Thursday, 2024-11-07

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carloss#startmeeting manila15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Nov  7 15:00:11 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is carloss. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'manila'15:00
carlosscourtesy ping: dviroel vhari gouthamr carthaca msaravan pulluri ashrodri15:00
carlosshello everyone15:03
carlossfeels good to be back15:03
carlossit's been 3 weeks without our regular weekly meetings15:04
carlosslet's get started with today's agenda:15:04
carloss#topic Announcements15:05
carlossSchedule and Deadlines:15:05
carlosswe're 1 week away from m-115:05
carlossso we should be looking at the things we are targeting for this milestone15:06
carlosswe currently have 26 bugs being targeted for this milestone:15:06
carloss#link (Bugs targeted to Epoxy 1)15:07
carlossof course we've been carrying over some things, but would be nice if each of us could look into this list and check for fixes that are waiting for the review15:07
carlossso we can merge them within the deadline15:07
carlossand second thing on announcements:15:07
carlossPTG summary and recordings15:07
carlossI have posted the PTG summary on the mailing list last week:15:07
carlossand also made all of the recordings available on the OpenStack manil youtube channel:15:08
carlossif you missed something or would like to get back to a discussion we had, please take a look at the recordings15:08
carlossand thank you very much for your participation on PTG. The engagement and discussions were great15:09
carlossI'm looking forward to getting a lot accomplished over the cycle15:09
carlossthat's all I had in terms of announcements15:09
carlossIs there an announcement you'd like to share with us today?15:09
carlosstaking silence as no...15:12
carloss#topic Review focus15:12
carloss#link (Epoxy review focus etherpad)15:13
carlossI see a lot of fixes were added to the etherpad15:13
carlossthanks for keeping it updated15:13
carlossfor the first two changes, there aren't many updates15:14
carlosslet's start with:15:14
carloss#link (Allow to update access rule for type 'ip')15:14
carlossthanks for keeping up with reviews on this change, haixin 15:14
carlosswe need some more eyes15:14
* carloss includes himself on this list15:15
carlossgireesh ashrodri gouthamr: could you please take a look at the core and client changes for it?15:15
gouthamrack; swamped, but will do soon15:16
carloss#link (decorate all missing *_update methods with db_retry on deadlock)15:17
carlossinteresting one, can be really useful for deadlocks on db updates15:18
carlosskpdev: thanks for working on this change15:18
carlossjayaanand ashrodri gireesh can I have your eyes on this change?15:20
carlossalso, in the next one:15:20
carloss#link ([Netapp] make deleted volume retention period configurable)15:20
carlosswe also have15:21
carloss#link (Add new policy `list_all_projects` for share/share-snapshot)15:21
gouthamr^^ ++15:21
gouthamri like this direction15:22
gouthamra lot like i was checking with the "filter by host" behavior - we shouldn't be hardcoding the context.is_admin check anywhere, thanks kpdev 15:22
carloss#link (Improve get all instances with share data)15:23
carloss#link (Add config to allow share server migration with replicas)15:23
carlossthanks for the prompt feedback, gouthamr15:23
carlossso, a lot of changes, I'll add some review assignments in the etherpad to avoid the pings for each of them15:24
carlossso please keep looking at the etherapd15:25
kpdevwe need quick review on
kpdevthis was discussed in ptg15:26
carlossack, thanks15:27
carlossadded to the list and will take a look15:27
carlossand tag more people in the etherpad too15:28
carlossany other change to bring up in $topic?15:28
carlosstaking silence as no15:30
carloss#topic Bug Triage (vhari)15:30
vharity carl15:30
carloss#link (Bug Triage etherpad)15:30
vharis/carl/carloss, 15:30
vharilet's dive in :)15:30
vharilooking for minor triage today 15:31
carlosswe've been added to this as affected15:33
carlossbut I'm not 100% sure if we support that15:33
carlossso some research is required on my end15:33
vhariack 15:33
carlossI can take a look at it and respond15:34
vharicarloss tyvm for looking into it15:34
vharishould we follow up in a couple of weeks and decide next steps?15:35
carlossyep, that sounds good15:36
vhariack 15:36
vharimoving on 15:36
carlossthanks for the report, gouthamr 15:38
carlossa lot of details in the bug15:38
carlossgireesh: can we have someone from the netapp team taking a look?15:38
carlossthank you! :D15:39
vharity gireesh .. 15:39
carlossI'd say it's a medium prio for now15:39
vharipls let us know if additional info is required15:39
vharilast but not least #link
carlossthat's an RFE for the human readable export location feature15:41
carloss> If not provided, it defaults to the project identifier, leading to names like: "{project_id}_{mount_point_name}". And this prefix can't be removed (setting it to empty string leads to names like "_{mount_point_name}").15:42
carlosshowever, this part sounds more like an issue with the current implementation15:42
carlossI believe if this is fully customized, we'd get to the issue that we discussed in the specification15:44
carlosswhich is: possible duplication of the export paths15:44
carlossproject id was added to help us making this unique15:44
gouthamris there really a concern setting this to a short, pre-determined string either?15:47
gouthamrlike "share"15:47
gouthamror "mnt" 15:47
carlossyeah, don't think there is a concern15:47
gouthamrsylvand suggests making the prefix: "{project_id}_" instead of "{project_id}" (where we add the underscore to concatenate the real mount point name15:48
carlossoh 🤔15:49
carlossi missed that, sorry15:49
carlossso yes, it makes sense15:49
carlossit is already doing that, no?15:50
carloss"Currently when providing mount_point_name, a prefix is systematically added. If not provided, it defaults to the project identifier, leading to names like: "{project_id}_{mount_point_name}""15:50
gouthamrjust a slight change in logic on how the prefix is being inferred15:51
gouthamrif the administrator doesn't provide one, assume it is "{project_id}_"15:51
gouthamrbut if the administrator provides a prefix, use it instead15:51
gouthamrthat would allow the administrator to provide an empty string ("") as the prefix15:52
gouthamr^ this is the behavior sylvand suggests15:52
gouthamrhe'd like a behavior here to turn off the prefix15:54
gouthamri'm okay with that if we can clarify that this could lead to collisions later in the driver.. and in case of DHSS=False, across tenants15:55
carlosssounds fair15:56
carlosswill update my comment15:56
carlosswe're almost at the hour15:57
carlossis there something else you'd like to add?15:57
gouthamrthere is no difference between allowing an empty prefix or a constant, non templated prefix 15:57
vhariall set for bugs 15:57
vhariand back to you carloss :)15:57
carlossgreat, thanks for the input15:58
carlosslet's wrap up this meeting15:58
carlossand get back to #openstack-manila15:58
carlossthank you for participating15:58
carlosshave a great day!15:59
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Nov  7 15:59:03 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:59
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
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