Monday, 2025-02-03

jandersfrickler rpittau thank you for the pointers. I can get further with those, but now hitting . I suspect it may be a local env problem and I am tempted to retry CI once merges, WDYT?04:44
janders(I am reasonably confident my changes shouldn't break Openstack module resolution, it's probably my python/tox config)04:45
janders(and/or another required repo I don't have sitting around)04:46
opendevreviewKaifeng Wang proposed openstack/ironic master: Fixes the issue of flat network provision when porgroup is configured
*** Guest7825 is now known as diablo_rojo_phone06:12
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master: Remove reboot from basic baremetal ops
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: Trivial: Clean up residual `.vbmc` dir after clean
rpittaugood morning ironic! o/07:25
jandershey rpittau o/07:26
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Fix hold/wait step logic in step validation
opendevreviewVasyl Saienko proposed openstack/ironic master: [devstack ]Use tap interfaces for VMs
opendevreviewKaifeng Wang proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder master: Allow adjusting compression level when using lzma
rpittaucardoe: hey thanks for looks great at a glance, you got any chance to test it on real hardware?08:34
opendevreviewVasyl Saienko proposed openstack/networking-generic-switch master: Fix ngs_allowed_vlans validation
opendevreviewVasyl Saienko proposed openstack/networking-generic-switch master: Fix ngs_allowed_vlans validation
*** bodgix9 is now known as bodgix11:05
opendevreviewJacob Anders proposed openstack/bifrost master: Fix typo in CLI parameter spefifying config drive.
opendevreviewVasyl Saienko proposed openstack/ironic master: [devstack] Allow deploy environment with porgroups
opendevreviewVasyl Saienko proposed openstack/ironic master: Test patch to check porgroups
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent unmaintained/yoga: [CI] Remove centos-8 based jobs
opendevreviewJacob Anders proposed openstack/bifrost master: Update `uuid` to `id` in node_info to match module change
cardoerpittau: not yet but that’s my plan for today. It fails tests while master doesn’t which is super odd because the test is 100% wrong. So not sure why it’s passing in master which has me a bit concerned so I was going through the test.13:50
opendevreviewVasyl Saienko proposed openstack/ironic master: [devstack] Allow deploy environment with porgroups
opendevreviewVasyl Saienko proposed openstack/ironic master: Test patch to check porgroups
opendevreviewVasyl Saienko proposed openstack/ironic master: Test patch to check porgroups
TheJuliagood morning14:09
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic-specs master: Support for bootable containers
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic stable/2024.2: Fix redfish session cache on missing password
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic stable/2024.1: Fix redfish session cache on missing password
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic stable/2023.2: Fix redfish session cache on missing password
cardoeHow do you do those backports? 14:30
TheJuliacardoe: I just used the cherry-pick button in the gui14:31
TheJuliaand set the target branch accordingly14:31
cardoeah okay makes sense14:32
TheJuliait either succeeds or fails14:32
TheJuliaif it fails, I have to do it manually with gerrit14:32
TheJuliaout of curiosity, regarding I guess reset() was dead code?14:32
opendevreviewDoug Goldstein proposed openstack/ironic stable/2024.2: Fix hold/wait step logic in step validation
cardoeYeah it was never called.14:32
cardoeI didn't see anywhere we had a path to hooking up reseting the hooks that were loaded.14:33
cardoeI'm gonna work up something for PTG around hooks and rules.14:33
cardoeI think there's value in having the SIGHUP to reset / reload them. But different approach.14:34
cardoeIf that's fair?14:34
TheJuliaI suspect that is fair14:34
