now the yum element diverts the package cache to /tmp so as not to update what's in /var18:13
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Replace open() with and force 'utf-8'
waynri wish we were using zuul at $dayjob18:14
sdaguemriedem: the point of moving code into a library is that it has a stable interface18:14
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sdaguetypically we set up a job on libraries that sets that library to run from source18:15
sdagueso that libraries can test if their future release will break the world18:15
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clarkbsc68cal: did you see thta all of the ipv6 failures appear to be tempest tests and floating IP related? so the services themselves appear to have come up and wre running18:15
clarkbsc68cal: I imagine that once you get floating IPs sorted that new problems will arise but that isn't too scary for a first pass. Also probably want a quick test added to check that ipv4 addrs are not listnening for all the running services18:16
nibalizerwaynr: zuul at your $dayjob would be awesome18:16
pabelangerfungi: okay. major issue right now, dnf does not support --downloadonly flag18:16
pabelangerthat is what I am patching ATM18:16
sc68calclarkb: oh? we merged the patch? cool! Yeah I'm not surprised the FIP stuff made it break :)18:16
mriedemsdague: yeah, which os-brick has
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Find module for exceptions raised from gen_xml
nibalizerespecially for the modules stuff, I could help a bit likely18:16
fungipabelanger: dnf?18:16
clarkbsc68cal: no we didn't merge the patch, I pushed a change to devstack gate to test it18:16
mriedemsdague: we just need to make the os-brick change depend on the devstack change to verify it works18:16
nibalizerfungi: dnf is the new yum18:16
sdaguemriedem: right18:16
sc68calclarkb: ah, that makes sense - link?18:16
clarkbsc68cal: because devstack gate is self testing (like devstack grenade, etc) you don't have to write a new job every time you want to check things like that18:16
waynrnibalizer: I have done some proof of concept work but was taking off of it to focus on JJBing all our jenkins jank18:17
nibalizeralso there is active chatter about how to make puppet aware of this new dnf stuff18:17
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Avoid parallel builder tests creating cache dir
nibalizerwaynr: JJB provides a ton of value so +1 to dhat approach18:17
clarkbsc68cal: long term you want your job but short term you can iterate quickly this way18:17
fungipabelanger: downloadonly was a yum plugin... does dnf have plugin framework?18:17
sc68calclarkb: agreed18:17
pabelangerfungi: yes.
sdagueso, mriedem, the other thing is, if you find yourself doing crazy levels of gymnastics in things like this, it's probably the wrong approach.18:17
pabelangerfungi: that looks to be what people are recommending18:17
fungipabelanger: but nobody ported the downloadonly plugin from yum to dnf yet?18:18
pabelangerfungi: specifically here:
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed stackforge/python-jenkins: Support ability to install plugins
clarkbsc68cal: mtreinish already filed bugs against tempest to have a don't use floating IPs flag18:18
sdaguepart of the reason of making devstack run libs from pypi was to force the library decoupling18:18
waynrnibalizer: yeah i agree, but i really liked working on the zuul/github integration :018:18
pabelangerfungi: don't think there will be a port honestly18:18
clarkbsince ipv6 doesn't support floating IPs at all18:18
mriedemsdague: yeah, so this is a sticky wicket in that regard18:18
sc68calclarkb: yep - by design ;)18:18
sc68calclarkb: I'd rather see NAT become it's own service and make NAT6 someone else's problem18:18
mriedemsdague: for context18:18
openstackLaunchpad bug 1479842 in os-brick "os-brick needs to provide it's own rootwrap filters file" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Walt Boring (walter-boring)18:18
clarkbsc68cal: I think the tempest fails illustrate why that design may not be the greatest18:18
fungipabelanger: bizarre. do you think upstream really thinks asking your package manager to download but not install packages is an obscure/pointless use case?18:19
clarkbsc68cal: though I would argue kiling floating IPs entirely18:19
sc68calclarkb: oh I am all about killing off floating ips18:19
pabelangerfungi: *shrugs*18:19
sdaguemriedem: right, this was the whole fiasco around that which gets pretty gorpy18:19
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add libvirt cpu_map.xml to logs.
pabelangerfungi: FWIW: I still do yum install, and haven't forced myself into dnf mindset18:19
clarkbsc68cal: the problem is we have two different apis now depending on your ip version18:19
clarkbsc68cal: and cloud to cloud you may get different options there18:20
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Cleanup unneeded bug workarounds
clarkbsc68cal: which further breaks interoperability and snity when using >1 cloud18:20
mriedemsdague: if you have alternatives to fixing that please weigh in - we talked about it a bit when it first came up and os-brick providing it's own rootwrap filters for other projects like nova and cinder to use seemed like the least of the evils18:20
sc68calclarkb: well - only if you have a single stack cloud and a dual stack cloud18:20
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sc68calclarkb: but I would argue that a dual stacked cloud is a different beast entirely18:20
clarkbsc68cal: or two single stack clouds with different stacks18:20
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed stackforge/python-jenkins: Support ability to install plugins
sdaguemriedem: so, honestly, os-brick providing it's own filters seems like the right approach, it's just source install is wonky right?18:20
sdaguebecause python doesn't really understand /etc18:21
clarkbsc68cal: no its not a different beast18:21
mriedemsdague: right18:21
clarkbsc68cal: I want a VM connected to the internet that I can perform work on18:21
* regXboi wanders in with another simple question :)18:21
clarkbregardless of ip version18:21
mriedemsdague: hence the devstack change to copy the os-brick filteres into nova and cinder's rootwrap.d18:21
sc68calclarkb: well but nova broke that idea from the get go18:21
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clarkbsc68cal: huh?18:21
sc68calclarkb: it's just that people think floating IPs are "OK"18:21
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sdaguehmmm... is it not possible for os-brick to have it's own place to work from?18:21
clarkbsc68cal: sure but the ship has sailed so maybe we should accomodate that18:21
pelixwaynr: it should do18:21
sc68calclarkb: most apps assumed that the IP on the interface could be used - instead of this silly fixed_ip business18:21
