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dprince | hello all | 14:00 |
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jdob | o/ | 14:00 |
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rbrady | hi | 14:00 |
d0ugal | hi | 14:00 |
marios | o/ | 14:01 |
gfidente | we haven't started yet the bot AFAIK :) | 14:01 |
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dprince | gfidente: here we go | 14:01 |
dprince | #startmeeting tripleo | 14:01 |
openstack | Meeting started Tue Oct 6 14:01:29 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is dprince. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 14:01 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 14:01 |
slagle | gfidente wants his hello to be recorded | 14:01 |
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trown | o/ | 14:01 |
openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'tripleo' | 14:01 |
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dprince | hello | 14:01 |
rhallisey | hi | 14:01 |
d0ugal | hi bot | 14:01 |
tzumainn | hiya | 14:01 |
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shardy | o/ | 14:01 |
rbrady | hey | 14:01 |
derekh | yo | 14:02 |
jdob | did tzumainn just admit to being a bot? | 14:02 |
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gfidente | slagle, was super-happy of the new timeframe actually :) | 14:02 |
tzumainn | this is srs bzns jdob, stop messing around | 14:02 |
dprince | ++ for the new meeting time | 14:02 |
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marios | jdob: motion to ban tzumainn from all openstack-* chans | 14:02 |
jdob | +2 | 14:02 |
tzumainn | D: | 14:02 |
akrivoka | hello \o | 14:02 |
jistr | o/ | 14:03 |
dprince | okay, so to shake things up I've gone and messed w/ the agenda (feedback welcome) | 14:03 |
dprince | #topic agenda | 14:03 |
dprince | * bugs | 14:03 |
dprince | * reviews (optional) | 14:03 |
dprince | * Projects needing releases (optional) | 14:03 |
dprince | * CI | 14:03 |
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dprince | * Specs (optional) | 14:03 |
dprince | * one off agenda items | 14:03 |
dprince | * open discussion | 14:03 |
dprince | the idea was to skip (or optionally skip) some of the sections to give us more time on other things | 14:04 |
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dprince | basically, releases aren't that useful to us ATM. We will still do them but as we use Delorean trunk for most things they aren't as important | 14:05 |
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dprince | things like setup-clienttools, etc used to require us to do releases often... | 14:05 |
florianf | hello everyone... | 14:06 |
trown | releases are nice if we want to have "stable" packages ie non-delorean packages | 14:06 |
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shardy | It'd be interesting to thing about what we might support wrt the release branch too | 14:06 |
dprince | trown: sure, but this isn't a stable release branch thing | 14:07 |
dprince | trown: we previously had a "releases" section in our agenda because we relied on trunk releases to use the latest things | 14:07 |
trown | ah ok | 14:07 |
dprince | shardy: as for stable branch testing I think that is a different thing | 14:07 |
trown | stable release branch could also have delorean packages fwiw | 14:08 |
dprince | and as for releasing things to pypi we still want/need to do that, perhaps just not as often | 14:08 |
shardy | dprince: Yup, was just mentioning we might take a more release centric approach there, +1 on removing the recurring item | 14:08 |
dprince | shardy: Delorean stable builds would cover us | 14:08 |
shardy | dprince: Ok, thanks | 14:08 |
dprince | okay so reviews, rather than talk about metrics (which are still important sometimes but we seem to be doing okay) I added a new review highlights section for things that seem of interest recently (came up on the mailing list ,etc) | 14:09 |
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* dprince promises not to only list *his* patches in this section | 14:09 | |
dprince | anyways, best to get on with things, perhaps feedback on the agenda can follow in #tripleo | 14:10 |
marios | dprince: may be worth noting anyone can add to the agenda. egafford was just asking about the sahara patches in the chan earlier | 14:10 |
shardy | dprince: I've got a couple of pending ExtraConfig ones I'd like to see land: | 14:10 |
shardy | https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/tripleo-heat-templates+branch:master+topic:node_extraconfig,n,z | 14:10 |
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dprince | marios: correct, anyone can add items here | 14:10 |
shardy | #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/tripleo-heat-templates+branch:master+topic:node_extraconfig,n,z | 14:10 |
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dprince | #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/TripleO | 14:10 |
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dprince | shardy: noted, | 14:11 |
shardy | dprince: I think having a "priority" reviews section, or maybe etherpad is a good idea | 14:11 |
derekh | shardy: +1 | 14:11 |
shardy | we do the same for heat (etherpad) and it's worked well to help focus reviewers attention, particularly close to releases | 14:11 |
dprince | shardy: cool, perhaps an etherpad would work too | 14:11 |
marios | yeah +1 to having a agenda item for this. we remove/skip when it isn't useful | 14:11 |
dprince | okay so bugs | 14:12 |
dprince | #topic bugs | 14:12 |
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dprince | any pending issues to bring up w/ bugs | 14:12 |
dprince | derekh: you've been squashing some DIB regressions... | 14:13 |
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derekh | dprince: yup | 14:13 |
derekh | most of last weeks ci failures were caused by bugs in 2 find commands | 14:13 |
marios | dprince: so was that the review highlights section done with (sorry, i am confused. are we discussing those reviews ?) | 14:13 |
derekh | Fix merged for the first https://review.openstack.org/#/c/230202/ | 14:13 |
derekh | patch for the second here, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/230448/ <-- have yet to look at the -xdev suggestion, probably wont have time for a day or 2 so if anybody else wants to fire ahead | 14:13 |
dprince | marios: it is later | 14:13 |
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egafford | If there are extant issues on the Sahara pathes, that | 14:13 |
marios | dprince: k thx | 14:14 |
egafford | that'd be great to know. :_ | 14:14 |
egafford | (Sorry; double-meetings at the moment. Typing is failing me.) | 14:14 |
dprince | derekh: okay, thanks, will try to look at those | 14:14 |
marios | egafford: we have an agenda item for discussion of those reviews in a bit (including the sahara patches) | 14:14 |
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dprince | slagle, bnemec: any update on https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1492416 | 14:15 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1492416 in tripleo "Apache fails to start, .HorizonScssFilter: command not found" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to James Slagle (james-slagle) | 14:15 |
dprince | that would allow us to re-enable Horizon right? | 14:15 |
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slagle | dprince: yes, as long as it's fixed in delorean as well | 14:16 |
slagle | i guess we could try re-enabling horizon | 14:17 |
slagle | for what purpose though? | 14:17 |
dprince | slagle: cool, would be nice to push this through soon (Horizon has been down for weeks I think) | 14:17 |
dprince | derekh, gfidente: do we have any bugs filed on what is causing the HA job failures? | 14:17 |
trown | we have delorean pinned pretty far back for non-tripleo packages | 14:17 |
trown | we can talk more about that in the CI agenda though | 14:18 |
derekh | trown: I updated the pin on saturday, we're about a week old | 14:18 |
dprince | trown: derekh just pushed this https://review.openstack.org/#/c/229789/ | 14:18 |
trown | oh, nice one | 14:18 |
slagle | dprince: is horizon disabled in the overcloud too? | 14:18 |
slagle | i didnt know there was a way to do that | 14:19 |
shardy | slagle: I gave a TripleO demo today, and it would've been nice to show "look, deployed openstack" by loading horizon at the end ;) | 14:19 |
derekh | dprince: ya, that failed for some reason, havn't looked at why yet, back to conference after meeting so wont have a chance today | 14:19 |
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dprince | slagle: there isn't, cherry pick this https://review.openstack.org/#/c/219697/ | 14:19 |
dprince | slagle: I think I'm out of date on this | 14:20 |
slagle | dprince: that looks like it is disablign it | 14:20 |
slagle | i'm asking if it's already disabled | 14:20 |
slagle | i don't think it is | 14:20 |
shardy | slagle: Oh, I assumed it was disabled in the overcloud, I tried to access it and it didn't work | 14:20 |
dprince | slagle: okay, let (me) follow up on this later | 14:20 |
dprince | slagle: just wanted to ask about the status as I haven't been able to use Horizon for a bit | 14:21 |
dprince | using trunk packages, etc. | 14:21 |
dprince | any other bugs to mention? | 14:21 |
derekh | dprince: RE: HA failures | 14:22 |
derekh | HA job is now passing 1/2 the time, we need to look at why it fails the other 1/2, looks like an issue with signals from postdeployes getting to heat, I'm going to get some more info so shardy can take a look, | 14:22 |
derekh | the ceph job may also be experienceing the same problem, not sure | 14:22 |
derekh | it would be nice if people could try not to break it in the meantime | 14:22 |
derekh | I had to track down 3 seperate problems to get it back working | 14:23 |
dprince | derekh: ouch | 14:23 |
* gfidente trying to get it up on centos still | 14:23 | |
