Friday, 2016-11-11

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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Handle exception from image upload
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Separate image upload logs into separate logger
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ianwjeblair: not 100% sure about 396441 ; might be misunderstanding the exception path with zk00:11
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clarkbmordred: we are still uploading images :/ I think letting these image uplaods happen is important though as we haven't had reliable uploads for a bit00:13
clarkbmordred: maybe tomorrow we do the restart and let tomorrows uploads die?00:13
persiaFor historical interest, the DC power grid in manhattan was decommissioned in 2007, when the MId-Manhattan Library switched to AC.00:14
clarkbpersia: ah ok so almost 10 yaers ago but more recently than one might expect00:15
persiaOn municipal scales, a relatively short project.  It only took 79 years from the first funding to shut down DC until completion.  Contrast Basílica i Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família.00:16
jeblairpersia: and re-commissioned in 2024 when home energy AC->DC conversion reached 10% of all energy output.... :)00:16
ianwpersia / clarkb: excellent book on such things ->
ianwthe ac/dc wars00:17
persiajeblair: heh, but it's a transmission distance problem.  Lots of buildings in Manhattan are still DC internally, with a massive power converter in the utility room.00:17
persiaMy favourite thing about the ac/dc wars was the competitive demonstrations of capital punishment as arguments against (i.e. Edison pioneered AC for capital punishment)00:18
jeblairindeed, really only barely conceivable at density, and apparently not really even then00:18
fungitesla had it right. wirelessly transmit ac through the ground ;)00:19
persiajeblair: Depends on the density.  Consider OCP00:19
jeblairright, just, apparently, not quite manhattan density00:19
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clarkbfungi: doesn't new zealand do that?00:19
clarkbfungi: they have some fancy power setup between the islands iirc and I want to say it is wireless00:20
clarkbbut maybe I read too much scifi00:20
jeblairianw: i don't think manager.uploadImage can produce a BuilderError00:20
persiaThere's lots of microwave beamed power to various islands around the globe00:20
fungidunno. i _do_ know there were unfortunate side effects when he was first trying it (like townsfolk reporting static arcing to their feet more than a mile away)00:20
jeblairianw: i think you just want a plain old "except Exception" there00:21
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clarkb nope its undersea cable00:22
clarkbclearly I read too much scifi00:22
persiaclarkb: e.g.
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ianwjeblair: ahh, yes ok.  but you'd agree self._uploadImage exception should be caught?00:24
jeblairianw: yeah, i think that would be necessary if you want to generally get upload-related exceptions (ie, those from shade) into that log.00:25
jeblairianw: one other option might be....00:25
jeblairianw: to get the logger in the calling function, and pass it in to _uploadImage.  then you would have the logger available to use in the exception handler already in the calling func.00:26
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ianwjeblair: ok, so still needs to catch bare exception right?  otherwise it's got an invalid "data" arg?00:27
jeblairianw: (you might still want to log to both loggers in that exception handler though, so that the "main" log still has all the exceptions)00:27
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jeblairianw: not sure which thing you're referencing00:29
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Re-enable test_image_list_empty
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ianwjeblair: thish change -> , modulo making that just "exception Exception:"00:30
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jeblairianw: no, other exceptions remain uncaught, so that proceeds up00:32
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ianwjeblair: ahh, yeah, ok00:34
jeblairianw: if you wanted to go with the 'get a logger and pass it in' approach, the minimal change there would be to add an "except Exception: log; raise" block.00:34
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Separate image upload logs into separate logger
ianwjeblair: ok, i think that's the minimal port ^00:36
ianwif you feel strongly about passing logger in, i can00:36
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AJaeger_team, zago has a change up to rename tox to run-tox as macro - do we want this?
armaxclarkb: any reason you might be aware of why neutron unit tests jobs have not switched to xenial yet (34 and 35 I mean)?00:38
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openstackgerritxiaodongwang991481 proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add networking-sfc functional and tempest test to gating
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AJaeger_armax: go for it, please;)00:42
armaxAJaeger_: ack00:42
AJaeger_it's a lot to update all of them ;)00:42
armaxAJaeger_: ok great, if overload is all there is to it, happy to help00:43
openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move gate-neutron-dsvm-api-ubuntu-xenial to check/gate queue
armaxAJaeger_: as for this ^ I expect the right job gets picked up depending on the branch, correct?00:43
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openstackgerritGabriele Cerami proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: POC: Initial transition to quickstart setup
AJaeger_armax: I hope it's only overloaded - but clarkb neds to answer that00:46
* AJaeger_ checks00:46
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AJaeger_armax: the xenial job will run on newton and master00:47
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add branch-tarball post job in murano dashboard
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clarkbarmax: 34 is on trusty because that is where 34 is found. 35 is always on xenial because that is where 35 is found00:47
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armaxclarkb: ok, so there’s nothing to do for those I suppose00:48
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armaxAJaeger_:  I only wonder if we want to take newton how of this regex:
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armaxAJaeger_: unless we want to test on both xenial and trusty for newton00:52
openstackgerritBruno Cornec proposed openstack-infra/project-config: New project proposal: python-redfish
AJaeger_armax: best ask clarkb since he wrote that note - but removing newton seems the right step forward00:56
armaxAJaeger_: ack00:57
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openstackgerritJohn Dickinson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: enable xfs for swift in-process functests
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openstackgerritJohn Dickinson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: add python-jobs-with-xfs for swift
notmynamefungi: mordred: those should be set up with making a loopback xfs mount in ${HOME} and setting TMPDIR to that. patch 336323 is the swift-side that requires the xfs tmpdir, and it's set up to respect TMPDIR now instead of having any hard-coded /tmp01:19
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openstackgerritJohn Dickinson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: add python-jobs-with-xfs for swift
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openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run neutron grenade jobs (w and w/o dvr) on xenial
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: TEST: DONT RECHECK: periodic jobs
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openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run neutron grenade jobs (w and w/o dvr) on xenial
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openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add start_dates to freezer and doc-ha
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mriedemceph job seems to be failing quite a bit after the swith to neutron...02:18
mriedemnot sure why that would matter02:18
mriedemwell, nvm, failgraph says it's not02:18
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1640993 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "xenserver hits vif plugging timeout with neutron CI job" [Undecided,New]02:33
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add option to force image delete
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openstackgerritFei Long Wang proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add zaqar-ui for zaqarclient job
openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run neutron grenade jobs (w and w/o dvr) on xenial
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openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run neutron grenade jobs (w and w/o dvr) on xenial
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anilvenkataclarkb, njohnston ping05:27
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openstackgerritAparna proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: element: proliant-tools: Update hpssacli to ssacli
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Introduce TripleO scenario004
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openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Introduce TripleO scenario004
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yolandagood morning08:02
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Add Graphite node class
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Run neutron grenade jobs (w and w/o dvr) on xenial
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openstackgerritwangxiyuan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add zaqar-ui for zaqarclient job
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add release template to openstack/requirements
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add nimble-specs project
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openstackgerritRui Zang proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable dsvm-fullstack test in networking-odl
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openstackgerritRui Zang proposed openstack-infra/project-config: add non-voting dsvm-fullstack test job for networking-odl
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brunograzHi! I have an issue with my openstack review account (due to 2 launchpad accounts) and would like to know how I could change the launchpad id associated with my review accoun08:37
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: create project for fuel plugin of fortinet related plugins
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Move gate-neutron-dsvm-api-ubuntu-xenial to check/gate queue
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Non-voting job running ironic-inspector functional tests on Python 3
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: URL has changed, previous one is no longer valid.
