Wednesday, 2023-09-20

whoami-rajat#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Sep 20 14:00:40 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is whoami-rajat. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
whoami-rajat#topic roll call14:00
whoami-rajathello everyone14:03
whoami-rajatlet's get started14:03
whoami-rajat#topic announcements14:03
whoami-rajatfirst, RC1 released14:04
whoami-rajatwe have released RC1 but we have patches that we are targeting for RC2, which will we discuss later during the meeting14:04
whoami-rajatnext, TC + PTL elections voting (last day)14:05
whoami-rajattoday is the last day for voting14:05
whoami-rajatsince the email with voting link is personalized, you might have receive a mail from civs@cornell.edu14:05
whoami-rajatthe deadline is Sep 20, 2023 23:45 UTC14:06
whoami-rajatso timely vote for the TC members and openstack Helm PTL (if you actively contribute to that project)14:06
whoami-rajatnext, Created 2024.1 spec directory14:07
whoami-rajatwe still have time for 2023.2 release but I've pro actively created the spec dir (since i was planning to re propose the quota spec)14:08
whoami-rajati think there shouldn't be any concerns merging this before the release since it's branchless and the patch just creates a new directory14:09
whoami-rajatonce that merges, we can start proposing specs for 2024.1 caracal in that directory14:09
whoami-rajatliuc49_, i am assuming that wasn't intended for this channel :)14:10
whoami-rajatso yeah if the patch looks good, cores can take a look ^14:11
liuc49_sorry, my keyboard has some problem.14:11
whoami-rajatalso while adding the 2024.1 directory, i found out that the placeholder was never removed from the 2023.2 dir and we had specs merged into it14:11
whoami-rajatso here is a patch to clean up that14:11
whoami-rajatliuc49_, no worries!14:12
rosmaitawow, did we really have no specs proposed for 2023.1 ?14:12
simondodsleyOK - I just approved and +W that spec cleanup patch14:13
whoami-rajatrosmaita, looks like it14:14
whoami-rajatsimondodsley, thanks!14:14
rosmaitasimondodsley: go ahead and hit the other one, too, no reason to wait14:15
whoami-rajatwow, that was quick, thanks rosmaita and simondodsley 14:16
simondodsleyHappy to oblige14:16
whoami-rajatok, finally we have some upcoming deadlines14:17
whoami-rajatFinal RC deadline: September 28th, 2023 (R-1 week)14:17
whoami-rajatFinal 2023.2 Bobcat release: October 4th, 202314:17
whoami-rajat2024.1 Caracal Virtual PTG - October 23-27, 202314:17
whoami-rajatwe have some work for RC2 but nothing much for the others, just a reminder14:17
whoami-rajatanother thing I'm planning to do every week is a reminder for adding topics for PTG so people don't forget we have an upcoming PTG14:18
simondodsleyThe 2 Pure patches now have 2023.2 backports now - Is there an etherpad with 2023.2 backports to review?14:18
whoami-rajathere is the link to the planning etherpad14:18
whoami-rajatsimondodsley, it's on the same etherpad, see line 36 and 4114:19
whoami-rajatwe are going to discuss that in the topic but before that14:19
whoami-rajatdoes anyone have anything else to announce?14:20
whoami-rajatok, let's move to topics14:23
whoami-rajat#topic Patches for RC214:23
whoami-rajatFollowing patches have merged but no backports for 2023.2 have been proposed14:24
whoami-rajatthe first 2 pure patches have a backport now14:24
whoami-rajatwe still need backport for14:24
whoami-rajatDell: Dell PowerStore [DOC] : Correct PowerStore NFS driver document to support extending volume14:24
whoami-rajat[Nimble] Enable thin provisioning as default14:24
happystackerI have one patch which keeps on failing
whoami-rajatsimondodsley, I've added the backports to the patches on L#36 and L#4114:25
raghavendrati will submit backport for: [Nimble] Enable thin provisioning as default14:26
whoami-rajathappystacker, we can discuss that but i was planning to address the patches one by one14:26
whoami-rajatraghavendrat, thanks14:26
happystackerok whoami-rajat14:27
whoami-rajatnow the following patches need review14:27
whoami-rajat1. Dell:Generic NFS - Implement disk format validation in volume metadata14:27
whoami-rajathappystacker, as i can see in the logs, the error is introduced by your patch14:29
whoami-rajatSep 20 11:20:53.699478 np0035300348 cinder-volume[87445]: ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError: Invalid expression type: 'admin_metadata'14:29
eharneyi pointed out an issue in this one, need to follow up on the state of that now14:29
happystackerwhere did you get that error from?14:30
whoami-rajateharney, ack, sounds good14:30
