Friday, 2015-11-13

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funginotmyname: runtime dependency requirement is lower than the setup requirement00:00
notmynamefungi: so that's known and expected?00:01
fungii don't recall which features need a higher pbr during (package build time)00:01
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fungiyou need a higher version of pbr to correctly build sdists/wheels than you need for runtime version detection support00:01
notmynameas a general question, how many openstack projects have non-python dependencies? ie stuff that's required but isn't in requirements.txt?00:02
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fungiand also requirements.txt has no bearing on running since requirements.txt is being injected into install_requires which gets added after what's in setup_require00:02
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Add ref lookup order to the cloner docs
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funginotmyname: many of them if you count build dependencies of their python requirements (for example c headers for lxml, cffi, et cetera)00:04
tonybnotmyname: You mean things like nova needing kvm or iptables?00:04
fungiand, yeah, certainly things which get called in a subprocess like tonyb mentioned00:04
fungii don't have an exact count, but... lots?00:04
notmynameok, that's good00:05
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notmynameI know swift does (eg rsync, sqlite3, etc). just curious, since it means that requirements.txt will never be complete if there are non-python dependencies00:05
notmynameI didn't know if swift was the only one or not00:05
funginot by a long shot00:07
fungiwe're trying to close some of that gap with bindep00:07
fungiat least to make it easier to identify distro packages of non-pypi dependencies needed for development and running tests00:08
notmynameok, great. thanks for the info00:08
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openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed openstack-infra/jeepyb: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed openstack-infra/jeepyb: Add three Zanata scripts
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openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-subunit2sql: Install os-performance-tools
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-subunit2sql: Configure counters2statsd subunit2sql plugin
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: update chairs list, id and agenda url for the Fuel meeting
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anteayajeblair: some activity on the gerrit patch in reply to your post00:30
anteayathe first thing that springs to my mind is ensuring the accounts are self-serve, but that might be a tangential point00:32
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jeblairoh, i think there's some confusion there between multiple _jobs_ vs multiple _accounts_00:33
anteayaoh that's possible00:34
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jeblairwe of course have both  -- n * m :)00:35
anteayaoh they just have one job:
jeblairanteaya: the also have diffy00:35
anteayaoh two accounts, one job per account?00:35
* anteaya looks again00:35
jeblairthough i don't see diffy commenting on recent patchests .. hrm00:36
anteayaoh there is diffy: Patchset merges and builds. Congratulations! from patchset 500:36
anteayaso yeah tough for them to compare to our setup if that is what they get is a comment from diffy and their gerrit ci00:37
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anteayadiffy seems to have spoken up on patchset 5, not before or since00:39
anteayaand gerritforge ci replied to patchset 8, not before, so I don't think I understand their testing system00:40
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jeblairanteaya: i'm looking at cinder changes, and i see tons of ci systems but none of them are voting...00:43
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jeblairanteaya: do you know why?00:43
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add wheel_mirror_slaves that use pypi-mirror
asselin__jeblair, b/c cinder doesn't want any of them voting yet unless they're open source / run by infra00:44
anteayayeah that00:44
asselin__none of them are considered stable enough00:44
jeblairwait i don't understand00:44
openstackgerritDarren Chan proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Added ops-guide team meeting
anteayacinder has never wanted any of the ci systems on its repos to vote00:44
anteayathe report results but don't post verified +1/-100:45
jeblairokay that's REALLY confused00:45
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jeblairthat links to an conversation about JOBS run by INFRA voting in the zuul results00:46
jeblairthat's _completely_ different from a non-infra ci system performing advisory voting00:46
asselin__correct, they used to be non-voting00:46
asselin__the decision was to allow those to vote, but none others00:46
jeblairbut the word "voting" is overloaded with two different meanings00:47
anteayajeblair: yes it is completely different00:47
asselin__yes it is...00:47
anteayayes, voting is overloaed00:47
anteayathey call verifyied voting00:47
anteayaas well as voting, which they call voting00:47
jeblairwhen a JOB in ZUUL is 'voting', it means 'can affect zuul's vote and whether a change can pass the gate.  when a SYSTEM is 'voting' it means whether it can leave an ADVISORY +/-1 on a change00:47
asselin__cinder view of voting = something that blocks a patch from merging00:48
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anteayathey decided to let ceph affect whether a patch can merge00:48
anteayathe ceph job00:48
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jeblairokay, they don't get to redine terminology, that's gating. :)00:48
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anteayaI disagreed with the decision00:49
anteayaand was told it was cinder's decision00:49
anteayaso after going through the meeting logs in which they said they wanted ceph to gate00:49
jeblairso that's great, but i don't understand what that has to do with allowing or not allowing third party systems to leave verified votes?00:49
anteayaI then approved the patch to make it happen00:49
asselin__jeblair, so if a 3rd party ci left an advisory +/- vote on a change, it can still be merged by cinder cores?00:49
anteayaasselin__: yes00:49
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jeblairasselin__: absolutely, zuul pays no attention to verified votes from anyone but zuul00:50
anteayaasselin__: that was the intent behind ci verification votes00:50
anteayaasselin__: it sounds like you did not know that00:50
asselin__ok, then that might be one source of confusion. The other has to do with user workflow.00:50
jeblairand it's absolutely expected that if a 3rd party ci system leaves a -1 and you disagree you just ignore it00:50
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jeblair(to be honest, you should be able to ignore zuul's -1 too, but that was abused too much and now we can't have nice things; i hope to have that back for infra at least in zuulv3)00:51
jeblairthis is a shame, because if they were voting, it would be a great illustration of what borowitz was suggesting00:52
asselin__honestly cinder folks generally don't look at anything with's a culture thing00:52
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jeblairasselin__: that can be fixed with filters00:53
jeblairdashboards, etc00:53
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jeblairyou can easily see changes that jenkins has not -1d, and ignore -1s from other systems00:53
asselin__yes I know...try convincing cinder cores though...00:53
fungithose suggestions were made before00:53
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anteayaI can only say that what cinder does works for cinder00:53
anteayathey have figured out and agreed as a group what they do00:54
anteayaand they do it00:54
fungiit might be worth making those suggestions again now that they're a little more rigorous about their third party systems00:54
asselin__the good news is that they do start to at least look at the 3rd party ci results00:54
jeblairit's a really confusing use of the sytem though, and i think we need to address it.  it's pretty clear that when we were having conversations about this before we were not all actually having the same conversation00:54
jeblairbecause of some fairly serious confusion about terminology00:54
anteayaall third party conversations have been separate conversations00:55
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anteayaand ironic's decison to go off and create their own third party meeting doesn't help00:55
anteayaI don't know what to do00:55
anteayaI did the best I could and it works for some and not others00:55
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anteayaand asselin__'s help has been invaluable00:55
anteayato getting folks together00:56
anteayabut the very topic is oil and water00:56
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anteayanow this doesn't help in terms of making a case to upstream gerrit00:57
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anteayawhich is the point of conversation, I do believe00:57
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asselin__honestly their should be  separate column for gating and non-gating in gerrit00:58
asselin__so it's easier to filter out00:58
asselin__and make the overloaded 'voting' term more explicit00:58
anteayaasselin__: our challenge is to convince upstream gerrit:
anteayaasselin__: they have diffy which leaves a comment with no logs and one ci that leaves a comment with logs from one job00:59
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anteayaasselin__: so making the case for a userstory with multiple job logs per account and multiple ci accounts is our current challenge01:00
asselin__that would be nice "multiple verification results for each patch"01:00
jeblairasselin__: we could make a separate column, but it's not strictly necessary01:00
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jeblairasselin__: it's easy to filter out changes that only jenkins has left a -1 on, and that's what most projects do in their dashboards01:01
jeblairthe only reason i can think to make a separate column is for display purposes in change lists, and i'm just not sure that's necessary if you have a good dashboard01:02
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asselin__...and many people use the default gerrit dashboard01:03
asselin__that might be a better place to improve for big impact. Only show the V column based on jenkins01:04
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jeblairwell, i have to run for now; we can chat more next week :)01:06
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anteayajeblair: see you01:07
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bardiacorrect me if I'm wrong. I'm developing a new cinder volume driver for a storage vendor. One of the requirements is a third party CI. Now to setup the CI you need an openstack cloud for nodepools to run instances on. Since I'm developing for a vendor I have to have the openstack cloud internally so the instances are using the vendor's storage solutions right? I can't just hook up nodepool to a public cloud like01:11
bardia rackspace?01:11
bardiasorry for the long message :)01:11
asselin__bardia, correct01:12
bardiaasselin__: thanks01:12
openstackgerritYAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix broken ENABLED_SERVICES in neutron and scalpels jobs
asselin__bardia, you need to hook up to any cloud (internal or public) that has access to your storage solution.01:12
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: switch partial upgrade testing to multinode
asselin__that last part is why public clouds aren't normally used, and hence the need for 3rd party ci.01:13
asselin__bardia, if you can run in a public cloud, then it's best to just run directly on openstack's infrastructure. there are a few open source solutions that do that01:14
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fungiyeah, for example testing a driver for a ceph backend... we can just install ceph in the test instance and exercise it there, so public clouds work fine for that01:16
bardiaasselin__: I don't think I can run in public cloud since the driver is a NFS backend01:16
bardiayeah I wish it was as simple as ceph :)01:16
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bardiaasselin__: (there are a few open source solutions that do that) what are these solutions you mentioned01:17
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asselin__bardia, take a look at cinder commits: e.g.
