Monday, 2025-02-10

*** jroll03 is now known as jroll007:39
rpittaugood morning ironic! o/07:53
rpittaucardoe:  just approved it08:18
*** tkajinam is now known as Guest863909:04
rpittauurgent revert!
rpittauthe change landed in the wrong branch11:05
*** milan is now known as Guest865513:48
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent stable/2023.2: Fix RAID volume name
TheJuliaGood morning14:12
TheJuliaWell, I think I now see why our CI fails with cirros workloads at times... :(14:23
TheJuliaIt doesn't grok to reduce the MTU when it is pinned14:24
TheJuliaFeb 07 22:19:32 np0039796101 kernel: ovs-node-1i1: dropped over-mtu packet: 1340 > 1294 <-- once the workload boots14:24
TheJulia... I've already wanted to weed out cirros from our CI, I guess this is more... "encouragement"14:31
dtantsurwhat other minimalistic stuff do we have? alpine? something-something gentoo?14:32
dtantsurback to torturing centos images like in the metalsmith CI? :D14:32
* dtantsur ducks14:32
TheJuliait might just be faster to download something larger14:32
TheJuliasince public centos images also just work now14:32
dtantsuryeah, but we need partition images too14:33
dtantsur(that was the reason for the magic in the metalsmith CI)14:33
TheJuliano we don't... we already agreed to cease testing of it14:33
dtantsurnot entirely?14:33
dtantsurWe gave up in BIOS/grub, but I thought we were still testing UEFI asset copying?14:33
dtantsurIf we don't, I'm sorry, I should have prevented that14:33
TheJuliaI'd have to dig at this point14:34
dtantsurMetalsmith CI was testing BIOS+partition images, and we just said "okay, people should move away from that"14:34
TheJuliahonestly, its all a blur14:34
dtantsurOur normal CI only tested partition images coupled with the UEFI asset copying, I believe14:34
TheJuliaI'm 85% sure we actually removed metalsmith partition image testing14:35
dtantsuryep, we definitely did14:35
TheJuliaThere is the whole other aspect, the way we assemble a partition image in CI today is known to be fragile14:35
TheJuliait has been far better behaved as of recent14:35
dtantsurwhat isn't fragile about our CI? :D14:35
TheJuliabut step 0 I think at the moment is cirros14:36
dtantsuralpine has *some* images
dtantsurclaim to support uefi and cloud-init14:37
TheJulia191 MB14:39
TheJuliaoh, you know what14:40
TheJuliawe only see this on the ovn job14:40
TheJulia... what if ovn is not getting/sending the value14:40
TheJuliawe don't, afaik, see this on other jobs14:41
dtantsurthat's crazy.. but possible14:41
TheJuliayou know what, I remember something about ovn and mtus recently14:42
* TheJulia makes breakfast before digging more14:45
dtantsurnever a good idea to debug on empty stomach14:45
* dtantsur pours more decaf in a hope to trick his brain into working14:46
TheJuliaokay, it only does it when icrros is running14:53
TheJulianot another OS14:53
JayFdtantsur: TheJulia: I have gentoo support for dib in a decent place if you'd like me to try there. I do think we'd be better off using an off-the-shelf distribution if one exists though that meets our requirements.14:56
TheJuliaokay, I think I see what is going on15:01
rpittau#startmeeting ironic15:01
opendevmeetMeeting started Mon Feb 10 15:01:19 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is rpittau. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:01
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'ironic'15:01
rpittauHello everyone!15:01
rpittauWelcome to our weekly meeting!15:01
rpittauThe meeting agenda can be found here:15:01
rpittauthis should be a quick one15:02
rpittau#topic Announcements/Reminders15:02
rpittauusual reminders!15:03
rpittauStanding reminder to review patches tagged ironic-week-prio and to hashtag any patches ready for review with ironic-week-prio:15:03
TheJuliaI see what is going on with mtu and all. we end up pinning the mtu on the bare interface to 1294 but ovn thinks the mtu is 1372 :(15:03
rpittauso ovn does not know how to count?15:04
TheJuliafull kernels likely have PMTU discovery15:04
TheJuliaAnyway, meeting15:04
rpittau2025.1 Epoxy Release Schedule15:04
rpittauwe're at -7 !15:05
rpittaube aware that this week is oslo FF15:05
rpittauFlamingo PTG will take place place April 7-11, 2025!15:05
rpittauI'll add details and etherpad in the next days so we can start the conversation15:05
rpittauPTL nomination period has started!15:06
rpittauhaven't seen any candidate so far15:06