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Don't run gate-novaclient-dsvm-functional-neutron on liberty or mitaka
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Restrict gate-novaclient-dsvm-functional <= Newton
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add release job for monasca-grafana-datasource
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add external openvswitch test target to kolla-kubernetes
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Switch ironic-ipa jobs to Xenial and make ipmitool jobs voting
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Added push merge to openstack-salt repos
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: [magnum-specs] Use magnum-core group
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Switch tinyipa256 experimental job to Ubuntu Xenial
brunograzanybody online who could help me out with my issue? :)09:13
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add mapping from rsc gerrit to launchpad
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Change the LP for tracking bugs and milestones
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add gerritbot notification for python-nimbleclient
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openstackgerritJens Rosenboom proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove gate-neutron-lbaasv2-dsvm-minimal from neutron check queue
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openstackgerritAnusha Ramineni proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add aodh plugin to congress gate job
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tsufievclarkb, no, I don't have any confirmed info about successful driver signing10:10
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove osic-cloud8
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openstackgerritAttila Darazs proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Let the linter job vote on tripleo-quickstart
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openstackgerritErlon R. Cruz proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: [DO NOT MERGE] Testing Cinder hooks
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dtantsurmorning folks! some time ago I complained that gerrit UI login usually survives less than 24 hours. so, it's still the case.11:08
openstackgerritchenhb proposed openstack-infra/project-config: [Rally]Add neutron extensions service test job
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openstackgerritErlon R. Cruz proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: [DO NOT MERGE] Testing gate job
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lxslianyone awake? looking for advice on the best way to ensure a project.conf.sample is regen'd when a patch merges11:29
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electrofelixHas zuul access to nodepool? or where ever it's getting new machines from?11:40
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electrofelixI'm seeing the check queue grow with new items being queued, but it looks like very little is getting executed, and of what is, I can't tell if it's doing anything as I'm behind a proxy so I'm unsure of by 'proxy connect foo' is working right for viewing telnet output11:44
AJaeger_infra-root, somehow zuul looks broken, see electrofelix' comment and check also the flat lines on
AJaeger_#status notice nodepool/zuul look currently stuck, looks like no new jobs are started11:50
AJaeger_#status log nodepool/zuul look currently stuck, looks like no new jobs are started11:50
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AJaeger#status log nodepool/zuul look currently stuck, looks like no new jobs are started11:50
openstackstatusAJaeger: finished logging11:50
AJaegerelectrofelix: I confirm - and cannot help myself, hope that an infra-root reads the above and helps . Thanks for reporting!11:51
openstackgerritvinay kumar muddu proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Build wholedisk images capable of UEFI secure boot
lxsliyolanda: you up? ^^11:52
AJaegerlxsli: what do you want to do?11:53
lxsliAJaeger: zuul seems more urgent right now11:53
lxslibut: looking for advice on the best way to ensure a project.conf.sample is regen'd when a patch merges11:53
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AJaegerlxsli: don't store it in your project, just build it as part of your documentation and publish it.11:54
AJaegerlxsli: oslo.config can be integrated into your sphinx based docs and generated the project.conf.sample and you can publish it that way11:54
AJaegersome projects do it this way, best grep a bit around11:55
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lxsliyeah that would be my preference, but I'd like an option since the PTL favours having a checked-in version11:55
AJaegerlxsli: there's no way that the infra team will support for this.11:55
lxsliAJaeger: OK good to know11:55
AJaeger(no automatic way)11:55
drifterzazuul is stuck right ?11:57
AJaegerdrifterza: yeah ;(11:57
drifterzachecked the graph, flat lined11:57
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AJaeger#status notice Our OpenStack CI systems are stuck and no new jobs are submitted. Please do not recheck - and do not approve changes until this is fixed.11:59
openstackstatusAJaeger: sending notice11:59
drifterzashot thanks AJaeger11:59
* AJaeger cannot fix it but can at least spread the word11:59
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Our OpenStack CI systems are stuck and no new jobs are submitted. Please do not recheck - and do not approve changes until this is fixed.12:00
openstackstatusAJaeger: finished sending notice12:02
Zaraah, thanks for the heads-up :)12:03
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openstackgerritOliver Walsh proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Include lsb_release on redhat/centos7 images
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smcginnislxsli: If you need a checked in file, you can take a look how we're generating an file in Cinder:
Zaramorning/afternoon, pabelanger!12:45
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openstackgerritVitaly Gridnev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: [sahara] include heat devstack plugin for jobs
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pabelangerlooking into nodepool / zuul12:48
pabelangerokay, think I fixed it12:49
pabelangernodepool was trying to delete a cloud8 node12:49
pabelangerbut we recently removed it from nodepool.yaml?12:49
AJaegerpabelanger: yeah, that change merged earlier today12:51
AJaegerthanks, pabelanger12:51
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AJaegerwow, these graphs look extrem  - deleting 1901 nodes12:52
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pabelangernodepool had launched almost all of its capacity12:52
pabelangernow it is cleaning things up12:52
AJaegerpabelanger: can you do a status notice once it's really green again, please? I'll drop offline now and would appreciate a followup to my status notice12:54
pabelangerAJaeger: will do12:54
AJaegeryeah, 58 nodes building again.12:54
* AJaeger thanks pabelanger the healer ;)12:54
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openstackgerritJulia Varlamova proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add new roles to feature matrix
pabelanger#status notice Our OpenStack CI system is coming back online again. Thanks for your patience.12:56
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pabelanger#status notice Our OpenStack CI system is coming back online again. Thanks for your patience.12:58
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openstackgerritVitaly Gridnev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: [sahara] include heat devstack plugin for jobs
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lxslismcginnis: cool thanks, looking13:25
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openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack-infra/project-config: sahara: force nova-network in the only nova-network job
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toskythat's ^^ required to unlock sahara gates14:01
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mchiapperoHi everyone, I have a question on the DocImpact flag14:08
openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack-infra/project-config: sahara: force nova-network in the only nova-network job
openstackgerritRui Zang proposed openstack-infra/project-config: add non-voting dsvm-fullstack test job for networking-odl
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mchiapperohas it to be used even when only the internal project specific documentation (e.g. devref) is impacted?14:09
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add start_dates to freezer and doc-ha
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openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack-infra/project-config: neutron: remove functional-py3[4]5 experimental jobs
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openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Remove unused Diversity WG meeting
openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Don't run ovs-native jobs for Newton+
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Remove unused OpenStackSDK meeting
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rosmaitahello infra people ... does openstack have something like pastebin, but for images? i could use the wiki, i guess; just wondering if there's a different solution14:29
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openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack-infra/project-config: neutron: remove functional-py3[45] experimental jobs
openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Don't run ovs-native jobs for Newton+
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fungirosmaita: we don't, no. unfortunately, unpoliced publication platforms are attractive nuisances for abuse. even with the wiki we had to disable image uploads for months, and now we restrict the feature to specific accounts14:52
fungirosmaita: we have an instance of pholio just about in production now which could probably be used for some types of image discussion/review if that's your goal14:53
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rosmaitafungi: thanks, i was just curious ... i can just post to ML as an attachment, it will work just as well14:54
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dhellmannhi, folks, the release team is working on setting up a new mailing list to better manager release announcement emails. ttx has posted a review to set up the list, and I'd like to try to move ahead with the changes quickly if we can. I would appreciate it if you'd put in your review queues.15:16
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sc68caltw 4815:16
openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move Xenial grenade multinode (w/ and w/o dvr) jobs into check
zxiiroelectrofelix: I'll spend some time today working on 35796015:18
openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move Xenial grenade multinode (w/ and w/o dvr) jobs into check
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sreeclarkb: for, we have decided to populate the repository later, with all commits squashed into a single commit.  Kindly approve as no more changes needed15:22
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e0nehi. could anybody review, please? it should fix cinderclient functional tests job15:32
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid-resources: Added doctrine L2 cache
openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack-infra/project-config: neutron: add experimental Xenial rally job
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openstackgerritOksana Voshchana proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: TEST for multinode grenade devstack
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Add option to force image delete
openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack-infra/project-config: neutron: add experimental Xenial rally job
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pabelangerfungi: clarkb: jeblair: if you have some cycles today, would like some feedback on First attempt to limit the abort job retries in zuul15:54