regXboiI'm looking at and trying to work out where the SSH errors are coming from18:21
clarkbsc68cal: I agree killing floating IPs is best18:22
pelixas long as they don't individually conflict with one another18:22
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clarkbsc68cal: but I also have to use real clouds18:22
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mriedemsdague: not sure18:22
sdagueok, got to head out for a bit, back later18:22
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mriedemsdague: i honestly don't know enough about rootwrap and how we could make that work if it's not a service, or maybe you don't need to be a service18:22
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sdagueit think we just need to register paths18:22
clarkbregXboi: its from the test node to the floating IP of a VM booted with qemu18:23
sc68calclarkb: Ipv6 is the place where "give me an actual IP that is connected to the internet" works without extra steps18:23
mriedemit would be nice to not have to pass in nova and cinders root helper sto brick18:23
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sdagueanyway, need to run, maybe I can poke later18:23
clarkbsc68cal: yes but I still need switch statements in all my code to support it18:23
clarkbsc68cal: its simpler if its the only thing that exists18:23
sc68calclarkb: give me a couple years and I'll make that the case18:23
regXboiclarkb: is there something better I can do than just "recheck"?18:24
clarkbregXboi: some of the tempest scenario tests boot a VM, attach floating IP, ssh into VM to check that the whole thing works (keystone, swift, glance, neutron, nova)18:24
clarkbregXboi: figure out why that test is unreliable and fix it then rehceck?18:24
regXboiclarkb: ack - it's now on the queue18:25
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openstackgerritwill soula proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add Ability to use the AWS Cloudformation Plugin
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support anonymous credentials for Jenkins plugin info query
clarkbregXboi: it does look like the private address DHCP'd ok so likely a NAT issue18:26
clarkbsc68cal: ^ topical :)18:26
sc68calclarkb: :)18:27
sc68caldeath to floating IPs!18:27
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sc68caldeath to IPv4!18:27
clarkbsc68cal: but only once my isp fgure out how not to lose all the ipv6 packets18:28
sc68calclarkb: who's your ISP?18:29
clarkbsc68cal: comcast18:29
clarkbI tend to have ipv6 issues between seattle and denver? on my way to rackspace18:29
mtreinishsc68cal: and
openstackLaunchpad bug 1482816 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Nova should not return a 500 on floating ip create with ipv6" [Medium,In progress] - Assigned to Matthew Treinish (treinish)18:29
* sc68cal grumbles about aveiga not being in this channel 18:29
openstackLaunchpad bug 1482817 in tempest "Add config option for floating ip support" [Medium,Triaged] - Assigned to Shuquan Huang (shuquan)18:29
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sc68calmtreinish: ACK - thanks :)18:31
fungicharter's worse. i can have a /64 with a prefix which changes every time their dhcp gives me a new ipv4 address, via a gre tunnel from a 6rd gateway at their border18:32
fungithat's their "answer" to implementing ipv6 apparently18:32
mtreinishsc68cal: oh someone assigned themselves the tempest bug. I was going to make you fix it :)18:32
aveigaso, sc68cal sent me over here saying you folks were having issues with IPv6 routes?18:32
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sc68calaveiga: yep - clarkb is having some packet loss between SEA and DEN18:33
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Correct name of openstack-user-stories ACL file
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clarkbwell I haven't seen it for a few days because I gave up and turned off ipv618:33
clarkbI can turn it back on and and ping next time things go wonky18:33
aveigaanteaya: thanks for t h info18:33
fungiclarkb: i recommend holding out for ipv7. it'll be way more stable18:34
aveigaclarkb: sorry to hear that, what can I do to help?18:34
clarkbaveiga: right now probably not much but now I know who to bother in the future :)18:34
aveigaI'd like to help you get back to using the real internet sometime soon :)18:34
clarkbI will go ahead and start using it again and let you know if it misbehaves18:35
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed stackforge/python-jenkins: Support ability to install plugins
fungiwish i had more of a choice of carriers here. is downright hilarious18:36
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anteayaaveiga: sure18:36
waynrpelix: whew, got them all reviewed and queued...thanks for choosing some relatively easy patches for my first time using gerrit to merge :)18:36
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Reformat xUnit publisher function and docstring help
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openstackgerritSahdev Zala proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new repository for stand-alone TOSCA Parser
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Correct name of openstack-user-stories ACL file
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anteayaclarkb: ^^18:53
clarkbanteaya: thank you, I will get the initial users set once jeepyb updates the ACLs in gerrit18:54
anteayaclarkb: sure18:55
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: move neutron-multinode-full to experimental for nova
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use dnf download to cache packages
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pabelangerfungi: ^ that _seems_ to work18:58
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fungipabelanger: oh, neat! so it has some similar support anyway18:59
pabelangerfungi: Looks like it18:59
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add Certified OpenStack Administrator BoD WG ML
fungipabelanger: does it reuse the same package cache location as yum? if so, you'll still need to fight the yum element's overzealous attempts to prevent package caches from making it into the image18:59
andrey-mpHi all! whi can check my patchset ? We need to change something in kilo branch and due to this fact we need to run functional patchset against new code...18:59
pabelangerfungi: I actually need to check that. Let me do that now19:00
pabelangerfungi: where should it be caching?19:00
fungipabelanger: /var/cache/yum i think. checking now19:01
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add nonvoting beaker tests to infra/puppet*
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fungipabelanger: and are the bits you'll be fighting19:02
pabelangerfungi: looks like I need to force --destdir flag.  Otherwise, it is local dir19:03
pabelangerupdating testing first19:03
