Wednesday, 2022-02-16

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rosmaita#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Feb 16 14:00:26 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is rosmaita. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
rosmaita#topic roll call14:00
jungleboyjo/  Kind-of.  :-)14:00
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rosmaitaok, let's get started14:03
rosmaita#topic announcements14:03
rosmaitaFestival of XS Reviews on Friday, 1400-1600 UTC14:03
rosmaitayou can find links and info in the top of the agenda etherpad14:04
rosmaitain the "Spotlight Links"14:04
rosmaitaupcoming stuff:14:04
rosmaitacinderclient release next week14:04
rafaelweingartnerrosmaita: do we have a open questions moment in the Cinder meetings?14:05
rosmaitarafaelweingartner: sure, at the end of the meeting14:05
rosmaitathere are a few open patches, not much, though: project:openstack/python-cinderclient status:open branch:master14:06
rosmaitaif you want your patch to be considered, make sure you quickly address any negative votes, and that it's passing zuul14:07
rosmaitawe're adding at least one new mv to cinder this cycle, so look for the patch about that14:07
rosmaitaon that topic, btw, the cinder-side patch I'm talking about is: 14:07
yuvalmv stand for?14:08
rosmaitai have it open somewhere14:08
yuvalok, thanks14:09
whoami-rajatI'm also working on the reimage feature, will work on getting the client patch passing zuul14:10
rosmaitawhoami-rajat: remind me, did that entail a new mv?14:10
whoami-rajatit's a new volume action14:10
rosmaitaok, then let's start an etherpad for cinderclient release14:10
rosmaitawe need those 2 cinder patches on there, because they need to merge first14:10
rosmaitawhoami-rajat: do you have a link to your cinder change?14:12
whoami-rajatsure, 1 sec14:12
rosmaitaok, we also have the cinder FEATURE FREEZE next week14:16
rosmaitait applies to cinder and drivers14:16
rosmaitawe are working from these blueprints:14:16
rosmaitaplease update your BP with links to the code patches and update your status14:17
rosmaitaif your feature is *not* ready for review now, it's unlikely it will be reviewed, revised, and merged by next thursday14:18
rosmaitaso ping me in irc and i will move it to the 'zed' series14:19
rosmaita#action rosmaita - set up zed series in launchpad14:19
rosmaitaif you have a driver feature, please help us out in the reviews14:20
rosmaitamake sure that your patch has passed your CI14:20
rosmaitado a fresh run if you need to, we need to logs to be there14:20
rosmaitawould be helpful if you link into your logs to show that your feature is working14:20
rosmaitareviewers can do that themselves, but it takes extra time, which means slower reviews14:21
rosmaitaso if you want to speed things up, do what you can to help us out14:21
rosmaitaso the review priorities over the next week are:14:22
rosmaitaand of course, critical bugs and security bugs, but those can be fixed after feature freeze14:22
rosmaitaso please concentrate on feature reviews14:23
rosmaitafinally, next week's meeting will be in videoconference14:23
rosmaitausual time & place, i will make sure connection info is on the agenda14:23
rosmaita#topic os-brick release status14:24
rosmaitayou may have seen the email i sent about this yesterday14:24
rosmaitai think yuval's patch should be just about ready, i think he pushed a new patch set this morning14:25
rosmaitathe other one is
chuckpiercey_What is the remaining issue?14:25
rosmaitageguileo was looking at it and discovered a different but related bug14:25
chuckpiercey_We have no gerrit notice on that14:26
rosmaitageguileo: what are your thoughts on
geguileothe problem I found is that we removed the call to nvme disconnect14:26
geguileowhich is wrong for some cases14:26
geguileowe have 2 variables depending on the driver/storage14:27
geguileo1. whether the targets are shared (subsystem)14:27
geguileo2. whether the storage system support namespace AER14:27
geguileofor the LVM driver that doesn't do shared targets and doesn't support NS AER, the removal of the disconnect creates a problem14:28
geguileoafter disconnect the nvme kernel driver keeps trying to connect to the namespace14:28
chuckpiercey_we did not remove a disconnect in that patch...14:28
geguileoand it only gives up after 600 seconds14:28
geguileoit was on another one14:28
geguileoand I was trying to find out if we could have race conditions14:28
chuckpiercey_if that condition exists it is upstream of this patch.14:29
geguileoand during those 600 seconds we cannot reconnect that volume to that same host14:29
geguileochuckpiercey_: let me look for the patch where this was introduced14:30
geguileoin this patch that is being proposed there is a rescan added14:30
geguileoand if the backend doesn't support NS AER, then we have a race condition14:31
geguileoand for 600 seconds after the rescan the previously removed device (that got back in due to the rescan) will not be able to connect (I think)14:31
geguileoso basically with all the changes to the nvme driver what we are doing is supporting just storage systems that support NS AER14:32
geguileoand not supporting those that don't support it14:33
chuckpiercey_this isn't our patch - we'll take a look and respond with our thoughts in that patch. That one is a big patch.14:33
geguileothese are 2 different things, but they are both related14:33
geguileoboth are related to NS AER14:33
rosmaitaOK, we have to release yoga os-brick tomorrow14:34