asselin__under Jenkins check you see them01:18
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asselin__gate-tempest-dsvm-full-sheepdog-nv gate-tempest-dsvm-full-ceph01:18
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nibalizercrinkle: ok im poking the controller01:19
bardiaasselin__: thanks01:19
crinklenibalizer: kk plz don't knock it over01:20
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clarkbasselin__: bardia well thats not correct right?01:24
clarkbasselin__: bardia we don't require you use nodepool or openstack01:24
clarkbasselin__: bardia those are the tools we help support though01:24
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asselin__clarkb, bardia correct, it's not required, but is what the solution bardia is testing out:
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clarkbbardia: couldn't you NFS upstream01:27
clarkbI suppose it depends on what your NFS server is01:27
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mordredyah. but testing NFS itself in public cloud should be pretty dead easy01:39
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* nibalizer has a user/project on infra-cloud!01:46
nibalizerthe future is here!01:46
anteayanibalizer: congratulations01:46
anteayacrinkle: nice work, it survived nibalizer!01:46
crinkleanteaya: haha01:46
nibalizerso far01:47
nibalizercrinkle: ah i see, is not so much in dns is it?01:47
anteayacrinkle: I don't see your progress in channel, are you tracking it somewhere? like an etherpad?01:47
nibalizeranteaya: it was announced last night around this time01:47
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anteayacrinkle: obviously you are making progress01:47
nibalizeri created the project and user myself01:47
anteayanibalizer: yeah I saw that last nigh01:47
crinklenibalizer: oh i might be messing with dnsmasq01:47
nibalizercrinkle: should I just go ahead and put that in dns?01:47
anteayajust wondering if there are additional artifacts I don't know about01:48
nibalizeralso can we have multiple users in a single project? because right now I have nibz and infra01:48
crinkleanteaya: there is a story in storyboard, i should update some of those tasks01:48
nibalizerif i need to be using nibz:nibz I can do that01:48
anteayacrinkle: ah okay cool01:48
* anteaya goes to storyboard01:48
crinklenibalizer: this controller might not be the controller forever or have that ip address forever so i wouldn't put it in real dns yet01:48
nibalizereh, dns is easy to change01:49
anteayaI'm obviously doing something wrong:!/search?q=infra-cloud doesn't net me an obvious related story01:49
nibalizerI can't hit it from outside without dns... or hosts files maybe01:49
crinklenibalizer: i'll turn dnsmasq back on on the baremetal node01:49
crinkleanteaya: i'll find you the link01:50
nibalizercrinkle: well but im running 'keystone catalog' from my laptop01:50
openstackgerritRui Zang proposed openstack-infra/project-config: add networking-ml3 project
anteayacrinkle: thanks01:50
crinklenibalizer: oh well that won't be helpful then01:50
crinklenibalizer: you can add it to /etc/hosts :)01:50
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anteayacrinkle: thank you01:52
nibalizercrinkle: do you have an internal CA you're using or are all certs snakeoil?01:53
anteayacrinkle: I'm going to try to add the tag 'infra-cloud' to see if searching for 'infra-cloud' nets this story01:53
crinklenibalizer: there's an internal CA that's sort of hacked in, i'll send it to you01:54
crinkleanteaya: that would be awesome, i also can't find this story without searching irc scrollback :(01:54
nibalizerare we gonna use gpg /me gets excited01:54
anteayacrinkle: yeah, not so helpful when trying to help folks understand status and hopefully support the effort01:55
anteayacrinkle: so far I don't understand tagging correctly01:55
anteayaI will ask Zara for help01:55
anteayaZara: I would really like to be able to put 'infra-cloud' in the storyboard search field and have!/story/2000175 be one of the top hits, it doesn't have to be number 1 but top 10?01:56
anteayaZara: I tried adding a tag 'infra-cloud' but so far I have been unsuccessful in meeting my goal, guidance welcome01:57
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openstackgerritSachi King proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Support git://, git+ssh://, git+https:// without -e flag.
anteayacrinkle: if you want a hand sorting those tasks at all let me know, happy to listen to you if that helps you02:09
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crinkleanteaya: thanks! i may do that02:11
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openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add docs for renaming an IRC channel
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bardiaasselin__: so I tried setting a slave manual but the puppet scripts for setting up a slave set them up as single use. do you know of any scripts that sets up a slave for continuos use. or is that a big no no for openstack ci?02:22
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anteayaI'm convinced Clint is a elf-bot02:24
anteayaalways around, never seem him but he might be there if you look away quickly02:24
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* Clint hides behind a b-tree.02:26
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anteayaha ha ha02:27
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anteayabardia: yeah we have single use slaves02:30
anteayabardia: some cis use their slave continually and end up with issues as a result of that02:30
anteayainfra tests on single use slaves, with the expectation that the test runs on a clean node every time02:31
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nibalizercrinkle: everything I try comes back with: ERROR: openstack The request you have made requires authentication. (HTTP 401) (Request-ID: req-8d75b644-9246-4043-9bd0-13a312888a58)02:35
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anteayanibalizer: yay errors!02:38
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nibalizeri believe i know the issue though02:41
nibalizeri've added a role called 'user' and we dont have that in policy.json so it can't do anything02:41
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anteayaah ha02:42
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openstackgerritRui Zang proposed openstack-infra/project-config: add networking-ml3 project
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/grafyaml: Remove duplicate LOG code
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openstackgerritfumihiko kakuma proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add job for the ovs mechanism driver with native mode
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asselin__bardia, yeah, as anteaya said, they're setup for single-use. when done, a new one will be launched by nodepool.03:20
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openstackgerritRui Zang proposed openstack-infra/project-config: add networking-ml3 project
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Selectively prune /root for ironic-agent ramdisk
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Kennanhi sdague: any further comments for this review ?
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Kennannot found any updates for long time03:47
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openstackgerritDarren Chan proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Added ops-guide team meeting
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add in extra connections tests
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Move Item formatting into Reporters
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Document the new connections in zuul
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Remove ActionReporters
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add support for sqlalchemy reporter
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Tidy up loggers
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add support for 'connection' concept
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Tidy up tests/
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: (WIP) Add 'pr-comment' github webhook event
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: (WIP) Add 'push' and 'tag' github webhook events.
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: (WIP) Support GitHub PR webhooks
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: (WIP) Make the string representation of change transparent
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: (WIP) Merge pull requests from github reporter
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: (WIP) Configurable SSH access to GitHub
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: (WIP) Fix job hierarchy bug.
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: (WIP) Allow using webapp from connections
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: (WIP) Support for github commit status
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: (WIP) Add basic Github Zuul Reporter.
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: (WIP) Allow list values in template parameters.
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jeblairinfra-root: i self-approved to match the current manual nodepool config04:15
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Increase OVH and Blue Box to 5 nodes each
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nibalizerjeblair: thanks04:21
nibalizerif you see above, the infra-cloud is getting there04:22
nibalizeri tried to create a user to test with, didn't get very far04:22
nibalizerbut hey, progress!04:22
jeblairnibalizer: i saw!04:22
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jeblairinfra-root: puppet is re-enabled on nodepool; ovh and bluebox each have max-servers set to 5 so we can watch for errors and collect data; feel free to set that to 0 if you see systemic problems, otherwise i'd like to run it at that level over the weekend and increase next week.04:39
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openstackgerritAnusha Ramineni proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Allow congress jobs use devstack and tempest plugins
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chenlihello, I' trying to run unit test , after I run command "tox", I get error :,04:44
chenlianyone can help me ?04:44
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openstackgerritfumihiko kakuma proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add job for networking-ofagent
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openstackgerritfumihiko kakuma proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add job for networking-ofagent
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openstackgerritCaleb Boylan proposed openstack-infra/shade: [WIP]Make functional object tests actually run
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Added ops-guide team meeting
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openstackgerritMichal Rostecki proposed openstack/requirements: Add dcos library
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openstackgerritfumihiko kakuma proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add job for networking-ofagent
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openstackgerritCaleb Boylan proposed openstack-infra/shade: [WIP]Make functional object tests actually run
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openstackgerritEgle proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Correct Diversity WG calendar entry The Diversity Working Group holds meetings weekly, at alternating times. The entry for the calendar was never accurate. This patch fixes the wrong times. It also now includes accurate IRC channel.
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/ansible-puppet: Fix pep8 warnings
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openstackgerritRui Zang proposed openstack-infra/project-config: add networking-ml3 project
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
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zarochenli: have you tried deleting your .tox folder and rerun?06:57
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Re-home migrate-to-phab.sql
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-phabricator: Re-home migrate-to-phab.sql
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openstackgerritTimofey Durakov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix for order of in live migration job
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tdurakovneed help with merging trivial fix in project-config07:03
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openstackgerritTimofey Durakov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix for order of commands in live migration job
tdurakovanteaya, ,  are you around?07:05
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tdurakovfungi, ping07:06
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Fix for order of commands in live migration job
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add searchlight-specs project
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add searchlight-specs project
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Creation of the tools-contrib repo.
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: fix heat stable/kilo gate
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/grafyaml: Additional fields for singlestat panel
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/grafyaml: Remove duplicate version code
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shardyHi all, anyone have time to check out
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shardyWe've been trying to get CI coverage for TripleO stable branches, any help landing that would be great, thanks! :)09:27
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Zaraanteaya: I think there are two issues atm. Firstly, the search looks for exact text matches to the title-- so it'll pick up 'create a cloud*' but not 'infra-cloud'. Secondly, tags haven't been fully implemented yet-- they can be stored but are not searchable yet (which makes them useless). Fixing tags is on Adam's list after worklists and boards; I can take a look at it before then, but he's a lot more experienced than I am, so he09:40
Zaraanteaya: in the meantime, I'd suggest retitling that story to 'infra-cloud' would work as an interim fix, if it would be better to make it searchable from 'infra-cloud'09:40
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sathieuI've heard that you use salt (while keeping puppet). But I couldn't find info about this except git repo removals09:50
sathieuwas is abandonned?09:50
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Zaraanteaya: putting 'infra-cloud' in the description should also work, actually.09:55
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Zaraanteaya: if retitling is too drastic. Sorry I can't be more helpful rn.09:55
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/glean: Don't use --root for tmp lockfile
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Deep link in grafyaml description
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: aodh: run HBase functional tests
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Shorten the kolla job names
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add TripleO stable/liberty to gerritbot channels
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openstackgerritJan Hruban proposed openstack-infra/zuul: (WIP) Add 'pr-comment' github webhook event
openstackgerritJan Hruban proposed openstack-infra/zuul: (WIP) Add 'push' and 'tag' github webhook events.
openstackgerritJan Hruban proposed openstack-infra/zuul: (WIP) Support GitHub PR webhooks
openstackgerritJan Hruban proposed openstack-infra/zuul: (WIP) Make the string representation of change transparent
openstackgerritJan Hruban proposed openstack-infra/zuul: (WIP) Merge pull requests from github reporter
openstackgerritJan Hruban proposed openstack-infra/zuul: (WIP) Configurable SSH access to GitHub
openstackgerritJan Hruban proposed openstack-infra/zuul: (WIP) Fix job hierarchy bug.
openstackgerritJan Hruban proposed openstack-infra/zuul: (WIP) Allow using webapp from connections
openstackgerritJan Hruban proposed openstack-infra/zuul: (WIP) Support for github commit status
openstackgerritJan Hruban proposed openstack-infra/zuul: (WIP) Add basic Github Zuul Reporter.
openstackgerritJan Hruban proposed openstack-infra/zuul: (WIP) Allow list values in template parameters.
