Wednesday, 2017-10-18

pabelangerze03 leading the pack with running most jobs00:00
pabelangerall other pretty much the same00:00
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add reprepo documentation
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pabelangerdid we just do something to zuulv3.o.o?00:08
SamYaplepabelanger: can confirm its not returning for me with cli tool00:09
pabelangerinfra-root: load on zuulv3.o.o is starting to climb and we just started swapping00:09
pabelangerin fact, we have zero swap on zuulv3.o.o right now00:09
pabelangerwe are out of memory00:09
SamYapleyou changed the result by measuring it!00:09
pabelangerI'm having issues keep ssh connection going00:11
pabelangerand zuul-scheduler just died00:12
pabelangerI'm going to fix swap now00:12
SamYaplehow much swap got used?00:12
pabelangeras we don't have a swap00:13
SamYaplewell thats different00:13
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ianwKilled process 20159 (zuul-scheduler)  :(00:13
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mnaser odd00:14
mnaserlooks like it was destined to go out from when it first got restarted00:15
pabelangersudo swapon /dev/xvde100:16
pabelangerwe have swap again00:16
pabelangerI am going to start scheduler again00:16
pabelangersince we are down00:16
ianwpabelanger: did you just add it to fstab, or was it there?00:16
pabelangerinfra-root: objections?^00:16
pabelangerianw: if was in fstab00:16
ianwnot from me ... it was only zuul-scheduler that got killed00:17
pabelangerbut guess we never did swapon after we redid repart00:17
SamYapleanything in the logs about failing to activate swap?00:17
SamYapleah so it hasnt been restarted since then00:17
* SamYaple blames mordred00:17
fungipabelanger: no objection, but i suspect this means we restarted earlier today with a new memory leak merged in the past few days since the prior restart (friday, was it?)00:17
pabelangerzuul-scheduler restarted00:18
ianwwhat i mean is, the only thing killed was zuul-scheduler and then memory usage dropped to zero, so we can infer that it was zuul-scheduler at fault from the cacti graphs00:18
pabelangerfungi: yah, looking at cacti, something has changed since our last restart00:18
fungilooks like maybe the previous restart was saturday, digging in logs for a timestamp now00:19
pabelangerfungi: so, we did update main.yaml00:20
pabelangerI wonder if that was the time when we started increasing memory00:20
pabelangerpuppet would have done a reload00:20
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fungiwhat time was that?00:20
pabelangerk, zuul-scheduler running again00:21
pabelangerwe should also send out a notice about unscheduled restart00:21
pabelangerand to recheck jobs00:21
fungilast modified timestamp on the file was 16:40 utc00:21
fungiif this is a relatively steady leak starting from the last restart, then i'm worried it'll be back into swap before i wake up tomorrow00:22
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pabelangerOct 17 16:41:01 zuulv3 puppet-user[32440]: (/Stage[main]/Zuul::Scheduler/Exec[zuul-reload]) Triggered 'refresh' from 1 events00:23
pabelangerthat was zuul-reload00:23
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pabelangerfungi: when did we restart zuul-executors?00:24
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fungii don't know if they got restarted yet today? i know clarkb restarted them all yesterday00:25
* fungi checks status log00:25
clarkbnot really here, they got restarted today too by jeblair00:26
pabelangerlooks to be around 21:20UTC00:26
clarkbshould be in sb00:26
fungiyeah, didn't make it into #status log so irc i guess00:27
ianwwill there be nodepool cleanup required after this?00:27
pabelangerianw: I don't think so, zuul should have release locks, and nodepool-launcher would have seen that00:28
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ianwok, quite a few "delete" stuff sitting around ... may be pre-existing00:29
pabelangerstatus notice due to unscheduled restart of zuulv3.o.o you will need to 'recheck' your jobs that were last running. Sorry for the inconvenience.00:30
pabelangernow does that look?00:30
pabelanger#status notice due to unscheduled restart of zuulv3.o.o you will need to 'recheck' your jobs that were last running. Sorry for the inconvenience.00:31
openstackstatuspabelanger: sending notice00:31
pabelangerianw: show nodepool-launcher deleting all our nodes when zuul-scheduler died00:31
pabelangerianw: the existing delete likely need to be cleaned up with provider help00:32
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: due to unscheduled restart of zuulv3.o.o you will need to 'recheck' your jobs that were last running. Sorry for the inconvenience.00:32
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openstackstatuspabelanger: finished sending notice00:33
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ianwlooking at say, ... what's "steady state"?00:39
ianwseems ~5gb?00:39
pabelangerso, for some reason, zuul-scheduler didn't do anything for 10mins00:39
pabelangerI'm not sure why that is00:40
fungi2017-10-14 15:49:38,058 INFO zuul.Scheduler: Starting scheduler00:40
ianwi thought it was expected to take around 6-10 minutes to reload?00:40
fungi2017-10-17 14:29:51,750 INFO zuul.Scheduler: Starting scheduler00:40
pabelangerI also pasted the wrong thing00:40
fungiso if we merged a leak, it was ~between those (modulo puppet deployment delays)00:41
jeblairwell, i expect the weakref thing to be the biggest candidate00:43
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ianwdmsimard: oh that change ... i'm wondering if that's now wrong because mordred opened up the permissions00:49
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dmsimardianw: removed -W pending verification00:51
dmsimardianw: where did mordred do that ?00:51
ianwahh, just going back a bit ...00:51
jeblairfungi, ianw, pabelanger, clarkb: i will restart the scheduler with a revert of 511355 manually applied.  it's the leading candidate for the leak.00:51
fungijeblair: thanks00:52
ianwdmsimard: (from the issues page)00:52
fungithat seems like a prudent test, at least00:52
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dmsimardianw: can we reliably reproduce the issue that your fix was meant to resolve ?00:52
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pabelangerjeblair: ack00:54
jeblairhere is a list of changes merged between the time periods fungi mentioned:
ianwdmsimard: if you were to zuul-clone as an alternative user from a repo you don't own, yes.  it was during tox runs as stack user, where requirements changes use zuul-cloner00:54
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ianwrequirements s/changes/installation/00:55
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dmsimardianw: ok we can try to break the thing00:56
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jeblairscheduler restarted00:58
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mnaserdid gerrit decide it wants to have a field day right now too?01:03
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jeblairmnaser: gc graph looks fine01:06
mnaserjeblair it was much more sluggish clicking/opening a review, seems okay now.  i'll report if i see anything else :X01:07
ianwdmsimard: few comments on 512194 ... i don't know what the answer is :/01:07
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dmsimardianw: I'm writing some additional tests and we can probably write a test patch on top of those tests to verify the behavior01:08
mnaseris there a generic job that does ansible lint-ing ?01:08
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ianwdmsimard: ++ on tests for this.  i think though the behaviour is whatever we choose it to be01:09
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Improve test coverage of the fetch-zuul-cloner role and the shim
dmsimardianw: ^01:12
otherwiseguydoh, the recheck that was finally going to pass after several weeks of broken gate got killed. is now an acceptable time for me to do another recheck, or are jobs going to go away again?01:12
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jeblairotherwiseguy: go for it01:14
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dmsimardianw: feel free to write a patch on top of that which could test the behavior we're looking for or adds a depends-on/rebase on top of your patch, need to afk for a while01:15
openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add irrelevant-files to puppet jobs
mnaseri'd appreciate an extra pair of eyes on that ^ we are releasing puppet modules soon and that means 20*5~6 more jobs will run .. for no reason01:20
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Improve test coverage of the fetch-zuul-cloner role and the shim
ianwdmsimard: ^ just interested if that works01:49
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openstackgerritTom Barron proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Collect output from coverage job
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy template jobs from ansible-role-nodepool
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dmsimardianw: not going to work, those are trusted roles02:01
dmsimardPart of the reason why we can't test them02:01
ianwdmsimard: yeah, i see that now with all the red :)02:02
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config master: Add reprepo documentation
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dmsimardI need to work on a framework for testing trusted roles02:09
dmsimardmordred had started patterning something off02:10
dmsimardlooks like ram is spiking again on zuul.o.o, not sure if legit
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jeblairit went up to 10g before the restart02:11
jeblairwith all the depends-on changes that were just submitted, current usage is not surprising.02:11
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pabelangerodd, just noticed we are installing fetch-zuul-cloner even for non-legacy jobs02:15
mnaseri've been noticing that too pabelanger02:15
mnaserand um, i guess free benchmarking? sorry about that :<02:16
pabelangerI'll look in the morning, see if we can find a way to opt out of fetch-zuul-cloner role02:16
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add irrelevant-files to puppet jobs
mnaserbefore i add this to zuulv3-issues, does anyone have any recommended troubleshooting jobs for "ERROR No valid playbook found"02:19
mnaserthe job works fine otherwise, interestingly, its the only one with a "branches" config option set02:20
mnaser -- most recently seen working here with no issues, just a few hours ago02:21
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pabelangermnaser: I think the issue is with
pabelangerpossible syntax error02:38
pabelangertrying to find more02:38
mnaserpabelanger that change is in gate (you can check status) and had passed that same job02:39
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pabelangeroh wait02:45
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pabelangeryah, not sure02:48
pabelangermnaser: if you remove depends-on for 512839, what happens?02:48
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mnaser .. hmm, the integration job never ran02:50
mnaserand i dont think it should02:50
pabelangermnaser: where is the pipline configuration for puppet-openstacklib?02:51
mnaserpabelanger not migrated so should be project-config02:52
mnaserpabelanger also by "the integration job never ran" i meant that by looking at zuul previous comments (before patches that added irrelevant-files)02:52
pabelangermnaser: I'm struggling to see out puppet-openstacklib even run puppet-openstack-integration-4-scenario004-tempest-centos-702:53
pabelangerbut my eyes are starting to blur02:53
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mnaserits getting late, we can resume this later :D02:54
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mnaseroh i think i know whats going on02:54
mnaserpuppet-openstack-integration-jobs-all project-template runs for all puppet-openstacklib02:55
pabelangerdo share02:55
mnaserthat includes all 4 scenario jobs02:55
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mnaserthe issue we ran into a few days ago where backporting zuul.yaml was failing was fixed by jeblair but he said that all the definitions have to absolutely match for jobs02:56
mnaserso i think what i did is scenario4 is now different from master to stable branch, because one has irrelevant-files and the other doesnt02:56
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mnaserso its getting treated like a variant02:56
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mnaserim not sure actaully, i had it in my head and lost it in translation.  there's a change pending adding the jobs to stable/newton which hasnt merged yet, ill see if that affects it heh02:57
pabelangerokay, I'll have to look inthe morning02:58
dmsimardianw: I have a solution for fetch-zuul-cloner, I'll have a patch soon02:58
dmsimardIs there a reason why 'use-cached-repos' is in project-config ? It doesn't seem like it holds anything trusted or running against localhost, while on the other hand, mirror-workspace-git-repos is in zuul-jobs with executor delegated tasks03:01
openstackgerritHongbin Lu proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add pike branch to zun channel notification
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openstackgerritRUIJIE YUAN proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: add merge-check job template for senlin-tempest-plugin
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openstackgerritDuong Ha-Quang proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: remove legacy panko jobs
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openstackgerritDuong Ha-Quang proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: drop legacy panko jobs
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Improve test coverage of the fetch-zuul-cloner role and the shim
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add integration tests for use-cached-repos
dmsimardianw: ^ I *think* that should work. 'use-cached-repos' is what copies the repos from /opt/git to /home/zuul/<src_dir>. 'mirror-workspace-git-repos' is the trusted role that pushes an updated copy of the required-project (i.e, depends-on) to the node but it's not required to test that fetch-zuul-cloner works.03:17
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pabelangerseem to be having issues with control stream03:24
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pabelangerweb-debug.log on zuulv3.o.o has some exceptions03:24
pabelangerbut brain is fried to debug03:24
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jungleboyjAnybody know why review.o.o is down?03:29
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mnaserjungleboyj noticing the same, it's been a lil sluggish, hopefully it gets recovers03:29
jungleboyjOk, maybe it is a sign I need to take a break from work?03:30
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pabelangerI am not able to ssh to review.o.o03:32
pabelangerianw: ^03:32
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pabelangerianw: I have to EOD here, hopefully you can take a look into review.o.o03:34
pabelangeralso explains the merger-failure status on zuulv3.o.o03:34
pabelangergood luck03:34
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ianwok ...03:40
clarkbianw: I've pulled out the laptop to help03:41
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clarkbhost pings03:41
ianwtrying to pull up a console now03:41
clarkbbut cacti shows its gone away03:41
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ianwxen errors on the console03:42
ianwi think this is something underneath the vm03:42
ianwhave we rebooted?03:43
ianwi'm thinking a --force reboot at this point03:43
clarkbI don't think we rebooted, this looks similar to what we saw with elasticsearch0703:43
clarkbwith that host rebooting didn't seem to fix it immediately either03:43
ianwok, well i don't think a reboot will make it *worse*?  should we go for it/03:44
clarkbnot sure03:45
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clarkbone concern would be potentially leaving git repos in an unhappy state if we do a forced reboot03:46
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clarkbwhereas in theory if we let it run and it recovers the process will just keep executing and be fine?03:46
ianw:/ ... i'd not be confident it will come back03:47
SamYaplereview.oo inaccessible?03:47
SamYapleah yea i see the scrollback03:47
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SamYaplewin 1203:47
clarkbrackspace status page doesn't show us anything03:47
ianwclarkb: do you get the messages they send that show up on the web console?03:47
ianwas emails i mean?  let me log in and see if there's anything03:48
clarkbI just pulled up the public status page becaues that is easy and sometimes useful info03:48
ianwall green on the web ui03:50
clarkbas far as coming back without a reboot I rebooted es07 and it took like half an hour before it became useable and it had these same messages on it03:50
ianwRackspace is migrating the cloud servers listed below from their current location in our DFW datacenter to another location in the DFW datacenter. -> (b9952fa5-6e57-4c79-84ac-af0cb8d75363)03:50
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clarkbso unsure if it would've come back on its own after 30 minutes or if the reboot triggered it03:50
ianwOct 15, 2017 - 4:27 PM AEDT03:51
clarkboh that is interesting03:51
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clarkbI bet we don't notice with other instances because they are small03:51
clarkbbut gerrit and elasticsearch are the opposite of small03:51
ianwthere is a pending trove maintence, but not until 30th03:52
clarkbI wonder if review.o.o is being migrated too03:52
ianwthese support tickets seem to go to mordred and jeblair03:52
dmsimardianw: I'm going to bed, but I pinged you about two reviews which would probably work to test our zuul-cloner things.03:52
ianwdmsimard: heh, i'd like to be able to see them :)03:53
dmsimardianw: yeah, me too, I was waiting on the check jobs before going to bed :P03:53
ianwwell, so it doesn't seem like planned maintenance, but similar to the elasticsearch problems that were ... urgh03:54
clarkbconsidering how similar this is to es07 I'm inclined to think a migration is the cause currently03:54
clarkband if that is the case a reboot likely won't affect it right?03:54
dmsimardlive migrations ? in openstack ? :D03:54
dmsimardNever tried live migrations on openstack w/ xen fwiw03:54
clarkbdmsimard: it appears to be of the non live variety03:54
clarkb(assuming that is what it is)03:55
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ianwclarkb: i have no idea.  i can put in a ticket, but is anyone going to see it?03:55
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clarkbon our end or theirs? if we know we've got a ticket in we'll look but ya unsure if anyone is checking on their end03:56
ianwi mean file a support ticket with rax03:57
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ianwi really don't think it's anything we've done03:57
clarkbianw: I agree03:57
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clarkbfiling a ticket can't hurt, why don't we start there03:58
ianwTicket ID03:59
ianwmaybe someone in australia read thems?03:59
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ianwif there is a phone number, it's not immediately obvious03:59
mnaseri dont think they would be doing non-live-migration while keeping an instance running?  so just gonna guess that it could be unlikely03:59
SamYaplei used to have access to all the hypervisors. seems like that would be helpful right about now03:59
SamYaplelet me ping someone03:59
clarkbcloudnull: ^ may know?04:00
dmsimardI suspect RAX has follow-the-sun support, it would be silly for a managed hosting provider to be 9 to 5 lol04:00
SamYaplethere is also a #rackspace irc channel we all used to half monitor04:01
SamYapledmsimard: there are teams all shifts for sure04:01
SamYaplebut if you have inside knowledge.... use it is my motto04:01
clarkbianw: does the ticket number imply its for ORD ofr some reason? (server is in DFW)04:01
ianw?  it knew "" as the server name in the ticket entry form04:01
clarkbI'm probably overthinking it :)04:02
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SamYaplethe phone banks are manned by engineers 24/7 if someone wants to call04:02
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clarkb1-800-961-4454 looks like the number for openstack cloud support04:03
SamYaplei dont know what type of account infras got or anything, but that is sorta rackspaces deal "call and talk to someone that can fix it"04:03
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ianwok, i have to install chrome to make a call via hangouts!04:04
SamYapleoh boy!04:05
clarkbianw: fun, and thank you (I'm in bed so really want to avoid doing it myself :/)04:05
SamYapleyou can also do it from an android phone04:05
dmsimard"Hi, I manage the OpenStack infrastructure, our server is down"... Confusion ensues04:05
SamYapledmsimard: all you gotta do is verify you are teh account owner/user which is a secret question kinda deal04:06
