Tuesday, 2015-08-18

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clarkbhttp://logs.openstack.org/54/211754/4/check/gate-dsvm-nodepool-nv/f5bb930/logs/devstacklog.txt.gz#_2015-08-17_23_33_20_041 neutron didn't start when testing nodepool00:04
clarkblets see if that is consistent00:04
fungidoes neutron often fail to start in devstack?00:05
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clarkbdougwig: http://logs.openstack.org/54/211754/4/check/gate-dsvm-nodepool-nv/f5bb930/logs/screen-q-svc.txt.gz#_2015-08-17_23_32_21_497 that appears to be the error is that all related to what we are doing with the advanced services cleanup in devstack/devstack-gate?00:05
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added npm publish to eslint-config-openstack  https://review.openstack.org/19972500:07
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Switched npm-run-test to npm-test  https://review.openstack.org/21215400:07
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added npm publish job.  https://review.openstack.org/19971500:07
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added npm tarball upload job  https://review.openstack.org/21215300:07
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Drop these config switches as they are no longer being used  https://review.openstack.org/19967200:12
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Horizon linting should be voting  https://review.openstack.org/21334400:13
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-jeepyb: Fix parameters for jeepyb::openstackwatch  https://review.openstack.org/20875800:13
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-jeepyb: Add Gemfile and puppet 4 checks  https://review.openstack.org/20875900:13
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Change functional testing to use clouds.yaml  https://review.openstack.org/21208300:13
clarkbfungi: I am not sure but its the vpn service giving us trouble and there were related things I think00:14
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ianwSergeyLukjanov: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/213535/ <- i don't think this is quite ready to go, the dependent change hasn't merged00:21
SergeyLukjanovianw, thx for the notice, I've removed W+100:22
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Nothing to see here  https://review.openstack.org/21394200:22
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-manual: Recommend --no-ff on merges from feature to master  https://review.openstack.org/21012400:25
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-manual: Insert further details of the procedure  https://review.openstack.org/20975300:25
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Adding RALLY_SCENARIO env for Cue job  https://review.openstack.org/20128500:26
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asselin_submitted this neutron devstack bug earlier today: https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/148571800:27
openstackLaunchpad bug 1485718 in neutron "Devstack neutron intermittently fails on neutron-debug probe-create --device-owner compute" [Undecided,New]00:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add check-requirements job to networking-ofagent project  https://review.openstack.org/21363900:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Add config option for asyncLoggingBufferSize  https://review.openstack.org/21384800:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Create an os-testr venv for running subunit2html  https://review.openstack.org/21323800:27
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: midonet: Update ML2 job  https://review.openstack.org/21142000:28
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Test fix for ironic ephemeral drive problem  https://review.openstack.org/20527300:28
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add python3-jobs for searchlight  https://review.openstack.org/21210300:28
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: remove keystone extensions from openstackclient functional job  https://review.openstack.org/21170100:29
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add acls for stable/* branch to fuel-mirror project  https://review.openstack.org/20922300:29
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove rally-jobs job group  https://review.openstack.org/20978600:29
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SpamapScrinkle: thanks for the pointer to the inventory json. Now what we have to do is move all of the ipmi passwords into hiera. :-P00:33
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asselin_clarkb, akraminsky another difference is that we have cloud credentials in nodepool.yaml. upstream uses clouds.yaml https://github.com/openstack-infra/system-config/blob/master/modules/openstack_project/templates/nodepool/clouds.yaml.erb00:33
SpamapScrinkle: which has reminded me of why I was thinking we might want our own local hiera for now00:33
crinkleSpamapS: did we decide we couldn't set them all to the same password?00:34
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Enable merge commits for fuel-plugin-influxdb-grafana-release group  https://review.openstack.org/21362700:34
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SpamapScrinkle: we can, but that is reliant on the HP NOC doing that work.00:34
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SpamapScrinkle: not something I want to wait for. :)00:34
SpamapSOR we can do it with an expect script00:35
SpamapScrinkle: is it exceedingly different to just populate a local hiera with 40 or so values?00:36
SpamapSdifficult rather00:36
nibalizershouldn't be00:36
nibalizerits just yaml00:36
nibalizeralthought I don't have all the context00:36
SpamapSI just want to generate that yaml file for now so I can get the rest of inventory checked in. :)00:37
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SpamapSso I'd have my own little local yaml that I could manually put on the box before running apply.00:37
crinkleSpamapS: not difficult, just will be a lot of parameters00:38
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SpamapScrinkle: indeed.. but seems like something we have to prepare for. And I can do it programatically.00:38
SpamapSas in, I can take the full inventory as it is now, and mold it into one that can be checked in00:38
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SpamapSand at the same time it will spit out the hiera yaml needed.00:38
SpamapSok I'm just going to do that.00:39
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fungiwow, gate-tripleo-ironic-overcloud-f21puppet-ceph has up to a 90-minute wait built into it00:42
fungi"Waiting for the overcloud stack to be ready" wait_for_stack_ready -w 5400 10 overcloud00:43
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fungithe one i'm waiting to finish has spent almost an hour in that state so far00:43
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asselin_clarkb, this looks related: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/212428/00:45
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asselin_os-client-config==1.6.3  # git sha c422fe800:46
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dougwigclarkb: yes, related.  Why is vpn enabled? What job?00:54
clarkbdouwig its the nodepool dsvm job and I dont think vpn is enabled but I did override the services list00:54
clarkbI should just disable advanced services?00:55
krotscheckI have a trusty node here that claims there's no python 2.7. Did that get evicted at some point in the past?00:55
clarkbkrotscheck trusty is python3 by default so you have to ensure 2/7 is installed00:56
dougwigIt still expects lb and fw, but vpn is out of the default list.  Or I can post a workaround00:56
dougwigclarkb: ^^00:56
krotscheckclarkb: Gotcha, thanks :)00:56
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clarkbdougwig we dobt need the service for nodepool so likely can just remove00:56
dougwigclarkb: I'm not familiar enough with nodepool images to be certain, but assuming it's a pre cache reinstall situation, that is correct.00:57
dougwigPre install not reinstall.  I'm on my phone, sorry.  /)00:59
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clarkbdougwig this is a job that deploys nodepool against devstack, I can fix01:03
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krotscheckclarkb: So, the 1.9.4 version of stankevitch/python, which seems to be the one currently in use in the bug I'm tracking down, does this: https://github.com/stankevich/puppet-python/blob/1.9.4/manifests/params.pp01:04
krotscheckNote the complete lack of 2.7.01:04
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jeblairkrotscheck: what's this for?01:05
krotscheckjeblair: refstack: http://logs.openstack.org/69/198869/6/check/gate-infra-puppet-apply-bare-trusty/6185973/console.html#_2015-08-03_20_01_32_68201:05
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krotscheckjeblair: This review in particular -> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/198869/01:06
jeblairwhat's puppet-refstack using that module to do?01:06
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krotscheckjeblair: Install python -> http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/puppet-refstack/tree/manifests/api.pp#n3001:07
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jeblairkrotscheck: i don't think we use that module anywhere else and we run lots of python01:08
fungiseems it doesn't do that so well. i think based on the errors it emits that it01:08
fungi's only meant to install pythons other than 2.701:08
fungithe modules we have which use that don't pass in a python_version class parameter01:08
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krotscheckWell, the one that was specified in the package itself is version 1.6.6, which works fine.01:08
jeblairfungi: what uses it?01:08
fungipuppet-storyboard i think was one of the examples i fished out01:08
fungiseems like there's at least one other though01:09
krotscheckIn this case I was using it because it provided an idempotent way of creating a venv.01:09
jeblairkrotscheck: i don't follow "Well, the one that was specified in the package itself is version 1.6.6, which works fine." ?01:09
jeblairkrotscheck: ah01:09
jeblairkrotscheck: we don't generally create venvs for servers01:09
krotscheckjeblair: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/puppet-refstack/tree/metadata.json01:09
jeblairkrotscheck: can we avoid doing that with refstack?  i think it will vastly simplify things01:09
krotscheckThough that's >=01:10
krotscheckLovely how they break things for us.01:10
krotscheckjeblair: I'm sure we can. I'll circle back to the refstack team and let them know what changes are necessary01:10
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jeblairkrotscheck: cool, thx.  most (all?) of our python app servers just "pip install -U" a thing right into the system env01:11
jeblair(which usually works fine for single-purpose servers)01:11
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/puppet-cgit: WIP: haproxy statsd  https://review.openstack.org/21395201:14
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fungijenkins04, 05 and 07 have been cleaned up and restarted now. we're back at full compliment of jenkins masters again01:14
jeblairclarkb, fungi, pleia2: ^ that's 90% of the work to get haproxy stats into graphite.  of course the last 10% is lots of fiddly config files and stuff.  :)01:15
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fungidaemon that periodically reads from the statsd status info socket and spews it to a statsd server?01:19
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Version bump for hacking  https://review.openstack.org/21325501:20
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fungiyep, looks like a great solution01:21
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Add pyinotify to global-requirements.txt  https://review.openstack.org/21197501:23
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Update title and chairs for tacker meeting  https://review.openstack.org/21392601:27
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sthillmaHi all, any chance I could get another core to take a look at/approve this change real quick: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/212221/ ?01:34
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vadivelpi would like to add myself to the following group01:44
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vadivelpcan someone from the infra team can add me01:44
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dougwigclarkb, fungi: that error is because vpn flipped from implicit config to explicit, and you hit a corner case that wasn't patched to that effect. since the root gate issue was fixed in a different way, i've proposed a revert of that config change ( https://review.openstack.org/#/c/213963/ ), until it can be addressed while affecting fewer people.02:00
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vadivelphi, may i know who is the PTL for #openstack-infra ?02:03
vadivelpi have a request, but not sure sure whom to make?..02:03
vadivelpanybody can throw some light?... i want to add myself to the Gerrit group that represents the repository that i had created02:04
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pleia2vadivelp: what is the repository? I can get you added02:24
pleia2aha, I see, networking-ale-omniswitch02:27
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pleia2vadivelp: you've been added to the networking-ale-omniswitch-core group, you can add others as needed02:28
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openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add controller class for Infra Cloud  https://review.openstack.org/20969802:53
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add compute class for Infra Cloud  https://review.openstack.org/21398002:53
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump tooz to version 1.19.0  https://review.openstack.org/20573003:04
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asselinclarkb, I think there's something with how the request is built. I forced debug mode and tried the curl output directly on different providers and got the same  error message.03:38
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asselinpaste corrected: http://paste.openstack.org/show/419929/03:41
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Kolla: Add build gate for ubuntu binary  https://review.openstack.org/21353003:43
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Kolla: Add build gate for ubuntu source  https://review.openstack.org/21353103:43
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Kolla: add a deprecated vs templated build model  https://review.openstack.org/21353503:43
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove extra pyhon-jobs from networking-ofagent  https://review.openstack.org/21365604:22
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Nakatolifeless: WRT making constraints opt in without requiring new jobs (pyNN-constraints), opt in could look like this.04:26
NakatoAdd a check for upper-constraints.txt into run-tox.sh, then export UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_ARGUMENT as '-c /path/to/upper-constraints.txt', and if the install_command has added {env:UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_ARGUMENT:} it'll use that in gate, not effecting dev workflow, but allowing to opt in by exporting UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_ARGUMENT.04:26
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Cleanup some bash comparisions  https://review.openstack.org/21266304:28
lifelessNakato: thats still a change in the project testing interface though04:29
lifelessNakato: clark's request can be read backwards: it should be possible for someone prepping a tree to work with openstack's gate to predict how to drive it04:29
lifelessNakato: now, it may be that the PTI is underdocumented today (in that there are a billion variables we don't document in the governance docs)04:29
lifelessor it may be that it over-specifies (in that we don't need to specify what we do today)04:30
lifelessor the balance might be right04:30
Nakatolifeless: Okay, I'm confused then, how do we implment it without making any change.04:30
lifelessNakato: sorry, I may have tied two tings together inappropriately04:30
lifelessNakato: were you asking in the context of the governance docs proposal04:31
lifelessNakato: or the local dev experience discussion ?04:31
lifelessNakato: [or something else :)]04:31
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NakatoSo reading before governence there was conversation about how to add it in with minimal changes.  adding '-constraints' didn't seem liked, nor an empty constraints file with comments.  So the above deals with both things, making it opt in by projects and developers without having to run pyNN-constraints04:33
NakatoI'm assuming that needs to be flushed out before I can go do anything to goverence.04:33
lifelessso -constraints is liked04:33
lifelessit just is something the infra folk feel should be added to the project testing interface04:33
