Wednesday, 2020-04-01

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rosmaitaCourtesy reminder: Cinder meeting in #openstack-meeting-alt at 1400 UTC14:00
rosmaitajungleboyj rosmaita smcginnis tosky whoami-rajat m5z e0ne geguileo eharney walshh_ jbernard lseki sfernand rajinir ^^14:00
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rosmaita#startmeeting cinder14:00
rosmaita#topic roll call14:00
openstackMeeting started Wed Apr  1 14:00:46 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is rosmaita. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
geguileohi! o/14:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
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rosmaitasorry, had some technical difficulties there14:00
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rosmaitalooks like a good crowd, i'll get started because there's a meeting right after ours14:01
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rosmaita#announcements - upcoming deadlines14:02
rosmaitathis week (tomorrow) - os-brick release14:02
rosmaitanext week:14:02
rosmaita * ussuri cinderclient release14:02
rosmaita * ussuri milestone-3 release14:02
rosmaita * FEATURE FREEZE14:02
rosmaitatwo weeks after that (week of 20 April):14:02
rosmaita * RC-114:02
rosmaitaso feature freeze coming up fast14:02
rosmaitalet's do a quick check of the os-brick release status14:03
rosmaitanot much in there, just a few bugfixes14:03
rosmaitalooks like no change in the status of the unmerged changes14:03
rosmaitaso unless anyone has a last minute thing, i'll propose the release from HEAD later today14:04
rosmaitafor victoria, we will have some big changes14:04
e0ne+1 for a release14:04
rosmaitathanks e0ne14:05
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rosmaita#topic announcements - relaxing the two-company rule14:05
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rosmaitathis has become an issue with so many of us working for red hat these days14:06
rosmaitanova has relaxed the rule14:06
rosmaitai think we should as well14:06
rosmaitabut with the proviso that it's always better to have a diversity of opinion, so we should try to get reviewers from different companies14:07
smcginnisWe've suggested it in the past, but I don't think it's ever been an issue in cinder.14:07
e0nenothing changes for me :)14:07
rosmaitabut we shouldn't hold things up too long14:07
rosmaitasmcginnis: ++14:07
rosmaita#topic announcements - virtual PTG brainstorming sessions14:08
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rosmaitain case anyone is interested14:08
e0nerosmaita: +114:08
rosmaitathere are some virtual sessions over the next week or so14:08
rosmaitaso if you'd like to help shape what the virtual PTG would be like, please attend14:09
rosmaitai think that's it for announcements14:09
rosmaita#topic Volume migration improvements14:09
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rosmaitazigo: that's you14:09
rosmaitalooks like zigo may have been called away14:11
rosmaitaanyway, he's interested in this, but doesn't have time to implement14:11
zigorosmaita: I'm in a meeting too ...14:11
rosmaitabasically, missing features are: progress indication, and migration abort command. This was proposed 5 years ago, but abbandoned (see linked review on that page). It'd be nice if someone was picking-up the idea and implementing it for Victoria14:11
zigo(another meeting with my work)14:11
rosmaitazigo: ok14:11
zigoIt'd be very nice if the progress thing could be implemented by someone.14:12
e0neit's a good feature to have... but we need a volunteer to get this done14:12
rosmaitamy question is does anyone know if there was a technical reason why we didin't follow through?14:12
rosmaitaor just lack of volunteers?14:12
zigoI don't think I'd have the needed skills anyway, I don't know the cinder project.14:12
e0nerosmaita: it could be an issue for some drivers, I guess14:12
eharneyi'd imagine that measuring progress is a tricky problem to solve since it would vary depending on the driver and how it copies data on the backend14:12
e0nerosmaita: but speaking about generic migration it's absolutely doable14:12
eharneywe'd need some system where each driver could have a hook that would report that data, if it even could14:13
zigoHaving it for at least LVM would be nice already.14:13
e0neeharney: +114:13
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zigoWith the old patch, it would have work for any driver where the compute node does a dd between volumes.14:14
