Wednesday, 2015-08-12

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* mordred may have included too many references in one joke00:00
jeblairfiled a bug with traceback:!/story/200033500:00
jeblairmordred: since zuul is stuck, now is a great time to restart nodepool.  i will do it.00:01
mordredjeblair: awesome00:01
jeblairnow i will restart zuul00:01
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jeblair2015-08-11 23:01:11,323 DEBUG zuul.reporter.gerrit.Reporter: Report change <Change 0x7fa19c80a110 211775,1>, params {'verified': 1}, message: Build succeeded (check pipeline).00:02
jeblairis the event in question00:02
jeblairso we'll end up losing events since then00:02
mordredShrews: cross your fingers, jeblair restarted nodepool with 0.1200:02
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* Shrews crosses all the things00:03
SlickNikthanks jeblair!00:03
* jhesketh is concerned by the monkey on his back00:03
* SlickNik crosses all things other than the balinese monkey, tiger, jhesketh. That could beā€¦dangerous!00:04
jeblair#status notice Zuul was restarted due to an error; events (such as approvals or new patchsets) since 23:01 UTC have been lost and affected changes will need to be rechecked00:04
openstackstatusjeblair: sending notice00:04
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jeblairi love that it sat in "self._cv.wait(timeout)" for an hour00:05
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Zuul was restarted due to an error; events (such as approvals or new patchsets) since 23:01 UTC have been lost and affected changes will need to be rechecked00:05
jeblairperhaps that value is adjustable00:05
openstackstatusjeblair: finished sending notice00:06
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nibalizerkrotscheck: mordred when i ask puppet to do something, I expect it to do that thing, schedule being like "I already did that today" is weird to me00:14
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nibalizernow I've never really used schedule so maybe its awesome00:15
nibalizerI think we should be able to make the npm upgrade exec idempotent so that it doesn't cost anything00:15
mordrednibalizer: I think of puppet in terms of asking it to ensure that somethign exists/has been done00:15
mordrednibalizer: there are plenty of times where puppet skips doing things because they're already dnoe00:15
nibalizerright but it inspects that they need to be done00:16
mordrednibalizer: in this case, it's a way to express "please ensure that this has been run at least one time today"00:16
mordredto me00:16
mordredI've also never used it, so I could be wrong00:16
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jeblairmordred: yeah, though i'm not certain that's what we really want00:16
jeblairmaybe if we were doing bank-style batch processing with puppet00:16
jeblairbut for 'upgrade npm', do we actually want to attempt it only once per day?00:17
jeblairi could easily see us wondering why we're not getting the security update they just released00:17
mtreinishjeblair, mordred, anteaya, et all: if you could take a sec to just +W (it's already been approved) to kick into the gate queue, it's stuck because of a depends on (which merged this afternoon)00:17
mordreddunno. I was more arguing the general usefulness of the construct00:17
mtreinishI'd like to get that job up before the nightlies kick off00:17
jeblairmordred: yeah, that's why i didn't address that, i agree, it seems like a thing one might want to do00:17
jeblairmordred: so i'm exploring the idea that maybe we're talking around the idea that maybe that's not actually what we want it to do :)00:18
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nibalizerkrotscheck: I also wonder if what you're trying to do could be done with this module cleaner00:19
nibalizerkinda looks like it can install node from packages00:19
jeblairnibalizer, mordred: 'constantly idempotently ensure this is the latest version' is the pattern we usually use00:19
nibalizeror use npm to globaly update *things*00:19
mordred"On SUSE, ArchLinux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Gentoo, native packages are used. On Darwin, the MacPorts package is used. On Windows the packages are installed via Chocolatey."00:19
jeblairnibalizer: we do need a newer version of node than what's in trusty apparently00:20
mordredthat is the most ridiculous list of platforms00:20
jeblairnibalizer: s/node/npm/00:20
mordrednibalizer: I do not have confidence in that module00:20
mordrednibalizer: purely because it does not support either of the top 2 linux distros00:20
anteayamtreinish: yeah sorry I had that open earlier and than had to disappear due to weather, looking now00:20
mordrednibalizer: but it does support the world of esoteric things00:20
mordrednibalizer: I'm pretty sure the author is trying to out-hipster the world00:21
crinkleit does support normal distros
mtreinishanteaya: no worries, I just need someone to kick it so zuul will push it to the gate00:21
anteayaI understand00:21
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mordredcrinkle: gotcha. so it's not uber-hipster - it's just a docs bug up above00:21
nibalizerya we do beaker CI on that module00:21
nibalizerI mean, when my power supply isn't busted00:21
fungii think it's "on platforms that just compile our source code straight to install" (and also suse?!?)00:22
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: change compass irc meeting time
fungihence arch, gentoo and *bsd ports (including mac os/darwin)00:22
mordredfungi: "On ... FreeBSD ... native packages are used"00:22
mordredfungi: that's the silliest sentence00:23
nibalizermordred: pkg_get -r is pretty good00:23
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nibalizerno I mean really bsd has binary packages now00:23
nibalizerthe future is cometh00:23
mordredso I really _should_ start running freebsd?00:23
fungias long as configure&&make&&make install works, they update their binary packages in an automated fashion00:23
mtreinishmordred: wait, what is chocolatey?00:23
mordredfungi: hahahaha00:23
* mtreinish wants a candy bar00:24
lifelessmordred: you should give dragonfly a go00:24
anteayamtreinish: in the gate00:24
mtreinishanteaya: great thanks a lot00:24
mordred"Chocolatey NuGet is a Machine Package Manager, somewhat like apt-get, but built with Windows in mind."00:24
fungibasically *bsd binary packages are the result of make install followed by tar00:24
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mordred"iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))"00:25
fungiit's like the bsds reinvented slackware00:25
mordredthat's how you install it00:25
mtreinishfungi: heh00:25
lifelessfungi: which is totally unlike .deb's....00:25
nibalizerits the curl | bash of powershell00:25
fungilifeless: touche!00:25
openstackgerritSridhar Ramaswamy proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix up tacker stackforge projects
fungilifeless: heck, they even use makefiles00:25
fungioh, but ar instead of tar!00:25
lifelessfungi: Debian, a more greybeard BSD than BSD. Now with added BSD support.00:26
fungisee, totally different00:26
mtreinishmordred: ugh, well I think I really want a chocolate bar now to recover from seeing that00:26
anteayaha ha ha00:26
fungilifeless: ar is also much more pirate00:26
Shrewsmordred: OMG. How can they title that "Easy Install!"?00:26
fungiShrews: remember, it's windows00:26
anteayaand they are high on chocolate00:27
fungiShrews: their target audience all have a serious case of stockholm syndrome00:27
* Shrews searches for a snopes article on "chocolatey"... gotta be a joke00:27
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add periodic/experimental tempest job for using test accounts
lifelessShrews: its not00:28
fungiif only00:28
anteayaha ha ha ha mtreinish moar fort collins00:28
Shrewsyeah yeah... i was being flippant  :)00:29
mtreinishanteaya: heh, cody-somerville suggested it and I've never been to CO :)00:29
mtreinishI also had limited time to schedule because I'm a slacker, so it was easy00:29
anteayamtreinish: yes it is easy00:30
anteayamtreinish: rent a car for sure00:30
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mtreinishanteaya: heh, yep00:31
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anteayafort collins is nice00:32
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mriedemanteaya: i emailed btopol about the ibm people that said they were using vpnaas to see if he knows who they are and what they are doing, and why they aren't doing it upstream00:54
mriedemanteaya: some services team, i looked her up internally, never heard of her00:54
anteayamriedem: thank you00:55
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anteayabecause if they are, hey we could use some help sorting it out00:55
mriedemcould be like the same people that were working on nova-docker and see how great that's going :)00:55
anteayamriedem: wonderful00:55
anteayawoooo look at that chorus line of -1's00:56
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openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add rustygear to projects
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jasondotstarhi there01:16
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jasondotstarflirting with the idea of trying to use a vagrant box w/ the system-config project... I noticed that the .gitignore doesn't include the .vagrant dir or ignoring Vagrantfile01:17
jasondotstarhas anyone tried setting up a local dev environment for system-config using vagrant?01:17
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jasondotstarnot seeing it in there leads me to believe that perhaps something else is being done for local developement01:18
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clarkbjasondotstar: we work on clouds so tend to use them for "local" dev01:20
lifelessjasondotstar: I don't imagine that a couple of git ignores would be contentious01:21
jasondotstarjust wondering if I want to test out the etherpad example in the dox01:21
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jasondotstarin vagrant, for example....01:21
jasondotstarit'd be decent to ignore the file and the hidden dir....01:22
jasondotstarbut to get back to clarkb's suggestion... what "cloud" are you using for your dev enviro ?01:22
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clarkbI use rackspace01:24
clarkbbut also have used hpcloud01:24
jasondotstarah i c01:29
jasondotstarI guess I *could* spawn an instance or two in one of those and test out things...01:30
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openstackgerritJay_Clark proposed openstack-infra/system-config: adding Vagrantfile to .gitignore
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tchaypoNakato: is my role for installing stackviz03:03
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Remove grub2 in redhat-common/pre-install.d/15-remove-grub
jlvillaltonyb, Regarding:   Do you know why it isn't merging?  Am I missing something?  It seems like it should kick off a merge.03:08
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jrolljlvillal: there was a zuul restart, probably got caught in that03:13
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jlvillaljroll, I was thinking so.  I did do a recheck.  Maybe that will help?  It did do the test job. But no gate :(03:14
jrollyeah, dunno03:15
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jlvillaljroll, Shouldn't you be out being a tourist?03:15
jrolljlvillal: what about you :P03:16
* jlvillal is almost ready for sleep...03:16
jrolljust checking on things, I've been out and about already03:16
jlvillalGood. See you tomorrow morning.03:16
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tonybjhesketh: Could the zuul restart mean that which is +W has missed the gate queue and need a hand?03:24
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openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/puppet-cgit: Add beaker-rspec gem to Gemfile
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/puppet-cgit: Fix git clone for local test runs
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jheskethtonyb: yep, if it's not in the queue then it'll need a 'recheck'03:29
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jlvillaljhesketh, I did a 'recheck' on it03:30
jlvillaljhesketh, It ran through the 'check' queue and passed. But nothing since.03:30
tonybjhesketh: it whent through check but seems to dislike gate ?03:30
jlvillaltonyb, I wasn't sure if it would make any difference if you removed your +W and then put it back?  I'm making wild guesses :)03:31
jheskethhmm, it should have gone to the gate after the check03:31
tonybjlvillal: I don't think you can remove *my* +W but if you add a -W that would block it. (I think)03:32
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jheskethtonyb: you should be able to remove your +w and then add it again03:32
jlvillaltonyb,  Not me removing your +w.  You remove it.03:32
jheskethif that doesn't queue it I'll dig through the logs03:33
jlvillaltonyb, I did try doing a -1 and then 0.  But no change.03:33
tonybjlvillal, jhesketh: okay that did it03:34
jlvillaljhesketh, tonyb: I see it in the gate queue now03:34
tonybjlvillal: okay I mis parsed you sentence. sorry03:34
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tonybjhesketh: Thanks.03:34
tonybjhesketh: sake++ (this could end badly)03:35
jlvillaltonyb, Understandable.  Thanks for your help.03:35
jlvillaljhesketh, Thanks also!03:35
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Delete ux-team-meeting. Change ironic meeting to weekly.