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Cleanup some bash comparisions  https://review.openstack.org/21266304:33
lifelessI like it because its clear - you can look at the job name and know whether this job is subject to vaguaries or is locked down to be reliable04:34
lifelesss/job/tox name/ but both really04:34
NakatoSo it seems I'm missing what is the project testing interface is.04:34
NakatoOkay, so the goverenence docks.04:35
lifelesswith an http because chromium is stupid04:35
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lifelessthat specific sub doc, yes04:35
Nakatolifeless: Right, I'll get to work on adding that into there.  That clarifies things immensely, thanks!04:36
deepakcshi all, gerrit still acting strnage for me. I am trying to push a new patchset with new changes , but git review returns "rejected: no new changes" as the error04:36
lifelessNakato: one specific that occurs to me04:36
deepakcshas anyone else faced same issue ? Should i just abandon my existing patch and send a new one w/ new change ID ?04:36
lifelessNakato: you probably want to specify that a project MUST implement py27 and MAY implement py27-constraints04:36
deepakcslifeless: jhesketh ^^04:37
lifelessNakato: or something like that04:37
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lifelessdeepakcs: that means you have a change with a new hash but no body or parent changes04:37
lifelessdeepakcs: e.g. you did a no-op rebase that resulted in a new hash or something04:37
lifelessdeepakcs: change a char somewhere.04:37
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deepakcslifeless: ok will try, thanks04:37
deepakcsit has a change, since i added a tst case04:38
deepakcsso not sure why it says no change!04:38
lifelessis it in a stack of changes?04:38
deepakcslifeless: ^^04:38
lifelessone of your lower changes is the problem04:38
jheskethdeepakcs: which change?04:38
deepakcsjhesketh: lifeless https://review.openstack.org/#/c/212518/04:38
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deepakcsjhesketh: lifeless i am trying to send patch set 2, which has new changes (test_driver.py), but it says no change to me (by git review)04:39
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lifelessNakato: ok, I'm offlining to finish this talk before I give it in 2h04:39
Nakatolifeless: Roger, thanks for your time.04:39
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jheskethdeepakcs: what sha1 does git show have for the repo where you're running git review?04:40
deepakcsjhesketh: d7427576d5a2c388b0a53c5a3fafff5c6c86b1c704:42
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jheskethdeepakcs: mind doing a git review -vvvv into a pastebin?04:44
deepakcsjhesketh: sure04:44
jheskethdeepakcs: while there, a copy of git show would also be handy04:46
deepakcsjhesketh: http://paste.fedoraproject.org/256107/1439873104:46
deepakcsjhesketh: it has it ` git show --stat`04:46
jheskethperfect, thanks04:46
deepakcsjhesketh: let me know what u find :)04:47
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jheskethdeepakcs: hmm, nothing obvious04:50
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jheskethdeepakcs: did you try to submit this yesterday?04:50
deepakcsjhesketh: :) strange right04:50
deepakcsjhesketh: yes.. it tried twice. it hung, once i did ctrl-c too04:50
deepakcsjhesketh: guess its in bad shape after that04:51
deepakcsjhesketh: but if gerrit was rebooted, it should have any past context, so not sure why its not working04:51
jheskethdeepakcs: right, that's likely it04:51
jheskethit's probably in an odd state04:51
deepakcsjhesketh: so whats the deal, abandon and send patch with new change ID ?04:52
jheskethrather than poking around trying to fix gerrit, it's probably easier (and hopefully less likely to fail) to do  just that04:52
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deepakcsjhesketh: ok will do, thanks04:52
jheskethdeepakcs: another alternative is to touch the change again and try04:52
deepakcsjhesketh: just did a git rebaste master and sha1 changed, so let me try now04:52
deepakcsjhesketh: worked !04:53
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jheskethdeepakcs: interestingly it appeared as ps304:53
deepakcsjhesketh: i was hoping many would be in the same boat as I am , as many would have tried yesterday04:54
deepakcsjhesketh: lol, yeah just saw that! and #2 is missing04:54
jheskethdeepakcs: so the previous change/sha was likely in gerrit's index but the change wasn't in the database (or something, I am just guessing)04:54
deepakcsjhesketh: so that gerrit isn't transactional ;-)04:54
jheskethheh, I'm hoping not many are in the same boat.. they shouldn't be though as gerrit was still working, just very slow04:54
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openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a docs for storlets  https://review.openstack.org/21400605:38
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Fix variables in nodepool.default.erb template  https://review.openstack.org/21136506:14
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml  https://review.openstack.org/21401906:17
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Fix nodepool class parameter defaults  https://review.openstack.org/21136606:19
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints  https://review.openstack.org/21360606:24
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jeepyb: Separate the fetch remotes log dir and file  https://review.openstack.org/19218706:32
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jeepyb: Separate the fetch remotes log dir and file  https://review.openstack.org/19218706:51
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml  https://review.openstack.org/21401907:02
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ttxSpamapS: see https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Phabricator07:07
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ttxHmm, looks like mordred's test instance at is now dead -- his HP Cloud account probably just got wiped07:08
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Kolla: Add build gate for ubuntu source  https://review.openstack.org/21353107:25
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jeepyb: Separate the fetch remotes log dir and file  https://review.openstack.org/19218707:33
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openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zanata: Switch to a class require for deployment  https://review.openstack.org/21405307:39
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openstackgerritYanis Guenane proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Adding more CPU in the HA scenario  https://review.openstack.org/21388507:43
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Run geard for nodepool tests  https://review.openstack.org/19492807:43
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openstackgerritTushar Gohad proposed openstack/requirements: Restrict PyECLib version to 1.0.7  https://review.openstack.org/21405907:56
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openstackgerritTushar Gohad proposed openstack/requirements: Restrict PyECLib version to 1.0.7  https://review.openstack.org/21405908:04
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openstackgerritTushar Gohad proposed openstack/requirements: Restrict PyECLib version to 1.0.7  https://review.openstack.org/21405908:07
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Nothing to see here  https://review.openstack.org/11101108:11
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openstackgerritBharat Kumar Kobagana (BharatK) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Renaming & moving Manila-GlusterFS jobs to check pipeline  https://review.openstack.org/21406508:12
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openstackgerritBharat Kumar Kobagana (BharatK) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Renaming & moving Manila-GlusterFS jobs to check pipeline  https://review.openstack.org/21406508:33
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove extra pyhon-jobs from networking-ofagent  https://review.openstack.org/21365608:45
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openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Fedora: install older corosync  https://review.openstack.org/21373608:46
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openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Fedora: install older corosync  https://review.openstack.org/21373708:51
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openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Fedora: install older corosync  https://review.openstack.org/21373609:19
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: WIP: Fix the test_backend.sh scripts to work usefully CI  https://review.openstack.org/21373209:35
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openstackgerritFabien Boucher proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Remove unnecessary shebangs as managed by some entry_points  https://review.openstack.org/21410009:55
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Pin heat and neutron  https://review.openstack.org/21411210:19
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: WIP: Fix the test_backend.sh scripts to work usefully CI  https://review.openstack.org/21373210:33
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack/requirements: Bump cryptography version for Nova Bug 1481084  https://review.openstack.org/21413610:48
openstackbug 1481084 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Keypair creation fails when ssh public key comment contains spaces" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1481084 - Assigned to Davanum Srinivas (DIMS) (dims-v)10:48
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Pin heat and neutron  https://review.openstack.org/21411210:59
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Try alternate usernames to get logs from overcloud  https://review.openstack.org/21413911:01
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Set correct default credentials in the test_backend.sh scripts  https://review.openstack.org/21373212:01
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svashekahi guys, could someone point me in direction of what changes should be made to a job, so it could copy artifacts from test run?12:43
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openstackgerritSinval Vieira Mendes Neto proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adding python3-jobs to test python-oneviewclient project  https://review.openstack.org/21417013:02
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openstackgerritwill soula proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for whitesource plugin  https://review.openstack.org/20461513:08
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smarcetfungi: hello, how are u doing? i am having some issues with jekins job config on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/198458/13:20
smarcetfungi: basically its complains that ext curl for php its not installed13:21
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smarcetfungi: http://logs.openstack.org/58/198458/21/check/gate-openstackid-unittests/7908166/console.html.gz13:22
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smarcetfungi: problem is on /usr/local/jenkins/slave_scripts/php-laravel-build.sh, composer should be invoked with --ignore-platform-reqs13:23
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smarcetfungi: could i propose that change on https://github.com/openstack-infra/project-config/blob/master/jenkins/scripts/php-laravel-build.sh?13:24
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clarkbyes please do13:25
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smarcetclarkb: ok13:26
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Try alternate usernames to get logs from overcloud  https://review.openstack.org/21413913:28
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update composer options  https://review.openstack.org/21418613:32
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pc_mianw: ping13:34
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glauco_Hello! I'm currently willing to work implementing integration tests for puppet-gerrit. Is there anyone already working on this?13:41
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EmilienMpabelanger: do you have thoughts about https://review.openstack.org/#/c/213502/ and gate-puppet-keystone-puppet-beaker-rspec-dsvm-centos7 failure?13:45
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openstackgerritKurt Taylor proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Host an initial CI monitoring dashboard service  https://review.openstack.org/19443713:54
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glauco_@crinkle are you working on puppet-gerrit?14:01
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HenryGlifeless: ping14:12
fungiclarkb: jeblair: mordred: pleia2: jhesketh: SergeyLukjanov: here's some fun for a tuesday... someone coming from thousands of random ip addresses within china mobile is spamming all our mailing lists with spoofed subscription requests for randomized gmail addresses14:13
jheskethfungi: oh joy14:13
fungithis is going to be fun to figure out how to prevent14:13
SergeyLukjanovfungi, morning14:14
jheskethfungi: any particular lists?14:14
fungijhesketh: yes, all of them14:14
fungias far as i can tell14:14
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fungisudo grep 'kemo\.mart' /var/log/mailman/subscribe|less14:15
fungiif you want to see specifics14:15
jheskethfungi: I didn't realise the lists were in infra.. or are they?14:15
fungijhesketh: yep, lists.openstack.org is the server. runs mailman on ubuntu precise14:15
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jheskethright, I guess I've just never seen/touched any config there14:15
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, we have a single server for mailing lists with a dns record using the rackspace dns service, am I correct?14:15
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* jhesketh is blind, there it is14:16
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed stackforge/python-jenkins: Separate tests in separate files and classes  https://review.openstack.org/21352114:16
fungiSergeyLukjanov: right14:16
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SergeyLukjanovprobably temp DENY for the whole subnet for the attacked URI?14:17
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: WIP Add support for listing folder indexes  https://review.openstack.org/21420714:19
jheskethclarkb: ^ if you get a chance to read that sometime that'd be awesome. I still need to write real tests for it, but I'm heading to bed14:19
fungiSergeyLukjanov: well, it's not just one network... it looks like it's scattered all over china mobile's ip space (>5000 ip addresses)14:20
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jheskethfungi, SergeyLukjanov: if they are both random IP's and random addresses I'm not sure what else we could do14:20
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed stackforge/python-jenkins: Adds Cloudbees folder plugin support  https://review.openstack.org/18018514:20
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fungii count 181 out of 256 possible values in the first octet alone14:22
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fungiso it's scattered over 70% of the ipv4 namespace by first octet14:22
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, heh...14:23
fungichina mobile apparently has lots of tiny ip networks everywhere14:23
jheskethfungi: are you sure they are all china mobile?14:23
clarkbhow convenient14:23
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fungijhesketh: the ones i spot-checked all were, but i didn't whois all 5132 of them yet14:24
jheskethfungi: I assume you checked a few with different first octets14:24
fungiit's entirely possible that this is coming from a botnet and only the majority of the addresses are within china mobile14:25
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jheskethright, that's what I was suspecting14:25
fungijhesketh: yeah, for example vs
jheskethan odd thing to target though14:25
fungijhesketh: i'm wondering if it might be a reflection attack14:25
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed stackforge/python-jenkins: Migration to using requests  https://review.openstack.org/20563714:26
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fungijhesketh: the subscription confirmation e-mail is much larger than the subscription request, so there's certainly opportunity for amplification14:26
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fungisomewhat larger anyway, i don't know how much, but regardless if you have a large bot army you don't necessarily need amplification14:26
clarkbare we seeing it affect the service?14:27
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fungireflection attacks are often either because you want to hide the origin of your attacks or because you want to cast blame on another party14:27
