Wednesday, 2015-12-09

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anil_rao#startmeeting taas06:30
openstackMeeting started Wed Dec  9 06:30:13 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is anil_rao. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.06:30
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reedipShall we start?06:31
anil_raoWe can start with the Agenda item for today's meeting06:32
soichiwe found ovs agent deletes taas flows when it is restarted.06:32
soichiit is caused by the cleanup logic which was introduced at Liberty.06:34
soichi$B!H(Bgraceful ovs-agent restart$B!I(Blink:
anil_raoThe problem is that ovs agent does not know about our (TaaS) existance06:34
soichii think so too06:35
anil_raoWe had discussed during the Tokyo summit to find a way to make OVS agent and perhaps other agents know about our resource requirements (OVS tables, vlan idsm, tunnel ids)06:35
anil_raoI am not sure what is the best way to go about doing this. Any idea?06:36
yamamotobe a part of ovs-agent (as an extension driver) so that we can use the same cookie?06:38
soichiit can be one of the idea, i think06:39
yamamotosoichi's idea to have a reserved cookie sounds reasonable for a short term.06:39
soichimy idea is:06:39
soichi1. taas agent side: set $B!H(Btaas$B!I(B stamp (static string) in taas flows06:39
soichi2. ovs agent side: modify the cleanup logic not to drop flows stamped as $B!H(Btaas$B!I(B06:40
anil_raoThis sounds reasonable.06:40
anil_raoWe also need to ensure that the tunnel ids and vlan ids used by taas are not used by anyone else06:41
yamamotosoichi: you are using some escape sequences.  maybe iso2022-jp?06:42
soichiexcuse me06:43
reedipyeah, something is not right06:45
reedipsoichi : this is what we are getting06:45
yamamotosoichi: are you going to submit ovs-agent patch?06:45
reedipsoichi :  2. ovs agent side: modify the cleanup logic not to drop flows stamped as $B!H(Btaas$B!I(B06:45
soichi1. taas agent side: set "taas" stamp (static string) in taas flows06:46
soichi2. ovs agent side: modify the cleanup logic not to drop flows stamped as "taas"06:46
yamamotoi guess it doesn't need to be taas specific but the idea is fine.06:47
kazI'm planning to submit a patch.06:47
anil_raoThe tables used by TaaS in br-tun are currently documented in a TaaS consts file. Do you think we need to advertise this in a more global fashion?06:47
yamamotosoichi: kaz: add me to the list of reviewers when submitting it06:48
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yamamotoanil_rao: it needs some coordination among wider audience, yes.  maybe start from having a comment in ovs constants module?06:49
soichianil_rao: i agree to advertise06:49
anil_raoWe also need to ensure that the priority of the TaaS flows in br-int is co-ordinated with other projects, so that proper ordering among flows is maintained.06:50
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anil_raoyamamoto: soichi: kaz: Do you guys have a good sense of how other projects are co-ordinating their flows in br-int for example?06:53
yamamoto~no idea off hand.06:54
soichicurrently, i don't know how other projects are coordinating06:54
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kazi have no idea.06:55
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anil_raoFor example, the flows related to anti-arp spoofing broke TaaS back in April. Our temporary workaround was to essentially raise our priority such that anti-arp spoofing is effectively disabled.06:56
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anil_raoLet's move to the next topic in the agenda06:58
yamamotomy guess is other project is in similar positon.  fix when broke.06:58
soichiexcuse me,06:58
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soichii$B!G(Bm not sure, but this issue should be registered as a bug?06:59
anil_raoI think Service Chaining will most likely disrupt us06:59
soichii' m not sure, but this issue should be registered as a bug?06:59
yamamotowhich issue?06:59
soichiovs agent deletes taas flows07:00
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yamamotoyes.  at least as a taas bug.07:00
anil_raosoichi: The thing is that ovs agent is unaware of TaaS at the moment.07:00
soichianil_rao: i see07:01
soichiplease move to the next topic.07:02
anil_rao#topic gate-tempest-dsvm-tap-as-a-service is now voting07:02
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yamamotoi added it07:02
yamamotoit's just an announcement07:02
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reedipOh great, so tempest based tests07:04
yamamotoyes, we currently have only a few api tests though.07:04
yamamotoyou can now start adding test cases.07:06
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reedipyamamoto: Yes, I will look into it... currently facing problems with the CLI though :(07:06
yamamotoreedip: what problems?07:07
anil_raoreedip: would you like to discuss them?07:07
reedipyamamoto: the problem is related to devstack plugin I guess07:07
reedipyamamoto: I was trying to link neutronclient to run the neutron-tap CLIs07:07
reedipyamamoto: but they were returning 40407:08
reedipyamamoto: then when I tried "taas" CLI, they returned the same thing07:08
reediptaas CLIs07:08
reedipFirst they -> neutron-tap CLIs; Second they -> taas CLI07:09
yamamotoi think it worked when i wrote it.  i'll take a look later.07:09
reedipseemed to me that the UROI end point was not working07:09
reedipyamamoto: , anil_rao: also I had another issue, but this is related to integration with Neutron07:09
reedipNeutronClient to be exact07:10
reedipFor Tap CLI integration with neutronclient, we are using the neutronclientextension07:10
reedipReference :
reedipAs per the code, it assumes that the resource ( in our case tap_service) should be at the end point in the URI , which is not as we translate the URI as /v2_0/taas/tap-service07:12
reedip* As per the NeutronClient Extension code*07:12
reedipOther neutron extensions like firewall ( firewall_rule, firewall_policy), Load Balancer( health_monitor)  etc have their URIs and resource name separated with '_'07:13
reediptaas has it with a '-'07:13
yamamotoprobably we should avoid '-'.07:14
anil_raoreedip: if the convention is underscore that we should adhere to it07:14
reedipI do not have much experience with the URI end point so not able to know why we have kept the translation as "tap-services" and not "tap_services"07:14
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reedipanil_rao, yamamoto: Just wanted to know how the URI is actually translated to tap-services. If you guys have any ideas, please let me know, or any reference where I can gain more understanding for this ?07:15
yamamotoreedip: what do you mean by "translated"?07:17
reedipyamamoto: How is Tap Service launches on /v2_0/taas/tap-services07:17
reediplauches-> launched07:17
reedipI know this is not a query for the meeting, should be taken offline. But this is something which  is blocking the current code07:18
yamamotoreedip: i got it.  let me look later.07:18
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anil_raoreedip: Did you modify the url string and remove 'taas' from it as discussed in last week's meeting07:20
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reedipanil_rao : The problem is that all the permutations are giving 40407:22
reedipso I am not sure if it is due to devstack plugin, or due to the resource-URI conflict07:22
reedipbut the neutronclient is able to deploy Tap Service CLI ( entry point is working , just need to send the proper Request body to the URI now)07:23
reedipanil_rao: BTW Sean Collins suggested we keep the URI as /v2_0/taas07:24
reedipfor proper demarcation07:24
reedipbetween extensions07:24
reedipAnd Fawas suggested the redeployment of the TaaS Spec07:25
yamamotoreedip: it seems qos uses hyphens (eg. rule-types) so hyphens should not be a problem.07:26
anil_raoYes, we will try to get the TaaS spec reactivated soon.07:26
reedipyamamoto : I am currently recreating the devstack environment. Will try to work on this , later this week07:26
anil_raoCan we use /v2_0/taas annd still be part of the Neutron Client?07:27
reedipanil_rao: Yes07:27
reedipthere is no problem with that07:27
anil_raoThat means that both the Neutron Client and the TaaS Client should work then.07:27
reedipyamamoto: Just a query, is qos using the clientcommandextension which TaaS is using (I guess not )07:27
reedipanil_rao: Yes ( and because both are failing, without any modification to the server code , so I am guessing the problem is somewhere in the URI itself)07:28
yamamotoreedip: qos is built in07:28
reedipyamamoto: I thought so, because then it is using the basic neutronclient architecture, which gives them the flexibility07:29
anil_raoreedip: Let me examine this and get back to you.07:29
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anil_raoWe are out of time.07:30
reedipyamamoto: to have resources with '_' and URI with '-', thanks to
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anil_raoLet's continue this via email or next week?07:31
reedipanil_rao : Sure ... glad to have this off my chest though :)07:31
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ifat_afek#startmeeting vitrage09:00
openstackMeeting started Wed Dec  9 09:00:27 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is ifat_afek. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.09:00
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ifat_afekHi everyone 09:00
alexey_weylHi :)09:00
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elisha_rhi all09:01
ahellerHola all09:01
ifat_afekToday’s agenda:09:02
ifat_afek* Current status and progress from last week09:02
ifat_afek* Review action items09:02
ifat_afek* Next steps09:02
ifat_afek* Open Discussion09:03
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ifat_afek#topic Current status and progress from last week09:05
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ifat_afek#action ifat_afek check Aodh integration workaround and update Ceilometer blueprints09:06
ifat_afekEyal wrote a blueprint for the integration with Monasca, and I asked Roland Hochmuth to review it09:07
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ifat_afekOhad and I attended PinPoint first IRC meeting09:07
ifat_afekThey updated their specification documents, and in their next meeting they plan to go over their use cases09:07
ifat_afekHere is the link, if you want to review their use cases:09:07
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ifat_afekLast thing: gerrit upgrade is planned for 16/12 from 17:00 UTC, so gerrit might be down for a few hours09:08
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Ohadwe pretty aligned with PinPoint use cases and we need to further deep dive into each use case in next meetings.09:09
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ifat_afekanyone wants to update?09:10
lhartalWe had a  meeting where we discussed on the next RCA use case09:10
lhartalAt the end of the meeting, it was decided that after we finish the entity graph initialization and expose the show topology API, we want to start working on the Vitrage Evaluator as infrastructure for the RCA and Deduced Alarms09:11
lhartalWe have not decided yet which use cases we will add next and we scheduled a meeting for next week09:11
alexey_weylDue to that meeting we also updated our architecture09:12
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nadav_yakarwe have contiued our research on how to implement multi-concurrency best on vitrage and its implications on its memory usage09:14
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nadav_yakarI have also written a basic FW for synchronizer plugin running, which gets a snapshot of all the VMs from a nova service, sends them to a queue,09:16
nadav_yakarand a sample for a client which reads from this queue09:16
ifat_afekgreat, thanks09:17
ifat_afekany other updates?09:17
elisha_rI've added a first-round of support for mock synchronizer data, which supports random events which are configurable with a config file09:18
elisha_rI plan on enhancing the features of this mock in the coming week09:18
ifat_afekcool. aheller?09:18
ahellerThe UI team had user experience session with Anna.09:19
alexey_weylThanks Elista! already using it :)09:19
ahellerWe sent her our feedback, and the process is still going on09:19
ahellerThat's all09:20
^Gal^looks awesome09:20
ifat_afekI also saw the UI, it looks great!!09:20
eyalbwho is Anna ?09:20
ifat_afek^Gal^, any updates on your side?09:20
emalin*aheller* big like !09:21
ahellereyalb: Anna - our special UX person09:21
^Gal^There hasn't been a commit yet to the Alarms Blueprint on Horizon09:21
^Gal^I have some minor UI comments for that spec09:22
^Gal^I mean the Horizon Alarm spec09:22
^Gal^but overall it looks great09:22
ifat_afekdid you send the comments to the guy who implements it?09:23
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^Gal^Haven't yet, I beleive it will be developed in the future due to it complexty09:23
^Gal^I know you have your remarks regarding the implementation09:24
^Gal^thought maybe will write it together09:24
^Gal^let's meet and talk09:24
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^Gal^we could have it all written in one document IMO09:25
ifat_afekmy remarks are not UX. The blueprint defines two tabs: alarms management and alarms history. The history is more or less ok, but the management does not match our needs.09:25
^Gal^yeah, agree09:26
ifat_afekI'm not sure if we should comment on the alarm management, as it matches the current aodh interface. and we are going to workaournd this interface...09:26
^Gal^sounds good09:26
ifat_afekso we might use only the alarms history, or maybe write our own list-alarms UI09:26
ifat_afekwe still need to discuss it...09:26
^Gal^yep let's do09:26
ifat_afek#decide how to implement list alarms UI09:26
ifat_afekI meant:09:27
ifat_afek  #action decide how to implement list alarms UI09:27
ifat_afeklet's move on09:27
ayahhopefully on wednesday we  will have an approvement for our project request for puppet-vitrage09:27
ayahthan we can start to work on the puppet installation09:27
eyalb*ayah* cool09:27
idan_hefetzThe graph CRUD for NetworkX is already in, currently working on vertex/edge filtering and testing.09:28
idan_hefetznext step is to add the BFS/DFS and sub graph matching.09:28
eyalbI wrote the monasca integration blueprint09:28
eyalbwrote two ways of integration09:28
eyalbneed to consult with the monasca folx09:29
lhartalI wrote the Nova Entity Transformer bluprint09:29
eyalbstill working on the client and api service09:29
ifat_afeklhartal: great, thanks09:29
eyalbthats all09:29
elisha_ridan_hefetz: regarding the BFS/DFS, we will need to ensure it can take as a parameter also filters on the edge labels. This will be important for the API responses our UI will require. Also, will need to return BFS/DFS with and without edges (I think)09:31
idan_hefetzelisha_r: We will, thanks!09:32
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ifat_afeklet's move on09:33
ifat_afek#topic Review action items09:33
ifat_afek• ifat continue discussion our alarms with AODH09:33
ifat_afekin progress...09:33
ifat_afek• we are about to create a new project for puppet-vitrage any input for that we will be welcome09:33
ifat_afek• ifat check if there should be a blueprint for vitrage puppet09:33
ayahalready update about it.09:34
ifat_afek• ^Gal^ check again the status of ceilometer UI blueprint, and comment on the whiteboard09:34
ifat_afek^Gal^ already updated too09:34
ifat_afek• eyalb write a blueprint for monasca integration09:34
eyalbalready update09:35
ifat_afek• start discussing the tempest tests09:35
ifat_afekPostponed since Eliran was sick. We will do it next week.09:35
ifat_afek#action start discussing the tempest tests09:35
ifat_afek#topic Next Steps09:35
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elisha_rI think that we are now at a position where we have a good idea of what we expect the UI/API to show, and it's important we align this with the algorithmic capabilities of our graph interation09:37
nadav_yakar#action: finalize synchronizer design09:37
elisha_rthe comment above, about BFS filtering, is just one such example.09:37
ayah*hot update* we got an approve our request for puppet-vitrage09:38
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elisha_rthis also impacts what types of queries the API should support, what language to use to express these queries, and how to support the query over NetworkX09:38
ayah#action: create puppet-vitrage project (maty)09:39
ifat_afekelisha_r: so you are saying it's time we define an end-to-end flow that verifies all our layers work well with each other09:39
elisha_rnot all the layers. Given we have an updated entity graph, we need an end-to-end flow from API request to response.09:41
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elisha_rfor the "show entity graph" and "show network topology" apis, for example, as well as RCA09:41