jheskethI wonder if it was because the check comment from jenkins didn't change the verified vote03:35
jheskethmight be worth looking closer at03:35
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tonybjhesketh: I don't think so.  Jenkins passed it (and added +V) days ago03:36
tonybjhesketh: I think it was just that I +W'd it whiel zuul was "slow" and so that got lost03:36
jheskethtonyb: right, but the trigger rules for queuing back into the gate requires jenkins to leave a +103:36
tonybjhesketh: but clearly I'm just guessing03:36
tonybjhesketh: Ahh okay.03:37
jheskethtonyb: your original +W, yes03:37
jheskethbut the trigger after the recheck only looks for your +W as a requirement03:37
jheskethI'll need to look at what the event stream from gerrit outputs on identical votes03:38
* jhesketh adds it to his todo03:38
tonybjhesketh: okay.  That's a long list.03:38
jheskethtonyb: it's okay, I sort the 'take a nap' to the top of the list03:38
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tonybjhesketh: :)03:39
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anteayatake a nap is always at teh top of my list03:45
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mordredjasondotstar: your employer should give you a free account :)03:52
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anteayamordred: how is the jungle?03:53
anteayamore monkies today?03:53
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openstackgerritChangBo Guo(gcb) proposed openstack/requirements: Bump oslo.utils to 2.0.0
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add Manila-GlusterFS experimental jobs
mordredanteaya: nope. but found a lovely river04:06
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anteayamordred: nice04:08
harlowja_at_homemordred, u still up for possibly coming to yahoo in september to talk about openstack-infra to yahoo-infra peps?04:10
* harlowja_at_home has to follow up with that guy internally 04:10
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove XML only checks from security-doc
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove XML only checks from security-doc
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jamielennoxlifeless: is this stuck somewhere: the recheck didn't go through to merge and i don't see it on status.o.o/zuul05:20
jamielennox(nor did a reverify show it up)05:20
lifelessjamielennox: no idea :/05:21
jamielennoxnormally goes through normal gate job?05:21
jamielennoxit is a mystery then05:24
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lifelessjamielennox: its in zuul05:24
lifelessas of 1m ago.05:24
jamielennoxoh damn, just showed up back in the check queue05:25
jamielennoxi've been waiting 3 weeks for a glance-store release to run a job, i guess it can wailt for tomorrow05:25
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morgan_404jamielennox: sometimes a recheck gets backed up in the event queue05:27
jamielennoxmorgan_404: the recheck worked, it just move to the gate queue05:28
jamielennoxjust didn't move05:28
jamielennoxgave it a reverify this time, i'm not sure that's any different any more05:28
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Nanliu-git is now Puppet-community git
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SlickNikjamielennox: zuul seems to be stuck. I uploaded a new patchset, and it didn't make it to the check queue.05:51
SlickNikIt was moving really slowly earlier today, and jeblair had to restart it ā€” I wonder if it's in the same state again?05:51
jamielennoxSlickNik: i'm not sure, i expect the reason this patch didn't merge hours ago is because it was over that restart window05:52
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SlickNikhuh, strange. Let me keep an eye out on the queue and see if I see any other strangeness.05:53
jamielennoxi guess we have to wait and see what the infra team says tomorrow05:53
openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Revert "Cleanup unneeded bug workarounds"
SlickNikOkay seems moving again now for me.05:55
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add docs check to os-ansible-deployment
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add docs check to os-ansible-deployment
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Small changes to get closer to p4 compatiblity
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add nonvoting beaker tests to infra/puppet*
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Sanitize distro elements for minimal vs cloud
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Sanitize distro elements for minimal vs cloud
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-httpd: Allow httpd::vhost to take a content parameter
greghaynesclarkb: SpamapS morgan_404 ^ I did a thing06:21
greghaynesclarkb: You would be interested because that adds ssh to an element which uses -minimal06:21
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-httpd: Allow httpd::vhost to take a content parameter
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-httpd: Add vim swp files to gitignore
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* morgan_404 is not found.06:23
greghayneser, woops06:23
greghaynesmordred: ^06:23
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Nakatoclarkb: diff looks fine to me.07:27
tonybIf I make a (stable/juno) nova patch 'Depend-On' a (stable/juno) devstack patch will that run the (nova) check queue with my (hopefully) fixed devstack?07:30
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yfriedhi, who can help me with JJB questions?07:45
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-openstackid: Add Gemfile and puppet 4 checks
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electricalyfried: i can try to help/08:33
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yfriedelectrical: hi08:36
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yfriedelectrical: I'm adding a job to a project and I would like to test/update only that job and not the whole project/tree08:37
yfriedelectrical: how do I do that?08:38
electricalyfried: you can add the job name to the command at the very end. so you can do 'jenkins-jobs test jobname'08:39
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-os_client_config: Add Gemfile and puppet 4 checks
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openstackgerritBartłomiej Piotrowski proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add fuel-plugin-detach-keystone project to stackforge
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electricalyfried: did that answer your question ?09:00
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Kennan2hi, is infra any issue about this ?09:03
Kennan2 Went to status ERROR due to "Message: No valid host was found. There are not enough hosts available.09:03
Kennan2I found in jenkins jobs failed for that09:03
openstackgerritBartłomiej Piotrowski proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add fuel-plugin-detach-database project to stackforge
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openstackgerritBartłomiej Piotrowski proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add fuel-plugin-detach-keystone project to stackforge
openstackgerritBartłomiej Piotrowski proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add fuel-plugin-detach-rabbitmq project to stackforge
openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Revert "Cleanup unneeded bug workarounds"
openstackgerritAndrei V. Ostapenko proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move from stackforge/magnetodb to openstack/magnetodb
openstackgerritAndrei V. Ostapenko proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Changes jobs description for MagnetoDB
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openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add infra-ansible project to OpenStack Infra
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ihrachyshkaSergeyLukjanov, hi. neutron is blocked by new db driver. There is a revert that should fix the gate for it:
openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Revert "Cleanup unneeded bug workarounds"
ihrachyshkasdague, clarkb, lyz, fungi, mordred ^^09:32
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openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Create Nodepool REST API spec
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Kennan2hi clarkb: fungi:09:41
Kennan2I found our jenkins failed for09:41
Kennan2NoValidHost: No valid host was found. There are not enough hosts available.09:41
Kennan2is that infra not resource issue?09:41
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yfriedelectrical: not fully09:53
yfriedelectrical: the name is really complicated and constructed from a large matrix. Is there a way to do this based on a regex?09:54
electricalyfried: yeah. you can use * for example my-job-*09:54
yfriedelectrical: nice. I'll try09:55
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openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jenkins: Add sane defaults for SSL certificates
SergeyLukjanovihrachyshka, hi, looking on it now10:01
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ihrachyshkaSergeyLukjanov, thnkas!10:05
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Fix PIP_INDEX_URL
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openstackgerritSomay Jain proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support for link-to-last-build option in html publisher plugin
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
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sdagueihrachyshka: +A10:37
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sdaguesorry about that, but we'll fast revert it and get things running10:37
ihrachyshkasdague, thanks! I think we neutron people should have go this route first step, then try to find the guilty patches, so we were slow ourselves here.10:38
sc68calsdague: we're in the process of putting some suspenders on as well -
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sdaguesc68cal: gotcha10:39
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Davieylifeless (or anyone else): Seen, "error in setup command: Invalid environment marker: (python_version=='2.7' # MIT)" on g-r propagations?10:44
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therveIs there something going with logstach? It doesn't find results I'm expecting to find11:13
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openstackgerritSean M. Collins proposed openstack-infra/project-config: [WIP] IPv6 only neutron experimental job
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openstackgerritClint Adams proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: python3-compatible syntax
lifelessDaviey: I haven't seen that before11:26
Davieylifeless: I haven't dug into it yet.. but for interest,
openstackgerritSomay Jain proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: BugFix: Target field in Job-DSL plugin was not being populated
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lifelessDaviey: hah, 2.611:29
lifelessDaviey: I rather suspect that job needs to be removed11:29
lifeless(or the marker in openstack/requirements made more broad)11:30
lifelessDaviey: may be a pbr bug; I suspect thats the only comment-on-a-marker-using-line we have11:31
lifelessDaviey: (s/may be/probably/)11:31
lifelessnight all11:31
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openstackgerritMarian Horban proposed openstack/requirements: Add pyinotify to global-requirements.txt
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openstackgerritYe-hong Fang proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add debian support to iso element
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Revert "Cleanup unneeded bug workarounds"
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Davieylifeless: thanks, nn11:55
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix check-syntax manuals check
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix check-syntax manuals check
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AJaegerI have a few changes for the Docs team: this fixes a too tight check and this removes some jobs: . Timely reviews of these are welcome! ianw, sdague, fungi, could you do this today, please?12:06
yolandajeblair, when you come online, there is a change on governance needing ptl +1 for puppet cookiecutter. Also another +2 +w needed for the creation of the project12:06
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openstackgerritNicko proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Customized pollscm trigger
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DavieyAJaeger: Can i suggest making the commit msg clearer for 211843?  Seeing "Remove..." but +6, -0 blew my mind until i worked out what was happening12:10
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fungijhesketh: so that you don't end up researching unnecessarily, yes gerrit does fail to emit vote info in the event stream if an existing vote is replaced by the same value. needs a new approval vote to get things moving in that case12:12
openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed openstack-infra/groups: Use drush version 0.10 in bootstrap script
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove XML only checks from security-doc
AJaegerDaviey: Better?12:13
DavieyAJaeger: best earned +1 ever.  Thanks12:14
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jheskethfungi: oh cool, thanks for that12:15
jheskethI can knock that off my list :-)12:15
* jhesketh doesn't understand how people keep up with the entire scrollback12:15
AJaegerthanks, Daviey !12:15
fungiKennan: NoValidHost is raised by nova, not our infrastructure12:16
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Update API docs to include alternative db layer initialization
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fungiAJaeger: problem on 21184312:24
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dgonzalezHi all, is this the right place to talk about devstack? I can't find any dedicated devstack channel :P12:26
AJaegerfungi: thanks for catching that! You're right.12:26
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove XML only checks from security-doc
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dgonzalezI stumpled over a problem with multi-region setups in devstack and proposed a fix for it: Maybe somebody could have a look?12:28
AJaegerfungi, thanks for the reviews!12:28
fungidgonzalez: devstack is part of the qa project, so #openstack-qa is the most topical channel for it12:29
dgonzalezfungi: Ok thanks! i will go there to ask :)12:29
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openstackgerritNicko proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added the possibility to configure stash publisher's credentials through jenkins_jobs.ini file
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openstackgerritNicko proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Customized pollscm trigger
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placko_hello, is here somebody working on/with jenkins job builder?12:49
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Shrewsfungi: morning. qq... do you know where openrc gets sourced before running a job?12:54
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openstackgerritThiago Paiva Brito proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adds python-oneviewclient project
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Shrewsfungi: nm. found it13:06
fungiplacko_: the primary reviewers for jjb in this channel at the moment are pelix, zaro, mgagne and waynr13:07
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fungiShrews: cool, because i was about to ask you an even stupider question ;)13:07
Shrewsfungi: i am the master of stupid questions13:07
fungiis openrc the config file for python-openstackclient?13:08
fungior something else?13:08
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timrcjeblair, So I just go through reading the meeting chat log.  Regarding something like infra-ansible, which I'm thinking was a complete surprise to a lot of folks upstream.  One of the concerns raised was to wait for consensus to start working on a problem.  Does upstream have a way of supporting skunkworks projects?  Stackforge does not seem to be the appropriate namespace.13:10
timrcgot through*13:10
timrcWhile people are agreeing on architecture, I don't think that should block folks from experience and gaining intelligence around the problem.13:11
timrcArgh... typing... bad.13:11
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MF2Hi, I have 2 homogeneous cloud platform (openstack) with 2 dashboard, I want to integrate that 2 dashboard with one dashboard, can I do that?13:17
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add flavor access API
Shrewsfungi: it's the devstack user env file13:18
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Shrewsfungi: turns out it is sourced in post_test_hook13:19
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jasondotstarpabelanger: as I was asking... what are you thoughts about how we should go about testing the restore-from-backup process?13:19
pabelangerjasondotstar: fungi: Ya, so I'm curious how people currently see it working.  I mean, right now it is a manual process if I understand correctly.  Perhaps people would like to see this process automated and consuming backups more frequently13:20
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fungiMF2: i think you are likely asking in the wrong channel. we're the sysadmins for the developer community infrastructure13:23
Clinti wonder why pypi doesn't have launchpadlib 1.10.313:23
fungiShrews: thanks! adding to "things i learned today..." ;)13:23
placko_fungi: thanks!13:24
MF2fungi: thanks, which channel, can i ask my question? opnstack?13:24
fungipabelanger: jasondotstar: it's not _even_ a manual process at the moment. let's start by making one, even if it's brief-lived (even if it only gets used once or twice) so we can refine the process some before thinking about the potential for automation13:25
fungiClint: i think they release it on launchpad instead? :/13:25
fungiMF2: #openstack likely, yes13:25
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Clinti'm going to have words with barry or dmitri asap13:26
jasondotstarare we thinking a bash script + cron or something of the sort ?13:26
fungiClint: i'm verifying that assumption right now, but it seems likely anyway13:26
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jasondotstarfungi, pabelanger ^13:26
fungijasondotstar: i'm thinking an etherpad with the plan written out for how to consistently test it manually13:27
fungijasondotstar: premature automation is akin to premature optimization13:27
jasondotstarfungi: agreed. the pre-planning. gotcha.13:27
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pabelangerjasondotstar: fungi: Ya, etherpad would be good start. Been a while since I did backup management, going to need to google a bit to see how others do it today.13:28
pabelangerI mean, can't go wrong with mysqldump and crontab, but must be some new hotness13:29
placko_pelix, zaro, mgagne, waynr: hi, could some of you help me with 405 error I get when creating new job?
