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anteaya | #startmeeting third-party | 08:01 |
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openstack | Meeting started Tue Nov 10 08:01:01 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is anteaya. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 08:01 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 08:01 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'third_party' | 08:01 |
anteaya | hello | 08:01 |
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anteaya | so since I am the only one here at present I will close the meeting | 08:14 |
anteaya | and see you all next week | 08:14 |
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anteaya | #endmeeting | 08:14 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Tue Nov 10 08:14:35 2015 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 08:14 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/third_party/2015/third_party.2015-11-10-08.01.html | 08:14 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/third_party/2015/third_party.2015-11-10-08.01.txt | 08:14 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/third_party/2015/third_party.2015-11-10-08.01.log.html | 08:14 |
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alex_xu | #startmeeting nova api | 12:00 |
openstack | Meeting started Tue Nov 10 12:00:05 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is alex_xu. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 12:00 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 12:00 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'nova_api' | 12:00 |
alex_xu | who is here today? | 12:00 |
jichen | o/ | 12:00 |
gmann_ | hi | 12:00 |
Kevin_Zheng | hi | 12:00 |
alex_xu | hello everyone | 12:00 |
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sdague | o/ | 12:01 |
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alex_xu | ok, let's start the meeting | 12:02 |
alex_xu | #topic actions from last meeting | 12:02 |
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tangchen_ | hi | 12:02 |
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alex_xu | gmann_ create bp for microversion top bottom and changed testing | 12:02 |
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alex_xu | actually this is from before summit | 12:02 |
gmann_ | alex_xu, yes, Done today | 12:02 |
alex_xu | gmann_: cool, do you have link? | 12:03 |
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gmann_ | #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/nova-microversion-functional-tests | 12:03 |
alex_xu | gmann_: cool, thanks | 12:04 |
sdague | gmann_: looks great | 12:04 |
alex_xu | so there will be spec later? | 12:04 |
johnthetubaguy | I don't think we need a spec for that, so I approved it | 12:05 |
gmann_ | alex_xu, do we need spec for that? or we can do direct | 12:05 |
gmann_ | johnthetubaguy, yea | 12:05 |
alex_xu | ok, cool, got it | 12:05 |
alex_xu | so let's move on | 12:05 |
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alex_xu | wait, so this will have a lot of work, right? do you need people help on that? | 12:06 |
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johnthetubaguy | honestly, I want us to focus on the docs instead of this testing | 12:06 |
johnthetubaguy | I am tempted to make it low priority for now | 12:07 |
gmann_ | johnthetubaguy, sounds good. even i ws thinking to start this after all extesnion tests work | 12:07 |
gmann_ | so that it will be easy to share sample files in mocroversion testing also | 12:07 |
alex_xu | ok, cool | 12:08 |
alex_xu | #topic API Documentation | 12:08 |
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gmann_ | alex_xu, but should not reuire much work, we can do after doc thing done | 12:08 |
alex_xu | gmann_: ok, got it | 12:08 |
alex_xu | API concept doc and API reference | 12:08 |
alex_xu | #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/nova-v2.1-api-doc | 12:08 |
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alex_xu | I wrote down the workflow and expectation for existed api refer, I wonder hope give feedback about whether is ok before I advert it out. | 12:08 |
alex_xu | Basically it focus on improve the description of each api and parameter, after we have swagger, we can port them into the nova code directly. But that is huge number works. | 12:09 |
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johnthetubaguy | that looks good to me | 12:10 |
* alex_xu guess people busy on read my notes | 12:10 | |
alex_xu | johnthetubaguy: cool, thanks | 12:10 |
gmann_ | alex_xu, nice plan to import to code from there. | 12:11 |
sdague | I was wondering if it would be helpful to try to jump start this with something like a 2 day virtual doc sprint | 12:11 |
johnthetubaguy | sorry folks I have to run now, my food is ready, not used to the daylight savings changes yet | 12:11 |
johnthetubaguy | sdague: thats a very good idea | 12:11 |
alex_xu | gmann_: thanks | 12:11 |
gmann_ | sdague, +2 | 12:11 |
alex_xu | sdague: interesting idea | 12:11 |
gmann_ | we can clean up a lot in that | 12:11 |
jichen | +1 | 12:11 |
alex_xu | johnthetubaguy: no problem | 12:11 |
Kevin_Zheng | +1 | 12:11 |
sdague | so, my suggestion for that would be to do it the first week of December some time | 12:12 |
sdague | because there is a holiday in the US the end of nov | 12:12 |
sdague | and that whole week will be patchy | 12:12 |
gmann_ | sdague, Thanks giving? | 12:12 |
sdague | gmann_: yep | 12:12 |
alex_xu | that week is Mitaka-1, will people busy on spec freeze? | 12:13 |
sdague | alex_xu: hmmm good point | 12:13 |
sdague | maybe week after then? | 12:13 |
gmann_ | yea after M-1 it will be good | 12:13 |
alex_xu | yea, that will be good | 12:13 |
alex_xu | what process for that? send email advert it | 12:13 |
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sdague | yeh, so I'd say pick 2 days. Try to get commitments from folks in advance that they'll contribute during it. | 12:14 |
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alex_xu | ok | 12:15 |
sdague | Have an etherpad with things people should be working on, stuff ready for review, and we'll try to just go heads down and push through a bunch during that | 12:15 |
sdague | it will be virtual sprint so it will be those 2 days in local timezone for folks | 12:15 |
gmann_ | yup | 12:16 |
alex_xu | sounds cool | 12:16 |
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sdague | ok, alex_xu you up for organizing it? | 12:16 |
sdague | or any other volunteers to organize | 12:17 |
sdague | anyone could take the lead on that | 12:17 |
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alex_xu | sdague: yea sure, I happy to help on, but I may need ask many question to you, as I haven't experience on organize those thing | 12:17 |
tangchen_ | Hi, is it a work to improve the doc and cleanup ? I'd like to be part of it. | 12:18 |
sdague | sure, no probably, feel free to ask me about it any time | 12:18 |
alex_xu | sdague: thanks | 12:18 |
alex_xu | tangchen_: yea | 12:18 |
gmann_ | tangchen_, yes. | 12:18 |
gmann_ | alex_xu, I can also help if you need. | 12:18 |
tangchen_ | OK, please let me join. | 12:18 |
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alex_xu | gmann_: cool, thanks | 12:18 |
sdague | #info alex_xu to organize nova doc virtual sprint for 2nd week of Dec | 12:19 |
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alex_xu | also thanks jichen and Kevin_Zheng, I saw them already work on the api refer | 12:19 |
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Kevin_Zheng | alex_xu: NP | 12:19 |
alex_xu | API Review guideline | 12:19 |
sdague | alex_xu: yep | 12:19 |
jichen | alex_xu: so this will be bundle together and virtual sprint will handle them all ? | 12:19 |
sdague | jichen: I'd say keep up the good work now | 12:20 |
alex_xu | yea | 12:20 |
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alex_xu | needn't wait the virtual sprint | 12:20 |
sdague | this is more about trying to pull in more people and push a bunch of work through quickly | 12:20 |
gmann_ | jichen, we keep doing those and try to finish in sprint | 12:20 |
jichen | sdague: yea, that's my thought too, ok got it | 12:20 |
gmann_ | yea | 12:20 |
alex_xu | ok, let's move on | 12:21 |
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alex_xu | the api review guide is bring up in the summit | 12:21 |
alex_xu | anyone sign up to work on it? | 12:21 |
alex_xu | emm...if not, I guess that will be my work, although I'm not good at English ;) | 12:22 |
tangchen_ | alex_xu: Sorry, I didn't go to the summit. What do you mean by "sign up" ? | 12:22 |
alex_xu | tangchen_: I mean any volunteers to work on it | 12:23 |
Kevin_Zheng | It need more experiance I guess | 12:23 |
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alex_xu | yea, so let me try when I have time | 12:23 |
tangchen_ | alex_xu: I'd like to. But currently, I don't what to do in detail. | 12:23 |
alex_xu | tangchen_: yea, I know | 12:23 |
alex_xu | so let's move on | 12:23 |
alex_xu | Swagger Doc Generate | 12:23 |
alex_xu | Thanks oomichi discussed swagger with me at summit, and we summary something in the etherpad | 12:24 |
alex_xu | Thanks oomichi discussed swagger with me at summit, and we summary something in the etherpad | 12:24 |
alex_xu | #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/mitaka-nova-swagger | 12:24 |
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alex_xu | oops | 12:24 |
alex_xu | #link https://review.openstack.org/243365 | 12:24 |
alex_xu | And work out the initial version nova-spec, still need some detail to put in. | 12:24 |
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alex_xu | appreciate gmann_ and oomichi_ if you guys can help me input some tempest consideration in the spec | 12:25 |
gmann_ | alex_xu, i did not get chance to look into that. I will look tomorrow and add if needed from Tempest side etc | 12:25 |
gmann_ | alex_xu, yea, sure | 12:25 |
alex_xu | gmann_: thanks a lot | 12:25 |
alex_xu | and Next is I should work out more PoC to show how to doc in the code. | 12:25 |
alex_xu | #action alex_xu update the PoC to show more example | 12:26 |
gmann_ | alex_xu, Also will check with swagger team about request sample example in spec | 12:26 |
alex_xu | gmann_: ok, cool | 12:26 |
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alex_xu | I think swagger can't support that in short time, we can try add some extend field into the swagger to support request sample example | 12:27 |
gmann_ | and those can by picked by UI ? | 12:27 |
alex_xu | yea, UI is coded by doc team | 12:27 |
alex_xu | #link https://github.com/russell/fairy-slipper | 12:28 |
* edleafe yawns | 12:28 | |
alex_xu | gmann_: this one I guess ^ | 12:28 |
gmann_ | yea, | 12:28 |
gmann_ | alex_xu, cool | 12:28 |
alex_xu | actually I hope the Russell give some input how to support microversions and actions, but I didn't get response from him | 12:29 |
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alex_xu | and looks like Anne isn't here today also :( | 12:29 |
alex_xu | anyway, any more question on swagger? | 12:30 |
alex_xu | if not, let's move on, this is all about api doc | 12:30 |
alex_xu | #topic Service Catalog | 12:30 |
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gmann_ | alex_xu, it will be good if we can have some fairy-slipper thing also with your POC or patches for those | 12:31 |
gmann_ | so that we can see how those going to be looks like and improve at early stage if needed | 12:31 |
gmann_ | but as you said need input from doc team on those | 12:31 |
alex_xu | gmann_: yea, I should catch Anne get some input | 12:31 |
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gmann_ | alex_xu, ok cool | 12:32 |
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alex_xu | for this part is about remove project_id from URL | 12:32 |
alex_xu | #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/removing-project-id-in-nova-urls | 12:32 |
alex_xu | sdague: ^ anything you want to talk about? | 12:32 |
alex_xu | I saw part of patches isn't ready for review yet | 12:33 |
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alex_xu | I guess sdague busy on other things | 12:34 |
gmann_ | yea | 12:34 |
alex_xu | any more question on this, otherwise let's move on | 12:35 |
sdague | yeh, sorry, baby just got up | 12:35 |
sdague | back now | 12:35 |
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sdague | so, I think it's largely doable in one patch | 12:35 |
alex_xu | sdague: yea, baby is more important :) | 12:35 |
sdague | mmmpork is assisting getting that patch into shape with tests | 12:35 |
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gmann_ | sdague, devtsack patch also will be landed right? - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/233079/3 | 12:36 |
sdague | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/233076/ | 12:36 |
gmann_ | sdague, means not actualy WIP | 12:36 |
sdague | gmann_: yes, it requires the nova patch though | 12:36 |
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gmann_ | yea | 12:36 |
alex_xu | a novaclient patch already merged | 12:36 |
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sdague | right | 12:36 |
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sdague | we need the novaclient patch in a released version before we can change devstack as well | 12:37 |
sdague | otherwise things like nova flavor-list blow up | 12:37 |
alex_xu | ok, so I guess we just waiting for the nova patch ready to review | 12:37 |
sdague | because of the microversion detection going a bit haywire | 12:37 |
sdague | #action sdague to circle with mmmpork today on nova patch | 12:38 |
sdague | #action sdague to circle with mmmpork today on nova patch for optional project_id | 12:38 |
alex_xu | sdague: cool, thanks | 12:38 |
alex_xu | ok, cool, so if no more question, let's move on | 12:38 |
alex_xu | #topic Novaclient | 12:39 |
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alex_xu | there is one work bring up by sdague, it is about Caching the version negotiation. | 12:39 |
alex_xu | at least for now, there isn't any assignee yet | 12:40 |
sdague | yes, that was a "nice to have" from the API session to reduce our round trips | 12:40 |
sdague | I think that if no one else takes a look I'll see if mmmpork is up for it | 12:40 |
gmann_ | alex_xu, sdague what is that actually? | 12:41 |
alex_xu | sdague: ok, cool | 12:41 |
gmann_ | do we have some etherpad/bug etc so that i can look tomorrow | 12:41 |
sdague | gmann_: so, we're doing up to 3 round trips for every nova cli call now | 12:42 |
sdague | because of the microversion negotiation | 12:42 |
sdague | but the microversions supported on the server don't change very often | 12:42 |
alex_xu | #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/mitaka-nova-api | 12:42 |
alex_xu | gmann_: there are some notes ^ | 12:42 |
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sdague | so we should ideally cache that result for like 24hrs | 12:43 |
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gmann_ | sdague, ah i see. | 12:43 |
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gmann_ | alex_xu, Thanks for link | 12:43 |
alex_xu | gmann_: np | 12:43 |
sdague | anyway, we should move on. It's a pretty low priority thing, just a nice to have | 12:44 |
alex_xu | ok, let's move on | 12:44 |
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alex_xu | #topic Testing | 12:44 |
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alex_xu | #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/169126/ | 12:44 |
alex_xu | I saw this spec about test Microversion in tempest side | 12:44 |
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alex_xu | Emm...ken'ichi isn't here | 12:45 |
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alex_xu | I think people just need to review it | 12:45 |
gmann_ | alex_xu, yea | 12:45 |
gmann_ | sdague, has +2 on it. | 12:46 |
alex_xu | another thing about test is merge all extension for sample test | 12:46 |
alex_xu | https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/api-sample-tests-with-all-extensions | 12:46 |
gmann_ | in parallel we have started implementation also | 12:46 |
alex_xu | gmann_: cool | 12:46 |
gmann_ | alex_xu, and for all extesnion- | 12:46 |
alex_xu | gmann_: anything update for all extension? | 12:46 |
gmann_ | started for image and flavor merging | 12:47 |
* alex_xu jump too fast... | 12:47 | |
gmann_ | #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/nova+branch:master+topic:bp/api-sample-tests-with-all-extensions,n,z | 12:47 |
gmann_ | reviews are welcome | 12:47 |
alex_xu | gmann_: cool! | 12:47 |
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gmann_ | manly i need feedback about patch size. if it is ok to do by resource vise | 12:47 |
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gmann_ | because flavor one looks large but easy to review | 12:47 |
sdague | I'll take a look later | 12:48 |
gmann_ | sdague, Thanks. | 12:48 |
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alex_xu | yea, me too | 12:48 |
alex_xu | ok, let's move on | 12:48 |
gmann_ | alex_xu, Thanks | 12:48 |
alex_xu | time is tight again | 12:48 |
sdague | something that mmmpork pointed out last night was that we still have a very different validation model in api samples from the jsonschema | 12:48 |
sdague | get_regexes | 12:48 |
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sdague | might be a thing to clean that up | 12:48 |
gmann_ | sdague, ok, need to look on verfication part | 12:49 |
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alex_xu | yea, good point | 12:49 |
gmann_ | sdague, once we do validation with response schema (in swagger work) then we can clean up | 12:50 |
gmann_ | then we might get rid of validation based on regex | 12:50 |
alex_xu | gmann_: ok | 12:51 |
alex_xu | I need get into the code to know how to clean up it | 12:51 |
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alex_xu | 10 mins left, let's move on | 12:51 |
alex_xu | #topic API Deprecations | 12:51 |
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sdague | so, the swagger work seems really abstract to me still. Is there a piece of code that takes something from the tree and publishes it to docs.openstack.org anywhere to see it all in action? | 12:51 |
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alex_xu | sdague: not yet, the swagger ui is still in progress https://github.com/russell/fairy-slipper | 12:52 |
gmann_ | sdague, do not have for docs.openstack.org thing. | 12:53 |
gmann_ | yea | 12:53 |
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gmann_ | if russell can hook things with swagger POC then it wil be nice | 12:53 |
alex_xu | yea | 12:53 |
alex_xu | need poke doc team to give some feedback | 12:54 |
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alex_xu | sdague: any thought, or you see some risk? | 12:54 |
sdague | ok, so we should set a date of when that POC will be there, it should be before the doc sprint | 12:54 |
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sdague | because it will help encourage people if their work hits docs.openstack.org immediately | 12:55 |
alex_xu | sdague: ok, I will busy on it | 12:55 |
sdague | so I would say the status of that publishing pipeline should be a standing item on this agenda | 12:55 |
alex_xu | sdague: yea, this really talk with doc team | 12:56 |
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alex_xu | s/really/really need/ | 12:56 |
sdague | alex_xu: ok, you have the action for this? | 12:56 |
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alex_xu | #action alex_xu contact the doc team about how to swagger stuff | 12:57 |
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alex_xu | #undo | 12:57 |
openstack | Removing item from minutes: <ircmeeting.items.Action object at 0x9943790> | 12:57 |
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alex_xu | #action alex_xu contact the doc team about swagger stuff | 12:57 |
edleafe | Sorry, busy getting the family off to work/school. I'll read through the scrollback and see if there is anything I can help with. | 12:58 |
alex_xu | ok two mins left... | 12:58 |
alex_xu | edleafe: no prolbme | 12:58 |
alex_xu | sdague: anything we need to for deprecated the ec2 and legacy api for now? | 12:58 |
alex_xu | I mean any actions from summit? | 12:58 |
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sdague | alex_xu: not yet | 12:59 |
sdague | we don't have feedback from operators yet on using them | 12:59 |
alex_xu | sdague: ok, cool | 12:59 |
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sdague | I guess I have an action on asking about the stackforge project | 13:00 |
sdague | and how it's working for folks | 13:00 |
alex_xu | so I guess we talk all of mitaka tasks today | 13:00 |
