Thursday, 2017-10-19

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smcginnisThere it is.00:04
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jeblairokay, i'm restarting the scheduler now00:05
dmsimardbtw I'll be at OpenStack Canada day tomorrow so limited responsiveness00:06
jeblairi'll be able to restore the changes already in queues, but i've lost the unprocessed events00:06
dmsimardpabelanger will be giving a talk there too :D00:06
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jeblairdmsimard, pabelanger: yay!00:07
dmsimard"Zuulv3: Using Ansible to test, stage and deploy your OpenStack clouds"00:07
dmsimardI wonder what this Zuulv3 thing I keep hearing about00:07
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EmilienMjeblair: is a zuul able to recover previous jobs after a restart? or we still need to run recheck?00:12
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jeblairEmilienM: i'm re-equeuing the jobs that were already running; if they weren't, you'll need to recheck00:13
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openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Update neutron-lbaas to use -neutron templates
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ianwjeblair: odd to get a check on (merged 3rd oct)?  did you cat an old file?00:17
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jeblairyes i did.  sigh00:19
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jlvillalNoticed one of our grenade jobs failed with POST_FAILURE.  Error here:
jlvillalThe SSH key had changed...00:24
jlvillalFirst I saw that happen.00:24
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jlvillalAnd other patches with grenade are failing:
jlvillalAfter the tempest run finishes. Then it can't SSH to the node. Anyone else seeing this?00:26
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ianwjlvillal: that's from like 20 minutes ago right?00:27
jlvillalianw, Could be.00:27
jlvillalHad about four different jobs fail with errors like that.00:28
jlvillalianw, Was it a transient issue?00:28
ianwthat's likely in the middle of a restart, i would wait a bit for a recheck00:28
jlvillalianw, Okay. Thanks.00:28
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Remove old buildsets
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dhellmannclarkb : I guess that host key update wasn't right?
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clarkbdhellmann: that was from zuul to the test node I think. Fallout from zuul service restarts maybe01:05
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pabelangeryah, executor to nodepool node. Is it possible our persistant SSH isn't working correctly? I wouldn't expect the connection to be closed01:21
pabelangerinteresting enough, that is in the middle of an ansible-playbook01:22
pabelangermiddle of a play01:22
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clarkbpabelanger: its because zuul eas restarted I think01:24
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openstackgerritCao Xuan Hoang proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Use -neutron template variants for neutron-fwaas job
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SamYapleso i got some breakage in a post job i dont understand.
SamYapleany help would be appreciated01:38
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jeblairi think what we're seeing is zuul losing the connection to nodepool and having all the nodes killed from under it.  i don't believe there's a direct path for zuul to realize that if that happens, it should disregard the results of those builds.  it should be possible to fix.02:30
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add tripleo-heat-templates into tripleo shared queue for gate
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pabelangerjeblair: is that via zookeeper?02:36
pabelangerso, that would make sense, as I understand out the locks work02:36
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openstackgerritCao Xuan Hoang proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Use -neutron template variants for neutron-fwaas job
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openstackgerritDuong Ha-Quang proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy jobs in tap-as-a-service
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openstackgerritDuong Ha-Quang proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy jobs in tap-as-a-service
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namnhAJaeger: hi Andreas, are you free?02:51
tonybjhesketh_: Are you likely to be able to run the eol_branch script next week or should I ping someone else?02:52
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Move to dictionary list of projects zuul._projects
openstackgerritNam Nguyen Hoai proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove Ceilometer legacy jobs
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Move to dictionary list of projects zuul._projects
ianwtox-cover tox-cover : ERROR Unable to find playbook /var/lib/zuul/builds/6486cea579534fbe9bda622c555bed65/trusted/project_1/ (non-voting)03:09
ianwinteresting, we just added that no?03:09
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Correct path to coverage job
ianwpabelanger: ^03:12
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pabelangerianw: lets find a job with cover and test with depends-on03:14
pabelangerwe should have done that before merge the change03:14
pabelangeror added a test03:14
ianwpabelanger: yeah, i got a zuul one, hang on03:14
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add _projects to convert project list to dictionary
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ianwpabelanger: ^03:15
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ianwthe status page is currently at "slows my browser" stage :/03:17
ianwone step better than "kills my browser", however03:18
pabelangerianw: I +2'd, if passed I'd say merge to fix broken jobs.03:18
pabelangergoing to work on getting cross repo job working in the moving for it, maybe run zuul tox-cover, if those files change03:19
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pabelangerthink I'm going to turn in, early day tomorrow. OpenStack days CANADA!03:20
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ianwhave fun out and aboot03:20
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EmilienMpabelanger: I'm jealous03:43
EmilienMpabelanger: I wish I could join :D03:43
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pabelangerianw: so, we should fix that03:45
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pabelangercoverage_output_src: "src/{{ zuul.project.canonical_name }}/cover"03:46
pabelangerwithout trailing slatsh03:46
pabelangerthat will sync back the directory, and not the contents of the directory03:46
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ianwpabelanger: hmm, is there anything else in there but the report?03:47
pabelangerianw: yah, a bunch of html files03:47
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ianwbut they're still linked?03:48
ianwi guess the testr results, yeah03:49
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pabelangerrunning cover locally to see03:49
pabelangeryah, bunch of html things03:50
pabelangericon, js03:50
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Correct path to coverage job
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pabelangerYah, that should be better03:51
pabelangeris you want to recheck03:51
pabelangerianw: also, something is wrong with ze06.o.o finger port03:51
pabelangerwe are no longer running it03:51
pabelangerso, log streaming is failing03:51
pabelangernot sure if you want to poke at that, but we should make note on etherpad zuulv3-issues03:52
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add _projects to convert project list to dictionary
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ianwi had a change to that anyway03:52
ianwlooking at ze06 ...03:53
ianwok, netstat says nothing on port 7903:54
pabelangeryah, I couldn't connect to it using finger client03:54
ianwzuul      6047  6044  0 Oct17 ?        00:00:12 [zuul-executor] <defunct> wonder if that was it03:55
pabelangerI think that means LogStreamer some how died03:55
pabelangeroh, maybe03:55
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ianwthere's a few exceptions in the logs, but no smoking gun03:58
pabelangerianw: btw, for openstack summit, do you have any recomendations for data SIM for cell phone?03:59
openstackgerritTovin Seven proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy pyghmi job
openstackgerritTovin Seven proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy pyghmi job
ianwpabelanger: hmm, good question.  i'm unsure for short term use, i'll ask around and get back to you04:00
pabelangerianw: danke04:00
ianwi imagine like everything phones, it's a confuseopoly with no clear winner04:00
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ianwpabelanger: if there was anywhere to read-up it would be
ianw seems alright04:04
pabelangerI'll see if avaiable at airport04:06
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ianwpabelanger: yep, thanks for looking in on that, want to just push it to fix the jobs?04:07
pabelangerianw: +304:09
pabelangerokay, not I EOD04:09
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Give layout objects a unique ID
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Correct path to coverage job
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add _projects to convert project list to dictionary
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Move to dictionary list of projects zuul._projects
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add _projects to convert project list to dictionary
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add management queue length to status page
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add management queue length to new status page
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add management event queue length to status json
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Merge tenant reconfiguration events
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dirkmordred: AJaeger : jeblair : pabelanger : interesting zuul failure here
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Re-enable test_zuul_trigger_project_change_merged
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Remove unused function toList in scheduler
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AJaegerdirk: tox-cover was broken, should be fixed by now06:08
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Remove unused function toList from scheduler
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openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: make openstack-tox-pypy run tox pypy
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namnhAJaeger: could you take a look at this patch [1] and give me a comment about whether we should separate post.yaml or not. thanks in advance.06:18
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: v2 Config is frozen, make job gating
namnhAJaeger: [1]
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AJaegernamnh: commented06:28
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AJaegerproject-config-core, openstack-zuul-jobs is currently broken - needs new zuul-sphinx release. If urgent fixes are needed, we can pin zuul-sphinx to version 0.1.6. I expect jeblair to tag 0.2.1 later today and therefore would just wait.06:30
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namnhAJaeger: thanks, I am reading your comment.06:32
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openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove requirements related jobs
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openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy-cross-*-* jobs related to global requirements
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openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove requirements related legacy jobs
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openstackgerritDuong Ha-Quang proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy jobs in Tooz
openstackgerritDuong Ha-Quang proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy jobs in Tooz
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pas-haAJaeger: I'm fine with, please merge to save infra resources from double jobs on ironic patches :)07:44
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AJaegerpas-ha: thanks. And regarding the openstack-zuul-jobs one: recheck it once 511265 is in - it cannot merge if a project will use the defintions, so we cannot break ironic-inspector07:51
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove ironic legacy jobs
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evrardjpAJaeger: the job we discussed yesterday (post-merge trigger to propose-updates job) doesn't seem to trigger, there is no logs in
evrardjpbut I guess I am checking in the wrong folder08:08
evrardjpbecause it's not a periodic trigger08:08
evrardjpshould I check directly in my job details, to find if the trigger fires?08:08
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evrardjpmaybe is there another way to check at the logs?08:10
tmorinhi infraroot, could somebody have a look at  ? ....  (job blocking merges in a project, change to make it non-voting), already blessed by AJaeger and neutron liaison08:11
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add ansible-role-k8s-(keystone|mariadb)
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add ansible-role-k8s-(keystone|mariadb) to zuul.d
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pas-haAJaeger: I'm making a patch to inspector that re-uses the new job definition from ironic tree, seems to work already. I'll ask sambetts to add it as depends-on. We'd also need to walk thru all ironic-related projects (and nova) to update the jobs to use the new one defined in ironic tree, and only then merge that patch to openstack-zuul-jobs08:30
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AJaegerevrardjp: post-jobs are different, see how to get log files08:33
evrardjpwill skim through that08:34
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AJaegerpas-ha: thanks! Yes, that's the way forward - remove it from project-config then as well08:34
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: n8g-bgpvpn: make triple-o job check/nv
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openstackgerritDuong Ha-Quang proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy jobs in networking-calico
openstackgerritDuong Ha-Quang proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy jobs in networking-calico
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Use -neutron template variants for networking-sfc jobs
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Don't run py35 jobs on newton networking-arista changes
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Update neutron-lbaas to use -neutron templates
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Use -neutron template variants for neutron-fwaas job
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Create a playbook for publishing contributor-guide
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Publish keystone loci images to DockerHub
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-manual master: Clarify patchsets for new project configuration
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: networking-odl: Removing legacy jobs references
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AJaegerfrickler: could you put on your low-prio review queue, please?09:17
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toskyhi, zuul commented on (at least) two already merged reviews that "Merge Failed. etc etc" - and
toskyno harm is done, but: is it a known issue?09:19
fricklertosky: if I read backlog correctly, that was a mistake during restarting zuul last night09:19
toskyah, oki09:19
fricklertosky: should be safe to ignore these09:19
toskysure, they were already in the "annoying only" bucket; now they are in the "ignore" bucket09:20
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fricklerAJaeger: there is no such thing ;) but seeing your earlier comment we cannot merge this currently anyway, is that correct?09:21
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AJaegerfrickler: you're right - we cannot merge right now. Thanks for +2 - I'll +A later then...09:25
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add ansible-role-k8s-(keystone|mariadb)
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add ansible-role-k8s-(keystone|mariadb) to zuul.d
fricklerAJaeger: was the issue about tagging releases resolved? I may have missed that in backlog09:29
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AJaegerfrickler: At least jeblair was able to push zuul-sphinx 0.2.0 out... But I don't know whether that's all...09:35
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* mordred is about to do a talk but should be back online to help with things soonish09:42
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Support upper-constraints in tox-siblings
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mordredjeblair, fungi: ^^ updated jeblair's patch with an approach to filtering out the conflicting constraints when we do an install09:43
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Fix mixed canonical/non-canonical project merge
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sambettsAJaeger: can I get some eyes on ? the networking-cisco CI is comepletely broken right now and its blocking a number of patches10:14
openstackgerritCao Xuan Hoang proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Use -neutron template variants for neutron-fwaas-dashboard job
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openstackgerritCao Xuan Hoang proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Use -neutron template variants for neutron-vpnaas-dashboard job
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Fix mixed canonical/non-canonical project merge
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AJaegermordred: do you have time to look at set-service-type-data-fact role, please? It's now completely broken, see
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AJaegersambetts: commented10:31
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* AJaeger will be offline for the next few hours...10:32
openstackgerritCao Xuan Hoang proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Use -neutron template variants for neutron-vpnaas-dashboard job
openstackgerritCao Xuan Hoang proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Use -horizon template variants for neutron-vpnaas-dashboard job
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openstackgerritCao Xuan Hoang proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Use -horizon template variants for neutron-fwaas-dashboard job
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openstackgerritSam Betts proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add the correct branch overrides to the networking-cisco jobs
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/cookiecutter master: Fix docs.o.o URLs
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openstackgerritPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove networking-generic-jobs
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openstackgerritPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove networking-generic-switch job
mnaseris it possible there are issues with zuul-merger?10:56
mnaser..sigh nvm, the new filtering in zuulv3 doesnt show the entire tree10:58
openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/pbr master: Use 'build_reno' setuptools extension if available
mnaserso there were jobs ahead10:58
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openstackgerritPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove networking-generic-switch jobs
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openstackgerritSam Betts proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add the correct branch overrides to the networking-cisco jobs
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mnasercould we cut a bugfix release for zuul_sphinx which includes the fix jeblair added yesterday?