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fungiClint: confirmed. 1.10.3 released to launchpad, but 1.10.2 is the latest uploaded to pypi (so you have to jump through the hoops to reenable link spidering in modern pip if you want it to find the latest release)13:30
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fungijasondotstar: pabelanger: i recommend starting by deconstructing our puppet-bup module and reading a little of the bup documentation first. also see
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pabelangerfungi: are you invisioning using something like bacula to handle the process or something more home grown?13:35
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fungipabelanger: we already have a backup mechanism in place, so probably don't need something else with so much similar functionality13:35
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pabelangerfungi: ack, let me check out what we have then13:36
fungipabelanger: mainly just wanting 1) a plan for manually validating our current backups, 2) thoughts about how we might be able to perform the same validation in an automated manner in the future13:36
pelixplacko_: what version of jenkins and python-jenkins are you using?13:36
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Odd_BlokeWith stackforge/ being deprecated, will existing projects be required to move over to openstack/?  Or is it just that new projects will only be created there?13:37
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pabelangerOdd_Bloke: projects that want to be under big tent, will be moved to openstack/. Other wise, project will eventually have to move out of stackforge to some other location13:39
Odd_Blokepabelanger: Ack, understood.  Thanks. :)13:39
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add experimental postgres functional job for Ceilometer
fungiOdd_Bloke: it's more subtle. new projects (in the governance sense of the term) will create their repos in the openstack namespace. existing projects have the option of creating new repos in the stackforge namespace for now if they already have one or more in that namespace. any project that wants to schedule its repos to be renamed into the openstack namespace are free to do so without governance13:40
fungiinvolvement. at _some_ undefined point in the future, we'll likely rename the existing stackforge projects into the common openstack namespace13:40
fungipabelanger: what "other location?"13:41
Odd_BlokeI assumed that 'other location' was 'not on OpenStack infra at all'.13:41
pabelangerfungi: something outside of openstack control? I was under the assumption that stackforge will eventually go dark (read only mode) some time down the road13:41
AJaegerpabelanger: that was basically the first draft but the one that was approved is different13:42
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AJaegerpabelanger: see for the final version13:42
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pabelangerAJaeger: Ah, thanks for the heads up. Reading now13:42
fungipabelanger: Odd_Bloke: ahh, yes so that was an earlier iteration of the plan, but the tc took a pass on deciding whether stackforge itself will ultimately "go away." for now all that's been decided is that the stackforge git namespace should be deprecated13:42
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fungiso that at some point in the future we can stop renaming projects between namespaces13:43
fungiyou no longer need to be an "official" (big tent) openstack project to have repos in the openstack git namespace13:44
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dstufftfungi: clarkb whoever else I forget who hates the old cffi thing, cryptography 1.0 is out which no longer does any runtime magic via cffi13:45
fungidstufft: yay! the future is now13:46
dstufftall the magic is in the build process now :D13:46
dstufftalso imports are way faster13:46
dstufftand less memory13:46
dstufft~25MB of ram on import is gone, and imports happen in a handful of ms instead of > 1s13:47
AJaegerfungi, could you have a look at your change and answer jeblair's question, please?13:48
pabelangerfungi: clarkb: Can we enable lint checks again for system-config? Since nibalizer and yolanda smacked my hand for not aligning arrows.13:48
pabelangerpuppet* lint13:48
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add serveraliases for
fungipabelanger: pretty sure we decided _not_ to lint the system-config repo because we don't care about things like arrow alignment in it (we're not going to publish that one to the forge)13:49
funginibalizer: yolanda: ^ ?13:49
fungilet's make sure we're all on the same page with regards to review consistency13:50
pabelangerfungi: that was my thoughts too. however more a few times -1 reviews have resulted in unaligned arrows13:50
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pabelangerI perfer to lint honestly13:50
fungiyeah, rule of thumb is, if we're not style-checking a repo, don't -1 for style nits13:50
notnownikkihi all, little change we've been using downstream to make puppet apply failures easier to read :)
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fungiand if we _are_ style-checking a repo, the job should -1 any egregious style issues, so also don't -1 for style nits13:51
fungibasically, never -1 for style nits13:51
fungipointing out and fixing actual bugs is a much more productive way to spend our collective time13:52
pabelangerI don't mind people pointing them out, but we have gate checks that could do it. Which, is more efficient then human eyes :)13:53
yolandafungi, there is an effort on that by Colleen/Spencer, and some efforts and reviews to force and fix style, even for system-config13:54
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fungiyolanda: exciting, though we should get some consensus from our core review team that it's desired in that case13:54
Davieyfungi: Hmm, why is -1 so bad?  If it is something that needs fixing then -1 seems appropriate (-2 inappropriate for your reasons stated).. Setting -1 allows me to easily filter out reviews i've already looked at which is scrubbed at the next push.. which is needed anyway to fix Verification.13:55
fungithe last time the discussion came up that i remember, we were collectively against conforming to puppet style conventions, but conceded that we would for repos we're planning to publish on puppetforge13:55
yolandafungi, pabelanger, so can we wait a bit longer, for nibalizer or crinkle to join, as they are the ones driving  that effort?13:55
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fungiDaviey: -1 is fine for pointing out actual problems. using -1 to ask open-ended questions or quibble over non-semantic whitespace is a waste of lots of people's time13:56
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pabelangeryolanda: we can revisit, that is fine. I got the first lint checks online 2.5 years ago for openstack-infra/config. So, don't mind having them.  Like I said, removing the lint gate to only have code reviews nit over, lint issues, doesn't make sense to me.13:57
fungipabelanger: what happened was that puppet-lint got a lot more strict and added all sorts of new rules after we originally implemented it, some of which made things less readable. we figured in the end that not linting system-config was simpler all around and dropped it there13:58
fungiif i find time later, i'll pull up the conversation from around when that decision was made13:59
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yolandafungi, pabelanger, i think that we should be consistent on that rules. If we do for the modules, do the same for system-config. I agree that right now having that lint rules on system-config cannot be done because there is lot of tech debt, but it could be done in the future14:00
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yolandamaybe add it at non-voting as first step?14:00
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pabelangeryolanda: that is part of the problem, we did have it before.  And was removed :(14:01
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pabelangerIIRC, issues like code changes that affected git blame were part of the issue14:01
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yolandaso i think that it should be enabled, i'm newer to puppet but i think we should be coherent14:02
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pabelangerBut, yes. Let us revist, discuss, and have everybody agree. And if yes, lint check. Get the gate back going14:02
fungiyes, having to reindent an entire block because one variable name was added is terrible for tracking down actual git history14:03
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yolandareally i care much more about functionality than style but if we have that style on puppet modules, we should have that on system-config at the long term14:03
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yolandafungi, but then we'll have same problem on puppet modules,and as we are progressing, we are having more functionality on modules, less on system-config14:03
pabelangeryolanda: that was my standpoint about 5 months ago. But was shot down :)14:03
fungiif we could just get rid of the arrow alignment check, that alleviate ~90% of my concern. it's an absolutely silly (and harmful) style requirement14:03
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yolandaarrow alignment is the worse for me14:04
yolandai always fail on that honestly and it's a pain14:04
pabelangerfungi: that is easy14:04
yolandabut if we do, let's do everywhere, i don't see why system-config is an exception14:04
fungipeople closer to upstream puppet/ruby however said it was very necessary for anything we want to upload to the forge, so we agreed to keep running it on other modules14:04
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fungianyway, let's hold the conversation until more of the original participants are around and awake14:05
openstackgerritKurt Taylor proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Host an initial CI monitoring dashboard service
yolandasure, i was not really involved on that, but want to follow the established rules for puppet style14:06
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fungisince i don't want to misrepresent their positions14:07
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yolandayes, i cannot talk about community needs or requirements14:07
fungialternatively, it could make more sense to relocate the discussion to our mailing list14:09
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odyssey4mejeblair when you're back online, we'd appreciate your final nod on
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openstackgerritClint Adams proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: python3-compatible syntax
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Upgrade grafana.o.o to 2.1.0
yolandafungi, i think that posting to the mailinig list is a good idea, it will help everyone to follow the conversation. pabelanger, do you want to send? i'll answer with my opinion14:16
placko_pelix: Jenkins Job Builder version: 1.2.0 and jenkins 1.609.214:17
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Upgrade grafana.o.o to 2.1.0
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Bump puppetlabs-apt to 2.1.0
fungiyolanda: agreed, mailing list is much better for asynchronous discussion14:17
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pabelangeryolanda: ya, I'll fire something other today14:18
yolandaunderstood :)14:20
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pabelangerAlways makes sense in my head, but fingers do something else :)14:20
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yolandaah,  tell me that, half of my sentences are bad :)14:20
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placko_pelix: and it's same with latest version from git14:26
pelixplacko_: same version of python-jenkins?14:26
pelixor latest version of python-jenkins?14:26
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placko_pelix: latest version, I just cloned and installed it14:27
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pelixI'm trying to see where abouts the change to switch to use to the POST method for creating jobs occurred in python-jenkins, since I believe the old way may have used a GET request incorrectly and support for that method was removed from jenkins14:27
openstackgerritBenjamin Koep proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added gitlab plugin
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pelixplacko_: btw, you still didn't indicate what version of python-jenkins are you using since that is where the API method for communication would be selected14:31
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placko_pelix: ah, sry, 0.4.714:32
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pelixdefinitely new enough14:40
placko_pelix: I also tried now to install python-jenkins from git, still same error14:40
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thiagopSomebody could take a look at this new project config?
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pelixplacko_: I would suggest running "curl -s -D - <jenkins_url> -o /dev/null" and confirm that you actually see X-Jenkins in the headers listed14:44
pelixor from python  python -c 'import jenkins; j = jenkins.Jenkins("<jenkins-url>"); print(j.get_version())'14:44
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pelixplacko_: basically you'll have to confirm your requests are reaching a valid jenkins , then look to determine why a POST request is getting rejected14:46
pelixIt could be a permissions issue, but I didn't think that jenkins returned that type of message14:48
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pelixfor when you didn't have access to create or reconfigure a job14:48
regXboiping - need a little help tracking down how a job in the neutron check pipeline gets triggered ...14:48
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openstackgerritMasayuki Igawa proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Fix env command path
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pelixplacko_: or perhaps you have apache or another webserver in front of jenkins that is rejecting POST requests?14:51
regXboin/m - figured it out14:51
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placko_pelix: I don't think that's the case, because I'm able to add new job via rest api with curl14:53
openstackgerritBenjamin Koep proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added gitlab plugin
pabelangerfungi: yolanda: email sent to -infra ML14:54
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pelixplacko_: can you share the command line that worked?14:55
pabelangeropps, wrong email address14:55
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pelixminus auth header of course ;)14:55
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placko_curl -X POST "https://username:pwd@server/createitem?name=jobname" --data-binary "@job-file.xml" -H "Content-Type: text/xml"14:56
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pelixplacko_: could you confirm that you were able to get the version with the python request?14:56
yolandapabelanger, cool, i'll answer with my opinion there14:57
openstackgerritRyan Moats proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Replace gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full with multinode version
placko_pelix: with python request I had no output, same for curl command you sent14:57
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placko_what was actually expected?14:57
pelixcurl request should have dumped the response headers to the stdout14:57
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pelixtry 'curl -D - <jenkins_url>' instead and see if it reports some errors14:59
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placko_pelix: headers are there, I forgot to add -k --ciphers rsa_aes_128_sha option15:02
placko_so that's why I had no output, seems erver needs some update15:03
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pelixhmm, I wonder if we don't support insecure properly15:04
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crinkleyolanda: pabelanger: fungi: I was told by jeblair that we decided we are okay with the arrow alignment checks
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yolandawow... we need to do this publicly, arrive to a consensus, either on mailing list or in meetings15:05
crinklethe gemfiles that I've been adding install a newer version of puppet-lint that properly checks for arrow alignment, which the old version we've been using (0.3.2) did not15:05
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yolandai just follow trend on that, and -1 on lint as i saw in other reviews, but we need to have an official agreement15:05
crinkleto disable the checks we'd need to specifically disable it in the rakefile15:05
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crinkleI thought there was a patch a while ago where it was discussed?15:06
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* crinkle will look for it15:06
placko_pelix: can be, I also turn of certificate verification because although it's present in bundle file which python reads, it just ignores it, so I turn verification of globaly15:06
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pabelangercrinkle: yes, but what about system-config? That is where this discussion is coming from.  Check -infra mailing list for my reply / thoughts15:07
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pabelangerFWIW: Our current openstack-infra/puppet-* lint checks and gate is fine to me.15:08
pabelangerwe should enable them for system-config too15:08
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yolandai agree with pabelanger on that15:08
pelixplacko_: the other alternative is whether we handle username/password in the url correctly15:08
yolandaif we have lint, let's do it everywhere15:08
crinkleI'm working on doing it everywhere15:08
crinkleit takes a lot of time15:08
jeblairpabelanger: actually the problem is that a human should never -1 for a whitespace nit15:08
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jeblairpabelanger: so you are right -- you should not have to deal with the uncertainty there15:09
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jeblairbut the solution is for all of us to stop wasting time on useless little things like that15:09
jeblairthat means reviewers too15:09
jeblaircode review is for finding problems before they happen15:09
jeblairrocketship alignment is not a problem15:10
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jeblair"this won't work because...." is a problem15:10
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pabelangerRight. I think this is some of the issue. We don't have a clear policy for system-config.  Even though it is a puppet module, it handles lint checks different then other puppet modules15:11
pelixplacko_: but I would presume so since the plugin info should have been retrieved before the first job is attempted to be created, so it still comes back to GET requests succeed while POST requests get a 40515:11
pabelangerI can go either way. I just need to know what that way is :)15:11
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yolandawe have to arrive on an agreement for it really, but maintain same criteria in all reviews15:12
AJaegerpabelanger: and then we should document it so that we don't have this discussion in a few months again ;)15:12
jeblairpabelanger: yep, fair.  we do have a clear policy, and it is in place for each and every one of the infra repos: do not -1 for nitpicks.  do not leave reviews of whitespace.15:12
pabelangerAJaeger: Yup, sounds like I'm doing a infra-spec15:12
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openstackgerritMarian Horban proposed openstack/requirements: Add pyinotify to global-requirements.txt
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jeblairpabelanger: i'm writing something now15:14
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rcarrillocruzotoh, i really really wish Gerrit would notify appropiately 0 scores15:15
rcarrillocruzto me , i see a lot of times things that are nits that I refuse to -115:16
rcarrillocruzi put a 015:16
yolandayes, some of the -1 will be just a comment15:16
yolandabut then people don't noticed them, it's a very common issue15:16
rcarrillocruzand because that has nil visibility to the committer it goes ignored15:16
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rcarrillocruzGheRivero: so fancy you, irccloud huh?15:16
jeblairrcarrillocruz: i don't find that's the case; let me know if you see instances of people ignoring your comments and i'll talk to them15:17
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Fix env command path
rcarrillocruzwell not a personal thing, is just that is easy to not notice 0 scores...15:17
GheRiverorcarrillocruz: stupid nickserv and invitations15:17
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid: Correct the URL
rcarrillocruzwhich is why i think some reviewers would -1 those nits ( i want to think that's the cause :-) )15:18
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jeblairrcarrillocruz: the score only makes sense in context of comments, all of which should be read anyway.  if someone isn't reading comments then they aren't doing what we're asking of them15:18
yolandajeblair, yes, it's quite common for reviewers to put a -1 for this reason, even if that's a question. I cannot remember any particular case now but that happens15:18
fungircarrillocruz: i think part of the problem is that there's a desire for a review score between -1 and +1, but gerrit overloads review +/-0 to mean "hasn't been reviewed"15:18
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jeblairyolanda: then let's call it out and ask them to stop.  i put a 0 for general questions; i put a -1 for questions where things could be bad if the answer is one way or the other (and i suspect it's the bad answer)15:19
fungiso i can understand the "i'd like to differentiate in the votes table whether i've reviewed this even though i scored it 0"15:19
jeblairfungi: true, i wrote gertty to deal with that.  but even so, externalizing one's own workflow onto the contributor is bad mojo.15:20
fungii tend to use -1 for "i think this needs more work before i can +1/+2" and -2 for "i think this change is unneeded/harmful/in the wrong repo"15:20
pabelangerI tend to do 0 for straight comments, mind you I do notice people not replying to them more often then not.15:20
rcarrillocruzjeblair: well, maybe it's time for us to start using gertty15:21
yolandapabelanger, same here15:21
pabelangernot sure why. If that is because they don't get notification or just ignore them15:21
rcarrillocruzi have to admit i used a long ago and got some freeze issues15:21
fungircarrillocruz: absolutely! ;)15:21
jeblairpabelanger, yolanda: that's not okay -- please call people out or let me know15:21
rcarrillocruzmust be working now, since it's the hip thing around15:21
* rcarrillocruz goes to clone gertty15:21
fungircarrillocruz: it's been extremely stable for me15:21
notnownikkihi all, little change we've been using downstream to make puppet apply failures easier to read -
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AJaegerrcarrillocruz: see also with point 7 on questions15:22
pabelangernotnownikki: do you have the output some place?15:22
notnownikkipabelanger, sure, will pastebin it, one moment...15:22
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: WIP: Initial support for ironic enroll state
jeblairnotnownikki, pabelanger: that change should be self15:23
jeblairnotnownikki, pabelanger: that change should be self-testing and we can look at the output from zuul's runs, right?15:23
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rcarrillocruzoh, that's even documented the 0 score15:23
pabelangerjeblair: ya, should have mentioned for a failure. Sorry15:23
jeblairpabelanger: ah, heh :)15:24
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jeblairpabelanger, notnownikki: could have an intentional failure "depends-on" that patch if you wanted to generate one15:24
AJaegerThere was some discussion a few months ago on openstack-dev on this tropic and that's why step 7 got added15:24
pabelangerjeblair: Ya, actually doing that now :) Figured I see if notnownikki had something handy15:24
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notnownikkijeblair, it is indeed, you can see the success style already, I could put through a failing change as a test to keep it in that review?15:25
fungiAJaeger: rcarrillocruz: yep, the history is in the commit message/review too if you git blame what added that section15:25
fungihas, i believe, links back to the related ml thread15:25
funginotnownikki: that also works, just leave a comment referring to the intentionally broken patchset15:26
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config: [WIP] Fail, fail, fail!