SamYaplethats why i was saying i dont know how infras account is setup04:06
dmsimardWe need to know mordred's favorite dish ?04:06
SamYapleyou need to know the question *and* the answer04:07
SamYaplethey arent supposed to ask the question04:07
SamYaplejust ask for the answer04:07
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SamYaplei worked private cloud, but i had to do pubcloud stuff a bit during the heavy time periods of chaos04:08
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ianwok, talking to someone ...04:09
SamYapleis it bob?04:09
SamYaplescrew that guy04:09
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ianwyeah, i'm not authenticated in the right way04:12
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clarkbcan you at least pass the ticket number along since that was submitted via an authenticated user?04:13
SamYapleianw: best to just ask if there is an incident in progress in DFW that could be affecting the server in the ticket04:13
SamYaplethey should be able to give that out04:14
ianwhaha ok i hacked in04:14
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ianwmordred, i've changed your security question04:14
SamYapledid you use the admin password "p@ssw0rd"?04:14
SamYaplewe add the number and symbol for stregth04:14
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clarkbha ianw with the backdoor04:15
dmsimardmordred's favorite dish is now: mac'n'cheese04:15
SamYapledmsimard: no ianw said he changed it04:16
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clarkbnow its ianw's favorite dish04:17
SamYapleblood pudding!04:17
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ianwi never had mac'n'cheese until i lived in the USA ... it's not an .au thing (or wasn't ... my kids eat it now)04:18
clarkbI had it for lunch today04:18
ianwdon't worry, the on hold pan pipe music is keeping me very calm04:18
clarkbI think mordred is in europe now so may be awake in a couple hours04:19
ianwok, he's suggesting a hard reboot04:19
SamYaplehave we not done that yet?04:19
ianwso it was live migrating apparently04:19
SamYaplei could have told you frontline was going to ask "have you tried turning it off an on again"04:19
clarkbSamYaple: we didn't because es07 did this recently too and a reboot didn't fix it04:20
dmsimardIn Canada we don't have Mac'n'cheese, we have: Kraft Dinner04:20
clarkband it turns out es07 was migrated04:20
clarkbso wasn't sure if that would have an affect04:20
ianwso we ok if i hard reboot it?04:20
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clarkbianw: if that is what they are saying to do I guess we do it04:20
SamYaplehard reboot is different than a reboot though04:20
clarkbianw: did the migration fail or something?04:20
ianwok, rebooting04:21
clarkb(would be nice if that was exposed in the server status better)04:21
dmsimardIt's usually better to do a reboot. The reboot eventually times out to a hard reboot if the normal reboot doesn't work.04:21
clarkbdmsimard: that a nova behavior?04:21
dmsimardYup, unless it's changed since I've last poked around those bits of code04:22
clarkbneat, didn't know that04:22
SamYapledmsimard: what defines a timeout?04:22
ianwwe need to turn of this silly graphical boot console04:23
dmsimardI last looked at this at $oldjob so > 2 years ago, you're asking a lot from my memory :)04:23
SamYapledmsimard: and rax is running xen, dont forget that04:23
clarkba live migration would explain the slowness that mnaser complained about04:23
clarkbthen I guess it went belly up at some point?04:23
clarkb(or devolved into a non live migration?)04:24
SamYapledirtied ram to quick to migrate, migrate failed and fallback failed?04:24
SamYaplethen they rebooted the box anyway?04:24
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SamYaplei like being able to speculate now that i dont work there04:25
ianwok, so should be back04:25
ianwit was confirmed to me that it was live migrated.  so i don't think there's much we can do to avoid that, it is what it is.  details will be in that ticket apparently04:26
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clarkbserver is there and gerrit process is running but apache claims it not there04:26
* clarkb digs in04:26
mnaserianw: if they did a live migration using the api, "nova instance-action-log <server-uuid>" could confirm/sho wthat04:26
clarkbianw: good to know the ticket will apparently have details04:26
SamYapleis aaction-log exposed to uses?04:26
mnaserim pretty sure it is exposed to users04:27
ianwwhy is it still 503'ing04:27
SamYaplemnaser: on rax?04:27
mnaserSamYaple oh, that i dont know.. i know it is in openstack.. if thats what they run :p04:27
dmsimardSamYaple: instnace-action-log is not typically priviledged04:27
SamYaplemnaser: i wouldnt call public cloud opentack....04:27
dmsimardSamYaple: scoped per tenant04:28
SamYaplerax public lcoud anyway04:28
clarkbianw: nothing is listening on port 8081 yet04:28
ianwclarkb: should we restart gerrit?04:29
clarkbianw: yes I think so, I don't see anything logged from this current process04:29
ianwmaybe it doesn't like coming up during boot04:29
ianwdoing that now04:29
dmsimardhmm, now I was looking for the code about the soft reboot timing out to a hard reboot and I can't find it anywhere :(04:30
SamYapledmsimard: i was not familiar with that code myself04:31
SamYaplehaha! my irc VM in dfw just live-migrated :)04:31
SamYaplemust be rolling reboots04:31
ianwStarting Gerrit Code Review: FAILED04:31
ianwi do not like this04:31
dmsimardstarting to wonder if it was a client-side implementation in novaclient or openstackclient or something.. I really want to find that now04:31
clarkbianw: though the process is running04:32
dmsimardianw: is the database up ?04:32
clarkbianw: I think the init script has a timeout and our gerrit is big enough that it runs into that before fully started?04:32
SamYapledmsimard: hmm nova-client doesnt poll though, so that should be possible04:32
SamYapledmsimard: i mean not for reboot operation (i dont think)04:32
clarkb/home/gerrit2/review_site/logs/error_log is the log file04:32
mnaserSamYaple dmsimard i think that soft reboot then hard reboot was pulled .. like way back.04:32
clarkb[2017-10-18 04:32:32,436] [main] INFO : Gerrit Code Review 2.13.9-4-g2a605d5 ready04:33
SamYaplemnaser: prior to grizzly? because i revieweed the grizzly flow in great detail. so its either new, or way old04:33
dmsimardmnaser: so I'm not crazy right, that existed ?04:33
dmsimardSamYaple: was probably in icehouse era04:33
clarkbianw: its listening on 8081 now04:33
dmsimardat least at $oldjob04:34
ianwok, maybe just patience required04:34
ianwi've probably never restarted it cold04:34
SamYapledmsimard: so working theory is was added and then removed. got it :)04:34
clarkbianw: so I think gerrit is just very slow to start, I do not know why it may not have started on boot though as it didn't log anything that time. Possibly it raced the mount for /home/gerrit2?04:34
* EmilienM waves on infra friends and wish good luck on whatever you're debugging04:34
clarkbianw: that would explin it actually as we'd mount over wher ethe logs go04:34
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clarkbianw: though there shouldn't be enough content at the unmounted /home/gerrit2 location to even run a process04:35
clarkbso maybe that doesn't explain it04:35
clarkbin any case it looks happy now?04:35
ianwclarkb: network race, not quite able to get to trove?04:35
ianwi'm not going to reboot it again to try debugging it :)04:35
clarkbianw: ya that could be it too04:35
clarkband I agree on not rebooting to debug :)04:36
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openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Zuul-v3: add required projects for neutron-lib periodic jobs
clarkblooks like people can push code ^04:36
clarkbweb ui seems to work for me04:37
ianwyep, i think let's monitor for a bit04:37
clarkberror_log also looks ok. There are ome exceptions about diff took too long but those are normal04:37
clarkband ssh server received EOFs (also normal)04:37
clarkbianw: we should watch the replication as that always takes a while after a server restart04:37
clarkb14662 tasks as of a few seconds ago04:38
mnaserdmsimard SamYaple libvirt/wait_soft_reboot_seconds04:38
ianw[2017-10-18 04:38:20,365] [d477c0d0] Push to references: [RemoteRefUpdate[remoteName=refs/pull/1/head, NOT_ATTEMPTED, (null)...0000000000000000000000000000000000000000, srcRef=null, forceUpdate, message=null], .. blah blah04:39
ianwmaybe another corrupt repo?04:39
mnaserdmsimard SamYaple .. looks like libvirt specfiic behaviour04:39
clarkbnow 14348 tasks so trending the right direction04:39
clarkbianw: or it could be a branch delete?04:40
dmsimardmnaser: wow I was looking at the API/compute/client, never thought it was at a driver level04:40
dmsimardmnaser: glad to see it's still there then04:40
clarkband now 13.7 ish k tasks04:41
mnaserdmsimard yup, looks like it does a soft reboot request and (by default) waits 120s04:42
ianwalright, firedrill over?  i'll keep an eye but i think we're ok04:43
clarkbsomething is querying all closed changes for the month of decenmber 201604:43
clarkbianw: ya I'm not seeing anything terribly out of the ordinary other than  that query04:44
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clarkbbut thats a user thing not gerrit got rebooted thing04:44
clarkb looks alright and the task queue is headed in the right direction04:44
ianw#status log review.o.o hard rebooted due to failure during live migration (rax ticket: 171018-ord-0000074).  manually restarted gerrit after boot, things seem ok now04:45
openstackstatusianw: finished logging04:45
mnaserif a job passed gate in that little outage, do we need to reverify?04:45
dmsimardMake sure to send mordred a mail or something for the favorite dish04:45
clarkbmnaser: yes04:45
mnaserclarkb ok, thank you04:46
clarkbmordred: fungi ^ you'll be next to wake I think. Please see ianw's status log. Everything seems to be functioning normally but if you can keep an eye on it that would be great04:46
clarkbianw: you'll have to take us someplace where you like the beer :P04:47
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clarkbthere was a git upload pack timeout error from someone pushing a change to nova I assume?04:48
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clarkbmight be worth pushing up a noop change to nova to make sure that was not a consistent problem04:48
* clarkb looks for local nova repo04:49
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clarkb10k tasks now04:51
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ianwjust syncing my nova tree04:52
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix ZUUL_REFNAME for translation jobs
clarkbianw: I've got a fresh clone I can push from if you want04:53
ianwit's thinking ...04:53
ianw seems ok04:54
clarkbcool, thanks for checking and with that I think I will call it a day04:55
clarkbthanks again04:55
ianwthank you!  go team04:55
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AJaegerianw: could you +2A , please?05:01
jlvillalAny idea why this patch didn't go into the Zuul gate phase?
jlvillalIt has a +1 from Zuul, Code-Review +2, and Workflow +105:04
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mnaserjlvillal zuul had a crash at around that time05:07
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jlvillalmnaser, Ah. Is there anything I can do to make it realize it should do something?05:08
mnaserjlvillal: i think you could cheat and +A the change if you have core and it'll go into gate again05:08
mnaserif you aren't core, you'll have to recheck it05:08
jlvillalmnaser, I don't have that kind of power :(05:08
mnaserjlvillal: i'd recheck in that case05:09
jlvillalmnaser, Will that work? Since it already has a +1 from Zuul.05:09
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mnaserjlvillal yeah, it'll just do check+gate again though so one extra round of checks05:09
jlvillalmnaser, Thanks05:10
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clarkbnew gerrit fixed issue with rechecks in this case05:13
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jlvillalclarkb, thanks05:18
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ianwjlvillal: seems to be moving ok?  let me know if issues05:32
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jlvillalianw, No issues. Just going through the check now. By the time I wake up it should be merged :)05:33
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SamYaplewho manages openstack/requiremetns? (which team owns it)06:17
SamYapleis it infra?06:17
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix REFNAME in
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AJaegerSamYaple: requirements team ;)06:22
AJaegerSamYaple: check governance repo for such questions06:23
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SamYapleof course. what afool i am! i knew that. its late, i should just sleep and come back later06:24
SamYaplethanks AJaeger as always06:24
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix zanata cert import
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Publish requirements loci images to DockerHub
tetsuroAJaejer: Could you review ? I've amended the patch, and it's ready for review.06:28
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AJaegertetsuro: asked a question on it...06:30
openstackgerritSam Yaple proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Publish keystone loci images to DockerHub
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AJaegerianw, frickler,jlk, mordred : Next step in getting translations working is - could you review, please?06:33
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openstackgerritDuong Ha-Quang proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy jobs in refstack
openstackgerritDuong Ha-Quang proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy jobs in refstack
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openstackgerritYAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: networking-midonet: required-projects for periodic jobs
AJaegerSamYaple: what's the logic behind and friends?06:39
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openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Zuul-v3: add neutron to legacy-periodic-py35-with-neutron-lib-master
openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Zuul-v3: add required projects for neutron-lib periodic jobs
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openstackgerritYAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: networking-midonet: required-projects for periodic jobs
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fricklerAJaeger: I have an idea for simplification on, if you agree I can do a new PS for that06:54
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SamYapleAJaeger: had a few people still trying to use those repos with those codebases being broken during the zuulv3 stuff for a few weeks06:58
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix zanata cert import
SamYapleAJaeger: team didnt know the correct decom process and that was a quick fix for that issue06:59
SamYapleAJaeger: weve got a meeting to discuss it06:59
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AJaegerdecom? Decommission?07:00
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SamYaplewell we couldnt use those repos during teh zuulv3 stuff, so they were out of commison for a few weeks and we played with a single repo in the meantime which looks like the direction it is going to head07:01
AJaegerfrickler: that's jeblair's change ;) What about doing a followup for these? But it's not worth it IMHO, those job will be soon rewritten as native v3 ones...07:01
AJaegerSamYaple: ah, I see.07:02
eumel8good morning07:02
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openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Ceilometer: remove legacy-ceilometer-dsvm-tempest-plugin-es job
fricklerAJaeger: yes, sure, that is the other option to view it, so I'm fine with just approving it, then07:11
AJaegerfrickler: if this would be a native v3 job, I would hvae said: -1 or update :)07:12
AJaegerfrickler: and welcome to the core team!07:12
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fricklerAJaeger: thx for your coaching, that has certainly contributed to me getting here07:17
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Fix requirements cross-test jobs
AJaegerfrickler: thanks. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Happy to help if I'm around...07:21
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openstackgerritRUIJIE YUAN proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: add system-required and check-requirements job for senlin-tempest-plugin
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Zuul-v3: add neutron to legacy-periodic-py35-with-neutron-lib-master
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openstackgerritDuong Ha-Quang proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy jobs in storlets
openstackgerritDuong Ha-Quang proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy jobs in storlets
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove bashate legacy jobs
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add project-templates to documentation
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openstackgerritMichele Baldessari proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Switch info links to /home/zuul
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: DNM: test containers update
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Ceilometer: remove legacy-ceilometer-dsvm-tempest-plugin-es job
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add integration tests for use-cached-repos
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Improve test coverage of the fetch-zuul-cloner role and the shim
rgerganovHow can I recheck Zuul on this patch:
electrofelixIs there a guide to how tenants will work in zuul v3? Can they be used by separate teams while still sharing the same pipelines, or do you 'have' to define different pipelines?09:03
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openstackgerritStephen Finucane proposed openstack-dev/pbr master: Use 'build_reno' setuptools extension if available
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fricklerrgerganov: simply make a comment on that review saying "recheck"09:44
rgerganovfrickler, I already made this and it didn't help09:45
rgerganovfrickler, "recheck" retriggers only Jenkins09:46
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fricklerrgerganov: no, we have switched to running only zuul on Sunday, please try once more and you should see a new response from zuul in due time09:47
rgerganovfrickler, ok thanks09:47
fricklerrgerganov: you can also watch progress for your patch being checked at now09:50
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openstackgerritDuong Ha-Quang proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy jobs in Senlin
openstackgerritDuong Ha-Quang proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy jobs in Senlin
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Setup nodes for upstream-translation job
evrardjpis there  reason why previous proposal bot doesn't work anymore? How can I debug this?10:50
evrardjp(in other words: Is there something to do with zuul v3 to make proposal bot work?)10:51
AJaegerevrardjp: which job exactly are you talking about? Yes, there are known failures...10:55
evrardjpAJaeger: it was just to know if there is something to do or not10:55
AJaegerevrardjp: I know some jobs are broken, so you need to look at log files and check whether those work.10:56
evrardjpok simply that.10:56
evrardjpthere is no permissions changes or anything10:56
AJaegerSo, either check to see what fails - or go to the log files and see why they do not run10:56
* AJaeger is working on translation jobs...10:57
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evrardjpAJaeger: understood the problem. Fixed in :p11:10
evrardjpthanks for the patch!11:10
AJaegerevrardjp: does it finally work?11:13
* AJaeger didn't see logs yet...11:13
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evrardjpwell I will see, I will do a patch and follow its course11:13
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: WIP: Add script for deterministic key generation
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AJaegermorning, pabelanger !12:22
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Migrate legacy jobs
AJaegerpabelanger: the service-data-type you fixed yesterday still fails - it cannot find the temp directory ;( I added to etherpad in case you have some idea on how to fix these (around line 200). Help is welcome.12:24
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/os-client-config master: Update make_rest_client to work with version discovery
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: fix branch handling in release clone_repo function
dhellmannpabelanger, mordred : back on the tag-releases fix party this morning ^^12:26
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mordreddhellmann: woot!12:27
AJaegermordred: could you review  and , please? Those are needed for deploy guide.12:27
mordreddhellmann: ++12:27
