Thursday, 2018-03-08

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tonybclarkb: Oh and the test in shade can Depend-On the ansible/ansible PR cool.00:01
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tonybokay so step 1 add the feature to shade00:01
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* tonyb wonders if it's too late for 2.5 ... I guess we'll see00:03
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mordredtonyb: I think it's too late for 2.5 - but depending on the size of the pr maybe we can sell someone on squeezing it in00:17
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mordredtonyb: but we can get you taken care of in shade-land real quick like00:18
tonybmordred: Okay I figured 2.5 would be a strectch once the PR exists I'll let you know so I can advocate for it if appropriate00:19
mordredtonyb: yah - ping me in any case - I'm core on those modules too, but I lose track of them00:19
mordredclarkb: <-- the file requires - I thought puppet auto-required nested directories with magic?00:19
tonybmordred: Thanks will do.  Once the shade review passes CI I'll let you knwo but I really am askign for a friend :)00:20
clarkbmordred: I want to say it doesn't but that it may work as is because newer puppet ordres resources implicitly in the order they are defined in the file00:20
tonybwell he'll do the shade part I'll do the ansible PR00:20
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zuul master: Update zuul-web install for javascript stack
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mordredclarkb: kk. updated ^^00:23
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mordredclarkb: I also replied on the archive thing - the copied that pattern from puppet-storyboard, so I think i'd rather keep it as is and then if we wanna change, make sure we do it in both00:23
mordredianw: if'n you're around still - updated ^^ patch from clarkb review00:24
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mordredtonyb: your friend's patch looks great00:26
tonybmordred: :)00:26
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clarkbpabelanger: looking at pypi I don't think the glean release you wanted to do happened?00:49
clarkbpabelanger: looks like we need a 1.10.3 as its only a bug fix on top of 1.10.2?00:49
clarkbI can help with that. Probably bad idea to do one at this point in th day but tomorrow morning00:50
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ianwarggh, ubuntu-ports mirror failed at last steps with afs issues i think00:56
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Make the build reproducible
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gmann_corvus: AJaeger: andreaf: gibi: I sent the summary of 'job template vs irellevant_files'  PTG discussion on ML -
clarkbgmann_: thank you!01:48
gmann_corvus: AJaeger: andreaf: gibi: we need to select the workaround till we get the best approach/solution01:48
gmann_clarkb:  3 options are there as workaround as of now.01:49
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pabelangerclarkb: yah, never tagged it at PTG but we can now if people want02:01
pabelangeryah, 1.10.3 is fine02:01
clarkbpabelanger: I'm just following up on my notes from last week and that was on there02:01
clarkbpabelanger: happy to help but won't do it tonight because if tonight is like last night I will be asleep sortly02:01
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Rename get_schema to getSchema
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Extend config API with getSupportedLabels()
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smcginnisdhellmann: The switch of the deliverable stuff to objects appears to have broken reading and writing deliverable files in some cases.02:49
smcginnisdhellmann: It blows up trying to convert the objects to yaml.02:50
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Store label info with launcher registration
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openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings master: Replaces yaml.load() with yaml.safe_load()
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings master: Remove Craton team meeting
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings master: Remove Interop Challenge meeting
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add NO_TIMEOUT flag for reprepro
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auristorianw: what logging do you have from these afs failures/04:18
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ianwauristor: sorry not enough to be helpful.  just client failures.  possibly in US time pabelanger might be able to dig into server logs to see if anything helpful04:28
auristoris the timeout a fileserver timeout or a volserver timeout?04:29
ianwauristor: it's stuff like04:30
ianwMar  8 00:32:03 mirror-update kernel: [1208283.784551] afs: Lost contact with file server in cell (code -512) (all multi-homed ip addresses down for the server)04:30
ianwMar  8 00:32:03 mirror-update kernel: [1208284.183767] afs: failed to store file (110)04:30
ianwwhich is probably due to legitimate transport errors outside of our control04:31
auristorcode -512 is -ERESTARTSYS04:31
auristorits a client side bug in the openafs linux client04:31
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auristorbasically, the openafs client doesn't know how to handle signals interrupting its operations04:32
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ianwis there anything to be done about it?04:35
ianwpabelanger: ^04:35
auristorthe failed to store file (110) is a VBUSY error.  The volume was in use by the volserver04:35
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ianwpabelanger / persia: I thought the repo sync was complete, but ->
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ianwi don't know what happened.  i've rerun it again in a screen and see what happens.04:38
ianwi'm mostly afk for the next few days04:38
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auristorwhat openafs version is the client/.04:50
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auristoris it 1.6.18 or newer?04:52
auristorthere is a partial fix for -ERESTARTSYS errors in 1.6.1804:53
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auristorLooks like OpenAFS 1.6.7-1ubuntu1.1-debian built  2018-02-2305:01
auristorI have no idea what backports might have been applied to the ubuntu 1.6.7 distribution05:01
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auristoras far as I can tell from only security updates have been applied by ubuntu.05:06
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auristorpossible options.  build from upstream or use a non-openafs client that properly handles signals.05:08
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add queue size to tenant overview
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AJaegerdhellmann: looking at - it looks there'S nothing repo specific in it. You could define the job in openstack-zuul-jobs and add the jobs to project-config as well. Makes it easier to change it for 300 versions...07:03
openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Fix for rhel7 iso image creation.
openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: secondary architectures use different url
openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Fix for passing user defined value for satellite cert for rhel-common.
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openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Drop kingbird, networking-hpe and trio2o from g-r sync
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix console stream colors
AJaegerdirk: already in the office?07:26
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openstackgerritDaniel Lublin proposed openstack-infra/git-review master: Allow choosing which field to use as author when naming branch
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dirkAJaeger: in a few minutes yes08:10
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AJaegerdirk: can we quickly chat about the g-r changes? Seems there's some communication problem between us...08:25
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dirkAJaeger: sure. meet at the coffee machine? :)08:26
AJaegeron my way...08:26
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove converted cl-openstack-client job
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove cl-openstack-client job
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gibigmann_: thanks09:00
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openstackgerritXing Zhang proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Update doc enumerated list in gerrit
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persiaianw: Looking at the afs volume, the pool seems to contain both xenial and bionic packages (as expected): I think it is just the indicies that had issues.09:15
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persiaianw: Good luck with your move: there aren't enough current tests to break much if it doesn't fix itself during regular updates09:16
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: configloader: check for unknown shadow projects
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openstackgerriteldad marciano proposed openstack-infra/grafyaml master: Introduce grafana-piechart-panel.