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mnaserTIL "Show Change Number in Changes Table" in Gerrit's preferences.. why isn't this on by default!11:45
sambettsmnaser: :O thats awesome11:46
mnaserno idea why its not the default..11:46
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openstackgerritAndreas Scheuring proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Add zipl element as s390x architecture bootloader
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mnaseri'm not +W-ing anything for a little bit, but if I miss something in my code reviews, please yell at me :)12:11
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smcginnisAnyone know the gerrit username our release jobs should use?12:25
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smcginnisWe're manually setting the git info to have gitreview.username of "review" but the logs end up with this:12:26
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smcginnisFrom what I understood, everything was set up outside the jobs before, so I'm assuming "review" isn't the right username to set there.12:26
mnasersmcginnis dont release jobs run on a trusted server?12:28
mnaserand i think in zuulv3 this sort of thing is gone and replaced by jobs that define secrets in their config12:29
mnaserok, lp_creds and ssh_key secrets are in the job config, my bad12:29
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mnaserhmm, i think nothing is creating those files however in the job12:31
mnaseryeah, nothing is consuming those secrets, they're just defined12:31
smcginnismnaser: My understanding was this was all preconfigured before. But then Doug had to add this:
smcginnisAnd other "setup" type steps.12:33
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* mnaser looking12:34
mnaseryeah i'm not seeing anywhere that the secrets are consumed (aka: ssh key and credentials are created locally)12:34
mnaserso i think what is happening is the ssh private key is not there, so gerrit is unable to authenticate because the private key that it is using doesnt assosciate to a user12:35
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smcginnisSo is there a step we need to add to the jobs? Or the scripts we use within our release tools?12:36
* smcginnis is still learning, Doug is the expert here.12:36
mnasersmcginnis no problem.  so before, the release jobs ran on a 'trusted' node that had a pre-installed ssh key and launchpad credentials.  they did not run on a one-time server like all the other jobs do12:37
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mnaserzuulv3 introduces the concept of secrets, which means that we can store encrypted data in the config of the job and be able to access it securely.  this means that there is no point in having a "trusted" node, because any node can become trusted once it consumes the secrets and configures itself12:38
mnaserso what has to be done is the ssh private key from the secret should be installed, as well as the lp credentials, to get you in the same previous environment as that trusted node..12:38
smcginnismnaser: OK, so this should be done in the job definition, if I'm following right.12:40
mnaserthat seems to been already done in the job definition -
mnaserim looking at the job and seeing if it is doing what its supposed to do12:40
mnaserok, it does call add-sshkey and add-launchpad-credentials (which i assume consume the secerts)  ... let me see how that works12:41
openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove networking-ovn legacy jobs
mnaser (as you see here)12:41
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mnaserok it does seem to write things out properly .. as far as i can tell12:43
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add regex support to project stanzas
mnaserthe only thing is i guess double checking that the correct private key is the one encrypted, other than that i am not sure :(12:43
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smcginnismnaser: Could it be a mismatch between that key and the "release" gerrit account?12:50
mnasersmcginnis if its what you mean (to be more precise), i think its a mismatch between the private key encrypted in the repo (which is being installed on the vm), and the public key for the "release" gerrit account12:52
mnasersmcginnis looks like it was recently changed12:52
smcginnismnaser: Yeah, basically that's what I was saying. Either we need to set it to something other than "release" as the gitreview.username, or there's a different key we should be using. At least that's my initial hunch.12:53
smcginnisNot sure how we check that with gerrit though.12:53
mnasersmcginnis do you know if that change above was submitted before or after your failure?12:53
mnasernot enough coffee to do timezones + math12:54
smcginnismnaser: Yeah, it looks like settings and key were updated with this patch right around then:
mnasersmcginnis also, i dont think gitreview.username is needed12:55
smcginnisThat one is a project-config change ^12:55
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smcginnisThere was another similar git config change in our release tools that did not have the gitreview.username line.12:55
mnaserafaik the logic is: when you run git review, it attempts to access gerrit with your private key installed in the system12:56
mnaserand using that, gerrit can identify who you are12:57
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smcginnisSo maybe by actually specifying a name that is different than what matches on the key, it doesn't like it and prompts for a name?12:58
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mnasersmcginnis thats a valid theory actually13:05
dhellmannmnaser, smcginnis : the values we're using now were copied directly from the static node that used to run this job yesterday13:05
dhellmannI guess they could still be wrong somehow, but fungi dumped that info and re-encrypted the key to put into that patch13:06
mnaseris the release bot username not release-bot by any chance13:06
* mnaser is looking at gerrit users13:06
smcginnisHmm. Any initial ideas dhellmann?13:06
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dhellmannthe release user is the user with permission to push tags, so that's correct.  maybe the key is wrong.13:06
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add regex support to project stanzas
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dhellmannmnaser : oh, maybe? I could have fat-fingered that part13:06
mnaserunfortunately it doesnt say the exact user13:07
mnaserbut we have proposal-bot for proposal bot (afaik)13:07
dhellmannthis is what I was given yesterday:
dhellmannproposal-bot does not have permission to push tags13:08
mnaserdhellmann yeah but i was speculating on the possible username but yeah i see it now its release13:08
dhellmannso maybe the key is bad? Is there some way to have git-review give more debugging info?13:09
mnaserthe reason why i suspect they key is bad is - "Could not connect to gerrit." then it asks for a username13:09
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mnaserpretty much sounds like "i cant ssh to gerrit at the port, please give me auth"13:09
dhellmannmakes sense to me13:10
* mnaser goes through git-review13:10
mnaserlooks like it fails to do a dry run push, but also it has verbose output13:10
dhellmannthat key was also copied off of the signing node yesterday13:10
dhellmannhow do we turn on verbose mode?13:11
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mnaserdhellmann -v13:11
smcginnisDoes that key need to be added to the release gerrit account?13:11
mnaseri'd add it, it'll give us the output of the dry run push and hopefully that is a bit more explicit13:11
dhellmannsmcginnis : it *should* be the key that's already there13:11
dhellmannmnaser : patch incoming13:11
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: add verbose flag to git-review when setting up repos for tag-releases
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dhellmannI wish there was some way to test this without having to wait to run it in CI13:15
dhellmannI mean, I can run the scripts as myself, but that doesn't help with this problem and I don't have the key to run it as the release user13:15
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smcginnisYeah, we need some kind of "pipecleaner" job.13:16
mnaserdhellmann yeah.. the cycle for testing these jobs is rough :(13:16
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mnaseri see the number of revert/revert that smcginnis is doing and ouch :p13:16
dhellmannyeah, we've been at this 3 days. It takes an hour to test a small change.13:17
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mnaseri think a contributing factor is that post jobs run at lower priority13:17
smcginnisAt least an hour...13:17
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mnaserlooks like zuulv3 is swapping13:19
dhellmannI'm around for a little while to give it one more go, but then I have to make up for the fact that I've met none of my other obligations this week, so I hope someone else is able to step in and look at it.13:19
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smcginnisI'm going to try, but I definitely don't have anywhere near the depth yet.13:19
mnaseri'm hoping its just a bad ssh private key13:20
smcginnisLet's hope this is it.13:20
mnaseri'll try to follow up on this so feel free to ping / add me on any related reviews smcginnis dhellmann13:20
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smcginnismnaser: Thanks13:21
mnasernow we wait for some infra-root to check out zuul and it's swapping :(13:21
fungiahh, so we pushed the scheduler up over ram again?13:24
fungilooks like we only just started swapping heavily in the last 15 minutes or so13:25
fungimordred: thanks for picking up the tox-siblings work!13:26
fungithe ssh private key should be fine as should the username. both are garnered from the old persistent worker where the prior equivalents of these jobs ran13:29
dhellmanncould that command be running from the wrong directory? so it can't find the .gitreview file or git repo?13:30
fungijust a sec and i'll see if there's a log linked in scrollback i can look at. i've just been skimming since it's about 400 comments13:31
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dhellmannfungi :
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dhellmannthe cd into the repo directory doesn't fail, so I don't think that's the problem13:31
fungii guess is a good place to start13:31
fungidhellmann: ahh, thanks, just found it in scrollback too13:32
fungitaking a look13:32
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dhellmannif we land can we re-queue the job that failed without going through the revert/revert dance to save some time?13:33
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fungithough i'm not done tracing through the log and job definition, so no clue what 513377 is yet13:36
fungistill catching up13:37
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smcginnisdhellmann: Should we add "--global" to the git config calls just to be safe?13:39
dhellmannsmcginnis : we could try that, I'm not sure whether there's a difference in local vs. global other than the obvious scope (like is something assuming the values will be set globally)13:40
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smcginnisdhellmann: Just thinking in case we are in a directory we don't expect to be, or we missed setting that for a specific repo.13:40
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dhellmannsure, belt-and-braces13:41
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fungiso... the add-sshkey task doesn't appear to set restrictive permissions. this could easily cause the ssh client to ignore/skip it, but i would expect a more catastrophic failure bubbling up from git-review under those circumstances... i'm wishing we had an easy way to add debugging info to these jobs without actually triggering releases13:42
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dhellmannwe could use a release of the release-test repo13:43
dhellmannthat's set up to push all the way through to pypi I think13:43
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fungii'd like to inject some commands before the `git review -s13:43
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Add node list to webapp
dhellmannI'll set up the release-test deliverable data so we have a job to retry that won't affect a real repository13:43
fungimainly to directly test connecting to gerrit with extra verbosity, directory listing of ~/.ssh, et cetera13:44
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fungithis is running the release-tools/ script in project-config presumably. patch on the way13:45
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dhellmannfungi, smcginnis : test release:
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dhellmannfungi : you could update with more detail if you want13:48
dhellmannthat was also meant to add more debugging detail13:48
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fungistill trying to find where the git-review -s call is13:48
dhellmannlook at that patch, I modified that call13:48
dhellmannI added the -v option mnaser suggested13:48
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fungioh, you already have a patch for this. perfect13:48
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fungiwant me to add further debugging to 513377 or as a child patch?13:50
dhellmanngo ahead and modify the patch directly so we only have to land 113:50
dhellmannwaiting for all of these test patches to land is driving me nuts13:50
smcginnisPower glitch here but I'm back. Looks like a good plan so far.13:51
dhellmannI guess after we move the job definition to the releases repo we'll be able to land a test and code change at the same time13:51
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add verbose flag to git-review for tag-releases
fungidhellmann: smcginnis: ^13:56
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fungihopefully that gets us more useful data points to rule out possible issues13:56
fungimnaser: look good to you?13:57
dhellmannfungi : would it be useful for that ssh call to have -v? or would that spew too much info?13:57
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add verbose flag to git-review for tag-releases
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fungiokay, that should be in momentarily if the swapping scheduler isn't actually slowing things down14:00
fricklerfungi: commented on PS2 but should still be relevant14:00
fungifrickler: oh, thanks, looking14:00
fungifrickler: it's the configure git-review step that's failing14:00
fungiso we're trying to see what the initial state is before it's attempted14:01
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add integration tests for use-cached-repos
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Improve test coverage of the fetch-zuul-cloner role and the shim
fricklerfungi: ah, right, that should be fine, then14:01
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Improve test coverage of the fetch-zuul-cloner role and the shim
fungithe tests being added before we run git-review -s don't rely on git-review configuration14:01
fungiwe're basically testing/checking the things git-review is going to rely on when it runs14:02
dhellmannwe should probably add something to clone_repo to cause it to return an error code if the clone fails14:02
dhellmannit looks like it always returns 0 now?14:02
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dhellmannoh, nm, it runs set -e14:03
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fungias observed before yesterday's scheduler restart, swapping there seems not especially detrimental... you can see the spikes on the swapping activity graph subside quickly, implying the allocations paged out are infrequently accessed anyway14:06
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: v2 Config is frozen, make job gating
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fungithough the current spike in swapping activity is making the status.json take too long to serve i think, so apache is timing it out and displaying a proxy error14:18
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smcginnisdhellmann, fungi: Once that change lands, are we doing the test release or were you going to just reenqueue the process fungi?14:20
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dhellmannI guess it might be better to test with the release-test repo in case something fails half way14:21
fricklerfungi: looks like that last project-config merge might have tripped zuul over with starting another round of reconfigure-all-the-things14:21
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fungiperhaps. the swapping spike is slacking off now though14:23
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fungiand i'm getting status.json responses agani14:24
fungithere is a nice event/result queue backlog now14:24
fungiso this is likely it catching back up14:25
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add verbose flag to git-review for tag-releases
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Use -horizon template variants for neutron-vpnaas-dashboard job
fungidhellmann: smcginnis: 513377 merged, so we should be able to test the release sandbox tagging now?14:26
fungiand hopefully get a little more information on why git-review is unhappy14:26
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dhellmannok, I'll approve that14:27
dhellmannwaiting for
jeblairif we're swapping, the server isn't going to last for long14:28
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fungiagreed, looks like the most recent swapping activity spike never quite subsided, so we likely need another restart14:30
fungisystem load is finally up to ~1 with all the iowait14:30
smcginnisAny way we can bump the priorities on these release jobs? Today is supposed to be the q-1 release deadline and we keep hitting roadblock after roadblock.14:31
fungismcginnis: release jobs already get the top priority14:31
fungiat least the pre-release, release, tag and release-post pipelines do14:31
fungias well as the gate pipeline14:32
smcginnisfungi: Oh, OK. Didn't realize that.14:32
fungi(we only have three priorities to choose from though, owing to gearman protocol heritage)14:32
fungicheck pipelines get medium priority, and regular post and periodic are low priority14:34
jeblairfungi: do you have a copy of the queues from when status.json was responsive?14:35
fungijeblair: it looks responsive now14:35
fungii'm still able to get responses from the status page anyway14:36
jeblairthere we go, it just moved again14:36
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jeblairokay, i have a copy of the queues14:36
fungiwas hoping we'd gain ground on the events queue before restarting, but i guess it's only rising, not falling14:37
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fungianyway, 513388 seems to have made it into check so it'll get reenqueued14:38
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fungioh! it worked its way through all the events/results now14:39
smcginniszuul caught up??14:39
fungidepends on your definition of caught up, but it managed to enqueue anything it had an event for at least14:40
jeblairi'd like to grab an object graph now, which will kill it for a few minutes, and then restart it.14:40
fungishould i get another status dump now that the events queue is empty?14:41
jeblairfungi: i got one14:41
fungiahh, thanks14:41
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jeblairi'm pretty sure the most recent slowdown was enough to upset the zk connection, so it may already be reporting bogus errors14:42
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jeblairmy plan today is to address that, as well as a potential area for memory reduction i saw yesterday14:43