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fungiclarkb: the only impact reported so far is vetted-subscription list moderators having to delete hundreds of pending requests14:28
fungithough it's possible gmail will start blocking messages from lists.openstack.org eventually, no idea14:29
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eantyshevSergeyLukjanov: Hello! can I ask you to review this change for system-config: https://review.openstack.org/21255414:30
fungiwe currently have 5665 deferred deliveries for addresses matching the patter of the attack sitting in the exim outbound queue on lists.o.o14:30
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fungii expect they're all subscription auto responses14:31
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fungigmail is temporarily rejecting them with a message like "The user you are trying to contact is receiving mail at a rate that prevents additional messages from being delivered."14:33
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clarkbcan we temporarily kill new subscriptions?14:33
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fungii'm not sure. reading up on options14:36
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romchegHi folks!14:37
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romchegWhat version of tox is installed on CI nodes?14:37
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crinkleglauco_: I haven't been working on tests for puppet-gerrit, happy to help out though!14:43
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fungiclarkb: jeblair: mordred: pleia2: jhesketh: SergeyLukjanov: on a review of the logs, it appears that the incident ran from 09:27 utc yesterday to 08:45 utc today but no new hits for 5+ hours now. i've deleted all the deferred messages for the involved addresses from the exim outbound queue15:11
jheskethwell that's good I guess15:11
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jheskethnice work anyway15:12
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jheskethI should head to bed, there's a meeting soon15:12
jheskethsorry I couldn't help more!15:12
clarkbjhesketh: I will look between meetings today15:12
jheskethclarkb: all good, not urgent (also not entirely finished)15:12
jheskethnight all15:12
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clarkbgood night15:13
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clarkbI am going to remove the bandersnatch state files on the other three pypi mirrors to get them resyncing today15:19
clarkbdoing that now15:19
clarkb(dfw looks happy)15:19
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clarkbnow to remember the hpcloud hostname15:21
notnownikkiclarkb, ah, that got you too? I've been doing that today :)15:22
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clarkbnotnownikki: yes it was a bug in pypi that broke the mirror protocol15:24
clarkbnotnownikki: according to dstufft a resync is the only way to correct now that pypi is fixed15:24
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clarkbpypi.region-1.geo-1.openstack.org ftr15:25
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notnownikkiclarkb, yeah, I look after the mirroring for 4 of our labs and the one in the public cloud, lots of fun getting them going again without waiting for the time to do a resync that would take an age on some of the lower bandwidth sites15:25
zulEmilienM: ping15:26
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EmilienMzul: pong15:26
EmilienMzul: presently in puppet meeting15:26
zulEmilienM: whats broken in heat?15:26
EmilienMbut about to end15:26
EmilienMzul: let me show you15:27
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EmilienMzul: http://logs.openstack.org/90/209290/6/check/gate-puppet-heat-puppet-beaker-rspec-dsvm-trusty/0b8542c/logs/heat/heat-engine.txt.gz15:28
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EmilienMzul: http://logs.openstack.org/90/209290/6/check/gate-puppet-heat-puppet-beaker-rspec-dsvm-trusty/0b8542c/console.html#_2015-08-18_13_58_07_01815:29
zulEmilienM: ah ok15:29
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EmilienMzul: I already reported that to jamespage, heat/db/sqlalchemy/migrate_repo/migrate.cfg is missing in the package15:30
zulEmilienM: ok cool...ill take a look15:30
openstackgerritJan Hruban proposed openstack-infra/zuul: (WIP) Add 'push' and 'tag' github webhook events.  https://review.openstack.org/19120715:31
openstackgerritJan Hruban proposed openstack-infra/zuul: (WIP) Support GitHub PR webhooks  https://review.openstack.org/16311715:31
openstackgerritJan Hruban proposed openstack-infra/zuul: (WIP) Fix job hierarchy bug.  https://review.openstack.org/19245715:31
openstackgerritJan Hruban proposed openstack-infra/zuul: (WIP) Add basic Github Zuul Reporter.  https://review.openstack.org/19131215:31
openstackgerritJan Hruban proposed openstack-infra/zuul: (WIP) Allow list values in template parameters.  https://review.openstack.org/19120815:31
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mordredfungi: wow fun!15:35
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mordredrcarrillocruz: around?15:40
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Migrate neutron to the common client interface  https://review.openstack.org/21424315:40
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Move keystone to common identity client interface  https://review.openstack.org/21424415:40
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clarkbmordred asselin was having shade/oscc trouble yesterday15:40
clarkbmay be worth catching up on that15:40
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Move keystone to common identity client interface  https://review.openstack.org/21424415:41
clarkbwas getting keystone errors saying user foo is does not have permissions to tenant bar15:42
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mordredyeah- was just reading the scrollback15:44
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mordredasselin: so - it does not work for your admin user and does work for your non-admin user?15:46
clarkbmordred yup and is juno cloud15:47
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mordredShrews: ^^15:47
mordredShrews: we has strange bug15:47
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Support CloudLinux in install_puppet.sh  https://review.openstack.org/21255415:52
clarkbok bandersnatch is syncing now15:53
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clarkbthing I notice about elasticsearch slowness, we have multimegabyte unittest log files16:00
clarkbI am willing to bet that we feed some very large log files into logstash and the whole thing slows down16:00
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clarkblooks like we lost a few of the elasticsearch client processes on the worker nodes16:08
clarkband the logs were indeed stuck at neutron unittests16:08
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fungiclarkb: also there's been some scheduled network maintenance in rackspace in the past few days, one of which seemed to cause one of my personal instances to lose contact with a cinder volume and mark that filesystem read-only16:13
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fungiso keep an eye out for similar problems on our systems16:13
clarkbfungi: will dothanks16:13
clarkbin this case we seem to have just dos'd ourselves with larger logfiles16:13
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fungicertainly sounds that way16:14
clarkbI am going through and restarting es daemons as necessary and cleaning up any gearman workers16:14
clarkbas an improvement to the workers we can work on having them do partial http gets and process smaller portions of the files at a time16:14
clarkbalso I imagine this was buffer bbackup bloating in repsonse to the cluster going down16:17
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zaropelix: ping16:21
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pelixzaro: pong16:22
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zaropelix: reviewing folders support.16:23
zaropelix: does it seem odd to you that you need to use the jobs APIs to create a folder?16:24
zaropelix: shouldn't there be a create_folder()/delete_folder()/update_folder() set of APIs? something similar to views?16:24
pelixyes, but since it's more of an oddity within Jenkins I'm not sure if we can easily treat it the same as views. I guess we could look to wrap the calls to the jobs api with some additional checks that they are folders, etc. but as far as Jenkins is concerned, folders are just another type of job16:26
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zaropelix: ok, i've never used folders.  from a conceptual context i associated it with views but looks like it's implemented like jobs.16:28
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zaroso i think having an API to decouple folder from jobs would be nice but not necessary for this change.16:30
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clarkbok I think I have cleaned up the indexing situation, we will have to see how it does over the next day or so16:39
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources: OpenstackId resource server  https://review.openstack.org/17885316:48
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid: OIDC - OpenId Connect Implementation  https://review.openstack.org/19845816:49
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sthillmaHi all, any chance we can get someone else to look at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/212221 and get it approved (just adding create premissions for n1k-vsm stackforge)? thanks in advance16:57
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asselin_mordred, Shrews clarkb yes wasn't working, even with curl the command directly to the juno openstack backend.16:57
greghaynesSpamapS: ok, I have successfully gotten the scoop on how to make bifrost do the vlan thing we need from TheJulia16:57
greghaynesmission accomplished16:57
asselin_mordred, Shrews clarkb so I think the json or endpoint or something changed that's incompatible. I can login via horizon just fine16:58
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SpamapSgreghaynes: fantastic16:58
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SpamapSgreghaynes: I've written some code that transforms a fully populated gh2bf inventory into an erb template with hostnames assigned...16:59
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sdagueclarkb: any chance I can ask a favor? devstack is basically broken for everyone because it's not running in constraints mode16:59
greghaynesbest file format name ever16:59
sdagueI did one more rev of your patch, but connectivity is touch / go at linux con16:59
clarkbsdague: so need me to pick that up again?17:00
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sdagueand I don't have a great local test env17:00
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sdagueyeh, if it fails tests this time17:00
clarkbok will keep an eye on it17:00
sdagueI think it's mostly just variables not in the right scope17:00
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greghaynesclarkb: oh hey, were all starting to pounce on an etherpad FYI17:00
greghaynesclarkb: we'll see if it holds up this time...17:00
sdagueand right now we just need a thing that works, we can make it pretty in the future17:01
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clarkbgreghaynes: exciting17:01
clarkbit is running with the fixes since vancouver17:01
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add tools to make infra-cloud inventory templates  https://review.openstack.org/21427917:01
SpamapSgreghaynes: ^^ scripts for that17:02
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clarkbhogepodge: did switching away from safari fix your eitherpad issues?17:02
clarkbgreghaynes: if people do have trouble om macs ask them to use a different brwoser17:02
SpamapSgreghaynes: I ran inventory-full through that and came out with an erb template + hiera.yaml that I think might actually work. ;)17:02
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greghaynesSpamapS: whoa17:03
greghaynesfamous last words17:03
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SpamapSgreghaynes: I figure we can keep those as manual-ish tools since we'll only use them when we need to process new inventory.17:04
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fungifwiw the etherpad server is a tad loaded. average is 2-317:08
SpamapSops meetup?17:08
fungilooks like there's a runaway abiword process eating a whole cpu for quite some time17:08
clarkbfungi: yes ops meetup17:08
clarkbfungi: you can safelykill it17:08
fungiright, ops meetup is why i was looking at the server17:08
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clarkbfungi: I see that we might consider a bigger host before the summit17:09
greghaynesIts likely the ops summit is larger than summit load17:09
greghaynessince its everyone on one pad17:09
fungiyeah, was just starting to poke around cacti stats for it17:09
clarkbgreghaynes: in the past ops at summit has been worst17:10
clarkbgreghaynes: so possible17:10
SpamapSone pad == one process or something?17:10
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clarkbSpamapS: its all one process17:10
clarkbSpamapS: because node17:10
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fungipossible they also all originate from a single ip address17:10
SpamapSoh right, node.. :-P17:10
clarkbgreghaynes: looking at cacti this isn't really all that much worse than before though17:10
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greghaynesSpamapS: n^2 problem :p17:10
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greghayneseveryone has to see updates who are on the pad17:11
fungioh yeah, the used memory is riding very close to system max. not much for cache/buffers17:11
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* SpamapS adds another jenga block on the top17:11
fungiswap usage has crept up to ~300mib17:11
SpamapSIMO, swap usage on production servers == eminent disaster.17:12
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fungimeh, some swap is expected17:12
SpamapSExcept that usual "this process never does anything" swap17:12
greghaynesSpamapS: The hiera.yaml you speak of, what all goes in there?17:12
clarkbSpamapS: I think that is what is happening here17:12
clarkbnode is happily running in memory and abiword is off in swap derping17:12
SpamapSgreghaynes: hostname_ipmi_password17:12
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fungibut yeah, i worry this is close to spiralling out of control17:12
greghaynesSpamapS: Oh, so the puppet bifrost module consumes that to generate the inventory?17:13
minwang2Morning folks, this patch needs another +2 https://review.openstack.org/#/c/211319/, can someone help to take a look at ?17:13
greghaynesSpamapS: crinkle says its a static file...17:13
SpamapSgiven that Linux will preemptively swap things that aren't doing anything.. any increase in swap is usually a bad sign.17:13
clarkbnope abiword is small resident memory17:13
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fungialso when i killed the abiword process, another spawned to take its place and that one's eating all the cpu now17:13
SpamapSwhat is abiword doing?17:13
clarkbSpamapS: it does the pdf conversions17:13
SpamapSgreghaynes: the puppet bifrost module would consume the erb + hiera to make the inventory json.17:14
crinklegreghaynes: so it could be turned into a template to pass passwords in from hiera17:14
SpamapSclarkb: ow.17:14
fungiyeah, every time i kill abiword, we get a new one17:14
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greghaynesgot it17:14
SpamapSThat seems like something that would be good to make into an async background worker that can be disabled.17:14
fungiSpamapS: i can think of a very easy way to disable it. after all, it's forking /usr/bin/abiword...17:14
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greghaynesfungi: You could even have cp a pdf into place that saays "please stop using the convert to pdf feature"17:15
greghayneser, have it cp17:15
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: WIP: Addition of shade unregister_machine timeout  https://review.openstack.org/21428517:15
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: WIP: unregister_machine blocking logic  https://review.openstack.org/21428617:15
fungigreghaynes: hah, good one17:15
SpamapSgreghaynes: you can try it.. run 'python tools/make-infracloud-hiera.py inventory-full.json hiera.yaml > inventory.erb17:15
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clarkbdougwig: so in this job for nodepool tesitng against devstack I should disable the vpn service yes?17:16
openstackgerritKurt Taylor proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Host an initial CI monitoring dashboard service  https://review.openstack.org/19443717:16
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clarkbdougwig: what should the default devstack runs a neutron service list look like?17:17
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SpamapSI'm guessing if we really wanted we could point our scaling guns at etherpad and make it horizontally scale a lot of the stuff it does. But it sounds like memory makes it perform better.. so .. moar?17:17
