Wednesday, 2017-01-04

sdakethe zstreams i mean00:00
sdakeas for tagging a "special" image that you can use00:00
kfox1111yeah. tried to raise it with before I left on vacation. but schedules just didn't match up.00:00
sdakewe could probably do that00:00
portdirectmgiles: what distro/type are you using?00:00
sdakelike we could tag
sdakewhich we could later delete00:00
kfox1111yeah. so, what about a centos-binary-kolla-toolbox:3.0.0-2 ? or something00:01
sdakeor whatever00:01
sdakewe don't have a -1 syntax atm in the images so kolla-ansible wouldn't work00:01
portdirectmgiles: would it unblock you if i threw up a set of images to the docker hub which you could use untill the main kolla repo get the bugfix?00:01
kfox1111sdake: revisions break kolla-ansible?00:01
mgilesportdirect  I think so.  Obviously would need to test it to be sure.00:02
sdakekfox1111 nah - kolla-ansible expects 3.0.100:02
sdakenot 3.0.1-100:02
kfox1111sdake: lame. :/00:02
kfox1111we should discuss how to fix that. :/00:02
sdakeits a one line change00:02
sdakein all.yml or globals.yml00:02
kfox1111cause this is going to be a continuing problem. :/00:02
kfox1111well, kolla-ansible's ok anyway though.00:03
kfox1111iths the openstack cli that's shipped in kolla-toolbox that's broken.00:03
kfox1111which I don't htink kolla-ansible's using. but kolla-kubernetes is.00:03
SamYaplekfox1111: that naming convention has been _long_ solved and agreed on00:03
sbezverkkfox1111: I still do not get why we cannot just replace existing toolbox with new client00:03
kfox1111so if we uploaded 3.0.1-2 and updated kolla-kubernetes to point to it, we'd be good.00:03
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SamYaplethe 3.0.1 tag is not permenant, but a symlink if you will to a 3.0.1-x tag00:04
kfox1111SamYaple: long implemented, yes. solved, no.00:04
SamYaplekfox1111: nope, not implemetned at all00:04
SamYaplelong solved, never implemented00:04
kfox1111SamYaple: I think its broken. :/00:04
kfox1111no way to upgrade the depenedencies in the container without overwriting the tag or bumping the version.00:04
SamYaplewhats broken? the system we agreed on but arent using because we dont have a good way to push images?00:04
Pavonice I just finally got done with my heat template that will deploy ansible tower00:05
SamYaplecorrect. overwriting the 3.0.1 tag was always the plan. you can tag an image multiple times00:05
kfox1111then you get version skews in your prodution custer.00:05
kfox1111bad solution.00:05
SamYapleits the docker solution and it works well when used correctly00:05
kfox1111I want atomimc tags on my systems.00:05
SamYaple3.0.1 and 3.0.1-1 point to the same image. then 3.0.1-2 is pushed and 3.0.1 is retagged00:06
SamYapleyou are welcome to use the atomic 3.0.1-1 tag00:06
kfox11113.0.1-1 3.0.1-2, etc. then when I upgrade a container, I know it actually applies to places.00:06
kfox1111maybe we're misspeaking then.00:06
SamYapleat least, that was what was agreed on originally. like i said, this is not in place00:06
kfox1111I didn't see -X revisions on the hub00:06
SamYapleright. its not implemented00:06
kfox1111ok. then we're totally agreeing. :)00:07
SamYapleuntil we can push images regularly to docker then this can't really be done well00:07
SamYaplekfox1111: let me find you the old ether pad where this was all worked out00:07
SamYaplei spent alot of time on it00:07
kfox1111cool. I'd appreciate that. :)00:07
mgilesok.  so I'll abandon the ps as long as we plan to find a more permanent solution.00:08
mgilesthanks all00:08
kfox1111mgiles: sorry to turn your contribution away. no offence. it was good.00:09
kfox1111just really wana get rid of the hack thats already there.00:09
mgileskfox1111 nah - I din't really like the fix myself.  I agree that fixing the root problem is better00:10
portdirectyeah - it's the correct solution to the wrong problem (as in a problem that shouldn't exist) :)00:10
mgileson second thought, should I just wf -1 the review and leave it open until we have a real solution - just to serve as a placeholder/reminder00:11
portdirectthat would be great00:11
kfox1111mgiles: yeah. thats a good idea. then others can easly get to it to work around the issue if they need to too.00:12
kfox1111hmm... theres another temporary option...00:14
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SamYaplekfox1111: welp. the link that i did have is expired00:15
openstackgerritMarcus Williams proposed openstack/kolla: [WIP] Add OpenDaylight Container to kolla
openstackgerritMarcus Williams proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: [WIP] Add OpenDaylight to kolla-ansible
kfox1111SamYaple: bummer. :/00:16
kfox1111SamYaple: interested in working on it in the near future though? I am.00:17
SamYaplekfox1111: yea i remember the structure. trying to see if i have the full page00:18
portdirectJust so I stop asking I take it my offer of providing a nightly master from my own hardware is a non-starter?00:19
SamYapleportdirect: of course not, but i dont think you know what that entails.... though you might!00:19
SamYapleits a pita to push to dockerhub, and cant be done in parallel00:19
SamYapleif done in parallel, it wont share layers (even on download sometimes)00:20
kfox1111portdirect: sounds like a good idea to me.00:20
SamYaplei would suggest trying to push a full set up to your own dockerhub account first, and measure the time and bandwidth before you agree to that00:20
kfox1111mgiles: I just pushed an updated image here. kfox1111/centos-binary-kolla-toolbox:3.0.100:20
SamYapleif its reasonable for you, by all means do it. up until this point (even with gigabit internet) it hasnt been reasonable to do this00:20
kfox1111should be able to use that with the pip install removed from all the places.00:20
mgileskfox1111 thanks.  I'll give it a try.00:21
kfox1111SamYaple: have you tried any of the alternates?00:21
kfox1111mgiles: cool. let me know if it works for you. or it doesn't. I'll see what  Ican do. :)00:22
SamYaplekfox1111: local repo ( would be a good alternative!00:22
SamYaplekfox1111: there is also quay.io00:22
SamYapleneither of these are great00:22 would be cool. yeah.00:22
SamYaplekfox1111: eventually dockerhub will be fixed, heck it might already been. havent checked in a few months00:22
kfox1111quay have the same performance issue?00:23
SamYaplekfox1111: the conversation has been had with openstack-infra00:23
inc0kfox1111, ad pushing images00:23
kfox1111SamYaple: did you try after they added the hashing?00:23
SamYapleits greenlit if we can show an acceptable way00:23
inc0I'll ping Jeffrey later today to see what's the issue with tagging z stream00:23
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SamYaplemight all be ready, i was suggesting portdirect try it before promising anything00:23
inc0also kfox1111 if it's about gates, I have better way to do it now:)00:23
kfox1111cool. yeah. so if portdirect tries, and it works,00:24
kfox1111we can try in the gate again and see if thats fast. it might be now.00:24
portdirectgonna ssh into the office now and set one up00:24
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kfox1111inc0: sweet. was wondering about that.00:24
inc0this will hold master-built images00:24
inc0it's tar.gz-ed registry00:25
portdirectI think that it would be hard for me to do all - but could almost cratianly do a nightly for centos-source00:25
kfox1111how often are they built? the times are odd.00:25
inc0still wip, but pretty solid now00:25
kfox1111registry or docker save?00:25
inc0when you do recheck experimental00:25
kfox1111registry... interesting....00:26
inc0we do docker run registry -v /var/lib/registry:/somedirectory00:26
kfox1111ok, so very strange question....00:26
kfox1111can you upload that container then to the hub? ;)00:26
inc0well, it's not a container00:26
inc0it's a tar.gz directory now;)00:26
kfox1111oh. a tarball with the registry's backing store?00:26
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inc0it's a hack, but it works for now and will give us gate functionality we need00:27
kfox1111well, similar question then.... couldn't you make a registry with that embeded ready to go, then push that to the hub? :)00:27
inc0registry ran by infra is wip00:27
kfox1111wouldn't have the performance issue in question.00:27
inc0kfox1111, we could, just why?00:27
kfox1111so folks could get more up to date images.00:27
inc0it still would, that's couple gigs of uplink transfer00:28
inc0so no-no for gates00:28
kfox1111are the gates that resource constrained?00:28
inc0and for normal people I'd rather them build their images if they want master00:28
kfox1111like, once a night job?00:28
inc0well, this is a lot of data for every gate test00:28
kfox1111well, less thinking master,00:28
inc0it's downloading, not pushing that's the issue00:28
kfox1111as latest stable....00:28
inc0pushing would even be doable outside infra00:29
inc0stable as in not-released?00:29
inc0well, we might do master too00:29
kfox1111like, keeping 3.0.1 up to date.00:29
inc0it's really someone doing cronjob...00:29
inc0running somewhere00:29
kfox1111like, zuul nightly job, build container,s run tests, push kollalocalregistry container to hub on success.00:30
inc0we can have images with 3.0.* tag00:30
inc0doing it in infra will be a lot of work00:30
inc0doing it by anyone on any vm, much less00:30
kfox1111but infra's common.00:30
inc0lots of work == people in infra have tons on their plate00:31
kfox1111I think I'd put in the work to infra if it was considered a valuable thing if no one else would.00:31
inc0and this would be less trivial and new kind of functionality00:31
kfox1111I've done a lot of gate jobs so far.00:31
kfox1111is a periodic one worse?00:31
inc0I dunno if they have any stuff for periodic tasks00:31
kfox1111they do.00:31
kfox1111trove has a periodic job to build thier own version of
inc0well something we could talk to them00:32
kfox1111inc0: :)00:32
kfox1111though it hasn't ran in a while.00:32
inc0well it's periodic or after merge?00:32
kfox1111infra told me about it.00:32
inc0we will have functionality to push new images after merge00:32
inc0to tarballs.o.o00:32
inc0that's the thing we aim for00:33
SamYaplekfox1111: thats the best i can remember, but i think im missing something. so feel free to update00:33
SamYapleinc0: you know is still a thing that infra offers, why are you not trying to pursue that?00:33
SamYapleinc0: why do the tarball thing since that wastes _so_ much space?00:34
inc0SamYaple, issue we had about this is deploying actual registry00:34
kfox1111SamYaple: yeah. thats exactly what I was looking for.00:34
inc0in a way to mirror it across regions00:34
kfox1111the ability for immutable x.y.z-xxx00:34
inc0write puppet to do it00:34
inc0it's just a lot of work00:34
inc0while with tarballs we could have something right away00:34
inc0we agreed tarballs is temporary00:34
inc0it just uses mechanisms infra already has in place as opposed to create new one00:35
SamYaplekfox1111: yea i think these tags caught all the use-cases00:35
SamYaplekfox1111: since tags cost us nothing, we can throw on as many as we would like00:35
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inc0well, I gtg for now guys, happy to return to this conversation00:36
kfox1111SamYaple: +1 :)00:36
inc0in the meantime kfox, for gates we can use tarballs00:36
inc0I just need this change to merge00:36
kfox1111inc0: sweet. will work on a trunk version of the gates. :)00:36
kfox1111but probably after
inc0if you need to re-upload trunk - run check experimnetal on this review00:37
SamYapleinc0: gotcha. if that works well and infra is happy, then i guess its cool. would still like to see a dockerhub.openstack.org00:37
SamYaplei think infra wont like it so much though00:37
inc0after that we'll do it automatic on merge00:37
