Wednesday, 2014-07-30

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dougwigcrying reminded you of something?  oh my.00:07
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mlavalleblogan: you around?00:24
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dougwigis there something anyone else can help with?00:30
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mlavalledougwig: I am running the tempest api test against LBaaS v2 and I am finding some unexpected behaviour00:45
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bloganmlavalle: what sup00:46
bloganwhats up00:46
bloganmlavalle: what kind of behavior?00:46
mlavalleblogan: so, I attempt and succeed in creating a pool:00:47
blogandougwig: reminded me that i needed to go home, then write that email00:48
mlavalleblogan: {'status': '201', 'content-length': '307', 'connection': 'close', 'date': 'Wed, 30 Jul 2014 00:29:01 GMT', 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8', 'x-openstack-request-id': 'req-f6ad7913-31ce-47af-a8cf-101fef696184'}00:48
mlavalleblogan: {u'pool': {u'lb_algorithm': u'ROUND_ROBIN', u'status': u'DEFERRED', u'protocol': u'HTTP', u'description': u'', u'admin_state_up': True, u'tenant_id': u'6654344b5dfc443f9e5ecb0efff15040', u'healthmonitor_id': u'07b065f6-e85e-4f35-8fca-a16c6257869d', u'id': u'687e48c0-e068-4788-b0c2-d0e30a55d1b4', u'name': u'pool-412969261'}}00:48
mlavalleblogan: so far so good00:48
bloganim assuming that healthmonitor does exist as well00:49
mlavalleblogan: correct00:49
bloganhere comes the but..00:50
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mlavalleblogan: now I attempt to create a member associated with that pool. requests body is: {"member": {"subnet_id": "dd33f2c2-877f-4991-b4ff-cd408158bf9b", "protocol_port": 8080, "address": ""}}00:50
bloganthat looks like that should work00:50
mlavalleblogan: ^^^ thue uri00:50
bloganwell wait00:50
mlavalleblogan: but I get a 40400:51
bloganyeah it should be v2.0/lbaas/pools00:51
bloganand then pool_id00:51
mlavalleok, that's it00:51
mlavallelet me try again00:51
bloganok let me know ill bbiab00:52
mlavalleblogan: so the document is wrong…. it reads: POST /pool/{pool_id}/members00:53
mlavalleblogan: that is the source of the problem…. after I confirm it works with pools, i'll fix the doc00:53
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mlavalleblogan: yep, it works with 'pools' in the uri. I'll fix the doc and the rest client in tempest00:55
mlavalleblogan: doc fixed00:58
mlavalleblogan: ok, pretty much confirmed that POST works for all the resources: loadbalancer, listeners, healthmonitors, pools and members….. got to go home now, will continue tomorrow01:01
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bloganah damn just missed him01:27
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dougwigblogan: ping?03:02
blogandougwig: pong03:04
dougwigdo you get tenant delete notifications?03:04
bloganis that a keystone thing?03:05
dougwigsure, but clearly some cleanup has to happen, right?03:05
bloganyeah, but i haven't had to deal with that03:05
dougwigsomeone here just suggested adding a delete_tenant hook in the drivers, would is actually an excellent idea.  i'm just wondering if the plumbing is there.03:05
bloganthen again I could see how the neutron API would be the one who deals with that03:05
dougwig /would is/which is/03:06
dougwigneutron api can't clean up backends.  i see some tenant_delete hooks in ml2 drivers.03:06
bloganno but the neutron api could grab all the tenants resources and call the plugin's delete method03:07
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blogani dont know if that is done or not, i actually doubt it is03:07
dougwigeither it does, or backends leak resources.03:07
dougwigseems a slow way to go about it in most cases, too.03:07
bloganyeah, that's something we've had to deal with at rax, and well i don't think our solution is great either03:08
bloganim not sure if only a delete_tenant hook in the driver layer would be best, since all the entries in the database would need to be clenaed up too03:10
bloganand i doubt there's a delete_all_resources_by_tenant type of call in neutron03:10
dougwigpresumably the neutron db will get cleaned by the existing tenant delete (just scoop up all the rows with that tenant id)03:11
bloganwell i don't know how neutron handles a tenant delete, they may just keep it in the records03:12
blogani'd just be guessing right now03:14
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rm_worklol blogan working a 16 hour day again04:24
rm_workblogan: too bad RS gives no overtime T_T04:25
bloganrm_work: they used too back when i was hourly04:25
rm_worksalary is a bummer sometimes04:25
rm_workwhen you're pulling a blogan04:25
bloganit is but at least i dont have to worry about trakcin ghours04:26
dougwigi'm at 13.  damn, i'm slacking.04:28
bloganim not really at 16, more like i dont know 10 with breaks calculated in04:31
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dougwigi haven't had dinner yet.04:50
bloganyou should probably eat05:07
bloganand im going to sleep05:07
blogangoodnight to all05:07
