Wednesday, 2023-07-19

whoami-rajat#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Jul 19 14:00:01 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is whoami-rajat. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
whoami-rajat#topic roll call14:00
whoami-rajatgood turnout today14:04
whoami-rajatlet's get started14:04
whoami-rajat#topic announcements14:04
whoami-rajatstarting out with a sad news14:04
whoami-rajatSofia will be leaving cinder14:04
simondodsleyA great loss14:05
harshoh :(14:06
whoami-rajatshe has a great presence upstream and holds the followings responsibilities14:06
whoami-rajatCore reviewer14:06
whoami-rajatStable core14:06
whoami-rajatBug Deputy14:06
whoami-rajatOutreachy mentor14:06
whoami-rajatthe absence will surely be felt14:06
eharneyyes, sorry to see you go Sofia14:06
whoami-rajatenriquetaso, thanks for all your contributions!14:06
enriquetasoI'll miss the team too!14:07
enriquetasoNext week will be the last bug email from me14:07
enriquetasoI'll send a email later this week :)14:07
enriquetasothank you all!14:08
whoami-rajatthanks again Sofia14:08
whoami-rajatas enriquetaso mentioned, if anyone is up to take one of her responsibilities i.e. bug deputy14:08
whoami-rajatplease contact me or sofia ? and we will brief you up about the role14:09
enriquetasoi've created a stupid script to do the report easily
whoami-rajatwow, that's convenient14:12
rosmaitavery nice!14:12
whoami-rajatok, moving on from this news14:13
whoami-rajatnext up is Driver status14:13
whoami-rajatThe yadro CI wasn't reporting last week14:14
whoami-rajatbut it started reported just hours after the deadline14:14
whoami-rajatI left an open comment on the patch for the cinder team to look and respond on my decision14:14
whoami-rajatI didn't see much merit in postponing the driver given the CI was ready before deadline and the vendor team were having infra issues due to which it didn't report for sometime14:15
whoami-rajat3 of the cores have agreed on the patch14:15
whoami-rajatand jungleboyj agreed with the decision on IRC14:15
whoami-rajatso I've approved it14:15
whoami-rajatso right now we had 2 drivers this cycle that were merged14:15
whoami-rajat1) Yadro FC Driver 14:15
whoami-rajat2) TOYOU NetStor iSCSI driver14:16
whoami-rajatthanks everyone for your reviews and getting the drivers in14:16
whoami-rajatnext, EM Discussion Update14:17
whoami-rajatafter multiple discussions, the TC team has proposed an update on the EM discussion14:18
whoami-rajatif you don't have much time, you can go through the commit message14:18
whoami-rajatit summarizes the changes14:18
whoami-rajatbasically it's the same thing that rosmaita briefed us about last week14:18
whoami-rajat1. EM is rename to Unmaintained.14:18
whoami-rajat2. Branch deletion and creation under unmaintained/.14:18
whoami-rajat3. New Gerrit group responsible for the branch.14:18
whoami-rajat4. Mention of TC maintaining a checklist and process.14:18
whoami-rajathere it is14:18
rosmaitai wrote up a quick summary because the workflow wasn't entirely clear to me:
rosmaitai do have a question for people, though14:19
rosmaitaas far as the "unmaintained" branches, there's a proposal that they should only be SLURP branches14:20
whoami-rajatrosmaita, always has an easier way to explain the TC decisions :D14:20
whoami-rajatwasn't there a point that we can't move a branch to unmaintained unless it's previous branches are in unmaintained status? how does that fit in with non-SLURP branches?14:21
rosmaitai think you have the time directionality backwards there?14:22
rosmaitaanyway, maybe it's not a big deal ... the stable branches will work the way they do now14:23
rosmaitayou will only be able to get "holes" in the series once you hit Unmaintained14:23
rosmaitai was thinking this could be problematic for backporting stuff14:24
rosmaitabut maybe not14:24
rosmaita(does my concern make any sense?)14:24
whoami-rajatsorry if i wasn't clear, let me take an example, if we put CC to unmaintained and Bobcat is still in extended maintenance, should we have allowed moving CC to unmaintained when it's previous branch (Bobcat) is still EM?14:25