inc0SamYaple, issue is - for them it's yet another service to support00:37
inc0can't blame them to try to avoid it:)00:37
SamYaplethey are not trying to avoid it at all00:38
SamYaplethey are waiting on you00:38
inc0yeah, what I'm saying is00:38
SamYapleinfra is 100% down for hub.openstack.org00:38
inc0we agreed to work with tarballs00:38
inc0and move to hub afterwards00:38
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SamYapleyou dont need to explain anythign to me00:38
inc0as tarballs are quick and dirty and we need this for gates after repo split00:38
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kfox1111SamYaple: doesn't the registry have a swift backend?00:38
inc0kfox1111, infra doesn't ahve swift anywhere00:39
inc0that we could use00:39
SamYaplekfox1111: yep. i wasnt going to bring it up00:39
kfox1111hah. funny. :)00:39
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SamYaplethey do have a globally sync'd AFS00:39
inc0thats why tarballs are easy00:39
inc0it's just a file;)00:40
SamYapleso is the registry backend00:40
kfox1111does the registry have a shared fs backend? :)00:40
kfox1111afs should be posix compliant. :)00:40
inc0well, not really shared as much as master-slave00:40
kfox1111ah. ok.00:40
SamYaplekfox1111: pretty sure it is00:40
SamYaplefor out usage00:40
kfox1111well, even master->slaves, should be good enough.00:41
SamYaplebut enough of that, i think youre going to get infra to turn off this linent tarballs thing00:41
inc0anyway, for future00:41
SamYaplethey are going to hate kolla00:41
kfox1111or learn to love us. ;)00:41
SamYapleyou should really detail what the bandwidth usage is going to be for them00:41
inc0SamYaple, I worked on tarballs with them;)00:41
kfox1111they are good people though.00:41
inc0it's not like I did it behind their backs00:41
inc0in fact we came to this idea with pabelanger00:41
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SamYaplea wee defensive are we?00:42
kfox1111yeah. they are aware of what I had to do for the kolla-kubernetes gates too.00:42
inc0anyway, thats quick and dirty registry00:42
inc0if someone is willing to write proper puppet module for proper registry00:42
inc0project is up there already00:42
SamYapleyea this really desnt affect me, the thing was jsut so it could sync with dockerhub00:43
SamYaplethat way no _person_ pushes to dockerhub00:43
kfox1111inc0: this is a big step tough. very cool. :)00:43
kfox1111 is ready for some reviews.00:43
inc0progress meter00:45
inc0do it in ncurses! be a man!00:45
kfox1111yupers. :)00:45
inc0anyway, I'm off00:45
kfox1111was trying not to. :)00:45
inc0have a great evening00:45
SamYapleinc0: have fun in not-texas00:45
kfox1111you too00:45
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/kolla: Not much need to cache good, bad, unmatched
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portdirectkfox1111: that progress meter is a joke right?00:58
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kfox1111portdirect: shrug. it has come in handy a few times on some of my slower/heavily loaded systems.00:59
portdirectdude - you need some new hardware :/01:00
portdirectI'll write a letter to your boss if it helps :)01:00
srwilkersill cosign it01:01
kfox1111waste not, want not. :)01:02
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kfox1111still using spinny disks on my laptop as its still a bit hard to run openstacks on a laptop with ssd's.01:03
kfox1111I run openstack and kubernetes on my laptop. :)01:04
portdirectnow your just messing with me - please say you are01:04
kfox1111nope. works great, other then battery life... which really sucks. :)01:04
portdirectRe the ssd/hdd - I'm running the same but would go mad with an hdd01:05
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Visual feedback
kfox1111yeah. still got a couple of sizable windows vm's around too. for dev purposes. :/01:05
portdirectfedora 25, k8s 1.5, freeipa server and openstack on 2011 mpb - no probs but running ssd's in raid01:05
kfox1111their dev environments are not light. :/01:05
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kfox1111I think I might be able to get off disk soon though, if  Ican ditch those.01:06
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portdirectyeah a 512gb ssd aint  that expensive  these days (my 240's in raid 0 is a bit scary - and dual bays is rare as these days) but running windows vm's of fa 2.5inch hdd is impressive - I suppose it means you get to take plenty of coffee breaks :)01:13
kfox1111I usually build stuff in clouds with faster resource.01:14
kfox1111laptops mostly for thin terminal/airplanes.01:14
kfox1111and I don't travel much. :)01:14
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portdirectnice - thats about 2/3 of the images pushed for both centos-source and ubuntu-source, the rest should only take about 25 mins unless docker hub starts throttling me again :D01:17
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kfox1111how long did the first 2/3'rds take?01:20
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portdirect53 mins01:21
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kfox1111so, yeah.01:22
portdirectforgot to run time on centos, but will get proper results from ubuntu: 'time kolla-build --base ubuntu --type source --push --push-threads=1 --namespace kollakube'01:22
kfox1111if we did like, one job per type, we might get it through faster yet.01:22
kfox1111was that with build too?01:23
kfox1111very nice.01:23
kfox1111yeah, I think we should try and get that into a zuul job. :)01:23
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kfox1111would need a way to compare for changes too if at all possible.01:24
kfox1111so, like, something like: rpm -qa | sort | md5sum01:24
kfox1111and some logic to then retag/upload only if a change is seen.01:25
SamYaplekfox1111: how would that work for source distros?01:25
SamYapleor, for that matter, when we occastionally have to pull things from source in binary distros?01:26
kfox1111SamYaple: would need some way for that.. (rpm -qa; pip list) or something?01:26
SamYapleor for outside things like rabbitmq containers that pull clusterer01:26
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openstackgerritwangwei proposed openstack/kolla: Add the function of docker login before pushing
portdirectyeah - I think that in practice that would be an entire project in its own right :/01:27
kfox1111yeah. there would be a fue edge cases for sure. but should be a manageble set.01:27
SamYapleportdirect: yea. better to get the tiny images _first_01:27
kfox1111I've done it with other projects ok.01:27
SamYaplethen we can do a md5/sha hash accross all the files in the tiny image01:28
portdirectSamYaple: +101:28
kfox1111hmm.. that would work too.01:28
SamYaplewith some "we dont care about those files" ignores, it should work well01:28
kfox1111how big are the images now though? would it be all that bad now actually?01:28
portdirectSamYaple: do you have a debbootstrap image or simlar you're working from?01:28
portdirector just cut out thr crud from the ubuntu base and then squash?01:29
portdirectused to build centos images from a chroot - but havent done that in a while01:30
SamYapleportdirect: its more of a bigass command at the end of the image building process, for each image. then flatten those into a layer. _then_ recompute common layers and at the end you have shared layers01:31
SamYapleso we can acctually remove all the && crap01:31
SamYaplekfox1111: give it a shot01:32
SamYaplekfox1111: you can hash per layer too01:32
kfox1111SamYaple: I guess there's another option too.01:32
portdirectSamYaple: has per laywer wont work akaik - to many things add timestamps :/01:32
portdirect*hash per layer01:32
kfox1111rpm -qa and exclude all files managed by rpm. and then md5sum the rest.01:33
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SamYaplehash per layer with ignore list?01:33
portdirectalso SamYaple the '_then_ ' in your sentence is the bit that gets me interested :)01:33
SamYaplei think youd be suprised at how many timestamps there _arent_01:33
SamYapleportdirect: the docker image is acatually well documented... in code01:34
SamYapleso its just a matter of assemling layers there. which is actually quite easy, even in python01:34
SamYaplethey are just tarballs01:34
portdirectyeah - I've been there :)01:34
portdirectand know you have too - it was more the way of determining what need to be in each layer - a simple conceptual problem - but interested in how you've implemented it01:35
SamYapleportdirect: oh gotcha. its not dynamic as i would like yet. its once you have the flattened image, reproduce the major layers with a subset of files that existed in those layers (if hashes match)01:36
SamYapleso in the end, you still have base->openstack-base->nova-base->nova-api01:37
SamYaplebut only 4 layers, not 4001:37
portdirectah ok - good 1st step though01:38
SamYapleportdirect: what I would _like_ is a priority list of some kind. but i dont know what those rules would be. 'include file if it exists in >70% of images or is >XMB in size'01:39
SamYapledont know if that would be good or bad though01:39
kfox1111don't know how computationally expensive it would be,01:40
portdirectyeah - thats the hardest one  - I'm more moving toward only have it in if you need it there - but then tomorrow I'll be thinkting along the same lines as you are today...01:40
kfox1111but the ideal solution would be to search the set of desired end containers and dynamically discover how many layers you need to optomize for total space consumed.01:40
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kfox1111not sure how large a set that would be in the end though.01:41
kfox1111might be too many permutations though...01:41
portdirectkfox1111: thats kinda the beauty of these things though - never have any preconceptions and let the maths determine the optimal solution :)01:42
* kfox1111 nods.01:43
sdakesup peeps01:43
kfox1111that woudl be the ideal solution.01:43
kfox1111(same with chess)01:43
portdirectblue sky thinking sdake :)01:43
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Move trove precheck into its own role
sdakethe game of chess can be solved computationally ;)01:43
sdakego on the othe rhand cannot01:44
SamYaplekfox1111: portdirect as far as expensive, its very! dont recommend it. its why i havent purused it until i build a repo/cache contaienr01:44
sdakekings gambit loses by force if played perfectly - every position calculated01:44
SamYapleso the idea is to built a pip wheel and package cache container so everything is cached on the local build host01:44
portdirectSamYaple: yeah - every time I've started to experiment with size optiisation its ended up costing more time than its saved01:46
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SamYapleportdirect: indeed. but with a repo container, gcc will never be in the images!01:46
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SamYapleportdirect: its doesnt help so much with binary, other than caching the package downloads01:47
portdirectyeah - thats real ugly - I'm fine with it persoanlly but suprised no ones kicked off about that01:47
portdirect(the gcc/dev libs thing)01:48
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SamYapleyea so far theres been no way around it. but I can build a way around it, optionally i think01:48
portdirectthats centos-source just finished01:49
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Move ironic precheck into its own role
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sdake_kfox1111 nick change01:52
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sdake_sup dave-mccowan01:52
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portdirectand ubuntu-source: 76m14.013s01:53
