Wednesday, 2024-07-17

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whoami-rajat_#startmeeting cinder14:01
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Jul 17 14:01:11 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is whoami-rajat_. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:01
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:01
whoami-rajat_#topic roll call14:01
whoami-rajat_Jon has some conflicts so I will be chairing today's meeting14:01
whoami-rajat_hello everyone14:05
whoami-rajat_let's get started14:05
whoami-rajat_I haven't prepared much for the announcements14:05
whoami-rajat_just few upcoming deadlines14:05
whoami-rajat_1. New feature status checkpoint (R-9, Aug-02)14:05
whoami-rajat_if you are planning to implement a feature, this is a reminder to start preparing for it14:06
whoami-rajat_a highlight of this would be to keep in mind the client release is earlier (M3) than the final project release14:07
whoami-rajat_so it's better to keep your feature ready beforehand so reviewers have plenty time to test the client + feature changes14:07
whoami-rajat_2. Midcycle-2 (R-7 Aug-14)14:08
whoami-rajat_we will be conducting another session of midcycle before the feature freeze to ensure everything is on track14:08
whoami-rajat_3. M3 (R-5, Aug-30)14:09
whoami-rajat_this has a bunch of deadlines like feature freeze, client library release, requirement freeze and a few more things14:10
yuval"implement a feature" - this is also vendor feature? or pure cinder features?14:12
whoami-rajat_other than that i couldn't find anything interesting related to our project14:12
whoami-rajat_yuval, both14:12
yuvalI have a patch up - not sure if it counts as a feature14:12
yuvalits enabling a behavior for our driver14:13
yuvalthats a "feature"?14:13
whoami-rajat_do you have a link?14:13
whoami-rajat_looks like a feature to me14:15
yuvalI see but it does not need any client support14:16
yuvalanyway I would like it to be merge before aug 2614:16
yuvalsorry for interrupt please continue14:17
whoami-rajat_yes it doesn't, i was just stating that for awareness if anyone has a feature that requires client support, it's better to get that support added on time14:18
whoami-rajat_it doesn't apply to your case14:18
whoami-rajat_I'm done with announcements, anyone has anything else to announce14:18
whoami-rajat_ok looks like not14:22
whoami-rajat_let's proceed with topics14:22
whoami-rajat_#topic reminder: vendors (particularly quobyte, virtuozzo, and nfs-based drivers) should verify that the recent CVE-2024-32498 fix has not caused a regression14:22
whoami-rajat_rosmaita, that's you14:22
rosmaitathe topic pretty much says it all14:23
whoami-rajat_i think netapp reported a scenario where it caused a regression14:23
rosmaitaoh, i did not see that yet14:23
msaravanthis is the bug we logged..and hitting this issue when glance backend is based on Cinder NFS14:24
whoami-rajat_i was looking into it and it might need to leverage the format information we store in admin metadata14:24
whoami-rajat_but i didn't have an nfs env to confirm or work on it14:24
whoami-rajat_but looks like a real issue14:24
msaravanwhoami-rajat_: I can share my environment, if you want to get into a call to see this 14:25
yuval"real size is 1" maybe thats in GB and the qcow side is in kb?14:26
rosmaitamsaravan: i may take you up on that14:26
msaravanrosmaita:  Sure, we can work on that.14:26
rosmaitayuval: yes, looks like there's a unit mismatch14:26
rosmaitamsaravan: let's talk after this meeting and set something up14:27
msaravanrosmaita: sure 14:27
rosmaitaok, that's all from me14:28
whoami-rajat_thanks rosmaita 14:29
whoami-rajat_#topic Storpool clone-across-pools14:29
whoami-rajat_rosmaita, that's you again14:29
kpdevFor storpool, i saw recent comment from Brian. @rosmaita, are you suggesting you ok with this feature but it does not need entry in support matrix ? regarding documentation, yes we can add that via separate PR under this blue-print14:29
rosmaitayeah, i just wanted to give a pointer to the discussion of this Storpool feature14:29
rosmaita(because i had completely forgotten it)14:30
whoami-rajat_but i think it's not storpool specific, other driver vendors could also leverage it who support cross pool cloning?14:30
rosmaitayes, exactly14:30
rosmaitadiscussion starts at 2:18 and ends at 27:4914:30
