Tuesday, 2016-02-09

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yamamoto #startmeeting networking_midonet07:04
yamamoto#startmeeting networking_midonet07:05
openstackMeeting started Tue Feb  9 07:05:46 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is yamamoto. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.07:05
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.07:05
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'networking_midonet'07:05
yamamoto#topic Agena07:06
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yamamoto#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/NetworkingMidoNet agenda07:06
yamamoto#topic Announcements07:06
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yamamotoicehouse and juno branches are now marked EOL and removed07:06
yamamoto#topic Bugs07:07
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yamamotowe don't have any new high prio bugs07:07
yamamotoi wonder if it makes much sense to have bug deputy "rotation" while there's only single volunteer (me)07:08
yamamotoanyway i'll continue it this week07:09
yamamoto#topic Open Discussion07:09
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* yamamoto waiting for a few mins before ending meeting07:10
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openstackMeeting ended Tue Feb  9 07:21:31 2016 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)07:21
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/networking_midonet/2016/networking_midonet.2016-02-09-07.05.html07:21
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/networking_midonet/2016/networking_midonet.2016-02-09-07.05.txt07:21
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/networking_midonet/2016/networking_midonet.2016-02-09-07.05.log.html07:21
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anteaya#startmeeting third-party08:01
openstackMeeting started Tue Feb  9 08:01:31 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is anteaya. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.08:01
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.08:01
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'third_party'08:01
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anteayahey lennyb_08:01
lennyb_how are you today?08:02
anteayawanted to put in the logs that you offered to do both third-party meetings next week, Monday at 15:00 and Tuesday at 8:00 utc08:02
anteayaso thank you for that08:02
anteayaI'm good thanks08:02
anteayahow about yourself?08:02
lennyb_I am fine, thanks08:02
anteayaanything you want to disucuss in this meeting?08:03
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lennyb_not really08:04
anteayaokay thank you08:04
anteayaI don't have anything either right now08:04
lennyb_ok, 'see' you in two weeks.08:05
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anteayaany objection to me closing the meeting?08:10
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openstackMeeting ended Tue Feb  9 08:10:43 2016 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)08:10
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/third_party/2016/third_party.2016-02-09-08.01.html08:10
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/third_party/2016/third_party.2016-02-09-08.01.txt08:10
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/third_party/2016/third_party.2016-02-09-08.01.log.html08:10
anteayathanks lennyb_08:10
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sdaguewho is around for the nova-api meeting?12:07
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sdague#startmeeting nova-api12:08
openstackMeeting started Tue Feb  9 12:08:07 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is sdague. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.12:08
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.12:08
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'nova_api'12:08
sdagueso it's a holiday in china so probably a short meeting today12:09
sdagueagenda - https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/NovaAPI12:09
gmann_sdague: yea12:09
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sdaguethere are no open actions I can see from last meeting12:10
sdagueI'm going to just jump us to open discussion12:10
sdague#topic Open Discussion12:10
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sdaguewhat are the burning issues that people have at the moment12:10
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gmann_sdague: yea.12:11
sdaguehttps://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/master/nova/api/openstack/compute/scheduler_hints.py#L34-L37 is on the list12:11
gmann_sdague: yea12:11
sdaguegmann_: which I think is your question12:11
gmann_sdague: not this actually. this bug - https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/153935112:12
openstackLaunchpad bug 1539351 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Authorization by user_id does not work in V2.1 API" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to jichenjc (jichenjc)12:12
gmann_sdague: oh yea for sch hint a spec we expected.12:12
gmann_as per jichen that bug might be in all actions?12:12
jichenyes, most actions , I think , at least from my test result12:13
sdagueok on the auth by user_id bug - https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1539351 - I wonder what the keystone folks feel about that12:13
openstackLaunchpad bug 1539351 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Authorization by user_id does not work in V2.1 API" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to jichenjc (jichenjc)12:13
sdaguebecause as mtreinish said during a tempest thread on this, blocking by user_id is pretty unexpected12:13
gmann_sdague: yea just read that mail.12:14
sdagueperhaps we should have the bigger conversation around that12:14
jichenin the mail list?12:14
johnthetubaguyso the only thing this triggered for me was key_pair were we do restrict by user_id12:14
gmann_sdague: yea i also feel so, tenant isolation was ok but with user id still needs to think more12:15
sdaguejichen: yeh12:15
gmann_johnthetubaguy: yea with 2.10, we manage with user-id12:15
sdaguejohnthetubaguy: keypair makes some sense there12:15
sdagueyeh, I don't know12:16
johnthetubaguyyeah, I think keypair defaults to per_user, as I understand it12:16
johnthetubaguyits the one odd bit12:16
johnthetubaguyI don't like the idea of us supporting the other things12:16
sdaguejohnthetubaguy: ok, perhaps then respond on the nova bug ML thread with that12:16
sdagueI'm kind of fine saying that's not supported12:16
johnthetubaguyalthough if we had hierarchical tenancy working better, I would feel better about blocking that12:16
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johnthetubaguyyeah, I should give that some thought and respond12:17
sdagueok, so lets assume we aren't going to support it12:18
johnthetubaguyyeah, its a spec, etc, if thats wanted anyways12:18
sdague#info we do not intend to support arbitrary user_id permission in the API any more12:18
gmann_sdague: johnthetubaguy +112:18
sdague#action johnthetubaguy to respond on mailing list12:18
sdagueok, other open discussion topics?12:19
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sdagueI have one about tempest / microverion testing for Nova as there is some overlap here12:19
gmann_sdague: ok12:20
sdagueok, lets talk about Tempest testing for Nova microversions12:20
sdaguewhen we landed 2.20 we really wanted some testing of it for real, it impacts volumes & shelved instances12:20
sdagueI thought the tempest infrastructure was there, but it's really not12:21
sdaguegmann_: are you working on that infrastructure? or do you know who is?12:21
gmann_sdague: yea, i am done with infrastructure.12:21
sdaguebecause I had an idea of a simpler way to deal with it instead of all the passing through layers12:21
sdaguegmann_: ok, it doesn't work12:21
gmann_sdague:  all patches are merged and v2.2 are on gate12:22
sdagueit really doesn't work12:22
gmann_sdague: oh, i did not get12:22
sdagueI don't know how v2.2 is working12:22
sdaguebecause I definitely could never get a header sent in 2.2012:22
gmann_sdague: you mean for v2.20?12:22
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gmann_sdague: yea that is not yet supported12:23
sdaguegmann_: I don't know what that means12:23
gmann_sdague: sorry, i missed. all compute service clients are not in suport yet12:23
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gmann_sdague: due to tempest-lib12:23
gmann_sdague: only keypair client is supprted for microversion12:23
sdagueok, so it seems like this is more complicated than it should be12:23
sdaguebecause the assumption is that software will be written so that nova microversion is a hard coded constant in it12:24
gmann_sdague: but for making all compute service client working for microversion, i just need to migrate framework in lib12:24
gmann_sdague: and change the base class for all service cleints12:24
sdagueso, tempest_lib should just have COMPUTE_MICROVERSION12:24
gmann_sdague: just 3 patch12:24
sdagueand have a fixture in tempest that sets it12:24
sdagueinstead of instrumenting every single tempest-lib client12:25
gmann_sdague: ok, that i can change, currently its is had coded in base compute client12:25
sdaguegmann_: right, and there is all that work to pass things through12:25
sdaguethat just seems like a lot of effort12:25
sdagueand will have to be set everywhere12:25
gmann_sdague: yea but still we need to add microversion in header on lib side12:26
sdaguebecause if we need a tempest_lib release to test a new microverion, that's a failure of the system12:26
sdaguegmann_: right, but we'll do that at the def request level12:26
gmann_sdague: like https://github.com/openstack/tempest/blob/master/tempest/services/base_microversion_client.py#L4712:26
gmann_sdague: yea12:27
gmann_at request level not in al client12:27
sdagueright, but api_microversion should not be an instance variable12:27
sdagueit should be a global12:27
sdagueand change it with a fixture if you want to12:27
gmann_sdague: but as long as service client are in lib we still need to change them due to new API param etc12:27
sdagueif it's a new parameter12:28
sdagueit's not always12:28
gmann_sdague: yea not always12:28
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gmann_sdague: as we are thinking to move lib interfaces to tempest, that would be fine12:28
sdagueanyway, the amount of work to support new microversions in tempest right now is far too high, we need to figure out how to do this better otherwise no one is going to test these12:29
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gmann_sdague: that microversion variable only changed by tempest from tests case selection12:29
gmann_sdague: humm12:29
sdagueok, let's take this over to #qa after this meeting12:30
gmann_sdague: adding for v2.10 too - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/277763/12:30
gmann_sdague: sure.12:30
sdagueok, any other topics?12:30
sdagueok, we'll call it a meeting. Thanks folks12:31
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gmann_sdague: Thanks.12:31
openstackMeeting ended Tue Feb  9 12:31:11 2016 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)12:31
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/nova_api/2016/nova_api.2016-02-09-12.08.html12:31
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/nova_api/2016/nova_api.2016-02-09-12.08.txt12:31
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/nova_api/2016/nova_api.2016-02-09-12.08.log.html12:31
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jasondotstar#startmeeting openstack_salt16:02
openstackMeeting started Tue Feb  9 16:02:12 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is jasondotstar. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.16:02
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openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:02
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jasondotstar#topic roll call16:02
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jasondotstarhi cznewt16:03
cznewthello jasondotstar16:03
jasondotstar#topic Introduction16:03
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jasondotstarthis is the meeting for the openstack-salt team16:03
jasondotstar    If you're interested in contributing to the discussion, please join #openstack-salt16:03
jasondotstar#link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/#OpenStack_Salt_Team_Meeting16:04
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jasondotstar#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/openstack-salt16:04
cznewthello geneneric unix unit16:04
jasondotstarhi genunix16:04
genunix:-) Hello16:04
jasondotstar#topic Review past action items16:04
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jasondotstargenunix to research how to openstack packaging works16:05
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jasondotstarany status?16:05
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genunixjasondotstar: not much. I have read some docs but didn't find much useful things, it's not much unified.16:07
jasondotstarvery well, we're carry it over16:07
genunixSo current conclusion is - try to contact some openstack package maintainer16:07