fungiwe use that trick a lot to demonstrate things like regression fixes (add patchset with regression tests only, then follow up with a patchset including the bug fix which makes the test pass)15:27
rcarrillocruzpleia2: just following for gertty15:27
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fungircarrillocruz: gertty has also made huge progress since that blog post15:29
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fungithough skimming, it looks like it's still basically accurate15:30
fungircarrillocruz: i recommend installing it into a virtualenv in your homedir and running it from that. makes upgrades and testing branch tip/proposed gertty changes a little easier too15:31
rcarrillocruzhmm, good call...15:31
fungircarrillocruz: _though_ it's also present in some distros too (for example if you run debian/testing the package there is a fairly current 1.2.1)15:32
openstackgerritVitaly Gridnev proposed openstack/requirements: Bump saharaclient to the latest version
rcarrillocruzi just pulled from pip, but yeah, i rather do that in a virtualenv15:33
fungiin fact, i say fairly current... 1.2.1 is the most recent release15:33
rcarrillocruzSyncing projects...15:33
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add section on review criteria
jeblairfungi, yolanda, pabelanger: ^15:34
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timrc"<jeblair> pabelanger: yep, fair.  we do have a clear policy, and it is in place for each and every one of the infra repos: do not -1 for nitpicks.  do not leave reviews of whitespace." TIL - Sorry!15:35
notnownikkijeblair, fungi, pabelanger, example of error output - apply is pretty clean here so grepped errors aren't *that* useful, but where you have a lot of warnings, it can be useful to separate out the error lines into a separate section -
jeblairtimrc: is okay, now we're writing it down! :)15:35
rcarrillocruzhmm, otoh, i need to adjust my mind for keystrokes, i a vi user and those keys seem to be used15:35
* fungi is very much in favor of recording our intent15:36
timrcjeblair, If only we could do lint checking on review comments before the post ;P15:36
pabelangernotnownikki: left comments in review. In general like the idea, however don't link the fact we are duplicating error output15:36
jeblairtimrc: this is your big opportunity to enhance gerrit ;)15:36
fungircarrillocruz: as a vi user myself, i had no trouble getting accustomed to gertty's keybindings, though also you can just rebind whatever keys you prefer via configuration15:36
pabelangertimrc: all good :)15:36
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timrcjeblair, Looks like I'm nearing the zenith of my career!15:37
notnownikkipabelanger, cool, I'll carry on enhancing it downstream and push up another change when it's polished15:37
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funginotnownikki: pabelanger: definitely agreed that we need to improve something there. i've been resorting to a grep for "exit [^0]"15:38
rcarrillocruzyou move over to the tests run15:38
timrcpuppet apply tests are the worst...15:38
rcarrillocruzpress enter15:38
rcarrillocruzand browser opens with the job logs15:38
rcarrillocruzthis is very very cool15:38
eantyshevjhesketh: Hi! I've left a comment for you in
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Sanitize distro elements for minimal vs cloud
pabelangerfungi: Yup, that's what I do today15:38
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fungircarrillocruz: i invoke gertty like `BROWSER=lynx gertty`15:38
pabelangernotnownikki: Ya, anything to improve it is helpful15:38
rcarrillocruzterminal ftw15:39
fungircarrillocruz: lynx does an excellent job of browsing our job logs from gertty15:39
notnownikkigreat, i've got a few comments on our downstream version so I'll carry on polishing and make something useful15:39
fungircarrillocruz: note that asking firefox to load a 10k-line console log can lead to terrible performance, and lynx hardly sneezes at it15:40
rcarrillocruzwhenever my laptop crawls15:40
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rcarrillocruzi know it's firefox that is updating jenkins UI jobs page15:40
eantyshevjeblair: please, take a look at
notnownikkircarrillocruz, yolanda, timrc, I noticed the puppet apply tests on r.o.o have separate output for each test, so if we do that and only output fails and grepped errors/warnings with the name of the test that failed, we should have something quite nice15:40
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rcarrillocruznotnownikki: well, yeah, we should just do that15:41
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yolandayes, it's good15:41
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Sanitize distro elements for minimal vs cloud
* notnownikki will get on it, as I've just delivered two big things and have a day to work on this stuff :)15:42
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timrcgertty is a little funky... is there a key combination I can press to get a table of all the key bindings including the ones defined in .gertty.yaml?15:43
jeblairtimrc: f1 or h15:43
fungior ?15:43
timrcHm... I tried "h"15:43
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jeblairsorry, ?15:43
jeblairnot h15:43
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timrcSometimes I resort to mashing my keypad to see what happens.15:43
timrcWhich actually probably explains some of my reviews ;-)15:43
fungialso note that it may be longer than your screen, so try hitting the down arrow to see more keybindings15:43
fungiwhen you see the <OK> button you're at the bottom15:44
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timrcfungi, jeblair Perfect!15:44
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nibalizeroh are we having chatter about arrow alignment again?15:48
jeblairnibalizer: we didn't write it down last time15:48
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bdemersare the ā€˜get-tripleo-ironic-*ā€™ jobs stable ?15:50
bdemersIā€™ve seen some failures the past couple days: error: could not revert 7f8128f... Add the swap and ephemeral BDMs if needed15:50
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Change functional testing to use clouds.yaml
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jeblairfungi, clarkb, anteaya: i'm missing context because of zendesk, but i see a response from tom to the eventbrite folks that says: Can you please provide further details on the research you conducted that concluded "there was no negative impact on conversion rates for events". I would be particularly interested in details on the results you saw in testing from a "technical" demographic.15:57
annegentlesdague: If you can take a look at and let me know if that's the way forward for RST docs, I can get going on the publish jobs.15:58
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Change the page title when different things are being viewed
jeblairfungi, clarkb, anteaya: i'm filling in the blanks as "yes, eventbrite changed that to increase their registered user base and don't think it has any impact"15:58
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fungijeblair: that's pretty terrible15:58
jeblairi'm writing back privately to tom15:59
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: WIP: create growroot element
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greghaynesre: eventbrite16:01
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fungiseems like yet again the foundation choosing a non-open/proprietary service for something is unnecessarily excluding members of our community by doing so16:03
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: create growroot element
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placko_pelix: so do have any suggestion about it?16:04
jeblairfungi: is there a free signup thingy?  i mean, most of the openstack stuff is free anyway, it doesn't even need to process payments.16:04
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jeblair(i used both meanings of free ^ )16:05
anteayajeblair: thanks for the update and :(16:05
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greghaynesfree as in open source beer16:05
jeblairgreghaynes: cheers!16:06
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openstackgerritEric Brown proposed openstack/requirements: Bump version of bandit to 0.13.1
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fungii've closed my eventbrite account so that it will be a little more obvious when changes like this start to get introduced16:12
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fungion the account termination survey, one of the possible reasons for leaving was actually "i don't want eventbrite to save my information"16:13
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morgan_404fungi: ping - have some questions re ATC codes. [I'm sure you've been asked this from the other side and now I'm just getting looped into it]16:14
fungimorgan_404: not found16:14
morgan_404fungi: ^_^16:15
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fungimorgan_404: i pinged you a few days ago if it's what i think it's about. finding now...16:15
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morgan_404fungi: i was in australia / jetlagged16:15
fungii figured16:15
morgan_404fungi: this is the co-authored-by thing16:15
anteayamorgan_404: are you finished being jet lagged yet? this is just going on and on for me16:16
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anteayathe non stop construction doesn't help16:16
morgan_404anteaya: i was mostly recovered by monday16:16
morgan_4042 days of bike rides helped16:16
anteayathe neighbours are tag teaming16:16
* morgan_404 needs to go for another ride today soon.16:16
anteayamorgan_404: ah good strategy16:16
morgan_404anteaya: yeah exercise = tired-ish and sleeping more normally16:16
morgan_404anteaya: long walks in beautiful areas away from construction i hear helps too :)16:17
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anteayaI wish I could find that in my life16:17
anteayahopefully palo alto will be nice and quiet16:17
morgan_404anteaya: eh, probably more quiet than construction zone16:17
jeblairneat, my hpcloud account doesn't work16:17
anteayajeblair: wooooo16:18
morgan_404fungi: ah ok. I'll go propose that... [or make someone else in keystone do it and +1 it]16:18
anteayajeblair: you are just having all the luck16:18
anteayamorgan_404: one can hope16:18
* morgan_404 hasn't tried to VPN yet.16:18
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jeblairanteaya: the force of entropy is strong with hp; constant work is required to repair it.16:18
morgan_404fungi: thnx i was seriously confused about this for a bit.16:18
anteayajeblair: good thing there are many entropy fighters16:19
morgan_404fungi: typically I view extra ATC as something for folks who legitimately couldn't land a patch [spec work only/comments/reviewers/bug triage]16:19
anteayasigh, I think I should eat before I do internal things16:19
anteayamorgan_404: I agree, is that not the case in this case?16:19
morgan_404fungi: since landing patches is pretty easy if you've done the work.16:20
morgan_404anteaya: this is folks who co-authored patches and didn't get caught up in the ATC thing because they only co-authored16:20
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morgan_404anteaya: this is a one off i'm willing to do.16:20
fungimorgan_404: yes, i personally think it's in terrible, terrible taste and looks bad for intel. you, as the ptl, are perfectly welcome to _not_ add them to extra-atcs16:20
morgan_404fungi: let me mull on this for a bit actually16:21
morgan_404fungi: i just am baffled they didn't do a simple.. i mean typo fix?16:21
fungimorgan_404: however, it's not my call. i just made sure they were told to go through the proper channels16:21
anteayamorgan_404: well how about talk to them and ask them what contribution they actually made16:21
morgan_404its not that hard to land patches.16:21
anteayamorgan_404: riding a commit for a summit pass isn't great16:21
fungimorgan_404: it's a one-line change that removes the four characters "bin/" from a developer document16:21
anteayaactually participating in the design of something is a contribution16:22
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morgan_404anteaya: sure. but it's a low barrier to entry16:22
anteayaha ha ha16:22
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anteayathat's just funny16:22
morgan_404anteaya: i mean... low.16:22
anteayadid they remove one character a piece16:22
anteayaand then throw fingers for who removed the /16:23
morgan_404oh you know what no. oh hell now16:23
morgan_404a 1 line change with co-authors16:23
* morgan_404 just starts looking at it16:23
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Fix PIP_INDEX_URL
fungimorgan_404: yeah, it's absurd. 3x$600 discount codes for a 4-line change... that comes out to $450 per character removed16:24
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fungier, 4-character change16:25
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morgan_404fungi: can i get paid that much16:25
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anteayamorning zaro16:25
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jeblairmorgan_404: yeah, forget using "x" as a variable.  that's only $450.  "outer_loop_iteration_counter" is a good $12,600.16:27
jeblairthat's a days work.16:27
* jeblair packs up16:27
anteayaha ha ha16:28
fungijeblair: for intel anyway16:28
anteayaso yeah given that some folks want to ride the commit to the summit, I'm not a fan of auto extra ATC for anyone who puts up a fuss16:28
anteayacontributions? by all means16:28
anteayataking advantage of a technicality, no16:29
fungimorgan_404: the only reason i didn't just tell them "oh hell no" myself is it sounds like they might be highschool summer interns with intel, so at least they can plead their value to the ptl of the project to which they "contributed" that change. it's bound to be a learning experience for them16:29
krotschecknibalizer: I lost backscroll, did you get around to answering my question from yesterday?16:29
jeblairi think this may be a learning experience regardless16:30
jeblairkrotscheck: in case that question wasn't rhetorical, there are logs available:
* morgan_404 just sent a deny email16:31
krotscheckjeblair: It's not, thanks for the link16:31
morgan_404saying that i set the "high high bar" for extra atc16:31
odyssey4mejeblair mind casting a final eye on ?16:31
morgan_404i mean.. extra ATC is a really high bar because landing a patch is such a low bar.16:31
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jeblairodyssey4me: lgtm -- i don't _think_ you need the change to 'node' -- do you know of a reason for it?16:33
krotscheckjeblair, nibalizer, mordred: So, an alternative approach would be to add the nodejs PPA to the release node _only_16:34
odyssey4mejeblair it's not necessary - but I added it to open the pool of nodes available for the lint/docs checks16:34
odyssey4meit can't hurt, right?16:34
krotscheckAnd then we'd be able to just use the package{} ]resource16:34
jeblairodyssey4me: i'm pretty sure they only run on trusty anyway16:34
odyssey4mejeblair meh :)16:35
jeblairodyssey4me: my thoughts too :)16:35
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jeblairkrotscheck: is it like well maintained and get security updates and whatnot?16:35
fungimorgan_404: yeah, if they take exception to needing to submit one more patch apiece, then i'm happy for them to have the foundation board member from intel explain why this is necessary and how intel has fallen on such hard times16:35
odyssey4methanks jeblair :)16:35
anteayafungi: ha ha ha16:36
krotscheckjeblair: Googling. I think the answer is yet, but I'll confirm.16:37
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add docs check to os-ansible-deployment
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pelixplacko_: other than trying to use the python-jenkins api directly with python calls to narrow down what might be occurring, I'm a bit stumped16:37
morgan_404fungi: if it had been a significant code contribution i'd have seriously considered it16:37