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clarkbSpamapS: you can't actually17:17
fungiSpamapS: no clue how you horizontally scale a single-process node app17:18
clarkbSpamapS: you have to make sure each pad is served by the same server17:18
SpamapSclarkb: nneeevverrr say that to an engineer.. ;)17:18
clarkbSpamapS: the problem is that at these summits you get a single pad that is trouble17:18
SpamapSshard each pad17:18
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clarkbSpamapS: but the value there is almost nil17:18
greghaynesit has some pretty serious design problems17:18
clarkbfor our use case17:18
greghayneswe should really switch to infinited based editing17:18
clarkbour use case is one large pad open17:18
greghaynesbut I am biased17:18
clarkbyou can't scale that horizontally17:18
greghayneser, infinoted17:18
fungiin theory we could shard by url, yes, but there are multiple url forms for each pad so we'd need to match or disable some17:18
greghaynesYes, although we seem to hit our issues by overloading a single pad :(17:19
clarkbgreghaynes: right thats my point17:19
clarkbscaling horizontally is useless for our use case17:19
fungialso the etherpad query api would need a proxy of some sort to continue working17:19
clarkbour use case requires scaling up17:19
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clarkbor a different service17:20
clarkbya that17:20
SpamapSRight, so break it up into users. Shard each user's text. Use a DLM to serialize updates to a single area so all editors see consistent views while non-editors lag.17:20
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greghaynesThers a lib for that! its called infinote :)17:20
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clarkbSpamapS: when you want to rewrite a node.js app let me know17:20
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fungiyep, at this point we're effectively discussing an etherpad rewrite/replacement17:20
SpamapSclarkb: moar memory instead.. kthxbai ;)17:21
clarkbSpamapS: in the mean time we are restricted to what we can do which is scale up17:21
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SpamapSfungi: in Rust?17:21
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fungisure, why not17:21
pabelangerclarkb: fungi: mordred: When you have some spare cycles, I'd be interested in feedback on: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/211703/ Wouldn't mind the help to close that out this week.  Currently a blocker for fedora22 dibs17:21
SpamapSSorry my caffeine is kicking in late today. No more yaks to shave.. time to see if I can make this inventory thingy work17:21
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clarkbdougwig: currently we have q-agt,q-dhcp,q-fwaas,q-l3,q-lbaas,q-meta,q-metering,q-svc,q-vpn,quantum I think I can remove fwaas and vpn, if I do remove fwaas does that break security groups?17:23
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SpamapSThe apt in experimental also provides a fix for a long standing race-condition17:23
SpamapSthat sometimes, when the archive is getting mirrored users may experience a17:23
SpamapS"hashsum mismatch" error.17:23
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clarkbfungi: before the summit we should 1) sync up etherpad-dev and etherpad versions so that we are not running our local patched version 2) double (or more) the ram available to node on the prod service17:24
greghaynesoh wow17:24
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SpamapSgreghaynes: now apt can really die17:24
clarkbSpamapS: how does it do that? the hash mismatch is a broken mirror17:24
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SpamapSlong live docker! ;)17:24
SpamapSclarkb: the hash mismatch is non-atomically-updated metadata files17:25
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clarkbSpamapS: right the package itself is updated before or after the file wiht the hash17:25
SpamapSclarkb: next sentence, the archive will produce files named by their hash, instead of a static name.17:25
clarkbSpamapS: so not sure how my local apt client works around that17:25
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clarkbah so it requires you to build new mirrors17:25
SpamapSclarkb: so the metadata says "Packages hash=12345" and the file is Packages.1234517:25
nigelbfungi: I hear you guys had a mailman incident too.17:25
SpamapSclarkb: yes because the mirror format is broken. :)17:25
SpamapSarchive specifically, not mirror.17:26
SpamapSthe mirrors are just doing what they're told17:26
nigelbfungi: We had one too. Is it possible to compare notes?17:26
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SpamapSSo you do need apt-mirror to DTRT and download all the .$hash files before the larger metadata that refers to them.17:26
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SpamapSanyway, this is good news... apt has had this problem for so long it's embarrassing.17:27
sinvalhi guys, can i have some +2 on this https://review.openstack.org/#/c/214170/, simple fix, 1 line change, thanks17:28
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove q-vpn from service list for dsvm-nodepool  https://review.openstack.org/21428817:29
clarkbgreghaynes: ^ I think that will get nodepool job running again17:29
greghaynesfungi: clarkb etherpad no workey17:29
sc68calclarkb: reads scrollbaack about fwaas17:30
greghaynesjust says loading...17:30
sc68calclarkb: fwaas doesn't handle the security group API17:30
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clarkbsc68cal: ok, any opinion on whether or not it should be present by default? looks like it is currently in the default list of service17:30
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pc_mclarkb: Can you point me to a failing dsvm-nodepool review?17:31
clarkbpc_m: https://jenkins06.openstack.org/job/gate-dsvm-nodepool-nv/14/console17:31
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pc_mclarkb: thanks!17:31
greghaynesoh, now it loaded17:32
clarkbgreghaynes: the srevice did not restart17:32
clarkbgreghaynes: any chance it was local network blip?17:32
greghayneshrm, I was hard refreshing and ircing just fine17:32
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sc68calclarkb: it seems like the kitchen sink is being loaded by default17:32
greghaynesand the presenter was seeing it to so I felt bad17:32
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pc_mclarkb: Is there as way to see the devstack log from that?17:32
clarkbpc_m: http://logs.openstack.org/54/211754/4/check/gate-dsvm-nodepool-nv/7f5d792/logs/17:33
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clarkbsc68cal: yes I think that was requested by neutron at one point17:34
clarkbsc68cal: yall wanted to have all the things enabled everywhere17:34
anteayaI also am seeing etherpad reconnections17:35
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dougwigclarkb: fwaas != security groups (yes, my head just exploded too), so you won't break sg's.17:35
sc68calclarkb: understood - however I think at least the jobs I've started to write for the gate I've been tryint to explicitly set the ENABLED_SERVICES17:36
clarkbanteaya: greghaynes looks like a disconnect just happened, it stopped logging at about 173317:37
clarkbthen started logging a bunch of LEAVEs at 173617:37
anteayaclarkb: thanks and :(17:37
clarkbmy guess is lolnode17:37
clarkbthings timeout, everyone has a sad and its all worse because overloading the host17:37
greghaynesclarkb: yea, is there anything in syslog?17:37
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greghaynesabout not enough sockets/etc17:37
clarkbsc68cal: sure I am just saying historically the default is kitchen sink forthat reason17:38
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clarkbgreghaynes: nope just a handful of checksum fails17:38
anteayaclarkb: ops meetup has service temporary unavailable on the big screen17:38
jeblairabiword is running17:38
clarkboh! it corresponds to when puppet ran17:39
dougwigclarkb: q-svc q-dhcp q-l3 q-meta q-metering q-lbaas, with q-lbaas soon to be gone.17:39
jeblairkilling abiword17:39
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clarkbjeblair: it will just start a new one17:39
reedwait... abiword?17:39
sc68calclarkb: so, to ensure fwaas continues to be tested, would we need to add to ENABLED_SERVICES in the job definitions for Neutron? sort of like how I did with the linux bridge job?17:39
anteayasc68cal: can we put a hold on fwaas until we get etherpad back17:39
jeblairclarkb: yeah, but not one that's consuming all resources17:39
anteayasc68cal: please?17:40
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jeblairnode is using 70% of ram17:40
clarkbsc68cal: ya17:40
jeblairhas anyone restarted it?17:40
clarkbjeblair: we have not restarted it yet17:40
jeblairrestarting now17:40
clarkbI will disable puppet too17:40
dougwigsc68cal: let's talk offline, but in general what needs to happen is to make new fwaas specific jobs run in neutron-fwaas and neutron, and remove fwaas from all other jobs everywhere.17:41
dougwigsc68cal: and yes, you'd enable specifically in those jobs.17:41
sc68calok - I'm +1000 on that plan - i'll be quiet now per anteaya17:41
anteayayay thank you17:42
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anteayasc68cal: etherpad is back17:42
anteayado carry on17:42
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove unneeded neutron services in dsvm-neutron  https://review.openstack.org/21428817:42
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clarkbpuppet is disabled too17:42
clarkbI think what probably happened was puppet started which made node swap17:43
clarkbthen by the time puppet is back and node is swapped back everyone has timed out17:43
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pleia2fungi: pointed nigelb your way, he saw a mailman attack elsewhere last night too, seems it was A Thing17:44
clarkbreed: abiword is how etherpad does pad exports17:44
clarkbreed: we may be able to disable that feature but people seem to like it so probably better to scale up a bit to handle memory needs17:44
nigelbfungi: so I ended up running this with mailman's withlist http://dpaste.com/2E0EXMX and cleared the queue. I'm writing something up to monitor POST requests in mailman's access log to catch this in the future if a different email address is used.17:45
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jeblairclarkb: i think there's something buggy about that though; it can get stuck forever... :/17:46
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anteayaclarkb: so someone did an abiword export and that used up too much cpu and etherpad went south?17:46
anteayaor jeblair17:46
rcarrillocruzmordred: heya17:46
nigelbfungi: They've definitely found a nice vulnerability in mailman. I don't want to ban using + to filter email addresses, but at the same time, might need to do something to figure out a permanent solution. let me know if you folks think of something better! :)17:46
clarkbjeblair: would not surprise me17:46
* nigelb heads to bed17:46
clarkbanteaya: I think it was more node was using all the memories then whenever puppet run it swapped out and the service temporarily became unuseable17:46
clarkbbecause the last mass disconnect corresponded to when puppet ran according to syslog17:46
pleia2nigelb: night! thanks17:46
anteayaetherpad errored again :(17:47
jeblairalso backups are running17:47
anteayaclarkb: ah okay thanks17:47
anteayaah and backups17:47
nigelbpleia2: <3 Hopefully it helps.17:47
anteayahey pleia2 are you at ops meetup?17:47
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jeblairanteaya: she's sick17:47
pleia2anteaya: no, post travel upset stomach, I plan on joining you all tomorrow17:47
clarkbanteaya: I am not seeing mass LEAVEs logged again17:47
anteayaoh no :(17:48
clarkbit looks healthy based on the logs17:48
pleia2anteaya: it happens :) rehydrating now17:48
anteayaclarkb: okay might have been a temp blip17:48
anteayapleia2: yes drink water and sleep17:48
pleia2anteaya: nods17:48
clarkboh here are a bunch of ENTERs maybe I missed the LEAVEs17:48
anteayaand looking forward to seeing you tomorrow if that works17:48
pleia2anteaya: me too! :)17:49
anteayasorry that was :)17:49
anteayaand sleep well with cats17:49
anteayaand much tea17:49
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anteayaI am 503 on etherpad personally17:54
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reedback for me17:54
reedbut suffering a lot17:55
asselin_mordred, Shrews clarkb I found the bug: you need to use projectId instaed of tenantId: curl -g -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "User-Agent: python-keystoneclient" -d '{"auth": {"passwordCredentials": {"username": "admin", "password": "sanitized"}, "projectId": "admin"}}'17:55
claytonyeap, still having issues here17:55
jeblairftr, etherpad can not scale horizontally (state is in-memory in a node.js process)17:56
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clarkbthat load average is pretty impressive for etherpad17:56
clarkbasselin_: fun, oscc just hands that off to the keystoneclient's generic client class17:58
clarkbasselin_: and I thought it was uspposed to do the correct thing, so either a bug in the client or keystone17:59
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purpYeah, etherpad needs some serious scaling love.18:01
purp(from etherpad devs, not y'all)18:01
asselin_clarkb, must be the client. Keystone juno's been working for over a year now. I'll look into that18:01
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* david-lyle wishes horizontally started with not horizon18:02
anteayahey david-lyle!18:03
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clarkbasselin_: there was a recent change in oscc to make the keystone v2 handler just use the generic handler18:04
david-lyleanteaya: :)18:04
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clarkbasselin_: that may be the actual genesis of the bug18:04
pelixzaro: guess lots of small files aren't going to be a problem with the python-jenkins tests18:04
openstackgerritVictor Stinner proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a non-voting py34 check job to Horizon  https://review.openstack.org/21429218:04
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wznoinskasselin_: re the 401 error in nodepool you see, would that be an older version of the client (openstack or keystone) that's causing it?18:06
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wznoinskI think I've just reiterated what clarkb said, sry18:06
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jeblairShrews, mordred: it looks like you need to do cloud.nova_client.flavors.list() in order to get the flavor for create_server...18:07
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jeblairbut the docs say that poking at the underlying client objects is frowned upon18:07
zaropelix: does that mean good idea?18:08
jeblairbut that's like the basic example of what shade is supposed to do simply18:08
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jeblairgreghaynes: ^?18:08
jeblairam i just missing the simple way to create a server with one method?18:08
greghaynesjeblair: Yes, so we currently poke the underlying clients for everything but image uploading so its sort of 'accepted for infra while shade gets to where it should be'18:09
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asselin_clarkb, wznoinsk akraminsky python-opentstack client isn't installed. os that oscc? http://paste.openstack.org/show/420815/18:09
clarkbI have to pop out and find food now and prep for another 100F day18:09
greghaynesI dont actually know of a method to do that...18:09
clarkbback in a bit18:09
clarkbasselin_: oscc is openstack client config18:09
clarkbits a shade dep18:09
anteayaclarkb: happy shopping/eating18:10
asselin_clarkb, thanks will look into that18:10
greghaynesI am not extremely versed in shade methods though, so probably want to see what Shrews or mordred say18:10
wznoinskasselin_: check yum/apt for python-openstack*18:10
Shrewswait... what?18:10
Shrewsjeblair: what do you mean? i don't understand what the problem is18:10
jeblairShrews: i'm trying to write example code that creates a server18:10
jeblairShrews: but i don't see how to do that without touching cloud.nova_client18:11
jeblairto get flavors and images18:11
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Shrewsjeblair: cloud.list_flavors()18:11
Shrewsjeblair: cloud.get_flavor('my_favorite_name')18:11
funginigelb: i think someone with a bot army was using all the mailman servers they could find to use in a reflection attack. for us it lasted from 09:27 utc yesterday to 08:45 utc today18:11
Shrewsjeblair: cloud.list_images()18:12
jeblairShrews: ah, the create_server func test doesn't use that18:12
Shrewsjeblair: no. you HAVE to tell it what flavor you want18:12
Shrewsand image18:12
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Shrewswe can't guess it18:12
funginigelb: the + extension is going to be mta-specific, so probably was used in this case because gmail happens to implement it18:12
jeblairShrews: that i understand :)18:12
jeblairShrews: i was objecting to having to touch the nova client object18:12
Shrewsjeblair: yes, i object to that too!  :)18:12