dprince | derekh: any bug link for that issue? | 14:24 |
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derekh | dprince: not yet, gattering info at the moment, will create one | 14:24 |
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dprince | derekh: great, thanks | 14:24 |
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jistr | locally i sometimes get 400 response from Heat when reporting events from instances, heat saying "i don't recognize the resource" | 14:24 |
jistr | not sure if that's the same in CI though | 14:25 |
shardy | jistr: that's the same issue, can you note how you reproduce please? | 14:25 |
dprince | jistr: hmmm, interesting | 14:25 |
shardy | if you raise a bug, mark it as affecting heat and assign the heat part to me | 14:25 |
shardy | I'll be able to take a look tomorrow | 14:25 |
jistr | shardy: just an HA deployment, though it doesn't happen always | 14:25 |
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dprince | jistr, derekh: are you guys using trunk Heat? or an older Delorean? | 14:25 |
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jistr | shardy: ack | 14:25 |
jistr | will do | 14:25 |
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jistr | dprince: i think an older delorean | 14:26 |
jistr | i'm using what the docs had about ~3 weeks ago i think | 14:26 |
derekh | dprince: anybody using tripleo.sh is using heat from Oct 1st | 14:26 |
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dprince | jistr: might be worth trying a newer Heat too | 14:26 |
jistr | ack | 14:27 |
dprince | derekh: ack, that is probably recent enough | 14:27 |
dprince | okay, moving to CI | 14:27 |
dprince | #topic CI | 14:27 |
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derekh | dprince: assuming they ran repo-setup after saturday | 14:27 |
dprince | derekh: cool. good to know | 14:27 |
derekh | I was going to talk about the HA job here but already have .... | 14:27 |
dprince | derekh: okay, any other updates | 14:27 |
trown | I am a bit confused by our repo strategy in the CI | 14:27 |
dprince | derekh: things seem like they are improving | 14:28 |
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dprince | trown: the layered approach I call it | 14:28 |
trown | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/229789/5/toci_gate_test.sh moves to a mitaka repo for core | 14:28 |
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derekh | nope, I *think* most of our intermitent ci falures latly are due to our own code | 14:28 |
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trown | shouldnt we get tripleo working on liberty core first? | 14:28 |
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derekh | dprince: yup, things have improved since pinning all the morrirw | 14:28 |
derekh | *mirrors | 14:28 |
marios | derekh: was that a heavy irish accent | 14:29 |
derekh | marios: yup, I'm from the whest of ireland | 14:29 |
dprince | trown: for upstream CI we general want to follow upstream | 14:29 |
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dprince | trown: there is talk of "stable" branch testing too, and that is where liberty could plug in upstream | 14:29 |
marios | derekh: fwiw, have been following https://review.openstack.org/#/c/201398/ and the f21-puppetha job hadn't passed before today | 14:30 |
dprince | trown: but our trunk jobs should still follow the latest unreleased code I think | 14:30 |
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shardy | trown: I think we have to agree the stable/release branch stuff first | 14:30 |
* shardy was about to mention that in the specs topic ;) | 14:30 | |
trown | my understanding of the stable branch spec was for a stable branch of tripleo | 14:30 |
dprince | shardy: we are skipping specs this week ;) | 14:30 |
shardy | trown: Yes, and it's those branches which will support liberty, the stable branches of all the services | 14:30 |
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shardy | dprince: ha, thanks! ;) | 14:31 |
derekh | marios: thats probably correct I only got it passing 50% at the weekend | 14:31 |
dprince | okay any other CI biz | 14:31 |
trown | ok ... so tripleo no longer supports liberty (until that is set up) | 14:31 |
shardy | trown: so, master tripleo supporting master/mitaka is right IMO | 14:31 |
trown | ok makes sense | 14:31 |
derekh | yup, we only have ci for master of all of the things | 14:31 |
derekh | and need to set up a liberty job | 14:31 |
shardy | trown: exactly, which is why I really want to see the release branch model adopted | 14:31 |
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trown | I am working on RDO CI for liberty so that will work in the interim | 14:32 |
dprince | yep, release branch testing would be nice | 14:32 |
shardy | trown: cool, that's good to know | 14:32 |
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dprince | okay, lets move to review highlights | 14:32 |
trown | but it would be nice to have stable branches in tripleo to build delorean from | 14:33 |
dprince | #topic review_highlights | 14:33 |
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dprince | * https://review.openstack.org/#/c/209505/ (Docker compute) | 14:33 |
dprince | * https://review.openstack.org/#/c/188137/ (Manila integration) | 14:33 |
dprince | * https://review.openstack.org/#/c/220863/ (Sahara integration) | 14:33 |
dprince | * https://review.openstack.org/#/c/219927/ (os-net-config linux bridge) | 14:33 |
marios | egafford: we are talking about the review highlights now fyi | 14:33 |
dprince | * https://review.openstack.org/#/c/218134/10 (os-net-config linux bonding) | 14:33 |
egafford | marios: Yes! | 14:33 |
shardy | trown: I'll revise https://review.openstack.org/#/c/221811/ to address dprince's wording concerns, then look at how we go ahead and create the branches | 14:34 |
marios | dprince: are you taking these in order? or speak now or forever hold your peace | 14:34 |
dprince | shardy: ++ | 14:34 |
dprince | I know shardy has already spent some time on the Docker compute role. I would really like to see us push and land that before Tokyo | 14:34 |
dprince | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/209505/ | 14:34 |
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shardy | dprince: So, related to my ML thread, I'm really happy to see $new_stuff getting integrated, but is there an easy way to make it optional? | 14:35 |
dprince | There is an associated spec that outlines the approach too, so both of those. | 14:35 |
shardy | Like, it's great to see Sahara and Manila, but personally I don't have the resources to deploy much more in my test environment | 14:35 |
* shardy requests moar RAM | 14:35 | |
dprince | shardy: I think we have two choices: use a parameter or use the resource registry | 14:35 |
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rhallisey | dprince, I was having issues with new delorean repos, but trown helped me get past it so I should see if that rabbitmq issue is still there | 14:35 |
rhallisey | I don't think it will be though | 14:35 |
dprince | shardy: your suggestion to use parameter_groups makes me happier about the parameter approach | 14:36 |
dprince | shardy: but that isn't really "composition" | 14:36 |
shardy | dprince: Yeah, for this I think I prefer parameter, at least until we move away from the monolithic controller | 14:36 |
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marios | shardy: for manila at least, there is an env. file you have to use, otherwise nothing is enabled. actually this sets the resource registry to include the 'new_service_config' | 14:36 |
shardy | dprince: Yeah, but the controller isn't really composable yet | 14:36 |
shardy | if using the resource_registry enables a step towards that, we can do that | 14:36 |
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shardy | I just want a simple way to keep my test deployment fairly small/minimal | 14:37 |
marios | shardy: does it have to be parameter? just having an environment file to enable extraconfig for example like manila @ https://review.openstack.org/#/c/188137/ | 14:37 |
dprince | shardy: correct, if we were to move in that direction I think we'd do a few more things with the resource registry | 14:37 |
shardy | marios: honestly I don't mind that much, I just want *a* way to disable things | 14:37 |
egafford | I saw a recent change to move keystone endpoints into puppet; that would definitely be handy to ensure that services can be disabled safely (without leaving cruft around from puppet/heat external processes.) | 14:37 |
marios | right | 14:37 |
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dprince | marios: a parameter doesn't hurt much but we might not like exactly how they scale, thus the parameter groups may make things happier to be able to control/group top level params | 14:38 |
thrash | egafford: can you point me at that change? | 14:39 |
dprince | shardy: perhaps we should default these to disabled? | 14:39 |
d0ugal | thrash: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/231395/ | 14:39 |
jdob | related to param v. resource registry, at what point do we consider THT to be an API that has to support backward compatibility? | 14:39 |
d0ugal | thrash: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/230375/ | 14:39 |
marios | dprince: ok. for the manila at least it is being enabled on the controller (so scales with i guess) but i get your point | 14:39 |
thrash | d0ugal: so that's just the removal of that code. OK. | 14:40 |
jdob | this might be too big of a question for this meeting, but if we throw a param in now, are we then going to support it for X amount of time? | 14:40 |
marios | dprince: oh you mean having many scale params | 14:40 |
shardy | dprince: possibly, I guess it depends on the CI time impact, but then the question becomes how we prove they stay working | 14:40 |
bnemec | jdob: I would argue that they already are, and we should be. | 14:40 |