fungipabelanger: oh, even stranger19:03
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pabelangerfungi: so, looks like /tmp/yum is cache dir?19:04
fungipabelanger: that's where dib's yum element temporarily redirects it, yeah19:04
fungipabelanger: though i think we want it to not do that19:04
fungipabelanger: on 211294, are we only going to do f22 images via dib, no snapshot version?19:04
pabelangerYa, like to do dib version19:05
pabelangerif people are cool with that19:05
fungiokay, cool. is glean support worked out for that so we can boot it in rackspace?19:05
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clarkblast I heard cnetos7 (systemd in general) did not boot with glean yet19:05
pabelangerno, I have not tested booting from rackspace yet19:05
clarkbunsure if fixed19:06
clarkbgreghaynes: ^ do you know?19:06
greghaynesI have not tested that19:06
pabelangerfungi: I mean, if there is a snapshot of fedora 22.  We _could_ use it.  now that system-config is happy.19:06
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clarkbpabelanger: I don't think hpcloud has f22 images? I haven't checked in a while19:07
fungipabelanger: the reason i was asking is that cache-devstack is done in a separate nodepool prep script for snapshot images19:08
fungipabelanger: also, you'll likely need to implement similar dnf download support in the bindep element too19:08
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andrey-mpclarkb: thank you!19:08
fungipabelanger: ultimately, when we can get devstack switched to using bindep, we can drop the separate cache-devstack stuff and let the bindep element take care of all that in its pass19:09
pabelangerfungi: clarkb: Well, I'll yield to you guys for snapshot vs dib for fedora 22 :)19:09
clarkbpabelanger: I think it has to be dib because hpcloud19:10
greghaynesclarkb: so I missed some context, is there some reason we need centos7 glean support soon?19:11
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greghaynesIt shouldnt be hard at all to do, its just a havent dont it yet thing19:11
clarkbgreghaynes: pabelanger is trying to do f22 dib images and I think it will have the same issues with systemd as centos719:11
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greghaynesoh! systemd fun-ness. I thought we got one of the systemd distros working...19:12
greghaynesI kind of dont want to focus on that until ubuntu-trusty is actually "done" though19:12
greghaynesand I think its just resizing at this point19:13
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Setup a private gerrit instance for security reviews
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Remove http.maxWait hack as fixed in Gerrit 2.5
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pabelangerfungi: okay, looks like it is caching properly19:18
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pabelangerbased on yum.conf / dnf.conf19:19
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fungipabelanger: you created an image and either loopback-mounted or booted it and inspected the result?19:20
pabelangerclarkb: greghaynes: don't mind helping get glean working with fedora22 uploads. If you don't mind pointing me in the right direction19:20
pabelangerfungi: doing that now.  I was just watching verbose output19:21
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fungipabelanger: yeah, i have a feeling dib will still need some yum element work to actually do what you're wanting19:21
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Allow JJB to set connection timeout to jenkins server
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openstackgerritThiago Paiva Brito proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adds python-oneviewclient project to stackforge
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thiagopHi guys19:25
dougwiganteaya: etherpad with notes and a workflow:   the biggest question would be, is there some infra magic that can revert four commits (in four repos) semi-atomically, as there is no ordering of removal that won't break people.19:26
thiagopI'm adding a new project to stackforge called python-oneviewclient, following instructions here (with few modifications):
thiagopthe review is here:
thiagopplease, let me know if I did something too stupid19:27
pabelangerclarkb: what would be needed to get fedora22 snapshot into hpcloud? I cannot find a support OS list online ATM19:27
fungii need to head out for more errands. back later19:28
anteayadougwig: thanks for the etherpad19:29
anteayadougwig: for a start, how did we manage to get into a situation where 4 reverts are necessary to get to a stable place?19:29
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fungimordred: if you get a moment while i'm gone, the test for the git-review change you approved over the weekend is now invalidated by your push-url feature, since it expected there to be a "gerrit" git remote. wondering if you have suggestions on how that should be tweaked19:29
anteayadougwig: is there a social thing happening we need to be aware of?19:29
dougwiga change was put in that broke stuff.  stuff was fixed. onion was not peeled.  repeat.19:29
dougwiganteaya: ^^19:29
* fungi ducks out19:29
dougwiganteaya: i want to stop with the onion peeling and get us back to a solid footing.19:30
anteayadougwig: I like the way you think19:30
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anteayadougwig: let me consume what you offer and get back to you19:30
anteayadougwig: thanks19:30
dougwiganteaya: ty19:30
anteayathank you19:31
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clarkbpabelanger I am not sure19:32
clarkbI should double check if you cant get a list19:32
pabelangerclarkb: ack19:32
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anteayadougwig: who is red and who is green?19:36
anteayadougwig: I'm blue19:36
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anteayapc_m: I'm going with you are green19:38
dougwiganteaya: i'm green, paul is red.19:38
openstackgerritThiago Paiva Brito proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adds python-oneviewclient project to stackforge
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Support Sphinx >=1.3 new protoype and warnings
anteayadougwig: ah I was wrong19:39
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anteayamtreinish: can you join me on
mtreinishanteaya: yes I can19:40
anteayamtreinish: the vpn job on python-neutronclient is broken and this etherpad aims to explain the situation and possible road to a fix19:40
mtreinishwell assuming I can connect to etherpad...19:40
pabelangerNot under our control but apears to be down.19:41
dougwigi'm sure advanced services broke etherpad, too.  :)19:41
mtreinishanteaya: sigh, just more artifacts of how poorly the adv. services split was planned19:41
anteayapabelanger: I confirm19:41