smcginnisWe need to make sure whatever we introduce can be used by all drivers.14:14
rosmaitasorry, i am thinking too much14:16
rosmaita2 things14:16
rosmaita1) is there sufficient interest on the part of driver maintainers?14:16
rosmaita2) someone to drive the work14:16
rosmaitawould be good to get a sense of 1 before the PTG14:16
rosmaitaso we don't spend a lot of time designing an interface no one will use14:17
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rosmaitafor the progress indication14:17
rosmaitazigo: do you want to circulate something on the ML?14:17
rosmaitamaybe after M-314:17
rosmaitaok, that's probably enough for now14:18
rosmaita#topic backporting 'supported' status for drivers14:18
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rosmaitaso, several vendors are getting their CIs running to be 'supported' in ussuri (were supported == False in train)14:19
rosmaitathe question came up, can that be backported to train?14:19
rosmaitainitially i was thinking no14:19
e0netechnically, it's not a new feature14:19
rosmaitabut someone found a precedent:14:19
eharneysince we don't have drivers running CI on stable branches a lot of the time... hard to say14:19
rosmaitaeharney: exactly14:20
e0neI don't have a stong opinion on this14:20
e0neat lease we have to force drivers maintainers to have CI working for stable branches14:20
rosmaitaand this time, we are only testing python 3, whereas train also supports py214:20
rosmaitae0ne: good idea14:20
rosmaitaso do we want to say, to backport 'supported', you need to have the CI working for Train?14:21
eharneyis there good knowledge out there for how to do that?14:22
eharneynot sure if it's just a switch to flip or more involved14:22
rosmaitaeharney: good question, i don't know14:22
rosmaitawell, i guess one way of looking at this is14:23
rosmaitaactually, forget that, it doesn't make sense now that i started to write it down14:24
smcginnisI guess at least we know the vendor is around and presumably willing to address any issues that come up.14:24
rosmaitathat is true14:24
rosmaitaok, tell you what, let's table this and return to it next week14:25
rosmaita#topic Bug: Cinder throws error creating incremental backup from parent in another project14:25
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rosmaitathe floor is yours!14:25
gansoI found this bug:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1869746 in Cinder "Cinder throws error creating incremental backup from parent in another project" [Undecided,New]14:25
gansoand it has two possible solutions, I would like to discuss which one of them makes more sense14:26
enriquetasooh no14:26
gansoso the bug in summary: if the user tries to create an incremental backup based on a backup created by another user, the code throws an error, but the backup is created anyway14:27
gansothis only happens like this running the ceph backup driver14:27
e0neganso: bug description says nothing about different projects, only different users are mentione4d14:27
gansoe0ne: sorry perhaps I need to improve the description14:27
rosmaitagood question, so it's same project, different user?14:27
smcginnisSeems like this would only be an issue between admin creating a backup and an owning user/project creating a backup.14:28
gansorosmaita: that's actually a good question, I did the steps to reproduce exactly, with users admin and demo14:28
rosmaitaactually user admin could be any project14:28
smcginnisThey should probably be treated separately.14:28
gansothe user admin belongs to the admin project, while the demo user belongs to the demo project, so could be both14:28
smcginnisOr even if created by admin, backup should get the owning project of the volume owner. Any reason why a cloud admin would be creating backups they don't want accessible by a project?14:29
gansothe volume from where the backup is created belongs to demo14:29
gansosmcginnis: so in this specific case, we were able to spot this bug because there were a few backups created by admin14:31
gansosmcginnis: and they thought to be harmless, but they are actually causing issues14:31
rosmaitaganso: so you know if it's just 2 users in the same project, does everything work as expected?14:31
e0neganso: is it reproducible using different users without admin role?14:31
smcginnisganso: Is it their intent that those admin created backups are not accessible by the volume owner?14:31
gansorosmaita: I didn't test with those other combinations of 2 different users in same project, or if it has to be different projects14:32
gansoe0ne: I am not sure14:32
