Thursday, 2014-10-30

cyeoh#startmeeting api wg00:00
openstackMeeting started Thu Oct 30 00:00:35 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is cyeoh. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.00:00
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cyeohHi is anyone here for the API Workgroup meeting?00:00
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eliqiaohi gm cyeoh.00:01
miguelgrinbergyes, hi00:01
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cyeohcool - ok wasn't sure who would be able to attend given summit is next week.00:02
cyeohI don't think I've ever met anyone here in person before so maybe we could start with some intros?00:02
cyeoheg. why you're intested in the API WG (user of API, operator, developer) and what you'd like to contribute.00:03
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stevemarcyeoh, i'm late!00:03
cyeohI'm happy to start off - I work on the Nova API and I'd like to see a lot more consistency both within the Nova API and across the openstack APIs00:03
cyeohstevemar: hi :-) Just started going around doing some intros00:04
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elmikohi, michael mccune here, i'm a developer with red hat and i've been working on the sahara project for the last 7 months or so. recently i've been doing some research into implementing a swagger/wadl generator for our project.00:04
ycombinatorhi, this is shaunak kashyap. I'm a developer advocate at rackspace00:05
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miguelgrinbergI'm Miguel Grinberg. I'm a dev with Rackspace. Interested in REST APIs, have been working with Heat and also would like more uniform and more RESTful APIs all around.00:05
eliqiaohi, Eli Qiao , work for nova-api , and join openstack from Juno, a fresh man :)00:06
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stevemari mostly work with keystone, and just looking for make things a bit more consistent across the APIs :)00:06
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alex_xuhi, I'm Alex Xu, work on nova API00:06
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cyeohcool - I think that's everyone?00:07
sigmavirus24I'm Ian. I'm working on openstack sdk right now as I ease into OpenStack00:07
cyeohok. I don't really have an agenda, so I'm going to wing it a bit00:08
cyeoh#topic reviews00:09
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elmikosounds good =)00:09
cyeohwe have a few in the queue atm00:09
cyeohonly one has a -1/-2 at the moment:00:09
cyeohIt's the use of 207 multistatus as a response00:10
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cyeohBackground is that its actually a webdav response originally which we normally avoid, but from what I've seen is more widely used than webdav these days for calls that require multiple status returns00:11
cyeohWe currently use it in Nova for registering for external events and had planned on using it for multiple server creation where some can succeed and some can fail00:11
cyeohBut given it was originally a webdav response there has been some opposition to standardising on it.00:12
cyeohDoes anyone have any opinions on this?00:12
cyeohany suggestions for better alternatives?00:12
sigmavirus24So I've been looking for examples of other popular APIs that return a 207 and I can't find any that return a 20700:12
sigmavirus24Granted, none of them also allow for batch operations either, so I don't think my search is in anyway conclusive00:13
elmikois 207 specifically used when there is partial completion of the operation?00:13
cyeohsigmavirus24: ok I can go back and have another search again (we first looked at it for nova a couple of years ago and we found a few, but they weren't the big APIs)00:14
miguelgrinbergwhich is the endpoint that returns 207? Can't find it00:14
cyeohelmiko: we only use it when there is at least one failure00:14
cyeohmiguelgrinberg: I'll just go look for the nova ref00:14
elmikocyeoh: i haven't read this rfc associated(4918), i'm curious what it has to say00:15
elmikobecause it seems "multi-status" would be appropriate00:16
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elmikois it _only_ supposed to be used for webdav?00:16
cyeohelmiko: its in the webdav rfc00:16
annegentlebetter late than never I always say o/00:16
sigmavirus24elmiko: it's a status code defined for webdav which is an extension of http00:16
cyeohannegentle: hi ;-)00:16
elmikogot it00:16
sigmavirus24as such it should really only be used then but that doesn't prevent people from doing something else00:17
cyeohelmiko: I haven't however managed to find an alternative00:17
elmikoright, and this does seem like a situation where a binary pass/fail might not be specific enough00:17