rpittau#topic Discussions 15:07
TheJuliaDid we have consensus on doing DPL?15:07
rpittauwe don't have any planned topic for today15:08
rpittauok I guess we can discuss that :)15:08
rpittauI'm of course ok with doing DPL15:08
JayFIf that's the route we want to go, I will volunteer to be the security liaison. It's kind of a natural extension of my work on the vmt.15:08
dtantsurI can probably take some role but I don't remember what roles exist :D (which may make you think that I'm not very suitable)15:09
rpittauand I will continue my work as release liaison :)15:09
JayFThe one thing we'll have to nail down is that the rules now require you to have a TC liaison, someone who is on the TC who's willing to also be down as a DPL number15:09
TheJuliadtantsur: I think that is a perfectly acceptable indicator that maybe it is not well understood && also okay that we all forget things as time moves on15:09
JayFEssentially, their job is primarily auditing to make sure that we exist and are doing a job15:10
dtantsurIt's an odd requirement, do we have the same for non-DPL project?15:10
dtantsurI mean, it's odd if it's limited to DPL15:10
rpittauI think for non-DPl is the PTL15:10
JayFNo, it was added during my tenure on the TC as an effort to prevent DPL from being used to prop up inactive projects.15:11
dtantsurWell, that's not fair at all. So DPL projects are still treated as 2nd class ones.15:11
JayFThe other thing that's different about DPL in the last year or so is that it does get reset every cycle so we'll have to opt back in. Again, just to make sure everyone who is a liaison is engaged.15:11
dtantsurrpittau: PTL is not a TC member15:12
JayFTrust me when I say that that change in policy reflected a necessary pragmatic need, and was not intended to be any kind of bucketing of one or the other as second class.15:12
dtantsurWell, it did exactly that15:13
masgharo/ What if a project does not have someone on the technical committee?15:13
JayFIf you have a problem with the way it works now, we can choose to not use it until after you advocate and get a new policy passed.15:13
dtantsurAlso, I trust you, but also I can easily remember many projects that went MIA with a PTL appointed and so far none that disbanded in the DPL status15:13
rpittauyep, I know, I skipped the part where it says that needs to be on the TC :)15:13
JayFmasghar: in the case of ironic, I would ask a TC member. I trust to be down as a liaison15:13
dtantsurJayF: putting the burden on me after a questionable decision by the TC is.. questionable :)15:13
TheJulia... I think my wife just suggested I should be the PTL. Please convince me not to...15:14
JayFRealistically, as far as the charter goes the TC already has PTL power on every project. 15:14
masgharOh I see, so you can just ask a TC member in case you dont have a core on the TC?15:14
rpittauTheJulia: don't do that! :D15:14
JayFdtantsur: You're talking to someone who voted yes on the policy. I don't agree at all that it's questionable.15:14
TheJuliarpittau: an 8th time for a corgi charm?!15:14
dtantsurWell, I've just explained why it's bad15:15
JayFdtantsur: I'll also note that during my tenure on the TC, we did tear down a lot of those projects that were being propped up by an AFK PTL15:15
dtantsurYou're making DPL-led projects guilty until proven otherwise, contrary to PTL-led projects15:15
cardoeSo I'm being quiet but I am a TC member. :-D15:15
JayFPtl has the natural catch of an election15:15
dtantsurWhich is not just about our feelings: this impression will probably spread further15:15
cardoeThe goal is like Jay said to not let inactive projects just say we're using DPL.15:15
rpittaucardoe: I was going to tell :D15:15
JayFSo if someone is absent for 6 months, they can be voted out. DPL is by lazy consensus15:16
cardoeIt's a full reboot of DPL.15:16
dtantsurresulting in "Oh, Ironic is DPL now, it means it's going to be discontinued"15:16
TheJuliacardoe for president?!15:16
dtantsurcardoe: and what prevents them from having a fake PTL?15:16
JayFdtantsur: we're trying to suss out the projects that aren't active so that impression will go away. Because for the most part it was true before15:16
cardoeI've already discussed Ironic will look at DPL and if we don't treat it like a bad thing then Ironic will adopt it.15:16
cardoedtantsur: nothing but we can replace the PTL easily and there's policy on it.15:16
rpittauironicptlbot ?15:16