rosmaitaok, because in general, i think you would not expect this to work cross-project14:32
rosmaitasmcginnis: ^^ is that right?14:32
smcginnisI would guess it has to be different projects. Which would mean it has to be admin versus someone in the project.14:32
eharneyit sounds to me like the real failure here is about checking if the user has access to the backup (i.e. two different projects) -- not really anything related to admin14:32
gansosmcginnis: so, it was a special case that caused this bug, the customer can just reorganize their backups to avoid the bug, but this specific scenario allowed the bug to be found14:32
smcginniseharney: ++14:33
eharneyperhaps a check is not happening early enough to catch when that should be rejected14:33
e0neeharney: +114:33
rosmaitaeharney: ++14:33
smcginnisI think 1) we should make sure the user has access to the backup before attempting to create an incremental backup from it, and14:33
gansoeharney: so, exactly, other drivers that have the chunkeddriver as base class don't have this problem because it tries to get the parent first14:33
gansoand it throws the error immediately14:33
enriquetasoeharney +114:34
smcginnis2) decide whether we need to support two different sets of backup trees by keeping these separate, or if an admin creates a backup if the backup should still be set to be owned by the same project as the one that owns the volume.14:34
eharneywe can check this in the API rather than in the backup driver though14:34
rosmaitayes, would be good to fail as early as possible14:34
gansoso, the way we found this problem was actually through the other bug:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1869749 in Cinder "Cinder leaves quota usage when deleting incremental backup with parent from another project" [Undecided,New]14:34
gansowe noticed that the quotas were frequently going off sync14:34
gansoand the code in that section could be improved to prevent that from happening14:35
smcginnisSO for my point 2, is it a valid use case that an admin wants their own backups of a tenant's volumes, or is the use case that the admin should be able to create backups on behalf of the tenant.14:35
rosmaitai'd think it would be the "on behalf of" use case14:36
openstackLaunchpad bug 1869746 in Cinder "Cinder throws error creating incremental backup from parent in another project" [Undecided,New]14:36
gansobut anyway, the root cause is during creation, the backup should either not be created successfully, or not raise errors. So the question is: If we are creating an incremental backup based on another backup that is not visible to that user, should the code override that (if possible) and create it anyway (since the volume owner is the user creating the incremental backup), or should we just implement a better check and throw a more friendly14:37
gansoerror (preferably at the API), and prevent the backup from being created at all14:37
smcginnisIn that case, we don't need to put in extra checking because a volume's backup would be for a volume they have access to... actually, scratch that - volume transfer.14:37
smcginnisSo we do need the check.14:37
smcginnisAnd regardless of whoever creates a backup, the backup should be owned by the volume's project, not the creator's project.14:37
smcginnisAnd then, should we allow volume transfer to happen if there are backups present? Should those backups follow the volume like we decided to do with snapshots?14:38
gansosmcginnis: so, even if admin creates the backup, the backup should always be in the same project as the volume, that sounds good14:38
gansoand it solves the issue14:39
eharneythat only works if you reject creating backups that users attempt on volumes they don't have access to14:39
rosmaitathe volume transfer question is trickier14:39
smcginnisganso: We still would need to address your concern because of backwards compatibility. We need to add a check on owner of the last full backup before we attempt to create an incremental backup from it.14:39
eharneybecause you don't want one user being able to consume another user's quota with failed backups etc14:39
smcginniseharney: Don't we do that now? I sure hope we do.14:39
smcginnisAdmin being a special case.14:40
eharneywell, i thought the bug report was showing that we don't do it before creating them14:40
smcginnisIf it's admin.14:40
smcginnisIf we allow anyone else to create a backup of someone else's volume, that would be a huge security hole.14:40
