Wednesday, 2015-08-19

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openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add non voting fuel agent python jobs
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added ACL for ironic-webclient
openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new contrail-neutron-plugin project
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greghaynesjhesketh: replied on
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clarkbmordred: so  Ithink we are broken too00:21
clarkbasselin_: ^ we didn't notice because neutron was otherwise broken00:21
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clarkbgreghaynes: ^ need to install deboostrap00:21
clarkbso many things00:22
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greghaynesclarkb: hrm00:22
clarkbbut I think this shows it will be valuable to get voting asap00:22
clarkbgreghaynes: I will update my patch to deboostrap00:22
greghaynesclarkb: ah, yep00:22
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack/requirements: Updated oslo_middleware
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asselin_clarkb, looks similar, but not entirely sure its the same bug...00:25
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clarkbasselin_: pretty sure it is project id not found demo00:26
clarkbkeystoneclient is just broken right now00:26
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clarkbgreghaynes: what other packages will I need?00:30
clarkb ithink this is documented somewhere00:30
greghaynesclarkb: check out tests/install-deps in dib00:31
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clarkbsdague: now can a devstack plugin provide package lists like the built in things?00:32
clarkbmtreinish: ^00:32
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* clarkb uses the grep00:32
clarkbsweet its documented even00:33
openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new contrail-neutron-plugin project
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Test dib image builds with devstack too.
clarkbgreghaynes: ^ I think that should do it00:38
clarkbthen once oscc/keystoneclient work again we can hopefully have everything working00:38
mordredclarkb: oh - so we are thinking that keystoneclient made a release which broke things/00:38
clarkbmordred: :/ ok well its broken the nodepool dsvm job00:38
jamielennoxksc hasn't had a release in a while00:39
clarkband I guess its likely that nodepool will break on the next restart00:39
clarkbso don't restart nodepool if you can avoid it :)00:39
mordredclarkb: I have an oscc patch up to make it stop treating id and name as interchangable00:39
clarkbmordred: that doesn't fix us00:39
clarkbmordred: because we use the wrong one00:39
mordredclarkb: once that's up, we'll want to make sure we use the correct thing (id or name)00:40
mordredlike, in the places where we're passing a name into an id field - we should just stop doing that00:40
mordredeven though it has worked in the past00:40
clarkbexcept I thought the whole point was they were interchangeable?00:40
clarkbnow you are telling me they aren't00:40
mordredid and name?00:40
clarkbthis is terrible00:40
clarkboscc explicitly said "make them all the same because they are the same" and there is that funky for loop tat does it00:41
mordredright. and I have a patch up to change that00:41
mordredbeacuse it seems that is no longer true00:41
clarkbright I am saying you can't change that now00:41
clarkbthe ship has sailed it must remain true00:41
mordredit's changed00:41
mordredthat ship has sailed00:41
mordredit doesn't work00:41
clarkbthen this is a backward incompatible change00:41
SpamapSawww snap00:41
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mordredI dont' care00:41
clarkbI do00:41
mordredit's life and now we have to deal with it00:41
clarkbbecause we have non trivial softare that was relying on it00:41
SpamapSthat ship has #failed00:42
clarkband we need to stop doing that00:42
mordredI have no control over that00:42
clarkbevery time we do this users that have no ties upstream get screwed00:42
mordredall I can do is manage what upstraem things break me00:42
clarkbits one thing to screw infra00:42
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clarkbyes I am saying we should go to upstream and say fix it00:42
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mordredclarkb: sure- although I could see them telling us to get bent00:42
SpamapSmordred: is it possible you're just wounded on this level?00:43
mordredbecause they could take the position that we were relying on a bug behavior00:43
clarkbexcept the behavior was there and worked00:43
clarkbit doesn't matter if its a bug00:43
clarkbthe api can't change that way00:43
mordredlike, I would have a hard time saying with a straight face "zomg, you stopped accepting project names as parameters to the project id parameter"00:43
clarkbmordred: I can say it with a straight face00:44
mordredI think it was a mistake for us to have depended on that behavior - and it's obviously biting us now00:44
clarkbbecause now every config file and client consumer has to change00:44
SpamapSWas it documented as working, or just awesome that it was working?00:44
mordredour config files are actually correct, last I checked00:44
clarkbSpamapS: it doesn't matter00:44
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SpamapSclarkb: to you. But to developers, it often does.00:44
SpamapSSome developers aren't willing to maintain bug-for-bug backward compatibility.00:44
asselin_I'm still confused as to where it gets it tenantId from. It seems to discover it from the url...  _discover.Discover(session, url,00:44
clarkbmordred: iirc we explicitly changed all our config to the wrong thing00:45
clarkbmordred: because we were told the wrong thing was correct ...00:45
SpamapSBut most are willing to support ambiguously documented behaviors.00:45
clarkbI double checked al lthat because it was insane00:45
mordredclarkb: no00:45
mordredyou are wrong00:45
mordredour config file is correct00:45
mordredand is not aligned to the bad behavior00:45
clarkbthen why ar ewe broken?00:45
clarkbour config file uses what oscc passes through00:45
clarkbso that its 1:100:45
mordredbecause occ is aligning something it does not need to00:45
mordredwhich we can fix very easily00:45
mordredso that our correct config file can not be broken by a thing occ was doing00:45
mordredit's a 2 line fi00:46
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clarkbsure but we explicitly said what is oscc going to use? then used that too00:46
clarkband you are telling me oscc is wrong00:46
clarkbthat means our config is wrong00:46
mordredno - we did not say that00:46
mordredlook at the config00:46
mordredour config is correct00:46
clarkbI don't even know what is correct00:46
mordredalso, shade consumes things correctly from occ00:46
mordredcorrect is saying what the thign is00:46
clarkbI am just going off my memory ofreviewing all this and saying wtf00:46
clarkband being told its all fine and correct00:46
mordredI know00:46
mordredI just looked at everything00:46
mordredso you're responding to memories that you have00:46
mordredand I'm trying to tell you the actual situatino00:47
clarkband what I was told is that we should use the same thing oscc uses00:47
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clarkbwhich we did00:47
jeblairgave shade lightning talk ^00:47
clarkbmordred: then how is it broken?00:47
clarkbI am really confused00:47
jeblairoh i hope no one just came in here because i told them how awesome oscc is :)00:47
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clarkbjeblair: well its currently broen00:47
mordredlook at that00:47
mordredwe have project_id for rackspace and project_name for hp00:48
clarkbmordred: I am not tlaking about clouds00:48
mordredbecause that's what those parameters need to be00:48
clarkbmordred: nodepool.yaml00:48
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clarkbalso we use name and id00:48
mordredthat's the ENTIRE REASON to move away from putting those things in that file00:48
clarkbso which is correct?00:48
mordredbecause the logic here is too hard to encode into nodepool.yaml00:48
mordredthis is pretty much 100% of the reason to stop putting things in there directly00:48
mordredand the reason we stopped00:48
clarkbI am more confused now than I was before00:49
clarkbif we are using both then what is correct?00:49
mordredwhat is correct is passing ids to id params and names to name params00:49
mordredfor hp, we have a project name00:49
mordredfor rax we have a project id00:49
mordredthat's what we get from the cloud vendor00:49
clarkbok so you are saying that nodepool is wrong00:49
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clarkbbecause nodepool needs to accept both00:49
clarkbnow I am less ocnfused because that is what I have been dsaying over and over ...00:50
clarkbnodepool is wrong00:50
mordredright. but fixing that is silly because people should just use clouds.yaml00:50
mordredi thought you were saying clouds.yaml is wrong00:50
mordrednodepool is doing the wrong thing00:50
clarkbno nodepool I don't care about clouds.yaml becaus ewe can't actually use it in devstack yet00:50
mordredwhy can't we use it in devstack yet?00:50
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mordredthere is already a clouds.yaml in devstack00:50
mordredwe can just use ut00:50
mordredwe use it in the shade functional tests00:51
mordredworks great00:51
clarkbbecause devstack is broekn00:51
clarkbdoesnt start services with correct homedir I think00:51
clarkband only sets clouds.yaml in the stack user homedur00:51
mordredwe fixed that in shade00:51
clarkbyou cannot just use it my change to do that failed00:51
mordredit just needs a file copy00:51
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clarkbmordred yes but shade isnt a devstack plugin00:51
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mordredyes it is00:52
mordredoh - no it isn't00:52
clarkbno it isnt...00:52
mordredwell, listen. I do not think adding project_name support to nodepool because devstack is broken is the right choice00:52
mordredI think that fixixng the devstack test is the right thing00:53
clarkbso I need to fix devstack whih us way harder than just copying a file00:53
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clarkbpartially because the devstack reviewers are all afk right now00:53
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mordredlisten - I'm not going to write or support adding project-name as an option to nodepool, because I think it's 100% the wrong thign to do and we should just be using clouds.yaml00:54
mordredI will not -2 it00:54
clarkbwe need a 3.0 nodepool release then00:54
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greghaynesclarkb: 3.0?00:54
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clarkbbecause nodepool cannot openstack that way anymore00:55
clarkbso should remoce the feature abd 3.000:55
mordredI'm fine with that00:55
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mordredbut ... sigh. fine. I'll add project-name00:56
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mordredto nodepool00:56
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clarkband we do need an oscc release before next nodepool restart to ve safe ya?00:57
clarkbotherwise id==name and we could break00:57
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mordredI would LOVE to know why this all of a sudden stopped working, btw00:58
clarkbme too00:58
clarkbmy guess is keystone change that was backported00:58
clarkbor client change that soans both!00:58
clarkber ?00:58
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add support for project-name parameter
mordredclarkb: ^^ check me on that01:00
clarkber nodepool may not have 2.0 release dunno why I thought it did but this is major change either way01:00
clarkbmordred update the devstack/ config too in order to test it works once oscc is hapoy01:01
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mordredclarkb: you know - we coudl just write a clouds.yaml in the devstack plugin01:02
mordredrather than caring about the one that devstack writes01:02
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clarkbwe'd have to make it global I think01:03
clarkbas determining the wrapper homedir may get hairy01:03
clarkband we may not have perms to read there once nodepool starts01:04
clarkbsuch fun01:04
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add support for project-name parameter
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clarkbmordred we might also cobsider an explicit flag to set clouds.yaml path for nodepool01:09
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clarkbpretty sure that isnt a thing yet but would be simple to do Ithink01:09
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mordredclarkb: yah. I could see that01:09
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mordredclarkb: occ supports passing in a path - so it should be simple from nodepool side01:09
asselin_mordred, that patch works in my setup01:10
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mordredasselin_: woot!01:10
mordredasselin_: that's great news01:10
mordredasselin_: (you un-patched keystoneclient, yeah?)01:10
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asselin_mordred, yes! it's much simpler. Yes, I had patched version fails with the nodepool change01:11
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asselin_so I will use this as the workaround until something else lands. thank you01:12
chen12ping Andreas Jaeger01:13
mordredclarkb, asselin_: ok, I fixed the unittests for it:
mordredShrews: ^^ if you have a sec01:14
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clarkbchen12 andreas is in europe so likely wont respond for another 6 hours or so01:14
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chen12clarkb, ok. thanks!01:14
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asselin_mordred, fyi, i'm not using os-client-config01:15
chen12clarkb,  what is his irc name ?01:15
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clarkbAJaeger is his irc nick01:16
chen12any core here ? Need review for
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chen12clarkb, thanks!01:16
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mordredasselin_: oh - wait - which patch were you talking about? the project-name patch?01:20
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asselin_mordred, yes, nodepool project-name patch works w/ everything else as released/merged (using my updated nodepool.yaml of course)01:22
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asselin_mordred, will set it up to run in a cleaner env now to be sure01:22
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Allow for passing in a clouds.yaml path
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add a doc section mentioning named clouds
mordredclarkb: ^^ there's a patch that adds support for passing in a clouds.yaml path - and an update to the devstack plugin to write a clouds.yaml and use it01:33
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mordredalso - fungi, clarkb, jeblair, jhesketh: fixes things for asselin_01:37
clarkbmordred 214407 plugin should pass that path as an arg when starting nodepool01:37
mordredclarkb: I added it to the nodepool.yaml01:38
clarkboh I see01:38
clarkbits config not arg01:38
mordredyah. I could do arg instead if you think that's better?01:38
clarkbnah that works01:38
clarkbthen its one config file command line arg01:38
clarkbdo we expect that change to work as is? or does oscc need to release too?01:39
jheskethmordred: will look01:39
* regXboi wanders back in :)01:39
mordredclarkb: I believe we'll need an oscc release01:40
* asselin_ goes to dinner01:40
shashank_hegdeHi… looks like devstack was broken if it was run on a server without setuptools. I have proposed a fix -
shashank_hegdeCan someone please take a look?01:40
asselin_thanks for your help. my system is upand running and will keep monitoring it01:40
jheskethmordred: lgtm01:41
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shashank_hegdesdague: I think the bug was exposed by 05aa3846a0402edc9cc49f4ba36f09592004b273. So I would appreciate it if you took a look at it01:43
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openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new contrail-neutron-plugin project
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openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new contrail-neutron-plugin project
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mordredshashank_hegde: and needs the requirements repo to exist in order to install setuptools?01:55
mordredoh - because of constraints01:56
mordredlgtm - I'm not devstack core though01:56
shashank_hegdemordred: yep. Earlier it was conditional01:56
shashank_hegdeAny idea if there are cores here? Quite a lot of CIs are broken because of this01:57
mordredshashank_hegde: well, dtroyer is on vacation still I think, sdague is at a conference and it's dinner time so is likey not online. same with jeblair01:58
mordredI'm not sure who else is core - but I think most of them are in a similar state01:58
clarkbI am about to push the fix01:58
