Wednesday, 2022-02-02

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rosmaita#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Feb  2 14:00:53 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is rosmaita. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
rosmaita#topic roll call14:01
rosmaitaok, tosky is here, so let's get started14:03
rosmaita#topic announcements14:03
rosmaitanext PTG is 4-8 April 202214:03
rosmaitait's virtual and free, but you are asked to register anyway14:03
rosmaitaso please do14:04
rosmaitathis is week R-814:04
jungleboyjIt's virtually free?  ;-)14:04
rosmaitareminder that this week is the cinder driver features declaration14:04
simondodsleyjungleboyj: too early in the morning for that...14:04
* jungleboyj laughs14:05
rosmaitanext item: yoga os-brick release during R-7 week14:05
rosmaitaso, that's next week14:05
rosmaitaand to keep smcginnis happy, it is scheduled for thursday14:05
rosmaitahere is a handy dashboard for reviewers:
jungleboyjBwah ha ha!14:06
rosmaitaso, not surprisingly, the review priorities over the next week are: 1. os-brick reviews, 2. stephenfin's alembic patches14:07
rosmaitaif anyone pings me with a review request, please indicate which os-brick or stephenfin patch you have reviewed14:07
rosmaita"to get reviews, you need to do reviews"14:08
rosmaitaok, also happening next week14:08
rosmaitawe will release from the stable branches during R-7 week14:08
rosmaitawhoami-rajat will talk more about that later14:08
rosmaitanow some stuff for the future14:08
rosmaita(where the future is after next week)14:08
rosmaitacinderclient release during R-5 week14:08
rosmaitacinder feature freeze during R-5 week14:09
rosmaitaand ... Cinder 3rd Party CI Compliance Checkpoint around R-514:09
rosmaitaabout that ... you don't need me to tell you if your CI is working or not14:09
rosmaitayou should already know that14:10
rosmaitaany drivers declared 'unsupported' at RC-1 time, will be 'unsupported' in the yoga release14:10
rosmaitaso, if you don't want that to happen to you, take appropriate action now14:10
rosmaitaall the info you need is at the link above ^^14:10
rosmaitaok, then some other general events happening14:11
rosmaitathe TC is having a release cadence discussion tomorrow at 1600 utc14:11
rosmaitathere's probably a more recent email with a link to the videocong14:12
rosmaitaif you are wondering what people are thinking, there is a long thread over 2 months:14:12
rosmaitafinally, Z cycle PTL self-nominations start next week14:13
rosmaitathey are always self-nominations, because if you could nominate other people ... well, you can imagine what would happen14:14
rosmaitathe nomination period will be 2022-02-08T23:45 through 2022-02-15T23:4514:14
rosmaitaif you are curious about what being a PTL entails, you can look at the docs, or ask me or jungleboyj14:14
rosmaitaOK, that's it for announcements ... anyone have anything else people should be aware of?14:15
jungleboyjHappy to answer questions.  :-)14:15
jungleboyjsmcginnis is a resource as well.  :-)14:15
rosmaitayes, i only didn't mention him because he's not here14:16
rosmaitabut i'm sure he'd be happy to answer your questions if you PM him on irc14:16
rosmaitaok, looks like no more announcements.14:18
rosmaitajust want to repeat two items:14:18
rosmaitathe review priorities over the next week are: 1. os-brick reviews, 2. stephenfin's alembic patches14:18
rosmaitaalso, if anyone pings me with a review request, please indicate which os-brick or stephenfin patch you have reviewed14:18
rosmaitai am completely serious about ^^14:18
rosmaitaok, let's move on14:18
rosmaitaAny tasks or ideas for Outreachy internships?14:18
rosmaitadon't think Sofia is here14:19
rosmaitabut the deadline to submit ideas is in one month (March 4)14:19
rosmaitai think Sofia is away for this week and next14:20
rosmaitai will look into what this would entail beyond having ideas and we can discuss next week14:20
agarwchhrosmaita: can internship students pick the blueprints which has potential changes in cinder core14:21