genunixand ask about how to get our formulas to Debian16:07
jasondotstar#action genunix to continue openstack packaging research16:07
jasondotstarnext: jasondotstar to look at the integration of launchpad with our repos16:08
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jasondotstarnot much movement here either. I'll need to move this one fwd :-(16:08
cznewtyes integration with launchpad bugs is iportant to set16:08
cznewtso we can keep track of upcoming development16:08
jasondotstar#action jasondotstar to look at the integration of launchpad with our repos (bug triage, tracking, etc.) *important*16:09
cznewtas there are already some areas to tackle [vanilla neutron]16:09
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jasondotstarok next one:16:09
jasondotstarjasondotstar to look into dev environment sponsorship16:09
jasondotstarso we were just talking about this16:09
jasondotstarfrom my understanding16:09
jasondotstarthis request is to have a cloud-based dev environment16:10
jasondotstarfor functionally testing the services that our salt formulas will deploy16:10
cznewtyes, the heat-based both single / cluster deployments16:10
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cznewtof openstack control clusters + few computes to test16:10
jasondotstarthis is beyond the local dev environment16:10
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jasondotstari posed a question to the -infra team16:11
jasondotstarand they made a couple suggestions16:11
jasondotstar1- use trystack16:11
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jasondotstarthe only problem with trystack is the resources terminate after 24 hours16:11
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cznewtWe can setup more permament labs at tcpcloud16:12
jasondotstari don't know if we can rely on an environment like that in sustenance16:12
cznewtit's possible to run up to 10 labs at once16:12
jasondotstarthe other option is to use an employer based environment16:12
jasondotstarso yes, we may have to rely on tcpcloud16:13
jasondotstarthe other thing we need to eventually thing about is gating16:13
cznewtthere can be more lab environments to test16:13
jasondotstarbeyond linting16:13
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jasondotstarexample: puppet uses the beaker gate, to functionally test the service deployed with puppet by launching a couple VMs (one debian based, one rpm based)16:14
cznewtyes I'd like that as well16:14
jasondotstarto ensure the service works16:14
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cznewtyes exactly system testing is missing in out setup now16:14
cznewtto automate this is +2 for me16:14
jasondotstar#agreed functional testing like beaker is required to achieve gating beyond linting16:15
cznewtI can look at beaker gates and how to get it into salt world16:15
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jasondotstar#action cznewt to look at beaker gates and how to fold into the salt workflow16:16
jasondotstar#action cznewt to look at beaker gates and how to fold a similar process into the salt workflow16:16
jasondotstarany other thoughts on this16:17
cznewtnot to this topis16:17
cznewtanother issue is the documentation, it is not16:17
cznewtbuilding for some time, but we are working on fixing it16:17
cznewtas it moved to the openstack namespace16:18
cznewtquestion off topic: if you abandon change in gerrit, can you revert this?16:18
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cznewtI have much to learn :)16:19
jasondotstarnewt test the aio/ha openstack-salt heat setup16:20
cznewtthe other issue is to try access to development environemnts from various platforms [ie mac]16:20
jasondotstar'access to dev environments' <- what do you mean?16:20
cznewtthe heat clients, the vagrant installs16:21
cznewtit is working on linux16:21
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cznewtbut we need to test it works on win/mac as well16:21
cznewtit should :)16:22
jasondotstarwindows I can see us working on - mac i'm not sure16:22
cznewtyou have mac, right?16:22
jasondotstarare we talking local dev16:22
jasondotstaror a managed cloud enviroment (i.e. lab)16:22
cznewtlocal for vagrant, remote for heat, but you still have your laptop as heat client16:22
jasondotstaroh i c.16:23
cznewti'd prefer we can support both cases, but i'd primarily focus on cloud based deploys16:23
cznewtjasondotstar: what do you think?16:23
cznewtas the vagrant is limited by local resources16:24
jasondotstarperhaps we can take a look at having mac-based heat clients, but i think it's more important to concentrate on fully standing up the services on linux #1, windows #216:24
cznewtI can test the linux client side, do you have anyone around with M$ win who is willing to test?16:26
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jasondotstarnot right off16:27
jasondotstarsomething to think about16:27
cznewtwell we need some viretual windows then :)16:27
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cznewtand that's somethin we have in saltstack-training lab :)16:27
jasondotstar#action consider testing deployments to windows-based clients16:27
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cznewt#action cznewt get the first cloud based labs for openstack-salt testing fully operational16:29
jasondotstari think we can move on, we can chat more about this in chan.16:29
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jasondotstar#topic Today's Agenda16:30
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cznewtyes, the salt community16:30
jasondotstar    Salt community involve, no response: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/salt-users/v3PQDfRgtmk16:30
jasondotstarcznewt: yes, thanks for engaging the salt community on this topic16:30
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jasondotstardo we anticipate a response soon?16:31
cznewtI have contant to Nitin Madhok who is saltstack merger16:31
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cznewtwe met in Tokio and discussed for a while, I'll let him know of our endeavour and ask him for participation as well16:32
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cznewthe can probably help us to the right path16:33
jasondotstarcznewt: interesting. i did the same :-)16:33
jasondotstarcznewt: a few weeks ago16:33
jasondotstarbut that was before we combined our efforts16:33
jasondotstarcool. we'll see if he can help16:33
cznewtwell I typed him in December and did not get any reply16:33
jasondotstarcznewt: same here. I've yet to hear back from him16:34
cznewtbut it is different topics now16:34
jasondotstar#action continue to engage the salt community regarding our standardizing dependencies, packaging, versioning, and testing16:35
jasondotstari've yet to finish my dev environment setup :-(16:35
jasondotstarI'm going to clear my plate today16:36
jasondotstarand work on this.16:36
cznewtyes, I'd love that and to assist16:36
jasondotstar#action jasondotstar to complete local dev testing setup16:36
jasondotstarcznewt: +116:36
cznewtwhatever issues comes, exept weird ruby/vagrant errors16:37
cznewtthat were tricky :)16:37
jasondotstari got a couple weird ones16:37
jasondotstarbut I'll keep pushing on it.16:37
jasondotstarok, any other pressing topics?16:37
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jasondotstarif not, i wanted to bring up the question that's being asked right now in -infra16:38
cznewtI think we went over all pressing topics for now16:38
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jasondotstarso did you see the qn in -infra16:38
jasondotstarregarding the stackforge/salt projects?16:38
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jasondotstarbasically the issue is we have the new projects16:40
jasondotstarthat are under the openstack/ namespace16:40
jasondotstarand there are existing salt projects16:40
jasondotstarunder the stackforge/ namespace16:41
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cznewtI looked these16:41
jasondotstari.e, we have stackforge/nova-salt-formula and openstack/salt-formula-nova16:41
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jasondotstarcznewt: what did you make if these? I've not looked at them16:41
cznewtand they don't look good at all16:41
cznewtmore like empty shells16:41
jasondotstarso the stackforge/ ones are outated16:42
cznewtfor example look at this https://github.com/stackforge/neutron-salt-formula/commits/master16:42
jasondotstarright nothing there.16:42
jasondotstarso we need to prune these16:42
cznewtand they have 'We are retired' in the README16:42
cznewtyes, obsolete stugg16:42
jasondotstari see that16:42
cznewtyes, obsolete stuff16:42
jasondotstarok so, I can work on pruning these16:42
jasondotstar#action jasondotstar to work on pruning the salt formula projects underneath the stackforge/ namespace16:43
jasondotstari told them that the ones we're migrating from the tcpcloud github repo(s) are house the updated code.16:43
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cznewtyes, thanks, the more interesting will be merging with official salt formulas, as the metadata approach varies a little16:45
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jasondotstarok any other items16:48
jasondotstarwe'll topic switch16:48
jasondotstar#topic Open Discussion16:48
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cznewtI needed some time to reply to the infra guys16:50
jasondotstarcznewt: yeah16:50
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jasondotstari think we'll end up getting rid of those repos, but we'll see.16:51
jasondotstarok if nothing else we can give the chan 10 mins back16:52
jasondotstaranything else?16:52
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jasondotstarif not, thanks again team. we'll talk in channel.16:52
jasondotstarcznewt: thx16:52
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jasondotstargenunix: thx16:52
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jasondotstarclarkb: thx16:52
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asselin_#startmeeting third-party17:01
openstackMeeting started Tue Feb  9 17:01:38 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is asselin_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.17:01
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.17:01
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asselin_who's here for 3rd party ci working group meeting?17:01
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asselin_hi mmedvede17:02
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ja3[mrs gorilla voice] morning17:02
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ja3lively crowd here today17:03
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mmedvedehehe, yes we are17:03
asselin_first, I apologize for not updating the agenda. i've been away on travel for the past week.17:03
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asselin_so  how are things going?17:04
ja3well if the topics haven't changed much, seems like an efficient tack17:04
asselin_ok then17:04
asselin_#topic Announcements17:04
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asselin_any announcements?17:05
asselin_#topic CI Watch17:05
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asselin_how's ci watch going?17:06
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mmedvedeeantyshev proposed a good change that got merged and deployed - row selection/filtering17:06
asselin_hi Swanson17:06
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mmedvedeother than that, past couple of weeks I did not have time to spend on ciwatch unit tests17:07
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asselin_select is very nice!17:08
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mmedvedeyes it is. I am also noticing that http://ci-watch.tintri.com gets a little more use, as people refer to it17:09
mmedvedee.g. yesterday during gate failures it was useful17:09
asselin_I'm noticing that too in irc and mailing list17:09
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asselin_mmedvede, are you waiting on more reviews of the feature/unit tests?17:11
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asselin_hi apoorvad17:11
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mmedvedeasselin_: no, I just did not have time to make more progress on that17:12
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mmedvedemaybe my approach is wrong at the moment, I did try to refactor a little to add tests17:13
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asselin_ok. would it be helpful to carve out some time and work on it as a group?17:13
mmedvedeother way would be to add integration test first17:13
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asselin_can you explain the issue a bit more?17:14
mmedvedeasselin_: yes, I would appreciate help. Mostly on how to go about to add the tests17:14
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mmedvedeif you want to add a unit test, the thing you want to test needs to be reasonably isolated17:15
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mmedvedeand the codebase we have is a little intertwined17:15
mmedvedeso no adding unit tests without refactoring first17:16