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nadav_yakar#action: checkin a basic synchronizer FW for the vitrage graph to interface with and see that we are on the same page09:43
elisha_r#action elisha_r end-to-end API flow for the first use cases09:43
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ifat_afek#topic Open Discussion09:44
ifat_afekok, thanks, everybody. see you next week09:45
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david-lyle#startmeeting horizon12:01
openstackMeeting started Wed Dec  9 12:01:08 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is david-lyle. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.12:01
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'horizon'12:01
david-lyleanyone around?12:01
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david-lyleGeneral things first.12:03
david-lyleWelcome r1chardj0n3s and tsufiev to horizon-core12:03
r1chardj0n3sthanks :-)12:03
tsufievthanks as well :)12:04
amotokiwelcome :)12:04
neillcgrats to you both12:04
david-lyleNext item, we released M-1 for Horizon last week12:05
david-lyleI will be looking to release d-o-a soon as well. both domain scoped token related patches merged12:05
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david-lyleWanted to quickly run through Mitaka priorities12:06
tsufievdavid-lyle, is it still some time left to push before DOA release?12:07
david-lyletsufiev: we can release as often as needed12:07
tsufievthis renaming will require at least 2 releases of DOA :/12:07
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david-lylehave to read that review12:08
tsufievstill WIP, will finalize it in a matter of few day12:08
david-lylethat was the mailing list item for transitioning the AVAILABLE_ReGIONS setting?12:08
david-lyleessentially it's just adding a second setting for the same thing12:09
lhchengdavid-lyle: can we include this too for d-o-a release:
lhchengwould be better to release this earlier to catch any regression it may have12:10
tsufievdavid-lyle, to some extent, my second intention was to clean up code so there would be no 'available_regions' mentions left12:10
david-lylelhcheng: yes, +a'd now12:10
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lhchengdavid-lyle: thanks!12:11
david-lyletsufiev: we have to depricate it12:11
tsufievand since DOA and horizon are very intertwined regarding this setting, it requires a lot of changes12:11
david-lyle2 cycles12:11
david-lylewhich reminds me of general item for later12:11
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david-lyleok one last general bit before mitaka status12:12
david-lyleI don't know how many people follow the project tags12:13
david-lylebut I need to consider adding  a few12:13
* r1chardj0n3s twitches at the mention of tags12:14
david-lyleone is
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david-lylesecond is
david-lyleI think both of those are definitely applicable12:14
david-lylethe third is
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r1chardj0n3sdavid-lyle: forgive my ignorance, but are those git tags, or are they somewhere else?12:15
david-lylethe third is technically true too, I believe12:15
tsufievr1chardj0n3s, I guess it's the governance/big tent tags12:15
david-lyler1chardj0n3s: those tags are for projects to indicated behavior to operators12:16
robcresswellI think its those.12:16
amotokirickflare: you can find various defined tags in
r1chardj0n3sah, thanks robcresswell12:16
amotokirickflare: sorry12:16
amotokir1chardj0n3s: ^^12:17
david-lyleI will be proposing patches to add all three, unless someone has a reason not to12:17
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amotokiI think both of three sounds reasonable.12:18
r1chardj0n3swe would need to update our dev documentation where appropriate (like "standard" deprecation, whatever that is ;-)12:18
robcresswellThey sound fine12:18
amotokir1chardj0n3s: good point12:19
david-lyler1chardj0n3s: just when deprecating something12:19
* r1chardj0n3s is reading a bunch of pages at the moment12:19
robcresswellI'd assume standard in that case means at least one cycle of "THIS IS DEPRECATED"12:19
david-lyletwo cycles12:19
r1chardj0n3s is quite detailed, which is good12:19
david-lyleis the standard before removing something12:19
robcresswellOh, I didn't know that. Interesting.12:20
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david-lyleThat's it for general.12:20
amotokione request as neutron liaison12:21
david-lyleamotoki: yes12:21
amotokicould you add a comment on dashbaord for neutron subprojects thread ?
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robcresswellamotoki: I wrote a response, just wanted ot think a bit more before sending. Will do that today.12:22
david-lyleamotoki: my apologies, keeps getting overlooked. Yes12:22
amotokimost neutron folks prefers to having dashboard directory in their own repo. I would like to see input from neutorn side.12:22
amotoki...woops from horizon side.12:22
amotokidavid-lyle: no problem.12:22
amotokii was asked about the status of the thread from some folks.12:23
amotokirobcresswell: thanks, great.12:23
robcresswelldavid-lyle: I've gone through the mitaka-priorities etherpad and crossed through some of the merged entries.12:23
amotokiI don't want to discuss it here. please reply the thread.12:23
robcresswelloops, sorry there amotoki :)12:24
david-lyleamotoki: thanks12:24
amotokirobcresswell: go ahead :)12:24
david-lyleSince there was no agenda items posted, ad hoc agenda 1) Mitaka progress 2) midcycle12:24
david-lyle#topic Mitaka priorities12:24
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david-lyleok robcresswell you were saying?12:25
robcresswellJust been marking things as done on that list12:25
robcresswellWe're making fairly good progress on most points.12:25
robcresswellThe last of the theming docs merged12:26
robcresswelland I know the plugin docs are out now too12:26
robcresswelldoug-fis_ is looking into plugin i18n, we had a good discussion on it a couple days back12:27
robcresswellr1chardj0n3s has a new approach to pbr, which he seems to have just added to the etherpad12:27
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r1chardj0n3syes, I'd appreciate eyes on the new proposal if you have spare moments
r1chardj0n3sit's more likely to get up since it doesn't involve changing pbr12:27
r1chardj0n3sit does involve changing #infra build nodes tho ;-)12:28
robcresswellOther than that, a lot of the angular patches seem to have settled into long chains for review.12:28
robcresswellAnd tsufiev has a war plan for integration tests iirc12:28
r1chardj0n3sboy does he!12:28
robcresswellWe will need to add release notes for m-1 bugs and bps btw. There are several missing.12:29
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tsufievrobcresswell, a war plan and no soldiers :/12:29
robcresswellI'll start nagging people on IRC about that :)12:29
robcresswellI think thats most of the update on priorities12:30
david-lyleFederation configuration is not on that list but I consider it a high priority as well12:31
* david-lyle must find patch12:31
robcresswellWas that lhcheng patch?12:32
lhchengfor Idp mgmt12:32
mrungeah yes12:32
lhchengthere are three sets of panels needed to make that usable12:33
lhchengall panels are simple though12:33
david-lylejust added12:33
david-lyleto the priorities at least, not finished with the review12:33
lhchengplanning to implement basic functionality, then add the code from University of Kent for attribute mapping12:33
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lhchengwe should add the Message of the day too, a lot of operators are asking for it12:34
tsufievlhcheng, does it include the UI they've been proposing (attribute mapping)?12:34
robcresswellheh, my university :)12:34
lhchengtsufiev: yep12:34
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lhchengI implemented an edit box for the json data for the first pass, then add the attribute mapping UI later.12:35
r1chardj0n3sseems reasonable12:35
robcresswellFYI I updated the bug report. I'm unsure if its worth updating though. I think it has some value as a reference point, but I don't want to waste time on something that is unused.12:35
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tsufievlhcheng, thanks, got it. I'm interested in reviewing the new UI for it12:36
lhchengI expect the attribute mapping UI will require a couple of iteration, for both code and UX12:36
david-lylerobcresswell: thanks. I think it's useful12:37
r1chardj0n3srobcresswell: I refer to it, definitely12:37
david-lylewish gerrit was more configurable to honor such things12:37
* david-lyle is not entirely sure how that would work12:38
amotokirobcresswell: how does the weekly bug report works?12:38
robcresswellamotoki: There's a description on the link :)12:39
r1chardj0n3sdavid-lyle secretly wants to work on gerrit12:39
david-lyler1chardj0n3s: stop right there12:39
amotokirobcresswell: i see.12:39
robcresswellIts a wiki so anyone is free to add to it. Its just a short list for people to focus on. So if they are new, or short on time, its a quick list to refer to of "things Horizon community want to see merged"12:39
robcresswell1000+ bug list on launchpad doesnt really offer us that. So I just spend a bit of time updating it before each Horizon meeting usually.12:40
amotokion the other hand, we have 234 new bugs with undecided priority. I wonder how we can deal with incoming bugs.12:40
robcresswellOh! So, bug day 2.12:40
r1chardj0n3samotoki: bug day12:40
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robcresswellI've drafted an email for 12th Jan12:40
amotokiyeah, but day works.12:40
robcresswellWill send out at a later date12:40
tsufievrobcresswell, have you arranged amotoki's question :)?12:41
robcresswelltsufiev: ?12:41
david-lylewas his question a setup?12:41
doug-fis_tsufiev: I thought the same thing12:41
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robcresswellI'm lost12:41
tsufievyep, it was the perfect timing to promote the bug day :)12:41
r1chardj0n3ssadly I will most likely be on vacation on the 12th, but I'll triage some bugs in spirit12:41
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mrungeI like that spirit12:42
robcresswellI tried to make it far enough from Christmas that people could mostly attend, sorry :/12:42
r1chardj0n3swell, you Northern Hemisphere folks will be all shut inside anyway so :-)12:42
robcresswellthe 5th seemed like it may interfere with post-holiday "omg the data center is on fire" issues.12:42
amotokiin neutron, we recenlty intorduced weekly bug deputy mechanism. one person per week. he/she watches and triages incoming bug and raise needs-attention bugs.12:42
r1chardj0n3srobcresswell: I'll have my own Bug Day to make up for it!12:43
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mrunger1chardj0n3s, I'll trust you to triage twice as much bugs for the next bug day after12:43
robcresswellamotoki: I think the main issue is the backlog, not the incoming bugs.12:43
robcresswellAt least in Horizon12:43
r1chardj0n3smrunge: imagine me with that water-drinking bird from the Simpsons over a button that says "invalid" :-)12:43
amotokirobcresswell: there are two points. incoming bugs and reducing unhandled bugs.12:43
robcresswellAnd tbh last time we got through something like 20 - 25% of the undecided in a single day12:44
david-lylealthough last 5 bugs are untriaged and unprioritized12:44
mrungeit would be great, if we had a way on force-closing bugs12:44
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amotokimrunge: bugs marked  as incomplete and without assignee will be expired by launchpad after some period (60 days?)12:45
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mrungeamotoki, yes. but imho it would make it cleaner for us if we could expire bugs earlier than waiting 60 days12:46
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robcresswellCould just mark as Invalid, no?12:47
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robcresswellOr wont fix12:47
amotokimrunge: hmm... if a bug does not exist already, mark invalid.12:47
tsufievmrunge, we could just filter them out in a bug list12:47
amotokiif the bug was fixed already, fix released (?)12:47
mrungethe idea was just to get the number of bugs down to a more reasonable number12:48
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amotokiand we are not sure a given bug exists, mark it Incomplete (and it means we request bug authors to reopen it again if necessary)12:50
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david-lyle#topic Midcycle12:50
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david-lylePiet ran a poll12:50
david-lyleand Portland or San Antonio/Austin were the top vote getters in that order12:51
david-lyleThe difficult part is settling on dates12:51
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r1chardj0n3sjust occurred to me: is Portland a weather risk for flying in Febraury?12:52
david-lylewe look to drop a couple of cores (that responded) regardless of what date we choose12:52
ducttape_portland is more moderate, due to being close to coast r1chardj0n3s12:52
r1chardj0n3sducttape_: ok, cool. want to minimise risk of cancelled flights :-)12:53
mrungeI haven't seen a poll at all....12:53
david-lyle10-18 C typically in Feb12:53
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lhchengmrunge: I think Piet just dropped the link in the irc room..12:54
david-lyleyeah not the best approach12:54
neillcI didn't see it either, but thought that must just be me12:54
david-lyleI think you can still add input12:55
tsufievno, there was a mail. It seems that added recipients manually12:55
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tsufievshould have some kind of alias...12:55
lhchengtsufiev: hmm I didn't get an email, perhaps directly to UX core only?12:55
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tsufievlhcheng, perhaps, but I'm not sure12:56
david-lyleso the main issue is there is no sweet spot on dates12:56
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mrungedo we have a result yet?12:56
tsufievmaybe if more people vote, London would be more popular :)?12:57
lhchengbtw, who's hosting in Portland? :)12:57
david-lylelhcheng: I would be12:57
david-lylethe actual campus is 20 minutes outside portland, but it's essentially portland12:57
david-lylemrunge: I've seen the results12:58
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david-lyleI can probably cut and paste12:58
mrungedavid-lyle, ack12:58
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david-lylegoogle form that was shared with me12:59
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david-lyleso I'm trying to work on a firm plan.12:59
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david-lyleseems like sometime in Feb probably in Portland12:59
mrungedavid-lyle, I guess, travel logistics have to be figured out, once we have something more official13:00
david-lyleunless 12 people vote today13:00
* r1chardj0n3s crossed fingers for not first two weeks of Feb which are a solid no-go for me :-)13:00
r1chardj0n3sI look forward to finding out the eventualy date :-)13:00
r1chardj0n3sit's late13:00
mrungethere is FOSDEM in Brussels and devconf in Brno13:01
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mrungein early Feb13:01
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david-lyleI have a meeting in Portland unrelated on Feb 16-17 which makes that week difficult for me13:01
mrungeso, week after then ;-)13:01
david-lyleoh well time. I will continue to try to optimize13:02
david-lyletimes up13:02
david-lylethanks everyone13:02
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openstackMeeting ended Wed Dec  9 13:02:13 2015 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)13:02
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openstackMinutes (text):
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robcresswellThanks all13:02
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amotoki__thanks all!13:02
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mrungethanks o/13:02
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alexpilotti#startmeeting hyper-v13:03
openstackMeeting started Wed Dec  9 13:03:21 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is alexpilotti. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.13:03
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'hyper_v'13:03
alexpilottimorning folks13:03
sagar_nikamHi Everybody13:03
SonuHello everyone13:03
alexpilottisagar_nikam: anybody that we are waiting on the HP side?13:04
sagar_nikamno, everybody is present13:05
sagar_nikamwe can start13:05
alexpilotticool, primeministerp is a bit late, everybody else is here13:05
alexpilotti#topic mitaka patches13:06
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alexpilottibased on ^13:06
alexpilottithe current 3 top patches are13:07
alexpilottisagar_nikam: you asked me about OVS, the 3rd one is one of them13:07
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sagar_nikamthis one ?