fungiooh, neat!14:43
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openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Zuul-v3: add required projects for neutron-lib periodic jobs
jeblairhrm, maybe we should just restart it without getting the object graph14:48
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jeblairwe can get back to work, and hopefully i can grab one before we hit swap next time14:49
openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Zuul-v3: add required projects for neutron-lib periodic jobs
jeblairfungi, smcginnis: zuul is restarting now; you can approve/recheck any changes and jump the queues14:50
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fungithanks jeblair!14:50
jeblairoh wait, sorry i have to restart again14:50
jeblair(it reinstalled over my local patches last night)14:51
jeblairfungi, smcginnis: okay, starting again.  you can approve/recheck14:51
smcginnisjeblair: It's ready for a recheck?14:52
openstackgerritPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Rename ironic job for nova
jeblairsmcginnis: yep14:52
dhellmannfungi , smcginnis : I rechecked
jeblair(the status page won't be responsive yet, but the event listeners are running)14:52
fungii'm sticking the releases test change into the gate anyway14:52
dhellmannfungi : ++14:53
smcginnisA triple whammy.14:53
* dhellmann imagines zuul pounding the patch into the repo with a hammer14:53
fungione of those oversized wooden mochi hammers14:53
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jeblairre-enqueueing saved queues14:54
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fungi513388,2 has nodes assigned in the gate now, so should merge in a few minutes14:56
dhellmannit's weird to see it in the check and gate queue at the same time :-)14:57
dmsimarddhellmann: that happens either when we manually bypass the check queue and enqueue directly to the gate -- or if you see a change in a pipeline with no jobs, that's just because it hasn't been determined yet if the change should be enqueued in that pipeline14:59
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dhellmanndmsimard : the latter case I've seen before. I guess the former happens infrequently enough that I haven't noticed.14:59
dmsimardit's quite exceptional that the check queue is bypassed, yes :)15:00
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AJaegerdmsimard: do you have time to look at set-service-type-data-fact role, please? It's now completely broken, see - the get_url is the problem15:02
fungiokay, release-post commit enqueued now15:02
dmsimardfungi, jeblair: I've successfully tested the sqlite middleware patch for ara on Were we interested in testing it out on logs-dev ? I can work on the puppet-openstackci bits.15:02
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dmsimardAlso, an implementation detail but I suppose it's better to consider installing ara on a virtualenv ?15:02
fungidmsimard: sure!15:02
fungito logs-dev i mean... less sure about virtualenv vs system wide15:03
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dmsimardfungi: ara just brings (unfortunately) a lot of dependencies which is why I bring up the option, I've also tested the wsgi middleware with a virtualenv.15:04
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Use -horizon template variants for neutron-fwaas-dashboard job
AJaegerjeblair: could you tag zuul-sphinx 0.2.1, please? We cannot merge anything to openstack-zuul-jobs currently15:06
dmsimardAJaeger: looking15:07
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jeblairAJaeger: oh, sorry, i thought i just broke new functionality.  tagging now.15:08
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jeblairAJaeger: tag pushed15:09
AJaegerjeblair: thanks!15:10
AJaegerdmsimard: thanks15:11
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dmsimardAJaeger: we need to use result.dest instead of result.src, I'll send a patch15:11
AJaegerdmsimard: ah! thanks15:12
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AJaegerwow, 73 changes in gate queue - most from tripleo15:13
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Use dest instead of src for get_url downloaded resource
dmsimardAJaeger: ^15:14
dmsimardneed to close laptop for a bit, out of battery and no power outlet nearby :)15:14
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: ansible-role-k8s-cookiecutter to zuul.d/projects
flaper87AJaeger: dmsimard ^ :D15:15
smcginnisdhellmann, fungi: Did the post job work that time? I don't see errors.15:15
AJaegerdmsimard: thanks!15:16
fungismcginnis: dhellmann: it broke after trying to cat ~/.gitconfig which apparently did not exist15:16
fungiand we have set -e15:16
fungii suppose i should have unset that before the diagnostics15:17
fungiand reset it after15:17
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* smcginnis must be looking at the wrong log.15:17
dhellmannwhy didn't that cause the job to report a failure15:17
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fungigood question... are we running a script set -e from another script which is not set -e and performs additional tasks afterward?15:19
* dhellmann looks15:20
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add ansible-role-k8s-(keystone|mariadb)
dhellmannfungi : seems to set -e15:22
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dhellmannoh, the master job script ignores errors15:23
fungiwell, unless the final command run returns nonzero15:24
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: accumulate errors and fail tag-releases if we have any
dhellmannfungi : ^^15:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add _projects to convert project list to dictionary
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smcginnisAren't we going to have the same issue yet though. Need to fix the cat of .gitconfig first.15:28
dhellmannoh, true15:30
fungiyeah, we also need to run those debug commands withouty set -e (which i didn't realize would propagate into the inlined subshell or i would have)15:30
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smcginnisfungi: Do you have the one fungi?15:32
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: accumulate errors and fail tag-releases if we have any
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: avoid errors in debug commands in clone_repo
dhellmannlet's try ^^15:33
dhellmannfungi , smcginnis : ^^15:33
smcginnisdhellmann: Nice!15:34
fungismcginnis: sorry, getting sidetracked by tc office hour15:37
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fungilooking now15:37
smcginnisfungi: Yeah, way too many distractions and multitasking needed this week (or past few weeks).15:39
smcginnisLooking forward to being able to focus on one thing at a time some day.15:39
fungii basically didn't engage in or even read any of the tc campaigning ml threads due to it being zuultime all the time15:40
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smcginnisDefinitely lower on the priority list.15:41
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fungiwas hoping to at least get around to reading everyone's platforms, but need to vote by tomorrow i guess15:42
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smcginnisfungi: Just do like most people and vote for the names you recognize. ;)15:43
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: avoid errors in debug commands in clone_repo
fungismcginnis: luckily, i know most of the candidates personally and have worked closely with them on various things, so i feel like i already know what they stand for even if i don't get an opportunity to read their formal prose on the matter15:49
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clarkbugh slow start today... the weather has definitely transitioned from summer to fall now15:50
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: accumulate errors and fail tag-releases if we have any
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clarkbjeblair: are there any zuul changes that need review?15:51
jeblairclarkb: and are the top15:52
jeblairi'm pretty close to pushing up another memory-reducing change15:52
clarkbAJaeger: do you know if that proposal job is happier since the key update?15:52
dhellmannfungi , smcginnis : it looks like we're ready to re-queue that release-test tag attempt now that those script changes have merged?15:53
fungiclarkb: jeblair: also mordred picked up the remaining constraints support work for tox-siblings (513199)15:54
smcginnisWas that it or did we have one more patch to go in first. I'm losing track.15:54
smcginnisOh, nope.15:54
smcginnisLooks like we are good to try again.15:54
fungismcginnis: dhellmann: they both merged, so yes we are clear to retry now15:54
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smcginnisfungi: Can you do the reenqueue magic?15:55
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fungiyup. what was the test change this time?15:56
fungioh, just reenqueue the post jobs15:56
fungiyeah, on it15:56
smcginnisfungi: Need the review #?15:57
fungii need the merge commit sha actually, but i'm getting it now15:57
clarkboh also I have replacement network gear arriving today, so at some point I'll likely drop off the internet while I replace gear and get my desktop connected again. such fun15:57
smcginnisclarkb: Ooh, infrastructure upgrades are always fun. :)15:58
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fungidhellmann: smcginnis: reenqueued that last releases merge into release-post16:00
clarkbjeblair: I've approved the buildsets change. It looks like we mostly weren't using that data anyways16:00
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clarkbjeblair: eg the reach of that change was not very far16:01
AJaegerclarkb: haven't looked yet ;(16:01
clarkbsmcginnis: in this case I had a switch/AP decide to lose significant numbers of packets so unplanned upgrade but excited to have things working again16:03
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clarkbAJaeger: were those periodic jobs against eg nova?16:04
* clarkb goes looking for logs16:04
dhellmannfungi : thanks16:04
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AJaegerclarkb: that one fails again - now with "Permission denied (publickey)." - on the ssh run16:05
* AJaeger will be back online later16:05
clarkbAJaeger: ok so the warning about the host key thing did go away, so that is an improvment but not the one we want16:05
clarkbfungi: I think your idea that perms might be wrong on the private key is worth following up on16:06
clarkbara says the mode on the file is 0600, could be the .ssh dir instead?16:06
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fungiclarkb: we already have debugging evidence to suggest that the perms are fine16:07
clarkboh thats interesting16:07
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clarkbara says the size of the file is 89116:07
clarkbbut looking back at the old slave node its 167916:07
fungithere's much more extensive debugging happening in a job running in release-post right now16:07
smcginnisJust finished16:08
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clarkbjeblair: when you have a moment, what sort of debugging do we expose around secrets?16:08
funginew results at
clarkbfungi: see that size is definitely much smaller than expected16:09
dhellmannit looks like the ssh key isn't working for connecting to gerrit?16:09
fungigerrit ssh says "Permission denied (publickey)."16:09
clarkbdhellmann: ya  Ithink we may be writing incomplete or wrong contents based on the ara link above16:09
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fungialso ls -l says id_rsa is only 887 bytes long16:09
dhellmannthis is one of the keys that's a list in the yaml file. is the writing code taking that into account?16:10
fungiwhich confirms clarkb's suspicion16:10
jeblairclarkb: it's, erm, *very* difficult to debug secrets.  they get written to a tmpfs only accessible inside the jail.  we can't even look at the decrypted form on disk.16:10
thingeehey infra, can I get this approved, it already has 2 +2's
jeblairclarkb: yay security16:10
smcginnisMy local id_rsa is twice that size.16:11
clarkbsmcginnis: ya it should be about twice that size16:11
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dhellmanndo we have another job that uses secrets we could compare to this one?16:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: periodic-neutron-dsvm-functional runs only on master
dhellmann(another that works :-)16:11
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Fix space character for bash command
clarkbthingee: done16:11
clarkbdhellmann: SamYaple's is working but I bet his secrets are shorter (which may lend credibility to your theory)16:12
jeblairclarkb: i do have the repl installed; i could try to convince the running zuul to decrypt it in memory and see what we get16:12
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EmilienMdmsimard: when we migrated to zuulv3, did you change something in the shared-queues configuration? it seems like tripleo & puppet queues are shared - I'm not sure it was the case before (or maybe?)16:12
EmilienMweshay|ruck: ^ fyi asking here16:12
clarkbjeblair: or maybe we just need a test that decrypts a larger value to confirm that works generally? (assuming we don't have one)16:12
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clarkbEmilienM: I believe they were shared before16:13
smcginnisCan we manually go into a host an run some of these to see what's being written out? Or is that not possible with the way the secrets are handled?16:13
clarkbsmcginnis: ya we can, we coul dput a sleep in the job to make that easier too16:13
clarkbfungi: ^16:13
fungi which is what we embedded for this job, does seem to indicate that the plaintext length should be 1675 bytes and we're only a little over half that according to ls -l16:13
EmilienMclarkb: ok16:13
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EmilienMmwhahaha: ^ sounds like queues were shared before, so we just need to be patient, and don't recheck if something fails, instead create elastic recheck queries.16:13
mwhahahayea they've always been shared16:14
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fungiclarkb: yep, though i don't think the streamed console log emits the ip address any longer? not sure how we go about tracking the ip address of the running node down in v316:14
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weshay|ruckEmilienM, mwhahaha so my team can go on a elsastic-recheck hunt16:14
EmilienMweshay|ruck: that's what we should do all the time.16:15
weshay|ruckcreate new queries as we see them16:15
jeblairfungi: i'd start with the build uuid and work backwards16:15
clarkbfungi: we'd have to grep the build uuid out of the executor debug logs16:15
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Remove old buildsets
EmilienMhunt failures and add queries16:15
weshay|ruckEmilienM, yes.. noted16:15
EmilienMmy teacher pabelanger told me that16:15
clarkbfungi: I can help with thta if we want to get a change in to sleep16:15
fungijeblair: clarkb: thanks. so i guess we need a _really_ long sleep in the script, in that case16:15
dhellmannwhy are "long" keys stored as a list?16:15
weshay|ruckEmilienM, I thought he was professor PB16:16
fungidhellmann: because pkcs-1 does not support encrypting data of arbitrary length16:16
clarkbfungi: for X in `seq -w 1 10`; do echo $X && ssh ze$ grep $uuid /var/log/zuul/executor-debug.log ; done16:16
EmilienMweshay|ruck, mwhahaha: another thing I just noticed: THT isn't in the tripleo queue16:16
EmilienMwe need to fix that16:16
EmilienMif you look at (in gate)16:16
fungidhellmann: and the public key standards which do support arbitrary-length data are not available as well-supported python modules16:17
weshay|ruckit's in it's own queue16:17
jeblairfungi, clarkb: sudo ansible 'ze*' -m shell -a 'grep UUID /var/log/zuul/executor-debug.log'16:17
* weshay|ruck pokes16:17
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clarkbjeblair: I find the ansible output harder to grep/read but maybe thats just me16:18
jeblair(on puppetmaster)16:18
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fungiclarkb: jeblair: or should we just set hold-on-failure for the tag-releases job for now and retrigger?16:18
jeblairclarkb: try that sometime.  it's the same as your ssh loop16:18
smcginnisclarkb: Not just you.16:18
jeblairfungi: ++16:18
fungithat seems far easier16:18
clarkbfungi: ya that may be sompler16:19
jeblairfungi: does the playbook delete the secret?16:19
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jeblairer, i mean, ssh key16:19
fungijeblair: i don't believe it wipes ~zuul/.ssh/id_rsa16:19
fungiat least not that i saw16:19
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Set contributor-guide location to /contributors
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clarkbit appears to remove the authorized keys file entry for the test env and the fileserver private key but not the release/proposal keys16:20
fungihow is autohold done? i don't see it mentioned by nodepool --help16:21
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fungiand nodepool hold --help seems to imply that's still just for holding explicit node ids16:21
clarkbI wonder if this is a yaml string quoting issue16:22
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clarkb(I've just rereviewed the decryption of list of chunks and that seems fine)16:22
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Stop storing dependent items on buildsets
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jeblairfungi: 'zuul autohold'16:22
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jeblairon zuulv3.o.o16:23
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Support deploying extra nodes in te-broker
fungiright, nodepool lacks the context to know16:24
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dhellmannclarkb : there are some punctuation characters in these encoded strings; you might be onto something16:25
dhellmannI mean, I would have expected the yaml writer to deal with that, but...16:25
fungiokay, autohold set and commit reenqueued16:26
clarkbdhellmann: ya I think = + and / are all yaml clean?16:26
fungishortly i'll hopefully know what's actually written to ~zuul/.ssh/id_rsa in that job16:26
dhellmannmy embedded yaml parser is a bit rusty16:26
openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add result_TIMED_OUT & result_RETRY_LIMIT as failure colors
clarkbI guess I can really quickly test that /me does this16:26
jlvillal^^^ Small patch to color those two failures as failures (red)16:27
fungidoes nodepool.o.o no longer have the ability to list nodes?16:27
jeblairfungi: run from nl01 or nl0216:28
jeblairfungi: nodepool.o.o is only v216:28
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fungiexcept the zookeeper part of v3?16:28
fungior is that on nl0x now too?16:28
jeblairfungi: right :)16:28
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jeblairfungi: use 'nodepool list --detail' to get ip addresses16:28
fungiooh, that was about to be my next question. thanks!16:29
fungiwondered where all the ips had gone16:29
jeblairfungi: so has arin16:29
fungilong time passing16:30
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clarkbI think I see what could be the bug16:30
clarkbthe newlines get transformed as spaces16:31
clarkbrather than nulls16:31
* clarkb goes to make sure zuul isn't doing something to address that16:31
jeblairclarkb: which newlines?16:31
clarkbjeblair: in eg the end of the first line of ciphertext has a newline and that becomes a space when I ready that data in locally16:32
clarkband each newline seems to do that16:32