mordredmtreinish is also at linuxcon and at dinner01:59
shashank_hegdeoh… Hopefully someone will look at it once they are free01:59
clarkbit is being looked at... I have the fix I need to push it02:00
shashank_hegdeclarkb: I have pushed a fix -
clarkboh ok02:01
mordredclarkb: 214399 passed CI02:02
mordredclarkb: so perhaps we do not need a new occ release02:02
clarkbshashank_hegde: I would actually move it up even further02:02
clarkbshashank_hegde: like in that way if install_prereqs grows pip_install it continues to work02:02
clarkbshashank_hegde: do you hvae an opinion between the two?02:02
clarkbshashank_hegde: basically we want to do that clone really early otherwise any pip_install use that sneaks in before will break02:03
shashank_hegdeclarkb: Yeah… I guess it makes sense02:03
clarkband unfortunately git cloning is one thing in devstack that is not tested in the gate02:03
clarkbso it helps to be defensive02:03
clarkbanyways I can abandon my change02:04
clarkbjgriffith: lifeless 214409 is the change with the fix02:04
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openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed openstack-infra/jeepyb: Refactor logging arguments into a common module
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Make NODEPOOL_CONFIG a dir
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Configure nodepool logging more like production
regXboiclarkb: ping - do you know who has the care and feeding of gate-rally-dsvm-neutron-neutron?02:08
clarkbregXboi: I think neutron does?02:08
mordredclarkb: ^^ I rebased those on top of the clouds.yaml change beause it was all in teh same place and conflicting02:08
clarkbwe only add the rally jobs to projects that want them iirc02:08
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regXboiclarkb: I meant did you have an IRC handle I can go heckle :)02:08
clarkbregXboi: #openstack-neutron?02:08
lifelessclarkb: cool, thanks02:08
clarkbregXboi: I am saying that the project is responsible as far as I know02:09
clarkbregXboi: I think the rally tests go in the project too even02:09
regXboiclarkb: ok - I think I may go heckle mestery for names for these jobs02:09
mordredand with that - I will go dinner02:09
clarkbregXboi: see
clarkbmaybe do some git blaming in there to get names?02:09
regXboiclarkb: ack02:09
boris-42regXboi: I can help you02:10
boris-42regXboi: what is the question?02:10
shashank_hegdeclarkb: Pushed a new patch02:10
clarkbshashank_hegde: looking02:10
regXboiboris-42: I happened to notice that the neutron rally job appears to be going off to insanity and was asking who I could talk to about it - I got a reply in -neutron about a merged patch that may help02:11
clarkbshashank_hegde: of course watch I will be wrong and install_prereqs installs git :P02:11
clarkbshashank_hegde: if that is the case I beg forgiveness02:11
regXboiboris-42: so I'll let it cook and then play the git blame game02:11
clarkbshashank_hegde: oh wait no you git clone devstack therefore it must be assumed to be already installed02:11
regXboiboris-42: if need be :)02:11
boris-42regXboi: soo sometimes things are merged02:11
boris-42regXboi: that breaks concurrency02:11
boris-42regXboi: so I can help you with running locally it02:12
regXboiboris-42: thankx, but I'm not looking to run it locally (*yet*)02:12
shashank_hegdeclarkb: :)02:13
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boris-42regXboi: ;)))02:20
boris-42regXboi: so if you need help about running something specific in gates you can ping me as well =)02:20
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jlvillalIf the Ironic gate was blocked by a Neutron issue. How long after the patch to fix it is merged will the Ironic gate pick up the change?02:27
* jlvillal hopes he is understandable02:27
jlvillalPatch is to the neutron project.02:28
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jlvillalregXboi, Are you getting postgres errors? Just curious as that is our broken gate issue in Ironic with regards to neutron.02:29
clarkbas soon as its in gate for the gate and as soon as it merges for everywhere else02:29
jlvillalclarkb, How long is "its in the gate for the gate"?  That confused me on what it means.02:30
jlvillalclarkb, We have a broken gate job for Ironic. Hoping that a patch that just got merged into neutron will fix it. I did a recheck about 5 minutes after it got merged, but gate still failed.02:31
jlvillalUnsure if the patch didn't work, or if it takes time to propogate out.02:31
jlvillalJust wondering how patient I should be :)02:32
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openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new contrail-neutron-plugin project
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openstackgerritAbhishek Raut proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: [Do not merge]: Test patch to debug rally jobs
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regXboijlvillal: I haven't dug into the error mode of that job - there are others in channel chasing it - I'm chasing a different error mode with a particular patch set02:37
jlvillalregXboi, Okay.  Thanks02:37
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openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new contrail-neutron-plugin project
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BharatKianw, ping04:20
ianwBharatK: hey04:21
BharatKianw, Regarding the patch
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BharatKianw, I understood that neutron is required in job name.04:21
BharatKianw, But I can see few job names without 'neutron', even though Neutron enabled.04:22
ianwBharatK: yeah, i believe you :)04:23
ianwBharatK: i think let's just sync with AJaeger because i'm not 100% sure what the policy is we want to keep around this04:23
BharatKianw, Please let me know, if 'neutron' really required. I will rename the jobs.04:23
ianwi don't much care, as long as we try to be consistent04:23
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BharatKianw, Thanks.04:24
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-user: Add Gemfile and puppet 4 checks
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-storyboard: Add Gemfile and puppet 4 checks
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openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new networking-contrail project
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openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new networking-contrail project
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openstackgerritNeil Jerram proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix typo in ACL config for networking-calico
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
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openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new networking-contrail project
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openstackgerritRyu Ishimoto proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Set DEVSTACK_GATE_SETTINGS for midonet gate job
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openstackgerritRyu Ishimoto proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Set DEVSTACK_GATE_SETTINGS for midonet gate job
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Reduce openstack-ansible commit check timeout
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openstackgerritQiming Teng proposed openstack/requirements: Bump oslo.db to version 2.4
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Allow zuul status.json to be paramerized
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openstackgerritFabien Boucher proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
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openstackgerritFatih Degirmenci proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Validate and set compare types in gerrit trigger
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openstackgerritFabien Boucher proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jenkins: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
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openstackgerritAnton Arefiev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add job to test Add Cinder API with Apache
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openstackgerritPaul Michali proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create experimental jobs for VPN DevStack plugin
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openstackgerritMatthias Runge proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Switch Django-1.8 test to voting
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add an API endpoint for Worklists
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add tables for Worklists and Boards
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add an API endpoint for Worklists
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add tables for Worklists and Boards
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Update DELOREAN_URL to one from 2015-08-19
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Pin puppet-neutron before Liberty config changes
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid: OIDC - OpenId Connect Implementation
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: [WIP] Remove heat pin
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openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack/requirements: Fix update requirements mixed case in extras
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annegentlettx: ping re: how to set up process around service catalog13:14
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openstackgerritAnne Gentle proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Proposal to move the OpenStack cross-project meeting to 1800 Tues.
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yolandahi pabelanger, i was just looking at some of your changes...13:42
yolandahow did you make to apache and httpd co-exist together?13:42
yolandait was just "if defined(apache) do this ... " ?13:42
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pabelangerfor example13:43
pabelangerthat code actually needs to be removed13:43
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yolandai'm having same use case downtream13:43
openstackgerritwill soula proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add Ability to use the AWS Cloudformation Plugin
pabelangerYa, going to remove that code now, since we merged everything in system-config13:44
yolandayes, i'm still on that effort downstream13:44
yolandaseveral modules still using old apache13:44
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Remove logic to check for puppetlabs-apache
yolandaah, good to have acted as a reminder :)13:47
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openstackgerritSean M. Collins proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make the Linux Bridge CI voting on Kilo+
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openstackgerritSean M. Collins proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make the Linux Bridge CI voting on Kilo+
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-meetbot: Remove logic to check for puppetlabs-apache
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ttxfungi, jeblair: we discussed adding the ability for everyone to set topics in Gerrit changes (so that I can apply a topic to a class of governance changes)14:01
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ttxDid we push that already ?14:01
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cburroughsI may be misreading  Can I define some anchor defaults in defaults.yaml and then reference them in foo.yaml?14:02
clarkbttx I believe anyone can do it but that may be my accounts special powers confusing me14:03
jeblairttx: i think we may have forgotten about that14:03
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ttxclarkb: it's your superpowers14:03
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ttxjeblair: are you pushing it ?14:03
cburroughsOr are anchors only bound to a single file just like 'normal' yaml?14:03
clarkbcburroughs yes the yaml is all smashed together and filenames have no signifigance14:04
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jeblairttx: yep, working on it now14:04
ttxjeblair: or should I (Friday probably)14:04
ttxok cool14:04
jeblairthis way i don't forget14:04
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pabelangerAny infra cores not at the ops summit this week? Wouldn't mind some help to land fedora22 dib patches14:05
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cburroughsclarkb, Maybe I have an embarassing indentation error or something?  works at the top of foo.yaml but jenkins-jobs test defaults.yaml:foo.yaml fails with yaml.composer.ComposerError: found undefined alias 'ops_wrapper_defaults'14:05
clarkbcburroughs at least that is how we attempt to make jjb work,if you have a counter example please share it14:05
StevenKpabelanger: Against dib itself? Then you don't need infra cores, you need tripleo cores.14:05
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fungittx: jeblair clarkb: yeah, i think we had decided to just set it in the all-projects acl and add it to the documented acl in our system-config docs, but i don't recall getting around to it. sorry!14:08
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Allow registered users to edit topics
jeblairfungi: oh look, a round tuit! ^14:08
jeblairi have not executed that (except on -dev).14:09
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jeblair(which was mostly to look up the acl verb)14:09
clarkbcburroughs maybe the behavior is different when loading a dir instead of specific files?14:09
pabelangerStevenK: this is to launch jenkins fedora 22 nodes and build the actual fedora dibs14:09
openstackgerritRoman Prykhodchenko proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run Python jobs for python-fuelclient
pabelangersystem-config / project-config14:10
StevenKpabelanger: Ah, right, carry on then14:10
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clarkbcburroughs jjb definitely tries to make the equivalent of one large yaml doc though so I believe this should work but the jjb docs say something funny about how you can use the same name14:10
pabelangerStevenK: Did you ever finish up the packaging spec work left over from the last summit?14:10
clarkbits possible that we have "scoped" anchor expansion poorly14:10
pabelangerAlso, here are the 2 reviews I'm looking to land for fedora 22: and for people playing at home14:11
StevenKpabelanger: It still has a few -1s on it, I have yet to capture mordred's attention enough for him to relook at it14:11
pabelangerStevenK: Ya, was going to bring it up again in the next week or so, see if we can rejump start it14:12
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clarkbpabelanger should be left as is14:13
clarkbsince nodepool/scripts build snapshot images based on what clouds provide us. or at least the comment should not change14:14
cburroughsclarkb, I tried to take the example from the docs and split it over two files:
pabelangerclarkb: sounds good, reverting now14:14
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openstackgerritRyan Moats proposed openstack-infra/project-config: make gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-multinode-* jobs voting
svashekahi guys14:16
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use restorecon over chcon for unbound selinux
svashekaneed some help with devstack gate14:16
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use dnf download to cache packages
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pabelangerI sometime wish that zuul could auto rebase, if possible, and upload patchsets into gerrit. That would be cool14:18
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pabelangerrather then me :)14:19
StevenKpabelanger: There is a Rebase change button14:19
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openstackgerritRyan Moats proposed openstack-infra/project-config: make gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-multinode-* jobs voting
StevenKBut that only works for conflictless, I think.14:20
pabelangercrap, I keep forgetting about it14:20
pabelangerwill have to try next time14:20
fungipabelanger: looking to write an artificial intelligence engine? it only flags them as needing rebase if there's a merge conflict or if you modify a parent change14:20
AJaegerpabelanger, why are you rebasing at all?14:20
pabelangerAJaeger: mostly because I dislike looking at [OUTDATED] patchs in gerrit14:21
pabelangerno other reason14:21
fungipabelanger: the parent change situation might be automatable (though arguably if you modify a change in the middle of a series you would be better off doing so via rebase -i)14:21
AJaegerpabelanger, looking at I don't understand why you rebased at all - you even lost some votes that way...14:21
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pabelangerAJaeger: Ya, I guess I should live with the outdated flag that gerrit prints, and deal with rebase only when jenkins does a -114:23
AJaegerpabelanger, where does it print outdated?14:23
fungiAJaeger: in the dependencies table of the webui14:24
