Wednesday, 2021-07-07

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rosmaita#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Jul  7 14:00:16 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is rosmaita. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
rosmaita#topic roll call14:00
geguileohi! o/14:00
jungleboyjI am double booked.  Will watch as I can.14:01
rosmaitahello everyone14:01
rosmaita#topic announcements14:01
rosmaitaok, this is week R-1314:02
rosmaitaxena milestone-2 is next week (!)14:02
rosmaitakey issue is the new driver merge deadline14:02
rosmaitaas far as i am aware, we have one new driver:14:02
rosmaitaNFS driver for Dell EMC PowerStore14:02
rosmaitait would be good for any NFS-based driver maintainers to take a look, you may have helpful comments14:03
rosmaitawould be good to get some reviews today and tomorrow to allow reasonable time for revisions14:03
rosmaitagood news is that it's not a very large patch14:03
whoami-rajatlooks like it's just using generic nfs driver for all functionalities14:04
toskyuhm, does it need a separate driver then?14:04
rosmaitayes, so it will bask in the goodness of our current nfs driver14:04
whoami-rajattosky, not really but its the same as nfs driver which seems strange to me...14:05
eharneyis the intent to CI and test it on their hardware?  hard to understand why this exists...14:06
rosmaitathe bp is a bit sparse:
rosmaitabut it does have CI:
rosmaitain any case, i don't think we have a policy that a driver must be of a certain level of complexity > generic driver in order to be accepted?14:08
eharneyi'll have to look deeper but i think the check for reporting multiattach support is wrong14:09
whoami-rajati also felt the same, if not qcow2 then multiattach = true14:10
rosmaitaok, eharney and whoami-rajat please look more closely and leave comments on the review14:10
toskybut if it's really the same (I haven't seen the code), they could just use the generic one on their CI14:10
* tosky shuts up14:10
rosmaitawell, they will find bugs in the generic one, i guess in either case14:11
rosmaitabut this is a serious question, is the closeness to the generic driver a reason to reject this one?14:12
eharneyi think we should at least ask why they want to create one  (i.e. is it just to add this flag to support multiattach?)14:13
rosmaitai dont' think Ivan Pchelintsev is here14:14
rosmaitawalshh_: do you know?14:14
walshh_No, I don't have details14:15
walshh_But I can reach out to him after the meeting14:15
geguileoeharney: it is definitely wrong  lol14:15
geguileosnapshot of attached volume won't work14:16
eharneyalso that, which is why it's turned off in the generic nfs driver14:16
geguileorosmaita: I wouldn't reject a driver just because it's basically a wrapper for the generic driver14:16
rosmaitageguileo: noted14:16
rosmaitasounds like we already have comments for the review14:17
geguileorosmaita: it may be their initial implementation and they may want to add funcionality later on (eg: replication)14:17
rosmaitathat's what i was thinking14:17
geguileoor maybe it's for branding reasons14:17
eharneyi don't necessarily think we should reject it, but we should probably see if there are enhancements they want that could just go in the base driver14:17
geguileoI'm ok either way14:17
geguileoeharney: +114:17
rosmaita#action rosmaita reach out to dell (Ivan Pchelintsev) about strategy for powerstore nfs driver14:18
rosmaitaok, moving on14:18
rosmaita#topic dropping lower-constraints jobs in master in all repos14:18
rosmaitathe TC has said it's up to individual projects whether to maintain these jobs or not14:18
rosmaitathere isn't anyone who actually uses the lower-constraints.txt as far as we can tell14:19
rosmaitaand, there isn't an ongoing program to maintain the l-c with the dependencies of our dependencies14:19
rosmaitaand, if we update requirements at every M-3 as we have been doing since wallaby14:20
rosmaitawe won't have to worry about stale versions in the l-c14:20
rosmaitaand, the l-c are only tested against our unit tests, so it's not clear that everything in there actually gets a good enough workout to detect problems14:20
rosmaitaso, i think we should drop the jobs and files (since the file is even more useless if we're not testing against it)14:21
eharneyi don't think we get any real benefit by trying to keep it, so i agree14:21
whoami-rajatIIRC l-c jobs also break gate everytime a migration is done, eg: bionic->focal14:21
rosmaitathere are some patches up for this for some of our repos, i will un-block those and put up any required other patches14:22
rosmaitai will make sure they have the topic "drop-l-c"14:22
rosmaitaso if anyone has second thoughts, look for a patch and leave a comment14:22
rosmaitaany comments?14:23
rosmaitai guess i just said leave it on the reviews14:23
rosmaitaok, moving on14:23
rosmaita#topic Please land gate fix for wallaby14:23
rosmaitathis is an alert for the stable cores14:23
eharneyyep, nothing else to add there really14:24
rosmaitaactually, looks like is the one that needs review14:24
rosmaitathis is slightly off topic, but whoami-rajat has been doing a good job organizing the stable releases and reviewing backports14:25
rosmaitai think i will propose him as a stable-core14:26
rosmaitaon the ML, so watch for that14:26
rosmaitaok, next topic14:26
rosmaita#topic Request for review (blocking glance_store change) 14:26
rosmaitawe discussed this last week, and whoami-rajat has made requested revisions14:26
