Thursday, 2024-07-18

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carloss#startmeeting manila15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Jul 18 15:00:10 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:00
carlosscourtesy ping: dviroel vhari gouthamr carthaca msaravan pulluri ashrodri15:00
carlosssorry vhari, you were a couple of seconds faster than me :)15:00
carlosso/ hello folks15:04
carlossI think more people will join as we go15:04
carloss#link (Meeting agenda)15:05
carlosspacked agenda today, hope we can get to the bottom of the list :)15:05
carlossfirst up:15:06
carloss#topic Announcements15:06
carlossSchedule and Deadlines15:06
carloss#link (Dalmatian release schedule])15:07
carlossso, we are 2 weeks away from feature proposal freeze15:07
carlossand as I shared over the last week, a couple of things have changed for this, so please check the new definition on the schedule15:08
carlossin short: a collab review should also be proposedss15:08
carlosswe said we'd have a mid cycle and settled on the dates15:08
carlossand I had another idea15:09
carlosswhy don't we use half of our mid cycle only for the collab reviews?15:09
carlossfirst half we'd discuss what we had planned for the cycle and check on status of how it is going15:10
carlossand the second half we can get some time for change authors to talk about their work to the reviewers15:10
carlossthat way I think we can attract more audience to the collab reviews as well15:10
gouthamrthat works15:11
carlossgreat, thank you15:12
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carlossI can circle back on this with more details next week then :)15:12
carlossanother announcement for today:15:13
carlossOutreachy internship blogs15:13
carlossccokeke[m] and tspyderboy[m] are working with us through outreachy, and they are making good progress on the feature gap from our manila-ui15:13
carlossone of the asks from outreachy (that we as mentors try to reinforce) is: try to write down interesting things you learn as you go15:14
carlossso that more people can benefit from your learning, and the community can get to know your work15:14
carlossthey've been producing great blog posts15:14
carloss#link (tspyderboy's blog)15:14
carloss#link (ccokeke's blog)15:15
carlossplease take a look at their blog posts15:15
gouthamrgreat job indeed; thanks for highlighting these carloss 15:15
gouthamrccokeke[m]++ tspyderboy++15:15
carlossI'm sure there will be some interesting things as you read15:15
carlossand last on the announcements for today (but not least important)15:16
carlossProposals for core additions15:16
carlossyou might have seen two emails I sent to openstack-discuss earlier today15:17
carloss#link (ashrodri ui and client core proposal)15:17
carloss#link (kpdev core proposal)15:17
carlossI am proposing kpdev to manila core, and ashrodri to python-manilaclient and manila-ui core :)15:18
carlossthe impact of their work is imminent15:18
carlossand I believe this is a step in the direction we always wanted to go: having a healthy number of people maintaining the repositories and sharing the responsibilities15:19
carloss+ having more affiliation diversity in the core team (as is the case of kpdev)15:19
carlossas usual, the email will sit on the mailing list for one week, and we will wait for feedback15:20
gouthamr\o/ 15:20
vhariashrodri++ kpdev++15:20
gouthamrgood job on these proposals, carloss 15:20
carlossthen, if we have consensus, they will be added to the respective core team in the respective repositories in a week15:20
vharicarloss++ :)15:21
ashrodri\o/ thanks! happy to help in any way i can :D15:21
carlossashrodri kpdev: thank you for the hard work you have been putting into this community, and I hope the nomination email reflects that very well15:21
carlossof course you'll have more responsibilities as a result of this, but that is another conversation 😅15:22
carlosswe intend to have more people being added to the core team, following the same ideas: making affiliation more diverse, and sharing the workload of the project maintenance with more people15:23
* gouthamr cues Admiral Ackbar meme15:23
kpdevthanks for consideration :) I second that we need more people in core-team.15:23
carlossgouthamr: haha, perfect meme for this occasion :D15:24
carlossthank you everyone! very excited with this15:25
carloss> we intend to have more people being added to the core team, following the same ideas: making affiliation more diverse, and sharing the workload of the project maintenance with more people15:25