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mmedvedebut, adding a high level functional test could be easier17:16
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asselin_ok I see17:16
asselin_functional seems more useful initially17:16
asselin_and would help reduce regressions as we refactor17:17
mmedvedeone case is to test gerrit event getting added to the database17:18
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asselin_mmedvede, let's setup some time and discuss it offline. Perhaps later today?17:21
asselin_apoorvad ja3 Swanson, what's your level of interest to join?17:21
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apoorvadasselin_ I will join17:21
asselin_apoorvad, what time zone are you in?17:22
SwansonSorry, coworker in the office, join what?17:22
apoorvadasselin_ Pacific17:22
asselin_Swanson, working meeting to figure out testing of ciwatch17:23
mmedvedeSwanson: I would like to discuss how to go about adding some testing to ciwatch17:23
ja3I'm still flogging my (newly arrived) CI hardware17:23
asselin_i'm thinking 4:00 pacific?17:23
ja3so interested but restrained by the laws of spacetime17:23
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apoorvadasselin_ +117:24
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit is restarting now, to alleviate current performance impact and WebUI errors.17:24
mmedvede4:00 pacific works17:24
SwansonI'm out this afternoon so I don't think I can.17:24
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asselin_ok let's do that and meet in #openstack-third-party-ci17:25
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asselin_#agree meet in #openstack-third-party-ci today 4pm PST  to discuss how to go about adding some testing to ciwatch17:26
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mmedvede4pm PST = 00:00 utc, just in case17:26
asselin_#topic Common-CI Solution17:27
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asselin_I don't have any updates on this, although I've been seeing quite a few  nodepool patches17:28
mmedvedeasselin_: I finally migrated our nodepool to openstackci :)17:29
asselin_mmedvede, awesome!17:29
mmedvedefeels good to reduce LOC one have to maintain17:29
asselin_yes, I'm looking forward to do the same on my new team.17:30
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mmedvedeI did submit one patch that could in theory break some of deployments, looking for link17:30
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mmedvede# link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/276964/17:30
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mmedvedeIt removes yaml_path from nodepool class in favor of using standard project_config params17:31
SwansonI've been trying to get a bare ubuntu node running that can talk to jenkins.  What should I be loading other than 'ubuntu'?17:31
asselin_looks good. will review it more carefully after the meeting17:31
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SwansonThat's probably a monday meeting questino.17:32
asselin_Swanson, you should probably be following what upstream does17:32
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mmedvedeSwanson: it needs jenkins user setup that can be accessed by your jenkins17:33
Swansonmmedvede, I'll look for that.17:33
Swansonmmedvede, thanks!17:33
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asselin_Swanson, actually, getting the bare images would make sense to add here: https://github.com/openstack-infra/project-config-example17:33
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Swansonasselin_, biggest issue with using the nodepool-base and node-devstack stuff is that I can't get the networking right.17:35
asselin_Swanson, what is nodepool-base and node-devstack? oh..the elements?17:35
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Swansonasselin_, yah.17:36
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Swansonasselin_, working on a base one that sets up for my environment.17:37
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asselin_I can tell you that we skip a lot of those and use the default networking provided17:37
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Swansonasselin_, Is it just a case of whacking most of the default scripts that go with those elements?17:37
asselin_yes, and a few places commenting out and disabling e.g. unbound17:38
asselin_those were needed by upstream to work across multiple clouds, afiak17:38
asselin_since each cloud was doing something different17:39
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SwansonThen I have a plan.  I was trying to set everything to make sure my env looked the same but in the end it doesn't.17:39
SwansonOtherwise everything else works.  Just the nodes are funky and the actual test runs fail.17:40
asselin_Swanson, this class has an option to disable unbound: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-config/tree/nodepool/elements/puppet/bin/prepare-node#n4017:41
asselin_so that files needs some customization17:41
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asselin_Swanson, here's another that might be needed: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/217914/17:42
asselin_will have to fix those merge conflicts17:43
asselin_anything else on common ci?17:43
Swansonasselin_, Nice.  Thanks!17:43
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asselin_#topic open discussion17:45
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asselin_anything else to discuss?17:46
asselin_ok, cool. well see some of you later today!17:47
asselin_thanks everyone!17:47
mmedvedethank you asselin_17:47
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Swansonlater.  thanks again17:47
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bretonpeanut butter jelly time?17:59
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stevemarajayaa, amakarov, ayoung, breton, browne, davechen, david8hu, dolphm, dstanek, ericksonsantos, geoffarnold, gyee, henrynash, hogepodge, htruta, jamielennox, joesavak, lbragstad, lhcheng, marekd, morganfainberg, nkinder, raildo, rodrigods, roxanaghe, samueldmq, shaleh, stevemar, tsymanczyk, topol, vivekd, wanghong, claudiub, rderose, samleon, xek, MaxPC, tjcocozz, jorge_munoz18:00
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stevemarping for keystone meeting18:00
notmorganstevemar: you should link the meeting in your ping :P18:00
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stevemarnotmorgan: i was replying to a ping!18:00
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stevemar#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/KeystoneMeeting#Main_Agenda18:00
stevemarnotmorgan: no patience!18:01
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stevemarlets get started18:01
openstackstevemar: Error: A meeting name is required, e.g., '#startmeeting Marketing Committee'18:01
stevemar#startmeeting keystone18:01
openstackMeeting started Tue Feb  9 18:01:53 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is stevemar. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.18:01
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.18:01
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'keystone'18:01
stevemar#topic mitaka-3 release countdown18:02
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* notmorgan hides under a rock.18:02
topolnowhere to hide notmorgan :-)18:02
stevemarso we are about 3 weeks away from feature freeze18:02
notmorgantopol: i'm so not talking to you for pointing out i can't hide here. :P18:02
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stevemar#link https://launchpad.net/keystone/+milestone/mitaka-318:03
topolnotmorgan :-)18:03
stevemarthere are lots of bugs and blueprints to fix still18:03
stevemarso please prioritize reviews that address blueprints and bugs18:03
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stevemarthe following BPs need code reviews: domain-roles, totp, service providers and catalog, shadow users18:04
notmorganftr: i'm hoping to have posted conversions for ~4-5 client libs this week to ksa/occ. so i wont be looking at those things.18:04
notmorganjust a heads up. [for this week]18:04
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dstanekwe still have a few high priority bugs that don't yet have fixes18:04
stevemarnotmorgan: boo18:04
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stevemardstanek: that is also true18:04
notmorganstevemar: do you want KSA/OCC in client libs or not?18:04
samueldmqnotmorgan: good thing18:04
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* notmorgan already reviewed totp though.18:05
samueldmqdstanek: yes true18:05
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stevemarthere are a few bugs related to implied roles that ayoung needs to land18:05
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dstanekstevemar: the bugs have landed, but are there fixes?18:05
gyeeis domain-roles a go or no-go?18:05
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notmorgani discussed the ocnfig file vs API "security" with him. he's going to fix the bug i opened by moving to a multistropt fwiw18:06
stevemardstanek: no fixes yet...18:06
notmorganstevemar: ^18:06
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stevemargyee: was hoping henrynash would be online for that!18:06
lbragstadnotmorgan do you have a patch for that?18:06
samueldmqnotmorgan: this https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/1517037 ?18:07
openstackLaunchpad bug 1517037 in OpenStack Identity (keystone) "API-based Domain specific config does not check for type of option" [Medium,New]18:07
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stevemarsamueldmq: no, https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/154154018:07
openstackLaunchpad bug 1541540 in OpenStack Identity (keystone) "Implied role "root_role" config needs to be expanded" [High,Triaged] - Assigned to Adam Young (ayoung)18:07
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ayoung_That one is not too hard.  I should have it shortly18:08
samueldmqstevemar: thx18:08
stevemarayoung_: cool18:08
ayoung_going to change to MultiStrOpt18:08
notmorgansuper easy change.18:08
lbragstadwhy not ListOpt?18:08
gyeehah, looks like totp is not encrypting/decrypting the credentials18:08
notmorganlbragstad: roles can have ',' in the names18:08
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lbragstadthe openstack-ansible project has been running into issues with multistropts18:09
ayoung_lbragstad, also I can do it backwards compat18:09
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notmorganayoung_: this doesn't need to be backwards compat18:09
notmorganit just landed :P18:09
stevemarnotmorgan: we haven't released anything with implied roles yet18:09
notmorganstevemar: i just said that :)18:09
ayoung_notmorgan, yeah, but this way I don't have to change and docs or tests, either18:09
ayoung_smaller change18:10
notmorganayoung_: you're going to have to change tests in either case really18:10
stevemarso... please please please review blueprints!18:10
notmorganand docs.18:10
ayoung_if I have problem with multistropt I'lll bail18:10
ayoung_nah, should just be added test, but the exisitng ones should pass unchnged18:10
lbragstadayoung_ config generators will have problems with multistropts versus listopts18:10
lbragstadayoung_ you should swing by #openstack-ansible18:10
notmorgananyway. the ',' issue is bigger18:10
notmorganreason to do multistropt18:11
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notmorganayoung_: your tests should pass in both cases fwiw.18:11
ayoung_I'll post it, and we can argue there.18:11
stevemargetting off topic at this point :P18:11
notmorganboth end up [] in the conf18:11
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stevemar#topic fixing the pipeline18:11
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stevemarnotmorgan: ^18:11
notmorganso. lots of changes posted18:12
stevemarmaybe just debrief the team on what you've cooked up?18:12
stevemar#link: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/extensions-to-core18:12
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notmorganbasically cleanup the entire paste pipline to be size_limit request_id [api_public|api_admin|service_v3]18:12
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notmorganfor each entry18:12
notmorganit finishes the work of making all extensions core18:12
notmorganand baking in our "required" middleware18:13
bknudson_these weren't extensions18:13
notmorganthis means we now are working in code for all the APIs and middleware required by keystone instead of fighting with paste + code18:13
notmorganbasically it means keystoine is one app [like it should have been] instead of many things that could/might work as long as you don't touch it18:14
ayoung_Docs and such can still go in post M3, right?18:14
dstanekthis makes me happy. anything we don't want the deployer to change should be in our code18:14
stevemarayoung_: yes, docs and tests18:14
notmorganthere is one caveate, the AWS compat code has some added logic since there are orgs that need to remove it for legal reasons18:14
dstanekwe can still architect the system in terms of middleware, but it's not longer optional18:14
notmorganthis is documented so it isn't going to be rolled in and break them18:15