cardoeAnd there's an obvious case of this person isn't doing stuff.15:17
* dtantsur is not ready to dive too deep into yet another political issue15:17
cardoeWhile in the past DPL led to a project just saying "oh need person X and they're on PTO or didn't have access to email"15:17
dtantsurIf I can do something useful as part of the DPL model, let me kno0w15:17
cardoeAnd it went round and round.15:17
rpittaudtantsur: I understand your concerns and I kind of agree with them, but without a PTL we don't have a different way right now if not going as DPL with the current policy :/15:18
rpittaucardoe: I guess you could be the TC liaison?15:18
opendevreviewVasyl Saienko proposed openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master: Improve check_vm_connectivity
dtantsur(we all are going to regret if you guilt-trip TheJulia or me to apply for PTL again, I promise :D)15:19
JayFI would run for PTL myself in this case, but I intend on taking 6 to 8 weeks off next cycle and don't think it's a good idea for me to take on that responsibility when I know I'm going to be gone for up to a third of the cycle15:19
* TheJulia gets out the iron fist of progress15:19
rpittaudtantsur: no, sorry, that's not my  intention :)15:19
JayFI don't think it's a negative for us to go DPL, I wouldn't have suggested it if I thought it was. I think it would be reflective of how our project works in practice.15:19
dtantsurYep, I fully agree with that. I got immediately scared of perception issues once you mentioned the requirement of having a supervisor to make sure we don't all run away.15:20
JayFHonestly, I think of it as much as a person who runs the paperwork every year to reset the DPL cycle since our automation isn't there yet15:20
opendevreviewVasyl Saienko proposed openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master: Improve check_vm_connectivity
rpittauwe still have some time before deciding, do we want to think more about it?15:21
rpittauone more week?15:21
dtantsurLet's make sure that "DPL is a way for projects to die" perception is really-really gone. That is my only concern.15:22
cardoeThat's the goal.15:22
rpittauok  :)15:22
JayFIf everyone is okay with it, I can send an email out to that thread describing the liaisons that we can get volunteers for them. 15:22
rpittauJayF: sounds great15:22
JayFdtantsur: I think you see it in reverse, ironic taking on DPL will remove any vestiges of that perception15:22
dtantsurFair point15:22
dtantsurJayF: aren't the role written somewhere already?15:22
JayFdtantsur: ironic is one of the most active projects in all of openstack, we're unlikely to get mistaken for Some random inactive thing that gets three commits a cycle15:23
dtantsurlol, true15:23
JayFdtantsur: it is, I'm just going to link it in the thread and volunteer on the list to be the security liaison15:23
rpittauperfect JayF 15:23
rpittauanything else on the DPl/PTL topic for now?15:24
rpittau(besides why I always type DPl with a lowercase L)15:24
dtantsurIn the current climate, "D" must stand for "Deep". I'm not making the rules.15:25
rpittauok, ok, anything else to discuss today?15:25
dtantsurChatGPT for PTL?15:26
dtantsursorry, sorry, I shut up already15:26
rpittauDeepSeek ? ;)15:26
dtantsurD for Deep, you see?15:26
cardoeDidn't someone volunteer to write a Hardware Manager doc for IPA?15:26
rpittaucardoe: I vaguely remember15:27
JayFcardoe: if youll write, a bug about what needs to be documented I can make time to update the documentation, I should understand it well enough15:27
dtantsurThere are *some* docs. I guess you mean much better docs?15:27
JayFIf someone volunteered to do it it's possibly me and I just forgot anyway15:27
JayFBut like dtantsur references, it's already extremely well documented, so I'm curious if it's something that's just written down in a hard to find place15:27
cardoeWell just from reviewing Julia's bootc stuff. I thought there was some plan on documenting custom agent more and custom hardware managers more.15:27
JayFThat'll be extremely valuable for me downstream as my MLH fellow starts today and he'll be working on hardware manager bits15:27
cardoeI do want to schedule something to discuss the inspector hooks and inspector rules in more detail with folks that are interested in it.15:28
cardoeI've got a use case that I've roughly sketched up that I'll add more details to15:29
JayFI'd suggest you schedule something directly with CID and I can try to make it if it overlaps with my TZ15:29