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tdurakovhi, got question about job-debugging, how to check file tree for current run
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tdurakovjlanoux, hi, are you around?10:39
jlanouxtdurakov: Hi10:39
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tdurakovneed help with job debugging: there is hook in nova I'm trying to execute it as a post_test_hook, but got
tdurakovis there any way to get project structure?10:41
tdurakovjlanoux, ^10:41
jlanouxtdurakov: the path of run_tests is wrong10:43
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tdurakovjlanoux, need clarification then, what should it be?)10:43
jlanouxtdurakov: I think you need to decide if you want the hook directory or not. This just needs to be consistent between Nova and the gate job.10:45
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tdurakovjlanoux, oh, I'm stupid10:46
tdurakovfound a rootcause10:46
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tdurakovjlanoux, thanks!10:46
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Allow change owners to abandon in governance
jlanouxtdurakov: np!10:46
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add ironic-agent-troubleshoot element
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add ironic-agent-troubleshoot element
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openstackgerritPeter Lisák proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adding python-jobs for swauth
openstackgerritTimofey Durakov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fixed path for nova-hook
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openstackgerritIgor Malinovskiy proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make buildimage job for manila image elements non-votable
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openstackgerritIgor Malinovskiy proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make buildimage job for manila image elements non-votable
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openstackgerritAlexey Shtokolov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enabled lightweight jobs for stable branches of fuel-repos
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openstackgerritAlexey Shtokolov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enabled lightweight jobs for stable branches of fuel-repos
openstackgerritAlexey Shtokolov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enabled lightweight jobs for stable branches of fuel-repos
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sdagueKennan: sorry, +A12:03
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sdagueanyone up to reappove it merge conflicted last night12:07
openstackgerritMaty Grosz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Initialize python-vitrageclient project
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smarcetfungi: morning, seems that is down12:08
smarceti cant ssh it12:08
smarcetso not sure what happened12:08
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Fixed path for nova-hook
tdurakovsdague, hi12:09
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fungismarcet: yeah, i have a feeling something happened in rackspace. that instance doesn't even respond to ping. i'll try to take a look at the web console in their dashboard in a few minutes, but i'm about to board a plane and disappear for more than a week12:10
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mgroszHello, can someone please review thanks12:10
openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add ironic-agent-troubleshoot element
fungismarcet: if i don't get a chance to look, other infra-root admins may be around soon12:10
yolandafungi, smarcet, i can take a look12:11
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AJaegerfungi: have a great vacation!12:11
sdagueAJaeger: thanks, though I just saw the failure rate spike on that job. Damn, I'm going to have to look at what we regressed12:12
smarcetfungi: ups, ok have a nice vacation then :)12:12
smarcetyolanda : ok, thx12:12
AJaegersdague: what a bad timing ;(12:12
yolandasmarcet, i cannot connect by ssh... is that the only one failing or have you seen failures on more services?12:13
smarcetalso i cant ssh production instance of openstackid, complains about public key12:13
smarcetyolanda: nope, only dev instance12:13
yolandasmarcet,what should be your username on
yolandalooks as you are not there12:14
smarcetdo u need my public key?12:15
yolandasmarcet user not created there12:15
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yolandaanyway, first let me look at openstackid-dev12:16
smarcetsure thx :)12:16
fungiyolanda: smarcet has a login to and that's what's down. he doesn't have an account on the production instance. like with our other production servers it's just infra-root who has shell accounts12:17
yolandathat explains :)12:17
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sdagueAJaeger: hmmm... it looks like the force_hosts filter isn't doing what I expected12:17
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yolandainfra-root , smarcet, i saw the problem with openstackid-dev but i need some clarification12:28
yolandawe have 2 servers named, one pointing to and one pointing to
yolandadns resolves to 192.xx.xx.xx ip12:29
smarcetnot sure why12:29
yolandabut the working one, is
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yolandasmarcet, i'll need more info about some other infra-roots on how that was setup12:32
smarcetyolando: ok np12:33
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fungiyolanda: the one in dns is the right one12:35
fungiyolanda: the other one is a test instance where i was working on getting trusty running12:35
fungiyolanda: yes12:35
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fungicheck the web console and see if it's responsive. may have encountered a kernel panic12:36
fungialso look at open trouble tickets, there may be one about a problem on a nova host in rackspace impacting one or more of our instances12:37
yolandaok checking12:37
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yolandait's on waiting-for-state stop/waiting12:39
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fungithat's marvellous. i guess try restarting it with a hard reboot and if that doesn't come up in ~15 minutes open a ticket through that tenant12:40
yolandayep, just restarted12:40
fungisorry to disappear in the middle of this, but i have to run. if you get stuck there should be other infra-root admins around soonish12:42
yolandano problem12:42
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yolandaproblem was to identify the right one...12:42
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/system-config: [smarcet] Added parametrization suppport on Redis version
mordredyolanda: I am here and drinking my first coffee12:49
mordredyolanda: so I may not be _useful_12:49
mordredbut let me know if I can help12:49
yolandawell, just restarted a pair of times, it doesn't pass from running cloud scripts12:49
yolandai may report a ticket12:49
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yolandajust hangs on execute cloud user/final scripts12:51
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* yolanda will open her first ticket to rackspace12:51
mordredI really don't want to think much about "execute cloud user/final scripts"12:52
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izinovik-hello, infra-team.  I would like to ask to delete tag '1.0.1' that I occasionally pushed to repository13:03
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izinovik-fungi, jeblair ^13:03
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mordredinfra-root I'm landing the nonaliasmailman change13:07
mordredand babysitting13:07
mordredbecuase it's been sitting there for FOREVER13:08
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Add support for disabling bad pipelines
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-mailman: Add non-alias-modifying mailman provider
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mordredyolanda: can you ssh to puppetmaster?13:15
mordredyolanda: it's hanging for me13:15
mordredin a weird way13:15
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mgroszHello, can someone please review thanks13:16
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Use non-alias-modifying mailman provider
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yolandahi mordred, i was having lunch13:18
yolandalet me check13:18
mordredyolanda: ok. it works for me now13:19
yolandai'm in13:19
yolandai reported issue with openstackid-dev13:19
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openstackgerritKirill Zaitsev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add releasenotes jobs to murano
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mordredalso - woot, the noaliasmailman provider seems to have worked and not broken anything13:23
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Add kolla to requirements family
yolandacool :)13:24
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mgroszyolanda: can you please review I need it merged...thanks13:32
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tsgmordred, fungi: I am wondering what's the best way to replicate the CI slave environment locally - I am trying to recreate this failure:, locally but am not able to, in a brand new trusty (14.04.3) environment13:37
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sathieuI've heard that you use salt (while keeping puppet). But I couldn't find info about this except git repo removals13:46
sathieuwas is abandonned?13:46
gordcpleia2: anteaya: i think you need special permissions to run commands to rename channel.13:46
gordci get "-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- You are not authorized to (de)op gordc on #openstack-ceilometer"13:46
mordredsathieu: we use ansible and puppet13:48
mordredsathieu: we did abandon the approach of using salt to run puppet13:49
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Limit project-config-gerrit
mordredfor 2 main reaons: a) the salt command returns 0 regardless of success or failure of the run, which is problematic as a sysadmin13:49
mordredand b) salt still required us to have a CA infrastructure for our nodes, whereas with ansible and puppet apply, all we need are ssh keys13:49
openstackgerritJan Hruban proposed openstack-infra/zuul: (WIP) Merge pull requests from github reporter
openstackgerritJan Hruban proposed openstack-infra/zuul: (WIP) Support for github commit status
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sathieumordred: and ansible is only used to run puppet apply?13:51
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sathieu(For info, we currently intensively use puppet at my work, but find 3 drawbacks: 1. It's not easy to manage n-tier applications 2. it's slow, 3. it pulls a log of dependencies, including ruby)13:52
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mordredsathieu: yah. well, currently it's used to run puppet agent, we're moving to puppet apply currently13:53
mordredsathieu: we also use ansible for some maint playbooks13:53
mordredlike rolling restarts of jenkins farms or whatnot13:53
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Initialize python-vitrageclient project
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* sathieu 've seen;a=tree;h=refs/heads/master;hb=refs/heads/master13:54
mordredsathieu: yah - we're not always thrilled with puppet, but we have a ton of puppet code already, as well as a ton of puppet experience - so the benefit of doing a complete rewrite in something else has not seemed worth it compared to the cost to do the work and for everyone involved to learn the new thing to the same level of expertise13:54
Shrewsvitrage? that's a new one to me13:55
mordredsathieu: yah. after we get moved to puppet apply, we're aiming to use ansible for node creation13:55
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mordredso that a root member does not have to create new servers for people but instead we cna drive it from git like our other things13:55
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mordredbut basically we use ansible to orchestrate sequences of tasks13:55
mordredleaving puppet to manage single machine state- which it's quite good at13:56
mordred(that might help you with your n-tier problem too)13:56
mordredthat's actually why we moved to having ansible run puppet13:56
mordredwe needed to update our git replica farm before updating the master that would replicate to them13:57
clarkbspeaking of rolling restarts, I was trying tofigure out why that cron didnt fire yesterday then realized its wasnt friday13:57
sathieumordred: yes. I think we'll go that road too. We just need to choose between salt and ansible13:57
mordredsathieu: is the ansible role we use13:57
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mordredsathieu: I also landed the library in that role in upstream ansible13:58
mordredso there is good support directly in ansible 2.0 for running puppet - both agent and apply13:58
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mordredand we've got code now for copying per-machine hiera data around13:58
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mordredsathieu: there is one of our playbooks for running puppet on our non-git farm13:59
mordredsathieu: so, I'd recommend ansible, mainly because you can use the work we've done already in the space13:59
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mordredclarkb: you ok with me landing 160062 ?14:00
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix paths for gate-compute-api-guide
mordredclarkb: (nibalizer mentions you in the commit message)14:01
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clarkbmordred sure14:01
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tsgclarkb: I am wondering what's the best way to replicate the CI slave environment locally - I am trying to recreate this failure:, locally but am not able to, in a brand new trusty (14.04.3)14:05
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix gate-compute-api-guide
sathieumordred: thanks a lot for your explanations14:06
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mordredsathieu: my pleasure!14:08
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clarkbtsg that looks like asuccessful pip install?14:08
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Update HAProxy module to 1.3.0
clarkbare you saying it fails locally?14:09
tsgclarkb: no it doesn't fail locally14:09
clarkbok it didnt fail in that log eitger14:09
tsgclarkb: only in CI slaves .. and there are no verbose logs I can rely on14:09
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tsgclarkb: look for "Failed to build PyECLib14:09
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clarkbit succeeded14:11
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clarkbin that log14:11
clarkbI think it only failed to bdist wheel14:11
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tsgclarkb: it seems it didn't install pyeclib though and thus failed in
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tsg(don't see pyeclib==1.1.1 in the list of reqs installed)14:12
clarkbya I dont either I wonder why pip reports success then14:13
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clarkbso first thing I would do is try making a wheel just anywhere and make sure that works14:14
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tsgclarkb: I can make a wheel - what's the right way to test it?14:14
yolandamordred, so quite surprised for that +2 on puppet-openstackci.... i still don't understand the point of adding a wrapper, if it doesn't provide any extra value14:15