portdirectthink I can semi officially commit to a nightly for the rest of this dev cycle01:53
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sdake_portdirect re CFP for kolla-kubernetes01:54
sdake_i believe the deadline is 2/6 iirc for the may summit in boston01:54
portdirectk - so who's going?01:55
portdirect(I'm up for it obviously) And sbezverk? kfox1111? you?01:56
portdirect(cant rememeber)01:56
sdake_portdirect a talk can only have 3 members01:56
sdake_iirc we decided on you me and sbezverk01:57
portdirectsweet - when you free to knock heads on working out the abstract?01:58
sdake_you are making the travel right?01:58
sdake_I am unclear if kfox1111 was ogin gto make it or not01:58
portdirectsounds good-ish - yeah for that one I'll be there01:58
openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: Add tarballs-base parameter for kolla-build
portdirectSamYaple: looking at the push code - we should be able to get that time down a lot - once the parents for an image are pushed then we can up the threads i think02:00
sbezverksdake_: I am going to boston for sure02:02
sbezverkit is 5 hours drive for me02:03
portdirectsbezverk: didn't want to wake you - but forgot it's not stupid o-clock over there :) you free on monday?02:03
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sbezverkportdirect: depending on time, what do you have in mind?02:10
openstackgerritjianyi proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Add zun ansible role
openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: TEST MASTER BRANCH
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openstackgerritjimmygc proposed openstack/kolla: Use install-pip macro in most source images
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openstackgerritjimmygc proposed openstack/kolla: Use install-pip macro in most source images
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Move tacker precheck into its own role
kfox1111sdake_: around?02:23
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Move senlin precheck into its own role
SamYapleportdirect: well if thats the case, thats how the current kolla-build --push code works :P02:26
SamYapleportdirect: --push --push-threads 4 is a thing that works just like that02:27
SamYaplethats what was broken on the dockerhub02:27
openstackgerritjimmygc proposed openstack/kolla: Use install-pip macro in most source images
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openstackgerritjianyi proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Add zun ansible role
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portdirectSamYaple: oh missed the bottom - nice :) 4 thread push a go-go02:33
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sdakesup Jeffrey4l02:49
Jeffrey4lhi sdake02:49
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Jeffrey4lkfox1111, around?03:08
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openstackgerritSurya Prakash Singh proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Removing unused directory "etc/oslo-config-generator" from kolla-ansible
openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Fix gate in iax-ord node when using libvirt 2.0
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: Add horizon into gate profile
openstackgerritzhongshengping proposed openstack/kolla: Add support for installing binary packages of watcher
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openstackgerritDuong Ha-Quang proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Helm Ceph Initial Mon
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Dishwashahowdy.  After figuring a few things out, I finally got kolla running on 3 compute and 1 controller node.   I've switched from openvswitch to linuxbridge and I still can't figure out how the kolla external interface works since it assigns a /32 to that interface04:47
DishwashaI can ping out from the controller node, but I can't ping to it from another host04:48
DishwashaI've added some blanket allow statements in iptables and even cleared the ebtables configuration with no effect04:50
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla: Add tarballs-base parameter for kolla-build
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Dishwashableh, I'm silly.  rtl8139 doesn't support 802.1q in kvm, only virtio does05:12
Dishwashak, re-deployed and I can reach the external, but only after I change from /32 to /2405:32
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Add "Virt_type" options into globals.yml
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openstackgerritSurya Prakash Singh proposed openstack/kolla: Consistent home directory creation for all the services
openstackgerritjimmygc proposed openstack/kolla: Use install-pip macro in most source images
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Add "virt_type" options into globals.yml
openstackgerritjimmygc proposed openstack/kolla: Use install-pip macro in most source images
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openstackgerritCao Xuan Hoang proposed openstack/kolla: Remove trailing backtick
openstackgerritCao Xuan Hoang proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Remove trailing backtick
openstackgerritjimmygc proposed openstack/kolla: Use install-pip macro in most source images
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openstackgerritDuong Ha-Quang proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Helm Ceph OSD Bootstrap
openstackgerritLi Yingjun proposed openstack/kolla: Improve kolla-build cmd help message
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openstackgerritDuong Ha-Quang proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Helm Ceph  Mon
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openstackgerritLi Yingjun proposed openstack/kolla: Improve kolla-build cmd help message
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-ansible: Update the horizon port into all.yml
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satyarHi jeffrey4l07:24
Jeffrey4lsatyar, poing07:24
satyarjeffrey4l have you seen the high CPU usage at cinder volume container?07:27
satyaralmost 200%07:27
Jeffrey4lsatyar, no, how did u get that?07:28
Jeffrey4lduring boot from volume?07:28
satyari see the spikes07:28
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satyarmay be because of socket connections getting dropped and established07:29
satyarlike mysql and amqp07:29
Jeffrey4lsatyar, from htop? or monitor tools?07:29
satyari used top07:30
satyarand then used lsof -np <child pid of cinder volume>07:30
satyar 50 cinder    20   0 7817368 170920  18440 R 173.3  0.1 697:18.13 cinder-volume07:31
Jeffrey4lso it see 200% cpu with any operation in openstack?07:31
satyarand it drops the mysql and amqp connections almost every 20 mins07:32
Jeffrey4ldoes new deployment has such issue?07:32
satyari am seeing the issue with new deployment07:33
Jeffrey4lsatyar, how about cinder-volume process exist in your one node?07:33
satyari have not seen the issue with 21/11/2016 code07:33
satyartried that seen the same07:34
satyari tried moving the cinder volume to a node with only cinder volume container07:35
Jeffrey4lin my env, i do not see such issue ( almost the latest code )07:35
satyaris your backend ceph?07:35
satyaror lvm07:35
Jeffrey4ltry to get the cinder-volume process number " ps aux | grep cinder-volume | wc -l "07:35
satyarthere are 2 cinder volume process running07:36
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Jeffrey4lweird ;(07:38
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openstackgerritjimmygc proposed openstack/kolla: Use install-pip macro in most source images
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Add "virt_type" options into globals.yml
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egonzalez90morning o/08:33
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zhubingbinghello guys08:39
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openstackgerritjimmygc proposed openstack/kolla: Use install-pip macro in most source images
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jistrhi, is there a way to persuade kolla-build to push to a custom registry using http instead of https, so that i don't have to go through the exercise of setting up self-signed certs every time for dev environment purposes?09:28
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jistri tried explicitly adding the protocol to --registry, like `kolla-build --registry http://some-custom-registry --push`, but it's apparently not a valid format for the --registry option09:29
openstackgerritEduardo Gonzalez proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Ansible-ize OpenStack Designate
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bjolohappy new year everyone :)09:41
openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla: Move Vmtp down to the "Infrastructure components" section
egonzalez90jistr: have you tried adding EXTRA_ARGS="--insecure-registry
egonzalez90happy new year bjolo09:42
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jistregonzalez90: i haven't will try :)09:42
egonzalez90seems like a docker bug09:42
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openstackgerritEduardo Gonzalez proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Unify haproxy prechecks condition order
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Mech422hey guys - dumb question - what was the final decision for the logging stuff ? heka + fluentd ?09:59
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egonzalez90Mech422: fluentd
Mech422ahh - fluentd + kibana?  oh thanks!10:08
egonzalez90not sure about the kibana part, zhubingbing is working on fluentd for login recolection10:09
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Mech422thanks !10:18
egonzalez90someone have the link for BCN summit etherpad?10:18
jistregonzalez90: oh you meant EXTRA_ARGS for the docker service right? I actually tried that before, but messed up a bit. It works now :)10:22
jistrI focused on getting rid of the http/https error, while i should have focused on making the insecure registry known to docker. So first i made the registry talk https, i still got errors that the cert is untrusted (self-signed), so only then i found out that i have to edit the systemd unit file for docker to add `--insecure-registry blabla`, which made the cert error disappear. It looks that if i had10:23
jistrdone only the --insecure-registry part, it would have worked fine as well. So as it seems to me now, the --insecure-registry parameter for docker deamon can be used two ways -- either to allow http://, or allow https:// with an untrusted cert. Which one of those it is, is probably autodetected based on whether the registry is listening for TLS on the specified port.10:23
egonzalez90Recent docker versions need to put http in insecure registry url, before it worked without the protocol10:23
jistregonzalez90: ^^ thanks for the help!10:23
* jistr biab10:24
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openstackgerritEduardo Gonzalez proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Ansible-ize OpenStack Designate
openstackgerritEduardo Gonzalez proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Ansible-ize OpenStack Designate
openstackgerritPaul Bourke (pbourke) proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Remove genconfig from tox.ini
openstackgerritPaul Bourke (pbourke) proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Remove genconfig from tox.ini
pbourkecan someone please +a it's been open since october10:58
pbourkesame for
pbourkeJeffrey4l egonzalez90 Daviey sdake ^11:01
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sp_Jeffrey4l: ping....
