Monday, 2025-03-10

opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/ironic master: DNM Don't install graphical console deps with bindep
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/ironic master: DMN disable ir-novnc in ironic-standalone-redfish
fricklerstevebaker[m]: error is still happening in both of ^^, note that made it non-fatal, you have to search for "ansible-playbook" in the log to see the error now06:25
vsaienkohello ironic community, is there any core reviewer around? can you please add workflow the patch had WF+1 but it was removed due to rebase on top of another change to unblock CI. Thank you.06:50
rpittaugood morning ironic! o/10:31
dtantsurSigh, what do I need to manually hack in gertty this time to make it work after an upgrade?10:58
dtantsurMonday, am I right?10:58
dtantsurAh, downgrade SQLAlchemy, of course.10:59
JayFTheJulia: I got the full update in the situation re: power status. Ironic did the right things, I got the full story. Hope you got home safe o/11:59
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master: Add retries while waiting for SSH on server
vsaienkoironic team, please review - adds tests to validate trunks, already has +2 and all dependent patches are merged.  And vlan aware VMs patches also has +2 and Maybe we can land this feature?12:28
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: centos devstack support: fix VM permissions
TheJuliadtantsur: sure sounds like a monday thing13:18
rpittauI've removed the block for the cycle highlights
rpittauplease review it ASAP in case we want to add/remove something :)13:23
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic master: [CI] metal3 integration: reduce total time between node check
opendevreviewKaifeng Wang proposed openstack/ironic master: Add servicing to stuck states on recovery
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic master: [WIP] Use bigger partition as work dir for metal3 job
TheJuliaGood Morning!14:00
TheJuliaAre we meeting this morning?14:00
TheJuliathat is in an hour isent it14:00
TheJuliayup, in an hour14:01
opendevreviewMerged openstack/bifrost stable/2024.1: pip: Use SETUPTOOLS_USE_STDLIB if python < 3.12
TheJuliarpittau: lgtm14:08
*** dking is now known as Guest1103714:31
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-ironic-inspector-client stable/2025.1: Update .gitreview for stable/2025.1
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-ironicclient stable/2025.1: Update .gitreview for stable/2025.1
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-ironicclient stable/2025.1: Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/2025.1
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/python-ironic-inspector-client stable/2025.1 failed: Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/2025.1
TheJuliaGood morning!15:02
TheJulia#startmeeting ironic15:02
opendevmeetMeeting started Mon Mar 10 15:02:24 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is TheJulia. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:02
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'ironic'15:02
* TheJulia gets out the crickets15:02
TheJulia#chair rpittau 15:02
opendevmeetCurrent chairs: TheJulia rpittau15:02
rpittauHello everyone!15:03
rpittauWelcome to our weekly meeting!15:03
rpittauThe meeting agenda can be found here:15:03
rpittaunot a lot of things for today, I'l just start with the announcements15:03
rpittau#topic Announcements/Reminders15:03
rpittau#info Standing reminder to review patches tagged ironic-week-prio and to hashtag any patches ready for review with ironic-week-prio:15:04
rpittauooook there are some patches to review, I'll get to them after the meeting15:04
rpittau#info 2025.1 Epoxy Release Schedule15:05
rpittau3 weeks left!!!15:05
TheJuliaHave we prepared our releases?15:05
rpittauwe're going to start seeing releases very soon15:05
rpittauwe're missing just a couple actually, ironic, ipa and such15:06
rpittauwaiting for the last patches to merge15:06
rpittauso please if you have patches that need to be included in the release upload them ASAP!15:06
rpittau#info Flamingo PTG will take place place April 7-11, 2025!15:07
rpittauPTG etherpad15:07
rpittauI'll start reserving days/times, then we can adjust based on topics and cross project needs15:08
iurygregoryif you need help let me know15:08
rpittauthanks iurygregory :)15:08
rpittauanything else to announce/remind today?15:08
rpittauok moving on!15:09
rpittau#topic Discussions 15:09
TheJuliado we have a list of patches we're waiting on? 15:09
rpittauyep the one in the ironic-week-prio list15:10
rpittauI have only one topic for today, which is the last chance to comment on the cycle highlights :)15:11
rpittauthanks TheJulia for the review!15:11
cidI have one15:11
* cid rules15:11
rpittaucid: shoot!15:11
TheJuliaIntrospection rules? ;)15:12
cidYep. ^^ Re: TheJulia. I will really love to get inspection rules to the finish line15:12
iurygregoryhow we will rule the world? :D15:12
TheJuliaIs everything tagged? What explicitly is outstanding?15:13
cidEverything is tagged, the API is waiting for the follow-up change15:13
cid... to merge15:13
* dtantsur planning to get to these early this week15:14
cidAppreciated ++15:15
rpittaucid: if they're tagged I'll get to that for sure tomorrow at the latest15:15