Shrewsyou shouldn't ever need to. if you do, we've missed something18:13
jeblairShrews: yeah, that's why i came to you :)18:13
fungiand i guess etherpad died/restarted while i stepped away for a few minutes18:13
jeblairShrews: is there a get_image method?18:13
jeblairfungi: i restarted it to try to make it less terrible18:13
Shrewsjeblair: yes18:13
Shrewsjeblair: so, most resources have a get/list/search method18:14
jlvillalIronic gate might be broken: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/209605/ https://review.openstack.org/#/c/213011/ are failing the gate-tempest-dsvm-ironic-pxe_ssh-postgres18:14
Shrewsget_blah(), list_blahs(), search_blahs()18:14
jeblairShrews: how can i use get_image to say "get me trusty"?18:14
asselin_wznoinsk, none18:15
jlvillalThe ironic failures seemed to have started sometime in the last 10-24 hours or so.18:15
Shrewsjeblair: you give it either the image name or the image id18:15
Shrewsjeblair: name, if it is a unique name18:15
Shrewsjeblair: image = get_image('Ubuntu Trusty')18:15
Shrewsor whatever18:16
jeblair   server = cloud.create_server(name='test_create_server',18:16
jeblair                                image=cloud.get_image('Debian Wheezy'),18:16
jeblair                                flavor=cloud.get_flavor_by_ram(8192))18:16
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jeblairShrews: that look reasonable?18:16
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Shrewsjeblair: yeah, but you can also get flavors by name or id18:17
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Shrewsif you want18:17
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jeblairoh so: get_flavor('8G')18:18
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jeblairShrews: i'm preparing a lightning talk on shade for the ops meetup18:19
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Shrewsjeblair: 8G is not a name or id  :)  you have to use the _by_ram one for ram based searching (it's an older method)18:19
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jeblairShrews: well, it is if you have a flavor named '8G', right?18:19
pelixzaro: unless you think we need to avoid it, I'm happy with it, I was just concerned previously that 'that' would be a concern ;)18:20
Shrewsjeblair: if you are a terrible operator, yes  :)18:20
jeblairShrews: maybe a better example would be "medium" ?18:20
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jeblairShrews: yes, using terrible operators as examples is a good idea in this instance.  :)18:20
Shrewsjeblair: reed actually has a documented example on docs.o.o somewhere18:20
jeblairor i guess i could use 'vanilla'18:21
asselin_tim_o, you have a question?18:21
* fungi votes in favor of "vanilla cloud"18:21
reedShrews, my patch merged but I can't see it on docs.o.o for some reason, I haven't investigated18:21
reedit's on the git repo though...18:22
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Shrewsreed: can you share that link with jeblair?18:22
fungireed: depending on the repo, it may be set to only update on release18:22
reedand the sample code is https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/api-site/tree/firstapp/samples/shade18:23
jeblairreed: thx!18:24
fungireed: so https://review.openstack.org/203796 was the change?18:24
reedfungi, that's it18:24
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fungii don't see another commit merged to that repo around the same time, so unlikely to be our publication race friend18:25
fungimore likely it was queued and then we restarted zuul last week and lost the contents of the post pipeline18:25
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wznoinskasselin_: did you check the versions of pip packages in the venv as well?18:25
reedit's possible that the document is not considered complete because it contains only the 'getting started' page18:25
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fifieldthi team18:25
anteayawhat is the current etherpad status?18:26
reedI haven't touched 'scaling' and the other ones18:26
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anteayawe are still seeing reconnects and errors18:26
jlvillalAny known issues that would have caused the Ironic check gate to break on the gate-tempest-dsvm-ironic-pxe_ssh-postgres job?18:26
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anteayafifieldt: did I steal your thunder?18:26
fifieldtnot at all - it was quite convenient :)18:26
anteayafifieldt: timing \o/18:26
fungianteaya: looks like etherpad's been running continuously since 17:40 utc, so about 50 minutes18:26
reedfifieldt: we were wondering why the shade getting started bit is not listed on docs.o.o yet... is it because the tutorial is not complete yet?18:27
anteayawe keep having very frequent reconnects18:27
anteayaand many errors18:27
fifieldtyeah, it's bad enough I'm thinking about running a local etherpad server18:27
jeblairanteaya: load average of something like 140.  i'm not aware of any obvious issues (unlike earlier)18:27
fifieldtreed, that is expected18:27
fifieldtit won't be published until it's complete18:27
anteayaand 50318:27
anteayaokay fair enough18:27
reedfifieldt, i imagined that... ok, thanks18:27
fungianteaya: yeah, the tcp open stats for the server have skyrocketed. before the restart they were around 40, after they're around 25018:28
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fifieldtI think there's some draft build state18:28
anteayawhat should I be doing diffently so that I don't keep getting 30218:28
fifieldt250 is about right for this event18:28
jlvillalAnd who do we contact about someone spamming the Ironic channel with 'Alba naked pics'?18:28
clarkbjlvillal: any of your channel ops accrding to chanser18:28
anteayajlvillal: any channel op many of whom are in here18:28
jlvillalThanks, devananda became op :)18:29
fungimemory usage is much better on the server now. "system" cpu has gotten a fair bit worse though18:29
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fungilooks like a lot of i/o wait18:29
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jeblairfungi: backups are running18:29
jeblaircould kill them see if that improves it18:30
reedjeblair, the draft build: http://docs-draft.openstack.org/96/203796/19/check/gate-api-site-tox-doc-publish-checkbuild/3f4fb00//publish-docs/draft/firstapp-shade/index.html18:30
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fungihuh... bup start time was 05:37 and it's still going?18:30
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fungi13 hours later18:30
fungiif i'm reading that correctly18:30
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jeblairi killed it18:30
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jeblairi wonder if it took a long time to make the db dump?18:31
fungiyeah, definitely no longer running ;)18:31
anteayalets see if that makes an improvement18:31
fifieldtthanks guys18:31
* fifieldt crosses fingers18:31
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fungijeblair: i don't think it was the db dump... it was a tar|bup process started at 05:3718:31
anteayaetherpads are rendering!18:32
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jeblairfungi: yeah, that's what i killed -- it was crawling the fs and streaming some of clarkb's old db dumps18:32
fifieldtreed, there is some magic we can put into the tox.ini to make it build a shade constatntly at docs.o.o/draft18:32
fifieldtI think18:32
fifieldtbut I don't know the exact syntax18:32
clarkbjeblair: oh! whoops18:32
jeblairfungi: but my suggestion was that maybe it was still running because of earlier trouble/slowness with making the current db dump?18:32
jeblair-rw-r--r-- 1 root root         0 Aug 18 07:07 etherpad-lite.sql.gz18:32
jeblair-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 407230071 Aug 18 00:03 etherpad-lite.sql.gz.118:32
jeblairthat looks weird.18:33
clarkbjeblair: thats due to logrotate18:33
reedfifieldt, i'll look into that, thanks... some documentation is better than none :)18:33
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fungijeblair: i've noticed there's some sort of off-by-one on our database dumps. we get a zero-byte most recent backup and an actual most recent backup of .1 with the content18:33
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clarkbfungi: jeblair yes due to logrotate18:33
fungihaven't dug deeper into it since we still seem to actually be dumping the database on schedule and successfully18:34
skiafa_hi folks, I was wondering if someone is working on the manage/unmanage volume tests... does anybody know?18:34
* fifieldt is still getting reconnects :|18:34
anteayafifieldt: :|18:34
fungiclarkb: oh, that would make sense. forgot we're relying on logrotate to do that for them18:34
fungiclarkb: i think there's a logrotate setting to not create the new logfile, we could probably just set that18:35
clarkbfungi: if that exists then definitely18:35
fifieldtthings are working a bit better than before though18:35
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clarkbbandersnatch is still snatching things18:35
anteayasmall yay?18:36
fungiclarkb: according to man 8 lotrotate it seems to be called "nocreate"18:36
jeblairwhat uses ossc now -- shade and openstackclient, right?18:37
jeblairdhellmann: ^?18:37
clarkbjeblair: shade definitely does18:37
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jeblairi always get that wrong18:38
jeblaircan we change it? ;)18:38
stevemarjeblair: yes, openstackclient uses oscc18:38
jeblaircool, thx18:38
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openstackgerritNoorul Islam K M proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Use correct element name in scoverage module  https://review.openstack.org/21429918:39
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openstackgerritNoorul Islam K M proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Use correct element name in scoverage module  https://review.openstack.org/21429918:41
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reedfifieldt, looks like the publication in /draft/ site at least for manuals is done via a shell script in tools/build-all-rst.sh18:42
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fifieldtandreas is the master there :)18:42
fifieldtjaegar that is18:42
fifieldtchristian berendt also knows18:42
reedyeah... looks easier to just finish the damn thing :)18:43
fungipabelanger: for 211294 didn't you say you need to figure out how to make dnf download into the yum/rpm cache location rather than pwd?18:43
openstackgerritSahdev Zala proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new repository for stand-alone TOSCA Parser  https://review.openstack.org/21120418:44
anteayastill seeing some 302 on the etherpad18:45
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anteayaanother 302 for fifieldt18:50
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pabelangerfungi: right now, it should work the same way yum --downloadonly works18:51
pabelangerfungi: however, I _think_ that just downloads the files into the current directory too18:52
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fungier... huh18:52
fungii'll have to test that again but i thought it put them in /var/cache/yum18:52
pabelangerfungi: If I am reading correctly, we also need to setup the --destdir flag for it18:55
pabelangererr... downloaddir?18:55
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jeblairclarkb, fungi, Shrews, mordred, greghaynes: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/TUFB3vFoNz18:56
jeblairdraft lightning talk on shade + oscc for ops meetup18:56
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Shrewsjeblair: neat. hope it goes well18:58
jeblairi'm imagining the verbal content will be a combination of helpful explanation of shade + rant about deployment differences18:58
Shrewsmoar rantz18:58
jeblairlunching now18:59
SpamapSwe infra meeting-ing?18:59
fungiSpamapS: yep18:59
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SpamapSWhats the capacity of pbx.openstack.org btw? Like, if we wanted to have an actual conference call.. could we even swing that?18:59
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* SpamapS just really sucks at IRC meetings.. :-P19:00
fungiwe've load tested it pretty heavily bot i don't recall the exact numbers19:00
fungishould work for reasonable sized conference calls at the very least19:00
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jlvillalFYI: Regarding Ironic gate being broken. Currently pursuing the issue with the neutron team. Appears to be a change made to neutron.19:01
fungimeeting time19:01
clarkbyou run vpn service?19:01
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pc_mianw: ping19:16
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ianwpc_m: hi19:16
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pc_mianw: On https://review.openstack.org/#/c/209887/ I wanted to get some clarification.19:16
pc_mianw: Are you suggesting that we don't make the gate-hook.sh conditionally set?19:16
pc_mIOW have the job require that the hook be used.19:17
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ianwpc_m: ATM the job unconditionally calls gate_hook.sh, which isn't committed yet19:18
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clarkbjust waiting on hpcloud pypi mirror to finish updating at this point19:18
pabelangerfungi: not sure I follow your comments on 186619. Do we not want a devstack-fedora22 node?19:18
fungipabelanger: i think we want a fedora-22 node19:19
ianwpc_m: I'm of the opinion doing [ -f .../gate_hook.sh ] is a bad idea,  because it introduces potential for silent failure19:19
fungipabelanger: the only difference is the name19:19
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fungipabelanger: not the content19:19
pc_mianw: You mean doing a test for gate hook is a bad idea?19:20
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Zarathanks for mentioning the storyboard spec just now. :)19:20
pabelangerfungi: okay, so it will be used for devstack, we are just chaging the naming format19:21
fungipabelanger: yep. we can run devstack jobs on our ubuntu-trusty nodes already. we cache devstack stuff on them just like is being proposed for the fedora 22 images19:21
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pc_mianw: Here's my thought process on this... maybe  it'll help with what I was trying to do...19:21
ianwpc_m: my feeling is that having gate hooks as optional is a bad idea.  anything that has a failure mode of "silently fail" is a bad idea in a CI job19:22
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pc_mianw: First, commit this new template which uses a gate hook. This job would not be use.19:22
pabelangerfungi: okay, updating name19:22
pc_mianw: Second, commit the neutronclient change that adds the gate hook and enables the test cases. Run the experimental job on that commit.19:23
pabelangerianw: woah19:23
pc_mianw: Third, it it all works, then remove the old job that doesn't use the hook.19:23
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pc_mianw: Is that a reasonable approach?19:23
ianwpc_m: so i'd suggest that is the wrong order.  as reviewers, we want to see that the project has signed-off on testing approaches before we start adding jobs.  and we want to add robust & minimal jobs.  so get your changes committed, add the job as experimental or non-voting, and go from there19:24
clarkbpabelanger: also you odn't need the -dib suffix is starting a completely new thing19:24
fungipabelanger: yeah, we don't want to have separate bare and devstack varieties of nodes any longer, so we're transitioning to naming the new node types after just their distro and version19:24
clarkbpabelanger: we had been using the -dib suffix to differentiate between the existing devstack-trusty and dib devstack-trusty so we can test them with minimal impact19:25
pc_mianw: OK. Wanted to save an extra commit.19:25
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pc_mhence the reasoning for the order proposed19:26
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mmmporkclarkb: or greghaynes: regarding nodepool, i'm reviewing some of the "testing" documentation in the README and I was wondering, if you don't create the openstack_citest stuff in the DB, can you still run nodepool?19:28
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clarkbmmmpork: yes but you can't run the functional tests19:28
clarkbthey depend on that user existing and fail otherwise19:28
pabelangerclarkb: fungi: ack. Naming it fedora-22 now19:28
mmmporki'm just trying to figure out if that section for setting up the mysql stuff can be removed from the README and only live in the testing doc19:29
fungipabelanger: we're discussing your meeting topic in #openstack-meeting. care to join?19:29
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add Fedora 22 DIB nodes  https://review.openstack.org/18661919:30
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mmmporkclarkb: thanks, i'm going to remove that section from the README and reference the testing doc instead19:33
mmmporki'm working on the redundancy issue :)19:33
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openstackgerritAugustina Ragwitz proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Overall documentation improvements focused on setup and testing  https://review.openstack.org/21431919:52