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egonzalez90zhubingbing: ping11:28
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mliimamorning guys11:49
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egonzalez90morning mliima , how was your holidays?11:54
mliimapretty nice egonzalez9011:55
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-ansible: Removing unused directory "etc/oslo-config-generator" from kolla-ansible
openstackgerritPaul Bourke (pbourke) proposed openstack/kolla: Remove kolla-genpwd from setup.cfg
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-ansible: Fix gate in iax-ord node when using libvirt 2.0
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Add horizon into gate profile
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Readme Steps fail for Vagrant
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sdakemorning peeps13:16
portdirecthey sdake13:17
sdakehey portdirect13:18
sdakedid that time work out for you on monday13:18
sdakei think it was a bit late for the uk13:18
portdirectall good :)13:18
portdirect( I just wake up later these days...)13:19
sdakei went to bed at 7pm last night13:19
sdakeits 5am13:19
sdakemust have been tired :)13:20
sdakebrb reconnecting to vpn13:20
sdakewow these passages malibu people have built an empire13:24
sdakei remember 4-5 years ago they had a "book" on tv13:24
sdakeand now they have a big location13:24
sdakeand now they accept insurance13:24
sdake(if you coudln't tell I rarely watch cable:)13:25
sdakealthoguh I watch roku alot13:25
portdirectlol - I've not had a TV in over ten years13:25
portdirectthough spend too much time watching netflix and other streaming services...13:26
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sdakewow tv ads are annoying13:27
sdakepassages malibu13:27
sdakeinsurance companies13:27
sdakethat is all that advertises on discovery channel13:28
sdakei had a recollection about that - but its still the same advertisements13:28
portdirecttuned up build/pushes at my end, so think I can pretty much commit to a nightly build from master for all images - and a weekly for n-1 until we get infra to provide a registry13:30
portdirecttakes under 45 mins for each to build/push to docker hub13:31
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rafalnHi, I have a question regarding Designate component for openstack in Kolla, I would like to test it, but I can't find any information how can I turn it on. I can't simply enable it in globals.yml file like other components, because I can't find it there. Any advice?13:43
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openstackgerritEdmund Rhudy proposed openstack/kolla: Enable building without Internet access for most Ubuntu binary containers
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openstackgerritEdmund Rhudy proposed openstack/kolla: Enable no-Internet build for most Ubuntu binary containers
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openstackgerritEdmund Rhudy proposed openstack/kolla: Enable no-Internet build for most Ubuntu binary containers
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egonzalez90rafaln: currently is under review, if you want to test it use this PS
egonzalez90rafaln: also will need to use this fix to designate images
kfox1111Jeffrey4l: ping14:07
egonzalez90rafaln: any input/issue you got in designate let me know, as i'm working on it14:08
rafalnegonzalez90: thank you for the info14:13
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bjolosorry for being lazy, whats the target release date for kolla-ansible ocata?14:24
mliima2017-02-22 bjolo14:25
bjolobut thats for ocata right, will kolla-ansible ocata be ready same day?14:25
pbourkekolla is trailing release14:26
pbourkeso some time within 2 weeks after the above date14:26
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bjolohow many are going to PTG in atlanta?14:28
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egonzalez90bjolo: i'm going14:31
bjoloim nagging my manager daily :)14:32
bjolohe will soon cave in14:33
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sdakebjolo the schedule is here:
sdakebjolo the release-trailing date is March 8th14:42
bjolotnx sdake14:43
sdakenp bjolo14:43
sbezverkgood morning14:44
satyarHi jeffrey4l14:46
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kfox1111sbezverk: I think I'm going to try and go through all the templates and add searchPath definitions to each one. shouldn't take too long this morning.14:50
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kfox1111then it would be easier to add searchPath support for the val's more independently?14:53
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sbezverkkfox1111: still not convinced it is right approach, by distributing this work to community it should help to learn better and faster new api ideas. but it is opensource, you do what you think is right ;-)14:56
kfox1111yeah. I'm not saying I'm going to do it all.14:58
kfox1111just add one line  to the top of each file.14:58
sdakebjolo lol14:58
kfox1111but, yeah. whoever wants to work on it, can. I don't want to step on anyone's toes.14:58
kfox1111but also want to get it done if at al possible by next wed, which is really quickly coming up. :/14:59
kfox1111sbezverk: so, I kind of asked yesterday. how would you like to break up the work?15:00
sdakeamex only allows 1.5 your average 6 month monhtly spend to be outstanding15:00
sdakesurprised they gave that data up :)15:00
sbezverkkfox1111: do not worry about me :-) I found one interesting topic which I wan to explore, could be helpfull for future..15:01
sbezverkI was just tlaking in general15:01
kfox1111cool. whatcha looking at?15:01
sbezverkkfox1111: custom kube controllers15:02
kfox1111the 3rd party thing?15:03
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kfox1111or a different use case?15:04
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sbezverkkfox1111: for now I just want to understand how it works inside, because it seems there are multiple approaches.15:05
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sdakesbezverk there are a few reviews in the queue for operators15:06
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sdakesbezverk look for owner ryan15:07
sbezverksdake: I am not sure if these reviews are now relevant..15:07
kfox1111yeah. sounds cool. :)15:08
kfox1111sbezverk: I think they probably still are.15:08
kfox1111the helm/entrypoint deployment is one option. operator based deployment is another.15:08
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sdakesbezverk why wouldn't they be15:13
sdakesbezverk they are just prototype work15:13
sdakesbezverk they need mor eattention15:13
sdakesbezverk we always originally planned to develop operators in python15:13
sdakejust to speed up dev15:13
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sbezverksdake: :-) it is like you put together what you want to carry, but have not designed a car to be able to carry it15:14
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sdakesbezverk ya - well now that we have the microservices layer15:15
sdakewe could potentiallly write an operator to operate it15:15
sdakeor some part of it15:15
openstackgerritEduardo Gonzalez proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Fix code style in start_compute.yml
kfox1111yeah. all the building blocks are there. now just need someone with interest/time to work on it.15:16
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sbezverksdake: I suggest you check the code coreos put together for their etcd operator, it will give you and idea of the complexity behind it..15:17
sdakesbezverk i have seen their code15:17
sdakesbezverk i've studied it in great detail15:17
sbezverkwe do not have anything even 100 miles close to that state15:17
sdakealot of the complexity has to do with language choice15:17
openstackgerritEduardo Gonzalez proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Fix code style in start_compute.yml
sdakepython shelling out to kubectl should be simple enough15:18
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kfox1111sbezverk: I think the complexity in the etcd is around day2 stuff. hot adding additional etcd's, etc.15:19
kfox1111openstack's going to have the same issue. with upgrades.15:19
sbezverkkfox1111: that part yes, but even integrating properly with kube is not a trivial thing..15:19
sbezverksdake: have you seen any other implementation of operator written on other languges?15:20
kfox1111the first one's hard.15:20
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sbezverksrwilkers: morning15:21
srwilkersthe nostalgia is kicking in. internet at work today is very similar to how i felt when i was playing starcraft over dialup back in the day :(15:22
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Remove trailing backtick
sbezverksrwilkers: I bet it was still faster than 1200 baud we used for out first interbanking communication system ;-)15:24
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srwilkerssbezverk, you are correct ;)15:24
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jemcevoyPavo:  Did you get cobbler to boot UEFI15:43
inc0good morning15:43
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Pavonot yet, haven't really had time to work on it15:43
jemcevoyinc0 Morning... Do you work for Intel?15:43
inc0indeed I do15:44
inc0last time I checked that is15:44
inc0haven't seen my emails today15:44
Pavonope you fired15:44
inc0Pavo, well, let's hope not;)15:45
jemcevoyinc0:  In the cluster I am setting up this week and next with Kolla  we have the user's home directories on a Luster filesystem accessable through the new Intel Infiband called OPA.15:46
inc0woho, cool tech15:46
jemcevoyHow should I setup that connection?  Can I bridge to ib0 on the compute hosts?15:46
inc0I have no idea in the slightest;)15:47
inc0I held infinibad gear in my hands once15:47
inc0thats about it when it comes to my esperience with this tech15:47
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Pavoinc0 I was told you was the person to ask when the latest murano and magma fixes would be pushed to the pip package of kolla15:48
inc0meeting in 1015:48
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inc0Pavo, pip gets code when it's released15:48
inc0Jeffrey4l, are you around?15:48
sdakemgiles did you get unblocked?15:49
aric49Hello, has anyone experienced issues with the RabbitMQ container in the 3.0.1 kolla release?15:49
Pavoany idea when thats going to be inc015:49
mgilessdake still trying...  I've had a few interruptions this morning so going a bit slower than I'd like15:49
inc0I know we have some gate issues now, I'll have to come back to you. Jeffrey4l is our release liason15:49
inc0he manages that part15:49
aric49I am seeing issues where the rabbitmq container is showing "Exited(0)" on a fresh multinode  3.0.1 deployment15:50
