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davechen | bknudson: ping? | 01:28 |
davechen | bknudson: still here? | 01:28 |
davechen | fine, i will leave my explanation in that patch (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/134124). | 01:39 |
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morgan | Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz | 02:29 |
morgan | stevemar: ping, you around? | 02:29 |
stevemar | morgan: yo | 02:29 |
morgan | stevemar: hey. Hows day one of the new job? ;) | 02:30 |
stevemar | morgan: i was a scatterbrain | 02:30 |
morgan | Hehehe | 02:30 |
stevemar | i tried to do everything and got nothing done \o/ | 02:30 |
morgan | Welcome to the land of PTL! | 02:30 |
morgan | Every time i sat down to do something someone would ask me a question. Like I am doing to you right now! ;) | 02:31 |
stevemar | i need to make a list of things to do, and for you to look over it to make sure i'm not missing anything :P | 02:31 |
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morgan | Sure | 02:33 |
stevemar | morgan: what else is up | 02:33 |
morgan | Fixed my bike today. | 02:33 |
morgan | :P | 02:33 |
morgan | Figuring out all the stuff for getting to tokyo | 02:34 |
stevemar | morgan: i'm doing that now | 02:34 |
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openstackgerrit | Masaki Matsushita proposed openstack/keystone: Use IPOpt to validate IP addresses https://review.openstack.org/228697 | 02:47 |
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openstackgerrit | Dave Chen proposed openstack/keystone: Using the right format to render the docstring correctly https://review.openstack.org/226225 | 02:52 |
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openstackgerrit | Masaki Matsushita proposed openstack/keystone: Use IPOpt to validate IP addresses https://review.openstack.org/228697 | 04:01 |
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openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/keystone: Imported Translations from Zanata https://review.openstack.org/228119 | 06:10 |
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fawadkhaliq | Hello Keystone cores, can you please review this: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/211598/ It has been in reasonable state for quite sommetime. Thank you! | 06:22 |
stevema__ | fawadkhaliq: i dont see what a neutron related devstack change has to do with keystone? | 06:24 |
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fawadkhaliq | Oh my bad. I am really tired. I was seeing Keystone and DevStack as same. Apologies. I should hit bed :) | 06:25 |
fawadkhaliq | Moving this to DevStack DevStack.. | 06:25 |
stevema__ | fawadkhaliq: np | 06:27 |
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stevema__ | i'm going to do the same | 06:28 |
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openstackgerrit | Marek Denis proposed openstack/keystoneauth-saml2: Depend on keystoneauth https://review.openstack.org/186854 | 09:44 |
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samueldmq | morning keystoners | 11:11 |
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nisha | Morning :) | 11:19 |
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samueldmq | nisha_: hey, I am glad you got it working | 11:49 |
samueldmq | oh, she left :( | 11:49 |
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jvarlamova | Hello, Keystone team! Could you please take a look at patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/207906/? Stable/kilo branch of Manila client is broken due to bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-keystoneclient/+bug/1480314 | 12:18 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1480314 in python-keystoneclient "Branch "stable/kilo" is broken" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Julia Varlamova (jvarlamova) | 12:18 |
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dstanek | dolphm: +1 on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/210365/1 ? | 13:49 |
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dolphm | dstanek: sure, i was hoping it would grow a dependency | 13:50 |
dstanek | dolphm: what dependency? | 13:51 |
dolphm | dstanek: on your patch | 13:51 |
dstanek | ah, ok | 13:51 |
dstanek | hmmm.... "Ran: 5695 tests... Failed: 4190" - good times! | 13:52 |
dstanek | bknudson: we were deprecating the functionality since it could break existing config files re: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/134124/ | 13:52 |