dougwigmtreinish: that's really not helpful. let's deal with the problem at hand, and making it better.19:41
anteayaand I thought refstack.o.o was under our control19:41
anteayafungi: is it not?19:42
pabelangeranteaya: see
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jeblairpabelanger: does not resolve -- did anyone add a dns entry for it?19:42
anteayapabelanger: ah thank you19:43
openstackgerritRyan Carey proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for Artifactory plugin
* anteaya gives dougwig a big hub19:43
jeblairpabelanger: since that's supposed to be a server, i assume we're waiting for it to actually exist.  i'm not sure what it should point to right now.19:43
* anteaya offers a hug to mtreinish if he wants one19:43
pabelangerjeblair: not sure. I just clicked link on su and got 40419:43
jeblairon su?19:43
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anteayamarketing got ahead of reality again?19:44
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pabelangerthey listed both19:44
jeblairpabelanger: i think it says that it's not up yet19:44
pabelangerI just clicked first URL19:44
mtreinishdougwig: well, except these tight coupling concerns are things I pointed out when the split was initially proposed. Attacking things piecewise as they come up only delays pain like this19:44
pabelangerjeblair: Ya.  Must read more19:45
jeblairyeah, could probably have benefited from not being a hyperlink :)19:45
mtreinishbut I'm reading the etherpad to try and figure out what's going on now19:45
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anteayamtreinish: hug?19:45
mtreinishanteaya: heh, nah I'm ok, thanks though19:45
mtreinishanteaya, dougwig: is there a link to the actual failure somewhere19:45
anteayaI'll save it then19:45
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mrmartinfungi: what's the plan for ask.o.o migration?19:46
anteayamtreinish: my patchset 3 first comment:
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anteayamtreinish: there are links to two failures in my comment were I give the workflow +119:46
anteayalater I revoke the workflow +119:46
openstackgerritThiago Paiva Brito proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adds python-oneviewclient project to stackforge
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mtreinishdougwig, anteaya: so if things don't work on stable, why don't we just exclude the broken jobs from stable19:51
mtreinishI mean all the projects involved have stable branches right?19:51
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dougwigmtreinish: the broken job is the neutron grenade job, which i don't want to exclude from stable. we're removing the services from that job entirely, which is step 0.19:52
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anteayamtreinish: the etherpad outlines the route to undo the current situation and then a possible route to enable desired testing19:53
mtreinishanteaya: sure, but it doesnt do such a hot job of outlining what's actually failing. The patches you linked me to didn't have a grenade failure (or even a grenade run)19:54
mtreinishI don't have sufficient context in my head to weigh whether the proposal in the etherpad is a good idea or not19:55
anteayafair enough19:55
anteayalet's get you some examples of a failed grenade run19:55
anteayadougwig: ?19:55
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dougwiganteaya, mtreinish: standby.19:56
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openstackgerritSean M. Collins proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make the Linux Bridge CI voting on Kilo+
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anteayadougwig: thanks line 6 on the etherpad19:57
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mtreinishdougwig: oh, wait are the vpn devstack and grenade plugins being enabled on the regular neutron jobs?19:59
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dougwigmtreinish: halfway, which is why it's having issues.  and stable doesn't have the plugin available at all, which is more of the problem.20:00
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/python-jenkins: Rework the examples
mtreinishdougwig: ah ok, yeah that's wrong you should rip vpn from all the runs and create separate vpn enabled jobs where you need them20:01
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dougwigmtreinish: right, exactly what the etherpad is trying to say.  :)20:02
dougwigmtreinish: but we should do that in not-crisis mode, IMO.20:02
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mtreinishthe new job adds? sure, do that when things aren't broken20:03
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dougwigmtreinish: right, violent agreement.20:03
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mtreinishdougwig: so how is leaving the vpnaas plugin enabled on vpnaas jobs going to break the functional tests?20:11
pc_mmtreinish: Breaks the VPN functional tests.20:12
dougwigmtreinish: you lost me. context?20:12
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pc_mmtreinish: See L81+ in etherpad.20:12
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mtreinishdougwig: oh I thought you were red on the etherpad20:12
dougwigmtreinish: i'm green.20:12
anteayadougwig: can you sign in?20:12
pc_mmtreinish: I'm red.20:12
anteayapc_m: and you as well?20:12
anteayamight help20:12
pc_mmtreinish: Doug is green20:13
mtreinishpc_m: so if the plugin is broken and it breaks the vpn functional job that's correct behavior20:13
pc_mmtreinish: The plugin isn't broken.20:13
mtreinishI don't see why a revert is needed there20:13
mtreinishthen why would using it break the test job?20:13
pc_mmtreinish: The plugin works for VPN functional tests, and any other tests that use it.20:13
pc_mmtreinish: The issue is that the plugin cannot be (currently) used when q-vpn service is also enabled. It tries to setup VPN twice.20:14
anteayapc_m: I naming clash if I followed the Root Cause Analysis section correctly20:15
openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Revert "Remove q-vpn service for DSVM tests"
pc_mIf we revert and turn q-vpn back on, then any test using the plugin will fail (VPN functional tests, Neutron API tests, Neutron grenade tessts, EC2 tests.20:15
anteayaI naming/a naming20:15
openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Add VPNaaS to ec2api Neutron gating jobs"
openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Add VPNaaS to ec2api Neutron gating jobs"
pc_manteaya: Sort of, the devstack script will setup VPN per old logic (using q-vpn service as flag), and will setup again as part of the new plugin.20:16
mtreinishpc_m: oh, so your reverting one too many. You don't turn vpnaas back on in d-g20:16
openstackgerritmin wang proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add Octavia to PROJECTS list Octavia needs to be added to PROJECTS to run gate jobs against.