alexpilottigot a review yesterday from Nithin, which works with us on the OVS Hyper-V driver community13:08
sagar_nikamthat's not networking13:08
alexpilottithis one13:09
alexpilottimy bad, I copied the next 3 patches :)13:09
sagar_nikamthat is the correct one13:09
alexpilottiso, again, the 3 patches are:13:10
sagar_nikamsonu: this is of higher priority, can you give details13:10
Sonunetworking related is only #link
Sonuwhat about
alexpilottithis is a priority for us too. Since this code is not in the driver, either we get it in Nova or we need to cherry-pick it in a fork13:11
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alexpilottiso the whole OVS thing is something we want to get in ASAP, based on Nova's review bandwidth13:12
SonuSagar for us to consume, we need it in Nova.13:12
atuvenie_I can add some details about the patch that snonu is refering to13:12
alexpilottiSonu: those are the 3 top patches, there's only one for OVS, as stated above13:12
sagar_nikamSonu: fine, got it13:12
alexpilottiatuvenie_: please go ahead13:13
atuvenie_so, it's work in progress. It doesn't account for live migration13:13
atuvenie_by the end of the day there is going to be a new patchset13:13
atuvenie_it's tested on compute-hyperv and I will cherry pick it and test it on nova as well13:14
alexpilottiatuvenie_: there was some refactoring from Kilo / Liberty related to Live migration if I well recall13:14
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alexpilottisagar_nikam Sonu: anything you'd like to add on this patch?13:15
Sonuwhere will HP consume the content of this patch from?13:15
sagar_nikamyes, when is live migration support planned13:15
Sonufrom openstack/nova or compute-hyperv13:15
sagar_nikamsonu: if it does not get merged in nova, we cherry-pick the patch in review13:16
alexpilottiSonu: we dont get your comment in the review13:17
sagar_nikamalexpilotti:my question on live migration13:17
alexpilottisagar_nikam: atuvenie_ said she's uploading a new patch13:17
Sonuregarding live migration, if we apply OVS flow rules in br-int bridge, will live migration work as expected13:17
sagar_nikamok, that supports live migration. got it13:17
alexpilottiSonu: of course13:17
alexpilottiSonu: I saw you left a -1 on the patch, but all you have is a question13:18
alexpilottiSonu: in general, if you have questions please leave a neutral comment.13:18
SonuI have given code comment13:18
alexpilottiatuvenie_: did you see Sonu's comment?13:19
alexpilottiSonu: I totally dont get what you mean13:19
atuvenie_yes, I don't think the cache should be moved but investigating options before answering13:20
alexpilottiwith "Not a good idea to put the caching requirement on client. If the implementation demands a single instance, it must be handled in this function."13:20
alexpilottithis is a cache of classes implementing the behaviours by vif type13:20
Sonuvif driver instance need not be maintained in cache in vmops.13:20
alexpilotticould you explain why not? :)13:21
Sonu_get_vif_driver() is a form of factory methiod13:21
alexpilottithis just to avoid loading the same class over and over all the time13:22
Sonuand a factory method generally defines when to create a new instance etc.13:22
alexpilottinot necessarily13:22
Sonucalling a factory method can still return a single instance, provided factory caches it.13:22
alexpilottithose drivers are stateless13:22
alexpilottithere's no reason to create new instances all the time13:23
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alexpilottisaid that, it's a relatively minor performance improvement13:23
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alexpilottithere's a comment:13:23
alexpilotti# with instantiated classes will cause tests to fail on13:23
alexpilotti# non windows platforms13:23
SonuPlease do comment on my review comment, and I shall take appropriate action.13:25
atuvenie_my main reason for not moving the cache would be that for live migration I have to call the driver post_start method. That would imply importing the vif which would mean I have to copies of the cache13:25
alexpilottihmm looks like adelina dropped off, waiting for her to join back13:25
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atuvenie_I'm back. comment above13:26
Sonuhmm please do put the same comment in the review, I shall take a look at it.13:26
sagar_nikamalexpilloti:on the earlier question by Sonu: OVS Flow on br-int, will it work in cluster driver as well,13:26
alexpilottiSonu: did you ever run this code?13:26
SonuI am running OVS and Hyper-V with VLAN and security group enabled13:27
alexpilottisagar_nikam: we already said that whatever we do in this area will support the current and planned features sets13:27
sagar_nikambasically we are trying to check how it works with live migration triggered by Nova as well as triggered by failover cluster manager13:27
alexpilottithis includes live migration and clusters of course13:27
sagar_nikamo, good13:27
Sonuthats great. I will try that and let you know.13:28
sagar_nikamSonu:you had a question of security groups13:28
sagar_nikamis that answered ?13:28
alexpilottiSonu sagar_nikam: you saw that we are rebasing the cluster BP patches?13:28
Sonuyes. br-int will host all the security group rules for Hyper-V using ovs firewall driver13:29
sagar_nikamalexpilotti: we added review comments on it yesterday13:29
Sonuand as per alexpilotti live migration will migrate these rules as well as it was the case with native HV Vswtich13:29
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alexpilottiSonu: what ovs firewall driver? the conntrack based one?13:29
Sonulive migration will be done by the Failover Cluster Manager.13:30
sagar_nikamyou mean liver migration triggered by failover cluster ?13:30
sagar_nikamwill also migrate these rules13:30
SonuFor ESX based solution, we have OVS firewall driver with connection tracking using learn flows. We are evaluating the driver with OVS hyper-V13:31
alexpilottiSonu: you might want to wait for conntrack to be implemented in Hyper-V for this :)13:31
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sagar_nikamalexpilotti:this is the patch we reviewed and gave some comments
sagar_nikamdont yet see any rebase of it,13:33
sagar_nikamwere you refering to some other patch, when you mentioned cluster patch is rebased13:33
* alexpilotti checking13:34
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alexpilottiyou colleague put a -1 asking questions13:35
alexpilottias a general rule, if you dont want to add further delays on reviews, it's better to put neutral reviews when you dont understandhow things work :)13:35
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alexpilottiis snraju taking part of the meeting by any chance?13:36
sagar_nikamno, i think what he meant was how will DB update work and also if the glance image gets downloaded to CVS and concurrent downloads happen on 2 hosts in a cluster for same image, things will nto work13:36
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claudiub_i'm going to answer the comments today. as for the rebase, the cluster utils will have to be submitted to os-win13:37
claudiub_sagar_nikam: yeah, it won't be a problem13:37
sagar_nikamclaudiub_: thanks13:37
sagar_nikamalso any plans of supporting multiple CSVs ?13:37
claudiub_sagar_nikam: there is a lock for the image path, so the same image won't be downloaded twice13:37
alexpilottisagar_nikam: CSV itself, being a shared resource, is not handled properly by Nova ATM13:37
alexpilottiwe already talked about this13:38
sagar_nikamok, lock makes sense13:38
alexpilottilast time I synced with claudiub_ about this, jaypipes AFAIK said he;d like to implement support for similar cases13:38
sagar_nikamsupport for multiple CSV ?13:38
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sagar_nikamis that planned ?13:39
alexpilottithe idea is that the CSV storage will be seen as a single storage by all Nova nodes in the cluster13:39
alexpilottisay that you have 1000GB on the CSV volume and that we have 4 hosts13:39
sagar_nikambut the host can also have multiple CVS13:39
alexpilottieach of them will report 1000GB13:39
alexpilottisagar_nikam: the multiple CSV for now is just a secondary extension13:40
sagar_nikamwhich i think is fine. any issue with it13:40
alexpilottisagar_nikam: of course: the scheduler thinks that there's 4 * 1000 GB space13:40
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alexpilottiatthe same time, when we deploy an instance with, say 100GB disk flavor13:41
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alexpilottiall nodes will see 900GB free after allocating the space13:41
alexpilottilet's now get to the point were the cluster has 50GB13:42
alexpilottiNova sees 4 * 50 GB13:42
alexpilottibut if we try to spin 4 instances with 40GB hdd it will fail13:42
alexpilottialthough the scheduler will think it's perfectly fine :)13:43
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alexpilottimakes sense?13:43
sagar_nikamthe  vmware cluster driver also has the same issue, though it is for CPU and memory13:43
sagar_nikamgot it. so what is the fix planned13:43
alexpilottiyou are asking me like we own Nova :)13:44
alexpilottithis is a Nova problem, not a driver problem13:44
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sagar_nikamok, you mean fix is outside of driver ?13:44
alexpilottiwe need a BP at the Nova resourse tracker level13:44
alexpilottisagar_nikam: lolz13:45
alexpilottisagar_nikam: as written above:13:45
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alexpilottijaypipes said he wanted to take a stab at it13:45
alexpilottibut that was at the last midcycle meeting13:46
alexpilottiwe dont have updates13:46
sagar_nikamwill it stop from the cluster patch getting merged ?13:46
jaypipesalexpilotti: I am in the process of pushing a decomposition of that spec into three smaller chunks.13:46
alexpilottijaypipes: sweet tx!!13:46
jaypipesalexpilotti: here is the one most relevant to you:
alexpilottisagar_nikam: no it wont, it will be just be a note13:47
sagar_nikamjayppipes: Hi, nice to see you13:47
alexpilottisagar_nikam: the patch that jaypipes just linked will help us in a ton of situations13:48
sagar_nikamjaypipes:thank you13:48
jaypipesnp guys13:48
alexpilottiincluding Gen2 VMs, remotefx and in general all the compute resources that the driver exposes13:48
sagar_nikamjaypipes:thank you13:48
alexpilottijaypipes: do you have a timeline for this to merge?13:48
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alexpilottijaypipes: as in N, O...13:49
alexpilottiI guess Mitaka is quite impossible13:49
jaypipesalexpilotti: sorry, I do not know the answer for that. we will work on it in Mitaka. no idea when it would merge though13:49
alexpilottijaypipes: fair enough, please let me know if you need resources to work on it / review / etc13:50
alexpilottijaypipes: among the features outside of the driver, it's possibly our main pain point13:50
alexpilottisagar_nikam: any other questions on this?13:51
alexpilotti ok, changing topic13:51
alexpilotti#topic FC13:51
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alexpilottithings are progressing very well13:52
alexpilottilpetrut: want to add something?13:52
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lpetrutalexpilotti: sure, the implementation for passthrough attached FC disks is almost ready13:53
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sagar_nikamthe issue which we discussed last time, which required help from MS Storage team, is it resolved ?13:54
lpetrutdo you mean the issue we had in retrieving the physical disk path for a specific volume?13:55
alexpilottithat got solved by using native APIs instead of WMI13:55
lpetrutyes, there seemed to be an issue with the WMI API, so I've rewritten that using the hbaapi functions. The only issue with that is that it did not work remotely, so I had to do a small refactoring on live migration13:55
lpetrutso that we don't break that13:56
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sagar_nikamone more point made by Kurt, on using os-brick13:57
lpetrutnext, I'll take care of the other scenario, when we expose virtual HBA ports to the instance directly, that should be the last step13:57
alexpilottitime is almost up13:57
alexpilotti#topic open discussion13:57
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lpetrutsure, but for the beginning, I was considering merging this in Nova, next to the other volume drivers we currently have, and move those out as a later effor13:57
Sonualexpilotti: Regarding Microsoft official support statement for OVS Ext in Hyper-V, I did not get any response from MSFT. Can this be done for OVS 2.4?13:58
SonuJust checking.13:58
alexpilottiprimeministerp: would you like to answer this one?13:58
alexpilottiSonu: I won't make official statements on behalf of MSFT :-)13:59
Sonusure. Not a problem.13:59
sagar_nikamSonu: your question on building OVS on windows13:59
alexpilottiSonu: what I can tell you is that the current plan is to submit 2.5 to WHQL14:00
sagar_nikamcan you check that14:00
alexpilottithis does not mean any support from MSFT14:00
alexpilottiCloudbase supports and will support commercially OVS on Hyper-V14:00
SonuI get that. And when is OVS 2.5?14:01
Sonutentatively? FY16?14:01
alexpilottifor the rest, the upstream code is OSS so anybody can take it and compile it14:01
SonuI get it.14:01
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alexpilottiSonu: we're waiting for the OVS TPL to branch14:01
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alexpilottiso it will happen very soon14:02
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alexpilottimore details on the OVS community, we have a weekly meeting on Tue there14:02
ajowe need to start the neutron_qos meeting guys :)14:02
Sonubye everyone.14:02
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openstackMeeting ended Wed Dec  9 14:02:53 2015 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:02
openstackMinutes (text):
ajomoshele  :)14:03
moshele#startmeeting neutron_qos14:03
openstackMeeting started Wed Dec  9 14:03:05 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is moshele. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:03
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alexpilottiajo: sorry about that got carried away :)14:03
openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'neutron_qos'14:03
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ajoalexpilotti : np :D it happens sometimes :D14:03
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njohnstongood morning14:03
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ajocheers everybody, moshele will lead this meeting, ad I need to leave around :2014:03
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ajomoshele , do you want me to start, and you take it from :20 ?14:03
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irenabI have conflicting meeting, sorry for low particiipation level in advance14:04
ajoack, thanks14:04
ajook, we have a few items to track, thanks moshele for putting the agenda in shape14:04