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add known hosts for all users
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Added endpoint to delete banners per location
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: Added endpoint to delete banners per location
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings master: Replaces yaml.load() with yaml.safe_load()
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: PUT /api/v1/summits/{id}/locations/{location_id}/banners/{banner_id}
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid-resources master: PUT /api/v1/summits/{id}/locations/{location_id}/banners/{banner_id}
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slaweqI have a question about aio and multinode devstack topology in scenario tests11:44
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slaweqI wanted to test something so I pushed simple patch like to enable multinode on linuxbridge job11:45
slaweqbut it did not work as I expected and it looks from job logs that it is still run on single node11:45
slaweqcan You maybe tell me if I missed something what should be changed also or how to do it properly?11:46
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evrardjpis there some infra core that can add the openstack-ansible-core group into,members so that we can manage members? I forgot to do that long ago for role:
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openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack-infra/storyboard master: Migration script: optional parameters to filter by tags
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evrardjpsame for tacker...,members needs openstack-ansible-core
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fricklerevrardjp: added you to both groups so you can continue yourself. infra-root: ^^12:01
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evrardjpthanks frickler12:03
fricklerslaweq: did a quick look and it seems more changes are needed. will need some more digging, can do so in a bit12:03
slaweqfrickler: thx, I will be grateful for any help on that12:05
slaweqI'm not very familiar with this infra stuff :/12:05
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AJaegerconfig-core, could you review , please? A few small project-config updates12:06
AJaegerslaweq: you need to request multiple nodes as well in your job configuration12:07
AJaegerslaweq: better discuss with andreaf how to convert the job to the Zuul v3 native syntax and then go from there to multinode. Updating the old legacy jobs is not really beneficial in the long run.12:08
slaweqAJaeger: thx, I will try12:08
slaweqAJaeger: currently I only want to check some test failures if it will be the same on multinode setup, I don't want to switch this linuxbridge job in master branch12:09
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slaweqso I will try to do it as it is now for now :)12:10
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dhellmannif zuul finds the same job configured multiple times for the same repo (say it is part of two job templates, or added globally and locally) does it get confused or does it run the job one time?12:36
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openstackgerritFrank Kloeker proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Setup Queens translation sync for tripleo-ui
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AJaegerdhellmann: if it'S globally and locally, it will only run once, will just work fine.12:43
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AJaegerdhellmann: you could have the job definied in one place - and just add it to zuul.yaml everywhere12:43
AJaegerdhellmann: I see no reason so far to have the *job* in 300 repos12:44
AJaegerdhellmann: but you only pushed on change ;)12:44
dhellmannAJaeger : we're still working out how to do this 300 times, so I'm experimenting12:44
dhellmannthat was easier to do with a change in 1 repo12:44
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AJaegerdhellmann: do two and let's review ;) let's avoid duplication...12:45
dhellmannif we can have the job defined in 1 place and just add it to projects, that does simplify the process somewhat12:45
dhellmannalthough with at least 3 variants on in-tree zuul config it's still not trivial12:45
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dhellmanneven if we define the job globally we can't add it to the check-requirements template until all of the projects pass the job12:47
dhellmannI was hoping to not have to keep track of that, so maybe we just leave the lower-constraints job out of the template indefinitely12:47
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: do not treat newton as closed to releases
dhellmannAJaeger : ^^ would help the tripleo and ansible teams12:49
dhellmannEmilienM , evrardjp , amoralej : ^^12:49
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evrardjpdhellmann: thanks12:59
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove jenkins dir from README.rst
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AJaegerdhellmann: +2a13:06
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dhellmannAJaeger, mordred: thanks13:06
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AJaegermordred: neutron and horizon fails with requirements ;( Did you see ?13:08
mordredAJaeger: I did not - looking13:09
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dhellmannthere's a new lower-constraints.txt that has to be updated13:10
dhellmannjust include the most current version of the projects there13:10
dhellmannmordred : ^^13:10
mordredoh - neat13:10
dhellmannI'm still working on convincing them that we don't need that file, but for now...13:10
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AJaegermordred: that'S the eays part - the difficult part are neutron/horizon unit tests; Check their tox.ini file...13:11
AJaeger... see the failures there13:11
mordredyah ... was just looking at that13:11
EmilienMdhellmann: thank you13:12
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mordredAJaeger: ah. the .[test] trick13:13
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AJaegermordred: yeah ;(13:14
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: do not treat newton as closed to releases
mordredAJaeger, dhellmann: I wonder ... maybe we should put horizon and neutron in blacklist.txt instead of upper-constraints.txt - since their usage is a bit different than libraries?13:14
AJaegermordred: and that is used in a few other places - see the etherpad13:14
dhellmannmordred : maybe?13:15
AJaegermordred: would work as well13:15
AJaegerdirk: ^13:15
AJaegerprometheanfire: ^13:15
AJaegermordred: I think the changes you're working on with building need a good summary and email to openstack-dev - seeing prometheanfire's questions on the review13:17
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mordredAJaeger: agree13:20
mordredAJaeger: I've got a patch for fixing horizon ready13:21
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mordredwhich we should get landed regardless of the other thing13:21
mordredAJaeger: which is the etherpad?13:21
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AJaegermordred: still the same ;)13:25
AJaegermordred: I added many lines to it last night13:26
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prometheanfireAJaeger: mordred not sure blacklist.txt is the right place, considering the description we have for it, I'm still not sure what they are being used as libs for13:29
prometheanfirewasn't separating the client lib bits from the project a thing?13:29
AJaegerprometheanfire: right now projects like all the dashboard repos, need to install horizon for their CI. Similar with networking repos. mordred is working on a better way to do this for CI.13:30
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mordredprometheanfire: yah - this is about the horizon and neutron plugins, which currently are all special-cased becaue they depend on neutron and horizon via direct git links ...13:32
AJaegermordred: there will be a more packages coming - if you look what the tools/ scripts currently install. Soem install nova, others other networking repos.13:33
prometheanfireah, plugin repos13:33
mordredprometheanfire: but because we don't allow git links in requirements files, they have wrapper scripts which describe the requirement - effectively bypassing the whole system13:33
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mordred <-- good example13:33
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AJaegerprometheanfire: and this works
AJaegerprometheanfire: (with exception of requirements check failing - and that's what triggered your questions ;)13:34
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mordredAJaeger, prometheanfire: I pushed up patches to neutron and horizon fixing their tox.ini and added those to the depends-on for the requirements change13:38
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prometheanfiremordred: sure13:40
AJaegermordred: that won't make toabctl happy who pushed those [test] in.13:40
AJaegertoabctl: see
prometheanfireI think expanding the definition of blacklist could make sense, but like tony said (I think), I think a ml message would be nice13:40
AJaegermordred: we have in oslo.* some cases - see etherpad - where ".[something]" is used - and need a solution for those as well13:41
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/system-config master: Add subunit2sql check database server and workers
prometheanfireit also doesn't help for currently developed neutron/horizon13:42
AJaegertime for some cycling, will be back later...13:42
prometheanfiremaster hasn't had a release yet I don't think13:42
AJaegerprometheanfire: we have a release!13:43
toabctlAJaeger, ?13:43
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AJaegertoabctl: see discussion of last 20 mins here - and check depends-on from 55047513:43
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mordredAJaeger: k - I pushed up  apatch to keystoneauth (one of the outlier repos listed at the bottom)13:46
mordredAJaeger: I don't see that issue in oslo.db ... maybe it got fixed already?13:47
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prometheanfireAJaeger: is that from master?13:48
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mordredAJaeger, toabctl: yah - sorry about the .[test] casualty - I liked it as an approach - but with the way constraints work it's just unfeasible to keep unfortunately13:48
toabctlAJaeger, I still don't see where I am/was involved. maybe defining test deps in extra_requires ?13:49
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toabctlmordred, where do you want to remove it?13:49
toabctlmordred, are you saying that we can not define soft requirements anymore?13:50
mordredtoabctl: from all tox.ini files. we basically can't reference . in the deps section in any way and have constraints and tox-siblings work13:50
mordredtoabctl: we can totally define soft requirements13:50
mordredtoabctl: we just have to interface with them differently in tox.ini13:51
toabctlmordred, how? can you point me to a patch?13:51
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toabctlmordred, with that patch, requests-kerberos and friends end up in install_requires and pkg_resources might complain if the modules are not there.not nice13:53