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mordredit's like I said in the comment14:15
yolandai just refactored that class, some time ago, removing the graphite wrapper from system-config because it was nothing14:15
mordredit's a getter/setter layer14:15
mordredsystem-config is different14:15
mordredit's not an end-user interface layer14:15
mordredopenstackci is supposed to be an interface for people to reconsume things14:15
clarkbtsg make sure ypu have the same versions of setuptools and wheel as in that job14:15
tsgclarkb: (that is, I am able to create a pyeclib whl locally without errors)14:16
tsgclarkb: ok14:16
clarkbthen python bdist_wheel against pyeclib14:16
tsgclarkb: that makes sense. let me try .. thanks14:16
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mordredyolanda: in a few months, of something happened and we developed the need to do something interesting inopenstackci::graphite, then a userof openstackci would have no way of knowing that14:16
mordredyolanda: I _totally_ agree that removing it from system config was the right thing14:16
AJaegeryolanda, clarkb, sdague, mordred: could you review to fix the new computeapi job, please?14:17
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mordredAJaeger: nope. I'm not reviewing anything for you until you start reviewing code regularly ;)14:17
* mordred goes to review14:17
AJaegermordred: you should say: Review better - because I had to patch what I missed in my review ;)14:18
AJaegerthanks, mordred14:18
yolandabut why should not use the graphite direcly at this point? are we expecting that to change?14:18
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yolandai can see the value of wrappes when we add some extra layer on top14:18
yolandamordred,do you think is the moment to add graphite to the scope of openstackci, when we are not adding any extra config, any extra functionality layer to it?14:19
phschwartzyolanda: The idea behind it is for creating a 3rd party ci and a downstream mirror of ci, to provide a single interface and not require a user to directly setup the underlying item. There will be more in the graphite wrapper that I am currently working on for base server setup and security regards, but that is not something that is ready for it yet.14:19
mordredyolanda: I believe it's more that we're saying "a graphite is a part of an openstackci"- we don't have anything in that wrapper right now, but that doesn't mean we might not in the future14:19
yolandai'd just add it to some README doc and avoid creating the empty wrapper14:20
AJaegerthanks, mordred and sdague for the review and approval14:20
mordredyolanda: I think that defeats the point of this module14:20
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mordredyolanda: any of these things could have been done with docs in a readme14:20
mordredbut this is supposed to be a easy-simple place to go to get an "openstackci"14:20
yolandaphschwartz, if you are adding extra functionality there, or that's intention, can you clarify on the review?14:21
phschwartzyolanda: I would agree with mordred that would defeat the point of the module and the hope is to unclutter and reduce the Running your own doc instead of making it more.14:21
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yolandaand do we expect to move system-config,and reuse that empty puppet-openstackci graphite wrapper?14:21
mordredphschwartz: I think adding a note to the review that you do intend also to add things to the wrapper might clarify for folks14:21
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phschwartzyolanda: I am adding more, but it will not be part of that review. I am creating an openstackci version of the openstack_project::server class that will help create a base system that these will be created on allowing firewall control and such.14:22
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phschwartzmordred: I can add that.14:22
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yolandaif that's the intention, i can understand the idea a bit better, but just encapsulating without any extra need threw me back. We have this kind of nesting in the past on system-config, and it was a pain to maintain, to open all the parameters, and to make it flexible enough14:23
phschwartzyolanda: that is a touchy subject with me at the moment. I have been back and forth on it. Part of me wants to see use consume all parts of puppet-openstackci in system_config, but that is a big ball of wax to mold.14:23
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mordredmmm. wax14:24
* mordred molds the was into the shape of a herd of donkeys14:24
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Fix gate-compute-api-guide
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phschwartzyolanda: mordred: Last I heard part of openstackci was going to be or already is being reused in system_config. Is this still correct?14:26
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mordredyah - I believe we consume some things from it14:26
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phschwartzmordred: if that is the case, it might be worth working towards having all of openstackci consumed that way we know that people using openstackci to set a mirror up will be matching upstream14:27
clarkb(thats the goal)14:28
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* yolanda needs to run to doctor14:29
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yolandaso far, if the intention is to really add value to that graphite module, make it reusable, i will be ok with that. Modules like gerrit really need that effort14:30
sathieumordred: One more question: It looks to me that salt-ssh doesn't require a CA, and works more or less like ansible. Isn't it?14:31
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phschwartzyolanda: Another member of my team and I are currently working on that and also for the git backend.14:32
phschwartzyolanda: it is part of the extension spec to openstackci adding in the ability to create a downstream ci mirror14:33
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yolandayes, i am willing to see those. We have something like that downstream, and really gerrit and git are the hard ones14:33
phschwartzyolanda: I held back on the git one as I finish the base server setup class. If I get that 100% today and the review out the other will follow shortly.14:34
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mordredsathieu: might be - but by the time that became a real thing, we'd already moved to ansible14:35
mordredsathieu: also, salt-cloud uses libcloud to talk to clouds which does not work well for openstack, so for the node-creation part, ansible is _WAY_ better14:36
mordredsathieu: (also, I just rewrote all of the ansible openstack support ...)14:36
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mordredsathieu: so yeah, you could TOTALLY do the same thing with salt if  you wanted14:36
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daemontool_here: can anyone set me as Admin in gerrit for the projects: openstack/freezer openstack/freezer-api openstack/freezer-web-ui ?14:38
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daemontool_user:  fausto.marzi14:40
AJaegerdaemontool_: those projects are self-administrated, so talk to the fuel team and ask to get added.14:40
sathieumordred: we create VM using foreman. In summary: Head or tails will help14:40
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AJaegerdaemontool_: let me double check something, I misread your repo name14:41
daemontool_AJaeger,  ty14:41
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AJaegerdaemontool_:,members is the list of freezer-api cores, talk to the *freezer* admins how they handle it. Normally a new core gets discussed in the team and suggested.14:42
AJaegerAnd you are in that list already, aren't you?14:42
AJaegerso, what else do you need?14:43
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rework pipeline singlestat panel
daemontool_AJaeger,  I'm following this guide
daemontool_for branching14:43
daemontool_and I can't create a new branch14:43
daemontool_or at least I couldn't find a way14:43
daemontool_that doc says to go to the project Admin14:43
mordredsathieu: well, honestly, I'd still vote ansible- largely because you can re-use the ansible code we wrote to run puppet and you'll have to write your own if you go salt14:44
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mordredother than that, it's just personal preference14:44
AJaegerdaemontool_: yes, and will work if ACLs are setup...14:44
AJaegerdaemontool_: see and send an update to project-config to allow branch creation.14:44
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daemontool_ah ok AJaeger  ty14:45
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sathieumordred: there is
mordredsathieu: ok14:48
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mordredsathieu: so, no offense, but I'm not really sure what more I can do to help you make your decision. we tried salt 2 years ago and moved to ansible. we currently use ansible quite happily. we're NOT going to move to salt here nor do we consider it an option in any way14:49
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mordredsathieu: I'm 100% confident that you can do the same thing with salt14:49
mordredbut I have no useful thoughts on the salt side of the coin14:49
sathieuthanks ;-)14:49
mordredsathieu: :)14:51
smarcetyolanda: thx server is up :)14:51
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dhellmanndaemontool_ , AJaeger : please make sure you tag a release before creating a branch14:52
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daemontool_dhellmann,  ah ok14:53
daemontool_tagging before branching14:54
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openstackgerritFausto Marzi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add create rule for branching
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dhellmannAJaeger: can you help me understand what would be involved in moving to
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AJaegerdhellmann: that's a bit outside of my experience - but should be the same we do for specs.openstack.org14:59
jswarrenjeblair: trying to use the puppet-graphite module and ran into this:  Are there any plans for addressing this?14:59
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AJaegerdhellmann: So, adding to system-config as virtual server14:59
jswarrenI'd be happy to work on it, but I'm not sure how to proceed.15:00
AJaegerdhellmann: and changing infra scripts to publish to the proper location similar the spec publish jobs15:00
AJaegerdhellmann: could you review , please? That's for oslo.privsep a trivial translation enablement to finally get the scripts running...15:00
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dhellmannAJaeger : ok, thanks, that sounds like something I could probably tackle in the next few weeks. I would want to figure out how to set up some sort of redirect, too, from the old location.15:01
dhellmannAJaeger : sure, looking now15:01
dhellmannAJaeger : +2a15:02
AJaegerdhellmann:  for the redirect: A change in openstack-manuals - ping me and I can help with that15:02
AJaegerdhellmann: you also need a DNS entry - the infra roots will help you with that.15:02
dhellmannAJaeger : ok, this is a low priority but I'll want to do it by the end of the cycle15:02
AJaegerdhellmann: then update modules/openstack_project/manifests/static.pp in system-config15:03
AJaegerdhellmann: the change to system-config and project-config shouldn't take you more than an hour...15:03
AJaegerthanks, for the approval, dhellmann15:03
dhellmannyeah, this sounds relatively straightforward, thanks for the help, AJaeger15:04
AJaegerdhellmann: you're welcome.15:04
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TravThi dumb question.15:13
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TravTyesterday we added spec repo for searchlight15:14
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/grafyaml: Default dashboard timezone to UTC
TravTit merged15:14
TravTbut we also added group searchlight-specs-core15:14
TravTi don't see that group in gerrit15:14
TravThow do i get that group added to gerrit?15:14
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Four minor fixes that make debugging better
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pabelangerTravT: usually creates them when the code is merged. Could be possible there was an issue with the automation.15:16
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TravTpabelanger: we haven't submitted anything to the repo, yet15:17
TravTdo we need a first submission?15:17
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pabelangerTravT: no, project-config is correct. Like I said, this just might be an issue with our tooling15:17
pabelangeran infra-root will have to check for you15:17
pabelangergive it some time, somebody will see the backscroll15:18
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daemontool_AJaeger, anyone around to approve this small change, it enable us to create branches on our repo:
clarkbTravT pabelanger there is no acl file,access which means no group15:21
clarkbpossibly a syntax error in that file15:21
daemontool_yolanda,  rcarrillocruz any help on ^^15:21
rcarrillocruzdaemontool_: i'm afraid i don't have +2 powers15:22
rcarrillocruzyolanda is out now, went to the dentist15:22
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openstackgerritJohn Warren proposed openstack-infra/puppet-graphite: Prevent possible http_mod headers declaration conflict
TravTclarkb:  when i look at these two files (searchlight and nova) they look the same.  Is that the file you are referencing15:24
openstackgerritAntoine Cabot proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: update Watcher meeting time and available IRC channel
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AJaegerdaemontool_: it's always two pairs of eyes, I can lend my one pair ;)15:28
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TravTclarkb: so, i don't know what to do now to get that group set up.  if it looks just like the nova file, i don't know what could be wrong15:31
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openstackgerritFredrik Medley proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Improve job dependencies using graph instead of tree
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AJaegerclarkb: I'm confused as well - is puppet running everywhere?15:38
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clarkbAJaeger: it should be but anyone can check on puppetboard15:42
clarkbit created the project which means puppet did run15:43
clarkbI can go look at logs15:43
AJaegerclarkb: something is broken15:43
AJaeger,access has the same problem - also created today15:43
AJaegerclarkb: I echeck puppetboard and don't see a problem but I#m not a puppet expert15:43
clarkbImportError: No module named PyMySQL15:44
clarkblooks like we may have tried switching jeepyb to pymysql but didn't add it to the dep list?15:44
pabelangerI see something recently about migrating that15:44
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clarkbit is in the requirements...15:44
daemontool_AJaeger,  lol15:45
clarkbbut it definitely isn't installed from what I can see15:45
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pabelangerdoesn't pip -U need to be used for new requirements?15:46
daemontool_AJaeger,  so sometimes I reread a bit of one of the best book of the computer science history, which is The Linux Programming Interface15:46
daemontool_and at some point on one of the firsts pages, guess who I've found? :)15:46
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Add new context manager for shade exceptions, final.