ajofor the rpc-callback upgrades dependency, it seems we have agreement in devref,14:05
moshelethe agenda  ^14:05
ajoand I shall push code before leaving for xmas14:05
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davidshaajo: when will you be heading off for christmas?14:05
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davidshaajo: if you don't mind me asking...14:05
ajodavidsha : since 21 Dec, to Jan 4th I think14:05
ajoI'm back Jan 4th14:06
ajoif there's any urgent matter, please write to my personal email: miguelangel@ajo.es14:06
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jaypipesalexpilotti: will do for sure.14:06
ajoI will be watching the company one, but my personal one is less pulluted14:06
vikramajo: enjoy ;) take rest14:06
ajothanks :)14:06
njohnstonajo: Thanks for doing that14:06
davidshaajo: enjoy!14:06
ajonjohnston : of course, I know we have important stuff we must complete14:07
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ajoyou're welcome14:07
ajoabout RBAC14:07
ajoI know hdaniel  posted a spec, since we were required to publish one14:07
ajodue to the suspect that we were going to modify share, and therefore render the API backwards incompatible14:07
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ajohdaniel  posted it: here:  , and this is the blueprint
ajoif you have some time for review, that would be nice14:08
ajohdaniel , am I missing something?14:08
hdanielajo: nope, you got it all alright :)14:08
* njohnston will review today14:09
irenabhdaniel: already started14:09
ajolinux bridge integration14:09
ajoslaweq around ?14:09
ajoor is it your's davidsha  ?14:10
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mosheleI didn't find the  linuxbridge fullstack tests  patches14:10
davidshaits slaweq, I'm dscp!14:10
mosheledid he upload something?14:10
vikrammoshele: not yet14:10
vikrammoshele: he will by this week i believe14:10
ajo(sorry for the confusion davidsha  :) )14:11
davidshano problem!14:11
ajook, let's keep watching LB as it goes14:11
moshelevikram: can you update the etherpad once he have something14:11
ajomoshele : +114:11
vikrammoshele: sure14:11
ajo#topic DSCP14:12
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ajoit ignores me :D14:12
ajodavidsha: can you update on DSCP?14:12
moshele#topic DCP14:12
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ajothanks moshele  :D14:12
moshelethe power of being a chairman :)14:12
irenabmoshele: DSCP14:13
davidshaYa, it's dependent on ihar but I have tested it with vhost user and it works. I'm working at the moment on trying to move code to ovs-ofctl14:13
moshele#topic DSCP14:13
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moshelethanks irenab14:14
ajodavidsha , if it's going to be waiting on ihar details, may be we could use some sort of temporary hack to be able to test it?14:14
ajolike setting the uuid or the OVSBridge object in a global?14:14
davidshaI'm also trying to get the cli to work, I wasn't inline with the spec so I working under the assumption that the cli is right and my code isn't.14:14
ajowith a #TODO(...): hack, this is depending on <url> ?14:14
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njohnstondavidsha: if you're using the client change that vhoward dropped, I think that he is still working on that14:15
davidshaajo: the hack is use networking ovs dpdk, it doesn't seem to clear the flows.14:15
ajodavidsha  :)14:15
ajobut does that work for regular ovs ports? (non-dpdk?)14:15
davidshaso I was ping between VMs and checking if the bit was set and it sets them.14:16
ajoI don't have dpdk knowledge, so testing it would be a bit hard14:16
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davidshaI'll make a change and put it in the next patch up, I'll see commenting out the refresh works.14:17
davidshanjohnston: Ok, I'll hack it to work properly, I'm just having problems with the variable name.14:18
njohnstonWhile davidsha has been doing that, I am working on unit tests then functional tests. and vhoward is working on python-neutronclient changes, so we can hopefully drop everything reasonably quickly but in reviewable chunks.14:19
ajodavidsha, can you put some brief instructions on how to put it to test?14:19
ajoany special ovs for using the ovs-dpdk agent?14:19
njohnston+1 for testing instructions14:19
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ajook, I have to drop from the meeting, moshele , it's all yours.14:20
moshelethanks ajo14:20
ajocheers everybody,14:20
davidshaajo: For ovs-dpdk, it is already merged with the ovs-agent in neutron, you need to set the ML2 agent to just ovs I think.14:20
davidshaajo: thanks!14:20
irenabajo: bye14:20
davidshaajo: cya14:21
njohnstonthanks ajo14:21
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njohnstonso it looks like the change Ihar outlined is a dependency for the DSCP stuff getting merged, do we know what the status of that is?  Not sure if there is a spec yet.14:23
davidshanjohnston: also thanks for putting in the valid_dscp_nums, was a bit overwhelmed at the time and was slow to upload.14:23
njohnstonnp, happy to help!14:24
moshelenjohnston: what dependency? the upgrade?14:24
mosheleok the l2 agent14:25
mosheleI don't think work has started on that14:25
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moshelebut we need to follow up with  Ihar  on that14:25
davidshaThis is also a dependency for vikram on his 801.1p (I think)14:25
mosheleI will add it to the etherpad14:26
davidshaHis blueprint would be implemented the exact same was as dscp is.14:26
njohnstonI am unclear on whether that is a hard dependency on Ihar's stuff before DSCP can be merged, or if there is a scenario where DSCP can be merged with a work-around before Ihar's proposed change.14:26
vikramdavidsha: +114:27
davidshaWell Ihar's change is actually what I was thinking as well, take a table other than 0 for qos flows.14:27
davidshabecause tables other than 0 are not cleared14:28
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mosheleI guess we will need to sync with ihar on that14:28
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mosheleanything else on the  DSCP ?14:29
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davidshaNot atm, I'm still working through Ihar's comments and have to do the TODO's I marked.14:29
mosheleok cool14:30
mosheleso let move for the  slow moving issues14:31
vhowarddid we mention python client yet? I wf-1d a patch
vhowardsorry for being late and stuff14:31
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davidshavhoward: Yup14:31
vhowardcool, then i'm good for now, thx for all your help14:32
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davidshavhoward: no prob, thanks for the cli.14:32
mosheleso I don't think anyone is working on BWG or and integration with nova scheduler , right ?14:33
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mosheleok I just wanted you let you know that there is QoS integration with Horizon and with Heat14:34
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mosheleso you have time you can review the patches they are listed on the eatherpad14:34
* njohnston has been reviewing the heat patches, think they are close14:35
moshelenjohnston: cool thanks for the update14:35
mosheleirenab: do you want some thing to say regarding the port flavors proposal ?14:36
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vhowardi'll help with that also14:36
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irenabmoshele: I need to catch up on this14:36
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irenabI am not aware of any progress14:37
mosheleok thanks14:37
moshelelet move to opened bugs14:37
moshele#topic Opened Bugs14:38
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moshelethis is the link for all the qos bugs
irenabmoshele: I have updated etherpad with patch for review14:39
davidshaSome of those are rfe14:39
moshelewe have on high regarding SR-IOV and update the network, I think it  close for core reviewer14:39
openstackLaunchpad bug 1509232 in neutron "If we update a QoSPolicy description, the agents get notified and rules get rewired for nothing" [Medium,In progress] - Assigned to Irena Berezovsky (irenab)14:39
mosheledavidsha: yes you are right14:39
mosheleirenab: thank14:39
mosheledavidsha: I did know who to filter them out :(14:40
mosheleI didn't14:40
davidshamoshele: no problem, I don't either ;)14:41
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mosheleirenab: do you have any update on you patch ?14:41
irenabmoshele: please review it14:43
mosheleirenab: I will :)14:43
irenabthe patch is small, the main issue is method naming :-)14:43
mosheleirenab: method naming is not my strong side  :)14:44
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mosheleall the other bug are low priority, so unless someone have something to say about them I think we can skip them14:45
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vikrammoshele: i want to discuss about
openstackLaunchpad bug 1521194 in neutron "Qos Aggregated Bandwidth Rate Limiting" [Wishlist,Confirmed] - Assigned to Slawek Kaplonski (slaweq)14:46
vikramNeed some inputs14:46
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mosheleit is more like a feature. no?14:47
vikramyes.. it's a rfe bug14:47
vikrami want to discuss about the implementation idea14:48
mosheleok please go head14:48
vikramMy Idea: "This proposal talks about the support for aggregated bandwidth rate limiting where all the ports in the network should together attain the specified network bandwidth limit. To start with an easiest implementation could be dividing the overall bandwidth value with the number of ports in the network. In this there might a case of over and under utilization which might need more thought (May be we got to monitor all the ports and have14:48
vikrama notion of thresh hold to decide whether to increase or decrease the bandwidth)"14:48
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vikramIn the current QoS implementation, network QoS bandwidth limit are applied to all the ports uniformly in the network. This may be wrong. Consider a case where the user just want 20 mbps speed for the entire network but the current implementation will end up in allowing 20 * num_of_ports_in_the_networks mbps.14:49
vikramIs my proposal sounds correct..14:49
vikramor any suggestion from the team14:49
davidshaWhen you apply a policy to a network does it not just apply the qos_policy to all the ports in the network?14:50
vikrami think so14:50
mosheleso how do you plan to specify the new behavior for network qos14:50
mosheleexcept router and dhcp14:51
vikramto start with uniformly divide..14:51
moshelefor all the compute port14:51
davidshaOh sorry I misunderstood, kk.14:51
irenabmoshele: and sometimes you may want to limit router port too14:51
vikrambut this may have bigger issues of over and under utilization14:51
mosheleso you can apply it  on the port it self14:52
vikramdivide equally and apply14:52
reedip_vikram : Can user specify the bandwidth ?14:52
davidshareedip: they specify the total fro the network14:52
vikramreedip_: i didn't get you14:52
vikramreedip_: For network it can be specified14:53
reedip_vikram : for a particular port14:53
vikramreedip_: yes we can14:53
vikramreedip_: 2 ways we can apply now .. port / network14:53
vikramreedip_: the issue is with network14:53
reedip_load balancing ( not LB ) would have to be considered here14:54
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vikramis dividing it equally and applying to all ports sounds good?14:54
reedip_not if you are sure that you have a high  data traffic for a specific type of data14:55
vikramreedip_: that's why I said it's a harder problem to solve ;)14:55
reedip_like for example , if you have pretty high HTTP request14:55
davidshavikram: just for clarification, this is a new rule, not modifiing the existing?14:55
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reedip_then would the new implementation assist us ?14:55
mosheleI think he want to modify the existing rate limit rule14:56
vikrammoshele: ++14:56
moshelevikram: now the policy doesn't care if it attached to port or network, and you request that for qos bonded to network there will be 2 behavior14:56
reedip_Can we provide this as a new option?14:56
mosheleso I wonder how to do it in the api and model level of qos14:56
mosheledo you have a spec ?14:56
vikrammoshele: nope..14:57
vikrammoshele: since it's an rfe14:57
vikrammoshele: if we need to write one .. i can14:57
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irenabvikram: can you post a link?14:57
mosheleI think you should, it make it clearer14:57
davidshawill we make it the norm for different behavior for network and port versions?14:57
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vikramirenab, moshele: Let's me do some write up then14:58
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moshelecool update the etherapd when you have something14:58
vikrammoshele: done14:58
mosheleand the we can discuss it in gerrit :)14:58
vikrammoshele: ;)14:59
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mosheleso we about to end the meeting14:59
mosheleanything else?14:59
njohnstonnope.  thanks moshele!14:59
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davidshaI'm going to be trying a PoC for heirarchal rules14:59
mosheleok cool bye everyone15:00
reedip_There was one bug related to ECN15:00
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openstackMeeting ended Wed Dec  9 15:00:09 2015 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:00
reedip_but I guess I am late15:00
openstackMinutes (text):
rhochmuth#startmeeting monasca15:00
openstackMeeting started Wed Dec  9 15:00:43 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is rhochmuth. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'monasca'15:00
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rhochmuthAgenda is at,
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rhochmuthAgenda for Wednesday December 09, 2015 (15:00 UTC)15:01
rhochmuth1. InfluxDB plugin for Agent (jobrs)15:01
rhochmuth2. Less restrictive e-mail address check for notifications (javax.mail replacing apache-commons validation)15:01
rhochmuth2.1 -->
openstackLaunchpad bug 1501239 in Monasca "Create Notification UI does not accept email addresses ending with .corp " [Undecided,Triaged]15:01
rhochmuth3. TWC reviews/pull requests:15:01
rhochmuth    3.1
rhochmuth    3.2
rhochmuth    3.3
rhochmuth4. Alarms on logs15:01
rhochmuthhi everyone15:01
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rhochmuthso, irc went out last week in the middle of the meeting15:02
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rhochmuthi think we have a couple of items to carry over from last week15:02
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rhochmuth#topic InfluxDB plugin for Agent (jobrs)15:03
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rhochmuthhi jobrs15:03
jobrsso where should I continue?15:03