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lifelesshyakuhei: pong19:59
lifelesshyakuhei: sorry19:59
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openstackgerritKurt Taylor proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Host an initial CI monitoring dashboard service  https://review.openstack.org/19443720:00
pleia2thanks fungi!20:00
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pradkquestion on adding new dependencies to requirements.txt .. I added a new dep thats we recently put on pypi, i can manually install it via pip, but seems to fail via jenkins. Is there anything else that needs to be done other than adding it to requirements?20:02
clarkbpradk: you have to add it to openstack/requirements if the project you are adding it to is enforcing those requirements20:03
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HenryGlifeless: nm, all sorted, thanks20:04
pradkclarkb, thx for the tip will try that20:04
clarkbpradk: the readme there should explain it all in much depth20:04
pradkcool, thx20:05
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Adding python3-jobs to test python-oneviewclient project  https://review.openstack.org/21417020:14
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clarkbsc68cal: re https://review.openstack.org/#/c/210647/ should I keep that around longer or has it served its purpose? I know tempest filed some bugs aginst the floating IP stuff but I don't think any work has been done to fix tempest yet20:19
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clarkbalso pypi mirror in hpcloud is still mirroring20:20
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openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/requirements: Add jsonpath-rw-ext to global requirements  https://review.openstack.org/21433120:22
SpamapSso why does hiera have to be referenced in site.pp only?20:22
nibalizercan project-config cores review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/208799/ ? Needed to get the beaker testing in place20:22
SpamapSWhy can't you just call out to it inside an erb template for instance?20:22
nibalizerSpamapS: it doesn't, just a convention20:22
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clarkbits a sanity thing if you bury hiera lookups deep in your modules you require the use of hiera20:23
nibalizermost sites have hiera calls everywhre20:23
clarkband you require specific keys20:23
clarkband its just bad20:23
nibalizerand telling where a value is comming from becomes very hard20:23
clarkbif instead you provide a clean interface to the module then let your users decide how to feed the data its much nicer20:23
nibalizerespecially since the hiera stuff isn't public20:23
SpamapSWe need an IPMI password per physical server at this point..20:23
nibalizerSpamapS: so use hiera20:23
nibalizerhiera can lookup the key 'ipmi password' and you can have hiera search on fqdn and give a different answer based on 'who is asking'20:24
SpamapSso should I just make direct calls to hiera from the erb that generates the inventory that feeds into Bifrost/Ironic?20:24
fungiassuming each server has a node def in site.pp, passing hiera keys in from there is already our way20:24
sc68calclarkb: up to you, I have hardware coming for doing IPv6 only testing20:24
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jeblairclarkb: i'm in a session about logging; anything i should be aware of?20:24
SpamapSnibalizer: no, this isn't attached to the host it's running on20:24
SpamapSnibalizer: 100 hosts are managed on the two Ironic nodes.20:25
clarkbjeblair: before twins arrived we had talked about possibly making an upstream logstash ruleset that infra and others could reconsume20:25
fungijeblair: getting operators to converge on logstash grok filters on ways that can make it back upstream to us would be wunderbar20:25
clarkbjeblair: it would be really cool if someone wanted to pick that work back up again20:25
clarkbyup that20:25
nibalizerso what about hiera('ipmi_passwords') and return a list of passwords? or a hash of server: password ?20:25
fungier, in ways20:25
jeblairclarkb, fungi: any wip on that?20:25
clarkbjeblair: because what has happend is they all took our rules the never contributed any improvements back20:25
clarkbwhich makes me sad panda reading through all the downstream users of our thing20:26
fungijeblair: they had some github repo they were collaborating in, but i don't recall the url now20:26
fungipresumably someone in that session has more details20:26
jeblairclarkb: should we say we're going to stick our filters in a standalone repo, consume them from there, and they should show up and pitch in? :)20:26
fungii can get behind that. seems simple to abstract out...20:26
SpamapSnibalizer: would <%= hiera('ipmi_passwords')['server-host-name'] %> have a chance at working?20:26
nibalizerI mean I think you'd ened like scope.funcions.hiera() or something like that20:27
nibalizerthere is some obtuse syntax for using puppet functions inside erb20:27
clarkbjeblair: ya I think thats the way we should proceed20:27
nibalizerbut what causes you to not want the hiera call to be in the site.pp?20:27
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nibalizeralso if it's easier, mabye write code that doesn't work, and push it for review, and maybe then I can see the easy way to optimize it to not suck20:28
SpamapSnibalizer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12120439/20:28
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Commit to test stable/kilo multinode  https://review.openstack.org/21433420:28
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SpamapSnibalizer: this does not feel scalable.20:28
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nibalizerSpamapS: no, it doesn't20:29
SpamapSand thats with my silly 6 char hostnames20:29
clarkbso instead you should pass a hash20:29
nibalizeryes hash20:29
clarkbthen hiera has a hash with all those values and you pass a single thing20:29
clarkbthen your erb says give me a hash that I will explode20:29
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackid: Updated configuration for OIDC  https://review.openstack.org/21433520:29
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SpamapSkk that does sound better20:31
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anteayaSpamapS: are you at the ops meetup?20:32
anteayaI don't see you20:32
SpamapSanteaya: nope20:32
SpamapSanteaya: spent all last week in Taiwan.. not fond of 2 weeks of travel at a time. :)20:33
SpamapSwell, spent Sun - Thu in Taiwan anyway20:33
clarkbdid you land during the typhoon?20:33
SpamapSstill experiencing occasional low grade jet lag narcolepsy20:33
SpamapSclarkb: 24h after20:33
SpamapSclarkb: delayed my flight by 5h20:33
* Shrews slaps SpamapS awake20:33
clarkbit was named after the group of people that conquered pohnpei20:34
anteayaShrews: wow, yeah I can understand that20:34
anteayaSpamapS: sorry Shrews20:34
openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackid: Updated configuration for OIDC  https://review.openstack.org/21433520:34
SpamapSThere were mailboxes tilted 45 degrees, and some smashed ancient buildings. Otherwise, that place is built like a fortress ... they don't seem to care much about 170mph wind20:34
clarkbwatching CNN mispronounce it was pretty funny20:34
fungiclarkb: what was the name?20:35
fungiand yeah, cnn and twc are terrible at pronunciating20:36
jeblairclarkb: cool.  actioned!  and we're getting names https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/PAO-ops-logging20:36
clarkbjeblair: woot20:36
clarkbfungi: they ruled from nan madol which is apparently inspiration for bits and pieces of cthulu things20:37
fungiclarkb: indeed it is20:38
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clarkbalso I highly recommend visiting if ancient ruins interest you20:38
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fungiabsolutely on my list20:39
clarkbfungi: the trick is you want to go at high tide and by floating vehicle of some sort if possible20:40
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clarkbthen you can wander all the canals, if you go by land you end up doing a lot of wading in the swamp which is not the most fun20:40
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fungiclarkb: oh, good point. we have some places here which are similarly only conveniently navigable at high tide. to go on foot you wear rubber waders up to your chest20:41
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* fungi needs to hurry up and get a canoe/sea kayak20:42
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add tools to make infra-cloud inventory templates  https://review.openstack.org/21427920:42
SpamapSnibalizer: ^20:42
SpamapSnibalizer: note make-infracloud-hiera.py20:43
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SpamapSif you can follow it.. it spits out an erb with  <%= @ipmi_passwords[hostname] %>20:43
SpamapSnot sure if that will work..20:43
SpamapSprobably have to quote the hostname actually20:43
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openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add tools to make infra-cloud inventory templates  https://review.openstack.org/21427920:45
sigmavirus24Have there been updates to the dsvm image lately?20:45
greghaynessigmavirus24: they are made daily if it works20:46
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jeblairclarkb, pabelanger, SpamapS: people just started talking about graphite and grafana and i said "hey, grafana, grafyaml, infra cloud....".  there was positive response to creating a repo to share grafyaml configs for grafana for use in monitoring openstack deployments20:47
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sigmavirus24hm, os-ansible-deployment is seeing weird cinder problems on hpcloud boxen in their gate and it only started recently. I'm about to start dissecting recent commits, but the weird thing is that it works on rackspace cloud boxen20:47
SpamapSjeblair: \o/ .. no deployment seems alive to me without graphs.20:48
clarkbsigmavirus24: they do have different flavors with different disk diszes20:48
clarkbsigmavirus24: its possible we stopped doing the ephemeral dirve formating on one for some reason20:48
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sigmavirus24clarkb: oh, are the differences noted somewhere?20:48
jeblairclarkb, pabelanger, SpamapS: i also discovered grafyaml is hard to pronounce and i need to practice it at home when no one is listening.20:49
clarkbsigmavirus24: devstack-gate's setup function documents via code20:49
openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/requirements: Add jsonpath-rw-ext to global requirements  https://review.openstack.org/21433120:49
nibalizerSpamapS: I'm pretty sure this isn't right20:49
SpamapSnibalizer: if I had ipmi_passwords => hiera('ipmi_passwords', 'XXX'), in my box manifest, that won't produce what I want?20:50
pabelangerjeblair: nice to hear20:50
nibalizerit depends on what you are trying to create20:50
SpamapSassuming my hiera bits have been successfully put in the right place for hiera to pick them up.20:50
nibalizerif the idea is this file will be then fed to puppet for erb template expansion, its pretty close20:50
SpamapSnibalizer: yes, that template will create the inventory file for bifrost20:51
nibalizerbut then you shouldn't be calling it a hiera file at all20:51
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nibalizeryou should be calling it bifrost_inventor.js.erb20:51
SpamapSthat way we can have inventory in git w/o the passwords20:51
SpamapSCan call it whatever20:51
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SpamapSthe program prints an erb on stdout, and reads/writes the hiera yaml at the path you give it.20:52
nibalizeroh im seeing that now20:52
mriedemdhellmann: do you have jurisdiction over creating branches for python-swiftclient?20:52
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SpamapSthe idea being you take the fully assembled inventory, edit it with the tools we have for autodiscovery, run this, it makes a hiera for you and an erb template to store in git.20:52
openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Updated OpenStackId configuration  https://review.openstack.org/21434420:52
nibalizerya works for me20:53
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SpamapSthe only bummer about this is that hashes don't get sorted right in yaml/json ..so diffing these erbs will never work out20:54
nibalizerwell on '<%= @ipmi_passwords[{}] %>'.format(name) do you think we need to introduce quotes there?20:54
nibalizeroh wait maybe you fixed that already20:54
SpamapSnibalizer: I pushed a new version :)20:54
nibalizerya you did20:54
fungijeblair: you can pretty clearly see on the various cacti graphs for etherpad where the backup started around 05:30 and stopped when you killed it. apparently most of the cpu and all of the disk i/o was from that alone20:55
SpamapSoh wait20:55
SpamapSjson.dumps has a sort_keys=True20:55
nibalizerso what I reccomend we do is put a 'bifrost' entry in your hiera.yaml so that this file can be just bifrost.yaml20:55
crinklenibalizer: ++20:56
nibalizerand will be perpindicular to the common.yaml that will inevitably grow20:56
nibalizerand ofc there is public data in system-config now20:56
nibalizerif you want to try to use that20:56
nibalizerthough I'm not sure what the puppetmaster configuration is on your controler node20:56
SpamapSnibalizer: I don't really know what that means.20:57
jeblairpurp: what's the eplite bug you're looking at?20:57
nibalizerSpamapS: crinkle does so possibly you won't have to20:57
purpjeblair: https://github.com/ether/etherpad-lite/issues/176320:57
jeblairfungi: wow20:57
crinklenibalizer: I was playing with https://review.openstack.org/#/c/209632/ to try to avoid puppetmaster config20:57
nibalizerbut hiera.yaml is the configuration file for hiera, then it points to other yaml files20:57
SpamapSnibalizer: +120:57
purpjeblair: "Slow down with lots of different contributions"20:57
SpamapSnibalizer: OH THAT, yes, I did actually read that ;)20:57
purpThis one seems related to the editor, but there are three others mentioned in there which have perf implications.20:58
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nibalizercrinkle: well I think this actually doesn't need that? local hiera with puppet apply on the infra-cloud-controller node is all we need20:58
crinklenibalizer: right20:59
purpjeblair: One that sdague filed and was closed as dupe: https://github.com/ether/etherpad-lite/issues/138020:59
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openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add tools to make infra-cloud inventory templates  https://review.openstack.org/21427921:02
SpamapSok, so next hiera question..21:02
SpamapSSo I'm going to have an inventory per-site21:02
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purpjeblair: am no longer convinced that's strongly related.21:02
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nibalizerSpamapS: i have a quesiton for you also21:04
SpamapSshould I put _the whole thing_ in two hieras, one which is just the json stripped of passwords, and the other which is just the passwords, and then make an erb that merges those and spits out the inventory.json.. and then each site gets its own set of inventory hieras?21:04
nibalizerthe infra-cloudcontrollers, how are they managed21:04
hogepodgeetherpad :-(21:04
nibalizerare they puppet apply with local stuff? do they phone home to puppetmaster.openstack.org with puppet agent?21:05
SpamapSnibalizer: see the patch above 214279 in the dep chain. :)21:05
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SpamapSnibalizer: they'll work like any other infra box21:05
fungihogepodge: still? or again? or just you?21:05
nibalizerSpamapS: I kindof like how you are doing it now21:06
SpamapSnibalizer: yeah, just trying to figure out what to name the erb that I check in.21:06
nibalizerwhere there is a file very close to the input for bifrost, and puppet sneaks in at the last second and makes a little string replace21:06
nibalizermaybe put the cloudname in it?21:07
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nibalizerwhat are we calling them HP1 and HP2?21:07
SpamapSI guess files/bifrost/inventory-hpuswest.json.erb .. and then have the name of the template to use as a parameter for the module?21:07
SpamapSthe hiera can just be all the passwords since it is keyed by fqdn21:07
nibalizerya then puppet will do content => template("bifrost/inventory/${cloudname}.json.erb")21:08
SpamapSwe have to tell hiera to do deep merging on any hashes though, right?21:08
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nibalizerSpamapS: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/208751/17/modules/openstack_project/manifests/infracloud/bifrost.pp if that takes a parameter we can expand the variable down on line 3421:09
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SpamapSnibalizer: sweet I like that. k21:10
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Try alternate usernames to get logs from overcloud  https://review.openstack.org/21413921:10