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gansoeharney: the backups shouldn't be visible to that user, otherwise that would be possible14:40
eharneyalso, is_public volumes...14:42
gansoeharney: good point, It will end up consuming quota against someone else's project14:42
* eharney will look at some of this later14:42
smcginnisAh, yep. So backup trees do need to be per-project.14:42
smcginnisSo incremental does need a check to make sure the full backup it attempts to use is one that is actually owned by the current user.14:43
smcginnisAnd skip any that are not.14:43
gansosmcginnis: but considering the ceph driver, doesn't it cause problems for the driver? imagine that you have backup A as demo, backup B as admin, and backup C as demo, if backup C skips B according to the code and considers A as parent, doesn't it cause problems?14:44
gansoactually, considering any driver, not just ceph14:44
smcginnisganso: I'm not sure, but it sounds like it would need to be able to handle that situation.14:45
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smcginnisI think we need to start an etherpad or something to start capturing some of this. Or a spec, but it's not really a new feature. Something somewhere to make sure everyone understands what the issue is and what any proposed fixes would be.14:46
rosmaitaok, so have we agreed that an incremental backup must be in the same project as the full backup it depends on?14:47
gansorosmaita: actually no, because of is_public volumes14:47
smcginnisI think it has to be.14:47
jungleboyjrosmaita: That sounds right.14:47
smcginnisganso: Yes, because of is_public.14:47
gansoI'm confused14:47
rosmaitaganso: the backup, not the volume14:47
eharneyyes... is_public was more about why a backup might not have the same owner as a volume14:48
gansorosmaita: ooooh ok14:48
rosmaitabut except for public volumes, sounds like the backup should normall be in the same project as the volume14:48
gansomakes sense14:48
rosmaitabut i agree with smcginnis14:48
smcginnisThe open question for me is what happens with admin created backups.14:48
rosmaitaganso, please write up how this should work in an etherpad14:48
smcginnisBut I think, based on everything else, those backups would just be owned by the admin and now the owner.14:49
gansosmcginnis: I will update the launchpad bug entry with a summary of what was discussed here, with a link to the meeting notes14:49
rosmaitaand we can all look at it and make sure it makes sense14:49
smcginnis*owner of the volume14:49
smcginnisganso: ++14:49
e0newhat does it mean 'is_public volume'?14:49
e0neAFAIR, volume could be owned only by one project14:49
e0neand we can't share volumes between projects14:49
rosmaitae0ne: good question ... i thought we only had public volume_types14:49
gansoe0ne: everyone can see the volume, which is owned by somebody. This would mean anybody can create a backup of the volume, since it is public14:50
e0nerosmaita: +1.14:50
e0neganso: is't not public. it's available for everybody form tenant14:50
e0neit's really different cases14:50
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rosmaitait's different from visibility == public images in glance14:51
gansohmmmm I am not familiar with this. I know "is_public" from manila/glance/nova and thought this was the same14:51
smcginnisMy cloud is down, so I can't check. I may have been mixing that up with volume types and images.14:51
rosmaitayeah, i believe e0ne is correct, it's only the volume_type that can be public14:51
gansosmcginnis: if that is the case, then the previous idea of always having the backup the same project as the volume could work14:51
rosmaitaok, we are running low on time, this is another thing to investigate14:52
rosmaitae0ne: thank you for raising this point14:52
gansothanks everyone for feedback on this! =)14:52
smcginnisganso: Yeah, if we don't have public, then I do think backups should always be in the project that owns the volume.14:53
e0nesmcginnis: +214:53
rosmaita#topic tempest tests14:53
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rosmaitaLiangFang: that's you14:53
eharneythat seems like an odd thing to always require to me, but i need to think on it more14:53
rosmaitais that for your devstack plugin?14:53
LiangFangI have solve the issues14:54
smcginniseharney: Kind of like a snapshot. It wouldn't make sense for a volume to be in one project, and one of its snapshots to be in another. Anyway, we can think about it and talk later.14:54
rosmaitaLiangFang: good news, i will look at the patch later14:55
rosmaita#open discussion14:55
rosmaitaquickly, i learned about the reno.cache14:55