rhochmuthyou've done some work in completing the monitoring of influxdb15:03
rhochmuthwell, i don't think we discussed you review at all15:04
rhochmuthso, how about anything that we should know15:04
rhochmuthrelated to arch, design, coding, …, would be good15:04
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rhochmuthi just took a quick look this morning at the review15:04
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rhochmuthis this ready for final review15:04
jobrsarch and design are a tricky topic: currently the plugin leaves some room for improvement15:04
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rhochmuthok, what would you suggest15:05
jobrsno, I took this code over since there was no progress. And now I see that I should do some more refactorings.15:05
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rhochmuthok, we would definitely love to see the work completed15:05
jobrsthe topic I wanted to discuss first is the topic of naming metrics and dimensions properly.15:05
jobrssince this was where the progress stopped before I took over15:06
rhochmuthi think a metric name with a prefix of influxdb.15:06
rhochmuthis a good start for a name15:06
rhochmuthservice, by default would be "influxdb" which is redundant15:07
rhochmuthwith the metric name15:07
rhochmuthbut we've done that elsewher15:07
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jobrswas this all about it? that was not clear from the discussion in the change15:07
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rhochmuththen the component would be "influxd" I believe, not influxdb15:08
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rhochmuthi think influxd instead of influxdb, as the process name is influxd15:08
jobrsso this is what I did (see protocol from last meeting): set component to "influxdb", leave service alone15:08
jobrsinfluxd IMHO is process_name15:09
fabioghi, sorry I am late ..15:09
tomasztrebskithat's pretty much a daemon in the system as far as I know15:09
jobrsother than that I removed all that suffixes like cnt.curr from the metric names15:09
tomasztrebskiproject, component or whatsoever is influxdb in my opinion15:09
rhochmuthyeah, the convention we've been following is the component would be "influxd"15:09
jobrsand changed from camel-case names to lower case with _15:10
rhochmuthon the camel case15:10
rhochmuthi was about to type in the case of mysql15:10
rhochmuthmetric prefix is "mysql."15:11
rhochmuthservice = "mysql"15:11
rhochmuthcomponent = "mysqld"15:11
jobrscomponent, no service - otherwise we have no place for "monitoring"15:11
jobrsthis is consistent with the other monasca components (even though they are technically speaking services somehow)15:12
rhochmuthwell, i'll need to check on this, since i forgot, but i think we supply a service name like "mysql"15:12
rhochmuthbut then we overrid the serice name if it is part of a service15:12
rhochmuthso, if influxdb is just part of monitoring, then you woudl override serivce=monitoring15:12
rhochmuthFor example, mysql is a shared service15:13
rhochmuthso we assing service=mysql in that case15:13
jobrsyep, when I install mysql for monasca then I tell the agent that the mysql is for service 'monitoring'15:13
rhochmuthHowever, if you deployed a specific instance of mysql for monitoring, then service=monitoring15:13
jobrsagreed, but this is something the detection cannot possibly know15:13
jobrstherefore I leave the service-slot empty and use component for that purpose.15:14
rhochmuthwhen you run the detection you can supply overrides15:14
rhochmuthi would just take a look at mysql or rabbitmq to understand what we are doing in there15:15
rhochmuthand follow the same precedent15:15
rhochmuthwhatever it is15:15
jobrsmakes sense, I just think that there should be some consistency here and I took as a reference15:15
rhochmuthyeah, i should know this15:15
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jobrslet's follow up in the change15:15
rhochmuthi'll also review your change the the code that is there15:16
rhochmuth#topic Less restrictive e-mail address check for notifications (javax.mail replacing apache-commons validation)15:16
*** openstack changes topic to "Less restrictive e-mail address check for notifications (javax.mail replacing apache-commons validation) (Meeting topic: monasca)"15:16
jobrsso here apache-commons validation has an issue: it is based on hard-coded whitelists of TLDs.15:17
jobrsIMHO this is not 'sustainable' since you have to change the software every time ICANN comes up with a new TLD15:17
rhochmuthok, can't say i have an appreciation for this topic15:18
jobrsas an alternative I picked javax.mail, since it focuses on syntax15:18
rhochmuthso, you are basically just replacing the email validator with somehting that is more correct15:18
jobrsit's a show-stopper for us (sap)15:19
rhochmuthok, i don't see any problems with adding it15:19
jobrsjavax.mail is Java EE, not sure whether this could mean licensing issues15:19
rhochmuthCurrently, Jenkins has -115:19
rhochmuthon pep8 failures15:20
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rhochmuthfor you java code15:20
jobrsyep, because of python code - but python code is not part of the change15:20
rhochmuthso, i'm not sure what the issue is, but will need to dive into the console log15:20
rhochmuthhave you done that before15:20
jobrssorry, no, I was not aware that pep8 processes Java files15:21
rhochmuthno, i was just kidding about the pep8 on java15:21
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rhochmuthhere is the problem15:21
rhochmuth | pep8 runtests: commands[0] | flake8 monasca_api15:22
rhochmuth |   /home/jenkins/workspace/gate-monasca-api-pep8$ /home/jenkins/workspace/gate-monasca-api-pep8/.tox/pep8/bin/flake8 monasca_api15:22
rhochmuth | monasca_api/ H802  git commit title ('stop checking e-mail addresses against outdated whitelists by replacing the apache-commons which works with hard-coded whitelists with javax.mail validation.') should be under 50 chars15:22
rhochmuth |15:22
rhochmuth | ^15:22
rhochmuth | monasca_api/ H803  git commit title ('stop checking e-mail addresses against outdated whitelists by replacing the apache-commons which works with hard-coded whitelists with javax.mail validation.') should not end with period15:22
rhochmuth |15:22
rhochmuth | ^15:22
rhochmuth | ERROR: InvocationError: '/home/jenkins/workspace/gate-monasca-api-pep8/.tox/pep8/bin/flake8 monasca_api'15:22
jobrsit's the commit title15:22
jobrsI will fix that15:22
rhochmuththat's it15:22
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jobrsnext topic I would say15:22
rhochmuthok, so i'm assuming everyone is ok with that change15:23
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rhochmuthreviewers will take a look15:23
rhochmuth#topic TWC reviews/pull requests:15:23
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jobrsthat would be good15:23
bkleithat's me15:23
rhochmuthyou always act surprised15:23
rhochmuthso, i was testing last night, mainly the vertica code15:24
bkleii see deklan had a comment on the big one -- deklan, you want those issues address in this change?15:24
bkleitransactional comment i'm not sure how to address15:24
ddieterlyi think we should make it one transaction15:24
ddieterlythat's an easy fix15:24
ddieterlyi think that the close issue should be addressed in another change15:25
bkleican you point me to an example?  it's not clear to me.15:25
bkleiyeah, i can open a bug and put a separate change up for the close15:25
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ddieterlyjust pass the handle to the function for the second sql query15:25
bkleioh, duh.15:25
bkleiwill change that15:25
bkleirhochmuth -- testing vertica going ok?15:26
rhochmuthwell, i sent you an email15:26
ddieterlynot sure why we did not see resource problems because of the open handles that we are not closing15:26
rhochmuthi think i sent one anyway15:26
bkleidon't see one, but outlook can be flaky15:26
rhochmuthi wasn't positive that the end_time was using the right time zone15:26
rhochmuthwhen i didn't supply a time zone, i got the correct results15:27
rhochmuthbu i thought my end_time was looking like it had to be 8 hours in the future15:27
rhochmuthso, i'll just need to take a look some more15:27
rhochmuthit could jsut be my environment or tester error15:28
rhochmuthas i stepped through all the code and all looked ok15:28
bkleiok, if it's an issue here, it's probably an issue in measurements/statistics too15:28
rhochmuthwell, that was also strange15:28
rhochmuththe measuremnts/statistics was returning what i expected15:28
rhochmuthi'll just take another look then15:29
bkleithat's strange, i thought i handled the parms the same15:29
bkleii'll push a patch for the transactional change this morning15:29
rhochmuthother than that, it all looked good to me and i didn't catch any other issues15:29
bkleithere's two other changes that will take advantage of the big change15:29
bkleiyeah, python client15:30
bkleii think that one is ok?  have some +1's15:30
rhochmuthlooks good15:30
rhochmutha pull request for grafana15:30
bkleiyeah, that just lets the UI pass start time15:31
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bkleireally speeds up some dashboards here, without merge flag15:31
bkleiwhen you have stale metrics for a project15:31
bkleilike deleted vms, etc15:31
rhochmuthso, the start_time is determined buy the grafana time panel15:31
rhochmuthok, is there anyone that can test this15:32
rhochmuthi probably don't get to this one15:32
rhochmuthcode looks fine though15:32
rhochmuthi could just merge and trust you15:32
bkleii tested it by watching the javascript console, and monasca-api log on the back end to see metric-list come through with start time parm15:32
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bkleiup to you, i feel good about it, but i'm an optimist :)15:33
rhochmuthi'm a15:33
rhochmuthnever mind15:33
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rhochmuth#topic Alarms on logs15:34
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mroderusthat's me15:34
mroderuswe've had a couple of previous discussions on this topic15:34
mroderuslast time was in Tokyo at the team meeting15:34
mroderusrhochmuth: I remember you made a proposal how we can implement a very simple alarming mechanism on logs without having to invoke StackTach15:35
mroderusdo you remember?15:35
rhochmuthi'm assuming that you are talking about using the purely logstash based approach15:35
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rhochmuthyes, we are interested in that15:36
rhochmuthbecause the CEP is still lacking progress15:36
mroderusLogstash is there to produce single, discret events from single log entries15:36
mroderusin this case I suppose that would already be a metric15:37
rhochmuthright, it is not stateful15:37
mroderusI was just wondering how the threshold engine can process these kind of events/metrics15:37
rhochmuthso, you can generate metrics when an error occurs in your log file15:37
rhochmuthyou can create alarms that use the "count" function15:38
mroderusright, that could be a metric e.g. for an error level15:38
rhochmuthone problem is that the threshold engine requires periodic metrics15:38
rhochmuthbut, log files would result in non-periodic errors15:38
rhochmuthfor example, if there were no errors15:38
rhochmuththen maybe, there wouldn't be any metrics sent15:39
rhochmuthso, we probably also need to add support for something we cal non-periodic metrics15:39
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mroderusok, understand. So Logstash would have to create a metric (e.g. 0 := OK) regularly15:39
rhochmuthno, i wouldn't do it there15:39
bkleithx ddieterly, will push a patch for that15:39
mroderusotherwise the state in Monasca would turn to "undefined"15:39
rhochmuthi would modify the threshold engine to not go into the undetermined state if there are no metrics15:39
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mroderusbut that would be only for distinct metrics. In other cases, "undefined" makes sense15:40
ddieterlybklei: for every db open, there needs to be a close in a finally clause15:40
bkleiyup, check for null and close in a finally15:40
mroderusok, I think that's enough info for me (for now)15:41
ddieterlyyea, amazing that we missed that15:41
ChristianBdoes that mean thresh is stateful?15:41
mroderusFujitsu-guys: any more questions on this?15:41
rhochmuththresh is stateful15:41
tomasztrebskino, I dont think so15:42
ChristianBwhat do you think about a new component to analyse logs and create metrics?15:42
bkleiddieterly will track close issue15:42
openstackLaunchpad bug 1524392 in Monasca "monasca api and persister java code doesn't close any db connections" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Bradley Klein (brad-klein)15:42
ddieterlythresh is the mast stateful component we have besides the db15:42
ddieterlybklei: thx15:43
rhochmuthChristianB Are you asking me?15:43
rhochmuthso, what do you mean by a new component15:44
rhochmuthwe had talked about doing this in logstash15:44
rhochmuthsounds like you are thinking outside of logstash15:44
rhochmuththere is a huge amount to leverage in the logstash community15:45
ChristianBwell the transformer transforms...I think it is not the right place to do "analytics"15:45
rhochmuthyeah, we were just trying to get by i think with something expedient15:46
rhochmuthso, i would be interested in a more custom component15:46
mroderusI also think we should leverage what's there15:46
rhochmuthso, it really comes down to the use cases that you want to address15:46
mroderusLogstash is very flexible and can be used for many use cases15:46
mroderusat least for the first step15:47
rhochmuththat wouldn't be covered by logstash15:47
rhochmuthfor example, handling state isn't easily done15:47
rhochmuthfrom what i've seen so far15:47
rhochmuthbut i'm not an expert15:47
rhochmuthSo, who is saying farewell15:48
mroderusso let's go with Logstash until we hit a wall15:48
mroderusThat's me15:48
rhochmuthand i also want to cover mid cycle and fabiog's topis15:48
rhochmuthohhh, is this your last meeting15:48
mroderusthis is probably the last time for me in this round15:48
rhochmuthwell, it has been great working with you15:48
mroderusso I just wanted to say goodbye and thanks for the great collab15:48
mroderusrhochmuth: same with you15:49
ddieterlymroderus: ciao15:49
rhochmuthi wish you well in your new endeavor15:49
bkleithat's a bummer mroderus15:49
rhochmuthand hope to stay in touch15:49
mroderusthanks a lot15:49
mroderusyeah, sorry. It wasn't an easy decision15:49
mroderusSo all the best to all of you and hope to see you!15:50
bkleiwhere are you off to?15:50
ddieterlythat's what everybody always says ;-)15:50
mroderusbut I mean it :)15:50
rhochmuthso, i just wanted to check with fabiog15:51
rhochmuthon topics15:51
rhochmuthfabiog wanted to run a mid-cycle15:51
fabiogrhochmuth: yes, we can15:52
rhochmuthso, did you check with congress15:52
fabiogrhochmuth: I will host the Congress one from Jan 26-2915:52