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mordredtoabctl: why would they end up in install_requires? we're only adding them to test-reuqirements13:53
toabctlah. true. sorry13:54
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mordred*phew* - I was worried I'd missed a big hole :)13:55
pabelangerI'm going to spend some time debugging bionic wheels this morning, we didn't copy them to AFS for some reason:
mtreinishinfra-root: I'm not seeing any gerrit events on firehose, can someone check if germqtt (on firehose.o.o) is still running?13:56
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fungii'll look13:59
mtreinishfungi: thanks13:59
fungiActive: failed (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2018-02-27 16:37:19 UTC14:00
fungiperhaps we crashed it upgrading mosquitto?14:01
fungiat any rate, i've started it again now14:01
mtreinishfungi: great, thanks. Yeah I see events now14:02
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mtreinishfungi: hmm, the 27th was a bit before we installed the new mosquitto version14:02
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mtreinishoh, that's probably when I screwed up the config and was setting the websocket port to 'listener True'14:03
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mtreinishfungi: it might make sense to check the other daemons, like lpmqtt and mqtt_statsd14:04
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fungiActive: failed (Result: exit-code) since Wed 2018-01-10 19:34:00 UTC14:05
fungithat was lpmqtt14:05
mtreinishheh, well luckily for that one it saves state in imap14:06
fungiyeah, anyway it's started again14:06
fungimqtt_statsd never crashed14:06
fungiActive: active (running) since Thu 2018-01-18 15:24:50 UTC14:06
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mtreinishok cool14:07
fungirunning for several weeks14:07
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mtreinishoh, I just noticed the date on lpmqtt, it's not been running for ~2 months14:09
mtreinishlol, I guess no one was relying on those events14:10
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auristorpabelanger: are you around?14:17
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pabelangerauristor: I am14:20
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Rename get_schema to getSchema
auristordid you see the discussion from last night regarding -ERESTARTSYS errors on
auristorianw asked me to follow up with you14:23
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Extend config API with getSupportedLabels()
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pabelangerauristor: yah, right now we are just using stock client from trusty, but that server is scheduled to be updated to xenial14:24
pabelangerthat would get us:
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pabelangerhowever bionic has 1.8.0~pre5-1, I am not sure if that is better to move too14:25
auristor1.8.0 is beta and there are still issues to be discovered there14:26
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auristorthe stock xenial client doesn't include the partial -ERESTARTSYS fix14:27
pabelangersomething we might be able to backport?14:28
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auristoropenstack should just build the latest upstream stable release instead of relying upon ubuntu distributed packages which have never in my experience been kept up to date14:29
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-zuul master: Update zuul-web install for javascript stack
auristorit has never made sense to me that linux distributions selectively backport the changes that they feel are important as opposed to simply shipping the changes that the upstream development team believes is important.14:30
andreafslaweq please let me know if you need any help with job migration14:30
fungiauristor: unfortunately the same could be said for almost every piece of software we run, so we end up having to make compromises between the handful of things we have time to automate building from upstream source and the things we can just get by running from a binary distribution14:31
andreafslaweq my patch series for multinode is if that helps14:31
slaweqandreaf: hi, no, I'm not doing real migration, only some test for now14:31
auristormost of your software isn't a kernel module14:31
slaweqand with tips AJaeger I think it is going good now14:31
slaweqbut I will back to You if I will need some help, thx a lot :)14:32
andreafslaweq np14:32
fungiauristor: the reason distros selectively backport fixes instead of always providing the latest release is that many upstreams will introduce backward-incompatibilities from one release to the next and users would prefer to only consume backward-incompatible changes at distro release boundaries rather than at random unexpected points in time14:32
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auristoropenafs has long term stable releases.  many other projects do not14:33
fungithough that's more the case for stable distributions. rolling distributions with no firm release boundary tend to operate more loosely14:34
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auristorthe problem is that backporting only security fixes means that all of the work that is performed to track the linux kernel doesn't get backported until and unless a compilation failure occurs14:35
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fungiauristor: sure, but imagine you're, say, debian packaging 40k+ different applications and services. there's no clear standard means of equating a stable branch model from one upstream community to the next so they tend to assume all software introduces breaking changes14:35
auristorThe long term solution is to switch to kafs14:35
auristorkafs is the in-tree afs client14:36
fungistable distros tend to treat the kernel the same way too, backporting kernel patches to the version they released with rather than blindly consuming a stable kernel branch14:36
auristornone of the linux distributions that I am aware of enable it when building their linux kernels but if you want a kernel module that is going to track the kernel that is really the only way to ensure that there is consistency14:37
fungithough upstream providing a stable branch with some no-new-feature guarantees does tend to provide some additional confidence in selecting packages from it to backport14:37
fungier, patches from it14:38
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fungiyeah, i agree kafs will be nice14:39
auristorI do not mean to have a religious discussion on this topic.   The problem that openstack is seeing on mirror-update is because the Linux kernel changed somewhere around 4.1 to permit signals to interrupt a larger number of in-kernel operations that are initiated by the openafs cache manager.14:39
fungihopefully when ubuntu 18.04 lts releases next month it'll have a new enough linux kernel we can start trying kafs14:40
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auristoropenafs still does not have a proper fix for the problem but it does have a partial fix which covers the most common case which was interrupting splice operations14:40
fungiand yes, it sounds like a bug we should raise with ubuntu to request they backport the necessary openafs fixes for their newer kernl14:41
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: configloader: check for unknown shadow projects
fungithanks for the details auristor!14:42
auristoras for the other issue which was the VBUSY (110) error.  You should try to identify what volume operation was taking place on the volume in question.14:43
auristorthe openafs client when it receives a VBUSY is supposed to sleep and retry up to 100 times with a 15 second sleep between each retry14:44
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auristorthe openafs fileserver and volserver have an audit log option.   They generate a lot of data but that data is very useful to debugging issues that clients are facing.14:45
auristoropenstack does not currently generate the audit data but it might want to consider doing so14:46
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Normalize hostname for statsd
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AJaegertoabctl: mordred is basically reverting your change
pabelangerauristor: thanks for the pointers, I'll see about how we can enable the audit data14:54
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AJaegerconfig-core, could you review , please? A few small project-config updates14:56
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove gitdm legacy jobs
AJaegerthanks, dmsimard15:04
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openstackgerritEric Harney proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Disable grenade-dsvm-cinder-mn-sub-volbak on newton/ocata
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix console stream colors
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mordredinfra-root: ok - I'm going to take another stab at un-emergencying zuul0115:12
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mordredactually - no - I've got to step away for a few minutes in a few - I'll do it as soon as I'm back15:15
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clarkbpabelanger: ready to tag glean?15:15
clarkbpabelanger: do you want to do it or should I?15:16
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pabelangerclarkb: sure, you can tag if you like15:17
clarkbpabelanger: you probably understand the bug that is being fixed a bit better for writing up the tag message15:18
pabelangerclarkb: okay, no issue. I'll do it in a moment15:19
pabelangerwe have bionic wheels15:20
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mordredfungi: TIL that yarn (the tool we're using to install javascript packages in thenew zuul toolchain) has a license listing command: "yarn licenses list"15:21
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AJaegerconfig-core, two followup cleanups for review, please: and
AJaegerpabelanger: woot15:22
fungimordred: in theory pip could do that too... if maintainers actually filled in the license field in the trove metadata accurately15:22
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mordredfungi: :)15:24
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mordredfungi: amuinsgly enough - in our dependency list - spdx-license-ids does not list alicense :)15:25
mordred(although its readme does)15:25
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clarkbmordred: of the good things that github has done is make it much harder to create repos without a license15:26
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clarkbhopefully yarn license list is a further carrot for people making the license terms clear15:26
AJaegeranybody here reviewing openstack-planet? I have a change to import the test as Zuul v3 native job at - reviews welcome, please15:27
mordredOH - I read it wrong. spdx-license-ids uses "Unlicense" which asserts public domain15:28
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Update jquery to version 3
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mordredclarkb: ^^ that seems to work just fine15:30
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fungiclarkb: you mean github makes it harder now to get into this situation?
