Wednesday, 2022-09-14

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whoami-rajat#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Sep 14 14:00:02 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is whoami-rajat. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
whoami-rajat#topic roll call14:00
whoami-rajatgood turnout, let's get started14:03
whoami-rajat#topic announcements14:03
whoami-rajatfirst, new stable cores - Walt and Sofia14:03
enriquetasothanks :D14:03
jungleboyj\o/ Welcome!14:03
whoami-rajatI've added Walt and Sofia to the stable cores list, they've been contributing to the project since a long time and would be a good addition to the stable core team14:04
whoami-rajatwelcome enriquetaso and hemna !!14:04
whoami-rajatmoving on14:04
whoami-rajatnext, Propose topics for Antelope PTG14:05
whoami-rajatso I've prepared the etherpad for Antelope PTG planning14:05
whoami-rajatPlease add topics and don't want for last moment else it will be hard to allocate time for it14:05
whoami-rajatI will send out an email highlighting this as well14:06
whoami-rajaton the same note, I've allocated 1400 UTC on tuesday for operator hour14:06
whoami-rajatwanted to know if 1 hour will be enough or should i schedule another slot?14:06
whoami-rajatthis is the first time we're having this kind of meetup in the PTG so not really sure14:07
hemnait might :P14:07
rosmaitai think one hour is good, and we will have some slack space at the end of the week to revisit issues14:07
whoami-rajatack, sounds good then14:08
whoami-rajatnext, PTL + TC elections14:08
rosmaitahemna: separate from the operator's hour, i know you've been thinking about more info that cinder can surface to operators ... would be good if you could talk about that at the ptg14:08
hemnacoolio.  I have some ideas for other features I haven't mentioned yet as well and some github PRs that I am working on for our fork14:09
rosmaitayeah, would be good to mainstream this stuff14:10
whoami-rajatok, so for PTL, the only election that will be held for Ironic, for cinder since no one else nominated themselves, I'm the PTL again :)14:10
whoami-rajatand there will be TC elections, so you can vote14:11
whoami-rajatbut you will need to opt into CIVS portal14:11
whoami-rajatlook at the mail sent out by jungleboyj for details14:11
jungleboyjYes, please!  We are seeing that a lot of eligible voters have not opted in.  So, please see my note and make sure you have done that.14:12
whoami-rajatthanks jungleboyj 14:12
rosmaitajungleboyj: so it is not too late to opt in?14:12
rosmaitaand how can someone know if the opt-in worked?14:12
whoami-rajatrosmaita, when you enter your email, they send a code for verification14:13
jungleboyjrosmaita:  Not 100% sure.14:13
jungleboyjwhoami-rajat:  ++14:13
whoami-rajatafter that it will start showing the pending polls14:13
hemnaI just opted in and voted14:13
whoami-rajatat least that is what i did14:13
rosmaitasounds good14:14
whoami-rajatcool, so please opt in and vote14:15
whoami-rajateveryone ^14:15
whoami-rajatnext, Zed cycle highlights14:15
whoami-rajatI've added highlights for the Zed cycle14:15
whoami-rajatif anyone thinks something is missing/needs update, let me know and I can propose a patch for it14:16
whoami-rajatat least that's my understanding that we can still update it right rosmaita ?14:16
jungleboyjAwesome.  hemna Thanks for confirming.14:16
rosmaitayes, we can update at any time, but as to whether anyone will pay attention, who knows?14:17
rosmaitawhat i mean is that the marketing people apparently look at the highlights to prepare stuff14:17
rosmaitaand not sure when they look14:17
whoami-rajatok, let's see if an update request comes or not, else these are the final highlights we have14:17
rosmaitaso, better to make corrections earlier rather than later is what i'm saying14:18
whoami-rajatrosmaita, got it, thanks for the info!14:18
whoami-rajatnext, RC1 (September 15)14:18
whoami-rajatwhich is tomorrow and I will go through some topics that are related to it14:19
whoami-rajatbut before that, does anyone have anything else to announce?14:19
hemnacan still get bugs in?14:20
whoami-rajatbefore RC1 it won't require backport and after RC1 we will need to backport and do RC214:20
whoami-rajati.e. after RC1, stable/zed will be cut and master will move to antelope or 2023.114:21
whoami-rajatok, if there isn't anything else, let's move to topics14:22
whoami-rajat#topic Features remaining14:22
whoami-rajatso we're way past any deadline but I'm still OK to merge things till today EOD since RC1 will be cut tomorrow14:23
whoami-rajatwe've 3 features remaining14:23
whoami-rajat1st, Infinidat manage/unmanage support:
whoami-rajatrosmaita, and I have already reviewed it but waiting for an answer from author14:23
whoami-rajatso it's looking good14:23
whoami-rajatsecond, RBD QoS:
whoami-rajatwhich i had no idea about and it wasn't in our tracker but geguileo pinged about it yesterday14:24
whoami-rajatand looks kind of good to get it in14:24
hemnawas just chatting with him about it and according to him straight migrations will keep the qos settings fwiw14:24
whoami-rajatit already has a +2 from Gorka, I will take a look at it later tonight but feel free to review it14:24
whoami-rajatso this is also looking good14:25
whoami-rajatthird, Fix and unify capacity calculations:
whoami-rajatthis also wasn't in our tracker doc and i saw it in the morning, but we did have a spec for it14:26
whoami-rajatalthough I'm not an expert on the scheduler area and don't want anything to break/change this close to the release14:26
whoami-rajatanyone would like to volunteer reviewing the patch?14:27
hemnarosmaita had reviewed it previously and I fixed some documentation issues with it.  fwiw14:27
rosmaitayeah, i need to return to it and look over the actual computations14:28