mtreinishleave it disabled in there and only enable it via the plugin20:16
pc_mhindsight says I should have changed devstack to ignore q-vpn setting.20:16
pc_mif plugin was used.20:17
pc_mmtreinish: didn't follow that last statement.20:17
dougwigmtreinish: we leave q-vpn out of d-g if we want to push forward to completion. i'm trying to get us back to "not broken anywhere", so completion can happen at a normal pace.  not reverting the d-g change leaves things funky.20:18
pc_mIssue is the two (q-vpn) and neutron-vpnaas plugin cannot currently live together. We need to enable q-vpn in d-g so that kilo works.20:18
openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Add VPNaaS to ec2api Neutron gating jobs"
openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Add VPNaaS to ec2api Neutron gating jobs"
mtreinishdougwig: no it brings back the tight coupling your trying to fix by using plugins20:19
mtreinishthats a step too far20:19
pc_mIf we do all four reverts, we are back at the beginning.20:19
mtreinishpc_m: sure, so you need to fix kilo to enable vpn explicitly in jobs that need it20:20
dougwigmtreinish: no, it goes back to what was working, so we can remove the coupling with no gates broken. those jobs still have to be fixed, and it should not be done while everything is halfway working.20:20
pc_mWe can then move forward by ensuring that q-vpn and plugin can co-exist (with plugin taking precedence).20:20
openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed openstack/requirements: update cliff to 1.14.0
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mtreinishdougwig, pc_m: thats just adding back an implicit coupling, you need to do it explicitly. You're just going to end up reverting the revert of the removal later20:22
anteayaI'm close to the end of my day and I don't know about the rest of you but I soon need some food and time away from the keyboard20:22
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mtreinisha clean slate in my mind is vpn runs no where20:22
anteayahow would we feel if we picked up this conversation tomorrow morning when we have a bit more energy?20:22
dougwigmtreinish: i have no interest in attempting to unwind while the world is on fire. i can live with two reverts.20:22
mtreinishdougwig: but it just brings you back to a bad state where things are passing by chance20:23
pc_manteaya: yeah, I have to leave now anyway... Let em know what happens...20:23
anteayapc_m: thanks for your detailed work on the etherpad, let's see where we are tomorrow20:24
dougwigmtreinish: it wasn't chance, and it is a better state of affairs than broken.20:24
pc_manteaya: thanks for helping through this mess.20:25
anteayapc_m: thanks for staying with me20:25
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mtreinishdougwig: I disagree, it's running something everywhere that should only be running in a small number of places.20:25
dougwigmtreinish: it doesn't help the community to leave things broken until we peel back every layer of de-coupling. that seems to be what you're suggesting.20:25
dougwigmtreinish: yes, but we should fix that in a sane way, not under crisis mode. no one needs that. it was not a crisis before the d-g change.20:26
mtreinishdougwig: it's not broken, you leave it disabled in the general jobs and enable it as necessary (which is why I said not to revert the working jobs like vpnaas functional)20:26
dougwigmtreinish: they aren't working. how, exactly, is that "not broken" ???20:26
anteayamtreinish: which patches offered on the etherpad are you okay with?20:26
anteayain the top section20:27
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dougwigthe four reverts are all or nothing. they will not work separately.20:27
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anteayadougwig: hmmmm20:27
mtreinishdougwig: that doesn't make sense, how does not running vpn cause things to not work20:28
anteayadougwig: I'm feeling we are at a bit of an impasse20:28
mtreinishanteaya: things that remove the vpn plugin where they don't work20:28
anteayamtreinish: okay thanks20:28
mtreinishlike the first patch on the list which reverts the usage in the neutron hook20:28
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dougwigmtreinish: if you revert it in the neutron hook, and d-g hasn't installed it, it will fail when it runs its vpn tests. that onion hasn't been peeled enough for what you're saying.20:29
mtreinishI also would still like a link to that grenade failure20:29
mtreinishdougwig: why would the vpn tests be enabled if vpn isn't running?20:29
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use dnf download to cache packages
mtreinishthere should be a config flag for that (assuming its a tempest test that was moved)20:29
mtreinishif it's a unit test you shouldnt be running that on neutron20:30
dougwigmtreinish: lovely question, but it's true anyway, across a surprising number of repos, since it was there by default until last week.20:30
dougwigmtreinish: removing it as a default was premature, and forcing it to stay removed will have ripple effects of pain. i don't care how it *should* be, that is how it *is*.20:31
mtreinishdougwig: that's what I'm getting at, unless you remove it everywhere then you're not at a clean slate20:31
anteayaokay I'm going to ask if we can table this until tomorrow20:32
mtreinishdougwig: can you point me to the tests in neutron which run with vpn20:32
anteayaI have so much respect for both of you20:32
dougwigmtreinish: we're talking in circles.  yes, we should remove it all.  the only question is, do we do that with things broken, or put vpn back in the default set until it can be removed without them being broken?20:32
anteayaand my sense is that being folks with big metabolisms you both might see things differently after a meal20:32
anteayacan we come back to this tomorrow20:33
anteayaas a favour to me?20:33
dougwiganteaya: i need dead animal, is that what you're saying?20:33
anteayadougwig: I like you so much after you have consumed dead animal, yes20:33
anteayacan you eat soem and come back to this tomorrow?20:33
mtreinishanteaya: heh, well I just ate a couple hours ago20:33
anteayamtreinish: okay so I guessed wrong for you20:34
mtreinishbut I don't really need to be asked twice to not look at this :)20:34
anteayabut it doesn't look like we are going to get agreement tonight20:34
anteayamtreinish: yes, it ins't pretty20:34
anteayathat is true20:34
anteayaand I value your opinon and time, mtreinish, so thank you20:34
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anteayathanks for understanding my postiion20:34
anteayaI appreciate it20:34
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add devstack-f22 node to rackspace
pabelangerclarkb: ^ in parallel to fedora-22-dibs.  Also, if you mind confiming with hpcloud that fedora22 is missing. Or point me in the right direction.20:36
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jeblairanteaya, fungi, dhellmann: i'm drafting a message to openstack-dev (and possible re-use as blog material) about the stackforge namespace thing.  can you look this over and tell me what you think?