fungii wonder if oubiwann has forsaken computers entirely or something15:43
clarkbfungi: yes, they basically have a tooltip clippy thing that offers you a buffet of licenses with short descriptions of how they work15:43
clarkbfungi: and I think if you pick one they automatically do a pull request into your project with the appropriate files15:43
clarkbor maybe even seed the enw repo with that content15:43
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cfriesenis this the right place to talk about launchpad issues?15:58
clarkb is one config-core should probably review to help out stable branch maintenance15:59
clarkbcfriesen: maybe? we dno't operate launchpad but do consume it in a variety of ways so depends on where the issue is likely15:59
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cfriesenclarkb: it won't add comments to a bug for me...keeps telling me to try again in a few minutes.   I can load it fine though.16:00
openstackLaunchpad bug 1754184 in OpenStack Identity (keystone) "Unified limits API shouldn't return a list of all limits" [Medium,In progress] - Assigned to wangxiyuan (wangxiyuan)16:00
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cfriesenlooks like complaining about it fixed it. :)16:01
clarkbcfriesen: for that you'll likely need to contact launchpad/canonical16:01
pabelangerclarkb: 1.10.3 is fine for glean?16:01
persiacfriesen: If you're having a usability bug with launchper, the #launchpad channel is the usual support channel for launchpad (but good news that it is fixed)16:01
clarkbpersia: ya its jsut a bug fix so that should be fine16:01
clarkbpabelanger: ^ sorry persia16:01
persiapabelanger: ^^16:01
cfriesenpersia: thanks for the tip16:01
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pabelangerclarkb: ack16:02
mtreinishfungi: hmm, I haven't seen any launchpad events since you restarted lpmqtt. I wonder if something happened to the imap server, or the launchpad subscription16:04
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clarkbpabelanger: ianw any idea why corvus was only +1 on ?16:10
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clarkband then ya how do we update existing volumes?16:10
clarkber I guess those are server settings not volume settings16:10
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pabelangerclarkb: oh, not sure. but we should wait until corvus is back online for guidance16:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Update jquery to version 3
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openstackgerritKendall Nelson proposed openstack-infra/storyboard master: Migration Error with Suspended User
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SamYapleim working on setting up gerrit and zuulv3 internally, is there a canonical way to do this in the form of a guide somewhere? ive seen a few around17:28
clarkbSamYaple: zuulv3 docs should document how to set it up with gerrit (and github)17:28
fungiSamYaple: if the question is as much about setting up gerrit, we have some documentation describing how _we_ do it, but gerrit also has great install documentation17:29
fungibootstrapping an initial admin user is somewhat manual17:31
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SamYapleah perfect. thanks fungi and clarkb . this is enough to get me going for a bit17:31
fungithough we should look into revising that to take advantage of the magic "gerrit code review" built-in account17:31
SamYaplestill ahve to get internal acls to make it work17:31
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clarkbour docs seem to focus on how to set up gerrit out way and less about general gerrit setup iirc17:34
clarkbwhich if that is what youwant is probably fine :)17:34
SamYapleit is. we are looking for a close-to-infra setup since this will only be for our internal openstack stuff17:35
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SamYapleside note, is there an official deadline for talks to be approved for Vancouver? gotta be soon right?17:36
SamYapleneed that to submit for travel17:36
fungii heard they were sending notification to speakers later this week i think?17:36
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fungii'll double-check17:36
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fungiSamYaple: i was wrong, it's supposed to be sometime around the middle or end of next week17:38
fungiofficial pronouncement has been "week of march 16th"17:39
SamYaplegot it. thats fine. thanks fungi17:39
fungiany time17:39
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mordredSamYaple: if you want both a gerrit and a zuulv3, you may also want to check out
fungiahh, yes, turns out this is already a thing ;)17:43
SamYaplebeing completely unfamiliar with 3rd-party integration, would that still work for that mordred?17:44
fungitristanC is our best go-to in here for sf questions, if you have any17:45
clarkbSamYaple: ya you'd just point the zuul at our gerrit too17:45
fungiright, zuul v3 supports connections to multiple gerrits17:45
SamYapleniiiiice. thanks for the help everyone. plenty of reading to do now17:45
clarkbSamYaple: on gotcha to keep in mind is that if you have an openstack/nova in your gerrit that will confuse things a bit in zuul if using a single tenant since we have an openstack/zuul too17:46
clarkbbut you should be able to split those up by tenant17:46
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SamYapleim not quite following. i dont have an openstack/nova repo, if thats what youre asking (well we do, but know by a different name)17:47
mordredclarkb: it shouldn't confuse anything - each project's canonical name is actually a fully qualified name - so the upstream nova is and SamYaple's would be
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mordredclarkb: referring to things as just openstack/nova is shorthand so people don't have to type as much - but if there's overlap, zuul will make you fully qualify17:48
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clarkbmordred: ah ok17:48
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clarkbmordred: so we could rewrite all our configs to be canonical?17:48
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clarkb(its probably not a bad idea to do that out of canonicalness)17:48
mordredclarkb: yes, we totally could17:48
mordredclarkb: indeed - I was just thinking for some of the jobs intended to be re-used, it might be a friendly thing to do17:48
clarkbbut probably also a massive change that at his point would just be pain17:48
mordredlet's wait until we rename or don't rename all the repos17:49
mordredSamYaple: tl;dr - yah, would totally support 3rd-arty integration ... also, tristanC is a good person to ping about softwarefactory if you look at it and have issues/questions. also dmsimard17:50
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SamYapleawesome. totally rad as the kids are saying17:51
dmsimardyeah, happy to help17:51
fungicould mostly be done as one change to project-config and one change to openstack-zuul-jobs and then expect individual projects to take care of it themselves if and when they want to?17:51
fungior would there be situations where we need lock-step change of project names in different repos?17:52
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dmsimardfungi: yeah, in fact we're just now winding down zuul v2 on and we're actually not going to "upgrade" to zuul v3, we're enabling zuul v3 *to*'s gerrit from with a standalone tenant and everything17:52
dmsimard <--17:53
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fungiand a sane way to go about it17:53
dmsimardI know multi-tenancy is still fairly uncharted territory but we're happy to chart that :)17:53
fungiwhatever new lands you discover, you get to name after yourself too17:53
fungithe soverign kingdom of dmsimardia17:54
dmsimardlet's... not do that :)17:54
fungier, sovereign17:54
clarkbdmsimard: how areyou handling gating? I guess projects must convert to v3 totally for gating once they are ready?17:55
dmsimardclarkb: yeah the plan is to flip the switch on a project basis17:56
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dmsimardclarkb: (We don't have 1500 projects like upstream)17:56
fungithat does probably make it a little more convenient17:57
fungialso you probably don't have tens of thousands of jobs to reimplement in a new language17:57
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dmsimardYeah, it's actually not worth it for us to try and make the zuul migration script work for us17:57
dmsimardfungi: exactly17:57
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jlvillalReview request openstack-infra/puppet-gerritbot: Have gerritbot install from git:  Has one +2 already. Thanks!18:03
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AJaegerinfra-root, could I get a second +2 on this infra-manual change to better explain new project creation?
clarkbAJaeger: I'll take a look18:18
AJaegerthanks, clarkb.18:18
clarkbjlvillal: I'm your first +2 right?18:18
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AJaegerthere're also a few other open reviews for infra-manual if anybody is interested...18:18
mordredinfra-root: ok - NOW I'm going to try unsticking puppet on zuul0118:20
clarkbmordred: am here to help debug further if necessary18:20
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mordredclarkb: woot. fingers crossed it just all works as it's supposed to this time18:21
AJaegermnaser: could you review this puppet related change, please?