whoami-rajatis anyone aware about any changes in zuul or something merged in cinder causing this issue
rosmaitaif you get crazy releasenote builds, everything the same for all releases, delete the reno.cache in releasenotes/notes14:56
whoami-rajatthere are a lot of valid failures on pylint but unrelated to the patch14:56
rosmaitawow, that is pretty ugly14:57
whoami-rajatyep, most of them are in test files14:58
eharneypylint is not smart enough to understand a lot of unit test code adequately14:58
whoami-rajatsmcginnis, great, so i just need to recheck14:59
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smcginnisNot sure how quickly that makes it into the gate. Just ignore for now.14:59
smcginnisBut it should go away soon.14:59
rosmaitaok, we are out of time15:00
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openstackMeeting ended Wed Apr  1 15:00:16 2020 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:00
openstackMinutes (text):
whoami-rajatsmcginnis, ok. but i need to recheck anyway, there is an unrelated failure :/15:00
enriquetasothanks rosmaita15:00
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whoami-rajatrosmaita, thanks!15:00
amotoki#startmeeting horizon15:01
openstackMeeting started Wed Apr  1 15:01:29 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is amotoki. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:01
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vishalmanchandahi all15:02
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amotokiokay, let's start15:03
amotoki#topic notices/announcements15:03
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amotokifirst, the ptl nomination period is over and e0ne volunteered for our PTL15:04
vishalmanchandae0ne: congrats Ivan.15:04
e0neamotoki: np. I hope I'll be helpful for the team as a PTL15:04
e0neunfortunately, I forgot to send a mail to openstack-discuss :(15:04
amotokiI don't leave the community and horizon, so I would like to continue to help the team15:05
e0neamotoki: it's good15:05
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amotokiI will care Ussuri release as my responsibility15:06
e0neamotoki: TBH, it's a responsibility of the whole team15:06
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amotokie0ne: yeah, that's true15:06
* e0ne will try to not break horizon again with a new pyscss release:)15:06
amotokiI just would like to mention a release related stuff :)15:07
amotokisecond thing is this week is non-client lib freeze and next week is feature freeze15:07
amotokiI don't think we have things related to non-client lib freeze though15:08
-amotoki- is spending time for neutron stuffs this week15:09
amotokithe third one is our gate is now healthy including stable/train and stable/stein15:09
vishalmanchandayeah finally:)15:10
amotokirequirements change with pyscss 1.3.7 has landed today15:10
vishalmanchandae0ne: amotoki : thanks.15:10
amotokiI will send a summary on pyscss, setuptools and horizon to the mailing list.15:10
e0neamotoki: does it mean we've fixed gates for stable/ussuri and stable/train?15:11
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amotokie0ne: I think stable/stein gate also has recovered because upper-constraints has been updated15:11
e0neamotoki: awesome!15:12
amotokiwe still need to land requirements.txt bump in stein too15:12
amotokiwe have one known issue related to this15:12
amotokithe material design theme is broken with pyscss 1.3.5+15:12
amotokiit turns out a fix from e0ne is partial so I reopened bug 177155915:13
openstackbug 1771559 in OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) "error while loading icon with pyscss 1.3.5 or later" [High,Confirmed]
amotokisee for more detail15:13
e0neamotoki: oh.. I'll take a look on it asap15:14
amotokiwe would like to fix it till around RC phase15:14
vishalmanchandaI have a question to ask about pyScss related stuff.15:14
amotokie0ne: I will share what I found so far with you15:14
amotokivishalmanchanda: go ahead15:14
vishalmanchandaamotoki: there are some plugins which still have pyScss==1.3.4 in 'lower-contraints.txt'.15:15
amotokivishalmanchanda: reagrding l-c, every project needs to update their l-c15:16
vishalmanchandaShould we also need to update it to pyScss==1.37.15:16
vishalmanchandaamotoki: ok.15:16
amotokil-c defines a set of python dependencies (direct and indirect) which we test.15:16
amotokivishalmanchanda: yes, l-c in plugin projects need to be updated15:17