rosmaitaso it is time for people who made those requests to re-review14:27
rosmaitai believe that i am one of those people :)14:27
rosmaitawe have a light agenda today, so i will use my free time after the meeting14:27
whoami-rajatI also have some more changes in glance_store dependent on the base attachment code, just wanted to get things in on time14:28
rosmaitagood point, as a nonclient library, glance_store gets released early (like os-brick)14:28
rosmaitaso, people with interest in cinderclient, please review!14:28
rosmaita#topic rbd: Add snapshot mirroring support14:29
rosmaitathere's a bp filed for an improvement to the rbd driver14:29
rosmaitaapparently, there are two ways of doing replication for ceph14:29
rosmaitathe old-fashioned way, journaling14:29
rosmaitaand the recent improved way, snapshot mirroring14:30
rosmaitathis proposal is to let the operator configure which one the rbd driver will use14:30
rosmaitamy question here is: do we really want this to be a config option?14:30
rosmaitaor should we just use the better way if it's available?14:31
jbernardi think this should be transparent, and not put onto the user14:31
rosmaitai seem to remember that we had this discussion about a different feature, but i couldn't find the patch14:31
eharneyconfig option seems to make sense, but we need to ensure the behavior doesn't change between the two and that someone can actually switch back and forth14:31
rosmaitaso maybe it was a different driver14:31
hemnaeharney +114:32
geguileojbernard: is there a difference in how the RBD pool must be configured?14:32
geguileoif the RBD driver can tell which way the pool is configured, then it could do it automatically, right?14:33
rosmaitafrom a quick look at the patch, it looks like you just need fast-diff available14:33
eharneythe first couple of paragraphs on  seem to indicate that the two modes don't have the same semantics14:33
jbernardgeguileo: no, and anyway the pool configuration is expected to be performed by the installer, the driver asserts that the cluster is configured properly14:34
geguileojbernard: if the driver cannot tell which way the pool is configured then it must be a configuration option, right?14:35
jbernardgeguileo: we can query from the driver, i dont see that as a problem14:35
geguileojbernard: that's precisely what I asked14:35
jbernardgeguileo: ok, i see14:35
eharneyso, it's not clear to me that the snapshot-based replication is always the better way, from the doc14:38
rosmaitawell, if there would be actual reasons for preferring journaling, then i think we need to keep it as an option14:39
eharneyit reads to me like the snapshot-based mode has a longer RPO but hard to tell14:39
geguileoI read that too14:40
geguileoand if the deployer didn't configure a snapshot schedule replication wouldn't even happen14:40
rosmaitaso do we even want to allow this feature?14:41
geguileoI think it's useful14:41
eharneyi think it makes sense to allow the admin to choose based on journal (slower overall but better RPO) and snapshot-based (probably better I/O perf, but worse RPO)14:41
rosmaitaok, we will have to make sure the release note is clear ... and i guess the defaults should be to journaling?14:42
rosmaitaok, and i guess the same deal for the rbd backup driver?14:45
eharneyi don't think this would apply there?14:46
geguileoI don't think we want that there (could be wrong though)14:49
geguileofor backups we want them to be synchronous14:49
eharneydo we support mirroring backups at all currently?14:49
geguileopeople can do pool based mirroring, but the backup driver would not be aware of it14:51
enriquetasojust to add something backup_ceph_image_journals config applies journaling and EXCLUSIVE_LOCK feature14:52
rosmaitaok, so it sounds like we think: (1) rbd driver option to select journaling vs snapshot mirroring, (2) for rbd backup driver, journaling only when it's available, snapshot mirroring does not seem an appropriate technology for backups14:56
eharneysounds good14:57
rosmaitaok, the proposer should be fine with (1) because that's what's implemented in the patch14:57
rosmaitathe proposer can come to the next meeting and tell us why we are wrong about (2)14:57
rosmaitadeadline for this is M-314:57
rosmaita#topic open discussion14:58
eharneyi added two links to the etherpad14:58
rosmaitaall that free time i was talking about evaporated14:58
eharneyAPI fixes for encryption14:58
eharneythis stuff has been waiting for more reviews14:58
rosmaitathis is about creating the types?14:58
rosmaitai mean, the encryption type for a volume type14:58
rosmaitaor whatever we call it14:58
eharneyand gracefully handling previously created types that are invalid14:59
rosmaitaok, i will put those on my list (i think i already had a look)14:59
eharneyyou +2'd one of them some time ago14:59
rosmaitaeven better14:59
eharneythese are pretty straightforward, would be nice to close them out14:59
rosmaitaok, other people, please look them over!15:00
rosmaitawe are out of time15:00
rosmaitathanks everyone!15:00
geguileoeharney: that will not fail on the API, right?15:00
eharneygeguileo: define "fail"15:00
rosmaitaQA team is OK with the change15:00
rosmaitadecided it does not impact the API15:00
geguileoeharney: well, it aborts the creation, so I assume it fails and goes to error state15:01
rosmaitawe need to move this over to #openstack-cinder15:01
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Jul  7 15:01:37 2021 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:01
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