AJaegerdaemontool_: yeah, a really great book ;)15:48
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daemontool_seconds thought was.. from how long is this guy around? lol15:49
daemontool_that was 200915:50
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AJaegerdaemontool_: my first deep dive in open source was the C Library (glibc) - around 1996...15:51
clarkbpabelanger: I thought we pip -U'd our installs but maybe not jeepyb15:51
clarkboh that confirms it15:52
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openstackgerritFausto Marzi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add create rule for branching
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daemontool_AJaeger,  added also the rule for tagging15:53
AJaegerdaemontool_: to make it perfect mention that in the commit message ;)15:54
daemontool_ok ty15:54
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openstackgerritFausto Marzi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add create rule for branching and tagging
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yolandasmarcet, cool, my rant to Rackspace worked :)16:00
daemontool_yolanda,  I know the week end is at the gates, but if you have some free time please:
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yolandalet's wait for the tests to finish first :)16:01
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jeepyb: Upgrade all packages to the newest version
pabelangerclarkb: AJaeger ^16:02
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daemontool_yolanda,  sure16:04
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tdurakovhi folks, faced with some problem running my hook in ci job:
tdurakovwhat should b requirements for that?16:12
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: node deletion delay is now configurable
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AJaegertdurakov: which repo is this?16:15
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AJaegertdurakov: chmod a+x nova/tests/live_migration/hooks/ in nova16:16
tdurakovAJaeger, there is a hook in nova project16:16
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AJaegertdurakov: so, send a patch to nova to update the permissions of run_tests.sh16:16
tdurakovAJaeger, ok, thank you16:19
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sdaguedims_: on for magnum, I think that job is just broken entirely16:33
sdagueit errors on a missing tox target16:33
AJaegerif there's any one around that likes to review - in pabelanger's spirit - my stack to run jobs for project-config less often, please start with - thanks!16:34
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Replace puppet-httpd with puppetlabs-apache
sdakein project-config is there a way to pull a branch rather then master?16:35
pabelangerclarkb: yolanda: nibalizer: ^ I think that is what everybody is looking for16:35
pabelangerAJaeger: nice!16:36
AJaegersdake: yes, there are ways. What do you want to do?16:36
sdakewe have a repo we are pulling into kolla, but the ode we want to pull as master is from a branch16:36
sdakeso we dont want the branch in the new master repo16:36
sdakebut we want to pull fro the branch for the new master repo16:36
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AJaegersdake: so, a one time import? Or in the testsuite regularly?16:37
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sdakeone time16:37
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sdakei kno how to do a project config import16:37
sdakejust not sure on the tag part16:37
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AJaegersdake: clone the repo, remove all branches you don't want and rename your branch to master - and then use that new repo as the one to import16:38
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AJaegersdake: we import the complete repo as is - but can import from any public location16:39
sdakeAJaeger got ti will do16:39
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dims_sdague ack16:41
daemontool_yolanda,  or anyone available for review thanks
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Remove the "Not updated" text in project and project_group lists
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phschwartzasselin__: did you happen to read back in the comments? There is a reason for adding it and not trying to bloat documentation explaining that the user should create the calls to the graphite class directly while using openstackci for the creation of a downstream ci system16:59
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asselin__phschwartz, I did16:59
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openstackgerritAdam Reznechek proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add publishing jobs to nova-powervm
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asselin__phschwartz, did there one in particular that I missed?17:00
phschwartzpossibly the last from myself and mordred's.17:01
asselin__phschwartz, I don't see anything wrong in calling graphite class directly. If it has everything we need, or can be directly modified to do so, then why add a wrapper?17:01
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Raise minimum oslo.messaging requirement
phschwartzasselin__: the reason for this is creating an interface to create the elements of a downstream ci. We don't want to add more manual setup via documentation, we want an interface that is usable by downstream consumers to create elements directly from openstackci17:02
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asselin__phschwartz, I don't understand how that adds manual steps via documentation17:03
phschwartzIts either we provide a direct interface to the users or we document them using the graphite class directly. documenting the usage of the graphite class directly is directly against the goals of openstackci17:04
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asselin__phschwartz, so what about apache? will will add openstackci:apache?17:05
asselin__will we *17:05
phschwartzApache is consumed by components, not a direct interface for setting up a component17:06
phschwartzgraphite is a used component of our ci systems just as zuul and nodepool are.17:06
* asselin__ looks up graphite usage17:07
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openstackgerritJohn Warren proposed openstack-infra/puppet-graphite: Prevent possible http_mod headers declaration conflict
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daemontool_fungi, jeblair  if you are around please
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asselin__phschwartz, looks dead simple:
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phschwartzasselin__: to a point yes. This is the first step of the wrapper. The next step that is being worked on that is not a valid portion of that review is bringing in the base server configuration for things needed for graphite. The key to it all is providing an interface to the users not making them interact with the underlying classes and anything needed to wrap them for proper usage.17:13
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asselin__phschwartz, is there a review up for that?17:13
phschwartzasselin__: not yet as it is in the works currently. It has been my focus yesterday and today17:14
asselin__phschwartz, what is a 'base server configuration'?17:14
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phschwartzasselin__: currently we are not providing anything for a user of openstackci that provides help around setting up iptables and things needed for these to work correctly and securely. I am working on a class that is a cut down from openstack_project::template and customizable that will help provide this functionality as it is a must for anyone setting up an accessible downstream ci mirror17:16
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asselin__phschwartz, are you implying that openstackci:graphite will have the cut down version of opesntack_project:template built-in?17:18
phschwartzno, but will be using it directly in the template to set ports to be opened and to set rules for statsd hosts passed in.17:18
phschwartzThe current review that we are discussing is a base wrapper of the current graphite settings not including things that are vital to its usage.17:19
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asselin__phschwartz, I'm concerned about the ports opening part b/c of potential conflicts with other modules in case they are co-deployed.17:21
clarkbasselin__: phschwartz I think you would have to put them at the same level17:22
clarkbsimilar to how we put server next to the application in site.pp17:22
clarkband at that point you would determine which ports need to be opened17:22
phschwartzclarkb: we don't always and that is part of an issue. but that is another one.17:22
clarkb(that doesn't fix all of the conflicts but its a start)17:22
phschwartzPart of what I am working on in my base server class is the ability for it to be called more then once and merge the things like rules and ports into 1 to run if all on the same node.17:23
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phschwartzThat way we can let the component define what it wants open, but there will still be concerns there if multiple want port 80 or 443, then we will have to dedup the list which is what has me stuck at the moment.17:24
clarkbphschwartz: I think we explicitly don't want to do that17:24
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clarkbI much prefer node { iptables {some list} application 1 {} application 2 {} }17:24
clarkbits explicit and results in no surprises17:25
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clarkband I really hate surprises when it come sto firewalls17:25
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phschwartzclarkb: I see your concern there, but I think with properly documented code for the class we should be able to avoid surprises. I have seen things done both ways with a lot of the puppet classes I have looked at but more fall to the allowing the item being configured to set what ports to open (with the option of disabling changes to iptables implicitly on call)17:26
asselin__phschwartz, I don't want to backtrack from this spec. it seems you want to couple them again.
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clarkbphschwartz: the problem with that is you lose ocntrol over what is exposed17:27
clarkbphschwartz: just because I run apache doesn't necessarily mean I want its port 80 open to the world17:27
clarkbfor example our elasticsearch cluster has very tightly contorlled http services17:28
clarkband thats intentional because there is no auth17:28
phschwartzclarkb: The current state of openstackci leaves everything open to the world with nothing changing it currently.17:28
clarkbphschwartz: openstackci doesn't affect your firewall at all17:29
asselin__phschwartz, on the contrary, it opens nothing17:29
clarkbasselin__: exactly17:29
asselin__phschwartz, which I think is what you're trying to fix17:29
phschwartzasselin__: And what are the defaults on ubuntu 12.04/14.04, completely open.17:29
clarkbphschwartz: and on rhel its completely locked down17:29
clarkbphschwartz: but you get complete control on both17:30
clarkbusing the system I descrieb17:30
clarkbwhich is currently how we do it17:30
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phschwartzclarkb: and you hit the nail on the head there. It is done with the server class which is just a wrapper around template. Which there is nothing doing such in openstackci. Either we provide it or we go along the path of extensive documentation that describes it and hope a user doesn't miss something.17:32
clarkbI mean ....17:32
clarkbif you run a server you should care about firewalls. I am not opposed to making that easier17:33
clarkbbut its not necessarily something I feel like we have to teach people to do17:33
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phschwartzIt is something that has to be documented and I prefer that other then a list of the ports that we open by default with a way for the user to override it as the preferred.17:33
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* sc68cal scrolls up - someone said something about firewalls17:34
asselin__phschwartz, still, back to the original point, why not add it directly to the puppet graphite module?17:35
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phschwartzasselin__: That defeats the purpose of a module for users to consume to build a ci system completely. Documenting that oh, graphite is needed go use the graphite class directly while your already using the openstackci class to build the ci system is so far off base it is crazy17:36
phschwartzThe point of building a common reusuable interface for downstream users is exactly that, a common interface from a single place. Not pointing them to multiple external classes use directly.17:37
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asselin__phschwartz, currently all the modules in pupet-openstackci attempt to integrate a few things, eg. project-config and nodepool, or project-config and zuul17:40
asselin__or jenkins master with a set of plugins17:40
asselin__phschwartz, if you don't use project-config, you can still use the base puppet-nodepool, puppet-zuul, puppet-jenkins modules17:41
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phschwartzJust because something might be used with out directly integrating something like project-config doesn't mean that it shouldn't be in the same interface for building a ci system17:42
phschwartzIf it is a vital component for a base ci system it needs to be exposed to the user, wether my setup for automating firewall rules and such is included. And documenting and providing an example that the user should use the external class is not acceptable for that.17:44
yolandaphschwartz, one of the things i miss about the spec, is the lack of details of this rework. Do you think is something you can develop a bit more?17:44
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yolandais not the same to say that you are going to add more modules to the project, than attempt a rewrite and a change of concept17:44
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phschwartzyolanda: where is there a change of the concept? There is no change of the concept. In the spec it is clear that the rework was to add the same interface for a downstream ci that is being provided for just a third party ci currently17:45
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asselin__phschwartz, in the original spec, it wasn't so much about interface as it was to make things reusable.17:46
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yolandayes, i see the concept that you are trying to introduce now difers from original Ramy's work17:47
phschwartzyou can't make something reusable with easy with out an interface to it. It is completely implied17:47
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phschwartzyolanda: The concept doesn't differ at all17:49
timrcThis looks fairly advanced -- has anyone else ahd the oppotunity to review it?