* dtantsur registers his interest15:30
cid++, as long as that day is not tomorrow ;)15:30
JayFI have something else for general discussion if there's time?15:30
rpittaucardoe, cid, maybe right down times/dates and discussion topics in an etherpad?15:31
rpittauJayF: please go ahead15:31
JayFJust curious if we want to make an Ironic meetup/BoF/etc for the OIF Days colocated with SCALE this year. 15:31
rpittauerrr s/right/write15:31
JayFFigured this would be a good place to see if we have any number of regular contributors going there.15:31
dtantsurJayF: where is that?15:31
dtantsurand when?15:31
rpittauwas goingt o ask the same15:31
* dtantsur is, as usually nowdays, clueless15:31
masghar(also interested in the inspection hooks and rules)15:31
JayFSouthern California USA in March; it's the North American OpenInfra Days colocated there15:31
JayFI'm speaking on OpenStack in the Real World15:32
rpittautoo close and too far at the same time :D15:32
dtantsurAh, USA. Pass from me.15:32
JayFI don't blame you; I'm not trying to say folks should come just taking an inventory :)15:32
dtantsurI'm very looking forward towards learning if/when/where the OIF event in Europe will be15:32
dtantsur(please don't tell me everyone already knows that)15:32
JayFI would not expect me to attend too many conferences outside of SCALE this year; maybe something in the last half of the year and maybe pycon but I'm trying to travel less this year15:33
rpittaudtantsur: May 22 in Paris, for me at least :)15:33
dtantsurrpittau: is it the same thing as last year? I cannot find anything for 2025..15:34
rpittauoh it's 2024, nvm15:35
priteaudtantsur: There was a message just a few days ago from Helena last week on our Scientific SIG Slack.15:35
priteau> We are still working through the venue proposals, but we should have a decision the week after next. Timing for the Summit: we are looking at July, Aug or September, depending on the proposal we go with15:35
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Revert "Configure ipa bugfix 10.1"
rpittauthanks priteau 15:35
dtantsur(summer season is pretty unfortunate, of course)15:36
priteauI hope they don't pick the middle of the summer when many people in Europe are on break15:36
JayFSo I take the lack of takers as a comment that it's only gonig to be me (+ maybe TheJulia?) at SCALE for Ironic this year?15:36
dtantsuryeah, me for example15:36
JayFIf so I still might form a BoF for users, but that'll be good to know15:36
rpittauyep summer is out for me too, especially aug-sep :/15:37
rpittauunless it's in Sardegna :D15:37
dtantsurone can dream :D15:38
rpittaualright dear ironicers, any  more discussion topics for today ?15:38
TheJuliaI'll be at SCALE15:38
TheJuliaUnknown if I'll be able to exit and reenter the US at this point15:39
TheJuliaso it may be my only thing of the year15:40
dtantsurSorry to hear about this and.. everything15:40
TheJuliac'est la vie... I think15:40
cardoeSCALE always happens when my kids are on spring break so I've not been able to make it since school for them started.15:41
TheJuliacardoe: I know at least *one* booth will have coloring books!15:41
cardoeoh if only that worked...15:41
TheJuliaoh well15:41
cardoeYou've not been called into the office because your kid emailed out a password list for the entire grade in 3rd? or 4th grade...15:42
rpittauok, going to close for real now, we can keep discussing after15:42
rpittauthanks everyone!15:42
opendevmeetMeeting ended Mon Feb 10 15:42:27 2025 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:42
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
TheJuliacardoe: excellent! They will have a bright future!15:42
cardoeI told the school district that he provided free white hat services for them. They should learn to not generate Google passwords for all the kids using a formula that a 3rd/4th grader could figure out.15:43
opendevreviewVasyl Saienko proposed openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master: Improve check_vm_connectivity
cardoeSo something for PTL... config options that aren't consistent.15:44
cardoe for example that one. I tried to move the hooks config to what I felt was more consistent.15:44
TheJuliacardoe: could be worse... I know of a university hospital who set all passwords to "<first_initial><last_initial>abc123"15:45
dtantsurI agree that it's a mess15:45