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jemcevoyinc0 Is there anyone in Hillsboro I could ask about connecting IB to openstack?15:51
inc0uhh, half of Hillsboro is intel15:51
sdakemgiles i am in team meetings all week15:51
inc0I'm pretty sure there is15:51
sdakemgiles tonight i will be around at 6pm pst and do whatever you need to get unblocked15:51
inc0but I don't know who15:51
inc0I'll try to find out15:52
mgilessdake thanks.  I hope to be up and running by then, but will keep you posted15:52
sdakemgiles don't know your schedule or your tz, so not sure if that will work for you or not15:52
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sdakemgiles i may be away from  irc today as well so i can focus on this team meeting15:52
Jeffrey4lsup kfox111115:52
egonzalez90aric49: what kind of issues with rabbit, paste docker logs rabbitmq to and logs from rabbit in kolla_logs volume15:52
Jeffrey4lhey inc0,15:52
mgilessdake I'm EST, so that's a little late, but if I need help I can try to get back on-line then.15:53
sdakemgiles if you could let sbezverk know or Jeffrey4l knwo that would be great befoer you log out15:53
mgilessdake will do15:53
aric49engonzalez90, i have the following logs:15:53
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sdakemgiles they are usully aroudn in my rotating 24 hr a day timezone :)15:53
inc0Jeffrey4l, I got asked several times about us releasing 3.0.2, can you give me brief heads up about that?15:53
aric49when the container first starts:
aric49when i try to restart the container:
Jeffrey4li think 3.0.2 is ready to go now.15:54
Jeffrey4lbut first of all, need sync selinux issue with you.15:54
Jeffrey4lsdake told me you want to add announcement that kolla support selinux. but mitaka branch gate is bust duo to selinux ( disable selinux works ). then can we just release next z stream mitaka now?15:55
Jeffrey4linc0, ^^15:55
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Jeffrey4lkfox1111, around?15:56
egonzalez90aric49: no error on that logs, can you paste logs from rabbitmq in kolla_logs volume, should be in /var/lib/docker/volumes/15:57
Jeffrey4lsup satyar15:57
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satyarjeffrey4l any clue you got for boot from vol15:58
Jeffrey4li got different error message. i am working that that.15:59
inc0Jeffrey4l, well nobody created selinux profiles yet15:59
inc0and i'm pretty sure I haven't been releasing any announcements15:59
inc0especially about that15:59
Jeffrey4linc0, but enable selinux in gate ( newton branch and master ) works.15:59
srwilkersmorning inc0 sdake15:59
inc0sdake, what did you mean by me announcing anything on that?15:59
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sdakeinc0 huh?16:00
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sdakeinc0 reading scrollback minute16:00
sdakeinc0 you wanted me to change the docs to indicate selinux works (as it doess)16:00
Jeffrey4lsdake, selinux support in kolla. you told me that inc0 wanna support selinux16:00
sdakeinc0 i never said anything about announcing support though16:00
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sdakeinc0 i told jeffrey4l specifically you wanted  me to change the docs (which I haven't got to yet)16:01
Jeffrey4lok. i used a bad word. ;(16:01
sdakeJeffrey4l not a bad word, just a misunderstanding16:01
jemcevoyWhat is fixed in 3.0.2?  Should I be deploying 3.0.2 into production ?16:01
inc0meeting time16:01
sdakeoh is that now?16:01
sdakeI thought its in 1 hr16:01
Jeffrey4ljemcevoy, it is hard to say. there are some critial bug is fixed.16:01
sdakei am in a different state, my tz's are afu :)16:02
sdakeanyway i wont be able to make it - have to take shower and get to office16:02
egonzalez90what kind of selinux profiles are needed? we rely on docker, ansible/k8s that have their own selinux policies16:02
sdakesee ya all this afternoon16:02
sdakeegonzalez90 nothign is needed afaik - it just works in the gate16:02
sdakemorning srwilkers16:02
Jeffrey4ljemcevoy, check this page
jemcevoyThanks Jeffery4l16:03
Jeffrey4lnp ;)16:03
pbourkemeeting now all16:03
pbourkein you can make it :)16:03
Jeffrey4ldmsimard, sdake  fyi, it is cpu_mode who cause the master gate broken.16:04
dmsimardJeffrey4l: well there you go16:05
dmsimardcpu_mode fixed it ?16:05
dmsimarder, cpu_mode=none16:05
Jeffrey4ldmsimard, the weird things is that we didn't get any error message like other reporter except that libvirt segment fault.16:06
Jeffrey4ldmsimard, yep. i am pretty sure.16:06
Jeffrey4lwhich is merged already.16:06
dmsimardIt's a complicated problem, too low level for me but there are smarter people working on one or two bugzillas related to the issue16:07
Jeffrey4ldmsimard, the patch set.16:07
Jeffrey4li made several recheck to confirm.16:07
Jeffrey4li also got other error message today in another env. ;(16:08
dmsimardJeffrey4l: there's and you can follow if you'd like16:09 bug 1404627 in libvirt "OpenStack instances fail to boot with qemu-kvm-rhev 2.6.0 when virt_mode=qemu and cpu_mode=host-model in nova.conf" [Unspecified,Assigned] - Assigned to jdenemar16:09 bug 1371617 in libvirt "Libvirt passes unsupported "arat" flag to QEMU when using host-model" [High,Assigned] - Assigned to jdenemar16:09
jemcevoyJeffrey4l:  Is 3.0.2 released?  It looks like I hit a few of the fixed issues like fernet and html5 spice16:09
dmsimardin the first bug, they clearly mention "Using "host-model" with TCG is very likely to cause problems. QEMU is being started with -cpu SandyBridge,+osxsave,+hypervisor,+xsaveopt but TCG doesn't support most of the SandyBridge features."16:09
Jeffrey4ljemcevoy, no. but soon.16:09
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Jeffrey4ldmsimard, i got TCG relate error message today.16:10
dmsimardThere's also
openstackLaunchpad bug 1652333 in QEMU "TCG mode fails to boot Linux kernel with qemu 2.6.0 and libvirt 2.0.0" [Undecided,Incomplete]16:10
jemcevoyIs there an announcement list for the release?16:10
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Jeffrey4ljemcevoy, iirc, the announcement mail will be sent automatically. ( not sure )16:11
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla: Remove kolla-genpwd from setup.cfg
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openstackgerritcaoyuan proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Remove the "stop-containers" from setup.cfg
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kfox1111Jeffrey4l: ping16:41
inc0kfox1111, we have meeting now16:42
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inc0bbiaf guys, moving to office17:01
Jeffrey4lSamYaple, so could u remove your -1 now ?17:01
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Jeffrey4lcores please review :)17:01
duonghqnight guys17:01
Jeffrey4lduonghq, night17:01
SamYapleJeffrey4l: removed, just throw up a link to that discussion if yo uwould please17:02
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Jeffrey4lSamYaple, will do. thanks.17:02
Jeffrey4legonzalez90, pbourke please review this ;)
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Support multi key in merge_config module
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Jeffrey4lsatyar, still around?17:17
openstackgerritMark Giles proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Fix typo in variable name
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mgileskfox1111 The image you pushed allowed me to work around the problem (once I noticed the typo fixed by the ps I just put up).  Thanks17:18
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mgilesJeffrey4l sbezverk - If sdake asks you later you can tell him I'm unblocked - he asked me to let you guys know.17:20
Jeffrey4lroger. but i am going offline soon ;)17:20
kfox1111mgiles: great. good catch on the typo.17:21
kfox1111mgiles: Jeffrey4l said 3.0.2 should be released by the end of the week, so should be able to drop the workaround very soon.17:22
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Jeffrey4lkfox1111, why you are depends on 3.0.2 tag image rather then master images?17:23
mgileskfox1111 saw that during the meeting.  that'll be good17:23
kfox1111Jeffrey4l: was easier to get the gate up and running with released packages.17:23
kfox1111Jeffrey4l: will add support for the master gate packages that are getting built now, soon.17:23
Jeffrey4lroger. cool.17:24
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Updated from global requirements
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jemcevoysean-k-mooney:  Do you have any ideas on how configure Neutron for Intel OPA infiband to the instances to mount Luster home directories?  Each VM host has ib0 with IPoIB18:09
erhudysean-k-mooney: since you own, would you be so kind as to look at, which I ran into when trying to fix the former18:19
openstackLaunchpad bug 1633187 in kolla "kolla build and dockerfile filenames do not match for sources.list" [Low,Confirmed] - Assigned to sean mooney (sean-k-mooney)18:19
openstackLaunchpad bug 1653740 in kolla "Kolla Ubuntu gates rely on bug in Kolla to work" [Undecided,New]18:19
sean-k-mooneyjemcevoy: no sorry. im not sure if that is supported18:23
sean-k-mooneyerhudy: im taking a look at it now18:24
jemcevoysean-k-mooney: Do you I could route to the local IB port?18:24
sean-k-mooneyerhudy: that does not mean i know how to fix the bug you linked :)18:25
erhudyyeah, i've just been trying to get somebody's attention on it because i'm pretty sure it's a problem in the way the gates are configured18:25
erhudyand OSIC's ubuntu mirror being unsigned18:25
sean-k-mooneyjemcevoy: what neutron backand are you using18:25
erhudyunsigned or not being signed with a key that is added to the base image18:26
jemcevoyand vxlan18:26
sean-k-mooneyjemcevoy: and how do you intend to use infiniband in that setup?18:26
sean-k-mooneyvxlan over infinaband or infiniband interface passed through to the guest?18:26
sean-k-mooneyerhudy: ya if the osic mirror has an ssl cert then we sould need to add the key.18:27
erhudyi think up to this point the gate has worked mostly by accident because the sources.list override isn't actually used, so the base image defaults to using canonical's mirrors18:29
sean-k-mooneyjemcevoy: it sounds like you want to do a pci pasthrough of the infiniband interface to the guest which is done via nova not neutorn18:29
jemcevoyhome directories are on on Luster on the infiniband network the which is used on the 4032 core HPC cluster...  So the data to be processed in the beowulf cluster is in those home directories18:29
jemcevoysean-k-mooney: All the login node VMs need access to Luster18:30
sean-k-mooneythe issue is i dont think ovs supports infiniband.18:30
sean-k-mooneyif it was a normal network interface i would say add the infinaband port to hte bridge and configre a flat network provider network and then add a second interface to the vm to connect over the infinaband network18:31