yolandaphschwartz, so in system-config, we had that spec: . It started the concept of decoupling. And i see the that attempt to add this tight coupling again17:50
yolandawhy is that concept of decoupling good for system-config, and not for puppet-openstackci?17:51
yolandawon't we have the same problems?17:51
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clarkbmriedem_lunch: looks like es is still happy so going to permanently add that config change17:51
clarkbthen hopefully do cluster restart over weekend17:51
phschwartzyolanda: yes and no, there are 0 of the security and setup concerns from server base template even used in openstackci. And no matter what that still has 0 baring on the fact that the interface to creating a ci system is what is being discussed17:52
openstackgerritAlexey Shtokolov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add ruby gate job-template
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asselin__phschwartz, how about proposing a reusable server template class to puppet-openstackci17:53
yolandado we want to add a security layer to puppet-opentackci? if that's the case, again i think this should be on the spec17:54
asselin__and include a template for setting up the security/firewall for the various services17:54
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timrcJust trolling here but I really wish openstackci was not configured with puppet :)17:54
yolandatimrc, hey!!!!17:54
timrcThat was our chance to free ourselves from the shackles of ruby :)17:54
timrcAnd a terrible DSL.17:54
yolandatimrc ++17:54
jswarrenphschwartz: Can you clarify the difference between the graphite manifest in openstack-ci and the init manifest in puppet-graphite.  My understanding is that puppet-graphite/init.pp is used to install graphite on a system that may have other things installed on it, while openstack-ci/graphite.pp is for a dedicated graphite system.  Is that correct?17:55
clarkbtimrc and replace with another bad dsl?17:55
* clarkb knows of no good config mgmt languages17:55
timrcclarkb: We do configuration management in pure ansible at Blue Box.  Seems to be working out pretty well.17:56
clarkbansible is bad dsl17:56
clarkbhas a lot of similar problems to puppet even17:56
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clarkbinconsistency in abstraction. service is abstracted over sysv init, systemd, upstart, etc but package management is manager specific17:57
clarkbfor example17:57
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jamesmcarthurclarkb: can you let smarcet: and jpmaxman: know the urgency of the OpenID requests?17:57
clarkbloop iteration is clunky (though at least it exists)17:57
clarkbits not super urgent17:58
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clarkbI thibk smarcet figured it out too17:58
jswarrenphschwartz: my thinking is a that a major part of the problem is that the commit message is not describing the purpose very well.17:58
_odyclarkb: and yaml.17:58
clarkbmod auth openid doesnt appear to set the accept header duribg discovery17:58
jpmaxmanclarkb:  How's it going?  I was discussing with Sebastian the problems you're having with openstackid dev server... he mentioned there were several patches waiting for approval... any chance of getting those pushed through then I can help debug?17:58
jamesmcarthurclarkb: yeah, next steps from our side are to spin up a new server and test17:58
timrcclarkb: The loop iteration is decent IMO.  There are things that could be improvement... sure.17:58
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clarkbso hets html17:59
timrcclarkb: I find it much easier to express my intent and decipher others with Ansible as compared to Puppet.17:59
timrcPhone call, brb... ah IBM, how I've missed you17:59
clarkb_ody particularly when data structure changes based on relative location :(17:59
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clarkbI mean I enjoy using ansible18:00
clarkbit works well as a tool18:00
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clarkbI dont particularly like using its config management facilities18:00
openstackgerritYan Ning proposed openstack-infra/project-config: add monasca plugin in devstack install
clarkbjpmaxman puppet changes or service changes? happy to look if you can point me at them18:01
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clarkbwhat would be neat in ansible is bindeo support18:03
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jpmaxmansmarcet: can you send clarkb the link to the patches?18:05
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smarcetthose will enable to us to deploy OIDC patch18:07
clarkbcool will look18:07
openstackgerritSteve McLellan proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for Horizon PhantomJS CI crash
AJaegerclarkb, yolanda: Is there any special reason why nova in the post queue does not get a slave for the compute-api-guide job for quite some time already? it looks like we should have enough nodes. I'm looking at and wait to see that compute-api-guide finally publishes ;)18:07
clarkbsmarcet though we arent trying to use connect18:07
clarkbso these are unrelated improvements (stiil happy to look)?18:07
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jamesmcarthurclarkb: these are needed for chris hoge and also for the new summit apps18:09
clarkbah ok18:09
jamesmcarthurSo, related, but not closely :)18:10
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jamesmcarthurclarkb: meanwhile, we’ll spin up an ubuntu server and see if we can debug18:11
clarkbsmarcet: jamesmcarthur jpmaxman so if the issue is the missing accept header, is that an acceptable use of that header? I was under the impression that data at a path shouldn't change but its representation may based on accept. json vs xml, png vs jpeg etc18:12
jamesmcarthura huge priority is to get OpenStackID in wider use, so we’ll see what we can figure out :)18:12
clarkbjamesmcarthur: cool, thanks for the help18:12
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jamesmcarthurclarkb: thank you!18:13
clarkbAJaeger: looking18:13
openstackgerritApoorva Deshpande proposed openstack-infra/ciwatch: Provide highlight Jenkins +1 functionality in ciwatch
AJaegerclarkb: it just started ;)18:13
clarkbAJaeger: ah ok18:13
AJaegerthanks, clarkb18:13
clarkbAJaeger: its possible we have leaked some ready nodes which makes nodepool think we have more capacity than we do18:13
clarkbI will still look into that18:13
* AJaeger had given up hope that it would ever start...18:13
AJaegerclarkb: that might be...18:14
smarcetclarkb: u mean the header to perform discovery?18:14
clarkbsmarcet: yes18:15
AJaegerclarkb: regarding jeepyb: Is fine and should go in so that the acls are created again?18:15
clarkbsmarcet: basically we are returning two different sets of data based on that rather than two different formats of the data18:15
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: The output file is required. Default it to stdout.
clarkbsmarcet: also needs to be rebased18:16
openstackgerritKirill Zaitsev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Disable gate-muranoclient-dsvm-functional for kilo and juno
clarkbAJaeger: I was going to look around and convince myself we already use -U other places first18:17
smarcetclarkb: re: discovery yes , its the only way that idp will return the xrds doc18:17
clarkbAJaeger: I am pretty sure that things like nodepool install use -U18:17
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clarkbsmarcet: I know, my point is I think that that is the wrong use of the header according to http18:17
smarcetbut htat is the way that most of the openid consumer libs works18:18
smarcetjanrain lib, wordpress plugins and so18:18
clarkbhaving the header is fine18:18
AJaegerclarkb: ok18:18
clarkbthe problem is changing the data at the url?18:18
smarcetproblem is that the main url18:18
smarcetshould display the landing page18:18
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smarcetif u say that u want to perform discovery18:19
clarkbsmarcet: yes, so maybe we should have an alternate discover location?18:19
smarcetthen set the header18:19
smarcetyeah we coudl do that18:19
clarkbsmarcet: also openid spec does not require the header18:19
clarkbfrom my reading18:19
clarkbso while it may be common it isn't reasonable to expect all consumers to do it18:19
clarkbthe accept header is meant to communicate what is acceptable and it not existing implies anything is acceptable18:20
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smarceti think that is a requirement of yadis protocol18:20
smarcetwe are giving an url18:20
smarcetand yadis should be performed for discover18:20
TravTclarkb AJaeger, did you guys figure out why the searchlight-specs-core group wasn't created.  is there anything you need from me on that?18:21
smarcetre: rebasing change on gerrit18:21
smarceti was waiting first to get approval of bower support18:21
smarcetand then rebase18:21
smarcetto avoid any future conflict18:21
openstackgerritKirill Zaitsev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Disable gate-muranoclient-dsvm-functional for kilo and juno
clarkbsmarcet: ok I will reivew that one first18:22
clarkbsmarcet: yadis mime type is application/xrds+xml18:22
clarkbsmarcet: but a non existant accept means you accept everything18:22
AJaegeranteaya, project-config cores: if you have some time  to review and the stack starting at please, I would appreciate it - but it's more convenience then urgency...18:22
clarkbsmarcet: you don't have to explicitly set that header according to yadis, openid 2.0, or http from what I can tell18:22
AJaegerTravT: clarkb will look later at it. It looks like a problem with missing package on on of our servers.18:23
AJaegerTravT: your change looks fine, nothing for you to do at the moment AFAIU18:23
clarkbAJaeger: TravT correct we just need to fix our tool by getting its deps installed18:23
TravTAJaeger: clarkb, ok, thanks!18:23
* clarkb is juggling too many objects18:23
clarkbsmarcet: ya yadis spec specifically says it MAY include18:24
clarkbsmarcet: it is not required18:24
mordredclarkb: heya - back - what cna I help with?18:24
clarkbmordred: to fix project creation in gerrit (pymysql isn't getting installed)18:24
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clarkbmordred: and are you still planning on prepping db rollback for gerrit before wednesday? might be good to firewall you off for a bit to get that done :)18:25
mordredclarkb: +2'd that one18:25
mordredclarkb: my cat likes sitting in tiny boxes - maybe I should try that18:25
clarkbmordred: cool I am going to double check thats how we install nodepool and if so approve18:25
smarcetok then we should provide metadata on the homepage18:25
mordredclarkb: and yes18:25
smarcetpoiting to a new location to get the xrds doc18:25
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clarkbmordred: ok consider yourself firewalled :)18:26
clarkbsmarcet: is that going to require more consumer smarts?18:27
clarkbsmarcet: simplest thing may just be to have an explicit discover url18:27
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clarkbsmarcet: and preserve backwrad compat with the / location and the header18:27
smarcetok i can do that np18:27
AJaegerclarkb: that's the nodepool install and it looks the same - but please check yourself18:28
smarcetwill summit a patch with a new url containing the xrds doc18:28
clarkbAJaeger: thanks18:28
* AJaeger signs off and waves good bye to everybody18:28
openstackgerritKirill Zaitsev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make python34 job voting for muranoclient
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add pip-and-virtualenv element
clarkbthere are a small number of leaked ready nodes I am cleaning them up18:37
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Switch simple-init to pip-and-virtualenv element
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-jeepyb: Upgrade all packages to the newest version
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Update Gerrit proxy configuration.