pabelangerAJaeger: In patch A -> B series, the web will display [OUTDATED] for B.  When you ammend A14:24
pabelangerI usually rebase, simply to remove the [OUTDATED] flag from the webui14:25
AJaegerfungi, pabelanger: Yes, that's right for those cases...14:25
AJaegerpabelanger, so, in this case you could have jsut rebased the second change on top of the first one instead of both...14:25
openstackgerritRoman Prykhodchenko proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run Python jobs for python-fuelclient
cburroughsclarkb, thanks for your help!/story/2000338 created14:25
AJaegerBut no real problem...14:25
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pabelangerYa, nothing more them just me complaining14:26
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fungipabelanger: anyway, if it's your patch, updating a commit in the middle of the series is cleaner if you rebase -i starting from the parent of the change you want to modify and then set that one to edit, make your adjustment, and rebase --continue, then re-review the series14:26
pabelangerfungi: ya, going to try that next time14:26
fungithat way you don't end up with outdated child changes14:26
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clarkbsvasheka what do you need to know about devstack gate?14:27
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Fix typo in ACL config for networking-calico
clarkbjeblair you are driving? I suppose thats likely your only option :(14:28
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svashekaclarkb, I need to make adjustments, so it would copy artefacts after horizon integration tests14:32
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svashekaclarkb, And I don't know yet where and how14:32
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clarkbsvasheka is where we do the base artifact collection. if it makes sense to have those artifacts on every devstack run you can add your items there14:35
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austin81has anyone tried to build their own nodepool images lately and run into unbound variable issues? specifically CIRROS_VERSION in my case, keeps erroring out14:35
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svashekaclarkb, Thanks!14:35
clarkbif not you likely want to have your job(s) copy to the appropriate location after d-g runs14:35
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svashekaclarkb, It's horizon integration tests fail screenshots14:36
clarkbsvasheka so probably only useful for the horizon tests I would copy them in the job to the logs dir so they get copied14:36
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AJaegerclarkb, regarding neutron reviews: Should we add all three folks to reviews? Or wait until they find it?14:36
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clarkbAJaeger I wasnt planning on adding them, was hoping neutron side would add them since this mostly comes from them14:37
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clarkbbut doesnt hurt to add them if you see reviews that need their input14:37
svashekaclarkb, is it should be done same place?14:38
AJaegerclarkb, ok.14:38
svashekaclarkb, I mean is there a way to do this only for horizon tests some place else ?14:38
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pabelangeraustin81: not here. Just did image updates yesterday14:41
clarkbsvasheka it should be done in the jenkins job instead
fungiaustin81: fedora by any chance?14:42
svashekaclarkb, thanks alot14:42
fungiaustin81: oh, i misread. when you said unbound variable issues my mind immediately jumped to recent proposed patches to fix selinux settings on fedora for the "unbound" dns resolver daemon14:43
fungiaustin81: we publish all our image build logs at if you need to compare notes14:44
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therveDoes anyone can help me with logstash? I can't seem to be able to find logs anymore14:44
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austin81fungi: Runnuing on ubuntu. Thanks for the link! Debugging is a little trickier when the exit trap deletes all of its tmp dirs haha14:45
clarkbtherve can you be more specific than that? what log specifically?14:45
therveclarkb, Sure. Trying to find failures like for example14:46
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therveI used to be able to do message:"stuff in console.html"14:47
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clarkbtherve that specific job is likely not indexed yet due to the backlog still in place after a cluster node failed and was recovered14:47
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AJaegerclarkb, fungi, jeblair, do we have any guideline on naming of jobs? Ianw asked in whether the dsvm jobs should include "neutron" in it.14:48
therveclarkb, Ah, that's interesting information. How much log is there?14:48
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clarkbyou should be able to still search like that but there is a fairly large delay right now I think14:48
annegentlefungi: waahh, how'd i miss the conflict with keystone meeting? I specifically looked at the calendar :(14:48
clarkbtherve you can check logstash for the most recent console.html content to get a rough idea14:48
therveclarkb, I've noticed that logs are now all html now too. Isn't that an issue for indexing?14:49
odyssey4mewe've been struggling for two weeks with getting merges into our master branch which are consistently failing gate checks whenever the build executes on hpcloud14:49
annegentlefungi: oh, I see. I meant to propose 1700, will revise14:49
odyssey4meonly on hpcloud - rax nodes build just fine14:50
clarkbtherve the log server also serves plain text, that is what we index14:50
odyssey4mealso, we're seeing very slow build execution on hpcloud nodes14:50
therveclarkb, eyJzZWFyY2giOiJmaWxlbmFtZTpcImxvZ3Mvc2NyZWVuLXMtYWNjb3VudC50eHRcIiIsImZpZWxkcyI6W10sIm9mZnNldCI6MCwidGltZWZyYW1lIjoiOTAwIiwiZ3JhcGhtb2RlIjoiY291bnQiLCJ0aW1lIjp7InVzZXJfaW50ZXJ2YWwiOjB9LCJtb2RlIjoiIiwiYW5hbHl6ZV9maWVsZCI6IiIsInN0YW1wIjoxNDM5OTk1ODI4MTYzfQ shows some weird html to me14:50
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clarkbtherve by default depends on what your http client reports as acceptable but you can force it to plaintext14:50
therveFor example14:50
clarkbtherve that is just a random string to me I think you need to minify the url14:51
therveAh sorry14:51
odyssey4meI need some help getting to the bottom of this - oddly enough it's only happening with liberty code. kilo/juno builds are fine - so I'm betting that there's an image/package difference somewhere that's causing it. Any thoughts?14:51
therveclarkb, I searched for filename:"logs/screen-s-account.txt"14:51
clarkbodyssey4me hpcloud is slower generally yes14:51
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odyssey4meclarkb ok, so that's known - the slowness is so bad sometimes that our builds time out after two hours... in rax they complete in 70 mins14:54
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clarkbodyssey4me: do the hpcloud nodes fail in the same way each time?14:54
clarkbodyssey4me: if I hda to guess the hpcloud slowness is actually network IO problems since all that container stuff doesn't make use of any of the caching we have done for you14:55
odyssey4meclarkb so I'd like to work on improving our use of any of the caching mechanisms - it would help reduce our build time14:55
clarkbtherve: hrm14:55
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clarkbodyssey4me: git repos are all in /opt/git and in theory we have debs/rpms in the package manager appropriate cache location on the host14:56
clarkb(rpms don't currently get cached on dib built nodes but should on snaphost built images iirc)14:56
clarkbtherve: I think we may have broken the plaintext selectability14:56
odyssey4meclarkb and yes, the failure is one of two things: 1) it runs forever until build timeout, or 2) it fails tempest scenario checks in a way that seems to possibly relate to cinder, but it's not certain exactly14:56
clarkbjhesketh: ^ side effect of the recent sreve these things as http change maybe?14:56
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clarkbodyssey4me: ok so first step is likely make use of git cache in /opt/git and make use of host package cache and see if we can stop the job timeouts14:57
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therveclarkb, Ah. At least that would mean I'm not insane.14:57
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odyssey4meclarkb can you point me to an example of something that uses those?14:58
clarkbodyssey4me: devstack-gate14:58
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clarkbtherve: confirmed a raw wget returns html when it should return plaintext14:59
clarkbodyssey4me: but then apt/yum automagically use the cache as is so I think for containers you likely want to bind mount it in14:59
clarkbodyssey4me: /var/cache/apt on ubuntu15:00
clarkbodyssey4me: is the location where we grab the git cache repo then update it15:00
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move experimental scenario gate jobs for Sahara to non-voting check
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make Sahara scenario jobs voting
clarkbtherve: so I would expect logstash to be a bit wonky until that is fixed, sorry15:02
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odyssey4methanks clarkb let me look into consuming the caching15:03
odyssey4meclarkb with regards to the images - are they uniform?15:03
odyssey4meie are they the same across both clouds and all regions within the cloud?15:04
clarkbodyssey4me: mostly, some are built using snapshots and some are built using disk image builder so there is some variance15:04
clarkbodyssey4me: but the key bits of package cache and git cache should all be there15:04
clarkbwe also cache the cirros image for devstack if that is useful to you15:05
timrccrinkle, Hi.  So got me thinking.  I feel like cgit::selinux assumes that selinux is permissive or enabled but doesn't take into account systems in which it's been disabled (who would ever do that!?) -- I do not believe semanage or any other selinux command needs to be executed if the policy has been Disabled.  Do you agree?15:05
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: jenkins: add copy-puppet-logs publish  to integration job
timrcThis change would probably go in cgit::init to check the policy state.15:05
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clarkbtherve: ya even passing ?content-type=text/plain returns html so definitely a bug in the log server wsgi app15:06
odyssey4meclarkb by image consistency I mean the devstack-trusty image specifically, which is what we use15:07
odyssey4meand yes, the cirros image would be handy too for the tempest run15:07
clarkbodyssey4me: yes on rackspace its snapshot built and on hpcloud its disk image builder built15:07
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odyssey4meah ok, I understand15:07
clarkbodyssey4me: but the apt cache should exist on both and the git cache should exist on both15:07
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Run Python jobs for python-fuelclient
clarkbodyssey4me: I think the cirros image cache is in ~jenkins/cache/files15:09
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odyssey4meclarkb sure, but the speed of the builds is a secondary concern for me right now - the main concern is to figure out what's causing minimum_basic_scenario to fail only in hpcloud and only in liberty code from liberty-2 onwards15:10
clarkbodyssey4me: ya a little below the git cache rsync stuff it checks for ~/cache/files and the current user there should be jenkins15:10
clarkbodyssey4me: I think the speed of the builds is the fail15:10
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clarkbat least I think it is a performance problem so make performance better than double check15:10
fungiodyssey4me: you might consider testing the ubuntu-trusty image instead of devstack-trusty, which is dib-built in all our providers15:11
clarkbalso its hard to debug one fail if another keeps hitting you (the timeout)15:11
odyssey4meclarkb yeah, I'm thinking that perhaps a reduction in threads, etc may help - let's try that avenue15:11
clarkbso fix issue with a known fix15:11
clarkbthen move on15:11
odyssey4mefungi it may be worth a try to add that as a non-voting job to try it out - let me get on that then work with the team to try the various angles suggested - thanks guys15:12
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fungiodyssey4me: if nothing else, it will rule out the image differences and put it squarely in the realm of provider/flavor differences15:13
odyssey4mefungi yep, that's why I like the idea15:13
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claudiubfungi: hi. can you link to some procedure / steps that we have to take for the rename from stackforge to openstack?15:14
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openstackgerritTimothy R. Chavez proposed openstack-infra/puppet-cgit: Manage selinux policy for cgit
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fungiclaudiub: outlines our plan. we're going to create a wiki page for projects to register their interest, and send a follow-up announcement once we've done that15:21
timrcOh interesting.. maybe my change does apply here...15:21
claudiubfungi: cool, looking forward for that. :) reading15:21
timrcit seems like we only manage selinux policy mode for load balancer...15:21
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openstackgerritTimothy R. Chavez proposed openstack-infra/puppet-cgit: Manage selinux policy for cgit
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openstackgerritTimothy R. Chavez proposed openstack-infra/puppet-cgit: Manage selinux policy for cgit
timrcWow I suck at puppet.15:24
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timrcclarkb, pleia2 Really should have interviewed me a bit better :) Jeez15:24
mordredtimrc: I just type random strings of characters until one of them is valid puppet syntax15:24
timrcmordred, Hah.15:25
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yolandai just need at leat 5 iterations to make puppet lint and syntax pass :)15:25
openstackgerritTimothy R. Chavez proposed openstack-infra/puppet-cgit: Manage selinux policy for cgit
timrcThere we go... I think maybe I should listen to puppet-lint when it complains in my vim.15:26
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mordredyolanda: my _real_ method is to write bad puppet then show it to nibalizer so he gets unhappy and fixes it for me :)15:28
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fungitimrc: or run tox locally before submitting for review15:28
crinkletimrc: o/15:29
yolandamordred,i can try do the same here :)15:29
fungiwriting ugly software is the easiest way to take advantage of perfectionists15:30
timrcmordred, NaaS? Nice.15:30
timrcfungi, Another fine strategy.15:30
yolandai just can't make arrows aligned on first step, i need to fail at least one or i'm not happy :)15:31
therveclarkb, Anything I can do to help fix that issue?15:31
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added ACL for ironic-webclient
clarkbtherve need to patch os-loganalyze to not enforce html so strictly15:32
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clarkbI can do it once this baby is fed15:32
openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed openstack-infra/groups: Refactor bleed margins of bootstrap theme
timrcmordred, Maybe you can put clarkb's kids to work writing your puppet code for you?15:33
mordredtimrc: they'd do a great job I'm sure15:33
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fungiclarkb: did you delete those large db dumps jeblair mentioned you had on etherpad.o.o? this morning's backup completed in a mere 3 hours15:33
therveclarkb, I'll have a look :)15:33
fungias opposed to trying to run all day15:33
clarkbtherve look for where should_be_html is called we check it too late so a few lines above need changing15:34
clarkbfungi I did not15:34
fungihrm. something sure did speed it up15:34
clarkbI think we arent swapping anymore so its faster15:34
fungioh, could have been backups fighting runaway abiword yesterday15:35
fungiduelling banjos15:35
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nibalizermordred: lol15:37
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nibalizermordred: its working for now but it's not sustainable15:37
timrcnibalizer, Are you suggesting mordred take a break? JK ;)15:38
funginibalizer: we just need to multi-thread you15:38
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pabelangerhow I picture mordred writting puppet:
fungifor better scalability15:38
therveclarkb, looks suspicious15:39
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timrcpabelanger, That is almost perfect.  It just needs an empty glass on the desk.15:39
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yolandapabelanger ++15:44
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thiagopgate problems?15:47
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openstackgerritAnne Gentle proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Proposal to move the OpenStack cross-project meeting to 1700 Tues.
