Thursday, 2023-02-09

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carloss#startmeeting manila15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Feb  9 15:00:10 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:00
carlosso/ hello 15:03
carlossnice to see you here today15:04
carlosslet's get started with today's meeting agenda15:04
carloss#topic Announcements15:05
carlossSchedule and Deadlines:15:06
* carloss realized he made changes to the wrong place in the meeting agenda - a refresh should show the actual agenda for today15:07
* ashrodri joins late o/15:08
carlosso/ ashrodri15:08
carlossso feature freeze is next week15:08
carloss+ client release. So by the end of the next week we should have all client featureful changes merged15:08
carlossand the features we are targeting merged as well15:09
carlossif you need a feature freeze exception, we can talk about that during the next week15:09
* carthaca joins late, too - hi15:09
* carloss carthaca o/15:09
carlossmany changes haven't received many reviews, as we have a reviewer shortage15:10
carlosswe will talk about reviews in a couple of minutes15:10
carloss next thing on announcements:15:12
carlossBug squash15:12
carlossso we talked about this during the cycle and I was thinking with vhari on possible themes15:12
carlossduring one of the meetings we had, vhari presented some stats about our bug backlog, and the number of bugs started growing again15:13
carlossand I tried to look at it with different eyes: yes, we have had a couple of bugs being reported, but after I checked launchpad, I realized we have so many bugs in progress15:14
carlossthat means: the bugs have a fix proposed but those fixes haven't merged yet15:14
carlossand I believe that could be a good theme for us: getting closure for bugs that we already have the fixes proposed and we are lacking reviews or new PS updates from owners15:15
carloss#link (List of bugs in progress)15:15
carlosswe have more than 40 in progress reports in the list!15:15
* carloss thanks vhari for collecting this list, it looks great!15:15
vharicarloss, yw 15:16
carlossso the theme of the next bugsquash would be: getting closure to in progress changes15:16
carlossI think in that way we can make a dent in the bug stats aaand land some bug fixes15:16
vharicarloss, 99%+ of the  'in progress' list is targeted for A release .. added bonus 15:17
carlosswe need to have that bugsquash before rc1 week15:17
carlosswhich is in two weeks from now15:18
carlosswe don't need to use many days for this I think, so we could start on Feb 22nd and end on Feb 24th or start on Feb 23rd and end on Feb 27th15:20
carlossI think Feb 23rd to 27th (Thu - Mon) would be great - that way we would be able to run tests and make sure everything is in place for RC115:20
carlossbut I would like to know your thoughts for this :)15:21
felipe_rodrigueswould it impact the FF ?15:21
gouthamrin a sense, yes - i do believe a few patches will need longer than next week to get merged15:22
gouthamrif we ramp up on reviews together, we might still be able to make it work15:23
vharicarloss, I will add  'Milestone', may help prioritize reviews during bugsquash15:24
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carlossack vhari15:26
carlossfelipe_rodrigues: it may, but I am trully hoping that by Feb 23rd we already have everything landing15:27
felipe_rodriguesnice, I'm a bit worried about the FF, since there are few XL patches to be merged and it would take time to review and merge on time15:27
felipe_rodriguesok.. let's see how the reviews go 15:29
carlossso, the more reviewers, the merrier - it would be nice to see more reviews from different affiliations in the different features we want to merge15:29
carlossand a few review collabs would have helped speeding up the reviews, as we suggested a couple of weeks ago15:29
felipe_rodrigues+1 for collabs15:30
ashrodrisorry to interupt, is ethercalc giving other people issues?15:30
carlossashrodri: no problem15:31
carlossyes, I am having issues as well15:31
ashrodriweve had this happen before, and i think we used another platform as backup, cant remember what it was though. can we use that as a redundancy in case ethercalc issues persists15:31
carlossashrodri: yes - it was an instance that people at k8s were using, but at the end we hit some issues too15:33
carlossbut it's good to have a backup - I'll look into that15:33
carlossand see what was the tool we used15:33
ashrodrithanks ++15:34
carlossthanks for suggesting ashrodri 15:34
carlossawesome, that's all I had for announcements15:34
carlossis there something you would like to share with us today?15:34
carlossokay, moving on15:38
carloss#link (Review focus etherpad)15:38
carlossso we have a couple of features that need reviews:15:38
carloss#link (Update micversion to 2.75, support share transfer between project)15:39
carlossyesterday we merged the share snapshots metadata in the client (ashrodri++)15:40
kpdevI need reviews on following PRs15:41
carloss#link (Add quiesce_wait_time option to share replica promote API)15:41
carloss#link (Changes for sqlalchemy 2.0)15:41
carlossthis too, thanks kpdev :)15:42
gouthamrkpdev: on changes like ; NetApp's CI fails15:43
gouthamri see you rechecking it often, as do i -- but if the CI is just being flaky, i think some NetApp folks here can move these reviews ahead by looking at the failures and telling us if they're worth stalling the patches for15:44
felipe_rodriguesCI is a bit unstable, but we can try to run it15:46
felipe_rodriguesAbout the `Add quiesce_wait_time option to share replica promote API` I couldn't find the tempest tests, is it a feature or a bug fix ?15:47
carlosskpdev ^15:47
kpdevbug fix, I can say15:47
kpdevinstead of global config option, its per API adjustment15:48
felipe_rodriguesI see, is there any plan to cover with tempest tests this new API ?15:49
kpdevyes, I will add it later. its in our internal deployment for weeks.15:50
carlossthanks kpdev 15:51
felipe_rodriguesFrom my side, the review is close to finish.. thanks kpdev 15:51
kpdevthanks 15:52
carlosssome other changes requiring reviews:15:52
carloss#link (NetApp ONTAP - REST API transition)15:52
carloss#link (NetApp driver: configure VLAN manually)15:53
carlossthose touch the netapp driver15:53
carlosscarthaca kpdev: could you please take a look if you have some time?15:53
carlossI see some netappers reviewing the code of these changes15:54
kpdevok, sure15:54
carlossand it would be nice if we could have some eyes from netappers on kpdev's changes too :)15:54
carlossand there's also Share backups15:54
felipe_rodriguesShare backup is target for the Antelope release, right ?15:55
carlosshaixin: thank you for working on reviews with kpdev15:55
carlossfelipe_rodrigues: we can try, but unsure at the moment if we will make it15:55
carlossunfortunately we did not have many reviewers looking at this change15:56
felipe_rodriguesCollab review could speed up it maybe15:56
kpdevhaixin thanks for review, waiting for approval on
felipe_rodriguesbtw, NetApp is open to work on a collab review for REST transition, since it is a huge patch (more than 10k lines)15:57
carlossthat would be great, if we have a session it would need to be early next week16:00
* carloss checks time16:00
carlossokay, I think we have covered the review focus thing16:00
carlosslet's continue the chatter on #openstack-manila16:00
carlosssorry we didn't have the time to go over Bug triaging vhari :/16:01
carlossthank you for joining today's call16:01
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Feb  9 16:01:22 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:01
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
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