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erhudysean-k-mooney: should i try to talk to people in openstack-infra about the gate setups? i don't know who's actually responsible18:33
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sean-k-mooneyerhudy: the reason i have not done much on bar was i was waiting for the gate to be fixed. i taught Jeffrey4l  might be fixing it but i guess not18:34
openstackLaunchpad bug 1633187 in kolla "kolla build and dockerfile filenames do not match for sources.list" [Low,Confirmed] - Assigned to sean mooney (sean-k-mooney)18:34
jemcevoyI'll be doing cpi passthrough for the K2 Grid cards used with our remote viewer
jemcevoycpi -> pci18:34
sean-k-mooneyjemcevoy: well what you are really trying to do is expose an interface to the guest so that they can mount a remote file system over infiniband.18:36
sean-k-mooneyjemcevoy: normally you would use cinder to do that18:36
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sean-k-mooneyjemcevoy: i dont know if there is an intel equivalent but  this would appear to be one option on the mellanox side but i dont know how it works
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sean-k-mooneyjemcevoy: ah they support infiniband as a transport for sriov nics18:42
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jemcevoyI have not used sriov where can I read up on it?18:44
sean-k-mooneyjemcevoy: so this is not what you want correct. if you have an intel infiniband adapter that you can allocate virtual functions from you may be able to use the sriov nic agent to enable the same functionality but i dont thinkt that has ever been tested18:44
jemcevoyis it different from pci passthrough?18:44
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sean-k-mooneysriov (single route io virutalisation) allows a singel phyical interface to be shared by multiple guests18:45
sean-k-mooneyit is similar to pci passthrough18:45
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sean-k-mooneyjemcevoy: sriov has very similar performance and latency chariteristics of pci passthough as it is a hardware feature so there is no software overhead18:46
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inc0sean-k-mooney, long time no see:)18:47
sean-k-mooneyinc0: yes just back form vacation today18:48
sean-k-mooneyinc0: how about you? did you have a good break18:48
inc0but very nice18:48
inc0'murica is beautiful18:48
sean-k-mooneythats good too hear. hope you were busy with non kolla stuff18:49
sean-k-mooneyill be hopefully rebasing all the dpdk pathes this week. the repo split makes things a little more confuing18:51
sean-k-mooneycomeing back to coding and trying to remember where you left everthing is hard after 2 weeks18:52
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srwilkersoh inc0 youre back18:56
inc0that I am18:56
srwilkersat the end of the meeting, you mentioned someone donating effort/hardware/whatever for building images routinely. portdirect has volunteered more than a few times to do this, and his remarks have gone largely unanswered18:57
kfox1111+1 for portdirect building for now.19:00
kfox1111his results seemed to indicate we might be able to move it into zuul too.19:00
kfox1111just either need someone to do the legwork, or I can take a stab at it later.19:01
inc0if we have hub.o.o that would work too19:01
inc0anyway, for now we need cronjob to do kolla-build and docker push19:01
kfox1111we would still need a way to build/refresh/push to hub.o.oo.19:02
inc0I can give push privileges to any core willing19:02
kfox1111inc0: please give portdirect push privileges.19:02
inc0kfox1111, if we can write puppet script to setup mirrored registry19:02
inc0that's what we need19:02
inc0yeah, I just need his dockerhub username19:02
kfox1111inc0: we're talking about more then just gate jobs.19:02
kfox1111inc0: but keeping up to date images on the hub.19:03
kfox1111(or wherever)19:03
kfox1111portdirect: ping :)19:03
portdirectpong - 2 mins19:03
kfox1111wow. you figured out how to bend time. you gotta tell me how to do that. :)19:03
kfox1111the only way I know of involves being far to close to comfort to a black hole.... I'd rather not.. :)19:04
inc0portdirect, do you have dickerhub account?19:05
inc0oh, I made a typo...19:05
inc0o and i are so close to each other19:05
portdirectsrwilkers's finished stuffing my face :)19:05
kfox1111inc0: heh.19:06
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kfox1111my dentist is angus square dental.19:07
kfox1111the 'g' is important. :)19:07
kfox1111made a similar mistake once. :)19:07
mliima need act here19:07
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srwilkersinc0, the amount of 'docker' commands ive mistyped is too high to be proud of :(19:08
portdirectinc0: so what should I be pushing?19:09
portdirecta build from master for each of centos/ubuntu * binary/source19:09
portdirectand tagged with master or latest?19:09
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kfox1111portdirect: what I really would like to see, is builds from current release,19:10
kfox1111with tags updated when changed.19:10
kfox1111so, 3.0.1-1, 3.0.1-2, 3.0.1-3, etc.19:10
inc0that's good idea19:11
inc0I like this structure19:11
kfox1111trunk builds can be pulled from tarballs.o.o19:11
srwilkersi agree. thats a good approach19:11
portdirectcould one of you provide me a kolla-build command example and I'll get on it :)19:12
kfox1111there's a bit of an etherpad here:
kfox1111portdirect: the sticky part is, there isn't a machanism in place to detect if anyh changes were made from the last container.19:12
kfox1111so we need some kind of diff-ing mechanism.19:13
portdirectyeah - i was imagining somthing simpler, eg this is what ive been running:
kfox1111I think rpm -qa | md5sum  or (rpm -qa; pip list ) | md5sum would do something like it though.19:13
srwilkerskfox1111, thats what i was thinking. that should work19:14
portdirect(I have another job that cleans up all docker images that runs prior to that)19:14
kfox1111portdirect: yeah. that looks like a good start. :)19:14
kfox1111would just need to add some logic in between to make it skip the push if things didn't change,19:15
kfox1111and a way to keep track of which revision it was up to.19:15
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sean-k-mooneykfox1111: out of interest why 3.0.1-1 and not
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kfox1111sean-k-mooney: convention in most pckage managers is to have 2 seperate versions.19:16
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kfox1111use the version of the software , followed by a dash, and then the version of the build/packaging.19:16
portdirectyeah - i was kinda volentering to have a rolling master (ie 4.0.0 nightly) for us to use19:16
sean-k-mooneykfox1111: ah ok that makes sense19:17
kfox1111since the build/packaging versioning is usually simple, its most of the time just an integer.19:17
kfox1111though it can get pretty crazy. :)19:17
kfox1111see redhat's kernel package as an example. :)19:17
kfox1111so, 3.10.0 of the kernel, 229.14.1.el7 of the packaging. :)19:18
sean-k-mooneyinc0: are the gates now caching the images now to could you set up a nightly cron job to pull the registry and push form a vm that can update docker hub.19:18
sean-k-mooneyinc0: that is assuming that portdirect does not build them :)19:19
kfox1111the job thats pushing them into could potentially push them to the hub too.19:19
inc0sean-k-mooney, someday we'll do it;)19:19
inc0kfox1111, that's a not really - issue is uplink consumption19:20
inc0might be19:20
inc0nightly would be ok, or weekly19:20
inc0but every commit might be a tad too much19:20
portdirectso just to clarify - I can build and push a set a single set of all images on a daily basis - and for that I was envisioning a master. I could set up a build for on a weekly if thats ok?19:20
kfox1111inc0: I think its building only when trunk gets updated.19:21
kfox1111inc0: which is not very frequent for the containers?19:21
openstackgerritMauricio Lima proposed openstack/kolla: Fix wrong register in ceph reconfigure task
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sean-k-mooneyportdirect: were you asking for permission or makeing a statement of what you were willing/able to do?19:23
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portdirectsean-k-mooney: little bit of a little bit of b :)19:23
portdirectwould need help setting up the 3.0.0x script19:23
portdirectand also stating where Im willing to put my bandwidth19:24
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inc0once we get out tarballs ready19:25
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portdirectas from my personal persperctive having trun images is most important to me - and I hope that the released images are not required at such a cadence19:25
inc0let's discuss it more with infra to make it proper19:25
sean-k-mooneywell i dont see anything wrong with haveing a different cdence of master vs stable tags (weekly sounds resonable)  as for pushing them ill leave that to someone more qualified19:25
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kfox1111portdirect: the upload cadence isn't the important thing to me, its that updates happen soon after updated packages land.19:27
sean-k-mooneyactully on the bandwidt side when you push to the docker hub is it pushhing the layerd deltas or does it push a flat tar? i would hope deltas?19:27
kfox1111portdirect: so, the next openssl volunerability shows up, redhat releases a fix, kolla containers bump to 3.0.1-N+1.19:27
portdirectso putting it out there - I'm gonna push master lagged 'master' and if someone sends me a script to build updated release images I'm happy to run that untill at least the end of this dev cycle19:27
kfox1111fair enough. :)19:28
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kfox1111my interest is more from an operator perspective, not a trunk one.19:28
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kfox1111each use case has its benifits.19:29
sean-k-mooneykfox1111: do you think operators will use vanilla images build upstream in production or are they more likely to have customistatiions19:29
portdirectkfox1111: I cannot take that on :( if you need that I can happily rent you bandwith :)19:29
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kfox1111sean-k-mooney: I would, if I knew they were kept up to date.19:30
portdirectkfox1111: this is for the developer community19:30
kfox1111sean-k-mooney: I've only had to patch a few packages before. and those are easier to maintain just one or two rather then the whole set.19:30
kfox1111portdirect: I'm going to try and take it on in the gate at some point. trying to get 0.4.0 out th edoor first. :)19:31
sean-k-mooneykfox1111: i guess if you did need some custimiations perhaps a horizon plugin you could buld just that one image and use the rest upstream19:31