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: [WIP] Remove heat pin  https://review.openstack.org/21434821:10
nibalizerSpamapS: merging on hashes (in the hiera language) doesn't really apply here21:10
nibalizerwe should just put in the hash21:10
nibalizerand not get fancy21:10
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: [WIP] Remove neutron pin  https://review.openstack.org/21434921:10
hogepodgefungi: capacity problem at the ops meetup21:11
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SpamapSnibalizer: my thinking is just that in order to expand inventory I have to get access to the existing entries. But if I can just add another yaml with an ipmi_passwords hash, the deep merge will handle it.21:13
SpamapSnibalizer: agreed, over thinking. :)21:13
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Tell hiera to read bifrost.yaml  https://review.openstack.org/21435321:13
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nibalizerSpamapS: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/214353/ will enable hiera such that if /opt/system-config/hieradata/production/bifrost.yaml exists, hiera will try to load keys from it21:15
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crinklenibalizer: so regarding "how are they managed" and ^ I think https://review.openstack.org/#/c/209632/ is relevant and feedback would be nice21:15
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crinkleI don't think "they'll work like any other infra box" fully applies here21:15
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crinklethe module environment issue comes up21:16
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fungihogepodge: yeah, we've been monitoring that, but what specifically? several things have been done today to help try to improve the situation. does it seem to be helping?21:17
nibalizerwell so there are, broadly, two classes of infra-cloud boxes right, one is the controllers, one is everything else21:17
nibalizerI'm wondering if we can't sneak the controllers into the main production environment21:17
crinkleI think there's three, one is a bifrost controller21:17
hogepodgefungi: it's not as terrible as it was this morning, but still some 503'ing21:17
crinklenibalizer: we need a modern mysql module for the controllers21:18
hogepodgeyou can just see it as a general :-( at this point21:18
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clarkbcrinkle: its probably relatively safe to bumo our mysql module since we trove most of the prod services21:18
clarkbif that helps21:18
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crinkleclarkb: good to know21:18
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crinkleI still think it'll be generally less painful to separate them, which could be done in a number of ways21:19
fungihogepodge: after what looks like a lunchtime lull, the server stats we're monitoring for etherpad.openstack.org look a lot more healthy at least21:19
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jeblairfungi, hogepodge: yeah, my observation is that we're seeing relatively frequent disconnects, but generally working after reconnect, whereas this morning it was decidedly nonfunctional21:21
jeblairfungi, clarkb: can you hop on https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/PAO-ops-meetup ?21:22
nibalizercrinkle: this looks good21:22
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clarkbjeblair: am there21:22
clarkbbut splitting time with cross project meeting21:22
jeblairfungi, clarkb: would be interesting to note if you see similar disconnect rates21:22
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crinklenibalizer: it is very rough and I hadn't considered until now 1) puppetdb and 2) hiera21:22
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nibalizercrinkle: yea puppetdb i have a plan for sortof21:22
nibalizerjust need time to see if its viable21:22
nibalizermordred: and I sketched out the plan for hiera essentiall21:23
crinklenibalizer: awesomesauce21:23
nibalizerits not complicated, just need an ansible task to copy the right files to the target host before it runs puppet21:23
fungijeblair: hogepodge: yeah, wondering if the disconnects now are local network unhappiness at the venue21:23
hogepodgefungi: maybe?21:23
fungii'm monitoring my browser tab to that pad21:23
crinklebut yeah my hope with that patch is maybe there's a way to start out infracloud on masterless without waiting for the whole infra to move over21:23
crinklebut there's lots of other options too21:24
fungihogepodge: jeblair: what's the disconnect frequency you're observing?21:24
hogepodgefungi: I'm limiting myself to one etherpad tab fwiw21:24
purpfungi hogepodge jeblair: I tethered this morning to test that theory, still had 503s. Haven't tried this afternoon.21:24
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hogepodgefungi: it's intermittent. At least once every five minutes, but once I hit one reconnecting takes a long while21:24
jeblairpurp: ah thanks. so much else was going on this morning (backups, memory leak, stray abiword) it's worth retesting21:24
jeblairfungi: been a while since i've seen one21:25
purpAgree. Am about to tether again and see if I get clear.21:25
fungiso far i've not seen any issues with that pad21:25
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jeblairi'm also not seeing mass enter/exits in the log21:25
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fungiand see 56 editors on it21:25
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nibalizercrinkle: I think we can infracloud masterless21:25
nibalizeroaky reviewed the thing21:26
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nibalizerSpamapS: under crinkle's plan, you'll need a hiera.yaml (the hiera configuration file) and the infracloud bifrost.yaml on the bifrost node itself21:26
nibalizernot on the openstack-infra puppetmaster21:26
SpamapSnibalizer: thats how we'll operate until we are ready to tax infra-root and let workloads run on it. ;)21:27
nibalizerSpamapS: no I think thats actually just how it will run...21:27
nibalizerI mean the puppetmaster might start overwriting your file with the exact same file every 20 minutes21:27
nibalizerbut that would be a transparent change21:27
nibalizerhttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/164870/ set it up so every node has a hiera.yaml but it hit merge conflict before it landed21:28
nibalizerokay really I'm leaving now21:28
purpOkay, tethered and re-opened a kerjillion tabs. Let's see if I get the 503 again.21:29
clarkbpurp: also be sure you don't open the same pad twice21:29
clarkbpurp: that will break and upstream didn't seem interested in fixing it21:29
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hogepodgefungi: over the last 10 minutes? things are better21:30
jeblairit's cause i'm tailing logs21:30
purpjeblair: deduped.21:30
purpsorry, clarkb: deduped.21:30
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openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add bifrost inventory management procedures  https://review.openstack.org/21427921:30
SpamapScrinkle: ^^21:31
SpamapSgreghaynes: ^21:31
SpamapSHopefully that makes sense, and you all can chip away the unnecessary pieces, and we can have a well defined procedure for adding nodes.21:31
crinkleSpamapS: neat21:32
crinkleSpamapS: you can also just take over 208751 if you want21:32
purpclarkb: first fact: eight pads couldn't reconnect. Closed 7. Reconnected to main pad.21:32
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purpJust reopened 10.21:33
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purpall connected and seem to be working. Let's see what happens now.21:34
clarkbthe one jeblair aksed me to open is still happy21:34
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add config flags for data source configuration  https://review.openstack.org/21381121:34
purpclarkb: Yeah, I opened ten of the links there, too. Recreating the problem from this morning, if I can.21:34
greghaynesSpamapS: anything about how to obtain the raw-inventory.json?21:34
greghaynesalso ty for documenting21:35
jeblairwe are split now, but soon we will recombine and likely have a higher single-pad load21:35
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fungiyeah, still no disconnects to the PAO-ops-meetup pad for me21:36
purpclarkb fungi: anything interesting in the server log? Just curious.21:37
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jeblairi'm tailing it and have not seen mass enter/exists.  that's all i'm watching for right now though.21:38
jeblair(that was easy to spot this morning)21:38
purpAhhh. Lost connection to logging page ...21:38
fungiyeah, nothing exciting there yet21:38
fungistill no disconnects for me21:38
clarkbjeblair: yup and it should pause too21:39
purpStill tethered. Network is slow (crappy reception) but able to load rich pages from common servers.21:39
clarkbat least it did that earlier the log would stop scrolling for a minute then you would get the LEAVE ENTERs21:39
purpAbout 5 pages lost connection and reconnected.21:40
clarkbI opened 8 and all 8 opened21:40
clarkbthe last 2 were slower21:40
purpMay have been a spike in my tether's latency.21:40
purpLost connection again.21:41
purpWhile it was reconnecting, I saw "Waiting for available socket"21:42
clarkbhrm its possible that we are hitting the apache worker/thread limit21:42
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clarkbbut based on cacti I don't think so21:43
clarkbit should be set to 2048 iirc and we are doing half that according to cacti21:43
clarkbmaybe its a fd ulimit?21:43
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: Bump pbr version to match g-r  https://review.openstack.org/21436321:44
anteayajbryce: can you come to the large deployments room?21:44
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anteayajbryce: there is a discussion about openstack's legal obligations21:45
fungiclarkb: well, apache is proxying these, so needs 2 fd per connection21:45
fungione in, one out21:45
purpjeblair: You're still connected, can edit a page?21:45
anteayajbryce: would be nice for you to at least be aware/weigh in21:45
clarkbfungi: right but the grand ottal is ~1k according to cacti21:45
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fungiahh, got it21:45
clarkbfungi: of all connections21:45
jeblairpurp: yep, just edited pao-ops-meetup21:45
jeblairclarkb: that's a suspicous number21:46
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fungii still haven't lost connectivity to PAO-ops-meetup21:46
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clarkbthat graph fwiw21:46
jeblairhrm, server-status doesn't work on that host :/21:46
nigelbfungi: our attack was in the same time region.21:46
purpI've lost connection off and on, but more likely sparse bandwidth on tether. I lose all at once, regain all at once.21:46
purpNo 503s.21:46
nigelbAnd they didn't stop after I did the ban on mailman lists. It's just we became unaffected by it.21:47
jeblairclarkb: hrm, looks like we regularly go much higher21:47
SpamapScrinkle: I may do that. :)21:48
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jeblairpurp: i think hotel connectivity may be more reliable at the moment, i haven't seen a problem in a while21:48
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funginigelb: right, i think they were likely hitting every public mailman instance on the 'net21:48
SpamapSgreghaynes: No I don't actually know how you got raw-inventory.json. ;)21:48
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funginigelb: and as i said earlier, the + isn't really exploiting anything about mailman, it's just a convenient means of providing for a near-infinite number of e-mail addresses that all go to the same inbox, for senders whose mta implements such a feature21:49
purpjeblair: flipped back.21:49
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nigelbfungi: Yep! Someone really wanted to fill up that one dude's inbox.21:50
purpManaged to get an error (o5SFgkkpeV8hi9mTVX1v) but no 503.21:50
funginigelb: i have a strong feeling that the e-mail address which was being subscribed over and over was the actual victim of a denial-of-service attack, and our mailman servers were simply being used as convenient reflectors/amplifiers21:50
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fungiall subscription requests were coming to us via http post, not inbound smtp... i assume was the same for you as well21:50
nigelbAnd really distributed.21:51
nigelbI think the largest requests from one ip was 5021:51
funginigelb: yeah, we saw slightly over 5000 ip addresses. i assume those were all compromised systems in a moderate-sized bot army21:52
greghaynesSpamapS: heh, ok, I can document that as a parent patch?21:52
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funginigelb: all the ip addresses i checked were in assignments belonging to china mobile, though i have no reason to believe it was really only originating from that one service provider21:52
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clarkbfungi: I need sanity check, can you go to nodepool and grep fo rthe single held 2-node instance then try sshing to it?21:52
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clarkbfungi: ssh asks for my password which makes me thing my rekeying exploded or something odd is going on21:53
nigelbfungi: I had multiple providers across US and Europe as well.21:53
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anteayaregXboi: can you show jeblair the graphs you made for neutron?21:53
nigelbI checked a bunch of them for abuse contacts and eventually gave up.21:53
funginigelb: good to know. i only spot-checked a handful21:53
clarkbpleia2: ^ maybe you too?21:53
anteayaregXboi: I got telling jeblair about it and got pulled away, so he has a bit of context21:53
fungiclarkb: i am able to log into devstack-trusty-2-node-rax-iad-437757421:53
SpamapSgreghaynes: I think it would make sense as an update to that patch. Feel free to ammend it. Just let me know when you do.21:54
fungiclarkb: seems fine21:54
clarkbfungi: can you check what my authorized keys looks like?21:54
greghaynesSpamapS: ok21:54
pleia2clarkb: checking21:54
nigelbI'm *slightly* worried that there's really not much we can do in terms of preventing this again. Other than watch out for the attack.21:54
clarkbhrm maybe I only had the old key added to this agent21:54
clarkband I derped in the opposite way to what I thought I had derped21:54
regXboianteaya: is jeblair at PAO or in channel?21:54
funginigelb: ends in hycFHXlDrlBgfFJDe5At clark@work21:54
fungier, clarkb ^21:54
clarkbfungi: thanks21:54
jeblairregXboi: both :)21:54
fungisorry nigelb21:54
pleia2clarkb: yeah, is ok for me too21:54
regXboijeblair: which breakout room are you in?21:54
* regXboi is in Med II in the back corner21:55
jeblairregXboi: logging.  maybe let's meet at coffee break.  i'll be wearing a hat.21:55
regXboiok, I've got reading glasses, a tan heather shirt and my handle on my badge :)21:55
jeblairwith 'jeblair' on the hat.21:55
nigelbfungi: But seriously, I'm glad I'm not alone. I spent all of morning yesterday figuring out what went wrong with the server.21:55
regXboiI can see about finding you21:55
clarkbfungi: pleia2 gah that was it I thought I had the new key loaded but had the old one loaded21:55
funginigelb: anyway, it looked to me like >99.9% of the browser strings claimed to be firefox 39 on windows 7, so i expect that was fallacious, which implies some software making the post calls from those systems rather than something like a cross-site request forgery21:56
nigelbThe only external indication I had were postfix queue alerts and load average alerts.21:56
clarkbso I had inverted my expected state and ya. anyways all better now thank you for looking21:56
nigelbYeah, I noticed that too. That was the common factor.21:56
anteayaregXboi: jeblair is at the operators meetup21:56
anteayaregXboi: he is wearing a 3 piece suit, fedora and bow tie21:56
nigelbThe good news is that a subscription ban in mailman for the correct regex is effective in making this attack not affect systems.21:57
regXboianteaya: I konw about the fedora :)21:57
funginigelb: interestingly, the only indication we had was moderators of subscriber-confirmed lists complaining that they had hundreds of subscription requests to approve from nearly-identical e-mail addresses21:57
purpregXboi: He's in Salon A.21:57
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anteayaregXboi: :)21:57
funginigelb: by the time it came to my attention, it had already subsided for 4-5 hours21:57
anteayapurp: thanks21:57
purp<--- right there (if you're sitting in my chair, which you're not)21:57
nigelbI caught it before it subsided because timezones :D21:57
nigelbso I was deleting the queue21:58
* jeblair can verify that purp is in his chair21:58
hogepodgejeblair: fungi way more stable now21:58
nigelband having it refilled every minute.21:58
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fungihogepodge: yep, still no disconnects for me. haven't seen even one so far21:58
regXboipurp: danke21:59
nigelbI'm going to setup some alerts to catch it if it happens again on our systems.21:59
nigelbIt's kinda nice to hold hands across organizations/projects for something like this :)21:59