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fabiogrhochmuth: and there is one day dedicated to Monasca integration15:52
rhochmuthan entire day15:52
fabiogrhochmuth: pretty much15:52
fabiogrhochmuth: this is the tentative agenda for Congress15:53
fabiogTue Jan 26: Discussion with Monasca team about integration. - Intro to Congress (slides or whiteboard)  - Intro to Monasca (slides or whiteboard) - Design discussion - Prototyping  Wed Jan 27: Congress team code sprint for distributed arch  Thu Jan 28: Congress team design session for high availability and high throughput15:53
fabiogrhochmuth: I can have the topic on Cognress moved to Thu15:53
fabiogso we could have a Thu and Fri Monasca cycle15:53
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fabiogotherwise we can do the first week of Feb15:54
rhochmuthi see, tues congress/monasca15:54
fabiogand be separate from congress15:54
rhochmuthactually i think i meant wed15:54
fabiogrhochmuth: I can have that moved it Thu if more people from Monasca will come15:54
rhochmuthso, this would be in san jose15:54
rhochmuthcan anyone else make those days15:55
rhochmuthdo we want to do a poll15:55
fabiogI will send out a doodle in the mailing list for Jan 28/29 and for the first week of Feb15:55
fabiogwould that work?15:55
rhochmuthwhat is wfm15:55
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fabiogthen you guys can vote and at the beginning of Jan we decide if to have the mid-cycle or not15:55
bkleiwfm == works for me15:55
rhochmuthok, sounds good15:56
rhochmuththanks fabio15:56
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rhochmuthanymore topics in closing15:56
fabiogrhochmuth: np15:56
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fabiogbtw, it will be at the Cisco Campus in San Jose California15:56
* Menger slaps ChristianB around a bit with a large fishbot15:56
rhochmuthohhh, i did want to mention that the tempest tests are now gating monasca-api15:57
rhochmuthwe have 111 tests passing for both python and java15:57
rhochmuththere might be a couple of tests that randmoly fail15:57
rhochmuthdue to timing15:57
rhochmuthso, if you run into any problems, it might not be a code failure15:58
bkleigood to know15:58
rhochmuthbut we are closing those niggling issues still15:58
rhochmuthok, bye everyone15:58
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MengerGood bye15:59
fabiogI have the doodle set up15:59
rhochmuththanks fabio15:59
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rhochmuththat was fast15:59
fabiogplease choose15:59
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openstackMeeting ended Wed Dec  9 16:00:11 2015 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:00
openstackMinutes (text):
hogepodge#startmeeting defcore16:00
openstackMeeting started Wed Dec  9 16:00:40 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is hogepodge. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:00
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hogepodge#chair markvoelker16:01
openstackCurrent chairs: hogepodge markvoelker16:01
markvoelker#link Agenda16:01
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hogepodgeGood morning everybody16:02
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hogepodge(evening for those on the other side of the planet)16:02
dwalleckhowdy :-)16:02
hogepodge#topic Linux as required capability16:02
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hogepodgemarkvoelker: has a great wrapup in the etherpad, so he can sum up and lead this topic16:03
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markvoelkerSo, the conversation around the flag request we've been discussing at the past few meetings has now been discussed by the BoD and the TC16:04
markvoelkerWhile there are a lot of differing opinions about how to handle it, one thing has emerged pretty clearly: we want Capabilities that are required to be explicit, not implicit.16:04
markvoelkerOracle has asked for this, the Board and TC like it, it's probably the one thing that has universal agreement in this whole discussion. =)16:05
jlkhurray for agreement16:05
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markvoelkerThere are a number of things that we can make explicit, and the TC discussed about three of them yesterday.16:05
markvoelkerMonty is currently drafting a TC resolution to state the TC position on this, and he and I chatted briefly yesterday too16:05
markvoelkerBased on those three things, I'm drafting up some scoring patches for 2016.07 so the proposed Capabilities can get a fair hearing16:06
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markvoelker(there links in the etherpad if you want to see some super rough drafts: )16:06
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markvoelkerTwo notes:16:07
markvoelker1.)  There may be other things we propose Capabilities for that stem from this discussion, but these are a start.16:07
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markvoelker2.) I don't expect universal agreement on all of these (some Board members in particular expressed views that don't necessarily align with some of these), but it should give them an open hearing.16:08
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markvoelkerSo, all that said: I'll get those into Gerrit soonish, but in the meantime we need to actually decide what to do with the Oracle patch.16:08
purp#link TC meeting summary from yesterday16:09
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markvoelkerMy suggestion is we wait for the TC to set up their resolution for reference, then we can cast our +1/-1 votes and be done with that bit.16:09
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* markvoelker stops typing furiously so other people can talk if they have things to say =p16:09
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purp#link Monty's email upon which the TC resolution will be based16:10
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hogepodgeIt's ultimately up to the chairs if they want it to land, but it sounds like the consensus isn't there.16:10
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purpI'll note that it seems to be the majority opinion of the TC that the Oracle patch should not be merged.16:11
purp(perhaps strong majority)16:11
hogepodgeI proposal would be to write a test that explicitly boots linux (probably cirros, since it's tiny and available on multiple architectures), then build out a capability from that.16:11
markvoelkerhogepodge: Sure, I'd just like the chairs (and everyone else who cares) to actually record their votes fi they haven't yet.16:11
markvoelkerhogepodge: YEah, a test for "can boot linux" is probably a little nuianced, frankly.  Unless "can boot linux" is actually "can boot linux on x86_64" or some such.16:12
dwalleckmarkvoelker: +1 on any x86 OS16:13
SammyD+1 on any x8616:13
purphogepodge: I'd have likely said Debian, not strongly attached tho16:13
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purp#link Oracle patch (for convenience in summary notes)16:14
dwalleckI think any hypervisor that can boot  an x86 image should be able to boot Linux. I'm not sure what being more specific buys16:14
hogepodgemarkvoelker: really, just using the exiting image configs (and updating the documentation to say "linux images" gets us a huge part of the way there. Lots of tests boot images and test capabilities.16:15
purpIt begs an interesting point: what about other architectures? For example, Datacentred are running an ARM-based OpenStack cloud.16:15
markvoelkerdwalleck: The thing is that we need a test to prove the capability works.  So the question becomes "what the image you boot to prove you can run Linux"?16:16
hogepodgepurp: mordred seemed to feel that until we can discover architecture, x86 should be required. I disagree with that.16:16
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purphogepodge: I'm kinda with you, a bit with him. I think his view is pragmatic (what can we do now) vs. architectural (what will we be required to do in the future)16:16
markvoelkerpurp: exactly.  There's some dissent on whether the real intent is a Linux userland (in which case a test needs to be somewhat modular, but have some way to verify Linux has been booted"16:17
dwalleckmarkvoelker: we can solve the test problem. I've proposed a solution that I've implemented elsewhere
* purp chuckles16:17
mordredthe architecture thing is mostly me word quibbling16:17
purp... as one does.16:17
mordredI think a user should be able to boot a kernel16:17
dwalleckThat makes guest instance testing extendable16:17
hogepodgepurp: it seems unnecessarily exclusionary to me, and harms good community members (like datacentred)16:17
jlkright, I'm thinking the wording means a lot when it comes to containers and bare metal16:17
catherineDLinux is one of the  x86 image  but  not all Linux  images are x86 base16:17
mordredI mention architecture because if someone runs a pure openpower cloud right now16:17
mordredand I download an ubuntu image from ubuntu and upload it16:17
mordredit's not going to work16:17
jlkI didn't catch if TC felt that containers / BM are not enough to be OpenStack(TM)16:17
mordredand we don't have a GREAT way of letting me know that16:18
mordredbut honestly - this is not even _close_ to a real problem16:18
mordredand datacenterd is an awesome cloud (I have an accout there)16:18
mordredso - that portion of my rambling was not intended ot be exclusionary16:18
mordredjust pointing out we're missing, as openstack, a way to communicate that information well to our users16:18
markvoelkerjlk: those who spoke up basically said "full virt is necessary to be OpenStack" (someone scream if I'm putting words in people's mouths)16:18
mordredyah. that's the position16:19
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mordredor bare metal16:19
jlkmarkvoelker: fair enough.16:19
mordredbasically "you need to be able to boot a kernel"16:19
hogepodgemarkvoelker: I heard the same thing (also knocking out bare metal clouds)16:19
mordredthat was clarified16:19
purpjlk: didn't get that it specifically excluded containers, but that just containers is not enough.16:19
mordredbare metal clouds are _not_ knocked out or excluded - they are explicitly important to eveyone there16:19
mordredrussell spoke poorly, sean corrected him and he agreed on the full virt16:20
mordred(btw - I'll be pushing up a resolution with all of this spelled out today)16:20
jlkpurp: sure, it'd exclude a container only cloud16:20
mordredyes. it will do that16:20
jlkI'm okay with that though, as long as the TC wording is clear16:21
markvoelkerRight, so here's what I'll suggest: I'll finish those capability patches and post them.  Then we can iterate in gerrit until we hit rough consensus.16:21
hogepodgemordred: dhellmann: asked me to not conflate virtualization with bare metal, fwiw. Regardless, bare metal can't pass interop tests as it stands.16:21
purpmarkvoelker: yes, would suggest we loop in some folks from Datacentred on the review for
markvoelkerpurp: Sure.  I imagine some members of the BoD will have things to say about some of them too.16:22
mordredhogepodge: sure. I think we have work to do on the bare metal side ... but I think it's _intent_ that bare metal be a thing that one can get from nova16:22
markvoelkerSo once they go up in gerrit I'll send them out to the usual channels and people can add whomever they want to solicit responses from to the Gerrit review.16:22
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purpmarkvoelker: Yup. Want to be sure we specifically call attention to that one for DC'd.16:23
mordredhogepodge: while I do not think it is intent that container-only clouds that can't boot os images are a thing we expect to be first-class citizens16:23
dwalleckhogepodge: Why wouldn't a bare metal one pass? If it's treated like another flavor, it's just another guest os16:23
mordreddwalleck: there are some of the capabilties that the ironic driver doesn't fully do yet16:24
hogepodgemordred: agree. To me it's fertile ground for a new component (like compute and storage are components)16:24
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mordredhogepodge: yup.16:24
markvoelkerdwallek: off the top of my head baremetal fails some of the volume attachement tests IIRC16:24
dwalleckmordred: I know create image doesn't, but many do16:24
mordred(also, datacentred runs x86 cloud AND arm)16:24
mordreddwalleck: yah. I think create image is one of the trickiest ones, since, you know, not so much with there being a chance of that one working :)16:25
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hogepodgeWe're 25 minutes in. Are there any other comments on this topic?16:26
markvoelker#action markvoelker to put up patches in gerrit16:26
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markvoelker#topic Flag tests requiring multiple tenants and users16:27
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* markvoelker yields the floor to hogepodge16:27
hogepodgeThat review currently is there for discussion (I wouldn't expect it to be merged without a significant pruning)16:27
hogepodgePart of the goal of an interop standard is to let users verify results on their own.16:28
hogepodgeCurrently that can be done, but it's difficult as you need tenant seperated accounts.16:28
* purp reads16:28
hogepodgeI'm making an argument that testing tenant isolation isn't necessarily an interop capability (although it is a valuable security capability), and we do users a disservice by requiring it as part of testing.16:29
markvoelkerYeah, in general I like the idea of making things more end-user-doable (is that a word?) but the tradeoff as proposed is too large.16:29
markvoelkerFor example, it cites the costs you'd incur running this on a public cloud.  While that is super important, it bears mention that on a lot of private clouds (62% of OpenStack installs based on the last user survey) that cost is likely way less.16:30
purpmarkvoelker: +116:30
hogepodgeIt also makes it difficult for the Foundation to independently verity test results. I didn't think it would be a problem, but I keep getting feedback from the third-party ci testing that cheating is a problem. For public clouds, it would be nice to ease accountability without having to swipe two credit cards. for tenant seperated accounts.16:30
markvoelkerSo, another avenue for helping with costs came up in another discussion....16:31
markvoelkerParticularly for public clouds, we could potentially have centralized testing administered by the Foundation (say, via refstack).16:31
markvoelkerWith source posted for the tests (e.g. version of tempest they're using, etc) so end users can verify it16:32
markvoelkerAnd presumably those public clouds might have incentive to offer the Foundation reduced cost/free accounts to perform the testing.16:32
purpmarkvoelker: on that last, I don't think we want reduced cost or free accounts.16:33
purpDon't want to be marked or observed while testing Volkswagon's cloud. ;D16:33