morgan_404fungi: but... 1 line?16:37
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pelixplacko_: you did get the one line python script to work eventually?16:37
annegentlemorgan_404: in keystone docs?16:37
morgan_404annegentle: yeah16:38
annegentlemorgan_404: interesting. If they are high school interns it's a good lesson16:38
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pelixplacko_: as in python -c 'import jenkins; j = jenkins.Jenkins("<url>"); print(j.get_version())'16:38
annegentle(other said that too, just agreeing)16:38
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placko_pelix: I didn't try, but I guess the reason I didn't get an output is that I didn't specify cipher16:38
morgan_404annegentle: nod.16:39
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/glean: Fix path for documentation URL
placko_pelix: I will play with it and eventually report a bug if I will be able to narrow it down16:39
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add a DB API method to get failing test_ids by run metadata
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* Zara looks at the number of reviewers for the infamous 4-character patch and wishes there was that much interest in storyboard! :)16:58
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openstackgerritTravis Tripp proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add python3-jobs for searchlight
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AJaegerodyssey4me: the infra change merged 20 mins ago, I'm not sure whether all nodes are updated for your change, you might need to retry again in an hour...16:59
odyssey4meAJaeger yep, I see the change taking effect :) thank you so much for your help17:00
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AJaegerodyssey4me: Ah, zuul has it queued - great!17:00
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odyssey4meAJaeger hmm, what's up with this?
dhellmannClint: I'm working on some other changes to the release tools that are going to be hard to rebase. Do you have any other work in progress?17:02
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Allow browsing stories by creator_id
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Show stories created by the current user on the dashboard
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AJaegerodyssey4me: do you have a tox.ini file?17:12
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AJaegerodyssey4me: you need to be able to run locally "tox -evenv -- python build_sphinx"17:13
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krotscheckjeblair: There are two current PPA's, one of which is actively supported by a consulting company that pins its business model on node-for-enterprise. THe other's some guy, and is a few versions out of date. Neither is hosted by the actual node foundation.17:20
odyssey4meAJaeger oh dear, I thought we had it ready - working on an in-repo patch17:20
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zarotimrc: ping17:24
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odyssey4meAJaeger is perhaps hitting nodes that aren't updated yet, it seems that zuul is not showing it in the queue17:26
timrczaro, Hi.17:26
zarotimrc: so about your gearman-plugin change.  i was thinking about it again and I don't think i really undestand your use case for that change.17:27
timrczaro, I'd like to submit metrics from zuul by node type.17:27
zarotimrc: i think what you are after is something like 'ubunutSlaves' as a grouping of ubuntu machines?17:27
AJaegerodyssey4me: "Queue lengths: 843 events, 285 results." at the top of status.o.o/zuul17:27
AJaegerodyssey4me: have patience with busy Zuul...17:27
timrczaro, No I want to know zuul metrics for jobs running on "bare-precise" vs "bare-trusty"17:27
odyssey4meAJaeger okie dokey :) nice zuul, pretty zuul17:28
zarotimrc: so yeah, you want to know which type of node the build ran on?17:28
odyssey4meAJaeger oh dear, queue length just doubled17:29
zarotimrc: so there's a problem, jobs registered as 'build:fooProject' can run on any node type.17:29
zarotimrc: you won't get that node type from the gearman registration.17:30
timrczaro, Yeah I thought about that too... so how would I go about getting the label?17:30
anteayaodyssey4me: could be a gate reset, give it a minute17:30
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krotscheckjeblair, sdague: So, because of the ongoing discussion on how to get npm to the correct version on the release slave, the npm publish jobs are effectively blocked. I would like to peel those two patches apart, one that handles the "package and upload the tarball to", and one that handles the "run npm publish on the release slave" bit, so that I have something useful to give TheJulia and the bifrost team. Then only the17:31
krotschecksecond half would be blocked. Would you two be willing to prioritize that review today? It'd basically be a split of into two reviews.17:31
timrczaro, My change should at least capture node labels for jobs that define "bare-trusty || bare-precise" right?17:31
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zarotimrc: also when a gearman client request to run a job on a node type (i.e. build:fooProjet:bar-precise) the client already has the node type info.17:31
anteayaodyssey4me: yeah, the first 9 or so gate patches have finished, zuul is working on recalculating17:32
timrczaro, But I'm trying to solve for the "node-a || node-b" case17:32
odyssey4meanteaya thanks, I'll continue to watch the numbers in awe and wonder :p17:32
anteayaodyssey4me: a hot cup of tea helps too, I find17:33
zarotimrc: i believe zuul only makes requests like build:fooProject:bar-precise or build:fooProject:bare-trusty so zuul will know which 'node type' the job will run on.17:33
odyssey4meanteaya hahaha, I just had a double espresso... oh dear17:34
anteayaodyssey4me: ha ha ha17:34
zarotimrc: zuul has to know that.17:34
timrczaro, I don't think that's the case actually...17:34
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zarotimrc: then i'm not sure how zuul adds a job to the gearman queue.17:35
zarotimrc: it must know about the functions that have been registered.17:35
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zarotimrc: in anycase, Jenkins always dynamically allocates the next available  node to run a job on.17:36
timrczaro, I think zuul sends demand to nodepool.17:36
fungizaro: timrc: zuul does add one of build:fooProject:bar-precise or build:fooProject:bare-trusty to the gearman queue. "node-a || node-b" in the job definition is merely telling jenkins what node types to register for that job17:36
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timrcfungi, But zuul won't actually know which type of node the job is actually running on will it?17:36
jeblairit can also run simply "build:fooProject" and let jenkins decide17:36
fungitimrc: so we may register a job for multiple labels, but zuul will "choose" which label it's targeting with a specific work request17:37
pabelangerfungi: who do you think can assist with ?17:37
timrcthat's the case I'm trying to solve for jeblair17:37
fungior what jeblair said, in the default case it may just request build:fooProject17:37
zarotimrc: I think you need to ask Jenkins which node the build ran on then put that on the gearman data packet.  My original suggestion17:37
timrcRight which is why I need gearman-plugin to tell zuul what label it used.17:37
timrczaro, So that would mean I'd have to parse it out of the hostname?17:37
timrcI _really_ want to avoid that solution if possible.17:38
jeblairtimrc: there can be more than one match in jenkins17:38
fungitimrc: there's no guarantee the hostname correlates to the label17:38
timrcfungi, Right.17:38
timrcI definitely don't want to make that assumption.17:38
fungiit does in our systems because we choose for it to17:38
jeblairkrotscheck: does the repo in question have a post job that builds branch tip tarballs?17:38
zarotimrc: actually probably not, may you can ask which node it ran on then request the label on that node?17:38
jeblairzaro: labels17:38
amullerThe neutron docs job is passing at the gate but failing locally for me. Can anyone tell me where is the %s-docs job itself defined?17:38
jeblairnodes have multiple labels17:38
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krotscheckjeblair: That sentence requires translation?17:39
krotscheckjeblair: It's this ->
amullerhere's a local failure of the neutron docs job:
jeblairkrotscheck: no, your repo17:39
krotscheckjeblair: Oh! No.17:39
krotscheckjeblair: Tag only17:39
timrczaro, At line 150... -- does the conditional there not satisfy the case where zuul lets Jenkins decide?17:40
fungiamuller: which runs
jeblairkrotscheck: would adding that job be a better stop-gap?17:40
amullerfungi: right on thank you17:40
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fungiamuller: actually, for the full call chain, the job-template runs this macro which in turn calls that script17:40
amullerfungi: since this job is shared across projects I would guess other projects are affected as well17:41
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krotscheckjeblair: Lemme ask TheJulia17:41
krotscheckShe ran away17:41
jeblairamuller: it looks like you may be running "tox -e docs".  that's not what the docs jobs do17:41
fungiamuller: totally depends on what you're running17:41
amulleryeah I'm running tox -e docs17:41
zarotimrc: i think jenkins always decides, depending on the label applied to the project and node.17:41
fungiamuller: tox -evenv -- python build_sphinx17:42
jeblairand yeah, it looks like the docs env runs sphinx with warnings treated as errors, which the standard sphinx command does not do17:42
fungiamuller: per line 18 of that script (i reduced the venv=venv and $venv in it)17:42
krotscheckjeblair: I guess the real question is: Do we want to run that tarball job _anyway_ regardless of the tag tarball?17:43
krotscheckTo which I say: How much harddrive space do we have?17:43
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jeblairkrotscheck: the post-pipeline branch-tip tarball jobs generally build a tarball for every commit, but use the same name "eg foo-master.tgz" and overwrite it each time17:44
jeblairkrotscheck: so there's not much additional space used17:44
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fungikrotscheck: but also in answer to your question, (cacti truncates the word "tarballs" in the devname, but that's the right one)17:45
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jeblairamuller: the correct way to ask sphinx to treat warnings as errors so that the standard "python build_sphinx" picks it up is this:
timrczaro, So are you saying I can only know the node label the job runs on after the build is complete?17:46
jeblairamuller: that should cause the docs job to fail in the same way you have been seeing17:46
* timrc has a love/hate relationship with information.17:46
jeblairamuller: note that i have no interest in actually fixing the warnings in neutron; feel free to take over that patch17:46
amullerjeblair: yeah I have a patch for that17:46
amullerjeblair: will that change in setup.cfg affect only sphinx?17:47
jeblairamuller: ah, then if you rebase my patch on it, it will pass (but otherwise it will fail)17:47
fungitimrc: i have a feeling this will get much easier to track post-jenkins when all our workers talk directly to gearman17:47
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amullerjeblair: I want to see it fail :)17:47
jeblairamuller: yes, that's a hook in pbr that solves the fact that otherwise you have to switch to sphinx-build, which is not generally the way we expect docs to be built.17:47
amullerjeblair: fungi: Thanks for your help!17:48
zarotimrc: Jenkins might provide it after it kicks off the job. i'de have to read the api again17:48
jeblairamuller: all yours then; feel free to let it run, fail, then rebase17:48
amullerjeblair: that's the plan17:48
zarotimrc: but yeah, i think the most consistant way to find that info is request it from jenkins.17:48
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zarotimrc: or maybe the only way to know.17:50
timrcfungi, Yeah... post-jenkins... *dream*17:52
fungitimrc: come help us make it a reality!17:53
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* anteaya hands out balloons17:53
timrcfungi, I'd like too.17:53
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jeblairtimrc: if you want to know how many jobs ran on a particular node type, why not count the transitions to used for that type in nodepool?17:54
timrcjeblair, I want to know zuul metrics (like wait time between "build this job" to when the actual job starts building by node type.17:55
jeblairthough i guess that could count re-launches17:55
* timrc tosses a ) in there some where17:55
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timrczaro, So if I ask Jenkins there is a possibility of getting back multiple labels right?17:56
zarotimrc: yes, that is true.17:56
mmmporkI'm walking through and I have a question about where the nodepool.yaml file should go17:56
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mmmporkit says it should go in "/path/to/nodepool/things/nodepool.yaml"17:56
timrczaro, So okay jeblair and I talked about this before... I'll try to rework to get those labels and then just submit the metrics for all of them.  I don't think I can do any better than that....17:57
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mmmporki followed the instructions to use virtualenv to install nodepool, so i have a directory called venv17:57
timrcI was really hoping I could get the node label by a node label -> gearman working mapping.17:57
mmmporkand i've got venv/bin/nodepool17:57
anteayaso been trying to wait my turn and now I have to get on the phone, but I would like to figure out a way to have fewer bots reporting bugs in channels17:58
anteayaand welcome advice to have that17:58
anteayaone report per bug mention is what I am going for here17:58
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jeblairbug 117:59
openstackbug 1 in Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to MFauzilkamil Zainuddin (apogee)17:59
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zarotimrc: nope unfortunately the way we've setup function registrations don't map well to that solution.17:59
jeblairanteaya: we only have 1 here... is there something elsewhere?18:00
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anteayain -meeting18:00
zarotimrc: so actually i took a look at the labels on our nodes and it seems like mostly it's just one label per node.  so that solution to query jenkins may work out pretty well.18:00
anteayaone from our bot and two from uvirbot18:00
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Update the changelog in the readme
jeblairanteaya: i thought uvirtbot was being removed.  if it isn't we can ban it.18:01
anteayahey there is an easy fix18:01
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fungimmmpork: our puppet modules put it at /etc/nodepool/nodepool.yaml18:02
timrczaro, Okay.  I will figure out what that API call is and where I need to make it.18:02
fungijeblair: yeah, soren agreed to delist all the channels our meetbot joins, but i don't think he did (or it got undone). i kicked it from this channel a while back18:03
fungianteaya: ^18:03
timrczaro, Thanks much for your help.  I'm definitely out of my element in the Java / Jenkins plugin world.18:03
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mmmporkfungi: thanks i just dug around in the other docs and found it in configuration.rst18:03
zarotimrc: np, me too :)18:03
mmmporkdefinitely going to put a link to configuration.rst or something, that was a bit confusing for me18:04
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zarotimrc: also i referenced the jenkins api when i made the suggestion in PS 118:04
timrcWill eliminating Jenkins effectively eliminate Java from infra?18:04
fungitimrc: not unless we replace gerrit too18:04
zarotimrc: no :)18:04
timrcOh yeah.18:04
fungialso zanata now18:04
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zarojava is too big to beat down18:05
