Wednesday, 2024-11-06

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen02:42
jbernard#startmeeting cinder15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Nov  6 15:00:31 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is jbernard. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'15:00
jbernard#topic roll call15:00
msaravanHi 15:01
jbernardwelcome everyone, just a couple more minutes to collect everyone15:03
jbernard(sorry for the time mistake)15:04
jbernard#topic announcements15:07
jbernardfirst, i appologize for the time issue15:08
jbernardim curious if anyone objects to moving it to 15UTC15:08
jbernardif there is a conflict, i can try to make a few changes on my side15:08
sp-bmilanovno worries jbernard! so that would be +1 from what we have right now in the calendar?15:09
jbernardmy time moved back 1 hour last weekend and i failed to realize the rest of the world isn't on my schedule ;)15:09
Luzimoving it is unfortunate for us from europe15:10
jbernardLuzi: ack15:10
jbernardok, let me try to make some adjustments here15:10
manudineshHi All,  I had requested for comments on this bug#  and had added it in cinder_bs agenda link [on Oct 16th]  Guess that etherpad is no more actively used.  Request you to please take it on priority and share your comments, Thanks15:10
jbernardit's certainly easier for me to do that and to impose a time change on everyone else15:10
jbernardmanudinesh: hold onto that until the open discussion section15:11
jbernardmanudinesh: we're in the annoucments at the moment15:11
jbernardmanudinesh: no worries15:11
jbernardso, for clarity, we're keeping the 14:00 UTC meeting time on wednesdays15:11
jbernardcontinuing next week15:12
jbernardtime issue resolved15:12
jbernardmoving one15:12
jbernardi posted a summary of our ptg content to the list15:13
jbernardi think that captures most of it, without details, just an overview15:13
jbernardi need to fix the wiki version, if you think i've missed something let me know15:14
jbernardnext, we have a release update15:14
jbernardrosmaita: do you want to take this one?15:14
jungleboyjjbernard: Do you have videos for me to post?15:14
jbernardjungleboyj: yes!15:14
rosmaitanot much to say ... we're releasing a final cinder and os-brick from Antelope (probably tomorrow)15:15
jbernard#action jbernard to get videos to jay for posting15:15
rosmaitaand Antelope will go to Unmaintained and stable/2023.1 will be deleted shortly after15:15
rosmaitalast thing: i'm willing to continue as release person for epoxy, but will be happy to teach anyone else who's interested how to do it and take ove15:16
rosmaitathat's all from me15:16
jungleboyjjbernard:  ++15:16
jbernardwould anyone like to volunteer to be release liason?15:16
jbernardthere is virtually zero prestige or recognition, however you /will/ have my eternal gratitude :)15:17
jbernardrosmaita: looks like you're our release liason!15:18
jbernardrosmaita: congrats!15:18
jungleboyjCan't even offer beers at the next event as we don't get together anymore. 15:18
jbernardone day...15:19
jungleboyjrosmaita: Thank you for your compliance.  ;-)15:19
rosmaitai will celebrate with a virtual beer15:19
jbernardjust make sure you get the hashes right first ;)15:19
jbernardid like to quickly hijack topics and ask a related question:15:20
jbernarddo we want to consider merging the unmaintained cores with cinder cores, as I belive Ironic has done?15:20
jbernardi would still be very reluctant to make use of that power, as I don't want to make a mistake, but it's not fun redirecting folks the way we do15:21
jbernarddoes anyone have a opinion on this?15:22
jbernarddoes anyone have any, even mild, objections?15:22
rosmaitawell, the point of unmaintained was that the project has no responsibility15:23
jungleboyjI think we already have a notable about of overlap there.15:23
jungleboyjOh, unmaintained, not stable.15:23
rosmaitamy objection was that i don't know that we want to be responsible for reviewing victoria through antelope, in addition to the stuff we're actually supposed to be reviewing15:24
rosmaitabut any cinder core could volunteer to be an unmaintained core, if they would like to15:25
jbernardthat's a very fair point, especially considering our current review bandwidth15:25
rosmaitaand any cinder community member could volunteer as well15:25
rosmaitai think the requirements to be an unmaintained core are still being developed15:26
jbernardok, lets leave it then, we can always revisit if the situation changes15:26
jbernard#topic volume backup bug15:26
jbernardmhen, Luzi: that's you15:27
Luziyeah mhen found this bug15:27
jbernardoy, that's not awesome :/15:27
Luziwhen there is no volume backup service configured, it is still possible to create a volume backup15:28
Luzithat will end up in error state of course15:28
Luziand non-admin users are not able to delete this resource15:28
Luziwe wanted to make you aware of this.15:29
Luziunfortunately i cannot tell any more than that - mhen should be there soon, but he has a conflicting meeting15:29
Luziit would be nice to catch this on API level15:30
jbernardwhoami-rajat: ^ i would think the api should fail if the necessary service is non-existant15:30
rosmaitalooks like we don't do any kind of testing of backups when the service is disabled or absent15:30
jbernardour voting jobs have it enabled, i guess it makes some sense that we haven't seen this15:31
Luzimhen is now here, and i need to go - if there are any questions15:32
jbernardmhen: heya15:32
jbernardwe need a sanity check in the api logic15:33
jbernardi think the report is clear, so everything needed to work on this one is present15:35
jbernard#topic multi-transport protocol volume driver support15:35
jbernardsp-bmilanov: 15:35
mhenI think checks like these need to be used in more places:
sp-bmilanovah, hi, was just going to say that I have to go soon, but the short version is that there are cases where we would like to handle both iSCSI and the StorPool block protocol with one driver15:36
jbernardmhen: i made a note in the etherpad15:37
jbernardmhen: agree15:37
sp-bmilanovin setups where there are hypervisors connect by different protocols, but they'd want the same volume15:37
sp-bmilanovthere might be a way to do this currently, but I couldn't figure it out, and I suspect that would be a change in the core to allow drivers to do this properly15:38
jbernardsp-bmilanov: in the call to attach(), is the metadata needed to determine which of possible protocols to use present?15:39
sp-bmilanovI need to double check, but it should 15:40
sp-bmilanov(for reference, the proposed change currently does this in cinder, not os-brick:
sp-bmilanovsorry, I have to go, can I add this topic for next week as well?15:41
jbernard#topic review requests15:43
jbernardLuzi has a cople for volume type metadata15:43
jbernardthis is important for epoxy:15:43
rosmaitabtw, epoxy milestone 1 is next week15:44
jbernardgood grief15:44
jbernardhitachi has one15:45
jbernardwe agreed at the ptg to pin mypy15:45
jbernardand there's a netapp bug15:46
jbernardwhich isn't a code review, but rather a bug comment request15:46
jbernardmanudinesh: ^ do you have more to add for that one?15:46
jbernard#topic open discussion15:48
manudineshWe downloaded it from official site and tested and faced this error...wanted to know from NetApp Cinder team if there is fix coming on these lines15:48
jbernardim not sure if anyone is watching from netapp, but im reasonably certain they will see and respond to this one15:50
manudineshVM deployment fails if it is vSCSI based connectivity group but VM deploys are successful for NPIV based connection ...15:50
manudineshsure jbernard, Thank you ..15:50
jbernardmanudinesh: ill add it to next week's agenda too15:51
manudineshThank you15:51
jbernardanything else?15:52
rosmaitalooks like the requirements-check job is suddenly failing on all patches15:53
rosmaitanot our fault ... looks like an issue with ubuntu-noble15:53
jbernardthanks everyone, see you next week at the normal 14:00 time15:54
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Nov  6 15:54:24 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:54
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
jungleboyjThank you!15:54

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