carlossif you are interested, please let us know. We'll be happy to work with you to get to the core team :)15:25
carlossthat's all I had for Announcements. Do you have an announcement to share?15:25
ccokeke[m]Apologies for joining late 15:26
carlossccokeke[m]: no problem :D15:27
msaravanApologies for joining late.. congrats ashrodri and kpdev 15:28
msaravanmore responsiblities 15:28
ccokeke[m]Congratulations Kpdev and my mentor ashrodri: 15:29
gireeshcongrats Kpdev  and ashrodri15:30
carloss#topic Bugsquash follow-up15:31
carloss#link (Bugsquash ethercalc)15:31
msaravanI am almost done with this, will update the patch tomorrow - 15:32
carlosstyvm for the update msaravan - this documentation is very important for people consuming the feature15:32
msaravanack 15:33
jayaanandsame with
carlossjayaanand: good stuff15:33
jayaanandthank you!15:34
carlossnot many bug fixes were merged, but we had good progress on some changes that required attention and are good bug fixes to be addressed15:35
carlossI think we'll see the effect of the assignments and the work from this bugsquash in a couple of weeks15:35
carlossdo you have any further updates?15:37
* carloss brought this up because wanted to thank you for participating and also open it for questions and discussions on things that are in the list15:38
carlossalright, taking silence as no15:41
carloss#topic Bug Triage (vhari)15:41
carloss#link (Bug Triage etherpad)15:41
carlossvhari: o/ 15:41
vharity car15:41
vharicarloss, 15:41
vhariso we have one bug to triage today 15:41
carlossI see we already have an assignee here :)15:44
carlossjayaanand: do you have an update or would like to share something?15:44
jayaanandi am good. nothing now15:45
vharity jayaanand 15:45
vharimoving on to #link
msaravanWe worked with the customer.. and we only asked them to log a bug.. 15:45
msaravanWe'll share our analysis on the bug and working on fixing that.. as it is blocking them @jayaanand 15:45
carlossjayaanand msaravan: thank you!15:46
carlossso for the bug, as it prevents some operations from happening, I'd say medium and m-315:46
vharicarloss, done 15:47
vhariif no other considerations ..15:47
vhariwrt #link
vhariwe reviewed at bugsquash 15:48
vharilooking for thoughts on how the implementation ideas15:49
carlossah, yes! thanks for bringing this up, vhari 15:49
carlosskpdev: thanks for the report15:49
kpdevyes, this is important feature/fix we can have similar to Nova15:49
carloss> B)[preferred] using scheduler hints the share gets scheduled directly without going to the scheduler15:51
carlossdoesn't sound bad honestly, unless I am not considering something major. Do you know how nova is tracking these requests though? would they just sit and wait until the service is enabled?15:51
gouthamrkpdev: is this the nova feature? 15:54
kpdevNo, I have not checked implementation. For manila, scheduler hints are good option. The service should be up but disabled so it can listen requests.15:55
kpdev>is this the nova feature? 15:56
gouthamrhmm, the service disable knob today just disables the host entirely.. what you're looking for is for a service to be marked disabled for generic requests, but when the scheduler sees the "only_host" hint, we should go ahead and forward the request to the host.. 15:56
gouthamri don't think skipping the scheduler is wise; but i can imagine an enhancement to the service disable workflow to do something like that ^ 15:57
kpdevthe service should be differentiated between up/down vs enabled/disabled.. the disabled one is up but disabled and user can enable it. wdyt .15:57
carloss> i don't think skipping the scheduler is wise; but i can imagine an enhancement to the service disable workflow to do something like that ^ 15:58
carloss> the service should be differentiated between up/down vs enabled/disabled.. the disabled one is up but disabled and user can enable it. wdyt .16:02
carlosssounds okay as well16:02
carlossalright, we're 2 minutes over time16:02
carlossplease let's take this discussion to #openstack-manila16:02
carlossthank you for putting the bug list together, vhari16:02
carlossthank you all for participating16:02
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Jul 18 16:02:36 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:02
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
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