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mordredinfra-root : done - looks correct ...18:25
mordredand log streaming also looks correct (thanks for the css fix tobiash)18:25
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* clarkb tries hard refresh18:26
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jlvillalclarkb, Yes! :)18:26
mordredincidentally, moving forward we should't need hard refreshes anymore ...18:26
clarkbmordred: does this include jquery update yet or will that come after enabling puppet?18:26
mordredthe webpack output js bundles are hash-named18:26
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mordredclarkb: includes the jquery update18:26
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* mordred should write up a little summary of the webpack output pieces somewhere ...18:27
pabelangernew CSS18:27
tobiashmordred: I just put this into production too an hour ago18:27
mordredtobiash: \o/18:27
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-manual master: Better explain needed changes
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clarkbmordred: that must become part of the vendor.js?18:28
mordredalso -if anyone needs to do in-browser js debugging, we're serving complete map files, so your browser js debugger should be able to show you non-minified javascript (and if it doesn't, it's a bug)18:28
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clarkbmordred: firefox doesn't appear to be showing non minified at least not by default18:29
clarkboh I'm looking at the network side of things though maybe console will do the right thing18:29
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mordredclarkb: yah - dev console is the one thatknows how to side-load map files18:29
pabelangerneat! maybe I can finally figure out how to add back finger:// urls :)18:29
clarkbconfirmed, the debugger shows normal sources18:30
clarkband from that I see updated jquery18:30
mordredclarkb: there are three files - manifest.js - vendor.js and main.js - all the zuul-web code should be in main.js - vendor.js is the bundle containing all the deps (since they change less frequently, so browsers can cache that bundle longer) and manifest is build artifacts that contain timestamps - may change with every build, but it doesn't matter since it's tiny18:30
mordredclarkb: woot!18:30
tobiashclarkb: are all elements in diskimage-builder tested?18:30
tobiashI found the package which breaks me18:30
tobiashit's ca-certificates-java on xenial18:31
clarkbtobiash: no not all elements will be tested18:31
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clarkbtobiash: the testing we do that builds full images and boots them is fairly limited due to test runtime constraints18:31
tobiashclarkb: where do I have to inject that to try to reproduce in openstack ci?18:31
mordredmnaser: we can finally get back to the work you started in refactoring the status page!18:31
clarkbtobiash: probably in the nodepool src integration jobs. They run against dib and will install dib (and its elements from source) then build an image with them18:32
tobiashclarkb: I'd like to see if that's en environmental problem I have18:32
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove newton jobs
clarkbtobiash: probably the update you need is to update the nodepool elements list in that job18:32
tobiashthanks, will try that later18:32
clarkbtobiash: nodepool/devstack/ to update the nodepool dib config18:33
tobiashbut for the time being, I removed all java stuff (was legacy leftovers) from my dibs which unbreaks me for recent dib18:33
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AJaegerconfig-core, please review these two cleanups for openstack-zuul-jobs:
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AJaegerdmsimard: are and still needed? I think we solved them differently and they could be abandoned18:36
AJaegerdmsimard: and also
AJaegermordred: do we still need ?18:37
dmsimardAJaeger: abandoned the first two, is for something else and I still need it18:38
AJaegerdmsimard: thanks18:38
mordredAJaeger: yah - I think we can recheck then land it18:38
dmsimardAJaeger: thanks for helping me stay on top of my things :)18:39
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* dmsimard doesn't have any cores for the amount of threads he's working on18:39
AJaegerdirk: what about and - are those still needed?18:40
AJaegerzuul experts, has three +2s - but is not merged. Any reason to not +A this now?18:41
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove glance rally job definitions
AJaegermordred: oh, we just forgot to recheck? That's sad ;(18:42
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mordredAJaeger: :)18:42
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clarkbAJaeger: 510907 looks like maybe pabelanger and corvus didn't realize they both +2'd at about the same time18:43
clarkbAJaeger: probably safe to approve it18:43
mordreddmsimard: we used to have a Sun box in the drizzle build farm that had 256 hardware threads and could do really impressively massive parallel builds18:43
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clarkbmordred: niagara2?18:44
mordreddmsimard: otoh - each individual thread was SUPER slow - so the total time to do a build was about the same as doing the same build on a mac mini18:44
mordredclarkb: yah18:44
clarkbya 1.2ghz and had to share integer and fp units with other cores iirc18:44
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mordredI'll tell you what - make -j on that box would find _every_ flaw in your makefile dependencies18:44
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove newton jobs
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AJaegerandreaf: could you resolve the conflict in, please? I see consensus to move this but code has changed a bit...18:49
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: web: add /{tenant}/pipelines route
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: web: add /{tenant}/projects web page
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix indentation and renable the eslint rule
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: web: add /{tenant}/jobs/{job_name} route
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mordredinfra-root: I'm taking zuul01 out of the emergency file19:05
clarkbmordred: thanks19:05
mordredinfra-root: (unless anyone has any objections)19:05
mordredclarkb: is not a thing anymore right?19:05
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clarkbmordred: that seems right? pabelanger can probably confirm19:06
mordredclarkb: also - we're aware is in the emergency file?19:06
clarkbmordred: yes, I want to say the wiki is still in limbo19:06
mordredpabelanger: I can still ssh to - so maybe it should stay in the emergency file?19:06
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Parameterize the test-setup role
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mnasermordred: woo, im not sure where that patch is by now :D19:09
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gemaclarkb: I am going to make a pledge to our members for HW at our next event, can you give me a back of the envelope number as to how many vCPUs/memory would be needed to cover all the openstack projects on ARM64? Peak capacity I guess is what I am after19:11
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: DNM: test ca-certificates-java
gemaclarkb: will probably be asking for clouds at different sitest/vendors19:11
gemaianw: ^19:11
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: DNM: dib test ca-certificates-java
clarkbgema: is probably a good place to look. In particular the in-use nodes. That count is for VMs used. Until we have performance numbers on arm its hard to know exactly how well that lines up19:13
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gemaclarkb: ok19:13
clarkbgema: our total quota of x86 test vm nodes floats around 1k right now adn during peak utilization (feature freeze typically is a busy) we hit that limit for most of the day every working day19:13
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: DNM: dib run test ca-certificates-java
clarkbgema: one thing to keep in mind is to start we probably won't run as many overall jobs on arm simply because we'll have to sort through bugs and fix things so not everything will be testable19:14
gema1k nodes meaning 8vCPU/8G ram nodes?19:14
clarkbgema: yes19:14
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gemaclarkb: yep, I am trying to give them a long term goal19:14
* persia wishes gema excellent results from such a call for pledges19:14
clarkbon the low end 250 test vm nodes is probably a good place to start to start doing larger scale testing then grow from there as demand works?19:14
clarkb(its a balancing act between askign for too much and getting chased away and asking for too little and not getting work done :) )19:15
gemaclarkb: yep, I know19:15
persiaStarting from a couple hundred (ideally from different providers) for basic testing makes sense.19:15
fungimordred: clarkb: yes, wiki very much in limbo, waiting for me or someone to have time to finish getting it config-managed (it never has been in reality)19:15
persiaIf we end up with 1K or more, we might usefully have a discussion about how to influence demand.19:15
fungiour actual wiki.o.o is a symlink to wiki-upgrade-test.o.o which is a snapshot of an old non-configuration-managed, hand-deployed server from the dawn of time19:15
gemaclarkb: thanks, will sift through grafana as well, but you gave what I need, I think19:15
clarkbgema: ya the graphite/grafana data is probably the best source of info19:16
clarkbgema: happy to answer other questions if you have them19:16
gemayep, thank you guys!19:16
fungiwe have a configuration-managed wiki-dev.o.o which is not quite working and needs some more puppetry still as well as someone to troubleshoot why openid auth isn't working for it19:16
AJaegergema: for example, I don't think we need to build docs on arm.19:16
AJaegergema: and neither linters - so that removes some short-running but very frequent jobs19:17
persiaAJaeger: We should at least run some of that, if only to make sure we can.19:17
persia(assuming we have sufficient capacity, etc.)19:17
gemaAJaeger: you may want to run them on both at different times to ensure coverage?19:17
persiaI remember there being some issues in a certain distribution when the default arch for stuff that didn't need to run on every arch changed from i386 to amd64, and more things broke than anyone anticipated.19:18
AJaegera linter or docs building should be architecture independent, so no need to run them on two archs.19:18
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gemaAJaeger: true, but at the end of the day you want to make sure the tooling for such builds is available on all archs19:18
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AJaegerpersia: some duplicate testing might be nice - but I wouldn't overdo it. But that really depends how much nodes we get ;)19:18
persiaAJaeger: Assuming capacity, maybe we can define those jobs in such a way that they would run on the first arch nodepool can make available?19:18
persiaAJaeger: Absolutely :)19:18
gemaAJaeger: which may or may not be the case, although in this case I think it is19:18
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* mordred is excited about the various scheduling corner-cases the arm work is providing19:19
gemamordred: indeed19:19
