Wednesday, 2025-03-12

*** JohnnyW557 is now known as JohnnyW5504:13
*** mrunge_ is now known as mrunge06:39
mnasiadkagood morning08:13
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Bump ansible-core versions to 2.17 and 2.18
opendevreviewVerification of a change to openstack/kolla-ansible master failed: Merge of container_facts modules
opendevreviewJakub Darmach proposed openstack/kolla stable/2024.1: Added systemd-standalone-sysusers package for Debuntu
opendevreviewJakub Darmach proposed openstack/kolla stable/2024.1: Add support for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
fricklerhmm, no idea why is suddenly failing on all podman jobs, doesn't really look related?10:28
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Bump ansible-core versions to 2.17 and 2.18
opendevreviewJakub Darmach proposed openstack/kolla stable/2024.1: Add support for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: CI: Wait until containers exit health starting state
mnasiadkafrickler: I think it happens in all patches, maybe ^^ will help a bit11:34
priteauI saw some failures on podman jobs where we start rabbitmq and immediately after we run `exec rabbitmq <something>` but it fails because the container is not really started yet.11:36
priteauApparently this works OK on Docker but not on Podman11:51
fricklersounds reasonable, but what has changed to make it failing now?12:02
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: CI: Wait until containers exit health starting state
opendevreviewJakub Darmach proposed openstack/kolla stable/2024.1: Add support for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
darmachAre we on today mnasiadka?13:06
koperg[m]15:00 ? :D13:11
mnasiadkaWell, it's 14:1713:17
mnasiadkaUnless my jet lag time machine lies :)13:17
darmachThose pesky timezones!13:30
opendevreviewNorman Ziegner proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Fix typo in prechecks command
mnasiadkamnasiadka bbezak frickler kevko SvenKieske mmalchuk gkoper jangutter jsuazo jovial osmanlicilegi mattcrees dougszu darmach pabloclsn - meeting in 9 minutes13:51
opendevreviewZhoneym proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Limit bcrypt version to <=4.0.1 for compatibility
opendevreviewNorman Ziegner proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Fix typo in prechecks command
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: CI: Wait until containers exit health starting state
mnasiadka#startmeeting kolla14:02
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Mar 12 14:02:26 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is mnasiadka. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:02
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'kolla'14:02
mnasiadka#topic rollcall14:02
fricklerstill jetlagged? ;)14:02
mnasiadkafrickler: sort of, doing a lot of things at the same time to catch up two weeks absence :)14:03
mnasiadkadarmach koperg wake up :)14:04
mnasiadka#topic agenda14:04
mnasiadka* Announcements14:05
mnasiadka* CI status14:05
mnasiadka* Release tasks14:05
mnasiadka* Current cycle planning14:05
mnasiadka* Additional agenda (from whiteboard)14:05
mnasiadka* Open discussion14:05
mnasiadka#topic Announcements14:05
mnasiadkaSo... I'm in New Zealand time zone when the PTG happens - so PTG will be around 7AM UTC time slot - I'll post those on openstack-discuss ML once I book these and create an etherpad for Kolla14:06
mnasiadkaor something like that14:06
mnasiadka#topic CI status14:06
mnasiadkaSeems we have some neutron-metadata-agent healthchecking issues14:06
mnasiadkaTrying to debug it in
mnasiadkaAlso add some more debug to CI logs for unhealthy containers, so we don't have to do that next time.14:07
mnasiadkaI've seen some rabbitmq podman related container state problems, but I assume it's different14:07
mnasiadka(although these don't happen every time)14:07
mnasiadka#topic Release tasks14:08
fricklerfor metadata maybe neutron changed something?14:08
fricklermight be related to eventlet removal and change timings somehow14:08
mnasiadkaMight be, that's why I need to first check if for example the process name did not change or something similar - we need more debug logs14:08
mnasiadkaAnd maybe better healthchecking scripts, but that's not going to happen soon ;)14:08
mnasiadkaIt's R-314:09
mnasiadkaWe might see breakages due to some last minute patches14:09
mnasiadkaI don't think we have any immediate work to do - koperg is working on Ansible bump14:09
mnasiadka#topic Current cycle planning14:09
mnasiadkaAnybody wants to discuss any feature? any review requests?14:10
yuvalI have this one:
yuvalI think its merge ready14:10
mmalchukyep. cinder issue in nova with tempest14:10
mmalchukfrickler: 14:11
seunghunleeI have
fricklerI have a simple ironic-related patch and bbezak had another one which we might want to combine14:11
fricklerI'll add the others above to my list14:12
mnasiadkayuval: one last question and I'm happy to apply my +2 ;)14:12
mmalchukfrickler: can we go back with catalog_info in 6 patchet?14:13
fricklermmalchuk: I don't think we should backport in kolla anyway, but I'll update, yes14:14
mmalchukfrickler: but we need merge in master an I mean 6 patchset14:16