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openstackgerrit | Dolph Mathews proposed openstack/keystone: Test revocation race conditions https://review.openstack.org/227995 | 13:55 |
bknudson | dstanek: but apparently it didn't work due to the bug. | 13:56 |
dstanek | bknudson: the values just had no effect right? | 13:57 |
bknudson | dstanek: according to the bug report the server fails to start with a backtrace | 13:57 |
bknudson | "So, if we configure paste.deploy config files like what the method docs says, ..." | 13:57 |
marekd | stevemar: hi, do you know if anybody in the openstack family by default can consume cadf events? | 13:58 |
bknudson | "it will always fails as:" | 13:58 |
stevemar | marekd: ceilometer? | 13:58 |
bknudson | dstanek: so I don't get the point of deprecating since it's been broken for so long. | 13:59 |
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marekd | stevemar: i am thinking about it as I see lots of people see federated users ephemerality as a problem cause they cannot track them and I am wondering whether we should somehow solve it for them. | 14:00 |
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openstackgerrit | Tony Wang proposed openstack/keystone: Show v3 endpoints in v2 endpoint list https://review.openstack.org/215870 | 14:03 |
dstanek | bknudson: i thought at one point we had middleware that allowed it, but didn't use it, but i can't find any evidence of it so i agree that we should just delete | 14:03 |
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bknudson | dstanek: ok, I'm not crazy | 14:04 |
dstanek | bknudson: no i am :-) | 14:04 |
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dstanek | bknudson: it was the Xml middleware that was deleted in L | 14:05 |
bknudson | you could configure the XML middleware? | 14:06 |
dstanek | bknudson: nope | 14:06 |
dstanek | bknudson: it was that awesome! http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/keystone/commit/?id=8b742b5f29f0b40cd9cfead28d45acc65e61b491 | 14:07 |
bknudson | I'm just glad we don't have to support the broken XML translator anyways | 14:08 |
dstanek | we should get rid of all the broken | 14:08 |
bknudson | we don't use the local conf in the app factories -- https://review.openstack.org/#/c/134124/22/keystone/service.py | 14:09 |
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bknudson | maybe could change the logs there to say that it's ignored and to update your config file rather than say something is deprecated. | 14:10 |
dstanek | bknudson: if you do that we can't remove the unused params in the future | 14:21 |
bknudson | dstanek: is it safe to remove the unused params or is it part of the paste spec? | 14:22 |
bknudson | does paste say you're supposed to have the kwargs? | 14:22 |
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dstanek | bknudson: i don't know it it's explicit. paste just bundles the stuff from the config and sends it in as kwargs | 14:22 |
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bknudson | right, so we can't stop paste from doing that... it's just how does keystone handle it... either failing or ignoring | 14:23 |
dstanek | this is the first project i've been a part of that receives them as kwargs too. generally i would used named kwargs | 14:23 |
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bknudson | paste might decide that since they told everyone to accept **kwargs they're going to always specify a kwarg just for fun. | 14:25 |
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dstanek | bknudson: what a pile of crap :-( | 14:27 |
bknudson | dstanek: here's some docs -- http://pythonpaste.org/deploy/#paste-app-factory | 14:29 |
bknudson | they use **local_conf | 14:29 |
dstanek | yeah, but no actual spec that's just the example | 14:29 |
bknudson | dstanek: the other examples seem to use positional args as the config options, see http://pythonpaste.org/deploy/#paste-filter-factory | 14:31 |
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dstanek | bknudson: consistent right? i would use defaults, but not ** | 14:33 |
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bknudson | dstanek: you'd prefer to not have the **kwargs config params in our factories? If so maybe this is the right way to go. | 14:34 |
bknudson | I mean maybe https://review.openstack.org/#/c/134124/ is the right way to go. | 14:34 |
dstanek | bknudson: except for the middleware part. that is broken and shouldn't deprecated | 14:36 |
bknudson | maybe it's not necessary to deprecate in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/134124/22/keystone/common/wsgi.py since the server just failed to start before, but in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/134124/22/keystone/service.py the args were ignored before so I suppose we could deprecate first. | 14:36 |
