Thursday, 2024-05-02

carloss#startmeeting manila15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu May  2 15:00:16 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:00
carlosscourtesy ping:  dviroel vhari gouthamr carthaca msaravan pulluri15:00
carlosso/ hello everyone... smaller audience today15:03
carlosslet's get started :)15:03
carlosstoday's meeting agenda:15:04
carloss#topic Announcements15:05
carlossSchedule and Deadlines15:05
carlosswe're two weeks away from m-115:05
carlosso/ gireesh 15:05
carlossand ~two months away from our first manila-specific deadline: the spec freeze15:06
carlossis there something you are targeting for m-1 and you would like some attention?15:07
carlossanother announcement would be: I am willing to extend our group of people maintaining the launchpad bugs for Manila15:08
carlossand we'll start that by adding ashrodri to the list of active launchpad bug maintainers :)15:09
carlossI think that helps us because it means more people can help when needed in the bug updates15:09
ashrodrithank you carloss!15:10
carlossI found a doc that might be a bit old, but might still be helpful to understand the bug priorities and some other important things while updating bugs15:10
carlossashrodri: thank you for participating15:11
carlossand for agreeing15:11
carlossif someone else would like to help us with that, please let me know15:11
carlossit's great to have more people helping with this15:12
carlossand the last announcement I have for today is:15:13
carlossI'll be on PTO for the next two weeks15:13
carlossI have asked ashrodri to please run the upcoming upstream meetings and she kindly accepted15:14
carlossI should be back for the May 23rd weekly meeting15:14
carlossashrodri: thank you for taking over while I am away15:14
carlossthat's all I had in terms of announcements. Do you have an announcement to share with us?15:15
carlosstaking silence as no15:18
carloss#topic Transitioning stable/zed to unmaintained (gouthamr)15:18
carlossgouthamr: floor is yours15:18
gouthamrthanks carloss 15:18
gouthamrthe new stable branch maintenance policy we adopted seeks to transition the oldest maintained branch to "unmaintained" (in place of extended-maintenance)15:19
gouthamrsince we have now shipped the 2024.1/caracal release, the oldest maintained branch was stable/zed15:20
gouthamrjust wanted to check if anyone here is still relying on us publishing any fixes to stable/zed right now15:21
gouthamr#link ([PTL][release][stable] Transition Zed to Unmaintained) 15:22
gouthamrwe've got one fix that wasn't part of a release yet: 15:22
gouthamr#link (Retry on connection error to neutron)15:23
gouthamrand in anticipation of renaming this branch, we've abandoned open changes on gerrit:15:24
gouthamr#link ([NetApp] Fix non-disruptive migration cifs shares)15:25
gouthamr#link (NetApp API failed. Reason - 18177:Relationship is in use by SnapMirror in local cluster)15:25
gouthamrboth of these changes can be cherry-picked into unmaintained/zed if there is any interest once we create that new branch15:25
gouthamrif you'd like to know more details of what "unmaintained" means, you'll find that information here:15:26
gouthamr#link (What's an unmaintained branch)15:26
carlossgouthamr: thank you for bringing this up. I think we can tag a release for the retry on connection error to neutron fix15:28
carlossjust so that we include it in a release15:28
gouthamranother thing to note is that stable/zed is the last branch we had before we moved to the SLURP (skip-level-upgrade-release-process) model.. which means, someday, we'll put "antelope" (stable/2023.1) into "unmaintained" state, but we won't do that with Bobcat - i.e., we have a unmaintained/2023.2 branch ever.. that branch will just be EOLed15:29
carlossgood point15:31
gouthamrany questions regarding this process, or what will happen next?15:33
carlossnot from my side15:33
gouthamrcarloss: we can request a release; we should do it asap.. 15:33
carlossyep, as we didn't hear about other changes, I can go ahead and request a new zed release, and then we can give green light to the releases team15:34
carlossto make the transition to unmaintained15:34
gouthamr#link ([manila] Transition Zed to Unmaintained)15:35
gouthamrthat's all for $topic; if you have any follow up questions, please post them on #openstack-manila or on that gerrit review ^15:36
carlossgouthamr++ thank you!15:36
carloss#topic Review Focus15:36
carlossour review focus etherpad ^15:37
carlossgouthamr: thank you for creating it15:37
carlossa couple of changes have been added already15:37
carlossand most of the changes already had someone looking at them15:38
kpdevyeah, i need review share encryption, spec lite of metadata propogration, netapp resume clone split.. 15:38
carlosssure kpdev! thank you for proposing these changes15:39
kpdevclone split should be merged as it has +1 from netapp folks15:40
carlosshaixin_1 gouthamr ashrodri gireesh: can I have your eyes on the changes Kiran mentioned?15:41
carlossI would like to get our attention to one change specifically as well:15:42
carloss#link (Adds usedforsecurity=False to NetApp ONTAP MD5 hashes)15:42
carlossgireesh kpdev ^ can I have your eyes here?15:42
carlossthe NDSU interns that were working with us proposed this change, as part of their effort to fix issues that bandit pointed out in our repositories15:43
carlossthey already wrote what needed to be15:43
carlossbut it is important to have someone from netapp looking at the changes15:43
carlossthat's all I had for #topic15:46
carlossdo you have something else to bring up?15:46
gouthamrcan i have some reviewers assigned to 15:47
gouthamr#link (RBAC: Enable "new" defaults and scope checks)15:47
carlosssure, I can take a look...15:47
carlossashrodri haixin_1: could you please take a look at this too?15:48
gouthamrits one of a few RBAC things we'd need to do in this cycle; and its good to get some soaktime in the CI15:48
haixin_1ok, sure15:48
gouthamrthank you carloss haixin_1 15:48
carlossty for working on it, gouthamr 15:48
carloss#topic Bug Triage15:49
carloss#link (Bug Triage etherpad)15:49
carlossvhari: o/ floor is yourt15:49
vharity carloss 15:49
vharilooking for minor triage atm15:49
carlossgouthamr: thanks for filing the bug... and yes, it seems outdates15:50
gouthamrseems like a good low-hanging-fruit bug15:51
carlossyep... maybe we can set low prio... I remember ccokeke[m] was working on a feature itself. 15:51
carlossccokeke[m]: is that documentation something you would be willing to take a look at?15:52
carlossalso open to someone else that might be interested on taking a stab a this15:52
* carloss can't type properly today15:53
carlossccokeke[m]++ thank you!15:53
vharicarloss, seems we are out of time for bugs today 15:53
vharifloor is yours again :)15:53
ccokeke[m]carloss: gouthamr:  Please could you take a look: I am getting difference in the actual and reference output15:53
gouthamrccokeke[m]: ack; this fell off the radar. I have draft comments; the test needs some more fixes15:54
ccokeke[m]Noted 15:55
carlossccokeke[m]: in a first glance, apparently the v2 is missing from the url15:55
carlossneed to look at the change itself :)15:55
ccokeke[m]Ok.I will and revert back.Thanks for the opportunity 15:55
carlossnp :)15:57
carlossvhari: thank you for working on the bugs list, I think next week will have more time to go over it15:58
carlosslet's wrap up this meeting15:59
carlossthank you for participating!15:59
carlosslet's get back to #openstack-manila15:59
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu May  2 15:59:15 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:59
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