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/os-client-config: Remove validate_auth_ksc
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/os-client-config: Remove validate_auth_ksc
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electrofelixzxiiro: I've been trying to nail for a few days, the code seems fine, I've just not quite worked out how to test it16:06
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electrofelixzxiiro: I'm also in two minds about whether makes the API easier or messier to work with16:06
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toskyanother small plea for a review which should unlock sahara gates (especially a test which relied on nova-network but had no explicit variable to set it):
clarkbe0ne: I am not going tovote positive or negative until mymostrecent comment is responded to...16:10
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Update webapp status json to support tenants
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Re-enable test_time_database test
e0neclarkb: I'm sorry, I missed your question about volume size. answered now16:13
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e0neclarkb: we already use the smallest volume size16:15
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clarkbe0ne: ty +2. howeveraybe this is a good indication that that limit should be reco sidered?16:16
e0neclarkb: thanks. what limit do you mean?16:16
clarkb1gb minimum16:17
clarkbif cinder camt reliably test cinder as a result maybe that should be changed16:17
e0neclarkb: or we can decrease cocurrency16:17
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e0neclarkb: it's a bad idea to change cinder behaviour only for tests16:18
clarkbbut its also bad to arbitrary limits that prevent effective testing16:19
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fungiwe already change behavior of lots of services to be able to test them. biggest example is that we deploy them via devstack even though we strongly recommend (and even sabotage) anyone attempting to use it for production16:20
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openstackgerritErlon R. Cruz proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: [DO NOT MERGE] Testing gate job
e0neclarkb: fair enough16:21
fungiwe also configure nova with flavors so miniscule nobody could ever depend on them for anything besides a test16:21
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fungiand upload images no sane person would ever use to run anything16:21
smcginnisIt's somewhat a standard that GB is the base unit of block storage for most clouds, AFAIK. Changing it to operate on MB units would have a much larger ripple effect than it might sound.16:21
e0nesmcginnis: +116:21
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fungii wonder if there's a way we could "fake" the volume sizes being presented instead16:22
e0neclarkb, smcginnis: maybe we could enable thin provisioning on gates16:22
clarkbsmcginnis: e0ne or just default to GBunless scale is provided16:22
clarkbmany unix tools do this (though default to mbmore typically)16:22
smcginnisI like the idea of thin provisioning. LVM should be good with that now.16:23
fungior to half-kilobyte ;)16:23
smcginnisclarkb: True, that could work.16:23
smcginnisAs far as the user experience goes and not breaking the API.16:23
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e0nefungi: 7 bytes sounds good:)16:24
smcginnisIt would still mean a lot of assumptions would need to be changed throughout the cinder code though.16:24
e0nes/7 bytes/ 7 bits16:24
fungiso... i think we did run tempest against cinder with thin-provisioned volumes in the past, but ran into performance issues or crashes with the job, right? still, even if that was te case then, it might not be now16:24
smcginnisfungi: Hmm, wasn't aware of that. Do you know how long ago that was?16:25
fungii want to say we turned that off maybe 3+ years ago?16:25
e0neclarkb, smcginnis, fungi: I'll try it on my envs and will bring this topic for the next cinder meeting16:25
fungiit's been a little while16:25
fungithere have been quite a few revisions of the kernel and cinder in the intervening period of time16:26
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1472803 in Cinder "Move to thin LVM as the default configuration" [Wishlist,In progress] - Assigned to Eric Harney (eharney)16:26
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smcginnisfungi: And that's most likely pre-Xenial, so things could definitely be better now.16:26
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smcginnisI think if we can test that out and it works, switching to thin provisioning is probably a much better answer, at least at this point.16:27
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fungiyeah, certainly seems worth a shot, as long as you don't exceed your overprovisioning expectations16:27
fungii assume you're not actually writing much data to these16:27
eharneyis this about the functional test space issues?16:28
eharneyi thought of this the other day, and looked, i thought that job was already using thin lvm...16:28
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fungifor the cinderclient functional job?16:28
eharneyyes, let me look again16:29
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eharneylvm_type = thin16:30
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fungiokay, in which case isn't really going to increase on-disk utilization from 10gb to 16gb, we're already oversubscribing heavily?16:31
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fungijust want to make sure we don't merge this and then block cinder/cinderclient changes due to lots of full filesystems on some of our more constrained providers16:32
clarkbfungi: I did the maths based on my dstat devstack fs tracking change16:32
eharneyi'm not sure what to predict there, off the top of my head16:33
clarkbthe original bump to 24gb wouldve beenclose to a few gbleft16:33
clarkb16should leave at least 12gb or so free16:33
clarkband its just the functional job16:33
fungiclarkb: is that based on actually adjusting the value, or just speculating based on thick-provisioned volumes?16:33
fungior is this creating a non-sparse backing file of the specified size?16:34
e0neeharney: we've got default lvm_max_over_subscription_ratio=1.0 in gates16:35
fungisuch that the (oversubscribed) 10gb backing file is insufficient for the number of volumes actually created under concurrency?16:35
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fungiaha, so it's thin-provisioned but not actually oversubscribing16:35
eharneyoh right16:36
clarkbfungi: itwas based on what tempest jobs usebased on dstat16:36
smcginnisThickly thined.16:36
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fungiclarkb: yeah, sounds like this is a non-sparse backing file used by lvm then16:36
eharneydoes the tempest run actually generate data in a way where thin is likely to help much anyway?16:36
clarkbfungi: ya so should consume full 10gb16:36
clarkbeharney: its more to allow not needing to grow the non sparse backing file to the point where wehave no more disk space16:37
clarkbsincethe functional job needs more than 10gbif not thin provisioned16:38
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dmsimardclarkb: when you have a chance, I would much appreciate a clarification on (added a comment)16:41
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fungie0ne: smcginnis: eharney: clarkb: so maybe the answer instead of 392192 is to just set lvm_max_over_subscription_ratio=10.0 or something?16:41
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fungion the assumption that these tests write no more than 100mb to any 1gb volume?16:42
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jeblairpabelanger: review 395056; lemme know if you have questions16:43
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clarkbdmsimard: currently on phone amd cant comment inline, but yes however removethe [L] from the rewriterule so that it will fall throughand do the other checkstoo16:45
clarkbfungi: that is probably a safe assumption16:45
eharneyfungi: i'm not sure that changing the ratio will help16:47
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fungieharney: perhaps not, but in that case i'm unclear on what the actual problem is 392192 attempts to solve16:48
eharneythat would help if we were hitting a quota/provisioning limit, but we were actually hitting a limit where the VG filled up and stopped working, iirc16:48
eharneyfungi: well, that's what i was just trying to figure out again.  i believe it's trying to solve the case where we fill up the LVM VG that cinder is using16:48
dmsimardclarkb: awesome ty16:48
fungilooking closer at 1638302 now in hopes i missed something useful16:49
fungier, at bug 1638302 i mean16:49
openstackbug 1638302 in python-cinderclient "gate-cinderclient-dsvm-functional is broken due to disk space limit" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Ivan Kolodyazhny (e0ne)16:49
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eharneythe error is here:
eharneywhere it hits: Volume group "stack-volumes-lvmdriver-1" has insufficient free space16:49
eharneyincreasing the overprov ratio will make that worse, not better?16:50
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fungiso the tests are already attempting to write >10gb of data to disk? that seems inefficient16:50
eharneyi believe so16:50
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fungiare these tests writing arbitrary amounts of gibberish in attached volumes, such that they could just be rewritted to write smaller block counts?16:51
fungier, rewritten16:51
eharneyehh, i think something else may be going on here16:52
eharneyi'm about 60% sure these lvcreate calls should have a -T argument if using thin LVM, which i don't see16:52
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eharneyoh. this particular job i'm looking at isn't even configured to use thin.  Did that change recently?16:53
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jlvillalHey clarkb is it true that must be run as root?
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jlvillalI have been running it as user jenkins. I didn't even know that it would work as root.17:04
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openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack-infra/project-config: neutron: add experimental Xenial rally job
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clarkbjlvillal: running as jenkins on our images is fine, I think that text is there to avoid a barrage of "it didn't work when I ran as $user"17:06
clarkbjlvillal: the actual requirement is to run as a user with sudo privs17:06
jlvillalclarkb: Okay. And it should run properly as root then, I assume.17:06
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clarkbyes also it installs a zuul env if you don't ahve one which may actually need root i would have to chekc that17:06
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clarkb(the images we use come with one preinstalled)17:06
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fungineed to step away for a few. bbiab17:06
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flintcalvinhi folks, is there someone I could contact to get help on resolving a problem I've introduced by having two openstack review accounts using the same email address?17:08
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clarkbflintcalvin: yes an infra rooter should be able to help of which there are a few awake and present here now17:09
openstackgerritOliver Walsh proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: In disk-image-create, append to INSTALL_PACKAGES instead of clobbering. This allows -p <packagelist> to be used multiple times.
clarkbflintcalvin: the first thing that we need to know is what the two accounts are (we can probably sort that out if you have the email address)17:09
clarkbor a gerrit account id number17:09
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clarkbflintcalvin: then typicaly what we will do is attach all openids to a single account and mark the other account inactive (unusable)17:12
openstackgerritOliver Walsh proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: In disk-image-create, append to INSTALL_PACKAGES instead of clobbering.