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alex_xu | sdague: ok | 13:00 |
alex_xu | sorry, it's time to close meeting | 13:00 |
alex_xu | thanks all | 13:00 |
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alex_xu | #endmeeting | 13:00 |
gmann_ | Thanks all | 13:00 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Tue Nov 10 13:00:53 2015 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 13:00 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/nova_api/2015/nova_api.2015-11-10-12.00.html | 13:00 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/nova_api/2015/nova_api.2015-11-10-12.00.txt | 13:00 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/nova_api/2015/nova_api.2015-11-10-12.00.log.html | 13:00 |
haiwei | hi senlin guys | 13:01 |
jruano | hello | 13:01 |
elynn | Hi | 13:01 |
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haiwei | Qiming can't attend this meeting, i will host it today | 13:01 |
haiwei | #startmeeting senlin | 13:01 |
openstack | Meeting started Tue Nov 10 13:01:51 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is haiwei. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 13:01 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 13:01 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'senlin' | 13:01 |
haiwei | please check the agenda and feel free to update it https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/SenlinAgenda | 13:02 |
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yanyan | sorry I'm late | 13:03 |
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haiwei | ok yanyan | 13:03 |
yanyan | hi | 13:03 |
haiwei | let's move on to the first topic | 13:03 |
yanyan | ok | 13:03 |
haiwei | #topic Go through TODO items to ensure everyone get them | 13:03 |
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haiwei | here is the TODO list updated recently | 13:04 |
haiwei | https://github.com/openstack/senlin/blob/master/TODO.rst | 13:04 |
yanyan | yes, we just updated the TODO item list based on the discussion on Tokyo meetup | 13:04 |
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yanyan | some backlog of liberty cycle were also added | 13:05 |
haiwei | In the first paragraph there are some notices we should pay attention to | 13:05 |
yanyan | yep | 13:05 |
haiwei | we need a BP to start these jobs | 13:05 |
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yanyan | and once a workitem is picked up, please also propose a patch to remove it from the todo list and add it to etherpad | 13:06 |
elynn | All of these jobs need a related BP? | 13:06 |
yanyan | here: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/senlin-mitaka-workitems | 13:06 |
yanyan | elynn, most of them I think | 13:06 |
haiwei | it seems API response modification is not assigned to anyone, I will take this job | 13:07 |
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yanyan | or if it is related to bug or it's really a trivial item, we can use a bug report to replace bp | 13:07 |
haiwei | elynn, you need to add a BP for engine lock broker | 13:07 |
jruano | right, if it's something small a bug is sufficient | 13:07 |
yanyan | jruano, yes | 13:07 |
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jruano | test cases for example | 13:08 |
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haiwei | yes | 13:08 |
elynn | haiwei: I will add a BP if needed. | 13:08 |
yanyan | cool | 13:08 |
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haiwei | ok, I think all of you have checked the tasks when this patch is under review | 13:08 |
haiwei | anything need to discuss more? | 13:09 |
yanyan | or if you have any confusion about some workitems, we can make a further discussion here | 13:09 |
haiwei | ok, lets move on | 13:09 |
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yanyan | hi, lkarm | 13:10 |
haiwei | ok, next topic | 13:10 |
lkarm | hi | 13:10 |
haiwei | #topic Mitaka work items | 13:10 |
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haiwei | yanyan, is there any document about this topic? | 13:11 |
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yanyan | https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/senlin-mitaka-workitems | 13:11 |
yanyan | just the etherpad link | 13:11 |
haiwei | thanks | 13:11 |
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yanyan | different from TODO.rst, this place is used to maintains all workitems in working progress | 13:12 |
elynn | It's too slow to open this url for me. | 13:12 |
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haiwei | got it, yanyan | 13:12 |
haiwei | I didn't update it | 13:12 |
haiwei | will update it later | 13:13 |
yanyan | so each time you guys pickup a workitem from todo list, plz also move it to etherpad | 13:13 |
yanyan | haiwei, no problem | 13:13 |
yanyan | this can help the team to track all in progress work | 13:13 |
yanyan | elynn, I just helped add the workitem about lock breaker which you have started work on :) | 13:14 |
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elynn | Thanks, still not open that link... | 13:14 |
yanyan | sigh... poor network | 13:14 |
haiwei | take it easy | 13:14 |
yanyan | I'm using proxy now | 13:14 |
haiwei | network is a little nervous | 13:15 |
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elynn | Poor connection tonight. | 13:15 |
yanyan | seems so | 13:15 |
haiwei | can we move on? | 13:15 |
elynn | yes | 13:15 |
haiwei | #topic Quick update about Senlin resource support in Heat | 13:16 |
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elynn | I will check later | 13:16 |
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haiwei | this is your job elynn | 13:16 |
haiwei | can you share your progress to us? | 13:16 |
elynn | Yes, for now, only one patch submit to review. | 13:16 |
elynn | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/240776/ Adding senlinclient in heat. | 13:16 |
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yanyan | nice | 13:17 |
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yanyan | this is the first step to support senlin resource type in heat | 13:17 |
elynn | Still waiting for a new version of selinclient comes to global-requirement. | 13:17 |
yanyan | yep | 13:17 |
haiwei | I think senlinclient will have a new version soon | 13:17 |
jruano | ethan, do you need some help with this? | 13:17 |
elynn | So that I can shrink the codes for selin plugin. | 13:17 |
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yanyan | since we rebuilt the senlinclient interface to make it consistent with other services client | 13:18 |
elynn | jruano: thanks, I'm not sure if selinclient bump version or not. | 13:18 |
yanyan | elynn, if you need any help, no matter in heat or senlin side, you can just get it from us :) | 13:19 |
haiwei | is there any work left in senlinclient? | 13:19 |
yanyan | I think qiming will handle the client version bumping soon | 13:19 |
elynn | After this patch, I will add 2 resources, OS::Senlin::Cluster and OS::Senlin::Profile | 13:19 |
haiwei | I just started the unit test for senlinclient | 13:19 |
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yanyan | haiwei, nice, saw your patch this afternoon | 13:20 |
elynn | yanyan: yes, count on him. | 13:20 |
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haiwei | yanyan, please help review it, I am not so confident of the patch | 13:20 |
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yanyan | haiwei, no problem | 13:20 |
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yanyan | elynn, I recalled we will only propose profile and cluster resource types to heat at the first step? | 13:21 |
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elynn | yes, for now | 13:21 |
haiwei | ok, anything else for this topic? | 13:22 |
elynn | I think it's enough to show the capability of senlin in heat for now | 13:22 |
elynn | After all the codes merged | 13:22 |
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yanyan | cool, and I think we should refer to resource group when consider what properties and attrs we should add to cluster resource | 13:23 |
jruano | yes i think that is a great first step | 13:23 |
elynn | I will upload some templates to show how to use these resource. | 13:23 |
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elynn | yanyan: Yes, property is define in spec. | 13:23 |
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elynn | we still need to decide what kind of attrs to add. | 13:23 |
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yanyan | yea, we need make further discussion about this | 13:24 |
elynn | For cluster, as we discuss in irc, we have 2 attrs: 'current_size' and 'node_details' for now | 13:24 |
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haiwei | elynn, just a question , why node resource is not to be supported in the first step? | 13:25 |
yanyan | and also cluster id and name I think | 13:25 |
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haiwei | if node resource is not supported, can a cluster have nodes? | 13:25 |
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yanyan | haiwei, sure | 13:26 |
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yanyan | cluster resource type can work individually without node resource type | 13:26 |
elynn | haiwei: To support senlin functions, without node resource we can still do autoscale, cause cluster can create nodes itself. | 13:26 |
yanyan | the only dependency is profile | 13:26 |
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yanyan | yep | 13:26 |
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haiwei | ok, that means we can start nodes without node resource in heat? | 13:27 |
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elynn | we can define desired_capacity when creating cluster resource. then cluster will create desired number of nodes. | 13:27 |
yanyan | haiwei, yes. Just those nodes will belong to a cluster. | 13:27 |
elynn | haiwei: Yes. | 13:28 |
haiwei | got it | 13:28 |
haiwei | ready to move on? | 13:28 |
elynn | yes, I'm done | 13:28 |
yanyan | I'm ok | 13:28 |
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haiwei | #topic discussions on -dev mailinglist | 13:28 |
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haiwei | currently senlin mailing list is not well used | 13:29 |
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yanyan | yes, most of our communication happened in irc channel :) | 13:29 |
haiwei | sometimes we think IRC is fast, so we discussed there | 13:29 |
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jruano | i saw that comment from doug | 13:29 |
elynn | That's true | 13:30 |
yanyan | jruano, yea | 13:30 |
haiwei | but for USA guys like jruano, there are not there maybe | 13:30 |
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haiwei | you will miss the discussion sometime, jruano | 13:30 |
jruano | true | 13:30 |
yanyan | you can only get some information from irc log :) | 13:31 |
haiwei | so for something big, we should use senlin mailing list to make sure everyone can join the discussion | 13:31 |
yanyan | yep | 13:31 |
elynn | agree | 13:31 |
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jruano | agreed... | 13:31 |
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haiwei | I just sent a mail last week, but ... | 13:32 |
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yanyan | really need to use maillist better :) | 13:33 |
haiwei | yes | 13:33 |
yanyan | won't miss your message next time I believe | 13:33 |
haiwei | the mail is still there, anyone can reply it | 13:33 |
yanyan | sure | 13:33 |
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haiwei | if you have read it, it's ok to discuss it now | 13:34 |
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haiwei | #topic open discussion | 13:34 |
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haiwei | about auto-scaling for container, I discussed it with qiming, he said senlin had better not do it | 13:35 |
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haiwei | because k8s and docker team will do it | 13:35 |
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yanyan | haiwei, actually I have the same feeling | 13:36 |
haiwei | senlin should only concern VM layer auto-scaling | 13:36 |
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haiwei | yes, that makes sense to me , yanyan | 13:36 |
yanyan | since this may beyond the scope of senlin | 13:36 |
yanyan | yep, we should focus on the clustering service itself in the first step I think | 13:36 |
haiwei | at least that is not the thing we should consider now | 13:36 |
yanyan | to make the servie itself more stable and scalable | 13:37 |
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yanyan | haiwei, right | 13:37 |
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jruano | yep... container space is still very fragmented | 13:37 |
jruano | no need to move into that mess | 13:37 |
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haiwei | right, jruano | 13:37 |
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elynn | So we won't support container in near future? | 13:38 |
haiwei | by the way, when will qiming be back to Beijing? | 13:38 |
haiwei | I think so , elynn | 13:38 |
yanyan | elynn, I think senlin itself won't provide related support directly I think | 13:39 |
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yanyan | haiwei, in next week I think | 13:39 |
yanyan | next thursday? | 13:40 |
yanyan | and also xinhui | 13:40 |
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haiwei | I saw some new guys had joined to senlin, maybe they don't know the weekly meeting's time, like dongbing | 13:40 |
elynn | I notice that there's discussion about doing autoscaling in magnum. | 13:40 |
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elynn | Do you know if that related to senlin? | 13:41 |
haiwei | we should have invited them to the meeting | 13:41 |
jruano | yeah... too many people, too fragmented looking to do autoscaling of containers | 13:41 |
yingjun | is it now senile meeting? | 13:41 |
haiwei | yes | 13:41 |
yanyan | haiwei, yes, I think we can give an update in both senlin irc channel and maillist to ensure everyone can get the latest information | 13:41 |
haiwei | welcome yingjun | 13:41 |
haiwei | you are diving now :) | 13:41 |
yanyan | hi, yingjun, welcome :) | 13:41 |
yingjun | :) | 13:41 |
jruano | tc is already concerned about scope of senlin | 13:41 |
jruano | so at least for now, no need to worry about container support | 13:42 |
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jruano | hi yingjun | 13:42 |
elynn | welcome yingjun | 13:42 |
yanyan | jruano, I believe they will help us to make the correct decision :) | 13:42 |
yingjun | hi | 13:43 |
haiwei | yes, I think so | 13:43 |
jruano | yes, or at least block us until we make the right one they agree with :) | 13:43 |
haiwei | yanyan, you mean we should send a mail to announce the meeting time? | 13:43 |
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yanyan | haiwei, yes, I think we can do that | 13:44 |
jruano | jay from mirantis brought up autoscaling that murano is attempting to do now | 13:44 |
jruano | which was odd | 13:44 |
haiwei | ok | 13:44 |
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haiwei | #action send announcement mail for weekly meeting | 13:44 |
yanyan | jruano, cross-project collaboration is always important | 13:44 |
jruano | yep | 13:45 |
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haiwei | ok, anything else? | 13:46 |
yanyan | nope from me | 13:46 |
elynn | not for me | 13:46 |
haiwei | ok, that's all for the meeting | 13:47 |
haiwei | #endmeeting senlin | 13:47 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Tue Nov 10 13:47:28 2015 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 13:47 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/senlin/2015/senlin.2015-11-10-13.01.html | 13:47 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/senlin/2015/senlin.2015-11-10-13.01.txt | 13:47 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/senlin/2015/senlin.2015-11-10-13.01.log.html | 13:47 |
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kevinbenton | amotoki, carl_baldwin, HenryG, dougwig: drivers meeting? | 15:01 |
HenryG | Did armax turn off his alarm and go back to sleep? | 15:01 |
neiljerram | o/ | 15:01 |
amotoki_ | o/ | 15:01 |
kevinbenton | i think so :) | 15:01 |
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carl_baldwin | hi | 15:01 |
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cgoncalves | Hi, Carlos here from RFE/bug #1513144 | 15:02 |
openstack | bug 1513144 in neutron "Allow admin to mark agents down" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1513144 - Assigned to Carlos Goncalves (cgoncalves) | 15:02 |
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HenryG | What is the exact meeting title? | 15:03 |
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ajo | HenryG , I thought it was now :) | 15:04 |
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kevinbenton | HenryG: neutron_drivers | 15:04 |
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amotoki_ | who starts the meeting? | 15:05 |
HenryG | #startmeeting neutron_drivers | 15:05 |
openstack | Meeting started Tue Nov 10 15:05:15 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is HenryG. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 15:05 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 15:05 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'neutron_drivers' | 15:05 |
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HenryG | #chair amotoki_ kevinbenton | 15:05 |
openstack | Current chairs: HenryG amotoki_ kevinbenton | 15:05 |
kevinbenton | does someone have an agenda link handy? | 15:06 |
amotoki_ | #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bugs?field.status%3Alist=Triaged&field.tag=rfe | 15:06 |
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HenryG | let's just go through them | 15:06 |
HenryG | #topic https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1468366 | 15:06 |
carl_baldwin | sounds good | 15:06 |
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openstack | Launchpad bug 1468366 in neutron "RFE - Logging API for security group rules" [High,Triaged] - Assigned to Yushiro FURUKAWA (y-furukawa-2) | 15:06 |
kevinbenton | #topic RFE Triage | 15:06 |
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* HenryG is an amateur | 15:06 | |
kevinbenton | whoops | 15:07 |
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amotoki_ | #undo | 15:07 |
openstack | Removing item from minutes: <ircmeeting.items.Topic object at 0xa17ead0> | 15:07 |
HenryG | heh | 15:07 |
HenryG | It seems there is agreement to split this one? | 15:07 |
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amotoki_ | I think so. | 15:08 |
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kevinbenton | generic logging API and then the security groups implementation? | 15:08 |
HenryG | But how does that tie in with common classifier stuff? | 15:08 |
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amotoki_ | i don't think it is related to the common classifer stuff. | 15:09 |
kevinbenton | it doesn't, does it? | 15:09 |
carl_baldwin | +1 | 15:09 |
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HenryG | OK I saw a comment from amotoki_ about "split the effort into SG and FWaaS" | 15:09 |
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amotoki_ | HenryG: this is from armax too. | 15:10 |
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amotoki_ | i also suggested to focus on logging API and make logging format out of scope. | 15:10 |
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HenryG | So a 3-way split: logging API, logging for SG, logging for FWaaS? | 15:11 |
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amotoki_ | my understanding is that we dicsuss logging API thru SG logging discussion. | 15:11 |
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HenryG | OK, I am a bit fuzzy on that TBH | 15:14 |
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ajo | yes, me too, I thought it was all about logging "firewall" drops | 15:14 |
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ajo | or also non-drops | 15:15 |
HenryG | Do we want the logging API to be a generic thing for "system logging of X"? | 15:15 |
ajo | hmmm, they are also proposing some sort of API to configure the logging backend | 15:15 |
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HenryG | Maybe that RFE should be filed and it can be discussed there? | 15:16 |
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ajo | wouldn't it be more reasonable to let just log firewall/sg events?, and then a second step (if necessary to setup any API they need?) | 15:16 |