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nibalizerpabelanger: no? I thought you were going to create a define in puppetlabs-apache called apache::vhost::custom that would a) wrap custom_config b) set up notifys and c) manange symlinks on debian18:40
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pabelangernibalizer: I plan too. I first want to get sign-off that people are cool with how that works18:40
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pabelangerlikely start on that for monday18:41
yolandapabelanger, nibalizer, did you consider also adding the ::mod creation inside that vhost?18:42
yolandawhen i started my pull request, i started creating a separate class as well18:42
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yolandabut i ended seeing that i had to copy/paste tons of features that were present on original apache::vhost module, to apache::vhost::custom18:43
yolandathen i decided to just reuse with a parameter, to avoid duplicatio18:43
pabelangeryolanda: nibalizer: Ya, I plan on asking puppet-community what they want it named.  So far ::vhost::custom seems to be the leader18:43
pabelangervs adding something into vhost18:43
pabelangerthere was also discussion about rewriting ::apache::vhost (again)18:44
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yolandapabelanger, what are your thoughts for code duplication between these 2 classes?18:44
pabelangerso, a new class means we could avoid some headaches down the road18:44
pabelangeryolanda: Ya, we could refactor some of it to reduce duplication18:44
pabelangerbut not sure how much effort that will take18:44
yolandapabelanger, that sounds a good idea, but yes, seems complex18:45
yolandathat apache::vhost is a giant18:45
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Move install-types doc to user guide
pabelangerstart simple, if they accept, everybody happy.  Then reduce dupe code18:45
pabelangeryolanda: indeed18:45
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nibalizerya i think you start basic and we can add features to the define as we go18:46
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nibalizerwe can deploy the apache module from git so no worries on getting a release18:46
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jpmaxmansmarcet: so should we get that change implemented then I can spin up a server to give out of the box Ubuntu apache auth a test go18:48
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use source installtype for pip in images
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openstackgerritJustin Stoller proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Allow deep formatting of macro parameters
yolandapabelanger ++18:59
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clarkbok nodepool ready nodes that leaked have been cleaned19:01
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mriedemclarkb: cool, thanks19:04
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smarcetjpmaxman: i already changed on fly to test it19:06
smarcetwe are making progress19:06
smarcetnow i seeing clarkb requests19:06
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clarkbsmarcet: for the bower addition19:07
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clarkbsmarcet: thats going to affect both prod and dev servers. Should I be worried about prod and does that need to be scheduled?19:08
greghaynesclarkb: random noob question - do we have any idea what causes nodepool 'leaked' nodes?19:08
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greghaynesis it deletes that don't actually delete?19:08
clarkbgreghaynes: ya they tend to be associated with jenkins thread leaks19:08
smarcetclarkb: yes would affect both servers19:08
clarkbgreghaynes: so nodepool never gets the slave used event19:08
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smarcetbut ultimately its checks for the bower file19:09
smarcetso if its not present19:09
smarcetdont do anything19:09
clarkbsmarcet: and it isn't present on production?19:09
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smarcetnope isnt, bc its an addition of the OIDC patch19:09
clarkbgotcha, if I approve it soon will you be around to debug if anything does go crazy?19:10
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smarcetbut that patch will fire a deployment on both servers ?19:10
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clarkbsmarcet: I don't think so, I believe that prod is deployed from tarballs19:11
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clarkbso prod will only update if tarball updates19:11
smarcetme too19:11
clarkbfor dev it may deploy I am not sure19:11
smarceti will be hre19:11
jpmaxman :)19:12
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clarkbsmarcet: what does npm install -g n do ?19:12
clarkbnd then `n stable`19:12
jlothianhey folks - trying to sign my CLA but getting an error when it tries to save my contact info "Code Review - Error Server Error Cannot store contact information"19:12
clarkbjlothian: one sec19:13
clarkbjlothian: does get it sorted out?19:13
smarcetthat install the latest stable version of npm19:13
clarkbis n an alias?19:13
smarcetn is the version manager for npm19:14
smarcetits a node package19:14
clarkbwow really?19:14
clarkbthats ok19:14
clarkbso basically it says install n then use n to install stable node19:14
jlothianclarkb: doh, yes it does.  my bad.  thanks!19:14
clarkbjlothian: no problem19:14
smarcetclarkb: yes that is correct19:15
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clarkbok last question :)19:15 is a precise machine19:16
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clarkbthe node.js version on precise is 0.6.1219:16
clarkbwill this bootstrap properly starting with that really old version?19:16
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smarcetwell i tested on 12.04 LTS and worked ok19:17
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clarkbnpm is 1.1.419:17
clarkbsmarcet: ok thanks I will approve it now then19:17
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clarkbactually wiat I think I see a bug19:18
smarcetclarkb: thx u, then i will rebase the other patch :)19:18
clarkbits a small thing let me comment on the change19:18
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clarkbsmarcet: commented19:20
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smarcetok checking19:21
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clarkbsmarcet: basically we need to require bower not npm/nodejs19:23
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smarcetclarkb: oh ok19:26
smarcetchanging it19:26
mordredclarkb: your face needs to require bower19:26
Clintoh snap19:27
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clarkbmordred: apply directly to the forehead bower apply directly to the forehead19:27
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smarceti dont think that u could require an exec target19:29
clarkbyou can19:29
smarcetoh ok19:29
smarcetk on it19:29
openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackid: Added bower support
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clarkbsmarcet: +219:32
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clarkbmordred: nibalizer et al ^ anyone want to do second review?19:33
clarkbsmarcet and I are around to babysit19:33
smarcetclarkb: ok i will rebase the other patch once this one is merged19:34
smarcetthx a lot19:34
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nibalizerclarkb: done19:35
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clarkbgah what did we break19:38
clarkbsmarcet: the closing ] is before the exec19:39
clarkbneeds to be moved19:39
smarcetsorry my fault :/19:40
openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackid: Added bower support
clarkbmordred: nibalizer ^ round two assuming lint doesn't yell about the extra space before ,19:45
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nibalizerclarkb: approved again19:47
nibalizerwell actually that was just fail puppetcode i think19:47
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clarkbmordred: did you get a new bottle of ketel or something?19:48
sdagueclarkb: ok this should be good to go - - the project config change for multinode grenade voting19:48
clarkbmordred: you ar eawefully energetic :)19:48
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asselin__mordred, care to +W ?19:49
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sdagueclarkb: kibana down?19:50
clarkbloads for me19:50
mordredasselin__: I'm not fully engaged enough to babysit that if it breaks the gate19:50
mordredI do not think it will break the gate19:50
mordredbut I don't want to screw clarkb if I'm wrong19:51
clarkbsdague: open the dev tools and see if there are CORS errors in the log?19:51
sdagueand 5 reloads and 3 minutes later it's back19:51
mtreinishsdague: it works for me19:51
clarkbsdague: there shouldn't be because kibana and es api are at the same url19:52
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-openstackid: Added bower support
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sdagueclarkb: and it's always talking to the same node?19:52
clarkbsdague: yes it always talks to
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clarkbso from the browser's perspective its the same origin19:52
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clarkband the browser does the enforcement?19:52
sdagueyeh, don't know, this seems to crud out on me like this once a day or so19:53
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clarkbsdague: are you trying to run a query when it happens?19:53
asselin__mordred, well if anything it would break next nodepool image builds19:53
sdagueI'm litterally going to logstash.openstack.org19:53
clarkbsdague: I would check the debug log19:53
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clarkbthat should at least rule in or out CORS19:53
clarkb(which I plan to address properly across the board this weekend)19:53
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openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/ciwatch: [WIP] Refactor configuration handling
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clarkbsmarcet: you can watch to see when puppet runs on the two hosts with those changes19:55
sdagueclarkb: ok, well, anyway want to approve in the grenade multinode bit, and I can success it?19:56
sdaguethe failure rate issue is now addressed, and we should be good to go19:56
clarkbthe fail spike was dealt with?19:56
clarkbah ok19:56
openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Updated OpenStackId configuration
sdagueclarkb: yeh, turns out my schedule_to_all_nodes test, didn't19:57
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sdague,cm was the fix19:57
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smarcetclarkb: this change relies on new hiera keys19:57
smarceti already sent those keys to fungi19:57
smarcetcould we double check that those keys are in place :)?19:58
clarkbsmarcet: ok, fungi just headed out on vacation but I bet he added them to hirea, I will chekc19:58
smarcetok cool thx :)19:58
greghaynesclarkb: did the cors config maybe not get deployed to all the es nodes?19:58
clarkbgreghaynes: it hans't been deployed at all yet bceause it requires afull cluster restart19:59
clarkbgreghaynes: but in this specific case CORS is not an issue because api and kibana are hosted at the same location19:59
greghaynesAh, yep, that is a thing19:59
openstackLaunchpad bug 1463112 in unity (Ubuntu) "Cat sitting on keyboard crashes lightdm" [Medium,Confirmed]19:59
clarkbsmarcet: doesn't look like the keys were added20:00
greghaynesmordred: you hit that?20:00
mordredgreghaynes: nope. :)20:00
clarkbsmarcet: lets get past the bower change then figure out how we want to deal with that20:00
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smarcetclarkb: ok20:01
clarkbI need to write another ES config change for the fielddata thing20:01
smarceti could add a patch to openstackid to fix the discovery issue20:01
smarcetand test the bower patch20:01
smarcetare u ok with that ?20:01
clarkbsmarcet: for -dev right?20:02
clarkbsounds good20:02
smarcetfor dev only20:02
smarcetok on it20:02
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: switch partial upgrade testing to multinode
openstackgerritChristopher Aedo proposed openstack-infra/puppet-apps_site: Add python WSGI server
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/puppet-elasticsearch: Add indices.breaker.fielddata.limit to config
openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid: [smarcet] Fixed Discovery Procedure (OpenID 2.0) Added a new implicit endpoint to retrieve XRDS document Added debug info
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Set indices.breaker.fielddata.limit to 70% on ES
smarcetclarkb:^ ok i will approve once jenkins check that change20:10
clarkbmordred: nibalizer those two ES related changes and their parents would be good to get in today then I can restart cluster this weekend to pick up the cors stuff20:10
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openstackgerritThomas Morin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: net-bgpvpn: Make requirements check non-voting
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mordredclarkb: lgtm20:21
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smarcetclarkb: i just approved
smarcetlets see if deploys ok20:23
clarkbsmarcet: ok20:24
sdagueclarkb: thanks, we've entered the era of voting multinode20:24
* mtreinish cowers in fear20:25
mordredsdague: that is a terrifying era20:26
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid: [smarcet] Fixed Discovery Procedure (OpenID 2.0) Added a new implicit endpoint to retrieve XRDS document Added debug info
clarkbsdague: next neutron?20:27
clarkber neutron grenade20:27
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docaedowhile we're cowering in fear, anyone with WSGI smarts have a minute to help me? I'm stumped on something I thought would be really easy20:28
openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/ciwatch: Fix pep8
openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable python jobs for ciwatch
smarcetclarkb:there is any way to look at puppet logs?20:30
openstackgerritDanilo Ramalho proposed openstack-infra/puppet-etherpad_lite: WIP Tests etherpad
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smarcetthx  :)20:30
mordredsmarcet: so, more specifically:
tsgclarkb, fungi: is where new package dependencies are added?  (I am trying to add a new package "liberasurecode-dev" to the CI slaves)20:31
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mordredinstaling n does not seem to have had a happy20:31
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clarkbtsg: we haven't switched to that yet, but there and system-config/modules/openstack_project/manifests/something.pp20:31
smarcetclarkb: build failed20:32
tsgclarkb: thanks - how about devstack?20:32
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clarkbtsg: add it to devstack20:32
clarkbsmarcet: build or puppet?20:33
sdagueclarkb: possibly, there is a thread about that. I built the pattern here, so it should be easy enough to follow20:33
sdaguebut I need to swing back around to the service catalog bits and get those rolling20:33
clarkbnpm install -g n returned 1 instead of one of [0] seems to be the issue20:34
smarcetuser running those commands is root?20:35
clarkbyes puppet runs as root20:35
smarcetchecking on it20:36
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smarcetok i got the issue20:37
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smarcetclarkb: the exec commands dont need to depends on a former exec cmd? i mean they are executed sequentially ?20:41
clarkbsmarcet: oh they will need requires probably20:41
tsgclarkb: are there any RH based CI slaves anymore or just Ubuntu Trusty now?20:42