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flintcalvinthanks @clarkb!  the email address for both accounts is  the one I want to keep is for account 7565.17:12
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Re-enable test_repo_deleted test
pabelangerjeblair: sure, I'll look shortly17:12
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flintcalvinI don't need two accounts (not even sure how/why I got the second one).17:13
clarkbflintcalvin: your openid in launchpad probably changed (often due to changing your email address there)17:13
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flintcalvinyes, I was updating it to change my email address from to hpe.com17:14
clarkband I have just confirmed that, I have two openids for that same email addr17:14
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clarkbfungi: does `UPDATE account_external_ids SET account_id = 7565 WHERE account_id = 24151;` look right to you?17:16
clarkb(I was up very early this morning with very unhappy daughter so don't trust my ability to ninja sql in the slightest)17:17
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clarkbAJaeger_: Olena hey so when do we want to make openstack manuals stable/newton branch? and base it on HEAD?17:20
openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid: Upgrade to LV 5.2
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Re-enable test_check_smtp_pool test
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openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack-infra/project-config: neutron: add experimental Xenial rally job
tsufievclarkb, o/ So, speaking of firefox and webdriver issues...17:24
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clarkbarmax: AJaeger_ re that zuul regex that was what neutron wanted, I did not want it but meh :)17:24
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armaxclarkb: I am happy to revise it the way you like it17:25
armaxclarkb: I don’t recall any conversation in this regard, but my memory is failing17:25
clarkbarmax: cool, basically neutron didn't want to stop running the trusty stuff against master/newton because xenial was seen as not ready17:25
armaxclarkb: nah17:26
armaxclarkb: nonsense :)17:26
clarkbif you think xenial is ready now then lets just switch properly17:26
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armaxclarkb: except functional and fullstack jobs17:26
tsufievclarkb, driver signing is not the only problem with newer firefoxes17:26
armaxclarkb: I could not expect instability in rally/API jobs17:27
clarkbtsufiev: so even a signed and laoded driver will not work with eg ff49?17:27
armaxclarkb: the full jobs has proven stable17:27
armaxclarkb: so I think it’s safe to switch17:27
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armaxihrachys: ^17:27
clarkbarmax: ya for the most part things have just worked, really its only been where "weird" things are happening like compiling ovs from scratch against old kernels that we have seen trouble (that and anything that expects sslv3 to still exist being unhappy)17:28
armaxclarkb: I’ll revise the regex for the API job for sure17:28
armaxas now we’re running it twice on stable/newton changes17:28
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Request to add new project nova-dpm
tsufievclarkb, our tests won't work with loaded driver, that's the issue17:30
clarkbianw: image uploads looks much happier this morning. We have the set of stragglers from your attempts before still trying to go (likely just gonna have to flush those out of the db and restart the daemon? and then 4 other uploads all to ovh bhs1 which should have its problems addressed by latest shade (which we can pick up in that same restart)17:30
tsufievbecause loaded driver works with marionette api, which doesn't work with our tests yet17:30
clarkbtsufiev: my understanding was that you could use the old driver if you signed it locally17:30
clarkbtsufiev: in which case your existing code should still work17:30
clarkbbut maybe I misread the bug reports17:31
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clarkbthere is also the new selenium v3 thing that uses marionette which isn't expected to be backward compatible17:31
tsufievclarkb, nope, starting from ff 48 (or 49?) they broke compatibility with older webdriver17:31
tsufievdriver signing issue was only the beginning17:32
clarkbtsufiev: yes because it stopped loading unsigned drivers17:32
clarkband mozilla refused to sign it17:32
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* tsufiev looking for the link17:34
armaxclarkb: one point of confusion I still have is: are we gonna keep trusty for grenade only?17:34
armaxclarkb: I mean, we can drop trusty off completely once mitaka is EOL, is my understanding correct?17:34
clarkbtsufiev: I tried to follow through all the bugs and their links yesterday to undersatnd the situation17:34
clarkbarmax: correct. mitaka -> newton grenade runs on trusty17:34
clarkbarmax: newton -> ocata runs on xenial17:34
clarkbtsufiev: its totally possible I misunderstood some of the finer details17:35
armaxclarkb: so, you’d expect us to transition to xenial everywhere except grenade17:35
armaxclarkb: at least this is the assumption I am operating under17:35
tsufievclarkb, I guess it may be totally possible to run newer firefox with selenium < 3 and w/o marionette17:36
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tsufievbut the amount of related efforts seems to be as high as in the case of switching to marionette17:37
tsufievIn other words, in theory it's doable, in practice - no one would bother17:37
clarkbarmax: correct, the base branch for grenade determines where we can run it, since mitaka was never tested on xenial its hard for us to enforce it there17:37
armaxclarkb: ack17:37
clarkbarmax: but that grenade job goes away at the same time mitaka EOLs so its fine from a cadence perspective17:37
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clarkbtsufiev: if you raed the bug many people were doing it...17:38
clarkbtsufiev: basically the bug said if you are using 2.53 then sign the driver this way and it will work17:38
clarkbthen a bunch of people were happy17:38
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Improve handling of gzipped built html/web applications
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clarkbtsufiev: the other alternative was to use 46 or 45 ESR, but there seemed to be groups that were happy with both solutions implying the sign the driver yourself option was also viable17:40
openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack-infra/project-config: neutron: add experimental Xenial rally job
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tsufievclarkb, why are you so opposed to using 46 / 45 esr ;)?17:41
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clarkbtsufiev: because they will die one day in the not too distant future AND as a firefox user I don't want you testing on a version that is old and doesn't include many of the new features that are in use by current firefox like e10s17:42
openstackgerritErlon R. Cruz proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: [DO NOT MERGE] Testing gate job
clarkbsome testing is better than no testing, but testing of old technology is less useful17:43
clarkbtsufiev: firefoxes new split process system17:43
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tsufievI'm afraid that we're going to have no testing then17:43
clarkbI didn't say that...17:44
clarkbI ahve already suggseted using the ESR release is fine17:44
clarkbbut I am cuirious to determine if we can't make testing current firefox work17:44
clarkband everything I read says it should be possible if you just sign the driver before running firefox...17:44
openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Stop running gate-neutron-dsvm-api-ubuntu-trusty on newton backports
clarkb(I have also suggested we could run chromium but that won't work for other reasons?)17:45
armaxAJaeger_, clarkb: ^17:45
clarkbarmax: I think you can remove my TODO as well if tyou want17:45
armaxclarkb: sure, it was a NOTE, so I figured it was a pit of docs17:46
clarkboh sorry should be a todo17:46
clarkband now its todone17:46
openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Stop running gate-neutron-dsvm-api-ubuntu-trusty on newton backports
armaxdone done17:46
clarkboh wait master is still in that list (its clearly too early in the am for me to read regexes)17:47
clarkbarmax: do you want to keep testing on master?17:47
armaxclarkb: you’re right, we don't17:48
armaxclarkb: let me tweak that17:48
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: POC: Use tripleo-repos in
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tsufievclarkb, investigating all these wonderful possibilities does not fall into 'for fun' category and on the other hand I'm not paid for this either :(17:48
clarkbtsufiev: the reality is the 45 ESR will stop being an options sometime around may/june17:49
tsufievneither anybody in horizon community is willing to undertake it17:49
clarkb46 sometime before then17:49
tsufievclarkb, that's plenty of time still17:49
clarkbtsufiev: plenty of time for what? you are saying no one will do anything to fix this17:49
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clarkbmy point is if that matters in may/june it matters today at least enough to do simple due diligence before "fixing" a problem17:50
clarkball it would take is for someone to run a signed driver locally against the horizon testsuite to determine if that is viable17:50
fungiclarkb: on that update query, you want to make sure you're not giving them additional usernames at least. i usually restrict the update to just openid url rows17:51
* tsufiev sighs17:51
clarkbtsufiev: but I have also said go ahead and use the ESR> I am not trying to prevent you from using a more reliable firefox17:51
clarkb(especialyl since you are already using an older firefox )17:51
tsufievfirefox is our least problem when it comes to integration tests...17:52
clarkbI just want people to understand its not viable past ~june and there may be a viable option today that will work longer17:52
tsufievwhich doesn't mean that it should be solved first to start solving other problems17:52
tsufiev*that it shouldn't17:52
clarkbbut its like 2 minutes of work17:52
clarkbsign dirver, run tests17:53
tsufievhow do I sign the driver?17:53
clarkbthen you will know if it is an option or not17:53
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clarkbtsufiev: let me dig up the bug report with the details17:53
tsufievactually, we don't use a separate driver17:53
tsufievat all17:53
tsufievwe just use the one which is prepackaged inside python selenium library17:53