* mestery comes in late | 15:16 | |
amotoki_ | the scope of the RFE itself looks good and is well-focused. | 15:16 |
ajo | I'd say it's too much for what they want (IMHO) | 15:16 |
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russellb | ajo: log to who | 15:16 |
russellb | the cloud admin, or the end user? | 15:17 |
amotoki_ | ajo: I tend to agree with you | 15:17 |
HenryG | yes, I feel we may be throwing too many obstacles in front of this request | 15:17 |
amotoki_ | the proposed spec looks more than needed... | 15:17 |
russellb | nm ignore me | 15:17 |
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ajo | russellb , yeah, may be the use case they had in mind was letting the end user debug it's own rules | 15:18 |
ajo | and then they need to configure a backend to dump the logs too? | 15:18 |
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carl_baldwin | russellb: ajo: I do recall reading that in the rfe (end user debugging) | 15:18 |
armax | hi folks, sorry I am late | 15:18 |
armax | what did I miss? | 15:18 |
kevinbenton | armax: figuring out https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1468366 | 15:19 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1468366 in neutron "RFE - Logging API for security group rules" [High,Triaged] - Assigned to Yushiro FURUKAWA (y-furukawa-2) | 15:19 |
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HenryG | armax: not much | 15:19 |
ajo | yup :) | 15:19 |
HenryG | #chair armax | 15:19 |
openstack | Current chairs: HenryG amotoki_ armax kevinbenton | 15:19 |
kevinbenton | #dechair kevinbenton | 15:19 |
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-amotoki_- unsupported command :-) | 15:19 | |
regXboi | kevinbenton: #unchair | 15:20 |
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carl_baldwin | kevinbenton: Just sit there and be still until the meeting is over. ;0 | 15:20 |
carl_baldwin | ;) | 15:20 |
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HenryG | armax: we are perhaps gravitating towards narrowing the focus of that RFE to what the title says | 15:21 |
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armax | HenryG: I proposed the submitter to keep the use case narrow | 15:21 |
HenryG | An API for tenants to log their SGs | 15:21 |
sc68cal | I worked through that review quite a bit - the issue was they were baking their deployment's details of using rsyslog directly into the API | 15:21 |
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mestery | sc68cal: That's horrible | 15:22 |
amotoki_ | HenryG: "for tenants"? the first scope is 'for admins/oeprators' | 15:22 |
sc68cal | quite a few cycles were spent just teaching them to decouple the logging implementation from the API | 15:23 |
armax | I personally gather that the use case is valid | 15:23 |
regXboi | mestery: yo! | 15:23 |
amotoki_ | sc68cal: yes. that's bad. i thought it should be discussed in the spec review itself. | 15:23 |
armax | but it might take quite a bit of time to get it into the right shape | 15:23 |
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sc68cal | agree, usecase is valid, it just took a while to get it to a better place | 15:23 |
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armax | so on that basis we can give this the thumb up | 15:24 |
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carl_baldwin | Time check. We've spent 20 minutes on this one and we have 35 minutes left. | 15:24 |
armax | but then, the issue is: do we have seasoned who can help the effort move along? | 15:24 |
amotoki_ | i can volunteer to help it | 15:25 |
armax | amotoki: ok | 15:25 |
armax | amotoki: are we clear though that this must be limited to secgrups to start with? | 15:26 |
sc68cal | I'll also tag along with amotoki_ | 15:26 |
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sc68cal | since I trolled the spec quite a bit | 15:26 |
armax | ok | 15:26 |
amotoki_ | armax: yes. it must focus on SG | 15:26 |
sc68cal | ++ | 15:26 |
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armax | ok, let me act on this after this meeting | 15:27 |
armax | shall we move to the next? | 15:27 |
HenryG | please | 15:27 |
armax | https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1476527 | 15:27 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1476527 in neutron "RFE - Add common classifier resource" [Undecided,Triaged] | 15:27 |
armax | this might actually turn out to be easy | 15:27 |
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* sc68cal runs and hides | 15:27 | |
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armax | sc68cal: come back | 15:28 |
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armax | ajo: you there? | 15:28 |
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armax | my suggestion was to treat this classifier as a reausable component across the neutron stadium projects | 15:28 |
armax | to this aim I am thinking it should be its own thing | 15:29 |
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armax | so that it’ll help us work with well defined and decoupled interfaces | 15:29 |
sc68cal | ++ | 15:29 |
* dougwig overslept | 15:29 | |
armax | ajo’s concern was the model, however, we have plenty of subprojects with examples where they have their own model | 15:29 |
ajo | hi armax , sorry | 15:29 |
ajo | I got an interrupting call | 15:30 |
armax | and I see no problem with that | 15:30 |
ajo | classifiers | 15:30 |
armax | HenryG has been working on handling the schema across multiple projects within the neutron system | 15:30 |
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ajo | armax , do you think it's doable to have the clasiffier db models shared from a library? | 15:30 |
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amotoki_ | we have concerns on db model, for example how db migration works. | 15:30 |
armax | amotoki_: that’s something we know it works today | 15:31 |
sc68cal | I was looking into that this morning, the question is how ugly is branches in alembic | 15:31 |
ajo | I mean, how would we do that, to let the API pull/put that to the db.., and the migrations | 15:31 |
kevinbenton | do the subprojects need to query the DB directly? can't we have them use a service plugin API or something? | 15:31 |
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armax | kevinbenton: they should not | 15:31 |
armax | that’s the whole point of working decoupled and well defined interfaces | 15:32 |
armax | data should be encapsulated | 15:32 |
HenryG | You just put a depends-on in the migration(s) | 15:32 |
amotoki_ | the subprojects should access through some lib interface. | 15:32 |
ajo | but the idea behind this is having a common data model for the traffic filters... to avoid reimplementing on every project | 15:32 |
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armax | ajo: right | 15:33 |
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armax | but the data model in OO is encapsulated | 15:33 |
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kevinbenton | yes, so why do we need to worry about alembic branches? | 15:33 |
armax | data is accessed through behavior | 15:33 |
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armax | kevinbenton: I don’t know | 15:33 |
HenryG | The hardest part I think will be where core depends on a subproject | 15:33 |
armax | honestly | 15:33 |
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ajo | let's imagine the scenario, fwaas makes use of it... tap as a service makes use of it, qos makes use of it... | 15:34 |
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dougwig | This implies release concurrent with neutron and not independent in pypi, right? | 15:34 |
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HenryG | dougwig: that's what it feels like to me | 15:35 |
ajo | how would that work?, how do we make sure the db models are in place?, I'm just a bit lost about how would we handle the dependencies technically... (make sure the specific migrations have taken place, so you're able to use the "network-traffic-classifiers" api) | 15:35 |
ajo | I'm not opposed to it, the more decoupling, the better | 15:35 |
amotoki_ | what I am not sure is whether it will be a library or a subproject. | 15:35 |
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armax | amotoki_: why do you treat it differently? | 15:36 |
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dougwig | This hits a sticky point in neutron lib, which is how to handle models. Ends in this same place. | 15:36 |
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amotoki_ | armax: in my mind a library just provides an interface, a model or something and anyone can consume it | 15:36 |
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dougwig | Dependency graph is pretty if pulled, but it pulls a lot. | 15:37 |
amotoki_ | i think it is a kind of neutron-lib | 15:37 |
armax | amotoki_: and a subproject? | 15:37 |
amotoki_ | a subproject depends on neutron (core) and consume neutron-core. | 15:37 |
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armax | amotoki_: ok | 15:38 |
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armax | amotoki_: I don’t believe the distinction buys us anything | 15:38 |
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amotoki_ | it is the first case and we need to explore a way. I haven't figured out a full picture. | 15:39 |
HenryG | neutron can install without a subproject. neutron cannot install without its required libraries. | 15:39 |
armax | we’re mixing the fact that a repo falls under the neutron stadium with its dependencies | 15:39 |
ajo | HenryG , true | 15:39 |
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armax | I mean, I understand why you’re making this statement | 15:40 |
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armax | assumed we keep this classification for a minute | 15:40 |
armax | the classifier should not have dependencies to subprojects | 15:41 |
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HenryG | s/to/on/ ? | 15:41 |
armax | HenryG: on | 15:41 |
armax | sorry | 15:41 |
dougwig | He's pointing out that it's a circular dependency. So it requires an implicit dependency. Which has been painful in aas. Likely implies we need to think about that structure a bit, though the idea of separation is correct. | 15:41 |
armax | but it would most likely depend on neutron-lib when that’s a real thing | 15:41 |
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dougwig | Right | 15:41 |
sc68cal | I've tried to avoid importing things from Neutron at least in the POC | 15:41 |
sc68cal | to avoid circular dep | 15:42 |
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armax | dougwig: I don’t see the circular dep, or at least if there is, then we got the design wrong | 15:42 |
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armax | so assumed that the schema side of things can be dealt with | 15:42 |
armax | like other projects do | 15:43 |
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ajo | It wouldn't make sense to have circular deps, that makes sense | 15:43 |
regXboi | which RFE are we discussing (I've lost track between two parallel meetings) | 15:43 |
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armax | what else is the issue that could prevent us from moving forward as a ‘library’ in is own right? | 15:43 |
ajo | regXboi https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1476527 | 15:43 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1476527 in neutron "RFE - Add common classifier resource" [Undecided,Triaged] | 15:43 |
regXboi | ajo: thx | 15:43 |
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armax | the question is: who would be working on this? ajo, would that be you? | 15:44 |
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sc68cal | armax: I thought I was? | 15:44 |
armax | sc68cal: sorry, right | 15:44 |
ajo | correct :) | 15:44 |
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ajo | armax, sc68cal , btw I will be happy to review, as an interested party. | 15:45 |
armax | and you’re doing some preliminary investigation already | 15:45 |
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sc68cal | armax: yep | 15:45 |
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armax | before we go down the path of creating repos, launchpad project, etc some derisking is in oder | 15:45 |
armax | order | 15:45 |
armax | I imagine | 15:46 |
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sc68cal | derisking? | 15:46 |
dougwig | armax: the circ dep is there today, but neutron-lib should break it. this is running into a dilemma i mentioned at the summit, and need to talk to HenryG about offline, which is how to release base model foo on a release train indepedent of the integrated-release. | 15:46 |
dougwig | armax: sorry, not awake yet, don't think it should slow this down right now. | 15:46 |
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armax | sc68cal: mitigate/investigate risk | 15:47 |
ajo | sc68cal, could you link me to the current poc? | 15:47 |
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sc68cal | ajo: be gentle, it's https://github.com/sc68cal/neutron-classifier | 15:47 |
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armax | dougwig: I understand there may be existing complications, or unknowns | 15:48 |
ajo | sc68cal , of course, just curious, and trying to get my mind on the db & dependency issues | 15:48 |
ajo | to see if I can help somehow | 15:48 |
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dougwig | can we table the db/dep issue until next week? | 15:48 |
sc68cal | ajo: cool! | 15:48 |
dougwig | we could eat the entire meeting, and we/i should prep for it more first. | 15:48 |
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armax | dougwig: ok, I am assuming you and HenryG would be cracking at this? | 15:49 |
ajo | oh, sc68cal , but it's already decoupled into a separate repo, nice... I will read :) | 15:49 |
HenryG | armax: ack | 15:49 |
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dougwig | armax: we'll take a stab and write something up, yes. | 15:49 |
armax | ok, let me provide some feedback on this one too | 15:49 |
armax | let’s move to the next | 15:49 |
armax | https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1513144 | 15:50 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1513144 in neutron "Allow admin to mark agents down" [Undecided,Triaged] - Assigned to Carlos Goncalves (cgoncalves) | 15:50 |
armax | 10 mins left | 15:50 |
ajo | kevinbenton : just read your last comment about --admin-state-down | 15:51 |
carl_baldwin | Remind me, did we ever implement a way to put an agent in a state where it doesn't accept any more scheduled things? | 15:51 |
ajo | I guess we don't want to change the semantics or that, or wouldn't that make sense? | 15:51 |
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armax | carl_baldwin: yes | 15:51 |
kevinbenton | that's what --admin-state-down does | 15:51 |
armax | kevinbenton: ++ | 15:51 |
carl_baldwin | kevinbenton: That wasn't always what it did. | 15:51 |
armax | so perhaps this needs to be elaborated more | 15:51 |
armax | besides | 15:51 |
kevinbenton | this spec is to allow immediate rescheduling | 15:52 |
carl_baldwin | kevinbenton: It used to stop functioning even with currently scheduled stuff. | 15:52 |
armax | we went down the path where we allow Neutron to be a black biox | 15:52 |
armax | box | 15:52 |
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ajo | and wouldn't that suffice the RFE submitter needs? | 15:52 |
armax | where automatic rescheduling takes place if agents dies | 15:52 |
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ajo | hmm | 15:52 |
armax | granted I believe that can be disabled | 15:52 |
armax | both for L3 and dhcp | 15:52 |
cgoncalves | kevinbenton: immediate rescheduling could happen yes, but not explicitely being proposed in this RFE | 15:52 |
armax | so perhaps here this applies to L2 only? | 15:53 |
armax | as for L2 I am not entirely sure what the story is | 15:53 |
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carl_baldwin | armax: Part of what they claim is that Neutron can't detect some reasons for failure. | 15:53 |
cgoncalves | carl_baldwin: correct | 15:53 |
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ajo | cgoncalves , you're the rfe submitter, right? | 15:53 |
armax | I am pretty sure that L3 and DHCP we already have the ability to disable services | 15:53 |
ihrachys | carl_baldwin: it could be e.g. external network access missing for l3 agent. it would be hard to detect it. | 15:53 |
armax | and move stuff around for high availability reasons | 15:54 |
carl_baldwin | For L2, we don't directly schedule anything to L2, right? L2 gets ports bound for VMs, routers, etc. | 15:54 |
cgoncalves | carl_baldwin: either cannot detect some failure or does not detect promptly due to the heartbeat | 15:54 |
cgoncalves | ajo: yes, I am | 15:54 |
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kevinbenton | carl_baldwin: right, if this is for l2, i'm not sure what this accomplishes | 15:54 |
kevinbenton | cgoncalves: so if it's just an L2 agent, you could set the admin state to down to show that it's offline | 15:54 |
armax | cgoncalves: today the l2 agent detects the crash of the ovs | 15:54 |
armax | cgoncalves: now if ovs never comes back that’s a problem | 15:55 |
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cgoncalves | kevinbenton: could also be other agents as well | 15:55 |
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armax | however I can see that say an admin detects that something is seriously broken with a host | 15:55 |
armax | we’d want to disable the l2 agent | 15:55 |
amotoki_ | can we detect D-plane disconnectivity? I think it is the role of some external monitoring. | 15:56 |
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armax | but that’s as easy as disabling the nova compute host | 15:56 |
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armax | and then a new VM will never land on that host | 15:56 |
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cgoncalves | amotoki_: +1 | 15:56 |
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kevinbenton | cgoncalves: right, but if this spec isn't about forcing immediate rescheduling, why doesn't admin-state-down satisfy the requirements? | 15:56 |
armax | perhaps we can talk a bit more on the bug report, but I am wondering if this is an overkill right now | 15:56 |
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ajo | I agree with kevinbenton , or wonder like him, cgoncalves , can you explain where --admin-state-down is not enough? | 15:57 |
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cgoncalves | kevinbenton: it could be up the admin to decide if and how to recover | 15:57 |
kevinbenton | cgoncalves: in which case admin-state-down should work IIUC | 15:58 |
kevinbenton | right, let's move discussion to bug report to clarify | 15:58 |
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armax | ok | 15:59 |
regXboi | before we break up, armax: can I suggest that 1512864 be marked as being something that should be done in oslo for all projects? the performance group in #openstack-performance is talking about osprofiler, which (with improvement) will cover this ask | 15:59 |
amotoki_ | bug 1512864 | 15:59 |
openstack | bug 1512864 in neutron "Application Metrics for Neutron" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1512864 - Assigned to Ramu Ramamurthy (ramu-ramamurthy) | 15:59 |
regXboi | I think | 15:59 |
ajo | I agree, why not leveraging integration with osprofiler, and extending osprofiler where necessary | 16:00 |
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ajo | (I miss where osprofiler needs extension I thought it covered it all, but I'm likely to be wrong) | 16:00 |
armax | we’re out of time | 16:00 |
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carl_baldwin | time is up | 16:00 |
armax | #endmeeting | 16:00 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Tue Nov 10 16:00:56 2015 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 16:00 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/neutron_drivers/2015/neutron_drivers.2015-11-10-15.05.html | 16:01 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/neutron_drivers/2015/neutron_drivers.2015-11-10-15.05.txt | 16:01 |
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openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/neutron_drivers/2015/neutron_drivers.2015-11-10-15.05.log.html | 16:01 |
armax | let me capture more notes on this | 16:01 |
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carl_baldwin | I'll go add some notes to a few that we missed and try to drive (e.g. L3 modeling) | 16:01 |
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asselin_ | #startmeeting third-party | 17:04 |
