Thursday, 2022-01-13

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gouthamr#startmeeting manila15:01
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Jan 13 15:01:00 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gouthamr. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:01
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:01
gouthamrcourtesy ping: ganso dviroel tbarron felipe_rodrigues ecsantos15:01
gouthamrhello everyone o/15:02
gouthamrthank you for joining, here's our agenda for this meeting:
gouthamrlets get started 15:03
gouthamr#topic Announcements15:03
gouthamrpretty silent second week of 202215:04
gouthamrwe're trying to name the Zorilla cycle if you missed the ML post:15:04
gouthamr#link ([all] Nomination open for OpenStack "Z" Release Naming)15:04
gouthamrour new driver deadline for yoga is at the end of next week15:05
gouthamr#link 15:06
vkmc++ whoever that proposed zorilla to the names15:06
gouthamrand the feature proposal freeze is in two weeks (Jan 28)15:06
gouthamrtime's flying, so if you have featureful changes that you're working on that need to get merged in the yoga cycle, please pay attention to this deadline15:07
dviroeltwo weeks of fun for some of you :)15:08
gouthamrmental exercise :)15:08
felipe_rodriguesthis release is going so fast, just 2 weeks15:09
gouthamrfelipe_rodrigues: i know - its like we lost nov-dec; but the calendar in my head still thinks its 201915:10
gouthamranyone else got further announcements for today?15:10
gouthamr#topic Changes to manila-stable-maint15:11
gouthamrfor a very long time, we've had a stable maintenance team that managed stable release branches15:12
gouthamrso we'd propose members and the team would vet these members whether they'd adhere to the stable branch maintenance procedures15:13
gouthamrbefore allowing them to +2/+W patches against stable branches of manila repositories15:14
gouthamrwhich meant that this was a subset of manila-core15:14
gouthamrthere's a change that i'd like to discuss with this process:15:15
gouthamr#link (2021-09-23 Stable Core Team Process)15:15
gouthamrgiven our proactive approach to backports, we need as many reviewers that we can use on stable branch changes15:16
gouthamrand in the recent past, i've considered +1s from non-stable cores to mean a +2 mentally because we were spread too thin15:17
gouthamr#link 15:17
gouthamri think at this point, everyone on manila-*-core has read these policies15:18
gouthamrand committed them to heart when reviewing/proposing changes to stable branches15:18
gouthamri'd like to know if this is a good time to merge the core and stable-core teams... 15:18
gouthamri don't mean that we'd dissolve the manila*-stable-maint teams on gerrit15:19
gouthamrbut, i'd like to add all members from the regular manila*-core groups to the respective manila*-stable-maint teams15:19
carlossthat makes sense to me gouthamr... and we'd have more hands to get things moving on the stable branches15:20
gouthamras we add new members to the core team, we can still take care to maybe take a cycle's worth of vetting if the person hasn't done enough core reviews or needs time to understand the stable branch process15:20
dviroelI'm ok with that. As long they are aware with as you mentioned gouthamr 15:21
* dviroel sorry missing some stable reviews :(15:22
gouthamrdviroel you're not, i'm piling most reviews on you and carloss atm :D15:22
vharidviroel++ carloss++15:23
gouthamrthanks for your vote of confidence; any objections to this proposal? 15:24
* gouthamr *crickets*... ahem.. *zorillas*15:25
gouthamralright :) i'll make these changes 15:27
gouthamrany other thoughts about $topic?15:27
gouthamr#topic Reviews needing attention15:28
gouthamr#link 15:28
gouthamralright, i think a couple of the open specs merged15:29
gouthamr#link (share transfer between project)15:29
* dviroel fixes year :)15:29
gouthamr^ this one is waiting on vkmc, sfernand15:30
gouthamr:P dviroel++15:30
sfernandhey sorry didn't have time to work on it yet15:30
sfernandbut I will prioritize this review for today15:30
vkmcsame, sorry about that15:31
gouthamrthanks sfernand vkmc15:31
gouthamrcan i have some more eyes on a six removal patch?15:32
gouthamr#link (remove usage of six library in driver layer and the corresponding test)15:33