clarkbyes tahts the one you have to sign17:53
clarkbbecause its not signed and firefox will not load unsigned drivers aynmore17:54
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tsufievyep, and that means we cannot use selenium library as is17:54
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clarkbtsufiev: was the first thing17:54
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clarkbthere is a longer bug thread I am trying to find with much more detail on it17:55
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clarkboh its the comment above that one17:55
clarkb and tahts the longer thread (it was marked as dup but has good details)17:56
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tsufievclarkb, okay, I'll leave for the next week17:56
tsufievit's around 9pm in my tz, time to go17:56
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clarkbfungi: let me double check the rows don't include a username17:57
openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add GRENADE_PLUGINRC and TEMPEST_CONCURRENCY to
clarkbfungi: 24151 has no username rows17:57
clarkbin the external ids table17:57
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fungiclarkb: perfect17:58
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fungithen yes, your update query seems right17:58
fungiand then mark 24151 inactive once you're done17:59
openstackgerritMerged openstack/os-client-config: Remove validate_auth_ksc
clarkbtsufiev: looks like there is a new comment from a mozillaer saying that they probably won't fix any issues that break the old driver (however it appears that it should still work and with 53, 52 is next planned ESR so that gets you potentially more time to use selenium 3)17:59
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/os-client-config: Normalize cloud config before osc-lib call
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clarkbflintcalvin: so to double check you want to use 7565 going forward?18:01
clarkbflintcalvin: if so I can go ahead and update the DB and get you sorted out18:01
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openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Stop running gate-neutron-dsvm-api-ubuntu-trusty on master and newton backports
armaxclarkb: ^ sorry for the glitch, I was too hasty18:02
flintcalvinclarkb: yes, keep 756518:02
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clarkbflintcalvin: fungi ok the db is all updated and 24151 is inactive18:03
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clarkbfungi: do you know if i have to clear caches too?18:04
flintcalvinclarkb: thank you very much!18:04
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Remove snapshot support
fungiclarkb: shouldn't need to, no. just log out and back in should work18:04
clarkbflintcalvin: ^ please give that a try and make sure its working as expected18:05
fungior at least i've seen it work in recent history without flushing caches18:05
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flintcalvinclarkb: the changes seemed to have resolved my issue (i.e., not being able to be added to reviews)...thanks again!18:07
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clarkbmordred: would be great to get a nodepool restart in today for pciking up new shade18:13
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clarkbmordred: I am around to help with that (the current image upload all look "lost" and at least 4 of them should have their issues addressed by that new shade version so worth stopping them I think)18:14
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clarkbmordred: jeblair pabelanger also if you want to review to fix our subnode leaking that would be good to get in as well18:17
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid: Upgrade to LV 5.2
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openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Switch to xenial-based grenade multinode jobs (w/ and w/o dvr) for newton and above
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jeblairclarkb, calebb: why move the subnode wait block before the primary node delete/wait block?18:34
jeblairi ask because doing it afterwords means that we issue all the deletes before we wait.  but moving it before means that we issue the primary node delet only after the subnode waits.  so the process will take longer.18:34
pabelangerfollow up question, couldn't it be merged into line 1895 too?18:34
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jeblairpabelanger: no because the idea is issue deletes, then wait.18:35
jeblairpabelanger: since deletes are slow -- send out all the requests, then wait until they are all complete.18:35
openstackgerritThanh Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add convenience function for plugin namespace
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clarkbjeblair: oh right that was the initial idea that we were losing the delete because it was after I thi k it cango back with the indentationmove only18:36
pabelangerjeblair: I was asking since we did both for node.external_id on line 191418:36
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pabelangerbut only 1 node it looks like18:37
jeblairpabelanger: yes, but that's the last delete request followed by the first wait request18:37
pabelangercool, thanks for the info18:37
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jeblairso it's [<del sub1> <del subN>] [<del primary> <wait primary>] [<wait sub1> <wait subN>]18:38
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mordredclarkb: I'm also around, so happy to be involved in a restart18:39
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armaxclarkb: it’s not like I can bug you for a blessing here: (whenever you have a chance?) thansk18:39
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openstackgerritErlon R. Cruz proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: [DO NOT MERGE] Testing gate job
armaxclarkb: also this one: should get rid of trusty-based neutron multinode grenade jobs in newton/master18:40
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: remove final vestiges of incubated oslo code
jeblair#status log This message is to inform you that our monitoring systems have detected a problem with the server which hosts your Cloud Block Storage device '' at 18:27 UTC. We are currently investigating the issue and will update you as soon as we have additional information regarding the alert. Please do not access or modify '' during this process.18:43
openstackstatusjeblair: finished logging18:43
jeblairinfra-root: ^18:43
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fungijeblair: thanks! luckily (as its name implies), it's not in production yet18:52
fungiwell, that one will never be in production, but the config-managed deployment model used for that hasn't been reused for a new production server yet18:52
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jeblairpoor server :(18:56
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clarkbmordred: ok, the dib builds hve completed and we are back to the upload portion of the days image circuit19:01
mordredyay uploads!19:01
clarkbmordred: should be ready to restart things whenever you are ready19:01
mordredclarkb: I'm ready19:02
clarkbmordred: do you want to drive or should I?19:02
mordredeither way - I'm checking that the newest shade is installed now19:02
mordredmordred@nodepool:~$ pbr freeze | grep shade19:02
mordredshade==1.13.0  # git sha 37027c219:02
mordredso that's good19:02
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mordredclarkb: /etc/init.d/nodepool-builder stop ; /etc/init.d/nodepool-builder start yeah?19:03
clarkbmordred: the trick with the multi process setup is to stop nodepool-deleter last and start it first19:03
clarkbmordred: yup, though I think we want to do the other daemons too?19:03
mordredyah. I think you're right19:03
clarkb(builder is the big one, but I think ist best to find issues all at once rather than later)19:03
clarkbmordred: I would do builder, launcher, daemon, deleter, then start in reverse order19:04
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mordredyah. so stop builder. stop launcher. stop deleter, then ... yah19:04
mordredk. stopping daemons19:04
clarkbmordred: don't forget we still run nodepoold19:04
clarkbso there are total of 4 to stop then start19:04
mordredk. all stopped19:05
clarkbthey all looked stopped to me too19:05
mordreddeleter started19:05
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openstackgerritIsaku Yamahata proposed openstack-infra/project-config: networking-odl: make rally job voting
clarkblooks like its running and happy19:06
mordreddaemon starter19:06
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mordredlauncher started19:07
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mordredso far nothing looks broken - it's almost like we have testing19:07
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul: [WIP] Implement tracking of launch attempts for jobs
clarkbya my skimming of status commands and logs shows things appear to be happy so far19:08
pabelangerjeblair: thanks for the suggestions^, is that what you were thinking for the launcher side?19:08
mordredstarting builder19:08
clarkbnodes have transitioned to ready and all that19:08
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clarkbmordred: once the builder is started I think we want to run a manual upload to osic-cloud1 just to check expected working cloud still functions and broken cloud hopefully functions better too19:09
mordredclarkb: k. builder is started19:09
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clarkbmordred: something like sudo -H -u nodepool nodepool image-upload osic-cloud1 ubuntu-xenial and sudo -H -u nodepool nodepool image-upload ovh-bhs1 ubuntu-xenial19:11
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openstackgerritCaleb Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Fix subnode deletion
pabelangerjeblair: I think I have the buildset logic incorrect19:13
pabelangerlet me look into it again19:13
mordredclarkb: on it19:13
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clarkbmordred: and if that all works we can go enjoy the holiday and weekend19:14
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mordredclarkb: turns out doing that as me in my home directory did not work because I have a clouds.yaml ther e:)19:15
mordred    provider = self.pool.config.providers[self.args.provider]19:15
mordredKeyError: 'osic-cloud1'19:15
mordredclarkb: ^^ aroo?19:15
clarkbmordred: ya the sudo -H is important :)19:15
clarkbmordred: maybe we call it something else /me double checks19:15
clarkboh right19:16
clarkbwe have the disk provider things19:16