dtantsurWe're sometimes so wildly inconsistent in especially [group names] that we could be better of without groups..15:46
dtantsurFor instance, [DEFAULT], [conductor], [agent] and even [deploy] are used in cases where one could argue for any (or none) of these15:47
TheJuliaYeah, there is whole swath which likely should just get moved to DEFAULT15:48
dtantsurThere is one thing that is semi-consistent in Ironic, and that's what I'm referring to, cardoe: when we have some generic options and then driver-specific deviations, we tend to have the generic one somewhere logic specific ([pxe], [inspector]), and the deviating ones in driver groups ([redfish], [irmc])15:48
JayFI especially hate that we have, in some places, stuff like [agent]/agent_foo_bar 15:49
dtantsurThe prior art includes, for example, kernel_append_params15:49
cardoeAnother one I was thinking of was the cleaning steps TheJulia was helping keekz with and they were called deploy_steps.15:50
TheJulia.... that seems wrong15:50
TheJuliathe overrides?15:50
cardoeyeah they were in different sections.15:50
* TheJulia blinks15:50
TheJuliathere is likely the case to just let someone propose an appropriate shuffling15:51
TheJuliabecause anything else might get us into the territory of trying to design perfection15:51
dtantsurThis sounds right but also like a huge bikeshedding exercise :)15:51
TheJulia(yeah, see, trying to avoid building a shed and having to paint it... )15:52
cardoeyeah I'll go back to my corner and close my mouth.15:52
* TheJulia assumes someone has a bike shed we can just use a crane to deliver15:52
TheJuliacardoe: no no!15:52
cardoeI realize now it's like throwing a holy hand grenade out there.15:52
dtantsurMy personal regret: "direct" deploy. If I had known that iscsi would be gone rather soon....15:52
TheJuliadtantsur: perfection is the enemy of good15:53
TheJuliaAnyway, cardoe, please propose something that makes more sense to you15:53
JayFIt's still the agent driver in my heart 😂15:53
cardoeOkay will do.15:53
dtantsurcardoe: I definitely don't want to discourage you to think about organizing the configuration options better. I'm merely pointing out that there is little existing logic you can rely on.15:53
TheJuliayour working at an operator, it brings more value that way becuase your using a different set of lenses15:53
dtantsurJayF: exactly, nobody is using the word "direct"15:54
TheJuliamost of us, at least on the pure dev side get much more hyper-focused into specific areas and it is difficult to step back and look at the big picture at times15:54
TheJuliaWe totally need to do that, but difficult is that super fun word :)15:54
cardoeI've just had to make a glossary to Ironic terms if you will (I've got the same for Neutron)15:54
dtantsurGlossaries are great, all docs should have them15:55
cardoeAnd it just feels like either I should figure out a way how to upstream this for others to find.15:55
JayFOr we look back at the big picture, have some version of this giant conversation in our own heads and return to something more achievable 😂15:55
JayFMaybe that's just me.15:55
cardoeWell like the "direct" thing you mention. I've got something written up about deploy interfaces and specifically it starts "the direct interface is not direct"15:55
dtantsurcardoe: it may be as simple as slapping the glossary page on the top of our documentation tree and add links to where each concept is better describedd15:55
dtantsur"the direct interface is not direct" is a damning statement to my ability to name things :D15:55
JayFIt's direct from a lens where a driver exists where you don't write the image directly onto the disk. That entire perspective is basically gone now though.15:56
cardoedtantsur: hey don't worry. At many jobs it was a running job that I wasn't allowed to name things cause my names stuck and they were awful.15:56
dtantsurlol awesome15:56
* dtantsur hopes few people remember ironic-discoverd15:57
cardoeUltimately what I'm thinking about in my head is minimizing my glossary / conversion doc and getting that stuff into upstream. Because I figure if our folks have to ask me about it then there's other people in the world that have had the same question.15:58
masgharEven a few improvements to the config structure could be helpful, after consensus. Also the glossary upstream16:00
masgharI, too have wondered about the direct deploy :D16:00