mmalchuknot latest14:16
mnasiadkaok, added the rest of the patches to my review queue14:16
opendevreviewyuval proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: add lightbits driver support
yuvalmnasiadka: you right, removed :)14:18
mnasiadka#topic Additional agenda (from whiteboard)14:20
mnasiadkaNothing new there14:20
mnasiadka#topic Open discussion14:21
mnasiadkaAnybody anything?14:21
yuvalI got a question14:23
yuvalI want to add an env variable to the cinder docker14:23
yuvalcurrently I am forking out from the main branch to do it using the group_vars14:23
yuvaland kolla-supported way to do it?14:24
yuvalthis is the reason I need to do it:
mnasiadkaNot really, we have some places where we do supply environment in role defaults/ and then use it when starting the container, but not in Cinder14:25
fricklerto me that looks like a bad design decision in os-brick14:26
yuvalyes.. maybe we can do some magic so we can control this in any docker we bring up?14:26
yuvalfrickler: totally agree - I uploaded a change for it but was rejected14:27
fricklerI don't see any rejection here
yuvalyes... silent rejection14:29
fricklercinder team is just almost non-existent in my experience14:30
yuvalanyway I will think how we can control it and bring up a patch14:30
yuvalfrickler: no, no, They are doing amazing job. it just doing this change is not trivial14:31
mnasiadkaOk then14:31
mnasiadkaI guess that's it14:32
MattCrees[m]Sorry, missed the current cycle planning. Could we get some core reviewer eyes on the big rabbitmq patch chain again please? and are good to go imo.14:32
koperg[m]@mnasiadka: sorry missed the start of the meeting ( client work ) We can consider ansible bump technically done - thanks for your help :D 14:32
MattCrees[m]We have quite a few to patches get through if we want RabbitMQ 4.0 in epoxy :)14:32
mnasiadkaWell, we need more reviewers it seems.14:33
mnasiadkaIf you guys would review not only the patches you want to get in, maybe we'd get more core reviewers...14:33
yuvalI will try14:35
darmach(me too)14:37
koperg[m]Can take a look, if you are satisfied with +1 :P 14:37
MattCrees[m]Ok, I'll try to make time to review other patches.14:38
mnasiadkaReality is, that there are 4 active core reviewers, and we can't have velocity to merge everything - and the situation is getting worse, not better.14:38
mnasiadkaIf your employers value/use kolla/kolla-ansible/kayobe - they should invest more.14:39
mnasiadkaThat's my 5 cents :)14:39
mnasiadkaThank you for coming - see you next week :)14:39
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Mar 12 14:39:42 2025 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:39
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
yuvalThank you!14:39
mmalchukmnasiadka: thanks14:39
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Fix boolean representation in all configurations
kevkodarmach: So do you belong to the 'true' club or the 'True' club of people?15:14
darmachI'm one of the upper case folk15:15
kevkodarmach: me too it is more Pythonic 15:16
kevkoBut since I got a -1 from mnasiadka for that in a useful review… let's fix it then :D … because at least I'll feel in future reviews that it correlates with the other booleans in the code… even though it will break my heart :D15:18
kevko:D 15:18
darmachJava, however, goes lowercase! At least we're fixing the worst - mixed case troughout the project ;)15:20
mnasiadkaFor now, if the majority of configs is lowercase true - then let’s not go against the majority15:21
mnasiadkaIf you want to run a full scale operation and define a documented standard and change it everywhere - fine by me15:21
kevkoWell, there's a difference between having true in JSON, YAML, or a Python config... because true in Python is just a string, whereas True is actually a boolean. The fact that it works is probably just due to configparser or maybe oslo.config... But honestly, I don’t really care. If it’s supposed to be lowercase, then it should be lowercase15:25
kevkoeverywhere. Otherwise, someone will copy a True example, someone else will copy a true example, and the whole thing will happen again...15:25
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: CI: Wait until containers exit health starting state
opendevreviewWill Szumski proposed openstack/kayobe master: Bump version of stackhpc.linux collection
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kayobe master: Revert "CI: Make kayobe-overcloud-upgrade-slurp-rocky9 non-voting"
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: CI: Wait until containers exit health starting state
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Cinder: move to block-storage in service catalog
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: CI: Wait until containers exit health starting state
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: CI: Wait until containers exit health starting state
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: One of our Zuul job log storage providers is experiencing errors. We have removed that storage target from base jobs. You should be able to safely recheck changes now.20:23

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