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clarkbmordred: use osic-cloud1-disk19:16
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mordredclarkb: this is very boring to watch19:17
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jeblairwe should add a spinning cursor in v319:18
clarkbjeblair: or nyan cat19:18
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mordredjeblair: or a progress bar that gets to 98% quickly and then spins for a few hours19:20
clarkbmordred: ooh and then asks for disk 2, then disk 1 agagin19:20
mordredclarkb: ++19:21
clarkbjeblair: remember when you said I had to rewatch BSG? well I have all the seasons on dvd which is great, except modern first world problem no longer is there a dvd player connected to my television19:21
clarkband I can't easily rip the dvds because I don't have a spinning disk drive anymore19:22
mordredclarkb: I just got my blu-ray player working yesterday - it took more effort than I would have liked19:22
jeblairclarkb: you should go watch it at mordred's19:24
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/bindep: Remove unused module index in documentation
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/bindep: Move dev reference from readme to contributing
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/bindep: Use the autodoc Sphinx extension
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mordredclarkb: ok. upload to osic1 worked19:28
clarkbmordred: woot that didnt regress then19:28
mordredtrying ovh-bhs119:28
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fungiclarkb: no connected game console which could possibly double as a player?19:30
clarkbfungi: not anymore since I wall mounted the tv19:31
openstackgerritErlon R. Cruz proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: [DO NOT MERGE] Testing gate job
fungii wall mounted all of mine behind the tv19:31
clarkbI am torn about mounting ps4 since Ican play not without kids bugging me19:32
cloudnulldoes anyone know if there's a way to control the growroot in DIB ?19:32
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cloudnullI found the element cloud-init-disable-resizefs but I'm curious if there's a way to specify the amount the fs is allowed to be resized .19:33
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fungiclarkb: i used several models from "HIDEit Mounts" for various devices, and for the rest i used screw-in drywall anchors in conjunction with l-hooks of the appropriate thread spaced just right to retain smaller/lighter devices19:34
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fungicloudnull: probably depends on whether you're using cloud-init or simple-init19:35
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Remove snapshot support
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Remove diskimage parameter from config
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clarkbcloudnull: fungi iirc there is a script that calls growroot and passes in the size stuff you may be able to modify that?19:36
* fungi predicts some exciting cleanup in nodepool's near future ;)19:37
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cloudnullclarkb: looking into that now19:38
clarkbfungi: do you have any idea if I can have the playstation face to the right?19:38
cloudnullfungi: we're using cloud-init19:38
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clarkboh the features list says left or right side om19:39
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fungiclarkb: that's the one i have, though mine is facing left19:40
fungii've got all my devices that take inserted media lined up just behind the left edge of my screen for easy access19:40
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inc0hey guys, I'd love to get back to discussion about having docker registry in infra regions19:45
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inc0anything you can point me to so I could learn a little bit about what's involved?19:46
pabelangerI'm not sure how docker registry works, but how do you share information between them?19:47
pabelangersince we'd need to keep the state information for each registry the same in each cloud region19:47
clarkbI want to say it can store its contents to an object store like swift, not sure if it could also use something lik afs19:48
pabelangerHave you thought more about just having the job stand up a local registry, first? And the fetching the image from tarballs.o.o for it19:48
inc0it can use aufs19:48
clarkbinc0: aufs != afs :)19:48
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pabelangermordred might has some thoughts too19:49
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clarkblooks like it can write to any old filesystem so that may work19:50
clarkbbut also supports swift19:50
pabelangercould be nice having it use afs19:51
inc0easiest way would be to push to multiple registries19:51
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inc0for registry in list_of_registries; docker push --registry=registry19:52
pabelangercould have some network issues with that approach I believe19:52
clarkbpabelanger: of course the problem then bceause if you write to one registry what happens when you read from another19:52
inc0so it won't be that big19:52
inc0not nearly as bad as images19:53
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pabelangerclarkb: right19:53
inc0as it reuses it's layers19:53
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pabelangerclarkb: I think a good first step, would be get containers into AFS, then have jobs downloads said container. Then, if you still need a registry, stand one up as part of your testing19:54
clarkbmordred is probably the best person to chime in though as he has familiarity with our current distributed mirroring system, afs, and docker registry19:54
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inc0so I'm not quite sure where docker registry keeps it's images, but I'm pretty sure we can hack around it and break it down to a directory19:55
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inc0if we sync directory, we're good19:55
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clarkbinc0: it can write to a filesystem dir yes19:55
clarkbinc0: so then the question becomes does it keep a secondary index that needs updating if writing to afs19:55
pabelangerand because I don't know, a docker registry is the only way you get server up containers for docker?19:55
clarkbif not then it may just work (tm) to have them running backed by afs19:55
pabelangerwe can't just use apache?19:55
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clarkbinc0: pabelanger what will be writing to the registry and what will read from the registry?19:57
inc0so idea is to write set of images every time we merge stuff to kolla, that will change images19:58
inc0not that often19:58
pabelangerclarkb: Thats the part I am not sure of19:58
inc0and maybe once a day just to make sure it's fresh19:58
clarkbinc0: and what will read from those images?19:58
inc0gates for deployment19:58
inc0so kolla-kubernetes and kolla-ansible gates19:58
inc0will pull images instead of building them19:59
mordredclarkb, pabelanger what did I do?19:59
* mordred reads19:59
clarkbthe easy thing to do would be just to set up a single registry as part of the control plane and don't worry about distributing it19:59
clarkbthen go from there and see if we need one in every region19:59
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inc0true, but then data will get pulled between regions19:59
pabelangermordred: the dockers19:59
inc0which might not be horrible19:59
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clarkbinc0: yes but thats going to happen regardless by definition20:00
inc0still less data then what we do now - installing everythign locally20:00
clarkbit is impossible to avoid that :)20:00
inc0yeah, just not that often, but agree, this might be premature optimization20:00
mordredyah. I think single registry to start is a good idea20:00
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul: [WIP] Implement tracking of launch attempts for jobs
inc0so setting up single "master" registry is super easy, I can write shell/ansible to bootstrap it20:01
clarkblooks like there are docs for fronting with apache20:01
mordredof course, the main way to deploy a docker registry is to run it in docker, which we don't currently have any of in our system20:01
pabelangerjeblair: okay, how about ^ for BuildSet tries tracking20:01
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clarkbwe could potentially configuer remote apaches to cache maybe20:01
mordredmaybe so20:01
inc0apache cache is actually brilliant20:02
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pabelangermordred: Ya, that was one of the things discussed at the kolla meeting. Regardless of where the docker registry is, we need to write the puppet manifests first20:02
mordredinc0: well, to make it nice and complicated, all of our servers are managed with the puppets - but if you don't know the puppet a script that does the things that someone else can turn in to puppet would certainly be a start20:02
mordredpabelanger: ++20:02
inc0pabelanger, mordred if ansible is good, we already have playbook bootstrapping docker on a node20:02
fungiyeah, if running a docker registry requires running a docker instance in production then we've got some challenges to consider. if on the other hand it can just run uncontainered in a vm with apache serving the contents, probably not hard at all for us to puppet20:03
pabelangerfungi: agreed20:03
clarkbI am sure it can be its just a giant blob of Go binary iirc20:03
inc0fungi, I'm not sure, reverse-engineering registry might be a bit tricky20:03
inc0clarkb, so is docker;)20:04
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clarkbinc0: and I run docker outside of a cntainer :)20:04
inc0but we can run registry outside of containe20:04
mordredI'd also like to figure out how to publish things to dockerhub - but I think that can be a follow up task too20:04
clarkbmordred: its very similar though right> hub is just a registry itself?20:04
inc0yeah, let's leave dockerhub out now20:04
inc0we do it manually today20:05
mordredclarkb: yup20:05
fungii mean, we do already sort of run some services in containers, they're just the java version of container technology20:05
mordredinc0: agree - it's not the immediate problem20:05
pabelangera quick good shows some puppet modules for docker-registry, so might now have to write much20:05
mordredinc0: so in any case, anything you've got that shows how to install a registry backed by a local directory on disk outside of a container would be great - I'm sure we can translate it into the appropriate puppet20:06
