Monday, 2016-01-11

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n0ano#startmeeting nova-scheduler13:59
openstackMeeting started Mon Jan 11 13:59:53 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is n0ano. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.13:59
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'nova_scheduler'13:59
n0anoanyone here to talk about the scheduler14:00
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jaypipesmorning all14:00
lxslistaff meeting...14:02
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n0anolxsli, so, I'm in two meetings right now myself :-)14:02
jaypipesn0ano: me too :)14:02
n0anolooks like we have quorum so let's go14:02
n0ano#topic specs, BPs, patches14:02
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* bauzas attending his first '16 sched meeting \o/14:03
* johnthetubaguy lurks14:03
n0anothe big one here belongs to you jaypipes , what's happening with your resource providers BP?14:03
jaypipesn0ano: I have split it into resource-classes, resource-providers, generic-resource-pools, and compute-node-inventory blueprints.14:04
jaypipesn0ano: still working on compute-node-allocations blueprint, which is final one in series.14:04
bauzasand some of them are being implemented, right?14:04
jaypipesbauzas: yes, cdent is working on resource-classes (patches pushed already I believe) and we are working on others slowly14:05
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cdentoh, hi, I'm here14:05
jaypipesI apologize for not being able to attend these meetings for a couple months :(14:05
cdentyeah: I pushed some resource-classes stuff14:05
jaypipesand for being so slow on the spec stuff :(14:05
cdentbut have held off on the next step waiting on the specs to progress14:05
bauzasI'd advocate for using the etherpad of doom then :)14:05
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n0anojaypipes, NP, my only concern is we're beyond feature freeze, do we need to get exceptions for these 5 BPs?14:05
bauzasn0ano: no14:06
bauzasn0ano: no exceptions are possible now14:06
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n0anobauzas, then what's the implication for Mitaka?14:07
bauzasn0ano: we can continue to work, but no merges14:07
jaypipesn0ano: need to chat with johnthetubaguy about it. I was under the impression that the resource-providers work was a bit of an exception to the rule.14:07
n0anojaypipes, +114:07
bauzascdent: jaypipes: like I said above, would it be possible to mention all the specs + implems in ?14:08
johnthetubaguyif we get it reviewed, and folks to work on the follow up bits, thats OK I think14:08
* bauzas was pretty dotted-line during the past weeks14:08
jaypipesbauzas: yes. I will do that ASAP.14:08
johnthetubaguyyeah, in that etherpad sounds like a good plan14:09
n0anojohnthetubaguy, do we have a hard cutoff date for getting the BPs approved?14:09
johnthetubaguyit was a few months back14:09
johnthetubaguybut the process is here to help, so if we need exceptions, and everyone wants it, lets do what we can14:10
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n0anoso no, we'll just work with asap14:10
bauzashonestly, I'm not that concerned by the Mitaka freeze14:10
johnthetubaguyif it were not a priority item thats blocking os many things, it would be a hard no, but will to see what other folks think for this14:10
n0anoso, if jaypipes  can update the epad with links to all the BPs we'll try and get them reviewed and approved as soon as possible14:11
bauzasie. we should be able to accept specs for Nxxx sooner or later14:11
bauzasand we could just make sure that if we get enough stuff stable, it could be iterated very quickly for landing in N before Summit14:11
bauzaslike we did for ReqSpec14:11
bauzasno precise need for bypassing what was agreed14:12
n0anoI don't think we're bypassing so much as interpreting guidelines :-)14:12
n0anoanyway, let's see if we can get it approved as soon as possible.14:13
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n0anoI think that's it for BPs, all others have either been approved or deferred to N, are they any specific patches people want to discuss today?14:14
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cdentI pushe a bug fix that needs some review:
cdentwas rated as "high"14:14
n0anocdent, excellent, let's all try to review it14:14
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carl_baldwinI pushed a backlog spec here at we talked about last week:
bauzascdent: in my pip14:16
bauzaspipe even14:16
n0anocarl_baldwin, cool, you should also update the mitaka topics page at
carl_baldwinn0ano: See L7314:17
johnthetubaguycarl_baldwin: I was talking with armax about making sure we find time for the neutron related things, its on my mental list as well14:18
n0anocarl_baldwin, I'm blnd, I didn't scroll down :-)14:18
carl_baldwinjohnthetubaguy: many thanks14:18
carl_baldwinn0ano: No worries, it is a busy agenda.14:18
n0anokind of seques into the next topic14:19
n0ano#topic mid-cycle meetup14:19
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n0anogiven that the neutron scheduling is on one day and a general scheduler topic is on day one I think we're covered unless anyone14:20
bauzasI feel so14:20
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n0anoI should note that scheduler testing is a suggested topic but not on a specific day yet, hopefully that won't be forgotten14:20
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johnthetubaguyshould be good I think14:21
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n0anoOK, moving on14:22
n0ano#topic bugs14:22
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cdentI was looking into working on this:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1431291 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Scheduler Failures are no longer logged with enough detail for a site admin to do problem determination" [High,Confirmed] - Assigned to Pranav Salunke (dguitarbite)14:22
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n0anoI note that the current list is still at 38 (37 once we push cdent 's ing)14:22
cdentbut it feels like reality and the bug have gone in different directions since the bug was created14:23
cdentso I was wondering if someone with a bit more experience could make some statement about the current desired functionality (on the bug)?14:23
bauzascdent: I feel it would be worth discussing that at the midcycle14:23
bauzascdent: because it's more a placeholder bug saying "meh, logs suck"14:23
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cdentYeah, it kinda felt that way.14:23
cdentIs there something more tractable I could/should work on in the meantime?14:24
n0anopersonally I don't have a problem with closing bugs out with `NOTABUG'14:24
bauzascdent: I guess you saw johnthetubaguy's mentions of what has been done in the past with that bug ?14:24
tobascoI have a bug I would like some insight in, I recently marked mine as a duplicate and posted a comment in this one can't really tell if it's the correct room but got directed by johnthetubaguy14:24
openstackLaunchpad bug 1469179 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "instance.root_gb should be 0 for volume-backed instances" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Feodor Tersin (ftersin)14:24
cdentbauzas: yes14:24
bauzasn0ano: agreed, I feel we could close that one by mentioning what has been done already and ask to reopen if something more specific is needed14:25
n0anobauzas, +114:25
johnthetubaguybauzas: +114:25
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johnthetubaguyfeels out of date post last release14:25
bauzasokay, I can do that14:25
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n0anotobasco, johnthetubaguy not seeing where this bug is scheduler related, I don't know if anyone here has any insight on this14:28
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johnthetubaguyah, sorry14:28
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johnthetubaguylooking again14:28
johnthetubaguythis is more resource tracker14:29
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bauzasthat's even a driver-specific problem, nope ?14:29
johnthetubaguyI was thinking the resource providers work, so we track shared storage better, would improve things14:29
bauzasbecause the RT is dumpb14:29
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n0anojohnthetubaguy, which we are effectively re-writing so maybe this bug might become irrelevant14:29
johnthetubaguyI think this is cinder volumes confusing local storage space14:29
bauzasit only persists what the driver is providing to it14:29
bauzasn0ano: not exactly14:30
n0anobauzas, but sounds like this might be cinder related then14:30
johnthetubaguyso I think most folks doing cinder only would disable the diskfilter and not spot the bug14:30
bauzasn0ano: IIUC, the problem is about what's provided as disk space when you have a volume-backed instance14:30
tobascobauzas: Nova is reading root_gb for cinder volumes so effectively this is the resource tracker which creates the wrong stats14:30
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johnthetubaguybut if you are mix and match, it affects you, I guess14:30
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bauzasso, to be clear, possibly something has to be done on the RT classes14:31
tobascoAt the same time this effects the scheduler since the DiskFilter combined with the wrong stats created bad scheduling14:31
bauzasunless I'm wrong, the DiskFilter is not a default filter14:31
tobascoOnly solution so far is to exclude DiskFilter or set the disk_allocation_ratio config value14:31
tobascobauzas: The DiskFilter was introduced as a default in liberty iirc14:32
johnthetubaguybauzas: it got added, I think14:32
johnthetubaguyit might have been dropped since then, lol14:32