AJaegerpersia, gema: In the bring up phase, I suggest to look to figure out where we expect problems and run those tests regularly. Once we have those stable, let's test more...19:19
clarkbpersia: ya over time we might have labels like ubuntu-xenial, ubuntu-xenial-x86, ubuntu-xenial-arm64 then jobs that don't care can run on either19:19
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clarkbjobs that do care can specify19:19
clarkb(this has the chance of introducing gate blockign bugs if we aren't careful but overall benefit should outweigh that if it means more capacity to get stuff done()19:20
persiaAJaeger: For now, I think we're just trying to make sure we *can* test, and then will have selected projects bring up selected jobs on the limited capacity.  Until we have a least 25x current capacity, I don't think we can do much.19:20
AJaegerpersia, gema : I just wanted to point out that we probably do not need to run each and every job on both archs - and thus can life with fewer resources.19:20
gemaAJaeger: totally agree with that19:21
AJaegerIf we get 2000 powerful nodes, we can move jobs to arm ;)19:21
persiaPart of the problem is that the way that we currently define nodesets means that we have to define each job separately for each architecture, which complicates things.19:21
mordredAJaeger: right?19:21
clarkbpersia: or have generic labels like in my example19:21
persiaOnce we have a few hundred nodes, it becomes interesting to look at how to have jobs that run on whatever they can.19:21
clarkbpersia: so ubuntu-xenial could mean x86 or arm64 then we make arch specific labels for people that need them19:21
persiaclarkb: I like generic labels.  I don't know how to define "ubuntu-xenial" in the nodepool config.19:22
clarkbthat would require a bit of reworking of current jobs but is doable19:22
AJaegeryeah, quite a few interesting problems - looking forward to those ;)19:22
gemaalright, let's get the capacity first, then we can figure out the scheduling19:22
mordredyup. all the issues show up when X goes from 1 to 2, it turns out19:22
persiaI think *most* jobs wouldn't need reworking with a generic labels model (well, all the ARM jobs, but there aren't many yet).19:22
clarkbgema: ++ hope it goes well :)19:22
gemathanks, will let you know :D19:23
* mordred hands gema a bunny rabbit19:23
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gemamordred: lol19:23
gemathanks :D19:23
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tobiashpersia: nodepool already provides the needed abstraction layers for doing multiarch labels19:24
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persiaclarkb: Oh, on nomenclature, we probably want "ubuntu-xenial-arm64" and "ubuntu-xenial-amd64" to avoid mixing layers (x86_64 <-> aarch64).19:24
tobiashon the top level you define labels and in the provider.pools you have the supported labels per pool19:24
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tobiashyou just need to list the same label in a x86 and an arm pool and you have that19:25
persiatobiash: Are there docs, or should I code-dive?  I'd be delighted to get stuck into making "ubuntu-xenial" multiarch (with only "ubuntu-xenial-amd64" providers today)19:25
tobiashpersia: labels (top level object):
tobiashand providers:
tobiashnote that the provides list in the pools their supported labels19:26
tobiashthe diskimages the provider.pool.labels.diskimage refer to can be different19:28
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clarkbthe neat thing about testing liek this is openstack manages to touch all the things so if there are bugs to be found we will probably find them :)19:30
clarkbdirk: did you manage to root cause that networking bug any further?19:31
persiatobiash: Thanks.  I think I have to dig through what we have a bit to understand how to apply that, but at first glance, it looks like none of the actual job definitions have to change at all.19:31
gemayeah, we will probably hit some races19:31
persiaWell, except some of the arch-specific jobs (like wheel builders).19:31
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clarkbpersia: and any jobs that would be broken due to bugs. The conservative thing to do would be to switch all existing jobs to amd64 specific labels19:32
tobiashpersia: in order to not break the jobs we micht want to do the multiarch on ubuntu-xenial-multiarch or something like that19:32
clarkbthen switch them one by one or in groups based on pre merge test results on arm64 too19:32
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fungiclarkb: gema: also once we're getting at least 100 nodes of capacity consistenly out of these environments, we can add linaro (or whoever is responsible for coordinating the donation) to
persiaMy thought would be to make sure all the amd64 providers are appropriately annotated, and some of the arch-specific jobs are changed, and not configure any arm clouds to provide "ubuntu-xenial".19:33
mordredyah - also, while we still have less arm nodes, limiting them to things where there's a higher reward, like devstack jobs, instead of all ubuntu-xenial where you might waste all the quota on pep8 jobs and not really prove anything about arm19:33
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gemafungi: yep, will let our members know19:33
persiaFrom that point, we can run selected test jobs to identify what works and what doesn't, and as things work, slowly expose the label (or adjust projects to be arch-specific, if necessary)19:33
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gemamordred: +1, I was thinking devstack and kolla (since they keep telling us they cannot test our images) is a good place to start19:34
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persiamordred: I believe the currently proposed ARM jobs consist of 1) wheel builders, 2) devstack, and 3) pep8.19:34
gemapersia: kolla19:34
persia(3) is mostly there as a means of seeing if we can test (not yet), and I expect it not to be merged.19:34
gemapersia: they were the ones instigating the entire thing :D19:34
persiagema: Excellent.  I didn't see that yet.19:35
fungithey are good instigators!19:35
gemapersia: pep8 doesn't add much19:35
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mordredpersia: ++19:35
fungiinstigation as a service19:35
gemafungi: indeed19:35
mordredgema: well, pep8 adds "does the system work for the most basic possible job"19:35
gemamordred: yeah, as an initial thing to test the provider, but it's not a high reward job (as you put it)19:36
mordredgema: but I agree, in general the value of running pep8 for validating openstack running on arm is ... very low19:36
mordredgema: ++19:36
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gemaand after devstack and kolla, maybe nova and neutron19:36
gemakeystone also expressed interest due to the crypto deps they have19:37
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gemaanyway, calling it a day, thank you all for the insights19:40
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persiaI believe the only two things the pep8 test is still testing are a) completing the ubuntu-ports mirror (pool and lists seem populated, but dists/ is oddly bare) and b) the ubuntu-xenial-aarch64 wheels mirror (in-progress, needs AFS admin, has a volunteer)19:40
persiaAfter that, we can stop testing it (as not a good use of our limited resources)19:40
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mordredpersia: ++19:42
pabelangermordred: clarkb yah, that mirror is no more19:42
pabelangerhowever it may still be online19:43
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fungimtreinish: i suspect indicates we ceased receiving new messages from lp around december 2019:43
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fungithough exim's mainlog shows messages getting delivered from to the lpmqtt mailbox19:45
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fungiso maybe i'm misinterpreting the cyrus spool19:45
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* fungi needs to step away for a little while to cook dinner19:45
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dmsimardmordred: confuses me (but it's nice that it works)19:51
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persiadmsimard: Is it the content, or that the URL works that is confusing?19:52
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persiaIf the latter, I'll mention that for Storyboard, this is considered a very convenient way to quickly examine the effects of javascript changes.  If the former, I don't know anything.19:55
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: web: add /{tenant}/projects routes
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: web: add /{tenant}/pipelines route
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: web: add /{tenant}/jobs.html page to display jobs
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: web: add /{tenant}/projects web page
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix indentation and renable the eslint rule
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: web: add /{tenant}/projects web page
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix indentation and renable the eslint rule
mordreddmsimard: \o/19:58
* mordred considers confusing dmsimard a successful part of any day19:58
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mordreddmsimard: but yeah, like persia said, we started doing that pattern for storyboard. it's facilitated by having the js/html stuff be a standalone thing that talks to a remote api - as opposed to a more 'traditional' web app where there is server-side templating/rendering of html19:59
dmsimardpersia: it's mostly an awesome confusion, like, hey, that works20:00
mordred(and is one of the reasons I've become such an ardent supporter of that model)20:00
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* persia vaguely hopes that every web UI in OpenStack eventually moves in that direction20:00
dmsimardmordred: it's actually pretty interesting and with the component split of ara I might consider doing something like that -- I haven't yet settled on the "frontend" consumption model20:00
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* dmsimard is not a frontend person20:01
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mordreddmsimard: I _highly_ recommend such a split - and would be happy to help you consider it20:01
rm_workis there a pattern we typically use for bash checks that "needle in haystack"? like shorthand for [[ "$VAR" = "thing1" ]] || [[ "$VAR" = "thing2" ]]20:01
mtreinishfungi: hmm, well iirc we have lpmqtt configured to delete the messages after it pushes the mqtt event20:02
dmsimardmordred: I'll probably need help when I get to that point, I suck at angular/react/vuejs/$hipframework :)20:03
mordreddmsimard: well - I did too until about 6 months ago - I have learned _many_ things since then - hopefully enough that I can help you out there20:04
mnaserso when should i start hacking on my old angular patch20:04
* mnaser has a few flights with idle time20:04
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mordredmnaser: now is great. just be sure to start with as the base so you don't have to fight an indentation rework patch20:05
mnasermordred: clarkb: pabelanger: and i think i might see you at ONS too!20:05
mnasers/might/will/ so we can catch up there20:05
mordredmnaser: the status page is even already inside of an angular controller already20:05
mordredmnaser: woot!20:05
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: DNM: dib test ca-certificates-with-fix
clarkbmnaser: I am literally in the process of booking atht trip right now20:05
