Wednesday, 2024-06-05

JayFI'm at CERN for the BM SIG! Waiting for reception to open if there is anyone else coming who is looking at IRC.06:21
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic-inspector master: Revert "Fix negative lookahead assertion syntax error"
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Revert "Fix negative lookahead assertion syntax error"
JayFI went ahead and hit the revert button in gerrit to create those revert changes07:04
luisfdezHi folks, the Bare Metal SIG/Ironic meetup at CERN will start in 40 minutes ( You can connect remotely via:
arne_wiebalckGood morning, Ironic!07:51
dtantsurah damn, I have a meeting this morning07:56
JayFI think we're going to record the talk, and honestly if you cared I'd happily give you the truncated version (I'm sure some large % of my talk would be review for you)08:00
dtantsurRight, yeah, I'm somewhat more interested in subsequent discussions08:00
dtantsurTheJulia: how is it different from iPXE though?08:25
bbezakHi. got weird issue with couple of lenovo bmcs with redfish - it was working for some time, and then error occured:08:31
bbezak2024-06-05 10:28:44.693 2795 ERROR ironic.conductor.manager [None req-180da969-9acd-4c6a-a37b-d9270c7abdfc - - - - - -] During sync_power_state, max retries exceeded for node bd07c201-398b-4e30-884f-c1f368c45ba4, node state None does not match expected state 'None'. Updating DB state to 'None' Switching node to maintenance mode. Error: The08:31
bbezakattribute Systems/ is missing from the resource /redfish/v1/: sushy.exceptions.MissingAttributeError: The attribute Systems/ is missing from the resource /redfish/v1/08:31
bbezakbmc restart via curl to redfish didn't help - so redfish itself looks fine08:31
bbezakit only happened to 2 bmcs out of dozen08:31
dtantsurbbezak: how does /redfish/v1/ look like during the problem?08:37
bbezakdtantsur -
bbezakthis is bifrost antelope btw08:40
bbezakraw looks better to read -
bbezakI've added another not working one -
bbezakso there are Systems/ there08:46
bbezak    "Systems": {08:46
bbezak      "": "/redfish/v1/Systems"08:46
dtantsurbbezak: hmm. Maybe run curl in a loop during the failed installation and try to detect a moment when it returns something differently? Could be a different HTTP code or a corrupted response.08:49
JayFProxying a question from the meetup: > the plan at the time was to publish [redfish interop profiles] on the DMTF website ... is that still on?09:12
JayF is where the async discussion is happening09:12
dtantsurJayF: is it on the call as well?09:12
JayFit's just in the etherpad right now, we won't get to the "hackathon / discussion" section until after lunch09:13
JayFright now r pittau is doing the metal3 presi 09:13
dtantsurJayF: wrote some comments, let me know when the actual discussion begins, I might be able to join09:18
JayFthank you :D 09:18
* dtantsur is trying to clean up some meetings to be able to participate09:19
bbezakdtantsur: after enabling debug, bifrost container restart, maintenance mode unset it of course was OK :)09:19
dtantsurJayF: how much time do you think there is left before the meat begins?09:19
dtantsurbbezak: heh, let's wait a bit I guess09:19
JayFif this is to be believed; around 1:30 local. it's 11:20 local now
dtantsurokay, trying to cancel the meeting at 1:3009:21
dtantsurJayF: do you need me for the deprecations section? I already see some confusion around auto-discovery.09:22
JayFwe did that sorta in line with my talk09:22
JayFI said it's supported in the separate service, but not (yet) in the ironic-inspector-intergated-into-ironic version09:23
JayFand that it's implemented a little grossly so we're treading lightly when considering how to integrate it09:23
JayFit was on my list of "if you're not using this feature, you probably shouldn't start" features lol09:23
JayFdtantsur: yikes, I see your comment now, I asked in here several times about if that was accurate and got some assurances it was :(09:24
JayFdtantsur: I'll clean that up on the mic when Riccardo is done09:26
dtantsursorry, I should have paid more attention but there is a lot of going on right now09:27
dtantsur(which is the reason I'm not there in the first place)09:27
JayFI completely understand; I was nervous about that slide being incorrect09:36
JayFI'm glad you were here before I dug the hole deeper during hackathon lol09:36
JayFhonestly if I covered 90%+ of ironic features and had one error, I'll take it :D 09:36
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/ironic master: docs: fix markup
JayFdtantsur: we are regathering11:28
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: Follow up to broken Zuul config
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-ironicclient master: Add test for driver raid property list
opendevreviewPierre Riteau proposed openstack/ironic master: docs: fix wrong configuration option name
TheJuliagood morning12:47
dtantsurJayF, rpittau, please ping me when you start again13:01
dtantsurmorning TheJulia 13:01
opendevreviewCurt Moore proposed openstack/ironic master: Correct bond_mode enum value for 802.3ad
TheJuliadtantsur: did they take a break?13:20
dtantsurTheJulia: yeah, for 10 minutes more13:20
TheJuliadtantsur: eh, the difference is the booting iso would have an agent token it it already13:26
TheJuliadtantsur: I guess that is a bad idea and it should be removed13:27
TheJulia... Maybe they are not going to return13:40
dtantsurI was afraid it would take longer.13:40
dtantsurI have another meeting in 20 minutes where I promised to be present.13:40
TheJulia... always does13:40
TheJuliaI think I just heard "15 minutes"13:48
JayFdtantsur: TheJulia: we're here now14:16
* JayF is :-O14:17
dtantsurJayF: on another meeting, will free up in dunno 20 minutes?14:17
JayF "the etherpad"14:18
dtantsurDays since someone suggested to rewrite dnsmasq in go: 014:20
JayFdtantsur: we should just do it, seriously14:57
JayFhow hard can it be14:57
JayFand I'm not a person who usually has that quantity of hubris14:57
iurygregoryThank you Dell... {"error":{"@Message.ExtendedInfo":[{"Message":"Virtual Media is detached or Virtual Media devices are already in use.","MessageArgs":[],"MessageArgs@odata.count":0,"MessageId":"IDRAC.2.8.VRM0021","RelatedProperties":[],"RelatedProperties@odata.count":0,"Resolution":"Change the Virtual Media Attach Mode to Attach or Auto-Attach.Stop existing Virtual Media sessions and retry the operation.","Severity":"Informational"}],"cod15:02
iurygregorye":"Base.1.12.GeneralError","message":"A general error has occurred. See ExtendedInfo for more information"}}15:02
TheJuliaOhhh Ahhh15:03
iurygregorywell, at least they mention on how to "fix" the problem..15:04
iurygregoryI was ussing AutoAttach, changing to Attached worked...15:04
iurygregorygoing to grab lunch and check if this was only happening in the vmedia via Systems...15:05
dtantsurle sigh15:33
cidI can listen to all these conversations all day.15:36
NobodyCamGood morning Ironic folks16:27
NobodyCamcrazy question, when did IPA get the ability to stream directly to the disk for direct deploy?16:28
TheJuliaMaybe 201616:38
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: docs: fix markup
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic master failed: Correct bond_mode enum value for 802.3ad
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic-inspector master: Follow up to broken Zuul config
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic-inspector master: Follow up to broken Zuul config
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Follow up to broken Zuul config
cidI did the updates in two ways, I don't know which is the right approach, whether to modify the reverted change or create a new changeset.17:39
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: docs: fix wrong configuration option name
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: docs: add some additional context around iPXE and secure boot
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: Advanced vmedia deployment test ops
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP Direct HTTPBoot iso interface?

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