Thursday, 2014-09-25

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devanandahave I said lately that I hate that we have that driver?00:05
devanandaI know you wrote it, and it's been really helpful in all of our ability to develop and test this project ....00:06
NobodyCamlol :(00:06
devanandabut it also makes me sad when I'm trynig to test translations and that happens00:06
jrolldevananda: there's a patch up to add a 'default_locale' arg to execute()00:06
jrollwhich would make fixing this super easy00:06
devanandajroll: sure, we'd need to put translated versions of that grep inline, which is not really good either00:07
jrolloh. &^*(&*&^00:07
devanandajroll: read the bug :)00:07
jrolldevananda: that makes me wonder about ipmitool00:07
jrolland the version check00:07
jrollat startup00:07
* devananda tries it00:07
jrollso many expletives.00:07
jrollthat said, I don't expect any deployers to run the ssh driver :P00:08
devanandajroll: no, it's fine00:08
jrollipmitool is?00:09
devanandajroll: the ipmitool option support code checks for support by actually running it and catching an error00:09
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devanandaadam_g: -- see long post at the end01:08
lifelessmust read?01:09
devanandalifeless: this one affects you guys too, I bet01:09
devanandaworkign on a fix now, though I should be taking a break01:09
lifelessohh yes I can imagine so01:10
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adam_gdevananda, yeah, i think something like that would work. tho i worry about races, and im not sure a reboot ever sets target_power_state='reboot'.01:56
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adam_gwhen we're in paris we should work with nova and come up with a good way to make the neutron/nova callback stuff generally consumable elsewhere01:57
adam_gi know we have use cases for it in other parts of ironic, and i heard mumblings on the list about cinder wanting to use something like it as well01:58
lifelesswebhooks forever02:00
lifelessor websockets would fit some cases02:00
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devanandaadam_g: tested it - ironic sets target power state = "power on"03:10
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/ironic: Do not return 'id' in REST API error messages
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Imported Translations from Transifex
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dtantsurMorning Ironic06:56
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vigneshvarHi guys need help06:59
vigneshvar ERROR ironic.drivers.modules.agent [-] node a020de10-3233-4d43-8259-2b97665f609e command status errored: {u'message': u'Error downloading image.', u'code': 500, u'type': u'ImageDownloadError', u'details': u'Could not download image with id b481cf87-72fe-4760-9316-d36a9f7243dd.'}06:59
vigneshvarGlance has no error06:59
vigneshvarwhere could i have gone wrong. Any workaround07:01
lazy_princevigneshvar: is your glance api able to receive request from ironic..?07:01
vigneshvarlazy_prince: Yes , i can see the request there07:02
lazy_princevigneshvar: now can you see any issues in your glance service..? how big is the image..?07:02
vigneshvarlazy_prince: In glance services i dont see any error. I am just using the basic cirros image, to test with07:03
lazy_princevigneshvar: aha.. and you are using it with baremetal or VM as baremetal..?07:04
vigneshvarVM as baremetal. As per the document. I want to give it a try before i deploy on my real server07:05
lazy_princevigneshvar: i am not sure if those images can be used with baremetal i have not tried it.. also, do you have the deploy images uploaded to glance..?07:05
vigneshvarlazy_prince: I have deploy images. I followed devstack07:06
lazy_princevigneshvar: okay.. then i am not sure ..07:06
lazy_princedoes that image have kernel and ramdisk associaated with it..?07:07
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vigneshvarlazy_prince: cirros image does not have, kernel ramdisk  associated07:08
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vigneshvarlazy_prince: i think so07:08
vigneshvarlazy_prince: But i have ir-deploy kernel and ramdisk07:08
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vigneshvarlazy_prince: glance.wsgi.server [b1d00498-ab14-4b7e-abea-3bd4614fed64 3c305fadb2e44caf9e3ede8ac26ab729 e4692122354d42e985e3b7572d804b7b - - -] - - [24/Sep/2014 17:41:16] "GET /images/b481cf87-72fe-4760-9316-d36a9f7243dd HTTP/1.1" 200 989 0.01983507:10
vigneshvarlazy_prince: b481cf87-72fe-4760-9316-d36a9f7243dd is the id of image mentioned above07:11
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lazy_princeso for ironic to depploy images, it needs a kernel and ramdisk associated with the user image. when using pxe driver..07:12
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lazy_princevigneshvar: if they are not found, it will error out and no glance error will be seen..  not sure about agent driver..07:13
vigneshvarlazy_prince: oh ok. I was just trying to follow the docs as it is. In the glance image-list , i can find the image existing.07:14
vigneshvarlazy_prince: Also to add to it. I tried to vnc the instance manually07:14