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vishalmanchandathen i will purpose a series of patch in plugin to update it.15:17
amotokibut actually scss stuffs are not tested in our unit tests, so the update is not urgent15:17
vishalmanchandaI have already updated it in openstack/Sahara-dashboard.15:18
amotokithis is a downside of the current lower-constriants mechanism15:18
amotokiIMHO I would like to let each project team review it.15:19
vishalmanchandaamotoki: +1.15:19
amotokiit is really a tricky issue as we cannot blacklist a specific version of setuptools in our testing with tox :-(15:20
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amotokiI should use a separate topic on the third one....15:22
amotokimoving on15:22
amotoki#topic General Priorities15:22
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amotokiI need to say sorry for my delay on the policy stuff.15:23
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amotokiI had a cold later last week and could not have time to work on it....15:23
e0neamotoki: I hope you're ok now15:24
vishalmanchandaamotoki: get well soon.15:24
amotokiI am working on this now, but I am not sure I can send a patch you satisfies. I will try to do my best15:24
amotokithanks. I am okay this week15:25
amotokiregarding xstatic, we had a progress.15:26
amotokiwe released three new xstatic packages
amotokiwe released them with help from the release team15:26
e0neit's good!15:26
amotokithey are now used with horizon deployments, so I would encourage you to test horizon with them :)15:27
amotokiI think rdopiera is working on a new release of xstatic-angular-fileupload15:28
amotokithese four packages were updated during this cycle15:28
amotoki* in their repos15:28
amotokilet's test them in our browsers i.e. as GUI :)15:30
amotokiregarding translations, have anyone tried zh-hans/hant?15:31
e0neunfortunately, no:(15:32
amotokiIf not AND we have no big issues after LOCALE_PATHS change, I think it is better to go as-is for Ussuri15:32
amotokihopefully Django 2.2 helps us15:33
amotokivishalmanchanda: did you have a chance to get feedbacks on your error-meesage-refactor stuff?15:34
amotokiI failed to do it15:34
vishalmanchandanot yet.15:34
amotokiokay, let's try to look into it this and next weeks15:35
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amotokiit covers python impl side.15:36
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amotokiI think we also need corresponding changes on Angular side15:36
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amotokiit would be an action item in Victoria15:36
e0nesounds reasonable15:37
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amotokimoving on15:38
amotoki#topic community goals15:38
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amotokiwe did not cover this topic for long15:39
amotokiUssuri community goal is found at
amotokiwe completed "Drop Python 2.7 Support"15:39
amotokiI plan to work on "Project Specific PTL and Contributor Documentation" during the RC period15:40
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amotokithe template landed later in the cycle and it does not affect our ussuri deliverable, so I believe it makes sense.15:40
amotokiand while we didn't cover it in our meetings, we finally completed mox removal :)15:42
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amotokiit is achieved as collaboration with several folks. it is very nice.15:43
amotoki#topic bugs/reviews15:44
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amotokianything to raise?15:45
vishalmanchandanone from my side.15:45
amotokiI have one on stable/train (while it is not urgent)15:46
amotokie0ne: hopefully you can have a feedback on this15:46
e0neamotoki: will review it after the meeting15:46
amotokie0ne: thanks. it is related to a dilemma between cinderclient 5 and stalbe/train dependency (cinderclient 4)15:47
amotokie0ne: no detail review is needed. a feedback on rough direction would be appreicated15:48
amotoki#topic open discussion15:48
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amotokianything to discuss?15:49
e0nenothing from me15:50
amotokiI interprete silience means nothing :)15:51
amotokithanks all for joining15:51
amotokiI would like to cover pending reviews for ussuri in the meeting next week.15:51
amotokihave a great week and care yourselves15:51
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vishalmanchandaok guys. Sayonara!15:51
openstackMeeting ended Wed Apr  1 15:51:48 2020 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:51
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