happystackerwasn't unable to root cause it14:30
whoami-rajathappystacker, c-vol logs14:30
happystackeroh ok let me see14:30
happystackerdid you see that patch from sofia's which was skipped?14:32
whoami-rajathappystacker, which patch? -- not sure if the message was for me14:35
happystackerthis was about luks encryption when creating an volume from image which sets the img as luks14:36
happystackerinstead a luks device encapsultaed into a qcow2 img14:36
liuc49_I have one patch that needs one core reviewer:
whoami-rajathappystacker, ok, I'm not sure about that14:38
happystackerit seems that we missed it and I hit the issue while testing my patch14:38
whoami-rajatok, i can see the discussion on the patch14:41
whoami-rajatlet's first quickly go through other patches since we have limited time14:41
happystackernp whoami-rajat14:41
whoami-rajat2. Dell: Dell PowerFlex : password appears in plain text when creating a volume from an image14:42
whoami-rajatI've reviewed it and looks good, need another reviewer to take a look14:42
eharneyi've looked over this, but never voted on it, i can do that14:42
whoami-rajatgreat, thanks eharney !14:42
happystackerthks eharney14:43
eharneyshould abandon the related oslo.privsep change that isn't needed:
happystackerI'll ask the owner to do it14:45
whoami-rajatgreat, moving on14:46
whoami-rajat3. Dell PowerFlex: Unnecessary login happen14:46
whoami-rajatthis had a comment from rosmaita which i think is addressed in a new PS14:46
whoami-rajatat least the PS is updated14:46
whoami-rajatso need another look14:46
rosmaitayeah, i have a question about that whole patch though14:46
rosmaitamaybe it could be addressed by a comment in the launchpad bug14:46
rosmaitai don't see how the patch addresses the bug14:47
rosmaita"During an API Call, os-brick never saved the token used for authentication which triggers unnecessary login to PowerFlex storage system. This token needs to be tested and if it exists, it is saved for future usage."14:47
rosmaitai haven't had time to dig in and see how this caching is happening14:48
rosmaitamust be somewhere else, because the code change is just a one line thing on the latest PS14:48
rosmaitawould be helpful to have a pointer to how/why this fixes the issue 14:48
rosmaitawould speed up my reviewing process14:48
rosmaita(that's all from me)14:49
whoami-rajatthanks rosmaita 14:49
whoami-rajatI've left a comment on the patch in the meantime14:49
whoami-rajatbut i agree, it's better to explain how we are fixing the actual issue of caching14:50
whoami-rajatso currently the ask is to update the commit message to point out how we are actually fixing the issue with the current changes14:51
rosmaitayeah, this is one of those tiny patches that eats a lot of review time14:51
happystackerit shouldn't, I'll take care of this moving forward14:52
whoami-rajatyes, and it's a good point to highlight that this is a vendor specific connector, which is not part the core cinder code that we deal with most of the time14:53
whoami-rajatso the workflow is not known to us, to avoid review time, it's best to be verbose about the problem and solution14:54
whoami-rajatthanks happystacker and thanks rosmaita 14:54
whoami-rajatmoving on14:54
whoami-rajat4. [HPE 3par] Fix issue seen during retype/migrate14:54
whoami-rajatso this is a big patch14:55
raghavendrathhmm. i tried to address comments in new patch set. zuul has passed14:56
whoami-rajatwhich is addressing multiple cases14:56
whoami-rajatraghavendrat, thanks i will take another look14:56
whoami-rajatso yeah, this needs reviews14:56
whoami-rajatlet's quickly go through the final patch14:57
whoami-rajat5. Dell: Dell PowerFlex [os-brick] - Rescue instance failing with PowerFlex 4.x 14:57
whoami-rajatthe patch looks good, it's handling a new error code returned from the powerflex 4.x array14:57
whoami-rajatthough I'm skeptical about the UTs14:57
whoami-rajatsince the one with disconnect also worked14:57
whoami-rajatbut the code looks good and is being tested with the dell powerflex CI14:58
whoami-rajateharney, it was on a previous PS,
whoami-rajatwe are out of time15:00
whoami-rajatplease add topics for the 2024.1 caracal PTG15:00
whoami-rajatand also take a look at the review request section15:00
whoami-rajatthanks everyone for attending15:00
whoami-rajathave a great day!15:00
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Sep 20 15:00:54 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:00
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
happystackerthks all15:00
liuc49_thanks. bye.15:01
jungleboyjThanks all!15:01

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