vigneshvarlazy_prince: And i have seen login prompt07:14
lazy_princethe image properties point to the respective kernel and ramdisk images in glance. when image is downloaded, the properties are examined and those images are also downloaded. otherwise error is thrown..07:15
vigneshvarlazy_prince: and after few min, it is turned off with error on ironic conductor that "ImageDownloadError"07:15
vigneshvarlazy_prince: ok07:16
vigneshvarlazy_prince: How do i check if the image is associated with proper kernel and ramdisk07:16
lazy_princevigneshvar: glance image-show <image-id>07:17
vigneshvarlazy_prince: It does not show any association but in my case flavor "baremetal" has kernel and ramdisk specififed07:19
vigneshvarlazy_prince: {"cpu_arch": "x86_64", "baremetal:deploy_kernel_id": "80eff265-bb9d-41ea-9560-f0bf0b1287d5", "baremetal:deploy_ramdisk_id": "5fad4c22-9583-45a9-9d21-09a24c304025"}07:19
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vigneshvarlazy_prince: these are ir-deploy kernel and ram07:19
vigneshvarand in glance logs i can see that these kernel and ramdisk are downloaded07:20
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vigneshvarlazy_prince: I guess cirros image has kernel and ramdisk in it, i tried to boot the vm manually with qemu cmds and it works without passing kernel or ramdisk07:34
lazy_princevigneshvar: tir-deploy is used to boot the bm into deployment mode. and then when user image is provisioned, it uses user image associated kernel and ramdisk to pxe boot the instance. these user image associated kernel and ramdisk are diffrenet from ir-deploy*. ir-deploy is customized to start the IPA or iSCSI for Image deployment..07:34
vigneshvarlazy_prince: Yes i got it07:34
vigneshvarlazy_prince: I got confused a bit earlier and now am clear07:34
vigneshvarthe cirros image is not getting downloaded07:34
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vigneshvarlazy_prince: cirros image in itself has kernel and ramdisk and it boots perfectly when i boot it manually07:35
vigneshvarlazy_prince: i found it is  a mere REST call to glance to download image. I even tried to download the image manually from glance and it works fine07:36
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lazy_princevigneshvar: correct.. but nodes are generally not configured to boot from disk. they are configured to boot from PXE.08:05
lazy_princeand so the ironic conductor needs to know what kernel and ramdisk to provide when node tries to boot.08:06
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/ironic: Add documentation for ironic-dbsync command
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* lazy_prince back from lunch08:11
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/ironic: Don't reraise Exceptions from agent driver
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vigneshvarlazy_prince: So it means i need to associate kernel and ramdisk to cirros image before launching08:29
lazy_princewell.. cirros image is meant for VM deployment.. for baremetal, you can generate an image using diskimage-builder and then give it a try..08:32
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Haomenglazy_prince: looks like cirros image has the root paration image type for bm08:33
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Haomenglazy_prince: the disk image is used for vm I think08:33
lazy_princenot sure.. is it a full disk image or just file-system image..?08:34
Haomenglazy_prince: but not sure if our ipa support both diskimage and root paration image08:34
lazy_princeHaomeng: ack..08:34
Haomeng , we can find these "uec style tarball (kernel, ramdisk, rootfs.img) for i386"08:35
lazy_princeHaomeng: yup.. thats true.. but is that the image uploaded to glance by devstack..?08:37
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lazy_princeHaomeng: I guess vigneshvar is using the image which is uploaded to glance by default.08:38
Haomenglazy_prince: yes, downloaded by devstack08:39
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vigneshvarlazy_prince: Haomeng|2  It is the image loaded by devstack09:49
vigneshvarlazy_prince: Haomeng|2 : sorry for the late reply09:49
lazy_princevigneshvar: then it should have the corresponding kernel and ramdisk in glance..09:50
vigneshvarlazy_prince: Haomeng|2 : i have both images. one cirros.disk and cirros-use which is a ker,ram and root pattern09:50
lucasagomesfolks should we start abandoning patches that no longer belongs to Ironic? For e.g the nova ironic driver patches09:53
lazy_princevigneshvar: provision the image and see if it works.. if you get issues, send us link to your ironic logs.09:55
vigneshvarlazy_prince: Haomeng|2 - with kernel ramdisk style image too it fails09:56
vigneshvarlazy_prince: sure09:56
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vigneshvarlazy_prince: Also i noticed that image is being tried to fetch through swift (port 8080)09:56
vigneshvarlazy_prince: is this the expected behaviour09:57
lazy_princevigneshvar: well.. i have not used swift09:57
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vigneshvarlazy_prince:  Ironic has changed the method of getting images via swift ? may be i am not upto date10:01