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dolphmnotmorgan: why not keep ec2 as a proper extension then?18:15
notmorgandolphm: because it wont be under authcontext18:15
dolphmnotmorgan: explain?18:15
notmorganauthcontext is moved into the main app18:15
notmorganwhich handles all the token parsing validation, etc, as is url normalizer, and jsonbody18:16
dolphmso, custom extensions can no longer take advantage of it?18:16
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notmorgani'll work up a way to lead extensions in with authcontext more easily.18:16
notmorganbut basically we shouldn't be using the paste pipeline for this18:16
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notmorgantrue middleware can continue to work/filter18:17
dolphmof those, auth context sounds like the only one that should have stayed in the pipeline18:17
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bknudson_sounds like we're reimplementing paste18:17
notmorganexcept if someone breaks it/moves it puts things under it18:17
notmorganwe are horked18:17
notmorganso it can't really be in the pipeline.18:17
topolthe original pipeline reminded me of Garanimals (reference link for all you youngin's out there http://www.garanimals.com/how.htm)18:17
dolphmnotmorgan: we or they?18:17
notmorgandolphm: they.18:17
notmorgandolphm: "we" the devs here i trust18:18
dstanekbknudson_: no, paste is just a way in config to do something like middleware(middleware(app()))18:18
ayoung_topol, the issue iwth past is that it did not allow you to make reusaable chains of filters.18:18
ayoung_I tried to make that work at one point, but it was too invasive18:18
ayoung_So if you wanted to say "all theses sub pipelines need these five compnenets in this order" you couldn't...you have to duplicate18:19
notmorganit would be just as easy to wrap your extension in RequestHandler (i'll make it public) and benefit from it as well.18:19
notmorganand pass the info down/handle the case the info has been pased down already18:19
ayoung_dolphm, yeah...not sure if I still have the POC code, but it involved really changing how the pipelines were built18:19
bknudson_we weren't even using the paste pipeline consistently -- https://review.openstack.org/#/c/198931/18:19
ayoung_I still feel bad for not finishing it18:19
bknudson_so we might as well get rid of it since it never really worked anyways18:19
ayoung_it would have made paste much more usable...maybe I'll look again when I get time18:20
dolphmayoung_: i thought you were talking about just implementing a single filter18:20
ayoung_dolphm, that was my fallback18:20
notmorganbut basically this makes keystone an app not "a mix of randomly used things that some are required some aren't and might break if you change them"18:20
dolphmit's pretty usable as is, imo18:20
ayoung_dolphm, I like paste, I just wanted it to do more....18:20
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dolphmnotmorgan: i agree with most of your changes, especially jsonbody (we don't have to worry about xml anymore!), etc18:20
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bknudson_does getting rid of paste make it easier to use falcon?18:20
topolnotmorgan is trying to bring us sanity to our world18:20
ayoung_dolphm, yeah, which is why I felt this would have been a good next step.  Its so close18:21
ayoung_you can do what I wanted to do manually, it just involved a lot of copy paste18:21
stevemarnotmorgan: what about folks that had custom middleware that relied on auth context?18:21
topolstevemar good question!18:21
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dolphmbut the auth context one will punt a big burden back on anyone writing custom filters that could otherwise use it, and directly rejects same architecture we offer to other projects with keystonemiddleware.auth_token18:21
notmorgandolphm: so, my argument will be to make them wrap their app in the request handler [and doc it]18:22
notmorganand then make sure we handle the case the handler was already called18:22
ayoung_I wanted FILTER_PIPELINE=sizelimit url_normalize request_id build_auth_context  json_body ec2_extension_v3 s3_extension18:22
ayoung_and then18:22
notmorgandolphm: it'll be a 2 line change18:22
dolphmbut we already support paste, and have forever...18:22
notmorganayoung_: no. please no :(18:22
ayoung_pipelinet = FILETER-PIPELINE service_v318:23
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ayoung_notmorgan, I never got it to work18:23
notmorganayoung_: because paste doesn't work like that :P18:23
dolphmayoung_: you're describing a contribution to paste itself, not keystone18:23
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ayoung_dolphm, rihgt, that is what I never got to work18:23
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stevemarnotmorgan: what about folks that had custom middleware that relied on auth context?18:23
notmorgandolphm: anyway, if we as keytone rely on this code, we shouldn't have it in the paste-pipeline18:23
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notmorganstevemar: ^ see above18:24
dolphmnotmorgan: counter proposal -- what if we rolled things up slightly differently than how you have18:24
ayoung_The issue was that we could not make better use of paste, like having one pipeline for auth mechacnism without duplicating all of the middleware pieces that have to be on each one18:24
notmorganstevemar: i'll add another patch + doc that they wrap thier middleware with.18:24
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notmorgandolphm: as long as authcontext isn't removable/baked in. this was the #1 reason for the work.18:24
bknudson_maybe we need a spec for this?18:25
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ayoung_dolphm, if you dig in the IRC logs, I think you will find yo uand I had this exact conversation about 3 years ago or so18:25
dolphmunderstatement ^18:25
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notmorgani'm also happy to just drop the code if this direction isn't interested18:25
ayoung_spec it, and we can consider for Newton?18:25
stevemarnotmorgan: it's something i want to see happen, but i think we need to double check we aren't screwing people over18:25
stevemarnewton is definitely a good candidate18:26
dolphmnotmorgan: actually, a lot of the things you put into core could have been rolled into a single, mandatory filter18:26
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notmorgandolphm: no such thing as "mandatory" filters in paste18:26
dolphmnotmorgan: so the default pipeline would be something like mandatory_filter ec2_api_extension core_app18:26
notmorgandolphm: i simply disagree that a "mandatory" filter is good architecture18:26
dolphmnotmorgan: a nickname for components useful to not only the app, but also to api extensions and other middlewares18:27
ayoung_Let me say the same thing I say at this point in each release cycle.  The most valuable time is approaching:  once Milestone 3 is out, we really need to start thining about what is going to get into the next release.  We can't discuss something big for the first time at  at the Summit and expect it to get in to the next release18:27
notmorgananyway it's a 4 line change to spin request handler out into it's own filter18:27
bknudson_are you saying that because mandatory is in the name deployers will be smart enough to not remove it?18:27
dolphmnotmorgan: highly_reusable then18:27
notmorgansince it really is that, just auto-wrapping the factories18:28
notmorgansorry 6 line18:28
notmorganbut seriously, this was just another cleanup change that we'd talked about in the past18:28
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dolphmnotmorgan: but you're disregarding almost all the utility of paste in the process18:28
samueldmqwas it possible to add a custom_middleware in the coded pipeline (extracted from paste to code) so custom extensions could still take advantage of current filters ?18:28
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notmorgandolphm: i personally think paste needs to be removed.18:28
samueldmqlike a hook for their custom things ?18:28
dolphmsamueldmq: yes, definitely18:28
stevemargonna switch topics in 2 minutes18:29
dolphmsamueldmq: ec2 was an example of that, along with several others18:29
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bknudson_we did actually agree to stop having extensions and move them to core18:29
notmorganso i'm fine if someone wants to take this work and run with it if it's not that interesting. i really have committed the time to it i'm going to [was planning on letting it sit until steve put me on the spot for this meeting]18:29
jamielennoxi don't like a lot of the way our middleware is doing things like reaching into the db, but in deployers defence no-one is actually removing critical things from the paste pipeline - otherwise keystone would just not work18:29
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stevemarbknudson_: but these aren't really extensions18:29
notmorgans/not that interesting as it sits/18:30
samueldmqdolphm: got it18:30
notmorganjamielennox: ++18:30
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notmorganjamielennox: fair enough18:30
stevemarswitching topics18:30
notmorganjamielennox: but i agree the middleware should never reach into the db18:30
stevemarlbragstad: get ready18:30
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samueldmqstevemar: looks like a small spec for holding discussions ?18:30
notmorganauthcontext is broken in that regard18:30
ayoung_notmorgan, I'd probably have just pushed for "a single middleware that does everythiung" and elliding the paste pipeline" but not remove it altogether18:30
notmorgananyway, so run with it, don't i've got things to work on besides this and i wasn't going to push this agenda further except i was put on the meeting today18:31
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notmorganreview the locla cache tihg18:31
ayoung_topol, ya know like ellipses?18:31
notmorganthat is more important18:31
stevemarnotmorgan: no decision on this one yet, thanks for the patches, please keep them online18:31
notmorganstevemar: i wont be rebasing them / folling them18:31
stevemarthats fine18:31
notmorganstevemar: so i'll let others cover it.18:32
ayoung_next topic is trusts.18:32
notmorganif they want the EC2/S3 ones should be reviewed18:32
stevemar#topic trusts and v2.018:32
notmorganjust cause that is no-extension things18:32
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ayoung_My suggestion is that we leave them until we remove the V2 API18:32
lbragstadv2.0 and trusts - do we support it official or can we not... http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-February/086165.html18:32
stevemar#link: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/274850/18:32
* notmorgan doesn't care about v2 trusts.18:32
lbragstadif we want to support is then isn't another thing we have to build into v2.0 fernet tokens18:32
stevemar#link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-February/086165.html18:32
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ayoung_1.  they went in pre specs18:32
notmorganand i remember they didn't work well for a while.18:32
notmorganor at all18:32
ayoung_ there was no V3 only aspect to thenm18:32
ayoung_and I think you will break Heat18:32
notmorganthen they did then they didnt.. then they did18:32
stevemardolphm: do you remember what happened back then?18:33
lbragstadayoung_ it will only break heat *iff* they are authenticating against v2.018:33
ayoung_I never added them to the v2 api cus I nver figures out how to build the v2 docs.  I know, I suck18:33
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bknudson_wadl sucks18:33
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ayoung_lbragstad, might not be Heat teams choice18:33
gyeehey now :)18:33
samueldmqtrusts are a v3 concept right ?18:34
lbragstadat the time they were an extension18:34
ayoung_a site might still be set up V2 only.  We see a lot of tht, due to either malfeasance or incompetnace I wont say18:34
stevemarlbragstad: whats the amount of work to get fernet tokens to play nice with v2 auth and trusts?18:34
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ayoung_trusts are a token concept that came out areoun the same time as v318:34
ayoung_but they were v2 as well18:34
samueldmqso nobody can say it's a v3 only thing18:34
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dolphmthe /trusts api only exists in v318:35
raildostevemar, it is breaking a couple of tests related to this.... and I didn't found a simple solution for it18:35
lbragstadit's under the v3 route18:35
samueldmqhow was the route before moving to core ?18:35
dolphmthere is no documented impact of trusts on v2.0 that i'm aware of18:35
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raildoit's under v3 route, but we have code related on v2 =/18:35
samueldmquner /v3 already?18:35
dolphmsamueldmq: /v3/trusts18:35
ayoung_dolphm, actually, that i recent.  It used to be under extensions.  So, no one has complained yet18:35
ayoung_that either means that we are fine, or no one is running the new code18:36
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samueldmqayoung_: ++18:36