dstanek | bknudson: 2015-09-29 14:34:38.921 31516 CRITICAL keystone.service [-] admin_version_app_factory() got an unexpected keyword argument 'arg' | 14:36 |
dstanek | ^that's what happens why you have config values in the ini and remove them from the app factory | 14:36 |
bknudson | really? def admin_version_app_factory(global_conf, **local_conf) -- it's got kwargs. | 14:36 |
bknudson | oh, you removed it | 14:36 |
dstanek | bknudson: y | 14:37 |
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bknudson | if you think the kwargs should be removed from admin_version_app_factory then I'm fine with printing the deprecation message there. | 14:37 |
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dstanek | i want to find out who is maintaining the lib and ask | 14:38 |
bknudson | I don't think we have to wait 2 releases. | 14:38 |
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bknudson | paste could have a nicer message when the config is incorrect, rather than just saying unexpected kwarg. | 14:53 |
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dstanek | bknudson: i was thinking something more like this http://paste.openstack.org/show/474693/ | 14:58 |
bknudson | dstanek: so no need to deprecate? | 14:58 |
bknudson | did any of our middleware support extra args? | 14:59 |
dstanek | not for middleware. like you said if they have config in the INI then they'll get a traceback because the middleware's init doesn't allow kwargs | 14:59 |
dstanek | not that i can see, the Xml middleware was the only one | 14:59 |
dstanek | tests are running now | 15:00 |
dstanek | i need to push some of my wsgi rework today before this gets out of hand | 15:00 |
bknudson | things are getting out of hand. | 15:01 |
dstanek | "rm -rf keystone/*; git commit -a -m 'starting over'" | 15:02 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/keystonemiddleware: only make token invalid when it really is https://review.openstack.org/217373 | 15:21 |
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openstackgerrit | Dolph Mathews proposed openstack/keystone: Test revocation race conditions https://review.openstack.org/227995 | 15:39 |
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openstackgerrit | Tom Cocozzello proposed openstack/keystone: Deprecate httpd/keystone.py https://review.openstack.org/221975 | 16:09 |
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stevemar | fun times! | 16:45 |
morgan | stevemar: join #openstack-relmgr-office | 16:46 |
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dstanek | yeah, that channel is not fun times | 16:54 |
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lbragstad | dolphm: good call on the self.time_delta move | 17:00 |
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gyee | jamielennox, I guess there's no way to avoid version discovery? https://github.com/openstack/python-keystoneclient/blob/master/keystoneclient/client.py#L62 | 17:44 |
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ayoung | gyee, why do you want to? | 17:52 |
gyee | ayoung, I am trying to figure out how to make discovery play nices with the VIPs | 17:54 |
gyee | I think I may've found something that works | 17:54 |
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amakarov | ayoung, hi! Shall we have implied roles? I have a vision about delegation and role hierarchy is included: https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1GJ1i4RwPpZLsbc_LBPy8r1k-FvQj_yAIHjwq8gDgNXg/view | 17:59 |
amakarov | and do you plan to include materialized path in roles? | 18:00 |
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amakarov | it will significantly simplify usage | 18:00 |
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dstanek | gyee: why does it not work with your vips? | 18:10 |
gyee | dstanek, long story, the way it set up right now, out internal nodes don't have access to public VIP | 18:12 |
gyee | s/out/our | 18:12 |
dstanek | gyee: so your seeing the verisons when accessed through an internal name return the public name? | 18:13 |
dstanek | ...or you're | 18:13 |
gyee | right version discovery returns the public_endpoint configured in keystone.conf | 18:14 |
jamielennox | and if you don't hardcode public_endpoint and let it figure it out from the request ? | 18:23 |
gyee | jamielennox, actually, passing "endpoint" param may do the trick | 18:25 |
gyee | pointing it to internal VIP | 18:25 |