lazy_princevigneshvar: I have my devstack running my devstack and i am using pxe_ipmitools driver and i do not have swift running..10:07
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vigneshvarlazy_prince: it is the swift-temp-url10:09
vigneshvarlazy_prince: I guess i am hitting some strange issues with temporary utl stuff10:09
vigneshvarlazy_prince: e2eaaaf1b50a2088b9f9205cb31a0499a6a7d1f510:10
vigneshvarlazy_prince: the above commit uses swift temporary url.10:10
lazy_princevigneshvar: aha so the blueprint says it is only for IPA.. and probably thats why you are facing this issue..10:11
vigneshvarlazy_prince: am sorry what is IPA10:12
lazy_princevigneshvar: or may be i misinterpreted it..10:12
lazy_princevigneshvar: Ironic python agent10:12
vigneshvarlazy_prince: oh ok. I have seen this blue print commit id in my /opt/stack/ironic10:13
lazy_princecan you check the node details and see what driver node is using..?10:15
vigneshvarlazy_prince: yap10:15
vigneshvarlazy_prince: compute_driver = nova.virt.ironic.IronicDriver10:16
vigneshvarlazy_prince: also noticed in ironic.conf , the following10:17
vigneshvarswift_temp_url_duration = 360010:17
vigneshvarswift_container = glance10:17
vigneshvarswift_account = AUTH_10:17
vigneshvarswift_api_version = v110:17
vigneshvarswift_endpoint_url =
vigneshvarswift_temp_url_key = xxxxx10:17
lazy_princevigneshvar: ironic node-show <node-id>10:19
lazy_princethats where you will see the driver being used by node..10:19
lazy_princevigneshvar: by node, i mean baremetal node10:21
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vigneshvarlazy_prince: driver                 | agent_ssh10:28
vigneshvarlazy_prince: previously i thought the other agent10:28
lazy_princevigneshvar: okay, so this agent_ssh points to IPA which means you are using IPA for provisioning..10:28
vigneshvarlazy_prince: yes you are correct10:29
lazy_princevigneshvar: i wont be of much help as i have not used IPA yet.. BUt i plan to use it soon..10:29
vigneshvarlazy_prince: No error in swift services as well10:30
vigneshvarlazy_prince: no problem. Thanks for the help10:30
vigneshvarlazy_prince: I am new to ironic. I am soon planning to contribute to ironic10:30
vigneshvarlazy_prince: After playing around with it for some time10:31
lazy_princevigneshvar: cool..10:32
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dtantsurlucasagomes, yes of course, I even started already10:49
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lucasagomesdtantsur, heh right, yeah I abandoned some there10:49
lucasagomesmight have more10:49
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ramineniHi , I'm facing some issues while deploying latest devstack . Its throwing ovs-vsctl: tag=: argument does not end in "=" followed by a value. error and exiting. anybody , any idea on how to resolve this error10:54
dtantsurramineni, no idea. maybe ask on #openstack-dev ?10:55
raminenidtantsur: ok, thanks10:56
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dtantsurjroll, PXE tests refactor:
dtantsurjroll, tests didn't work back then, because we created files of size 0 and cache didn't clean them even though maximum cache size was 0 :)11:54
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lucasagomesdahell! how can I change the locale >.< tried so many things still nothing works...13:18
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dtantsurlucasagomes, what are you trying to achieve?13:25
lucasagomesgot it now13:25
lucasagomeshad to install a language pack13:26
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NobodyCamGood Morning Ironic, Says the man mak'n coffee13:52
lucasagomesNobodyCam, yo! morning13:53
NobodyCammorning lucasagomes13:53
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NobodyCamhow are things going?13:53
lucasagomesNobodyCam, all is well :) what about urself?13:54
dtantsurNobodyCam, morning13:55
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NobodyCamDoing good so far.. Just about to get the first cup of coffee14:00
NobodyCammorning dtantsur :)14:00
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lucasagomesNobodyCam, :D nice enjoy!14:10
NobodyCamlucasagomes: you on
lucasagomesNobodyCam, yup, just submitted the fix14:12
lucasagomestho I -2ed my own patch because we need to fix OoO first14:12
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dtantsurlucasagomes, are we targetting it to rc1?14:12
lucasagomesdtantsur, so... I don't think we have time because we need to fix tripleo ci first14:13
lucasagomesand that requires a patch there14:13
lucasagomes+ rebuild the CI enviroment14:13
dtantsurah I see14:13
lucasagomesso may take days14:13
lucasagomesunless we delay the rc1 release to next week or so14:13
lucasagomesif paramiko supported passing env variables it would be diff :( I wouldn't have to change the ssh commnds14:14
NobodyCamlol I was thinking of another wat to address the issue14:15
NobodyCamlucasagomes: your way is much easier14:15
lucasagomesNobodyCam, how would do it?14:15
lucasagomeshow would u*14:15
lucasagomesif that way doesnt involve change the commands, we may want to use it14:16