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clarkbso it becomes x1+fTO5A9nI+9ZzmPkcnhdGjUl831xromQ8r/j5/boiWmfQ2Cw3NGD6B+KosOmWXmF8f/ kzVz7+/D2cBwNlBci4mrLvJHqYMaHUVCq32ciokJaC3vgEuX6qyb4UDYaCNdHMxVK7wFB16:33
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add management queue length to status page
clarkbrather than x1+fTO5A9nI+9ZzmPkcnhdGjUl831xromQ8r/j5/boiWmfQ2Cw3NGD6B+KosOmWXmF8f/kzVz7+/D2cBwNlBci4mrLvJHqYMaHUVCq32ciokJaC3vgEuX6qyb4UDYaCNdHMxVK7wFB16:33
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clarkbI think we may want the > quote method? /me tests16:34
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smcginnisDoes that work with the "!encrypted" bit there?16:35
clarkbhrm > isn't what I want16:35
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fungiyay, my autohold worked16:36
weshay|ruckclarkb, is the elastic search indexing an issue in a queue atm? Looking at it now it's 59 hours behind16:37
jeblairclarkb, smcginnis: yeah, the !encrypted causes zuul to load that itself, so, clarkb, if you're just using a straight yaml parser, you may not be getting the same results.16:37
jeblairwhat's the name of the secret?  i'd like to poke in zuul's memory16:38
dhellmannjeblair : release_ssh_key16:38
clarkbright but all its doing is self.ciphertext = [base64.b64decode(x.value) for x in ciphertext] so unless x.value is doing something magic I think it will have whitespace of some form16:38
fungiclarkb: confirmed, ~zuul/.ssh/id_rsa is waaay too small, but seems to include a complete (just very short?) rsa key which in no way matches the original key we encoded16:38
jeblairfungi: does it have a comment at the end?16:39
smcginnisfungi: So decryption error?16:39
fungijeblair: -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----16:39
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smcginnisOh, hmm.16:39
fungiit still has the start and end markers and looks like base64 data with the right column widths and the last line of the data looks to be normally padded too16:39
fungiit really seems like a test vector or something16:40
fungissh root@ 'cat ~zuul/.ssh/id_rsa'16:40
clarkbfungi: does the prefix of the file match what is on the old slvae?16:41
clarkband/or suffix I guess16:42
funginope, other than the begin/end markers and the first few bytes of the key (which is typical across keys)16:42
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clarkbfwiw tests/fixtures/test_id_rsa has roughly the same length as that key16:43
* smcginnis needs to AFK for a bit, be back later16:44
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fungithis is the only id_rsa file on the filesystem too, so it's not like we're accidentally writing it to the wrong location16:46
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fungitwo possibilities: we're writing the wrong key or we're overwriting the key later with a different/wrong/new key16:46
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jeblairwhat's the name of the job?16:47
fungijeblair: tag-releases16:47
fungiso... /home/zuul/.ssh/ contains a public key claiming to belong to zuul@ze09.openstack.org16:47
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jeblairfungi: that's probably the per-build autogenerated key16:48
clarkbreading zuul tests we test the encryption and decryption and serialization routines but below the yaml loader16:48
fungiwe autogenerate ssh keys for the zuul user on test nodes? is that so they can ssh to themselves on localhost or something16:48
clarkbI'm going to work on a test at the yaml loader level16:48
jeblairclarkb: we should have a test that goes through the whole system with a big secret16:49
* clarkb greps more16:49
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jeblairclarkb: if not, i'm certain we at least do it with a small secret; if that's all, maybe extend that one16:49
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fungii don't think the /home/zuul/.ssh/ on the node is intended for ssh access to itself, since it's not included in /home/zuul/.ssh/authorized_keys16:51
jeblairclarkb: TestAnsible has a small secret at least, so if you don't find a big one, maybe add something to that test.16:51
jeblairclarkb: test_model has a big secret and should be exercising this16:51
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Be explicit about legacy var additions/omissions
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clarkbjeblair: ya but its two short passwords appended together so possibly may not exercise things as it gets longer?16:53
jeblairfungi: we autogenerate keys for every build so that we don't expose the nodepool ssh key (or even ssh-agent access to it) to jobs which might then find a way to ssh to other running nodes16:53
clarkb(if that makes sense)16:53
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clarkbI'll work to modify that test to at least confirm or deny this16:53
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jeblairclarkb: yep16:53
fungijeblair: but why would we install that onto the node itself?16:53
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jeblairfungi: there are some roles that install the keys on all the build's nodes for cross-communication.  i don't know where the dividing line is.16:54
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Make executor hostname configurable
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fungiahh, okay, so maybe this is bootstrapping for potential node-to-node communication16:54
fungiso anyway, the ~zuul/.ssh/id_rsa matches this file according to ssh-keygen -y -f16:56
fungiwhich explains why it looks like a fully-formed key but is not the length we expect16:56
jeblairfungi: oh, wait, the job is writing to ~zuul/.ssh/id_rsa ?16:57
fungijeblair: yes, the job expects to ssh to gerrit and previously used the default ~/.ssh/id_rsa to do so under v216:57
fungiand we puppeted that key into place on the persistent slave16:58
jeblairfungi: hrm.  well, i would expect the job to do that after whatever base roles might set up the per-build key16:58
jeblairso we may not be writing the key as expected16:58
fungiagreed, so either 1. the key is getting replaced with this after we write the one we expected, or 2. we're not actually writing the key at all16:58
clarkbbtw the single entry pkcs values seem to use | quoting but the doubles don't.17:00
fungiopenstack-infra/zuul-jobs/roles/add-sshkey/tasks/main.yaml is the one i think should be doing it17:00
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add zuul supplementary groups before setgid/setuid
fungiugh, the task output for that indicates the file size is 997 bytes17:01
fungimaybe we're referencing the wrong key variable in the job?17:01
fungier, 887 bytes i mean17:02
dhellmannthe job has "add-sshkey" but I don't see where it specifies *which* key?17:02
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fungiso this key is being written by that role/task17:02
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Change domain in test fixture to
dhellmannoh, that's done in jobs.yaml17:02
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odyssey4meif I define required-projects in a job, but in a child of that job define another list of required projects - are both sets merged, or does the child override the parent?17:03
jeblairdhellmann: yeah, the secret is 'renamed' to ssh_key, which is what the role expects17:03
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Change domain in test fixture to
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jeblairodyssey4me: merged17:04
fungiwonder if this is some weird argument inheritance order/precedence17:04
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* dhellmann nods17:04
jeblairfungi: oooooh17:04
odyssey4mejeblair oh awesome - no need to duplicate the values in all the children... happy days :)17:04
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jeblairfungi: like, colliding with the key name we use for the per-build key17:04
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jeblairfungi: hrm, that uses zuul_temp_ssh_key17:06
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add ref_url column to the buildset reporter table
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Change domain in test fixture to
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add oldrev/newrev column to the buildset reporter table
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Disable sql_reporter alembic downgrades
jeblairfungi: so now that i'm looking at it, i can confirm that the base job does generate a key, and installs pub/private in ~zuul/.ssh on all nodes.  i believe it's the multinode base job that then adds it to authorized_keys.17:07
fungijeblair: yeah, so guessing we're reusing the parameters inherited from the base job when we call add-ssh-key a second time?17:08
pabelangerEmilienM: see
pabelangerEmilienM: noticed that last night17:08
fungier, add-sshkey17:08
EmilienMpabelanger: good17:08
EmilienMpabelanger: thx17:08
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove networking-generic-switch jobs
notmynameare job runners going to be using new-hotness ubuntu 17.10, or are they sticking with LTS releases?17:09
jeblairfungi: the base job doesn't use add-sshkey; i don't see any overlap17:09
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fungitakes me forever to find where jobs are defined now, so haven't gotten there yet17:10
jeblairthe autodoc thing is going to be awesome :)17:11
fungigot it,
jeblairbut in the mean time, the role the base job uses is zuul-jobs/roles/add-build-sshkey17:12
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fungijeblair: so it's added in the pre playbook here:
fungido we need to explicitly pass the secret parameters there?17:14
fungior should we be using a different role than add-sshkey for this?17:15
jeblairfungi: don't think so; the fact that the secret was named 'ssh_key' means it should just be available17:15
fricklerhmm, do we need "copy:" instead of "file:" in the role?17:15
clarkbok testing seems toshow that encoding back to base64 removes the whitespace (still not sure how that happens but seems to work)17:15
pabelangernotmyname: we usually add LTS versions of ubuntu to nodepool, then work to port jobs to the latest lts17:15
fricklerI don't see a "content" option here
notmynamepabelanger: ok :-)17:16
jeblairfrickler: indeed, the base job uses copy to put its key in place17:16
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clarkbnotmyname: the reason for that is ubuntu only supports non LTS releases for 9 months now. Which is is too short to test more than one release on17:17
fricklerin the log, "Write out ssh key" says "ok" instead of "changed", too17:17
jeblairfungi: have a link to a recent failed build?17:17
pabelangernotmyname: however, if diskimage-builder can build 17.10 and our infra elements work, we could add the image to nodepool. We'd just need to decide to do it or not17:17
jeblairfrickler: thx17:17
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notmynameclarkb: pabelanger: oh I think it's great. I don't want to have to mess with non-LTS versions :-)17:17
fungiyeah, that's the most recent one17:17
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pabelangerclarkb: yah17:18
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jeblairfrickler, fungi: i have no idea why nothing reported an error or warning, but i agree with frickler, there's no documentation for 'content' on the file module so we should change that to copy.17:22
fricklerpatch upcoming17:22
openstackgerritJens Harbott (frickler) proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Use copy instead of file for add-sshkey task
jeblairfrickler, fungi: assuming it just ignores the parameter, the behavior matches the symptoms "yep, this is a file already and it's this big"17:22
fungiexcellent. i wonder if the "size" output for that add-sshkey task is simply reporting the size of the file it found, not the size of a file that task created17:22
jeblairfungi: ya17:22
fungiyeah, that17:23
jeblairmaybe ansible-lint would have caught this (or maybe whatever causes the file module not to reject 'content' would have fooled it too?)17:24
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fungiunfortunately, searching for the keywords "ansible" "file" "content" is kinda a non-starter17:25
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Clarify how the sql database is managed
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fungiohh, "content" is a parameter to the "copy" task17:27
fungihah, you're not my editor17:28
smcginnisE37: No write since last change (add ! to override)17:28
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Change domain in test fixture to
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jeblairfungi, clarkb: zuul's decrypted form of the ssh private key is 1675 bytes17:29
clarkbthe test encrypt secret tool is not working for me :/ so this is going slowly17:29
jeblairthat matches the paste from earlier17:29
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jeblairso i have a lot of confidence when we fix the problem frickler found, we'll have the right data on disk17:30
fungiawesome, so this all seems to point to we were failing to overwrite the existing key on disk with it17:30
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Move alembic_reporter back to alembic
fungias soon as it merges, i'll retrigger our test commit17:31
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Allow the pool_recycle to be configured
fungier, reenqueue our test commit i mean17:31
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clarkboh thats why ara didnt say changed it just said ok?17:31
jeblairyep, that's the theory17:32
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fungii'm going to delete my autoheld node and set another autohold "just in case"17:32
jeblairfungi: ++17:33
clarkbI'm going to sort out the test tool for encrypting things because now it is bugging me :)17:33
clarkbthe error implies it may have worked with python2?17:34
clarkbits a bytes vs str problem deep in the C depths of $lib17:34
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fungiahh, yeah i ran it under python2.717:36
fungijust confirmed from shell history17:36
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add noop job description
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Shrewsfungi: ooh, that gives me a chance to test autohold-list17:44
fungiwent ahead and skipped 513456,1 (the add-sshkey fix) into the gate since there's still quite a backup in check17:44
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jeblairfungi: thx17:44
jeblairi'm afk for a bit17:44
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Shrewsfungi:  \o/17:45
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fungiShrews: esselent17:45
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Shrewsit's nice when something, ya know, works17:45
AJaegercould I get a +2A on - to fix the service-data-fact role and thus api-guide and api-ref publish jobs, please?17:46
fungiShrews: feels like a rare commodity sometimes17:46
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Disable tox-siblings
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy dragonflow jobs
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Use dest instead of src for get_url downloaded resource
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Use copy instead of file for add-sshkey task
smcginnisAny way to test if that made a difference. Or need to requeue the test job?17:58
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fungismcginnis: i just reenqueued the test commit again17:59
fungiand i also have an autohold set so if we fail it i can ssh in and look at the new key on disk17:59
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EmilienMclarkb: when you have time to see my question: right now tripleo jobs don't index openstack logs in logstash (e.g. /var/log/nova/nova-api.log) because they aren't mentionned in . So we have 2 options here: 1) patch18:01
EmilienM and add all files that we want to index. Or 2) Add files to but I'm afraid logstash.txt will grow and becore big enough for us to have storage issues again one18:01
EmilienMday (and it also duplicate content that we already collect in logs). What option is the best for you?18:01
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add noop job description
openstackgerritPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Rename ironic job for nova
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy pyghmi job
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Make tests' work with python3
clarkbI think ^ should do it18:05
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clarkbEmilienM: I'm not sure I understand how configuration in tripleo can affect the logstash indexing. The jenkins log client config (or whatever zuulv3 reads now) should drive all that?18:06
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EmilienMclarkb: the jenkins log client config doesn't index for example, that's our problem18:08
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dhellmannclarkb : i think you want to use "utf-8" not "utf8" because the former is more the standard, but I think python takes both18:08
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove fetch-zuul-cloner from base-test job
clarkbEmilienM: ok reading more, is logs/undercloud/var/log/extra/logstash.txt generated from all the logs listed in that tripleo file then indexed?18:08
EmilienMclarkb: logs/undercloud/var/log/extra/logstash.txt contains content of all files listed here:
clarkbwow ok18:09
EmilienMso my question: how can we do, without exploding index & storage18:09
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Make tests' work with python3
clarkbdhellmann: ^18:10
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clarkbEmilienM: well there is little we can do about exploding index size if we add significantly more content to the indexes18:10
clarkbEmilienM: but it would be good to get away from using duplicate files to do the work18:10
EmilienMclarkb: exactly, I'm all for it, that's why the only option I see is to add every log file we want to index in
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EmilienMclarkb: but before doing so, I'm asking because it's a lot of work18:11
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clarkbEmilienM: project-config/roles/submit-logstash-jobs/defaults/main.yaml is the new zuulv3 thing18:11
EmilienMclarkb: unless we can do some regex but I'm not sure we can18:11
EmilienMok let me look now18:11
smcginnisHow'd the release post job go from running back to queued?18:11
clarkbsmcginnis: it will do that if it failed in pre for some reason18:12
clarkbEmilienM: the new zuulv3 thing supports regexes18:12
fungismcginnis: i'm wondering the same. i expect zuul had to try again or something18:12
EmilienMclarkb: ok that's *awesome*18:12
smcginnisHopefully we didn't accidentally introduce a different error.18:12
fungismcginnis: if it fails three times that way, it'll go ahead and report with a retry_limit result18:12
EmilienMweshay|ruck, clarkb: let me cook a small prototype then and I'll send it for review before I do the rest (if any)18:12
EmilienMclarkb: thank you18:13
smcginnis[fingers crossed]18:13
clarkbEmilienM: you can see that at the bottom of the file18:13
clarkbEmilienM: I think itis first match wins so the globs are towards the end18:13
fungismcginnis: so hopefully we'll have ansible output from that we'll be able to work from if that's the case18:13
EmilienMclarkb: yeah... I didn't know about that file, indeed, it solves our problem more easily18:13
fricklerfungi: error seen, coming up with a fix18:13
fungifrickler: oh! great, i'm looking forward to finding out18:13
smcginnisI'm looking forward to no errors. :)18:14
fungiahh, yep i guess that first attempt did indeed upload some logs18:14
smcginnisNeed to create the directory first?