dolphmtrust docs https://github.com/openstack/keystone-specs/blob/master/api/v3/identity-api-v3-os-trust-ext.rst18:36
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ayoung_so, any feedback on the mailing list post?18:36
topolI dont recall any v2 trust docs18:37
stevemarayoung_: so that's why i asked lbragstad to send the note to the list18:37
samueldmqin the worst case, we could deprecate trusts+uuid and document they aren't supported in fernet+v2?18:37
ayoung_that just wnt out.  Cool.  Let's see, and I'll bug #Heat to respond18:37
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lbragstadalso v3 routers were added on august 2 2014 - https://github.com/openstack/keystone/blame/master/keystone/trust/routers.py#L3318:37
stevemarayoung_: assuming there are no responses, are you okay with that patch that nixes support for v2 and trusts?18:37
lbragstador that's the last time it was touched18:37
lbragstadit could have been done before that18:37
topolI htought trusts was yet another carrot to get folks to v3?18:38
ayoung_stevemar, its not me.  I really don't care.  I want all of v2 to die, so dieing incremenatlly is fine18:38
samueldmqI think we should just deprecate, and document v2+trusts+fernet is a thing that doesn't exist18:38
ayoung_I just think we are going to screw people, and won't find out for a while18:38
topolsamueldmq ++18:38
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dolphmlbragstad: gate tests pass if you remove support, right?18:38
ayoung_but. if the anser is use V3...I can get behind that18:38
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ayoung_I suspect we will be OK18:39
stevemarlet's bug heat after this18:39
ayoung_if it is Fernet vs trusts , i side with Fernet18:39
raildodolphm, tests related to v2+trusts+fernet will pass18:40
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ayoung_you know what, yes...lets kill it.18:40
stevemarayoung_: comment on the patch18:40
ayoung_its a risk, but the answer is "move to v3"18:40
ayoung_will do18:40
ayoung_can we have a vote on it18:40
stevemari think we all want it removed18:41
samueldmqdeprecating is the right way to ensure no one will be using upon removal :(18:41
ayoung_can be "+1 the patch if yo usupport"18:41
samueldmqat very least, I wanted to see a bug opened, and a release note18:41
stevemarit's just a bit of uncertainty around it18:41
samueldmqto let people say it was "supported" by mistaake18:41
ayoung_samueldmq, so...lets see if there is any feedback on the mailing list for now18:41
stevemarsamueldmq: that's a good idea18:42
topolif we deprecate wil that help flush out if anyon was using it?18:42
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ayoung_it wasn't a mistake.  But As pointed out, you need V3 to do anything interesting with trusts.  V2 Tokens alone don't buy much18:42
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raildoayoung_, ++18:42
stevemartopol: deprecations take 2 releases, we wanted to make fernet the default in M18:42
ayoung_that was where we really changed things.18:42
ayoung_yeah, Fernet is too important18:43
ayoung_we can mea culpa this one18:43
samueldmqstevemar: we could simply deprecate uuid+fernet+v218:43
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samueldmqstevemar: sorry, I meant uuid+v2+trusts18:43
topolsamueldmq thats what I meant18:43
ayoung_samueldmq, Id rather not18:43
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samueldmqand simply say v2+fernet isn't supported18:43
ayoung_I want uuid and fernet to yuse the same mechanism18:43
lbragstadsamueldmq if we land fernet as the default then uuid is going to be deprecated anyway18:43
ayoung_it cleans up the revoke story a huge amount18:43
ayoung_keeping anything in the DB for uuid breaks that18:44
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lbragstadoffline discussion? I know jorge_munoz has a ton of trust questions too18:44
lbragstadstevemar ^18:44
stevemarlbragstad: yeah18:44
lbragstadi think we can carry this in the review18:44
stevemarlet's get jorge_munoz some time18:44
stevemar#topic Trust workflow18:44
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stevemarjorge_munoz: you're up18:44
jorge_munozSo my question are regarding trust workflow.18:45
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jorge_munozAre redelegation and impersonation multually exclusive?18:45
jorge_munozShould it be allowed to create trust with both redelegation and impersonation set to true?18:45
amakarovjorge_munoz, no and yes )18:45
amakarovyes - to the last question18:46
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jorge_munozSo, I was thinking that maybe we need a new attribute in trust called allow impersonation18:46
lbragstadjorge_munoz so make them mutually exclusive?18:46
amakarovimpersonation allows to mimic the trustor18:46
lbragstadjorge_munoz is that what you're suggesting?18:46
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amakarovlbragstad, what for?18:47
dolphmfernet hasn't supported v2 trusts since kilo, right?18:47
jorge_munozallow_impersonation would allow to impersonate at the end of a trusted chain18:47
ayoung_jorge_munoz, nope18:47
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ayoung_it is not an element of a trust18:47
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jorge_munozCurrently one can only delegate a trust using impersonation throu out the chain18:47
ayoung_if you do impoeronsation, and allow redelgation, the redlegated trust should be impersonation only18:48
samueldmqdolphm: yes, so just keep doing that, make fernet default, and with the default v2+trust isn't supported anymore18:48
ayoung_don't change the rules from layer to layer18:48
ayoung_I would not do impoersonation one level and not have that carry on18:48
topolsamueldmq that makes sense to me18:48
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topolsolve it with a release note :-)18:48
amakarovayoung_, btw I don't remember whether we have this validated somehow18:49
samueldmqtopol: o/18:49
jorge_munozSo redelegation does not work in impersonation18:49
jorge_munozIf impersonation is used a trust is just being created as the original trustor.18:49
amakarovjorge_munoz, it works18:49
lbragstadjorge_munoz right - you actually end up with a trust web, it's impossible to create a "chain" with redelegation and impersonation18:49
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jorge_munozSo trust can be created with impersonated tokens?18:51
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jorge_munozIts currently allowed, but thats not really redelegated a trust.18:51
notmorgandolphm: fernet never supported v2 trusts18:51
stevemarjorge_munoz: i think so...18:52
amakarovjorge_munoz, do you have a use case? I don't see how impersonation affects redelegation18:52
notmorgandolphm: but making fernet default means it has to support the baseline stuff... right?18:52
ayoung_lets write up how redelegation should work, and make it work right18:52
dolphmnotmorgan: i vote to maintain status quo then, until we get an alarming bug report we have to act on18:52
lbragstadamakarov jorge_munoz is just working on cleaning up the code because it was a rabbit hole in the clean up revocation events thing he was working on18:52
notmorgandolphm: i generally agree18:52
* dolphm is sorry for still being on the previous topic18:52
notmorgandolphm: /me too18:52
dolphmayoung_: ++18:52
ayoung_the way it works now is not right, andnot something we should work to maintain.18:52
jorge_munozline 328918:52
lbragstadayoung_ ++18:52
stevemardolphm: you're given one warning18:53
topolnotmorgan, cant we just have release note to explain what doesnt work with the new default. I dont recall us ever saying things worked with v218:53
notmorganstevemar: ooh do i get kicked out if i go past the warning18:53
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notmorganstevemar: /me looks to go home from school!18:53
dolphmjorge_munoz: do you think you could document the current state of redelegation behavior in our dev docs?18:53
stevemartopol: yeah, lbragstad is gonna whip up a release note18:53
jorge_munozThis are test written of how i believe trust worked18:53
ayoung_redelegation should be a new trust, with the same or fewer roles as the previous trust18:53
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dolphmayoung_: the tests illustrate the current behavior pretty well, too18:53
topollbragstad writes the best release notes.  We're good then18:54
lbragstadayoung_ between the new trustor and the new trustee18:54
ayoung_and a new trustee.  The thing we don't track well now is intermediate trustees18:54
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dolphmayoung_: the problem is when you redegelate with impersonation - impersonation is applied automatically and the second redelegated trust is created between the "wrong" two users ( jorge_munoz correct me if i'm explaining this wrong )18:54
ayoung_with impersonation, the userid should stay the same of the original trustor18:54
dolphmayoung_: *should*?18:55
notmorgani think simply don't allow impersionation redelegate18:55
dolphmnotmorgan: ++ :P unless there's a real use case there, it sounds scary18:55
lbragstadnotmorgan so mutually exclusive - like what jorge_munoz says?18:55
notmorganit doesn't make sense for user X to delegate to Y, and then Y be allowed to make Z user X18:55
ayoung_with redelegatio and non translation, the trustor for the new trust is the trustee of the old18:55
ayoung_notmorgan, if we could drop impoersaontion al toegether I'd be happy18:55
ayoung_the issue is that we probably need the two together18:55
notmorganyou could redelegate non-impersonation roles18:55
jorge_munozdolphm: its not the wrong user, its just a user that was delegated a trust.18:55
stevemarayoung_: that won't happen for a while18:55
ayoung_I'd love it if no access control was based on the userid18:56
notmorganbut i would not allow impersionation18:56
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ayoung_notmorgan, neither would i,expcet that we had to18:56
ayoung_swift and babican18:56
notmorganAND i would make sure redelegation with impersonation to non-impersonation works18:56
notmorganbetween the right two users18:56
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ayoung_both have object ownership based on userid18:56
ayoung_notmorgan, that I would drop18:56
ayoung_no  redelegation with impersonation to non-impersonation18:56
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ayoung_I can't see a use case for it18:57
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samueldmq3 minutes left18:57
lbragstadso - i think we need to define the behavior want, right?18:57
stevemarlbragstad: ayoung_: notmorgan dolphm take it up in -keystone18:57
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stevemarwe're out of time18:57
samueldmqlbragstad: ++18:57
lbragstadcontinue in keysotne18:57
stevemarplease please please review blueprints and bugs this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!18:57
jorge_munozanother point is that redelegated_trust_id is not in its own column18:57
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jorge_munozwe need to move it out of extras18:58
stevemarjorge_munoz: meh, implementation detail18:58
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topolstevemar which BPs are priority?18:58
dolphmstevemar: link to things to review18:58
samueldmqtopol: https://launchpad.net/keystone/+milestone/mitaka-318:58
samueldmq#link https://launchpad.net/keystone/+milestone/mitaka-318:58
stevemardolphm: https://launchpad.net/keystone/+milestone/mitaka-318:58
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amakarovjorge_munoz, -1 the test is buggy :)18:58
stevemarthe ones that don't say "implemented"18:59
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stevemarshadow users: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/262045/5618:59
samueldmqit's easy, make them appear in 'implemented'18:59
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samueldmqthat's all :)18:59
stevemarservice providers and catalog: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/269455/18:59
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stevemardomain roles: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/261870/18:59
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openstackMeeting ended Tue Feb  9 18:59:43 2016 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)18:59
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/keystone/2016/keystone.2016-02-09-18.01.html18:59
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/keystone/2016/keystone.2016-02-09-18.01.txt18:59
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/keystone/2016/keystone.2016-02-09-18.01.log.html18:59
fungihidey-ho, infrarinos!19:00
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bknudson_maybe I'll figure this out sometime -- http://logs.openstack.org/22/277022/5/check/gate-keystonemiddleware-requirements/5037aba/console.html#_2016-02-09_15_30_57_329 :(19:01
eumel8o/ (guest)19:01
bknudson_https://review.openstack.org/#/c/277550/ was inadequate19:01
AJaegerbknudson_: wrong channel?19:01
anteayabknudson_: did you want to be posting to the infra meeting?19:01
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fungi#startmeeting infra19:02