whoami-rajat_yeah we should move that forward14:30
yuvalsimon here?14:31
whoami-rajat_I was also planning to have similar support in case when cinder is glance backend14:31
rosmaitakpdev: yes, i think as a team we are fine with the feature, but maybe this does not need to go into the support matrix14:31
kpdevok, i will remove support matrix entry 14:31
jungleboyjrosmaita:  We would only have a couple of drivers implement this?14:32
rosmaitakpdev: you can mention it prominently in the storpool driver docs14:32
kpdevyes. sure will add documentation 14:32
rosmaitajungleboyj: don't know ... storpool at first, maybe some others14:32
rosmaitai think we've had massive turnover in driver maintainers since may 202214:33
jungleboyjOk.  Then I don't think we need to add it to the matrix.  Can re-address if more drivers start adding it.14:33
rosmaitaso that's why i wanted to flag the video, so maybe other drivers that can do this too will know about it14:33
jungleboyjThe matrix would was intended to show features that consumers would be expecting.  14:33
jungleboyjkpdev: I think it makes sense for you to highlight it in your documentation.14:34
kpdevyes, sure will add in doc after this gets added.14:34
yuvalregarding the bug: this is probably the offending line:  if info.virtual_size != volume.size * units.Gi:14:35
yuvalin the nfs driver14:35
whoami-rajat_rosmaita, thanks for bringing this up, i think we are good on this topic then?14:37
rosmaitayeah, that's all from me14:37
whoami-rajat_we don't have any more topics for today14:38
whoami-rajat_we have a bunch of review requests from different driver vendors14:38
whoami-rajat_so please take a look at them14:38
whoami-rajat_let's move to open discussion14:38
whoami-rajat_#topic open discussion14:38
yuvalI had an issue today14:39
yuvalIn one of my patches there was a request to add the "Depends-on" (that was a good comment) but when I change the commit message gerrit created a new patch14:39
yuvalhow should I continue with that close the old one?14:39
yuvalor I can somehow force my changes on the same patch14:40
yuvalthis is the old one: new one:
eharneyyou should be able to edit the Depends-On into the old patch, just make sure the Change-Id is in the footer of the commit message and not moved14:41
yuvalthis what caused the change: I added "os_brick patch:"14:41
yuval(not the Depends-on)14:41
whoami-rajat_did you do ``git commit`` instead of ``git commit --amend`` ?14:42
eharneythe new patch has two Change-Ids, probably added an empty line at the end or so14:43
yuvalno, it was added to the commit14:43
yuvalthe commit msg14:43
yuvalmaybe I should put the "os-brick" line before the new line? 14:44
rosmaitawell, if you have the change-id by itself as the very last thing in the commit message, the commit-msg hook should see it and not add a new one14:45
rosmaita(in theory)14:45
yuvalah I see a new change-ID was added14:46
rosmaitayeah, and tbh, i am not sure why that happened14:46
yuvalok, never mind - I dont want to add any more patches14:47
yuvalI am leaving the new and closing the rest14:47
yuvalI would really appreciate someone going over these patches, they are tested and ready14:50
rosmaitaok, just abandon the ones that we don't need to look at14:52
yuvalyes just done that, thanks14:53
yuvalregarding the nfs bug - I dont think there is a need to bring up the whole system, but through the unittest - test_initialize_connection - it could be tested14:54
yuvalthere is a negative unittest test_initialize_connection_raise_on_wrong_size14:54
whoami-rajat_yuval, i think the problem is before that logic, we are trying to do a qemu-img info on a qcow2 volume that is actually a raw volume15:00
whoami-rajat_i don't have all the details but it will need a real configuration with glance using cinder15:00
whoami-rajat_we are out of time15:00
whoami-rajat_thanks everyone for joining15:00
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Jul 17 15:00:46 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:00
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
jungleboyjThank you!15:01
yuvalThanks, if you are doing a meeting about this bug I can join, and help with what I can15:01
msaravanthe problem is on the size mismatch .. virtual size in image info  (112MB) is not matching with the size of a cinder volume which is 1GB15:02
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