jamielennox | gyee: interface? | 18:26 |
gyee | no, interface hasn't come into the picture yet | 18:27 |
gyee | for this particular setup, there's an public/external VIP and internal VIP | 18:28 |
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gyee | each VIP have multiple interfaces | 18:28 |
gyee | public, admin, and internal | 18:28 |
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gyee | but they are served by the same keystone instances | 18:29 |
gyee | for keystone version discovery, it takes the public_endpoint or admin_endpoint configured in keystone.conf, depending on the port the request is coming in | 18:30 |
gyee | say GET *:5000/, Keystone always returns the public_endpoint, regardless whether its coming from public or internal VIP | 18:32 |
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mordred | jamielennox: Error fetching server list: 'module' object has no attribute 'UnknownConnectionError' | 18:58 |
mordred | jamielennox: that's from: | 18:58 |
mordred | File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/keystoneauth1/session.py", line 443, in _send_request | 18:58 |
mordred | raise exceptions.UnknownConnectionError(msg, e) | 18:58 |
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mordred | AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'UnknownConnectionError' | 18:59 |
jamielennox | mordred: i have never seen that - but that's not good | 19:00 |
mordred | jamielennox: I thoughtyou might find that displeasing | 19:00 |
ayoung | mordred, could it be a case where we are mixing exceptions from two different modules | 19:00 |
ayoung | keystoneclient.exception.UnknownConnectionError versos some other library | 19:01 |
amakarov | ayoung, so roles will be targeted to endpoints too? | 19:01 |
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ayoung | amakarov, sort of...I'd say it slightly differently | 19:01 |
ayoung | amakarov, I would say instead that roles could be assigned to a user for an endpoint as well as a project | 19:02 |
ayoung | amakarov, it makes the endpoints (or regions or serivces) things that people can have different roles in managing.... | 19:02 |
ayoung | just like they do projects | 19:02 |
jamielennox | ayoung, mordred: it looks like it's a catch all exception because i didn't want RequestsExceptions escaping - why it defined something new rather than raise the base class i've no idea | 19:03 |
amakarov | ayoung, understood | 19:03 |
ayoung | amakarov, I think the normal case would be to assign a user a role on the whole catalog, but then the user only requests a token scoped to a specific endpoint to perform an administrative action | 19:04 |
amakarov | ayoung, humbly reminding about this: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/198418/ | 19:04 |
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ayoung | amakarov, Ah, yes... | 19:04 |
amakarov | amakarov, if we manage to use it in roles it can ease searching/validation | 19:04 |
ayoung | amakarov, I'm going to edit the commit message to remove the "conflicts" but that should not invalidate gyees +2 | 19:04 |
ayoung | oh, never mind | 19:05 |
amakarov | ayoung, I was thinking about delegation for some time and the scheme is an intermediate result | 19:05 |
ayoung | amakarov, what does 'materialized' mean here | 19:06 |
amakarov | I assume hierarchies are in projects and roles | 19:06 |
ayoung | ok...I get the concept... | 19:06 |
amakarov | ayoung, it means all ancestry chain is stored in the special field | 19:06 |
amakarov | ayoung, which allows to avoid recursion in a search | 19:07 |
ayoung | amakarov, on a related note, with the implied roles, I did it as a set, and avoided cycles that way; once an element was in the set, it was not reachecked... | 19:07 |
jamielennox | mordred: easiest thing to do is just add the exception to keystoneauth - you or me? | 19:08 |
amakarov | ayoung, set doesn't preserve order | 19:08 |
morgan | oh stevemar dropped | 19:08 |
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morgan | that guy needs to get a ZNC bounder | 19:08 |
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morgan | bouncer* | 19:08 |
ayoung | amakarov, and for roles, we don't care about order. But we do for HMT. | 19:08 |
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jamielennox | morgan: i can understand liking it that way | 19:08 |
morgan | stevemar: you need a znc bouncer man | 19:08 |
amakarov | ayoung, it's just a mix-in to be used when it needed ) | 19:09 |
ayoung | amakarov, all that is recorded in the databse is "parent" right? Or did you add an new field? | 19:09 |