openstackMeeting started Tue Feb  9 19:02:17 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is fungi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.19:02
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.19:02
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'infra'19:02
fungi#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/InfraTeamMeeting#Agenda_for_next_meeting19:02
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fungi#topic Announcements19:02
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fungii didn't have anything specific for today, and noting that we've got the upcoming infra-cloud sprint discussed later as a general meeting topic anyway, as well as afs/mirror stuff19:02
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fungioh, actually, there is one thing19:02
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fungi#info Matthew Wagoner (olaph) has volunteered as the Infra Team's Cross-Project Specs Liaison19:03
AJaegerthanks, olaph !19:03
jeblairolaph: thanks!19:03
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Zarathanks! :)19:03
fungithanks olaph! let us know if there are infra implications on any upcoming cross-project specs we need to keep a closer eye on19:03
olaphwill do!19:04
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fungi#topic Actions from last meeting19:04
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olaphso far, it's been quiet19:04
fungi#link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2016/infra.2016-02-02-19.03.html19:04
fungithere were none, all successful19:04
fungi#topic Specs approval19:04
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fungi#info Approved "Unified Mirrors" specification19:04
fungi#link http://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/specs/unified_mirrors.html19:05
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fungi(that link _should_ be correct once the post pipeline backlog clears)19:05
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fungithere are also some related spec updates proposed19:05
fungiPROPOSED: Update unified mirror spec to support AFS (jeblair)19:05
fungi#link https://review.openstack.org/27367319:05
jeblairthis is also an in-production spec19:05
mordredit's a good proposal, given that it's what we implemented :)19:05
fungijeblair: this one's ready for a council vote?19:05
jeblairso once we approve this, we will be caught up with reality :)19:05
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fungiyeah, let's rubber-stamp it this week19:06
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fungi#info Voting is open on "Update unified mirror spec to support AFS" until 19:00 UTC Thursday, February 11.19:06
fungiPROPOSED: Maintenance change to doc publishing spec (jeblair)19:06
fungi#link https://review.openstack.org/27648119:06
jeblairthis is dusting off the docs publishing spec19:06
fungilooks like AJaeger is already on board19:06
jeblairno changes to the actual proposal, just updates to the requirements / current situation19:06
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annegentle_yay AJaeger19:07
annegentle_jeblair: thanks for addressing my qs19:07
jeblairit should be reviewed for correctness (which AJaeger has -- and i pulled in a comment from annegentle_ on another spec into there too)19:07
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jeblairannegentle_: thank you! :)19:07
fungii guess no harm in putting it up for pending approval thursday in that case19:07
AJaegerthanks, jeblair for updating!19:07
fungi#info Voting is open on "Maintenance change to doc publishing spec" until 19:00 UTC Thursday, February 11.19:07
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fungi#topic Priority Efforts: Infra-cloud19:08
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fungihi crinkle!19:08
crinklenibalizer and I started working on getting the us west region into production and in nodepool19:08
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crinklei want to be clear that it is still in 'get a terrible cloud up' stage19:08
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crinkleit's still kilo and has no HA19:09
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crinklebut I haven't heard any objectioins so far to moving forward so that's what we're doing19:09
mordredsounds great19:09
clarkblooks like we got the compute host and controller host site.pp updates in and the ansible group change. From a run ansbile to deploy via puppet we are good right?19:09
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rcarrillocruzhas the ssl certificates and puppet boostrapping been sorted out?19:09
fungicrinkle: that makes it not entirely dissimilar from the other clouds we use or have used in the past (no offense to our esteemed sponsors/donors)19:09
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clarkbnow it is just a matter of making a deployment we are happy with ?19:09
crinklercarrillocruz: for now we're just using the certs I generated in testing19:10
nibalizerya so the next step is https://review.openstack.org/#/c/234535/1119:10
fungiopenstack in general is likely always in 'get a terrible cloud up' stage19:10
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nibalizerI've manually tested the steps taht playbook will take19:10
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nibalizerso its a land and go patch19:10
nibalizerat which point infracloud (-west) at least will be managed by the infra team, formally19:11
cody-somervilleDo we plan to (eventually) get to point where we can say we're a "best-in-class" reference deployment?19:11
crinklecody-somerville: yes at some point we would like it to be better :)19:11
fungias for concerns (or lack thereof) over putting it into production when we know there's a major multi-day/week outage coming up for it, it's not _that_ hard for us to disable it in nodepool and enable it again once it's done19:11
nibalizerfungi: my thoughts exactly19:11
crinkleokay great19:11
cody-somervilleShouldn't nodepool just deal? or is that just an optimization?19:11
jeblairalso, i promised to make a way to easily perform the disable/enable in nodepool.  it sounds like it's time for me to do that.19:12
fungicody-somerville: i would love to see it eventually be a model/reference deployment we can point others at as an example of how this can work19:12
anteayayeah it is just a patch to nodepool.yaml19:12
rcarrillocruzfungi: so it's an iterate thing, rather than getting shiny before prod?19:12
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rcarrillocruzjust trying to get an understanding of expectations from users19:12
fungicody-somerville: nodepool's scheduling/demand algorithm is optimized for providers actually being in a working state, and so we end up being a bit inefficient on allocations when a provider is completely broken19:12
jeblaircody-somerville: if all of the nodes disappear while running jobs, nodepool/zuul may deal (depending on exactly the mechanism), but it may be somewhat disruptive.19:12
clarkbbut nodepool will continue to function19:13
jeblairfungi: if it's _completely_ broken, it'll be okay19:13
fungifair point19:13
jeblairfungi: if it's partially broken, it's suboptimal19:13
fungiif nodepool doesn't _realize_ it's broken... badnez19:13
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* cody-somerville nods.19:13
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jeblairand if the nodes just disappear, zuul may restart the jobs19:13
jeblairdepending on exactly what jenkins does19:13
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jeblairbut what we really want to do is to be able to say "we're taking this region down for planned maintenance, quietly run it down to 0"19:14
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jeblairwhich is what i promised to add to nodepool as a command, rather than a config change, so that we could eventually automate it and tie it into actual infra-cloud deployment playbooks19:14
fungiant to that point, it's a simple one-line patch to a config file to do that and undo it again later19:14
fungibut yeah, cli would be awesome19:15
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jeblairand the one-line-patch will work in the interim19:15
cody-somervilleDo we have any other organizations willing to donate HW yet?19:15
jeblaircody-somerville: we decided not to ask until we got one up and running19:15
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nibalizerso next steps are to get the playbooks in, get the credentials and definitions in, build a mirror, ??19:16
jeblairnonetheless, people do still try to offer us hardware from time to time19:16
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pabelangerso, are we sticking to ubuntu 12.04 for bare metal or are we thinking of other OS support (eg: centos7)19:16
fungiyeah, it seems like stretching the effort onto additional hardware beyond what we have before what we have is in a semblance of the state we're looking for will slow down our progress19:16
cody-somervilleAre we keeping any notes that might be useful to help improve deploy and operations manuals?19:16
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clarkbmy completely biased opinion after spending much time with the git farm is that we should not bother with centos719:17
crinklepabelanger: we are using 14.04 for the baremetal servers19:17
rcarrillocruzcody-somerville: i believe yolanda has been improving some operations docs lately19:17
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rcarrillocruzand yeah, i agree we should put playbooks for maintenance/fix things along with docs19:17
pabelangercrinkle: thanks, typo.19:17
cody-somervilleSweet! :)19:17
fungiand also it's resulting in a lot of configuration management/orchestration that can be reused or pointed to as examples19:17
clarkbwe will spend all our time fighting selinux and half the packages don't come from centos anyways19:17
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cody-somervilleIs there any room for more help on this? Or do you folks have the right number of cooks in the kitchen for now?19:18
eil397to this question19:18
crinklecody-somerville: we could use help reviewing topic:infra-cloud19:18
pabelangerclarkb: my only thought about centos7, was to dogfood OpenStack on it19:18
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cody-somervillecrinkle: Sweet. Will do.19:18
pabelangerif people are willing to step up and do work on it19:18
anteayaspeaking of which, I'm having difficulty finding a starting point for reviewing19:18
jeblaircrinkle: ++19:18
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mordredpabelanger: I think we should wait until we get tihs one up and happy19:19
anteayaI've tried several times and seem to spend a lot of time tracking patches to find the beginning19:19
mordredpabelanger: ten address that question at the same time as additional hardware donations19:19
anteayais there a beginning patch that I can start with?19:19
fungicody-somerville: yes, i think spreading the load out a bit so that there are more people implementing and reviewing would have benefit. right now it's mostly still people implementing and so leaves them little time for reviewing19:19
jeblairanteaya: i rather think we're in the middle of things right now19:19
crinkleanteaya: there isn't really a beginning anymore19:19
jeblairanteaya: does reading http://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/specs/infra-cloud.html help provide any context?19:19
* anteaya exhales19:19
anteayawell I am trying to review19:20
clarkbcrinkle: nibalizer: do you think maybe we are at a point to have a concrete list of todo items nad goals for ft collins?19:20
anteayaand I am finding it difficult19:20
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clarkbeg implment ha db, then ha control plane etc?19:20
anteayaclarkb: that would help19:20
pabelangermordred: Fair enough. Mostly checking to see if any discussions around that have happened already19:20
nibalizermy big push recently has to been to get us to a point where the -west region is managed just like any other infra service19:20
nibalizereven if its a bit janky19:20
clarkbanteaya: ya thinking it may help others find corners t ohack on19:20
pleia2post all-the-conferences, I'm struggling to get caught up on other reviews but if there are specific things I should look at, I can work to pitch in19:20
clarkbnibalizer: ++19:20
mordredpabelanger: a bit - it was mostly that we decided to focus on running things like we run the rest of infra19:20
rcarrillocruzclarkb: that'd be good, but i guess we will see in FC the working state on the infra-cloud19:20
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mordredpabelanger: and since we run the rest of infra on trusty except for the git farm where we can, we went that route19:21
rcarrillocruzi believe we should def. talk about HA19:21
anteayaclarkb: yes, thank you19:21
crinkleclarkb: I started https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/mitaka-infra-midcycle and would love help refining that19:21
nibalizerright now (worse last week) there were patches that could land, then not do anything, because there wasn't sufficient plumbing19:21