sigmavirus24technically teh rfcs allow us to return 227 with a custom reason if we want, but that's still going to be wildly unexpected to anyone who is more familiar with other apis00:17
elmikosigmavirus24: agreed00:17
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cyeohso unless someone points out something better, I think Nova is continue its use of 207 and will use it for server creation as well. I don't know if other projects have a similar need for multi-status?00:19
elmikocyeoh: man... really starting with a tough cookie ;)00:19
cyeohheh :-)00:19
elmikoi imagine sahara will have need to multi-status00:19
elmikowe don't use it now, but it seems like something we could use00:20
cyeohok. does anyone here really hate the thought of using 207 across openstack?00:21
sigmavirus24would sahara survive without it?00:21
elmikoi meant that to sigmavirus24's question00:21
annegentlewhat does multi-status mean with batch operations?00:21
cyeohannegentle: for async type calls?00:22
cyeohso we haven't used it in Nova for aync type calls, but server creation is an example of this.00:22
elmikocyeoh: i'm curious why not 206, if only part of the operation succeeded it could be returned.00:22
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cyeohannegentle: because we do some prechecking in server create we can know for sure that some will fail, though we don't know what will succeed in the end (we plan to use tasks for this)00:23
sigmavirus24elmiko: that's typically when the server is delivering a file but doesn't want to transmit it all at once. the client is expected to use teh range headers to request the other parts of the file00:23
ycombinatorquestion re: using 207 - does that mean the response will /have/ to be XML?00:23
sigmavirus24elmiko: doesn't mean we *couldn't* apprioriate it, just that it seems odd00:23
annegentleso you get a 207 until all operations are complete? (I can also ask these on the review, not here)00:24
cyeohycombinator: no we don't support xml at all00:24
elmikosigmavirus24: yea, a little round hole/square peg, but i imagine if you requested X servers be created and the response was only X-2 were actually created, that's a little similar to a count00:24
sigmavirus24elmiko: yeah00:24
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cyeohelmiko, sigmavirus24: we kind of could, but we still want to be able return an error code for the failures (they may differ for each failure case)00:25
miguelgrinbergI apologize in advance if this doesn't make sense, but if you are sending a request that includes a list of operations in the body, shouldn't the status of said operations be reported in the body of the response, with the response being a 200, regardless of teh status of the individual operations?00:25
sigmavirus24If openstack as a whole *really* needs this, I would rather see it be 207 frankly. But if we're going to standardize it off of one project's behaviour (that is already a little odd) I don't know if we should be concerned with it so early00:25
cyeohannegentle: so if some fail/succeed straight away you get a 207. If its an async case and none have failed you get a 202 accept00:26
elmikocyeoh: i feel like we're kinda bumping against the idea from the mailing list of operation status objects. like if you knew some entities failed, why not query those entity's statuses for increased info, if you care to see it.00:27
cyeohsigmavirus24: so if only Nova is doing this I'm ok with it not being standardised, but as soon as another project wants to do a multi-status-type thing then I think we should do it all the same00:27
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annegentleok thanks cyeoh... I'm looking for other apis needing this now...00:28
sigmavirus24cyeoh: yeah that's kind of what I'm thinking. That said, I agree with miguelgrinberg. I'm not sure I understand the need for a separate status code in this case00:28
miguelgrinbergthe status code of the response applies to the operation as a whole, not the individual sub-operations00:29
cyeohwell a 207 is a success code right?00:29
stevemari guess it means at least 1 operation was successful?00:29
cyeohnot that we should really return a 200 in the server create case because its async00:29
sigmavirus24a 200 response with an array of successes and an array of failures is good too00:30
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cyeohsigmavirus24: yep, though thats essentially doing a 207 type content, just returning 200 instead isn't it?00:30
elmikocyeoh: i would think you will check the return object anyways, so why not 200?00:31
cyeohso the way we've used it so far (only one case) is we return 200 if everything succeeds00:31
cyeohso you don't need to check any further00:31