morgan | stevemar: who is complaining about eventlet disappearing? | 19:09 |
amakarov | ayoung, it adds 'path' | 19:09 |
amakarov | ayoung, with btree index on it | 19:09 |
ayoung | amakarov, and that is there to avoid cycles? | 19:09 |
amakarov | ayoung, explicit check | 19:10 |
samueldmq | well.. and it looks like I have missed the meeting this week :( | 19:10 |
ayoung | amakarov, this is assuming the hierarchies are immutable, right? | 19:10 |
amakarov | ayoung, see def test_cyclic_reference(self) in tests | 19:10 |
dstanek | morgan: stevemar: what's the news about eventlet? | 19:11 |
ayoung | amakarov, so...what does this buy us beyond the cycle check? | 19:11 |
amakarov | ayoung, it's mutable | 19:11 |
morgan | dstanek: I'm lining up the fix for devstack for mitaka so it can land as soon as they branch tomorrow | 19:11 |
morgan | dstanek: and then shredding the stuff in keystone's tree is next | 19:11 |
ayoung | amakarov, then you need to morph the path field in multiple records, right? | 19:11 |
mordred | jamielennox: about to take off ... it's all you :) | 19:11 |
amakarov | ayoung, yes, it's done in a single update | 19:12 |
dstanek | morgan: ah, ok. i thought you were saying that we'd have to keep it for another cycle | 19:12 |
ayoung | amakarov, testing that will be tricky | 19:12 |
morgan | dstanek: no, stevemar was saying someone didn't want it to disappear | 19:12 |
bknudson | morgan: you'll probably need to mess with grenade too | 19:14 |
amakarov | ayoung, can you please review the CR and tell what tests are needed there besides those already present? | 19:14 |
morgan | bknudson: likely | 19:14 |
morgan | bknudson: or maybe not | 19:14 |
ayoung | amakarov, so, the implied roles thing...think you can build the unified delegation spec on that? | 19:14 |
morgan | we will see | 19:15 |
morgan | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/229112/ | 19:15 |
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bknudson | I'm going to have to figure out how to debug keystone in apache | 19:16 |
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morgan | bknudson: you can run the wsgi files directly | 19:16 |
morgan | as wsgiref | 19:16 |
amakarov | ayoung, I want it on bleeding edge, so yes - I will present at least some pictures :) With a spec, of course | 19:16 |
ayoung | bknudson, rpdb works fine for that | 19:16 |
morgan | and I plan on making uwsgi versions part of devstack base | 19:16 |
ayoung | bknudson, http://adam.younglogic.com/2015/02/debugging-openstack-with-rpdb/ | 19:16 |
morgan | which you can run isolated. | 19:16 |
bknudson | I will try all these methods | 19:17 |
morgan | bknudson: ^_^ | 19:17 |
ayoung | amakarov, when determining what role a user can delegate, it should look first at the explicit set of roles, and then walk the implicit | 19:17 |
amakarov | ayoung, it looks like a big change though, I want it fast to be capable of handling workflow with short living tokens | 19:17 |
bknudson | ayoung: when you run with rpdb do you set up apache differently? (so that it only runs one thread?) | 19:17 |
ayoung | amakarov, this is upon assignment | 19:18 |
gyee | bknudson, ayoung's rpdb setup was super helpful, works nicely with Apache | 19:18 |
ayoung | bknudson, nope | 19:18 |
ayoung | bknudson, only the first thread to hit the breakpoint succeeds | 19:18 |
morgan | ayoung: rpdb is also fantastic | 19:18 |
amakarov | ayoung, with MP it can be done in a single request | 19:19 |
ayoung | you need to free up the socket in order for some other breakpoint to trigger it. You can have rpdb listen on multiple sockets, if you really want | 19:19 |
ayoung | amakarov, only problem is that roles are not a strict hierarchy | 19:19 |
ayoung | its a dag | 19:20 |
ayoung | although , tbh, acyclic is not realy a constraint. | 19:20 |
openstackgerrit | Jamie Lennox proposed openstack/keystoneauth: Add UnknownConnectionError to __all__ https://review.openstack.org/229114 | 19:20 |
amakarov | ayoung, afaik there is no effective way to traverse generic web... | 19:21 |
amakarov | ayoung, ok, I'll double-check the spec and think what can be done with it, thanks for update | 19:23 |
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ayoung | amakarov, I guess we could make it a straight hierarchy and use MP if performance was an issue. I was not aware of the MP code when I got the Implied roles code working | 19:23 |
ayoung | amakarov_away, https://github.com/admiyo/keystone/tree/implied_roles | 19:24 |
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morgan | richm: ping - re puppet things | 19:27 |