jeblairalso http://docs.openstack.org/infra/system-config/infra-cloud.html should be helpful19:21
rcarrillocruzthanks for the link crinkle19:21
mordredpabelanger: since "run service" for infra is the primary goal, with 'dogfood openstack' only a secondary goal19:21
clarkb#link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/mitaka-infra-midcycle19:21
nibalizerclarkb: nice19:21
clarkb#link http://docs.openstack.org/infra/system-config/infra-cloud.html19:21
nibalizerer crinkle19:21
pabelangermordred: understood19:22
jeblairi like that etherpad19:22
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nibalizerooh i can cross things off on this list19:22
fungithat looks like an excellent outline/worklist19:22
jeblairi'd like to become an effective infra-cloud reviewer by, say, lunch on monday.  and then review/merge lots of changes the rest of the week.  :)19:23
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fungisounds like a pleasant way to spend a week19:23
mordredjeblair: that might require learning more about how openstack works - is that a thing you're ready for? :)19:23
cody-somervilleDo we think we'll be ready to start tackling things like monitoring of the cloud by mid-cycle?19:24
mordredjeblair: as in, are you planning to pack a bucket of xanax?19:24
fungii'm looking forward to having a good excuse to ignore everything else and focus on something specific for a change19:24
jeblairmordred: if you can do it, i can. ;)19:24
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anteayafungi: mid-cycles are good for that19:24
mordredjeblair: you've met me, right? with all the crazy and the rage? where do you think that came from ...19:24
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fungimordred: was a quiet, sheepish lad... until the day he found openstack19:24
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nibalizercody-somerville: i think step 1 is to get infracloud hosts into standard infra monitoring systems like cacti19:25
clarkbmordred: you warn us now. I already sort of learned how openstack works19:25
nibalizercody-somerville: so if you wanted to write the patch for that, that would be great19:25
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jeblairnibalizer, cody-somerville: ++ it should be monitored from the start19:25
fungiep, that at least gets us trending on system load, disk space, et ecetera19:25
crinklenibalizer: cody-somerville ++19:26
cody-somervilleThe monasca folks are in FTC if we plan to dogfood that.19:26
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fungithat's the thing that's like ceilometer but isn't ceilometer?19:26
jeblairi don't think that's in our spec19:26
clarkbwith the same API19:26
rcarrillocruzwith grafana integration19:26
rcarrillocruznrpe rules support19:26
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mordredyah - I don't think we need that for now19:27
cody-somervillemonasca is more like nagios19:27
fungiprobably best to start with simple system metrics trending and then find out which reinvented openstack wheels we want to dogfood later on19:27
rcarrillocruzi believe we should eventually look at options like that19:27
rcarrillocruzbut not in the mid-term19:27
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rcarrillocruzwe pretty have deploeyd things in the infra-cloud by doing a lot of hand-fixing19:27
mordredit might be worth a 15 minute chat about it at the mid-cycle just so we're all up to speed on what it is and isn't19:27
rcarrillocruzwhen we stabilize19:27
yolandahi, sorry , i'm late19:27
rcarrillocruzand put real automation on everything19:27
rcarrillocruzthen we can move on to more stuff19:27
rcarrillocruzmy 2 cents19:27
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crinklercarrillocruz: ++19:28
cody-somerville+1 to mordred'd idea19:28
fungibasically, we have puppet preexisting for basic system statistics collected via snmp and trended in cacti. it's a few lines in system-config to turn that on19:28
rcarrillocruzmordred: yeah, which is why i asked earlier the expectation of the users19:28
fungiso that's easy to get going at the start19:28
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nibalizeri type good19:28
mordredrcarrillocruz: ah - only user expectation is "can run nodepool" :)19:28
bkerosar? O_o19:28
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jeblaironly one user19:29
fungibkero: everyone loves sar, right?19:29
mordredtwo if you count me personally19:29
mordredsince I'll clearly use it to serve all my warez19:29
bkerofungi: Sure. When I think of multi-user long-term monitoring I think of sar.19:29
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bkerofungi: while we're at it we should establish that monitoring = dstat + netcat -l19:29
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crinkleI think we can probably move on from this topic19:30
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cody-somervilleWhat about centralizing logging?19:30
fungithanks crinkle! excellent overview/catch-up on present state19:30
cody-somervilleWe'll want that from start?19:30
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fungicody-somerville: probably worth adding to the sprint agenda as a discussion point19:30
cody-somervilleCan we pipe that into the existing openstack-infra elk?19:30
clarkbno we cannot pipe it into existing infra elk19:31
fungithe existing elk is doing all it can to keep up with some test log load19:31
clarkbbecaues of load and because its public19:31
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clarkband clouds have too many secrets they divulge19:31
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cody-somervilleI thought we had two instances? One for tests and one for infra services?19:31
jeblaircody-somerville: http://docs.openstack.org/infra/system-config/infra-cloud.html19:31
fungiso centralized logging would likely be something dedicated, and also non-public because openstack is still pretty bad at hiding secrets from its logs19:31
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jeblaircody-somerville: that covers some of the questions you are asking now19:32
fungiokay, moving on to the rest of the agenda. thanks again crinkle, nibalizer, yolanda, et al!19:32
nibalizeralso all the logs are already centralized, on the one controller19:32
rcarrillocruznibalizer: haha19:32
rcarrillocruzfair point :D19:32
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fungi#topic Scheduling a Gerrit project rename batch maintenance19:32
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fungiwe can hopefully keep this brief19:33
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fungiwe punted on it last week because the weekend was rumored to have a battle between the panthers of carolina and the broncos of denver. apparently there was much bloodshed19:33
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pleia2poor kitties19:34
jeblairthe battle raged mere miles from me, so i had to dig a hole in my backyard for safety.19:34
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fungiSergeyLukjanov has a meeting conflict right now but expressed an availability to drive this on a weekday during pacific american times if desired19:34
pleia2jeblair: nods19:34
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jeblairi put a fruit tree in it when i was done though19:34
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anteayajeblair: glad you had a backyard in which to dig a hole19:34
fungihowever, as pointed out last week it's also our first rename since gerrit 2.1119:34
anteayanice use19:34
bkerojeblair: I told you that getting the place with the cold war bunker wasn't a crazy idea19:34
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fungiso we'll likely want a few extra people on hand if things go badly for unforeseen reasons19:35
nibalizerI'm... ishavailable19:35
anteayaI'm traveling on the 13th and gone the rest of the month, available this week though19:35
fungishould we shoot for something like 22:00 utc this friday, or are people busy with travel plans for colorado at that point?19:35
pleia2I'm around now through sprint time19:35
pleia2fungi: that wfm19:35
anteayafungi: friday works for me too19:36
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nibalizerI could do this friday19:36
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fungito repeat what's on the list, openstack/ceilometer-specs is becoming openstack/telemetry-specs, and openstack/sahara-scenario is becoming openstack/sahara-tests19:36
clarkbI can do friday19:36
fungiokay, that seems like we have a few people available19:36
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anteayaI can wrangle the patches19:37
fungizaro: are you around too in case we find fun and exciting issues in gerrit this friday trying to rename a couple of projects?19:37
fungithanks anteaya!19:37
zarounfortunately i will be traveling19:37
zaroor out of town as well19:37
fungianyone want to volunteer to send a maintenance notification?19:37
pleia2fungi: sure19:37
pleia2I'll take care of that post meeting19:37
nibalizerpleia2: thanks19:38
fungizaro: do you have time this week to look back over our rename process and see if you spot anything you're aware of which might be an issue now that we're on 2.11?19:38
pleia2I'll also confirm that SergeyLukjanov is ok with 22UTC19:38
zarofungi: can do19:38
fungizaro: thanks!19:38
pleia2it is "pacific american time" but it's pretty late :)19:38
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fungii'm fine doing it earlier than that too, but there are more devs interacting with our systems the earlier on friday you go19:39
* pleia2 nods19:39
anteayapleia2: he is in pacific time19:40
pleia2oh :)19:40
fungiyeah, he's at mirantis's office in california i think?19:40
anteayayeah I didn't know either19:40
anteayasounds like it19:40
anteayathere for a few months then relocating there I think?19:40
fungi#info Gerrit will be offline 22:00-23:00 UTC for scheduled maintenance to perform project renames19:41
pleia2neat, we should meet up19:41
fungiokay, thanks everyone who's helping with that19:41
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fungiif gerrit is no different, then this will be a quick one (just two repos) but a good way to find out i guess19:41
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anteayayup, glad you are giving us the hour19:41
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fungi#topic Infra-cloud Sprint is under two weeks away, any final logistical details? (pleia2)19:42
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pleia2so, hopefully we can keep this short, but I have a few things for this topic19:42
rcarrillocruzhmm, yeah19:42
rcarrillocruzfirst time in FC19:42
* rcarrillocruz reds19:42
* rcarrillocruz reads even19:42
fungimy first time as well19:42
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pleia2so jhesketh won't be able to attend, so I think I am the defacto point on organzing now since I've been working with the on site HPE people19:42
nibalizereveryone should make sure they bought a ticket to denver and not dallas19:42
fungii didn't work at hp long enough to get the road tour of officies19:42
* jhesketh sadly cannot make it :-(19:42
nibalizernot saying i screwed that up, just make sure19:42
anteayajhesketh: oh no19:43
pleia2does anyone have any questions as far as logistics that I should ask the HPE folks about?19:43
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nibalizerjhesketh: TT19:43
anteayajhesketh: I was looking forward to you being there19:43
jeblairnibalizer: always good advice19:43
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jheskethanteaya: me too!19:43
pleia2our wiki page was copied from another, and says "Hotels provide shuttle bus service to the HP office. See front desk to reserve." which no know knows about, so they're going to look into it for us19:43
anteayanibalizer: glad you will be in the intended city19:43
pleia2I'm not sure that's actually true :)19:43
cody-somervilleI put that there.19:43
cody-somervilleAnd it is true.19:44
cody-somervilleI wrote all of that stuff.19:44
pleia2cody-somerville: oh ok, the admin organizing said she'd call the hotels and check19:44
fungipleia2: cody-somerville: thanks--i have not booked a rental car and figured i'd just hitch a ride on the hotel shuttle because of that comment on the wiki ;)19:44
pleia2fungi: yeah, me too19:44
cody-somervilleI think the Courtyard is a new hotel listed so unsure about that one.19:44
cody-somervillebut I have to imagine they do shuttle as well19:44
cody-somervilleIntel and a bunch of other companies are all there.19:45
pleia2cody-somerville: like a "we'll take you within 3 miles" kind of shuttle?19:45
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cody-somervillepleia2: Yup.19:45
fungi#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Sprints/InfraMitakaSprint19:45
pleia2ok, good to know19:45
fungijust for the benefit of those reading the logs later19:45
jeblairoh, 3 miles from your origin, not 3 miles from your destination :)19:45
pleia2lunches will be catered, we're organizing that now with the listed dietary restrictions in mind19:45
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cody-somerville Cambria hotel & Suites has nicer rooms and restaurant than the Hilton FYI.19:45