fabiooliveirai could take a look15:33
carlossme too :)15:33
gouthamrthanks fabiooliveira carloss 15:33
carlossanytime gouthamr 15:34
gouthamrneed reviewers on a nondisruptive migration bugfix:15:34
gouthamr#link (Force share server selection on nondisruptive migration)15:34
gouthamrdviroel: can you help with this one in your copious free time? 15:35
dviroelgouthamr: sure, will do15:36
carlossthanks much :)15:36
gouthamrthanks dviroel :)15:36
carlossalso, thanks felipe_rodrigues and gouthamr for the reviews there15:36
gouthamr#link ([OSC] Add missing waiters)15:37
gouthamr^ felipe_rodrigues we have you on this one... could you please re-review?15:38
felipe_rodriguesfor sure!15:38
gouthamrvkmc: this could use your review as well ^15:38
gouthamrkiwi_36: o/ i read your message on a related topic :) thanks for pushing to complete these 'waiters' -- sure maaritamm and i will appreciate the help!15:39
vkmcok :) 15:39
kiwi_36gouthamr, you welcome15:39
gouthamrthanks felipe_rodrigues vkmc 15:40
gouthamrvhari proposed spending some time doing a collab review - i think the time's ripe for one given we have this pad full at the moment 15:41
vharigouthamr, ty 15:41
vharilets look at this bug 15:42
vharihas +1 and +2s 15:42
vharicould use extra eye 15:42
* gouthamr had thrown dviroel under this bus15:42
* dviroel on it btw15:43
vharigouthamr, hehe yeah we are in sync15:43
vharishould we work on it here or move on to another one?15:43
gouthamryep - move on to the next one 15:44
gouthamrthis is a two part fix, and these stable backports could use some reviews.. although here both changes have merged in the main branch15:46
* gouthamr double checks --- seems like i've skipped stable/xena :(15:47
dviroelgouthamr: merged in Sep 1615:48
gouthamrah, so part of stable/xena15:48
gouthamrthanks :) panicked there for a moment15:49
dviroeli'll review those replica update ones15:50
gouthamrthanks dviroel 15:50
gouthamrthanks for bringing these up vhari 15:52
gouthamrwe can move to fix released15:52
vharigouthamr, yw, ack15:53
gouthamrdid you want to chat about any other changes 15:53
vharigouthamr, not atm .. almost out of time 15:54
gouthamrack, do we have any bugs to triage?15:54
vharihave one to share 15:54
gouthamr#topic Bug Triage (vhari)15:54
vhari#link 15:55
vhariwe're looking for minor triage on this bug15:55
dviroelfelipe_rodrigues: what do you think? low? medium?15:57
gouthamrdoes the ONTAP driver support "grow_shrink"?15:57
dviroelfelipe_rodrigues: will you take this one?15:57
gouthamrhow does that work with the "size" attribute from manila?15:57
dviroelyeah, it is weird 15:59
felipe_rodriguesit sounds like a medium15:59
felipe_rodriguesthe ontap driver lets the user grows more than manila size reports16:00
felipe_rodriguesif the user is using the default behavior (grows more than the manila size), the promoted replica will lose it16:00
felipe_rodrigueshow could the user recover from it  ? From manila it is not possible16:01
felipe_rodriguesthe user must go driectly to ontap 16:01
dviroeli understand the issue, but don't understand why they let it grow over maniza share size16:02
gouthamrthat'd be strange/unintended behavior felipe_rodrigues -- i recall thinking about autogrow when discussing "infinite" shares; but i thought the driver didn't "support" it16:02
felipe_rodriguesthats the idea of flexvols, it is flexible volumes.. we could remove this behavior though16:03
felipe_rodriguesI think that the default config16:03
felipe_rodrigueswe don't change it when creating16:04
gouthamralright, we can triage this further on #openstack-manila and offline; will you respond to the issue, felipe_rodrigues?16:04
felipe_rodriguesYeah, I'll talk to the reporter and see what it's the expected behavior for default volumes16:04
gouthamrwe can assign a priority, assignee and target if there's a confirmed bug here.. 16:04
gouthamrawesome thank you16:04
gouthamrsorry we're over time.. 16:04
gouthamrthanks for bringing this up vhari 16:05
gouthamrand thank you all for attending!16:05
gouthamrlets wrap up and chat on #openstack-manila16:05
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Jan 13 16:05:34 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:05
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
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