fungithough maintaining services that run within a jvm exposes all sorts of manageability and debuggability issues that i would expect containerization to make similarly annoying20:06
inc0again, if you can accept ansible play for bootstrapping docker - I can give it to you now20:06
clarkbfungi: I think more of the issue here is their install docs are literally "hey run this entire OS install from random place on the internet and glhf determining if it is up to date"20:06
pabelangerinc0: has to be puppet today20:06
clarkbfungi: so the work is around managing the container instances themselves to avoid thsoe problems and update them when necessary20:06
inc0ok so I'll start by running registry outside of container20:06
inc0and we'll get it from there20:06
fungiclarkb: yep20:06
mordredmordred@camelot:~/src/openstack/os-client-config$ apt-cache search docker-registry20:07
mordreddocker-registry - Docker toolset to pack, ship, store, and deliver content20:07
clarkbmordred wins20:07
pabelangerinc0: I'd find a commity puppet module (the googles) and start with that. Once you have it working locally, it shouldn't take much work to import it into system-config.20:07
pabelanger for example20:07
fungii'm sure if all your infrastructure is designed around containerized services, adding one more is not an issue. but adding the first one to a non-container-oriented fleet of services is a pretty huge hurdle20:07
pabelangerjust need to figure out the LICENSE for that20:07
clarkbfungi: right20:07
pabelangerand, should support ubuntu Trusty / Xenial20:08
clarkbfungi: especialyl if you don't take ownership of controlling every image20:08
mordreddocker-registry is in xenail20:08
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mordredso this should actually be very simple20:08
mordredthe package installs it and runs it not in a container20:09
pabelangerthe puppet module I'm looking at is using nginx20:09
mordredand the config file is /etc/docker/registry/config.yml20:09
inc0docker registry seems to be alpine;)20:09
fungia puppet class to install that package, tweak the configuration with a template, and set up an apache vhost with whatever options we want20:09
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inc0ok, this is really easy20:10
mordredwe'll need to also figure out auth I'd think, yeah?20:10
clarkbmordred: ya but thats documented and apacheable20:10
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mordredthat recipe is fascinating to me20:12
fungilonger term, if we need, i'm guessing we can set the registry to write into an afs volume, and then add vhosts to our per-provider mirror servers to serve a cached docker registry in a read-only configuration20:12
mordred# Now, create a password file for "testuser" and "testpassword"20:12
mordreddocker run --entrypoint htpasswd httpd:2.4 -Bbn testuser testpassword > auth/httpd.htpasswd20:12
inc0mordred, that's one way to describe it20:12
mordredinc0: :)20:12
* mordred is amazed at the use of docker to run htpasswd20:12
clarkbthe interesting bits are just above that in the location v2 block20:13
clarkbbasically GET and HEAD for RO, and POST PUT DELETE PATCH for write20:13
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clarkbits simpler than elasticsearch20:13
fungii'm pretty clueless about dockerization... is that htpasswd example running a container whose only purpose in life is to provide the httpasswd executable utility?20:14
mordredfungi: yes20:14
* fungi is awed at the insane overhead implied there20:14
clarkbwell sort of20:14
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clarkbits running the httpd container20:14
clarkband weriting to its filesystem20:14
fungioh, got it. so it's an apache 2.4 container20:14
fungiand leveraging that for its inclusion of the utility20:15
clarkbwell its also the container that you will run to have a proxy20:15
clarkbso you need to modify its fs20:15
fungiwhich makes some sense if you're in an environment where you're only installing apache into a container and never onto your base system, i guess20:15
mordredclarkb: that's completely inaccurate20:15
inc0yeah just loose docker from there and reuse config they set up20:15
mordredclarkb: that is not what it's doing at all20:15
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clarkbmordred: are you sure, its saying use this image20:15
clarkband the image is called httpd:2.420:15
mordredclarkb: it is running the htpasswd utility from the container and outputting to a file on the local system20:16
clarkband thats the image used when writing to the fs20:16
mordredwhich is tehn referenced in a volume command later20:16
clarkbzomg why20:16
mordredit's using the htpasswd executable in the httpd:2.4 container20:16
* clarkb gives up on computers20:16
mordredbut > auth/httpd.htpasswd is in the calling shell20:16
jeblairbecause you might not have htpassword installed on your macbook20:16
mordredthen later:20:16
mordred  volumes:20:16
mordred    - `pwd`/auth:/usr/local/apache2/conf20:16
clarkbmordred: ya I see its not quoted now20:16
fungigot it. but in theory you _could_ reuse that httpd:2.4 container to run other apache tools or an apache httpd20:17
clarkbfungi: well it is reusing it hence the image directive20:17
inc0so container is *just* an apache20:17
mordredfungi: yes20:17
pabelangerclarkb: because, hipster!20:17
inc0you don't need to do it at all if you run apache like..everyone runs apache20:17
inc0just run registry binding to local IP20:18
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* fungi expects the container buzz to die down eventually until people are actually using containers for things that make sense, and not for every little thing just because they can20:18
inc0and setup apache with httpauth on top of it20:18
clarkbmordred: the even more amazing thing about that is if they put the password in the image (for better or worse) at least then you could redeploy your container and it would do the right thing on a different host20:18
clarkbmordred: but as is that will only ever work on your laptop20:18
inc0fungi, like deploying OpenStack?:)20:19
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inc0running stuff exclusively in containers has it's benefits20:19
fungiinc0: i'll refrain from commenting on whether deploying openstack services in a container makes sense. i haven't really done it in or out of containers20:19
inc0it's glorified package20:19
fungiso i'm in no position to judge20:19
clarkbwell now that you can iscsi with libvirt its definitely no longer a terrible idea :P20:19
inc0with chroot (also glorified)20:19
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clarkbapparently that made it into xenials libvirt20:20
clarkband was always in redhats?20:20
inc0well we run iscsi + libvirt20:20
clarkb(one more reason to stop using trusty!)20:20
inc0needed some hacking around but it works20:20
inc0tgtd was issue afair20:20
fungii used to use chroots and later freebsd jails for mass hosting back ~10-15 years ago, so can see where linux containers would have been useful20:20
mordredinc0: yah20:21
clarkbinc0: libvirt supports a userland driver for iscsi that supposedly just works? older debuntu libvirts ripped it out because raisins but they stopped doing that20:21
inc0fungi, same thing really20:21
fungithough i ended up switching from freebsd jails to usermode linux and headed down the virtualization path from there20:21
inc0just add image-based deployment20:21
* mordred afks to go pick up some pneumatic tools, and air compressor and a couple of saw horses20:21
fungii guess uml was sorta container-like, and less full-blown vm though20:22
clarkbmordred: wait20:22
inc0mordred, prepping for deploying registry I see20:22
pabelangerfungi: Ya, same path too.20:22
clarkbmordred: did nodepool bhs1 upload succeed?20:22
clarkbI dont see the process in ps anymore20:22
mordredclarkb: it's still running20:22
* clarkb checks db20:22
inc0get a gun while you're at it, might prove to be handy20:22
clarkbmordred: you sure? maybe I am blind reading ps20:22
mordredclarkb: oh! yes - it succeeded20:22
mordred2016-11-11 20:05:02,508 INFO nodepool.builder: Image id: 1482 in ovh-bhs1 is ready20:22
clarkbmordred: woot ok I think that means maybe things will work the way they are supposed to now20:22
inc0ok, so, how do we proceed?20:23
inc0I'll figure out how to run registry outside of container and will let you know20:23
inc0should be simple20:23
mordredinc0: it's simple - already done20:23
mordredinc0: 'apt-get install docker-registry'20:23
pabelangerI'd be shocked if it didn't work20:23
inc0ok, even simplier20:23
inc0than I anticipated20:23
mordredyah. thank god for whoever did that for us :)20:23
fungiinc0: also is our recommended reading if you're modifying or adding to our puppetry20:24
fungior just coerce mordred into doing it20:24
inc0truth be told, I'd rather defer to someone who actually knows how to puppet:(20:24
fungime too! ;)20:24
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inc0so btw guys, having a registry available will allow us make gates voting20:30
inc0so yeah, great to have it;)20:30
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Install lsb package by map name instead of package name
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-askbot: Don't use latest=>true for commits and tags
dmsimardo/ if any cores have a sec to review a logs.o.o potential improvement about gzipped content:
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Revert "Revert "Update ask.o.o to latest 0.7.x branch""
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fungiaww, inc0 disappeared before i could comment that he wanted to "make kolla gate again"20:36
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dmsimardfungi: oh god20:36
dmsimardmade me spill my drink20:36
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funginibalizer: implements your suggestion20:37
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funginibalizer: reading up on the order in which puppet checks resources for latest and taking other actions, it looks to be the problem there20:37
jrollianw: whenever you're around, this can be abandoned, see my comment
funginibalizer: do you see any value in filing a bug/pr against the git_resource provider to make latest not just no-op on commits and tags, but instead test whether the requested ref is actually the one checked out to the worktree?20:39
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Always use cached images in updates job
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jlvillalFYI: Fix for and grenade plug-in jobs:
jlvillalI ran into this when trying to reproduce our Grenade job locally.20:51
jlvillalIn Ironic20:51
nibalizerfungi: i wonder if we should just make it validate that both latest and commit are not both set20:51