n0anotobasco, affects the scheduler but it's still doing the right thing, give it the wrong data it will correctly make the wrong decision14:32
bauzasoh snap, it is indeed14:32
tobascon0ano: yes14:32
bauzasso, yeah, the scheduler only schedules based on what the RT provides14:32
johnthetubaguyso my through was about resource providers14:32
tobascoI just want to shine some more light into this since running a complete Cinder backed Nova today gives quite some headache14:33
johnthetubaguypart of that is deciding the cinder vs local resources14:33
bauzaszactly, we need jaypipes and cdent at wrok14:33
n0anoshould tobasco maybe have a discussion with some of the cinder people about this?14:33
johnthetubaguytobasco: you probably should just disable the disk filter if you are doing that mind, or is there something missing?14:33
johnthetubaguynot sure we need cinder folk for this, seems a very Nova issue here14:33
bauzasa possible workaround could be docs14:34
bauzasie. specify that DiskFilter should be disabled if Cinder backed volumes14:34
bauzasas a known limitation14:34
johnthetubaguyif there are no local disks in the BDM, we should ignore the flavor disk_gb in the resource tracker claim, and the scheduler stuff14:34
tobascojohnthetubaguy: In our production environment I have disabled the DiskFilter however this still gives me the wrong stats and should be fixed iirc since it's wrong, or atleast have a look at it.14:34
johnthetubaguytobasco: ok, true, its more that it changes the priority14:34
bauzaswell, I guess the resource-providers epic already has lots of attention14:35
tobascoFor example, we run our hypervisors on very low disk and having the wrong statistics on what's actually on local disk is quite scary for people that doesn't know about this.14:35
bauzasI feel it's a real bug14:35
bauzaswith a real problem14:35
bauzasand with a possible solution that could be resource-providers14:36
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n0anobauzas, yeah but it sounds like this is not really a RT problem, it's being given the wrong data14:36
bauzasn0ano: if so, it's not nova14:36
tobascoI agree with n0ano if only instances processed by the resource tracker and in the database would have root_gb set to 0 the scheduler nor the stats would have any issues14:36
tobascoroot_gb = 0 where Cinder backed Nova instances that would say, as root disk.14:37
n0anotobasco, but who should be setting it to 0, nova or cinder?14:37
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bauzasI remember some conditional in the RT about root_gb, hold on14:37
bauzasmeh, nevermind14:38
tobascon0ano: I saw some comment about the scheduler using the compute api is_volume_backed_instance function to check and set the root_gb to zero, however I assume this is only theoretical and not tested. I can't really be of very much help, I can troubleshoot code however I'm not so familar with the OpenStack concepts and codebase that I yet can help out.14:38
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tobascoI would be more than happy to help out and discuss this issue with other people further if it's needed, I have seen a lot of people having this issue and including myself so I would like to shine some light and get it resolved, that's all :)14:39
johnthetubaguybauzas: so it might be the spec object population code14:39
johnthetubaguybut yeah, lets take this into the openstack-nova channel I guess14:40
n0anotobasco, having the scheduler do this check seems wrong, I'd like to see what cinder says about this14:40
n0anojohnthetubaguy, +1 to the nova channel14:40
bauzasyeah, I'd be very against any change in the scheduler codebase14:41
n0anotobasco, tnx for bringing this up but I think you'll get a better answer on #nova14:41
bauzasIMHO, it's a resource issue, not a placement decision issue14:41
johnthetubaguyn0ano: its the spec object population, rather than the scheduler, but yeah, lets talk about that over the other side14:41
tobascoOk, I'm satisfied, johnthetubaguy can you please help me out to get this further either by helping or giving me some hints on how to proceed. I would be glad to help out.14:41
bauzasmoving on ?14:42
johnthetubaguytobasco: yup, sounds like bauzas might be able to help us too ;-)14:42
n0anobauzas, indeed14:42
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n0ano#topic opens14:42
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n0anothat's all from me, anything new?14:42
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cdentI have a bit of a blue sky question: Has anybody done any experimentation with using pandas DataFrames as the scheduler's data structure?14:43
* cdent is looking for prior art14:43
* cdent doesn't have any immediate plans, just playing14:43
n0anocdent, ed leafe looked at using Cassandra but we dropped that work, talk to him might be good14:43
n0anocdent, there wasn't really much interest in changing the back end14:44
johnthetubaguythe selection loop didn't seem that slow, compared to overall time in the scheduler, so I stopped looking at that bit of the scheduler14:44
* cdent nods14:44
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bauzaswhat johnthetubaguy said14:44
bauzaswe want to have a scalable scheduler from zero to beyond infinite14:45
cdentIt's more of an exercise in understanding the conceptual stuff, not really coming up with a new solution14:45
johnthetubaguythere is a fun unit test14:45
bauzascdent: luckily, any out-of-tree implementation can be done14:45
bauzascdent: you just need to implement the interfaces and rock on14:45
* cdent nods14:45
n0anocdent, but expect issues if you want to merge such a thing back in14:46
edleafecdent: the main advantage of the cassandra design was that the scheduler claimed the resournces14:46
* bauzas could joke on numpy dependency tho14:46
edleafecdent: it eliminated the raciness14:46
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cdentthanks johnthetubaguy14:47
n0anoanything else?14:48
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n0anohearing more crickets14:49
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cdentI think we're done14:49
n0anotnx everyone, we'll talk again next week14:49
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ihrachyso/ to all upgrades folks. we'll wait a minute for others.14:59
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korzenhi all15:00
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ihrachysroaet: hi!15:01
ihrachysok, let's get it rolling15:01
ihrachys#startmeeting neutron_upgrades15:01
openstackMeeting started Mon Jan 11 15:01:55 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is ihrachys. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:01
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'neutron_upgrades'15:02
ihrachyso/ everyone15:02
ihrachyshello everyone after Christmas break15:02
ihrachysthis is the first meeting this year15:03
ihrachyslet's go straight into topics15:03
roaethoo ah15:03
ihrachys#topic partial grenade15:03
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ihrachyssc68cal: wanna update the team?15:03
ihrachysok, probably Sean is not avail for now, so I will try to accommodate15:04
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ihrachysthe status is we still see grenade job failing on resource creation when ssh-ing into a cirros image, and it occurs not consistently15:04
ihrachyssc68cal made some modifications for grenade to see ssh debug output, and it seems that connection is established, but then dropbear never responds15:05
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ihrachysI had an idea today that maybe it's because of tunnelling headers not squeezing into mtu15:05
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ihrachysposted some test patches for that, but seems like they are not enough to validate the fix:
ihrachysbut we'll see15:06
ihrachysthe patch passed once, though I am not sure it's because of the patch, or I was just lucky15:06
ihrachysso rechecking more15:07
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ihrachysapart from that, I believe sc68cal also has this grenade patch in this context:
ihrachysthat should change the way how we test for ssh connectivity, and should collect more logs for us.15:08
ihrachysbtw if that's indeed mtu issue, we may want to enable MTU advertisement as in: (also from sc68cal)15:08
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ihrachysthat's on partial grenade. any questions? korzen? sc68cal?15:09
korzennothing from my side15:09
ihrachysok; let's move on15:09
ihrachys#topic versioned objects15:09
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ihrachysrossella_s: wanna update on port?15:10
rossella_sihrachys, yep15:10
rossella_sihrachys, unfortunately I didn't have as much time as I wanted...anyway I think I figured out a way to split tasks15:10
ihrachysrossella_s: cool. that could be interesting to roaet and ski2 who were hungry for work items :)15:11
rossella_sthe thing is that port is composed by many part...I mean every extension defines some new attributes. I will take time to port everything15:11
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ihrachysrossella_s: what's the plan?15:12
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rossella_sso I was planning to start from the leaf of the three...I will submit a patch later today/tomorrow to port a leaf, something simple like extra dhcp opts15:13
rossella_sthen other people can do the same for other extensions15:13
rossella_sthen we can finally go back to the port object15:13
ihrachysrossella_s: do we have a list of extensions to port? what do we do with extensions that are not in the tree?15:13
roaetare the ovo extensions going to patch in attributes?15:13
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ihrachysroaet: I think we cannot just patch attrs in the object, since it changes its API. I would think of having a single field for the list of extension attrs.15:14