anteayajeblair: making edits, feel free to undo as you see fit20:40
jeblairanteaya: thanks20:41
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add nonvoting beaker tests to infra/puppet*
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for q-svc vpnaas kilo bug 1483266
openstackbug 1483266 in neutron "q-svc fails to start in kilo due to "ImportError: No module named"" [High,Confirmed] - Assigned to Doug Wiegley (dougwig)20:43
anteayajeblair: looks good to me, minor edits only20:43
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clarkbpabelanger: confirmed Fedora images in hpcloud go to 2120:46
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lifelessclarkb: dunno if you saw last night but the nova job *doesn't* run py27-constraints20:48
lifelessclarkb: so it doesn't tell us anything about success/failure.20:48
lifelessclarkb: suggestions on how to go forward are needed, we're blocked.20:48
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dhellmannjeblair: that is a good summary of the situation20:50
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Stop specifying requirements.txt in tox.ini
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clarkblifeless: no it runs py2720:53
clarkbso push a change thta uses py27...20:53
clarkbmake sure it works20:53
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed stackforge/python-jenkins: Stop specifying requirements.txt in tox.ini
lifelessclarkb: but the point of the change is to introduce py27-constraints20:54
lifelessclarkb: I know I at least am very confused20:54
clarkblifeless: yes once we know it works we will make new jobs20:54
clarkbbut I want to see it owrking before we bother with different job details particularly since that breaks th etesting interface20:54
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clarkbso step one is make sure it works at all20:54
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lifelessclarkb: ok, so you want a not-for-merging demonstration patch ?20:54
lifelessNakato: ^20:54
clarkbthen we can go "look this works fine but for sanity between local dev and upstream dev we need to change this test interface a bit"20:55
clarkbthen we can do that20:55
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greghaynesclarkb: oh, not sure if you saw, nodepool func test passes
greghayneser, nodepool devstack test20:58
clarkbgreghaynes: I hadn't, thats awesome will review as soon as I get out from under last weeks things20:59
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greghaynesmordred: replied on
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greghaynesmordred: basically - the workers having a nodedb connection is definitely not the plan, that is just an intermediate step until we define a separate builder config at which point we should be able to remove the nodedb connectoin21:05
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid: OIDC - OpenId Connect Implementation
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akraminsky_clarkb, does your map_cpu.xml file get a bunch of white spaces and new lines everywhere after the file gets written to with the new gate64 model?21:10
clarkbyes thats a python bug21:11
clarkbbut its xml so it doesnt matter21:11
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add new ssh key for clarkb
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Remove old clarkb key.
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anteayaclarkb: did you want to wip 211333 for now?21:16
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akraminsky_clarkb, ok so I guess the white space isn't the issue then. I'm getting what looks like junk for the Libvirt host capabilities in nova cpu..21:17
akraminsky_I think this is what's creating the issue with the host not supporting the ssse3 and vme features but not really sure how to fix this21:18
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tonybjlvillal: review applied.  I'll reach out to the UX team21:32
openstackgerritAbel Lopez proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Only install grub if needed
jlvillaltonyb: Thanks.  I did add the person who I think owned the meeting, to the reviewers list.21:33
tonybjlvillal: okay cool.21:33
jlvillaltonyb: Last meeting was December 2014.21:33
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jlvillaltonyb: So I, a biased 3rd party, think they should lose the meeting slot :)21:34
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tonybjlvillal: I tend to agree but I feel like as an inclusive community we shoudl at least give them a change to scream "NO!"21:35
jlvillaltonyb: Agreed.21:35
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Time to update my personal key due to the paranoia
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tonybjlvillal: I'll reach out to the current UX people and see what happens21:38
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jlvillaltonyb: Thanks for your help.  Unfortunately the other meeting channels are already in use at that time.  I would prefer not to use different channels depending on the week.21:39
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tonybjlvillal: Yeah I understand21:40
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jeblairthere's an #openstack-ux channel21:47
jeblairmight be some folks in there that can respond21:48
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jlvillaltonyb: ^^^ on #openstack-ux channel21:55
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: use zuul-cloner to check out files
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openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Move to new log_processor::worker api
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Disable log_processor workers temporarily
jlvillaljeblair: On a somewhat related note.  #openstack-ux doesn't seem to have ChanServ or eavesdrop attached to it...22:05
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openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Stop passing cloud config name to shade
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clarkbcrinkle: ^ shouldn't the tests be failing on that?22:16
clarkbor is tht an unreleased shade API change?22:17
crinkleclarkb: i would think so, i'm pretty confused why they don't22:17
clarkb(backawrd incompat too. ..)22:17
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crinkletests fail on master for me locally and the patch makes it happy22:18
crinkledefinitely hoping someone who knows what they're doing can tell me why22:18
openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Add generic logstash manifests
clarkbcrinkle: that is really weird22:20
clarkbmaybe mordred or shrews will know22:20
clarkbShrews: see
clarkbquestion is how is that working at all for us in productio and jenkins testing of nodepool22:21
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add support to filter results by failure test_ids
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Shrewsclarkb: for the backward compat question, i believe mordred's argument was that the openstack_cloud() method was being used (not direct instantiation of OpenStackCloud class). i guess that was a fail22:23
Shrewsclarkb: as to why it is working, dunno. that change to shade was *just* released last week in 0.12.0. Perhaps you're using 0.11.0?22:24
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clarkboh if its that new it may explain it22:25
clarkbalso :|22:25
clarkbyes we are using 0.11.022:25
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Shrewsi'd recommend changing that to use openstack_cloud(), fwiw22:26
clarkbI mean mordred wrote that code :/22:26
clarkbso I am really confused as to what is meant to be used22:27
clarkbcrinkle: ^ want to rewrite it to use openstack_cloud() instead?22:27
Shrewsthe utility functions is what i recommend22:27
crinkleclarkb: sure, will try22:28
Shrewscrinkle: ^^^22:29
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anteayamtreinish: gave your readme a suggestion, not sure if the wording is accurate though22:29
mtreinishanteaya: my readme?22:30
anteayait has an edit to a readme22:30
