Wednesday, 2024-06-05

jakeyiphi, magnum-ui has a stuck reno change, I spent some time on it but can't figure out. hopefully someone can help? I've jotted down some comments on
fungijakeyip: sphinx is complaining because the generated rst ends up with two entries for bug/163886310:56
fungii'm not real familiar with reno, but a quick git grep on master for bug/1638863 turns up two different release notes using that same name to refer to different urls10:57
fungi vs
fungimaybe that's the reason?10:57
fricklerfungi: jakeyip: I think that is yet another bug in reno, it lists all older tags for unmaintained/yoga, so the head-of-branch detection is somehow broken there11:20
fricklerI thought we had fixed this when unmaintained/yoga was first made, but must be some special case here11:20
fricklersame happens for unmaintained/zed on 91739711:21
fricklerelodilles: tonyb: ^^ I'd really appreciate if the unmaintainer team could look into this, otherwise likely the next best solution might be to simply eol those branches?11:23
fricklernot sure if the not-cleaned-up stable/newton branch might also play a role in this game11:24
fricklerjakeyip: actually there is a newton-eol tag, so let me just delete the stable/newton branch in gerrit and see if that helps11:37
fricklerhmm, didn't help, but good to have that cleaned up anyway, I guess11:50
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Clean up diskimages from inmotion cloud
haleybfungi: so i have a follow-on question regarding regex - is there an inverse to the irrelevant-files section? i.e. if this file/dir is touched i always want to trigger this job, even if it matches some pattern in irrelevant-files.15:57
clarkbhaleyb: no because irrelevant files are evaluated after files so they win15:58
haleybclarkb: ack, just trying to find a way to write these things on one line, or some other option15:59
clarkbThere are several appraoches that can be taken. One is to rethink the use of irrelevant files entirely (use positive matchins in files exclusively). Another is to accept that running some jobs more often is ok (I think ironic took this appraoch with bandit since it is super quick and low cost). One more drastic appraoch would be to structure the code so that it can be matched16:00
clarkbusing simpler rules (though I don't think I would advocate for this). And finally there is probably improvements that could be made to zuul to make the expressions around this stuff richer. Though I'm not sure anyone in the zuul community is treating that as a priority right now (so not a quick fix)16:00
haleybclarkb: ack, thanks, at least something to discuss in our CI meeting as irrelevant-files is huge in some cases16:03
clarkbhaleyb: looking at and naively comparing to the neutron tree you might be able to have files: ^.*.py$ and zuul.d/project.yaml then irrelevant files simply filters out the .py containing dirs that you don't want to trigger on (stuff like unittests in the functional job)16:08
clarkbthen you've got like 5 rules total rather than 30 or whatever the current set is16:09
clarkbreading between the lines there it seems like you're trying to say this job should only run if code changes and not release notes/docs/ansible/etc/etc/etc. So express that directly and then trim out anything that overmatches with irrelevant files16:10
haleybclarkb: yes, someone just mentioned doing something similar in neutron channel. i think we have options to fix this up better16:10
haleyband hope we don't break things...16:10
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Remove the inmotion cloud entirely
tonybfrickler: I can look at it tomorrow.18:36
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