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smcginnisdhellmann: :)12:30
odyssey4mewe'd appreciate reviews for please - we're missing lint checks on our jobs :/12:30
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mordredAJaeger: both look good to me12:31
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mordredodyssey4me: lgtm. fwiw, you could also define those in each of those repos (nothing about those that I think needs to be central - but doing them central is fine)12:32
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AJaegermordred: thanks!12:33
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mordredodyssey4me: I mention because we're still learning best practices with central vs. distributed so talking about it more rather than less seems good12:34
odyssey4memordred yeah, doing in one repo vs 40-odd though... thanks!12:34
mordredodyssey4me: ++12:34
odyssey4meright now it's a band-aid to get us to a good state - we may revise again later to improve how things are done12:34
mordredodyssey4me: btw - I'm lurking in a session florian is giving on o-a so I can heckle him - but so far I haven't had any good opportunities. maybe make worse software next time k?12:35
odyssey4meI expect that we might want to implement some sort of job template, but there's a fair chance we'll ditch the extra layer of using tox rather than continue to use tox for these.12:35
odyssey4mehahaha, thanks :)12:35
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mordredodyssey4me: yah - with in-repo job config I think there are a whole new set of things that used tox before as a poor-man's-job-config that can be reworked ...12:36
AJaegerdhellmann: we still need a new reno release to publish releasenotes, correct?12:36
mordredso that tox can be used for when tox is wanted12:36
pabelangerAJaeger: is done correctly? removes legacy jobs from a project12:37
AJaegerpabelanger: Looks good to me...12:38
AJaegerif there'S a followup to remove the legacy jbos from openstack-zuul-jobs...12:38
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pabelangerAJaeger: yah, not just yet, but will be. They are still used by a few more roles12:38
AJaegerpabelanger: normally order is different: First change for in-repo, then project-config, then openstack-zuul-jobs removal12:39
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AJaegerpabelanger: ah, I see12:39
AJaegerpabelanger, mordred, frickler: Translation updates on the new dynamicly allocated nodes does not have lxml installed by default, so we need to change the setup - please review
AJaegerpabelanger: regarding your linters change: I'm fine taking it in and iterate over it. I'm confused that while the job runs on openstack-zuul-jobs, it reports only about zuul-jobs and nothing about openstack-zuul-jobs. That's my only concern right now12:42
pabelangerAJaeger: yah, I should be able to do that order once I get another job running. and happy to update for that12:42
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AJaegerif you add a todo or whatever "Run it on all three repos", I'm fine ;)12:42
AJaegeras said, happy to take it in and iterate - as long as we know the limits12:43
pabelangerAJaeger: well, it only reports about zuul-jobs today, because we have lint issues. Once we fix them, ozj will stop reporting them and hopefully just catch ozj things12:43
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pabelangerAJaeger: basically, once our merged code is good and job running on each repo, they should only catch issues in their own repo, because of gating12:43
AJaegerpabelanger: ah, so it stops there... Ok, then let'S get it in and fix those ;)12:44
pabelangerand if we do see issues in another, we can properly depends-on to fix them12:44
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mordredAJaeger: is fine by me. I'm assuming we'll circle back around to those scripts once the jobs are working again yeah?12:44
pabelangermordred: is likely of interested, that is what AJaeger is asking about12:45
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: fix branch handling in release clone_repo function
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mordredpabelanger: looking12:45
pabelangershared linters jobs between the 3 repos in infra12:45
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add integration tests for use-cached-repos
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Improve test coverage of the fetch-zuul-cloner role and the shim
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AJaegermordred: yes, we need to improve those once we have them working. But since these used before the proposal node, more work is needed - so, let's fix first and then iterate on that...12:47
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add ansible-role-k8s-(keystone|mariadb)
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add ansible-role-k8s-(keystone|mariadb) to zuul.d
dmsimardStill looking for a last +2+A on for multinode integration tests12:47
mordredpabelanger, AJaeger: yah - looking at that I kind of think we should consider ditching tox and just writing a custom playbook forthis - either running ansible lint on the playbooks in all three repos - or running the tox role three times12:48
mordredAJaeger: ++12:48
mordredpabelanger, AJaeger: because just running lint on the ozj playbooks on ozj changes would miss changes to zuul-jobs roles that ozj playbooks might catch12:48
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mordred(since the entrypoint for the linter is a playbook)12:49
AJaegerpabelanger: yeah, custom playbook works as well - we do not need tox. Your call...12:49
mordredwell - I think we need a custom playbook in either case - to potentially run the tox role three times ... lemme do a followup patch real quick12:50
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add linters job to all OSA role jobs
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pabelangerk, let me try run tox role 3 times first12:55
dhellmannAJaeger : reno 2.5.1 includes everything in master12:55
dhellmannAJaeger : including the zuulv3 fix12:55
pabelangermordred: dmsimard: mind a +3 on
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pabelangermordred: dmsimard: sorry,
dmsimardpabelanger: I don't have +3 on that :)12:57
mordredpabelanger: neat - I don't have +3 on that either- but I +1'd it12:57
pabelangerthats what I get for posting links with out coffee12:57
pabelangermordred: dmsimard: yah, my bad on the first (duplicate) urls12:58
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add zuul.{pipeline,nodepool.provider,executor.hostname} to job header
smcginnispost_failures again?12:59
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AJaegerdhellmann: failed, let me get exact lines...13:00
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add integration tests for emit-job-header and set-zuul-log-path-fact
AJaegerdhellmann: "Unknown reference origin/stable/newton"13:01
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dhellmannAJaeger : reno is pinned to 2.5.0 in that job13:01
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AJaegerdhellmann: argh ;( Can we unpin?13:01
dhellmannmaybe we need to land a constraint update?13:01
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smcginnisOh, that was before handling of "origin/", right?13:02
dhellmannyeah, that fix is in 2.5.113:02
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dhellmannAJaeger : what project is that job running for?13:02
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smcginnisSeems like it would be safe (and necessary) to update the constraints then.13:02
AJaegerdhellmann: nova13:02
AJaegersmcginnis: necessary! ;)13:02
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AJaegershall I propose and you +2 ?13:03
smcginnisAJaeger: Works for me.13:03
dhellmannglobal requirements has 2.5.1 as the constrained version13:03
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add integration tests for emit-job-header and set-zuul-log-path-fact
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add integration tests for emit-job-header and set-zuul-log-path-fact
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add zuul.{pipeline,nodepool.provider,executor.hostname} to job header
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add zuul.{pipeline,nodepool.provider,executor.hostname} to job header
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AJaegermmh, that has 2.5.1 - so why is it using 2.5.0 instead?13:04
dhellmannwhich patch is that?13:04
dhellmann09bdd552d13b6dbec8eca361de4f1bef8cf2c786 doesn't appear in gerrit13:04
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dhellmannit would be cool if post jobs dumped the full commit message of the thing they're running on13:04
smcginnisI know nova was wrapping up some final newton patches. I wonder if that's it.13:05
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy template jobs from ansible-role-nodepool
AJaegerchange is "Merge "Target context for build notification in conductor" into stable/pike"13:06
dhellmannah, the pike constraints may need to be updated then13:06
dhellmannalthough no, that job should run on master13:07
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade master: Add devstack jobs for zuul v3
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dhellmannis zuul checking out the pike version of constraints because the patch merged into that branch?13:07
AJaegermight be...13:07
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dhellmannI don't know if that counts as a bug or not. Or if there's a way to specify a different behavior.13:09
dhellmannis there some way to look at the logs for what was checked out?13:09
AJaegermordred, pabelanger , any idea to check this? Looks like we use the wrong branch for requirements check out on the releasenotes job13:09
AJaegerdhellmann: is one way13:09
dhellmannthe pike branch of requirements does have reno=2.5.013:10
dmsimardmordred: I'm confused by and
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dhellmannAJaeger : that shows the repo, but doesn't say which branch was actually used or what commit was actually checked out13:10
dmsimardmordred: re: tox with sudo13:10
dmsimardmordred: revoke-sudo doesn't seem included by default in base jobs or in tox jobs, what are we after ? It just seems like the revoke-sudo is included somewhere where it shouldn't be13:11
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AJaegerdhellmann: hope pabelanger and mordred can help further - I need to leave for a bit now...13:12
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade master: Handle glance image pagination links better
dmsimardmordred: I'm finding a reference that is probably in legacy jobs, ex: but that's it13:12
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AJaegerdhellmann: oh, found something quickly...13:13
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Use master for publishing releasenotes
AJaegerdhellmann, mordred, pabelanger ^13:15
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: prepare-docs-for-afs: Allow reuse
dhellmannAJaeger : ++13:16
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Mirror images from RDO server
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: have release functions script source its own requirements
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix deploy-guide publish
dhellmannAJaeger, pabelanger,mordred : I'm not sure how that worked before ^^13:26
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Floor Serializer bug
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Floor Serializer bug
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/os-client-config master: Update make_rest_client to work with version discovery
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jamespageq: does have a anon addressable REST API?13:56
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smcginnisjamespage: This works for me:  curl
fungioh boy, it was another 600 scrollback line night i see. reading now13:59
markus_zDevstack code removal (trivial patch): please review14:00
smcginnisfungi: Make sure you've grabbed your coffee first.14:00
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fungiand on the zuulv3 cacti graphs i see a traffic spike (inbound and outbound?) leading up to complete packet loss around 06:00... periodic jobs kicking off?14:01
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fungimemory usage looks reasonably steady for now since the ~00:00 utc restart at least14:03
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SpamapSmemory is ticking up steadily since 13:00 UTC actually14:09
fungiguessnig all the live migrations in rax are to deal with recent xen security advisories14:09
smcginnisfungi: We could use a second on here if you have the time:
pabelangerSpamapS: maybe expected, we are running more jobs now then this morniing14:10
pabelangerup to 115 in check pipeline14:10
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pabelangerI'd love to know the different between used memory and cached memory as it relates to zuulv3, is anybody is able to explain14:12
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SpamapScached is OS cache14:12
SpamapSas in, stuff on disk sitting in the cache14:12
SpamapSinstantly reclaimable at the cost of I/O pain14:12
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pabelangerit is interesting we basically have same values for both14:17
pabelangermaybe .5GB difference14:17
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Migrate legacy jobs
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AJaegerregarding periodic jobs - these two changes limit the number of wrong jobs running: and , reviews welcome14:26
chandankumarclarkb: hello, did you get a chance to look at my username gerrit issue?14:26
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Setup nodes for upstream-translation job
bodenhi, do we have any ETA when the “Issues needing triage” will be looked at? For “stable branch ignoring constraints” we have patches in our queue that can’t merge because of this14:31
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Use master for publishing releasenotes
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jeblairfrickler, AJaeger: i started work on the v3 replacement for the reqs cross test jobs:
fungiboden: i think people are picking those up as they get freed up from whatever they were fixing previously, so hard to provide clear timelines for remediation. however indicating the severity of the symptoms in here does help us prioritize which ones we grab next14:34
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: have release functions script source its own requirements
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mnaseri just added a new issue for to triage, did my best to try and find the source but i believe it is a zuul bug at this point14:34
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mnaseri have to afk for most of the day but if anyone could anyone have a quick peek just to check that the problem is well described (aka, makes sense to whoever will pick it up later .. to avoid any delays?)14:36
fungii'm going to move the fixed issues to the fixed-issues pad, as they're comprising about half of the issues pad again14:37
AJaegerjeblair: I'm eager to learn how this will work - dirk is not happy yet... I'll subscribe to that, thanks!14:38
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mnaserfungi i was always gonna suggest to also move it at the end of the etherpad14:38
AJaegerfungi, thanks for moving over!14:38
fungiwell, the issues pad itself is getting so long it's starting to get buggy in my browser14:38
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jeblairmordred: can you take a look at and tell me what's wrong with my use of zuul_work_dir ?14:44
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clarkbchandankumar: I haven't but I think I should be able to get to it this morning14:47
chandankumarclarkb: thanks :-)14:47
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fungido we have sufficient debugging details in job logs to indicate which branches/commits were checked out for which required-projects? if so, i'm not finding it14:50
fungitrying to determine exactly which openstack/requirements commit this ran with:
fungibecause evidence is suggesting it did not run with the same branch of requirements as the proposed change was targeting on its own repo14:51
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fungizuul-cloner used to be pretty verbose about what was getting checked out14:52
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Collect output from coverage job
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clarkbchandankumar: can you confirm that 12393 with ssh username chkumar246 is the account you have been using and intend to use going forward?14:54
clarkbchandankumar: if so I think I can just disable the old account14:54
clarkbfungi: ^ fyi that ssh username and account id match up and the older account (8944) can probably just be disabled I think14:54
chandankumarAccount ID 12393 and Username14:54
fungii suppose the "Determine local HEAD" loop does tell us, as long as we count the same number of log entries to match the order with one of the prior loops which mentions the repository name14:54
chandankumarclarkb: ^^14:55
clarkbchandankumar: ok cool, I think we will start by just disabling 894414:55
chandankumarclarkb: thanks :-)14:55
fungiclarkb: yeah, i'd just mark the older account inactive in that case14:55
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clarkb#status log Gerrit account 8944 set to inactive to handle a duplicate account issue14:56
openstackstatusclarkb: finished logging14:56
clarkbchandankumar: should be done now14:56
jeblairfungi: we could probably add that to one of the git repo setup roles14:56
fungijeblair: yeah, pouring over these, i think all the loops should echo the name of the required-project they're processing at each iteration14:58
fungibecause they all tell you what they did, but not what the did it to14:58
jeblairfungi: to be clear, you're saying you think that job did not use stable/ocata for openstack-requirements?14:58
fungijeblair: not sure yet. it looks like it checked out the right branch for all those, so now i'm starting to wonder if this is a side effect of tox-siblings installing newer source than the constrained version for some dependency14:59
openstackgerritSam Betts proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove ironic legacy jobs
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jeblairfungi: k.  i'll paste some log entries from the executor in the etherpad14:59
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clarkbfungi: that should be fine as long as the sibling install happens after the constraint install and both sides of the software are happy talking to each other15:01
jeblairfungi: okay one line apparently.  and all it says was that it checked out stable/ocata.15:01
fungijeblair: yep, thanks15:01
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jeblairfungi: based on the line you just pasted, it looks like the upgrade neutron-lib requirement came from vmware-nsxlib, which is a sibling package that was upgraded15:09
jeblairthis is the upgrade line:
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fungiyeah, i think it's not applying the constraints file when doing that. seems like it's happening from within their script but it doesn't appear to set -x so hard to see what pip command it's issuing15:10
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openstackgerritMike Perez proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Create a playbook for publishing contributor-guide
openstackgerritMike Perez proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Set contributor-guide location to /contributors
thingeeAJaeger: thanks for the help ^15:13
pabelangerjeblair: mordred: Shrews does it make sense to move zuulv3-shim (role: fetch-zuul-cloner) into legacy-base job? I've notice we are installing it for non-legacy jobs currently15:13
pabelangerthat would also discourage new jobs that parent to base from using zuul-cloner15:14
pabelangerwhich, is something I think we want15:14
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jeblairpabelanger: wfm.15:16
pabelangerokay, will work up some jobs15:17
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bodenfungi: I can rerun the patch with -x in our tox_install script if needed15:19
bodentho it seems zuul jobs are lagging a good bit now, so results likely take awhile15:19
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EmilienMgood morning folks, can someone review please? it's a project-config to add coverage on one of our projects. Thanks15:19
fungiboden: i just pushed one (513064)15:19
sambettsAJaeger: is Depends-On: project-config-change supposed to work with zuulv3 ?15:20
bodenfungi: ok.. i thought you were debugging openstack/vmware-nsx15:20
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bodennot fwaas15:20
fungiboden: oh, yep you're right15:20
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Move fetch-zuul-cloner into legacy-base jobs
AJaegersambetts: with project-config: no15:21
mwhahahahey v3 question, can anyone tell me why it ran a playbook from stable/ocata on a master change?