rossella_sihrachys, I can create a list of extensions, regarding extensions out of the tree they need to be ported too of course, I'd leave that for a second stage15:14
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ihrachysrossella_s: we will need to think for some compatibility layer for at least a cycle I guess?15:15
roaethrmm. I guess I'll have to see it. I'm a bit puzzled about how to go about doing it.15:15
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rossella_sroaet, an example is here , see how binding is handled15:15
rossella_sihrachys, yes15:15
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rossella_sihrachys, tbh I expected it to be less work ...I was too optimistic15:16
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ihrachysrossella_s: heh. isn't it always that way? :)15:16
rossella_sihrachys, yo15:17
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ihrachysok, apart from ports, any news for network object? afair roaet was going to analyze the hierarchy for that.15:17
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korzenihrachys, yes, #link:
roaetI'm in process of manually making an ERD for neutron15:18
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roaetAnd it was suggested to make this an automated process for devref docs as well15:18
korzenI have posted the Network and Subnet OVO patch15:18
ihrachyskorzen: niiice15:18
ihrachysroaet: korzen: you need to sync guys.15:18
ihrachysroaet: do you have specific ideas for automation?15:18
roaetthrowing it into tox's doc step as a separate python process15:19
roaetnot openstack-manuals, just neutron15:19
ihrachysroaet: what would be the output?15:19
roaeta png erd15:19
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roaetbut I'm doing it manually first so I can get the OVO stuff done15:20
ihrachysok, I guess you will unravel it, and then we'll see how it looks like :)15:20
roaetthe erd automation is not necessary for OVO15:20
ihrachysroaet: see the patch from korzen ^ I haven't checked it yet, but I guess there is something already done there15:20
roaetbut the erd would be very helpful for discussions15:20
roaetI looked at that patch some days ago.15:20
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ihrachysroaet: yeah, ERD is useful out of network object context.15:20
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roaetit also shows all the relationships between the in-tree extensions and their 'parents'15:21
ihrachysroaet: ok. as long as you sync with korzen on what's missing, I am happy. :)15:21
roaetcool :D15:21
korzenI have taken the DHCP get_active_networks call and tried to mock it with Network OVO15:21
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korzenall the attr are there15:21
korzenbut please take a look if you are in favor of my solution15:22
ihrachysok, another thing related to objects is mhickey's 'hasher' test that should from now on forbid unexpected changes to object API:
ihrachyskorzen: haven't seen the patch till now; will take a look.15:22
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ihrachysthe hasher test is merged, so those messing with objects may get new test failures.15:23
mhickeyihrachys: patch for hasher done. patch in for o.vo to wrap temp registry pattern. #link:
ihrachysmhickey: yay. thanks for that and the follow up.15:23
mhickeyihrachys: np. that should be near to finisht. then just add the wrapped methods to neutron.15:24
ihrachysaye aye15:24
ihrachysspeaking of object backports, ajo also posted a WIP patch for rpc callbacks upgrades: everyone is welcome to check it out.15:24
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ihrachysajo: wanna update us on that one?15:24
ajohi, sure, I was running AFK, but I'm here yet :)15:24
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ajoBasically, this implements the devref we proposed for such mechanism, but it's still incomplete,15:25
ajowhat I posted in that WIP is the core logic for it, so it's really worth reviewing even if marked as WIP15:25
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ajoprobably I will remove the WIP, and push the other bulletpoints of the commit message as a separate/separate patches15:25
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ihrachyscool. folks, let's review that one. btw I will update the agenda for the meeting with links to new patches.15:26
ihrachysajo: if it's splittable, yeah15:26
ihrachys#topic bugs15:27
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ihrachysI suspect we may have more content for the topic in the future, so let's adopt the habit of having one :)15:27
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ihrachysI have one bug here to mention15:27
openstackLaunchpad bug 1531772 in neutron "Liberty server and Kilo security group aware agent fail to refresh firewall for DHCP and router IPv6 ports" [High,New] - Assigned to Ihar Hrachyshka (ihar-hrachyshka)15:27
ihrachysthat's basically rolling upgrade scenario broken for kilo to liberty upgrade for security groups15:28
ihrachysI don't have a patch yet; anyhow, I think some may find it worth checking the description and why it's broken. the brief idea is we made incompat change to rpc interface15:28
ihrachysrossella_s: could use your attention to that later ^ :)15:29
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rossella_sihrachys, of course15:29
ihrachysbtw see I marked the bug with 'upgrade' tag. it's unofficial, but better than nothing. if you have more bugs like that, please mark the same way.15:29
ihrachys#topic open floor15:30
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ihrachysanyone have stuff to raise?15:30
mhickeyihrachys: yes15:30
ihrachysmhickey: floor is yours15:30
mhickeyihrachys: : how to progress following conversation with HenryG today15:31
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ihrachysmhickey: ok. first, let's update the review with some comments from discussion today. it's otherwise not clear what you refer to. :)15:31
mhickeyihrachys: sure. will I add a comment then?15:32
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ihrachysfor those unaware, that's a patch to allow to determine whether there are pending contract scripts in alembic. and there is some issue due to every subproject using a separate with a separate version table that is not seen in scope of neutron-db-manage db context. we probably need some subproject API that could be consumed by neutron-db-manage to determine version table names.15:33
ihrachysmhickey: yeah, comment to add. it should give some more info to all reviewers.15:33
mhickeyihrachys: ok, thanks15:33
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ihrachysmhickey: I would suggest to talk to HenryG about when we expect his alternative idea of converging all projects to single to arrive. if it's not Mitaka, I better search for alternative way to tackle it.15:34
ihrachysdoes that sound right?15:34
mhickeyihrachys: my thinking also. probably need some solution for M.15:34
mhickeyihrachys: kewl15:34
ihrachysmhickey: yeah, I already told ansible folks a command will be avail in M, so I would need to deliver :D15:35
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ihrachysmhickey: they were otherwise introducing some huge hacks for that15:35
mhickeyihrachys: ack15:35
ihrachyslike walking thru the scripts, checking their file names...15:35
ihrachysok, anything else worth attention?15:36
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ihrachysok thanks everyone for joining. will see you all in a week! happy hacking!15:37
mhickeybye all. thanks ihrachys :)15:37
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roaetsee you all15:37
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dims_#startmeeting oslo16:00
dims_courtesy ping for GheRivero, amotoki, amrith, bknudson, bnemec, dansmith, dhellmann, dougwig, e0ne, flaper87, garyk, harlowja, haypo,16:00
dims_courtesy ping for ihrachyshka, jd__, jecarey, johnsom, jungleboyj, kgiusti, kragniz, lifeless, lintan, ozamiatin, redrobot, rpodolyaka, spamaps16:00
dims_courtesy ping for sergmelikyan, sreshetnyak, sileht, sreshetnyak, stevemar, therve, thinrichs, toabctl, viktors, zhiyan, zzzeek, gcb16:00
openstackMeeting started Mon Jan 11 16:00:49 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is dims_. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:00
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dims_hi rpodolyaka kgiusti toabctl dhellmann jecarey ozamiatin_ gcb rbradfor16:01
dims_hi ihrachys16:01
dims_#topic Red flags for/from liaisons16:01
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ihrachysnothing from neutron side, or I am ignorant :)16:01
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dims_ihrachys : thanks16:02
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gcbnothing from nova as I know :-)16:02
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dims_thanks gcb16:02
dims_gcb there's a oslo.cache review in nova that we'll need to resurrect16:03
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amrithnothing from trove.16:03
dims_#topic Releases for Mitaka16:03
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dims_i have not lined up pbr or oslo.messaging or taskflow for this round16:03
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dims_oslo.messaging has the pika driver merged from feature branch to master, so i'd like folks to look at the code that was merged16:04
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dims_my travis setup looks green with the latest in master branches of oslo.* - except for may be a py34 test case in nova for which they have a blacklist file that can be updated16:05
ihrachysdims_: speaking of pbr, are we going to release one for kilo? we had some issues with testr lately, that could be fixed by pbr release with some backports.16:05
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dims_ihrachys : this one?
