Tuesday, 2021-08-31

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sean-k-mooneyfungi: clarkb  just noticed that https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/798071 is still open too if ye have time can ye take a look11:59
fungilooks like frickler just got it12:09
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Add os-vif-core to stable maintainers  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/79807112:11
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs master: Remove neutron and networking-midonet Ocata jobs definitions  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs/+/79136412:23
sean-k-mooneyfrickler++ thanks12:23
sean-k-mooneyfungi: and thanks for looking too12:23
fungionce zuul reports on that change for the deploy pipeline, it should hopefully be working12:24
sean-k-mooneyi can check it later. i noticed it because i was going to do a stable review before a meeting so ill check back later today12:24
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zulfungi: those two fixes for the tox role seems to have failed13:33
fungizul: yes, i'm working through a solution in a parent change to get the siblings library able to deal with the default increased verbosity the tox_extra_args addition brings13:36
fungiit's getting a bit complicated dealing with python 2.7 backward compatibility for jobs on older platforms like centos 713:37
zulfungi: ack13:41
fungias soon as i get clear of my morning meetings i'll hopefully get that finished up13:42
zulgotcha good luck ;)13:42
fungizul: i can probably resequence that stack to stick the tox_config_file rolevar addition first as i expect it to be less contentious (it's purely an addition, doesn't introduce any behavior changes in existing uses)13:43
fungii initially expected it to require more discussion, but that was before i realized how into the weeds the tox_extra_args change would get13:44
clarkbfungi: feel free to throw reviews my way. I'll be catching up on emails and getting a meeting agenda out (late) after meetings and some food14:22
fungiclarkb: thanks, will do once it's reviewable ;)14:23
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opendevreviewMathieu Gagné proposed openstack/project-config master: INAP mtl01 region is now owned by iWeb  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/80678818:30
opendevreviewMathieu Gagné proposed openstack/project-config master: INAP mtl01 region is now owned by iWeb  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/80679118:44
opendevreviewMathieu Gagné proposed openstack/project-config master: INAP mtl01 region is now owned by iWeb  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/80678818:44
opendevreviewMathieu Gagné proposed openstack/project-config master: INAP mtl01 region is now owned by iWeb  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/80678819:23
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/project-config master: INAP mtl01 region is now owned by iWeb  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/80678820:30
ade_leeclarkb, fungi hey -- I'm trying to figure out I'm not able to connect to a machine in ci using ssh-python.  This is fips related and I can't reproduce locally.  Any change we can freeze the instances so I can get to them and troubleshoot.22:01
ade_leeclarkb, fungi this is for https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia/+/79815122:01
johnsomade_lee Want to chat about this in the #openstack-lbaas channel?22:06
ade_leejohnsom, its not octavia related really.  I just chose the octavia job because it was small and I was seeing the thing I wanted to fix22:07
ade_leejohnsom, but I can certainly discuss it there in the channel22:08
johnsomYeah, it's ssh from a fips enabled instance to a cirros VM it looks like22:08
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fungiade_lee: yeah, i can put an autohold in place, which of the three jobs there would be best?22:18
ade_leefungi, octavia-v2-dsvm-scenario-fips 22:19
fungithanks, workin' on it now22:19
ade_leefungi, I didn't know you could do an autohold on just one job - but yeah, that would be great, thanks!22:19
clarkbade_lee: johnsom: if it is to a cirros VM the cirros VM runs dropbear not openssh22:21
clarkbI'm not sure what limitations that may imply22:21
johnsomclarkb I confused the situation by jumping in. It's a bit different of an issue than the cirros image. So, ignore my comments22:22
fungiade_lee: i've set an autohold on the octavia-v2-dsvm-scenario-fips job for change 798151 so recheck the change and when that job fails again we should have held node(s) i can give you access into22:23
ade_leefungi, thanks -- rechecking now22:23
ade_leefungi, rechecked22:23
clarkbssh.exceptions.AuthenticationDenied: b"The key algorithm 'ssh-rsa' is not allowed to be used by PUBLICKEY_ACCEPTED_TYPES configuration option" <- that seems pretty straightforward either allow rsa or use a different algorithm?22:23
clarkbsimilar situation with new fedora talking to gerrit22:24
ade_leeclarkb, so that error is because fips is enabled -- and you can't do rsa + sha1 for the signature22:24
ade_leewhich makes sense of course22:25
clarkbya thats all fine, its the same thing fedora does22:25