jdob | i kinda agree, in which case this decision of param v. registry is a pretty big ass deal | 14:40 |
jdob | (not sure why I had to specify "ass" there) | 14:41 |
dprince | jdob: yeah, that is my reservation about parameters | 14:41 |
bnemec | I think we need deprecation functionality for params like oslo.config has for config opts. | 14:41 |
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dprince | bnemec: ++ | 14:41 |
jdob | we'll likely need to address that before composable roles/containers | 14:41 |
bnemec | Not that that helps us right now. | 14:41 |
dprince | bnemec: but that is a Heat feature | 14:41 |
shardy | jdob: I'va always assumed the top-level parameters (in overcloud-without-mergepy) are "public", and that we can't break/rename any of the "ExtraConfig" related interfaces | 14:41 |
shardy | but we need to properly define/document exactly what is stable really | 14:42 |
jdob | we do, since we have docs around setting param_defaults | 14:42 |
jdob | but this is too deep for this meeting | 14:42 |
jdob | glad everyone has it on their mind | 14:42 |
jdob | and we can address on the ML | 14:42 |
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derekh | _parameter | 14:42 |
shardy | jdob: I would prefer it if we never suggested parameter_defaults except for *ExtraConfig stuff | 14:42 |
dprince | I would like to see someone model how we'd do this with the resource registry | 14:43 |
jdob | net isolation needs it | 14:43 |
shardy | jdob: that makes it clear, don't mess with "core" template nested parameters | 14:43 |
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shardy | jdob: hmm, good point | 14:43 |
dprince | also, perhaps the core devs involved could help iterate on these patches too (if the patch developers are okay w/ that) | 14:43 |
shardy | oh well, perhaps another spec to work out the definition of the stable interfaces? | 14:43 |
shardy | I can propose one unless anyone else is keen, or just a docs patch | 14:44 |
shardy | then we can iterate from there | 14:44 |
marios | dprince: to be clear are we going to wait on that discussion (param vs resource reg.) before landing those? | 14:44 |
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dprince | marios: we should I think. Moving the discussion along was why I added these reviews here | 14:44 |
jdob | you're talking about landing sahara/manila? | 14:44 |
marios | jdob: yeah, hope so | 14:45 |
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egafford | thrash: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/231395/ | 14:45 |
jdob | sorry, lemme rephrase: you're suggesting not landing those until we have that param v. resource discussion | 14:45 |
jdob | ? | 14:45 |
dprince | jdob: yes, we want to land those... not necissarily as-is but once we agree on the best approach to use (params vs. registry) | 14:45 |
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thrash | egafford: got it. thanks. | 14:45 |
jdob | ok, gotcha | 14:45 |
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marios | dprince: slight side issue, regardless of method | 14:46 |
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marios | dprince: on manila patch (i sent to mailing list about this) @ https://review.openstack.org/#/c/188137/ | 14:46 |
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gfidente | personally, the good thing I found about _defaults is that we can add new params which are only used by a specific resource type | 14:46 |
marios | dprince: when not enabled, do we still expect the packages for that service to be installed? | 14:46 |
gfidente | and only add them in the _defaults part when needed | 14:46 |
shardy | marios: that's not ideal, but probably not a blocker IMO | 14:47 |
dprince | marios: a couple of options there | 14:47 |
marios | dprince: on that review, in the overcloud_controler_pacemaker.pp manila imports happen, outside the 'if manila' conditional, | 14:47 |
dprince | marios: there is an EnableInstallPackages option that you could use (we don't use this for CI) | 14:47 |
jdob | marios: specific to RH, everything I've heard makes it sound like we're cool with beefier images and stuff disabled on them | 14:47 |
jdob | for what its worth | 14:47 |
dprince | marios: but without that we would require it to be install if the Manila feature is enable | 14:47 |
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dprince | marios: we could create an isolated element to install just manila (and sahara) or just add it to our "controller" role I guess as a default/always on feature | 14:48 |
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marios | dprince: yes but the question was about the expectation that manila-* packages are installed or not | 14:49 |
dprince | marios: I'd be fine installing them I think | 14:49 |
marios | dprince: i.e. if i just deploy vanila, and not having manila on the image, but the heat templates assume this is installed | 14:49 |
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dprince | marios: if they are there, it is easy to enable them on the fly | 14:50 |
marios | dprince: ok, so then we are saying that for any new service, we will always include the packages in the overcloud-full built by tripleo tooling | 14:50 |
marios | dprince: yes i am mainly looking for clarity here and grateful for this discussion. | 14:50 |
jdob | personally, I'm fine with that | 14:50 |
marios | jdob: shardy thanks | 14:50 |
dprince | marios: I think we have to do this for our CI, so yes | 14:50 |
jdob | if someone needs a cleaner/thinner image, they can build it | 14:50 |
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dprince | marios: CI doesn't allow us to "install on demand" | 14:50 |
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marios | jdob: except would fail here | 14:51 |
marios | jdob: that is my point | 14:51 |
shardy | beyond a certain point that does have performance implications tho (longer to deploy bigger image) | 14:51 |
marios | jdob: if you build image without manila | 14:51 |
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marios | jdob: and usse those tht form that review it will fail | 14:51 |
marios | jdob: because it assumed manila packages installed | 14:51 |
jdob | er, sorry. i was assuming our THT handled that situation properly | 14:51 |
dprince | we may need to revisit this if images get too large at some point | 14:51 |
marios | jdob: no, see my comments on v30 | 14:51 |
dprince | but all OS services have a somewhat similar common base so I think we should be okay for these 2 new patches | 14:51 |
shardy | dprince: +1 | 14:52 |
marios | jdob: lets talk after if u like | 14:52 |
jdob | marios: we can, but I do see what you're saying, I'm just not correctly saying what i'm thinking | 14:52 |
marios | dprince: my point is with something like the n1kv patches at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/201398/ | 14:52 |
marios | dprince: all the configu of the service is done inside an 'if enabled' conditional | 14:52 |
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marios | dprince: but for manila review it isn't the case. but ok, enough discussion for now sorry, eating up the hour | 14:53 |
marios | thanks for the discussion. | 14:53 |
dprince | marios: that is an option, although if we can figure out better "composability" by actually trying to use the resource registry as a mechanism for this I'd like to see what is possible | 14:53 |
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dprince | marios: we've got patterns, and we can repeat them for this... but I'd like to consider modeling this in a new fashion that might require a bit of restructuring | 14:54 |
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dprince | marios: lets talk more on the list and in #tripleo... | 14:55 |
marios | sure thanks | 14:55 |
shardy | In future we might use ResourceChains as proposed by jdob for this https://review.openstack.org/#/c/228615/ | 14:55 |
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dprince | shardy: thanks | 14:55 |
shardy | inside the resource group you could chain together the services to be enabled/deployed via their respective resource_registry aliases | 14:55 |
dprince | last two patches to mention I wanted to mention were two os-net-config ones | 14:55 |
dprince | * https://review.openstack.org/#/c/219927/ (os-net-config linux bridge) | 14:56 |
dprince | * https://review.openstack.org/#/c/218134/10 (os-net-config linux bonding) | 14:56 |
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dprince | I think jdob and I have already reviewed them... but it would be nice to push those forwards soon as generally nice new features there | 14:56 |
jdob | now that we have the follow ups that fix the python, I need to re-review and will likely add +1 | 14:56 |
dprince | okay, sorry for the lack of time, but any other open agenda items that need mentioning? | 14:57 |
jdob | i dont remember any other issues with it, short of the fact that I'm not 100% confident i understand the specifics of what it's doing to add a +2 | 14:57 |
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dprince | jdob: totally fine, would be nice to actually try these first perhaps too since CI doesn't cover it | 14:58 |
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dprince | okay, well thanks everyone for coming. Lots of good discussion and things going on | 14:59 |
d0ugal | dprince: Thanks! | 14:59 |
marios | o/ derekh slow clap once again for moving the meeting | 15:00 |
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derekh | lol | 15:00 |
dprince | #endmeeting | 15:00 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Tue Oct 6 15:00:23 2015 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 15:00 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tripleo/2015/tripleo.2015-10-06-14.01.html | 15:00 |