sambettsah thats a shame :( still can't test changes to jobs etc with a depends-on15:21
fungiboden: i pushed 513068 for that now15:22
AJaegersambetts: you can if those jobs are defined elsewhere... Or add the job as part of your change for testing and move over later15:23
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bodenfungi: ok… BTW a side question… should we (vmware-nsx) define our own bindeps file? I think we want the same as what neutron has, but not sure if need a separate copy to maintain and sync w/neutron15:23
pabelangermwhahaha: if you look in the inventory file, you can see zuul._inheritance_path variable for the path. it doesn't give the why, but some extra info. I'm looking for myself too15:24
fungiboden: yeah, it's always possible you could require additional system packages which neutron itself does not15:25
pabelangermwhahaha: i am guess it is because your depends-on links to change that for other branches (ocata)15:25
mwhahahapabelanger: they didn't exist at the time15:25
mwhahahapabelanger: i just backported them15:25
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fungiboden: plus, it's intended as a convenience to your developers for them to be able to see what system packages you expect them to install to have a working development environment for that repo15:25
bodenfungi: but on the flip side, we now need to sync w/neutron’s all the time15:26
mwhahahapabelanger: where does that _inheritance_path get generated? deep in the bowels of zuul?15:26
fungiboden: that's a good question... is vmware-nsx a neutron plug-in or something?15:26
bodenfungi: yes, a neutron plugin15:26
pabelangermwhahaha: yah, zuul generates that15:26
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bodenfungi: would be nice if we could “extend” neutrons bindeps, just if had any to add/change atop what’s done in neutron15:27
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fungiboden: it's possible we want to think about ways to extend the bindep language to support merging system dependencies from other lists in other projects, though it's a really simple tool at the moment and that seems like a lot of added complication15:27
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pabelangermwhahaha: I'll have to defer to jeblair or mordred on that. I am not sure, I haven't done much cross branch testing yet15:28
fungiboden: basically the goal is, when a developer checks out vmware-nsx, they should be able to read the bindep.txt or run bindep aganist it to see what packages they're missing15:28
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bodenfungi: understood… I may opt to just not define the bindep right now… if we need some other pacakges then I guess we could duplicate neutrons…15:28
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mwhahahapabelanger: k i'm backporting those fixes as they are needed anyway but we didn't have anything in the chain that was for ocata unless it came from the zuul queue or something15:29
bodenfungi: I totally get the point, it just becomes a real pain to stay in sync with neutrons15:29
fungiboden: agreed, it's probable the idea behind bindep doesn't translate well to repos which are plugins or extensions of some other software15:29
pabelangermwhahaha: since playbooks is merged now, if you remove depends-on, I'd be curious if that works15:30
mwhahahapabelanger: yea i'm trying that as well15:30
pabelangerbut still would be good to understand why15:30
mwhahahait's on the zuul issues page15:30
fungiboden: since you often really need that "other" software and its system dependencies to be able to work on and test your plugin15:30
mwhahahabut since this is blocking the rlease i'm trying to figure out some workarounds15:30
pabelangermwhahaha: this is one area I didn't get a change to test much before rollout, have limited amount of things with branches :)15:30
bodenfungi: ack. lets not belabor.. I’m sure you all have plenty of other things to worry about right now :)15:31
jeblairmwhahaha: where in the issues etherpad?15:31
EmilienMquick question, when I look at - why don't we see the all zuul jobs bellow the votes?15:31
EmilienMis this because ovb jobs overrided the previous results15:32
EmilienMso zuul thinks it's a recheck?15:32
sambettsAJaeger: it was more that I wanted to do something like: to test that the changes I'd made in my project-config patch, but I can see why it wouldn't work for project-config15:32
openstackgerritMike Perez proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Create a playbook for publishing contributor-guide
openstackgerritMike Perez proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Set contributor-guide location to /contributors
pabelangerEmilienM: I think we have an open issue on etherpad about that15:33
mwhahahajeblair: Puppet integration jobs mysteriosuly appearing when they shouldn't (reported by mnaser, no idea what the issue is)15:33
jeblairmwhahaha: thx15:33
mwhahahajeblair: see green bits under there (that's me)15:33
pabelangerEmilienM: possible related to javascript in gerrit15:34
mwhahahapabelanger, jeblair: fyi removing depends-on did not fix the inheritance15:35
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jeblairmwhahaha: i'm finding this a little difficult to follow since the current state of the repos seems to have moved on since the problem description.15:39
mwhahahajeblair: but they haven't15:39
mwhahahajeblair: wel the original issue they have15:40
mwhahahajeblair: the current issue is that the build job is failing because it's picking up the wrong common playbook15:40
mwhahahajeblair: because it's pulling stable/ocata for a master change15:40
mwhahahalet me split that one out into a seperate issue15:40
jeblairmwhahaha: and that ran with all the relevant changes to .zuul.yaml landed?15:40
mwhahahajeblair: yes15:40
jeblairok, that helps15:40
mwhahahastable/ocata playbook is newer in terms of git (not sure if that factors into how the inheritence works15:41
jeblairit shouldn't, but good to know15:42
openstackgerritRaissa Sarmento proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove manila legacy jobs
openstackgerritRaissa Sarmento proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove manila legacy jobs
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odyssey4meis there a place I can see which cached images (eg: cirros) are implemented in the nodepool image and where they're located?15:46
odyssey4meassuming that's still a things15:46
pabelangerodyssey4me: you can look at our build logs:
pabelangerodyssey4me: but /opt/cache/files is where we store them15:47
odyssey4meoh awesome, thanks15:48
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CrayZeeHi infra, can anyone please review ?15:49
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jeblairmwhahaha: okay, this is tricky.  i'm going to dig into it.  it will take a while.15:51
mwhahahajeblair: can i land the patches to fix it so we can release or should i hold off?15:51
mwhahahajeblair: because we can work around it by just backporting the fix to stable/ocata15:51
jeblairmwhahaha: ok15:52
mwhahahai figured you can still see it because the inhieriance shows stable/ocata instead of master15:52
mwhahahathat probably won't change15:53
jeblairmwhahaha: yeah, we sholud be able to look at a later run and verify the fix by looking at that15:53
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove fetch-zuul-cloner from base(-test) job
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pabelangerinfra-root: AJaeger: dmsimard: mnaser: and move our zuul-cloner shim into the legacy-base job (out from base). Please take a moment to look, and would like us to land that when we are ready. There is a potential for zuulv3 that parent to base and still us zuul-clone to fail, but the fix would be to reparent to legacy-base. Which,16:02
pabelangerI think is the correct long-term solution16:02
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bodenfungi: fyi looks like you have some results for from zuul16:04
openstackgerritPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove ironic legacy jobs
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix ZUUL_REFNAME for translation jobs
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dmsimardpabelanger, AJaeger: I'd like to iron out (with ) first16:12
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fungiboden: heisenbug? it installed neutron-lib==1.1.0 this time:
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pabelangerdmsimard: well, once we move out of base jobs, it makes testing easier too16:14
pabelangerno, that is right16:15
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bodenfungi: hmm… interesting.. let me retry my patch16:15
pabelangerit doesn't use localhost16:15
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clarkbcatching up on gerrit status after last night, task queue is mostly empty, melody looks good. Have we seen any behavior that we are worried about in gerrit since last night?16:15
pabelangerclarkb: nothing that I've had to look into yet16:16
fungiboden: oh! the change where you noted the incorrect constraint application for the pep8 job was one where you were modifying the tools/ script for that repo16:16
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bodenfungi: correct16:16
fungiboden: so i think that means something you're doing in 512390 is breaking constraint application16:16
bodenfungi: who me? never! ;)16:17
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fungiboden: for example, line 37 there where you're not applying constraints but using -U and not --no-deps16:17
smcginnisCan anyone tell me what failed with this?
fungiboden: so it's basically blindly upgrading to the newest versions which match the dependency spec16:18
smcginnisPOST_FAILURE again. Something external?16:18
bodenfungi: ack.. I’m revisiting… sorry I’m taking over this gate logic for someone else so I’m still newbie in this area16:18
pabelangersmcginnis: job passed, will need to look at executor16:18
pabelangerlooking now16:19
smcginnispabelanger: Thank you.16:19
fungiboden: i _think_ that logic should already be handled by the tox-siblings role we're applying anyway, but mordred might have some ideas about what to do in 512390 (if he's around)16:19
pabelangerhow neat16:19
pabelangersmcginnis: there is a syntax error in project-config/playbooks/release/post.yaml16:20
pabelangerbut we didn't expose it properly to end user16:20
clarkbpabelanger: I checked inode and disk usage really quickly just to be sure it wasn't that and we look good16:20
bodenfungi: hmm, I had thought projects were still required to install dependant projects… thats what I was told the other day, but maybe I misunderstood16:20
pabelangersmcginnis: can you add this to etherpad so we can debug properly16:20
clarkb08 is currently most utilized16:20
pabelangerwe should be bubbling up that error into gerrit16:21
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix typo in remove-launchpad-credentials role
pabelangersmcginnis: clarkb: ^16:23
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pabelangeralso, our global linter job would have caught that too16:23
smcginnispabelanger: That was the cause for the post_failure?16:23
pabelangersmcginnis: Yah, this really should have been failure16:24
pabelangerbut, we seem to have an issue in zuulv316:24
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smcginnispabelanger: Cool, thanks!16:24
clarkbpabelanger: I don't see that role in project-config or ozj16:25
pabelangersmcginnis: adding this to issue to will help us properly debug it, if you don't mind added it16:25
pabelangerclarkb: zuul-jobs16:25
clarkbhuh thatseems like a weird one to have in zuul-jobs16:25
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove py35 based template from nodepool
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Fix branch ordering when loading in-repo config
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jeblairmwhahaha, mnaser: ^ i think that's the fix16:37
openstackgerritJiaJunsu proposed openstack-infra/bindep master: Add dependency in bindep installation doc
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clarkbjeblair: question on ^ but otherwise makes sense16:39
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Revert "Use weakref for change cache"
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jeblairclarkb: responded16:42
jeblairclarkb: oh i think i misunderstood16:43
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jeblairclarkb: responded again16:43
clarkbjeblair: thanks16:43
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jeblairthe etherpad is turning into a really weird mix of code and normal text16:45
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SamYaplecode is normal text to me16:47
clarkbI see the empty tuple now, the lack of self. prefix setting those attributes broke my grepping16:47
jeblairi'm using the etherpad term of art.  it uses the word "Normal".16:48
jeblairclarkb: ah yeah, initializers are special in that class16:48
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Revert "Add linters job to all OSA role jobs"
odyssey4memordred ^ you were right, sorry16:50
mwhahahajeblair: i also had a question about the sort ordering16:50
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Switch puppet-nova to in-tree testing
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odyssey4meI'd appreciate it if we could get that patch reviewed quite quickly as we've found ourselves blocked on some repositories.16:51
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jeblairmwhahaha: replied, let me know if that makes sense.16:55
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jeblairodyssey4me: +2; let's ask pabelanger to review that too16:56
odyssey4methanks jeblair - hopefully soon you'll be fielding less of these and more interesting things :)16:56
pabelangerjeblair: odyssey4me" +316:56
EmilienMAJaeger: hey, I might use some help. I'm trying to move puppet jobs in-tree for puppet-nova (starting small), I would love your review on when you can16:58
mwhahahajeblair: i think you just are moving the problem with that patch16:59
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jeblairmwhahaha: we may be talking past each other17:01
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mwhahahafair enough, i'll defer to you guys on this17:01
jeblairmwhahaha: if you look at the inheritance path debug info for that build, you'll note that all the things on ocata lacked branch matchers17:02
jeblairmwhahaha: that's why the ocata jobs ended up running on master changes17:02
fungiboden: the tox-siblings role will, for regular tox-based jobs, install the checkouts of your required-projects into the target tox env without you needing to explicitly do the same. regardless, the bug seems to be that in tools/ for that change you're adding a `pip install -U -e ${PROJ_DIR}` which is unconditionally installing and if possible upgrading (because of -U) all17:02
fungidependencies (because of not using --no-deps) without respecting constraints (because of not using -c$CONSTRAINTS_FILE)17:02
mwhahahajeblair: ok so sounds like we have a bug in our definitions then17:03
pabelangerah, that now make sense after jeblair explained it17:03
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jeblairmwhahaha: with this fix in place, those jobs will end up with the ocata branch matchers they should have had.17:04
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jlvillalAny issue with:  ?  I saw "proxy" error. And when I reloaded the page I don't see any jobs.17:04
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jeblairjlvillal: looks like a memory usage spike17:05
bodenfungi: ok so we dont need to install the required-projects anymore; thats news to me17:06
odyssey4meargh, that might be my fault - I just pushed ~40 patches in quick succession17:06
jeblairodyssey4me: did they all have .zuul.yaml changes?17:06
jeblairodyssey4me: that would match the symptoms then.  :)17:07
bodenfungi: so what should ‘testenv’ in our tox.ini be doing then? admittedly I’m confused now17:08
jeblaireach one of those uses something like 100mb of ram (i don't know the exact number)17:08
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jlvillalIs there some check we can add to our pep8 jobs to check zuul.d/ changes we make in our repository? Or is that already done by something else?17:09
jlvillalBasically I was thinking sanity check. Properly formed YAML and things along those lines.17:10
pabelangerjlvillal: great question!17:10
jlvillalAnd something that we could run locally in our tox job17:10
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jeblairjlvillal: zuul itself will check the syntax and validity17:10
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fungiboden: i'm not super clear still on how to leverage tox-siblings in such situations, but as far as your 512390 change i think you probably want to add the --no-deps option to line 37 of tox_install_project.sh17:10
jlvillalpabelanger: :)17:10
jlvillaljeblair: Okay. Thanks. That should work.17:11
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jeblairinfra-root: we may need a bigger zuulv3 server -- not because of memory leaks, but in order to handle large numbers of simultaneous config changes17:13
jeblairalso, i did manage to grab queues17:13
jeblairmaybe we should restart the scheduler now?17:14
fungijeblair: oh, wow, it did spike up crazily there huh?17:14
clarkbjeblair: tis restart would get the branch fix you just pushed?17:14
fungiand yes, i think a restart is required at this point17:14
jeblairclarkb: i'll have to manually pull it in17:14
jeblairbut i think that's reasonable to do17:14
fungiand i guess we can put the weakref patch back in (it'll already be checked out i suppose?)17:15
jeblairfungi: can you clarify weakref?17:15
jeblairfungi: like, do you want the patch reverted or...?17:15
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fungijeblair: last night you restarted without the weakref patch you said17:16
fungion a hunch that it was leaking memory, leading to the oom condition we saw17:16
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fungiwhich now seems less likely17:17
jeblairfungi: ah, i see.  no, i think weakref is still bad17:17
jeblairfungi: the current condition is because odyssey4me pushed up 40 .zuul.yaml changes (not his fault!  he should totally be able to do that!)17:17
jeblairbut each .zuul.yaml change eats something like 100mb of ram17:18
fungigot it. so we temporarily balloon (but then never reclaim because python, we can only reuse thereafter) additional memory allocation17:18
jeblairfungi: exactly17:18
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toskydear -infra, there is a patch that should have been merged, but it did not happen:
toskydespite the final +2 from zuul17:19
toskynow, maybe the patch got caught in the transition and recheck, but what should we do?17:19
dmsimardjeblair: when you say "zuulv3 server", are there different components that live on that node that could be split out or scaled horizontally ?17:19
fungii suppose however large we make the available memory on the scheduler, there's a risk that enough zuul configurations enqueued in parallel will exhaust available memory... is there any easy way to throttle how many we're try in parallel?17:19
jeblairstarting scheduler17:20
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jeblairdmsimard: this is the non-scalable scheduler component (scaling this is zuul v4)17:20
odyssey4meyeah, I was just thinking the same - is there some sort of rate limiter? and can the scheduling somehow be scaled horizontally17:21
dmsimardjeblair: ok, so when we say "the zuulv3 server", it's really the scheduler ?17:21
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dmsimardI'm not intimately familiar with the v3 server architecture (yet), sorry if that sounds obvious17:21
jeblairdmsimard: well, when i said we need a "bigger zuulv3 server" i meant, literally, the server that we use for needs to be bigger17:22
clarkbtosky: that can happen if you have unmet depends on or if the parent commit isfor and old patchset on a change (neither case apperas to be the state here)17:22
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fricklertosky: clarkb: seems that patch needs a rebase17:22
dmsimardjeblair: yup, I was looking at so that scheduler box is the one thing we're talking about. Ok.17:22
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toskyclarkb: but in both cases shouldn't it not do the final merge, or complain that something failed to merge or so?17:22
jeblairdmsimard: normally "zuulv3 server" doesn't really mean anything from a zuul architecture pov.  the scheduler is the zuul component under discussion.  so, to tie it off -- the server we run the scheduler on may need to be bigger.17:22
dmsimardjeblair: for me could've been the webui :/17:23
fricklerit is based on PS3 of but PS4 got merged there17:23
toskyfrickler: I rebased, but still it was a bit puzzling17:23
clarkboh it is that situation17:23
fricklerand indeed if that is the issue, zuul should be more verbose about it17:23
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jeblairodyssey4me, fungi: yeah, i'll think about whether we can limit.17:23
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odyssey4methe limit could perhaps be implemented either on the send side (gearman), or the receive side (scheduler)...17:24
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odyssey4meassuming I'm looking at the right diagram, which dmsimard just linked17:24
jeblairodyssey4me: for the moment, do you think you could just submit a few of those at a time?  maybe start with 5 and see what happens?17:24
odyssey4mejeblair they're all pushed up now - so I can recheck bunches at a time if you like17:25
jeblairalso, i really want to have the scheduler emit a graphite metric of "number of layouts in memory", but i haven't gotten back to that17:25
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jeblairodyssey4me: sounds good17:25
jeblairi'm about to re-enqueue the changes that were in check, but will omit these openstack-ansible related changes17:25
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odyssey4meok, so I should hold on for a bit?17:26
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jeblairodyssey4me: it should be okay for you to go ahead and recheck the first few (though it'll take zuul a few minutes to catch up to that point)17:27
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odyssey4meshould I recheck this one, or are you reenqueing it?