* persia suddenly regrets having decided to miss ONS this year20:05
mnaseroh sweet, that is a whole amount of work already done20:05
pabelangermnaser: sadly, I won't be going. But should be a good meet up20:06
mnaserpabelanger: aw darn20:06
clarkbpabelanger: you should make sure fatih knows as space was limited20:06
mnaser^ yeah20:06
* mnaser is waiting on a wait-list20:06
pabelangerclarkb: yah, I can ping him on email, but did mention at PTG20:06
mnaseri'm booking my flight to come earlier for it anyways.. in hopes of no-shows20:06
clarkbcurrently looking at hotels and wondering why they are all so pricey. LA I guess20:06
mnaseryeah it looks like the hotel for the venue is sold out?20:07
clarkbmnaser: note Fatih's thing is over the weekend not during normal ons20:07
clarkbmnaser: ya I think you can get booked there on non conf rate20:07
mordredmnaser: ping me if you're about to start hacking on things - I have a personal todo-list item to extract the places where we're calling the rest api into a Service - which might overlap a little with your status work - but as long as we keep chatting it should be fine20:07
mnaserclarkb: oh yeah, so ill be coming in earlier to be able to catch it20:07
clarkbbut its like $350/night20:07
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mnasermordred: i will do so, probably more towards the end of the month to be honest, a lot going on right now20:08
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mnaserclarkb: im still getting my ticket to ONS and havent gotten to the flight part yet so if you find something reasonable and close, let me know :>20:08
pabelangerclarkb: email sent20:08
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clarkbmnaser: is on the cheaper end near the conf but I feel like I may not be cool enough for that hotel20:09
mnaserupside down logo20:09
mordredmnaser: ok. I'll probably be done with the bits of refactor I want to do by then20:09
mnasermordred: perfect, just let me know what to build on top of20:10
mnaser(once it exists)20:10
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mordredmnaser: ++20:10
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* mnaser starts registering to ONS for the third time in hopes of not being interrupted again20:10
* mordred interrupts mnaser20:10
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mnasermordred: its okay, i wanted to go through a painfully long 4 page registration form another time anyways20:11
* mordred interrupts mnaser again, just to be annoying20:12
mordredare we there yet? are we there yet?20:12
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove storyboard webclient publication jobs
mnaseri dont know if anyone worked enough in the hosting industry to know this but20:12
* mnaser perl mordred 20:12
clarkbI think I will just book the standard because it is cheap20:13
mnaserok so registered at ONS officially20:14
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mnaserbook flight or hotel first has always been a dillema20:15
AJaegermnaser: could you review this puppet related change, please?
mnaserAJaeger: i thought i did but never pressed the submit, oops20:16
mordredmnaser: dude. I'm just impressed that you ran a perl script at me. I feel like wendar and I are the only people still around with significant perl backgrounds ...20:17
AJaegermnaser: ;)20:18
mnaseri have a long perl past lol20:18
tobiashperl was the first scripting language I used, but not for long... ;)20:18
AJaegerperl? that was ~20 years ago...20:18
* AJaeger is getting old ;(20:19
mnaserare we hiding our windows history20:19
mnaservisual basic anyone?20:19
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mordredAJaeger: yah - last time I wrote perl professionally was in 2000 - when I was living in amsterdam working for a startup that did visualization of competitive business intelligence20:19
mordredusing, of course, graphviz as the actual visualization engine :)20:19
mnaseri think that was my first "oh my god i just built an actual thing that runs with a gui"20:20
tobiashmnaser: yeah, my first programming language :)20:20
mordredmnaser, tobiash I have written C# for money - but I've somehow avoided ever writing any lines of visual basic20:20
mordredmy first programing language was TI Basic though20:20
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tobiashnow I feel young :)20:21
mordredtobiash: we had 4k of RAM!!!!20:21
mordred_so_ many things you can do in 4k of RAM - as long as none of them are parsing xml20:22
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persiaCould someone poke ? landed, but the same job name in two places seems to cause the tests to run against older node.20:28
persiae.g. search for "Output node version" in
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openstackgerritBrianna Poulos proposed openstack-infra/project-config master: Remove cursive legacy jobs
fungimnaser: i hide any and all windows experience (for fear someone might ask me to recall any of it)20:40
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fungithere was a time when i put a lot of effort into integrating windows nt 3.5, windows 95 and sco openserver 520:40
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fungieverything ended in 520:41
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mordredfungi: I had an NT 3.5 server that was part of a ludicrous set of interdependencies involved in scanning barcodes with wireless scanners in warehouses20:42
mordreddos, os/2 and AIX were also all involved, amazingly enough20:43
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mordredsurprisingly, none of that is on my resume anywhere20:43
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fungiit pains me to think about how not-open sco "openserver" was20:48
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fungithough with their skunkworks cd you could still install a basic gnu toolchain20:50
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tobiashclarkb: got it to reproduce:
andreafAJaeger: ok ... the new code supports the case of empty value as well which was not supported before, so I need to keep that in and remove list20:57
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tobiashclarkb: while with the fix it works:
clarkbtobiash: cool ianw ^^20:58
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tobiashthat can be reproduced easily with a ubuntu-xenial build and installing ca-certificates-java via package-installs21:00
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gemamordred: you just reminded me of visual basic, C++ and java (all of which I did not manage to avoid back in the day where there was no github... just perforce)... x)21:33
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: DNM
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: DNM
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mordredinfra-root: zuul01 has been removed from the emergency file... when I said earlier I was going to do that- I may have forgotten to :wq in the editor window :)22:25
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pabelangermordred: do you have any ideas on how we could run but in an untrusted context?  Right now, we don't allow shell execution on zuul-executor22:25
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pabelangermordred: if it was the git module in ansible, it likely would be fine but because command we block it22:26
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clarkbianw: tobiash I have rereviewed the encoding fix change and left a new comment on what may help explain what is going on22:32
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jlvillalSo all the dependency patches seem to have merged for  But it doesn't appear to be starting the gate job. Any ideas?22:36
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mordredpabelanger: I'm not sure- I'm not sure there's a good reason we couldn't rework that to use the git module instead - but I'm curious why you want to run it in a different context (like what's the issue?)22:39
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pabelangermordred: issue is, in a multinode setup, I only want to push git repos to a single node, not all. today, our base jobs will push them to all22:39
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pabelangermordred: so, by only running that role on a specific host in playbook, I can achieve that22:40
pabelangerbut, can't do that today, because delegate_to: localhost doesn't allow command22:40
pabelangerI agree, we likely should update the git module in ansible to support --mirror22:41
clarkbjlvillal: they likely don't share a gate queue so you'll have to reapprove or recheck22:41
clarkbjlvillal: things are only auto enqueued when they are cogated together22:41
jlvillalclarkb, Ah thanks.22:41
mordredpabelanger: that makes me think that we should figure out some way *waves hands wildly* to update the base playbook to support the use case of "only want git repos on a subset of nodes"22:41
mordredpabelanger: oh! duh. host lists can include negative matchers - which can be groups, and which can be groups that don't exist22:42
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mordredpabelanger: we could update the base playbook play for syncing git repos to be hosts: 'all:!no-git' - and if you want a node to not get git repos pushed to it, just add it to the no-git group in your nodeset?22:43
pabelangermordred: yah, I had an idea of how to do that, but it required adding extra-vars support into zuul. Then we can template the hosts setting with a {{ foo_hostlist | default(all) }}, but putting foo_hostlist into host / groups vars won't work, because it is loaded too late in ansible22:43
pabelangermordred: Yah, I mean that would work too22:44
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pabelangermaybe it is that easy22:44
jlvillalDid the Circle X button in stop working for other people? In the "filters" box.22:44
mordredpabelanger: I think so - I'm not 100% sure how group set intersection works ...22:44
jlvillalI've tried it in Firefox and Chrome.22:45
pabelangermordred: ack, I can poke more at it locally22:45
mordredjlvillal: yah. broken for me too ... I'm guessing it broke in the recent js patches :(22:45
jlvillalmordred, Thanks. and :(22:45
mordredpabelanger: we do this in remote_puppet_else.yaml: - hosts: '!!git0*:!zuul-scheduler:!afs*:!baremetal*:!controller*:!compute*:!puppetmaster*:!disabled'22:45
mordredpabelanger: so maybe instead of "all:!no-git" it just wants to be "!no-git"22:46
mordredpabelanger: (food for thought while you poke)22:46
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mordredpabelanger: cause I think that's totally a reasonable thing for people with multi-node jobs to want22:47
pabelangeryah, I figure more then just me will eventually like that :)22:47
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mordredjlvillal: hrm. I'm looking at the code that handles that and it doesn't make any sense to me why it wouldn't work - or would have stopped working22:53
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jlvillalmordred, :(22:56
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mordredjlvillal: because I know you want a play-by-play - the x icon elementis not receiving the onclick ...23:08
jlvillalmordred, Thanks for figuring it out :)23:11
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auristormordred pabelanger: to reduce the cost of pulling git repos everywhere you should look at the git virtual filesystem work that Microsoft did.