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openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tripleo/2015/tripleo.2015-10-06-14.01.txt | 15:00 |
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openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tripleo/2015/tripleo.2015-10-06-14.01.log.html | 15:00 |
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matrohon | hi tmorin, pcarver_, doude | 15:01 |
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* pc_m lurking | 15:01 | |
matrohon | hi pc_m | 15:01 |
tmorin | hi everyone | 15:01 |
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tmorin | hi Prem | 15:02 |
pc_m | yo | 15:02 |
tmorin | hi vthapar | 15:02 |
Prem | Hi tmorin | 15:02 |
vthapar | Hi tmorin | 15:02 |
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matrohon | #startmeeting bgpvpn | 15:02 |
openstack | Meeting started Tue Oct 6 15:02:28 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is matrohon. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 15:02 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 15:02 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'bgpvpn' | 15:02 |
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matrohon | I did an agenda! | 15:02 |
Prem | hi matrohon | 15:03 |
tmorin | hi timirnich_ | 15:03 |
matrohon | https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/BGPVPN#Agenda | 15:03 |
matrohon | #topic announcement | 15:03 |
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matrohon | the ODL driver is up for review! | 15:04 |
matrohon | #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/231321/ | 15:04 |
matrohon | congrant and thanks vthapar | 15:04 |
tmorin | +1 | 15:04 |
Prem | +1 | 15:04 |
vthapar | I got another patchset that addresses flake errors, but will hold on to it for now. | 15:05 |
matrohon | any other announcement anyone? | 15:05 |
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Prem | I will include Sam Hague and Flavio from ODL to get their inputs on the patch | 15:05 |
matrohon | Prem : +1 | 15:06 |
tmorin | vthapar: what is your feeling with regards to moving the driver to networking_bgpvpn ? | 15:06 |
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vthapar | tmorin: personally I am okay with either, but need to make decision as a community. networking-odl is primarily a collection of drivers for other plugins, so that seemed to be obvious choice to me | 15:07 |
vthapar | l2gateway is another project coming up which will have similar decision to make. | 15:07 |
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vthapar | Prem: I'll add Ryan and Yamahata | 15:07 |
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vthapar | tomorin: so should be same consistent decision across projects. | 15:08 |
tmorin | vthapar: yes, this is true -- for networking-bgpvpn, at least for the first steps of the projects, we think that it would be easier in networking-bgpvpn, because of some refactoring we plan to do | 15:09 |
matrohon | vthapar : make sense, but it will be hard for us to maintain your driver with regards to any change we make in the bgpvpn framework | 15:09 |
matrohon | tmorin, +1 | 15:09 |
Prem | tmorin: also, if I am correct -this is one of the way of working agreed between openstack and odl about hosting the drivers in networking-odl. Will check with Kyle on this | 15:09 |
tmorin | vthapar: maybe this is a good enough argument to justify making a particular case for the bgpvpn driver, at least until we have a fully stable driver API | 15:09 |
tmorin | vthapar: the other thing to consider, potentially, is that your driver seems to have few/none real dependency on code in networking-odl | 15:10 |
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vthapar | matrohorn: yeah, all other plugins are relatively mature. | 15:10 |
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vthapar | tmorin: not yet, but there is some work being done on resync issues... you can take a look at ml2 driver to get an idea. as of today am just using client api to make rest calls. | 15:11 |
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matrohon | vthapar : it's a choice taht your team has to make, you're aware of the drawbaks | 15:11 |
tmorin | vthapar: splitting bgpvpn code across repos is doable though, it will simply involve more coordination work on changes, and more work to have CI work properly | 15:12 |
tmorin | matrohon: +1 | 15:12 |
matrohon | ok let's move on | 15:12 |
matrohon | #topic subresources | 15:12 |
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matrohon | I started coding association as subresources | 15:13 |
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matrohon | I didn't uploaded any patch yet, but it should come soon | 15:13 |
matrohon | I commented the spec on the change that will be done from an API POV | 15:14 |
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matrohon | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/177740/ | 15:14 |
matrohon | please review | 15:14 |
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matrohon | I think we should also impact driver interfaces | 15:15 |
tmorin | I had a look at the API change: I'm giving a +1, I think this looks good | 15:16 |
matrohon | drivers will have create/get/delete_network_postcommit | 15:16 |
tmorin | matrohon: maybe we can discuss if we need to change the driver API or not | 15:17 |
matrohon | instead of associate/disassociate_postcommit | 15:17 |
matrohon | tmorin : +1 | 15:17 |
matrohon | for the net association, update are needless, since there is no attribute to update | 15:17 |
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tmorin | matrohon: the update operation may be added later when/if we want one or more attributes for network associations | 15:18 |
matrohon | tmorin : +1 | 15:18 |
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matrohon | maybe it will be easier to have this discussion under gerrit, once the patch will be under review :) | 15:20 |
tmorin | matrohoh: did you checks that the current 'networks' attribute in a bgpvpn resource will still exist ? or we will have to use a GET request on network associations ? | 15:20 |
tmorin | matrohon: yes, +1 | 15:20 |
matrohon | I keep the checks for the moment | 15:20 |
matrohon | since the network id is in the json datas, neutron can't check it alone | 15:21 |
matrohon | vthapar, doude : I'll add you to the reviewer of this patch, since you'll have to adapt your driver to the new interface | 15:22 |
vthapar | matrohon: thanks, that would be really helpful. | 15:22 |
tmorin | matrohon: yes, these drivers will need the full association resources with their uuids, which will necessary imply a modified API | 15:22 |
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matrohon | vthapar, If you have any thoughs or requirement on the bgpvpn framework, don't hesitate to ping us | 15:23 |
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matrohon | #topic ODL driver | 15:24 |
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matrohon | we already talk about it | 15:24 |
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matrohon | #info : the ODL team has to decide if the driver will live in the bgpvn repo or in the odl repo | 15:25 |
matrohon | #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/231321/ | 15:25 |
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matrohon | #topic : Mitaka summit | 15:25 |
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matrohon | vthapar : will you attend the next summit? | 15:26 |
vthapar | matrohon: don't think so. | 15:26 |
matrohon | vthapar, ok | 15:26 |
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matrohon | Prem, will you? | 15:27 |
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Prem | matrohon: I am not attending | 15:28 |
matrohon | Prem : ok | 15:28 |
matrohon | pcarver doesn't seem around | 15:28 |
matrohon | he use to follow how neutron schedule design sessions | 15:28 |
matrohon | the bgpvpn topic is still on the table : https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/neutron-mitaka-designsummit | 15:29 |
matrohon | but design sessions doesn't seem to be organized already | 15:29 |
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matrohon | #topic drivers status | 15:30 |
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matrohon | we already talked about ODL | 15:30 |
matrohon | doude doesn't seem available to talk about contrail | 15:31 |
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matrohon | concerning bagpipe tmorin talked about what bagpipe agent needs to easily integrate the current neutron L2 agent | 15:32 |
matrohon | on the ML | 15:32 |
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tmorin | yes, the discussion is in progress | 15:32 |
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tmorin | the next step, I guess, is to describe an interface that the OVS agent would implement to let an extension access to some of the agents methods | 15:33 |
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matrohon | tmorin do you have the link of the rfe's bug, in neutron | 15:33 |
tmorin | tmorin: the question is whether or not such an interface could be made OVS/linuxbridge agnostic | 15:34 |
* matrohon seeking | 15:34 | |
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tmorin | #link hi armax, dougwig, mestery, I'm adding a job to kickstart devstack CI for networking-bgpvpn, the infra change is waiting for a review of a Neutron liaison | 15:34 |
tmorin | sorry | 15:34 |
tmorin | wrong copy-paste | 15:34 |
tmorin | :) | 15:34 |
tmorin | #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1499637 | 15:34 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1499637 in neutron "An L2 agent extension can't access agent methods" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 15:34 |
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matrohon | tmorin, thanks | 15:35 |
matrohon | #topic gate job | 15:36 |