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ihrachysdims_: right16:06
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dims_ihrachys : let's get lifeless to +1 that one and then chat about it in #openstack-release if it is still stuck16:07
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dims_k next topic16:07
dims_#topic osprofiler adoption spec16:07
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dims_there's a bunch of +1's so far16:08
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dims_may i please have +1's from folks here? please add it to your review queue for today?16:08
dims_dhellmann : would love to see your vote16:09
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dhellmanndims_ : sure, I'll take a look. Is there a separate cross-project spec or is this just an oslo thing16:09
dims_dhellmann : this one proposes oslo as a home for the library16:10
dims_k next one is slightly more controversial16:10
dims_#topic oslo.messaging compression16:11
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dims_the issue with this one was kombu has a easy toggle to switch on compression
dims_and zmq does not convert the full payload to json before shipping16:12
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dhellmanndoes that make it a feature of the driver, instead of the library, then?16:12
dims_so it's a toss up between how we can use existing mechanisms to switch on compression vs do we force drivers to json first then send the message16:12
dims_dhellmann : right16:13
ozamiatin_dims_: dhellmann: ++ for making it a feature of a driver16:13
dhellmannI haven't read the spec, but it seems like the easy win for now is to make it a driver option and then when all of the drivers support it we can deprecate those options in favor of a central one16:13
dims_dhellmann : y, that's what i was leaning towards as well. we'll learn first from that exercise in a single driver16:14
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dims_flaper87 : kgiusti : any opinions?16:14
dims_ozamiatin_ : ack agree16:15
kgiustidims_: +1 to driver for now.16:15
dims_kgiusti : ok, please vote on the spec when you get a chance to review16:15
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kgiustidims_: will do16:16
flaper87no objections from me16:16
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dims_cool thanks16:16
dims_#topic Open discussion16:16
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dims_Any other reviews? specs?16:16
ozamiatin_dims_: Need review of and
dims_ozamiatin_ : ack starred them both16:17
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ozamiatin_dims_: thanks16:17
dims_rpodolyaka : ping about the discussion with zzzeek on ML16:18
dims_rpodolyaka : do we propose any changes in oslo libs for that discussion?16:18
rpodolyakanot yet16:19
rpodolyakabut looks like we should - at least for oslo.service16:19
rpodolyakabut probably for oslo.db too16:19
rpodolyakaI'll go over the thread once again and probably ping mhorban and ezhova16:20
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dims_rpodolyaka : much appreciated :)16:20
dims_kgiusti toabctl dhellmann jecarey ozamiatin_ gcb rbradfor kragniz ihrachys flaper87 amrith - any other things to talk about today?16:20
rpodolyakacredit really goes to zzzeek who spotted this16:20
dims_yep +100016:20
amrithsince change (077fee4d439a6ecfa95e4e5626e4c5a3f9e7a72d) has now merged, I'd like to know when we'd get a new version of the oslo.utils so we can update requirements.txt and begin to use the new method.16:20
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dims_amrith : i've lined up a release for today, you can propose a g-r update when the release goes out. as policy we don't automatically bump versions in g-r16:21
amrithok, wilco16:21
dims_i am missing harlowja :) hey, you around?16:22
dims_last call before we wrap up :)16:23
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dims_i'll wait today for any last feedback on the osprofiler spec16:23
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dims_and we can get that rolling tomorrow16:24
dims_boris-42 : ^^16:24
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dims_anyone involved in oslo.messaging, please look through the pika code16:24
dims_thanks everyone!16:24
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boris-42dims_: ok great16:49
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ativelkovCourtesy artifact team meeting reminder: nikhil_k, ativelkov, mfedosin, flaper8717:02
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ativelkovFolks, anybody here for the artifacts meeting?17:02
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ativelkov#startmeeting glance-artifacts17:05
openstackMeeting started Mon Jan 11 17:05:07 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is ativelkov. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.17:05
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ativelkovHi folks17:05
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* jokke_ is lurking around17:06
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ativelkovThe agenda is supposed to be here but we don't have anything for today, since most of the artifacts team were on the new-year vacation17:06
ativelkov#topic status update17:07
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ativelkovTechnically I don't have much to update (since the long vacation period). All our specs got frozen due to the specFreeze happened one week before the NY17:08
mfedosinI think I can upload a draft code for public glare api tomorrow or on Wednesday17:09
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ativelkovmfedosin: having a draft for the un-approved API spec is a bit too brave :)17:09
ativelkovBut let's have some work started anyway17:09
kairat_Are we going to request FFE for artifacts? or it is assumed by default?17:10
mfedosinbut it requires some update in Alex patch17:10
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mfedosinativelkov, should I drop this job? :)17:10
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ativelkovkairat_: this needs to be discussed with the Drivers. Technically Glare is an experimental feature, and it has the FastTrack concept, so we may drive it faster then the rest of the Glance, however the proper guidance from the drivers team is neede17:11
jokke_I'd be pro of getting code draft up ... might help to get the SFE going through if there is something done to achieve the goal even the agreement comes in late17:12
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ativelkovmfedosin: of course not :) Just don't forget that anything which is not approved may be changed at any moment. But let's get the code going17:13
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ativelkovjokke_: ++17:13
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mfedosinanyway we need this code (glare public api), so there's nothing bad to have it on review17:13
ativelkovmfedosin: right, it also simplifies the API review if some implementation is present17:13
ativelkovjust don't forget to put a WiP tag to not confuse the reviewers17:14
ativelkovWe may revisit this questions after tomorrow's drivers meeting17:14
ativelkovglance /v3 -> glare v0.1 patch is still waiting for more reviews at
mfedosinativelkov, okay, I will. But let me skip functional tests for the first ps ;)17:15
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ativelkovmfedosin: ok, np17:16
ativelkovmfedosin: btw, you had some questions on the patch above, if I remember correctly. Please make sure you leave your comments there17:16
ativelkovThat's all for the status update I believe17:17
ativelkov#topic open discussion17:17
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mfedosinI'm writing it17:17
ativelkovAny other questions?17:17
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mfedosinnothing from my side17:18
ativelkovOk, then we are probably done17:19
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ativelkovIt's still the beginning of the year here in Russia, everything is sooo slow :)17:19
ativelkovThanks everyone17:19
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catherineD#startmeeting refstack19:03
openstackMeeting started Mon Jan 11 19:03:27 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is catherineD. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.19:03
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catherineDHappy New Year!!!19:04
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rockygand in return!19:05
catherineDLet wait for a few minutes19:05
catherineD#link meeting agenda and notes, please feel free to add items
catherineDWe did not have a meeting last week because most of the team members were on vacation19:07
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catherineDalevine: welcome back ... Is today your first day back from holiday?19:08
alevinecatherineD: Yes :)19:08