cyeohif we have at least one failure then we return 207.00:32
etoewsno please00:32
cyeohwith details about the individual fail/succeeds00:32
etoewsdon't return different success codes based on some logic00:32
ycombinatorI think the response code should be same regardless of # of failures00:32
miguelgrinbergcan you return a more expected 4xx if at least one operation failed?00:33
etoewssame return code with same body interpreted the same way every time.00:33
elmikohave to say, i'm seeing the 200 side of this as being a little clearer00:33
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annegentlethere's a progress attribute returned now, right?00:33
cyeohannegentle: nope, we don't have tasks yet00:33
annegentlecyeoh: ah.00:34
cyeohand before we have tasks we need to implement microversions....00:34
etoewscyeoh: are you aware of any examples of a 207 being used in the wild?00:34
cyeoh(unfortunate long chain of dependencies)00:34
cyeohetoews: in openstack or outside of openstack?00:34
cyeohetoews: so in openstack we use it for os-external-server-events00:35
annegentlecyeoh: there's a progress: 0-100% returned in v2.0 now00:35
cyeohannegentle: is that the instance actions thing?00:36
annegentleI see it in GET servers/detail00:36
annegentlecyeoh: maybe it never goes up from 0? :)00:36
ycombinatorquestion: what does an "all operations successful/in-progress" response body look like? is that documented somewhere? maybe that will help steer toward a certain status code00:37
cyeohetoews: for outside I don't have any references handy but did at the time a couple of years ago (I can come back later with some probably)00:37
cyeohannegentle: i suspect it might not00:37
cyeohannegentle: instance actions was sort of an interim progress thing before someone came up with the tasks proposal00:38
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etoewscyeoh: k. it would just be interesting to see some other examples. (if you can't find any i wouldn't consider that a blocker though)00:39
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cyeohetoews: ok there were a few at the time - basically I was looking for a way to do multi-status and didn't want to invent something. anyway I'll get back to the group00:40
etoewsycombinator: is this sort of what you were looking for?
cyeohycombinator: there might be some in the nova api samples for server-external-events00:40
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ycombinatoryeah, thanks00:41
cyeohok well I didn't intend for this topic to suck up so much time, maybe we should shelve it for a bit (I can come back with more info)00:41
sigmavirus24cyeoh: sounds like a good idea. Maybe put it on the agenda for next week or the week after00:41
elmikosigmavirus24: +100:42
cyeohsigmavirus24: ok, will do. I'm assuming no irc meeting next week because of summit00:42
cyeohI think this one should be a lot less controversial:00:42
annegentlecyeoh: one question, have we determined the voting for "merge"00:43
cyeohjust advertising it because its a proposal for the process of how we vote on changes etc.00:43
sigmavirus24cyeoh: I hope it's less controversial, for the meeting's sake ;)00:43
* annegentle reads more00:44
cyeohheh. so I'm fine with the fairly short notice for changes to guidelines while we're still bootstrapping.00:44
stevemarhopefully it is :)00:44
annegentleyeah I think it's okay, but commenting in the review itself00:45
elmikocyeoh: looks solid to me, i might make the time a little longer for #3 bit i agree about the bootstrapping period.00:45
cyeohwhat is not yet defined is who can vote when it comes to contentious issues00:46
annegentlecyeoh: you might consider exceptions around known busy times like milestones00:46
stevemarcyeoh, PTLs seems like a good idea00:46
cyeohannegentle: oh good point - milestones and summit when people just get really busy00:46
annegentleI definitely think we need +1 from any affected PTL for the process.00:47
cyeohannegentle: so for contentious issues or all of them?00:47
sigmavirus24annegentle: do we want to require PTL participation or should there be a cross project person that the project/ptl chooses?00:47
cyeohsigmavirus24: I think we assume the PTL can delegate?00:47
annegentleSo who gets to count as one of the four +1s? That's way too small a number in my mind.00:48
annegentleI think we have to get PTL involvement, and with the cross-project and integration emphasis coming, it can just be the 2 affected PTLs.00:48
cyeohannegentle: at the moment anyone because we're trying to get some momentum. Maybe we need a PTL rep vote before the 1.0 release?00:48
annegentleso it might vary00:48
annegentleand I do think PTLs can designate a voter00:49