TheJuliaI noticed, at least on the task object interfaces for drivers we don't reload them on hup which was... sort of annoying14:35
TheJuliaI can see why though, the whole issue is if a driver fails horribly14:35
opendevreviewVasyl Saienko proposed openstack/ironic master: [devstack] Allow deploy environment with portgroups
opendevreviewVasyl Saienko proposed openstack/ironic master: Test patch to check porgroups
rpittaucan I interest someone with a quick review to unblock bifrost CI? :)
TheJuliacardoe: w/r/t those two tests might be better off moved since they don't test the agent, but test the inspection stuff you moved14:38
cardoerpittau: I can only +1 for bifrost but I gave it mine. I'll look at some other ansible-lint fixes in the future as well.14:39
rpittauthanks cardoe :)14:39
cardoeTheJulia: yeah good point. I'll do that in there.14:40
cardoeTheJulia: So I told JayF but once cid's rules bits go in. I was going to come back and adjust the Common class so that redfish used it as well. Essentially moved the node to INSPECTWAIT even with redfish and instead of waiting for the continue_inspection API endpoint to be hit to start the conductor task of the next part, when redfish was done it would just kick off the task.14:41
TheJuliarpittau: minor nit, some sort of reference to ansible would be nice :)14:42
cardoeI'm actually trying to write tests for it. Somehow when I moved the idrac stuff to sushy, it exposed a test issue in sushy. And now I'm like 25 yaks down the line fixing some test issues in sushy.14:42
TheJuliarpittau: but I'm about to approve that bifrost change14:42
rpittauTheJulia: oh I think I forgot to add "ansible core" before 2.19 :D14:44
TheJuliaI was thinking more a link14:45
rpittauah ok14:45
* dtantsur takes his killjoy role14:50
dtantsurcardoe: *WAIT states assume that Ironic is not doing anything with the nodes, particularly is not holding a lock14:50
TheJuliadtantsur: if your talking about the tv show, that was epic14:51
dtantsurI'm talking about me :D14:51
dtantsurwhile not critical, changing that breaks certain long-standing assumptions (e.g. that *WAIT states are interruptible)14:51
TheJuliaYeah, reading what cardoe wrote, in redfish the node should never touch wait... unless... somehow we downgrade and upgrade a lock, but the task would need to be interruptable at that level so it makes sense to just keep it in the active state14:52
dtantsurwe do downgrade locks somewhere, I think, but it comes at a price: what if you cannot acquire it again?14:52
TheJuliaYeah, the code that I remember does, is like super special cased14:53
cardoedtantsur: welcome back. let's talk more about inspect sometime?14:53
cardoeI can skip the WAIT happily.14:53
dtantsurHappily, need to figure out my schedule again :)14:54
cardoeI was just mentally planning the same flow.14:54
cardoeTotal aside, can we pass kernel parameters on a deploy? Like the deployed image via image parameters?14:55
TheJuliacardoe: could you elaborate on the context of the deploy a bit more, please. 14:55
cardoeSo we're working on the trunk patches so that you can have working trunk ports. Wonderfully the netnames with the VLAN number appended are too long. So just trying to have them pass net.ifnames=0 to the kernel14:56
dtantsurVarious kernel_append_params options maybe?14:57
TheJuliafor the deployed os?14:57
cardoeyeah the deployed OS14:57
TheJuliawe *really* try to avoid modifying the image contents and thus configuration options passed throguh14:57
TheJuliasince that requires changing the state on disk. That being said, I can totally be convinced its a good idea14:58
cardoeSo these Dell's the physical interface name is 14 characters and when the VLAN info is passed to cloud-init, the name is ".$VLAN" which exceeds the kernels 16 char limit14:58
* TheJulia facepalms14:58
TheJuliawe've had a similar issue downstream recently14:58
dtantsurSomething optional could take inspiration from
TheJulia... who decided interfaces can only be 14 chars long?14:58
cardoeenp196s0f0np0 is the interface name14:58
dtantsurabsolutely cursed14:59