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matrohon | tmorin is working on jobs for the gate | 15:36 |
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tmorin | yes, the bogus copy paste above is related | 15:36 |
matrohon | #info : tmorin is working on jobs for the gate | 15:36 |
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matrohon | #link : https://review.openstack.org/#/c/230358/ | 15:36 |
tmorin | we're starting with a gate experimental jobs to deploy networking-bgpvpn in a devstack, with the dummy driver | 15:36 |
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tmorin | we'll follow with a job deploying bagpipe driver | 15:37 |
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matrohon | tmorin : it will run in neutron or in bgpvpn? | 15:37 |
tmorin | and then with a job deploying bagpipe driver *and* running Neutron-related tempest tests | 15:37 |
matrohon | for the devstackk deployment | 15:37 |
tmorin | bgpvpn for now | 15:37 |
matrohon | tmorin : ok | 15:37 |
tmorin | having these jobs run in Neutron gate is something we have to work on as well | 15:38 |
matrohon | tmorin : once it will be stable, neutron should run it in its check queue | 15:38 |
matrohon | tmorin, +1 | 15:38 |
tmorin | yes, and that should be also in networking-bagpipe-l2 queue | 15:39 |
matrohon | yep | 15:39 |
matrohon | #topic : Open discussion | 15:39 |
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matrohon | if anybody wants to speak I leave the floor | 15:40 |
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Prem | matrohon: tmorin: we plan to support vrouter data model for Be release | 15:40 |
tmorin | Prem: are you referring to bgpvpn-router associations ? | 15:41 |
matrohon | Prem : you mean the router attachment? | 15:41 |
Prem | yes | 15:41 |
matrohon | Prem : ok good to know | 15:41 |
Prem | I wanted to keep you posted on the same | 15:41 |
tmorin | any #help on implementing router associations in networking-bgp will be appreciated | 15:42 |
matrohon | #info : ODL team plans to support the router attachment in B release | 15:42 |
tmorin | #help on implementing router associations in networking-bgp will be appreciated | 15:42 |
Prem | matrohon: tmorin: Thanks | 15:42 |
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matrohon | Ok I think we can close the meeting | 15:44 |
vthapar | tmorin, matrohon: on where to keep bgpvpn odl driver, will you take it up with Kyle/Armando? good to get Ryan's opinion too, he is th PTL for ODL NEutron | 15:44 |
Prem | +1, as mentioned earlier; we would need their support to move the driver code | 15:45 |
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tmorin | vthapar: we can try to reach out to them | 15:45 |
matrohon | mestery, armax ping | 15:46 |
matrohon | maybe there are around | 15:46 |
mestery | matrohon: Hola | 15:46 |
mestery | Regarding bgpvpn odl driver? :) | 15:46 |
matrohon | they woke up early today | 15:46 |
matrohon | mestery : yep | 15:46 |
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mestery | :) | 15:46 |
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matrohon | vthapar, pushed it in networking-odl | 15:46 |
matrohon | repo | 15:46 |
mestery | matrohon: Does it make sense to keep it in networking-odl? That would be my first thought. | 15:47 |
matrohon | mestery : it will be easier for us to help maintaining it if it were in networking-bgpvpn | 15:47 |
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mestery | matrohon: I'd be fine it was kept in networking-bgpvpn to be honest. | 15:48 |
mestery | To me, that's just fine. | 15:48 |
mestery | Does it depend on networking-odl? | 15:48 |
mestery | That's easy to do either way | 15:48 |
matrohon | bat apparently, this is a genral issue, that occurs also for the networkling-l2gw too | 15:48 |
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matrohon | it seems to have a tiny dependency with net-odl | 15:49 |
matrohon | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/231321/ | 15:49 |
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matrohon | mestery : ^ | 15:49 |
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* mestery looks | 15:49 | |
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mestery | matrohon: Seems simple enough | 15:50 |
mestery | matrohon: It may in fact make sense to add that into networking-odl after all, but I'm fine either way to be honest | 15:50 |
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matrohon | vthapar, mestery, armax : As I said earlier this decision has to be made by the networking-odl team, wether you want to split your drivers or not | 15:51 |
mestery | matrohon: Yes, agreed. Perhaps an email is required to sync with folks? | 15:51 |
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matrohon | vthapar, can you manage a sync email with people involved? | 15:52 |
armax | matrohon: it’s up to the bgp/odl teams to figure out | 15:52 |
vthapar | matrohon: will do. | 15:52 |
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armax | I would think an ODL driver is part of the ODL repo | 15:53 |
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matrohon | armax : the same issue seems to exist for the l2gw driver | 15:53 |
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armax | imo drivers should be closer to the technology they use | 15:53 |
armax | it seems like that’s the path we set ourselves on | 15:54 |
matrohon | armax : I'm fine with that, but be aware taht it will be harder for us to help you maintain you driver | 15:54 |
armax | true | 15:54 |
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armax | that’s a compromise | 15:54 |
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armax | the only solution would be to have again a gigantic monolitic codebase :) | 15:54 |
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matrohon | vthapar, mestery, armax : ok, we have an agreement so? no need a sync email | 15:55 |
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armax | matrohon: maybe you have a provisional agreement? | 15:55 |
vthapar | matrohon: am okay. I believe this pain point of frequent updates will go once api is stable enough. | 15:56 |
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matrohon | vthapar, +1, I hope | 15:57 |
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matrohon | vthapar, at least this is our goal :) | 15:57 |
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matrohon | let's leave the odl driver in odl repo | 15:57 |
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matrohon | if you revert your decission, you can still submit a patch review with your driver in the bgpvpn repo | 15:58 |
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matrohon | #agreed : The ODL driver will live in the networking-odl repo for the moment | 15:59 |
vthapar | sure, in case odl folks are not too keen on hosting till bgpvpn is stable enough I'll come with patch in networking-bgpvpn too | 15:59 |
matrohon | thanks all for attending the meeting | 15:59 |
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matrohon | vthapar, +1 | 15:59 |
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matrohon | Bye | 15:59 |
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matrohon | #endmeeting | 15:59 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Tue Oct 6 15:59:48 2015 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 15:59 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/bgpvpn/2015/bgpvpn.2015-10-06-15.02.html | 15:59 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/bgpvpn/2015/bgpvpn.2015-10-06-15.02.txt | 15:59 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/bgpvpn/2015/bgpvpn.2015-10-06-15.02.log.html | 15:59 |
vthapar | have nice day/evening everyeone. | 15:59 |
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adrian_otto | #startmeeting containers | 16:00 |
openstack | Meeting started Tue Oct 6 16:00:12 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is adrian_otto. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 16:00 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 16:00 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'containers' | 16:00 |
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adrian_otto | #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Containers#Agenda_for_2015-10-06_1600_UTC Our Agenda | 16:00 |
adrian_otto | #topic Roll Call | 16:00 |
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apmelton | o/ | 16:00 |
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rlrossit | o/ | 16:00 |
adrian_otto | Adrian Otto | 16:00 |
mfalatic | o/ | 16:00 |
hongbin | o/ | 16:00 |
Tango | Ton Ngo | 16:00 |
bradjones___ | o/ | 16:00 |
muralia1 | o/ | 16:00 |
sew1 | o/ | 16:00 |
VikasC | o/ | 16:00 |
juggler | Perry Rivera o/ | 16:00 |
adrian_otto | hello apmelton, rlrossit, mfalatic, hongbin, Tango, bradjones___, muralia1, sew1, VikasC, and juggler | 16:01 |
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muralia1 | hey adrian | 16:01 |
daneyon_ | o/ | 16:01 |
adrian_otto | hello daneyon_ | 16:02 |
juggler | hello adrian! | 16:02 |
adrian_otto | #topic Announcements | 16:02 |
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adrian_otto | 1) Reminder: New weekly meeting schedule. We will no longer alternate. Instead we will always meet Tuesdays at 1600 UTC. | 16:02 |
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chandankumar | o/ | 16:02 |
VikasC | wonderful | 16:02 |
VikasC | :) | 16:02 |
vilobhmm11 | o/ | 16:02 |
adrian_otto | you all showed up at the right time, so let anyone else know who might still be on the old schedule | 16:02 |
adrian_otto | helo vilobhmm11 | 16:02 |
vilobhmm11 | hello adrian_otto | 16:03 |
adrian_otto | 2) We have two new core reviewers as of 205-10-06 at 00:00 UTC. Welcome Vilobh Meshram and Hua Wang as our newest members of magnum-core! | 16:03 |
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daneyon_ | Congratulations! | 16:03 |
hongbin | welcome | 16:03 |