NobodyCamI was thinking something link "An Ansible" power driver,14:16
NobodyCamoh no it would change things14:16
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lucasagomesalright, so simple way is it :)14:16
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NobodyCamhum I wounder if there is a way to trnaslate bash on the fly?14:34
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lazy_prince1is there a way to delete a locked node in ironic..?14:47
lucasagomeslazy_prince, hmm I hope not14:48
* lucasagomes checks14:48
lucasagomeslazy_prince, I would say we would need to break the lock first (in case it's stuck) and then delete it14:48
lucasagomesproblem is, breaking a lock is not something you can do via our api :(14:49
lazy_princeaha.. then not user friendly..14:49
lucasagomesyeah :(14:49
lazy_princeis there a plan to fix it going forward..?14:50
lucasagomeswe thought about some ways to do that, but we still didn't come up with a good solution for it14:50
lucasagomeslazy_prince, I will add it right now to the list of things to talk about in Paris14:50
NobodyCamlazy_prince: hack the database14:50
lucasagomescause we talked about it in the best, we thought about two ways of doing that14:50
lucasagomesvia api, or having a special utility to do that14:50
lucasagomesafair... but we didn't actually implemented it yet because we didn't have a consensus14:51
lucasagomeslazy_prince, but that's important,thanks for bringing it up14:51
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lucasagomesyeah right now as NobodyCam said, you have to hack the db :(14:51
lucasagomesremove the lock and then delete it14:51
lazy_princehacing db can be recommended to a developer but not to an end user..14:52
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lucasagomeslazy_prince, yeah indeed14:52
lucasagomesI know it's a lame excuse from my part, but users of ironic are sys admins... so it's likely to them to have access to the db14:53
lucasagomesbut it's just a lame excuse and I should be shot by saying it14:53
lucasagomesfor saying*14:54
lazy_princewell.. having access is one thing and being good at db command is another.. what if user screws up with db tables..14:54
NobodyCamlazy_prince: mysql -u user -p -e 'update nodes set reservation=NULL where id==<uuid>' ironic14:54
openstackgerritVladyslav Drok proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Remove unneeded context initialization in tests
lucasagomesNobodyCam, where "uuid="14:54
rlooI wonder if we should document stuff like this, until we have an API or something. Maybe open a bug about it?14:55
NobodyCamrloo: something like a developer quick hack page14:56
lucasagomesrloo, so... idk too. The real bug would be "why the node go locked and stuck?"14:56
lucasagomeswhere's the timeout or something14:56
lucasagomesthat's a workaround/hack14:56
rloolucasagomes: yes, there's a real bug there. BUT we will never be able to guarantee that a node will be in the 'correct' state or whatever.14:57
lucasagomesoffering a tool that people can use is fine but we should tell them to just use it if it's the last attempt ever!14:57
lucasagomesrloo, well... idk never but we should aim that14:57
rloolucasagomes: yes, agree. anything that is 'modify the db' should be a last attempt.14:58
lucasagomestimeouts, periodic tasks to check for it14:58
lucasagomesidk there's a couple of tool we can/should use14:58
rloolucasagomes: for sure we should aim, but we have all these drivers etc. and bugs can get introduced...14:58
rloosorry, i've seen it with nova itself. where we've had to muck with the db to get a vm out of some state.14:59
lucasagomesrloo, yeah, tho this kinda of errors ^ should be handled by the conductor manager14:59
lucasagomesit should be resilient to failures on bug drivers14:59
rloolucasagomes: 'should be'.14:59
lucasagomes"timeout because the driver didn't completed the task X"14:59
lucasagomesremoving lock, cleaning things up14:59
lucasagomesrloo, yeah14:59
* lucasagomes is trying to think positive here15:00
rloolucasagomes: that's the problem. the operator doesn't care if things should work. something doesn't work... wil they be frustrated cuz it should work but it doesn't?15:00
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lucasagomesrloo, they will15:00
lucasagomesthat's why I still agree we need the tool15:00
lucasagomesrloo, we are in the same page here :)15:00
rloolucasagomes: ok good ;)15:01
rloolucasagomes: in the meantime, w/o such a tool, we might want to have a hack/faq/wiki somewhere with helpful suggestions...15:01
lucasagomesrloo, +115:01
lucasagomesyeah maybe a wiki for hackings would be great15:02
rloonot sure what/if other projects do.15:02
lucasagomesuntil we decide where this tool should live15:02
lucasagomeseither on ironic api directly or a utility like ironic-dbsync etc15:02
lucasagomesironic-release-node heh15:02
lucasagomesrloo, hmm me netheir15:02
* lucasagomes looks15:02
NobodyCamhummm... could we do somehting simple like, clear any lock when a node is put in to maintance mode?15:04
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ShrewsNobodyCam: wouldn't that be dangerous for valid locks?15:07