timrcI'm surprised that hasn't been rewritten in Go yet, honestly.18:05
timrcSo is ruby apparently :/18:05
fungitimrc: give google time. they can't rewrite all their existing software in their new language overnight18:05
timrcfungi, They need to acquire Canonical, then :)18:05
fungitimrc: that sounds like poor financial advice to me, but what do i know?18:06
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timrcfungi, Haha.18:06
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davideagnellohello, this patch needs one more core reviewer:
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minwang2likewise, this patch needs core reviewers :
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zarominwang2: nice slip in18:36
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-modulesync-configs hook
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mmmporkwhoohoo nodepool tox tests passed on the first attempt!18:47
mmmporknow to test against a devstack... :)18:47
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Update the in-tree TODO list
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add a JJB quick start guide
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zarowaynr: wondering if you coiuld take a quick look at would like that one and merged.  both are basically just Doc updates.19:06
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akraminsky_clarkb, so the gate64 model requires the host cpu to support those features, but my nodes do not support them when they are created. Was this an issue upstream?19:07
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akraminsky_The features being ssse3 and vme19:08
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openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Drop these config switches as they are no longer being used
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added npm tarball upload job
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Switched npm-run-test to npm-test
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add support for pulling translations from Zanata
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openstackgerritSridhar Ramaswamy proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix up tacker stackforge projects
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add puppet-os_client_config to modules.env
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Merge tacker ACL files
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Add class to handle welcome rsa key
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add a reminder about grafana and puppet-archive conflict
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nibalizerkrotscheck: so can the nodejs module not provide the granularity of installation you desire?19:38
nibalizerI'm also ok with a ppa... provided we think it's reliably updated19:38
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nibalizerthats essentially what we do with puppet, except it is a ppa updated by the software publisher19:38
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-user: Add a sane default value for key_id
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krotschecknibalizer: I am hesitant to introduce that module into system-config in general, because it might leak over to other builds? We need a somewhat more recent version of node for the release slave only.19:43
nibalizerhaving that module in the modulepath isn't bad19:43
nibalizerdoesn't on its own change anything19:43
krotschecknibalizer: But for everything else, we should stick with distro version19:43
nibalizerwell ideally the module allows you to specify things19:44
nibalizerlike 'use distro' 'use bleeding edge' 'use repo'19:44
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nibalizerbut yea a PPA resource followed by a package resource might be the way to go19:44
nibalizersimple, fast, reliable19:44
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-zuul: Allow for ability to block status.json referers
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krotschecknibalizer: Ok, so the only question is whether the PPA is something we like.19:46
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nibalizerya, can you evaluate that?19:47
nibalizeror link to the ppa?19:47
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Document that jjb supports json job definitions
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fungiwe have used ppas for other things besides puppet in the past (python 3, pypy, uca is sort of a ppa too), though keep in mind the intent should always be to _stop_ using a ppa as soon as there is an available lts that provides the features we need instead19:48
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waynrzaro: queued the first for merge, reviewed the other--both look good to me!19:49
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Switched npm-run-test to npm-test
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added npm tarball upload job
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funginibalizer: krotscheck: just worth noting that in this case we're basically handing the ppa owner control over the machine which uploads our releases of everything (or optionally just our releases of things to npm if we decide that's an out)19:50
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krotscheckfungi: Yep, and I do not put it beyond the node community to decide that they're going to take their node in-branch patches, apply them to their libs (like openssl), put that package into their PPA, and roll their node on top of that.19:51
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fungii'm starting to think that between the upload to tarballs.o.o and the upload of that to traditional publication channels, a separate very-locked-down system with our artifact signing keys might be warranted19:52
krotscheckfungi: I like the words in that sentence, but I do not quite understand their meaning.19:52
krotscheckfungi: As long as it doesn't hold up my attempts to get us to push to npm :)19:52
nibalizerfungi: yea wow19:53
fungi1. single-use worker produces release artifact and allows that to be slurped to tarballs.o.o; 2. signing worker retrieves that, signs it and uploads detached sig to tarballs.o.o; 3. release worker retrieves artifact and signature from tarballs.o.o and uploads to pypi/maven central/
funginibalizer: nah, just a hardening enhancement19:54
greghaynesmordred: I just noticed something annoying re: glean - I think we need to have a glean lock19:54
greghaynesmordred: since were running once per interface, and were doing things like i/o to the same ssh key file19:55
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funginibalizer: krotscheck: that would at least protect the signing key from compromise by things run on the release worker, which would provide an extra safety check to be able to tell what releases are "valid" and what were made purely with the compromised upload credentials19:56
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krotscheckfungi: That makes sense. It won't protect the upload credentials to the various package managers, but it'll protect the signing keys.19:56
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krotscheckfungi, nibalizer: Ok, so I'm looking for alternatives to getting an updated version of NPM onto the release slave in a way that makes all the stakeholders happy20:01
krotscheckRight now the effort is in a bit of a limbo.20:01
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krotscheckUsing a PPA is not really an option, because who knows what additional package overrides might occur.20:01
nibalizerso the npm in trusty can't perform a publish?20:02
krotscheckUsing exec is less than optimal, because it's not actually a cheap command.20:02
nibalizerso I followed the instructions in that patch on my laptop20:02
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nibalizerand my npm is now quite sad, by the way20:02
krotschecknibalizer: the version of npm in trusty does not support the --ignore-scripts command, which is something we need to ensure no privileged code is executed that could expose credentials.20:02
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krotschecknibalizer: That's odd, because my vagrant VM is happy as a clam.20:02
nibalizernpm just exits every time20:03
krotschecknibalizer: Ultimately, we need to execute `npm publish --ignore-scripts <tarball>`20:03
krotschecknibalizer: No stacktrace?20:03
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-zuul: Set zuul server and merger services with ensure running
krotschecknibalizer: Anyway, can we switch back to getting NPM updated solutions?20:05
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nibalizerkrotscheck: sure20:06
fungifbo_: nibalizer: jhesketh: yolanda: wow, really? our puppet modules are going to unilaterally start services now? it wasn't an accident that they didn't20:06
nibalizerI mean we have to trust code from someone...s20:06
nibalizerfungi: oh?20:07
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nibalizerfungi: we can revert if we don't want that, I didn't realize that was the policy when I approved20:07
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Change functional testing to use clouds.yaml
fungifbo_: nibalizer: jhesketh: yolanda: though it does seem that change has been hanging out there since march with no objections. i should have noticed it long before now20:07
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zuul: Revert "Set zuul server and merger services with ensure running"
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funginibalizer: well, it was intentional in the past20:08
fungiand so i assumed it still was20:08
nibalizerso I  spent a few minutes reading throguth the puppet code to try to find the default20:08
nibalizerfungi: lets revert and have a conversation about it then20:08
funginibalizer: yep, thanks!20:08
nibalizerand it wasn't at all clear what the puppet default behaviour was at least on 3.8.x20:09
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fungifbo_: nibalizer: jhesketh: yolanda: maybe this is also one worth discussing a little on the mailing list too before we potentially reintroduce it (or approve other similar behavior changes)20:11
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/glean: Create systemwide lock for glean
krotscheckargh, sec.20:11
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nibalizerfungi: i agree20:11
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fungithe basic argument against doing that was that something like zuul can make a right mess if just fired up without some care20:12
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greghaynesmordred: TheJulia ^ glean change to add locking, curious what youall think20:13
funginibalizer: and many systems administrators (us included) like to be in control of whether services are started. particularly stopping the service to perform some activity shouldn't require disabling puppet agent while you do so20:13
nibalizerfungi: I totally see where you're comming from on that20:14
nibalizerI suspect it does not hold true for the apache things?20:14
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add flavor access API
funginibalizer: apache is fairly stateless, though i'd also love to have puppet not start that either20:14
nibalizerya we have20:14
nibalizer  service { 'httpd':20:15
nibalizer    ensure    => running,20:15
nibalizernot even a parameter in our module for disabling the 'always on'20:15
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fungiwe've sort of compromised on some of those, or ignored them, but having zuul start back up without you expecting it can be pretty detrimental20:15
nibalizerand I think we explicitly (clark i mean) disabled puppet on etherpad during the summit so that some local changes wouldn't be messed with20:16
nibalizerI think that might have been config file related not service restart though20:16
fungiultimately though, the operating system has mechanisms in place for starting and stopping services, determining whether to start them on boot and in what order, and available service managers for when you really want to make sure something always stays running. this is one of those places where puppet trying to get into orchestration can potentially ruin your (sysadmin-)day20:17
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regXboiAjaeger: ping?20:19
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-zuul: Revert "Set zuul server and merger services with ensure running"
funginibalizer: i'm happy to revisit that, but i think we'd need to get a lot more careful about using config management to enable and disable services explicitly rather than doing so manually (and not sure if that's taking things a bit _too_ far into the config management realm)20:20
yolandafungi why don't we want to start zuul?20:20
regXboiAJaeger: ping?20:20
fungiyolanda: it's mostly that we don't want puppet to start zuul if we stop zuul20:20
yolandais not a good idea to disable puppet in that case?20:20
nibalizerfungi: totally understand20:21
AJaegerregXboi: what's up? Next time please say directly what you need instead of using a naked ping...20:21
nibalizerits also complex with apache and any debian services because of the start-on20:21
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regXboiAJaeger: apologies - trying to figure out what's the cleanest way to keep gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full running only on the juno branch20:21
fungiyolanda: it just needs further discussion, and i unfortunately missed the review that was adding that until now (i know, it's been proposed for ~4.5 months)20:21
regXboibut not anywhere else20:22
nibalizerI thinnk fbo_ probably rna the puppet module and was suprised that zuul didn't start and wanted to fix it20:22
yolandayes, it took a long time and seemed logical to me20:22
yolandanibalizer, i was as suprised as fbo_20:22
yolandaand i missed that on that module, i thought it was a problem20:22
regXboican I just use the gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full-juno tag?20:22
yolandafungi, our procedure downstream when we want to do live changes in an instance is just stop puppet20:23
nibalizerand the way I usually operate services with puppet is to have puppet ensure them then disable puppet when I need to do surgery, but I'm fine with the other way that the infra-rooters do things20:23
yolandasame as nibalizer20:23
fungiyolanda: say i want to do something locally with zuul stopped, pull in the pending puppeted config changes without having zuul started... hand-patch?20:24
AJaegerregXboi: As commented in gerrit: Create a new job like "gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full-juno" and add conditions to it.20:24
yolandayes, hand patch if you are operating manual20:24
AJaegerregXboi: I'm going offline now, best ask fungi or jeblair how to do it properly.20:24
regXboiAJaeger: ack20:24
regXboiAJaeger: and thanks20:24
AJaegerregXboi: You're welcome20:25
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add a developer coding standards doc
yolandafungi, what about passing a parameter to ensure there and make it optional?20:25
yolandaso we have a compromise20:25
openstackgerritMadhusudhan Kandadai proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Set experimental job for all neutron-vpnaas tests
fungiyolanda: point being, this is a pretty significant behavior change. i _at_least_ want the people managing our zuul server (besides me and jhesketh) to be aware that it's happened20:25
openstackgerritHenry Gessau proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Update query for Bug #1477192
openstackbug 1477192 in neutron "neutron test_multi_prefix_slaac failing in the gate with ping failures starting around 7/22" [High,Confirmed] - Assigned to Henry Gessau (gessau)20:26
fungiyolanda: having it default to not start, forcing that default through the system-config repo, then switching the default in the puppet-zuul module seems like a safe compromise20:26
fungiyolanda: though it may take other downstream users of the module by surprise as well20:26