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fungithiagop: care to elaborate? looks like it's churning through changes like mad15:54
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Remove grup
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thiagopjust asking if the gate is slow by any known problem fungi15:55
fungithiagop: lgtm15:55
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mordredpabelanger: hahahaha15:56
thiagopfungi: I was seeing some jobs that had finished working already and didn't get removed, but now seems fine indeed15:58
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: [WIP] Remove heat pin
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odyssey4meclarkb to have a non-voting job, do I just add a {branch-designator} to the job name with '-nv' as the value?16:08
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Only provide html if client supports it
clarkbtherve: ^ I think that should fix it16:09
clarkbodyssey4me: yes we have a blanket rule that any job matching that is non voting in zuul16:09
therveclarkb, Sounds good indeed.16:10
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odyssey4meclarkb thanks16:11
clarkbgreghaynes: hrm adding deboostrap as documented to the devstack plugin didn't work will have to do more digging16:11
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SpamapSgreghaynes: remind me what the one thing you're going to do next is for infra-cloud. baremetal00 ?16:24
greghaynesSpamapS: bifrost supporting vlan config drive16:24
SpamapSgreghaynes: ok. Can I take all 4 boxes enrolled in baremetal01 and wipe them out, or are you using some of them?16:25
greghaynesSpamapS: take them all16:25
SpamapSgreghaynes: ok. :)16:26
TheJuliagreghaynes: do you need me to do something with that, or are going to write the magical module to create the dict.16:26
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SpamapSThe Magical Modules is my new band.16:27
greghaynesTheJulia: hrm, I was going to just hack on the jinja for now, I thought the module thing is a nice future enhancement16:27
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greghaynesTheJulia: I dont think there is any technical reason it needs to be switched off jinja for that right?16:27
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greghaynesTheJulia: Were in "charge ahead and boot the cloud mode", so if thats too hacky to merge you think I wont be offended, we can keep a patch around for now16:28
TheJuliano, not really, if you just want to stub it in for now, I could go back and re-factor the jinja to python16:28
SpamapSfamous last words16:29
greghaynesyea :/16:29
jesusaurusclarkb: does that address the issue where we have a bunch of processed html indexed into es?16:29
TheJuliayeah, I'd prefer you guys not carry a patch like that for any period of time16:29
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clarkbjesusaurus ya16:30
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TheJuliabut propose what works for you upstream and we can then see where it goes from there16:30
greghaynesTheJulia: ok. SGTM16:30
jesusaurussweet, ive been meaning to find the time to look into that16:30
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add ubuntu-trusty node to os-ansible-deployment
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odyssey4meclarkb ^ is to try out fungi's suggestion16:33
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fungiit's possible the parameter function which matches jobs with "dsvm" in the name may override that16:35
fungipeeking now to see16:35
odyssey4mefungi ubuntu-trusty appears not to be used in very many places - I take it this is a new thing?16:37
SpamapS2015-08-19 16:37:49.494 4519 ERROR ironic.drivers.modules.ipmitool [-] IPMI power off timed out after 6 retries on node 49d5d5ba-a249-4d65-8bb0-749765a3a5bb.16:38
odyssey4mefungi clarkb also, this would help us to keep things moving:
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fungiodyssey4me: yeah, the ubuntu-trusty image is a minimal dib image. so far we've worked out jobs that can run devstack-gate and nova unit tests on it. the plan is to migrate things using bare-trusty and devstack-trusty onto ubuntu-trusty and then retire the first two16:39
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mordredShrews, clarkb, fungi: I'm going to tag an os-client-config release. I do not expect it to break the gate like last time16:40
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odyssey4mefungi ah - we're happy with a very minimal image... we've had to implement package removals and iptables changes in our builds when using the devstack image, otherwise stuff breaks :p16:40
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* fungi has to run and babysit carpet cleaners at the old rental. will be back on from wireless modem in the car fairly soon16:40
fungimordred: sounds great16:40
Shrewsmordred: there were concerns16:40
clarkbthe iptables rules are still there16:40
mordredShrews: there were?16:41
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clarkband package removals doesnt compute but ok16:41
clarkb(the package list is already fairly small)16:41
Shrewsmordred: oh, terry tested it. nm16:41
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odyssey4meclarkb things may have changed, but there were mysql libraries there which conflict with the mariadb libraries we use16:41
fungii think we still need a change merged to stop installing cloud-utils since it indirectly drags in python-requests distro package16:42
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clarkbodyssey4me shouldnt be on devstack nodea16:42
fungibut i believe that's in dib's simple-init element right now16:42
odyssey4mewe have plans to split the monolithic all-in-one into a multi-node gate check, but haven't had enough time to figure that one out16:42
* fungi will bbiab16:42
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clarkbwe let devstack install db libs16:42
anteayafungi: happy babysitting16:43
timrccrinkle, Okay I looked at this downstream and I think I have a good idea of how to move forward.  I'll try to get patches out soon-ish.16:43
odyssey4meclarkb the same build script is used for local builds in test vm's etc, so we leave the package removals - happy to know that we're getting bare images :)16:43
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clarkbalso I didnt realize ubuntu trusty had mariadb packages16:44
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crinkletimrc: neato16:45
odyssey4meclarkb we add the repo :)16:45
clarkbmaybe we can switch to it across the board to simplify at some point (mordred probably hates this idea)16:45
* mordred doesn't care at all16:45
clarkbah ok thats another thibg you shouldnt do for reliability reasosn but its your job16:45
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odyssey4meclarkb but perhaps we should spend a little time discussing how we could do things better - some fresh eyes would help16:46
odyssey4mebut I owe you some work anyway on the ELK stack :p16:46
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clarkbthe simple thing is used the cached mysql packages16:46
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greghaynesSpamapS: In here might be better - so what you could do is deploy to all of them, see which ones fail, then remove those from inventory16:47
odyssey4meclarkb so to query fungi's comment in - do we even need dsvm in the name ?16:47
odyssey4meas far as I recall, that was only a requirement when using the devstack vm16:48
clarkbI would have to look and see how we did the other ubuntu-trusty tests but I belice you dont because that16:48
SpamapSgreghaynes: Yeah that was the plan. I kind of thought we already had a handle on that.16:48
SpamapSgreghaynes: I'm tempted to scrape the ilo version using SSH first. 1.20 is really, really old and IIRC, is just known to fail.16:49
greghaynesSpamapS: I deployed all of them, some did fail, I didnt really take note. I was mostly just spinning on getting a single node working how we wanted since then16:49
mordredSpamapS, greghaynes: did we ever get anywhere with hardware remediations? or is that what we're working on now?16:49
SpamapSwhat I hate is you have to go into the web interface to reset the ilo :-P16:49
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SpamapSmordred: nope. They're freaked out because their hardware inventory in (whatever they call Holly now) is all wrong.16:49
clarkbin my experience tge only way to use hp ilo is via .net web thing16:50
mordredSpamapS: oh! excellent16:50
clarkbin IE16:50
SpamapSclarkb: the SSH is fine. until its not. ;)16:50
greghaynesSpamapS: We havent asked them for anything, no. The fear was if we ask them to replace all the NICs or similar then we kind of have to expect to be out of work for a while during then16:50
mordredSpamapS: are they working with you to get their inventory fixed?16:50
SpamapSclarkb: and they actually fixed it for Firefox ~2012-ish16:50
clarkbah so right when I stopped needing it :)16:50
SpamapSclarkb: so if you have a 2012 or later ilo firmware, it works perfectly in Firefox.16:50
SpamapSmordred: no16:51
mordredSpamapS: yay!16:51
mordredSpamapS: they just freaked out and ran away? :)16:51
SpamapSmordred: they mostly went  /o\  thats wrong. and then o_O we have to fix it.16:51
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SpamapSgreghaynes: did we ever end up backing up /home/shared somewhere?16:53
* SpamapS backs it up now regardless of the answer16:53
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greghaynesSpamapS: I have been pulling the bits of it that are useful onto the new bastion, and I think I got all the stuff we actually want in the ubuntu homedir. ++ on doing a tar up of it too though16:54
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Reduce openstack-ansible commit check timeout
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add MultiJob Project Documentation.
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odyssey4meclarkb ok, so I've inspected zuul/ and see the workarounds for puppet, kolla, etc - I'm just finding myself wondering why have those workaround when not using dsvm in the name would have the same effect (it seems to me) of trusting the job's specification of a node... does the dsvm moniker do some other magic too?16:57
odyssey4mefungi ^16:57
clarkbbecause of branches16:57
clarkbwe test old branches on older releases16:57
odyssey4meok, so best to just follow the pattern16:57
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odyssey4mecool, will do that then16:58
clarkbonce juno is gone that all gets massively simpler16:58
odyssey4mehaha, yes - our lives simplify too :16:58
clarkbmay need simplification now even but ya branches16:58
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odyssey4meclarkb I take it that the {name} macro won't translate into openstack_functions? ie do I have to change the job name in jenkins/jobs/projects and the macro too?17:00
clarkbyou can pass it into the macro if it accepts {name}17:01
clarkbthe run tox macro should have examples since it takes an envlist17:01
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odyssey4melet me take a crack at this and we'll see whether I get it right17:02
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Validate and set compare types in gerrit trigger
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dougwighi infra, is etherpad angry again?17:08
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add ubuntu-trusty node to os-ansible-deployment
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odyssey4meclarkb better?
fifieldtjust dropped 40 people at an inopportune time :|17:09
fifieldtis the nightly backup running again? :)17:10
jeblairfifieldt: i'll check17:10
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jeblairfifieldt: what's the curret pad?17:10
fifieldtappreciated :D17:10
clarkbfwiw yesterday I had no disconnwcts17:11
clarkbjust occasional slowness17:11
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clarkb(once jeblair clued is ibto the etherpads in use)17:11
anteayaclarkb: I wonder if someone's browser type/version was doing something strange when connected17:11
jeblairi don't see either a runaway tar or abiword, and node is using a large but not excessive amount of ram.  so i think we're still at the state we were yesterday afternoon17:12
anteayaas ops meetup had problems certainly all of yesterday morning17:12
clarkbanteaya the morning issues were coreected17:12
jeblairlooks like it's
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: jenkins/puppet: add missing builders to integration job
anteayawe discovered once that HenryG had a browser plugin that added extra empty lines to any open etherpad17:13
anteayaclarkb: yes when the download was stopped17:13
anteayajust wondering why the ops are having such a hard time with it17:13
anteayaspeculating as it were17:13
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Trigger image uploads using gearman
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openstackgerritwill soula proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add Ability to use the AWS Cloudformation Plugin
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* HenryG winces17:18
fifieldtFWIW, I checked with the network guy here and they weren't doing any interestingness with connections17:18
jeblairclarkb: can you load up to be an offsite canary?17:18
jeblairclarkb: also, may want to read it :)17:19
sdake_fungi when will the next batch of atc passes hit?17:19
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fungisdake_: since i just sent some a week ago, wasn't planning to do more until early next week17:19
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sdake_cool thanks :)17:19
jeblairpeople seem to like linuxbridge over ovs17:19
sdake_jeblair i hear that all the time as well17:19
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fungisdake_: have some _very_ (since last tuesday) recent additions?17:20
sdake_thatis why with kolla we implemented it first17:20
sdake_fungi we got a cat named xiabing or something17:20
sdake_not sure if he is an atc17:20
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sdake_that may not be his nam e:)17:20
* jeblair is really excited about feline atcs17:21
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* fungi wonders if feline contributors write more or less deterministic puppet than mordred17:21
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* fungi has seen some fairly elaborate typing work by his cats over the years17:22
jeblairmordred's cat has thumbs.17:22
fungia maine coon i guess17:22
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jeblairi don't know if that helps with typing, but it's probably really good with those 5 button mice.17:23
fungibiggest downside so far to living on island time. contractors *never* show up when they say they will, nor even call to let you know they're running late17:23
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jeblairfungi: oh, do you have plywood for your windows?17:24
fungijeblair: thankfully, no, just waiting for carpet cleaners to come do a pass on the old rental before i drop off the keys17:25
sdake_my cats that have passed one had thumbs17:25
sdake_he was dumb, but his name was "Einstein"17:25
sdake_my other cat was brilliant, his name was Euclid :)17:25
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fungican haz gridded coordinate system17:26
AJaeger_clarkb, do we still need - or do you want to abandon it?17:26
jeblairfungi: ah, though i was actually randomly wondering if you had plywood on hand for the new place in case of hurricane, or if that was ....17:26
clarkbit can be abandoned will do17:26
jeblairi think we just had a reconnect event17:26
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jeblairlog looks like lots of pads were affected17:27
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fungijeblair: storm shutters17:27
clarkbjeblair sorry I have been unable to get laptop to keep a canary connection open17:27
jeblairbut the one on the main screen (ops deployment) did reconnect17:27
jeblairfungi: ah even better17:28
fungithe etherpad process doesn't seem to have crashed out17:28
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fungisince i'm bouncing around between computers, no current pad open from my netbook here, so no idea if it was local to the venue network or global17:29
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openstackgerritGlauco Oliveira proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Adding a base set of acceptance tests for puppet-gerrit.
AJaeger_dougwig: does not need PTL +1 - if they want to be part of neutron, a +1 on governance is needed. But with the stackforge deprecation, the change can go in as is. But I'd like the PTL to know about it ;)17:30
dougwigAJaeger_: ok, true. so far, everything networking- has been an official neutron tent project, but that's not enforced, and i was assuming.17:31
AJaeger_dougwig: I don't mind to have a discussion with Kyle about whether it should be an official project - inthe opposite, I'd like to see that discussion ;)17:32
dougwigAJaeger_: ok, that will have to wait until he gets some time at linuxcon.17:33
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jeblairalso, wasn't someone looking into switching etherpad to websockets?17:34
AJaeger_Sure, dougwig.17:34
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fungii've got open over cell modem right now, stable for me so far17:34
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Trigger image delete using gearman
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Use correct element name in scoverage module
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openstackgerritGlauco Oliveira proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Adding a base set of acceptance tests for puppet-gerrit.
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Removed special treatment for feature/qos branch
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SpamapSgreghaynes: wow.. the bastion has a ton of useless garbage in /home/shared. :-P17:37
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greghaynesSpamapS: Yes. Kind of why I was wanting to start over pull stuff in that I knew we needed17:38
greghaynesits got five nines of garbage17:38
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SpamapSgreghaynes: and 9 fives of it is valuable?17:38
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jeblairmoving to
jeblairfungi: clarkb ^17:38
greghaynesSpamapS: maybe with a few 0's prefixed17:39
fungijeblair: thanks. i've switched to that one now17:39
openstackgerritTimothy R. Chavez proposed openstack-infra/puppet-cgit: Manage selinux policy for cgit
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SpamapSgreghaynes: so I'm just going to start opening tickets for each box. The big email you sent seemed to freak them out a bit. ;)17:40
boris-42fungi: jeblair hi there17:41
AJaeger_clarkb: one more change of yours to abandon probably:
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greghaynesSpamapS: hah. If you didnt know the info I sent them I got from expect + asking the ILO's for serial numbers, so my guess is their data is borked17:41
greghaynesSpamapS: but ++ on doing that17:41
boris-42fungi: jeblair can I create new python job called coverage_voting or something like that17:42
boris-42that will check that there is no regression in coverage17:42
jeblairboris-42: call it 'gate-coverage'17:42
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boris-42currently people is copy paste script from rally17:42
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add ubuntu-trusty node to os-ansible-deployment
boris-42jeblair: this one17:42
boris-42jeblair: so i would prefer to store this script in infra is it ok?17:43
greghaynesclarkb: Do you have any ideas about how to maybe stage a nodepool for the builder changes?17:43
greghaynesclarkb: I am getting a little freaked out about just deploying that to prod17:43
jeblairboris-42: yep, you can add it as a jenkins script.  you may want to remove the rally references.17:44
clarkbgreghaynes with our test17:44
jeblairboris-42: (just in the mktemps, so it's not confusing to people reading the script)17:44 50317:44
clarkbif the dsvm test works ship it17:44
boris-42jeblair: sure17:44
boris-42jeblair: sounds great17:44
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greghaynesclarkb: hrm, specifically I am a little freaked about operational implications. An example - I just noticed that I wasnt adding image-upload jobs for stuff on disk so a restart would remove the ability to upload all previously made images17:45
SpamapSgreghaynes: funny, we actually knew this box was dead for a long time ILO has hung. no JIRA ticket yet. 06/17/15 - ILO still hung17:45
jeblairfungi: how's your canary?17:45
greghaynesSpamapS: Yep17:45
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greghaynesSpamapS: I think I put a note in there about "still hung"17:45
fungijeblair: looking okay so far17:45
SpamapSgreghaynes: yeah the data they have is likely just bong.17:45
SpamapSgreghaynes: u did17:46
fifieldtafter 5 refreshes, another 50317:46
fifieldtthe refreshes were like themissing javascript error17:46
fungijeblair: ok, i just saw it (very briefly) flash up a "reconnecting" message17:46
clarkbstill there for my phone17:46
fifieldtanpther 50317:46
ShrewsSpamapS: mordred: i'm about to disappear for a really long time. it would be swell to see this shade change get merged today:
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jeblairrestarting apache17:47
jeblair(to clear cached 500s)17:47
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jeblairi wonder if apache is making this worse by caching 500 errors17:49
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SpamapSShrews: going to the Bahamas?17:49
mordredShrews: lgtm - SpamapS you?17:49
* jeblair works on fixing that17:49
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openstackgerritGrant Murphy proposed openstack-infra/jeepyb: Make SMTP connection configurable
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fungii do see a few uncaught exceptions of various sorts in the etherpad access log. stuff like "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of undefined"17:51
SpamapSmordred: yeah I'm almost done reviewing17:51
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openstackgerritTimothy R. Chavez proposed openstack-infra/puppet-cgit: Do not execute selinux commands if policy disabled
fungialso we might consider rotating /var/log/eplite/access.log since it stretches back to last year and is now nearly 2gb in size17:53
ShrewsSpamapS: that's one of the places that crossed my mind17:53
SpamapSShrews: I'd say come visit us here, but honestly, it's miserable here right now. ;)17:54
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jeblairfungi, clarkb: ah we need to upgrade to apache 2.4 to get the websocket stuff17:55
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jeblairfungi, clarkb: so i think we need to do a precise->trusty upgrade17:56
jeblairon etherpad17:56
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armaxhello, any known issues with kibana right now?17:56
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armaxmy queries yield 0 results17:57
fungijeblair: the apache error log also has a lot of stuff like Internal error: proxy: error reading status line from remote server localhost:9001, referer:
armaxeven though I expect there should be17:57
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fungiarmax: yeah, the recent changes to how is serving html-based logs has broken the indexing process we use to feed them into logstash17:58
fungiarmax: clarkb was just looking at that a few minutes ago, i think17:58
armaxfungi: ok cool17:58
armaxfungi: I’ll keep an eye on things, thanks17:59
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add a non-voting py34 check job to Horizon
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clarkb ya we are polluting logs with html18:00
clarkbI pushed what I think is the fix to os-loganalyze18:00
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fungijeblair: looks like might be relevant to the mod_proxy errors18:01 bug 37770 in mod_proxy "proxy: error reading status line from remote server (null)" [Critical,Resolved: fixed] - Assigned to bugs18:01
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odyssey4mefungi clarkb is this right?