kfox1111portdirect: but I do thank you for the offer. :)19:31
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sean-k-mooneykfox1111: ya19:31
kfox1111sean-k-mooney: yeah. most of the time, what one op needs ,the rest do too.19:31
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kfox1111contributing back as much as possible's a good thing. :)19:32
sdakehey peeps19:32
sean-k-mooneyi think the neutron-base image and horizon are the two container that would be changed most often19:32
sean-k-mooneysdake: hi19:32
sdakehey sean19:32
kfox1111yeah. we've had to customize horizon a few times. nothing major though.19:32
kfox1111just inhereted from kolla's and tweaked it slightly.19:32
kfox1111I guess I can see neutron needing it too, depending on what plugins you use.19:33
kfox1111though I think in either case, it would be good to add support upstream to kolla when possible.19:33
sean-k-mooneysdake: did you have a good holiday season to be pc.19:33
sdakesean-k-mooney i survived it :)19:34
sdakesean-k-mooney 2016 was an onerous year19:34
sean-k-mooneysdake: well that is always a good first step.19:34
sean-k-mooneywell im sure 2017 being prime will make it a much better year19:34
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sdakesean-k-mooney god you would hope so :)19:35
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sdakeprime number years cecoming harder and harder to find :)19:35
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sean-k-mooneykfox1111: well as you said its easy to have a container that inherits form the upstream on on the docker hub and jsut addes the plugin if you wanted to miniuse what you build locally19:36
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sean-k-mooneyok i better head home and cook dinner. see everyone tomorow.19:38
sean-k-mooneyoh by the way do people know if the ptg has a cutoff for registration. i should know shortly if travel is approved.19:39
kfox1111sean-k-mooney: I don't think so, but I think there are limited tickets.19:40
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sean-k-mooneykfox1111: well they are still availabel to book but since the refund date is February 16, 2017 i would guess they wil close the registration then also but i could be wrong19:40
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kfox1111yeah. that sounds reasonable.19:42
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SamYapleinc0: where do we stand on kolla-salt stuff. the repo is now in full POC for infra services to deploying keystone19:44
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inc0SamYaple, I'll ask TC how to deal with iot19:55
kfox1111SamYaple: is there anyone other then you interested in supporting it?19:55
inc0that's a good question really19:56
inc0who will give you +2s?19:56
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kfox1111or, are you the only one, and your hoping more will come once contributed?19:56
inc0when you get to kolla, you'll need to follow the process, which might not be possible without any community19:56
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kfox1111inc0: yeah. probably need at least 2 folks minimum to bootstrap?19:57
inc0well, technicaly it should be 319:57
inc0one proposes patch, 2 approves19:57
kfox1111it took 2 at least to do kolla-kubernetes.19:57
inc0no, it was much more then19:57
kfox1111inc0: yeah. we bent the rules sligtly to get over the hump in kolla-kubernetes.19:58
kfox1111we all agreed to a tempoarary 1 + 1 until enough cores were premoted.19:58
kfox1111once portdirect and srwilkers got promoted, we went back to 1 + 2.19:58
kfox1111otherwise, we were waiting multiple days per ps.19:59
kfox1111and it was backing up very badly.19:59
inc0so think twice SamYaple if you want to have gerrit:)19:59
SamYaplekfox1111: ive heard several people experss intrest20:01
kfox1111SamYaple: cool. maybe see if any of them want to be cores?20:01
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SamYapleas far as merging, self-merging is definetely a thing20:02
SamYaplefor smaller projects20:02
sean-k-mooneyself-merging is a thing but once there are 2 or 3 cores its better to avoid for anything but a trival fix20:03
kfox1111inc0: so the question is, whats the minimum number of cores kolla wants to see to see a new deliverable in kolla?20:04
SamYaplesean-k-mooney: completely agree20:05
kfox1111though I guess that may be a meteric that doesn't matter in reality. kolla-kubernetes had a bunch of cores, but only 2 committers/alive reviewers for a while.20:05
sean-k-mooneykfox1111: i think a project can bootstrap with 1 but ideally 3 so that there isnt a singel point of failure if one of the reviews is unavialble for a while20:06
SamYapleyea starting projects always gain followers (and lose them) as they grow20:07
SamYaplehell, there are some openstack projects that go entire cycles _without_ committers20:07
* portdirect wasn't promoted, he just had more work dumped on his plate...20:07
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SamYapleportdirect: sounds like a promotion to me20:08
kfox1111portdirect: hehe. your on to us. ;)20:08
Slowerhow goes it sam?20:08
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SamYapleSlower! my man!20:08
SamYapleit goes ok20:08
Sloweryeah good.. can't complain :)20:08
SamYaplewell you can, but you dont. and thats why i like you20:08
Slowerhehe true :)20:08
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portdirectSamYaple: You've worked for the wrong companies dude - I expect cigars and yachts.... not a four extra radio buttons...20:09
sbezverkkfox1111: how did you like the comment we got today from helm guy about microservices ;-) ?20:10
Slowerso I have a potentially dumb question.. I see these customizable() things in the jinja templates but it's not clear how I set them?20:10
SamYapleSlower: i have the same question, ive just been ignoring it20:11
Sloweris there an example someplace?20:11
sbezverkkfox1111: I think it is indication that we are on the right track20:11
kfox1111sbezverk: +1 :)20:11
SlowerSamYaple: ah, hmmm :)20:11
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kfox1111sbezverk: incoming. :)20:31
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srwilkersi missed the call today. what was the comment re: microservices?20:32
openstackgerritKevin Fox proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Add default searchPath to almost all templates.
kfox1111well, missed a few it looks like... hmmm...20:35
sayantan_Hi guys20:36
SamYaplehi sayantan_20:38
sayantan_I'm trying to get bifrost running. While trying to bootstrap and start services in the bifrost container, I get the error
sayantan_Hi SamYaple20:38
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sayantan_Do you have an idea why the bifrost container might fail with file system being locked errors?20:39
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srwilkerssbezverk, ping20:40
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openstackgerritKevin Fox proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Add default searchPath to almost all templates.
kfox1111hmm... still missed one file....20:44
openstackgerritKevin Fox proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Add default searchPath to almost all templates.
kfox1111there we go.20:45
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inc0Slower, :) now we're almost neighbors:)20:50
inc0kfox1111, so I have no idea if there is any openstack rule for minimum number of cores20:53
kfox1111k. was just curious. maybe there isnt any.20:54
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SamYapleinc0: there is not20:56
Slowerinc0: oh ya!? where'd you go again? oregon?21:02
inc0near Portland21:03
Sloweryeah nice area21:04
inc0it is very nice21:04
inc0my kind of place:)21:04
Slowerstill doing the paragliding?21:04
inc0trying to find people around21:05
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inc0here I could21:05
inc0in TX not so much21:05
inc0so if I find local pilots, I'm going back to it on spring21:06
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-ansible: Support multi key in merge_config module
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-ansible: Optimize reconfigure action for glance
sdakesup peeps21:31
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-ansible: Optimize reconfigure action for memcached
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kfox1111sbezverk: portdirect: thoughts?21:54
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openstackgerritKevin Fox proposed openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Fix the mariadb/rabbitmq elements and add searchPaths.
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sbezverkkfox1111: you are kidding right ;-) ?? PS of this size to review it is crazy :-)22:04
kfox1111sbezverk: I can break it up into any number of chunks.22:06
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sbezverkif experimental comes back green, I will ack it22:06
kfox1111its basically add one search path line, and add it to $env for each file.22:06
kfox1111so, really one line per file to review.22:06
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sbezverkcentos with lvm was stable everytime I tired22:07
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kfox1111sounds good.22:07
sbezverkkfox1111: any chance you could add some non default cases, some no default ports just to see that it is working?22:08
sbezverkI mean not permanently22:08
sbezverkbut for a sake of testing22:08
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sbezverkkfox1111: scratch that, it seems you do not call new macro22:09
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sbezverkkfox1111: ansible is not happy, was there any ansible commits in kolla-ansible today which could have broken things?22:12
portdirectkfox1111: just before i look a it why: 'almost all templates?'22:12
portdirect(and not 'all templates')22:13
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla-kubernetes: Fix typo in variable name
srwilkerssbezverk, looks like memcached is bombing out. raising an issue with docker not being found when checking the memcached container22:15
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sbezverksrwilkers: it is failing at ansible playbook22:16
sbezverkbefore anything we touched22:17
srwilkersright. the ansible task thats failing is the task to check the memcached container22:17
sbezverksrwilkers: it is failing at kolla config stage22:18
sbezverkwhen kolla generates config for us for later usage..22:18
sbezverkat this point even kube cluster is not up22:18
sbezverkcheck this out22:21
sbezverkcommit 3513ab825d061a8b30dfe0e5fac480b059c5c62322:21
sbezverkMerge: 7798da7 6e6327e22:21
sbezverkAuthor: Jenkins <>22:21
sbezverkDate:   Wed Jan 4 21:39:02 2017 +000022:21
sbezverk    Merge "Optimize reconfigure action for memcached"22:21
portdirecthmm so this may be related?