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openstack | Meeting started Tue Nov 10 17:04:33 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is asselin_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 17:04 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 17:04 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'third_party' | 17:04 |
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asselin_ | anyone here for 3rd party ci working group meeting? | 17:04 |
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mmedvede | hey asselin_ | 17:05 |
asselin_ | HI mmedvede how are you? | 17:05 |
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mmedvede | I am well, thanks | 17:06 |
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mmedvede | asselin_: I did read the doc patch, it looks good | 17:06 |
asselin_ | mmedvede, ok cool. There's another patch I'd like to get opinions on | 17:07 |
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asselin_ | #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/242800/ | 17:08 |
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asselin_ | mmedvede, how is the puppet work for ci-watch going? | 17:10 |
mmedvede | I did open a couple of bugs for ciwatch, but was not able to put much time in it | 17:11 |
mmedvede | the gist is that ciwatch has problems with mysql backend | 17:11 |
asselin_ | link to bugs? | 17:12 |
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mmedvede | it would have been an easy fix if ciwatch was more 'object oriented' :) | 17:12 |
mmedvede | so the fix would involve a prerequisite of some refactoring | 17:12 |
* mmedvede looking for a link | 17:12 | |
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mmedvede | #link ciwatch mysql errors https://bugs.launchpad.net/ciwatch/+bug/1512476 | 17:14 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1512476 in ciwatch "Getting 'MySQL server has gone away' when using mysql backend for ciwatch" [High,New] - Assigned to Mikhail S Medvedev (msmedved) | 17:14 |
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mmedvede | woo, thanks openstack | 17:14 |
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asselin_ | mmedvede, ok. What else is needed for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ciwatch/+bug/1505834? | 17:16 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1505834 in ciwatch "ciwatch does not follow openstack project structure" [Medium,In progress] - Assigned to Mikhail S Medvedev (msmedved) | 17:16 |
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mmedvede | asselin_: we need to wrap db session management into a class | 17:17 |
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mmedvede | asselin_: I am carving out time to work on it this week | 17:18 |
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asselin_ | mmedvede, ok, let me know if you need anything | 17:18 |
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mmedvede | I did not hear from skylerberg | 17:19 |
mmedvede | and I was not able to add him to any of gerrit reviews (his user might be disabled) | 17:19 |
mmedvede | asselin_: my question is, for now, should we just self-merge our patches to ciwatch repo? | 17:20 |
asselin_ | mmedvede, no, but I did meet apor* in tokyo, the guy who works with him at tintri | 17:20 |
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asselin_ | mmedvede, yes I think that's fine | 17:20 |
asselin_ | mmedvede, especially to get things off the ground | 17:20 |
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mmedvede | asselin_: ok. I would still appreciate some review, does not have to be in depth, just to catch some very obvious things that might be wrong | 17:21 |
asselin_ | mmedvede, +1 | 17:22 |
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asselin_ | anything else to discuss? | 17:23 |
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mmedvede | I have nothing else | 17:23 |
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mmedvede | we need more people in here :) | 17:24 |
asselin_ | ok, then let's keep it short and sweet. we can continue in #openstack-third-party-ci | 17:24 |
mmedvede | asselin_: +1 | 17:24 |
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asselin_ | yeah | 17:24 |
asselin_ | #endmeeting | 17:24 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Tue Nov 10 17:24:52 2015 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 17:24 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/third_party/2015/third_party.2015-11-10-17.04.html | 17:24 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/third_party/2015/third_party.2015-11-10-17.04.txt | 17:24 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/third_party/2015/third_party.2015-11-10-17.04.log.html | 17:24 |
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breton | o/ | 18:01 |
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raildo | o_ | 18:01 |
david8hu | \o | 18:01 |
drwahl | o/ | 18:01 |
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ryanpetrello | o/ | 18:01 |
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rods | o/ | 18:02 |
stevemar_ | o/ | 18:02 |
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stevemar_ | whoops | 18:02 |
samueldmq | hi | 18:02 |
dolphm | stevemar_: o/ | 18:02 |
gyee | \o | 18:02 |
stevemar_ | #startmeeting keystone | 18:02 |
openstack | Meeting started Tue Nov 10 18:02:54 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is stevemar_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 18:02 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 18:02 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'keystone' | 18:02 |
samueldmq | stevemar_: courtesy ping o/ | 18:03 |
stevemar_ | i was looking at email, doh! | 18:03 |
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samueldmq | hehe | 18:03 |
stevemar_ | courtesy ping for ajayaa, amakarov, ayoung, breton, browne, davechen, david8hu, dolphm, dstanek, ericksonsantos, geoffarnold, gyee, henrynash, hogepodge, htruta, jamielennox, joesavak, lbragstad, lhcheng, marekd, morganfainberg, nkinder, raildo, rharwood, rodrigods, roxanaghe, samueldmq, shaleh, stevemar, tsymanczyk, topol, vivekd, wanghong, claudiub, rderose, samleon, xek | 18:03 |
lhcheng | o/ | 18:03 |
shaleh | o/ | 18:03 |
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stevemar_ | lots on the agenda today | 18:03 |
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htruta | \o | 18:03 |
stevemar_ | agenda: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/KeystoneMeeting | 18:03 |
stevemar_ | #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/KeystoneMeeting | 18:03 |
hogepodge | o/ | 18:03 |
jamielennox | i never understood why you put that name list in -meeting rather than in -keystone | 18:03 |
lbragstad | o/ | 18:03 |
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jamielennox | the point would be to get people to join -meeting | 18:04 |
shaleh | if we are here, why ping us | 18:04 |
shaleh | :-) | 18:04 |
stevemar_ | to wake you up from idling! | 18:04 |
bknudson | that's why I removed myself from the list. I'm already here. | 18:04 |
gyee | pingbot | 18:04 |
stevemar_ | bknudson: you're a rebel like that | 18:04 |
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stevemar_ | lbragstad: you're up | 18:04 |
stevemar_ | #topic Converting from MySQL's DATETIME to integers for timestamps | 18:04 |
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stevemar_ | from* timestamps | 18:05 |
lbragstad | alright, so this was something we discussed at the summit | 18:05 |
lbragstad | and i ended up visiting a bit with ops about it | 18:05 |
lbragstad | odyssey4me around? | 18:05 |
stevemar_ | looks like you have a patch already: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/243742/ | 18:05 |
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lbragstad | stevemar_ yep, so feel free to review away | 18:05 |
lbragstad | stevemar_ addressing your comments. | 18:05 |
stevemar_ | this will get us the precision we need? | 18:06 |
gyee | lbragstad, that a good oops or bad oops | 18:06 |
bknudson | can we not add new migrations in the extensions? move it to base first | 18:06 |
stevemar_ | gyee: OPs | 18:06 |
lbragstad | I'd also like to have jaypipes take a look at it since from an "on-line" perspective | 18:06 |
lbragstad | stevemar_ yep, it will give us the precision we need | 18:06 |
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stevemar_ | bknudson: we can move the revoke stuff to the top of the 'extensions to core', or just review those patches i have up | 18:07 |
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stevemar_ | lbragstad: sounds delightful | 18:07 |
henrynash | (sorry I’m late) | 18:07 |
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stevemar_ | lbragstad: why use BigInteger instead of Integer? (just curious) | 18:07 |
lbragstad | stevemar_ Integer isn't big enough to hold the integer timestamp that represents a microsecond precision int | 18:08 |
stevemar_ | lbragstad: neat | 18:08 |
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stevemar_ | well, i don't have any issue with this, anyone else? | 18:08 |
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jaypipes | lbragstad: and zzzeek, too. | 18:08 |
lbragstad | 1447178915610956 | 18:08 |
lbragstad | stevemar_ that's an example ^ | 18:08 |
lbragstad | jaypipes o/ | 18:08 |
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lbragstad | so, | 18:09 |
shaleh | this could also help people who want to use a non-MySQL setup, right? | 18:09 |
lbragstad | we also use sql.DateTime in the trust schema | 18:09 |
lbragstad | shaleh right now, the changes are specific to backends/sql.py | 18:09 |
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shaleh | lbragstad: I mean like pg or something | 18:09 |
jamielennox | it's kinda stupid that we have to work around mysql, but it is the main target so if we have to do it i'm good | 18:09 |
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bknudson | http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7604966/maximum-and-minimum-values-for-ints | 18:10 |
lbragstad | shaleh we would have to move the conversion logic up to models.py or core.py | 18:10 |
stevemar_ | jamielennox: yeah, we gotta get around it, so it's a necessary change | 18:10 |
bknudson | "Note that in Python 3 the int type is basically the same as the long type in Python 2" | 18:10 |
shaleh | lbragstad: well, it is a positive step forward | 18:11 |
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jaypipes | it's not really "working arond MySQL"... the MySQL DATETIME column type has *never* supported microseconds. | 18:11 |
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lbragstad | we also use sql.DateTime in trusts, but I figured this was the critical path for getting fernet to default | 18:11 |
bknudson | so one option is to not have microseconds | 18:12 |
bknudson | store seconds since epoch rather than microseconds | 18:12 |
lbragstad | and we use it in the token table :( | 18:12 |
dolphm | jaypipes: ? as of 5.6.4 IIRC http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/fractional-seconds.html | 18:12 |
* ayoung still catching up on Fernet stuff | 18:12 | |
bknudson | since fernet has seconds-precision and apparently it's not causing problems. | 18:13 |
lbragstad | https://github.com/openstack/keystone/blob/master/keystone/token/persistence/backends/sql.py#L37 | 18:13 |
lbragstad | bknudson well, we can't have sub-second precision in one and not the other. | 18:13 |
dolphm | bknudson: it's failing tempest, if that counts as a problem | 18:13 |
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lbragstad | if we introduce sub-second precision in sql we have to do the same for Fernet, upstream | 18:14 |
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ayoung | trusts can happen later. Trust unit tests are not failing, and will not fail if we change the revocation table | 18:14 |
lbragstad | otherwise we will hit race conditions | 18:14 |
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lbragstad | bknudson which is why i opened up - https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/1513541 | 18:14 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1513541 in OpenStack Identity (keystone) "Support sub-second accuracy in Fernet's creation timestamp" [Undecided,New] | 18:14 |
* dolphm has a pull request to github.com/fernet/spec to add microseconds | 18:14 | |
lbragstad | bknudson so we can track that, however it gets done. | 18:14 |
lbragstad | reaperhulk seemed to be fine with adding the support in cryptography | 18:14 |
lbragstad | but that's not really the problem | 18:15 |
ayoung | lbragstad, we are going to put the micros into a separate field, right? | 18:15 |
lbragstad | we need to get a hold of the maintainers of the Fernet SPec | 18:15 |
samueldmq | we need to ensure we use the DocImpact on those patches | 18:15 |
lbragstad | ayoung that's the other option | 18:15 |
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samueldmq | I think we need to say that in the release notes | 18:15 |
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samueldmq | (precision of comparison for token revokation) | 18:15 |
ayoung | lbragstad, it was admittedly a hack, but considering how important fernet is,I think we need to streamline the implmentation to things we control only | 18:15 |
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bknudson | I think we should wait until fernet either gets microsecond support or it's rejected. | 18:16 |
samueldmq | revocation* | 18:16 |
ayoung | bknudson, no | 18:16 |
ayoung | bknudson, we can;t wait that long | 18:16 |
bknudson | well, I guess we can always fall back to seconds | 18:16 |
shaleh | bknudson: why the push back? | 18:16 |
bknudson | if we start with microseconds | 18:16 |
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dolphm | if we support microseconds internally, we can always round in APIs and whatnot | 18:16 |
lbragstad | that's a good point | 18:16 |
dolphm | (or truncate, whatever is more reasonable) | 18:16 |
ayoung | the envelope need to meet the fernet spec. The payload is ours to control. Checking revocation is also ours to contorl. | 18:17 |
ayoung | so...basically what dolphm just said | 18:17 |
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bknudson | we'd need to be willing to make the fernet tokens bigger | 18:17 |
ayoung | lbragstad, are you doing the timestamp all in one column, or in two? | 18:18 |
ayoung | one for existing datetime, one for millis? | 18:18 |
lbragstad | ayoung the integer that is replacing the sql.DateTime? | 18:18 |
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lbragstad | ayoung that's in one column | 18:18 |
bknudson | shaleh: I'm not pushing back. | 18:18 |
ayoung | lbragstad, yeah. I think it is OK to do that for revocation events | 18:18 |
ayoung | that is our API | 18:18 |
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lbragstad | ayoung cool | 18:18 |
ayoung | and then Fernet won't have a database table anyway...so we shoiuld be good | 18:19 |
lbragstad | right | 18:19 |
lbragstad | stevemar_ that's my update | 18:19 |
stevemar_ | lbragstad: :) | 18:19 |
lbragstad | stevemar_ I can try and take an action item though for the Fernet Spec stuff? | 18:19 |
lbragstad | or just trying to get a hold of those guys | 18:19 |
shaleh | bknudson: sorry if I misunderstood. It seemed to me like you were asking for this work to slow down and wait. | 18:19 |
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lbragstad | not sure if dolphm has made any progress on that front either, but it had been a while since we sync'd on it | 18:20 |
stevemar_ | lbragstad: i think proceed with the patch, and the plan you already had at the summit | 18:20 |
bknudson | shaleh: I am asking for the migration to be done after we've moved the extension to core. | 18:20 |
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dolphm | no progress since summit; my branch is here https://github.com/dolph/fernet-spec#timestamp | 18:20 |
shaleh | bknudson: how much longer until those land? Plenty of things circling around that work. | 18:20 |
lbragstad | dolphm cool, thanks | 18:20 |
dolphm | the last thing on the spec i need to work out is how to generate the negative test cases - not sure how to "correctly" produce the failing fernet tokens (there's no docs on how the current negative tests are really produced) | 18:21 |
bknudson | shaleh: could take forever, people have to review it... just like they'll have to review this new patch. | 18:21 |
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stevemar_ | #action everyone review more | 18:21 |
* stevemar_ cracks whip | 18:21 | |
shaleh | stevemar_: ++ | 18:21 |
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stevemar_ | bknudson: you're up next | 18:22 |
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stevemar_ | #topic Prefer built-in xml rather than lxml | 18:22 |
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stevemar_ | i reallllllly like this patch | 18:22 |
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bknudson | so the proposal is to switch from lxml to built-in xml | 18:22 |
samueldmq | stevemar_: ++ on reviews | 18:22 |
bknudson | for the adfs and saml2 auth plugins | 18:22 |
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bknudson | in keystoenauth | 18:22 |
stevemar_ | for KSA: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/242512/ | 18:22 |
gyee | me 2, but we have to be careful with namespaces | 18:22 |
bknudson | so that they don't have to be in "extras" | 18:22 |
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gyee | the signature depends on the namespace | 18:23 |
shaleh | ++ on less dependence on lxml. It ca be a pain to get installed. | 18:23 |
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jamielennox | so i don't really know how xml namespaces work, i thought they were like a shortener and that you could use any namespace values | 18:24 |
bknudson | if the tests are inadequate as far as covering namespaces then we should fix the tests. | 18:24 |
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gyee | we fixed a bug awhile back where the signature is invalidate when reloading the xml doc | 18:24 |
bknudson | I thought the tests were pretty extensive. | 18:24 |
stevemar_ | gyee or marekd can one of you try out the patch? | 18:24 |
gyee | basically the namespace got regenerated in the wrong order | 18:24 |
gyee | stevemar_, yes, I'll try it out before +2 it | 18:24 |
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stevemar_ | gyee: cool, it would be awesome to have this in, and we don't have to use extras | 18:25 |
bknudson | jamielennox: I think the wrinkle is when the namespace is referenced in the value (rather than in the tag name) | 18:25 |
stevemar_ | i think marekd is away, but i'm sure he would be eager to try this | 18:26 |
jamielennox | ok - if they're properly equivalent then i'm all for this | 18:26 |
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stevemar_ | we'll have an awesome 0.6.0 release if that's the case | 18:26 |
gyee | hell yeah | 18:27 |
stevemar_ | with kerb support too :) | 18:27 |
bknudson | and we can get rid of the extra repos | 18:27 |
shaleh | bah, who uses kerberos any more :-) | 18:27 |
ayoung | Heh | 18:27 |
gyee | ^^ | 18:27 |
jamielennox | kerb will still need extras | 18:27 |
* ayoung assumes all kerberos barbs are directed at him | 18:27 | |
stevemar_ | gyee: you're up | 18:27 |
stevemar_ | #topic Custom project ID at project creation | 18:27 |
*** openstack changes topic to "Custom project ID at project creation (Meeting topic: keystone)" | 18:27 | |
gyee | so we have a request to allow custom project ID at creation | 18:28 |
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ayoung | stevemar_, so...there are two use cases for this. | 18:28 |
bknudson | jamielennox: the kerberos change is proposed here: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/240458/ -- it uses extras | 18:28 |
stevemar_ | hope you like scaling huge mountains | 18:28 |
ayoung | One is to synchronize between two OpenStack Keystone instances... | 18:28 |
gyee | but author had indicated that they need this so they can maintain it out-of-tree | 18:28 |
ayoung | and the other is to re-enable a deleted project | 18:28 |
gyee | I don't know if we have a policy for this sort of request | 18:28 |
samueldmq | are we talking about more than 1 thing at the same time , | 18:29 |
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samueldmq | ? | 18:29 |
* samueldmq is confused | 18:29 | |
bknudson | I thought our policy was to just do everything and then have to maintain the code forever. | 18:29 |
gyee | bknudson, so you are in support of this approach then? | 18:29 |
henrynash | bknudson: or longer | 18:29 |