annegentlethis will all have to be encoded in the infra anyway so might as well say what we want/think will work.00:49
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annegentlethere are now 20 REST API definitions for integrated/incubated00:49
annegentleI think we'll need 10-12 +1s00:50
stevemarannegentle, whered you find that so quickly :)00:50
cyeohannegentle: do we need that many at this stage though?00:50
annegentlestevemar: I live/breath/eat this stuff :)00:50
sigmavirus24annegentle: this early in the life of the working group though?00:50
cyeohannegentle: I suspect we're not going to have that much interest from projects until we have something substantial?00:50
annegentlecyeoh: are you following much of the "layers" discussion?00:51
sigmavirus24I could see growing towards that, but not right now00:51
annegentlecyeoh: we need to build interest00:51
etoewsya. i'm concerned about making this too process heavy too early too and killing momentum.00:51
annegentleetoews: not too heavy, just need votes and interest00:51
cyeohannegentle: re: layers, only a bit (read a few blog posts)00:51
annegentleetoews: it's a balancing act - if guidances merges unexpectedly and people get grumpy they weren't "asked" they're less likely to comply00:52
cyeohannegentle: so we'll be clearly marked as draft for now00:52
annegentleetoews: so we need to give people votes and voices. I'm for more votes mo' bettah00:52
annegentlecyeoh: ah well that's one way to handle it, heh.00:52
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annegentlecyeoh: merge all you want then!00:53
cyeohannegentle: heh. well we can do a clear PTL delegated vote before moving out of draft00:53
annegentlestill think we'll need vested PTLs -- TC is definitely interested00:53
annegentlecyeoh: okay then that approach solves my concerns :)00:53
cyeohannegentle: and a reasonable long review time before draft goes to vote.00:53
annegentleit might go to the TC for the final, is that okay with us?00:54
cyeohannegentle: cool :-)00:54
etoewsannegentle: true enough. to me that that still seems like a lot of time from a lot of people.00:54
sigmavirus24cyeoh: yeah I think that's very fair. that's kind of how I was imagining this would go as we moved towards making this a standards thing00:54
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cyeohannegentle: I think that would be good to get the TC to formally review it00:54
sigmavirus24Most groups, like IETF working groups will through together a draft in private and then ask for comments. We're doing it in public but it's also very different00:54
annegentlewe'll still have to be careful about chunks... not overwhelming people in reviews nor drafts00:54
etoewsso what we're discussing here is all very "top down".00:55
annegentleI think we can move quickly as a small WG00:55
etoewswhat about (initially anyway) a more "bottom up" approach where we draft guidelines and use those guidelines in reviews.00:55
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etoewsalthough i certainly agree having the TC and PTLs aligned with us is great.00:56
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sigmavirus24etoews: for example, we come up with a draft and look for reviews that it might affect and offer feedback to see if we can influence the review?00:57
etoewssigmavirus24: exactly00:57
cyeohetoews: so I think even in draft people will start following them if they seem reasonable (and have some reasoning as to why)00:57
sigmavirus24a more, go forth and see if we can convince others that it's a better idea to do X than Y using the draft as X?00:57
annegentleetoews: that works until a PTL disagrees with you on a review, but it's a great approach for making the guidelines stick!00:58
ycombinatordon't want to go down a rabbit hole, but what incentive to projects have to follow these guidelines?00:58
sigmavirus24annegentle: and hopefully by that point, that draft hasn't been suggested for use and accepted in too many places because then it might need to be changed00:58
etoewsright. i'd just like to see us come at this both from the top down (TC and PTL) and bottom up (API WG members doing reviews).00:58
cyeohycombinator: so the inconsistencies I've mostly seen within Nova have been due to people not knowing and so making stuff up. I think we just start with guidance first00:59
annegentleetoews: definitely like "review guidance, pronto" then we also see where any areas lie that need more consensus building00:59
annegentlecyeoh: heh good point00:59
cyeohycombinator: if we need more stick then thats probably something the TC should be doing00:59
ycombinatorright, I'm thinking if there's a carrot instead01:00
cyeohycombinator: we print stickers :-)01:00
etoewsgetting +1's from API WG members on your reviews is a pretty good carrot.01:00