jeblairodyssey4me: that one is on my list to re-enqueue17:28
AJaegerpabelanger: your zuul-cloner move looks fine - didn't approve in case others want to review.17:28
pabelangerAJaeger: maybe clarkb or fungi can review and approve :D17:29
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pabelanger and depends-on17:29
dmsimardWe need to figure out the issue with the linking/permission thing though17:29
odyssey4mejeblair if it matters - most of those patches included a depends-on as well17:30
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SamYapleodyssey4me: you should be in QA17:30
pabelangerdmsimard: sure, but that is independant of this17:30
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jeblairodyssey4me: that shouldn't use any more memory, it's still just one copy of the layout per patch that changes it (even if it takes multiple changes to build that configuration).17:33
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AJaegerEmilienM: commented17:37
EmilienMAJaeger: thank yopu17:37
SpamapSjeblair: have you thought about maybe a governor for the scheduler too? Like, queue up events somewhere not-memory if we have more than X layouts?17:38
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jeblairSpamapS: if we stop processing events, we won't make effective use of resources.  but it might be possible to go ahead and enqueue the items but not process their layouts until we have more space.17:41
jeblairSpamapS: that would let non-layout-modifying changes continue to get tested17:41
dhellmann was approved ~40 minutes ago and doesn't appear on and isn't merged. Was there a restart? Should I recheck it?17:44
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jeblairdhellmann: yes, that must have slipped through, sorry17:44
dhellmannjeblair ; np, I can recheck it17:45
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SpamapSjeblair: isn't the reason we're behind and queueing (and thus holding on to old layouts) because we're already starved for resources?17:47
odyssey4mehappy for me to enqueue some more?17:47
clarkbpabelanger: fungi: when you get a moment, care to look at ?17:47
melwittAJaeger: thanks for commenting on the patch I was trying to test. so it only needs a rebase? no other changes for zuul v3?17:47
jeblairSpamapS: we're not behind and queueing -- we ran out of memory17:47
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SpamapSjeblair: I thought we ran out of memory because we were holding onto layouts because we were behind and queueing.17:48
jeblairSpamapS: no it's because too many layout changes were uploaded at once.17:49
SpamapSew.... that's a nasty one17:49
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jeblairodyssey4me: yes, zuul seems to be in a steady state at 5G now, feel free to recheck a few more.17:50
AJaegermelwitt: no, rebase - and touch the right files. Which change was it?17:50
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pabelangerclarkb: fungi: yah, looks good in general, that is already a lot to talk about in 20mins17:50
melwittAJaeger: this one, basically what I want to do is get a tempest novnc test run on it to see if the TLS encryption stack under it works
clarkbpabelanger: ya I think we mostly want to trim it down from here (there are a few things where I wonder if we want to go into detail about them, curious about thoughts on those)17:50
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pabelangerclarkb: I have to run to airport now, but will have some internet before flights17:52
AJaegermelwitt: that will not work as you did. If you want to run it, you can copy the job definition from openstack-zuul-jobs and the playbook over to nova, add a .zuul.yaml with the job in it and run it.17:52
melwittAJaeger: and I was thinking maybe I could do that by running the experimental queue. but I'm seeing now there's no such thing as experimental job for project-config17:52
AJaegermelwitt: the job is now called legacy-oldname and defined in openstack-zuul-jobs. That change can be abandoned17:52
AJaegermelwitt: and even if there was an experimental queue, it would not run thta change ;)17:53
melwittAJaeger: haha, okay. sorry I don't know what I'm doing. okay, I'll try to do what you said. thanks :)17:53
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AJaegermelwitt: see some of the move zuul v3 changes -
AJaegermelwitt: and just move over this single job. Definition and playbooks are in openstack-zuul-jobs.17:54
melwittAJaeger: thank you17:55
AJaegermelwitt: and add it to your .zuul.yaml file - and then push and have it test it17:55
AJaegermelwitt: give it a try and if you need help, feel free to ask here again17:55
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AJaegerSamYaple: do you want to retire these loci repos completely? This needs a change to project-config to take them out...17:59
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Move fetch-zuul-cloner into legacy-base jobs
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Improve test coverage of the fetch-zuul-cloner role and the shim
odyssey4mejeblair ready for another batch?18:00
SamYapleAJaeger: that looks like what will probably happen yes, but not right at this second. we want ot be absolutely sure first18:00
AJaegerSamYaple: ok - you could still revert...18:00
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SamYapleoh you mean retire and then revert the retirement?18:00
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Switch puppet-nova to in-tree testing
EmilienMAJaeger: replied, updated.18:03
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jeblairodyssey4me: give it a few more minutes -- you can tell that it hasn't finished creating configuration for the current batch because the later entries in check don't have a list of jobs yet18:04
jeblairodyssey4me: though looks like it's on the last one now18:05
odyssey4mejeblair ok, I'll monitor the page to verify that it's showing them all before adding more18:05
odyssey4methanks a bunch18:06
jeblairodyssey4me: thank you!18:06
jeblairwe're at 6G of ram now, i'd feel comfortable pushing this up to 8G, but when we get there, i'd wait for the earlier ones to finish and report back before pushing up more.18:07
clarkbthat has a 5 minute refresh interval18:08
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odyssey4mealright, let me wait for ~30 mins to give it time to catch up a bit18:10
AJaegerEmilienM: yes, that file is v2 JJB config18:10
EmilienMAJaeger: perfect. Thx for confirming18:11
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix typo in remove-launchpad-credentials role
AJaegerjeblair: does not have zuul-sphinx 0.2.0 which you tagged yesterday18:19
AJaegerdmsimard, clarkb, fungi, frickler, could you go over the list of changes on top of and +2A as you see fit, please?18:20
dmsimardAJaeger: yeah I'm going through a batch of reviews right now18:20
AJaegerdmsimard: great, thanks!18:20
Shrewsclarkb: AJaeger: if either of you have a moment, very easy review to fix our nodepool jobs:
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jeblairAJaeger: yep, jobs were broken, haven't had a chance to re-enqueue18:21
AJaegerShrews: +318:22
ShrewsAJaeger: danke!18:22
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add integration tests for emit-job-header and set-zuul-log-path-fact
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fungidhellmann: wow, i was just reading through the first message in the entrypoints thread on distutils-sig and thinking, "hrm... i should probably point this one out to dhellmann" ;)18:24
dhellmannfungi :-)18:24
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove Zun-client legacy jobs
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clarkbjeblair: I'm not sure I understand the -2 on "2 changes followed by" ? In any case that change now depends on the change that adds the tests. Is that sufficient to remove your -2?18:25
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jeblairclarkb: at the time, there was a 2 patch series, and then a test pointed at the second of those.18:29
AJaegerEmilienM: btw. you just migrate the templates, not much sense in that IMHO. I would move jobs over, rewrite them so that they are native v3 - and then update/migrate templates.18:30
jeblairclarkb: that meant that the first change was effectively untested18:30
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EmilienMAJaeger: we want to keep playbooks in puppet-openstack-integration I guess, to avoid duplication18:30
jeblairclarkb: yes, the current situation is fine18:31
AJaegerEmilienM: having them in a central place is fine.18:31
markmcclainI'm looking for a pointer on how to fix the set of tests Zuul runs for stable/newton in networking-arista. After the switch to v3, openstack-tox-py35 is now enabled and we didn't support py35 until Ocata.18:31
EmilienMAJaeger: we'll refactor them for sure18:31
EmilienMAJaeger: it's a separated effort though, I guess18:31
EmilienMAJaeger: my first effort is to cleanup project-config and run the intree layout18:32
AJaegerEmilienM: wait a sec - I see one problem.18:32
clarkbdmsimard: what does failed_when: false mean?18:33
AJaegerEmilienM: you want to move the project-template in the end in-tree as well, correct?18:33
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dmsimardclarkb: it means that task will never fail18:33
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dmsimardclarkb: as opposed to 'ignore_errors: yes' which properly fails on failure but is non-fatal to the playbook execution18:33
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AJaegerEmilienM: I mean those three templates you currently have in puppet-nova18:33
clarkbdmsimard: is there a reason we do that in tests then check all the results after the fact?18:33
EmilienMAJaeger: yeah18:33
EmilienMAJaeger: no the templates are already in p-o-i18:34
EmilienMAJaeger: in
clarkboh I see there is a question about hat from ianw too18:34
dmsimardclarkb: that's because we want the assert to decide on the failure18:34
AJaegerEmilienM: checking18:34
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AJaegerEmilienM: puppet-module-unit-jobs not18:34
dmsimardclarkb: otherwise if the task fails, it's fatal and the asserts don't get to run so we lose out on failures that occur later in the execution18:34
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clarkbdmsimard: ok I see the comment explaining it now. I'd worry about accidentally letting tests pass because we forget to check something rather than just letting the tsks fail but we can worry about that if we run into it18:35
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Run gerrit periodic jobs on proper branch
dmsimardclarkb: the failed_when defines the task status, if the thing doesn't ping, it'll return rc == 1 and we assert that rc == 018:35
EmilienMAJaeger: ok, please comment (/me afk 15m for lunch)18:36
AJaegerEmilienM: so, move puppet-module-unit-jobs first in-repo - otherwise you need to update lots of repos when you move it around18:36
AJaegeryour call - will comment...18:36
clarkbdmsimard: right the minor concern si that we'll add a check or modify checks and forget to do the rc == 0 test (or equivalent)18:37
dhellmannthe latest release job failure is because the job doesn't have gerrit credentials. Do we have a role or something to add those to a job already?18:37
dmsimardclarkb: we can let the task fail, I don't have a strong opinion18:37
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EmilienMAJaeger: thx for your patience, still learning here18:38
clarkbdmsimard: its fine I've approved the change, just wanted to understand what was going on there18:38
clarkbdhellmann: this is gerrit credentials to push tag(s)?18:39
dhellmannclarkb : yes18:39
dhellmannthe job is failing on "git review -s" right now18:39
AJaegerEmilienM: enjoy lunch18:39
dhellmannI have a release_ssh_key set up, but I guess that's not enough?18:39
dmsimardAJaeger: for, zuul/layout.yaml is v2 exclusive right ?18:39
AJaegerdhellmann: we need to install git-review then18:39
dhellmannAJaeger : git review is now being installed, we updated the bindep18:39
dhellmannAJaeger, clarkb :
dmsimardAJaeger: sounds like flaper87 is adding a v2 job which will not be very effective18:40
clarkbdhellmann: AJaeger you may need to configure git(-review) to use the correct username18:40
AJaegerdmsimard: yes, it is - but I left that through in case we would go back to v2 that we have minimal setup.18:40
clarkb*use the correct gerrit username18:40
dhellmannclarkb : I have no idea to do that under the new system.18:40
dmsimardAJaeger: ok, I'll +A with a comment18:40
AJaegerdmsimard: unlikely now - so if you want to -1, we can remove that as well18:40
clarkbdhellmann: I don't think its any different than with the old syste, git config --global gitreview.username 'openstack-proposal-bot' or whatever the name is18:41
AJaegerdmsimard: is the one that ads the jobs, we need two steps18:41
clarkbdhellmann: do you have a link to a logfile?18:41
dmsimardAJaeger: oh, I wasn't there yet, okay18:41
dhellmannI see those steps being run. maybe something is happening in the wrong order18:41
fungiclarkb: problem with the old system is that it was a persistent node, so as long as the job had at one time correctly configured global things like that, it was entirely possible for it to silently regress later18:42
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove py35 based template from nodepool
clarkbya that traceback definitely seems to point at "your username + auth" didn't work. So if we assume auth/key isgood then should be the username18:42
fungii can dump the ~jenkins/.gitconfig from just a sec18:42
clarkbdhellmann: the first traceback happens before git config runs in that job18:43
clarkbdhellmann: the second one fails too though after git config happens18:43
dhellmannclarkb :
dhellmannthat's where we try to use git review, see it fails, do the configuration, then try again18:44
dhellmannit appears to be failing the second time, too18:44
clarkbso it is intentionally ordered that way18:44
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AJaegerregarding proposal jobs, change the project-config proposal job fails with "RSA host key for IP address '' not in list of known hosts", see
dhellmannlooks like we're missing the username?18:45
AJaegerdhellmann might run into that as well ^18:45
dmsimardCan we think of a less awkward version than 'openstack-python-jobs-neutron', 'openstack-python-jobs-horizon' and so on ? :/18:45
fungidmsimard: those are openstack-python-jobs project-templates which preinstall neutron or horizon for use by their respective plugin/extension projects, so nothing better comes to mind18:46
clarkbdhellmann: fungi the paste from fungi says username is release but failed job used proposal-bot. Possible we've crossed the streams on what key goes to what user?18:46
fungidmsimard: maybe adding -plugin to the end would make that fact more obvious?18:46
dhellmannI'll stop trying to use that common setup code and just reproduce it18:47
fungiclarkb: dhellmann: yeah, the proposal-bot account doesn't have permission to push tags18:47
fungithe release account does18:47
clarkb seems to indicate we've written a key for the job18:47
dhellmannI haven't even gotten as far as pushing tags. It's failing to connect *AT ALL*18:47
dmsimardfungi: I don't know, it just feels.. clunky to me ? What if a project needs horizon *and* neutron ? Are we going to create openstack-python-jobs-horizon-and-neutron ?18:47
AJaegerdmsimard: currently we just add required-repos lines...18:48
dhellmannsorry. I've spent 2+ days on this now. It's getting a bit old.18:48
openstackgerritMerged openstack/os-client-config master: Protect against p_opt not having prompt attribute
AJaegerdmsimard: yes, this required-repos needs a better approach - ideas welcome ;)18:48
evrardjphas zuul an API to tell which job comes from which repo?18:49
fungidmsimard: if _a_ project needs that, then no. if a dozen projects need that, then maybe?18:49
dhellmannfungi, clarkb : is there some way to verify that the release_ssh_key in secrets.yaml matches the one for the release user?18:49
dmsimardI don't have any bright ideas right now, my brain is exhausted :(18:49
dmsimardevrardjp: a bit like print-template macro from zuul v2 ?18:49
evrardjpor a way to simply find all the repo matching a certain job name18:49
clarkbdhellmann: we'll have to decrypt it and compare to what is on the old release node. I'm not sure what the process for that is but I'm sure it can be done because the jobs essentially do the same)18:50
evrardjpdmsimard: I don't know18:50
fungiclarkb: alternatively, if the encryption process is deterministic (i believe it may be?) then we can just reencrypt and compare18:50
dhellmannclarkb : could we take the one on the old release node and re-encrypt it?18:50
clarkbfungi: oh ya18:50
dmsimardevrardjp: tbh even I get a bit confused as to what is where between project-config, zuul-jobs and openstack-zuul-jobs so I'd be a consumer of such tool which does not yet exist. What I've been doing so far is to use codesearch.openstack.org18:50
fungii can't recall of that uses randomized padding18:51
dhellmanneven if the encrypted results don't match, we could replace the value in secrets.yaml with the newly encrypted value18:51
fungidhellmann: i'm on board with that18:51
fungiit's clearly not being successfully used now, so can't make matters worse18:51
SamYaplefamous last words18:51
dhellmannfungi : if you send me the results, I can include them in my patch to fix the other settings. maybe we can cut down the number of retries on this by 1.18:51
fungidhellmann: yup, just rereading the howto for that now18:52
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dhellmannfungi : ty18:52
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dhellmannthat's a lot of italics18:54
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SamYapleits pretty straightforward. i didnt have an issue with it other than some ssl bits18:56
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy-grenade-dsvm-ceilometer
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add ansible-role-k8s-cookiecutter
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix Octavia jobs to be voting again
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix octavia-dashboard py27/35 jobs
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Make tripleo undercloud-containers voting
openstackgerritMike Perez proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Create a playbook for publishing contributor-guide
openstackgerritMike Perez proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Set contributor-guide location to /contributors
jeblairmarkmcclain: did anyone answer your question?19:01
fungitools/ gerrit openstack-infra/project-config --infile ~/.ssh/id_rsa19:01
fungiurllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 404: Not Found19:01
fungiwhat am i missing there?19:01
fungii tried it as as well19:02
clarkbfungi: might need to be a full url?19:03
fungiclarkb: what might, the project field?19:03
clarkbfungi: ya19:04
clarkb ?19:04
fungii still get the same error19:04