funginigelb: absolutely! if you see something we're happy to check our systems for confirmation so we can tell you it's really not just you ;)22:00
pleia2nigelb: ^522:00
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nigelbfungi / pleia2 ^5! yay!22:01
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dougwigclarkb: final revert merged, the nodepool vpn issue should magically disappear.22:08
clarkbdougwig: thats I will recheck to confirm22:08
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fungietherpad is still rock-solid for me22:11
fungibut now i must eat22:11
clarkbsame here22:11
dougwigfungi: and by rock, he means pick up a rock, look at it, and that's your etherpad.22:11
asselin_clarkb, mordred Shrews akraminsky so when I have the json to use projectId instead of tenantID, I run into other issues... http://paste.openstack.org/show/421057/22:12
clarkbhpcloud pypi mirror is done syncing22:12
clarkblifeless: ^ all should be well once again22:12
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lifelessclarkb: thanks22:13
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clarkbdougwig: https://jenkins04.openstack.org/job/gate-dsvm-nodepool-nv/10/console should get through devstacking22:26
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openstackgerritSomay Jain proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support for CVS SCM using CVS plugin  https://review.openstack.org/20368522:26
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mordredasselin_: that is very strange22:42
clarkbheh 10-15 minute sfor devstack is a lie22:42
asselin_mordred, but I still don't know why that json change is needed...looks it's been that way for a while..22:43
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SpamapShm.. so now that I have a way to make an inventory.. I need to make some boxes and test it out22:45
mordredasselin_: I don't either - also, is admin the project id and not the project name? (just brainstorming)22:45
mtreinishclarkb: yep it is, we've constantly had to bump that number in d-g22:45
asselin_sorry, project name and user name22:45
mtreinishclarkb: it's sort of tracked with: http://status.openstack.org//elastic-recheck/gate.html#131106622:46
SpamapSgreghaynes: which box has all the boxes you deployed in ironic?22:47
greghaynesSpamapS: I unenrolled all but one in the bastion1 so I could cycle fast on some glean stuff a while back22:47
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greghaynesbut its super easy to just reenroll al the things22:48
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greghaynesthat is the host I was using though, the .3 address22:50
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mordredasselin_: no, I mean, you're calling it project_id but it's "admin"22:53
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mordredasselin_: was checking to make sure it was id and not name - I don't think it matters - just thinking out loud22:53
mordredasselin_: can you paste your clouds.yaml (password removed of course)22:54
asselin_mordred, ok I see what you mean, I can try projectName. (that was just a guess at josn)22:54
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clarkbmtreinish: looks like 20 minutes is closer to reality22:57
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Switch Horizon to Javascript-jobs  https://review.openstack.org/21437322:57
SpamapSgreghaynes: kk thanks22:57
asselin_mordred, well turns out that's just an ignored field....I see now where it gets the service catalog, from the response, in this case it's empty22:58
asselin_mordred, I don't use cloudconfig currently, it's in the nodepool.yaml file22:58
mordredasselin_: ah. ok. I wonder if we broke somethign with that22:58
mordredasselin_: thanks - that's helpful to know where to look22:58
asselin_mordred, cool, thanks for your help22:59
regXboianteaya: ping ... https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/QA/CodeSprintLibertyFortCollins#Registration ... smile22:59
mordredasselin_: and I forget what you said in scrollback. are you now running latest nodepool and latest shade?23:00
adam_ganyone know an easy + automated way to seed a fresh gerrit with an admin user?23:00
asselin_mordred, yes23:00
clarkbadam_g: you login with your mouse23:00
adam_gclarkb, read: automated23:01
clarkbadam_g: there has been talk upstream of fixing that but the only other alternative is to mess with the db ahead of time and hope that they don't break you via a migration or other fun23:01
clarkbadam_g: so do that at your own risk23:01
greghaynesadam_g: javascript? :p23:01
mordredasselin_: k. cool23:01
adam_gclarkb, yeah, i had to do something like that in the past. it was a PITA23:01
asselin_mordred, ok I see it now! it should be tenantName23:01
clarkbadam_g: also be very careful using gerrit >=2.923:02
clarkbadam_g: jgit is terribly broken and can eat your repos23:02
jeblairfyi, the current session is: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/PAO-ops-containers-for-deployment23:02
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jeblairi mention that not only because we might get a lot of ppl on the etherpad23:02
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jeblairbut also the content may be of interest here :)23:02
clarkbadam_g: if you do find something better than messing with the db and risking a migration break definitely let us know23:03
greghaynesclarkb: couldnt you just web scrape essentially23:03
asselin_mordred, akraminsky curl output with json updated to tenantName http://paste.openstack.org/show/421132/23:03
clarkbmaybe but the gwt elements change too23:03
adam_gclarkb, oh, thanks for the tip23:03
greghaynesclarkb: ayre, right23:03
fungijeblair: thanks. i still haven't disconnected from that one fwiw23:04
mordredasselin_: I see publicURL for glance in there23:04
mordredoh - you know what ...23:05
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asselin_mordred, here's my debug output23:05
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mordred                    service_name=self.cloud_config.get_service_name(23:06
mordred                        service_key),23:06
asselin_tenant id needs to be none for tenant name to get used23:06
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fungiadam_g: i believe i confirmed not long ago that you can use the baked in "Gerrit Code Review" username (you use the gerrit ssh api host key as the user authentication key) to call the user create command23:06
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fungiadam_g: in essence, there _is_ a default admin user in gerrit with ssh-only authentication access23:07
adam_gfungi, oh nice23:07
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jeblairfungi: neato... and if you do that, it triggers the first-user-is-admin feature? (and the next user does not get that?)23:08
fungiadam_g: ssh -i review_site/etc/ssh_host_rsa_key -p 29418 'Gerrit Code Review'@ gerrit create-account whatever23:08
fungijeblair: that part i do not know23:08
fungibut should be easy to test23:08
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adam_gfungi, sweet! ill give that a shot next time around, thanks23:08
fungii merely confirmed on review-dev a while back that you can actually use that meta-account to create accounts23:08
fungithe api commands allowed to it are limited, so i wasn't certain without testing23:09
clarkbffungi iirc you cant23:09
clarkbyou can once you setup the server but not for first user23:09
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fungioh, weird23:09
clarkbthis is the thing upstrean intends to fix23:09
clarkbbut until jgit works...23:10
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fungiyeah, what i haven't tested is trying that on a fresh deployment with no first user created through the webui23:10
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clarkbzaro ^23:10
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asselin_mordred, akraminsky so when I hack into keystone client I can get nodepool to work again:  http://paste.openstack.org/show/421134/23:13
asselin_now to find the correct fix23:13
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clarkbadam_g https://groups.google.com/forum/m/#!searchin/repo-discuss/Admin/repo-discuss/4OaOoEVOy8A23:13
mordredasselin_: why not just pass it as tenant-name instead of tenant-id?23:14
clarkblooks like clas may have bitten agaib23:15
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clarkbbut that plugin may work23:15
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: JavaScript in Infra  https://review.openstack.org/19888423:15
akraminskymordred, tenant_name doesn't exist23:15
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akraminskyor is None23:15
mordredbut asselin_ is hacking keystoneclient to pass tenant_name and that made it work23:16
asselin_mordred, I need to see where that happens.23:16
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asselin_I need to trace the code now to see why tenantid is not set to None23:16
mordredwell, it's likely in os-client-config23:17
asselin_mordred, ok will look there23:17
asselin_mordred, to answer your previous question, here's the sanitized part of nodepool.yaml we use http://paste.openstack.org/show/421135/23:17
mordredI believe we collapse tenant_id and tenant_name because it was our experience that the clouds did not care and we could use them interchangable23:17
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asselin_mordred, apperently not...23:18
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mordredasselin_: yah. funny that23:18
mordredasselin_: so- nodepool is going to pass it in as project-id always23:18
mordredwhich shade will either pass in as project-id or tenant-id depending on whether or not you're using v2 or v323:19
asselin_mordred, really??23:19
adam_gclarkb, interesting. the db route may just be the easiest for me, i only plan on doing this as part of initial boostrap.  and since you've scared me into to pegging to a lower gerrit version im not worried about migrations23:19
asselin_ok I see23:19
asselin_so I guess the other option is to update my project-id from 'admin' to the numeric id23:20
asselin_but that's not convenient23:20
mordredasselin_: that's probably a short-term solution23:20
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mordredasselin_: I think we should stop treating project-id and project-name as interchangable23:20
asselin_why doesn't shade prefer project-name over project-id23:21
mordredit's os-client-config that does the args processing23:21
mordredbut I believe it's because we'd found that passing everything in as project_id would make keystoneclient do the right thing23:21
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mordredso - project_name should be the winner from occ23:22
mordredlooking through the code23:22
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akraminskylol fix_backwards_madness23:23
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mordredwhich means that even you setting project-id in nodepool, you should be winding up with tenant_name being passed to keystoneclient23:23
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added ACL for ironic-webclient  https://review.openstack.org/21438123:24
asselin_so much magic23:25
mordredit's very sadening23:25
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mordredakraminsky, asselin_ https://review.openstack.org/21438223:27
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asselin_mordred, thanks, will test it now23:28
mordredasselin_: if we land that ^^ and then we move your config to using clouds.yaml instead of embedded auth things23:28
mordredasselin_: then you should be able to be more explicit about what you're configuring23:29
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mordredand we can remove one piece of magic23:29
mordredfrom the pile23:29
krotscheckIs this how new ACL lists are added? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/214381/23:29
mordredasselin_: I say you need to move to clouds.yaml - because nodepool does not grok anything other than the project-id parameter23:29
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asselin_mordred, I'm still curious to know what change broke our setup23:30
mordredme too23:31
mordredI don't see anything in your setup that should have broken23:31
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asselin_mordred, yes, was hoing to move to clouds.yaml when migrating to the common-ci nodepool solution23:31
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mordredunless keystoneclient made a release and it stopped doing the thing that was strangely working before?23:31
asselin_I'm going to debug a bit more23:32
mordredsorry I'm not more direct debugging help - I wish I had a good local reproduction23:32
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for whitesource plugin  https://review.openstack.org/20461523:35
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anteayakrotscheck: yes23:36
anteayakrotscheck: do you plan to be creating branches in ironic-webclient? if no, please remove line 323:36
mordredreed: where did your shade version of the first-app doc get published?23:36
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mordredreed: the only one i can find is the libcloud one23:37
fungiclarkb: that url to the repo-discuss group seems to not have any content23:37
fungiclarkb: though i'm not immediately grokking how a cla could impede the "gerrit code review" built-in account23:37
clarkbsoneone wrote code now cant push upstream23:38
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fungiclarkb: oh, unrelated to the initial user creation problem?23:39
reedmordred, no, because (I learned today) that to be published one needs to complete the full tutorial, including the scaling and other documents23:39
reedmordred, so far I only have finished the gettingstarted.rst file23:39
mordredreed: oh. oy23:39
adam_gclarkb, are you all still doing similar db stuff to sync lp group members to gerrit?23:39
mordredadam_g: nope23:40
reedmordred, fifieldt today suggested to enable a draft/ site but that requires more playing with publishing tools...23:40
adam_gmordred, howzit work now23:40
mordredadam_g: gerrit groups are managed in gerrit - lp groups only have meaning in launchpad23:40
mordredreed: nod23:40
adam_gmordred, i see23:41
clarkbfungi well its code to fix initial user problem23:41
fungiclarkb: aha, i get it. i thought you were implying that the initial user problem was cla-related23:41
fungirather i guess someone with a fix to the problem is refusing to agree to google's cla or something (wonder why i can't see any content at that url, maybe google only shows you groups threads if you have an account now?)23:42
adam_gfungi, https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/repo-discuss/4OaOoEVOy8A23:42
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fungiadam_g: thanks--that one's working23:44
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fungiadam_g: clarkb: i don't see any indication in that thread that the "gerrit code review" account won't work for that23:46
fungidiscussion there seems to revolve around the chicken-and-egg problem of not having an account with which to create an account23:47
openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new contrail-neutron-plugin project  https://review.openstack.org/21438923:47
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fungiexcept there is an existing pseudo-account, it's just so poorly documented i doubt many of the gerrit devs even know it exists23:47
fungianyway, worth a try23:48
clarkbI think its impkied23:48
clarkbwe need this other thing because existibg does not work23:48
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adam_gfungi, fwiw just tried that, apparently i need a passphrase to use that host key23:49
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fungiadam_g: i hope not. otherwise gerrit won't be able to load that key at startup either23:50
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jeblairooh, people have heard of infra cloud!23:51
Sam-I-Amis that like a cloud of infra?23:52
fungiit's like a nebulous thing full of nebulous stuff23:52
Sam-I-Amcan it run in a container?23:52
fungia container can run in it23:52
jeblairyou can't contain a cloud23:53
fungilife finds a way23:53
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Use new api for jenkins masters credentials  https://review.openstack.org/19973723:53
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greghaynesfungi: someone sent me this about dib the other day http://i.imgur.com/hAYd2tI.gif23:54
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added npm publish to eslint-config-openstack  https://review.openstack.org/19972523:56
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Switched npm-run-test to npm-test  https://review.openstack.org/21215423:56
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added npm publish job.  https://review.openstack.org/19971523:56
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added npm tarball upload job  https://review.openstack.org/21215323:56
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fungigreghaynes: so, so true23:56
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