rosmaita#action rosmaita - info about Outreach internships14:21
rosmaitaagarwchh: i don't see why not14:21
rosmaitathe question is what support the cinder projects will give them in their work14:21
rosmaitaok, agarwchh ... you are up next14:22
rosmaitamultiple volume group spec14:22
agarwchhneed to check on the multiple-volume-group spec, we got the spec updated.14:23
rosmaitai took a quick look, the REST API section needs some more details14:23
rosmaitaalso, i didn't think it was clear how you are going to prevent volumes being put into groups with conflicting requirements?14:23
agarwchhWe had put high level details which APIs will be impacted and what will be the new APIs14:24
rosmaitai saw you responded to my question  in a comment, but didn't see anything in the text14:24
simondodsleyI think I have to declare a vested interest in this spec14:24
rosmaitaagarwchh: i don't think you explicitly addressed the question of what will be in the group_id field in volume-show request for the new mv14:25
rosmaitaand what will be displayed there for an older mv but when the volume is in multiple groups14:25
rosmaitabecause the older mv will not have a group list field14:25
agarwchhgroup_id needs to be deprecated and replaced with groups, which will be the list of multiple associated group_id14:25
rosmaitanope cannot do trhat14:25
rosmaitaplease review the contributor docs about microversions14:26
agarwchhintroducing the new API microversion should help,14:26
agarwchhfor older version it will still return the single group14:27
agarwchhin that case it should populate group_id14:27
rosmaitawith which group, though?14:27
agarwchhrosmaita: the single group14:28
agarwchhfor older version it will be still 1-1 volume group14:28
rosmaitasomeone can make a call to the API that supports mv 3.87 but ask for mv 3.2214:28
rosmaitayou need to have a plan for a sensible response14:29
agarwchhI need to check more on microversion how we can handle multiple scenarios, 14:29
agarwchhbut overall i need to understand if we can start the work for this spec and plan for Z release14:30
rosmaitawell, it would be good to get the spec approved first14:30
rosmaitayou won't be allowed to merge any code until week R-114:31
agarwchhsure, apart from microversion do you see any other open issues14:31
agarwchhi can update the spec for those details14:31
rosmaitawell, yes, the whole issue of how you are going to decide which volumes can be in multiple groups, and which groups are ok for this14:31
rosmaitathat seems to be a really big deal14:32
rosmaitathe database and API work are easy, but i'm not clear on the logic14:32
agarwchhsure, i have some details on that will add it to spec.14:32
rosmaitaok, thanks14:32
rosmaitaok, any other comments14:32
agarwchhnothing from my side14:34
rosmaitathanks! let's move on to whoami-rajat14:34
rosmaita#topic stable releases14:34
whoami-rajatas rosmaita already mentioned, we are planning to do stable branch releases for last 3 releases i.e. victoria, wallaby and xena in the R-7 week which is same as of os-brick release14:35
whoami-rajatI reviewed all of the patches and we are looking good, looks like most of the things in xena/wallaby were merged today14:36
whoami-rajatI've created an etherpad to track all patches, so if you've something that you think is important to get in these releases, please do the appropriate backport and add the patch to the etherpad14:36
whoami-rajatOne question i had for dell team14:37
whoami-rajatsimondodsley gave a -1 on all of the dell patches in stable/xena regarding CI not running, was it running previously and stopped or it never ran on stable branches?14:38
rosmaitanot sure we have any dell people here14:39
whoami-rajati think that can be addressed on the patches in question14:40
simondodsleyi don't think they have ever run stable CIs14:40
simondodsleythat was why I raised the issue at the mid-cycle14:40
rosmaitayeah, we haven't had that requirement previously, i don't think we can make it a requirement until Z14:40
jungleboyjYeah, we shouldn't be blocking patches on that right now.14:40