fungii'll plug in some print() calls to see what url it's turning all this into19:04
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Migrate legacy jobs
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Don't run networking-arista changes on stable/newton
jeblairmarkmcclain: ^19:05
jeblairthat commit message is gibberish19:06
markmcclainjeblair: awesome thanks!19:06
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Don't run py35 jobs on newton networking-arista changes
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Make tripleo undercloud-containers voting
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fungilooks like my first invocation should have been correct since the key i want is
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Update jobs for features/zuulv3 branch
fungiwhere is the tenant?19:07
clarkbfungi: in the url, oh but not in the one you just pasted19:07
jeblairfungi: no tenant yet19:07
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fungiso i don't want /openstack19:08
jeblairfungi: this gets fixed in
fungithanks! i'll review that when i finish this19:08
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fungiyup, works great if i leave off the tenant19:08
jeblairfungi: no rush -- it's pep8 broken and behind some other web reorgs; we won't get to it for a few weeks19:08
dmsimardAJaeger: should we not encourage projects to define their jobs in-tree ? i.e,
SamYaplefungi: python --infile t --outfile p gerrit openstack/loci19:09
SamYaplefungi: thats what i use19:09
fungiSamYaple: yep, confirmed, the docs say to have the tenant on the end of the zuul url, but apparently we don't support that yet19:10
SamYaplegot it19:10
jeblairfungi: i think it's because we rewrite that on the openstack serevr19:10
* fungi sometimes follows directions *too* well19:10
fungiyeah, makes sense19:10
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add integration tests for multi-node-bridge role
openstackgerritMerged openstack/os-client-config master: Treat clouds.yaml with one cloud like envvars
AJaegerdmsimard: - we want the standard jobs in project-config, only the specific ones in-repo19:11
AJaegerdmsimard: so, all those should be - by policy - in project-config19:11
clarkbfungi: did it produce a different value than what is already in the secret?19:11
dmsimardAJaeger: ack19:11
fungiclarkb: not sure, it produced
jeblairclarkb, fungi: you should get a different value every time19:11
fungiyeah, random salt/padding, which i guess i should have remembered19:12
jeblairfungi: before i resume my pypi tasks -- this isn't for pypi is it?19:12
fungijeblair: no, this is the ssh privkey for the release bot account in gerrit19:13
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fungifor pushing tags from automation19:13
jeblairok.  i'll go back to re-enqueing my pypi upload job.19:13
fungiyeah, you pushed your own tag, so didn't run into this19:13
jeblairi'm solving the problems 2 steps ahead.  it's zuul-style parallelism.19:14
dmsimardAJaeger: I'll re-iterate that my understanding of that (we were discussing that earlier this week?) is that the *jobs* definition must remain in project-config, but that the layout can be entirely in-tree.19:14
dmsimardCan infra-root deny or confirm ^ ?
fungijeblair: yeah, you're jumping the queue19:14
AJaegerdmsimard: needs rebase19:14
dmsimardAJaeger: thanks19:14
AJaegerdmsimard: last night discussion? yes, we need to followup and improve docs...19:15
fungidmsimard: except the project list and the system-required project-template need to happen in project-config (along with any project-templates or individual jobs mandated by the consistent testing interface in governance, but only for official deliverables bound by the cti)19:15
AJaegerdmsimard: my udnerstanding from 5th October was that we want the layout in project-config as well19:15
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add integration tests for emit-job-header and set-zuul-log-path-fact
AJaegerdmsimard: fungi said it much better than I did ;)19:16
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: replace the common git review configuration for release jobs
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dmsimardfungi: ok, so every project (under governance? those that aren't are exempt?) must have a "project" definition in project-config/zuul.d with the "system" jobs ?19:17
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: replace the common git review configuration for release jobs
AJaegerdmsimard: *every* project must have one definition with system-required19:17
AJaegerdmsimard: every project in *governance* must have the PTI jobs in project-config19:18
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AJaegerfungi, care to review the three open infra-manual changes, please?19:19
dmsimardIf it's something that is applied to *every* project, it should be an implicit job that is there for every project on every branch, not an explicit one, IMHO. Otherwise you end up with a lot of code to maintain.19:19
dmsimardThe ability to declare a "system job" or a "global job" that applies to every project likely doesn't exist today but maybe it should, somehow19:19
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fungidmsimard: the system-required project-template is where we're putting things we want run on every project in the system, for example merge-check. i agree having those centrally configurable as implicitly inherited would be nice... what existing feature of zuul configuration did you have in mind leveraging there?19:19
fungiotherwise, let's live with this for now, and look at ways to improve zuul to support that use case after we get this working19:20
dmsimardfungi: I don't think the feature we're talking about exists yet. If it exists one day, I'd put it at the tenant layer of configuration maybe ? ex:
openstackgerritMike Perez proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Create a playbook for publishing contributor-guide
dmsimardfungi: sure, we have to live with this for now and that's fine, we should slightly improve the wording on the docs. There is that addresses part of that19:22
jeblairas you think about it, i'd ask that you consider whether what you find objectionable is the system-required template, or the others.19:22
fungithe main objection i've heard is that right now infra remains a bottleneck reviewing project additions to the layout, but ultimately we're still having to review project additions to other things in project-config so it doesn't seem like a huge deal to me19:24
dmsimardjeblair: I have nothing against the system-required template. What bothers me is to maintain a list of >1000 projects with the 'system-required' template defined in project-config (for projects that have nothing else in project-config)19:24
AJaegerteam, our proposal jobs fails when doing an ssh with "    "RSA host key for IP address '' not in list of known hosts."19:25
fungidmsimard: ooh, except that do have plenty more in project-config, just not for _zuul_19:25
dmsimardjeblair: if system-required is /really/ required by the system, it should be implicitly added to every project19:25
jeblairi hate that name19:25
AJaegerhow shall we avoid that?19:25
jeblairit's not system-required19:25
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Dont install python-virtualenv for py3k in deb
jeblairit's policy-required19:25
dmsimardbikeshedding aside19:25
fungii'm up for a rename19:25
dmsimardwe want a set of jobs to apply to every project19:25
AJaegerjeblair, fungi : Sent a patch ;)19:26
jlkAJaeger: sounds like a secret use is not going right, and it isn't interacting with the right fileserver19:26
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Dont install python-virtualenv for py3k in deb
jeblairanyway, let's discuss this later.19:26
AJaegerjlk: do you wnat to dig into it?
AJaegerjeblair: since it's all in one repo, we could rename ;)19:26
fungidmsimard: remember that these same projects already have to add themselves to project-config in gerrit/projects.yaml and usually gerritbot/channels.yaml and potentially other places too19:27
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jeblairi think zuul is currently in a slow reconfig loop -- where we've merged a bunch of config changes which force a tenant reconfig, which in turn is causing all the dynamic changes to regenerate their configs19:28
jeblairit'll get through it, but things are unusually slow right now19:28
clarkbfungi: and the main.yaml for zuul19:28
dmsimardjeblair: I've indeed been reviewing a huge backlog of reviews in project-config19:28
dmsimardI'll stop for now19:28
jlkSo, ssh -p 29418 gerrit query --current-patch-set status:open project:openstack-infra/project-config topic:project-yaml-normalization owner:proposal-bot  is the command that failed19:29
jlkthis is from the script, the task "Propose constraints update"19:29
jeblairi think we need to break out some more stats here, so we know the management queue length too (that's where tenant reconfigure events go; also, we may need to collapse dupes in that if we aren't already)19:29
jlkpresumably, the host "" was the host added at the task "Add host key information to known hosts"19:29
johnsomIs zuul not accepting patches?  I committed but it's not on the dashboard.19:29
clarkbjlk: above we've discovered that we may have crossed the streams on user:key mappings19:30
dmsimardjohnsom: zuul is a bit slow right now, it'll show up.19:30
clarkbjlk: the proposal-bot and release user in particular19:30
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual master: Clarify patchsets for new project configuration
jeblairjohnsom: see the queue lengths at the top of the status page; when they hit 0, zuul is caught up19:30
jlkoh right, so it's not the host key that failed19:30
jlkit's permission denied on the user's public ssh key19:31
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johnsomjeblair Ah, ok, yeah, probably at the back-o-the-line.  Thanks, now I know what those are...19:31
clarkbjlk: so we need to double check that we have appropriate secrets for both users with the correct key in each case19:31
clarkbjlk: fungi and dhellmann are working on that for the release user19:31
AJaegerclarkb, fungi : ah - need to cover this for all the other cases as well. Thanks, jlk!19:32
jlkalright. I don't think I have access to those details, so can they look at propose-bot too?  :D19:32
clarkbjlk: AJaeger can you point me at the secret being used by the job?19:33
clarkbis it proposal_ssh_key ?19:33
fungijlk: clarkb: well, the username was definitely wrong in the tag-releases job, right? we just regenerated the encrypted ssh key for that account too while we were at it in case it was also wrong19:33
fungii should say, reencrypted the private ssh key19:33
fungito make sure we're using the one for the right account (release instead of proposal-bot)19:34
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Don't cleanup TripleO CI Tempest resources
AJaegerclarkb: log is
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dmsimarddhellmann: FYI I had +W, I took it out as per your comment in Please let us know when you are ready.19:36
dhellmanndmsimard : thanks19:37
* AJaeger calls it a day - bye for now19:37
dmsimarddhellmann: wrong paste but I think you understood19:37
dhellmanndmsimard : yeah19:37
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jlksecret is "proposal_ssh_key"19:37
clarkbjlk: thanks19:37
jlkthe job is 'propose-update-constraints' and others, but the parent is just 'propose-updates' which is where the secret is attached19:37
clarkblooking at the secrets the host key stuff is all wrong too19:37 is at not
clarkbbut I don't think that is fatal because the name is listed too19:39
clarkb(so we trust dns in this case)19:39
clarkbI'll work on a patch to fix both the host key things and to reencrypt the right ssh key19:39
fungiahh, yeah, ssh will auto-add new ip addresses if the host key matches the dns name you used19:39
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clarkbfungi: dhellmann I'm fixing the release ssh key known hosts too, have a change I can rbase mine onto to avoid merge conflicts?19:45
dhellmannsure, hang on19:45
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* clarkb needs to find the public key in gerrit for the proposal-bot user to make sure this is the correct private key19:46
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inc0hey, quick question, to get rid of tarball hack, do you mind if I add basic publishing pipeline to dockerhub/
inc0straight from periodic build job19:47
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inc0and nightly/weekly19:48
inc0then we can move to dockerhub images with gates and use caching proxy to lower bandwidth19:48
fungiclarkb: if it helps, i did the release one by ssh'ing into the old persistent slave and just using ~jenkins/.ssh/id_rsa as the input file19:49
openstackgerritMike Perez proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Set contributor-guide location to /contributors
clarkbfungi: ya I'm on doing that, juts wanted to double check. Appears to be the key19:49
fungiahh, yeah not a terrible idea19:49
clarkbfungi: where did you run the zuul command? on zuul itslef? I guess anyhwere you have a zuul installed?19:50
fungithe one on is bound to be the correct key for release19:50
fungiclarkb: i cloned zuul on the old slave19:50
clarkbaha /me does this19:50
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fungithen checked out the zuulv3 feature branch and ran it there19:50
fungiless copying of plaintext secrets over the network thataway19:50
fungialways encrypt closest to the source when you can19:51
clarkbya this is nice and easy19:51
clarkbfungi: tools/ gerrit openstack-infra/project-config --infile ~/.ssh/id_rsa19:51
clarkbis that what I want to run?19:51
fungiyup, or you can omit the trailing / on the url (i did)19:52
fungimainly because i saw the script was concatenating and would have made a //19:52
fungiwhich apache will still reduce to / but whatever19:52
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Redo the gerrit proposal bot secret
clarkbAJaeger: jlk fungi dhellmann ^19:57
clarkbinc0: yes I think that would be fine19:58
inc0can I schedule job for particular time? cron style19:59
inc0and which time would be best then? start with weekly over weekend?19:59
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clarkbinc0: its a pipeline config iirc so you can use the preexisting daily pipeline or propose a new pipeline to run less frequently19:59
clarkbinc0: also we don't cache quay.io19:59
inc0dockerhub works too20:00
inc0we don't have daily pipeline currently20:00
odyssey4meHas there been any though given to making use of containers in some shape or form in order to do tests like lint tests, rather than use single-use-slaves? I realise that nodepool makes single-use-slaves cheap in terms of their use, but I figure that using containers on such slaves could introduce quite a bit more speed in processing some jobs.20:01
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: sahara IRC notifications: add a repo and future branches
dmsimardodyssey4me: there is a container nodepool driver in the works20:01
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clarkbodyssey4me: re speed I don't think it makes much of a difference, but ya there is work in progress to add different drivers to nodepool and be able to schedule to different flavors more effectively20:02
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clarkbodyssey4me: the containers would be running on the same VMs so performnce should be roughly the same20:02
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove fetch-zuul-cloner from base-test job
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pabelangerfungi: ^yes! I've updated the patch20:03
dmsimardodyssey4me: you have to keep in mind that nodepool pre-provisions nodes so that they are already available ahead of time (min-ready config)20:03
dhellmannclarkb : I guess the known hosts value for the release key is wrong, too20:04
clarkbdhellmann: it had the wrong IPs in it which mostly worked because the name is in there too, but I fixed it in both places20:05
dhellmannoh, the other change was below the scroll window so I didn't notice that20:05
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odyssey4medmsimard clarkb ja, makes sense - I'm thinking more about a situation like we're in where using nodepool would be useful, but resources are more scarce so we might want to use containers to kinda slice up each node more to get more out of it20:06
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odyssey4meright now we're just using smaller flavors, which I suppose also makes sense in a non openstack-ci world20:06
clarkbodyssey4me: tristanC is working on the container driver(s)20:07
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clarkbright now though we are mostly focused on making the zuulv3 transition go smoothly, but expect that work to pick up steam as things settle in20:07
dmsimardodyssey4me: that boils down more to flavor usage than containers -- for example, you likely don't need a full blown 8vcpu/8gb ram VM for running tox -e pep820:07
odyssey4methanks for the review  link *adds to his starred list*20:08
dmsimardodyssey4me: tobiash was working on some great patches (not sure if they landed?) to be able to maximize quota usage regardless of flavor usage, this would potentially allow us to do things like give smaller VMs to jobs that don't need high amounts of resources.20:08
pabelangerodyssey4me: dmsimard: clarkb: public IPs might be the next bottleneck for container things20:08
clarkbpabelanger: ya thats a more general flavor problem too20:08
clarkbpabelanger: most of our clouds have a hard instance cap, we can't boot anymore 2GB instances than 8GB instances20:09
clarkbIPs are a similar problem and so on20:09
odyssey4mepabelanger fair enough, although I'd be thinking that container hosts are more like medium-lived slaves... they live for a day or so, and act as executors20:09
odyssey4meie each container doesn't get an ip - only the instance20:09
clarkbodyssey4me: ya thats a possibility though further limits the utility of containers as general job runners20:10
clarkb(and maybe that is ok)20:10
odyssey4methe instance then accepts jobs of a known type which can execute a dockerfile or something20:10
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pabelangerodyssey4me: or external ks8, but both require more ops to keep them alive over dynamic nodes from nodepool20:10
pabelangerso some trade-offs20:10
odyssey4meoh sure, definitely not general purpose - they'd have to be used for docs builds and such20:10
dmsimardIMO container driver is useful if you don't happen to have an openstack cloud20:10
dmsimardif you have an openstack cloud, the quota patches I've mentioned will make things much easier to manage20:11
clarkbdmsimard: ya thats sort of how I feel about it too. Or if you don't have to do systems software testing (like testing openstack)20:11
pabelangerbut agree with clarkb, once things stablize on rollout, there will be much discussions on containers I think20:11