geguileodue to that older patch we cannot connect recently removed volumes to the sam host14:34
chuckpiercey_811718 is small and is intended to verify current connections before reconnect14:34
rosmaitai guess we need a "known issues" note14:34
geguileoin this newer patch we would be introducing a new race condition for storage systems that share targets and don't support NS AER14:34
rosmaitaok, but we already have the disconnect problem for systems that don't support NS AER14:35
geguileorosmaita: that would be an acceptable compromise from my perspective14:35
rosmaitaok, i will put up a release notes patch14:36
rosmaitabasic idea is, if you are using nmve that doesn't support NS AER, you are SOL14:36
geguileorosmaita: yup14:37
rosmaitaand geguileo, please file a bug about the disconnect issue, i can link to that14:37
rosmaitaso where does that leave us with
geguileorosmaita: I would say that the code is fine14:38
rosmaitaok, if you can drop your -1 from that patch, that will be helpful14:39
geguileobecause rescan is the recommended mechanism by the kernel nvme driver instead of a restart14:39
geguileorosmaita: done14:40
rosmaitai have got to say, i do not feel comfortable +2ing any of these nvme patches any more14:40
rosmaitai look back at these patches that have caused regressions and bugs, and i do not have a good track record here14:40
rosmaitaso: my question for cinder-core members right now is:14:41
rosmaitawho will review ?14:41
rosmaitawe have to release tomorrow14:41
geguileorosmaita: I will review it, and I'll most likely give the +214:42
chuckpiercey_thank you14:42
rosmaitawe need a second person ...14:43
geguileorosmaita: after all theirs is the only driver using multiple namespaces for a subsystem14:43
e0nerosmaita: let me try to run our CI for it14:43
rosmaitae0ne: that would be very helpful14:43
geguileoe0ne: what nvme storage are you using?14:43
rosmaitahmmm, e0ne may have been disconnected14:46
e0neit seems we don't have CI now :(14:46
geguileoouch :-(14:46
rosmaitait's the mellanox SPDK CI, is that right?14:46
e0neI'll try to catch my colleagues tomorrow14:47
e0nerosmaita: yes14:47
rosmaitaok, thanks14:47
rosmaitawe are sort of relying on that CI to prevent regressions in the nvmeof connector14:47
rosmaitawe need to have a discussion about nvme at the PTG14:48
rosmaitawe have kioxia, lightbits, dell/emc, and pure all wanting to implement stuff14:48
geguileorosmaita: I'm currently looking into making a new nvmet target for the LVM driver14:49
yuvalIf I can help somehow please let me know14:49
geguileoone that uses shared targets and returns the new connection information type14:49
rosmaitageguileo: so we could use regular Zuul CI to detect regressions, is that correct?14:49
geguileorosmaita: some of them at least14:49
geguileoand then we could use the LVM driver for both kind of connections: sharing subsystem and not sharing14:50
rosmaitaok, i will let the next PTL figure out a strategy for coordinating and testing nvme-of efforts14:51
e0negeguileo how can we test it without nvme storage?14:52
chuckpiercey_Yaron would be happy to help on that @brian14:52
geguileoe0ne: right now we can test NVMe with RDMA and TCP using the LVM driver14:52
geguileoI even have a patch up for review to do this automatically with devstack14:52
e0neyes, but t require NVMe SSD doesn't it?14:52
rosmaitachuckpiercey_: ack14:53
geguileoe0ne: I don't think it does14:53
rosmaitaok, we will discuss this more at the PTG14:54
geguileoI'm running it in side a VM14:54
rosmaitaok, moving on14:54
rosmaita#topic release cadence proposal14:54
rosmaitaproposal is to keep 6 month cycles, but go to "tick-tock" releases, where you can upgrade from tick to tick14:55
rosmaitalook at the proposal to make sense of what i just said14:55
rosmaitathe idea is that tick-to-tick could require downtime; our rolling upgrades would only have to support tick-to-tock or tock-to-tick upgrades14:56
rosmaitathat is the idea, i don't know that it's that simple14:57
rosmaitahopefully there will be a ptg discussion about this before the TC approves it14:57
rosmaita#topic Call for Outreachy OpenStack mentors - May 2022 round14:57
rosmaitathat email has some useful links about being a mentor and what the commitment is14:58
rosmaitai think there is some cinder stuff here:
rosmaitaprobably needs to be updated14:58
rosmaitaenriquetaso_: can you talk a little more about this next week?14:59
rosmaita(because we are running out of time)14:59
rosmaita#topic stable releases14:59
rosmaitalooks like everything has merged?14:59
rosmaitacool, so nothing to do here14:59
whoami-rajatapart from the dell patches in Xena which doesn't has a reply since past 2-3 weeks14:59
rosmaitawell, nothing for us, whoami-rajat has to post the patches15:00
whoami-rajatso we will be skipping those in this release15:00
rosmaitaseems fair enough15:00
rosmaitawe are out of time15:00
whoami-rajatwill post the patches and update in the etherpad15:00
rafaelweingartnerAbount Xena, we would like to ask you guys about the patch: Would you guys ind reviewing it?15:00
rosmaitathanks everyone!15:00
whoami-rajatalso thanks for updating the etherpad rosmaita 15:00
jungleboyjThank you!15:01
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rosmaitarafaelweingartner: ack, we have several issues around that, so i will be interested to see what you have come up with15:01
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Feb 16 15:02:07 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:02
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
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