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jeblairfungi: if we're hitting that bug, then the 503 caching is probably exacerbating things18:05
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openstackgerritTimothy R. Chavez proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Parameterize setting the selinux mode
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openstackgerritTimothy R. Chavez proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Parameterize setting the selinux mode
jeblairfungi: but i'm having trouble figuring out how to set a retry=0 proxy parameter when using mod_rewrite18:07
fungijeblair: oh, hrm. not mod_proxy18:08
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fungithat might be unrelated then18:08
jeblairfungi: we use mod_proxy, just via mod_rewrite18:08
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clarkbfor the /p stuff18:09
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fungibut yeah, i have a feeling upgrading to trusty will be helpful all around. i'll get poking at launching a new etherpad-dev with trusty now though i doubt it's a solution that will be much help before the ops mid-cycle is over18:09
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fungistill looking for how to feed a retry value through mod_rewrite though18:13
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jeblairfungi: i think we can just switch to proxypass18:16
jeblairi think the rewrites we have in there will happen first18:16
fungithe examples i'm finding look like that's what they're doing, i just haven't found anyone state conclusively yet that the implied proxy will get those options applied18:17
glauco@here silly question: why puppet-pip does not install pip after all?
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glaucoRight now it is only installing python-all-dev18:18
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/puppet-etherpad_lite: Switch to proxypass with retry=0 for etherpad
jeblairfungi: best guess ^18:19
fungiglauco: i think we're going to get rid of/rename that module since all it's really used for now is to set pip.conf options18:19
glauco@fungi thanks for the clarification! :)18:19
jeblairfungi: now would be a good time to try that out actually; we just started coffeeing18:19
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fungijeblair: want i should hand-apply it to the server?18:21
fungii've got a while left on my battery18:21
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clarkbI am back at a computer now18:21
clarkbbaby is done trolling me18:21
fungii'll give it a shot on etherpad-dev18:21
clarkband larissa is back from doctor18:21
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jeblairfungi: i'll start doing it on prod; let me know if you run into probs in dev18:23
fungireconfigured successfully18:24
clarkbfungi: we can test on
jeblairfungi: i don't know how to work the retry=0 into  the websocket proxy command, but we have a while to figure that out :)18:25
fungiclarkb: oh, good idea... anyway worked18:26
jeblairi just applied it to production18:26
fungibasic functionality seems fine on etherpad-dev18:27
fungiapproving the patch18:27
clarkbwhat is this fixing? sorry I was distracted by a troll baby for the lsat hour or so18:27
fungiclarkb: workaround for races in mod_proxy18:27
jeblairclarkb: i think apache was caching 503 errors18:27
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jeblairclarkb: (which are possibily initially caused by bug fungi found)18:28
clarkbodyssey4me: yes that lgtm18:28
jeblairso it's possible that a single user gets a 503 due to the race and everyone gets disconnected18:28
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clarkbodyssey4me: oh except we hvae to tell zuul to run your new job too18:28
clarkbodyssey4me: you should edit zuul/layout.yaml to add the new -nv job to your project(s) experimental pipeline18:29
odyssey4meclarkb ok, sorry - silly mistake18:29
clarkbodyssey4me: otherwise it looks correct18:29
jeblairpuppet is disabled on etherpad, we'll want to reenable after the change lands18:30
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clarkbjeblair: it was disabled because puppte was causing the swapping18:30
clarkbthere was very strong correletion for that at least based on log timestamps18:30
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add ubuntu-trusty node to os-ansible-deployment
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odyssey4meclarkb like so ^18:32
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jeblairclarkb: oh ok.  it's double disabled.  :)18:32
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* nibalizer shakes collection tin on
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clarkbodyssey4me: yup18:32
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jeblairstarting up again on
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openstackgerritRonald Bradford proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Moved magnum-coverage gate job
AJaeger_dougwig: is fine, could you revisit your -1, please18:35
fungiclarkb: potential race bug was bug 37770 in mod_proxy "proxy: error reading status line from remote server (null)" [Critical,Resolved: fixed] - Assigned to bugs18:35
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-etherpad_lite: Switch to proxypass with retry=0 for etherpad
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fungicarpet cleaner just finished, so i'm driving back home. will be back online shortly18:36
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clarkbnibalizer: the commit title doesn't really match the change unless I am missing something18:40
clarkbnibalizer: you are doing it to all or just accessbot? /me keeps reading18:40
clarkboh its a new job template name so the existing stuff is updated18:41
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nibalizerclarkb: yea in one of the patchsets it added it to everything but anita wanted to start slow which I understand18:42
nibalizeraccessbot has beaker tests written in review so its a good one to start on18:42
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openstackgerritSean M. Collins proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: FwaaS meeting: Add an APAC friendly time alternate
clarkbnibalizer: so how are those jobs different than ?18:43
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added npm publish to eslint-config-openstack
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Switched npm-run-test to npm-test
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added npm publish job.
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added npm tarball upload job
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Switch Horizon to Javascript-jobs
clarkboh ^ is only the openstackci module then why is it running against changes to the revie module?18:44
clarkbindependent of your change but maybe we should clean that up?18:44
nibalizerno thats intentional18:44
clarkbopenstackci will never deploy a gerrit18:44
clarkbso how is that intentional?18:45
nibalizerso the idea is that openstackci is the 'entry point' so the openstackci tests run any time a module gets touched18:45
nibalizerclarkb: well that might actually be an oversight18:45
nibalizerbut I imagine openstackci will grow a gerrit eventually18:45
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added ACL for ironic-webclient
clarkbok so generaly it applies to many of the modules but maybe not gerrit module18:45
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nibalizerI mean certainly what we do with gozer, it makes sense for us to add gerrit to openstackci18:45
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clarkbnibalizer: its confusing because it implies that we have test coverage there but we dont18:47
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nibalizerwell that is a bug18:47
clarkbthat change adds tests that are beaker tests that are not run by the beaker test that reported18:47
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nibalizerwell beaker tests don't stack well becuase they make changes to the system18:48
nibalizerso openstackci test can't run the gerrit beaker tests, then the openstackci tests18:48
nibalizerI think is maybe what you're talking about?18:48
clarkbno but it could deploy a gerrit and test it as part o fopenstackci18:48
clarkbis I think more what I had in mind, if it is going to be the integration test18:48
nibalizerwell I think the beaker-gerrit tests will feed parameters to the puppet-beaker module and validate that the right thing has happened18:49
nibalizerand the openstackci tests will feed parameters into many things, eventually causing a gerrit to come up, and validate that the right thing has happened18:49
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fungiokay, back home again18:51
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Trigger image delete using gearman
openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new networking-contrail project
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add nonvoting beaker tests to infra/puppet-accessbot
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Test dib image builds with devstack too.
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odyssey4mefungi mind casting your eye on so we can give ubuntu-trusty a whirl?19:01
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mordredodyssey4me: I support the use of ubuntu-trusty19:04
clarkbmordred: 214407 is very unhappy19:04
odyssey4me:) mordred19:05
mordredclarkb: looking19:05
pabelangerfungi: EmilienM: When you have a moment, this is for our msync job:
mordredclarkb: oh yeah. that's super unhappy :)19:06
pabelangerAJaeger: ^19:06
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rcarrillocruzmordred: heya, re: infra_ansible per-server cloud config,
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rcarrillocruzbtw, you pinged me yesterday, been on vaca (ends today, sad panda...)19:08
EmilienMpabelanger: +119:09
greghaynesSpamapS: Hey, can I get a review on when you have a sec - needed to fix our ubuntu-trusty images19:09
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Allow for passing in a clouds.yaml path
rcarrillocruzjeblair: it's not clear to me when you said to incubate this, you meant incubating the project off openstack-ci for a bit or you referred to the have-one-repo-per-role ?19:10
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mordredrcarrillocruz: the second19:10
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mordredrcarrillocruz: basically, I thnk he's saying pull it in to infra in its current form - and then we can split out repo-per-role later19:11
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rcarrillocruzalright, jeblair when you get a chance mind checking the project import change? i need PTL sign off due to using openstack-infra namespace19:11
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fungi210517 makes me wonder if we should rethink the safety of jenkins/scripts/ since now we have several repos we're running scripts from within a context that has access to the proposal gerrit account credentials. it might be better to get those scripts committed into project-config so that we can more carefully review what they're doing19:12
fungianyone have thoughts on that?19:12
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odyssey4memordred this may be a good time to bring up - openstack-ansible is considering splitting all roles into their own repositories to allow consumption in different architectures and to 'big tent' the roles, letting the openstack-ansible repo be more of a set of reference builds that are tested19:13
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clarkbfungi: +119:13
openstackgerritGlauco Oliveira proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Implementing a set of acceptance tests for puppet-gerrit.
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fungieffectively the core reviewers for docs, requirements and now potentially openstack-puppet have access to subvert those credentials (in addition to the project-config cores)19:13
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mordredodyssey4me: awesome. I'm highly in favor of that19:14
fungiit's not that i don't trust those people, but this is not a trust model which scales well19:14
odyssey4memordred yep, if you could weigh in on the review it'd be great - we'll be discussing it in the meeting tomorrow, then I'll send a mail out to the ML to solicit more reviews19:15
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odyssey4mewith separate roles, it'll be easier for people to pile in and contribute feature additions, other platform support, etc19:16
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odyssey4meit'll also potentially add an easier way for kolla and openstack-ansible to converge and build roles together - even if the reference architecture is different19:17
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sdakeodyssey4me not sure how well that will work out - our ansible implementations are competely different19:18
sdakefor example osad expects to template every configuration option possible19:18
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: Initial support for ironic enroll state
odyssey4mesdake sure, and we'd like to change that19:18
sdakekolla expects the operator to specify those in overrides in /etc/kolla - read ansible-multi spec in our repo for more details19:18
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add ubuntu-trusty node to os-ansible-deployment
sdakesecond our ansible implementation is totally and completely tied to our container architecture19:19
sdakethose would be the two blockers to that approach imo :)19:19
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openstackgerritFatih Degirmenci proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for forbidden file paths in gerrit trigger
odyssey4mesdake the point would be to provide a platform to work from - right now neither of us have that... with roles being separate then it may become an easier possibility19:21
odyssey4meit's rather pointless having two different groups working on much the same thing19:21
sdakeodyssey4me I disagree the point is to generate the best ideas out of each project19:21
sdakeatm the upstream is pretty opinionated about the templating vs not templating19:22
clarkbmordred: so new oscc exists now and we can safely restart nodepool if we upgrade oscc yes?19:22
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clarkbthen the other changes to nodepool allow us to keep testing with the devstack plugin19:22
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sdakeexmple of our globals.yml file:
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odyssey4mesdake well, it's simply an invitation to consider the option of convergence - I think it's premature at this point to simply discount it19:23
sdakenot discounted, just helping you understand the gaps19:23
sdakeif you look at that globals.yml file only 4 required variables19:23
sdakerest are overrides19:23
sdakeosad much different in this respect19:23
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AJaeger_fungi, this is what we use in docs:
sdakeso the question comes up - how do you override the hypervisor libvirt type, you put the config in this file:
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sdakeand it gets merged19:25
sdakethis is our answer to "templating sucks" :)19:25
sdakeno dev/release cycle to change configs aroudn19:25
sdakethis is like a key key design tenant of kolla19:26
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sdakeodyssey4me ^19:26
odyssey4mesdake it appears to me that you still have a template:
odyssey4meand I don't think this is the place or time for a tit for tat, seriously19:27
sdakeyes opinionated out of the box, but not alot of {{ }} options19:27
AJaeger_fungi: I'm happy to move this over but this is not static, it might need updates while we change contents...19:27
sdakenot tit for tating helping you understand the differences19:27
AJaeger_Or it needs a config file to read...19:27
openstackgerritMadhusudhan Kandadai proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make lbaasv2 scenario API job voting
sdakeodyssey4me tbh I"m not sure who you represent, osad or some other party :)19:27
sdakeodyssey4me if you could sort out the differences that would be fantastic19:28
fungiAJaeger_: yep, i'm aware. just pointing out that as we continue to expand that script to call out to more and more repos we might be better off either coming up with a better abstraction model than "run arbitrary external code," or perhaps some means to sandbox those away from the credentials themselves19:28
sdakeI just dont think it can be done, but maybe I lack imagination :)19:28
sdakeenjoy i'm off19:29
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AJaeger_fungi: yeah, I agree with that - just wonder how to do it best...19:29
fungiAJaeger_: a simple sandbox might just be to sudo to a different unprivileged user to perform those steps and then collect the results as the jenkins user, making sure the credentials are not accessible to the second account19:30
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fungiAJaeger_: that at least raises the bar to needing to exploit local privilege escalation vulnerabilities on proposal.slave.openstack.org19:31
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fungianyway, just brainstorming at this point19:32
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clarkbsetting up our test nodes so that devstack can run takes about 10 minutes now19:33
clarkbI wonder how much fastr that can be if we trim the PROJECTS list19:33
clarkbthere is a way to find out :)19:33
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openstackgerritBrad Lodgen proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Ramdisk should consider the size unit when inspecting the amount of RAM
fungia very simply way in fact, involving a change to remove lines from one file19:34
fungiclarkb: though i have a feeling it's a combination of that and the ever increasing complexity and lengthening list of dependency packages19:34
pabelangerfungi: replied to msync hook. For your credentials issue, if you can list a possible solution I can go away and work on it19:35
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: See if trimming PROJECTS make setup faster
fungipabelanger: appreciated. mostly i also want to get jeblair to circle back around to that review since he had some fairly strong opinions/preferences in the original discussion (before that proposed change came into existence)19:37