anteayai didn't edit the mtreinish readme22:30
anteayaI don't know the source code for that22:31
mtreinishoh, ok, thanks. I was just lost because I've got like 3 or 4 patches up that touch docs22:31
anteayaah sorry22:31
mtreinishI was just missing the context :)22:31
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anteayaha ha ha22:31
anteayahappy to provide or make one up22:31
crinkleShrews: ty22:31
mtreinishfwiw, I completely forgot I changed the docs in that patch22:31
anteayaha ha ha22:31
mtreinishI was more worried about the subunit2sql consumption side of it because it's the first time we're using it in e-r22:32
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anteayaworried how?22:33
mtreinishoh, just making sure we get it right, because e-r is kinda important22:34
openstackgerritAbel Lopez proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Only install grub if needed
anteayathe file?22:34
mtreinishI made it opt so it shouldn't break anything at first. But, I was just concentrating on the functional parts of the code, I completely forgot I updated the instructions on how to use the new feature :)22:35
anteayalet's see if my suggested sentence makes sense first then I will take another look22:36
anteayaI didn't want to keep going in case I was reading it incorrectly22:36
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mtreinishanteaya: the first part does, but the second half is actually a bit inaccurate. The filtering is only on the tests that failed for a particular run, not all the tests from a failed run22:37
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/gerritlib: Stop specifying requirements.txt in tox.ini
anteayaokay thanks I will revisit22:41
anteayaanyone know what postman is:
anteayalooks like searchlight is heading off into the weeds22:41
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mtreinishanteaya: I left a reply comment22:42
anteayathanks, looking now22:42
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anteayaoh, I don't know as I understand your example22:43
anteayanow it might just be me and I might not be your intended audience22:44
anteayabut my initial pass of your example gave me nothing but question marks in my head22:44
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add support to filter results by failure test_ids
fungianteaya: is definitely under our control. seems to be too22:45
fungipabelanger: ^22:46
fungi(as in we can reassign the dns records if we need to)22:46
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anteayafungi: ah thanks, I was thinking that was the case22:47
mtreinishanteaya: so the way e-r works is when a job fails it loops over all the logstash queries in the queries/ dir and tries to match them on the logs from the run22:47
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fungimrmartin: you said you wanted reed to check out the ask.o.o replacement instance on before we scheduled the migration. is that still the case?22:47
anteayafungi: ever heard of postman? apparently searchlight is using it for testing22:47
anteayamtreinish: with you so far22:47
mtreinisheach query is mapped to a bug number (it's the filename) if a query has a match on the logs from a run we report that bug as the likely cause of the failure (or multiples)22:47
fungijeblair: looking at the namespace wording now22:48
reedfungi, I can check things now...22:48
anteayamtreinish: yup22:48
mtreinishwhat the new feature does is let you say a bug matches if the query has a hit on the run's logs and 1 of these tests I specified failed during the run22:48
mtreinishif the query matches but none of the specified tests failed, it's not a match and the bug isn't the likely cause22:49
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anteayamtreinish: I think I'm getting it22:49
anteayalet me read that again22:49
anteayaoh okay, I think part of my brain gets it22:50
anteayalet me go back to the inline comment and read again22:50
clarkbanteaya looks like a browser extension for api testing and replays. does not appear to be open source22:50
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fungijeblair: i'm 100% on the wording that makes up the contents of that etherpad22:50
anteayaclarkb: thanks wanted someone to weigh in on it before I reply to their post to the ml22:51
clarkbmay also run on node?22:51
clarkboh is there ml post?22:51
mtreinishanteaya: my concern was changing it to read 'test_ids for the failed run' that's basically all the tempest tests22:52
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mtreinishit's really just the test_ids for the failed tests in the failed run :)22:52
anteayaclarkb: from what I see in their logs they don't know how to use the tools we have, going offline to a hangout won't help them it will make things worse for them22:52
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clarkbanteaya I am missing where it talks about postman22:52
anteayait doesn22:53
anteayait is in the logs22:53
clarkbah gotcha22:53
anteayaI figured I would look at the logs to see why the needed a hangout22:53
anteayamtreinish: ah thank you I will try another suggested sentence22:53
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clarkbit is free to use however22:54
clarkbbut not libre from what I can see22:54
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fungi"gratis" but not "fre"22:55
fungi"e" if you need an extra22:55
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* fungi has plenty of vowels on hand22:55
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mtreinishfungi: can I buy an 'a'?22:57
fungigo fish22:57
mrmartinfungi: yeah, but got no answer from him since Friday22:57
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fungimrmartin: we're in luck. he's bored^H^H^H^H^Hlooking now22:58
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anteayaI have to move a piano23:00
anteayawill be back after it is in its new best place23:00
fungianteaya: i move lots of things myself, but i've always hired piano movers. best of luck!23:00
anteayawell electric keyboard23:00
anteayaand my sister is on her way, hence the priority23:01
fungiahh. electrons are lighter than wood and steel wires23:01
anteayathey are indeed23:01
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fungistill, here's hoping you don't need to retune the electrons after23:01
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add a dequeue command
jeblairSpamapS: just a rebase and conflict resolution ^  (i introduced the conflicts)23:03
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jeblairfungi: NCSU cheaped out and never installed the hydraulic lift for the orchestra pit at stewart theatre.  i can confirm pianos are heavy.23:04
jeblairfungi: (i guess they got a _kind_ of hydraulic lift, in that most of us were mostly water)23:05
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fungii've watched two men and a spotter carry a full grand on a piano board. flesh is apparently cheaper than hydraulics23:05
* olaph grunts in agreement23:05
jeblair"i call spotter!"23:06
fungiindeed. _best_ job _ever_23:06
fungioh! you're going over on the left! you should totally correct23:07
jeblair"told you you should have corrected"23:07
clarkbfungi is this why your move istaking so long? >_>23:09
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fungiclarkb: not hiring professionals? yes!23:10
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fungiclarkb: the last of our junk is in the new house now, as of a few hours ago23:10
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anteayafungi: congratulations23:12
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anteayamorning jhesketh23:13
fungianteaya: thanks. now i just need to patch the holes in made in our rental and clean it up23:13
anteayahey anyone from au coming to the ops meetup? my sister likes the noosa dark chocolate covered ginger23:14
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anteayajhesketh: someone could totally mark up the price they charge me for it and I'd still pay23:14
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anteayafungi: can you hire someone for that?23:14