amakarov_away | ayoung, I'll work with what is implemented already | 19:27 |
amakarov_away | ayoung, I'm brewing a concept - not implementation yet ) | 19:28 |
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richm | morgan: pong | 19:34 |
morgan | richm: so i wanted to just quickly voice the concern re the delimiter/composite bits in puppet discussion | 19:35 |
morgan | richm: since all the values/names could contain them at any point/anywhere | 19:35 |
richm | morgan: ok | 19:35 |
morgan | richm: but before trying to bring it up on the ML, I wanted to see if I was missing some key bit | 19:36 |
morgan | but a domain name can be hi::my::name::is::joe as could a user's name | 19:36 |
richm | right | 19:36 |
morgan | so joe::user@company::otherthing | 19:36 |
morgan | that could be a username | 19:36 |
richm | We are trying to work out a way that we can use puppet without relying on any delimiters | 19:36 |
* morgan nods | 19:36 | |
richm | but note that puppet-keystone already uses "@" as a delimiter in some cases | 19:37 |
morgan | just wanted to make sure that there was a clear "this is really important" | 19:37 |
richm | and has been doing that for quite some time | 19:37 |
morgan | that is horrible and should be fixed.. @ is one of the worse choices, :: less bad | 19:37 |
richm | Yes, understood. Any delimiter is going to be problematic | 19:37 |
morgan | richm: cool. just wanted to check to make sure you were aware | 19:37 |
morgan | because i am concerned the puppet modules are writing themselves into a corner where they wont be useful in a number (not majority, but still enough places) | 19:38 |
richm | morgan: Yes, that is one of the primary motivations for the current openstack-dev email thread about this subject | 19:38 |
morgan | richm: cool! | 19:38 |
morgan | richm: yay~ | 19:38 |
morgan | richm: :) :) | 19:38 |
morgan | ok thats all | 19:38 |
* morgan lets the convo continue then. | 19:38 | |
crinkle | puppet needs to use a name as an identifier, so we've just gone ahead and said "if you're using puppet and you're using keystone then we're imposing extra naming restrictions that keystone doesn't care about, sorry" | 19:38 |
richm | morgan: Ok. Let me know if you have any more questions about it. | 19:38 |
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richm | So if the user is "writing themselves into a corner" they won't be able to use puppet | 19:39 |
morgan | crinkle: i think thats fine. just as long as the real info that is used is not subjected in the same manner | 19:39 |
morgan | crinkle: or wait. | 19:39 |
morgan | crinkle: eh | 19:39 |
morgan | crinkle: sure. | 19:40 |
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morgan | richm: more concern is if a user already wrote themselves into a corner and is trying to automate with puppet afterwards | 19:41 |
morgan | not an uncommon scenario | 19:41 |
morgan | but eh. | 19:42 |
morgan | if I had to pick a delimiter, it would be '::' not '@' fwiw | 19:42 |
richm | No matter what we do with puppet, there may be situations where it will be difficult if not impossible to satisfy certain deployments | 19:42 |
richm | I'm trying to figure out a way so that we don't have to rely on delimiters | 19:42 |
richm | or at least, to not rely on delimiters so much | 19:43 |
morgan | richm: i think :: is less problematic if a delimiter is needed... *or* at least let them specify a delemiter override | 19:43 |
richm | ok | 19:43 |
morgan | but yeah no delimiter would be best | 19:43 |
morgan | but i get that sometimes you can't make that happen | 19:43 |
richm | with puppet, you _must_ uniquely name things - sometimes using a delimiter is the only way to do that | 19:44 |
morgan | richm: so simple order of preference 1) No delim, 2) :: with the ability to provide a delim override, 3) ::, 4) anything else | 19:44 |
richm | ok | 19:44 |
morgan | and yeah most CMS needs unique names | 19:45 |
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richm | puppet-keystone must support "@" for keystone_user_role for at least a couple more releases | 19:45 |
morgan | i just typically name them something "interesting" when I built things and require all the real meat of values to come under the name | 19:45 |
richm | there's really no way around that in order to preserve backwards compatibility/sanity | 19:45 |
morgan | so the name is unique but otherwise un-used | 19:45 |
morgan | richm: oh i wouldn't suggest breaking anyone, just providing a better solution forward looking :) | 19:46 |
richm | morgan: Yeah, that's what I'm trying to do | 19:46 |
morgan | richm: awesome. anyway sounds like we're on the same page. | 19:46 |