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catherineD#link meeting agenda and notes, please feel free to add items
catherineDlet's start19:09
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catherineD#topic Alex Levin's RefStack Requirements document19:09
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catherineDI know rockyg: and hogepodge: may not have a chance to review this doc ...19:10
rockyggot that right, but skimming now...19:10
catherineDalevine: seems like pvaneck: does not have the privilege to add comments ...19:10
pvaneckno i got that now19:11
pvanecklooks good19:11
catherineDpvaneck: that is great ..19:11
pvaneck Seems to me the main remaining issue is in regards to to how regular users (user's not associated to a vendor) creating products should be handled?19:11
alevinecatherineD: Have you had a chance to share it with Mark? Because I reviewed his spec and some of the explanations would've been given in the doc more clearly then in my comments to his spec.19:11
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catherineDalevine: I view your doc is the requirment and his spec is for implementation ...19:12
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alevinecatherineD: Nope19:12
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alevinecatherineD: His spec is mostly about requirement.19:13
catherineDalevine: did you see  my comments on Mark's spec?19:13
alevinecatherineD: Yes. There were a couple.19:13
catherineDalevine: I think the major disagreement is on how to handle group of users ...19:14
catherineDIn Mark's spec and my opinion, we manage this by creating a group entity19:15
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catherineDalevine: maybe you can explain your idea of build-in user group?19:15
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alevinecatherineD: I did in the doc.19:16
alevinecatherineD: Let me copy-paste it here19:16
alevineBy explicit Group I meant Group visible to the end-user. Internally a Group entity will exist and will be stored in the DB. Its ID will be an attribute of the corresponding Organization. It would be created along with Organization and destroyed along with it. It won't exist as a standalone thing. As I said - the built-in group. Same as a built-in groups, say, in Windows.19:17
alevinecatherineD: I'm against having Group entity exposed to end user. I see it as an unnecessary complication for our implementation. Maybe it's not what's requested by Mark but it's how he wrote it.19:18
rockygI think maybe it's kinda the default group for an entity, maybe?19:18
alevinerockyg: Exactly19:19
catherineDIf group is not exposed to end users, how would this group be managed?19:19
alevinerockyg: The thing is, what I'm saying is that no other groups are needed besides those default ones.19:19
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rockyggroup managed by entity owner19:19
alevinecatherineD: Not as a group. User won't be able to create a new group or remove an existing one or list groups. He'll be able to manage user-admins for particular organization instead. Add them (Users), remove, list and so on.19:20
catherineDrockyg: and entity owner is an end user , therefore group needed to be expose to end user19:20
alevinecatherineD: Not the group. Its users.19:20
alevinecatherineD: I'm saying there won't be means to list groups or manage them. But there will be means list and manage admins of particular organization.19:20
pvaneckI'm okay with this model19:21
rockygwould the org-admin be able to list members of group?19:21
alevinerockyg: Of course.19:22
alevineI don't want us to implement "GROUP management". I want us to deal with "USER management" only.19:23
catherineDpvaneck: perhaps you can describe the model per your understanding19:23
rockygso, all those functions are admin functions and end-user function is limited to listing name of the group and other properties, like maybe admin (need a contact in there;-)19:23
pvaneckjust no explicit group creation/deletion that a user can initiate19:23
pvaneckgroup creations will be tied to the creation of orgs/products19:23
alevinepvaneck: Exactly19:24
pvaneckI think that is a reasonable way to go about it19:24
catherineDalevine: from pvaneck: 's statement a group will also create when a product is created ..19:25
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alevinecatherineD: Could you rephrase? :)19:25
catherineDMy understanding of pvaneck: 's statement are:19:26
catherineD1) when an organization is created ... a group will also be created19:26
alevinecatherineD: Ah :) Yes a group will be created along with an organization (vendor). Not a product.19:26
alevine1) correct19:27
catherineD2) when an product is created ... a group will also be created ...19:27
alevine2) Not initially. Only when we would introduce the per-product admins, which is not in the initial version. So, no. Initially it's not true.19:27
catherineDwho will manage the product ?19:28
alevineAdmins of the Organization19:28
alevineThe one which created the Product19:28
catherineDso we need to have an Organization created before a product can be created ..?19:29
rockygsounds like.19:29
alevineYes, that's why I wrote about hidden vendor for each User unless he's an admin of a registered vendor.19:29
catherineDalevine: that is the point that I am not confortable with ... hidden vendor ...19:30
catherineDhow does RefStack differentiate hidden vs real vendors?19:30
alevineThat's reasonable I guess. Product cannot be created out of thin air. So it's either Organization or User should create it. However I suggest simplifying the model by associating each User with his "self-employed" company, unless he works officially for a registered Vendor.19:31
alevineWhat do you mean by RefStack?19:31
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alevineDescribe the use-case.19:31
catherineDIn the RefStack code19:31
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alevineA new user is registered. When he/she wants to create a product we create a Vendor for him/her, unless existed. Then the product is associated with that Vendor. That Vendor is not listed or anything. It's tightly associated with the User.19:32
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catherineDalevine: we agree with DefCore that vendor  list will be provided by the Foundation ...19:33
rockygRedhat vs Rockys-redhat?  What if a user submits multiple test results for multiple clouds?  Let's call that user Monty ;-)19:33
pvaneckwould having a product-group association eliminate the need for the hidden vendor creation. Just when a regular user creates a product, a group is created with the user as the admin?19:33
alevinecatherineD: And?19:33
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alevinerockyg: I tried to describe in the use-cases listed in the doc all the cases. I'll check this particular one.19:34
catherineDRefStack will not provide  vendor registration ....19:34
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alevinepvaneck: No. It won't.19:34
catherineDsince vendor list will be imported from a list provided by foundation19:34
alevinepvaneck: It'll just drastically change the model and make it a little strange. Also, there is such a thing as Guidelines which also should be "owned" and they are not a Product.19:35
rockygalevine, I'm confused about #12 on pg 6.19:35
alevinecatherineD: Ok. Let's say there is an "Organization" - some Organization, not requiring any registration. A private company. And there is Vendor which is registered by RefStack. Vendor will have official registration.19:36
rockygYeah.  Those guidelines are what are confusing me, as I am only aware of DefCore guidelines?19:36
rockygOr is this to allow things like EC2 guidelines added by a different group?19:36
catherineDrockyg: that is the idea19:36
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catherineDrockyg: but we still want to take care of the DefCore cases first19:37
alevinecatherineD: #12 is about user submitting new Guidelines for a someone else's Product.19:37
alevinerockyg: Yes, those are the external Products guidelines.19:37
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rockygWhy would a vendor need to approve the guidelines?  They should be out there and if a vendor wants to run the tests, fine, they're official, but if others do, it's just a user's test set?19:38
alevinerockyg: You can see an example here:
catherineDalevine: I don't think we want to have any one to create a Guideline19:38
alevinerockyg: They are called Schemas there at the moment. You can see AWS and PCF schemas.19:38
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catherineDGuideline should be created by a standard body like DefCore19:38
alevinerockyg: If I submit a new Guidelines for testing OpenStack definitely the Foundation would want to approve them before allowing anybody to test OpenStack with it, right? Same goes for any other Product.19:39
