Thursday, 2023-05-18

carloss#startmeeting manila15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu May 18 15:00:26 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:00
carlosscourtesy ping: vkmc dviroel  vhari carthaca15:01
carlosshello everyone and welcome! :)15:04
carlosstoday's meeting agenda:15:04
carlossbtw, a reminder: I see there are many familiar names in this meeting15:05
carlossand if you would like to receive a courtesy ping at the beginning of this meeting, you can simply add your name to the courtesy ping list15:06
carlossin the link I just shared. I think everyone with a launchpad account is free to edit the page15:06
carlossand also, if you would like, you are free (and encouraged) to propose topics to this meeting agenda :)15:06
carlosslet's start with the first topic15:07
carloss#topic Announcements15:07
carlossSchedule and Deadlines:15:07
carlosswe're 1 week past m-1, and next week is our hack-a-ton (which we will talk more in a few)15:08
carlossspec freeze is 1 month away basically, but we need to consider that some reviewers or spec authors might be attending to the OIS15:10
carlossand might not be able to give it time during that week15:10
carlossso reviews are highly encouraged15:10
carlosssecond announcement:15:11
carlossNext week's hackathon15:12
carlossit has proven to be very productive and fun in the past15:12
carlosslast time, we had a 3 days format (started on Wed and finished on Friday iirc)15:13
carlosstime was good, but I feel we could use one extra day this time, so my suggestion would be holding it from Tuesday to Friday15:13
carlosson Tuesday, we can hold a meeting to start it and assign tasks, so it would be 15 UTC15:14
carlosswe can use next week's Thursday meeting as a checkpoint and finish on Friday15:14
carlossdo you have other suggestions wrt dates or time?15:15
gouthamr++ works for me15:16
nahimsouzasounds good15:17
carlosscool, as for themes, we have a few ideas but I would also like to hear from you15:18
carlossso, two main ideas so far:15:20
carlossOSC functional tests (covering non-happy paths, as back then, covered only happy paths and said we'd circle back to this in the future)15:20
carlossgetting to close some bugs (one of vhari's suggestion)15:20
carlossI'd be open to hear some ideas, and this time I thought about hearing more from the community and see what you would be happy to work on15:21
gouthamrwe could split off into groups and hack on different things --- i don't know what all, but if there isn't one giant set of tasks we need to target, we could target several small things15:24
gouthamreven non-glamorous things like addressing tech debt (keystoneauth in python-manilaclient), cleaning out our install-guide (do those instructions still work?), automating our config reference (it's been broken for a few years now) 15:25
carlossthat sounds like a great idea 15:27
carlosscovering missing docs to the newly added features is also a good task possibly :)15:28
carlossokay, so let's go for the multiple options choice, and we can divide it into small teams or individuals?15:28
carlossthat way we can tackle several different tech debt areas15:28
gouthamri suggest an etherpad to pool topics15:31
gouthamrand form groups 15:31
carlossI'll populate :)15:32
caiquemello[m]Work in small teams seems to be better and each team can have a topic as goutham suggested15:32
carlossthanks for adding stuff there, gouthamr 15:34
carlosscaiquemello[m]: thanks!15:34
carlossokay, that's all I had for announcements. I'll send an email to openstack-discuss later15:35
carlossto communicate the next week's event15:35
carlossis there an announcement you would like to share?15:35
gouthamrone minor thing15:36
gouthamrwe were holding off on the m-1 release of python-manilaclient: 15:37
gouthamr#link (Release python-manilaclient for Bobcat-1 milestone)15:37
gouthamrmainly waiting on -- is felipe_rodrigues unavailable? 15:39
kpdevI want to add this as well
gouthamrnice thanks for the callout kpdev 15:40
carlosskpdev: sure - thanks, I'll take a look15:41
carlossthanks for bringing it up gouthamr 15:43
carlossI think the comments are minor - in case felipe is not around, maybe we can have another netapper taking a look at them?15:43
carlossnahimsouza caiquemello[m] - is there someone available to take a look at this?15:44
caiquemello[m]We can take a look15:44
carlossack, thanks caiquemello[m] 15:44
carlossthanks gouthamr for bringing this up :)15:45
carlossnext topic:15:45
gouthamryou're welcome... in that vein, i'm looking to defer the deprecation of the "manila" client to after this m-1 release: - after we merge this, we'll be releasing this with a major version bump; 15:45
gouthamr(am yet to push up changes addressing carthaca's suggestion at the ptg) ^15:45
gouthamrthat's all for $topic; i'll shut up now :) 15:46
carlossnah, you're free to talk gouthamr :p15:47
carloss#topic Review focus15:47
carloss#link (Bobcat review focus etherpad)15:47
carlossso I have changed few things in the etherpad and structurized it a bit15:47
carlossat the top we have the specs now and the features to review are right after that15:48
carlossreviews are very welcome as I said15:48
carlossso if there's a change you would like to have some reviews, please add it to the focus etherpad15:48
kpdevhi all, share backup is pending for long time, so need review on it.15:49
gouthamrkpdev: o/ any chance you'd consider a collab review for that? 15:49
kpdevfor share backup ? 15:50
kpdevyes possible next week15:50
gouthamrah, probably not the next week because of the hackathon15:50
* gouthamr is out the week after, bummer.. 15:51
kpdevI have other topics which are already reviewed +1/+2, but then no review after rebase, would be good to get them merged :)15:51
carlosskpdev: are changes in the review etherpad too?15:54
kpdevyes, updated
carlossack, thanks for adding - will take a look15:55
gouthamrthrowing this: in the etherpad now15:56
gouthamrbut heads up, would need a deeper look from folks at netapp ^15:56
carlossty gouthamr15:57
carlossjust tagged some netappers in the etherpad15:57
carlossoops, the change*15:57
* carloss is thinking too much about etherpads lately15:57
gouthamr^ reminder we have this for keeping ourselves sane :D15:59
carlossoh, true :D15:59
carlossI should add a couple of etherpads there16:00
carlossso we're at the top of the hour16:00
carlossvhari: sorry for not having time for bug triaging :/16:01
carlossthank you for joining today's meeting16:01
carlosslet's continue chatting in #openstack-manila16:01
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu May 18 16:01:43 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:01
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