nibalizersince latest on a commit doesn't make a ton of sense right?20:52
clarkbjlvillal: TEMPEST_CONCURRENCY depends on the host so should't be included20:52
jlvillalclarkb: We depend on it for Ironic20:52
jlvillalclarkb: We intentionally set it to 1.20:53
clarkbjlvillal: then you need to make it so its only written if its set to 120:53
jlvillalclarkb: Okay. I can do that.20:53
clarkbotherwise its supposed to scale up with your cpu count20:53
jlvillalclarkb: Thanks20:53
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funginibalizer: also sounds like a possibility, yes20:59
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mmandelI'm trying to have novnc installed from the debian package in Devstack, but that caused most OpenStack packages to be installed on 14.04 (because both novnc and python-novnc depend on python-nova for the version in trusty), which caused Keystone to not start properly.  This was fixed in the 1:0.4+dfsg+1+20131010+gitf68af8af3d-4 versions of novnc/python-novnc to “recommend’ python-nova instead, but trusty still points to 1:0.4+dfsg+21:04
mmandel1+20131010+gitf68af8af3d-2. What would be the best solution here - update trusty to reference the fixed version, or something else?21:04
clarkbmmandel: I would check with zul and jamespage to see what they think (they do a lot of the ubuntu packages iirc)21:06
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jlvillalI learned something new about:  echo ${!KEY}   Never saw that before and frankly the bash manpages doesn't really make it understandable that it expands the variable that KEY expands too.21:10
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* jlvillal could have used that before.21:10
openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add GRENADE_PLUGINRC and TEMPEST_CONCURRENCY to
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: networking-odl: skip jobs when doc only change
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Allow using lockfile per jenkins master
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add Networking SFC Data to Grafana
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Making a networking-odl job multinode
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Basic folder support
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: networking-bagpipe jobs adjustments
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add Grafana for networking-bagpipe
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nibalizerfungi: so did you test the code in 396764 ?21:29
manjeetsis their a way to trigger gate job on a project against change submitted to project-config which is not merged yet ?21:30
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clarkbmanjeets: no21:30
funginibalizer: not yet. i haven't had an opportunity to set up a test deployment to see if this actually solves anything21:30
fungijust wanted to get the changes written up before i forgot and moved on to some other emergency21:31
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nibalizeri want to say my testing of the provider found that this wasn't the solution21:32
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Stop running gate-neutron-dsvm-api-ubuntu-trusty on master and newton backports
* nibalizer pokes21:32
clarkbfungi: nibalizer maybe use vscrepo?21:32
funginibalizer: oh? you confirmed that even with latest=>true it would switch between commits when asked?21:33
nibalizergive me a sec to re figure out what I figured out :P21:33
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fungiclarkb: i think git history will show this previously used vcsrepo but couldn't support one of the use cases without perpetually thinking it needed to rerun the installer/upgrader21:33
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nibalizeryah so if you give it latest and a commit, it checks out the commit21:34
nibalizerwell, in my example21:34
nibalizerwhere there was no fetching needed21:34
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Increase volume group size for cinderclient-dsvm-functional job
fungiclarkb: yeah, switched away from vcsrepo a year ago in
funginibalizer: even if a different commit was previously checked out?21:34
nibalizerthe biggest advantage of git_resource is it can evolve21:35
nibalizervcsrepo is kindof too core to ever change21:35
nibalizerfungi: yea so i checked out a tag in the repo manually, then ran a puppet snippit, and it checked out the commit specified in the commit parameter21:35
funginibalizer: okay, i didn't realize you had latest=>true in your test scenario21:35
clarkbarmax: reviewed need a small edit to get the branch related job selection right21:36
armaxclarkb: thanks, right on it21:36
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clarkband I have approved the other change you pointed out21:37
nibalizerthe issue is that ask isn't updating?21:38
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support default string values for variables
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clarkbnibalizer: aiui yes, the askbot git repo isn't updating to the newer version21:38
funginibalizer: yeah, i'm at a loss as to why the log never even showed a "commit changed" (or any mention of Git[.*]) after merged21:39
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openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Switch to xenial-based grenade multinode jobs (w/ and w/o dvr) for newton and above
funginibalizer: the /srv/dist/askbot tree still had 06be25e checked out even after that was applied21:39
nibalizerhas someone fixed it manually or can I still run puppet and watch it not work?21:40
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: sahara: force nova-network in the only nova-network job
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/reviewday: Make Neutron script pull all Stadium projects
funginibalizer: i reverted 27403221:40
fungiwith 39579721:40
fungibecause whatever the wsgi bits used did upgrade, and were incompatible with the stuff in the venv and config tree copied from the old commit21:41
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openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Switch to xenial-based grenade multinode jobs (w/ and w/o dvr) for newton and above
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fungiyeah, /srv/askbot-site/config/django.wsgi changed to expect things from the newer askbot version, which never got installed21:43
fungias best i can piece together from the logs21:44
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support explicit API and simple config creation
nibalizerfungi: hrmm21:46
funginibalizer: in syslog.2.gz at "Nov  9 18:58:00" you can see the start of output from that run21:46
fungifor some reason it gets around to firing Askbot::Site::Config/Exec[askbot-syncdb] but hasn't updated the Git[] resource21:47
fungianother possibility, maybe we have an order of operations problem here and that exec somehow is happening before the git update?21:47
fungiand so it aborts before it ever gets around to updating the repo21:48
fungithough it's also running Askbot::Site::Config/Exec[askbot-migrate]21:48
nibalizeri was thinking that too21:48
nibalizerbut if it was skipping because of a failure it would say 'skipped because of failure' or something like that21:48
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fungioh, you know what? these are triggered both by the git repo updating _and_ the config file updating21:49
fungistill, yes, it never even mentions skipping the git commit change21:49
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Re-enable test_disable_at test
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nibalizerfungi: yea i got nothing21:54
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Re-enable test_disable_at test
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Re-enable test_live_reconfiguration test
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Re-enable test_crd_check_reconfiguration test
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openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Do not build any ramdisks in Ironic grenade jobs
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openstackgerritVarun Gadiraju proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Exit early if WORKSPACE var is undefined
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asselinclarkb, I'm trying to change this to use archive as you suggested a while back But running into this issue: "no such file to load -- faraday_middleware". Are you ok with it as-is?22:43
openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Do not build any ramdisks in Ironic grenade jobs
clarkbarmax: lgtm now thanks. fungi nibalizer maybe you can review that as well and get it in (more neutron xenial things)22:43
clarkbasselin: I need more context, is that a warning from archive?22:44
clarkbasselin: or does it error and fail?22:44
asselinError: /Stage[main]/Jenkins::Master/Archive[jenkins_deb]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: no such file to load -- faraday_middleware22:44
clarkbasselin: I think that means you didn't install the module and its deps properly?22:45
asselinhmmm...I thought it was stdlib?22:45
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clarkb seems to be the fix22:45
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add attempts logic for jobs
armaxclarkb: thank you!22:53
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add attempts logic for jobs
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armaxclarkb: one last favor of the week when you have a chance:
clarkbarmax: maybe you want to make it experimental or its not important?23:03
armaxclarkb: no need23:03
armaxclarkb: if I end up regretting it, you’ll be the first one to know :)23:04
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jeblairand the second to regret it?23:07
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jenkins: Enable a specific version of jenkins to be installed
asselinclarkb, thanks, I updated to the version in system-config/modules.env and got it working ^^23:13
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove gate-neutron-lbaasv2-dsvm-minimal from neutron check queue
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Always use cached images in updates job
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add attempts logic for jobs
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add attempts logic for jobs
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jlvillalDo grenade jobs support Depends-On?  If I have a backport of a patch for stable/newton will the grenade use that if I have a Depends-On for that patch?23:56
jlvillalclarkb: Sweet :)23:57

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