lucasagomesNobodyCam, hmm idk, gotta look into it... but sounds like two different things15:07
NobodyCamif the node is going into maintenace then nothing will operate on it15:07
lucasagomesyeah it's something to think about15:10
lucasagomesbut IMO I would like that cleaning locks should be something like last attempt15:10
lucasagomestherefor not really part of the whole ironic workflow15:11
jrollor we could like, use zookeeper, where you can set a ttl :)15:11
lucasagomesif we have to break a lock means we have a bug15:11
lucasagomesI don't want to hide it15:11
jroll(but agree, we need an API or something to fix these)15:11
jroll(or --force in the client)15:11
rloo+1 lucasagomes. We just need some one-off thing to fix something I think.15:12
jrolllucasagomes: if a conductor crashes, locks may get stuck15:12
jrollalso, good morning rloo lucasagomes Shrews NobodyCam lazy_prince :)15:12
NobodyCamgood morning :) on the call15:12
NobodyCamon a call15:12
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yuriyzmorning/evening Ironic15:12
* rloo is anti-social. forgets to say hi to everyone.15:13
lazy_princejroll: morning :)15:13
jrollhiya yuriyz :)15:13
romchegGood evening/morning folks!15:13
jroll\o romcheg15:13
lucasagomesjroll, morning15:13
Shrewshey jroll15:14
lucasagomesjroll, well yeah, but and if the conductor that takes the node over has a periodic task to check the locks15:14
jrolllucasagomes, rloo, hack wiki++, we do a combination of that and some scripts internally :)15:14
lucasagomescompare with the time of the last ping15:14
lucasagomesand based on that break the lock with a timeout15:14
jrolllucasagomes: sure, when we have that periodic task, but we don't right now15:14
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lucasagomesjroll, yeah I know15:14
lucasagomesI added to the spreadsheet this topic15:15
lucasagomesso we can talk about it15:15
jrollkylestev wrote a spec and some code for pluggable locking15:16
jrollso we don't have to use the db15:16
jrollhe wrote a zookeeper plugin15:16
lucasagomesit's for K right? i've seem some patches up15:17
lucasagomeshaven't looked into it tho15:17
jrollI'll add links to the google doc15:18
jrollthere was something else I was going to add but forgot :/15:19
* jroll looks15:19
* jroll adds15:21
lucasagomespolicy json?15:21
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rloohey, has anyone looked at the hash ring issue(s)? Based on what I see (or don't see), I don't know what we'll be able to accomplish by RC1.15:26
jrolllucasagomes: yeah, fine-grained control of api access15:26
jrolllucasagomes: read-only users, unprivileged operators that may only e.g. update nodes15:26
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lucasagomesrloo, the take_over() or the balancing problem?15:27
lucasagomesjroll, gotcha, that's good!15:27
rloolucasagomes: that's what I meant by issues :-( ANY of it.15:27
lucasagomesrloo, right the take_over() I was investigating15:27
lucasagomestl;dr I think a better way to solve it for the PXE driver is working on an iPXE driver that will be stateless15:28
lucasagomeswe discussed a bit it yesterday, me devananda JayF and jroll15:28
lucasagomesbut not for J15:28
rloolucasagomes: yes, I saw a bit of that discussion wrt ipxe. So what, if anything, do we think we can do for J?15:29
lucasagomesfor J ... I really dunno if we should tackle that, can't find any good way to solve it15:29
jrollstateless drivers ftw15:29
lucasagomesjust horrible ways that involves looping through many nodes x.x15:30
lucasagomesjroll, +1!!15:30
jrolllucasagomes: I assume you're not in charge of this, but maybe you know who to yell at about ssl errors :)
rlooThere is this patch to fix the hash ring stability but there's a caveat about adding the fix to an existing ironic env:
lucasagomesjroll, heh yeah I'm not in charge :P hmm lemme try to find someone15:31
NobodyCammorning yuriyz and romcheg15:31
lucasagomesjroll, for now, that may help
jrollrloo: "I'll probably leave this patch to be handled by greg when his rebalancing work is implemented... as thats needed for landing this."15:32
jrollrloo: not sure why there's no dependency, but yeah15:32
rloojroll: exactly.15:32
rlooand there isn't any patch for the rebalancing yet.15:32
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rlooit looks like everything targeted for rc1 is done EXCEPT the hash-ring-etc stuff.15:33
jrolllucasagomes: yeah, I'm all patched up, but someone in another channel complained about the ssl error :)15:33
jrollthank you though!15:33
jrollrloo: yeah, I'll leave it to deva but I don't think anything is going to land :/15:33
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rloojroll: it WOULD be good to have the hash-ring-stability patch for new ironic envs though, but probably not worth it at the expense of existing environments (like yours)15:36
jrollrloo: this doesn't affect the agent driver :)15:37
rloojroll: oh yeah, I forgot about that.15:37
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* NobodyCam makes a fresh pot od coffee...brb15:46
NobodyCamahh coffee :-p15:52
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Update ironic.conf.sample
lucasagomesjroll, rloo NobodyCam dtantsur|brb ^ again :((((((((((((15:54
