Thursday, 2024-06-06

TheJuliacid: sorry for the delay in responding, juggling a few things today. Generally just achieving the needful is the most important aspect, the exact how is less important as long as the overall goal is achieved01:03
cidTheJulia: Understood!04:39
cidOf course, I understand everyone is busy 😂04:47
opendevreviewOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent bugfix/9.12: Update .gitreview for bugfix/9.12
opendevreviewOpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/ironic-inspector bugfix/12.2: Update .gitreview for bugfix/12.2
iurygregorygood morning11:11
JayFdtantsur: iurygregory: did you want a chance to look at before it workflows (runbooks)11:59
iurygregoryJayF, I did, totally forgot to add my vote on it, my bad12:00
JayFnot a problem, it's obvious you all are busy downstream so I wanted to make sure nothing "snuck by" so to speak12:02
JayFespecially Dmitry tends to have strong opinions on API things (which is a good thing!!)12:02
dtantsurI'll take a very brief look once the current meeting ends12:03
iurygregoryJayF, yeah.. customer cases, bugs, testing.. =( 12:03
* dtantsur has had one more "please don't rewrite ironic in go, you're going to hate it" sort of a conversation12:06
iurygregoryI'm happy I'm not in this type of meetings12:07
dtantsurJayF: more of a food for thought.. do you envision that less privileged users will be able to see the list of steps?12:14
dtantsurlike, is it possible that the list of steps is something you don't want the lessees to see even if they can use the runbook12:15
dtantsur(W+1 in the meantime)12:15
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/networking-generic-switch master: Add VLAN and Port whitelist
iurygregorywe still have mentions for whitelist? O.o12:27
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-specs master: Self-Service via Runbooks
TheJuliayeah, the term usage needs to be fixed12:38
JayFdtantsur: I think it'll be a separate policy knob (naturally, because it's a separate CRUD endpoint from set_provision_state), but I would find that weird for a default configuration12:58
JayFiurygregory: the draft of the docs review identified a lot of non-inclusive language12:59
JayFiurygregory: I suggest you provide that review feedback on that change (it's actually mine brought up from downstream so I'll take the blame)12:59
iurygregoryJayF, no need to take the blame =) 13:00
iurygregoryit's no ones fault =)13:01
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Excise use of non-timezone aware utcnow()
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Assert URL consistency for agent_url
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: WIP/DNM: initial mercury work
TheJuliadtantsur: ^^^ was totally just initial hacking on stuff, nowhere near anything review ready16:04
dtantsuryeah, I stopped my curiosity after realizing this :)16:04
TheJuliaI just wanted it in gerrit since It was on my desktop16:04
TheJuliaand I'm going up into the mountains :)16:04
dtantsurmountains \o/16:05
dtantsurI hope you enjoy it16:09
TheJuliaI am sure I will, it should be cooler up there16:10
dtantsurmeanwhile, we don't have any docs on hardware metrics or IPE, do we?16:10
dtantsurah, they are called notifications16:14
dtantsurmm, no, notifications is a different beast16:19
dtantsuriurygregory: as the father of IPE, do you have any idea ^^?16:21
TheJuliaWell, IPE was mainly to match what the conductor gathered which is driver specific16:22
TheJuliaand the redfish driver does *selective* collection16:22
TheJuliabecuase each resource and all need separate GET requests16:22
dtantsuryeah, I've seen this code while working on the interop profile16:23
dtantsurI guess now I also need to write a redfish documentation for it16:23
iurygregorydtantsur, reading16:23
iurygregoryI think I added in some place the metrics collected...16:24
dtantsurTheJulia: we need to look into newer Redfish, I think it now features to $include subresources16:28
dtantsur"With $levels , a single GET request can include the subordinate resource collections, such as Processors and16:30
dtantsurMemory .16:30
dtantsurexciting stuff, we need to use it16:30
TheJuliaoh cool, so that would be much lower overhead to collect data16:30
TheJuliaokay, really really really going up the moutnain now16:30
iurygregoryok, I was sure we had a file in the bifrost jobs with the IPE metrics ...16:30
iurygregoryand I can't find <O>16:30
dtantsurCould someone remind me, why did we decide for IPE to be a separate project rather than a part of Ironic? Some dependencies?16:38
dtantsuriurygregory: IPE has some useful docstrings but nothing public..16:39
opendevreviewIury Gregory Melo Ferreira proposed openstack/ironic-prometheus-exporter master: Testing
iurygregorydtantsur, so the IPE is only a oslo_ messaging_notifications driver that can parse the data we have from sensor data in ironic16:46
iurygregoryI think  this was the reason16:47
dtantsurWe definitely lack a "How it works" page as well16:48
dtantsurSince now I'm wondering how easier everything would be if Ironic just had a Prometheus endpoint16:48
iurygregoryHow it works :D16:49
dtantsurthat millennials with their tiktoks!!16:50
* dtantsur old man yelling at cloud16:50
iurygregorygen Z and X, millennials don't use tiktoks!16:51
* dtantsur cries in millennial16:51
dtantsurseriously though, we need this written, even if as a few paragraphs and a diagram16:51
iurygregoryI'm also a  millennial...16:52
iurygregorydtantsur, sure I will work on it16:52
iurygregoryI have doc appointment in my afternoon, so tomorrow I will try to work on this16:52
opendevreviewDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic-prometheus-exporter master: Trivial: log traceback on an unexpected error
dtantsuriurygregory: so, we write many-many files and then merge them as a /metrics endpoint, right?16:53
dtantsuri wonder if we ever purge any files or this stuff just grows indefinitely16:53
iurygregorydtantsur, we write 1 file per baremetal node16:54
iurygregoryhumm if the node is deleted, maybe..., I never tested this!16:54
dtantsurah, right16:54
TheJuliaand back18:19
iurygregoryoh ok, seems like only in IPE job i can see the metrics XD 21:19

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