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catherineDalevine: we are really confused if we keep using the same term like "schema" for different things19:39
alevinecatherineD: We already have. You won't be able to add external Products without new Guidelines. See the AWS. The won't be accepted by Foundation so we had to create and manage them.19:39
catherineDfor RefStack schema means what is stored in
alevinecatherineD:  That's why I changed it in the doc to "Guidelines". It just stays named "schema" in the prototype for now. We'll change later of course.19:40
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alevinecatherineD: Of course I know. I mentioned it in the doc as well.19:40
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alevineSuppose you created a new component for the OpenStack which is not yet accepted (or never be), say Manila (I don't remeber if it's accepted yet), and I want my users to start using Manila and validating clouds against my tests - I have to supply the tests and Guidelines for this, right?19:42
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rockygAh.  So, doc needs more clarity on definitions.  Guidelines are any test set specified by DefCore or approved for use on RefStack by Defcore.19:45
catherineDalevine: I would say that scenareo will be managed by DefCore19:46
catherineDand DefCore will put out a new Guideline as it did with 2016.01 (today)19:46
rockygProduct includes non-openstack cloud apis and ecosystem products that are approved for testing against in Refstack19:46
catherineDrockyg: Guideline is the like today's DefCore Guideline (2015.07, 2016.01 ..)19:47
alevinerockyg: No, not approved by DefCore. The won't manage external testing and external Products - that's what they said. And I agree.19:47
alevinerockyg: Guidelines - Output of the DefCore process detailing which sections and capabilities are required. Guidelines will be approved on a regular cadence and identified by the date of approval. Expressed by json. Guidelines must conform to one of the schema defined in
alevinerockyg: That's the definition of DefCore. I didn't change it there. I can add that Guidelines can be created for External Products not managed and approved by DefCore.19:48
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rockygOK.  So, the EC2 list of tests aren't "guidelines", so "other compatability test sets"? Or some such?19:49
alevinerockyg: Product is refers to "software" or "cloud". Both are Products of some Vendor. Software is installed on Cloud and can be tested by some defined Guidelines.19:49
rockygAnd if DefCore isn't the body saying which test sets are ok to add to Refstack, who is?  Foundation?  TC?19:50
alevinerockyg: List of tests is not a Guidelines. But the json containing this list and names of tests and target programs is.19:50
alevinerockyg: Vendor. For its Products.19:50
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rockygBecause if it's a vendor, then Amazon would have to be the vendor to approve the EC2 tests, wouldn't it?19:51
alevinerockyg: Right now DefCore is such a Vendor for the Product OpenStack.19:51
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alevinerockyg: That's correct. However Amazon doesn't care so we'll be representing it, since we created the EC2 API layer.19:51
pvaneckSo i seem to see where you are going with the hidden vendor for each user creating a product or guideline.19:52
rockygHmmm.  So, again, who gives the go ahead to add to Refstack server since it's a foundation server?19:52
pvaneckalevine: If the same regular user creates multiple products, all these products would fall under the same hidden vendor for that user, right?19:52
alevinepvaneck: Great :)19:53
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catherineDalevine: pvaneck: I like that19:53
rockygIn EC2 case, vendor would have to demonstrate right to use the trademarks and make the claims of compatibility?19:53
catherineDhidden vendor is associated to a user not a product19:54
hogepodgeWhy can't refstack just take an external guideline as a parameter and evaluate a test result against it?19:54
alevinerockyg: According to the agreement with the DefCore guys the do not care if external tests get into their DB, so the Foundation (DefCore) manages and approves only the OpenStack related Products/Guidelines and each other  Vendor works with his own stuff.19:54
hogepodgeIt's essentially what it does right now, just with the external uris hard coded to pull defcore because it is a special primary use case for refstack19:54
alevinepvaneck: Yes, exactly.19:54
hogepodgeThen everyone can bring whatever guideline they want to the table, without a complex interface19:55
catherineDok we are discussing 2 topics at the same time now19:55
rockygOK.  I suspect the Foundation would want to verify if any guideline claims compat to trademarked products, though.19:55
alevinerockyg: We're not doing nothing official for non-OpenStack Vendors. Those are just validations and the results. So no need to care about trademarks I guess.19:56
alevinehogepodge: Pretty much.19:56
catherineDnotes that 4 mins remaining ...19:56
pvaneckhogepoge: that is doable19:56
catherineDI will need to end the meeting soon ... let's go to #refstack after this ...19:57
alevinerockyg: Well, I don't see why would they? There are no "claims" only results of tests and some "badges" (pictures) we show as a result of successful validation.19:57
catherineDbut I want to document our agreement regarding explicit/implicit user group creation19:57
rockygOK.  Just the presence of the trademarked names, if there, might need to have some legalese or something...asterisk with the note at bottom of owner, etc.19:58
alevinecatherineD: I'm sorry, can we continue tomorrow?19:58
rockygcatherineD, ++19:58
catherineDsure ...19:58
catherineDby one agreement we can log19:58
rockygAnd clarification in the doc, please?19:58
alevinerockyg: Probably you're right. We can take the trademarked names and base64-encode them to avoid problems :) (just a joke)19:59
catherineD#agreed Group will be created implicitly.  So, RefStack will provide user management and not group management.19:59
alevinerockyg: Clarification about the Guidelines which can be external? Could you please put your comments in the doc wherever you need any clarification?19:59
alevineI'll be more than happy to clarify19:59
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leonghi folks21:00
shamail#startmeeting product working group21:00
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openstackMeeting started Mon Jan 11 21:00:23 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is shamail. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.21:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'product_working_group'21:00
shamailHi leong!21:00
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shamailHi everyone!21:00
shamailRoll-call, who's here today?21:00
annilaiHappy new year !21:00
shamailHappy New Year everyone21:01
dpk_Happy New Year21:01
shamailPretty light attendance, should we wait a few minutes?21:01
shamailHi Pete, Jay, Steve, and Mike.21:01
pchadwickHappy New Year21:02
shamailHi Piet21:02
shamailOkay, let's get started... seems like we have a decent sized group21:02
shamailToday's Agenda21:02
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shamail#Topic User Story Updates21:02
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shamailKenny will not be able to join today but he emailed a brief update on "rolling upgrades"21:03
shamailRolling Upgrades - Gaps Analysis continues to be under review with next action for Kenny to submit a new Patch with suggestions.21:03
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shamailSeems like there has been a good discussion on this user story and Kenny will be submitting a new patchset21:03
shamailPlease review it and add comments if you haven't done so already...21:04
leongin addition to the Gap Analysis: trying to understand what has/has-not been implemented on each project (nova, neutron, etc)21:04
shamailThanks leong, do we already have a planned approach to that?21:04
annilaiI've sent Shamail a user story too but haven't uploaded21:04
annilaiit's re. maintains EOL'ed releases21:04
shamailThanks annilai, I just saw the email.21:05
annilaiwe need to get more operators' input21:05
shamailleong, I guess I was asking if there is a timeline or CPL requirement>21:05
shamailsorry for being vague21:05
annilaiand distro vendor's input.21:05
leongoh. CPL.Not yet.21:05
shamailGot it!21:05
shamailMoving on to onboarding legacy infra... any updates cloudrancher?21:06
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cloudrancherOnboarding for management team met Friday. I have an patch to drop for the user story to drop today or tomorrow.21:06
cloudrancherWe've had discussions on the three blueprint drafts in the google drive.