yolandafungi, on the other side, puppet keeps services up if something fails. Haven't you had that issue some time with zuul-merger for example?20:26
yolandafungi, i agree with that, a parameter wth default not running, and we can enable it if needed20:27
nibalizerpuppet as a service monitor is the wrong tool for the job20:27
yolandafungi, do you want to revert, or iterate over it?20:27
fungiyolanda: that's a behavior of puppet modules i very much dislike. puppet is a great configuration manager. it's a terrible service management daemon and even worse orchestration engine20:27
nibalizerI think puppet's ensure => running is the most valuable when puppet is doing an initial bring up, but only when the service is very simple20:28
nibalizerfungi: however if we were running zuul from packages ( I hear it has those now) puppet will install the package and debian will be like 'better start you' anyways20:28
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regXboijeblair, fungi: ola - I'm working on and trying to put gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full back as part of integrated-gate-neutron but only for the juno branch.  AJaeger suggested using gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full-juno, but ...20:29
yolandait's a bit strange , at least for first boot, to deploy your zuul instance and see that nothing runs20:29
funginibalizer: not even then. on debian derivatives most daemons start when the package is installed so puppet shouldn't need to second-guess it. and on red hat derivatives, sysadmins explicitly _don't_ expect services to start automatically unless they configure that behavior20:29
regXboithat symbol is already used elsewhere in the layout and I don't want to adversely impact those other uses20:29
yolandaso either we go with that parameter, that looks as a good compromise to me, or document it on the module, to avoid thinking it's a mistake (i thought it was)20:29
nibalizerso leaving the default to unmanaged is fine with me20:30
yolandathen you need a manual intervention, or other orchestration layer on top, to spin it up20:30
nibalizerI think we can accomplish that by passing undef to ensure20:30
yolandafungi, do you think it's worth reverting, or iterate on top?20:30
nibalizerand then a parameter can be opened up in the module to open that up20:30
funginibalizer: yolanda: i'm fine with digging deeper into potential options, but would like clarkb and jeblair to participate in the discussion (like me they seem to have missed that review and they don't seem to be around at the moment)20:31
fungidocumenting that it's intentional that the module doesn't start services sounds like a great place to start20:31
nibalizeryep, I liked your idea of heading to the ML20:31
yolandafungi, ok, if you want to send something to the mailing list, we can discuss there as well. Honestly, i prefer that, as i'll be able to follow even if the conversation happens at times where i'm not here20:31
fungiyolanda: yep, i'll go ahead and start a discussion thread on it20:32
yolandagoing back with children, i'll follow tomorrow20:32
fungiand thanks for bearing with us. adding lots of new core reviewers is awesome because it means we get a lot more review bandwidth, but it definitely also means there are undocumented assumptions the original reviewers were around for that the new reviewers lack context on20:33
yolandafungi yes, i feel i miss that bits, i know the modules from the downstream usage, but i'm missing the general infra context20:34
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regXboijeblair, fungi: alternatively, I could just leave integated-gate-neutron alone and not use it in the openstack/neutron path ...20:34
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fungii definitely appreciate you reviewing (and approving!) changes, so i don't want to discourage that. but there will be some where we revert and extend discussion (and then possibly reinstate once the discussion is had)20:35
yolandafungi, i'm not normally approving anything conflictive on my timezone because of that, i leave nibalizer the honours :)20:36
yolandadon't want to break anything without infra roots to fix20:36
jeblairyeah, the thing about having puppet enforce that something is running is that then there is no way to have puppet apply a configuration change while the service is down without also starting it20:36
jeblairpersonally, i think puppet ought to ensure that something is configured to start at boot (ensure it is enabled), but not ensure it is running.  that's a transient thing that, if automated at all, should be done via something like ansible20:37
krotschecknibalizer: Sorry for bouncing out, had to have a conversation.20:38
fungiregXboi: i'm about out of runway for new topics today but am trying to wrap my head around your dilemma now. i'll follow up on 212058 with comments there20:38
* krotscheck is distracted by midcycle things :/20:38
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regXboifungi: thanks - I'm thinking way outside the box now20:38
nibalizerkrotscheck: no worries me too man20:38
regXboifungi: but I'm thinking this idea may have to wait until juno is retired20:39
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krotschecknibalizer: Ok, so. PPA is not a good idea. npm running every 15 minutes is too much overhead for me, but using schedule{} is not idempotent enough for you.20:39
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krotschecknibalizer: Using the puppet node module is... well, I'm leery of introducing that into infra, because it's a small step there from "We're just using it on the release slave" to "Oops we tested all javascript in non-distro node"20:40
jeblairfungi: have you proposed a revert?20:41
fungijeblair: already approved it, nibalizer proposed it20:41
krotschecknibalizer: What other options do we have?20:41
openstackgerritMadhusudhan Kandadai proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create experimental job for all neutron-vpnaas tests
nibalizerkrotscheck: iduno let me headscratch for a bit20:41
openstackgerritHenry Gessau proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Delete query for Bug #1477192
openstackbug 1477192 in neutron "neutron test_multi_prefix_slaac failing in the gate with ping failures starting around 7/22" [High,Confirmed] - Assigned to Henry Gessau (gessau)20:41
fungiregXboi: yeah, i think the solution is simple there, just need to double-check something before i potentially provide an incomplete answer20:42
nibalizersorry for merging the zuul service change by the way20:42
krotschecknibalizer: If there was an easy version-compare script I could use in "unless"? sometihng like "unless npm --version | versioncompare < 1.3.18"20:42
funginibalizer: no need to apologize. the fault is on me and others for not seeing that change for many months20:43
regXboifungi: thx, I'll read it later20:43
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crinklekrotscheck: nibalizer there is already a change to add the nodejs module if you hadn't seen it
nibalizerya we needed that for jquery in zuul iirc20:45
crinklekrotscheck: nibalizer just having the module installed on the puppet master won't affect anything on its own but comment if you feel strongly it shouldn't be there20:45
crinklekrotscheck: nibalizer I haven't followed the whole discussion but it might be worth seeing if we can add the functionality we need to that module20:46
crinklebeing open source citizens and all20:46
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nibalizercrinkle: ++20:46
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Change functional testing to use clouds.yaml
fungiregXboi: commented20:48
regXboifungi: ack20:48
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* regXboi trying to understand why a unit test run locally that passed, failed in the pipeline :(20:48
fungiregXboi: what change did you see it on?20:49
regXboifungi: one I pushed about 40 minutes ago - I'm thinking I did something colossally stupid20:49
regXboiI did20:50
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krotscheckcrinkle: Urm. Well. Let's jus tdo that then.20:55
krotscheckThat's a really old patch20:55
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add nodejs to the source modules
krotschecknibalizer, crinkle ^^20:58
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nibalizerkrotscheck: so does that do what you need?20:59
openstackgerritTim Buckley proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Collect DStat CSV logs if they exist.
nibalizerwhat is the NodeSource repository that it claims to use?20:59
krotschecknibalizer: I have no idea.20:59
krotschecknibalizer: Oh. That's the PPA I was mentioning earlier20:59
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krotschecknibalizer: So it's effectively no different than using the ppa.21:01
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krotscheckI suppose at least this way, it's centralized and we can evict it if necessary21:01
nibalizerlook they made us something to curl | bash21:02
nibalizerI am filled with unconfidence21:02
jeblairis nodesource the enterprisey one?21:02
funginibalizer: it's curl | sudo bash!21:02
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krotscheckjeblair: Yes. Over beers, let me tell you _exactly_ what that means.21:02
nibalizerjeblair: yep
* krotscheck had lunch with their founders a few weeks back.21:03
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Update the in-tree TODO list
* jeblair is unsure whether 'enterprise' is being used in its complimentary of pejorative sense.21:03
krotscheckDon't get me wrong, I love that they're pushing the node community towards being saner in their deployment model.21:03
jeblairthough weirdly, that sentence also makes sense the way it was written21:04
krotscheckjeblair: I think in this case it's meant in the "We're a startup and need to earn money" sense21:04
krotscheckThey're good people. I feel like their business model is going to be eaten by open source in the long run.21:04
nibalizerit almost sounds like they are shipping 'their' node and not 'the' node21:04
nibalizerwhich is concerning21:04
krotschecknibalizer: They do have a version of node that is "hardened for enterprise", however they charge money for that.21:05
* nibalizer has flashbacks to ree21:05
krotscheckI can check with joe to make sure that's node's HEAD21:05
lifeless is reported as affecting 3.4: have we seen it at all ?21:07
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krotschecknibalizer, jeblair: It's pure upstream, from the horses mouth.21:10
krotscheckI can unpack the .deb to make sure if you're paranoid21:10
nibalizerkrotscheck: so I'm running  time npm install npm -g --upgrade and it seems to be 28 seconds21:10
nibalizerbut not idempotent21:11
nibalizerany exec without an unless or a creates can't converge21:11
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krotschecknibalizer: ok.21:11
krotschecknibalizer: Yep.21:11
fungilifeless: not to my knowledge, we're mostly just plagued by in the 3.4 in trusty21:11
krotschecknibalizer: As I said, something like `npm --version | 1.3.2` or something would make that idempotent21:11
nibalizerkrotscheck: well but21:12
nibalizerthen you have to know what version21:12
nibalizerand you didn't like that idea?21:12
krotschecknibalizer: So, puppet has a versioncmp() method21:12
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krotschecknibalizer: And I know we want at least 1.3.1821:13
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nibalizerunless => 'npm --version | grep 1.3.10' would seem to work21:13
krotschecknibalizer: And that provides -1, 0, 1 (I think)21:13
nibalizerwell npm --version prints out the version we have locally21:13
nibalizernot the version that we /could/ install21:13
krotschecknibalizer: So, can we use that?21:14
nibalizerwe can't asses the availablity and suitability of a component without going out over the network21:14
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krotschecknibalizer: I was thinking ... versioncmp('npm --version', 1.3.18) > 021:15
krotschecknibalizer: So: Is the current version larger than what we need? If so, great. Otherwise, go install it.21:15
nibalizerya you can't shell out like that in puppet21:15
krotschecknibalizer: I know, it's pseudocode.21:15
krotschecknibalizer: no way to capture the return value of that command then, eh?21:15
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krotschecknibalizer: let's just migrate to ansible.21:16
clarkbyou can exec and trigger on that based on success fail right?21:17
clarkbwith a dependency21:17
clarkbwe did it for file hash checking21:17
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: use zuul-cloner to check out files
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crinkleyes you can onlyif => "shell commands"21:19
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fungigotta disappear for a couple hours. bbl21:19
adreznecanteaya: are you the right person to talk to about finding the correct reviewers for a proposed project rename and getting it on the list of scheduled renames?21:19
anteayaadreznec: well I am one21:20
nibalizerso I think I have a ifx21:20
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anteayaadreznec: create your patch and add the url to this section of the infra meeting agenda:
anteayaadreznec: once a rename is scheduled, the patches will be reviewed so be available on the week the rename is scheduled21:21
adreznecanteaya: Okay, will do. I have a patch up for review now to move a neutron driver from stackforge into the openstack namespace following the neutron stadium model. the governance change was approved today21:22
anteayarenames are scheduled in infra weekly meetings21:22
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anteayaadreznec: great add the url for the project-config patch to the rename section of the wiki page21:22
anteayaand ensure the governance patch is linked in the commit message of the project-config patch21:22
anteayawith Depends-On: <change id for governance patch>21:23
adreznecanteaya: Already did the latter. I'll get that up on the infra meeting page here. Thanks!21:23
anteayathank you21:23
krotschecknibalizer: oookay?21:23
morgan_404krotscheck: kayooo?21:23
krotscheckmorgan_404: ENOTENGLISH21:24
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add support to filter results by failure test_ids
nibalizerkrotscheck: so your npm works? This is the second time my npm has been rendered unusable by npm install -g --upgrade npm21:24
krotschecknibalizer: Yep.21:24
krotschecknibalizer: Like a charm.21:24
mtreinishclarkb: ^^^ I switched to using the all in one db api method I added in that rev21:25
nibalizerkrotscheck: you logged out and logged back in?21:25
krotschecknibalizer: Well, I killed the vm and restarted it. That counts, right?21:25
nibalizerill try to get a really clean reproduction for you21:25
clarkbcan we just nodenv whatever you are trying to do?21:25
clarkbworks great in my experience21:26
krotscheckclarkb: Not a python project.21:26
clarkbno its node21:26
krotscheckAll I'm trying to do is execute `npm publish --ignore-scripts <tarball>`21:26
krotscheckThat's it.21:26
clarkband nodeenv nodes21:26
krotscheckWhy is this so hard?21:26
clarkbbecause node21:27
krotscheckNo, because debian21:27
clarkbI mean I currenrly build from scratch for etherpad21:27
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clarkbwell debian isnt treating node special21:27
jeblairkrotscheck: should we revisit the "curl" idea?21:27
nibalizerI kindof like that idea21:28
clarkband many other interpreters/compilers run on it just fine including those that run js (iceweasel)21:28
nibalizerI also am more okay with using the NodeSource repo if they are GoodPeople(tm)21:28
krotscheckjeblair: We could, if someone is interested in reverse engineering the npm repository API. It's not documented anywhere.21:28
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nibalizerI spent some time looking for docs, and at the npm source, the 'how to' was not forthcomming21:29
krotscheckSo what's wrong with schedule{}?21:29