etoewsand stickers.01:01
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cyeohetoews: agreed ;-)01:01
cyeohanyway I think we're out of time.01:01
etoews1 more thing.01:01
cyeohmeet again in 2 weeks or is that too soon after summit?01:01
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etoewsthe APIImpact flag that didn't appear on the web page.01:01
annegentlethat'll help keep momentum01:01
elmikocyeoh: +1 for 2weeks01:02
cyeohetoews: yea I saw your comment I haven't had a chance to hunt that down yet. Odd since its been published once at least.01:02
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annegentlecyeoh: I think it didn't get built it's because it's not part of index.rst any more01:02
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annegentletoo many it's01:02
etoewsit's okay01:03
cyeohannegentle: ok I'll try submitting a patch which adds the templates back in01:03
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annegentlecyeoh: ok01:03
annegentlethanks cyeoh for running this meeting!01:03
elmikoyea, thanks!01:03
ycombinatoryes, thanks!01:03
etoewsanyway. i'd like to send the idea of APIImapct out to openstack-dev when it gets published to encourage other programs to do the same.01:03
etoewsthanks for everything cyeoh!01:03
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cyeohthanks everyone for attending!01:04
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carl_baldwinhi all14:58
carl_baldwinWe’ll try to have a quick meeting this morning.  I’ve got to get on the road this morning.14:59
carl_baldwinStarting my travel today to the summit.14:59
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carl_baldwinyamamoto_: ChuckC: yamahata: hi15:00
carl_baldwin#startmeeting neutron_l315:00
openstackMeeting started Thu Oct 30 15:00:39 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is carl_baldwin. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'neutron_l3'15:00
carl_baldwinSummit is next week!15:01
carl_baldwinWe will not be having this meeting next week.  Hopefully, many of us can meet face to face at summit.15:01
carl_baldwinAny other announcements?15:02
carl_baldwin#topic Bugs15:02
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carl_baldwinI don’t see any new l3-ipam-dhcp bugs.15:02
carl_baldwinDoes anyone have any bugs to bring up?15:03
carl_baldwin#topic Agenda15:03
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carl_baldwinI’m short on time today.  So, what agenda items do we need to hit today?15:04
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carl_baldwinOne topic I’d like to hit is what we would like to discuss face-to-face in Paris.15:04
yamahataI'd like to suggest the topic of 3 agent/plug in refactoring and l3 routervm plugin.15:05
carl_baldwindevvesa mention BGP on the mailing list.  I don’t see him around today so we’ll take that discussion to the ML.15:05
matrohonA dedicated pod to talk about BGP  has been planned on wednesday by jaume15:05
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carl_baldwinmatrohon: Thanks.  Do you happen to know the time?15:06
matrohoncarl_baldwin : not yep. can we already book a POD?15:06
carl_baldwinyamahata: I’d like some time to talk about the refactoring effort as well.  What do you think a good time may be?15:06
carl_baldwinmatrohon: I don’t think we can book PODs but we should discuss some potential times.15:07
yamahatamorning or lunch time. Or non neutron session time.15:07
yamahataI uploaded my specs.15:07
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carl_baldwinyamahata:  Thanks for the links.  I will download them for review as I travel.15:08
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carl_baldwinI encourage others to take a look as well.15:08
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mrsmithsounds good15:09
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matrohonplease put your name on etherpad to attend BGP POD :
carl_baldwinHere are a couple of summit links that I have found useful:15:10
* carl_baldwin just put his name on the etherpad15:10
carl_baldwinI see the proposed time too.15:11
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carl_baldwinI just created this.  Please help me propose times and locations and add your names….15:12
seizadiHi, We have session for pluggable IPAM also:
carl_baldwinseizadi: Thanks, you beat me to that one.15:13
carl_baldwinIPAM will have a design session that I will moderate.15:13
carl_baldwinI will be working on the etherpad for that today.  I have a lot of ideas.15:14
seizadiGreat it is on Thu so may be we can meet before and discuss15:14
matrohonconcerning l3 agent refactoring, I see some overlaps with modular l2 agent -> is  it a target to have one modular agent for all?15:15