Arkady_Kanevskyhello product team21:06
cloudrancherso once the patch has been done and approved, we should be able to more out of draft21:06
* shamail waves21:06
cloudranchermove out of draft21:06
shamailThanks cloudrancher, please submit the repo when you think it's ready.21:07
cloudrancherthats it for now21:07
shamailleong, any updates on onboarding legacy apps?21:07
leongnope.. need to catch up on that..21:07
shamailNP, thanks.21:07
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leongwill talk to Gerg for that use case21:08
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shamailsgordon, how's Complex instance going?21:08
sgordoni got back from vacation 1am today21:08
Arkady_Kanevskyany new bluepints or user stories to review?21:08
sgordonso not great ;)21:08
shamailAll good.. will you be submitting the second one from the telco-wg soon as well?21:09
Arkady_Kanevskysteve put me on review list21:09
shamailThat's good news.21:09
leongFYI, I'm in discussion with an Enterprise company about "HA VM" use case.21:09
leongwill probably submit that into draft folder this month21:10
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shamailArkady_Kanevsky, we are reviewing the prioritized user stories... there will be some new ones coming (from annilai and sgordon)... you'll see an email or can check repo.21:10
pchadwickleong: That would be good to see21:10
Arkady_KanevskyIS this HA for VM or HA for application?21:10
shamail+1, thanks leong!21:10
leongHA for VM21:10
leongseems like multiple vendor has different approach.. but i'm trying to understand from the actual customer viewpoint21:11
shamailThat will be a good perspective to have... any env details (hypervisor type, etc.) would be good to know if they can share.21:11
annilaiThat's great Leong!21:11
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shamailI'll go ahead and speak on lifecycle management...21:11
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shamailno progress on this user story but I know there is some interest (and prototypes) at IBM.  I am trying to find the right people to engage to see if someone can formally participate.21:12
shamailWill keep everyone updated...21:12
shamailSome pre-work is still needed for this story too since it was originally supposed to combine 2-3 different user stories discussed at the last mid-cycle21:13
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shamailThe quota and capacity management user story still has noone from PWG working on it21:13
shamailThat one might need to be discussed (and maybe re-prioritized) at our mid-cycle21:14
shamailAny other questions/discussions on user stories?21:14
shamailmoving on...21:14
sgordoncap management leong and i had been working out how to (re)split at one point21:14
sgordoni think i had a draft submission for part of it21:14
shamailyeah, I recall that sgordon21:14
sgordonbased on leong's write up21:14
leongprobably need more time/resources for cap mgmt.21:15
shamailsubmitted or in a google doc?21:15
sgordonit was an etherpad but i had reworked it into the above21:15
sgordonthis does not cover absolutely everything that was in the original capacity management doc from the midcycle tho21:15
shamailI missed this, will review later this week.21:16
shamailthanks sgordon21:16
rockygoops.  Sorry I'm late....21:16
shamail#topic OpenStack Summit in Austin - Call For Speakers21:16
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shamailnp rockyg, welcome21:16
shamailThe deadline for submissions is 2/121:16
stephenwalliSorry. I’m late as well.21:16
Arkady_Kanevskydo we have etherpad for ideas for submittion?21:17
shamailWe wanted to discuss if there are any topics that we want to submit as a working group21:17
shamailhi stephenwalli21:17
shamailWe can create one... do you want to take the action item?21:17
shamailThe roadmap session will be submitted again this time...21:17
shamaillast time, we had 2-3 submissions21:17
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shamailDoes anyone have any ideas that we should build an abstract for and identify presenters?21:18
pchadwickAre these presentations or feedback sessions?21:18
Arkady_Kanevskycreated new etherped and will take AIs there21:18
leong+1. create a etherpad to for the team track/propose topic for submission.21:18
shamailpchadwick: these are presentations... feedback sessions will most likely be in the ops-summit track and we could even propose a BoF21:18
pietI know the OpenStack UX project is planning to propose a session for the personas.  We're hoping someone PWG will present with us if accepted.21:19
pchadwickshamail - thanks21:19
shamail#action Arkady_Kanevsky will create etherpad for discussing call for speakers21:19
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shamailThanks piet21:19
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shamailpiet, is the abstract available anywhere so that potential interested parties can discuss with you?21:19
shamailPlease add it to the etherpad that Arkady_Kanevsky will send out to the mailing list.21:20
pietYep - one sec21:20
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shamailI'm trying to also figure out how working sessions will be scheduled this time around at the summit..21:20
Arkady_KanevskyState of cross releases epochs that we started at Mitaka - proposal21:21
shamailFor Austin, working group sessions (and BoFs) will also be submitted through the CFS (Call for Speakers) process21:21
pietHere is a list of proposals.  A bit chaotic, but were hoping to submit a few.
shamailThat's a good one Arkady_Kanevsky...21:21
shamailthanks piet21:21
shamailLast time we were able to ask for a specific time for the working session (we chose to make it closer to the conclusion of the summit)21:22
pietLondon UX Mid-Cycle planning is here:
shamailI'm not sure if scheduling preferences are still being honored this time but I can ask.21:22
shamailAlright, so let's move on... we can continue discussion in the pending etherpad21:23
shamail#topic Sample Tracker walk-through21:23
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rockygI'd like to see a session on how vendors/users can get involved in the review and especially the gap analysis phases of user stories.21:23
shamailThe rolling upgrade user story is at a point where they need gaps analysis and a tracker21:23
Arkady_KanevskyDo we want to have a BOF on big tent and openstack releases?21:24
rockygIf we can get their input, it would be easier to get to a point where we create RFEs, specs, bps, etc.21:24
shamailI submitted this sample tracker as an example21:24
Arkady_KanevskyThere is a lot of confusion on when/where we will have multuple releases at the same time. Say one for enterprise, one for NFV, one for public lcoud...21:24
shamailArkady_Kanevsky: please add it to the etherpad21:24
shamailCan we keep this discussion for 'opens'?21:25
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shamailThe sample tracker has fields to track the overall user story implementation21:26
shamailthe cross-project spec21:26
shamailand requirements for individual projects21:26
shamailthe idea is to eventually build a front-end that can display this data21:26
Arkady_KanevskyShamail not sure how. I think you just open and it assigne you color to make changes21:26
shamailthingee, would like to have your feedback on whether there are items that we are missin21:26
Arkady_Kanevskyi SEE 2 other people on etherpad alerady21:26
rockygQuestion:  any Open Source tool we could use for that?  Easier for folks to read, maybe? ;-)21:26
shamailrockyg, if you find one... please share it.  The idea behind the data being in JSON was to make building a front-end simpler21:27
rockygArkady_Kanevsky, exactly right21:27
shamailHopefully, we wont be reading the JSON directly21:27
pchadwickNot exactly human friendly ;)21:28
shamailArkady_Kanevsky, just go to and enter a new name for the new etherpad21:28
shamailpchadwick, agreed.. the intention was to make it machine friendly. :)21:28
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rockygshamail, already there:21:28
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rockygsorry.  Dang cut and paste grrrr!21:29
shamailIf for some reason the front-end gets delayed for too long then we can revisit making a human-readable format21:29
shamailnp rockyg21:29
leongLet's get the JSON first, then we can work on the Front-end later on21:29
Arkady_Kanevskycreated new one <shamail>21:29
Arkady_Kanevskywhat do you want there?21:29
shamail#action ALL - please review the tracker file and provide feedback.21:30
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leongArkady_Kanevsky: there is a typo in the link21:30
shamailArkady_Kanevsky, maybe just a heading that says the purpose (e.g. "Austin Call For Speaker Product WG Proposals"21:30
shamailA related question to the tracker... how do we want to handle the gaps analysis?21:31
shamailShould we just update the user stories (gap) section?21:31
rockygshamail,  check #link  stuff already there...21:31
shamailor should that be a seperate file that is co-located with the tracker?21:31
shamailThoughts on how gaps analysis should be stored?21:32
shamailMy thought would be to update the existing user story since it has a section... but that can make the story a lot larger depending on how verbose the gaps analysis is...21:32
leongThough we can use the "Gap" section.. but have a concern if the analysis go too big to include within paragraphs21:32
shamailleong, same here21:32
rockygrequirements matrix/capabilities matrix with holes highlighted21:33
cloudrancherThe gaps seems to be an implementation concept, not a requirement concept21:33
shamailas a standalone artifact rockyg?21:33
cloudrancherso, somehow the user story might not be the best place for things as the understanding gets better21:34
pchadwickIsn't "filling a gap" a requirement  by definition21:34
shamailTrue cloudrancher... and yes, pchadwick, it is. :)21:34
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cloudrancherwell I think if we look at gaps as functional gaps, then the requirements is a good place21:34