JayFdtantsur: fwiw, when I tell that story to folks like cid to explain why inspector was ever separate, usually my reasoning is something like we were too silly to realize that this was in our scope. I would never ever think of that as a failing on your part, more a failing on the project to anticipate we would want all of that scope16:00
TheJuliawell, we just "directly" write it to disk ;)16:00
masgharare we more indirect in other cases 😅16:01
TheJuliaThis all goes back to the hardest problem in computer science, naming16:01
JayFmasghar: The default driver for ironic used to be one that operated on mounted iscai volumes on the conductor16:01
masgharoh, wow16:02
JayFmasghar: when Rackspace introduced the agent driver back in 2014, it was thought it might not be practical to transmit the whole image over the network for every node. Transmit the whole image over the network for every node... I think we figured it out 😂16:02
masgharI see, I see16:02
TheJuliaThe whole reason we got rid of iscsi deploy was because it was a pain to troubelshoot and it wasn't realy able to recover a short transient failure16:03
TheJuliaso we would see cases where the network interface would bounce due to the switch, port might be down 15 seconds, and that would be enough to break the deploy16:04
masgharoh that doesnt sound pleasant to debug16:06
TheJuliaokay, I see what is going on with the ovn job16:07
TheJuliathe job is failing because we are pinning the MTU down further than the MTU neutron is running with and asserts as the across the board default16:08
TheJuliaNeutron ends up with an mtu of 1372, and ironic bridge interface wiring is artifically then reducing that down to 129416:08
opendevreviewVasyl Saienko proposed openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master: Improve check_vm_connectivity
cardoeoh if anyone wants to further the pre-commit march... and
cardoeis okay as a "git revert" or do I need to do it via gerrit?16:25
TheJuliathats fine16:28
rpittaugood night! o/16:54
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: CI: Only artificially pin down the mtu in multinode
TheJuliaI *think* that should address the rando ovn job failures16:56
JayFI thought there was a reason we capped the minimum at 128017:02
JayFah, yeah, IPv6 doesn't work below that per the comment17:02
TheJuliaoh, heh17:03
TheJuliawell, I guess we'll see how CI responds17:03
cardoeugh.. I think I'm gonna have to make a custom deploy method for VMware ESXi... At least I recently looked at Julia's bootc stuff and that helped me understand it.17:18
TheJuliacardoe: most people I talk to do small lightweight esxi disk images, fwiw17:19
cardoeYou got any reference?17:20
cardoeI'm over here looking at what they gave me and it's literally says "Linux system admins should find this natural" and then proceeds to throw a bunch of PowerShell non-sense at me.17:21
JayFsounds like every experience I had with windows engineers at your employer :P 17:23
JayFwe asked for cloud-init integration, we got a giant unreadable (power)shell script that set up windows :D 17:23
opendevreviewVasyl Saienko proposed openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master: Improve check_vm_connectivity
cardoeTheJulia: even if it's a Google search term or something to throw into ChatGPT.17:28
TheJuliacardoe: I tried to put upstream docs up but... yeah, it was blocked17:29
TheJuliasteve has posted new/interesting details to
TheJuliaI've +2'ed it17:32
cardoeYeah I'm a mega +2 on that spec.17:37
JayFsince I was the third +2 I landed the spec17:39
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-prometheus-exporter master: fix bashate error in script
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-prometheus-exporter master: enable pre-commit lints from main ironic repo
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-prometheus-exporter master: Revert "temp hack for failing flake8 check"
cardoeWhat else do we need to pre-commit, JayF?17:42
cardoeProbably bifrost?17:42
JayFWhen I need to do a "for n in all repos" change for ironic I always check the projects.yaml in governance or the bug deputy doc page for a list17:43
JayFif you wanna make sure all the i's are dotted so to speak, I'd check those17:43
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent master: follow-up: update release note for bootable container work
JayF+2A on that followup17:47
opendevreviewDoug Goldstein proposed openstack/ironic master: move hooks execution into shareable module