carl_baldwinseizadi: That would be good.15:15
seizadiThis week we will submit a patch with the proposed code as you asked.15:15
carl_baldwinmatrohon: I don’t think that has been a stated goal.15:15
carl_baldwinmatrohon: However, finding common functionality and abstracting that in to common software should be considered.15:16
matrohoncarl_baldwin : make sense15:16
carl_baldwinSome common functions that have been suggested are state management and synchronization, namespace management, and others that I can’t remember at the moment.15:17
mrsmithcarl_baldwin - how will all the work get split up?15:18
carl_baldwinmrsmith: Something that I would like very much to discuss face to face.15:18
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carl_baldwinmrsmith: I kind of think that a few things need to be done before things can be split up very effectively.15:19
mrsmithjust keep me on the list of devs willing to jump in and help15:20
carl_baldwinmrsmith: We *really* need functional testing as discussed in the DVR meeting yesterday.15:20
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carl_baldwinAny kind of substantial refactoring will be held up if the functionality is not covered with functional tests.15:21
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carl_baldwinmrsmith: Do you have any thoughts on how to get a good start on the testing?15:21
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mrsmithwe have someone on our test who has started15:23
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mrsmithI can check with him to see where he is at15:23
mrsmithand what else needs to be done15:23
mrsmithI am currently working on a couple backlog patches however15:23
carl_baldwinmrsmith: Great to hear.  I’d like to include marun and amuller in the process early.  Otherwise, I think we’ll be surprised by their feedback in reviews.15:23
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mrsmithregardless, it is a good reminder that focus needs to be on func testing15:24
marun+1 :)15:24
matrohonFYI : multi-node tempest test should be writable soon :
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carl_baldwinI’ve got about 5 minutes before I need to get on the road.  I will have email most of the time but will not be on IRC.15:26
carl_baldwinAny other topics to discuss?15:26
yamamoto_nothing from me15:27
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carl_baldwinI look forward to seeing many of you in Paris.15:27
carl_baldwinThanks everyone.15:28
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openstackMeeting ended Thu Oct 30 15:28:28 2014 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:28
openstackMinutes (text):
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jschwarzno l3 meeting?16:03
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devvesacarl does not seem to be connected. not even in neutron channel16:11
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SumitNaiksatamrkukura: s3wong hemanthravi LouisF rms_13: hi18:00
SumitNaiksatamlets get started18:01
SumitNaiksatam#startmeeting networking_policy18:01
openstackMeeting started Thu Oct 30 18:01:30 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is SumitNaiksatam. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.18:01
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'networking_policy'18:01
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LouisFSumitNaiksatam: hi18:02
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SumitNaiksatamany breaking news anyone would like to share? ;-)18:02
* SumitNaiksatam feeling happy about the giants victory!18:03
LouisFbumgarner for prez18:03
SumitNaiksatamLouisF: lol!18:03
SumitNaiksatamok moving to the agenda then18:03
SumitNaiksatam#topics Specs in review18:04
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SumitNaiksatamover the past couple of days we merged the pending spec related to network service policy (NSP)18:04
rms_13SumitNaiksatam: hi18:04
SumitNaiksatamand the vendor driver specs18:04
SumitNaiksatamfyi - #link
* glebo dodgers fan, but still feeling happy for rest of NorCal about Giants big win. Soooo fun to watch that last night.18:05
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glebo(bum's the one!)18:06
SumitNaiksatamwe will review and merge the other specs either during the next week or when we come back from Paris18:07
SumitNaiksatamalso these will serve as topics for the design summit session discussion18:07
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SumitNaiksatamthese are the currently pending spec reviews #link #link,n,z18:08
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SumitNaiksatam#topic Patches in review18:09