clarkbtsg: centos6, centos7, fedora 21 and 22 and trusty and precise20:43
openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackid: [smarcet] Fix for failed puppet build Added latest registry reference for node
smarcetclarkb: ^ok done20:44
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smarcetthat should fix the failed puppet build20:44
tsgclarkb: ok .. didn't realize! so a job like gate-swift-python27 is run in all envs?20:45
mordredtsg: nope. jobs are still tied to nodetypes - but there are those node types available for jobs that need them20:46
mordredgate-swift-python27 runs on precise||trusty IIRC20:47
clarkbthough precise will go away with juno too ?20:48
tsgmordred: gotcha - so basically you are saying don't assume a node type .. :)20:48
bookwarclarkb: which job is the voting multinode now?20:48
tsglooks like I need to make sure any new package I add to a CI slave is available in all those repos then20:48
clarkbbookwar: the grenade job20:48
mordredclarkb: yah. I'm looking forward to that20:49
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mordredtsg: centos6 and precise are going away real-soon-now20:49
mordredwhich will make the answer to this question much easier20:49
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tsgmordred: ok, so for a swift-only dependency, enough to add the new pkg (liberasurecode-dev) assuming just trusty??20:50
clarkbtsg: not if yo uwant to add it before end of the month20:50
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clarkb(which is rapidly approaching so maybe that fine)20:50
openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackid: [smarcet] Fix for failed puppet build Added latest registry reference for node
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tsgclarkb: with all the issues we have run into with upper-constraints, wheel etc, and the package being only available on trusty and fedora22/23 at the moment, it may not happen until the end of the month20:52
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tsgclarkb: I will still try to make the package available on precise in either case20:52
tsgand try to submit a patch for jenkins_params.pp20:52
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clarkbkeep in mind that swift's user and dev community is very picky about this20:53
clarkbeven though openstack no longer tests on precise swift itslef may decide that that lib must exist there20:54
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tsgclarkb: notmyname is aware - we have been bundling liberasurecode with pyeclib so far because the package wasn't available in all distros previously20:54
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tsgclarkb: we are at a point though that we need to move away from the bundled pypi package and get the dependency installed on the slave - so I will get the package backported to precise and also get a patch submitted for inclusion on jenkins slaves by default20:56
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Perform a booting test for our images
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Fix for create_object
ShrewsSpamapS: mordred:  ^^^21:02
Shrewscalebb: that ^^^ also fixes your problem21:02
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SpamapSShrews: ewww.. munching generators21:02
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openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable python jobs for ciwatch
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openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/ciwatch: [WIP] Refactor configuration handling
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calebbShrews: awesome21:05
ShrewsSpamapS: I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a review on today.21:07
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* Shrews guesses 99.999% of the people here do not get that reference without googling21:07
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SpamapSShrews: auhguhguhgughuh, When I eats me spinach, my patches I'll finish. I'm SpamapS the Trailer Trash [toot toot]21:12
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* Clint twitches.21:12
SpamapSPopeye probably eats kale now.21:13
Clintand bluto is a CEO21:13
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SpamapSOlive Oil is now Macadamia Oil21:17
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openstackgerritPhilip Marc Schwartz proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Pull o_p::server out of gerrit role
phschwartznibalizer: mind looking at
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid: [smarcet] Fix on Yadis protocol Added meta tag to homepage and identity page with location of discovery XRDS doc
smarcetclarkb: could u review this one please :) ?21:25
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openstackgerritPhilip Marc Schwartz proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Pull o_p::server out of gerrit role
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Fix for create_object
ShrewsSpamapS: now moar tests ^^^21:28
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid: OIDC - OpenId Connect Implementation
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mordredShrews: I love that your patch came with an ansible playbook21:30
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Shrewsmordred: that was unintentional21:30
Shrewsmordred: that's still being worked on21:30
Shrewsi just removed it21:31
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Fix for create_object
Shrewserr, now i did21:31
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Shrewsb/c the playbook won't pass without calebb's patch21:31
smarcetmordred: could u review please ?21:32
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calebbShrews: my patch is still very broken21:32
Shrewscalebb: really?21:32
Shrewscalebb: i thought it was just the r['success'] error tripping you up21:33
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackid: Added latest registry reference for node
calebbyeah its that, but also the contained list method is broken21:33
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mordredsmarcet: looks good. I changed your commit message for you rather than reviewing and asking you to21:34
smarcetok thx :)21:35
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Shrewscalebb: ok. let either me or mordred know if you need help. we need to get those functional tests going again21:38
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add Ansible object role
Shrewsok, turns out that *will* work as-is21:44
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calebbShrews: ok, I think part of why it's confusing is that the get function doesnt work like the get functions do for the volume stuff(and most stuff afaict) use the list function and then get the object from it, the containers use the get function from the swift client though21:49
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Add ability to selectively run ansible tests
calebbso i need to generate a list that uses the get function, so they create the same dicts, but that seems slow and bad21:50
Shrewscalebb: ah, the others use a list method b/c we support getting a thing by either name or ID. the clients don't usually support that21:50
Shrewscalebb: so we need to get all of them, then filter.21:51
Shrewscalebb: that probably doesn't make sense for containers/objects21:52
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mordredShrews: I would support the semantics for containers/objects being a bit different - they are data rather than resources anyway21:52
mordredif they need to be for sanity21:52
Shrewsmordred: yeah. we don't want to list all of those21:53
openstackgerritAnne Gentle proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adds an API migration and generation tool, fairy-slipper
mordredShrews: we could reimplement unix find syntax except on the swift api21:55
openstackgerritAnne Gentle proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adds an API migration and docs generation tool, fairy-slipper
Shrewsmordred: and a bit of awk for filtering21:55
mordredShrews: and then require people to pass a find command line json encoded as a single string argument21:55
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smarcetmordred:question: who should approve my patch ?21:58
openstackgerritAnne Gentle proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adds an API migration and generation tool, fairy-slipper
clarkbsorry I am parenting right now can look soon22:00
openstackgerritAnne Gentle proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adds an API migration and docs generation tool, fairy-slipper
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clarkbsmarcet approved22:02
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-openstackid: Added latest registry reference for node
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clarkbsmarcet ^ should be soon22:06
smarcetok thx a lot :)22:07
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Update URL in instructions to git.o.o
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid: [smarcet] Fix on Yadis protocol Added meta tag to homepage and identity page with location of discovery XRDS doc
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mriedemclarkb: are things dead again?22:21
mriedemDelay in Elastic Search: Indexing behind by 21 hours22:22
mordredmriedem: we're now accepting bribes for access to up to date ES22:22
openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid: [smarcet] Formatted HTML removed tabs
mriedemi still have some halloween candy22:22
mriedemit's my kid's, but that makes it mine22:22
clarkbmriedem: uh delay a few hours ago was up to date22:23
clarkbthats weird it would jump like htat (I checked today)22:23
clarkbfielddata is too big again22:24
clarkbI think basically this means we have too much data22:24
mordredclarkb: maybe we need more magic beans?22:24
mriedemwas this due to the es/kibana upgrade? i think you said yesterday but i forget22:25
clarkbmriedem: not kibana es22:25
clarkber it is es not kibana22:25
clarkbbasically current kibana will bail out early when it realizes its using a lot of memory22:25
clarkbto avoid OOMing and killing the cluster22:25
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smarcetclarkb: any chance to see some logs for puppet build?22:27
smarcetthis is failing22:27
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smarcetand not sure why22:28
smarcetbc on dev server works just fine22:28
clarkbsmarcet: I can manually trigger a run with debug logging and see what comes out22:28
clarkbbut first need to bump es memory again22:28
clarkbmriedem: bumped to 80% from 70%22:29
* clarkb worries about OOM but YOLO22:29
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid: [smarcet] Formatted HTML removed tabs
clarkbI mean its broken now so worst case is a different type of broken22:30
clarkbI am still seeing the error in the logs but the api claims it accepted the change22:30
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mriedemso are we just saving stuff for too long? or saving too much stuff (console logs are too big?), or the events are too big (multiline traces?)22:32
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smarcetclarkb: i have to take off, would be asking to much to send the logs by email once u run it  :) ?22:33
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: The output file is optional. Default to stdout if not specified.
clarkbsmarcet: thats fine, what address should I send it to?22:34
clarkbmriedem: its a good question about saving stuff too long, I will check index list22:34
smarcetsmarcet at gmail dot com22:34
smarcetthx a lot22:34
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smarcethave a nice weekend :) cu!22:34
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mriedemwe used to have 2 weeks, then 10 days, we could drop to 7 days, but anything less gets scary22:34
mriedemwhy is new(er) ES such a wuss?22:34
mriedemmaybe we need enterprise ES to dewussify :)22:35
clarkbhuh we do have 15 open indexes22:36
mtreinishmriedem: that's their business model22:36
clarkbwhich is ~15 days22:36
clarkbso maybe w edo have too much data22:36
* clarkb brings out that delete hamer22:36
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clarkbmriedem: I think I owe you beer22:40
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: The output file is optional. Default to stdout if not specified.
clarkbthere were two massive old indexes from mid october22:41
mriedemdon't tell me i helped somehow22:41
clarkbso gonna go back to 70%22:41
clarkband I think we are good if deletes actually work22:41
mordredclarkb: we should alias sudo to yolo on the servers22:41
clarkbmriedem: can you check kibana and make sure it looks sanish?22:41
clarkbmordred: :)22:41
clarkbok back to 70%22:41
mriedemclarkb: yup, kibana is back in action on'item_type'%5C%22%20AND%20tags:%5C%22console%5C%2222:41
clarkbso we are operating closer to the edge than I hoped22:42
clarkbone thing I wanted to do was bump the retention back up a few days but thats basically 2 extra days and we fall over22:42
clarkbyou must build additional rams22:42
mriedemi'm used to 10 days22:43
mriedemhonestly 14 days was a luxury22:43
mriedemif we don't catch something in under a week, we're usually lost22:43
clarkbthats an interseting point22:43
clarkb(and good to know)22:43
mriedemwell when things really shart the bed, we catch those in < 48 hours, because everything stops22:43
jesusaurusmordred: that would be an awesome alias22:43
mriedembut you need the 7 day buffer to see the spike in < 48 hours22:44
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add ansible-role-nodepool functional testing job
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clarkband fwiw I do prefer ES to fail this way than to OOM22:44
pabelangerDo the JJB experts mind reviewing ^ I am not happy how I am calling tox there. But don't know of a better way right now22:44
clarkbOOMing used tobe an all day fail22:44
clarkbthis is a 5 minute debug and fix22:45
mriedemyeah that's nice(r)22:45
mtreinishclarkb: but there's no sense of urgency with this :)22:46
clarkb(it is worth noting that the delete fails don't appear related to the upgrade they were old old indexes, I think maybe related to rax reboots?)22:47
clarkbsince they were from 10 days before roughly summit time which is when reboots happened22:48
clarkbjesusaurus: do you know if the python tool for deletes is a bit more stateful and will notice stragglers and clean them up?22:48
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jesusaurusclarkb: i was about to say... yes, it looks at all indices and then calculates which are older than $time22:48
clarkbjesusaurus: cool I think that just became priority 2 after fixing CORS22:49
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for gnocchi dbsync failure bug 1516168
openstackbug 1516168 in Gnocchi "gate-ceilometer-dsvm-integration fails gnocchi-dbsync with " TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'item_type'"" [Undecided,New]
clarkbthen update logstash to expire multiline events22:49
clarkbthen upgrade kibana22:49
jesusauruscool, the change is 22274222:49
jesusaurusyou want to upgrade kibana? to the node.js app?22:50
clarkbjesusaurus: ya22:50
clarkbjesusaurus: since tat way we can have the app save stuff rather than random users on internet22:50
clarkbjesusaurus: basically run it against the api directly rathe rthan through proxy22:50
jesusaurusahh, ok22:50
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for Horizon PhantomJS CI crash
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arborismfor a openstack-infra/shade feature request, is that done by creating a story under!/project/760 ?23:47
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