opendevreviewDoug Goldstein proposed openstack/ironic master: allow multiple inspection interfaces to load hooks
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-specs master: Graphical Console Support
cardoeJayF: perfect thanks.17:50
cardoeTheJulia: So that shareable module thing above... I'm not sure if I love the "on_error_plugin_data" callback but I don't necessarily have any other ideas other than putting some methods on the BaseInspect class? Do you have any suggestions?17:51
cardoeOr honestly anyone that wants to give feedback. I'm not sure how folks feed about adding methods on those driver interfaces since it seems like the prior art is to make standalone functions.17:51
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: CI: Only artificially pin down the mtu in multinode
TheJuliaOkay, that one should be happier in CI17:54
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-specs master: Support for bootable containers
TheJuliacardoe: could you point me to exactly where your setting that?18:10
cardoeSorry.. can't seem to get a link directly in gerrit to the line change.... "def run_inspection_hooks(task, inventory, plugin_data, hooks, on_error_plugin_data):" it's line 525 of of
cardoeThat way "_store_logs()" stays put in the agent code.18:12
TheJuliaahh, I see18:19
TheJulia... I dunno, I think that is the most direct way of doing that, honestly18:19
TheJuliarpittau: since is docs, if you want to workflow it go right ahead18:31
JayF+2A on that18:34
TheJuliafair enough18:39
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic bugfix/28.0: Configure ironic bugfix 28
opendevreviewDoug Goldstein proposed openstack/ironic master: move hooks execution into shareable module
opendevreviewDoug Goldstein proposed openstack/ironic master: allow multiple inspection interfaces to load hooks
opendevreviewDoug Goldstein proposed openstack/ironic master: allow running inspection hooks on redfish interface
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Add basic documentation on metal3-integration job
opendevreviewSatoshi Shirosaka proposed openstack/ironic master: Remove Ipmi from the default enabled vendor interfaces
opendevreviewVasyl Saienko proposed openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master: Add tests to validate trunks
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-python-agent master: Bootable container support
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic master: bootc deploy interface - for bootable containers
opendevreviewVasyl Saienko proposed openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master: Validate network data for portgroups
JayFIs there anyone with like, 5 minutes to spare to rubber duck something with me? 21:29
JayFI've managed to convince myself deploy_{kernel,ramdisk}_by_arch is only hooked up for redfish and ilo virtual media boot21:29
JayFbut it seems exceedingly unlikely we've had a bug around that feature for this long21:29
JayFbut afaict it's only referenced in ironic.drivers.utils.get_agent_kernel_ramdisk which is only called by redfish/ilo boot.py21:32
JayFI feel like I have to be missing something, because otherwise basically our pxe/ipxe boot path is old untouched code and the only updated ones are redfish/ilo21:32
TheJuliamaybe in like 521:34
TheJuliayou very well may be right21:41
JayFyeah, I'm more and more convinced the more I look21:43
opendevreviewVasyl Saienko proposed openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master: Add tests to validate trunks
JayFI think there'll be a backportable bugfix21:43
JayFmy downstream tried to backport the patch, it backported cleanly but didn't work21:43
JayFthis is *not* what I expected to find21:43
JayFif you're in agreement with me, I'll dig into a fix21:43
TheJuliayeah, its a bug from what I can see21:46
JayFack, thanks for sanity checking21:47
JayFwhen something that old is that broken it's nice to know you didn't miss anything21:47
JayF has been created about this issue, marked as triaged/medium and assigned to me21:59
TheJuliaOkay, the mtu change looks like it is good, but I'm rechecking it now22:14
opendevreviewMichael Sherman proposed openstack/networking-generic-switch master: Fix binding l2-only ports by setting connectivity property
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic master failed: bootc deploy interface - for bootable containers

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