pchadwickSo, user story > gaps > specs/bp21:35
shamailTo be honest, our group will most likely identify the gap as a requirement21:35
Arkady_Kanevskywhat about user story functionality with which peojects are inlvoved/impacted and status.21:35
shamailthe implementaion is up to the project teams to decide21:35
cloudrancherbut I am concerned that gaps will become an implementation story - as in Nova needs xxx21:35
cloudrancherNeed to think on this a bit21:35
Arkady_KanevskyWe cna create a spreadsheet with summry column at the end. rows for dunctionality21:35
pchadwickcloudrancher - fair enough21:35
shamailWe are not the best people for deciding the implementation21:35
rockyglinked to user stories.  a req. matrix generated from user story that then has capabilities mapped.  so req down, cap across or vice versa.21:35
cloudrancherthe challenge is how to keep requirement gaps seperate from project management gaps21:36
pchadwickmy engineers tell me that product mangers are never the best people for deciding implementation ;)21:36
leongwondering if we need to restructure the directory: user stories -> rolling upgrades -> story.rst21:36
rockygArkady_Kanevsky, ++ I thinkwe are converging.21:36
Arkady_Kanevskyhow does that maps to projects?21:36
leonguser stories -> rolling upgrades -> gaps -> gap1.rst gap2.rst etc/21:36
shamailrockyg, that makes sense.. I am leaning towards a seperate doc as well (only because some gaps analysis might be very large)21:36
pchadwickWe can discuss that with the PTLs and get them to own21:37
shamailthat's a good idea leong21:37
cloudrancherdoes CPLs have a gaps concept?21:37
leongso instead of putting rolling_upgrade.rst, we put user-stories/rolling-upgrade/....21:37
shamail#action re-organize repo so that each user story is a folder with relevant RST files.21:37
cloudranchersounds right21:38
Arkady_Kanevskyuser stories for rows, cloumns for projects. If text in cells is not green than means that there is a gap that this project is working on. Best to have blueprint or spec or code under review pointers in cell21:38
shamailwould we still want draft, proposed, etc?21:38
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leongyes.. i think we still need21:38
cloudrancherbut we need a proposal to review21:38
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shamailor does that become an empty file (or even a field in the user story)?21:38
shamailActually, the folders make sense21:38
leongdraft and proposed probably can still kept in existing single file.. but when come into tracked, then need subdir21:38
shamailsince we can decide which stories are posted to our specs page by path21:39
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shamail+1 leong21:39
Arkady_Kanevskyhard to acess if they are not all on one page.21:39
leongbut need to make clear to the team (probably explain in README)21:39
rockygWe need the stories as the top level.  Requirements emerge from them, then the capabilities needs from the requirements21:39
shamailDo you want to submit the patch and also start discussion on ML leong or should I?21:39
cloudrancherif we use seperate file for gaps I would recommend we remove from user story21:39
Arkady_Kanevskyclicking thru directories and subdirectories for status is too much21:39
leongshamail: let's discuss offfline one that Action Item21:40
shamailYou won't need to do that Arkady_Kanevsky... the user story contains the "what"... as does gaps analysis.. the status will be tracked via tracker.21:40
shamailsounds good leong21:40
leongI can submit a patch to restructure the Tracked/Rolling-Upgrade first21:40
rockygArkady_Kanevsky, if we use the simple name to url link convention, the cell is small, but will take you to the web doc21:40
leongshamail: put the AR to me21:41
shamail+1 rockyg21:41
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shamail#action leong will submit patch to break out the rolling-upgrade user story based on these discussions.21:41
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shamailok, next topic!21:42
rockygI've got an example of use case -> requrements -> functionality I can point folks to.21:42
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Arkady_Kanevsky+ rocky21:42
shamail#topic Product WG CPL Updates Planning21:42
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rockygStarted it for Refstack.21:42
shamailrockyg, please do...21:42
rockygI'll send to ml21:42
shamailThis next topic is about CPLs21:43
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shamailWe have had some project coverage for a while and I wanted to propose a standing topic in our team meeting to have 1 or 2 CPLs provide an update on the projects they are covering21:43
shamailThis will give the team an idea of current hot topics, discussions, and plans on a per project basis21:44
rockygkewl!  +121:44
shamailCurrently, we are not creating a feedback loop via CPLs21:44
shamailWe also do not have full coverage of projects21:45
leongstarting from "core" then move on with the rest?21:45
shamailIf you can dedicate a small amount of time to participate in a weekly meeting for a project and act as a conduit between PWG and that project, please help by volunteering21:46
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shamailYes, leong... that would be the proposed schedule... I will create an etherpad and put dates next to each project so the CPL knows when they will be presenting the topic at our meeting21:46
shamailThe etherpad will also allow people to swap time slots21:46
Arkady_Kanevskycan we put which CPL to present on agenda?21:47
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shamailYes, the etherpad will be the master schedule but each agenda will also include the CPL for the upcoming meeting.21:47
pchadwickworks for me21:48
MeganR+1, great idea21:48
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shamail#action shamail will create etherpad with "CPL updates" schedule and send link to ML21:48
shamailI will also propose a topic for the mid-cycle to revisit CPL coverage (to ensure we have coverage for user stories related projects)21:49
Arkady_Kanevskygood idea21:49
rockygAlso, if you could add stable release project to the list?  I plan on being ath the 2100 utc meetings, but could use coverage on the 1400 utc meetings (alternate every other week)21:49
shamail#topic Product WG Mid-Cycle Planning21:49
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shamailrockyg: +121:50
shamailPlease add it to the CPL page and add yourself as one of the CPLs21:50
rockygwill do21:50
shamailA few people had asked about logistics so Kenny (with help from Phil) put together an etherpad for those that are planning to attend the upcoming mid-cycle in the UK.21:51
pchadwickThis is very useful - thanks.21:51
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leongseems like day 1 and day 2 are in different location21:51
shamailPlease add your name to this etherpad once you are confirmed for attendance so that Rackspace can plan accordingly21:51
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pchadwickMadhus is dinner21:52
shamailThanks pchadwick21:52 fault...the second location is for the dinner !21:52
leongThanks  pchadwick21:52
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Arkady_Kanevskyrocky is not coming to anni is?21:53
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shamailIf you are planning on attending the mid-cycle and plan on attending the ops-summit as well, please make sure to purchase a ticket for the ops-summit.21:53
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leongThanks shamail.. i nearly forgot that... :-)21:53
shamailNP :)21:54
rockygBoth, I think...21:54
shamailThe current proposed items for the agenda can be found in this etherpad:21:54
rockygI'll be there.  Gotta edit the etherpad, but bought my ops ticket already21:54
pietMe too21:55
shamailKeep proposing items!21:55
shamailthingee, will you be able to join us for the mid-cycle?21:55
pietAny advice on getting added to the User Summit schedule would be appreciated21:55
leongTime: 5 mins left21:55
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shamailI'll confirm with Mike via email21:56
Arkady_KanevskyAre yiu going to have phone bridge os kype session going for mid-cycle meeting?21:56
shamailpiet: speak with Tom Fifield21:56
Arkady_KanevskyFor remote folks to attend21:56
thingeeshamail: do we a confirmed date?21:56
pietReal quick: please start distributing the link to the persona validation survey
shamailthingee, yess.. please see for details21:56
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rockygand add proposed session to the etherpad, piet21:56
shamailwill do piet21:57
shamailArkady_Kanevsky, we will try to setup a remote participation tool....21:57
shamailit's always tough but we'll keep trying!21:57
pietDoes someone have a link to the operator summit etherpad?21:57
Arkady_Kanevskythank you21:57
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shamailthere are two etherpads, not sure if one superceded the other or whether both are still current.21:58
shamail#topic opens21:59
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pietCan't emphasize enough...all PMs should be distributing the survey link:
thingeeshamail: I don't see anything preventing me on my calendar21:59
shamailThanks thingee, I believe Heidi Joy will be attending as well so you might be able to coordinate with her.21:59
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Arkady_Kanevskysow the survey. DO you know when we will have results?22:00
shamailAlright, well, Happy 2016!!!22:00
Arkady_KanevskyHappy 201622:00
shamailGreat meeting to start the new year.22:00
leongGreat meeting!22:00
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openstackMeeting ended Mon Jan 11 22:00:28 2016 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)22:00
openstackMinutes (text):
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rockygthanks all!22:00
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pietI hope to present something by mid-Feb, but depends on sample size22:00
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