clarkbfungi: ^ I do think we should make project specific jobs list themselves in the PROJECTS list though19:37
clarkbfungi: then keep the list we hard code small19:37
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clarkbI think all the libs can come out too then we add any back in when testing in the from source jobs19:37
fungiclarkb: would be nice to keep the list we hard-code as short as possible and allow more duplication of services lists in job descriptions instead19:37
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pabelangerfungi: Ya, I keep feeling we are skipping the key point. For what ever the reason is, we need to copy x file over 50 puppet modules.  How do we do that, is some automated / control process, with out everybody just having local scripts to do it19:38
fungilike, a baked-in services list 0-1 entries long19:38
clarkbpabelanger: except we should only ever need to do it once...19:39
clarkbI don't think we have needed any more updates since we did it last19:39
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nibalizerfbo: you about?19:39
clarkbalso what prevents a local module sync then push?19:40
nibalizerwnat to explode your #{repo} change out to all the repos?19:40
pabelangerclarkb: or until something changes in the file the you originally copied. Like a version number, etc19:40
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clarkbtranslations are automated because they are contnuously updated in another tool and we can change them without conflicts19:40
clarkbit makes senes to update translations automatically for tese reasons19:41
pabelangerclarkb: nothing prevents is, that is how the puppet modules team does it today. Just means we are dependent on people to do the sync, over gate.19:41
clarkbupdating a small set of files across a set of repos once very couple months to years isn't really necessary imo19:41
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fungilocally running a mass-proposal script is going to be a thing anyway regardless. i've done changes to readme files across all openstack repos, changes to tox.ini files, changes to remove/replace specific modules/libraries across hundreds of repos. optimizing for puppet boilerplate seems like tunnel vision19:41
nibalizerya I just use explode.sh19:41
nibalizerand now I want fbo to run since we need to patch spec_helper_acceptance.rb for all 60 puppet repos19:41
pabelangerHowever, this is what is confusing me.  These same points could in fact be raised against the global requirements repo, some person could invoke the sync process. Why is there a difference here?19:42
fungiand i worry that we'll end up with every project-team having their own additions to the list of mass-proposal jobs until it's untenable (i sort of feel it's already there, hence my security concerns)19:42
clarkbpabelanger: because again its continuous19:42
clarkbpabelanger: we are constantly updating the global reqs and constraints19:42
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Add flavor access API
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fungipabelanger: requirements sync is happening on average once or more a day. translations is also happening daily19:43
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fungiit seems unlikely that the puppet boilerplate will change meaningfully on a daily or probably even weekly frequency19:43
pabelangerso, if sync is great then a day, don't automate?  I mean, I am fine with that. Just want to understand if that is the sticking point to all of this19:43
clarkbpabelanger: I think if its greater than monthly19:43
clarkbwhich I expect puppet to be once the initial edits are in19:43
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clarkbif we are changing them more than once a month I give up19:44
clarkbthere are too many repos to have that many things to review every month19:44
pabelangeradding documentation or local script to do it is fine, I only fear people will forget how it works or worse, the code will just bit rot locally19:44
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fungipabelanger: for me the sticking point is to push back/provide resistance before this goes from 4 proposal jobs to 40 (or 400) without a more carefully thought-out design. the present mechanism is and always has been an unfortunate hack19:45
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clarkbalso with reqs and translations they are both rolling, projects can get to them when they have time19:45
clarkbwith the modulesync the implication seems to be any updates should go in asap which is different19:45
pabelangerfungi: See, I can now understand that. Honestly, this is the first time seeing that issue being raised19:46
clarkbif it is indeed urgent a human should push it and walk the changes through19:46
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clarkb(which is often what happens with urgent requirements or translation changes)19:46
clarkbgreghaynes: SpamapS fyi
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pabelangerwell, for me, it was simply removing the human from the puzzle.  Since we had the global requirements job working, then it must be the better way to do things. Add to the fact that openstack-puppet was already manually doing it and actively looking to automate it, my reason for helping on the -infra side for msync hook.19:48
clarkbpabelanger: you aren't removing the human from the puzzle19:48
clarkbwe are just making it easier to create a lot of work for other humans19:49
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pabelangerYes, that19:49
fungipabelanger: totally understand. i feel like the current mechanism we're using for requirements and translation updates is not great to start with, and i'm not even sure that having a job propose changes to various projects is long-term how we should be solving these sorts of problems19:49
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nibalizercrinkle: can you review,n,z19:50
clarkbfor translations I can definitely see us sync them once a relase/milestone and make it part of that process19:50
clarkbrequirements are trickier because tests break without those updates19:50
fungibut since i haven't made solving that a priority for myself, i'm not going to tell other people they have to redesign the entire system. just that it's something we ought to come up with a better answer for19:50
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pabelangerwell, I don't mind working on something better, I just need help / direction on it. If we think the current system is faulty19:52
fungidefinitely don't want people coming along fresh thinking the current solution is great, or even opreferred, just that it's what we've got for now and we'd rather not use it as a general solution19:52
pabelangerI mean, a manual sync works.19:52
pabelangerregardless how you run it19:52
nibalizermanual sync of the exact same change is not hard to produce or approve19:52
fungisince continuing to proliferate there means an increase in technical debt we need to pay back once we work out a superior alternative19:52
nibalizerso its like... what problem are we solving19:53
nibalizerand are we saving anyone time19:53
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nibalizerbecuase when you build a complex system like that you gotta train everyone on it, and involve infra-rooters to debug it when it goes belly-up19:53
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fungiwell, mass-proposing changes can also be complex if you've not done it before19:53
fungiso i don't want to oversell that either19:54
pabelangerwell, in this case, we build top of an existing process.  However, now I know, infra roots don't like the process to start with :)19:54
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fungiit may be that we should look into ways to make it easier for someone to do mass-change proposals19:54
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clarkblike gerrty's mas reviews19:55
pabelangerthe initial patch from puppet team was their own sync tooling, I just conformed it to how requirments / translations worked19:55
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clarkbalso with upper constraints I think we can kill the reqs syncs19:56
clarkbbecause we will be overriding all the things anyways19:57
fungiclarkb: that's a goal of the constraints work, yes, though we may need the lower-constraints worked out too19:57
clarkbthen each project can just declare the raw dep and constraints provides the version value19:57
nibalizerfungi: i've thought of scripting up something for reviews that verifies the sha1sum of the diff something something19:59
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fungifor translations, i wonder whether it would be possible to move those to separate repositories and have zanata pushing into those instead of going through code review to repos containing the source language master copies20:00
clarkbI think zanata can do that on its own20:01
fungino idea if that even makes sense20:01
pabelangerfungi: clarkb: Here is the real goal I am trying to solve.  Perhaps you can help me, it revolves around puppet requirements in our infra modules.  As you know, currently it sucks to keep all our dependencies in order. We basically require system-config to handle them. However, because it is now possible to run -infra modules with our system-config, we do a terrible job at define the local20:01
pabelangerrequirements / depends for a puppet-zuul module (lets say). For me, I still think the Puppetfile or metadata.json is the best place to do it, but have no better way to manage it beside by hand.20:01
clarkbso its more a question of whether or not projects find value in having that in tree20:01
pabelangerrecently msync came to light, and at least offered up a way to template the files20:01
clarkbpabelanger: we can look at the rate of change on our deps but its very low20:02
openstackgerritSean M. Collins proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: FwaaS meeting: Add an APAC friendly time alternate
clarkbpabelanger: which is why I don't expect to need to update them ever20:02
fungipabelanger: also adding deps to our master file shouldn't necessarily have any impact on the deps in the zuul module, right?20:02
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fungiis the actual problem that we're declaring dependencies in our modules that may be incorrect and we don't know because we're not using those when we run tests?20:03
pabelangerclarkb: As more people use our modules outside of -infra, I think our deps will bump more and more. Even using fedora 22 as an example required some updates20:03
fungior that they're incompatible and result in modules which aren't co-installable?20:03
clarkbpabelanger: I don't20:03
clarkbpabelanger: it is very hard to test that bumps dont break and that they upgrade cleanly regardless of how you proopse the changes20:04
nibalizerpabelanger: puppet dependency resolution is poo though20:04
clarkbright ^ that20:04
pabelangerhowever, as we add more functional testing, each module would then be tested more and more out side system-config20:04
nibalizerand there isn't standard tooling, or data forms20:04
pabelangerI know it is20:04
nibalizerso you're chasing a unicorn20:04
nibalizereven if you automated metadata.json to the moon20:04
nibalizerno one would agree about how to use it20:04
nibalizerso no one would benefit20:04
clarkbor when it is actually safe to approve a change20:04
pabelangerI am suggestion we manually do the dep management throught a sync process. and use something like puppet-librarian-simple or r10k to install said modules20:05
clarkbremember we don't have atomic merges20:05
clarkbso you can't say you need newer mysql in gerrit and not also upgrade it for etherpad at the same time20:05
clarkbso modulesync doesn't help anything20:05
nibalizerso the community is trying to figure out how to enable the behavior that clark is specifying20:05
clarkb(this is one reason we have centralized module installs today)20:05
nibalizerbut thats not done yet20:05
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nibalizerand I don't want to turn infra into a testbed for crackpot puppet exploration20:06
nibalizersorry crackpot isn't the right word20:06
nibalizermy point is that we dont run a puppet infrastructure for fun20:06
nibalizerwe do it to get something else done20:06
nibalizerso we shouldn't be innovating in how we use puppet, we should use old, borring, known techniques20:06
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nibalizerand modules.env is just a list of modules you need if you want to run infra, its a simple statement20:06
nibalizerits easy to communicate to users20:07
timrcOh... look a topic being discussed which as produced a certain level annoyance with puppet in me :)20:07
pabelangerI am asking each puppet module we have include a Puppetfile to their dependencies. That's pretty boring I though20:07
clarkbfungi: after trimming PROJECTS it took 4 minutes, need more data to be sure that helps but first glance is promising20:07
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nibalizerpabelanger: to what end? what workflow does that enable?20:08
timrcExcept we can't get modules.env to work downstream since it's completely idiotic how the puppet master works :)20:08
fungiclarkb: agreed, it's a great sign anyway20:08
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timrcI love when two completely unrelated services conflict on a dependency.20:08
jesusaurustimrc: and when a module lists a dependency that is only needed for certain parameter values...20:09
pabelangernibalizer: I would like to take module X from -infra, heck ever openstack puppet team.  Run r10k or puppet-librarian-simple on it, modules installed.20:09
pabelangerthen use module as I see fit20:09
pabelangereither for testing or produciton20:09
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clarkbpabelanger: you can do that today20:10
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clarkbsince its centralized all you need is a central list to compare against which does exist20:10
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fungiit seems like the consensus is that most large puppet-using sites don't actually use puppet's module dep solver and just paper over it with some central list or service plus manual testing and finger-crossing20:10
pabelangerclarkb: So, that is the problem, to me, the central list keeps changing over time.  Which is fine, but now I have 2 sources I have to check. My module and system-config.  I would prefer everything included into a single repo20:11
fungiand that will probably continue to be the case until puppet gets a real dep solver20:11
clarkbpabelanger: you rproposal to do module syncing doesn't solve that20:11
clarkbpabelanger: it makes it worse since now you must refer to 50 repos20:11
clarkbsomehow merge conflicting deps together to make a complete list (including unlisted dependencies because puppet)20:12
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fungiand it's not just our modules at fault there. we depend on other forge modules which have just as inaccurate/incomplete dependency declarations as ours20:13
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pabelangerclarkb: right, I've accepted msync is not the tool to use. Automated or manual.  However, the real issue I was working towards was adding Puppetfile into puppet-jenkins for example, with all the dependencies listed.  So, I could then consume that module and do something outside of system-config20:13
clarkbpabelanger: yes I am saying thats a fine goal, but it is impossile to achieve with puppet20:14
fungiit's sort of a catch-22 that puppet module dependency declarations aren't trustworthy because puppet's dep solver is inadequate, so people don't rely on them, which means the inaccuracies go unnoticed...20:14
clarkbit has nothing t odo with you or me or openstack and everything to do with a broken package system20:14
jeblairnibalizer, pabelanger: i can't read the full scrollback right now, but let me try to be clear on the module sync thing:20:14
nibalizerwhich is largely ignorred by most competent people who just use git20:14
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jeblair1) i don't have an opinion on what the openstack puppet modules should do in this area.  whatever they need is fine, and if we need to establish policies for jjb definitions, etc, to make that feasible, that's fine.20:15
pabelangerI had good success using puppet-librarian-simple in the past. Not saying that is the tool, but NOT expecting puppet to manage the dependencies is the first step to success :)20:15
nibalizerclarkb: re: upgrading can probably help us when it comes time20:15
jeblair2) i don't want any autmated rote-approval kinds of jobs for openstack-infra.  it's understandable that we might need to, very occasionaly, make mass changes to many or all of our repos.  if we do that at all regularly, then we need to refactor that thing out of the repos.20:16
jeblairwe have done significant work in the past to avoid that for python projects (pbr exists so that we don't have to bump version numbers), and we will continue to hold the line for puppet as well.20:17
nibalizerjeblair: o720:18
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fungiand it makes sense to help the puppet community solve their dependency issues rather than investing time in automating workarounds in our ci. lifeless is setting an awesome example of helping pip fix that same problem20:18
jeblairnibalizer: do i need to o7 back so you aren't just standing there and o7ing?20:18
lifelessfungi: someone needs to tell the Debian community that too :) [see debian-python's latest two emails] :)20:19
nibalizerjeblair: no we're not so formal20:19
jeblairfungi: i agree.20:19
jeblairnibalizer: whew20:19
fungilifeless: yes, that thread is kinda disheartening20:19
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EmilienMfungi: ++ for keeping sync with puppet community20:20
lifelessfungi: I find myself with a hard to debug case of the angries20:20
EmilienMfungi: this is mostly why we are using beaker20:20
pabelangerjeblair: just the reasoning I was looking for. Out side today, I assume the proposal sync was the accepted way of doing things. I'll abandon the code now let the puppet openstack team know to manually sync stuff now20:21
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Test dib image builds with devstack too.
