Tuesday, 2018-08-07

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zxiirossbarnea: the patch we merged in python-jenkins breaks JJB for me https://review.openstack.org/57581716:03
ssbarneazxiiro: can you provide more info so I can fix it?16:04
Liskni_sissbarnea: its the same thing I told you here a few days ago16:04
zxiirossbarnea: I pasted the trace in my comment16:04
ssbarneai am no longer using JJB, at least for the moment, but I will fix such a bug.16:04
Liskni_sior maybe it breaks in other ways too16:04
zxiiroEmptyResponseException: Error communicating with server[https://jenkins.opendaylight.org/sandbox/]: empty response16:05
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ssbarneazxiiro: how can I get an account for this jenkins server? (to tesT)16:06
zxiirossbarnea: create an account here https://identity.linuxfoundation.org/ and then ping me with your username I can give you access16:06
ssbarneassbarnea -- already had one.16:07
zxiirossbarnea: alright I just added you to the sandbox list16:07
zxiirossbarnea: So you should be able to reproduce with just the "test" command pointing to that server.16:07
ssbarneadoing it now, i am already logged in16:08
ssbarneafirst impressions using my account and master: i was able to list jobs, but doing get-plugins-info got me a 403 error.16:14
ssbarneabut doing a test and update worked (freestyle job).16:17
zxiirohuh really?16:25
zxiirowhy's it broke for me. hmm...16:25
zxiirossbarnea: to be clear you're using latest master of python-jenkins right?16:28
zxiirossbarnea: not a released version since we haven't released that patch yet16:28
ssbarneaahh, forgot that. doing it now.16:28
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ssbarneaok, problem reproduced. time to write fix for it.16:29
zxiirostepping out for a lunch. back in a bit.16:30
ssbarneamainly this happens because code expects a body but HEAD has no body by design.16:41
ssbarneanow the only question is if a response object knows which verb was used in the request.16:42
ssbarneaclearly knows the URL, but i don't know about the verb/action.16:42
ssbarneaif it was post/get/option/put/....16:42
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed openstack/python-jenkins master: Avoid empty body failure on HEAD requests  https://review.openstack.org/58954716:48
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed openstack/python-jenkins master: Avoid empty body failure on HEAD requests  https://review.openstack.org/58954716:53
zxiirossbarnea: thanks Looks like that works for me.17:51
ssbarneai am not sure if this fixes all cases but I also wanted to minimize the potential impact so I checked only for HEAD.17:52
ssbarneafunny initial version of the breaking patch didn't use the jenkins_request so it was not affected buy this bug, during the review someone suggested to use that function,... :D17:53
ssbarneagood that we didn't release it17:53
zxiiroI +1 workflowed it so that it fixes our master branch when Zuul passes17:57
Liskni_siI didn't test it as I'm in a pub but I'm pretty sure the offline job generation case is still broken.18:16
Liskni_siBut maybe if we used a file:// uri instead of localhost... Dunno.18:17
zxiirossbarnea: ^ any ideas for that case?18:25
zxiiroLiskni_si: yeah let's not release the next python-jenkins until we fix that18:25
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zxiirohmmm seems like even if you say "ignore_cache=True" the cache object is still setup in JJB thusly requiring the cache regardless of if you want to use it or not.19:00
Liskni_siyeah but that's unrelated I think19:01
Liskni_siwe've been overriding XDG_CACHE_something to be able to generate offline jobs for multiple jenkins instances in parallel19:02
zxiiroLiskni_si: yeah I wasn't on topic there.19:07
zxiiroone of my projects is trying to run multilpe jenkins-jobs processes simultaneously and are hitting cache issues.19:07
zxiiroLiskni_si: setthing that CACHE variable sounds brilliant though maybe I'll suggest something similar19:08
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-jenkins master: Avoid empty body failure on HEAD requests  https://review.openstack.org/58954719:25
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