cardoeoddly if you don't use VLANs it seems to rename it to a shorter version14:59
TheJuliayeah, super similar14:59
JayFI'll note that you can use udev rules to give them different names, you don't just have to opt out of the new naming system. At least if you use those, you still get consistent names15:00
cardoeI'm just trying to get them to speed run this to validate this so we can submit some patches to nova before the 2025.1 cycle.15:00
dtantsurbonus: a udev rule can probably be inserted by the existing inject_files step15:00
JayFThe painful part of it is I think you need a MAC address for that15:00
JayFOr some other kind of unique identifier for the device15:00
JayFBut there may be a more clever way that is more generic that I don't know15:01
rpittausorry to interrupt :)15:01
rpittauit'll be quick15:01
rpittau#startmeeting ironic15:01
opendevmeetMeeting started Mon Feb  3 15:01:23 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is rpittau. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:01
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'ironic'15:01
rpittauHello everyone!15:01
rpittauWelcome to our weekly meeting!15:01
rpittauThe meeting agenda can be found here:15:01
* cid o/ on mobile15:03
rpittaunice attendance today :)15:04
rpittau#topic Announcements/Reminders15:04
rpittauStanding reminder to review patches tagged ironic-week-prio and to hashtag any patches ready for review with ironic-week-prio:15:04
rpittaulot of patches are on their way to be merged15:04
rpittaulooks ok15:04
cardoeSo speaking of patches... I want to ask15:05
rpittauwe still have 2 specs there that need attention15:05
rpittauyes cardoe?15:05
cardoeI've got the sushy pyupgrade patch. It's got a bunch of +2's... just wondering how people feel about it. Because my next question is gonna be... how do people feel about just using Python's Black spec.15:06
TheJulia933620 was revised this morning for two nits, just needs some +2 love :)15:06
rpittauTheJulia: cool, I'll have a look after the meetnig15:06
cardoeIf we just take Black as it comes, we can enable auto-formatting in pre-commit (and in your editors) and not have to worry about style editing / etc and have the tools do it for us.15:06
rpittauis it this patch?
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: doc: fix typo and slight wording order for networking
dtantsurI remember black was not fully pep8 compatible?15:08
cardoeblack is pep8 compatible.15:08
rpittauthat's also waht I remember15:08
cardoepep8 is just ambiguous15:08
dtantsurOh, they fixed it? Good.15:08
dtantsurNo, no, it was something very explicitly incompatible. I just cannot remember what.15:09
dtantsurAs in: black formatted code would fail a pep8 check.15:09
rpittauI have the same memory, but it was some time ago15:09
dtantsuryeah, they could have changed it15:09
dtantsur"Black is a PEP 8 compliant opinionated formatter"15:10
dtantsuryeah, it's a different stance from the one they had back in the days15:10
rpittauoh well, I don't have anything particularly against it15:10
TheJuliaI guess the only question is, have other projects done the same15:10
dtantsurI personally find some of the things these formatters do annoying, but I'll follow the pack15:10
rpittauTheJulia: right15:10
TheJuliadtantsur: samesies15:10
dtantsurTheJulia: openstacksdk was at least moving towards it15:10
JayFI don't have an opinion as to what style is used, I am plus one to using auto formatters. And as a bonus, I'm sure that black style format will likely be supported by my IDE15:11
* dtantsur hopes it's easy to setup vim in a way that uses per-repo formatters..15:11
rpittaujust a point that sometimes format style between python versions is incompatible15:11
TheJuliadtantsur: samesies, again :)15:12
dtantsurrpittau: yeah, we'd need to be able to tell it to use the formatting compatible with the oldest supported version15:12
dtantsurit was a problem in the past, not sure how much of a problem it is nowadays15:12
rpittaudo we want to give it some more time to think about it ?15:12