VikasC | congratulations! | 16:03 |
muralia1 | congrats! | 16:04 |
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chandankumar | congrats :) | 16:04 |
vilobhmm11 | thanks all ! :) | 16:04 |
adrian_otto | both of these team members have done a ton of work reviewing code for magnum,and have each made meaningful contributions, so we are proud to have them on our team. | 16:04 |
mfalatic | congratulations! | 16:04 |
vilobhmm11 | thanks again ! :) | 16:04 |
adrian_otto | 3) Our Liberty release did not cut yet due to a few critical reviews that still need to be merged. | 16:05 |
adrian_otto | #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/magnum+branch:master+topic:bp/secure-kubernetes,n,z We need to revise/merge these | 16:05 |
adrian_otto | we also have a func test missing for external-lb which we can talk about a bit later in our agenda | 16:05 |
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adrian_otto | 4) Elections | 16:06 |
adrian_otto | Magnum's election opened last week. If you have not participated, I urge you to do so to elect our M cycle PTL. | 16:07 |
adrian_otto | I am not sure when it closes | 16:07 |
manjeets_ | already done | 16:07 |
adrian_otto | if you need help finding your CIVS email, I can direct you to the election officials | 16:07 |
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adrian_otto | okay, on to action item review | 16:08 |
adrian_otto | #topic Action Items | 16:08 |
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adrian_otto | 1) adrian_otto to announce meeting time change to ML | 16:08 |
adrian_otto | Status: incomplete (sort of) | 16:09 |
adrian_otto | this was mentioned in another email, but deserves one of it's own. I'll tackle that in a moment. | 16:09 |
adrian_otto | that concludes action items | 16:09 |
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adrian_otto | #topic Blueprint/Bug Review | 16:09 |
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adrian_otto | before I begin on this, I wanted to recognize something that Hongbin did that was really smart | 16:10 |
hongbin | ?? | 16:10 |
adrian_otto | there was a new update to requirements.text (or global requirements)? that would have brought us out of alignment with Liberty requirements | 16:10 |
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hongbin | I see | 16:11 |
adrian_otto | and he astutely voted against merging it until we branch liberty | 16:11 |
vilobhmm11 | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/230566/ | 16:11 |
vilobhmm11 | this is the patch : ^^ | 16:11 |
adrian_otto | so I would simply ask our other approvers to recognize that comment, and not to act on that until we create our branch | 16:11 |
adrian_otto | we are very close, but not quite there yet | 16:11 |
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juggler | thanks hongbin! | 16:11 |
hongbin | yes, or even I should put a -2 | 16:12 |
adrian_otto | if we can't get there in a day or so I'll branch anyway, and we'll need to resubmit open patches to backport them | 16:12 |
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adrian_otto | so, thanks hongbin for that | 16:12 |
hongbin | np | 16:12 |
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adrian_otto | Essential Blueprint Updates | 16:12 |
rlrossit | hongbin: I would -2 because that can't go in | 16:12 |
adrian_otto | #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/objects-from-bay Obtain the objects from the bay endpoint (vilobhmm11) | 16:12 |
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adrian_otto | rlrossit: I can take care of that | 16:13 |
adrian_otto | since I'm the one who will need to create the branch | 16:13 |
adrian_otto | vilobhmm11: this BP is marked as "Good Progress" | 16:13 |
vilobhmm11 | adrian_otto : patches that are up for review for k8s obj were failing because of dependency on | 16:13 |
vilobhmm11 | magnumclient changes | 16:13 |
adrian_otto | I know there are a couple of open reviews still, right? | 16:13 |
vilobhmm11 | adrian_otto : yes | 16:14 |
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vilobhmm11 | after we discussed about this https://review.openstack.org/#/c/231219/ patch yesterday | 16:14 |
adrian_otto | ok, let's call those out individually | 16:14 |
vilobhmm11 | ok | 16:14 |
adrian_otto | and is there any work that is not yet up for review that is needed to mark this BP as "Implemented"? | 16:14 |
vilobhmm11 | no everything is up for review | 16:14 |
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manjeets_ | I have one which I would like to divide in two bp's marked the done as complete | 16:15 |
vilobhmm11 | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/231219/ patch is needed to make sure functiona tests for https://review.openstack.org/#/c/223367/ passes | 16:15 |
adrian_otto | ok, thanks, so I'm going to open an etherpad right now for code we must merge before branch, or that must be reworked to backport into a branch prior to release candidate tagging | 16:15 |
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adrian_otto | #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/magnum-liberty-release-todo Must-do-for-release | 16:16 |
vilobhmm11 | thanks! | 16:17 |
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vilobhmm11 | adrian_otto : thats it for objects from bay…last week we had 6 pacthes merged in for this feature | 16:17 |
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vilobhmm11 | thanks everyone for the reviews | 16:17 |
adrian_otto | excellent. Thanks for driving that effort! | 16:17 |
adrian_otto | I have listed those open ones on the etherpad. I'll ask reviewers to stalk that etherpad for the next day or so until we get these all done. | 16:18 |
suro-patz | vilobhmm11: if you create the dependency from https://review.openstack.org/#/c/223367/ on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/231219/ - the functional test should pass then, right? | 16:18 |
adrian_otto | #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/secure-kubernetes Secure the client/server communication between ReST client and ReST server (madhuri) | 16:19 |
adrian_otto | I don't think madhuri is present today | 16:19 |
adrian_otto | anyone else working on these items who can update us? | 16:19 |
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adrian_otto | if not, I'll seek volunteers to adopt these patches to push them across the finish line | 16:20 |
suro-patz | adrian_otto: I can | 16:20 |
adrian_otto | thanks suro-patz | 16:20 |
adrian_otto | so your goal will be to adjust the existing patch sets so they can be approved for merge | 16:20 |
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suro-patz | adrian_otto: sure | 16:21 |
adrian_otto | I think we are really close on these, and just need some TLC to get them done | 16:21 |
adrian_otto | will you need another contributor to back you up? | 16:21 |
suro-patz | I had earlier resurrected the https://review.openstack.org/#/c/207324/ - so a bit familiar | 16:21 |
adrian_otto | yes, that was awesome, thanks! | 16:21 |
adrian_otto | ok, let's look at the next BP | 16:22 |
adrian_otto | #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/external-lb Support the kubernetes service external-load-balancer feature (Tango) | 16:22 |
adrian_otto | Tango: I see this is done with the exception of the func test | 16:22 |
Tango | The patches for Fedora and docs merged, thanks to everyone for the reviews | 16:22 |
sdake | o/ | 16:22 |
adrian_otto | yes, indeed!! | 16:22 |
adrian_otto | hello sdake! | 16:22 |
sdake | heyguys | 16:22 |
sdake | sorry i've been lagging lately,h ad a super flu for the last 6 weeks | 16:23 |
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juggler | yeah Tango | 16:23 |
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adrian_otto | sdake: Sorry that lasted so long, that's terrible! Are you well again? | 16:23 |
sdake | yup rockin now | 16:23 |
sdake | thanks | 16:23 |
adrian_otto | oh, good! | 16:23 |
juggler | o/ sdake...glad you're feeling better | 16:23 |
sdake | generaitng energy to prepare for usmmit :) | 16:24 |
Tango | Hi sdake, got well just in time for Tokyo! | 16:24 |
sdake | yar | 16:24 |
adrian_otto | Tango (and team): on the subject of the test, should we hold the release for that, or should we split that into a tech debt bug, and proceed without it? | 16:24 |
Tango | The functional test is simple: create a pod and service for nginx, then query the LB VIP for the nginx welcome message. | 16:24 |
Tango | but it's kind of stuck because of the manual step to set up the password | 16:24 |
sdake | we odn't have functional test requirements for any other feature | 16:25 |
hongbin | I think we can release without the test | 16:25 |
sdake | i think we can raise the bar, but seems a bit unfair to do it right prior to releae | 16:25 |
sdake | like raise th bar "going forward" | 16:25 |
adrian_otto | ok, Tango, please open a tech-debt bug ticket against the func test | 16:25 |
Tango | ok, will do | 16:25 |
adrian_otto | and we can revisit that in a subsequent effort. | 16:25 |
* sdake claps for tango :) | 16:25 | |
adrian_otto | We will discuss functional testing strategy and requirements in Tokyo | 16:25 |
sdake | most painful blueprint ever ;) | 16:26 |
sdake | agree | 16:26 |
Tango | :) | 16:26 |
adrian_otto | sdake: I am 100% on board with raising our bar for review acceptance following a burts of func test enrichment. | 16:26 |
sdake | ya i just htink doing right now isn't all that helpful :) | 16:26 |
adrian_otto | but that's something we'll discuss together | 16:26 |
adrian_otto | agreed | 16:26 |
hongbin | +1 | 16:26 |
Tango | +1 | 16:27 |
adrian_otto | and the last BP in our nag list, is complete: | 16:27 |
adrian_otto | #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/magnum/+spec/secure-docker Secure client/server communication using TLS (apmelton) | 16:27 |
apmelton | complete and working with the atomic-3 image | 16:27 |