fungisrc (or content) and dest are required18:14
weshay|ruckEmilienM, nice18:15
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weshay|ruckthanks clarkb18:15
smcginnisOh yeah, see that earlier now.18:15
fungilooks like we don't specify a dest in 51345618:15
openstackgerritJens Harbott (frickler) proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: The copy module needs dest instead of path
fungijust a path18:16
clarkbso the file module noops even if you give it different content?18:16
fricklersubtle difference between file and copy module18:16
fricklerclarkb: yes, content parameter seems to get silently ignored18:16
smcginnisIs there also an issue with the error two seconds later?18:16
fricklerclarkb: at least when the file exists18:17
fungiapproved and engated18:17
clarkbhrm file is for attributes and doens't have a content parameter documented18:17
fricklersmcginnis: I think that is only because the pre terminated too early. might deserve a fix anyway18:18
fungiyeah, the job wasn't erroring about launchpadlib creds in previous runs, and the pre playbook is what would have installed that, so pretty sure it's just because we stopped it at the earlier task18:19
fricklersmcginnis: yeah, looking at the older log, add-launchpad-credentials would have been the next task after add-sshkey18:19
fricklerEOD for me, hope this will pass now, good luck ;)18:20
fungithanks frickler!18:20
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add tripleo-heat-templates into tripleo shared queue for gate
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clarkbEmilienM: as for index size we only index INFO and greater logs which helps18:23
smcginnisfrickler: Thanks!18:23
clarkbbut ya we are currently at a 10 day retention even with that in place18:23
AJaegerfungi, clarkb, the translation jobs fail git review -s asking for "Enter your gerrit username:" - is this part of the debugging you're doing?18:23
EmilienMclarkb: ok, good to know.18:23
fungiAJaeger: yes, i believe it's been running afoul of the same ssh-addkey role issue18:23
EmilienMclarkb: 10 days isn't too bad, I guess it takes lot of space after 10 days18:23
fungiAJaeger: so hopefully this fixes those failures too18:23
clarkbEmilienM: we currently have about 5TB max useable disk18:24
* AJaeger crosses fingers18:24
clarkb6TB total but for recovery purposes can't go over 5TB18:24
fungiparity blocks!18:24
fungiit's like raid-5-over-network18:24
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SamYapledhellmann: clarkb my secrets are under the 4096 bytes. they are under 200 chars each18:25
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clarkbcurrently using about 3.2TB but are behind on indexing so not sure if that is representative18:26
openstackgerritEric Kao proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings master: Change Congress meeting time
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: The copy module needs dest instead of path
clarkbSamYaple: I think it got sorted out, and testing indicates that zuul does work properly even with longer keys18:26
* AJaeger moves fixed issues from one etherpad to the other now...18:27
smcginniswrite out ssh key passed.18:28
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: tripleo: index /var/log/*.log.txt files
EmilienMclarkb, weshay|ruck ^ when you have time18:29
smcginnisAnd failure18:29
* weshay|ruck looks18:29
smcginnisfungi: Asking for gerrit user name still. You held that node, right?18:29
weshay|ruckEmilienM, you're a machine18:29
EmilienMnot really18:30
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AJaegerwe still fail ssl cert validation with readthedocs ;(
fungismcginnis: yeah, though first i'm double-checking that it ran the right playbook version since that was a retry from my previous reenqueue18:30
* AJaeger adds to etherpad18:30
openstackgerritEric Kao proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings master: Add some aliases to congress meeting chairs
jeblairsmcginnis: is it still running?18:31
clarkbEmilienM: are all of those files of the "console" format?18:31
smcginnisjeblair: No, says failure.18:31
fungilooks like the add-sshkey task reflected the right file size this time at least18:31
EmilienMclarkb: good question, I wasn't sure about the format - I guess we have 2 kind of format. oslo : and console?18:32
jeblairfungi, smcginnis: i didn't see an autohold; not sure if it's because we caught that one or not.  i have added another autohold, so we will get the next one, whatever it is.18:32
fungithough i think my autohold was from one of the previous runs so i may need to retrigger with a new autohold18:32
jeblairoh my autohold is gone, maybe we caught it?18:32
fungijeblair: yeah, the previous playbook version was resutling in pre-stage failures so zuul was retrying those but probably autoheld the first of them18:32
jeblair| 0000325216 | rax-dfw                | None     | ubuntu-xenial    | b22c2493-ea90-40b8-b572-7628c4b0d2f2 | hold     | 00:00:01:23 | unlocked | ubuntu-xenial-rax-dfw-0000325216                   | |    | 2001:4800:7818:103:be76:4eff:fe04:ded9 | 22       |                | 100-0000525221 | openstack tag-releases | jeblair ...18:33
jeblair... debug key issues         |18:33
jeblairfungi, smcginnis: ^ got it18:33
fungicorrect length key18:34
clarkbEmilienM: that log is but logs like are not sothey will all likely error during parsing (which falls back to best effort)18:36
fungicorrect checksum, matching the ~jenkins/.ssh/id_rsa on
jeblairfungi, smcginnis: git push --dry-run ssh:// --all18:37
jeblairssh:// did not work. Description: Permission denied (publickey).18:37
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fungiyeah, same ssh'ing to gerrit18:37
clarkbit shouldn't ssh as zuul18:37
jeblairfungi, smcginnis: is the username supposde to be zuul?18:37
clarkbit should ssh as 'release' iirc18:37
EmilienMclarkb: sorry, I didn't get the sentence, can you say it otherwise?18:37
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fungijeblair: when i do `ssh -p 29418 gerrit version` as zuul i get the same error though18:38
clarkbEmilienM: will match your glob too I think but the format of that file is not of the "console" type so when logstash attempts to parse it it will fail (and do its best)18:38
jeblairfungi: maybe 2 problems?18:38
EmilienMclarkb: what format to you suggest?18:38
fungijeblair: strangely, i can run the same command on as jenkins with no problem18:38
clarkbjeblair: re spaces and base64 I have confirmed the spaces are in the input but since whitespace is not valid in base64 data python seems to ignore it when decoding (testing with and without spaces seems to result in the same decoded data)18:39
jeblairclarkb: ack18:39
clarkbEmilienM: I don't think we have any parser rules that will match thta format18:39
openstackgerritPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Rename ironic jobs for nova/neutron/devstack
jeblairfungi: oh, i see i was distracted by the git-review -s which is apparently not required to succeed... but still, seems like there's something worth fixing there.18:40
clarkbEmilienM: an important assumption we've made is that anything we index will have timestamps in a parseable format becuse we are indexing after the fact18:40
jeblairlike, do the git config's before it or something18:40
EmilienMclarkb: the most important logs we need now are the openstack ones, I guess18:41
EmilienMclarkb: for the rest, best effort is fine probably for now18:41
fungijeblair: yeah, we do still need to set a gitreview.user or something, but right now i'm trying to figure out why gerrit is refusing this key completely for the release user18:41
fungichecking gerrit's ssh logs now18:41
fungi[2017-10-19 18:39:33,210 +0000] 313acdaa release - AUTH FAILURE FROM 2001:4800:7818:103:be76:4eff:fe04:ded9 no-matching-key18:42
jeblairdid someone said something about regenerating keys yesterday?18:43
smcginnisSo wrong key on the job VM? Or wrong key configured in gerrit for the "release" account?18:43
jeblairfungi: sorry, you verified this works from with the same content18:43
jeblairi'm still baffled18:43
fungijeblair: the ~jenkins/.ssh/id_rsa on has the same checksum as the ~zuul/.ssh/id_rsa on the failing job node18:43
clarkbcould the be confusing it?18:44
clarkbsince it is for a different key18:44
fungiteh shouldn't even be touched18:44
jeblairi'll move it just to check18:44
jeblairok wow that seemed to be it18:44
fungi-vvv says that /home/zuul/.ssh/id_rsa is offered and then rejected18:45
EmilienMclarkb: so I let console for now? or switch to something else?18:45
clarkbdebug1: Offering RSA public key: /home/clark/.ssh/id_rsa seems to imply it shouldn'taffect it18:45
fungijeblair: wha? that's nuts18:45
clarkbbut it does apparently18:45
jeblairfungi: i am in full agreement18:45
clarkbEmilienM: console is our most generic one, we can try it that way and see how nasty the results end up being18:45
* fungi throws a chair18:45
EmilienMclarkb: ++ I'm fine18:46
jeblairfungi: i mved it to ~/generated-id-pub18:46
clarkbEmilienM: I think it will fall back to using the timestamp of indexing time (so could be hours later) and will just inject all the message as the message18:46
EmilienMclarkb: thanks for your help.18:46
jeblairfungi: if you want to cp it back and forth to double check (please)18:46
EmilienMclarkb: ack18:46
fungijeblair: clarkb: okay, so should the ssh-addkey task delete
jeblairfungi: i will stand down and not do anything further on the host18:46
clarkbfungi: jeblair or we could consider writing to a different location18:46
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clarkbfor now though easiest thing is probably delete the .pub18:46
fungijeblair: confirmed that does seem to be the problem18:47
*** sshnaidm is now known as sshnaidm|off18:47
jeblairclarkb: yeah, i like delete the pub, then use a different location (that's probably something to change between q-1 and q-2)18:47
fungii can break and unbreak it at will just by puttnig the pubkey there18:47
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jeblairit's not every day i lean something so fundamental and new about openssh18:48
jeblairor learn to speel18:48
fungiit's plain nuts18:48
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clarkbI learned things about base64 and yaml, today we learn things!18:49
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jeblairanyone writing the rm pub change, or should i jump on it?18:49
clarkbI am not18:49
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jeblairclarkb: it's learnsday for sure!18:49
jeblairyeah, i'll just go write that now18:49
smcginnisNow we know, and knowing is half the battle.18:50
fungiyou can have it. i was starting to try and figure out what it should look like but i've written roughly 0 ansible to date18:50
clarkbI think a second file taks that ensures absent18:50
fungiso was still hunting for a good file deletion example18:50
clarkbstate: absent18:50
fungiis it that puppetey? wow18:50
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openstackgerritwes hayutin proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: be more prescriptive in log collection
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add-sshkey: remove pubkey if present
weshay|ruckpatch to reduce tripleo inodes
weshay|ruckpabelanger, ^18:53
jeblairfungi, clarkb, smcginnis:
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fungibnemec: awesome, i was drafting a version of that as an exercise and it's basically identical sans comments. lgtm18:54
fungier, jeblair ^18:54
fungisorry bnemec18:54
jeblairfungi: then it's well reviewed!18:54
clarkbjlk beat me to it18:55
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck master: Add query for 1724930
jeblairfungi: want to enqueue it into gate?18:55
fungismcginnis: as jeblair noted a bit ago. once we get past this it looks like we're still missing a gitreview.username in git configuration so git-review and friends are falling back to assuming the remote username is the same as the local one18:57
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove networking-generic-switch job
clarkbfungi: my reading of the code yeserday was that it will git review -s and fail and if it fails then it does git config and then re runs git review -s18:57
fungior, rather, it happens too late for the git-review -s
clarkbso I think it may work, but we may want to change that as we know it will always fail now18:58
fungiahh, pergect18:58
clarkbthat seems like an optimization for single use slaves18:58
clarkbnon single use18:58
fungiclarkb: or for local use18:58
fungii.e., use the already working gerrit account you've set up, but if you haven't set one up then assume you're in the ci system and your gerrit user should be "release"18:59
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck master: Add query for 1724930
AJaegerfungi, what's missing in this case: ?19:03
jeblairAJaeger: the proposal jobs use the same role we're fixing for the release job;  513476 is the next fix19:04
fungiAJaeger: probably 51347619:04
AJaegerfungi: ah - so, since ssh fails, it asks for username? ok, got it.19:05
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* AJaeger was confused with username setting since that's here ;/19:05
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fungiyep, specifically we just discovered that if you have an present which isn't for your corresponding id_rsa private key, openssh client will act as if the private key is rejected by the remote server. but if you remove the (unnecessary) public key file, things "just work"19:06
AJaegerfungi: yeah, got that, didn't connect the dots ;(19:07
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fungithis may also be behavior particular to very specific versions of openssh (i certainly wouldn't be surprised to discover this is the case, anyway)19:07
clarkbjeblair: EmilienM's query above points out an interesting potential problem with the zuulv3 logstash indexing. The filename/tags are different because we dropped the .gz in the old system but include it now19:08
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck master: Add query for 1724930
clarkbjeblair: EmilienM not the end of the world but we may need to go through and update queries19:08
fungiAJaeger: the fact that with -vvv it never even mentions the public key file yet still seems to care about it is... bizarre19:08
EmilienMclarkb: good to know19:08
EmilienMclarkb: 24 queries contain .txt but no .gz19:09
EmilienMclarkb: I'm preparing a separated patch to fix them19:10
clarkbEmilienM: ok19:10
smcginnisIs there a patch up to remove the .pub file?19:10
AJaegerfungi: indeed, bizarre...19:10
AJaegersmcginnis: 51347619:10
smcginnisAJaeger: Thanks!19:10
fungishould just about be done in the gate by now19:11
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add-sshkey: remove pubkey if present
fungithere we go19:12
fungiretriggering the test change now19:12
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smcginnisfungi: Thanks for doing that, it was getting really painful doing the revert, revert-revert dance.19:12
EmilienMb qa19:13
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck master: queries: match .txt.gz files instead of .txt
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove legacy pyghmi job
fungismcginnis: yup, i totally get it. the release automation also isn't something we can easily do end-to-end testing on pre-production, so i understand it's painful to have to freeze release work to iterate on some of the most complicated ci automation we have19:14
fungibasically the case for just about everything we were running on persistent nodes in v219:15
smcginnisfungi: Yeah, doesn't seem like we have a good way to pre-test all of this easily.19:15
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Stop storing dependent items on buildsets
jeblairadded an autohold19:16
fungii have my fingers crossed this was the last missing piece, but also have to disappear shortly since i promised christine i'd take her out to eat19:16
* clarkb lunches19:16
fungithanks jeblair, i didn't think to set another one19:16
AJaegerfungi, post and periodic proposals fall in the same category. Those are the biggest class of broken jobs. remember that neither post translatoin nor periodic translation work yet19:16
AJaegerfungi: Let's see what else we'll find - we're getting closer ;)19:16
fungiAJaeger: yep, those are definitely the other jobs to which i was referring19:17
fungijeblair: are you done with the previous autoheld node (0000325216) now? i'll delete if so19:17
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jeblairfungi: ++19:19
smcginnisDang it19:19
jeblairsmcginnis: link?19:20
fungigpg: skipped "OpenStack Release Bot <>": secret key not available19:20
smcginnisJust watching the stream so far.19:20
fungiit's still running, but
jeblairi don't remember seeing the signing secret attached to the job19:20
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add integration tests for emit-job-header and set-zuul-log-path-fact
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove Zun-client legacy jobs
openstackgerritKen Dreyer proposed openstack/python-jenkins master: add jenkins_urlopen() method
openstackgerritKen Dreyer proposed openstack/python-jenkins master: build_job: return queue item identifier
openstackgerritKen Dreyer proposed openstack/python-jenkins master: add get_queue_item() method
openstackgerritKen Dreyer proposed openstack/python-jenkins master: better get_build_info() example
fungijeblair: i agree, i expect that's missing entirely19:21
fungii have to disappear now, but will be back as soon as i possibly can be19:21
smcginnisThanks fungi, have fun.19:22
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* fungi has been accused of ignoring the real world for the past several weeks, must mitigate19:22
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smcginnisjeblair: You have an idea for what's next?19:23
jeblairsmcginnis: i'm looking19:23