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openstackgerritStephen Balukoff proposed a change to stackforge/octavia: Documenting project direction and design
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blogannoooo not another rebase mess up!15:27
ptoohillgood morning!15:28
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bloganmestery ping15:30
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rm_workguten morgen15:54
rm_worksballe_: we're having issues getting on this virtual rooms thing16:03
rm_workxgerman_: ^^16:03
rm_workis there another thing we could use? Webex? Google?16:03
xgerman_just call the number16:03
rm_workhmm k16:03
sballe_just call the number16:03
sballe_(toll) 281.964.1607 (toll-free) 877.675.4345 PIN 884 773216:04
sballe_I am not sure we need the virtual room16:04
xgerman_the virtual room is optional :-)16:04
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dougwigok, there's my stupid question for the day.16:52
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dougwigi assume that today's webex is again canceled.  someone holler if i'm wrong.17:25
dougwig(i have nothing for the agenda.)17:25
blogandougwig: i think its getting closer to where it is going to get back on17:42
dougwigif spontaneous design sessions are cropping up, it'd seem like it.17:43
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blogani think they were just trying to get a gameplan together of where to start and what to thinking about when designing17:47
rm_workif you guys want to +1
rm_workthat'd be good17:48
rm_workit's on what should be the final patchset, so no more clearing17:48
sbalukoffYay! I'll see about reviewing that today.17:48
rm_worksbalukoff / blogan / xgerman_17:48
rm_workyou reviewed it before I think, so it should be cake17:48
blogantime to nit!17:48
rm_worksbalukoff: if you nit this i swear to god17:49
sbalukoffblogan: You sound so eager.17:49
bloganrm_work: you would so nit mine, i know you would17:49
* sbalukoff cracks his knuckles.17:49
rm_worksbalukoff: take off your nit hat and leave it at home17:49
rm_workblogan: not at 26 patchsets i wouldn't T_T17:49
sbalukoffBut that's how I express love, man.17:49
bloganrm_work: oh you have a pity level17:49
rm_workblogan: yes, you've reached it17:49
rm_workwhich is why i'm offering to help manage your change for you :P17:49
bloganif you can manage it in such a way where it doesn't get random patch sets, that'd be great17:50
dougwigno nits from sbalukoff means he doesn't really like you.17:53
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dougwigblogan: oh, no worries on meetings organically starting.  i'm recognizing that it's a sign of activity picking up, not being bothered by it.  it's great, especially if it's not distracting us.18:14
blogandougwig: not distracting me, i let jorge and adam take care of it from our side, im focused on getting this v2 stuff done18:15
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sbalukoffSorry, didn't mean to be exclusive or anything. We basically talked about what is in this:  And came up with a few action items here:
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dougwigdidn't think it was exclusive.  it's all goo.18:55
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sballe_all, could you please add your talk submission to thei etherpad so we can check them out and vote for them?20:33
sballe_dougwig, blogan, jorgem1 ^^^^20:35
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Pattabianyone assigned to work on the neutron lbaas cli for the v2 datamodel based apis ?20:49
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dougwigyes, ctracey20:50
dougwigdid you have a question, or are you looking for something to work on?20:50
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Pattabithanks.  i was asking because, i had updated the neutron cli  for the new data model for my end to end testing20:51
Pattabiif no one is tasked to do i was planning to help out on that :-)20:51
ctraceyi just got all units passing20:51
ctraceystarting to break all the changes into their respective reviews20:52
dougwigahh, nice, you should definitely talk to ctracey.  you can also see his current code here:
ctraceythat will be updated shortly20:52
dougwigctracey: i'm ready.  i've been saving up -1's all week.20:52
Pattabithanks .. will check it out and review too20:52
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Pattabihave another question on the update APIs20:56
ctraceydougwig: so another nice way to get around "import errors"....nose20:56
Pattabican i unset the default_pool_id for example on the listener object after it is set20:57
Pattabisimilarly unset the healthmonitor_id on the pool object after it is set20:58
dougwigyou should be able to disassociate, in theory.  blogan will have to comment on if the code is stopping it for some reason.21:01
dougwigbut if you can't, my first reaction would be that you've found a bug.21:01
bloganPattabi: on listener's loadbalancer_id and default_pool_id you can set them to null, once they're null you can reassociate them21:03
bloganyou just can't go straing from one loadbalancer_id to another21:03
bloganor pool21:03
blogansame with healthmonitor_id on pool21:03
ctraceyblogan: not sure there is any way to do that from the CLI21:04