priteauMay I ask, what about the NGS patches in ironic-week-prio? Are they going to be merged only for Flamingo?15:15
cidtks, rpittau15:15
rpittaupriteau: we'll do our best to review them before the release15:15
rpittauI think I actually reviewed some of them already15:16
fricklerwhat about the last two? patches shouldn't have prio while they're W-1 or in merge conflict for months?15:17
rpittauthe last two are automatically excluued if they're not udpated15:17
TheJuliapriteau: are there specific patches you have in mind which we can focus on?15:18
fricklerwell they won't get merged but I was thinking maybe also remove the hashtag to avoid the distraction15:19
rpittaufrickler: of course, we do some cleaning usually, but some patches can slip from view :)15:20
fricklerok. I have another question then regarding , I'm not sure whether that is only a CI issue or a real regression maybe? stevebaker[m] starting testing but no success so far15:21
priteauTheJulia: It's the VLAN support patches. They have a +2 from rpittau already.15:23
priteaui.e. and
priteauBut one of them depends on which is also active15:24
*** Guest11037 is now known as dking15:27
TheJuliaYou can't realistically depends-on a tempest chane15:27
TheJuliaThat signifies the change breaks something then15:27
TheJuliawhich is.. bad15:27
rpittauI think it's just adding tests15:27
TheJulialikely, if we can check and decouple it would be best15:28
TheJuliaI suspect mnasiadka is likely on a plane today or was yesterday15:28
rpittaualright, anything else to discuss today?15:30
rpittauthen that's all folks!15:32
rpittauthanks everyone!15:32
opendevmeetMeeting ended Mon Mar 10 15:32:34 2025 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:32
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic master: [WIP] Use bigger partition as work dir for metal3 job
opendevreviewRiccardo Pittau proposed openstack/ironic master: [WIP] Use bigger partition as work dir for metal3 job
priteauTheJulia: the test being added to the tempest plugin is disabled by default. It gets activated only by changes to the devstack plugin:
TheJuliadoesn't matter, the aspects need to be disjointed15:34
TheJuliamaking anything dependent upon tempest is wrong and increases difficulty to land15:35
TheJuliain any event, I'm looking at the base change which adds the relation now, If I'm good with it, I'll remove depends-on15:35
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/networking-generic-switch master: Add vlan aware VMs support
opendevreviewVasyl Saienko proposed openstack/networking-generic-switch master: Adds vlan aware VMs support for Cumulus NVUE and DellOS10
priteauThank you TheJulia 15:55
TheJuliaJayF would appreciate reviews on:
JayFTheJulia: that's my patch 😃16:34
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: Follow-up: Apply Inspection Rules
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: API/Testing: Inspection rules migration
dtantsur| last_error | Failed to get power state for node 31a2bc92-e4e5-4ce8-ba0a-55350b0689b0. Error: maximum recursion depth exceeded while  |16:43
dtantsur|            | calling a Python object16:43
dtantsurVery-very not wow16:43
dtantsurand I have a serious concern it's actually eventlet-related16:44
dtantsuror, hmm, we have an infinite recursion in sushy16:45
dtantsurwell, lovely, we enter an infinite recursion on invalid credentials16:47
opendevreviewSatoshi Shirosaka proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder master: WIP Add Podman DIB for container-based cleaning
opendevreviewSatoshi Shirosaka proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder master: WIP Add Podman DIB for container-based cleaning
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master failed: Add tests to validate trunks
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Remove multinancy page
cardoeLooking for reviews on it’ll need to be back ported to 2024.2 and 2025.1 if that’s been branched.17:42
cardoeI’m traveling this week so I’m on and off line a bunch.17:43
opendevreviewSatoshi Shirosaka proposed openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder master: WIP Add Podman DIB for container-based cleaning
opendevreviewMerged openstack/networking-generic-switch master: Configuration error handling for non-Layer-2 ports
TheJuliadtantsur: I take it forever invalid credentials or some other fun?17:55
cardoeI’m good with cid’s rules stuff. I think as we play with it we’ll end up wanting to revise the spec a little bit and thus the implementation. I know dtantsur wanted to review things so I’ve held off waiting on him.18:43
cardoeI feel like cid implemented the spec.18:44
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ironic master: Filter physnets when ports are pre-allocated to a segment
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: Follow-up: Apply Inspection Rules
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: API/Testing: Inspection rules migration
opendevreviewcid proposed openstack/ironic master: Remove IPA build on cleanup
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/networking-generic-switch master failed: Add vlan aware VMs support
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/ironic master: DMN disable ir-novnc in ironic-standalone-redfish
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin master failed: Add tests to validate trunks

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