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: tripleo/paunch: run legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-nonha-multinode-oooq
jeblairsmcginnis: while i look, can you verify that the job that just ran didn't do anything permanent (ie, push any tags or create any branches, etc)?19:25
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Make tests' work with python3
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smcginnisjeblair: Yep, rechecking now, but I think we're safe.19:29
jeblairdo we use the same key we use to sign artifacts to sign the tags?19:31
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smcginnisThat I do not know.19:33
jeblairi think so; i'll proceed with that assumption19:34
jeblair(there's just the one key in ~jenkins on signing01)19:35
smcginnisI think you may be right.19:35
smcginnisDoesn't look from the logs like we did any permanent damage. Should be good to try it again when we're ready.19:35
jeblairokay, i think we need to make a new role to add the gpg key (the existing one i found does add/sign/remove all in one, but we need something more like the add-sshkey role).  then update that job to use it and add the gpg key secret19:37
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jeblairsmcginnis: i'm going to test this role locally as best i can; i expect to need around 30m until i'm ready to try running a change19:40
dhellmannsmcginnis : I'm just coming back after some errands. How are things looking?19:40
dhellmannsounds like we're further along19:41
jeblairdhellmann: the tag-releases job is missing support for a gpg key, so i'm writing that now.19:41
dhellmannjeblair : oh, duh, yeah19:42
openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: sahara-image-elements: remove the migrated jobs
smcginnisjeblair: That sounds like a prudent plan, thanks.19:42
smcginnisdhellmann: We're farther at least.19:42
openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: sahara-image-elements: remove the migrated jobs
smcginnisWe're somewhere between crawling and stepping. ;)19:43
openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: sahara-image-elements: remove the migrated jobs
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove double python in translation script
AJaegerproject-config-cores, could you review this quick fix, please? ^19:47
AJaegerteam, we're one step further with translations - we have a new bug ;) ^19:47
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck master: Add query for 1724930
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dmsimardAJaeger: +219:53
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inc0hey guys, gate vms have all ports open to each other? I'm trying to debug multinode mariadb timeouts - any chance it's security group issue in nodepool19:55
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AJaegerdmsimard: thanks. Your change for the fact  helped, but now the next problem ;(19:56
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dmsimardAJaeger: ok, I'll look in a few mins19:58
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: tripleo/paunch: run legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-nonha-multinode-oooq
AJaegerdmsimard: I'm on it, have an idea...19:59
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clarkbinc0: yes it should allow all traffic between the nodes if using the multinode overlay networking role20:01
clarkbinc0: if not then you'll need to punch holesyourself20:01
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inc0overlay networking role?20:02
clarkbAJaeger: done20:03
clarkbinc0: zuulv3 has a role to setup an overlay network between the nodes so that they have a shared l2, if you use that role (or have the multinode job as parent) then you weill have an open firewall between the instances20:03
AJaegerclarkb: thanks20:03
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inc0any example how to add this role to my play?20:04
inc0because that sounds right20:04
AJaegerdmsimard: the exit_json gets "{u'project': u'zun', u'service_type': u'application-container', u'api_reference': u'', u'aliases': [u'container']}" and then complains about "exit_json() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given". Can we return a dict- or have to change this to return just the parameter?20:05
jeblairpabelanger: do you have the command you used to export the gpg key to make a secret out of it?20:05
clarkbinc0: I'm not sure if we have anything using the native zuulv3 multinode stuff yet but many jobs in openstack-zuul-jobs use legacy-dsvm-base-multinode as a parent which should do roughly the same thing though via devstack-gate maybe?20:07
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove double python in translation script
inc0clarkb: well, I'm ok if we would be first ones to do zuul native20:09
inc0I'd rather do it right:)20:09
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inc0if you have any docs or just want to help me, point me to your ansible coe, that'd be great20:09
clarkbinc0: right I just don't have an example for that20:09
inc0well I guess you're about to get one;)20:10
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dhinesham trying to use this to bring a CI setup, when i try to run "nodepool image-build dpc",20:10
dhineshthere is an error die 'Can not find Zuul public key!'20:11
clarkbinc0: zuul-jobs/playbooks/multinode/pre.yaml is the playbook for multinode base job20:11
clarkbinc0: and it runs bridge setup and firwall setup as two separate roles20:11
AJaegerdmsimard: document in etherpad around line 10620:11
dhineshis the public key for zuul auto generated?20:12
clarkbdhinesh: when building nodepool images you have to provide the ssh key that zuul will login as. by default this is the public key for the user running nodepool20:12
clarkbdhinesh: it is not autogenerated, but it will use the one for the current user if present20:12
clarkbif not present then you need to either put one there or explicitly set the env var in your nodepool imae config to point at one20:12
inc0clarkb: switch and peers will come from zuul's inventory right?20:13
inc0technically I should just be able to add this playbook to my own pre.yml20:13
dhineshclarkb: ok thanks, i will try it out20:13
clarkbinc0: it is from the nodeset yes, you'll have to make sure you have those groups on your nodeset20:14
inc0or translate it to nodenames I have20:14
inc0ok, let's try20:14
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mwhahahahey is there a place to watch a given zuul queue's history that isn't the dashboard? i'm trying to figure out what happened to the jobs as to why they got reset20:15
dmsimardinc0: let me give you an example20:17
clarkbmwhahaha: right now the closest thing to that is proably the openstack health dashboard. Nothing zuul specific yet (but that is planned)20:17
mwhahahaclarkb: yea that doesn't help because I didn't see what job failed out20:17
jeblairmwhahaha: did it not report back on the change?20:18
mwhahahaclarkb: the failed jobs don't seem to stick around as long as they used to in the old one20:18
mwhahahai don't think i was on the change20:18
mwhahahaso i didn't get an email20:18
dmsimardAJaeger: ok looking now20:18
jeblairmwhahaha: oh, so you don't know which change, you just saw a red thing on the status page?20:18
mwhahahajeblair: no i didn't see a red thing, i just noticed the jobs were rerunning20:18
mwhahahajeblair: for example see the job runs for this one job
mwhahahai knew there were 3 changes above it but i don't remember which one is not there anymore20:19
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dmsimardAJaeger: that module is weird ? We can do that in native ansible, no need for python20:19
jeblairmwhahaha: gotcha; you might be able to find them by looking at the inventory files for the change20:19
dmsimardmaybe I'm missing something obvious20:19
AJaegerdmsimard: tell mordred ;)20:20
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: add requirements as needed project for release-openstack-python job
inc0thanks dmsimard20:20
dhellmannjeblair, smcginnis : ^^20:20
jeblairmwhahaha: has the items ahead of it in the queue when the build started20:20
inc0dmsimard: <- this is change I'm playing around, feel free to drop feedback, would be greatly appreciated20:20
mwhahahajeblair: yea i'll go throught the previous execution and see what was in the zuul info for tha tone20:20
jeblairmwhahaha: (under the key "items" under "zuul")20:21
smcginnisdhellmann: Were there issues with that too?20:21
mwhahahajeblair: yea i found that part20:21
dhellmannsmcginnis : there's a log linked from the commit message20:21
dmsimardinc0: for multinode you'll need the groups so that we know where to provision the switch and the peers (see the snippet I sent you) and the multinode base job will take care of setting up firewall rules and also /etc/hosts so that inventory hostnames resolve to the right place20:21
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: fix specs publishing
AJaegeranother simple fix - for specs publishing ^.20:21
smcginnisdhellmann: Oh sure, now you expect me to read. :P20:22
dhellmannsmcginnis : the networking-powervm folks pushed a tag on their own20:22
dhellmannsmcginnis :-P20:22
AJaegercould an infra-root cleanup the site and remove the wrong toplevel directories, please?20:22
smcginnisdhellmann: Ah, I see.20:22
smcginnisAnd I also now see the failure emails.20:23
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jeblairdhellmann: are we going to need to install the neutron and horizon repos for some projects too?20:23
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add roles to add/remove a GPG key
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jeblairdhellmann, smcginnis: i tested that with newly-created fake data, and it's very similar to the existing sign-artifacts role.20:28
smcginnisWith READMEs even.20:29
jeblairsmcginnis: they get turned into this:
fungiokay, back and catching up20:29
smcginnisfungi: That was quick-ish.20:29
jeblairfungi: i'm glad you're back, but i worry that was insufficient time spent in the real world :)20:30
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jeblairfungi: if you could please review  -- i'm writing the change to use it now.20:30
fungijeblair: smcginnis: seems you came to the correct conclusion, but yes the release tags are signed with the same openpgp key as we use for detached tarball signatures20:30
fungi(for simplicity)20:30
jeblairfungi: cool, that will hopefully save some confusion later :)20:31
dhellmannjeblair : install neutron and horizon? for tagging?20:32
dhellmannI certainly hope not, but now I'm not sure.20:32
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Run bindep for translation jobs
jeblairdhellmann: yes -- after a brief inspection of that error, i assumed the issue was that the tox installation of that project used openstack-requirements in its custom install commands, and i know that neutron projects do so for neutron, and likewise horizon.20:33
AJaegernext fix for translations, we were missing msgcat on the nodes ^20:33
jeblairdhellmann: i did not spend long looking at it and am not at all confident in my assesment :)20:33
dhellmannjeblair : oh, I may have jumped the gun then. I haven't seen any of our tests make it that far, and I thought that was a missing declaration of using the requirements repo for constraints in a standard way.20:34
AJaegerdmsimard: would appreciate your review of 513497 as well, please20:34
pabelangerjeblair: I think I did: gpg --export-secret-keys --armor 83FA74EC from
openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove legacy-requirements-cross-* jobs
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jeblairpabelanger: cool, that's what i wound up with too20:35
fungireviewing 513494 as the next step in release automation fixing20:35
pabelangeralso, zuulv3 talk was a hit :D People in Ottawa excited to start running it.20:36
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Add GPG key to tag-releases job
fungipabelanger: did you show them zuulv3 live?20:37
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pabelangerfungi: I did!20:37
jeblairpabelanger: i hope they'll be happy to wait a few more months.  :)20:37
pabelangerwifi was really good here20:37
jeblairfungi, smcginnis, dhellmann: is next20:37
pabelangerfungi: also had a chance to demo ARA per dmsimard request20:38
dhellmannjeblair : yeah, I think that's the "standard" script from tonyb that allows the current repo to be listed in the constraints file and still honor constraints in its dependencies20:38
dhellmannjeblair : it uses zuul-cloner to get the requirements repo and install it so it can use edit-constraints20:38
dmsimardyeah pabelanger totally plugged ara, thanks pabelanger :P20:38
dirkAJaeger: -- better?20:40
* AJaeger calls it a day after reviewing dirk's change. would appreciate review of 513493 (and cleanup of specs.o.o) and 513497 (next step for translations)20:40
dhellmannjeblair , fungi , smcginnis : I wonder if we are going to preemptively implement the tarball changes mordred describes in ?20:41
dhellmannto remove the use of tox20:41
jeblairgood thing it has enough votes? :)20:42
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: DNM - testing base-test changes
fungione more governance change i haven't gotten around to reviewing in the past several weeks20:43
fungibut, hey, it's short20:43
jeblairdhellmann: there's another version of that script that's more like this:
smcginnispabelanger: Was your talk recorded?20:45
pabelangersmcginnis: sadly no20:45
dhellmannjeblair : that one also uses zuul-cloner? but I guess it's cloning something else? I don't understand what that version is doing at first glance.20:45
jeblairdhellmann: sorry, look at the bottom -- install_project neutron20:46
dhellmannoh, that's installing *other* projects20:46
pabelangersmcginnis: I plan on uploading slides to interwebs20:46
smcginnispabelanger: Oh well... might have been nice to watch in all of my free time. :)20:46
smcginnispabelanger: Oh, that'd be cool.20:46
fungijeblair: so looking at 513498 i guess secrets can just be added by name and the only reason the ssh_key secret was added to that job more verbosely was so that we could rename release_ssh_key to ssh_key? implying that the lp_creds secret addition could also be shortened to a one-line entry?20:46
dhellmannso networking-bagpipe doesn't appear in constraints but networking-powervm does?20:46
dhellmannno, networking-powervm does not appear in constraints20:47
dhellmannI think they probably don't need that script20:47
jeblairdhellmann: agreed20:47
fungidhellmann: the cargo cult is powerfully compelling20:47
dhellmannso I'll abandon my patch20:47
dhellmannfor the bagpipe thing, though, they will need extra repos available20:47
jeblairdhellmann: so my hazy understanding of this is your change will fix powervm, but i expect bagpipe to fail on a release.20:47
dhellmannis it possible for bagpipe to declare that their version of that job needs extra repos?20:48
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jeblairdhellmann: we've worked through most of this (i hope) with the python jobs, and to my knowledge, it's just neutron and horizon that are like this20:48
jeblairsee, eg:
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fungiwhich will be fixed once we fix tox-siblings and reenable it, until the pti change merges and we stop using tox to generate tarballs?20:48
jeblairdhellmann: absolutely.20:48
jeblairfungi: yep.  :)20:49
dhellmannyeah, ok, good, as long as someone understands the steps for that20:49
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: DNM: testing base-test
fungiat least it makes plugin/extension projects more obviously "different" rather than just treating all projects that way20:49
dhellmannI still don't really know where tox-siblings fits into all of this20:49
jeblairdhellmann: so we could take the approach of just adding horizon and neutron to that job now for everything, or we could try to add them specifically to the repos that need it.20:49
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dhellmannlet's just add them for everything20:49
dhellmannI can write that20:50
jeblairdhellmann: ack20:50
dhellmannwe can take them out when we remove the use of tox20:50
jeblairdhellmann: (tox-siblings is disabled now, until it gets constraints support added, so that's one variable removed)20:50
jeblairi believe that change merged this morning20:50
jeblairor what i call morning20:50
tonybdhellmann: We have a plan to remove part of that but that needed to wait for the v3 switch to be flicked so I'll call for beta testers RSN and then roll it out at the same time we switch from getting upper-constratints.txt from cgit to the static files20:51
dmsimardAJaeger: got a patch for service type data20:52
jeblairfungi: you okay pushing things through now?  if so, i'll take a break20:53
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove fetch-zuul-cloner from base job
smcginnisjeblair, dhellmann, fungi: Sorry, I've lost track again. Which/what if any patches are we waiting for now before we can try again?20:53
fungijeblair: yep, i'm caught up and pushing hard now20:53
fungiplease go enjoy a break20:53
smcginnisAh, 51349420:53
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: add required-projects for the release-openstack-python jobs
smcginnisThanks jeblair20:54
openstackgerritJohn Trowbridge proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Use playbook from tripleo-quickstart-extras for OVB
fungismcginnis: 513494 and 513498'20:54
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fungiboth of which are approved and should merge momentarily, then i'll retrigger20:54
dhellmannwe'll need for some of the real releases, but not for our test job20:54
smcginnis494 looks close.20:54
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add roles to add/remove a GPG key
fungithere's the first20:55
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Refactor fact configuration for service_type_data
dmsimardAJaeger, mordred ^20:56