clarkbbecause openstack forces you to open up the test containers to the point where you can't trust isolation so may as well just VM20:11
smcginnisodyssey4me: pep8 runs might be another good use.20:11
dmsimardjeblair: is zuul out of the slow reconfigure loop ? looks like the queue is caught up but wanted to make sure before going for another round of job/project-config reviews20:12
clarkbdmsimard: I think the queues being zerod is likely the best indiication of that20:12
odyssey4mepabelanger sure, but in my thinking these would run on nodes that run for a while, then get replaced - at least daily if not more often20:12
odyssey4methey would still be ephemeral - just live a little longer20:12
dmsimardclarkb: ok, I was wondering because RAM is starting to peak into 10GB territory20:12
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: remove legacy-grenade-dsvm-ceilometer
odyssey4meanyway, it was just a thought running through my mind while watching zuul chug along20:13
odyssey4meand yeah, it's crawling back up to ~13GB now20:14
mriedemanyone here know why new gerrit moves the cursor around when you're reviewing something? like i've expanded a comment somewhere toward the top, and when i want to comment below, it moves the cursor back to the top20:14
mriedemdrives me crazy20:14
clarkbmriedem: the cursor starts on line 120:14
smcginnismriedem: Try going into settings and set rendering to Slow.20:14
clarkband expanding a comment doen't move the cursor20:14
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* odyssey4me misses the 'e' hotkey for 'edit' in the new gerrit.20:14
clarkbodyssey4me: its still there but its ^e or something20:14
pabelangerodyssey4me: yah, that's not been the first time somebody has suggested it.  Until now, it was use nova-docker, with zuulv2, but who know in the future :)20:14
mriedemclarkb: even if i move the cursor down20:14
* smcginnis missed the 'f' hotkey20:14
mriedemlooking for this rendering setting20:15
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mriedemah there it is20:15
odyssey4mepabelanger heh with the nova-lxc driver you could do a bunch of things you normally do with instances, but you need a cloud that has it20:15
pabelangerodyssey4me: right20:15
odyssey4menova-lxd I mean20:16
clarkbodyssey4me: ctrl + alt + e says the help layover20:16
odyssey4mebut nodepool really is awesome if you think of just how general purpose it is20:16
odyssey4meclarkb ORLY? I wonder how that translates for a mac20:16
pabelangerodyssey4me: containers from nodepool, is a brave new world, but we have some design issue to first solve.20:17
clarkbodyssey4me: they might give you a different help screen on a mac? but unsure20:17
clarkbodyssey4me: hit ? on the diff screen20:17
pabelangerbut I'm excited to see what that looks like, because it means more projects / ppl using zuul :D20:17
clarkbmriedem: I think you might have to show me what you mean, but ya the cursor itslef seems to want ot start at the top and expanding comments and stuff doens't move it20:17
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clarkbmaking a new comment does appear to move it20:17
clarkbbut not a reply20:18
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mriedemrendering=slow seems to help20:18
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mriedemi was about to just give up on software as a profession20:18
mriedemwell, open source software at least, where code reviews are required20:18
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mriedemi could enterprise software all day where there are no tests or code reviews20:19
mriedemhence, enterprise20:19
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Fix branch ordering when loading in-repo config
fungisorta like the starship20:20
clarkbmriedem: I'm not sure you'd have software either in that case >_>20:20
clarkbdoes it count as software if it doesn't compile/run?20:20
clarkbor just bytes on a disk20:20
fungivery soft ware20:20
mriedemumm, guys,20:20
mriedemcompiling is the test20:20
mriedemif it compiles, it ships20:20
openstackgerritMatthew Thode proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: make a gentoo nodepool image
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inc0clarkb: do you have any example of periodic job in specific time?20:22
clarkbinc0: no thats what I'm saying the jobs don't run at a specific time. Instead the pipeline they run in enqueues them at a time20:22
clarkbI don't think zuulv3 changed this20:22
inc0hmm ok, well only reason for it to be in specific time is to optimize bandwidth consumption20:23
pabelangerpriority is also low for periodic20:23
inc0ok that's fine then20:23
inc0and periodic is once a day by default or can I specify freq?20:24
pabelangerevery 24 hours20:24
fungiinc0: basically, if you want to run a job at a different time than is set in the existing periodic pipelines, you'd need a new pipeline with a periodic trigger for a different time/frequency20:24
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inc0fungi: I don't care so much about time as about not consuming resources other people might need20:25
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inc0but low priority is fine, also 24hrs is ok I guess20:25
inc0anyway, I'll start experimenting with that so giving you heads up20:25
dmsimardinfra-root: ram on zuulv3 is getting dangerously high20:25
fungiinc0: so that generic "periodic" pipeline we have runs once daily at 06:00 utc20:26
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: switch whereto to publish docs on docs.o.o
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add neutron to required projects for net-cisco custom jobs
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Revert "Use weakref for change cache"
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inc0that's fine, I think 6utc is pretty close to lower traffic anyway20:27
fungiinc0: which is... why we have it set to that20:27
jeblairodyssey4me: probably should hold off on any more rechecks for now20:27
odyssey4mejeblair any rechecks, or just job changing rechecks?20:28
jeblairodyssey4me: the latter20:28
inc0yup, you're way ahead of me;) another question - openstack irc bot announcing health of periodic jobs - is it possible?20:28
odyssey4meok, will do - thanks for monitoring20:28
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dmsimardinc0: there is a new zuul dashboard coming soon in order to provide historical results (a bit like jenkins, if you will)20:30
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jeblairbut completely different20:31
fungiinc0: also the openstack health dashboard has an rss feed you could subscribe to for specific jobs20:31
inc0ok, we'll need to figure out effective way for community to monitor health of periodic jobs, but I guess that's for later20:32
inc0gonna be nice vacation-style hacking;)20:32
dmsimardinc0: I know that evrardjp told me about how they monitor their periodic jobs in a fairly clever way by exporting ara results as subunit and getting them picked up by openstack-health20:33
fungior at least i thought the health dashboard had rss feeds for jobs, but maybe it's just per project20:33
inc0ok, I'll ping him later on20:33
dmsimardWe're not quite ready to do this at any kind of large scale, however, we need to re-think some fundamental things in openstack-health, like the database schema :)20:34
clarkbfungi: its both20:34
odyssey4meinc0 yeah, I can point you at the bits if you like?20:34
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SamYaplefungi: nice! thanks20:34
fungiclarkb: ahh, i just don't get the fancy rss icon on jobs i guess20:34
jeblairhave we agreed on a project-config-core tag?20:34
inc0odyssey4me: thanks, I'll forget it anyway, still need to write periodic jobs20:34
jeblairfor irc highlighting?20:34
inc0but I'll ping you guys when I'm done if that's ok20:34
inc0thank you!20:34
fungijeblair: that one looks as good as any20:34
weshay|ruckpabelanger, are there some gate jobs not reporting success/fail after they trigger atm?20:35
odyssey4meoh, sure thing20:35
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dmsimardjeblair: I have a ping set up for infra-root, project-config-core is fine too for cases where infra-root is not necessarily involved20:35
weshay|ruckdmsimard, have you heard anything along those lines?20:35
jeblairwe're merging a number of changes to the zuul v2 config in project-config, which is causing puppet to tell zuul to perform full reconfigurations20:35
inc0thakns odyssey4me20:35
jeblairthose take 3+ minutes20:35
weshay|ruckfor example
weshay|ruckI see zuul started gate jobs, but nothing was reported20:36
smcginnisI believe we will need this before we can do any releases:
dmsimardweshay|ruck: that's from yesterday, I believe there was a full zuul restart yesterday20:36
jeblairwe could either stop merging changes to the v2 config, or change the puppet configuration to be more specific (but that's only necessary for the next ~3 days)20:36
weshay|ruckso a recheck is in order?20:36
dmsimardweshay|ruck: there was a notice sent out to channels and twitter
dmsimardweshay|ruck: yeah, recheck20:37
weshay|ruckheh.. will follow that from now on :)20:37
dmsimardweshay|ruck: you also have
dmsimardweshay|ruck: which is... not on twitter :)20:38
weshay|ruckthanks as always20:39
fungiand also openstackstatus echoes those messages into all irc channels it is set to join20:39
jeblairfungi, dmsimard: thoughts about freezing zuul v2 layout?20:39
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fungijeblair: i'm fine with freezing the v2 layout, this is understandably painful20:39
dmsimardjeblair: if we are past the point of no return, +120:40
jeblairi should send that email20:40
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dmsimardfungi, jeblair: so we have a job "project-config-frozen-files", .. We can make it voting if we want.20:43
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jeblairdmsimard: i'm inclined to like that idea.  it will mean that any further changes to jobs that use the jenkins scripts will have to start with copying those scripts somewhere.20:45
jeblairor we could drop it from checking that directory.  it's mostly the layout.yaml changes that are the operational problem.20:45
inc0hey, soo...dockerhub publisher account20:45
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inc0I don't want to use my personal account or mail address for rather obvious resons. Kolla as project doesn't have mailbox;)20:46
inc0how do we want to do it?20:46
inc0SamYaple: did you create dedicated loci account?20:46
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SamYapleinc0: we publish under openstackloci right now20:48
inc0namespace, but which account?20:48
inc0aka docker id20:48
SamYapleopenstackloci is a group not a user20:48
inc0so which user are you using in publisher jobs20:48
SamYaplewe add whoever we want to the group for managers20:48
jeblairfungi, dmsimard, clarkb:  look good?20:49
SamYapleah i created a one off account for that20:49
inc0ok, so nothing official and used temp email thingy?20:49
SamYaplei used an email that goes back to an account i own, but i dont know the password to the account (autogenerated)20:50
SamYaplei *could* reset it if i needed, but i dont plan on ever touching it again20:50
SamYapleworst case we can just create another account and regen the secret20:50
inc0yeah I guess I can do that too20:50
dmsimardjeblair: (on phone right now) I'd make it a bit more explicit what files/directories are involved20:51
fungijeblair: lgtm, thanks for drafting!20:51
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jeblairdmsimard: ack, will so revise and send20:55
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add management event queue length to status json
clarkbjeblair: ya that looks good to me21:01
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add project-templates to docs
clarkbinc0: does that work? I think one of the goals from infras perspective with thes changes is that we don't have to sit in the middle of all this stuff anymore (because that doesn't scale well)21:03
jeblairdhellmann: it looks like the pypi uploads work now (re the twine url fix from yesterday)21:03
dhellmannjeblair : great, thanks!21:04
dhellmannnow if we can get the job to run that far...21:04
inc0clarkb: I just made fake account and we'll roll with it for now21:04
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clarkbjeblair: care to review and its parent? those are related to getting release tags working21:04
jeblairon it21:04
inc0organization is what matters and we have it set up already21:04
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Change manila tempest plugin jobs
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Restore cover test to oslo.messaging
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add pike branch to zun channel notification
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy jobs from python-openstackclient
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add new project networking-spp
bodenfungi: I’m still struggling with  as per the latest results it’s pulling in some other version of requirements now.. almost like it’s using the stable/pike (not ocata) of the required-projects21:05
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clarkbjeblair: could ^ be related to that bug tripleo ran into?21:08
jeblairclarkb: you mean puppet-openstack?21:08
clarkboh was it puppet? but ya the base branch ordering thing21:09
jeblairthat ran since the restart, so that fix should be in effect.  i'll look.21:09
fungiboden: it probably makes sense for me to start by troubleshooting the problem you're trying to solve with 512390 rather than troubleshooting the results of that change21:09
bodenfungi: absoultely… I’m digging with my change in the meantime…21:10
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bodenfungi: I do see ubuntu-xenial | Switched to branch 'stable/ocata' in the log, but only for 1 required project (seems like it should be there for all required projects)21:10
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fungiboden: it's unclear to me from the commit messages on 512390 what your issue was with the original jobs. is it the failed unit tests i can see on my 513068 debugging change?21:13
jeblairclarkb: oh that's the problem fungi was looking into earlier.  the repos are all checked out at stable/ocata.  something happens afterwords.21:14
jeblairi'm going to let fungi continue to drive this21:14
bodenfungi: the original issue is in the
fungijeblair: yeah, i discovered after some digging that the errors mentioned in the etherpad were being introduced by the change they were testing. that wasn't obvious from the original problem description21:14
bodenfungi: just trying to get our stable branches working with zuul v3 is all21:15
fungiboden: is it different than the entry i looked at earlier? the bugs you pointed out were the result of your proposed change to the repo21:15
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: add system-required and check-requirements job for senlin-tempest-plugin
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Revert "Add linters job to all OSA role jobs"
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: networking-midonet: required-projects for periodic jobs
fungiboden: i'd rather figure out what was originally broken that your change aims to fix before trying to figure out why your change isn't fixing what you wanted it to21:15
dmsimardpabelanger: we did not have swap enabled on zuulv3 earlier today, did we resolve that ? Because we're about to be maxed out21:16
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bodenfungi: understood.. if you look at PS1  you’ll see it’s just a dummy change to trigger v3 gate; those results are whats translated onto the wiki and what’s made me try to change the install script21:17
inc0where can I find kolla's pubkey for secret encryption?21:17
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Logrotate track upstream logs
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clarkbinfra-root ^ after last nights review.o.o reboot stuff I noticed that / is getting near full there. Tis one file is a big offender so reviews to get it rotated would be much appreciated21:18
inc0thanks fungi21:18
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fungiinc0: the url is "" and the source is "gerrit" with project names in the form of "openstack/kolla"21:18
bodenfungi: let me find the original error for you21:18
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fungiboden: i'm guessing it's the version conflicts my dummy change saw in the unit tests:
fungipkg_resources.VersionConflict: (oslo.log 3.20.1 (/home/zuul/src/, Requirement.parse('oslo.log>=3.22.0'))21:21
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bodenfungi: yes21:21
fungi says you should be constrained to oslo.log===3.20.1 which is what seems to have been installed21:23
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fungibut something wants oslo.log>=3.22.021:23
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fungiand i agree that looks like your requirements.txt entry for stable/pike:
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dhellmannboden , fungi : what cache plugin is being loaded at the point where those tests fail? that's the library that has the oslo.log dependency that doesn't match the constraints21:29
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fungigood question... i don't know what a cache plugin is21:31
dhellmannoslo.cache is telling dogpile to load some plugin21:31
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bodendogpile/cache/", line 415, in configure  ??21:31
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dhellmannI'm not sure how it was installed without using the constraints, but if we figure out what the library is that's one more piece of info21:32
inc0fungi: cries that cert is invalid - planned or bug?21:32
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fungiinc0: known, it will eventually in a week or two perhaps) be renamed to zuul.o.o and we have a valid cert for that21:32
dhellmannboden : I'm looking at this section:
dhellmannboden: from there to the end of the traceback21:32
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: replace the common git review configuration for release jobs
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Redo the gerrit proposal bot secret
odyssey4meare there any suse repositories in infra, similar to the centos/epel/ubuntu repositories? or are they cached at all?21:38
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fungidhellmann: boden: i'm starting to wonder if this is behavior getting introduced by tox-siblings, since shows about half a dozen other deps installed from source21:39
dhellmannI don't know what "tox-siblings" is. Is that something new?21:39
fungiwondering if there's an unreleased state in one of their stable/ocata branches with a late backport from master after the requirements freeze21:39
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fungidhellmann: it's... i'm still not 100% clear as i wasn't following the design discussions but i believe it tries to install required-projects from source on matching branches instead of released packages when you're using tox21:40