cardoeSo the reason I ask is that we'd just get freebie formatting without having to fight a style checker.15:12
cardoerpittau: sure thing. I just want to make it easier for everyone to contribute and collaborate and if automation can take a tedious thing off the table then it might be a plus.15:13
JayFHonestly, the pre-commit stuff has done a large amount of progress toward that direction15:13
cardoeCause ruff can fix a lot of issues without people needing to manually fix stuff but it can only do it enabling its formatter, which only supports black right now.15:14
cardoeLiterally the only 2 config knobs they have is line length and if you want strings to be single quote or double quote.15:14
TheJulia... We should get back on track15:14
* dtantsur is horrified by the potential diff15:14
rpittaualright, let's give it some more time and we'll go back to it15:15
cardoeTheJulia: yes. sorry.15:15
rpittaunext one is15:15
cardoeI'd say let's commit to reviewing the bootable containers and graphical console spec this week?15:15
rpittau2025.1 Epoxy Release Schedule15:15
rpittau8 weeks to go!15:16
rpittauand this week PTL nomination period starts February 515:16
rpittau left the announcement for the next PTG15:17
rpittauFlamingo PTG will take place place April 7-11, 2025!15:17
rpittaurelated to the schedule:15:17
rpittaunew bugfix branches cut is happening this week15:17
rpittauanything else to announce/remind ?15:17
dtantsurKubeCon and the PTG back-to-back, OMG15:18
rpittauwe don't have planned discussion topics today15:19
rpittauany open topic?15:19
JayFPlease take time to review inspector rules; it's extremely close and I'd like to close that chapter15:19
JayFcid and I can do a demo/group review session if it'd be helpful15:19
masgharJayF: thanks for the heads up, will do!15:20
JayFAlso another small announcement: Next week Satoshi will be joining GR-OSS as an MLH fellow; focusing on a hardware manager to run steps from a container.15:20
TheJuliaAlso, later in the week, I could possibly do a bootable containers demo. Thursday or Friday if anyone is interested15:20
rpittauJayF: is that in ironic week prio list ?15:20
JayFrpittau:  I believe so but not 100% sure; I'll double check15:20
cardoeI wrote up and which was my thought around using inspector hooks and rules and I'd love to get cid's feedback. I'm all for a a demo/review session.15:21
masghar(Definitely interested in both demos)15:21
cardoeTheJulia: +1 I'm in for a demo of bootable containers too15:21
JayFyep +1 to bootc demo15:21
rpittauboth sound quite interesting15:21
* dtantsur +1 to both15:21
rpittaunot sure if I will be around on Friday, so I vote for Thursday :D15:22
TheJuliaOkay, should be possible15:22
JayFHow about Thursday for both? assuming cid has availability15:22
* JayF can set it aside overall as a review day15:22
rpittauwe can do one this week and the other next week ?15:23
cidcardoe, I had already taken a look, I will do well to give some feedback.15:23
JayFmaybe just not everyone needs to go to both? 15:23
JayFI don't wanna ask cid to wait more on inspector rules15:23
cardoeJayF: Can ya help me figure out why codespell doesn't seem to run on ironic-specs? I see rpittau's making review comments for spelling issues. :/15:23
JayFwill look cardoe 15:24
cidI’ll be available on Thursday or Friday +++15:24
rpittaualright, anything else to discuss today?15:24
JayFcardoe: may just need a rebase fwiw15:24
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/ironic-specs master: Graphical Console Support
JayFI rebased it.15:24
rpittauthank you everyone!15:25
opendevmeetMeeting ended Mon Feb  3 15:25:14 2025 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:25
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
TheJulia*wow* stevebaker[m] is awake stupidly early or quite late15:25
JayFTheJulia: that's me hitting gerrit rebase button to fix cardoe's complaint :)15:25
TheJuliaoh, heh, yeah15:25
TheJuliaI liked it when it told us who did it instead of the actual creator of the change set15:26
cidWhile we’re here, is this a bug or a wishlist ?