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SumitNaiksatamwe had a focussed review meeting on Tuesday to zone in on the service redirect/chain related patches18:10
SumitNaiksatamif you missed this IRC meeting, the logs are here: #link
SumitNaiksatambased on the discussion and presumably better understanding of these patches, we have reviewed and started merging some of them18:11
SumitNaiksatamsome of the service chain model and redirect patches have been merged18:12
SumitNaiksatama few of them are still in review and close to merging18:12
SumitNaiksatamthe remaining patches also includes the patch on Network Service Policy resource that we added to the GBP model18:13
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SumitNaiksatamivar-lazzaro: i responded to your comment on the above patch yesterday18:13
SumitNaiksatamivar-lazzaro: are you still -1 on this?18:14
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ivar-lazzaroSumitNaiksatam: ok I totally misunderstood the intention of that value parameter18:15
ivar-lazzaroSumitNaiksatam: removing -118:15
SumitNaiksatamivar-lazzaro: okay, np18:15
SumitNaiksatamis magesh here?18:15
SumitNaiksatamhemanthravi: how are we doing on: #link
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hemanthraviSumitNaiksatam, working on resolving the patch conflicts and address the comments18:18
SumitNaiksatamhemanthravi: okay great18:18
SumitNaiksatamhemanthravi: any ETA? ;-P18:18
hemanthraviSumitNaiksatam, magesh addressed most of the comments, expecting to be done in 1-2 hrs18:18
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SumitNaiksatamhemanthravi: sweet18:19
SumitNaiksatamokay that leaves us with the vendor patches18:20
SumitNaiksatamboth sets of patches are failing UTs18:20
SumitNaiksatamivar-lazzaro: #link
hemanthraviSumitNaiksatam, will fix the UTs for NVSD once the rebase is done18:20
SumitNaiksatamhemanthravi: ok thanks18:21
ivar-lazzaroSumitNaiksatam: investigating on this18:21
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SumitNaiksatamivar-lazzaro: okay18:21
SumitNaiksatam#topic Paris summit next week18:21
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SumitNaiksatamwe are collecting topics for the design session here:18:22
SumitNaiksatamplease add your input18:22
SumitNaiksatama lot of it will be driven by what we reviewed in the patches in the past couple of weeks18:22
SumitNaiksatami think that has generated a lot of open items (mostly being documented as bugs now)18:23
SumitNaiksatambtw the design summit session is here: #link
SumitNaiksatamplease add to your schedule18:24
SumitNaiksatami know glebo can’t make it, hope everyone else is busy packing their bags and getting ready to go! ;-)18:24
LouisFSumitNaiksatam: i will not be there but Cathy and Nicolas Bouthors will be18:25
SumitNaiksatamalso the GBP conference session is on monday, #link
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SumitNaiksatamLouisF: oh bummer!18:25
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SumitNaiksatamLouisF: yeah, cathy mentioned she was going18:25
* glebo sorry. Immovable personal event. Will b there next time.18:26
SumitNaiksatamLouisF: can you channelize your input on the etherpad?18:26
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LouisFSumitNaiksatam: yes18:26
SumitNaiksatamglebo: yeah, i understand!18:26
SumitNaiksatamanything else we need to discuss in the context of the next week?18:27
SumitNaiksatam#topic Open Discussion18:27
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SumitNaiksatamrkukura: anything you wanted to share on the packaging front?18:27
rkukuramaking some progress18:28
SumitNaiksatamrkukura: sweet!18:28
rkukuraDon’t see any obstacles - just need time to work on it.18:28
SumitNaiksatamrkukura: perhaps we can have a separate agenda item on this in the future18:28
gleboI will be in attendance remotely, and Yi Sun and Gary Duan from our team will be in attendance physically (mentally, no promises ;-)18:28
SumitNaiksatamrkukura: ok good to know18:28
rkukuraI’ve had to focus on ML2 and other neutron stuff lately.18:28
SumitNaiksatamglebo: sure18:28
SumitNaiksatamrkukura: ok18:28
SumitNaiksatamrkukura: i have a few doubts about the client packaging since the client does not have a stable/juno branch18:29
rkukuraSumitNaiksatam: agenda item makes sense, particularly if we start packaging for multiple distros and various people are involved.18:29
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SumitNaiksatamrkukura: currently what we have tested is an in between version18:29
SumitNaiksatamrkukura: true18:29
rkukuraSumitNaiksatam: Agreed lack of stable client complicates things a bit18:30
SumitNaiksatamrkukura: anyway, we can take that offline and/or discuss f2f18:30