ctraceybut that is a generic openstack thing21:04
ctraceynot specific to this21:04
dougwigthe v1 lb CLI have associate/disassociate commands for certain objects, for that.21:05
dougwig /have/has/21:05
ctraceythose are further API endpoints tho21:06
ctraceytermed actions i think21:06
ctraceyif you *really* wanted it, you should be able to craft your own client routines21:07
ctraceynothing in the calls prevents it, afaik21:07
ctraceyjust weird from a UI perspective21:07
Pattabihow do i set them to null from the API / CLI ?21:11
Pattabiit is an optional paramater and if specified it has to be be a valid UUID21:12
ctraceythat is precisely what I am saying21:13
ctraceythere is no good way to do so...but that is no different than anything else openstack21:14
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Pattabiblogan: i will update my client routines/hack to validate this scenario of setting the default_pool_id and health_monitor_id to null21:45
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dougwigi'd love to see an associate/dissasociate, that under the covers just called the update(null).  that'd be more intuitive for users.21:46
bloganctracey: i think its fine if there isn't a way to do it in the CLI.  I don't this restriction will stay in, but more thought and time will need to be put in place for it to be removed21:47
bloganPattabi: the validation is uuid_or_none21:48
bloganso it should allow none21:48
Pattabii was looking at the code uuid_or_none method only21:48
Pattabii need to figure out how to pass None as an object instead of string to the back end21:49
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bloganPattabi: in the client?21:49
Pattabiusing CLI if i set --default-pool-id None, it is passed as None string21:49
bloganPattabi: ah, yeah I'm not sure how to do that, one thing that can be done is from the CLI allow just switching to another uuid, but do two requests, one is set it to None, then set it to the uuid they wanted21:50
bloganits a hack though21:50
bloganis there anyway to look for the string None and if its None then actually set it to None?21:51
blogannot sure how much access you have to that part that actually sends the request21:51
dougwigthose are hacks compared to adding two commands for the link/unlink, which will work for 1:N or M:N.21:55
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blogandougwig: you're right21:57
bloganit would be better to add those commands21:57
Pattabifrom the cli perespective, good to have link/unlink for default_pool_id and also for the health_monitor_id22:10
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Pattabii did modify the client CLI to handle the special case of None for default_pool_id to pass None Object and could see that the DB is updated properly with the None and could set it back again with a valid default_pool_id22:19
Pattabiblogan: sending 2 commands does in deed work22:21
dougwigPattabi: did you talk to anyone about an exception for your driver?  I still have it marked for Kilo here:
dougwigi'm wondering if that needs updating.22:21
jorgem1Any agenda items for tomorrow LBaaS?22:28
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PattabiI did reach out to Kyle .. unfortunately he is not approving yet22:32
Pattabii do have the complete implementation ready <dougwig> for brocade lbaas driver for v2 based data model22:33
Pattabi<dougwig> technically it is only only one implemneting the 4 different managers  similar to the a10 driver22:34
Pattabi<jorgem> i would like to discuss if a framework support could be added to handle update failures/limitations on the vendor driver and update DB with the old value ?22:36
jorgemAre you talking about status updates?22:37
bloganPattabi: you mean the something other than driver handling the status changes?22:37
Pattabi<blogan> and <jorgem> status updates are already available. this is for example, if an update of an property is not supported for a driver/vendor, would like the update to rollback to the old object in the database also22:38
blogando you have a link to your driver code?22:38
blogani think you're talking about flavors which are a work in progress for all advaned services in neutron22:39
Pattabispecific example in brocade load balancer case : update of a vip name is not supported. when name is updated via update_loadbalancer, driver can trhow an exception and update DB as FAILED. however, would like to revert the name to old value also22:40
Pattabi<blogan> i can upload the code to my git repository and send you the link for you to look at22:42
bloganPattabi: really the loadbalancer name should only be updated in the neutron db, the driver doesn't have to actually do anything with that kind of an update22:42
Pattabi<blogan> the name could be set on the actual loadbalancer device also and we use ip address and name combination to locate the object on the device. thats why i want to ensure consistency between db and device22:45
bloganPattabi: you should use the uuid for the loadbalancer for the name then, since that cannot be updated22:45
Pattabi<blogan> i do use id as name for other entities such as health monitor. in this case, i use name since it was available and it is more user friendly also22:47