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smcginnisI'm not seeing 513498 in the zuul status.20:56
smcginnisOh, there it is now.20:57
fungiit's in the gate now, according to comments on the review20:57
fungiand then i'll reenqueue the feb0fda test commit20:57
fungionce that project-config change merges in a sec20:58
fungii'll also set another autohold for tag-releases just in case i need to inspect it20:58
fungiautohold set21:00
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Add GPG key to tag-releases job
fungiand there it is. reenqueuing test commit now21:04
pabelangerproject-config-core: is ready to promote up out base-test to base, for fetch-zuul-cloner. I've attached logs showing working base and legacy-base jobs.  I'd like to move forward with approval, to discourage the use of zuul-cloner in non-legacy jobs.  Keep in mind, there is a chance we _could_ break a jobs that parents to base, but is still using zuul-cloner, but21:04
pabelangerthe fix is to reparent to legacy-base instead.  Hopefully no jobs break, but the longer we wait, the rate likely rises21:04
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pabelangerdmsimard: will look shortly, heading to next talk21:04
smcginnispabelanger: Could we wait until post-Q-1 just to avoid the risk of breaking jobs for folks that are trying to wrap up for the milestone?21:05
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smcginnisJust a day or so.21:06
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fungiyeah, the gate is full of people squeezing in final milestone-1 changes21:06
smcginnisgrumble grumble grumble21:07
smcginnissecret key not available21:07
fungiwell, we should have better data this time21:07
openstackgerritAlan Pevec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Use infra proxy server for trunk.r.o in delorean-deps
fungii don't actually see the new role in the pre phase. i may have triggered that one _too_ soon?21:09
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fungiyeah, i must have. triggering once more after resetting the autohold21:10
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funginew autohold in place, test commit reenqueued again21:10
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools master: fix the repo name detection when we don't have an origin set
dhellmannfungi , jeblair : the announce job is failing because it can't get the repo name ^^21:11
dhellmannsmcginnis : ^^21:11
fungidhellmann: thanks21:12
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Add integration tests for use-cached-repos
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Improve test coverage of the fetch-zuul-cloner role and the shim
dmsimardproject-config-core: ^ would appreciate +3 on these two, I've had to rebase quite a few times now :(21:13
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smcginnisfungi: Same thing. Is there a step missing somewhere?21:15
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fungismcginnis: oh, i missed that ara paginates tasks over a certain number and the add-gpgkey pre tasks were on a second page21:18
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fungithe import task output does seem to indicate that it imported the key21:19
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jeblairfungi: link?21:20
fungithough, and i don't think this is the issue, it's using the pike cycle key. we need to amend our key rotation docs to cover replacing the key in zuulv3 job configuration (i only replaced the pike key with the queens key in hiera)21:20
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fungijeblair: i can't get the permalinks in ara to work in firefox. i think that needs a newer ara release or something21:20
jeblairfungi: job link would be good enough :)21:20
jeblair(and yeah, that's fixed on the 1.0 branch)21:20
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fungi77.81.7.176 is the new autoheld node21:21
fungithis much looks good aside from needing the queens key:
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: add-sshkey: make the private key owner-writable
fungiyeah, saw that post failure too21:23
jeblairlower-priority, but we'll eventually need that :)21:23
smcginnisIs this normal: WARNING: options in `/home/zuul/.gnupg/gpg.conf' are not yet active during this run21:24
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fungii have a feeling this may be why i was embedding the keychain in hiera rather than importing the signing subkey21:25
jeblairfungi: oh, is it email addr not matching?21:25
jeblairso it can't find the 'correct' secret key?21:26
fungigood eye21:26
fungiwe use for our key address21:26
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smcginnisOh, good catch. No lists.o.o21:26
fungiright, that looks like the e-mail address of the release account in gerrit, not the address of our key21:27
jeblairwhat's different between this and signing01 though?21:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools master: fix the repo name detection when we don't have an origin set
fungiwe set user.signingkey = in .gitconfig21:28
jeblairaha, and is that in puppet or release scripts?21:28
fungithe .gitconfig on was puppeted, and likely not migrated to the release scripts21:28
fungifor the record21:29
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smcginnisSo we need to update our setting of git config to match the cert address?21:30
fungiyeah, just another git config invocation in the script i guess?21:30
jeblairmodules/openstack_project/manifests/signing_node.pp:  $gitpgpkey = '',21:30
jeblairconfirmed in puppet ^21:30
jeblairfungi: ++21:30
dtroyeris there a way to iterate on a single job without having to run the entire set of jobs every time?  I know I'm not going to get my first native devstack job right immediately and hate to 'waste' 8 nodes for each typo.  Plus the cycle time21:32
fungiworking on patch to jenkins/scripts/release-tools/functions now21:32
openstackgerritwes hayutin proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck master: Track tripleo timeout or canceled deployments
jeblairdtroyer: you could probably modify the project definition to drop all the other jobs21:32
jeblairdtroyer: obviously don't merge it that way, but for "WIP" iteration i think it'd be fine21:33
dtroyerI thought about that, it'll work better after all of the projects jobs are moved in-repo, ie pep8/py27/py36 etc.  Those are supposed to eventually move in-repo too, right?21:33
dhellmannnot for the PTI jobs, I think21:34
dhellmannor CTI or whatever we call it21:34
dhellmannthe common "you need to have these" jobs21:34
jeblairdtroyer, dhellmann: yeah.  this is something we lose with that approach.  something to consider.21:34
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dtroyerah, ok.  I can eliminate 4 of 8 then, that's an improvement.  thanks21:34
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jeblairdtroyer: yeah, at least you won't be running extra devstacks21:35
dtroyerright, that's the cycle time killer21:35
jeblairfungi: i'll see about getting the queens key into yaml21:36
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Set the signingkey address for release jobs
fungijeblair: smcginnis: dhellmann: ^21:36
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smcginnisCool, didn't know that was a separate config setting.21:36
fungijeblair: thanks, i think we can iterate in parallel there since we have a good (albeit stale) key in place and are just attempting to postprocess a release for a test project, not a real one21:37
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jeblairfungi: ah good21:37
smcginnisThis has all been a "learning experience".21:37
fungismcginnis: no kidding21:37
jeblairfungi: +221:38
jeblairanyone else around to +3 it, or should i?21:38
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fungithanks again21:39
fungithat should merge quickly since it's project-config21:39
fungiand then i'll fire another test21:39
fungitest volley21:39
fungicleaning up and resetting autohold in the meantime21:39
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smcginnisAlmost there.21:43
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fungijeblair: once you have the queens export done, can you make a paste of what you ran and i'll use that to update our key rotation howto21:45
jeblairfungi: i'm actually doing doc-driven development :)21:45
jeblairi'm updating the docs first21:45
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: add-sshkey: make the private key owner-writable
fungijeblair: wow! too awesome21:47
openstackgerritwes hayutin proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck master: track tripleo issues pulling containers
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Set the signingkey address for release jobs
fungiand now both of those are in, triggering another21:48
SamYaplejeblair: now make the docs generate teh code!21:50
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jeblairSamYaple: do i look like don knuth?21:50
openstackgerritwes hayutin proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck master: Track tripleo timeout or canceled deployments
SamYaplejeblair: idk. youre still alive21:50
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smcginnisOr Don Knotts?21:51
openstackgerritwes hayutin proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck master: track tripleo issues pulling containers
jeblairlast i checked, he was very much alive21:51
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SamYapleoh i thought he died21:51
smcginnisRemote rejected, prohibited by Gerrit21:53
funginew errors are progress, i guess21:53
openstackgerritwes hayutin proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck master: track tripleo pulling containers from rdo registry
EmilienMclarkb: do you think we can get today?21:55
fungilooks like we split the git tag command line incorrectly?21:55
fungithe -s appears on a seconf line21:55
fungioh, nevermind, that's split on quotes21:55
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smcginnisWish it would give some indication why it was rejected.22:01
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smcginnisActually... is this an ACL issue for the repo in gerrit?22:03
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ianwpabelanger: i'm starting on prep for the upcoming rename ... i guess it's now a multi-repo affair with the jobs.  will document in
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fungisorry, primary monitor on my workstation just went toes up so i had to switch computers for now22:08
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dhellmannsmcginnis : maybe, yes. I don't see the release bot in the acl list22:09
dhellmannI added the release bot22:09
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Update signing key rotation instructions for Zuul v3
smcginnisI see Jenkins and Zuul, but not sure if that's enough.22:09
fungii checked the acls... release-test inherits from all-projects which in turn allows the release managers group to push signed tags and the release bot is a member of the release managers group22:09
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Update signing key for Queens
smcginnisIs it? I didn't think I saw it in there.22:10
dhellmannfungi :,access says release-tools-core can push. Is that additive?22:10
fungismcginnis: in the release managers group?22:10
jeblairfungi: 533 and 534 are the key changes when you have a sec22:10
smcginnisOh, nevermind, I'm blind.22:10
fungidhellmann: it's additive unless the project acl sets the exclusive-group-permissions flag on it22:10
jeblairoh, let me leave a comment on 533 about how i did that22:10
dhellmannI wish the gerrit UI showed that22:11
smcginnisShows "Rights Inherited From", but definitely not obvious.22:11
fungidhellmann: it has the "inherits from" at the top of the acl22:11
dhellmannfungi : the ssh command git-review is running uses zuul@ instead of release@22:11
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dhellmannI wonder why that is22:11
dhellmannfungi : ah!22:12
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Update signing key rotation instructions for Zuul v3
fungidhellmann: yeah, that's likely it... i'll poke around the held node22:12
smcginnisIs this annotated tagging or signed tagging.22:12
dhellmanngit review dumps all of the config --get commands it runs, but not the results. that would be a useful enhancement at some point22:13
dhellmannfungi : does the job run as the "zuul" user? do we need to set another config value somewhere?22:14
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smcginnisLooks like that should be OK too.,members22:15
fungidhellmann: we have no .gitconfig, wonder if we're setting not --global and then moving between repos?22:15
fungii need to trace back through the script, takes a minute22:16
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dhellmannsmcginnis mentioned setting that earlier22:16
smcginnisShouldn't hurt at least.22:17
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: switch git configuration for release jobs to global
openstackgerritDean Troyer proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Move non-voting legacy jobs to osc iand osc-lib repos
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smcginnisI wonder if we should move it somewhere earlier too to get rid of
fungii'm having trouble tracking down where on the filesystem of the held node that even got set22:19
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smcginnisfungi: It's not in release-test/.git/config?22:20
fungiit's not in ~zuul/src/ either that i can tell22:20
fungioh, release-test22:20
fungii don22:20
fungi't even see where release-test was checked out22:20
smcginnis/opt/git/openstack/release-test ?22:20
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funginope, nor releases22:22
dhellmannrelease-test is checked out in a temporary directory by the script22:22
dhellmannit's probably been deleted22:22
smcginnisWait, is this right? REPODIR=/home/zuul/src/
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dhellmannthe script registers an exit handler to remove that when it's done, regardless of exit reason22:23
fungiyep, okay, so i agree that's likely the problem22:23
dhellmannwe could probably eliminate that under the CI system, but it keeps local dev systems from getting cluttered up22:23
dhellmannis it easy/possible to tell that the job is running in CI?22:24
smcginnisI was just surprised to see it under openstack/releases. I thought we put it under /tmp22:24
dhellmannit uses mktemp but it probably calls it wrong22:24
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openstackgerritMike Perez proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix contributor guide post run job location
smcginnisSo maybe some confusion between /home/zuul/src/ and /home/zuul/src/ ?22:26
smcginnisRegardless, making it --global should take care of it.22:26
dhellmannthe file we need to change is the latter one, but yeah --global is a good change here22:26
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/git-review master: show the config value result after fetching it in verbose mode
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: switch git configuration for release jobs to global
smcginnisI'll be back shortly.22:31
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Renaming collectd-ceilometer-plugin to collectd-openstack-plugins
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ianwjeblair: ^ just checking that's how you think this will work?  i've dropped the changes to legcay bits, and we leave it up to the project to get changes merged to restore their jobs? (they have a local .zuul and imported legacy jobs)22:34
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fungismcginnis: dhellmann: jeblair: cool, i've also approved the rotated queens key change (513534) so as soon as it merges i'll trigger yet another test22:34
dhellmannfungi : excellent. I'll hang out for a bit to watch.22:35
SpamapSI think I found a bug in Ansible 2.4's os_* modules22:35
SpamapSshade imports from 'os_client_config', but there's a new os_client_config module...22:35
* SpamapS wonders where shade's home channel is these days22:36
dhellmannSpamapS: #openstack-sdks I think?22:36
ianwjeblair: oh, interesting ... The project "openstack/collectd-openstack-plugins" was not found.  All22:36
ianw  projects referenced within a Zuul configuration must first be added to22:36
ianw  the main configuration file by the Zuul administrator.22:36
SpamapSI'll poke around in #ansible too22:36
ianwdo we need to have two changes ... merge into main first, let that update, then the project-config change?22:36
SpamapSit's not really a shade bug22:36
fungiianw: i think the infra manual got updated with the corrected steps there. did it not?22:37
ianwfungi: read the instructions!  crazy22:37
jeblairianw: we may actually need: 1) drop project from zuul's main.yaml; 2) rename project in gerrit; 3) add project to main.yaml22:38
fungiianw: jeblair: oh, is this for the rename tomorrow?22:38
fungiindeed, untrodden territory still22:39
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ianwfungi: yep ... i'm preparing a run sheet in
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Update signing key for Queens
fungiokay, another volley over the bow22:41
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ianwjeblair: do we still actually need to fully stop zuul, save the queues and restart?22:45
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Removes migrated legacy-neutron-lbaasv2-dsvm-*
ianwjeblair: (sorry for questions) and do we remove from main.yml AND the system jobs in projects.yaml in one change i presume?22:46
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openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Removes migrated legacy-neutron-lbaasv2-dsvm-*
jeblairianw: i think we need to stop/start zuul because we want to hard-stop it before we take gerrit offline22:48
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Removes migrated legacy-neutron-lbaasv2-dsvm-*