fungianteaya: probably, but this time of year people to do cleanup and repairs are in short supply23:15
fungii'd have to book 1+ month out23:15
anteayafungi: ah yes, summer time that is true23:15
anteayafebruary you could get them on a day's notice23:15
fungiheck, february you find them huddling on your doorstep asking for tuppence23:16
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anteayaha ha ha23:16
anteayaI have been in that set before23:16
anteayaand can attest to huddling on doorsteps in february23:17
anteayaso searchlight, thought I would compose an email reply in an etherpad23:17
jeblairSpamapS: and left a suggestion; do you still want to work on ?23:17
anteayaand let anyone who cares weigh in23:18
mriedemclarkb: can i poke you for this
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clarkbmriedem done23:23
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mriedemjust hit some other c-bak gate issue so that's why i was aking23:24
jeblairkrotscheck: thanks, reviewed.  only a few details need updating on 199715.23:26
greghaynesTheJulia: Hey, so there is not support for in bifrost yet, right?23:26
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TheJuliagreghaynes: that is correct, not yet23:27
anteayaanyone who feels I need to be held back, by all means jump in23:27
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greghaynesTheJulia: ok, I might poke at that since its probably about as difficult as me baking vlan info into our images23:27
TheJuliagreghaynes: still going to the ops mid-cycle, because we coudl likely discuss it in detail23:28
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Index screen-c-bak logs for logstash
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jeblairwhy do i have to create an account with eventbrite to attend the ops meetup?23:30
anteayaI don't create an account23:31
anteayaI just fill in the form23:31
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jeblairi never do either, but it seems to be required23:31
anteayait always prompts me too23:31
anteayaI didn't for the ops meetup23:31
TheJuliait kind of creates you one when you register23:31
jeblairTheJulia: not if you don't give it a password, which i normally don't.  this time it says a password is required.23:32
anteayajeblair: it didn't for me when I signed up for the ops meetup23:32
anteayaI wonder why they would change that23:32
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greghaynesTheJulia: What do you think about just supporting a vlan property per nic in the nodes.json for bifrost that will auto create a vlan ontop of that nic where the network info is applied to?23:34
greghaynesTheJulia: I was kind of hoping to work on this sooner than the ops deal, although the alternative plan is I work around it for now and bake vlan info into our images...23:35
jeblairanteaya, TheJulia: i have sent a message to the host through eventbrite.  i do not know who that actually is.23:36
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jeblairapparently the host is: OpenStack Summit Registration <>23:37
TheJuliagreghaynes: I think that would work, but let me ponder it overnight.  I was kind of thinking the same actually, but hadn't spent many cycles on it23:37
greghaynesTom F. usually has a lot to do with them... maybe he knows23:37
jeblairwell, there's a zendesk ticket now23:37
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greghaynesTheJulia: Yea, I think the key isnt to get it perfect but just to make sure we dont back ourselves into a corner with backwards compat23:38
anteayajeblair: nice, I'd be interested in what response you get23:38
fungijeblair: and zendesk isn't free software either :/23:38
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TheJuliagreghaynes: ++23:39
anteayajhesketh mikal so who from au is coming to the ops meetup23:39
fungii never tried to figure out how to register for the summit without having an eventbrite spamtarget^Waccount but i guess you worked out how23:39
anteayanever thought I would be asking how to get australian chocolate23:39
jeblairfungi: you just don't sign up for one23:39
jeblairi've registered for like 500 events and never given eventbrite a password23:40
fungiand it still lets you complete the registration? cool23:40
anteayayou just fill in name and email and press submit23:40
jlvillaljeblair: Any idea why the doc check job would pass but the doc gate job would fail? ?23:40
greghaynesI wonder if they are trying to upsell folks now23:40
jheskethanteaya: hughhalf from our team, not sure if you've met23:40
greghaynesthey being eventbrite23:40
jeblairgreghaynes: yeah, or improve their registered user base numbers?23:40
fungiinstead i've just developed elaborate spam filters for their garbage23:40
anteayajhesketh: not yet, tell him noosa dark chocolate coated ginger23:41
jeblairi mean, i still get confirmation emails since i put in an email address23:41
fungibecause they're going to sell my e-mail address whether i create a persistent account or not23:41
anteayajhesketh: and I'll meet him there, and thank you23:41
jheskethanteaya: I'll see what I can do :-)23:41
anteayajhesketh: ha ha ha, thanks :)23:41
jlvillaljeblair: Never mind.  Different days.23:41
jeblairjlvillal: that'll do it23:41
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jlvillaljeblair: I was looking at the times and thinking the gate job was the last to run.  It wasn't... :(23:42
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Don't run gate-requirements-tox-validate on stable/juno or stable/kilo
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Skip neutron fullstack tests on doc-only changes
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hughhalfWhat chocolate ? :) jhesketh anteaya  ?23:50
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anteayahughhalf: hello23:51
hughhalfHello :)23:51
anteayahughhalf: I understand you will be attending the ops meetup23:51
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anteayaand I just returned from au and brought back some noosa chocolate covered ginger23:52
anteayaand have been asked to get more23:52
hughhalfOh, ok :)23:52
anteayahughhalf: how would you feel about helping me with that?23:52
hughhalfUmm, yeah, sure :)23:53
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anteayaif you don't want to risk bring food to teh states I understand23:53
anteayasometimes they can get upset about it23:53
hughhalfNo no, that's ok, I routinely do so23:53
hughhalfTim Tams to the US, toys from on the way back23:53
anteayado you want to be paid in au or us funds23:53
anteayaha ha ha23:53
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hughhalfI think the trick will be locating the chocolate in time23:54
fungianteaya: before i realized i shouldn't have dairy products, i was in love with
anteayahughhalf: agreed23:54
hughhalfI'm in Canberra, not brisbane23:54
anteayahughhalf: is noosa only in brisbane?23:54
hughhalflooking at their website, it appears so23:54
anteayafungi: oh goodness that looks lovely23:54
fungiit's deadly23:55
anteayahughhalf: ah okay sorry I was mistaken23:55
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anteayahughhalf: I look forward to meeting you sans chocolate23:55
anteayafungi: I bet23:55
yushirogood evening23:55
hughhalfanteaya :)  We might still manage something23:55
anteayahughhalf: well don't go to any trouble23:56
anteayaI had thought it was available in other cities23:56
anteayaI didn't know it was just brisbane23:56
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hughhalfanteaya No worries, will see what we can sort out.  There is a decent chocolate place here in Canberra too, I'll see if they do ginger coated dark chocolte :)23:56
anteayahughhalf: sounds better23:57
anteayathank you23:57
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hughhalfNo probs23:57
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anteayafungi: now where do I get the chocolate ginger ice cream?23:58
fungianteaya: an interesting question. the health food store i used to get it from stopped carrying it, so i had to get them to special-order it23:59

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