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* markvoelker always wants free accounts to public clouds but nobody ever phones up and gives them to me...sigh16:34
markvoelkerpurp: heh16:34
purpBut in all seriousness, we don't want an account that can be made special — if there's a concern about cheating, I want to buy two gift cards, swipe both, and test manually.16:34
dwalleckIf the only tests that require multiple users are authorization tests, then as has been mentioned before, is authorization inside a project really a capability?16:34
markvoelkerpurp: ok, reasonable thing to debate.  Generally though, the thing is this: if the main issue here is the cost to run tests on public cloud, there are perhaps ways to deal with that that don't involve removing tests/capabilities from the Guidelines.16:35
markvoelkerdwalleck: quite possibly, yes16:35
purpmarkvoelker: Totally agree that we don't want to remove them unless necessary.16:35
catherineDdwalleck: authorization tests are not the only ones needed 2 isolated tenants16:35
purphogepodge: what's the overall cost, roughly?16:35
hogepodgeI've spoken with qa, and they think that a bunch of those tests can be refactored. Right now they require tenant isolation because it's part of a generic class setup, but not all need it16:35
hogepodgepurp: based on Dreamhost around $200/mo16:36
hogepodgepurp: that's to pay for enough vms across two tenants.16:36
purpOkay. 10 public clouds?16:36
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hogepodgeSo that list I posted can be pruned down.16:37
* dwalleck spent way more than $200 last May16:37
markvoelkerpurp: more like about 20 total in the Marketplace, but not all of those may attempt to be OpenStack Powered16:37
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hogepodgeAlso, if we know which tests require tenant isolation, we can have a shadow guideline that excludes them, and can be used as a partial independent verification.16:37
purphogepodge: I completely agree that things which don't require multitenancy should be pared down as much as possible via refactoring.16:37
* markvoelker notes 22 minutes remaining and wonders if we should just note "please add comments to review" and move on at this point16:38
hogepodgedwalleck: yeah, I feel that pain as an individual swiping my card rather than as a corporation, and I'm getting reimbursed. I guess I'm kind of cheap? :-D16:39
hogepodgemarkvoelker: agree16:39
purpLet's do. I'll say that I'm more interested in finding a way to cover costs of independent testing than I am of optimizing to reduce it at this point.16:39
markvoelker#action everyone please add your comments to the gerrit review
dwalleckhogepodge: That was my individual card :-(16:39
purpFor example, if there was a fee for TM use.16:39
purpI'll follow up there.16:39
hogepodge#topic Remove "flag all tests clauses"16:39
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dwalleckpurp: +116:40
SammyDpurp: +116:40
markvoelkerI think the commit message more or less sums this one up.  Basically the assertion here is that the "you can't flag all tests in a capability" clause we have today isn't needed and in fact may just be a hinderance to using good judgement16:40
markvoelkerSo, here again: happy to entertain commentary now, but I think we just need to get people to actually comment on the review16:41
hogepodgewith the goal of exercising good judgment and possibly reintroducing once the guideline has stabilized a bit more16:41
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hogepodgebut with the introduction of lots of new projects scheduled for 2016, I expect a lot of flagging against new capabilities16:42
hogepodge(just based on experience)16:42
purphogepodge: generally agree. Will comment on review. =]16:42
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markvoelkerhogepodge: frankly I probably wouldn't even bother reintroducing it unless it proves to be necessary.  I'm having a hard time imagining a future where it's necessary.16:43
markvoelkerBut we can deal with that later. =)16:43
markvoelkerOk, move on?16:43
purpmarkvoelker +1 move on16:44
markvoelkerNext topic is sort of related anyway actually16:44
markvoelker#topic DefCore Capabilities should have more than one test16:44
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* purp chuckles.16:45
markvoelkerI think hogepodge and I have sort of both come down on the side that this is another unecessary restriction, and one that would be violated 17 times as proposed anyway.16:45
markvoelkerBut obviously there is room for more opinions. =)16:45
hogepodgeyup, it's nice in principle, bad in practice16:45
markvoelkerPartly I think this came about because of the "you can't request to flag all tests in a capability" rule, so if that goes away we may not even really need this.16:46
catherineDmarkvoelker: does that mean that you will end up with capability with no test?16:46
markvoelkercatherineD: nope, it means that one-test capabilities are ok16:47
markvoelkerwhich is the current state of affairs16:47
purpIt seems like the core of this and the last are: "We want to name capabilities that are important, they may have few or buggy tests, and we want to make sure we get more and better tests."16:47
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purpAnd generating interest in making better tests is hard.16:48
markvoelkerpurp: yeah, with the added stipulation that it seems at least some in the community feel that the minimum bar for a capability should be that it has multiple tests associated with it.16:48
purpmarkvoelker: I'm probably in that camp, though I need to introspect a bit to know why16:49
purpIt seems like DefCore is saying "these are the most important areas of OpenStack to get right"16:49
markvoelkerpurp: one counterpoint to which has been: if the technical contributors in the community feel a thing is adequately tested with one test and it becomes widely adopted, why should DefCore set a different bar than devs and users?16:49
purpAnd I like my most important code to be very well tested.16:49
markvoelkerpurp: I definitely think we all like well tested code. =)16:50
hogepodgeTo me there's also a sense of "does this thing work?" And some things are easy to check. Like, "give me a token". You know if you get a token or not.16:50
purpmarkvoelker: My counter to that argument would be, "Most users never look at the tests, and so can't be assumed to be satisfied. And most devs aren't as interested in making test code as they are in making feature code."16:50
hogepodgeAnd that one test may actually do a lot to make sure the thing is working.16:50
dwalleckI love writing test code :-)16:51
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purpdwalleck: ++ me too. =D16:51
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markvoelkerhogepodge: Right, some of the image tests come to mind.  I think there's one test that creates an image, boots it, and does some other stuff all in one test for example16:51
purphogepodge: so a given test shouldn't necessarily do a lot of things16:51
SammyDpurp: +1 for test cases being atomic16:52
purpmarkvoelker hogepodge: like the Oracle example — implictly covers many things, and should be refactored into more than one test.16:52
purpAnd, super-often, as an OS dev faced with "make more tests or make code to scratch my itch" I'll choose the latter.16:52
purpPartly, I think we exist to urge the former in the important places.16:53
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purpI'll comment in the review after I think a bit. I'm inclined to say we knowingly violate the one-test principle, shouldn't, and want to improve that situation if we can.16:53
hogepodgeWith a few minutes left, I propose that we wrap up by posting links to the discussion items we're not going to make it to today.16:53
hogepodge#topic outstanding reviews (backlog for next week)16:54
* markvoelker is fine with that16:54
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hogepodgereview for adjusting weights16:54
hogepodgereview for adding cutoff score field to guideline16:55
hogepodgereview for recurring testing recommendations16:55
hogepodge#topic open discussion16:55
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purpThanks, markvoelker and hogepodge, for all the work you do (and for stepping in to run things today.16:56
hogepodgeany last bits anyone wants to add?16:56
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purpJust an apology that I've not been very present for the past several months and have remedied the conflict.16:56
hogepodgethank purp and markvoelker and everyone else. always lots of good discussions here16:56
purpAnd for talking so much today. But I'm not sure that will change in the future. =]16:56
markvoelkerIn particular I'd like to call out for comments as I'd love to get that settled before we go into our next round of scoring16:57
purpmarkvoelker: when is that?16:57
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* markvoelker high fives everyone who provides input including purp and hogepodge16:57
hogepodgemarkvoelker: I'm thining that we might want a new scoring category16:57
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markvoelkerpurp: well, I have an AI to post patches adding capabilities as a result of the Oracle discussion this week. =)16:57
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hogepodgemarkvoelker: I need to give it a bit more thought though. Something along the lines of testability or usage for interoperability. Needs thinking.16:58
hogepodge(as in, it's not well formed enough yet in my mind)16:58
markvoelkerhogepodge: sure, would be happy to hear thinking on that16:58
hogepodgeThanks everyone.16:59
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openstackMeeting ended Wed Dec  9 16:59:34 2015 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:59
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david-lyle#startmeeting horizondrivers20:00
openstackMeeting started Wed Dec  9 20:00:43 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is david-lyle. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.20:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'horizondrivers'20:00
david-lylewho's around?20:01
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david-lylethere are some blueprints for review on the agenda for today20:03
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david-lyleitxaka, robcresswell o/20:03
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r1chardj0n3slooks like a good bp, though s/less/fewer ;-)20:05
david-lylethat seems like a reasonable proposal with a great goal. I posted my comments on the patch yesterday20:05
tsufievmy point regarding bp/refactor-tables-templates is that we need more numbers20:05
tsufievI tested it with fake cinder volumes, no effect20:06
itxakaIndeed, I retested with the volumes as well, the gains are minimal20:06
tsufievhaven't yet managed to test with pseudo instances, scheduled for tomorrow20:06
david-lyleso what's the difference for users?20:06
itxakaSeems that the less actions there are for each row, the speed ups are less20:07
itxakaso the time consuming part is calling for 1000 rows, 5 actions for each20:07
itxakafor 1000 rows with one action, there is no noticiable gain20:07
david-lylethat doesn't preclude the advantage on tables with many actions20:08
tsufievitxaka, this refactoring won't affect themability, will it?20:08
david-lyleit would be nice to better quantify20:08
itxakaI also want to test with instances as they got a lot of actions, so it should be hte most extreme case of gains20:08
david-lylebecause listing 1000 items is never a good idea anyway20:08
itxakatsufiev I added blocks everywhere so they can be overriden :)20:08
itxakaSo Im thinking that it should not affect themability20:08
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david-lyleI'd like to see a better quantification20:11
david-lylemaybe for 100-200 items20:11
itxakaAlso, this speeds up any dashboard that has a lot of actions per row in them, so could cover us from that20:12
itxakaI know that I have suffer it myself :D20:12
david-lylethis will break backward compatibility for those who have overridden the sub templates, I want there to be a good reason to break them20:12
itxakasure, will redo the tests with 150 items on several tables tomorrow20:12
david-lyleitxaka: thank you20:12
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itxakaso we can see how it affects other tables (volumes/images/instances and so on)20:12
david-lyle#info moved to review20:13
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david-lylepending more data, we'll revisit20:13
itxakagreat, thanks!20:13
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david-lyleok, thought that looked familiar20:14
david-lyleit's already merged20:14
tsufiev2-3 times speedup, nuff said :)20:14
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david-lyle#info complete20:14
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itxakaThats me too, sorry :D20:15
itxakalet me read it again20:15
itxakaah yes, there is a patch ongoing for the new launch instance20:16
itxakastill some work needed20:16
itxakanot sure it it would be useful to have the same done on the django launch instance as well20:16
r1chardj0n3sre the "missing text" note - is the help text something that the doc team could help with?20:16
itxakaor are we moving forward full speed with angular20:16
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itxakar1chardj0n3s: Indeed, that would be really helpful as Im kind of lost on how to write something decent ;D20:17
tsufievitxaka, IMO implementing new functionality in Launch Instance NG would be a good stimuli to switch to the new wizard :)20:19
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david-lyleI think support SR-IOV here makes sense. But I would like a check to see if the ML2 plugin supports it before exposing the option to the user.20:19
itxakaSupposedly it supports it, there is configuration files and everything on the ml2 plugin20:20
tsufievitxaka, but as we were discussing implementing the same thing internally, our Nova/Neutron guys stood up and said that there were some pieces missing on their side20:20
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tsufievcannot share more details :/20:20
itxakaI have a machine running with it enabled but I cannot make it work, have to check with the neutron guys20:20
itxakaso I cannot affirm that it works20:21
itxakait seems to :D20:21
david-lyleitxaka: but there should be a call to determine if it's configured or not20:21
itxakaIn that I cant say anything becuase my knwowledge of that is basically 020:22
david-lyleor a setting similar to
david-lylebut there are points for the review, I don't have a problem with the bp20:23
itxakaIts still a very early thing for me because until monday I knoew nothing about SR-IOV20:24
itxakaso any help is welcomed in there, but it would go slow from my part20:24
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david-lylewe'll handle the rest in reviews20:24