krotschecknibalizer: Honestly, I think I trust the nodesource people more than I trust the npm people.21:30
krotscheck(not by much)21:30
nibalizerso what I don't like about 210601, two things21:31
nibalizer1) schedule is weird, we shouldn't need to do stuff like this only once a day21:31
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nibalizeras jeblair said, we'd be tapping our foot waiting for a security update befor we'd rememebr that we'd invoked 'schedule'21:31
nibalizer2) as written, that exec can never converge21:31
nibalizerit will just run every time (or once a day)21:31
jeblairmy order of preference is: curl; npm-self-upgrade-without-schedule; nodesource ppa; npm-self-upgrade-with-schedule21:32
openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid: OIDC - OpenId Connect Implementation
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nibalizernow we could fix that in a few different ways, the easiest of which is unless => 'npm --version | grep <versionnumber>' and someone has to manually update <versionnumber> periodically21:32
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jeblairnibalizer: i don't like that -- part of why we use distros is because we want them to do some of this work for us21:35
nibalizerjeblair: i agree21:35
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openstackgerritJeff Peeler proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Kolla: add non-voting build job
nibalizerso the publish job itself, could curl; unpack, ./bin/npm publish; rm21:37
nibalizerthat link is just the latest link but could be hardcoded or not21:38
krotscheckIs updating to vivid an option on the release slave?21:38
* krotscheck is assuming that the version in npm updated.21:38
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krotscheck(seems to be recent enough21:40
krotscheckThat satisfies the "Let the distros do that work for us" requirement21:40
nibalizermoving the release slave to vivid isn't a good call because that just signs us up for upgrading a server every 9 months21:40
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krotschecknibalizer: p   node  - Amateur Packet Radio Node program (transitional package)21:43
krotschecknibalizer: What you want is `apt get install nodejs npm nodejs-legacy`21:43
krotscheckAlso, purge node21:43
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krotscheckBecause naming things is hard21:44
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add a JJB quick start guide
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nibalizerkrotscheck: aha thank you21:46
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/puppet-cgit: Add basic beaker tests
krotschecknibalizer: That's actually a good catch, because the npm package from debian knows to go to the debian-named executable, while the npm-self-installed version goes to the default 'node' exec.21:47
krotscheckSo any self upgraded npm requires the nodejs-legacy package21:47
nibalizeralso note that this is setting my npm version considerably higher than I think you anticipated21:48
nibalizerroot@derpderp8383838:~# npm --version21:48
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add support to filter results by failure test_ids
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krotschecknibalizer: That is correct.21:50
krotschecknibalizer: And expected.21:50
nibalizerhaha so when excuting 'npm search npm' I run out of memory on my vm21:50
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: document
krotscheckI think I have a solution everyone will like, just a moment21:52
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nibalizerkrotscheck: what if we change the exec to look like this
krotschecknibalizer: Maybe. I was thinking more along the lines of `npm install -g --upgrade npm@2.13.4`21:56
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nibalizerwell then we are setting the version number again21:57
krotscheckAnd then your version comparison will just work21:57
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krotscheckAnd your version is technically idempotent21:58
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krotscheckI think it still checks the cache though21:58
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krotscheckLet me see how that works in my vm.21:58
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krotscheckbtw, were you able to fix your npm install on your laptop?21:59
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Fix two typos on zuul documentation
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Ask for commit-message on current-patchset
krotschecknibalizer: That seems to work!22:04
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Keep npm up-to-date.
krotscheckLet's see if gerrit agrees22:05
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jeblairwow is not a typo, it is a serious bug22:14
krotschecknibalizer: passed, your comments would be much appreciated :)22:16
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Remove ready_ahead from scheduler
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openstackgerritTim Buckley proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Install and run StackViz during devstack-gate host cleanup.
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openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/puppet-cgit: Add basic beaker tests
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thiagopHey guys, if you could kindly take a look on this review to approve our new project on the infra:
thiagopit already has a +2 :)22:34
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sdakehey folks quick question about custom jobs in the gate22:36
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sdakein, we are going to end up with very minor variations of this job with tox -e images-centos-rdo, images-centos-src, etc22:37
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sdakewe will have a total of 12 jobs when done22:37
sdake6 distros * (src+rdo)22:37
sdakeisome (src) will be voting others (bin) will not be over time22:38
sdakewhat is the best way to do that so we dont have to repeat the above kolla.yaml job-template 12 times22:38
sdakenote we can't just use the tox thing we use elsewhere in our gating because this is not a tox job22:39
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sdakebasically what I'm after is something like:22:44
sdake 'gate-{name}-tox-{envlist}':494322:44
sdake4944          envlist: validate-contents          envlist: validate-contents22:44
sdakesorry cut to much22:44
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sdakebut I don't quite know where to look as to how that is implemented22:45
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sdakeand it needs to work like this - with the pipeline and node arguments22:45
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anteayamorning jhesketh22:50
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lifelesssdake: project-config/jenkins/python-jobs IIRC22:55
lifelesssdake: grep for r'gate-{name}-tox-{envlist}'22:55
sdakelifeless thanks i'll look there22:55
sdakei dont totally get how these parameter things work22:55
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump saharaclient to the latest version
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sdakelifeless unpeeling the union that has23:04
sdake      - tox:23:04
sdake          envlist: '{envlist}'23:04
sdakesuggestions for where tox job is located?23:04
sdaketox is used in a bajillion places in the repo23:04
sdakenot sure grep will help23:04
* timrc wonders if he should do an #openstack-infra BBQ at his house for the Openstack Summit in Austin. Not sure I could smoke enough brisket. Would have to cater.23:06
nibalizeror start smoking now23:06
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lifelesssdake: I think so23:09
sthillmaHi Infra team, need to modify the core members for a stackforge group (puppet-n1k-vsm-core/puppet-n1k-vsm-release specifically), how would I go about doing that?23:10
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sdakesthillma if its a new project you have  to get someone with appropriate permissions to add you to the gerrit group23:11
sdakefungi usually does the job for me when I ask23:11
sdakeif someone is already in the group, they add the others23:11
sdakeits self-managed23:11
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sthillmasdake: ah ok, is there docs on how to do that somewhere?23:12
sthillmait is an existing group23:12
sdakefinding ink23:12
sdakeoh a fellow cisco dude, hey :)23:12
sdakesomeone in that group needs to do the changing23:13
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sdakeyou got the 420 group lol23:13
sdakeif someone logs in there is a button add remove if they are in th ecore group23:13
sthillmasdake: yep, thanks! :) lol! nice! also on a related note, I need to add the create permission to our ACL is any bug required for that, or do i just open a review?23:14
sdakethere is also a release group for tagging23:14
sdakeopen review - project config doesn't erquire bug tracking afaik23:14
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sdaketo find groups, click "People" "List Groups" type name in filter, click23:15
mmmporkhey folks, i'm running into another issue with the testing.rst instructions i've been working on for nodepool23:16
mmmporki'm hoping someone with more openstack knowledge can help me troubleshoot this23:16
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sthillmasdake found it, thanks so much for the quick response!23:16
mmmporkwhen i launch nodepool, i keep seeing the following error "devstack does not have image ubuntu for label ubuntu"23:16
mmmporkwhen i do nova image-list i see ubuntu in the list23:17
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mmmporki also tried to manually create an instance and that worked ok too23:17
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mmmporki'll link to the instructions i'm referring to for how i created the image23:17
mmmporkand also to my yaml file23:17
mmmporkhere's the yaml file:
mmmporkhere's the debug log when i start up nodepool:
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mmmporkthis is the best i can do for linking to the changes,
openstackgerritSteven Hillman proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add create permission for puppet-n1k-vsm core group
clarkbmmmpork what does nova image-list show?23:20
clarkbyou do have to manually upload that image23:20
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mmmporkoh wait i'm looking for the instructions i used23:21
mmmporkclarkb: this is what nova image-list shows
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mmmporki used the instructions in the README.rst i think23:23
mmmporkfor setting up the image23:23
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mmmporkoh wait no they aren't in there, sorry still trying to find it23:24
clarkbits in the proposed testing doc23:24
mmmporkyeah it is :)23:25
mmmporki just missed it for some reason23:25
mmmporkyeah so i followed those instructions verbatim23:25
clarkbso I think thats a nodepool.yaml config issue somehwere not a glance/nova issue23:25
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mmmporkyeah that's what i was wondering23:25
mmmporki've been looking at the yaml config and nothing is popping out at me23:25
mmmporkunless a username is wrong somewhere23:26
mmmporki'm just using demo23:26
clarkbI think it is saying that the image ubunut isnt found under provider images in nodepool config23:26
clarkbcan you double check and possibly paste tge exact nodepool.yaml just remove the password23:27
mmmporkthis is the exact one:
mmmporki just set the password to "password" since i made the repo public23:28
mmmporkon my vm i created a symbolic link in etc to that repo in my home dir23:28
mmmporkso i could track my config changes in git23:29
clarkbis password actually password? usually its secret iurc23:29
clarkbhrm is he dburi missing the password?23:30
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mmmporki haven't been prompted for one23:31
mmmporkcurrently it's just vanilla setup with no root password23:31
sdakelifeless its in macros.yaml23:31
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mmmporkyeah password is just a plain text password23:32
mmmporki just used "password" becuse that's how the devstack docs had you do it in the example23:32
clarkbya you need username:password@localhost/nodepool23:32
clarkbthats not in your linked file23:32
mmmporkah ok23:32
mmmporki thought that was for talking to mysql23:32
mmmporkso i thought i didn't need one?23:32
clarkbit is for mysql and you should need one if using the devstack configured db23:33
mmmporki think i just left it out and figured something would complain23:33
mmmporkthe comment said if it wasn't provided i would be prompted for it?23:33
mmmporkmaybe i misunderstood?23:33
clarkbdevstack will prompt you for it23:34
clarkbwhen you build your devstack cloud23:34
mmmporkshould the user for that be nodepool?23:35
mmmporkor should it be the root/combo that's in the example?23:35
mmmporkroot:yourpasswordhere combo23:35
clarkbI think its the one from the example23:35
clarkbthats what devstack uses23:35
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mmmporkhrm so when i change that i'm getting access denied because i never set up passwords for those users, nodepool or root23:37
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mmmporkbut with the original config i didn't see any errors in the logs23:38
mmmporkbut i'll keep trying23:38
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clarkbwhen you run devstack it asks you for that password so its whatever you used or set that env var to prior to running devstack23:39
clarkbyou can check novas config to see what it was set too as well23:39
mmmporkand the user should be root?23:39
clarkbI belive so, check nova23:39
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mmmporkahh ok it's under [database]23:41
mmmporkok it's not complaining now23:42
mmmporkbut it's still not finding the image23:42
mmmporkbut that's progress23:42
mmmporki think23:42
clarkbit has to build it23:42
clarkbdo you see logs for the build? also nodepool image-lisy23:43
mmmporkzomgz i see it!23:43
* mmmpork does a happy dance23:43
mmmporkdammittall i knew it was something i screwed up in the config23:44
mmmporki'm going to put a comment about checking for that value in the nova config in that doc23:44
clarkbI wouldnt23:44
clarkbI would tell people to set it explicitly with that devstack co fig var23:45
clarkbits more direct that way23:45
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mmmporkok that's fair23:46
mmmporki don't care much for passwords in plain text in config files personally23:46
clarkbits for developmwnt and testing we set them like that everywhere :)23:47
mmmporkoh yeah me too23:47
mmmporkbut it's not the best habit ;)23:47
clarkbthe alternative is very complicated fir dev/testing23:47
clarkbnot sure the tradeoff is worthwhile "here go learn gpg have fun"23:48
mmmporkyeah, i've worked on things that had different ways of doing it, it was definitely a pain23:48
clarkb"lol hate me yet? sorry"23:48
mmmporkon the flip side, i've worked at too many places where devs didn't know any better23:48
mmmporkso being consistent was kind of nice, even if it was painful ;)23:48
mmmporkanyways that's cool, thanks for your help23:48
clarkbin theory something like barbican helps here but that requires a service be run23:49
mmmporki'll improve the comment on that so in the event someone as newbie as me is doing this they know what those values are referring to23:49
clarkb(though you still need to deal with barbican cred its all turtles)23:50
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olaphi like turtles23:55
anteayammmpork: we do encourage folks to choose non-swearing words in this channel23:55
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Kennanfungi: yes, it was raised by nova, but sometimes resource problem can cause that nova to raise that function23:56
Kennanthe jenkins passed now, very strange23:56
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