fungiit's still a knowledge gap on my part. i'm sure someone knows why this isn't opening us up to test holes for unreleased features, but i haven't been able to suss that out yet21:41
dhellmannthere are cases where we want to gate changes against unreleased things, but usually those are gates on the library not the consumer21:42
fungiyeah, in the case of neutron plugins like vmware-nsx i suppose that's the case for some parts of the neutron ecosystem they're integrating with?21:42
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dhellmannvmware-nsx does have a lot of cross-repo dependencies listed21:43
fungilike... they can't pip install neutron itself without doing so from source at a minimum21:43
dhellmannepi shows 3 plugins for dogpile.cache when I run "tox -e py27 --notest" locally and check the contents:
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dhellmannmy guess is it's using the dict one, since the unit tests would want to use ram21:44
dhellmannbut that seems to point to an incompatible verison of oslo.cache being installed21:44
dhellmannI don't see oslo.cache listed in the dependencies for vmware-nsx in projects.yaml but it is likely to be a second-order dependency of something like neutron, which is listed21:46
dhellmanndo we have logs showing tox-siblings installing those other things? can we get version numbers or branch names out of it?21:46
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dhellmannwell, I don't see it upgrading oslo.log there21:49
clarkbfungi: when you have a moment, there is email to infra list about ssh connection limits to gerrit. What are the chances that that is something like the great firewall killing the connection without gerrit noticing so they reconnect over and over?21:49
clarkboh thats taiwan though so likely not a problem21:50
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fungiit's not. it ends up with oslo.log===3.20.1 according to pip freeze, but then we have something getting imported which is complaining it actually declared a requirement on oslo.log>=3.22.0 which is unmet21:50
bodendhellmann fungi: you guys are digging deeper than my knowledge level and I don’t want to derail, but I saw  in the log and would’ve expected to see that for all the required projects.. my initial impression here is that the other required projects didn’t get set to stable/ocata… I’m probably way off tho21:50
fungiclarkb: it's likely the great corporate firewall of whatever company they're working for, or the terrible overloaded internet service provider they're connecting through21:51
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dhellmannfungi : yeah, if tox-siblings installed something that wanted a newer version of a dependency I would have expected it to upgrade that thing at the same time21:52
dhellmannthe pike dependency for oslo.log is 3.22.0 so maybe a pike version of a library is being pulled in21:53
fungifun... networking-l2gw imports oslo.log without declaring it as a dependency. that's pretty unsafe21:53
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dhellmannI'll bet that's not the only place that happens.21:55
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fungiyeah, it used to happen in nova and then one day one of their dependencies released a new version which no longer used something they'd been importing without declaring a dependency on in nova21:56
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fungithen r1chardj0n3s wrote a tool to check for that, but never got buy-in to start using it in check jobs21:57
dhellmanndo you remember the name of the tool?21:57
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fungiit changed names at one point, but is currently
fungifwiw, tap-as-a-service also fails to declare a dependency on oslo.log but still imports from it22:00
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fungianyway, i've checked through all the required-projects for that job and all of the ones which declare a dep on oslo.log in their requirements lists on stable/ocata match the stable/ocata global requirement (compatible with the stable/ocata upper constraint)22:02
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dhellmannfungi : oslo.cache 1.26.0 wants oslo.log > 3.22.022:07
dhellmannwhy is that version of oslo.cache being used/allowed?22:07
fungigreat question22:07
dhellmannboden : new clue ^^22:07
fungiconstraints would have chosen 1.17.022:08
fungineutron wants it22:09
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fungithough neutron just declares oslo.cache>=1.5.0 so we're not constraining when installing there i suspect22:09
dhellmannnot in the ocata branch, though22:09
dhellmannah, yeah22:09
dhellmannso, does tox-siblings honor constraints?22:10
fungiit's supposed to22:10
fungibut yes, that's in the "TASK [tox-siblings : Install any sibling python packages]" section22:11
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dhellmannwhat do those messages about not being able to find the remote mean in
fungimordred: jeblair: ^ who is our tox-siblings expert?22:11
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fungidhellmann: that's a benign error because pip is being asked to install from a git tree on disk with no origin remote22:12
fungiit would include the origin url if it could find it, but instead it throws that error and includes a comment in the pip freeze output to that effect22:12
dhellmannI think I'm going to call it a day.22:12
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Merge tenant reconfiguration events
jeblairfungi: oh hi22:14
fungijeblair: how do we tell tox-siblings to apply a constraints file when it's installing dependencies of required-projects into the tox env?22:14
fungithat seems to be the underlying issue... the tox-siblings task has installed oslo.cache==1.26.0 as a transitive dependency of neutron stable/ocata (declared as a required project for the job)22:15
fungibut stable/ocata constraints should have limited that to 1.17.022:15
jeblairfungi: welp, i'm guessing this is where it should be done:
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fungithanks, so i guess we're missing constraints support here actually:
jeblairfungi: so we need to find the right constraints file and add "-c that file"  to line 167?22:19
fungiahh, note the TODO comment just above :/22:19
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fungi# TODO(mordred) Account for upper-constraints during this install22:19
jeblairfungi: yeah, sorry, i tried to link to that, but cgit highlighting :(22:19
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openstackgerritMike Perez proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Create a playbook for publishing contributor-guide
openstackgerritMike Perez proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Set contributor-guide location to /contributors
fungijeblair: oh, duh, i should have looked at the line number in the url. i have a tall browser and didn't notice it had landed me near the end of the file so thought you had linked me to the get_sibling_python_packages() def further up22:20
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jeblairfungi: so do you reckon adding "-c <requirements file>" is the solution?  or is it more complex than that?22:21
fungiokay, so the long and short of it is we should not be using tox-siblings on jobs run for projects which need constraints22:21
jeblairerm i'm not sure22:21
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual master: Clarify which jobs belong in the project block
fungijeblair: probably, and then we need to have a way to pass in a constraints file22:21
jeblairfungi: i'm not sure we shouldn't run tox-siblings, because, tbh, i don't know what it means to clone these repos on to disk and not use them :)22:22
fungiand i guess a sane fallback of not using -c when there is no constraints file provided22:22
fungijeblair: i meant tox-siblings is not safe in its current form for projects using constraints22:22
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jeblairfungi: yes.  though i'm not sure the alternative is either.  :)22:22
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fungiin v2 we pip installed everything except the project in question and they all had bespoke tooling to zuul-cloner their source dependencies22:23
fungiwhich should in theory still have worked for legacy jobs without the tox-siblings magic22:24
jeblairfungi: so i guess if we turn off tox-siblings, the bespoke tooling will still do the installing?22:24
jeblairfungi: but these aren't legacy jobs, right?22:24
jeblairthese are the new v3 tox-pyxx jobs?22:24
fungiyeah, that seems to be the behavior change here. we're preemptively installing their source dependencies and doing so differently than what they were doing under v222:24
fungijeblair: ahh, right, so i guess we made v3 native jobs which didn't have complete support for constraints22:25
fungianyway, we can probably fix this, i just worry that we have a lot of (particularly plugin/extension) projects with constraints-related breakage, particularly on their stable branches22:26
jeblairfungi: i think we have 3 options: 1) add constraints support to tox-siblings; 2) temporarily turn off tox-siblings for all openstack-tox jobs; 3) turn off tox-siblings just for the neutron jobs (maybe in the project-template)?22:26
jeblairfungi: i *think* option 1 might not be hard22:26
jeblairwhy don't i poke at it for a few mins22:26
fungiright, i'm just trynig to wrap my head around the plumbing to get from the job into that function call wit the constraints details22:26
jeblairme too22:27
jeblairi think all we need to do is add it as a role variable and pass it in to the module.22:27
fungicool, that means at least one of us will hopefully have a good enough understanding to review what the other writes ;)22:27
jeblairit should already be set by the job22:28
fungiahh, right, since this "script" is actually an ansible module, we should already have context into that without needing to plumb it through the main task for the role22:29
fungiso no need for command-line parameter nonsense22:30
fungior do modules not get a fancy context object with all the ansible variables? looks like we define an argument list in this one and then have to pass stuff in from the task anyway22:31
jeblairfungi: yeah, we have to pass it explicitly22:32
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fungii guess that makes for a more stable interface anyway22:32
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Support upper-constraints in tox-siblings
jeblairfungi: maybe this ^22:35
fungiokay, so we already have constraints support plumbed all the way to the main task of the tox role in zuul-jobs22:35
fungiaha, i'll review22:35
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clarkbjeblair: event merging lgtm but left a couple minor comments on it22:36
jeblairclarkb: cool thx22:37
jeblairdirk, frickler, AJaeger: the new v3-native requirements cross-check job i wrote is ready for review here:
fungijeblair: that matches what we seem to be getting from the tox role, so seems reasonable22:38
fungi(on 513199 i mean)22:39
fungiand default(omit) seems to be used as a fallback in configure-mirrors and validate-host roles too, though i was unfamiliar with that syntax22:40
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Merge tenant reconfiguration events
jeblairclarkb: i have implemented your suggestions!22:41
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jeblairfungi: yeah, i'm pretty sure it means "don't pass this argument to the module".  so that lets the module do whatever its default handling is.22:41
jeblairwhich i'm hoping, in this case, is just "don't have an entry in the dict"22:42
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fungiit's amusing... if i attempt to fix the mishmash of normal and code style fonts in the issues pad by highlighting a section and choosing normal style, i get immediately disconnected from the etherpad and prompted to force-reconnect22:44
jeblairme too!22:45
fungiso, i guess they're going to remain that way22:45
jeblairi've had some success deleting small sections and retyping them, but the virus has taken hold and i don't think the patient can be saved22:45
jeblairthank goodness it's just courier and not papyrus22:46
fungicomic sans ftw22:46
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fungiwow, even trying to change the style on just one line crashes me out22:47
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-sphinx master: Fix error in job parser
jeblairfungi, clarkb: can you +3 that?  i have tested it with openstack-zuul-jobs and verified it works now.  i'll tag a new release after it merges.22:54
jeblair(it's only the new functionality that's broken)22:55
fungijeblair: sure22:55
clarkbfungi: can I also get a review on so that doesn't get lost22:55
jeblairoh, let me update the examples so it's tested in repo22:55
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-sphinx master: Fix error in job parser
jeblairthere we go22:56
fungijeblair: i just realized that tox-siblings might need more... pip install with a constraints set won't work _if_ any of the packages being installed from source are also in the constraints22:57
clarkbfungi: ugh ya that problem is annoying22:58
fungiwe work around it elsewhere by filtering the constraints list, or doing two passes22:58
fungier, well actually both22:58
jeblairfungi: does tox do this automatically or something?22:58
fungijeblair: no, projects again have their own bespoke tooling to filter their packages out of the constraints lists or to preinstall their requirements list with constraints before installing themselves without22:59
fungiand then using --no-deps on the latter to keep from upgrading any constrained requirements22:59
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fungiin this case we don't necessarily have context to just install the sibling projects requirements without installing them (requirements.txt and the like are openstackisms)23:00
fungiso we probably need to remove the siblings from the constraints list23:00
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fungiin which case i guess then we can get by with only one pip install invocation23:01
jeblairfungi: okay, so the fix to tox-siblings should make a new requirements file for each "pip install" it does, omitting the thing being pip installed?23:01
jeblairor the thing you said23:01
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jeblaireither thing is easy -- we're in python :)23:01
fungiyeah, thinking through the options, that's probably the simplest and requires the least extra state23:01
fungilemme get a good example23:02
jeblairfungi: one install or multiple?23:02
ianwjeblair: : AttributeError: 'MergeJob' object has no attribute 'updated' <-- not important, just don't remember seeing that running unit tests before.  not exactly sure where it came from23:02
jeblairianw: which test?23:03
fungijeblair: oh, reading through that module, it's installing the sibling packages in a loop, so we probably have to stop that and switch to a single install command which does them all at once23:03
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fungisince pip won't preserve any state between runs23:04
ianwjeblair: that's the thing, it just spewed out on the console, so not sure23:04
fungiand we'll end up reconstraining and installing a package for something we installed from source23:04
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jeblairfungi: want to -1 my change with that info, and wait for mordred to chime in?  (in case there's an important reason it's a loop like that)23:05
fungijeblair: yep, will do. also this is the edit-constraint implementation from the requirements package:
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Disable tox-siblings
jeblairfungi: ^ maybe do this for now?23:11
fungii'm equally concerned that we now have jobs depending on tox-siblings behavior23:11
jeblairit's pretty new :)23:11
jeblairi was worried until you reminded me they all have custom install thingies23:12
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Dont install python-virtualenv for py3k in deb
jeblairdo you think any have been removed?23:12
fungigood point, that's unlikely at this early stage23:12
SpamapS ... ~200MB to OOM?23:12
fungimost of the early adopter v3 jobs have not been tox-based23:13
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fungiSpamapS: we have swap now23:13
jeblairswapping kills us23:13
fungiand we're ~2.5gb into it at this point23:13
jeblairoh so we're probably dead23:14
fungiyeah, it's probably performing terribly at this point but not actually resulting in an oom23:14
jeblairhuh.  it actually looks ok right now23:14
SpamapSheh, might even be one of the times where it's ok to swap.. if these old layouts just sit there unused until the very end when they get GC'd23:14
jeblairi guess it swapped out idle pages.23:14
SpamapSRight, unlike on the executor, where you have constant usage of most of the memory, in this case, most of it is just there for something in the future.23:16
jeblairthe layouts themselves are pretty continually accessed, but they are big, and we only look at a small part once we've launched jobs, so it's possible that entire pages worth of them can be swapped out23:17
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add _projects to convert project list to dictionary
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-sphinx master: Fix error in job parser
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SpamapSjeblair: the ratio of data swapped to the actual swapping activity would suggest that's what is happening.23:22
SpamapSprobably not a long term state you want to be in, but perhaps we'll find that a normal level of zuul layout churn won't produce such a wide array of layouts and this is just the price of a mass migration.23:23
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jeblairi'm starting to think there may be another leak23:38
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smcginnisHmm, this doesn't look good:
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smcginnisDo we need fresh images or something?23:39
jeblairsmcginnis: it's probably transient, but can you add it to the etherpad?23:40
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smcginnisjeblair: Sure, I'll recheck and add it.23:40
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jeblairi think i'm going to have to restart the scheduler; i'll try to get as much info as i can first23:41
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EmilienMis it just me or is really slow?23:49
EmilienM(even not working for me)23:50
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EmilienMstatus.json: Proxy Error23:51
jeblairEmilienM: yeah, i'm going to restart it in a few minutes, after i collect some debug info23:52
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Give layout objects a unique ID

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