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samueldmq | gyee: is there a patch up for custom project id ? | 18:30 |
bknudson | this particular request seems pretty easy | 18:30 |
ayoung | I had one. | 18:30 |
ryanpetrello | for context, our motivation for this was right now we're running Juno and can't do federation | 18:30 |
david8hu | Just mark everything deprecated from the very beginning | 18:30 |
shaleh | gyee: it still has to be a UUID, right? The user just provides it? | 18:30 |
gyee | samueldmq, yes | 18:30 |
ryanpetrello | so our options are either database replication of hacking keystone | 18:30 |
jamielennox | it seems easy, but then why would we allow it for project and not everything else | 18:30 |
ayoung | samueldmq, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/203852/ | 18:30 |
bknudson | project IDs don't have to be UUIDs | 18:30 |
samueldmq | ayoung: thnks | 18:30 |
haneef_ | project_ids are globally unqiue, you can't alwasys satisfy that condition with custom project_id. | 18:30 |
ayoung | haneef_, LDAP Assignment already broke that one | 18:30 |
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stevemar_ | ryanpetrello: i don't understand how this prevents you from doing federationy things in Juno | 18:31 |
ayoung | But in this case, it would be an admin only API, used for migrations, sync, and the like | 18:31 |
ryanpetrello | my understanding is that Juno keystone doesn't support replication | 18:31 |
henrynash | haneef_: the goal is to NOT have them globally unique (i.e. to replicte a project into another keystone) | 18:31 |
ayoung | not something exposed to ordinary users | 18:31 |
ryanpetrello | we're working with clusters across different OpenStack clusters with distinct keystone installs | 18:31 |
bknudson | we could put it in keystone-manage project-create | 18:31 |
henrynash | haneef_: which ahs me worried | 18:31 |
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gyee | henrynash, they are separate clouds | 18:31 |
ryanpetrello | right, what ayoung said ^ | 18:31 |
shaleh | bknudson: not a horrible idea | 18:32 |
henrynash | gyee: I know…. | 18:32 |
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haneef_ | henrynash: we can't replicate if there is already a project with that id | 18:32 |
shaleh | is there a way to "re-ID" a project? So if a conflict does occur it can be fixed? | 18:32 |
ayoung | Nope | 18:32 |
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gyee | bknudson, I like the keystone-manage approach | 18:33 |
ayoung | project ID is immutable, and needs to stay that way | 18:33 |
henrynash | haneef_: I don’t actually mind it for your use case….it is more the conept that has me worried…someone wmight use this in the wrong way nad really have two clashing project_ids | 18:33 |
samueldmq | shaleh: and how does the use know that the id has changed ? | 18:33 |
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shaleh | henrynash: putting it in keystone-manage is a nice way to indicate the purpose | 18:33 |
shaleh | samueldmq: agreed. Asking the questions to walk all the way around the problem. | 18:34 |
henrynash | shaleh: yeah, I agree that’s better | 18:34 |
samueldmq | shaleh: ++ | 18:34 |
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gyee | with keystone-manage, we provide a reasonable workaround without having to change the API | 18:34 |
jamielennox | i don't think we should allow this from the API, i have no real objection to having it in keystone-manage | 18:34 |
shaleh | do we have tooling to check for unique before the replication runs? Even with UUID there is the remote possibility of conflicts. | 18:35 |
shaleh | jamielennox: ++ | 18:35 |
haneef_ | henrynash: the original design for id is, if id is uuid then it is immutable, and if it is <custom string> then it is mutable. We will break that too | 18:35 |
jamielennox | project id column should have a unique constraint | 18:35 |
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ryanpetrello | for what it's worth, it's not nearly as useful for us if it's not available via the API :/ | 18:35 |
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ayoung | When you create an entry in the database, it will fail due to an uniqueness check. Is that not early enough? | 18:35 |
ayoung | Anything earliers would risk a race condition...but we are micro-optimizing | 18:35 |
dolphm | we avoided using PUT calls throughout our API to make room for this request eventually. PUT /v3/projects/{user_specified_project_id} can have it's own RBAC, and the new controller method can be called by the *old* controller method (which randomly assigns a project ID) | 18:35 |
ayoung | dolphm, ++ | 18:36 |
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dolphm | the implementation is easy - understanding and accepting the consequences of user-specified, non-globally unique IDs is worth spending time on | 18:36 |
stevemar_ | i feel like this will open the door to other APIs having user defined ids | 18:36 |
gyee | dolphm, yes, that'll work | 18:36 |
shaleh | stevemar_: definitely a concern | 18:37 |
dolphm | stevemar_: /v3/regions already does this basic pattern | 18:37 |
ryanpetrello | would it not be possible to update the API with validation that just rejects invalid formatted uuids (and those that already exist)? | 18:37 |
gyee | and the federation stuff too | 18:37 |
stevemar_ | dolphm: yes and that already created a ton of confusion | 18:37 |
stevemar_ | dolphm: though, thats mainly cause 'regions' are confusing | 18:37 |
samueldmq | stevemar_: yep, we will probably endup by allowing everyhting to be customized (IDs) | 18:37 |
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lbragstad | ryanpetrello how does keystone determine what's invalid? | 18:38 |
stevemar_ | gyee: ryanpetrello are user defined IDs any string? or a UUID? | 18:38 |
ayoung | We should have been using FQDNs for unique resource naming anyway | 18:38 |
ryanpetrello | stevemar_: I'm suggesting just a uuid | 18:38 |
lbragstad | ryanpetrello configuration options? | 18:38 |
ryanpetrello | right now keystone is calling uuid4() | 18:38 |
gyee | stevemar_, yes, should be a string | 18:38 |
gyee | just like UUID | 18:39 |
ryanpetrello | seems reasonable to just allow the API to take a uuid4 string | 18:39 |
ryanpetrello | and reject anything else | 18:39 |
ryanpetrello | I'm speaking of the project creation API, that is | 18:39 |
ayoung | ryanpetrello, um...no | 18:39 |
ayoung | Migrations for people using Keystone LDAP Assignments would benefit from having the existing project IDs supported | 18:39 |
stevemar_ | ayoung: good point | 18:40 |
bknudson | if we accept > uuids we'll probably have to change the column type | 18:40 |
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stevemar_ | ayoung: how does this work for re-creating a deleted project? | 18:40 |
bknudson | we'll have to limit the inputs in some way | 18:40 |
ayoung | stevemar_, you pass in the deleted-project-id and it is recreated | 18:41 |
lbragstad | right now project.id is a varchar(64) | 18:41 |
stevemar_ | bknudson: yeah, no special weird characters | 18:41 |
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gyee | bknudson, yes, we need to limit the size and type | 18:41 |
ayoung | lbragstad, bknudson I think we can stick with that limitation for now. It is what the other proejcts use, so LDAP assignment would not work for longer values anyway | 18:41 |
stevemar_ | ayoung: but anything associated with the project is gone no? how does this help? | 18:41 |
ayoung | stevemar_, not in the remote services... | 18:41 |
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ayoung | nothing is actually listening for Keystone events yet...excetp ceilometer. | 18:42 |
drwahl | from an operators perspective, it seems disjointed that i can specify a UUID for glance, but not for keystone. this change would make those two clients more in line | 18:42 |
ayoung | So this is a way an admin could clean things up remotely. | 18:42 |
shaleh | stevemar_: if the roles still exist the admin re-assigns them, right? | 18:42 |
haneef_ | how many projects assume project_ids as uuid ( openstack client)? | 18:43 |
ayoung | shaleh, those would need to be reassiged; we clean them up on delete | 18:43 |
ayoung | haneef_, none of the others | 18:43 |
ayoung | haneef_, we had LDAP assignment for a few years now, and that did not do UUID | 18:43 |
bknudson | http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/keystone/tree/keystone/resource/backends/sql.py#n249 -- id and name already have the same column type | 18:43 |
ayoung | well. did not force UUID | 18:44 |
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haneef_ | ayoung: but openstack client never worked for that case, since it assumes id as UUID | 18:44 |
shaleh | is there a reason we cannot fix the CLI? | 18:44 |
ayoung | I thought we worked around that.... | 18:45 |
ayoung | no need. the CLI is dead | 18:45 |
gyee | really?!!! OSC specifically check for UUID? | 18:45 |
dolphm | could make the id checking a configurable regex, and default it to look for "uuid-ish", like ([a-f0-9])}{32} | 18:45 |
shaleh | ayoung: I mean OSC | 18:45 |
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lbragstad | dolphm ++ we wanted to move in that direction with keystone api validation layer | 18:45 |
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shaleh | what happens if the project id is not globally unique? | 18:46 |
shaleh | that seems to be the most likely snag that people will hit | 18:46 |
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gyee | 409 | 18:47 |
ayoung | shaleh, nothing | 18:47 |
stevemar_ | shaleh: gyee we can always fix osc, that's not that big of an issue | 18:47 |
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bknudson | we're expecting the project ID to not be globally unique... this is so you can have the same project ID in multiple clouds | 18:47 |
ayoung | globally meaning across two diffrerent OpenStack deployments? | 18:47 |
shaleh | stevemar_: agreed. | 18:47 |
stevemar_ | we're almost out of time | 18:47 |
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ayoung | cuz otherwise, there is only "unique across Keystone" | 18:47 |
ryanpetrello | shaleh henrynash gyee: so is specifying the project ID via an admin API totally out? because that's sort of the reason I created this spec in the first place; using keystone-manage doesn't really solve *our* issue :/ | 18:47 |
stevemar_ | henrys got 3 more items :( | 18:47 |
gyee | so what's the verdict? PUT? | 18:48 |
bknudson | I'm fine with PUT | 18:48 |
henrynash | ryanpetrello: I think it’s just a big step…which is why we need to mull on it | 18:48 |
ayoung | gyee, the verdict is get a spec written and let us hash it out there | 18:48 |
stevemar_ | gyee: table the conversation for a sec, put up a spec for now | 18:48 |
stevemar_ | henrynash: ready to go? | 18:48 |
stevemar_ | #topic Let's create a new assignment driver (V9) | 18:48 |
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henrynash | ok, so I had reason to do this! | 18:49 |
henrynash | I think I am the first to rev one of our driver API versiions | 18:49 |
ayoung | henrynash, Service catalog scoped roles? | 18:49 |
henrynash | my curent attempt: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/242853/ | 18:49 |
stevemar_ | dstanek: morgan? around? | 18:49 |
bknudson | we need to have tests that show that old code will work with the new driver | 18:49 |
henrynash | bknudson: yep, included those | 18:49 |
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henrynash | basically - is what I have done what we had in mind? | 18:50 |
bknudson | cool | 18:50 |
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henrynash | I’m ok if people want to review and come back to me….just want to get a collective view on how we do this, so we can copy this approach for other divers | 18:51 |
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bknudson | what's in the V9 driver? | 18:51 |
lbragstad | henrynash you'll have to put me in that camp, I haven't looked at it yet | 18:51 |
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henrynash | bknudson: so we are removing a bnch of old methods now list_role_assignemnt is much more powerful | 18:52 |
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henrynash | so we don’t duplicate processing of inheritance in multiple palces | 18:52 |
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bknudson | oh, it's going to translate the old methods to list_role_assignments? | 18:52 |
henrynash | bknduson: yep | 18:52 |
bknudson | ok | 18:52 |
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henrynash | stevemar:ok, let’s let people review it and comment on the patch | 18:53 |
stevemar_ | henrynash: overall i'm okay with the idea | 18:53 |
samueldmq | henrynash: that's a great cleanup | 18:53 |
stevemar_ | great | 18:53 |
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stevemar_ | #topic Enhancing list_role_assignments | 18:53 |
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henrynash | Ok, so this is https://review.openstack.org/#/c/240466/ | 18:53 |
stevemar_ | i think this is less contentious | 18:53 |
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henrynash | only question is: do we augment with just names or full entities | 18:53 |
stevemar_ | just: &include_names and just the names | 18:53 |
henrynash | gyee: I think you felt stronly on entities | 18:54 |
stevemar_ | i'm OK with just names | 18:54 |
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stevemar_ | yes he is :) | 18:54 |
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gyee | we are not consistent with out APIs | 18:54 |
gyee | in some cases we return the links but in others we don't | 18:54 |
gyee | UX will suffer | 18:54 |
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gyee | we either going to do it consistently or we don't | 18:55 |
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bknudson | unless there's a good reason for the inconsistency... | 18:55 |
stevemar_ | are links useful in this case? | 18:55 |
stevemar_ | i dont see what the whole reference buys us? | 18:55 |
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bknudson | btw, I thought we were going to drop role IDs anyways. | 18:55 |
stevemar_ | the return is going to be HUGE | 18:55 |
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henrynash | stevemar_: I guess that’s the question….is the additional large payload worth it? | 18:56 |
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gyee | I thought the whole point with links is that clients don't need to reconstruct anything, they just follow links | 18:56 |
stevemar_ | gyee: but as it stands now, no one uses links | 18:56 |
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gyee | stevemar_, they we should drop all the links | 18:57 |
jhesketh | Morning | 18:57 |
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gyee | API consistency matters | 18:57 |
haneef_ | gyee: Link is useless now as it always returns public endpoint | 18:57 |
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gyee | my point is we either going to consistently support it, or we don't | 18:57 |
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gyee | we should not be doing it halfway | 18:58 |
stevemar_ | gyee: i agree with your point, but picking that battle now, over this minor API change seems weird | 18:58 |
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gyee | stevemar_, like I said, that's not a deal breaker | 18:58 |
gyee | so its not really a battle | 18:58 |
stevemar_ | gyee: you are more than welcome to clean up the APIs :) | 18:58 |
gyee | more like bitching | 18:58 |
stevemar_ | hehe | 18:58 |
jaypipes | dolphm: heh, learn something new every day... | 18:58 |
jaypipes | dolphm: cheers | 18:59 |
stevemar_ | henrynash: i think you are all clear | 18:59 |
dolphm | jaypipes: o/ | 18:59 |
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stevemar_ | we're at time | 18:59 |
henrynash | gyee, stevemar_: so sounds line include_name is OK for now…and maybe we add include_entities later if we celan things up | 18:59 |
jaypipes | fwiw, I'd still recommend storing in a bigint anyway | 18:59 |
henrynash | pl | 18:59 |
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henrynash | ok | 18:59 |
stevemar_ | #endmeeting | 18:59 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Tue Nov 10 18:59:29 2015 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 18:59 |
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openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/keystone/2015/keystone.2015-11-10-18.02.html | 18:59 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/keystone/2015/keystone.2015-11-10-18.02.txt | 18:59 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/keystone/2015/keystone.2015-11-10-18.02.log.html | 18:59 |
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lbragstad | jaypipes awesome, thanks! | 18:59 |
fungi | infra team, assemble! | 18:59 |
* jaypipes slinks back to 2008-era MySQL cave | 19:00 | |
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Zara | \o/ | 19:00 |
yolanda | o/ | 19:00 |
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jeblair | yarrr! | 19:00 |
pabelanger | o/ | 19:00 |
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clarkb | hello | 19:00 |
SotK | o/ | 19:00 |
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ianw | o/ | 19:00 |
jhesketh | o/ | 19:00 |
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Shrews | o/ | 19:01 |
fungi | #startmeeting infra | 19:01 |
openstack | Meeting started Tue Nov 10 19:01:00 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is fungi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 19:01 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 19:01 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'infra' | 19:01 |
fungi | #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/InfraTeamMeeting#Agenda_for_next_meeting | 19:01 |
ruagair | *\o/* | 19:01 |
fungi | #topic Announcements | 19:01 |
asselin_ | 0/ | 19:01 |
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fungi | nibalizer would like to identify himself as a potential mentor to anyone looking to get started with infra | 19:01 |
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nibalizer | o/ | 19:01 |
AJaeger | o/ | 19:01 |
fungi | nibalizer: i just introduced your announcement before you /join'ed | 19:01 |
jesusaurus | o/ | 19:01 |
AJaeger | great, nibalizer ! | 19:01 |
fungi | please elaborate | 19:01 |
nibalizer | awesome | 19:01 |
Clint | o/ | 19:01 |
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nibalizer | basically just if anyone is lurking and identifies as 'new' and would benefit from some mentoring, im available | 19:02 |
crinkle | o/ | 19:02 |
fungi | i think it's admirable, and i hope we all aspire to mentor people getting started with infra work | 19:02 |
nibalizer | i think we all want to help everyone, but there is a lot of noise | 19:02 |
nibalizer | and work to do, etc | 19:02 |
fungi | yep! | 19:02 |
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nibalizer | thats it | 19:02 |
jeblair | nibalizer: ++ | 19:02 |
* ruagair is enroute to the airport and boarding during this meeting. So may be sluggish to respond. | 19:02 | |
fungi | so nibalizer is our go-to mentor! ;) | 19:02 |
maiteb | uh, nice... I would like some mentorship actually :) | 19:02 |
pabelanger | Agreed. Infra has a high learning curve, anything we can do to help new people works for me | 19:02 |
dramalho | fungi: Sounds good... +2 :) | 19:02 |
Zara | I'd like to help down the line but I'm not sure I know enough yet. | 19:03 |
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jhesketh | nibalizer: cool stuff :-) | 19:03 |
nibalizer | maiteb: cool, after the meeting lets chat a bit | 19:03 |
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maiteb | great nibalizer :) | 19:03 |
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fungi | #info Spencer Krum (nibalizer) has volunteered to mentor new contributors to the OpenStack Project Infrastructure team | 19:03 |
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dramalho | nibalizer: I would like some mentorship actually, too :) | 19:04 |
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fungi | #topic Actions from last meeting | 19:04 |
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bkero | nibalizer is popular | 19:04 |
fungi | there were none, all executed successfully! | 19:04 |
dramalho | haha | 19:04 |
jeblair | yay us! | 19:04 |
* Clint golfclaps. | 19:04 | |
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fungi | post-summit is always such an amusing time | 19:05 |
fungi | #topic Specs approval | 19:05 |
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fungi | the cycle priority updates are now reflected on the specs page | 19:05 |
fungi | i think | 19:05 |