fungimanually is probably a poor term. having it scripted makes sense. having it triggered continuously makes less sense20:23
clarkbgreghaynes: ^ its the little things that get you20:23
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pabelangerfungi: clarkb: if this process has taught me anything, its to rewrite our modules in ansible20:31
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Test that the modules.env file in infra is sorted
fungipabelanger: consider rewriting puppet itself in ansible ;)20:34
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clarkbgreghaynes: the good news there is dib apperas to be running properly now,  Ithink this is really close and as soon as nodepool works with oscc again we should have a working test20:35
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clarkbmordred: 214407 is still failing20:35
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fungijeblair: etherpad utilization seems to have trailed off for the past hour or so. any further issues after the apache reconfig?20:38
greghaynesclarkb: \O/20:39
fungiwe do still get occasional "proxy: error reading status line from remote server localhost:9001" in the apache error log but hopefully it's not wreaking havoc across all clients now20:40
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jeblairfungi: just started back from lnuch20:47
jeblairwe're split; i'm on
fungioh, right! timezones... ;)20:47
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SpamapSmordred: I think I've asked you this like 12 times.. but.. gearman-interface is dead, right?20:48
SpamapSmordred: going to have it removed from Debian20:48
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openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Test that modules.env is complete
fungii think nodepool has gone awol20:52
fungiit may have lost connectivity to zuul20:52
jeblairfungi, ttx, reed: ops feedback: ask.o.o is not very useful because of stale information and lack of curation.  no one is volunteering to do that work.20:52
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fungijeblair: i still think ask is a honeypot for people who don't know how to use mailing lists/irc, and is slightly less spam-ridden than the web forums it replaced20:53
jesusaurusclarkb: fungi: we aren't currently testing that modules.env is a complete list of modules needed because we have puppet modules that were installed during the slave configuration, care to take a look at ?20:54
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fungijesusaurus: i'll pull it up for after i finish looking into the nodepool issue20:54
reedjeblair, thanks for the feedback... definitely it would work better if more people demoted bad questions and promoted good ones20:54
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reedI try to fix questions but frankly there are too many bad ones coming in20:54
jeblairreed: yeah20:54
reednot spam, just badly written badly expressed questions20:55
reedhard to make them look pretty20:55
fungialso most of them aren't even aware of esr's smart questions faq20:55
fungiwhich is basically still relevant even now that almost nobody uses usenet20:56
reedfungi, yeah, that art is getting lost behind being politically correct20:56
greghaynesclarkb: SpamapS answered your question on
jeblairfungi: 2015-08-19 20:56:25,906 DEBUG nodepool.NodePool:   Demand from gearman: devstack-trusty: 320:57
jeblairit looks like it thinks it's seeing demand20:57
reedi heard community managers say that ESR essay is bad to reference because its title basically says that the person asking is not smart :)20:57
fungijeblair: yeah, so it's possible zuul isn't expressing it?20:57
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jeblairNameError: global name 'openstack_ansible__re' is not defined20:57
greghayneshrm, shade20:57
jeblairi think we stuck zuul with a reconfiguration error20:57
clarkbjeblair oh thats oddyssey4mes change20:58
clarkbdid we miss a typo?20:58
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* fungi grumbles20:58
jeblairyep, the double _ is a typo20:58
jeblairand i guess that is not exercised by the layout job20:59
fungiNameError: global name 'openstack_ansible__re' is not defined20:59
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fungii'll stop puppet and hand-patch20:59
jeblairwe should fix zuul to at least do an import when it does that20:59
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jeblairfungi: yeah, if you stop puppet, fix, then HUP to reconfig, then land the change fix, then re-enable puppet, you might be able to fix without downtime20:59
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fungidone and watching logs21:01
fungii'll whip up the patch to make it all proper now21:01
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jeblairfungi: looks good, woot!21:02
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Correct ansible regex varname in zuul param funcs
fungijeblair: clarkb: ^21:03
mordredSpamapS: yu. totes dead21:03
clarkbfungi approved21:04
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fungithanks! i'll reenable puppet once it's in place21:05
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ianwfungi: on another topic (Use dnf download to cache packages) <- so it turns out caching with dnf is much harder than i thought; it's a little too smart about everything.  one thought is a squid proxy in front might work21:05
clarkbgreghaynes can we just use zypper in div?21:05
greghaynesclarkb: were suse'ing?21:06
greghaynesclarkb: I mean, I do love me some zypper21:06
mordredclarkb: oh - headdesk21:06
greghaynesclarkb: oh, for caching21:06
greghaynesianw: thats unfortunate21:06
mordredwhat are we zyppering?21:06
clarkbfor caching ya21:06
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clarkbjust use package manager that works21:07
fungiianw: wow, unfortunate. also pabelanger indicated that dnf upstream seemed to have no interest in a cache-but-don't-install option?21:07
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ianwi think he's referring to bug 1209638 in dnf "dnf is missing --downloadonly --downloaddir parameter" [Unspecified,Closed: duplicate] - Assigned to packaging-team-maint21:08
clarkbzypper can do it with a small bit of config if I am not mistaken21:08
fungiclarkb: greghaynes: you're onto something. we could replace fedora-based testing with suse!21:08
greghaynesianw: if you install with dnf does it also download the package to a cache?21:09
mordredclarkb: but would dnf be able to install the packages from zypper cache?21:09
ianwgreghaynes: it does, with keepcache=1 ... the layout i haven't figure out though21:09
clarkbmordred no I am semi suggesting we use suse instead21:09
fungigreghaynes: it does, so i guess we could install then roll back a snapshot of the file tree except for the cache dir21:09
greghaynesianw: fungi ok, so a hack could be to build two images and bind mount the cache into them both21:09
greghaynesand throw away the image that does a full install21:10
ianwi also says "kept until the next successful operation" which is a little vague as to when it might get cleared out21:10
mordredclarkb: oh, well, I'm fine with that ... EXCEPT - I do not have a good minimal cloud image story with suse yet21:10
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greghaynesfungi: ianw or even simpler, just install all those packages into a chroot and bind mount the cache into it then rm the chroot21:10
clarkbbut ya zypper install --download-only21:10
greghaynes(this exposes the sillyness of lacking a downloadonly option)21:10
ianwgreghaynes: yeah, that's inception levels of chroot happening with dib...21:11
greghaynesianw: we could do it during a phase that happens outside of the dib chroot21:11
mordredI can't believe they won't support a downloadonly option21:11
fungithis nail has a docker hammer written all over it!21:11
greghaynesmordred: maybe if we show them a rube goldberg setup like that itll sway them ;)21:11
ianwanyway, i might try and find some people to talk to .. it may be that this use-case hasn't been explained properly21:12
fungigreghaynes: or they'll just wonder why we're not running suse instead21:12
greghayneshah, I do not object to the suse idea21:12
ianwdnf is quite focused on minimising things, like it's delta updates etc21:12
ianwwhich is what "normal" people want21:12
fungiinterdiff between rpms? or just between indexes?21:13
fungiapt has supported incremental index updates for ages, though it's only enabled in testing/unstable21:13
fungiby default anyway21:13
mordredI find the incremental index updates to be worse21:13
fungisince stable changes infrequently enough to make it not useful21:13
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fungimordred: i find them worse unless i'm updating frequently, and then i find them better21:14
ianwno like delta-rpms21:14
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fungithere's a sweet spot where if your update frequency is too low then you're better off disabling the feature21:14
ianwyeah my deb system i turn that off, it's faster to download the whole file21:14
dstufftianw: hi21:14
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ianwdstufft: hi ... if you feel like looking at pip, would fix devstack+f2221:15
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: create growroot element
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dstufftianw: is pip uninstall the system provided cffi21:18
greghaynesSpamapS: ^ updated21:18
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ianwdstufft: hmm, yes what happened there, let me check21:19
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dstufftianw: IOW, if pip is uninstalling the system provided CFFI, why is it leaving behind a .so21:20
dstufftthough I don't think that your change is wrong either, we should respect platlib21:20
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dstufftbut I tihnk it might mask another problem21:20
ianwdstufft: yes, there might be a bug <- looks like maybe it removes /cffi ... but not the .so in the directory above it?21:22
dstufftianw: Ok21:22
dstufftthat seems like wrong behavior to me21:22
dstufftmight be CFFI's fault and not pip's though21:22
dstufftor Fedora's fault21:23
dstufftuntangling a mes21:23
ianwyeah, /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ remains after that...21:23
ianwdstufft: yeah, well that's why you're the expert.  i was just wondering why that file didn't get overridden!21:23
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dstufftsince just "pip uninstall cffi" reproduces it, can you open an issue for that, and I'll merge your PR since it fixes an actual problem in that we should respect platlib when installing from wheels anyways21:24
ianwthis has probably been around for a while, it's just the .so got to the point it breaks21:24
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ianwdstufft: yep, will do in a bit, i'll have a quick dig and see if i find anything.  thanks21:25
dstufftianw: thanks, sorry for being so slow to respond21:27
* dstufft needs a cloning machine.21:27
regXboiclarkb: ping with a question question - where are the infra trusty-tahr images stored?21:28
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clarkbregXboi: in the clouds we run against. rackspace and hpcloud currently21:29
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regXboiclarkb: are they available via download to use to verify results independently?21:29
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* regXboi is looking through the wiki and not seeing links21:29
clarkbregXboi: not currently no, but you can build your own using disk image builder or via the snapshot scripts21:30
clarkbregXboi: in openstack-infra/project-config/tools/ is a disk image builder wrapper to make it slightly eaier21:30
regXboiclarkb: ack and thanks!21:30
fungiregXboi: we would like to make them available for download at some point, though we only actually have possession of the dib-based images we upload, and currently we bake our access keys into them which is not so useful for downstream consumers21:30
regXboifungi: also ack21:31
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* regXboi had people asking about how to build images, so thanks21:31
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clarkbit would be neat if hpcloud's images could be swifted too then we just made that container public21:32
clarkbthat way we get easy public images (compared to rax + cdn) and you get images that are smaller than 15GB and can be booted on your laptop21:32
fungiyeah, i don't want to deal with serving those via apache because they're pretty large21:32
regXboiunderstood - the how to is good enough - I can point others to it :)21:33
jeblairfungi: i think we figured glean could handle ssh key injection, so that even if we publish our verbatim images, people can use them locally and inject their own keys on boot21:33
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fungijeblair: oh, coolness21:33
greghaynesYep, as long as they are up for making a configdrive21:34
clarkbjeblair: yes but it does require using config drive which is clunky. There are however tools to make config drive usage saner so not the worst thing21:34
greghaynesIt also isnt too hard to mount the image, inject a key, unmount21:34
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jeblairgreghaynes: true; we can provide a script to automate that too21:35
fungialso i have a trusty-based etherpad-dev deployed at 2001:4800:7818:103:be76:4eff:fe05:f8e7 but there are a few apache-related errors in the puppet output that i need to sift through21:36
fungiit'll have to wait till after dinner though21:37
jeblairfungi: ooh cool.  we'll need to figure out how to do the retry=0 thing with the websocket redirect21:37
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clarkboh if you are switching to trusty21:38
clarkbwe can use the ubuntu package of nodejs I think21:38
jeblairooh neat21:38
fungithat'll be swell21:38
greghaynesfor now :p21:38
jeblairgreghaynes: yeah, we might just want to move the nodejs stuff into a class or hide it behind a parameter so we can turn it back on if we need it21:39
fungias for the production server, load since ops mid-cycle lunch looks not so high... i have a feeling lots of people bailed on the afternoon sessions21:39
clarkbjeblair: +121:39
jeblairfungi: we're also split into workgroups21:39
greghaynesYep, I would expect by the next LTS we'll be back to not runing from system package21:40
clarkbmaybe I should look at writing the patch really quickly21:40
jeblairfungi: my guess is i'm in the largest which has 46 authors21:40
clarkbthen fungi might want to redeploy after dinner21:40
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Allow registered users to edit topics
fungibut yeah, if anybody else wants to hack on trusty-ifying puppet-etherpad i'll be thrilled21:40
jeblairi haven't noticed a problem (i saw one reconnect on the screen, but it may have been a noe-off)21:41
openstackgerritTimothy R. Chavez proposed openstack-infra/puppet-cgit: Do not execute selinux commands if policy disabled
fungian onoes-off21:41
timrcnibalizer, Thanks for the suggestion ^^21:41
jeblairso i'm still optimistic about the 503+retry being the couse21:41
jeblairfungi: onoes :)21:41
timrcI forget about facts.  Just in general :)21:41
clarkbtimrc: out of curiousity, are you deploying it with selinux disabled intentionally?21:42
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timrcclarkb, Apparently.21:42
clarkbtimrc: I know pleia2 put a bit of effort into making selinux work so its sad t osee others decide they need to disable it21:42
timrcclarkb, Isn't that what selinux is there for :)?21:42
timrcclarkb, I'd like to, at some point in time, figure out why we had to disable it beyond "git replication didn't work with it enabled" and why we disabled it rather than put it into permissive mode.21:43
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clarkbtimrc: well we know replication works too21:43
* timrc worked on auditd in a former life so I have a certain affinity for it.21:43
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clarkbbecause thats how we do it21:43
openstackgerritPradeep Kilambi proposed openstack/requirements: Add jsonpath-rw-ext to global requirements
clarkbtimrc: because my prefernece is we use the software as designed rather than build in hackarounds21:43
timrcclarkb, Yeah.  I'm confused as to why it was disabled.  Something to follow up with my colleague.21:44
timrcAll I know is that Things assume selinux is enabled and it currently breaks us....21:44
timrcclarkb, "disabled" is a valid mode in selinux though.21:44
clarkbtimrc: yes, but not for our git mirror21:44
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clarkbwe recently found rax stopped enforcing by default too21:45
timrcclarkb, So isn't that where system-config comes in?21:45
clarkband this tripped over that and caught it so we could fix it21:45
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clarkbif however we say "well just disable it then" we wouldn't have that trip and fix21:45
clarkbtimrc: I don't think so, we know the software works with enforcing21:45
clarkbso it should be enforcing21:45
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timrcSo I think that's a good attitude and practice, but for systems running selinux disabled which is a valid mode, the alledgly reusable module should not fall over?21:46
clarkbit is reusable21:46
nibalizertimrc: my machine doesn't have  selinux_config_mode21:46
clarkbtimrc: instead of switching to not enforcing we should fix the module to continue enforcing21:46
nibalizer[ruby-1.9.3-p551]$: facter | grep selinux21:46
nibalizerselinux => false21:46
nibalizeris all I get21:46
timrcnibalizer, I just pulled the fact from
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timrcnibalizer, selinux_mode was empty / unused.21:47
clarkbI guess my point is the bug is that enforcing doesn't work not that we need to allow disabled selinxu21:47
clarkbso fix that enforcing doesn't work in whatever case that is and everyone continues to be happy21:47
timrcclarkb, Organizationally shouldn't the server decide whether its enforcing and then modules use that information to do this or that?21:48
fungiclarkb: can you reenable puppet agent on zuul once 214795 lands? if you don't get around to it, i'll try to remember to check back in after dinner21:48
timrcSo openstack says "we're enforcing" and then the module takes the logical branch that says "do this if enforcing" *shrug*21:48
fungiin the meantime, heading out for a couple hours21:48
clarkbtimrc: maybe but I don't think your change does that either? its relying on facter not config management to say or did  Imisread it?21:48
clarkbtimrc: your change is saying "accept whatever broken default rackspace give sme"21:49
timrcThat was changed.. I had originally had a parameter which defaulted to enforcing but was asked to use a fact instaed.21:49
clarkbtimrc: not "I explicitly want t odisable selinx"21:49
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timrcer instead*21:49
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timrcclarkb, I see it as "do this configuration if this thing is enabled otherwise do not" :)21:49
clarkbtimrc: right and my example from before shows that doesn't work21:50
clarkbbecause your cloud will just change it up on you and if yo udon't trip over that you will have a sad21:50
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timrcclarkb, I'm not familiar with the selinux thing rax had... was it a matter of rackspace falling over because assumptions were being made about the environment or did disabling selinux mask a bug?21:51
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clarkbtimrc: rax disabled it for us helpfully21:52
clarkbtimrc: our puppet failed and we went ok great21:52
clarkbtimrc: if your change was in we would not have noticed and would not have had enforcing selinux21:52
jeblairthat's the only reason i knew it was disabled.. ya.21:52
clarkband all that work we did would have been wasted21:52
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timrcI guess I feel like enforcement of such a thing "thou shalt use selinux" should be done in openstack-infra/system-config and not in the module?21:53
clarkbtimrc: right I am saying that would be fine but its not a thing your change supports aiui21:54
clarkbtimrc: yours queries facter before puppet runs, finds that its disabled, then runs with it21:54