lucasagomeswe really need to talk whether we should get rid of the sample config or not15:55
lucasagomesthe failure:
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NobodyCamhappy happy joy joy15:57
jrolllucasagomes: :|15:57
NobodyCamlucasagomes: +2'd ... do we want a bug for this?15:57
lucasagomesNobodyCam, I think it would be good for us to centralize the discussion at least15:57
lucasagomesI'm +1 for getting rid of the sample I think15:58
lucasagomesand for those who wants it, they can generate it locally15:58
NobodyCamwhat if we auto generated it in the docs? would be of any value15:59
rlooso I might be the only one that likes having it.15:59
NobodyCamI like having it15:59
rlooI suspect we might want to bring it up in the ML15:59
rlooyay NobodyCam!15:59
jrollrloo: did you just volunteer? :)15:59
lucasagomesrloo, +1 can you send it to the ML?15:59
lucasagomesjroll, was faster15:59
rlooYou can read English, right? 'we' is not 'me' :D16:00
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jrollsomebody has to do it16:00
jrolland I hear you're a really good writer :)16:00
rlooto be honest, I try not to contribute to the ML. There's something funky about my email (yahoo) and I haven't gotten around to changing to a non-work email.16:00
lucasagomespaper rock scissors?16:00
rloojroll: I'm trying to improve my delegation skills ;)16:01
jrollrloo: you don't have to be subscribed to the list to send email to it, just use your personal email :)16:02
jrolland don't reply from the work email :P16:02
rloojroll: I like to keep my work and personal emails separate. haven't yet figure out how to deal with it.16:02
jrolllucasagomes: there's a cartoon for this...16:02
* jroll looks16:02
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rloooops, did I just let it slip that this is "just" work for me? :)16:03
jrollrloo: do you see us working on ironic outside of work hours? :P16:03
rlooanyway, the folks that WANT to get rid of it, should propose it. Not the folks that are fine with status quo. (That's the real reason, ha.)16:03
lucasagomesalright I can send the email16:04
lucasagomes1 sec16:04
rloothx lucasagomes, you're a trooper!16:04
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rloohmm, not sure why I'm thanking you. I don't want to get rid of it...16:04
lucasagomesrloo, heh16:05
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lucasagomesrloo, jroll Shrews email sent16:23
lucasagomesto openstack-dev16:23
lucasagomesI didn't elaborate it much... but yeah it's there16:23
jrollthanks for that :)16:23
* jroll bbl16:24
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lucasagomesjroll, JayF btw I think it affect u guys16:28
JayFlucasagomes: It won't; we don't have a single environment up to four digits yet16:28
JayFlucasagomes: but thanks for the pointer and I'll make sure we have this downstreamed before we get there16:29
lucasagomesJayF, I c, no problem16:30
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rloolucasagomes: I'm not quite sure, but I think you may have to rebase 120149. (Hopefully I'm wrong.)16:35
lucasagomeslemme try16:36
lucasagomesrloo, seems grand :)16:37
rloolucasagomes: ok good. I only noticed that the file had changed.16:37
lucasagomesrloo, yeah thanks git for being smart and tracking content and not files16:37
lucasagomesinstead of files*16:37
rloolucasagomes: yeah!16:38
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lucasagomesalright I will call it a day16:47
lucasagomescame to the office and have to get the train back home yet16:47
JayFhave a good night lucas16:47
NobodyCamnight lucasagomes16:47
lucasagomeshave a good night everybody!16:47
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ryanpetrellohey Ironic folks16:54
ryanpetrello just merged16:54
ryanpetrellowhich should make much easier on you16:55
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JayFI think we won't be able to update that requirement in time for Juno16:56
JayFbut it should be fixed in early Kilo16:56
JayFthanks :)16:56
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NobodyCamshould I put up a tripleO-ci patch to handle
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jrollryanpetrello: what jay said, I'm told we can't update requirements this late18:19
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jrollJayF: we can also bump the api limit rather than pulling in that nova change18:20
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JayFah, true18:20
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rlooNobodyCam: wrt 124061, shouldn't it get two +2s first, before updating tripleO-CI?18:30
jrollrloo: -1, let's have the tripleo patch ready to go18:31
jrollthe tripleo patch can be updated if the ironic patch changes18:31
jrollalso, lucas put up a tripleo patch already :P18:32
rloojroll: well, as long as the tripleo patch isn't merged before the ironic patch is OKd but not yet approved.18:32
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rloowhy can't 124072 depend on the tripleO-CI patch?18:33
jrollbecause they're different repos, you can't do cross-repo dependencies18:33
rloowhy not?18:33