david-lyledoes anyone have an issue with the bp itself?20:25
r1chardj0n3sitxaka: I'll see if my neutron co-worker can help20:25
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itxakathanks r1chardj0n3s :)20:25
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r1chardj0n3s(well, help me help you ;-)20:25
robcresswello/ Sorry, late.20:26
david-lylegoing twice20:27
david-lyle#info approved20:28
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pkarikh_yep, it's mine. :)20:28
tsufievso this is the famous bp/feature we've speaking about last several months :)20:30
robcresswellYes, I like this idea20:30
pkarikh_it's not so easy to make it all together since keystone and keystone-client changes are needed too. and they are booth in progress20:31
david-lyleI like it, I'm not sure if it goes far enough20:31
robcresswellfar enough?20:32
pkarikh_but keystone guys said that their patches have good progress20:32
tsufievdavid-lyle, should we ask again for keystone pagination :)?20:32
david-lyleoh no20:33
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stevemarrobcresswell: do you have links to the keystone patches? i can put them at the top of my list20:33
* stevemar picks up a rock and is ready to throw at tsufiev 20:33
* tsufiev trying to outline the contours of 'far enough'20:33
david-lylejust wondering the value of listed the first 25 is useful at all20:33
david-lyleI suppose for toy setups it is20:34
david-lyleor single rack20:34
robcresswellstevemar: and
tsufievdavid-lyle, the first 25 that satisfy the filtering query20:34
doug-fishdavid-lyle: probably useful for novices, first setups20:34
david-lylethe table numbering on the bottom should be updated as well20:34
david-lyleI don't see that called out in the UX20:34
stevemarrobcresswell: thanks, i'll make sure to target these patches accordingly20:34
robcresswellstevemar: Excellent :)20:34
tsufievpkarikh, I think we should also discuss that with Piet from UX group20:36
pkarikh_tsufiev: ok, looks like I need to find him :)20:37
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tsufievpkarikh, try #openstack-ux channel or just an email20:37
david-lyleany dissent on this one?20:37
pkarikh_tsufiev: I'll try both20:37
tsufievdavid-lyle, btw, where was that number of 25?20:38
david-lyleok, I think there are a couple of UX pieces to fine tune, but looks good to me.20:39
david-lyle#info approved20:39
david-lylewould there be a separate patch for filtering users on project role addition ?20:40
david-lyletsufiev: I made it up20:41
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david-lylewhatever page limit is set to20:41
pkarikh_yesterday I've tried some kind of poc20:41
pkarikh_was very glad Horizon has REST API for identity. :)20:41
tsufievdavid-lyle, I see. Well, it's always the tradeoff between usability vs. performance20:41
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david-lyletsufiev: true, but even first 200 users will only be useable for a relatively small audience20:42
david-lyleI most likely looking for user 20120:42
david-lyleso unless I'm lucky, you've just pulled in a bunch of data that's no help to me20:43
tsufievdavid-lyle, if you narrow your search query enough, you won't need to display 201 users, this 201 user should become user #220:43
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tsufievand if we could use faceted search...20:43
david-lyletsufiev: right, the idea question is do you force the user to facet first20:44
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r1chardj0n3sI think we have to, but that's a much bigger ux issue20:44
tsufievhmm... we definitely need to discuss it with UX community + I don't know if it's possible on Keystone side20:44
r1chardj0n3sespecially in some of the currently-cramped user listing interfaces20:44
david-lyleor show the spinny and give them data they can't use and then implicitly force them to facet20:44
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david-lyletsufiev: to search?20:45
david-lylesure it is20:45
tsufievr1chardj0n3s, aka Project->Manage Members?20:45
r1chardj0n3stsufiev: precisely20:45
tsufievdavid-lyle, to search against several criteria20:45
david-lyletsufiev: that I don't know20:45
david-lylelooks like homework for tsufiev and pkarikh_20:46
tsufievneither do I :/...20:46
* david-lyle adds to the mountain20:46
tsufievpkarikh, have fun ;)20:46
pkarikh_sure :)20:46
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robcresswellI assume for small totals, you would just pull them all in anyway. No point mandating a search for 200 entries. May as well show all.20:47
david-lylerobcresswell: but you don't know that before querying the API20:48
david-lylethere could be 10 or 10000 out there20:48
david-lylemaybe a configuration option down the road20:48
david-lyledon't preload table data20:48
robcresswellAh, I see20:49
tsufievdavid-lyle, robcresswell we just trust in deployer's wisdom who is able to set this limit20:49
david-lylemake me search20:49
david-lylepkarikh_'s work still needto happen20:49
david-lyle*needs to20:49
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pkarikh_if I got your concern right, keystone will have list_limit settings in its config20:49
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david-lylepkarikh_: keystone has a value, horizon has another20:50
lhchengdavid-lyle: o/20:50
lhchenga lot of operators ask for this feature20:50
david-lylethat is user settable20:50
david-lylesee settings dashboard20:50
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robcresswellDo those messages show up once, or every time the user logs in?20:50
r1chardj0n3sis there anything controversial about this one?20:50
david-lyledoes this just leverage the message system already in place?20:51
david-lylethat was my only question20:51
robcresswellr1chardj0n3s: No, but curious how its coded :)20:51
itxakaIts great, but there is no way that I can see of removing the message20:51
lhchengrobcresswell: everytime the user logs in20:51
itxakarobcresswell exactly that20:51
tsufievr1chardj0n3s, besides it has been denied several times, I guess nothing controversial :)20:51
lhchengdavid-lyle: it just uses the django message20:51
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lhchengdavid-lyle: horizon.message20:52
robcresswelllhcheng: That would be *very* annoying, wouldn't it?20:52
tqtranright, i was just thinking that20:52
lhchengrobcresswell: there is no way to track if user have already seen the message though.20:53
tqtranthere should be a way to show it only once? or until user disables it20:53
david-lyletsufiev: what had been denied was adding it to the login page20:53
david-lyleright, so the first page I go to after logging in gets 0* messages added to it20:53
tqtranlhcheng: you can use localStorage to track20:53
robcresswelllhcheng: Yeah, I know, thats why I was curious how you'd done it :)20:53
lhchengtqtran: depends how you intend to use the messaging20:53
david-lylerobcresswell: how often will you log in to a production system?20:54
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david-lyleyou're thinking as a developer20:54
tqtranyou can do something like, 1. fetch message, if message is the same, then dont show it20:54
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tqtranotherwise, display it inside the toast20:54
* david-lyle makes assumption about robcresswell's thoughts20:54
lhchengI'm not doing it in angular20:54
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tqtranhorizon.message = toast20:54
tsufievmessaging as a service?20:54
david-lyletqtran: if service cinder is down, it's useful to know that every time I login until it's resolved20:55
robcresswelldavid-lyle: You're probably right. I was just picturing having to dismiss 10 messages every time I log in to Horizon20:55
david-lyleotherwise I might assume it's fixed20:55
lhchengit is used for upcoming downtime20:55
lhchengor upgrade20:55
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tqtranyou can flag all of that stuff, just have another param { level, message, duration }20:55
tqtranduration where it can pop up everytime or just once20:56
lhchengtqtran: what is duration for?20:56
tqtranduration might be bad name20:56
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robcresswellI assume length of time before auto dismiss?20:56
tqtranbut basically a counter to tell the front-end to display it or not20:56
david-lylelhcheng: the commit message says allow user to set MOTD, but with the patch, it's a file system operation by the operator, no?20:56
lhchengdavid-lyle: ah yes, they don't set the motd on the ui. It is just file system update20:57
tqtranthe fs would have to be shared between diff deploy of horizon as well for this to work in big deploys?20:57
david-lylelet's step back a second and consider what the proposal is20:57
david-lyle1) the operator, who can log into the horizon server can set a MOTD20:57
david-lyle2) the MOTD is only supported if the option is enabled20:58
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lhchengdavid-lyle: yeah20:59
lhchengbasic stuff, doesn't have to be fancy20:59
lhchengI don't want to over-engineer it21:00
tqtranhow would it work if you have multiple deployment of horizon?21:00
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lhchengyou have a tool that manages updating that file21:00
tqtranwould you have to log into each and set the message? im assuming the fs arent shared right?21:00
lhchengcould be chef21:00
david-lyle3) if the operator feels the message is important enough to show on all logins, it probably is21:01
david-lyle4) in production you likely won't login in very often21:01
david-lylelhcheng: fair summary?21:01
david-lyleI'm just not sure any of that is egregious or needs to be prematurely optimized21:01
david-lyletqtran: likely have puppet or chef update to all horizon controllers21:01
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lhchengtqtran: that's not in the scope of horizon, it would be up to the operators to figure that out.21:01
david-lyleok, we're at time21:01
robcresswellYeah, I don't have any issue with the proposal. If message spam is a non-issue, then its fine by me.21:01
lhchengdavid-lyle: yep, thanks!21:02
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tqtranok, im fine with is as long as something like duration flag is added21:02
lhchengdavid-lyle: fair summary ^21:02
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alaskiare y'all done?21:03
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david-lylemuch like making sure the local_settings file is in sync on all horizon controllers21:04
david-lyleI'm inclined to approve, but leave comments on the bp if you disagree21:04
david-lyleThanks everyone!21:04
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openstackMeeting ended Wed Dec  9 21:04:05 2015 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)21:04
openstackMinutes (text):
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alaski#startmeeting nova_cells21:04
openstackMeeting started Wed Dec  9 21:04:31 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is alaski. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.21:04
itxakabye bye o/21:04
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alaskianyone around today?21:05
alaski#topic Testing21:05
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alaskimelwitt: any word?21:05
alaskibtw, I don't have much today, hoping to be quick21:05
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melwittalaski: not aware of anything like failures but I found a gap in our tempest testing for cells that I'm trying to address21:06
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melwittI think we don't have coverage of testing network connectivity for instances booted during the job. that used to be covered by the devstack exercise job21:06
dansmithseems unimportant21:07
melwittbut the tempest scenarios all use floating ip and/or security groups during the ssh test, so I'm looking at providing an option to specify security group name instead of creating on the fly21:07
melwittwe're blacklisting all the tests that do ssh I believe21:07
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alaskithe default security group should work as well I think21:08
melwittyeah, that's what I'm aiming for ultimately21:08
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alaskiif I can help let me know21:10
alaski#topic Open Reviews21:10
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alaskijust want to call out here21:10
belmoreiraanything blocking and ?21:10
alaskiplease add any open patches under the cellsv2 section21:10
alaskibelmoreira: I think it's just lack of reviews21:11
alaskiI will go through them again21:11
belmoreiraalaski: thanks21:12
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alaski#topic Open Discussion21:12
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alaskiI'm starting to go through and clean up the boot process in preparation for actually persisting the request spec there21:13
alaskiand then calling the scheduler from nova-api/conductor from nova-api21:14
alaskithat will be the first work that starts to require the api db, so I'm hoping to get some attention on it once it's up21:14
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alaskianyone have a topic for open discussion?21:15
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melwittI was just thinking I need to test out the db connection switch patch more21:15
melwittcurrently there's just the functional test, which I improved by not using the in-memory sqlite for the cell db21:16
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alaskiadded that to the reviews etherpad21:17
alaskithat's another one I want to go through again21:17
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melwittthanks. the main change is I changed it not to keep connections open to every cell, or not try to21:18
melwittI didn't know if that's okay, i.e. is it very costly to do a new connect each time and teardown. I thought maybe with pooling underneath that's in oslo.db it would be okay21:19
melwittso input on that would be appreciated in the review21:19
dansmithjaypipes always said that a new connection to mysql is very fast21:19
dansmithlike, it was designed that way and thus connecting and disconnecting _should_ be done aggressively21:19
dansmithnow, that doesn't mean we should rely on that, given that we support other databases, but ...21:20
melwittI see21:20
alaskithat's good info21:20
alaskithis is probably something we'll need to offer some tuning knobs for21:20
alaskiand it would be good to get some input from db experts, like jaypipes, on the review21:21
melwittI was thinking not to prematurely optimize by trying to maintain an open connection cache with expiry when I don't yet know if it's necessary21:21
melwittyeah, agree21:21
alaskiyeah, start simple21:22
alaskianything else?21:23
alaskicool.  back to work everyone!  or relax, depending on timezone21:23
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