adrian_otto | WHOOT | 16:27 |
sdake | what about aotmic-5? | 16:27 |
juggler | excellent | 16:27 |
sdake | apmelton ^^ | 16:27 |
apmelton | sdake: it seems like there's an issue with the docker daemon in our atomic-5 image | 16:27 |
Tango | sdake: some issues with docker run | 16:27 |
sdake | got it | 16:27 |
adrian_otto | so we do have an open issue with fedora-atomic-5 | 16:28 |
apmelton | it crashes when ever I try to create containers... | 16:28 |
adrian_otto | and this might be a good time to point some fresh eyes at that one | 16:28 |
daneyon_ | ouch | 16:28 |
sdake | fantastic | 16:28 |
apmelton | but only through docker cli itself, for some reason k8s can boot containers just fine | 16:28 |
apmelton | I also pulled down the docker package from fedora packages and it fails as well | 16:28 |
apmelton | so... I think we have a bad build | 16:28 |
Tango | We upgrade from docker 1.5 to 1.7.1, there seems to be some issues we haven't figured out yet | 16:28 |
adrian_otto | would 1.8 work? | 16:29 |
Tango | We can try building with that | 16:29 |
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daneyon_ | Is their a bug open on this image issue? | 16:29 |
sdake | could try with the docker daemon from docker inc as well | 16:29 |
Tango | I took a look last week and confirmed the problem, but got tied up with other things. | 16:29 |
daneyon_ | Does it need to be resolved for release? | 16:30 |
adrian_otto | daneyon_: good question | 16:30 |
adrian_otto | this is a showstopper | 16:30 |
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adrian_otto | so we should make sure we have a critical bug open for it | 16:30 |
adrian_otto | we can't have known crash conditions in our releases | 16:30 |
adrian_otto | apmelton: shoudl I make one now? | 16:30 |
daneyon_ | Let's make sure the workaround of the atomic-3 release is highlighted in the bug. | 16:31 |
apmelton | adrian_otto: I can handle it | 16:32 |
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daneyon_ | Maybe this is a good reason to discuss an image mgt strategy at the design summit. | 16:32 |
daneyon_ | How long will we continue to support atomic-3, etc.. | 16:32 |
adrian_otto | thanks apmelton. Please paste the bug link into this channel when ready for collab on this. | 16:32 |
adrian_otto | daneyon_: agreed | 16:32 |
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adrian_otto | sdake: do you happen to have our summit discussion topic etherpad link around anywhere? | 16:32 |
adrian_otto | I have lost track of it (sorry!) | 16:33 |
sdake | yes give me a moment to find it | 16:33 |
daneyon_ | apmelton Can you add the bug here too: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/magnum-liberty-release-todo | 16:33 |
adrian_otto | tx! | 16:33 |
sdake | #Link magnum | 16:33 |
manjeets_ | when is liberty release for magnum ? | 16:33 |
sdake | #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/magnum-tokyo-summit-sessions | 16:34 |
apmelton | actually there's https://bugs.launchpad.net/magnum/+bug/1499219 | 16:34 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1499219 in Magnum "Failed to start docker daemon on atomic-5 image" [Undecided,Fix committed] - Assigned to Eli Qiao (taget-9) | 16:34 |
apmelton | let me see if my devstack had that patch | 16:34 |
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apmelton | yes it did, so I think there's still an issue | 16:35 |
sdake | adrian_otto what i did to solve the too many sessions problem is have people rank from 1-15 what they wanted to see | 16:35 |
sdake | and take an avergae of the voting | 16:35 |
sdake | (did this for kolla) | 16:35 |
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adrian_otto | sdake: tx! | 16:36 |
sdake | did over 2 sessions to get everyone that may not be able to make one or the other | 16:36 |
daneyon_ | apmelton looks like the fix was implemented in swarm but not k8s | 16:36 |
apmelton | daneyon_: which fix? | 16:36 |
daneyon_ | apmelton: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/227210/ | 16:36 |
hongbin | daneyon_: k8s already has it I believe | 16:37 |
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apmelton | ah gotcha | 16:37 |
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adrian_otto | ok, item 11 on https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/magnum-tokyo-summit-sessions covers the functional Testing topic | 16:37 |
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adrian_otto | ok, looks like that's well in hand for now | 16:40 |
adrian_otto | #topic Open Discussion | 16:40 |
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daneyon_ | adrian_otto do u know when we will finalize the design summit schedule? | 16:41 |
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daneyon_ | gsagie from the Kuryr team was looking for some details so he can coordinate on his side to address the Kuryr/Magnum integration topic | 16:41 |
adrian_otto | daneyon: that's something we should see if we can close out this week | 16:41 |
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daneyon_ | adrian_otto OK. Do you want to take an action on that or should someone else? | 16:42 |
adrian_otto | #adrian_otto to check into finalizing our summit discussion topic schedule, and release it for addition to the main schedule | 16:42 |
daneyon_ | thx | 16:42 |
bradjones___ | On the UI front, should have the create forms out in the next few days then the spec will be complete apart from some functional test which hopefully will get to next week | 16:42 |
adrian_otto | #action irc://chat.freenode.net:6667/#adrian_otto to check into finalizing our summit discussion topic schedule, and release it for addition to the main schedule | 16:42 |
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vilobhmm11 | adrian_otto : IMHO there are few topics which plan to address same problem. I think it would be nice to combine them and have a single session for them…that way we can have lots to discusss | 16:43 |
daneyon_ | Awesome news bradjones___ | 16:43 |
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sdake | daneyon_ the design summit session schedule has to be put in cheddar in 1 week or so | 16:44 |
sdake | which means the community needs to have the full schedule asap :) | 16:44 |
sdake | cheddar = the tool for managing the session schedule for ptls | 16:45 |
juggler | thank you. i was getting hungry.. | 16:45 |
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daneyon_ | sdake thanks for the add'l info. adrian_otto sounds like we need to finalize things soon. Ping me on irc if you need a hand with the action item. | 16:45 |
apmelton | adrian_otto: here's the bug for the atomic-5 docker issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/magnum/+bug/1503366 | 16:47 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1503366 in Magnum "Docker daemon crashing with atomic-5 image" [Undecided,New] | 16:47 |
Tango | apmelton: So it seems to be the source from koji? | 16:47 |
sdake | wow they built and released an rpm and it doen't even work? | 16:47 |
sdake | what a bunch of fail | 16:48 |
sdake | they have a 2 ack process for rpms! | 16:48 |
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sdake | tango try using 1.8.1 rpm | 16:48 |
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Tango | Yeah, will do that | 16:48 |
sdake | or an older koji rpm | 16:48 |
daneyon_ | apmelton did u have problems with the atomic-6 image too? | 16:48 |
hongbin | sdake: Tango: I wonder why not using the official RPM instead of the koji* one | 16:48 |
sdake | we shouldn't be crankingout new image sall the time btw | 16:48 |
sdake | only when there are major upgrades :) | 16:49 |
Tango | daneyon_: It's the same, only difference is the bug fix for kube-controller-manager | 16:49 |
sdake | hongbin the reason is we nee d the latest version of k8s | 16:49 |
apmelton | daneyon_: I hadn't tried atomic-6 myself, it doesn't seem like devstack uses it yet | 16:49 |
daneyon_ | Tango OK, good to know. | 16:49 |
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apmelton | I seem to remember someone tried it though, was it you daneyon_? | 16:49 |
sdake | without the latest version of k8s, all of magnum is non-operational with fedora atomic | 16:49 |
hongbin | I see | 16:50 |
sdake | because of our python api is implemented to 1.z | 16:50 |
sdake | (of k8s0 | 16:50 |
sdake | not 3beat3 | 16:50 |
sdake | or whatever the version was we were using in atomic-3 | 16:50 |
sdake | and the same version in the official images | 16:50 |
sdake | note after fedora 24 w ewont have to maintain images anymore | 16:50 |
sdake | we should just beable to use whatever fedora releaes | 16:50 |
sdake | since the api should theoretically be stable | 16:51 |
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daneyon_ | I'm going to add scaling to the tokyo ep. Check this out | 16:51 |
daneyon_ | #link http://blog.kubernetes.io/2015/09/kubernetes-performance-measurements-and.html | 16:51 |
daneyon_ | I think we eventually need to perform similar scaling tests for Magnum. | 16:51 |
Tango | +1 | 16:52 |
vilobhmm11 | daneyon_ : +1 | 16:52 |
Tango | very important for cloud provider | 16:52 |
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daneyon_ | It would be great if we could pull it off. | 16:54 |
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daneyon_ | fyi we had quite a bit of discussion around HA/scale during last week's networking subteam meeting | 16:55 |
daneyon_ | #link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/container_networking/2015/container_networking.2015-10-01-18.00.html | 16:55 |
Tango | It would require very large environment to test, so I guess it would be some kind of benchmark with instructions | 16:55 |
adrian_otto | what comes with measuring and publishing performance metrics is a commitment to understand them, and enter a loop of continuous improvement for addressing where there are weak areas | 16:55 |