richm | I mean, allow the operator to give an object an "interesting" unique name, and rely on the actual real properties of the object to ensure its uniqueness | 19:47 |
morgan | ++ | 19:47 |
morgan | yes | 19:47 |
morgan | best approach | 19:47 |
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morgan | but if the general community wants a delim used, you've seen my recommendations to make life as easy/least painful | 19:48 |
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richm | morgan: ok | 19:48 |
morgan | [if I could fix keystone instead I'd also aim to do that and carve out explicitly banned characters from the "names"] | 19:48 |
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morgan | explicitly defined delimiters would have been useful | 19:49 |
richm | yeah, but quite difficult to accommodate all those identity sources in practice | 19:49 |
morgan | i might make a push to make it so anything in a fixed set of delims is escaped | 19:49 |
richm | yeah, that could work | 19:50 |
morgan | so if "@" appears in the username, it becomes "name\@" | 19:50 |
morgan | or make the delims explicitly escaped | 19:50 |
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morgan | if someone names their project name\@thing\@stuff@\@ i'm going to facepalm | 19:51 |
morgan | fwiw | 19:51 |
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morgan | ooh i know | 19:51 |
morgan | I am totally going to use the ANSI bell character for a delimiter | 19:51 |
morgan | *shiftyeyes* | 19:51 |
crinkle | ha | 19:52 |
lbragstad | stevemar: marekd around? | 19:52 |
* richm hands morgan a <BLINK> tag | 19:52 | |
lbragstad | I have a question on federation token responses. | 19:53 |
morgan | richm: the perfect delimiter: ಠ_ಠ | 19:53 |
richm | morgan: +1 | 19:54 |
morgan | crinkle: ^ | 19:54 |
lbragstad | stevemar: when we get an unscoped token using a username and password in keystone, the methods returned in that unscoped response is ['password'] | 19:54 |
morgan | can we just go with that. I thnk it'd be safe to say ಠ_ಠ can't be used in project names or domains or user names (not the individual characters, the combination) | 19:54 |
lbragstad | when we rescope that token to a project, the methods returned in the project scoped response are ['password', 'token'] | 19:54 |
lbragstad | for federation, when we get an unscoped token, the method list is ['saml2'], but when we rescope that unscoped token to a project, the project response only contains ['saml2'] as the method | 19:55 |
lbragstad | I'm wondering if that is by design or if that is an inconsistency in the federation API | 19:55 |
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bknudson | lbragstad: I don't think that's working correctly | 19:57 |
openstackgerrit | Lance Bragstad proposed openstack/keystone: Expose method list inconsistency in federation api https://review.openstack.org/229125 | 19:57 |
lbragstad | bknudson: I amended a test to expose it.. | 19:57 |
lbragstad | bknudson: ^ | 19:57 |
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lbragstad | stevemar: marekd documented here - https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/1501032 | 20:07 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1501032 in Keystone "incorrect method list is returned when scoping tokens with federation" [Undecided,New] | 20:07 |
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openstackgerrit | Lance Bragstad proposed openstack/keystone-specs: Clarify documentation about scope https://review.openstack.org/224792 | 20:15 |
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lbragstad | dstanek: for https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/keystone+branch:master+topic:fix-endpoint-filtering-docs,n,z if https://review.openstack.org/#/c/167675/30 gets in, does it even make sense to improve those docs? | 20:28 |
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dstanek | lbragstad: probably not, but the fact that filtering can still happen should be documented somewhere | 20:29 |
lbragstad | dstanek: the endpoint filtering extension will then be in the default sql driver, so you shouldn't have to worry about adding it to the pipeline | 20:29 |
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lbragstad | dstanek: ++ agreed, the endpoint filtering docs should be collapsed somewhere? or should we just document the behavior in the current endpoint filtering docs and remove the references to the pipeline. Instead, point to the config file changes required? | 20:30 |
dstanek | oh, wow. yeah i thought that would have said how to use filtering :-) | 20:30 |