jrollbecause dependencies are just git branches18:34
rlooseems like a deficiency.18:34
jrollit's a pain point18:37
rloojust seems like we have a bunch of smart people -- someone should be able to figure out how to do it :)18:38
jrollwe have bigger infra problems to work on :P18:39
rloooh yeah, I forgot... :-(18:39
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lifelesssdague has a patch up to alow cross-repo deps18:45
rloojroll: ^^, lifeless, good to know!18:48
jrollomg yesssssssss18:48
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NobodyCamlifeless: AWESOME!!!!!18:59
NobodyCamjroll: great I didn't see that one18:59
* NobodyCam also thinks that the tripleo ci regex is getting tuffer to read19:00
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AJaegerhi devananda , looking at your comment on, let me check transifex for ironic...19:01
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AJaegerdevananda: it works as designed - are you around to explain how it's designed? ;)19:02
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devanandaAJaeger: I could be wrong about it being broken again ... but i'm seeing translation patches posted to Ironic without any translations in them again19:03
devanandaAJaeger: and IIRC, that's what we fixed last cycle19:03
NobodyCamadded my 2 cents to the tripleo ci patch19:03
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AJaegerdevananda: thanks for double checking19:04
AJaegerWe only import translated files that are at least 75 % translated.  The major files are not translated - see
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devanandaAJaeger: right. so. right now, none of the Ironic languages are >= 75% translated in transifex19:04
devanandaAJaeger: so why are there a bunch of changes?19:04
NobodyCamhey hey devananda hows the meetings going19:04
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AJaegerdevananda: those are the changes in line numbers mainly19:05
AJaegerI've reworked the scripts in the last weeks so that they propose far less changes19:05
devanandaAJaeger: sure. but those files don't have any substantive translations in them to begin with19:05
AJaegergive me a few minutes to double check the patch...19:05
devanandaAJaeger: should we have .po files that contain only 3 lines with any translation?19:07
AJaegerdevananda: Indeed there are some files that have far less than 75 % of translations - and we update them when changes happen19:08
AJaegerdevananda: msgfmt --statistics  zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/ironic-log-error.po19:09
AJaeger3 translated messages, 40 untranslated messages.19:09
devanandaAJaeger: that's much cleaner than my grep :)19:09
AJaegerdevananda: let's do the following: I'll propose a patch that removes all those files, and then you have far less imports.19:09
AJaegerOnce a file is translated to 75 % again, the proposal bot will propose it ironic again...19:10
* AJaeger works on a patch...19:10
devanandaAJaeger: thanks!19:10
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Remove untranslated PO files
AJaegerdevananda: not a single file had enough translations ;(19:19
devanandaAJaeger: yep19:19
AJaegerdevananda: once 124141 is merged, abandon the bot patch - - and you won't get a new one proposed until a team has finished translating...19:20
devanandacool, thanks much19:20
AJaegerwith my recent changes to the scripts, not even the pot (source file) will get updated...19:20
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pensuHi all, I have added a new physical node in my devstack Ironic setup, but I am not able to boot an instance on it...19:21
NobodyCampensu: are you getting an error19:22
pensunova-scheduler is not recognizing the node, any idea how can I boot an instance on a new node?19:22
pensuNobodyCam: no actually, there are three virtual nodes made by devstack, only they are being considered by scheduler..19:22
NobodyCampensu: are you trying to rm vm and BM from the same devstack?19:23
pensuNobodyCam: I can see the node in ironic node list, I can shut the power off and switch it on with ironic API....19:23
NobodyCamso ironic is working19:24
pensuNobodyCam: yes, I am....19:24
NobodyCamsounds like a nova config issue19:24
NobodyCamI don't think you can do that un soething i am unaware of has changed19:25
pensuNobodyCam: yes it is, it's nova-scheduler which is not able to understand that there is a new node...19:25
pensuNobodyCam: no, booting through a BM through virtual machine would be a challenge, I am thinking about providing a public IP to my VM, that should do the trick....19:26
NobodyCampensu: I boot BM node from the svm seed all the time19:27
pensuNobodyCam: wow! that works fine? I actually tried that with TripleO, I had a lot of network issues, may be something else then....19:28
pensuNobodyCam: so, basically I need to switch to baremetal host manager, let's see if that works out.....thanks...:)19:29
NobodyCampensu: the trick is to add the correct interface to the brbm bridge: (ie. ovs-vsctl add-port brbm eth#)19:29
NobodyCampensu: yep nova can not run vm and bm from a single compute node19:31
pensuNobodyCam: hmmm, that sounds like better solution, gonna try that...19:31