rosmaitabut it would be good for them to state explicitly on the review that the fix has been tested in the appropriate stable branch, etc.14:41
rosmaitathat goes for all proposed backports for vendor drivers ^^14:41
rosmaita#action rosmaita - email to vendor driver maintainers about explicitly test statement14:42
rosmaitawhile i'm at it14:42
whoami-rajatthanks rosmaita 14:42
rosmaita#action rosmaita - email to ML about driver compliance check upcoming14:42
rosmaitai notice that grenade seems to be broken in victoria, possibly also wallaby14:43
rosmaitai didnt' have time to look at the ML this morning, is that a known issue?14:43
rosmaitawas just looking at
whoami-rajatI saw the error related to devstack14:44
whoami-rajatrelated to devstack not supporting py3.6 14:44
whoami-rajatbut it was merged in master, i think backports are proposed for stable branches14:44
rosmaitayou're right, i missed the error message14:45
rosmaita"ERROR: This script does not work on Python 3.6 The minimum supported Python version is 3.7."14:45
rosmaitaok, so same issue, will hopefully be fixed very soon14:45
whoami-rajatso the victoria devstack patched failed at zuul
whoami-rajatwhen it merged the gates should be unblocked14:45
rosmaitagreat ... so people, no rechecks on stable branch patches until ^^ merges14:46
rosmaitaok, thanks whoami-rajat14:47
rosmaita#topic operator survey -- resource count14:47
whoami-rajatso that's all for stable branch release, stable cores can take a look at the etherpad for reviewing patches14:47
rosmaitathis is a followup from the midcycle last week14:48
rosmaitageguileo needs to gather some data about number of volumes per project because it impacts dynamically determining usage14:48
rosmaita(which is part of his quota redesign spec)14:48
rosmaitahere's what we came up with ... if you have comments, please let me know by tomorrow at 20:00 UTC14:49
rosmaitanot sure geguileo is here14:49
geguileogeguileo: he may be around14:50
rosmaitamy question is when should we close the survey?14:50
rosmaitai think we need to give you time to look at the results before the PTG14:50
rosmaitaso you can decide on what direction to take with your spec14:50
geguileosounds good14:51
rosmaitai think if we don't have an end date, people will procrastinate and not fill it in14:51
geguileodefinitely need an end-date for this purpose14:51
geguileoso before PTG sounds good14:51
geguileo1 or 2 days earlier is enough14:51
rosmaitaoh, ok14:51
jungleboyjSounds good.14:52
rosmaitalet's make it wendesday of release week then14:52
rosmaitathat would be march 3014:52
rosmaitai will update the survey to say that it closes 1200 utc on 30 march14:53
rosmaitaok, that's all i had14:54
rosmaita#topic open discussion14:54
rosmaitawe need to pick a mypy patch of the week14:55
eharney   is one option (RBD driver)14:57
rosmaitaok, works for me14:57
eharneye0ne left a comment there this morning i'm not sure i understand14:57
rosmaitaalso, someone please look at this one:
rosmaita(already has one +2)14:57
rosmaitaneed a designated reviewer for
rosmaita(other than me, i will review too)14:59
e0neeharney: please, ignore my previous comment for I changed a vote14:59
rosmaitae0ne: thanks for the quick response!14:59
eharneygreat, thanks14:59
e0nenp, I'm sorry for confusing you14:59
rosmaitae0ne: do you want to remain as a reviewer for that patch?14:59
e0nerosmaita: I +2'ed on it15:00
rosmaitaok, we are out of time15:00
rosmaitathanks everyone15:01
jungleboyjThanks rosmaita !15:01
rosmaitadon't forget:  the review priorities over the next week are: 1. os-brick reviews, 2. stephenfin's alembic patches15:01
rosmaitaalso, if anyone pings me with a review request, please indicate which os-brick or stephenfin patch you have reviewed15:01
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Feb  2 15:01:59 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:01
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
rosmaita(i have to have the last word!)15:02
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