rosmaitayeah, i don't know about how the transition is supposed to work from existing EM branches into unmaintained14:26
rosmaitathere's a patch up for that but i don't understand it14:26
whoami-rajatFor every release that exits the maintained phase, the last 3 branches under14:29
whoami-rajat  extended maintenance are moved to the new extended maintenance policy14:29
whoami-rajatthis won't be the case always right? if 1 branch moving from maintained to EM transitions 3 EM branches to unmaintained, we won't have enough EM branches to transition14:30
whoami-rajator maybe it's just until all current EM branches are moved to unmaintained14:30
whoami-rajatnot sure either14:30
whoami-rajatI will wait for the final resolution14:30
rosmaitayeah, i will push for some clarity on that one14:31
whoami-rajatthat would be good14:31
whoami-rajatok, moving on14:33
whoami-rajatnext, OpenStack C release name results14:33
whoami-rajatfrom the latest email, the poll ended on 18th July14:33
whoami-rajatbut I was still able to vote14:33
whoami-rajatnot sure what's going on with the poll but here are the results that i can see14:33
whoami-rajatCaracal  (Condorcet winner: wins contests with all other choices)14:33
whoami-rajatCashew  loses to Caracal by 163–1253.14:33
whoami-rajatCeline  loses to Caracal by 174–114, loses to Cashew by 152–11914:33
whoami-rajatso our next release name seems to be Caracal14:33
whoami-rajatok, final announcement14:36
whoami-rajatFestival of XS reviews this wek14:36
whoami-rajatThis friday, 21 July, 1400-1600 UTC14:36
whoami-rajatI haven't done any changes to the structure yet14:36
whoami-rajatso it will again be a 2 hour meeting where we will review extra small patches14:37
simondodsleykeep the wild animal theme going...14:37
whoami-rajatthat's all the announcements for today14:38
whoami-rajatanyone has anything else to announce that i missed?14:38
jbernardstable-only patch to fix victoria gate: from Elod needs reviews14:40
jbernard(in case it wasn't mentioned before)14:40
whoami-rajatthanks jbernard 14:43
whoami-rajatuntil the EM branches get a resolution, good to get the gate fixed :)14:45
whoami-rajatlet's move to open discussion14:46
whoami-rajat#topic open discussion14:46
inoriHi, I want to bring a patch attention here.14:46
whoami-rajatwe don't have any topics for today but if anyone would like to discuss anything14:46
whoami-rajatthey can go ahead14:46
inoriOur driver has a patch: But I'm unable to access the account of the patch owner.14:46
inoriSo I created a new patch to replace it: Since I cannot manage the old patch, would it be possible for you to abandon the old patch(703770)?14:46
whoami-rajatinori, sure i can do that14:47
inoriGot it. Thank you.14:47
inoriAnd the patch already has one +2, so it need one more +2 to be merged, right? Could you please review it at your earliest convenience?14:48
whoami-rajatsure, will take a look14:48
inoriIn fact, our driver has a lot of patches: The code of our driver in RHOSP base image is too old, so that we want to make the patches be merged ASAP.14:49
inoriThank you.14:49
harshhi.. i am trying to rebase the patch :
harshbut when i am uploading the new patch i am getting an error :  ! [remote rejected]     HEAD -> refs/for/master%topic=bug/2003300 (commit a159754: you are not allowed to upload merges)14:50
harshany ideas?14:50
eharneyyour rebasing procedure must have created a merge commit, which can't be there14:51
harshoh ok. let me check. can we discuss on personal window?14:52
eharneyget a clean cinder clone from master and do "git review -x 870006", and resolve the conflict while cherry-picking, is the easy route14:52
harshok i'll try that14:53
whoami-rajatwe're out of time14:59
whoami-rajatthanks everyone for attending14:59
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Jul 19 14:59:44 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:59
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