fungi | i had to retrigger the job | 19:05 |
nibalizer | excellent | 19:05 |
fungi | anyway, if they're not, they soon will be | 19:05 |
fungi | #link http://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/#priority-efforts | 19:05 |
fungi | #info Approved change to update priorities for the Mitaka cycle | 19:05 |
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fungi | phschwartz has a spec proposed to extend openstackci for downstream ci systems b | 19:05 |
fungi | eyond just third-party ci strung from our (openstack's) gerrit instance | 19:05 |
fungi | hrm, you can have the stray linefeed as a bonus | 19:06 |
fungi | no extra charge | 19:06 |
* nibalizer pockets | 19:06 | |
fungi | #link https://review.openstack.org/239810 | 19:06 |
phschwartz | fungi: I will take what I can get | 19:06 |
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fungi | just to confirm, this is ready for final council voting? | 19:07 |
phschwartz | from my point of view yes. | 19:07 |
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nibalizer | i think so | 19:07 |
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clarkb | I thought we already had a spec for this... | 19:07 |
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clarkb | "make puppet modules reconsumable" | 19:07 |
clarkb | anyways carry on | 19:07 |
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jeblair | clarkb: apparently this part was just in our heads :) | 19:08 |
fungi | can't hurt to document the plan more thoroughly, as long as it doesn't contradict what we may have already said we would do | 19:08 |
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fungi | #info Council voting will remain open for the "Add extension to openstackci for next phase of work" spec until 19:00 UTC Thursday, November 12 | 19:08 |
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fungi | #topic Priority Efforts: Gerrit 2.11 Upgrade | 19:09 |
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fungi | in case it seems like i was rushing through the first part of the meeting, it's because i expect us to spend a while today talking about this | 19:09 |
fungi | #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/mitaka-infra-gerritdevelopment | 19:09 |
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fungi | #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/test-gerrit-2.11 | 19:09 |
fungi | zaro: how are things shaping up for the upgrade next week? | 19:10 |
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fungi | (or anybody who's been working with zaro on the preparations i guess) | 19:10 |
jeblair | if zaro is unresponsive it may be because he is at gerrit hackathon today.... | 19:10 |
fungi | aha! | 19:10 |
fungi | very good point | 19:10 |
clarkb | zaro found the double // root of url openid redirect bug | 19:11 |
asselin_ | I have a test 3rd party ci that's commenting 'noop' patches to review-dev | 19:11 |
clarkb | fix has been proposed upstream and is in place on review-dev | 19:11 |
fungi | clarkb: oh, excellent. do you happen to have a link? i'm curious where it turned out being | 19:11 |
clarkb | someone said that zuul needed updates to handle new events? | 19:11 |
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jeblair | i thought we merged those changes to zuul ages ago? | 19:12 |
fungi | i assume something in the openid support bits was appending a / to the return url being sent with the authentication redirect | 19:12 |
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clarkb | #link https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/#/c/72105/ | 19:12 |
clarkb | looks like that particular change was abandoned to move it to stable branch | 19:12 |
clarkb | I am guessing they will merge that back up into master? | 19:12 |
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fungi | i thought we at least merged new-in-2.9/2.10 events support in zuul and jeepyb prior to the upgrade attempt in may | 19:12 |
jeblair | on topic:gerrit-upgrade i see a fix for toggle-ci and a fix to jeepyb still pending. | 19:12 |
jeblair | fungi: agreed | 19:13 |
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jeblair | fungi: the jeepyb change references 2.11 | 19:13 |
clarkb | maybe they weren't installing from HEAD like we do | 19:13 |
clarkb | change screen 2 feedback has been mostly positive | 19:14 |
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clarkb | mordred: have you written the db rollback yet? | 19:14 |
fungi | anyway, hopefully all outstanding changes needed for the upgrade are using the gerrit-upgrade topic | 19:14 |
fungi | #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+topic:gerrit-upgrade,n,z | 19:15 |
jeblair | i wonder if we need 209906 for 2.11... | 19:15 |
jeblair | the sortkey pagination deprecation | 19:15 |
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fungi | let's all make sure staying on top of those is a particularly high priority so that we're ready in time for the maintenance a week from tomorrow | 19:15 |
clarkb | I will carve out time after lunch to get through the current list of changes | 19:16 |
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jeblair | #action jeblair investigate whether 209906 is needed for gerrit 2.11 | 19:16 |
clarkb | someone should probably send mail to the list about the upgrade? | 19:16 |
nibalizer | I did that at the summit | 19:16 |
nibalizer | or very nearly after | 19:16 |
clarkb | oh perfect | 19:16 |
jeblair | nibalizer sent an initial... maybe time for a followup? | 19:16 |
clarkb | ya followup would be good | 19:16 |
jeblair | maybe a 1 week notice tomorrow? | 19:16 |
clarkb | ++ | 19:16 |
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AJaeger | a reminder in time so that it comes into the weekly newsletter? | 19:16 |
fungi | #action nibalizer send one-week reminder for scheduled maintenance on the 18th | 19:17 |
clarkb | if anyone can get in front of mordred finding out about the DB rollback prep would be good | 19:17 |
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clarkb | since I know he wanted that done before the upgrade | 19:17 |
nibalizer | ok | 19:17 |
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fungi | nibalizer: i can #undo if you don't want that one | 19:17 |
nibalizer | fungi: im good with it | 19:17 |
fungi | though continuity is fairly useful on those announcements | 19:17 |
fungi | excellent | 19:17 |
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clarkb | this reminds me to send mail to the list saying elasticsearch upgrade is (mostly) done | 19:18 |
nibalizer | fyi my plans changed and I will be travelling for the downtime, but I still have the day blocked off to perform the upgrade | 19:18 |
nibalizer | so it will be nibz-from-hotel instead of nibz-from-home (which should be transparent to this team) | 19:18 |
fungi | as previously indicated, i'll be gone all next week (starting friday actually) so will miss all the fun | 19:18 |
fungi | but i'm looking forward to returning to a brand new gerrit 2.11 world | 19:19 |
clarkb | oh | 19:20 |
fungi | seems like we exhausted this topic much quicker than i anticipated | 19:20 |
clarkb | has anyone run git revie wagainst review-dev? | 19:20 |
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fungi | i did for 2.10 a lot but haven't tried with 2.11 yet | 19:21 |
clarkb | thats probably overly paranoid | 19:21 |
clarkb | I can go ahead and do that today when I am done reviewing changes | 19:21 |
nibalizer | jeblair: seems to have posted new changes on nov 7th, so probably | 19:21 |
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fungi | clarkb: yeah, that's not a terrible idea | 19:21 |
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jeblair | nibalizer: ? | 19:21 |
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fungi | #action clarkb double-check git-review interactions with gerrit 2.11 on review-dev.openstack.org | 19:22 |
clarkb | jeblair: have you run git review against latest review-dev deployment? | 19:22 |
nibalizer | wait nevermind, I misread | 19:22 |
jeblair | nibalizer: you might be looking at updated rather than created | 19:22 |
jeblair | clarkb: nope | 19:22 |
nibalizer | ya exactly | 19:22 |
clarkb | kk I will do it | 19:22 |
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fungi | okay, anything else on this topic? | 19:24 |
nibalizer | not from me | 19:24 |
fungi | #topic Priority Efforts: maniphest migration | 19:24 |
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fungi | ruagair has a bunch of updates in the meeting agenda, but i'll let him iterate through them if he's here. otherwise i can just cut and paste them into the meeting myself | 19:24 |
ruagair | I'm here | 19:24 |
ruagair | nearly at airport though. | 19:25 |
fungi | awesome. anything there you need to highlight? | 19:25 |
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clarkb | I would be curious to know if any progress was made on the auth front | 19:25 |
ruagair | I have done low priority changes that need more approve ers | 19:25 |
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ruagair | A small amount Clarkb | 19:26 |
fungi | #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+topic:maniphest,n,z | 19:26 |
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ruagair | Not as much as I expected. | 19:26 |
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clarkb | ruagair: ok, I played with mod_auth_openid myself a bit and ran into what I think are ssl and dns issues | 19:26 |
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clarkb | it appears that you need to have a fairly correct deployment for the id server to talk to you | 19:26 |
ruagair | I am expecting that today I'll have phab taking to openstackid via cauth. | 19:27 |
clarkb | neat | 19:27 |
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ruagair | I thought that yesterday though. | 19:27 |
clarkb | :) I know the feeling | 19:27 |
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fungi | fwiw, the puppet-openstackid module should be sanely deployable on a test instance if you need to inspect the other end of the interaction | 19:28 |
ruagair | I've not yet started with mod-auth-openid | 19:28 |
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ruagair | thanks fungi, I'll make use of that. | 19:28 |
clarkb | ruagair: if I get it working independently I can pass that info along | 19:29 |
ruagair | please do. | 19:29 |
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ruagair | I'm in touch with a cauth contributor too, who's been helpful. | 19:30 |
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fungi | anything else to relay on this front? | 19:31 |
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ruagair | No | 19:31 |
ruagair | hit me with a questions :-) | 19:31 |
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Zara | ruagair: have you had an updated spec for what people want from a task tracker? | 19:31 |
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ruagair | No. | 19:32 |
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ruagair | Had a long talk with ttx but no updated spec. | 19:32 |
Zara | heh, okay, please update me if/when you get one! :) | 19:32 |
fungi | that would be good to get nailed down so we have something to measure the deployment against as well | 19:32 |
ruagair | Will do. | 19:32 |
Zara | thanks | 19:33 |
ruagair | exactly fungi | 19:33 |
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ruagair | airporting | 19:33 |
fungi | okay, this was a remarkably short meeting. i'll switch to open discussion unless anyone else has last-minute topics they want to wedge in | 19:33 |
greghaynes | short meetings are best meetings | 19:34 |
phschwartz | greghaynes: ++ | 19:34 |
fungi | #topic Open discussion | 19:35 |
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jeblair | i sent an email summary about the gerrit user summit to the list | 19:35 |
Clint | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/219372/ still lacks review | 19:35 |
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nibalizer | I took a stab at setting up the polygerrit app mentioned in jeblair's email http://polygerrit.nibalizer.com/q/status:open | 19:35 |
clarkb | nibalizer: and I upgraded elasticsearch to version 1.7.3 yesterday. Killing some long standing tech debt | 19:35 |
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jeblair | #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-November/078945.html | 19:36 |
jeblair | #link http://polygerrit.nibalizer.com/q/status:open | 19:36 |
jeblair | nibalizer: which is way cool :) | 19:36 |
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fungi | taron: if you're looking for a template to use for announcing availability of http://codesearch.openstack.org/ you can consider cribbing from pabelanger's grafana.o.o announcement | 19:36 |
fungi | #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-November/079082.html | 19:36 |
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nibalizer | ya, that needs a big 'I didn't write this, this is beta, teh source is <here>' sign on it | 19:36 |
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clarkb | need to fix CORS for admin dashboards, fix e-r which is hitting pyelasticsearch bug, then next steps are updating logstash to current version, updating kibana, and doing rolling upgrades from precise to trusty | 19:36 |
nibalizer | the puppet apply stuff is going really well | 19:36 |
clarkb | clear out a lot of the ELK cruft that has accumulated | 19:37 |
fungi | nibalizer: large text saying "file bugs <here>, submit fixes <there>" | 19:37 |
clarkb | then maybe next cycle we update to ES 2.0 | 19:37 |
jeblair | i believe i'm very close to being able to put a very limited number of nodes from bluebox and ovh into production | 19:37 |
phschwartz | nibalizer: let me know if there is any other help you need for the puppet-apply stuff | 19:37 |
clarkb | jeblair: ! | 19:37 |
greghaynes | jeblair: nice! | 19:37 |
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pabelanger | fungi: I really should have floated that by infra-roots before posting, sorry about that | 19:37 |
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jeblair | like, not at 'big splash announcement heavy use' yet, but more 'dip toes into shallow end'. :) | 19:37 |
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jeblair | also, in both cases, i think our cpu needs are going to end up causing us to have fewer nodes than we expected | 19:38 |
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jeblair | but we'll see, things are still in flux | 19:38 |
fungi | pabelanger: no worries. the announcement was fine and timely | 19:39 |
fungi | thanks for working through that deployment! | 19:39 |
jeblair | pabelanger: yay! :) | 19:39 |
pabelanger | np, was fun and learning experience | 19:39 |
pabelanger | On that note... http://stackalytics.openstack.org is live too | 19:40 |
pabelanger | for the moment, just doing some tuning of the server | 19:40 |
fungi | jeblair: so the lesson here is that the cpu performance provided by rackspace and hpcloud are not actually representative of the broader ecosystem of public clouds? | 19:40 |
pabelanger | but I think this are actually good after talking to ilyashakhat | 19:40 |
jeblair | pabelanger: yeah, might be good to fully understand the pegged uwsgi process before announcing? | 19:41 |
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fungi | pabelanger: no longer feeling the urge to rip out apache? ;) | 19:41 |
phschwartz | fungi: I think it is more along the lines that rackspace and hpcloud have been around longer so they have larger infrastructure to provide more resources from | 19:41 |
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jeblair | fungi: i think rackspace is exceptional, and hpcloud is par; i think the thing we're learning is actually more about private/public.... | 19:41 |
pabelanger | fungi: Ya, might have been hasty on that | 19:41 |
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fungi | phschwartz: well, the performance per vcpu i mean | 19:42 |
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jeblair | i'm going to write up some changes to the 'cloud requirements' thing to elaborate on that soon | 19:42 |
dramalho | We are currently working on adding some tests for puppet modules and fixing them as we find bugs. Is this important ? | 19:42 |
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fungi | writing tests and fixing bugs is always important | 19:42 |
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jeblair | fungi, phschwartz: but really short version: if we are sole occupants, we are bad neighbors for ourselves, so we need less oversubscription; if we are distributed in a public cloud, we can handle more oversub. | 19:43 |
clarkb | I can say the thing that turned me off from reviewing many of those changes is they didn't seem to test how we/others use the modules | 19:43 |
fungi | as long as the bugs aren't simply bugs because the tests say they are, but rather the tests are exercising the system in such a way as to expose legitimate issues | 19:43 |
clarkb | dramalho: for me at least I would like to see the tests focus on how people are using the modules to start | 19:43 |
clarkb | fungi: right | 19:43 |
fungi | jeblair: that makes a lot of sense | 19:44 |
pabelanger | jeblair: I think it was because we didn't fully index the data properly. And because we didn't have a fully data dump, it was reordering things every hour. However, going to watch it and try to a better reason | 19:44 |
yolanda | clarkb, actually these tests provided some value, discovering problems with races, or incompatibilities with different distros | 19:44 |
clarkb | yolanda: right but the focus should be on testing how its used first | 19:44 |
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clarkb | bceause while getting support for $distro is nice if we aren't deployed on that distro the tests failing there is less important than actual functionality as deployed being tested | 19:45 |
fungi | agreed, exposing portability issues doesn't necessarily mean you're finding bugs | 19:45 |
yolanda | what do you suggest? integration testing? | 19:45 |
zaro | o/ | 19:45 |
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yolanda | as it's a test with modules, the near we can go is providing default values that resemble more to system-config | 19:46 |
fungi | porting a module to a different platform than it was originally written for is generally an effort unto itself | 19:46 |
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yolanda | fungi, yes, actually that concern was raised by some members of the community , but that's a different topic | 19:46 |
fungi | more of a feature than a bug fix | 19:46 |
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clarkb | yolanda: I would suggest testing functionality we use | 19:47 |
yolanda | well, it's true that they discovered races, that you only can see when deploying a module for first time | 19:47 |
clarkb | for example in httpd module there were proxy tests written before "apply this vhost" tests | 19:47 |
clarkb | same for redirects iirc | 19:47 |
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clarkb | the vast majority of our use of that module is "here is a vhost apply it" | 19:47 |
clarkb | that should be test 1 | 19:47 |
nibalizer | fungi: some of whats happening is the modules have been written for precise, but the tests run on trusty, so little things are different | 19:47 |
nibalizer | i think thats what they are refering to when they say portability issues | 19:48 |
yolanda | dramalho and tw guys, is something you want to take care? | 19:48 |
yolanda | nibalizer yes, that was number one portability issue :) | 19:48 |
fungi | nibalizer: yep, i would agree those are portability issues (precise and trusty are different platforms) | 19:48 |
nibalizer | its not like we're trying to get the modules to work on solaris :) | 19:48 |
fungi | however we want to port our use of those from precise to trusty, so testing them with trusty and fixing bugs discovered there is helpful | 19:48 |
nibalizer | exactly | 19:49 |
fungi | i thought most of that had been solved already, but i guess only for more popular modules | 19:49 |
yolanda | there was an special interest from RedHat community to make this module work on CentOS/RHEL, but that's a different topic that we should talk in another meeting. I proposed them to raise a topic on the agenda | 19:49 |
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fungi | if we're going to plan to "support" (whatever that means) a module on a given platform, we should test it on that platform | 19:50 |
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yolanda | yes, i agree | 19:51 |