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auristormicrosoft keeps all of their code in one git repo and it doesn't matter which subtrees are required by which nodes.   only the altered files are pulled down to any node.23:13
auristorit uses the standard git distribution.  I'm not sure what Linux specific bits will need to be written to implement the virtual file system layer.  Its sort of like a fuse based overlay but not quite.23:15
fungiin this case we're trying to reduce runtime network dependence by pushing contents onto test nodes before job payloads are initiated, as network failures during job runtime are much harder to detect than if they're performed in advance23:17
fungiand in random service providers at the scale we're running individual jobs, every network operation we can eliminate during the job is one less chance for a random false negative23:18
auristorso you want to pin certain subtrees or directories or files on certain nodes23:18
jlvillalauristor, Looks like it is Windows 10 only.23:18
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auristoryes, Microsoft's implement of the virtual file system is Windows 10 only.   The git changes are universal and are supported by github23:19
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auristoraccording to that article github is working on a linux version of the virtual file system to be delivered after a macOS port23:24
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clarkbenovance did something similar shoving all of your git objects into swift. But I think it was slow beacuse it lacked the virtual fs layer and everything was an http request to swift23:26
auristoryeah, that would hurt23:27
auristorAFS caching of the git content would be more efficient23:27
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clarkbfwiw our git repo cache on the images seems to have worked really well over time23:28
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clarkb(which the syncing playbooks takes into account)23:29
clarkb(its why it is somewhat complicated rather than just a stright up copy23:29
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mordredjlvillal: oh - I haven't figured anything out yet ... I've just identified at least one thing that's not working ... still a mystery as to _why_ or how to fix it :)23:33
fungiyeah, basically as long as things are working we maintain a <24h old copy of the repos which are present on the rootfs when a node is booted, and then push recent differences for the specific repos a given job needs during our setup phase23:34
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clarkbjlvillal: mordred looks like if you highlight the text and delete it that works23:34
clarkbso at least you don't get stuck in that state23:34
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mordredyes. there's definitely a workaround23:35
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mordredauristor: that's neat - unfortunately in this particular case the thing we're pushing around are the speculative commits that zuul has just computed for the test job in question that have not yet landed in any central repo - so regardless of how the underlying repos might be cached, we'll still need to get the speculative commits in place on test nodes so that they can be tested23:37
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mordredauristor: it's an interesting take on things though23:39
mordredheh. ZOMG ... this article though " Git wasn't designed for such vast numbers of developers—more than 3,000 actively working on the codebase. "23:39
mordredwelcome to our life for the past several years microsoft23:39
auristorthat has been their life for 30 years23:39
mordredyah - I'm just saying- we took a decidedly different approach to google and microsoft with dealing with k's of developers and source code - which does not involve a monorepo23:40
mordredit's nice to see we're not the only ones with the problem though :)23:40
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auristorif you watch the video they explain some of the reasons why small repos didn't work for them23:41
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persiaThe various articles linked from would suggest git was specifically designed for that number of developers (or more)23:41
auristorbut not that size of repo23:41
clarkbyou could also archive probably 80% of the history there maybe? (I have no real hard data to go off of)23:42
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persiaauristor: small repos tend not to work for folk used to large repos, and vice versa.  It is a matter of philosophy, rather than there being an answer.23:43
clarkbwould be neat if shallow clones worked better23:43
mordredauristor: I don't see a video in that article?23:43
auristorvideo from gvfs.io23:43
mordredoh. gotcha23:43
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persiaclarkb: Shallow clones working better would make things faster, but in many cases, it is very useful to have full history when working on projects with multi-decade histories, as there is often no shared context for why things were done other than can be gleaned from commit messages at the time (often read in batches, e.g. everything that landed some week, rather than individual commits).23:44
mordredwoot. I found a non-video page with explanations:
clarkbpersia: ya but you can go looking for that specifically when you need it and ignore it otherwise23:45
clarkbpersia: I've worked on code basese older than I am so I'm familar with some of that23:45
clarkbyay avionics23:45
persiaI have yet to be able to make that claim.  I'm not sure I'd want to be able to do so.23:45
mordred"Smaller repos would mean simpler scale challenges in each individual repo, but they also make it much more difficult to do cross-cutting changes that have to touch the code in all of those repos. Multiple repos also make your release process more complicated. In the end, if the scale issues can be solved, having one repo often makes the overall workflows far simpler."23:46
auristorit all depends on your ago :)23:46
mordredI'm poking at this because I find it interesting that the more we poke the more the underlying understanding of the problem statement is actually the same23:46
mordredbut the choice of which part to solve is different23:47
clarkbof course we used borland star team so we all just hated the revision control system23:47
clarkband it hated us23:47
mordredwhich is kind of neat23:47
clarkbI'm sure the code wasn't in revision control for a good chunk of its life too23:47
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mordredthey decided writing a file system and keeping a monorepo view was the right way to allocate resources to the problem, we instead tackled cross-repo coordination and release issues23:47
clarkbmordred: I think some of that has to do with being a single organization vs many organizations23:47
mordredI think they lay out the tradeoff nicely23:48
clarkbmordred: we essentially map some of our human interaction and organizing onto the code bases23:48
clarkbfor big single org big single repo23:48
mordredbut they're not one single big org23:48
mordredthey are a collection of strongly balkanized competing orgs23:48
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clarkbmordred: windows isn't though is it?23:49
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mordredclarkb: there is no way 3000 developers are a single cohesive org23:49
clarkbmordred: I mean on paper they are23:49
mordredon paper we are too23:49
persiaMany strongly balkanised competing orgs find monorepo better than silos in part because of the org chart structure.  It permits commits that do not involve coordinating with multiple layers of management.23:49
mordredpersia: indeed23:49
persiamordred: I work with at least one company with > 5000 developers that is actively a cohesive single org, and individual developers often wander between teams without much oversight (although reporting lines are adjusted quarterly or so to catch up).23:50
persiaI also know other companies where no group of more than 5 people is permitted to speak to another without a third party mediating the discussion.  There are many choices, most of which seem good in particular contexts.23:51
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mordredalso - they did explore multiple-repos stiched together and reference android's repo.py23:51
persiaPersonally, I feel monorepo is good when one starts with monorepo or finds monorepo a good way to work around internal comms issues.  When one starts with multiple components, per-component development + integration automation feels more comfortable.23:52
mordredthe gvfs-design-history is a really nice read23:52
clarkbfwiw we didn't do mono repo with borland starteam because i think we would haev all murdered each other if we tried23:52
auristorwindows is not a single team with a single collective brain.  they are not the Borg23:52
clarkbthe check in semantics just weren't rich enough to allow distributed teams to effectively manipulate the code base without tons of communication23:53
auristoreach team fights for resources and has their own priorities23:53
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings master: Propose a new time for weekly keystone meeting
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