ade_leewhat I'm trying to do is replace paramiko in tempest -- which is the thing that is trying to do the ssh22:25
clarkbit breaks when you talk to an ssh server that either cannot do sha2 or does not support key exchange extensions (kex) in its sshd22:25
clarkbbeacuse the default in the protocol is sha1 which means if you don't explicitly negotiate sha2 you fallback to sha122:26
fungiforcing to ecc may be an easier solution, assuming both sides support it22:26
ade_leehttps://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tempest/+/806274 (very wip patch)22:26
clarkbgerrit suffers a similar problem with people using fedora because the java sshd doesn't support kex negotiation. I continue to assert fedora should have also patched openssh to default to sha2 but they didn't22:26
ade_leetempest uses keys obtained from nova which are rsa22:27
fungiyeah, they default to sha1 and then break by refusing to remove sha122:27
clarkbalso forgive me but why does it matter that tempest be fips certified?22:27
clarkbtempest is an external validator just run it elsewhere22:27
fungithat's a good point, tempest could be run from a non-fips node22:27
clarkbin any case I suspect that either cirros dropbear or libssh/ssh-python are not negotiating kex properly and you fallback to the default which is sha1 then you fail22:28
fungithough perhaps the idea is you're testing whether interactions from a fips system will work... but tempest may not be well designed to test that specifically22:28
ade_leeso - what I'd like to be able to do is run all my ci jobs - and a bunch of them are failing because of tempest using parmiko/md522:29
clarkbalso we had to stop using libssh in a completely different context because it wasn't reliable talking to gerrit's event stream22:29
clarkbit would error every hour or something22:29
ade_leebut yeah - when I do libssh/ssh-python to a machine locally, it works  .. so likely then its dropbear maybe ,,22:30
ade_leehuh .. interesting22:30
ade_leeclarkb, fungi when tempest is run in the ci jobs - where does it run from?22:32
fungiade_lee: depends on the job configuration. it could be run from a completely dedicated node in the nodeset if desired22:32
clarkbtypically though it runs on the "controller" of the devstack install22:33
ade_leeclarkb, yeah - and that we'd want to be fips -enabled22:33
clarkbright but as fungi mentions it doesn't have to be if you have a multinode job22:34
clarkbhttps://www.libssh.org/features/ that says libssh does sha2 with rsa22:34
ade_leeclarkb, yes -- thats why I was confused it wasn't working in this case. dropbear?22:35
clarkbhttps://github.com/mkj/dropbear/blob/a8d6dac2c53f430bb5721f913478bd294d8b52da/CHANGES#L43 that says dropbear added it in the most recent release: 202.8122:36
clarkber no I read that file wrong.22:36
clarkb3 releases ago 2020.7922:36
johnsomCould be the version of dropbear in the cirros image. The job had cirros 0.5.2 in it, but I don't know what version of dropbear that maps to22:36
clarkbjohnsom: ya I don't either, but that could definitely be it22:37
johnsomI might have one, just a sec22:37
clarkbits also possible they support the key type now but don't properly negotiate the kex to the client22:37
johnsomade_lee I am almost positive that is the issue, cirros 0.5.2 has Dropbear v2018.76 in it. There have been some compatibility fixes since then.22:40
clarkbI think it is based on ubuntu 18.0422:40
clarkbcirros I mean.22:40
ade_leeyeah 2020.79 ..22:41
clarkbhrm bionic has much older dropbear so maybe it gets dropbear from somewhere else or builds it locally22:42
fungiso basically back to the ongoing ml thread about updating cirros?22:42
* johnsom changes channels to avoid distro wars part 15,00022:42
clarkbfungi: ya I suspect this is another addition to cirros that would be helpful.22:43
clarkboh yup I think the busybox config says build dropbear22:43
ade_leeclarkb, fungi so -- if thats it -- then the short term solution then is to use ecc keys?22:46
clarkbassuming dropbear supports those then yes22:47
ade_leeyeah - I can verify that when I log into the instance22:47
clarkbthe further we get into sha1 deprecation and removal in ssh the more I'm convinced that no one cares about getting it right :/22:49
clarkbits frustrating that the client knows it cannot do sha1 but then refuses to even try sha2 as a fallback. This wouldnt' fix the dropbear situation but would fix the gerrit situation22:49
ade_leefungi, clarkb johnsom thanks - been super helpful.  gotta head to dinner -- fungi - let me know when you have a box I can log into.22:50
fungiade_lee: what ssh key do you want authorized for it? feel free to let me know after dinner too22:51
fungii'm digesting mine now, so should be around for a while22:51
ade_leefungi, https://github.com/vakwetu.keys22:51
clarkbsorry it is buildroot and not busybox that builds dropbear for cirros22:51
fungiade_lee: thanks, will add that22:54
clarkbit looks like the latest version of buildroot will build the latest version of dropbear. Fixing this upstream in cirros may just require a rebuild22:54
clarkbnevermind https://github.com/cirros-dev/cirros/blob/77a944c1e65f57ec145e8502eec1a02bd7e99a84/bin/build-release#L31 implies that is very difficult23:02
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