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yolanda | so i wouldn't discourage TW team to do functional testing, but improve the ones they are doing | 19:51 |
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clarkb | yolanda: my feedback would be to start with the most valuable tests first | 19:52 |
fungi | even though it's tempting to start with the easiest tests to write first | 19:52 |
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clarkb | (you could probably just copy pasta the relevant manfiest bits from the various manifests and put that in the beaker rspec fixtures) | 19:52 |
dramalho | yolanda: we need to see what tests we already did and the list of modules that we are thinking to write tests and see which one will be more valuable | 19:53 |
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yolanda | so dramalho, glauco, have done a decent job there, testing the basic features of the modules is important. I agree that extending use cases, to properly test some features, is something we will need | 19:54 |
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fungi | thanks for working on that! | 19:56 |
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maiteb | yolanda: for example, dramalho and I are now testing puppet-etherpad_lite, what do you guys think that we need to focus on? only basic testing? | 19:56 |
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yolanda | from my point of view is important that all functional tests ensure the basic features of the module are working | 19:57 |
clarkb | maiteb: I would start from the openstack_project::etherpad manifest | 19:57 |
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yolanda | services are up, files are created, cronjobs are on place | 19:57 |
crinkle | i think both things are valuable - minimal test using mostly default parameters (how someone new might be using the module) and using openstack_project in system-config (how infra actually uses it) | 19:57 |
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fungi | i agree with clarkb. we have example production use cases already written up in our system-config repo | 19:58 |
fungi | in fact, we have two for that module (one for etherpad-dev as well) | 19:58 |
dramalho | fungi: Cool... sounds good... | 19:58 |
maiteb | crinkle: yes, that makes sense... | 19:59 |
fungi | so basically, yeah, what crinkle said too | 19:59 |
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fungi | we're out of time--thanks everyone! | 20:00 |
fungi | #endmeeting | 20:00 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Tue Nov 10 20:00:29 2015 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 20:00 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2015/infra.2015-11-10-19.01.html | 20:00 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2015/infra.2015-11-10-19.01.txt | 20:00 |
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openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2015/infra.2015-11-10-19.01.log.html | 20:00 |
ttx | Anyone here for the TC meeting ? | 20:00 |
fungi | all yours, ttx! | 20:00 |
dhellmann | o/ | 20:00 |
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mestery | o/ | 20:00 |
jeblair | o/ | 20:00 |
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dansmith | o/ | 20:00 |
jaypipes | o/ | 20:00 |
dramalho | Thanks :) | 20:01 |
* dims pays attention | 20:01 | |
dramalho | o/ | 20:01 |
sdague | o/ | 20:01 |
markmcclain | o/ | 20:01 |
maiteb | great meeting guys! thanks a lot :) | 20:01 |
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flaper87 | o/ (from out of the backlog) | 20:01 |
angdraug | o/ | 20:01 |
memogarcia | o/ | 20:01 |
ttx | russellb, annegentle, lifeless, mordred, dtroyer: friendly ping | 20:01 |
* edleafe lurks | 20:01 | |
russellb | hi | 20:01 |
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* flaper87 hands edleafe a beer | 20:01 | |
dtroyer_zz | o/ | 20:01 |
ttx | #startmeeting tc | 20:02 |
openstack | Meeting started Tue Nov 10 20:02:00 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 20:02 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 20:02 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'tc' | 20:02 |
ttx | Hi everyone | 20:02 |
ttx | Long agenda for today, a bit of backlog accumulated over the last weeks: | 20:02 |
ttx | #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/TechnicalCommittee | 20:02 |
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ttx | Let's start | 20:02 |
ttx | #topic Add senlin project to big tent | 20:02 |
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ttx | #link https://review.openstack.org/235172 | 20:02 |
ttx | Do we have anyone from the project ? | 20:02 |
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ttx | We have enough approvals to approve this now, any questions ? | 20:03 |
dhellmann | it seems like we have a glut of orchestration-related projects | 20:03 |
jruano | i'm here as a rep for senlin. qiming should be here as well | 20:03 |
* edleafe is tempted to drink it, but sees it's 2pm... | 20:03 | |
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ttx | I'm not sure I totally understand what a "generic clustering service" does, wouldn't mind a quick explanation | 20:03 |
dhellmann | edleafe : convert to UTC | 20:03 |
flaper87 | edleafe: what dhellmann said | 20:03 |
flaper87 | :D | 20:03 |
krotscheck | o/ | 20:03 |
edleafe | dhellmann: :) | 20:03 |
flaper87 | ttx: ++ | 20:03 |
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flaper87 | I went through the wiki a bit but a clear explaination wouldn't hurt | 20:03 |
ttx | jruano: do you have an elevator pitch for what Senlin does ? | 20:04 |
dhellmann | jruano : can you explain senlin without using the word "cluster"? | 20:04 |
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ttx | or generic, or service | 20:04 |
sdague | orchestration to me seems quite a lot like installation, there are going to be different approaches, that's fine | 20:04 |
dhellmann | sdague : yeah, that wasn't a complaint, just an observation | 20:04 |
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dtroyer_zz | This is meant to be a layered service, correct? And not used by other OpenStack services directly? | 20:05 |
jruano | one sec, qi ming is joining | 20:05 |
dhellmann | it sounded a bit like heat, except it seems to drive heat | 20:05 |
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jruano | when we talk about "cluster" it is more so an aggregation, or grouping | 20:05 |
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russellb | i have a hard time wrapping my head around 9 +1s on the project, but the discussion here is "so what is this project again?" | 20:05 |
edleafe | russellb: I was thinking the same thing | 20:06 |
Qiming | sorry for being late, was trapped in another meeting | 20:06 |
dhellmann | russellb : I don't see anything *wrong* I'm just observing that their language is vague enough that potential users might not understand what they are building | 20:06 |
russellb | not necessarily calling for specific action ... just an observation, i guess. | 20:06 |
Qiming | basically, it was started as a autoscaling-service (ASS) :) | 20:06 |
ttx | what dhellmann said | 20:06 |
mestery | russellb: +1 | 20:06 |
Qiming | but we soon found out that it is really about a clutering thing | 20:06 |
sdague | russellb: agreed :) my +1 is lets go for it. If people want to hold for discussion, that is kind of what the -1 vote is for | 20:07 |
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Qiming | create and manage groups of homogeneous objects (heat stacks, nova severs) etc. | 20:07 |
dhellmann | Qiming : can you explain how that's different from murano or heat? is it the fact that it manages a group of things? | 20:07 |
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Qiming | an 'array' data type for programing openstack cloud | 20:08 |
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dhellmann | heh, ok | 20:08 |
ttx | ok, that makes sense :) | 20:08 |
ttx | Alright, other questions ? | 20:08 |
ttx | otherwise I'll approve now | 20:08 |
dhellmann | wfm, let's go | 20:08 |
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ttx | Alright, you're in. | 20:09 |
ttx | Qiming: I really liked your Tokyo meetup summary on the ML, btw | 20:09 |
Qiming | thanks guys, we are still open to any suggestions/comments | 20:09 |
ttx | gave me confidence you had a good grip on scope and feature vs. maturity | 20:09 |
dhellmann | sdague : on a procedural note, I hope it's not required to vote -1 to ask questions or have a discussion about something | 20:09 |
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ttx | moving on... | 20:09 |
ttx | #topic Freezer application to join the Big Tent | 20:10 |
*** openstack changes topic to "Freezer application to join the Big Tent (Meeting topic: tc)" | 20:10 | |
ttx | #link https://review.openstack.org/239668 | 20:10 |
ttx | Anyone from Freezer ? | 20:10 |
daemontool | re: Freezer I'm here just in case any clarification is needed | 20:10 |
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ttx | here the jury still sounds out | 20:10 |
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ttx | OK, so my initial take on this one is that it's a bit young (especially in using only logged IRC discussions) | 20:10 |
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ttx | But I could easily be convinced otherwise, Fausto's answers have been satisfying | 20:10 |
ttx | And they streamlined the licensing | 20:10 |
dhellmann | my only quibble here is on the mission wording, so if we want to add the project and iterate on that it's fine with me | 20:10 |
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ttx | sure we can iterate on the mission wording if it's not 100% there | 20:11 |
ttx | Does anyone have questions for daemontool ? | 20:11 |
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daemontool | :) | 20:11 |
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flaper87 | I don't. daemontool has been diligent and he has addressed most of the concerns on the review | 20:11 |
flaper87 | I think maturity from a community perspective will grow | 20:11 |
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sdague | yeh, it also seems like the mission might evolve as it matures, because it is kind of a new area and you discover some things as you go | 20:12 |
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dhellmann | daemontool : did my most recent comments on the mission statement make sense? | 20:12 |
daemontool | dhellmann, I think they make sense | 20:12 |
sdague | so fixing mission either in pre / post merge is fine by me | 20:12 |
flaper87 | if there's something that can be addressed during the meeting, it'd be cool | 20:12 |
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dhellmann | k, I'll +1 and we'll see where we stand on votes and I can work with daemontool on wording | 20:12 |
flaper87 | I'm fine with +1'ing it now or after a new patchset | 20:12 |
daemontool | perfect :) | 20:13 |
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ttx | ok, still a couple votes short | 20:14 |
jeblair | +1 | 20:14 |
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memogarcia | +1 | 20:14 |
ttx | ok, it has majority now | 20:14 |
ttx | and no objection | 20:15 |
ttx | Will approve now unless someone screams | 20:15 |
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ttx | ok approved | 20:16 |
ttx | daemontool: please work with dhellmann on polishing the mission statement | 20:16 |
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ttx | #topic Added JavaScript to Common Testing Interface | 20:17 |
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daemontool | brilliant, will do, thanks a lot :) | 20:17 |
ttx | #link https://review.openstack.org/232756 | 20:17 |
ttx | krotscheck: o/ | 20:17 |
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ttx | Feels like the latest rev addresses all the concerns posted so far | 20:17 |
krotscheck | ohai | 20:17 |
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flaper87 | and it's 9 votes | 20:17 |
ttx | right, approving now unless there is something to discuss ? | 20:17 |
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ttx | "bower, gulp, grunt, *sigh*" Approved | 20:18 |
ttx | #topic Introduce assert:supports-upgrade and assert:supports-rolling-upgrade tags | 20:18 |
*** openstack changes topic to "Introduce assert:supports-upgrade and assert:supports-rolling-upgrade tags (Meeting topic: tc)" | 20:18 | |
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krotscheck | Woot! | 20:18 |
ttx | #link https://review.openstack.org/239771 | 20:18 |
ttx | #link https://review.openstack.org/239778 | 20:18 |
ttx | I think these are great maturity assertions and can't wait to see them in | 20:18 |
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ttx | any last-minute comment ? | 20:19 |
ttx | FWIW I plan to engage with project teams on the assert:* tags so that they are aware of them | 20:19 |
flaper87 | ttx: ++ | 20:19 |
ttx | Before those are published on the project navigator and become embarassing to projects that should have asserted them | 20:19 |
russellb | i think they're a very nice addition. | 20:19 |
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sdague | yep, nice job dansmith | 20:19 |
russellb | i have a feeling we might need a way to add some attributes | 20:19 |
dansmith | \o/ | 20:19 |
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russellb | but we can deal with it later | 20:19 |
sdague | yeh, this seems like a very reasonable stake in the ground | 20:19 |
russellb | and project docs might be enough | 20:19 |
ttx | quick and smooth, approved | 20:20 |
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dhellmann | russellb : yeah, we used to have tag attributes | 20:20 |
dansmith | woohoo, thanks! | 20:20 |
ttx | #topic Add Fuel to OpenStack Projects | 20:20 |
*** openstack changes topic to "Add Fuel to OpenStack Projects (Meeting topic: tc)" | 20:20 | |
russellb | dhellmann: could just be an attribute that says "see this page for project docs that go into detail about the upgrade procedure / caveats / limitations / whatever" | 20:20 |
ttx | #link https://review.openstack.org/199232 | 20:20 |
russellb | moving on :) | 20:20 |
russellb | dansmith: thanks for pushing that | 20:20 |
dhellmann | russellb : exactly what I was thinking | 20:20 |
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ttx | anyone from Fuel around ? | 20:20 |
angdraug | I'm here | 20:20 |
ttx | angdraug: o/ | 20:20 |
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ttx | looking at current state of votes | 20:21 |
ttx | Looks like we still have two -2s | 20:21 |
sdague | so I -1ed https://review.openstack.org/199232 just until the 7 tests get over, which seem like they are in progress. I'm +1 once those are in. | 20:21 |
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angdraug | do we really need to hold until that's done? | 20:21 |
ttx | I'm fine trusting them on delivering those (and if they don't remove them) | 20:22 |
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jeblair | i think the multinode thing is unclear -- are you working with anyone from infra on that? | 20:22 |
angdraug | having gates is of tremendous value to our project, no reason to remove them | 20:22 |
dhellmann | it sounds like everything we've asked for is in progress, right? | 20:22 |
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jeblair | because we *can* run multinode tests, however, we can't run test on specialized hardware. | 20:22 |
jaypipes | dhellmann: or done already, yes. | 20:22 |
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dhellmann | angdraug : I think ttx meant remove fuel from official status if the tests don't materialize | 20:22 |
flaper87 | I don't think we need to hold them off on that, if there's work in progress and reviewable things up | 20:22 |
dhellmann | jaypipes : k | 20:22 |
sdague | I think multinode is out of scope | 20:22 |
ttx | yes, what dhellmann says | 20:22 |
dhellmann | sdague : agreed | 20:23 |
jeblair | sdague: why? | 20:23 |
sdague | it needs a lot more generic work | 20:23 |
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jeblair | we have multinode tests for nova and neutron | 20:23 |
* flaper87 +1'd | 20:23 | |
sdague | jeblair: they aren't voting | 20:23 |
angdraug | dhellmann: ttx: got it, sounds fair to me :) | 20:23 |
sdague | there are no currently binding multinode jobs | 20:23 |
jeblair | sdague: that's not because we lack the ability to run the jobs, it's because the jobs themselves aren't ready | 20:23 |
sdague | ttx: I'm fine flipping to +1 under your condition | 20:23 |
angdraug | there's a lot of expectations about multi-node environments wired into fuel-qa | 20:24 |
flaper87 | sdague: I think current +1's are under that condition | 20:24 |
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flaper87 | at least mine is for sure | 20:24 |
jeblair | what i'm concerned about is whether there is effert to work with and improve upstream testing | 20:24 |
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jeblair | rather than "meet minimum requirements of PTI" | 20:24 |
angdraug | jeblair: I think the +1 from EmilienM is a good confirmation that we are willing to work with other projects | 20:25 |
ttx | yeah, I think if they suddenly stop currently-started alignment efforts we should definitely revise our decision. | 20:25 |
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ttx | That's valid for every project out there | 20:25 |
lifeless | hi, sorry I've been afk - electrician here; and now power is being cut off :( | 20:25 |
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dhellmann | jeblair : what ttx said | 20:25 |
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flaper87 | lifeless: :( | 20:25 |
jeblair | angdraug: that's great, but where's the work on closing the gaps on the more complex tests? | 20:25 |
lifeless | flaper87: occupational risk of working from home :) Mostly a net win :) | 20:26 |
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angdraug | jeblair: give us time, please | 20:26 |
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angdraug | let us finish the conversion from Fuel CI to openstack gates first | 20:26 |
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flaper87 | jeblair: hypothetically, how much longer would it take for them to complete that work? | 20:27 |
jeblair | i'm happy to give you time. i'm being asked not to give you time. :) | 20:27 |
jaypipes | jeblair: how so? | 20:27 |
flaper87 | I think Fuel has been held of long enough and they've addressed most of our concerns. The missing ones are WIP, AFAICT | 20:27 |
jeblair | jaypipes: i'm being asked to approve inclusion now. i'm happy to delay inclusion. | 20:27 |
flaper87 | off* | 20:27 |
angdraug | right now, fuel-qa uses fuel-devops to provision virtual nodes, which works directly on top of libvirt | 20:27 |
jaypipes | jeblair: oh, sorry, misunderstood you :) | 20:28 |
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angdraug | going from that to nodepool is a major rewrite of lots of bits | 20:28 |
ttx | anyway, still a couple votes short | 20:28 |
sdague | personally it feels odd to hold fuel to a bar higher than other projects about the multinode work in upstream. As someone that's done a good chunk of multinode upstream work, I don't think it's fair to hold up new teams behind having to integrate with that in current state. | 20:28 |
ttx | anyone else besides jeblair with unaddressed concerns ? | 20:28 |
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jeblair | sdague: there are still fuel projects running only noop jobs. | 20:29 |
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sdague | is this the 7 jobs? | 20:29 |
angdraug | yes | 20:29 |
sdague | or is there something beyond that? | 20:29 |
angdraug | and 6 jobs for new repos we've created last week | 20:30 |
angdraug | which already have non-voting gate jobs | 20:30 |
angdraug | we just need to finish testing them and enable | 20:30 |
angdraug | that's it | 20:30 |
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sdague | angdraug: right, and you said a few weeks to complete that, right? | 20:31 |
angdraug | yes | 20:31 |
ttx | russellb, mestery, annegentle, lifeless, mordred, dtroyer, markmcclain: any question left ? | 20:31 |
jeblair | sdague: and i'm not asking for complete work on the multinode thing, just the start of some interaction, because i think today, there's very little understanding across teams on this | 20:31 |
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angdraug | end of year deadline gives us enough buffer time for unforeseen complications | 20:31 |
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flaper87 | it looks like this will have to wait another week as there are not enough votes | 20:31 |