bloganPattabi: agree its more user friendly, but that user friendliness will not be exposed to an actual user, the user won't know what you name the loadbalancer device in the driver22:48
Pattabi<blogan> in either case, this was just an example. was wondering if having such a feature at the framework is helpful  to provide an internal method at the plugin level to update the db with the old value22:49
dougwigif i understand you, you're basically wanting the driver code to be inside a database transaction that updates the neutron db, right?22:51
blogani think he wants that same functionality at least22:51
dougwigright, i'm just trying to boil down.  consider it a logical transaction if you will.22:52
Pattabi<dougwig> yes .. similar to _delete_db_loadbalancer method, can we have method _update_db_loadbalancer method22:52
dougwigthat would be nicer behavior, but it's also can of worms.  consider if the logical (or not) transaction commit then fails after a successful backend change.  you're still out of sync, unless you notify the backend, which gives you another shot at being out of sync with the db.  repeat.22:53
dougwigand for your example, you should not use name if you backend requires name to be unique, since neutron doesn't impose that restriction.22:54
Pattabii mean it need not be in the same database transaction22:54
dougwigi'm using transaction in the atomic sense, not the db sense.22:54
dougwigor rather, the "atomic with rollback" sense.22:54
bloganPattabi: can you give me a use case that cannot be solved by using an attribute that is immutable?22:56
bloganor just a use case that you might need a rollback on22:56
Pattabidriver will call db rollback only if there is a failure at the backend on the device .. otherwise, just the status update as it exists today22:57
dougwigPattabi: also for your specific use case, i'd recommend that your driver simply update the neutron db, then throw the error.22:57
bloganbecause i've been leaning in favor of the driver not having to do any kind of status management, or db management at all (save for talking to the core plugin)22:57
dougwig(blogan's head just exploded.)22:57
bloganPattabi: i think you should throw an exception in your driver and let the plugin handle the rollback22:58
Pattabias i udnerstand, the plugin does not handle any rollback. is my understanding correct ?22:59
dougwigblogan: the plugin will mark it as ERROR.  if you want it to stay ACTIVE, the driver must update the db (and not throw an exception, I guess.)22:59
bloganPattabi: it'll just mark the entity as ERROR right now, that logic will get more useful22:59
dougwigbefore your auto-magic change, you could update the db and throw an error, and the CLI and Horizon would display the error but the object would remain happy.  after your soon change, you can't throw that exception.22:59
blogandriver's can still throw an exception23:00
dougwignot if they want their objects to not be marked ERROR.23:00
Pattabiso in the update name example, if driver does not support update of the name, from driver I could update the name back to the old name and throw an error back to the plugin ?23:02
dougwigtoday, yes.  but in the change blogan is making right now, you'd have to update the db, and not throw an exception, because soon, any exception from a driver will result in automatic ERROR for objects.23:03
Pattabiunderstood. but then how will the end user should know that the name was not updated.23:04
Pattabiany exception from a driver will result in automatic ERROR for objects --> i see this logic/code is already there in the plugin code23:06
bloganPattabi: thats why I think if there is something that your driver does not support, you shouldn't do any kind of rollback23:08
bloganthis is very similar to the flavor framework but not exactly because we're not talking about unsupported features23:09
bloganthough in a sense we kind of are23:09
bloganthis is definitely a gray area23:09
bloganSo I think if your driver raises an exception, with a user friendly message, we can pass that on to the response in the API23:10
dougwigright, but how to stay ACTIVE?23:10
bloganand if we ever do support rollbacks then we can have a RollBackException type or something23:11
bloganso that the plugin can determine to keep in ACTIVE23:11
Pattabiany reason why status_descrption field is not supported for v2 ?23:11
bloganno one really wanted it23:12
Pattabiwas thinking, having  the user friendly message from driver int hat field and setting the status to FAILED will still be okay23:12
bloganit wasn't being used, though i could see the use case here23:12
Pattabii actually used that field for v1 to reflect the driver exceptions / messages to the end user23:13
bloganwell since this will be a synchronous call right now, returning it in the response body will give a message at least, it wont persist though23:13
bloganwe can put it back in for sure, we probably should have just kept it23:13
bloganhowever, I think it'd still be good if the driver didn't need to touch the database at all and just communicated to the plugin with exceptions23:14
bloganand the plugin would then set the status description based on the exception23:14