stevemar | bknudson: use rpdb? | 20:32 |
stevemar | dstanek: morgan yeah, someone from bluebox was telling me "oh god no!" when i said we were going to remove eventlet in favor of apache | 20:33 |
dstanek | stevemar: really, why? | 20:33 |
stevemar | dstanek: something about containerizing services and how it's better performance with eventlet | 20:34 |
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stevemar | dstanek: and apache being harder to configure within a container service | 20:34 |
dstanek | i don't buy harder to configure. but i can see the perf arg. | 20:35 |
dstanek | they should use uwsgi then | 20:35 |
lbragstad | dstanek: I updated https://review.openstack.org/#/c/167675/ with a comment | 20:37 |
lbragstad | dstanek: make sense if I abandon my patches to the docs | 20:37 |
lbragstad | ? | 20:37 |
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morgan | stevemar: uh. no. | 20:42 |
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morgan | stevemar: this is why uwsgi would be my choice there | 20:43 |
morgan | stevemar: there are alternatives... eventlet is a trainwreck and needs to die | 20:43 |
morgan | so i stand by the "lets kill eventlet" | 20:43 |
morgan | if they need a multi-process-like non-web-server backed (meaning no federation) thing | 20:43 |
morgan | uwsgi will do it better than eventlet | 20:44 |
morgan | and be about as hard to configure/run as eventlet | 20:44 |
bknudson | .tox/py27/bin/uwsgi --http :5000 --wsgi-file .tox/py27/bin/keystone-wsgi-admin | 20:46 |
morgan | bknudson: pretty much | 20:46 |
morgan | will even do SSL if you want | 20:46 |
morgan | and multi processor | 20:46 |
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morgan | bknudson: there is one other option to make it do standalone HTTP | 20:47 |
morgan | bknudson: but exactly that | 20:48 |
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bknudson | I wonder what thunder lock is. | 20:50 |
bknudson | sounds cool | 20:50 |
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bknudson | mule farms, emperors, vassals. | 20:55 |
morgan | bknudson: yeah I had to go look to see wtf Thunder Lock was | 20:56 |
morgan | it's basically a way to prevent thundering herd | 20:57 |
morgan | but.. amuuuuuuuzing | 20:57 |
morgan | :) | 20:57 |
morgan | also: | 20:58 |
morgan | uWSGI docs sucks: –thunder-lock | 20:58 |
morgan | Michael Hood (you will find his name in the comments of David’s post, too) signalled the problem in the uWSGI mailing-list/issue tracker some time ago, he even came out with an initial patch that ended with the --thunder-lock option (this is why open-source is better ;) | 20:58 |
morgan | --thunder-lock is available since uWSGI 1.4.6 but never got documentation (of any kind) | 20:58 |
morgan | Only the people following the mailing-list (or facing the specific problem) know about it. | 20:58 |
bknudson | it's mentioned when you start the binary | 20:58 |
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morgan | stevemar: come to #openstack-meetingh | 21:03 |
morgan | stevemar (no h) | 21:03 |
morgan | stevemar: it's meeting time | 21:03 |
stevemar | morgan: yep, its in my calendar now | 21:03 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/keystoneauth: Add UnknownConnectionError to __all__ https://review.openstack.org/229114 | 21:28 |
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samueldmq | dstanek: ping - about https://review.openstack.org/#/c/212006 | 21:42 |
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openstackgerrit | Jamie Lennox proposed openstack/keystonemiddleware: Use request helpers for token_info/token_auth https://review.openstack.org/229161 | 21:58 |
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stevemar | bknudson: you gonna bail this one: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/224888/ documenting token format? | 22:17 |
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stevemar | Test | 22:39 |
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openstackgerrit | Samuel de Medeiros Queiroz proposed openstack/keystone: Fixes query.one() return usage in endpoint-policy https://review.openstack.org/208609 | 22:44 |
openstackgerrit | Samuel de Medeiros Queiroz proposed openstack/keystone: Create unit tests for endpoint policy SQL driver https://review.openstack.org/212006 | 22:44 |
samueldmq | dstanek: ^ concerns addressed, thanks for the reviews | 22:45 |
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dstanek | samueldmq: oh, nice. thx | 23:06 |
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