JayFdoes our API document that it's paginated?15:27
cidNot sure15:27
JayFit's documented that the limit should work; that makes me think it's a bug -->
* JayF is surprised anyone has that many conductors15:28
* cid don’t know the norm, but that sounds like a lot too ;)15:29
JayFMost places I've worked have had ratios of hundreds and hundreds of nodes to one conductor15:29
JayFI assume in this case, conductor is likely per rack or something reflective of their environment, but that's fun to do the math on anyway :P15:29
cidA bug it is15:31
kubajjany suggestion on how to fix the conflicting dependency for pbr in the CI for Bobcat of IPA?15:32
TheJuliaJayF: yeah, that is a lot of bare metal nodes with that many conductors. I know orgs who have that many conductors in total... but not in a single deployment.15:32
TheJuliaHas anyone looked into failures on the ovn + uefi job ?15:59
opendevreviewMerged openstack/bifrost master: Fix ansible linters
opendevreviewMerged openstack/bifrost master: Fix typo in CLI parameter spefifying config drive.
opendevreviewMerged openstack/bifrost master: Update `uuid` to `id` in node_info to match module change
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic master: [WIP] Run metal3 integration job using UEFI boot (default)
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Trivial: Fix config help text about clock syncing
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: move inspection hooks initialization
rpittaugood night! o/17:06
cardoeTheJulia: did Steve address your concerns in ?17:18
cardoeI wanna make sure that aligns with his graphical console plans and doesn't conflict in the end.17:19
TheJuliacardoe: I *think* so, I'm not sure the test matches the code change though17:20
vsaienkohello ironic community, I would like to implement static port group testing on CI. I've added support for port group deployment and And checked if deployment passing when portgroups are used Can you please help with review of those patches and let me know in which pe17:20
vsaienkor-commit/periodic job it makes sense to enable portgroups.17:20
TheJuliaWe don't rely upon periodic jobs, so it would need to be part of the standing pipeline. I guess it would also help to understand why and the use case the testing seeks to validate17:21
vsaienkoUse case is to test that we can deploy when port groups are configured, and if nova generates network data correctly with bond configuration.17:24
vsaienkoI do not think that we have any test that checks exact network data configuration inside guest.17:24
TheJuliaI was thinking in the changes, not in irc17:24
TheJuliaso reviewers have increased context17:24
TheJuliaAFAIK, we do not test the resulting metadata17:25
vsaienkothis is next step that I would like to implement - test that will boot ubuntu/fedora and check that bond is configured according to what we've asked17:26
TheJulia... then we would be testing the OS17:26
TheJuliaI'm semi -1 to testing the OSses interpretation with our limited resources, but I can see your point in the value of it17:27
TheJuliaJust as context, and semi-related, we've merged a removal of the post-deployed OS reboot check17:28
TheJuliabecause some distribution OSes were failing and that is outside of our exact pervue of supporting if they are changing firewalling post deploy.
vsaienkowe can check content of network_data that it contains required info if cirros cloudinit script does not support bond configuration17:33
vsaienkoto make it lightweight17:34
vsaienkoI event think that additional test is not really needed, we may add this check if node has portgroup in baremetal_server_ops.17:34
TheJuliait doesn't support it at all, afaik17:42
TheJuliait being cirros17:42
TheJuliaThat could be reasonable actually17:42
vsaienkook, let me update the test and check everything together.17:44
TheJuliacool cool17:57
TheJuliaAlso good to see you around :)17:57
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic master failed: Trivial: Remove the long deprecated `token` arg
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic stable/2024.1 failed: Fix redfish session cache on missing password
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Collect bus and driver for interfaces
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic-inspector master: Migrate from ironic-lib
JayFI think I got the grenade fixed there \o/21:20
JayFfwiw if my fix works; it means inspector grenade has been broken for more than half the cycle so far (the fix is for the global venv stuff, which was implemented in grenade a while back)21:28
JayFnot surprising given how little churn there is in that repo, but still notable21:28
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ironic master: devstack: respect USE_VENV in Ironic
JayFcardoe: it's extremely likely that grenade failure is real on that fwiw but new logs will be nice21:53
cardoeYeah that's why I rebased it. Cause I know we tweaked some other parts recently so I just wanted fresh logs.21:53

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