portdirectsbezverk: thinking about it why do we work from kolla-ansible master?22:22
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srwilkersthats exactly what im looking at portdirect22:23
sbezverkwell guys, I think we should expose it and let kolla-ansible fix it..22:24
srwilkersim aware this is happening at the config stage. this specifically is what i was pointing out:
inc0what's up?22:24
portdirectand sbezverk - though i think we took different routes to get to the same place (and he beat me to the punch :)22:24
srwilkerswhich is why im curious as to if its associated with the review portdirect posted22:24
sbezverkinc0: out gate is broken22:25
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kolla: Fix docs to require docker config on all nodes
sbezverkdue to Optimize reconfigure action for memcached22:25
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inc0can you show me example?22:25
sbezverkinc0: yes one sec22:26
sbezverkit is failing on ansible config tast for memcached22:26
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sbezverkinc0: somebody again decided to optimize things by remving kolla-kube needed code ;-)22:27
inc0hmm, I see22:27
inc0sbezverk, well, we need to loose dependency22:27
inc0between these two22:27
srwilkersi agree entirely22:28
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sbezverkinc0: sonner we get config gen for kube to be independent the better22:29
inc0well my dear kolla-k8s cores22:29
inc0there is actually a community that could do it22:29
inc0<< staring at you all >>22:29
inc0but lets fix this one22:30
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srwilkersi think this is a fantastic candidate for a thorough discussion at the PTG22:32
SamYapleit was a mistake to reuse kolla-ansible configs and inject k8s code into ansible configs in the first place22:33
SamYaplebut moving forward, i would love to talk about options. i happen to like config management22:34
SamYapleand templating22:34
sbezverkSamYaple: we did not have a choice at that time22:34
SamYaplesbezverk: why not?22:34
inc0we had to have configs generated somewhere22:34
sbezverkSamYaple: we needed to produce running code and second there was an idea to use ansible for deployment22:35
kfox1111portdirect: there's a followon patch that completes the work:
SamYapleahh. ok i was not aware of the ansible-for-deploemnt piece22:35
sbezverkit was kind of logical22:35
SamYaplethat makes this situation infinitly more reasonable to me22:35
sbezverkbut since ansible is off the table22:35
srwilkersre config:
kfox1111portdirect: its much harder to review though as it had to fix some missing element_name stuff too.22:35
SamYapleyea agree sbezverk22:35
kfox1111so I broke it out.22:35
sbezverkkfox1111: nope22:36
portdirectsrwilkers: +122:36
sbezverksrwilkers: lol22:36
kfox1111sbezverk: nope what?22:36
portdirectthats the kinds think I imagine SamYaple does in his spare time22:36
portdirect*kind of thing - man my typing is getting worse and worse...22:37
sbezverkkfox1111: you did not brreak anything, it was a change in kolla-ansible that broke our gate22:37
kfox1111sbezverk: ah. ok.22:37
SamYapleportdirect: everything ive ever done for kolla is in my spare time, fyi22:37
kfox1111yeah. I defined the value but don't do anything with it yet. just trying to get the major changes that touch all the files done and out of the way.22:37
kfox1111then we can go through the files a few at a time and update things as needed.22:37
sbezverkkfox1111: make sense.. after realizing that, your ps did not look too too scary ;-)22:38
kfox1111cool. :)22:39
kfox1111so, kolla-ansible broke....22:39
kfox1111is that being fixed?22:39
inc0dont be afraid my dear friends! help is on the way22:40
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kfox1111inc0: cool. thx. :)22:40
openstackgerritMichal Jastrzebski (inc0) proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: Limit check containers to reconfigure action
inc0there you go22:42
kfox1111thx. :)22:42
sbezverkman where do we find kolla cores to push it through ?!?!?22:45
inc0beats me22:45
inc0have you tried on #openstack-kolla?22:45
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kfox11112017-01-04 22:46:36.976726 | An exception occurred during task execution. To see the full traceback, use -vvv. The error was: ImportError: No module named docker22:48
kfox1111uh, weird.22:48
kfox1111is it still broken?22:49
SamYaplekfox1111: you know docker-py isnt the name anymore right?22:49
SamYaplepip install docker22:49
sbezverkkfox1111: yes we need to get inc0 fix in22:49
kfox1111doh. I took that as merged... didn't notice it was a ps. :/22:49
inc0well, I could merge my own change22:50
inc0but I won't22:50
inc0I don't want to end up in hell for that22:50
kfox1111+1 for not sending inc0 to hell. :)22:50
kfox1111more kolla cores though please?22:50
kfox1111trunks broken. :/22:50
sbezverkinc0 if we get 10 +1m would it be == 2 +2 ;-) ??22:51
inc0yeah, that works, but no matter how many +0 workflow you do, it's never going to be +122:51
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kfox1111more reviews please
kfox1111this is really holding me up. :/22:57
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sbezverkkfox1111: I pinged sdake internally hopefully he replies22:58
portdirectkfox1111/sbezverk why not just base our gate on b2?22:59
sbezverkportdirect: lol22:59
portdirectas for config it should be no different?22:59
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kfox1111portdirect: b2?23:00
sbezverkportdirect: I am not sure if with cloning we do it will work right away without other problems23:00
kfox1111portdirect: oh.23:00
portdirectsbezverk: is it worth trying?23:00
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kfox1111if it isn't resolved fast, I'd say thats a good option.23:01
kfox1111inc0: there's another option.23:01
kfox1111reverting a bad patch shouldn't requre a full review?23:01
kfox1111can we just revert the offending patch until its fixed / rereviewed?23:02
SamYaplekfox1111: reverting still requires 2 cores23:02
sbezverkportdirect: for sure as a plan B it is great23:02
inc0kfox1111, revert is same thing - 2* +223:03
kfox1111seems bad that cores can push a bad patch in, then can't get it reverted if enough disapear for a while. :/23:03
inc0only these are 2 patches, so even harder23:03
inc0well, that's how bugs happen23:03
SamYaplekfox1111: better than one core not understanding something and then reverting it because _they_ are mistaken23:03
sdakesbezverk i got the msg23:03
inc0and since we don't have CI in kolla-ansible to check kolla-k8s23:03
SamYaplerule of 223:04
sdakebut it has not passed the  gate23:04
inc0bad stuff happends23:04
* kfox1111 shrugs23:04
kfox1111I guess.23:04
sdakeinc0 we kolla is cross-repo gating kolla23:04
sbezverksdake: huray23:04
sdakerather kolla-kubernetes23:04
sdakerather kolla-ansible23:04
sdaketoo many things :)23:04
inc0sdake, no, kolla-ansible gates won't check kolla-k8s23:04
sbezverksdake: I was trying to get vhosakot internally but he is not available :-(23:04
sdakeinc0 yes i know23:05
inc0ack this plz23:05
portdirectsbezverk: there is no plan B... just plan sdake.23:05
* srwilkers blinks23:05
sdakeinc0 moment23:06
inc0it's 7am in China so our Asian friends should be up soon23:06
inc0ironically, kolla doesn't have that many cores in US any more23:06
sdakeinc0 sadly23:07
sdakeinc0 alot of apac and emea23:07
inc0I'm actually pretty happy because of that23:07
sdakewe are a world wide project23:07
inc0we might be only non-us centric project23:07
sdakeok - gotta jet23:07
inc0which kinda makes our PTG even less sensible in Atlanta;)23:07
SamYapleits not our PTG, its all PTG23:08
SamYapleas you said, most projects are US central23:08
inc0what I'm saying is, if I'd organize midcycle it wouldn't be in US any more23:08
inc0I'd say...Poland23:09
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SamYapleim sure you would!23:09
inc0hey, it makes sense23:09
inc0it's in Europe, but still close to Asia23:09
sbezverkinc0: man it is too cold in feb to go to Poland23:09
inc0relative to rest of europe;)23:09
sbezverkthink Brazil23:09
SamYapleno no no, think about a place you _want_ to go23:09
inc0SamYaple, you hate sun?23:10 are willing to not see it at all for a week?23:10
portdirect^^ truth23:10
kfox1111bah. evil day star. good riddence. :)23:10
SamYapleinc0: that sounds lovely23:11
inc0yeah I knew you might like it23:11
inc0anyway, Norway is super expensive23:11
SamYapledont forget, i worked thirdshift for most of the time youve known me23:11
inc0Poland on the other hand...23:12
SamYaplewhere is amsterdam?23:12
SamYaplelets go there23:12
inc0yeah, actually23:13
inc0I mean weed is legal where I am now23:13
inc0but Amsterdam...23:13
inc0or Berlin23:14
inc0I miss Europe..:(23:14
SamYapleits not legal inc023:14
sbezverkinc0: good thing about europe is everything is close, but at the same time it is bad thing..23:14
SamYaplefederally it is still illegal23:15
inc0SamYaple, but in Oregon it is legal23:15
inc0not sure how it works, but I can buy it in store23:15
SamYapleno its not, federal superceed state23:15
inc0so meh23:15
SamYapleits just not enforced23:15
SamYaplebut its not legal either23:15
SamYaplethe dea can (and has) come in and arrest people23:15
inc0funny country we live in right?23:15
srwilkersfunny is certainly one way of saying it23:20
kfox1111inc0: its a werid thing. federal technically trumps state.23:20
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kfox1111so it is elegal. but federal's not enforcing in legalized states.23:20
srwilkerswhich could change soon23:21
kfox1111so, defacto legal.23:21
kfox1111but could change at any time for any reason they want to get you on.23:21's you 'muricans call it? FREEEEDOM!23:21
inc0Give me a person, we'll find a paragraph.23:22
* srwilkers groans23:22
inc0I think it was Stalin who said that?23:22
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SamYaplekfox1111: nah like i said, DEA still drops in and enforces23:24
kfox1111I'm a federal employe technically. so Its still elegal in my book.23:24
kfox1111even though its legal in washington state.23:25
SamYaplei dont think things are ever legal, they are just not illegal23:25
SamYapleits illegal, but unenfored?23:25
SamYapleidk. anyway. NO ONE IS SAFE23:25
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inc0funny how THC is schedule I but vicodin is schedule II23:26
inc0or LSD - schedule I23:26
srwilkersits a lot like lane splitting in the US. up until recently, it was only legal in some states because it wasnt explicitly illegal23:26
SamYaplethings with no medcinal use are schedule I23:26
SamYaplethe medicinal thing is whats been challenged23:26
portdirectinc0 berlin? careful now23:27
inc0what about it? cool city23:27
inc0not that I like Germany23:27
inc0sorry berendt23:27
inc0anyway, Poland, we should have midcycle in Poland23:28
kfox1111 more please23:28
inc0Jeffrey4l, ^ when you're awake please23:28
SamYapleinc0: no such thing as midcycles anymore!23:29
inc0now you are mistaken23:29
inc0ops still have midcycles23:29
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openstackgerritMarcus Williams proposed openstack/kolla-ansible: [WIP] Add OpenDaylight to kolla-ansible
SamYaplei just assume im always mistaken23:30
inc0no, that would make it easy23:30
inc0you're mistaken most of the time23:30
SamYaplei can still assume im always mistaken23:31
inc0then you'd be mistaken23:31
inc0to do so23:31
SamYaplebe doign so is a subset of your statment!23:31
inc0on the other hand, if you'd be always mistakend and assume that, you wouldn't be always mistaken any more23:31
inc0so assumption would be a mistake23:31
SamYaplethough i assume i could be wrong here23:31
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* portdirect wonders about life choices23:36
inc0SamYaple, I've sent mail to ML regarding kolla-salt and other deliverables23:39
inc0and how we deal with them23:39
inc0feel free to chime in23:39
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inc0kfox1111, pm plz23:53
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SamYapleinc0: chimed in23:59

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