dougwigblogan: yes, but we're not there yet, and no way can we bailing wire our way to that by juno.23:14
blogandougwig: oh i know just thinking ahead23:14
blogandoesn't mean Pattabi can't start throwing those exceptions in his driver now23:15
bloganthough they will need to be standardized for all drivers23:15
Pattabiright now my driver does not throw any exception back to plugin .. instead i catch all exceptions and update the db status to ERROR .. i guess it is not needed23:15
bloganPattabi: with the update I'm about to push, yeah it won't be needed, and exception just being raised will be good23:16
blogansorry to change the requirements/interface in midstream here23:16
Pattabidriver code any way needs to set the status to ACTIVE if successful is nt it ?23:17
blogani think this is just much cleaner and keeps the drivers to only having to worry about what the drivers know best23:17
blogannope, the plugin will take care of that23:17
Pattabiwill this also be taken care at the plugin layer as part of _call_driver_operation method ?23:17
dougwigthe change he's making now is because the addition of a DEFERRED state made driver logic overly complicated.  which was in turn added because we're allow non-root objects to pretend to be root objects.23:17
bloganPattai: correct23:17
bloganand really i think its the right way to go23:18
bloganthat way status management does not change based on what driver is being used23:18
Pattabiwould wait for your change blogan and understand better23:18
dougwig(which i said to blogan on day 1 of our meetup, and was shot down.  for the record.)  :)23:18
blogandougwig: you were shot down because of the agent case23:18
bloganbut yes in the end you are right because that agent case can be handled differently but almost in the same way23:19
dougwigdoesn't mean i wasn't right.  just temporarily wrong.23:19
* blogan bows down to dougwig, the omniscient23:19
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dougwigdon't rain on my parade with sarcasm.23:19
bloganwasn't really sarcastic, you are right23:20
dougwigand omniscient?23:20
blogantahts a compliment23:21
dougwigyour emote.23:21
* dougwig case of text based disconnect detected.23:21
dougwigthat didn't flow at all nicely.23:21
blogannow my brain has exploded23:22
* dougwig reboots.23:22
bloganPattabi: btw thank you for takign the time to look at this closely and asking good questions23:22
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Pattabiblogan: i reviewed and asking queations because i needed answers :-)23:24
Pattabithanks for your patience blogan .. i really want to have my code upstream in juno ... unfortunately i have to deal with other logistics23:24
bloganPattabi: well whatever lead you to these paths, you've definitely helped me find some good erros and some dumb errors, dumb on my part23:25
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bloganPattabi: yeah getting thigns into Juno is going to be very tough23:25
blogana lot of the things we want to get in are not going to make it in23:25
bloganwoudl be nice ot have another driver that supports v2 though23:26
Pattabiagreed. if the concern not making in juno is because of code reviews and availability of the resources, could one of you provide  a helping hand23:28
bloganPattabi: i can definitely look at it, but the main concern is that there is just so much code reviews and only so much time for the core reviewers23:29
dougwignone of us are cores, and it's core availability that's the bottleneck for juno.  otherwise, of course we would.23:29
bloganand I can only give you a +123:29
blogandougwig: I'm going to leave the status mixin's in the base driver for now, but think I should remove the delete mixin23:31
bloganor just leave it for now23:31
Pattabithanks <blogan> and <dougwig> .. will continue my integration and code reviews ...if it does not happen in juno at least i will try for kilo23:31
bloganPattabi: i bet you'll get it in Kilo23:31
Pattabiif i need to upload my code for review how do i specify the dependencies in gerrit ?23:32
blogangit review -d {gerrit change #}23:32
bloganthat'll essentially pull down the dependent gerrit code, and then you make your changes in a commit on top of that23:33
bloganbut please be careful when you do a git review23:33
dougwiggit review -d 10561023:34
bloganPattabi: read this thread on the ML23:35
bloganthats why I ask to be careful on the git review part23:36
Pattabiblogan: tomorrow, i will sned you the link for the brocade driver code23:36
bloganPattabi: ok that'll be good23:36
Pattabiin the mean time, i will prepare for the git review also for everyone to look at my code23:36
bloganby git review i mean the actual "git review" command, as it will push yoru code up into gerrit, and if done incorrectly will cascade into change all the dependencies' code as well23:37
Pattabiwill see you tomorrow in the meeting .. got to go23:38
blogansee ya23:38
blogandougwig: btw i have to make a new PS to the extension review anyway, I need to get changes from master in all the reviews23:39
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xgerman_sbalukoff I am wondering if there is a flavor framework talk and/or if we need to propose one23:56
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