timrcBut look, I can probably just put these systems into permissive for now to sort out the problems, a policy will be loaded, and semanage will not barf all over the place and cause the puppet agent to cry21:54
clarkbregardless of what system config or the module try to do21:54
timrcclarkb, Well my original change was passing in a default param that would be passed in from system-config (but it can just default to enforcing too)21:55
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timrcWould that be more acceptable?21:55
clarkbI think default enforcing and don't ask facter what it thinks it should be are what should be done21:55
clarkbotherwise you are letting something other than puppet decide for you21:55
timrcThat's what I originally had but was advised to use a fact instead *shrug*21:56
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clarkbmy biggest goal is to not allow disabled through when enforcing is intended21:59
clarkband we know that sometimes cloud providers change that on you21:59
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clarkbso silently letting that through is badness21:59
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nibalizerya I told tim that a fact is preferable to an enforcing flag22:02
nibalizerclarkb: puppet catching that selinuix was disabled is neat and all, but thats a monitoring problem not a config mgmt problem22:02
clarkbnibalizer: it is a config managmeent problem22:02
nibalizernow puppet code to cause selinux to be enforcing, that I can get behind22:02
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clarkbselinux being enabled or disabled is config management22:02
nibalizerclarkb: detection of a change in status? thats a monitoring issue22:03
clarkbnibalizer: think of it this way, you run the change as is expecting it to be enforcing but it comes out not enforcing because the change didn't care22:03
clarkbthats a config management problem22:03
nibalizerpuppet code to set it to be enforcing or not enforcing is a puppet thing, but no one has written that code for us22:03
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clarkbnibalizer: correct and even if they had it would breka in some cases becaues facter always runs first22:03
clarkbyou don't get updated facts after each resource changes22:03
clarkbso if puppet sets enforciing you should rely on what puppet wants not what facter says22:04
nibalizerthats valid but the next puppet run would fix it22:04
clarkbyou can't assume a next run22:04
nibalizeri hesitate to ever manage that stuff with puppet since I like reboots between changes and puppet doesn't run that22:04
clarkbsee the image builds22:04
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nibalizerright I wouldn't manage that with puppet22:05
nibalizerin my mind, enforcing crosses the reboot barrier22:05
nibalizerso if you change that state, you have to reboot22:05
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nibalizeralso, if you want a notifier that selinux has become disabled, thats a monitoring issue22:05
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nibalizeropinionated puppet configuration doesn't seem like a good replacement for monitoring checks22:06
clarkbI am not asking for opinionated puppet22:06
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clarkbI am saying let puppet decide if it should be enforcing or not22:06
clarkbnot facter22:06
clarkbso that way you will fail still22:06
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clarkbor optionally don't fail if you have chosen for that to be the case22:07
clarkbbut as is you get neither, instead you just get whatever you were given22:07
clarkband thats a config management problem22:07
nibalizerfacter gives you this nice globaly available variable that you can check from anywhere22:07
clarkbbut its wrong22:07
nibalizerand you want to throw that away and pass parameters around22:07
nibalizerit can be wrong, but if it is, you have deeper problems22:07
clarkband failing safe is the wrong thing in that case?22:08
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crinkleif I understand the argument correctly I think I agree with clarkb on this one, having a parameter to make it super explicit what you want is preferable to relying on a fact22:08
clarkbto summarize my two issues are 1) if there is a problem with enforcing there we should fix that instead of disabling and 2) we should make it so that if we end up disabled wen we want to be enforcing we fail22:09
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clarkb1 is something I don't know enough about to help debug. But 2 is a known thing that happens and is good to have22:10
timrcHow would 2 be implemented?22:10
timrcIf we passed a parameter to the module that not "enabled" it would fall over... more gracefully?22:11
clarkbtimrc: ya22:11
timrcIt would prevent people from running permissive as well.22:11
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timrcWhich enforcing without the enforcing but all the lovely audit logs.22:11
clarkbtimrc: or they could pass in "permissive" and be ok with that22:11
clarkband if it isn't permissive fail too22:11
timrcThat doesn't make much sense to me.22:11
timrcdisabled is permissive without the audit logging, permissive is enabled without the enforcement...22:12
timrcSo you're okay with people running without the policy as long as they're getting audit logs?22:12
clarkbyou have three states right? disabled, permissive, and enforcing22:12
nibalizerclarkb: so part of this comes from an ease-of-use perspective22:12
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clarkbjustbe explicit about hich of the three is expcted22:12
clarkbfail others22:12
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nibalizerwe don't have any documentation on how to use our modules, and even three or four of us working hard on these modules, they're still poorly tested and hard to use22:12
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nibalizerso if by inspecting the fact we can make the puppet code adapt to it's enviornment and be easier to get started with, I think we should22:13
clarkbnibalizer: it goes both ways, puppet not doing what I expect is a use problem22:13
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timrcclarkb, So then you're okay with someone passing in disabled and that masking out the selinux bits?22:13
clarkbnibalizer: except this is a security thing and you don't want it to adapt to its environemnt22:13
timrcSorry I'm pretty dense :)22:13
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clarkbtimrc: yes! what I am not ok with is letting facter decide for me22:13
nibalizerclarkb: and it goes back to validating a security issue is something you should be actively monitoring and alerting on22:13
nibalizerhosts can be failing puppet in puppetboard for weeks at a time here, it's not something that causes concern22:14
jesusaurusclarkb: but changing the selinux mode requires a reboot, after which facter would be correct22:14
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clarkbjesusaurus: but you wouldn't know to reboot22:14
clarkbpuppet would say +1 config is good22:14
timrcclarkb, Cool.22:14
clarkband you would move on with life22:15
timrcAlso changing from enforcing to permissive or disabled does not require a reboot.22:15
timrcBut going from disabled to permissive or enforcing does as the policy needs to be reloaded.22:15
openstackgerritTim Buckley proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Install and run StackViz during devstack-gate host cleanup. (WIP)
timrcJust an fyi ;)22:15
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nibalizerthe point of facter is to identify the state of the machine and inform the actions to take on it22:16
clarkbnibalizer: and the point of puppet is to enforce a state of the machine and inform whether or not that state was achieved22:17
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nibalizerright and selinux state is not managed in puppet22:17
nibalizerit cannot change through a puppet run22:17
clarkbit can...22:17
nibalizernot in our configuration22:17
clarkbsee above22:17
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clarkbnibalizer: which even if we added would be a noop in the proposed change22:18
timrcFWIW RHEL systems be default are enforcing aren't they?22:18
clarkbbceause puppet would say you want it disabled22:18
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Correct ansible regex varname in zuul param funcs
timrcOr are they permissive?22:18
clarkbtimrc: yes22:18
timrcer by*22:19
clarkbtimrc: at least as built by dib which takes a pretty base rhel/centos image and layers over the top22:19
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clarkbits possible they have other base images with different defaults. Dib uses the cloud images iirc22:20
timrcOkay well I think I have a way forward at least for the upstream change.22:21
timrcclarkb, I agree with you that we should be getting our stuff working with enforcing.22:21
timrcBut that is a separate issue our team needs to work out, I think.22:21
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tonybHow do new branches within a project get created?22:22
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tonybwe kinda need stable/juno in python-swiftclient (and maybe more)22:23
clarkbtonyb: a person with permissions to create the branch does so via the gerrit ui22:23
tonybclarkb: okay cool22:23
tonybclarkb: Thanks.22:23
clarkbtonyb: for swiftclient that is likely an openstack release manager (ttx, dhellmann)22:23
tonybclarkb: Thanks I'll check the gerrit UI and see if I can confirm that,22:24
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clarkbtonyb: you can't do it via git push because that requires force permissions whihc we don't allow (as that is a way to bypass review and rewrite history \o/)22:27
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/puppet-etherpad_lite: Allow system nodejs install
clarkbfungi: ^ something like that maybe22:27
tonybclarkb: That makes sense.22:28
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timrcWhat's interesting about the cgit module originally is that it wrapped the include for selinux in a check for os family but AFAIK we assume that cgit is going to be installed on a Red Hat system...22:33
timrcIs checking for OS family even necessary?22:33
clarkbtimrc: that was probably premature optimization, right now red hat is still the only thing with a cgit package and mor ethan 9 months of support22:34
clarkb(vivid added a package so maybe debian did too but its not in a debian release or ubuntu LTS aiui)22:34
timrcCool well I'll leave it untouched... I'm assuming there will be some app armor policies and what not for whenever we deploy cgit to an Ubuntu LTS :)22:34
openstackgerritTimothy R. Chavez proposed openstack-infra/puppet-cgit: Do not execute selinux commands if policy disabled
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clarkbgreghaynes: the image builds in ~9 minutes22:40
clarkbnow just need to get auth working again22:40
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openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Test that modules.env is complete
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Davieywon goto ##pah22:47
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clarkbjhesketh: good morning, I have one for you noticed we were indexing a bunch of html in elasticsearch22:54
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jheskethclarkb: ah woops22:57
jheskethThanks for the fix, lgtm22:58
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openstackgerritMadhusudhan Kandadai proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make lbaasv2 scenario API job voting
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openstackgerritMadhusudhan Kandadai proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make lbaasv2 scenario API job voting
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openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add bifrost inventory management procedures
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: [WIP] Remove heat pin
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openstackgerritewitter proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Autotopic: read from configuration file .
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adam_gwhere are the first places to debug a jenkins master not pulling zuul jobs from a gearman queue? the master connects fine, its executors are listed in gearman's status and the triggered job is configured in jenkins23:18
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clarkbadam_g: make sure zuul is talking to the same gearman?23:21
clarkbadam_g: perhaps the streams got crossed?23:21
openstackgerritMadhusudhan Kandadai proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make lbaasv2 scenario API job non-voting
adam_gclarkb, i see zuul stuff in the gearman server, as well. executors look like they have a triggered job associated with them there23:23
ianwdstufft: if around.  i guess this issue doesn't hit ubuntu because they use dist-packages, rather than doing the /usr/lib + /usr/lib64 split (
ianwdstufft: however, it seems a limitation of .egg building that installed-files.txt isn't created (still parsing that code)23:24
dstufftianw: yea, well less about dist-packages and more about the fact they don't split platlib and purelib23:25
ianwso i think pip just has no idea these .so's are there23:26
dstufftif there's no installed-file.txt or w/e then no we don't23:26
dstufftwe're just relying on geussing23:26
dstufftI *think* fedora is planning on switching to pip (or has already) for handling installing python packages23:26
dstufftinside of rpm that is, like using pip as the build tool23:26
dstufftnot on the end user machine23:27
ianwright, so i guess on both ubuntu & debian "pip uninstall cffi" of the *packaged* cffi will leave the .so behind23:27
ianwi mean ubuntu & fedora23:28
dstufftyea, probably not23:28
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dstufftif it was put inside of cffi/ we probably would on ubuntu23:28
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ianwi think both would remove that directory; but yeah, it's the top-level .so23:30
ianwdstufft: so it's not just that the package forgets to ship installed-files.txt ... it's actually not generated at all for it to ship?23:30
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dstufftianw: setuptools does not generate it by default23:31
dstufftand distutils does not have the capability to generate it23:31
dstufftpip has some heustistics to uninstall files if they are part of top-level.txt and inside that directory23:31
dstufftif that's the case, then it's not a real bug other than distros being distros23:32
adam_gclarkb, oh, i think its the fact that zuul is failing its merge check before triggering/queuing anything23:32
dstufft(and is partially why I recommend for distros to use pip to interface with python packages)23:32
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-accessbot: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-ansible: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-apparmor: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-apps_site: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-askbot: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
clarkbadam_g: ah ya make sure you have a zuul merger running23:34
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-asterisk: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-bandersnatch: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-bugdaystats: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-bup: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-diskimage_builder: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-drupal: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-elastic_recheck: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-elasticsearch: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-etherpad_lite: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-exim: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerritbot: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-github: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-graphite: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-haveged: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-httpd: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-iptables: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jeepyb: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-kerberos: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-kibana: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-lodgeit: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-logrotate: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-logstash: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-mailman: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-mediawiki: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-meetbot: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-mysql_backup: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openafs: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackid: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-os_client_config: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-packagekit: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-pgsql_backup: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-phabricator: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-pip: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-planet: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-project_config: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-puppet: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
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* timrc cowers23:41
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-redis: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-releasestatus: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-reviewday: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
taronI need a stampede gif for the next time this happens23:41
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-simpleproxy: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-snmpd: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-ssh: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-ssl_cert_check: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-statusbot: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-storyboard: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-subunit2sql: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
dstufftwhat is going on23:42
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-sudoers: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-tmpreaper: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-ulimit: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-unattended_upgrades: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
nibalizerI have to change one line in like 60 repos23:43
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-unbound: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-user: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
* asselin_ hopes there's no typo23:43
taronit's kinda spectacular, actually23:43
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-vcsrepo: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-vinz: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-yum: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zanata: Fix target path for regular git clone during tests
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greghaynesso much for that whole DRY thing23:44
openstackgerritVictor Stinner proposed openstack/requirements: Update nose-exclude to 0.4.0
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nibalizergreghaynes: well building a ruby gem is fine, even planned, but not done yet23:44
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fungiclarkb: for 214821 is there a system-config change to exercise that for etherpad-dev yet?23:47
clarkbfungi: there isn't sorry been trying to do benefits elections and other paperworky things23:49
clarkbfungi: you should do them too if you haven't :)23:49
openstackgerritewitter proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Autotopic: read from configuration file .
fungiyeah, did them before bed last night23:50
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fungiwell, _from_ bed actually23:51
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