daneyon_ | I think it's important that all bay types offer a reasonable level of HA/scale to meet our goal of production ready Magnum. | 16:56 |
adrian_otto | so I'd discourage testing that's not accompanied with a willingness to address those soft spots | 16:56 |
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daneyon_ | adrian_otto agreed | 16:56 |
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adrian_otto | ideally I'd like to see publications that are before/after comparisons | 16:57 |
daneyon_ | adrian_otto have you heard anything from GOOG about their announcement to participate in OS/Magnum? | 16:57 |
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adrian_otto | daneyon_: I have followed up a few times, but they have been pretty quiet so far | 16:58 |
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daneyon_ | bummer | 16:58 |
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adrian_otto | probably drowning in prioritization of an unlimited backlog of opportunity | 16:58 |
sdake | adrian_otto agree getting into scale tesitng is a commitment and i dont think we want to do that yet :) | 16:58 |
adrian_otto | sdake: yes, there are some more fundamental things that we should focus on first | 16:59 |
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sdake | if someone wants to do it more power to em | 16:59 |
adrian_otto | I'd love to have a super responsive defect/fix cycle to accompany initial adoption | 16:59 |
sdake | but i think as a project we have higher prioriteis | 16:59 |
daneyon_ | adrian_otto 1 min left | 16:59 |
juggler | if that :) | 16:59 |
adrian_otto | tx daneyon_ | 16:59 |
adrian_otto | let's wrap. | 17:00 |
daneyon_ | thx! | 17:00 |
apmelton | o/ | 17:00 |
juggler | thanks all! | 17:00 |
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VikasC | thanx all | 17:00 |
adrian_otto | Our next meeting is Tuesday 2015-10-13 at 1600 UTC. See you all then! | 17:00 |
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adrian_otto | #endmeeting | 17:00 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Tue Oct 6 17:00:40 2015 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 17:00 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/containers/2015/containers.2015-10-06-16.00.html | 17:00 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/containers/2015/containers.2015-10-06-16.00.txt | 17:00 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/containers/2015/containers.2015-10-06-16.00.log.html | 17:00 |
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kzaitsev_mb | #startmeeting murano | 17:02 |
openstack | Meeting started Tue Oct 6 17:02:27 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is kzaitsev_mb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 17:02 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 17:02 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'murano' | 17:02 |
Nikolay_St | HI | 17:02 |
kzaitsev_mb | #topic rollcall | 17:02 |
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kzaitsev_mb | 0/ | 17:02 |
ddovbii | hi | 17:03 |
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freerunner | Hey! You're late =) | 17:03 |
katyafervent2 | hi | 17:03 |
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kzaitsev_mb | not much for agenda today =) serg and stan won't be able to attend. | 17:04 |
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kzaitsev_mb | #topic Action Items Review | 17:05 |
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kzaitsev_mb | 1) release new version of the client and propose change to global-requirements | 17:05 |
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kzaitsev_mb | I believe we did, but it's not possible to add clients to global requirements | 17:06 |
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kzaitsev_mb | and 2d) we're still working on app-catalog integration. ativelkov & I are working on that one. | 17:08 |
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kzaitsev_mb | #topic Liberty release | 17:09 |
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ativelkov | o/ | 17:10 |
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Nikolay_St | kzaitsev_mb: good to know | 17:10 |
kzaitsev_mb | global openstack releses on Oct 15. | 17:10 |
kzaitsev_mb | Let's review any bugs we still have for L release, shall we | 17:10 |
kzaitsev_mb | #link https://launchpad.net/murano/+milestone/liberty-rc2 | 17:11 |
kzaitsev_mb | I seee 2 bugs, still up for l2 and L in general | 17:12 |
ativelkov | bug 1502589is clear and I have a solution for it | 17:12 |
openstack | bug 1502589 in murano mitaka "Deadlock in DB on package deletion" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1502589 - Assigned to Alexander Tivelkov (ativelkov) | 17:12 |
ativelkov | will try to commit tomorrow | 17:12 |
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kzaitsev_mb | k, great! | 17:13 |
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kzaitsev_mb | #link https://launchpad.net/bugs/1502589 | 17:13 |
kzaitsev_mb | #info ativelkov is about to fix 1502589 | 17:13 |
ativelkov | however, bug 1502437 is trickier: I still cannot understand why it happens. If the reason is the amount of environments, then it is actually not a bug | 17:13 |
openstack | bug 1502437 in murano mitaka "Murano picks cidr for subnet which is already used" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1502437 | 17:13 |
ativelkov | we have a limit on number of environments which may co-exist in a tenant (i.e. share the same murano router) | 17:14 |
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ativelkov | by default that limit is 20 | 17:14 |
freerunner | ativelkov: AFAIK, this bug reproduced under heavy load... | 17:14 |
ativelkov | freerunner: yup, that was a rally test | 17:14 |
ativelkov | however, the test was supposed to be run in several tenants, so it is unclear how many environments it creates per tenant | 17:15 |
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ativelkov | I have detailed logs, will need to analyze it | 17:17 |
kzaitsev_mb | Should it be critical then? | 17:17 |
ativelkov | kzaitsev_mb: I don't think so | 17:17 |
kzaitsev_mb | cause, looks like you need specific conditions to reproduce it. | 17:17 |
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ativelkov | yup: it's actually a race condition for a cidr | 17:18 |
kzaitsev_mb | wonder what Serg would say, but looks like we can downgrade Importance | 17:18 |
freerunner | kzaitsev_mb: Agreed. | 17:20 |
kzaitsev_mb | And looks like there is no easy way to eliminate that race condition, cause murano puts cidr to heat, so there is a chance that 2 murano envs would request heat to create networks with same cidrs | 17:20 |
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kzaitsev_mb | and the error would not come up, untill both of the stacks are launched | 17:21 |
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kzaitsev_mb | so looks like there is no easy way for an env to know, that someone requested the same cidr =/ | 17:22 |
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kzaitsev_mb | ok, the bug is definitelly there. I believe, that we should downgrade it to High, and it would not hurt us to fix it after the release. And probably backport it to j/k/l if we find a suitable solution. | 17:25 |
kzaitsev_mb | huh | 17:25 |
kzaitsev_mb | Serg was the one, who marked it as Critical | 17:25 |
kzaitsev_mb | =) | 17:25 |
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kzaitsev_mb | so we'll need to convince him tomorrow anyway, that the bug is not that Critical =) | 17:26 |
kzaitsev_mb | #action discuss https://bugs.launchpad.net/murano/+bug/1502437 severity with Serg, continue considering fixes. | 17:27 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1502437 in murano mitaka "Murano picks cidr for subnet which is already used" [Critical,New] | 17:27 |
kzaitsev_mb | #link https://launchpad.net/murano-apps/+milestone/liberty-rc2 | 17:27 |
kzaitsev_mb | in the apps we have a couple of k8s bugs, assigned to Stan, I believe I even saw a couple of fixes on review, so hopefully they'll be through. | 17:28 |
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kzaitsev_mb | so yep, looks like nothing to discuss there =) | 17:29 |
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kzaitsev_mb | #link https://launchpad.net/python-muranoclient/+milestone/0.8.0 | 17:30 |
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kzaitsev_mb | a couple of bugs in progress and a medium bug about CLI. | 17:32 |
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kzaitsev_mb | doesn't look like there are any blockers anywhere across our repositories =) | 17:33 |
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katyafervent2 | thats cool | 17:35 |
kzaitsev_mb | #topic Open Discussion | 17:36 |
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kzaitsev_mb | Looks like we've done nice job fixing bugs =) | 17:38 |
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kzaitsev_mb | k, so if no one comes up with any topics — I'll end the meeting early =) | 17:43 |
kzaitsev_mb | in a couple of minutes ) | 17:43 |
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kzaitsev_mb | k, thanks everyone! =) see you in #murano and next week. | 17:50 |
kzaitsev_mb | #endmeeting | 17:50 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Tue Oct 6 17:50:12 2015 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 17:50 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/murano/2015/murano.2015-10-06-17.02.html | 17:50 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/murano/2015/murano.2015-10-06-17.02.txt | 17:50 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/murano/2015/murano.2015-10-06-17.02.log.html | 17:50 |
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sputnik13 | cue meeting is cancelled today in case anyone is wondering... | 18:04 |
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