jeblairianw: and yeah, i think main.yaml + projects.yaml in one change22:48
dhellmann"remote rejected (prohibited by gerrit)"
dhellmannso we're past the git review -s failure and creating the signed tag, but still can't push it22:51
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dhellmannfungi : ^^22:51
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dhellmannfungi : if you want to run the script by hand on that node, you can do that via: /home/zuul/scripts/release-tools/ /home/zuul/src/
dhellmannthat may be faster than requeueing the job22:52
jeblairthough we have probably deleted the keys (yay security again)22:53
dhellmannoh, right22:53
fungidhellmann: i think we need to fix the committer e-mail address too22:53
dhellmannwhat should that be?22:54
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Renaming collectd-ceilometer-plugin to collectd-openstack-plugins
dhellmannI'll propose the patch so you and jeblair can approve it22:54
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Drop collectd-ceilometer-plugin for rename
fungilooking at the .gitconfig on the old node we were setting = too22:54
fungi(refer to my earlier paste when i cat'ed that)22:54
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: set committer email to match the gerrit user for release jobs
fungii think gerrit is refusing to allow a forged committer on that tag push22:55
dhellmanndoes the name need to match too?22:56
dhellmannthe that is22:56
fungino, it just gets picky about e-mail addresses22:56
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dhellmannsmcginnis : most users don't have permission to push patches committed by someone else22:57
dhellmannauthored is ok, if you change it so you're the committer22:57
fungii noticed the discrepancy when looking at the acls and group membership that gerrit showed the e-mail address for the release bot account as infra-root@openstack.org22:57
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Stop storing dependent items on buildsets
fungijeblair: on hand to approve 513555?22:58
fungimuch obliged!22:58
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jeblair(also hoping to get that change ready for the upcoming zuul scheduler restart :)22:59
jeblair(we're at 80%)22:59
fungijeblair: yep, looking. i guess that's a memory use reduction22:59
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mwhahahayou guys didn't change anything around $ZUUL_REF did you?23:03
mwhahahajust got a failure because it's set to None23:04
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: set committer email to match the gerrit user for release jobs
clarkbmwhahaha: the ansible value is None but the compat role should rewrite it to 40 *'0'23:05
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clarkbmwhahaha: areyou seeing it None in ansible values or in shell values with the compat role?23:05
mwhahahaseemed ot be shell values23:06
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mwhahahait ultimately failed because our zuul cloner didn't get it23:06
* mwhahaha will keep looking23:06
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mwhahaha is where the job failed because we do it again ourselves via shell23:08
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mwhahahai think that relies on the shell env23:08
clarkblooking at the puppet jobs they default it to None if not set23:09
clarkbimplying its not the ansible value but just unset23:10
mwhahahathese were working earlier so it's not something we changed our job config23:10
mwhahahawhich is why i asked if there was a change around it recently23:10
clarkbI'm not finding where we set the compat vars23:12
clarkbis that in zuul itself?23:12
fungiclarkb: yes, filters23:12
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dhineshwhen i run "nodepool image-upload all dpc" i get the following error " DiscoveryFailure: Could not determine a suitable URL for the plugin" , Does this mean that it is not able to reach the openstack cloud URL?23:12
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clarkbfungi: what determines if it is applied to the job?23:12
clarkbfungi: I think that is motsly what is missing23:12
fungiclarkb: if it inherits from the legacy job23:12
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fungiplaybook/something like that23:13
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dhineshthis is the url i use... auth-url: 'http://server:5000/v2.0/'23:13
dhellmannfungi : I think we're ready for one more attempt when you're up for it23:14
dhellmannoh, and now I see it's already queued :-)23:14
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smcginnisHe's quick like that. :)23:15
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smcginnisSo, so glad we're not doing this through reverts.23:15
clarkbfungi: legacy-base doesn't seem to do anything special23:15
clarkbmwhahaha: thats the env of the shell in that job23:16
clarkbsure enough there is no zuul ref23:16
clarkbI bet it is because there really isn't such a thing anymore?23:16
clarkbjeblair: ^ are we just not setting that at all even in the compat thing?23:17
clarkb(because where would you fetch from)23:17
jeblairclarkb: yes
jeblairclarkb: that is applied individually to each legacy job23:17
smcginnisdhinesh: I saw something in the ML about the v2 keystone API being removed. Maybe you need to update to v3?23:18
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clarkbmwhahaha: ^ there is the answer23:18
jeblairclarkb: eg
mwhahahathat means nothing to me really23:19
* mwhahaha sighs and will figure it out later i guess23:19
clarkbmwhahaha: it is intentionally omitted23:19
dhellmannfungi, smcginnis, jeblair : \o/ tag-releases passed23:20
clarkbmwhahaha: its in the comment of the file jeblair linked23:20
dhellmannnow to see if the actual release job works...23:20
clarkbmwhahaha: no I think it has been, but would have to read the git log of that file to know for sure23:20
johnsomFYI, there has been a openstack/puppet-octavia job in the "gate" pipeline tripleo queue for 8 hrs 22min.  I'm guessing something is not right with it.23:20
smcginnisdhellmann: I was just going to say - did that actually just work?!23:20
mwhahahawell we just had the zuul-cloners fail today23:20
mwhahahathey were working23:20
mwhahahawhich is why i ask23:20
mwhahahaanyway i need to go, i'll figure it out23:20
fungimwhahaha: clarkb: all legacy jobs explicitly add zuul_legacy_vars filter to the environment parameter23:20
jeblairclarkb, mwhahaha: yeah, ZUUL_REF has never been in zuulv323:20
smcginnisdhellmann, fungi: Do we want to get rid of the verbosity? Or leave that for awhile until we are comfortable everything is all good?23:21
dhellmannsmcginnis : I say we don't touch things that are working :-)23:21
smcginnisdhellmann: Good call.23:21
fungismcginnis: i think we can clean it up, but no rush23:21
mwhahahaoh wait these are legacy jobs23:21
smcginnisdhellmann: Shall we try the vitrage release?23:21
mwhahahaso is that still working?23:21
dhellmannwe can clean that up when we move the job over to the releases repo23:21
dhellmannsmcginnis : let's wait and see if the packaging job actually works23:22
smcginnisOh yeah, that would be a good time to do it.23:22
dhellmannwe're on step 2 of a 4 step job pipeline23:22
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smcginnisGetting too excited. :)23:22
jeblairmwhahaha: i don't see a failure in that link23:22
dhellmanntag-releases, $repo-specific-job-to-build-a-release, sign it, upload it, announce it23:22
dhellmannI think sign and upload are 1 step?23:22
dhellmannmaybe it's 5 steps23:23
dhellmannupload depends on the repo type, too23:23
jeblairmwhahaha: oh found it23:23
fungisign and upload are parallel steps23:23
dhellmannso we'll have to test puppet modules, too23:23
clarkbjeblair: mwhahaha its because they invoke it directly using v2 z-c I tink
clarkbI don't expectanything we have done has changed to make that work/not work23:23
clarkbit should just not work right?23:23
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dhellmannfungi, smcginnis : upload to pypi worked
jeblairmwhahaha: drop the "--zuul-ref" argument?  (it shouldn't have been needed even in zuulv3)23:25
fungidhellmann: so far so good23:25
jeblairer zuulv223:25
dhellmannwatching the announce job in
smcginnisRube Goldberg would be proud.23:26
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Update CI links to use zuul user
clarkboh this is ocata23:26
clarkbI bet this was maybe fixed onsome other branch but not ocata?23:26
clarkbcould explain why it works in some cases but not others23:27
* dhellmann wonders why the announce job installs postgresql-client23:27
jeblairclarkb: it sounds familiar23:27
dhellmannand mongodb? wth23:27
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clarkbdhellmann: because it uses the bindep fallback23:27
jeblairdhellmann: fallback?23:27
dhellmannok, we can clean that up23:27
smcginnisGotta store copies of the email somewhere. :)23:27
dhellmannor maybe I'll rewrite that script to use a database because it's there23:27
fungiif the repo provides a specific bindep.txt then the job will use that instead23:27
dhellmannwhat if it's empty?23:28
smcginnisThen it falls back.23:28
fungithen it will install no extra packages23:28
dhellmannI guess we need to make sure we have python at least23:28
fungiempty (not missing)23:28
smcginnisOh, if it's there but empty.23:28
clarkbyou probably want python, git, gpg in the list?23:28
jeblairmissing = fallback.  empty = noop.23:28
dhellmannok, the announce job failed on the URL thing23:28
fungiso close!23:28
dhellmannwas my fix for that not approved? I thought it was...23:29
dhellmannmaybe it doesn't work23:29
smcginnisOnly thing that failed though!23:29
dhellmannoh, it does work, it's bailing on the inability to get the value because set -e23:29
dhellmannstand by23:29
SamYaplei need to copy /home/zuul/.ansible_async directory to /logs, but im recieving this error
SamYaplei dont quite understand it and cant reproduce it outside teh gate23:30
clarkbSamYaple: that is zuul protectingitself from bad actors23:30
clarkbSamYaple: you are restricted to copying files out of only theworking dir23:30
mwhahahajeblair: ok thanks I'll give that a shot23:30
SamYapleclarkb: even with become?23:30
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools master: do not fail on inability to find remote url
SamYaplebecome: true23:30
jeblairSamYaple: that's happening on the executor, which is probably not what you intended23:30
dhellmannsmcginnis , fungi : ^^23:31
jeblairSamYaple: like maybe src/dest reversed or something23:31
jeblairSamYaple: link to playbook?23:31
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fungiSamYaple: also (and i haven't looked at the log) be sure you rename it to something not starting with a . or else you won't be able to retrieve it from logs.o.o because apache23:31
SamYaplespecifically i need that directory because all the async tasks i run pump out logs there and no where else23:31
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jeblairSamYaple: ah it's /logs/ that's the issue23:31
SamYaplefungi: ok thansk for the tip23:31
SamYaplejeblair: ok so create relative logs dir perhaps?23:32
jeblairSamYaple: you'll want {{ zuul.executor.log_root }}/
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SamYapleok let me try with that23:32
smcginnisdhellmann: Do we need another test patch in release-test?23:33
SamYaplei cant remember where i copied the copy logs task from anyway23:33
dhellmannsmcginnis : no, fungi should be able to reenqueue just the announce job for that one23:33
smcginnisdhellmann: Oh right, good.23:33
dhellmanndid the other jobs pass?23:33
smcginnisYeah, looked like this was it.23:33
fungismcginnis: dhellmann: yeah, i should be able to work out the job retrigger for that, just a sec23:34
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Fix neutron-lbaas-dashboard to use -horizon jobs
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dhellmannsmcginnis : propose-update-constraints failed, too
dhellmannit's failing to figure out the right branch23:35
dhellmannlet's leave that one for tomorrow23:35
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jeblairwell... we don't really have a way to run just one job anymore.... we can only re-enqueue an item and run the whole set of jobs.  (ie, we can re-trigger on the tag push)23:36
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dhellmannoh, well, that's fine23:36
dhellmannwhatever the smallest amount of stuff we can redo is fine. the jobs should be idempotent, except for that announce job23:36
dhellmannand that announce job will eventually fail because it tries to email me using the server as the SMTPD host, but if we get that far I think we can count it as working23:37
fungijeblair: oh, the trigger-job script won't work now?23:37
dhellmannso for the python pipeline we're down to the announce job and the constraint update job23:37
jeblairfungi: correct23:37
fungii'll stop bothering to reconstruct the command line for it23:37
dhellmannwe also need to test our other languages (puppet and javascript are different, I think?)23:38
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: neutron-lbaas-dashboard jobs require horizon
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fungiokay, i need to drop off for the evening. the real world is calling again ;)23:39
dhellmannyes, it's going to be dinner time here soon. shall we pick this up in the morning?23:40
jeblairclarkb: can you review ?23:40
smcginnisTomorrow morning should be good.23:40
smcginnisThanks all.23:40
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jeblairdhellmann, smcginnis: if you're done, i'll restart the scheduler now23:40
dhellmannthanks fungi, jeblair, & smcginnis -- we made good progress today23:40
clarkbjeblair: do you want ^ reviewed before you restart?23:40
clarkbI've pulled the change up now23:40
smcginnisjeblair: Yeah, I think so. Unless fungi was still doing anything.23:41
jeblairclarkb: please; when you give it the okay, i'll go ahead and hand-merge it onto zuulv3.o.o23:41
smcginnisYes, great progress today.23:41
dhellmannjeblair : if you can let merge that would be good, otherwise we can recheck it to push it in tomorrow23:41
dhellmannit's pretty close now, I think, those jobs shouldn't take too long23:41
smcginnisIt's just about done in gate.23:41
jeblairno prob23:42
dhellmannok, dinner calls, thanks again, everyone!23:42
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smcginnisfungi, dhellmann: For tomorrow, looks like the publish-static release job has issues too:
SamYaplejeblair: that was not the fix
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools master: do not fail on inability to find remote url
SamYapleim all for bad-actor protection, but i really need those logs and dont know of another way to get them23:45
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ianwjeblair / clarkb / fungi : ok, is i think complete.  could you please read through.   will you be around ... since this is a first with a new zuul and a new gerrit i think we should be a bit more careful than usual23:46
jeblairSamYaple: why are you setting rsync_opts?23:47
clarkbianw: ya I can read after finishing with this zuul change23:48
clarkbjeblair: this change is dense23:48
clarkb(a lot going on in a little code)23:48
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jeblairSamYaple: please promise me you will never copy the auto-generated legacy playbooks again.  :)23:49
jeblairSamYaple: something like this is all you need:
jeblairSamYaple: src, dest, and mode.23:49
dhineshsmcginnis: the v3 does not seem to work either..23:50
SamYaplejeblair: to be fair, that was implemented like day 1 of the first zuulv3 things...23:50
SamYaplejeblair: ok, but thats not the task thats failing23:51
clarkbjeblair: had one uestion about something that may have been overlooked, can you see the comments on the change?23:51
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SamYaplejeblair: i never make it to the "Copy logs" tasks23:51
clarkbianw: everything looks good. One thing to check on is whether or not we need to rename any gerrit groups (not sure if the playbook does tat)23:53
jeblairSamYaple: ah it's the first copy task23:53
ianwclarkb: playbook does rename-group23:54
jeblairSamYaple: can you use copy to pull a file from the remote?  i thought the dest was always remote.23:54
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clarkbianw: cool, though I had to patch jeepyb to create groups we may want to doulble check gerrit 2.13 works iwth what playbook is running23:54
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clarkbianw: looks like it should23:55
ianwclarkb: ok, i could just manually rename a group now and then name it back?23:55
jeblairSamYaple: you probably want to use synchronize for all of those.23:55
SamYaplejeblair: well therein lies the issue, whereever ansible is executing will have /home/zuul/.ansible_async, and thats the directory i need23:55
clarkbianw: ya thats one way of testing but reading the docs real quick I think we are good23:55
jeblairSamYaple: you want zuul's .ansible_async directory?23:56
ianwclarkb: ok, let's assume it's ok :)23:56
SamYaplejeblair: ive just realized why thats going to be a problem, yes23:56
SamYaplejeblair: but yes, thats what i need because async tasks write out the tasks logs to that directory23:57
jeblairSamYaple: they don't end up in the json or ara logs?23:57
pabelangerI would guess it is in zuul.executor.work_dir/.ansible_async23:57
SamYaplenot from what i can tell23:57
pabelangerbecause that is what we set HOME var too23:57
SamYaplepabelanger: ill check that23:57
pabelanger/home/zuul, isn't actually the home dir inside bweap on executor23:58
jeblairwell it is23:58
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SamYapleto be clear, i need this file
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SamYaplewhere is that file stored?23:59
jeblairor at least ~zuul is correct23:59

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