pensuNobodyCam: yeah, that might be it...19:32
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NobodyCampensu: you'll still need to set the correct host manager :)19:39
* NobodyCam steps away to hunt down some food stuffs19:40
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pensuNobodyCam: yeah, and I guess driver too...19:45
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NobodyCamhehehe yep:)19:51
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/ironic: Update ironic.conf.sample
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pensuNobodyCam: so, I ran ovs-vsctl add-port brbm eth# and my machine's whole network came down, can't ping, can't ssh...20:04
pensuNobodyCam: anything I should have had in my mind before doing that?!20:04
NobodyCampensu: did you do eth#?20:04
NobodyCamor eth1 or eth2, etc20:04
pensuNobodyCam: No, I did eth1, I just copied your command there...:)20:06
pensuNobodyCam: okay, that was ambiguous! I ran the command with eth1, I copied the command as it is in chat!20:07
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NobodyCampensu: ok and eth1 is your access to the network?20:07
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pensuNobodyCam: yes, it is...20:08
NobodyCamso what I do with tripleo seed is use another eth port on the seeds host.. so for example I will take an unused ethernet port wire it to the BM network add an ip like to it20:10
NobodyCamthen add that ether net port to the brbm bridge20:11
NobodyCambut I think you've got more going on20:12
NobodyCamconfig wise20:12
pensuNobodyCam: okay, that makes sense. I actually had only one ethernet port, that might be the reason why my machine came down...20:15
pensuNobodyCam: I have actually been trying to figure it out for past few days...20:15
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pensuNobodyCam: Anyways, it's 2 in the morning here, gotta go to sleep, will try it tomorrow, hope it will work....thank you....:)20:16
pensuNobodyCam: good night...:)20:16
NobodyCampensu: sure... let us know how it goes, and we're happy to help20:17
NobodyCambut will prob need some more info about the setup/config20:17
pensuNobodyCam: yeah, sure.....:)20:18
pensuNobodyCam: tomorrow a new day, a new VM, a new config!20:18
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openstackgerritJosh Gachnang proposed a change to openstack/ironic-python-agent: Use LLDP to get switch port mapping
adam_gdevananda, working great so far21:49
NobodyCamadam_g: w00t :)21:50
adam_gactually, works weel for the reboot case. not sure about power on /off21:57
adam_gstill racey on stop/start22:07
adam_gnot sure why, tho22:08
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devanandaadam_g: what's racing?22:19
adam_gcommenting in bug22:19
adam_gone sec22:19
adam_ger, review22:19
* devananda looks22:20
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devanandad'oh! copy/paste errors. lame of me22:29
devanandaadam_g: so, the inverse race is a strong possibility in a loaded system, however22:30
adam_gdevananda, yeah22:30
devanandaoh, i see22:30
devanandayes, there's still a race -- it's just smaller than before22:30
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devanandainstead of request 202 -> action complete, the race is now request 202 -> action start22:31
adam_gyeah. can't seem to figure out why reboot seems to be working okay, tho22:32
devanandaironic returns when a greenthread starts the work, and then changes the target_power_state in that greenthread,, but there is still a brief window where that thread has started but not yet updated the DB22:32
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devanandasolving this should be easy22:33
devanandawe need t move changing node.target_power_state from conductor/utils to conductor/manager, keeping it inside the lock context22:34
* devananda starts hacknig on that22:34
devanandaadam_g: fixes posted to nova review22:44
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/ironic: Add parameter to override locale to utils.execute
openstackgerritJosh Gachnang proposed a change to openstack/ironic-python-agent: Adding support for decommissioning
openstackgerritJosh Gachnang proposed a change to openstack/ironic-python-agent: Adding support for decommissioning
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openstackgerritDevananda van der Veen proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Conductor changes target_power_state before starting work
devanandaadam_g: corresponding fix in Ironic ^23:31
adam_gdevananda, nice23:33
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adam_gdevananda, \o/ working much better for all power ops23:40
NobodyCamdevananda: line 280 of
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devanandaadam_g: awesome23:54
devanandaNobodyCam: ?23:54
NobodyCamI +2 and nited it23:55
devanandaalready fixed, and rebased on master23:56
openstackgerritDevananda van der Veen proposed a change to openstack/ironic: Conductor changes target_power_state before starting work
NobodyCamThank you :)23:56
NobodyCamwhen is flight back?23:56
NobodyCam:) still in meetings? :(23:59

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