flaper87 | we should perhaps move on and continue the discussion on the review | 20:32 |
ttx | right, i'll check the votes on this one at the end and see | 20:32 |
markmcclain | ttx: honestly I'm on the fence and would personally like to see the inflight work completed | 20:32 |
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sdague | jeblair: I definitely agree there is very little understanding across teams, started chatting with clarkb about that today. But I think that is a broader thing, because I don't think we've made a reasonable discussion space for that as of yet | 20:32 |
ttx | markmcclain: that is fair | 20:32 |
sdague | it's been a lot of scatter shot, which we need to make better | 20:32 |
markmcclain | ttx: otherwise I do think the projects fits within out mission | 20:32 |
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ttx | Alright, let's shelve this for a few minutes | 20:32 |
ttx | #topic Other changes | 20:33 |
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ttx | * Limit type:service to user-facing services | 20:33 |
ttx | #link https://review.openstack.org/242124 | 20:33 |
ttx | that one is ready, will approve now | 20:33 |
flaper87 | what's up with monasca ? | 20:33 |
ttx | next topic | 20:33 |
flaper87 | kk | 20:33 |
ttx | we should have time to cover it | 20:33 |
ttx | * Provides links in the charter to the list of projects | 20:33 |
ttx | #link https://review.openstack.org/241424 | 20:33 |
ttx | This one is technically a charter change, even if it's a minimal one... So we might want to have 2/3 approvers (9) | 20:34 |
flaper87 | you did say "time permitting"... flaper87 stfu | 20:34 |
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ttx | and we have them now, approving | 20:34 |
ttx | * Update deprecation policy for changes not in coordinated releases | 20:34 |
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ttx | #link https://review.openstack.org/242117 | 20:34 |
ttx | This change clarifies what the policy means for intermediary-released services like Ironic | 20:34 |
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ttx | Note that it doesn't affect projects which already asserted this, since those are all cycle-with-milestones currently | 20:34 |
ttx | Looks like that one could use a few more iterations though | 20:35 |
ttx | let's table it until next week | 20:35 |
ttx | * Rename Ceilometer projects to Telemetry | 20:35 |
ttx | #link https://review.openstack.org/240809 | 20:35 |
sdague | so, some times with things like https://review.openstack.org/242117 - it's helped with more words, and examples | 20:35 |
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sdague | because I feel that in the effort to condense those things, it gets more confusing | 20:35 |
ttx | sdague: agreed | 20:36 |
russellb | feels like deja vu back to the days of programs | 20:36 |
russellb | (the ceilometer change that is) | 20:36 |
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ttx | russellb: yeah there is a bit of that | 20:36 |
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dhellmann | naming things is hard | 20:36 |
russellb | indeed | 20:36 |
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ttx | I'm fine with the change though, even if it seems to assert ownership of a territory | 20:37 |
jaypipes | grunt, gulp, bower *sigh* | 20:37 |
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ttx | as long as we all know that's not the case | 20:37 |
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russellb | seems fine ... most projects identify with their primary deliverable ... this one isn't as clear and deserves a different name | 20:37 |
russellb | wfm | 20:37 |
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ttx | ok, approving, unless someone screams. We can always change it /again/ | 20:37 |
flaper87 | ttx: lol | 20:37 |
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russellb | i think we've sailed past projects claiming territory for the most part, except maybe at the very bottom of the stack | 20:38 |
edleafe | Teleceilometry | 20:38 |
ttx | I'll keep the last ("Rejecting other deferred project applications ?") for open discussion | 20:38 |
ttx | #topic Adding Monasca to OpenStack | 20:38 |
*** openstack changes topic to "Adding Monasca to OpenStack (Meeting topic: tc)" | 20:38 | |
ttx | #link https://review.openstack.org/213183 | 20:38 |
ttx | Anyone from Monasca around ? | 20:38 |
rhochmuth | o/ | 20:38 |
ddieterl_ | o/ | 20:38 |
rbrndt | o/ | 20:38 |
mhop | o/ | 20:39 |
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ddieterly | o/ | 20:39 |
flaper87 | I saw sdague approved the test job | 20:39 |
flaper87 | I'm good with that | 20:39 |
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sdague | it is experimental only, but it's a start | 20:39 |
flaper87 | sdague: yup | 20:39 |
ttx | Approving this on the same grounds I'm approving Fuel, going in the right direction | 20:39 |
flaper87 | same thoughts as for the Fuel case | 20:39 |
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dhellmann | yeah, I'm happy with the progress since the last time I looked | 20:40 |
flaper87 | ttx: indeed | 20:40 |
ttx | flaper87: get out of my mind! | 20:40 |
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jeblair | i'm also satisfied this is going in the right direction | 20:40 |
ttx | Alright, questions? objections? | 20:40 |
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ttx | (8 yes, ready to approve) | 20:41 |
ttx | alright, approved | 20:42 |
ttx | rhochmuth: welcome :) | 20:42 |
* jaypipes wonders why folks haven't voted on the Fuel proposal but did on the Monasca proposal... :( | 20:42 | |
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flaper87 | rhochmuth: thank you :) | 20:42 |
rhochmuth | thanks everyone | 20:42 |
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ttx | #topic Open discussion | 20:42 |
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ttx | First, back on the Fuel review | 20:43 |
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ttx | still missing a couple votes. | 20:43 |
jeblair | statements like "this is not required by the pti" concern me. | 20:43 |
flaper87 | As I mentioned on the tc m-l, I'll help with automating tags updates but don't expect me to do that by the end of this week | 20:43 |
flaper87 | :D | 20:43 |
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ttx | * Rejecting deferred project applications | 20:43 |
ttx | #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-tc/2015-November/001055.html | 20:44 |
angdraug | jeblair: why? do you think we'll stop at exactly what PTI requires? | 20:44 |
ttx | So my suggestion of assigning TC mentors to track deferred project applications was not very popular | 20:44 |
russellb | i volunteered for one, but it's one i was interested in tracking regardless | 20:44 |
jeblair | angdraug: yes, that statement makes me worry about that. i hope not. | 20:44 |
angdraug | the reason I've made that statement is that I'm concerned about scope creep for acceptance requirements | 20:44 |
flaper87 | FWIW, I liked it and I think it makes sense | 20:44 |
ttx | That means the burden of "resubmitting when ready" should fall on the proposer, which I'm fine with | 20:44 |
flaper87 | Some projects need it, others don't | 20:44 |
ttx | But then we should just more clearly reject application changes, so that putting a change back up for review really means "we think we are ready now" | 20:45 |
flaper87 | Monasca and Fuel did a great job dealing with the requirements | 20:45 |
angdraug | back in July, there were no objections to declaring multi-node testing a long-term goal | 20:45 |
flaper87 | other projects need more guidance | 20:45 |
ttx | So we should Rollcall-1 Compass, Kiloeyes, Kosmos and Juju applications | 20:45 |
ttx | flaper87: sdague thinks it's not a great use of our time | 20:45 |
jeblair | angdraug: i agree, and i still won't block based on that. but i'd like to see effort and collaboration begin in that direction. | 20:45 |
angdraug | there were two very clear objections: PTI and collaboration with puppet-openstack | 20:45 |
flaper87 | yeah, I'm more of a mentoring person, hence my tendency to vote for that kind of "programs" | 20:46 |
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flaper87 | not saying sdague isn't, btw. :D | 20:46 |
sdague | ttx: well to be specific, I think there are a lot of priorities, and it seems odd to focus on not-yet-openstack instead of openstack projects | 20:46 |
sdague | especially by policy | 20:46 |
jaypipes | sdague: agreed. | 20:46 |
sdague | individuals can do whatever they want | 20:46 |
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sdague | russellb helping on a not-yet-openstack project, is totally cool | 20:46 |
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sdague | but it shouldn't be expectation set for TC | 20:46 |
angdraug | jeblair: you will see that, but I'd rather not make that an additional requirement for the fuel proposal | 20:47 |
russellb | seeems fair | 20:47 |
jeblair | angdraug: the thing i'd like to be clear is that the goal is that as much as possible is tested in the upstream project infrastructure because it is accessible to all developers and does not rely on a single company's resources. | 20:47 |
flaper87 | I don't think we need this to be an expectation | 20:47 |
ttx | sdague: sure but then how do you propose we signal when a project is ready to be reconsidered ? Should we reject the review until it's reproposed ? | 20:47 |
russellb | maybe clearly outlining a way they can reach out for review of particular aspects? | 20:47 |
flaper87 | I think this has to be a volunteering job and, it's fine to not have a mentor | 20:47 |
dims | jeblair +1000, that much is very clear | 20:47 |
angdraug | Fuel CI is also accessible to all developers (including its source code) | 20:47 |
russellb | like "you had concerns about this piece, what do you think of our progress?" | 20:47 |
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russellb | i guess just the ML is fine for that kind of thing | 20:47 |
angdraug | I agree that migrating off Mirantis hosted infra is a worthy goal though | 20:47 |
flaper87 | I mentioned on that thread that we need to have a better way for folks to reach out | 20:47 |
flaper87 | or communicate that better | 20:47 |
flaper87 | 800-CALL-THE-TC | 20:48 |
russellb | flaper87: +1 | 20:48 |
sdague | ttx: yes, that seems fine, the virtual abandoned reviews seem better to be actually abandoned. | 20:48 |
flaper87 | Perhaps, inviting some of these projects to participate in the TC meeting whenever they need guidance | 20:48 |
ttx | russellb: I'm mostly concerned with the mechanics of the submission and the experience for the submitter. Currently it sits in open reviews until something happens and it's put back on the meetin docket | 20:48 |
ttx | (something unspecified) | 20:48 |
russellb | yeah, good point | 20:48 |
dhellmann | flaper87 : I'd rather do it offline, 1:1 | 20:48 |
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russellb | abandon with a nice comment "this isn't no, never, it's just not yet" seems fine | 20:49 |
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ttx | ok so shoudl we abandon Compass, Kiloeyes, Kosmos and Juju applications now ? | 20:49 |
flaper87 | dhellmann: perhaps, but that's some sort of ad-hoc mentoring, isn't it? | 20:49 |
russellb | "please resubmit when you think it's time to re-evaluate progress on the concerns listed" | 20:49 |
dhellmann | ttx, russellb : so let's abandon them with the instructions about next step | 20:49 |
russellb | +1 | 20:49 |
ttx | I'm +1 on that | 20:49 |
sdague | +1 | 20:49 |
dtroyer_zz | +1 | 20:49 |
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flaper87 | we *almost* did that with Monasca | 20:49 |
jeblair | +1 | 20:49 |
flaper87 | but without the abandon part | 20:49 |
russellb | and we can even give a TC member the action of writing up that response when we discuss it in meeting and decide that's the response | 20:49 |
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dhellmann | flaper87 : yes, and I think that's ok. Projects that are serious about their applications will ask for help. All of the current proposers did. | 20:49 |
flaper87 | I think it worked well for them | 20:49 |
ttx | OK, I'll abandon them | 20:49 |
flaper87 | dhellmann: yes, I was just pointing out that we've kinda adopted that already | 20:50 |
dhellmann | russellb : yeah, though I think only ttx can actually abandon them | 20:50 |
ttx | unless someone beats me to them | 20:50 |
flaper87 | I agree it's fine | 20:50 |
dhellmann | flaper87 : ok | 20:50 |
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russellb | dhellmann: ah ok | 20:50 |
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ttx | anyone can post a summary of what's expected of them though :) | 20:50 |
flaper87 | how many proposals have we rejected that are missing things that are listed in the governance repo? | 20:51 |
dhellmann | ttx: sure | 20:51 |
ttx | Compass, Kiloeyes, Kosmos and Juju | 20:51 |
ttx | flaper87: ^ | 20:51 |
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flaper87 | Does that mean we're not communicating the requirements properly? | 20:51 |
flaper87 | I don't think the number is high | 20:51 |
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flaper87 | just an open question to evaluate our process | 20:51 |
* flaper87 will put more thoughts on this | 20:52 | |
ttx | On the Fuel review, I think jeblair voiced his opinion and vote. I'm more interested in the members who haven't voted +1 or -1 yet | 20:52 |
dhellmann | flaper87 : it was not clear early on that we wanted things to actually exist when the teams asked for official status, but I think we've fixed that | 20:52 |
jeblair | ttx: thanks | 20:52 |
ttx | markmcclain said he was on the same line as jeblair (even if he didn't express it on the review) | 20:53 |
angdraug | ttx: that would be russellb dtroyer_zz markmcclain based on monasca votes | 20:53 |
flaper87 | dhellmann: but that applies to just one of those projects, iirc. | 20:53 |
ttx | and lifeless mordred | 20:53 |
ttx | and annegentle | 20:53 |
dhellmann | flaper87 : I think I saw a comment on the juju review suggesting they create their repos and start work, too. | 20:53 |
sdague | mordred is in a weird TZ today, he was awake before me | 20:53 |
angdraug | mordred: doesn't seem to be around, lifeless mentioned power outage... | 20:53 |
dhellmann | flaper87 : the other was kiloeyes, right? | 20:53 |
flaper87 | dhellmann: yes | 20:53 |
dtroyer_zz | re Fuel, I'm just not convinced it fits OpenStack's mission… we generally have stayed away from being a distro | 20:54 |
angdraug | dtroyer_zz: Fuel is a deployment service, not a distro | 20:54 |
sdague | kiloeyes is a monasca fork by an ibm team, and I agree with mordred's email, it's like 6 commits, it's not a thing | 20:54 |
flaper87 | dhellmann: I'll put some thoughts on this and see if I can come up with something. It might be we're done enough but I never trust that kind of statements :D | 20:54 |
dhellmann | flaper87 : ok. I think we have, but I agree it's worth another look. | 20:55 |
ttx | dtroyer: I think we crossed that bridge a long time ago, with Puppet recipes or TripleO | 20:55 |
russellb | i don't have any argument against fuel, but I don't like the idea of approving it when jeblair has reservations on infra stuff. i'd rather respect that | 20:55 |
dtroyer_zz | ttx: I see those a bit differently, puppet/chef/etc are more of a toolkit than an install/deploy interface | 20:55 |
ttx | russellb: that is fair. Same as markmcclain | 20:55 |
angdraug | ttx: dtroyer_zz: ... or ansible or chef :) | 20:55 |
russellb | ttx: certainly the tripleo case ... i see puppet or chef as a little different, as it's not a full deployment solution ... just some of the supporting bits IMO | 20:55 |
sdague | dtroyer_zz / ttx: OSAD | 20:56 |
dhellmann | jeblair : it's not clear to me whether your objection is "fuel has refused to do X" or "fuel has not yet done X" or "fuel seems to be indicating they may never do X" | 20:56 |
jeblair | angdraug: i suggested this in #openstack-infra but maybe you didn't see it -- can you start a ml thread or an infra meeting agenda item on what the delta is between what we are able to run upstream and what you need? | 20:56 |
* flaper87 thinks is the second one | 20:56 | |
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angdraug | jeblair: yes, thread on ML sounds like a good start | 20:57 |
angdraug | bookwar: can you take that action? | 20:57 |
bookwar | yes, sure | 20:57 |
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ttx | Alright, sounds like it will be back next week | 20:58 |
ttx | Anything else, anyone ? | 20:58 |
dims | angdraug bookwar let's do both ML and infra meeting | 20:58 |
jeblair | dhellmann: the second plus a little bit of wanting to see that there's effort into more than just the minimum. fuel chose to run their own ci for even things like pep8, so i'd like to see that they enthusastically value the public project infrastructure. :) | 20:58 |
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dhellmann | jeblair : ack, thanks for clarifying. that's a completely reasonable position | 20:58 |
angdraug | can you sum up the expectations for Fuel for the next round? | 20:58 |
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jeblair | angdraug: for me, finish the migration of the low hanging fruit and start a dialog on the more complex jobs. | 20:59 |
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ttx | It's just harder for an established project to join than for a brand-new one | 21:00 |
jeblair | angdraug: i do not believe that is a significant expansion from the earlier request. | 21:00 |
angdraug | as I mentioned, I see the latter as a new requirement :( | 21:00 |
ttx | it's weird but it's the case | 21:00 |
russellb | ttx: kinda makes sense too | 21:00 |
ttx | They have to go out of their way to prove they will follow community, while a new project is more easily given the benefit of doubt. | 21:00 |
dims | ttx well said | 21:01 |
ttx | russellb: yes, and I expect other projects might be bitten by that in the future | 21:01 |
russellb | easier to adapt to openstack processes and tools when you have no existing baggage to shuffle | 21:01 |
ttx | It's a consequence of the "are you one of us" approach | 21:01 |
ttx | when you come from a different group, you have to prove more | 21:01 |
flaper87 | I think we're out of time | 21:01 |
ttx | yes | 21:01 |
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ttx | Thanks everyone | 21:01 |
jaypipes | dtroyer_zz: what is the difference between devstack and Fuel in your mind with regards to "supporting the OpenStack mission"? | 21:01 |
flaper87 | that said, I agree with ttx | 21:01 |
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ttx | #endmeeting | 21:01 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Tue Nov 10 21:01:59 2015 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 21:02 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tc/2015/tc.2015-11-10-20.02.html | 21:02 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tc/2015/tc.2015-11-10-20.02.txt | 21:02 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tc/2015/tc.2015-11-10-20.02.log.html | 21:02 |
ttx | Feel free to continue the discussion on #openstack-dev | 21:02 |
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jeblair | or -infra ;) | 21:02 |
dims | haha | 21:02 |
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dtroyer_zz | jaypipes: actually they are a lot alike, and we demoted devstack from a project to just a tool… | 21:02 |
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ttx | (the cross-project meeting was cancelled due to lack of topics this week) | 21:02 |
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dtroyer_zz | I'd not support devstack as a project today | 21:02 |
jaypipes | dtroyer_zz: ? no we didn't. | 21:02 |
ttx | (and also waiting on a conclusion on the thread predicting its imminent demise) | 21:02 |
dtroyer_zz | stand-alone project | 21:02 |
jaypipes | dtroyer_zz: is devstack in projects.yaml? | 21:03 |
elmiko | thanks for the heads up ttx | 21:03 |
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jaypipes | dtroyer_zz: that's what this is about | 21:03 |
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dtroyer_zz | I don't think it is anymore | 21:03 |
dtroyer_zz | if so, only as a repo in QA | 21:03 |
russellb | it's part of QA | 21:03 |
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jaypipes | dtroyer_zz: that's the same thing as "being in projects.yaml" | 21:03 |
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angdraug | I hope you don't propose to combine all deployment tools under a "Deployment" project in projects.yaml :) | 21:09 |
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