rkukuraWe may need branches to track the versions that vendors use18:30
SumitNaiksatamrkukura: that would be great18:30
SumitNaiksatamrkukura: accept i havent figured out how to administer branches in a stackforge project18:31
SumitNaiksatamrkukura: you have any leads on this?18:31
rkukuraNo, haven’t looked18:31
SumitNaiksatamwe also need to add a “jnuo-gbp-x” label18:31
glebotimes shown on agenda are paris local time, correct?18:31
SumitNaiksatamglebo: they are paris local times18:32
rkukuraright, and it would be nice for our labled versions to get “official” tarballs that the packages would use.18:32
gleboSumitNaiksatam: thx18:32
SumitNaiksatamrkukura: exactly18:32
SumitNaiksatamoh btw, in the review section we missed that we have client and heat patches in review as well18:33
rkukuraSumitNaiksatam: question regarding the packaging18:33
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SumitNaiksatamclient patches #link,n,z18:34
SumitNaiksatamrkukura: go ahead18:34
SumitNaiksatamheat pacthes: #link,n,z18:34
rkukuraI’ll need to know which sets of in-review patches to include in each project so that everything has a chance to work together properly.18:34
SumitNaiksatamhorizon patches: #link,n,z18:34
SumitNaiksatamrkukura: absolutely18:35
SumitNaiksatamrkukura: i would tend to think we would have everything merged what we need to package18:35
SumitNaiksatamrkukura: latest by when do you need to know this?18:35
rkukuraNot really sure when I’ll get to the other projects, but would be helpful to know which server-side patches to include.18:36
rkukuraWould be helpful to know that now or tomorrow.18:36
SumitNaiksatamrkukura: i think i will be able to let you know by EOD18:37
SumitNaiksatamrkukura: latest by tomorrow morning18:37
rkukuraOK, thanks18:37
SumitNaiksatamrkukura: our original deadline was today morning18:37
SumitNaiksatamrkukura: but all schedules are meant to slip :-(18:37
rkukurawe’re a bit behind, but I’d like to have something at least ready to test before the summit18:37
SumitNaiksatamrkukura: yes, i will let you know at the earliest18:38
rkukuraok - It won’t block my work yet18:38
SumitNaiksatamrkukura: ok good to know18:38
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rkukuraIs the stuff already merged sufficient for first cut?18:39
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SumitNaiksatamrkukura: not yet18:39
rkukuraOn the server?18:39
SumitNaiksatamrkukura: the service chain model in kind of in a transient state18:39
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SumitNaiksatamin -> is18:39
ivar-lazzarorkukura SumitNaiksatam: I would say let's try to pull in the vendor drivers as well18:40
SumitNaiksatamivar-lazzaro: yes we will, as long as they are ready by EOD :-)18:40
SumitNaiksatamivar-lazzaro: we acually by evening today18:40
SumitNaiksatamwe -> well18:40
SumitNaiksatamrkukura: i wanted to avoid this last minute rush for you18:40
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SumitNaiksatamrkukura: hence we were trying to speed this up, unfortunately we are where we are18:41
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SumitNaiksatameverybody has worked pretty hard on this!18:41
rkukuraI just want to get server package building and working, then can update it.18:41
SumitNaiksatamrkukura: sure, in that case you can give it a shot18:41
SumitNaiksatamokay, anything else we want to discuss today?18:42
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SumitNaiksatamalrighty, thanks folks for joining18:42
SumitNaiksatamby next week you should be able to pull a devstack and see all of this running18:43
SumitNaiksatam(in fact its mostly functional today as well)18:43
SumitNaiksatamsee you all in Paris (or at least most of you)18:43
SumitNaiksatambye till then!18:43
rkukuraOur “yum install openstack-gbp-neutron” or something like that!18:43
ivar-lazzaroAu revoir18:43
SumitNaiksatamrkukura: sure18:44
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openstackMeeting ended Thu Oct 30 18:44:13 2014 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)18:44
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bouthorsLouisF: Hi19:08
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bouthorsNo GBP meeting today?19:10
SumitNaiksatambouthors: we had the meeting19:15
SumitNaiksatambouthors: i think you missed the time by an hour :-(19:15
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bouthorsSumitNaiksatam: Thanks, True we moved to winter time in France, Forgot to adjust19:20
bouthorsSumitNaiksatam: See you in Paris next week.19:20
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SumitNaiksatambouthors: ah19:22
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