rosmaitabut it mostly looks fine14:28
jungleboyjI was looking at it too.14:28
jungleboyjHow high is the risk of trying to get this in?14:28
hemnaI'm using it in production in all of my deployments 14:28
jungleboyj*Laughing*  Ok.  So, that is a good data point.  :-)14:29
whoami-rajatdoes it change any existing behavior which, might be wrong currently, but would customers notice it?14:30
rosmaitai think operators will get fewer problems because the computations will be more accurate14:30
whoami-rajatif that's the case, it looks good to get in14:31
whoami-rajatso i guess rosmaita and jungleboyj volunteered to review it? :)14:31
rosmaitaapparently so14:31
hemnaif fixes the math and breaks out each factor into it's own piece and it unifies the calculations between the capacity filter and the weigher, which had 2 different ways of doing it and getting different values.14:31
whoami-rajatok, sounds good then14:32
whoami-rajatlooks like we're good on the features part14:33
whoami-rajat#topic Driver followups14:33
whoami-rajatso we merged some drivers with followups requested14:33
whoami-rajatand there are two (that I'm aware of) which would be good to get in14:34
whoami-rajatfirst, Tatlin improving test coverage:
whoami-rajatthis adds more UT coverage and removes some unnecessary code from driver14:34
whoami-rajatoverall it's kind of a refactoring + improving testing effort14:34
whoami-rajatsecond, PowerStore NFS Driver - followup:
whoami-rajatthis had some issues in the original driver implementation which are fixed here14:35
whoami-rajatbut currently the CI is failing on this14:35
whoami-rajatso would be good to get these in since these drivers are also merged in Zed14:35
whoami-rajatmoving on to the final topic by me14:36
whoami-rajat#topic DB changes14:37
whoami-rajatso Stephen proposed some DB changes14:37
whoami-rajatI looked at the initial ones and they looked good but the later ones are big changes14:37
whoami-rajatremoving the DB-sqlalchemy abstraction layer14:37
whoami-rajatwhich i think is not a good idea to get in at this time14:37
whoami-rajatso my opinion is to move this to next cycle14:38
rosmaitathat is probably a good idea14:38
rosmaitawe should put this on the PTG agenda14:39
rosmaitawe have been lucky that no DB changes have been required the past few cycles14:39
whoami-rajatrosmaita, sounds good, will add it14:39
rosmaitawe need to make sure everything is working properly early in 2023.114:39
rosmaitathere's a nova patch we can use as an example to do a change to test things out, though i am not sure of the details14:40
hemnaI think it's a good idea, just not at the end of the cycle.  I think if we are going to merge it, if it's zuul happy, it should be early in the cycle14:40
whoami-rajatgreat, sounds like everyone is in agreement14:41
whoami-rajatwill target it for the next cycle14:41
whoami-rajatmoving on to the final topic of the day14:42
whoami-rajat#topic Merging FIPS  jobs please14:42
whoami-rajatafaranha, that's you14:42
whoami-rajatalee doesn't seem to be around, at least in this channel14:42
whoami-rajatseems like afaranha is also not around ...14:43
rosmaitamy major concern is the reliance on centos-9-stream, though i guess since the job is non-voting, maybe that's not a big deal14:43
whoami-rajati think the ask is for reviews on the FIPS patches14:43
toskythey are not around14:44
rosmaitaopenstack-infra has talked about making rocky linux images available for CI, that would be a better target, imo14:44
toskythey would like to have the job as non-voting at least so that it's easier to compare the results14:44
afaranhasorry, me and ade are on meetings now14:45
toskyso while waiting for those images to land, it would make sense to have the jobs anyway14:45
afaranhathe dependencies and the main patch have the tests passing now14:46
whoami-rajatack, I'm OK with n-v jobs getting in14:46
whoami-rajatso yeah, please review the changes for FIPS14:47
rosmaitajust a reminder, all cinder core are also devstack-plugin-nfs cores too14:48
whoami-rajatyep, so all changes can be reviewed by cinder cores ^14:49
whoami-rajatthat's all the topics we had for today14:50
whoami-rajatlet's move to open discussion14:50
whoami-rajat#topic open discussion14:50
inoriExcuse me, I'd like to bring attention in this patch here. Missing one +2 from a core reviewer.14:50
inoriCould you please take a look at this patch? 14:50
whoami-rajatanother feature ...14:51
whoami-rajatinori, is this urgent for the Zed cycle or can we move it to the next cycle? we're already overloaded and tomorrow the zed release will cut14:52
enriquetasothat patch needs at least a release note14:53
inoriIt means that this patch can't be reviewed in this cycle?14:54
whoami-rajatdoesn't seem likely, we don't have review bandwidth + no time left in the cycle14:55
whoami-rajatwe can prioritize this next cycle14:55
inorifine, move it to the next cycle should be ok.14:56
inoriThanks for your reply.14:56
whoami-rajatgreat, thanks!14:56
akawaiCores : pls one more review "856385: Hitachi: fix to output resource lock message correctly |".14:57
akawaiThe XS patch fixes a bug in Hitachi driver which is reported in "[cinder] Bug Report 09-14-2022". It's already got one +2.14:57
whoami-rajatakawai, we will be having festival of XS reviews this friday but probably good to get this in before that to avoid backport14:58
whoami-rajateveryone ^ we will be having festival of xs reviews this friday14:59
akawaiwhoami-rajat: ty. i see.14:59
whoami-rajatand we're out of time14:59
whoami-rajatthanks everyone for attending15:00
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Sep 14 15:00:05 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:00
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
jungleboyjThank you!15:00
akawaithank you.15:00
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