anteayaI do recommending getting a rental car19:46
pleia2if anyone else has logistic questions for HPE, let me know and I'll ask :)19:46
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olaphand the train track run right by the hilton, which can suck at 4am...19:46
anteayaas we are way out on the edge by the campus and downtown is at least 20 minutes drive19:46
fungithanks pleia2! i'll make sure to direct any your way19:46
pleia2the other half of this agenda item:19:46
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jeblairolaph: also gtk19:46
pleia2should we make some plans as to schedule for the week?19:46
anteayaolaph: that is the downtown hilton, not the hilton garden inn19:46
anteayathe hilton garden in by the hpe campus has no train19:46
cody-somervilleolaph: You might be thinking of the hilton downtown. There is no train by the Hilton near the office.19:47
olaphanteaya: downtown, by campus19:47
pleia2I'd really really appreciate an informal presentation to kick the week off about our hardware and topology+tooling of the deployment19:47
anteayathere are two hiltons19:47
anteayaone has a train, one does not19:47
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pleia2I know it's all in the etherpad and reviews, etc etc, but it's a lot to get my head around (especially considering the rest of my workload)19:47
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rcarrillocruzpleia2: about the infra cloud to the FC folks?19:47
jeblairpleia2: looks like that's anticipated at the top of https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/mitaka-infra-midcycle ?19:47
pleia2rcarrillocruz: to me :)19:47
rcarrillocruzah :D19:47
clarkba blurb on the networking would probably be helpful19:47
jeblairpleia2: 'least, that's how i read that... crinkle ?19:47
crinklepleia2: I can work on putting that together19:47
pleia2jeblair: yeah, I'm hoping that's a proposed topic to discuss, not just "read this and you'll be all ready!"19:47
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pleia2crinkle: you rock, thanks19:48
funginetwork diagram scribbled on a whiteboard would be appreciated, yes19:48
mordredpleia2: I expect to be able to ask uninformed questions when I arrive late and be chastised for not knowing19:48
fungithanks crinkle!19:48
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pleia2that's all from me on this topic19:48
pabelangeranteaya: a quick google shows uber in fort collins too19:48
clarkbmordred: are you ready for elton?19:48
anteayapabelanger: I've never used it19:48
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mordredclarkb: I do not believe I will experience sir john19:48
anteayaI have no review to offer19:48
anteayaI drive in fort collins19:49
fungipabelanger: did you get squared away as to whether we'll be able to add you to the list of attendees?19:49
pleia2pabelanger is all set :)19:49
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fungiwould love to have you participate19:49
clarkbdo we want semi planned dinner plans?19:49
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clarkbor just free for all day of?19:49
pabelangerfungi: pleia2: indeed. will be making the trip19:49
fungiwe can probably talk dinners off-meeting19:49
jeblairi plan on eating dinner19:49
anteayaclarkb: we can do that once we arrive19:49
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fungi#topic AFS for logs/docs (jeblair)19:50
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anteayamost places can accomodate a group with a few hours notice19:50
fungiyou have 10 minutes19:50
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jeblair     We are using AFS for real now and have learned some things.19:50
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jeblair    Are we ready to seriously consider it for logs/docs? Any other prereqs?19:50
jeblairi have specs up for both of those topics...19:50
jheskethWhat have we learned?19:50
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fungiwell, that afs is awesome, for one19:50
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jeblairjhesketh: that serving data from caches is quite fast, as fast as local apache19:51
mordredyah. it's working quite pleasingly well19:51
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fungialso the cache size seems to be reasonable for the things we've done so far19:51
clarkb50GB right?19:51
mordredinitial publication of a large read-write volume to the read-only replicas is not fast - but subsequent publications run at reasonable rates19:52
jeblairjhesketh: that read-only replication cross-data centers is slower than we'd like, but as long as our read-only volumes aren't radically changing, it's okay19:52
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jeblairmordred: :)19:52
fungiand simple to expand if we're using lvm for the cache locatioj19:52
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jheskethHow does afs save us from having huge volumes?19:52
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fungiwe can shard afs and present it as one common file tree19:52
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fungias one option19:52
mordredjhesketh: we can spread AFS volumes across multiple file servers ... ^^ that19:53
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jheskethAh cool, didn't know it sharded. Are we currently doing that?19:53
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mordredwell - to be clear - it doesn't shard in the way that ceph shards19:54
fungithe current space limitation on static.o.o is mostly a function of maximum cinder volume size in rackspace multiplied by maximum number of vdb devices we can attach to a xen domu for the version rackspace is running19:54
mordredit shards in that you can create volumes across many fileservers19:54
jeblairit's like, if we lose a server or partition, we would lose a part of the directory tree, but not the whole thing19:54
mordredand then you can mount those volumes into contiguous locations in the AFS tree19:54
fungiright, i used the term shard loosely19:54
mordredso we currently have multiple volumes19:54
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fungiyou could say that in a way we're already doing it, insofar as afs is a _global_ filesystem and we're just one part of the global afs file tree19:55
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jeblair(this applies to read-write volumes, which we would use for logs; for docs, we can put them on read-only volumes and then we would be faut-tolerant)19:55
mordredbut they are all on the same fileservers - we have mirror.ubuntu mirror.pypi mirror.wheel.trustyx64 mirror.npm and mirror.git19:55
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jheskethSo is there any duplication?19:55
mordredjhesketh: there can be19:55
mordredjhesketh: we have read-only replicas of our mirror volumes currently19:56
jheskethPerhaps we should turn that on first to see if there are any side effects or significant performance issues?19:56
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mordredjhesketh: each of our mirror volumes has a rw volume and 2 read only replicas19:56
fungii'll #link the specs jeblair mentioned on the agenda for reference19:57
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fungi#link https://review.openstack.org/26992819:57
fungi#link https://review.openstack.org/27648219:57
mordredthe publication process is to write to the read/write volume and then run vos release which pushes new copies out to the read-only replicas19:57
mordredthis works amazingly well for mirrors19:57
jheskethCan we restore from read only replicas?19:57
mordredand is also a nice thing for docs19:57
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mordredyou can promote a read-only volume to take over as the read-write volume19:57
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jeblairso with only a few mins left -- how should we proceed?  continue this conversation in channel/ml/spec reviews/...?19:58
jheskethOkay sounds useful19:58
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fungiwhich gets to why we have more than one, and put them in different locations/networks19:58
mordredof course, one of my favorite things is that I can do "ls /afs/openstack.org/mirror/ubuntu" on my local machine :)19:58
fungii am in favor of moving discussion to the specs and, if necessary, irc/ml19:58
mordredjeblair: I agree with fungi19:58
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jheskethworks for me19:59
fungithanks jeblair!19:59
fungi#topic Open discussion19:59
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fungiyou have 30 seconds ;)19:59
eil397: - )19:59
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jheskethShould we do a post mortem of swift logs as part of the afs spec or discussion?20:00
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fungiwould be useful, yes20:00
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fungiwe're out of time--thanks everyone!20:00
anteayafungi: I see you in an isma wig20:00
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openstackMeeting ended Tue Feb  9 20:00:21 2016 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)20:00
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2016/infra.2016-02-09-19.02.html20:00
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2016/infra.2016-02-09-19.02.txt20:00
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ttxrussellb, annegentle, lifeless, mordred, dtroyer, markmcclain, jeblair, sdague, dhellmann: around ?20:00
jeblairttx: i am20:01
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ttx#startmeeting tc20:01
openstackMeeting started Tue Feb  9 20:01:10 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.20:01
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.20:01
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'tc'20:01
ttxHi everyone!20:01
ttxHere is our agenda for today:20:01
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ttx#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/TechnicalCommittee20:01
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ttx#topic Applying Tacker for Big Tent20:01
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ttx#link https://review.openstack.org/27641720:01
ttxQuick background20:01
ttxAs I understand it (russellb please correct me if I got it wrong)20:01
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ttxTacker is a NFV component designed to fit in the ETSI architecture model20:02
ttxOpenStack is used as the Virtualized Infrastructure Manager in the model20:02
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ttxAnd Tacker provides the glue between NFV and OpenStack by implementing the "VNF Manager" and "Orchestrator" components of the ETSI framework20:02
ttx#link https://www.opnfv.org/software/technical-overview20:02
ttxSo I suppose it's not meant to be enduser-facing APIs20:02
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ttxWhile it's not very advanced, they already have a variety of contributing organizations20:02
dhellmannis this a special case for what heat does? or is it using heat?20:02
russellbroughly ... I thought this was the VNF manager20:02
russellbit's using heat20:02
mesteryrussellb: I thought it was that plus something else?20:02
russellbwell ... it's also got some custom SFC stuff ...20:03
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mesteryIt's the VNF manager AND the orchestrator20:03
ttxrussellb: btw: https://imgflip.com/i/yvatt20:03
mesteryrussellb: OF course it does20:03
russellbit uses Heat to create VMs that are used to implement networking services20:03
ttxThey have been around for a while now and have been using the ML and IRC meetings for open collaboration20:03
thingeettx: ++20:03
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russellbit *also* includes an API for doing SFC, but it calls directly into OpenDaylight to do so20:03
russellbit really needs to be reworked to integrate properly with Neutron20:04
russellbbut I think they have good intent to do so20:04
russellb(yes this is an acronym overload space.....)20:04
mesteryrussellb: I'd think so. Do they work with ONOS too with that SFC API?20:04
ttxLooks like they still need to adjust some tags on the proposal20:04
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russellbnot positive, i think it's been ODL focused so far20:04
* dhellmann wonders what language mestery is speaking20:04
ttxquestions / comments ?20:04
annegentle_heh I was still looking up esti20:04
russellbETSI == standards body20:04
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flaper87I don't have any major objection against this proposal. I dropped 2 nits on the patch and one of them I believe is being worked out as we speak20:05
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ttxflaper87: I wouldn't be surprised if they could not assert anything at this stage20:05
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mesteryI posted my comments on the SFC API mess20:05
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annegentle_is tacker already in the neutron stadium?20:05
ttxflaper87: unless you know something that I don't20:06
* dhellmann given our recent open core discussion, and the general nature of the networking 20:06
mesteryannegentle_: It was never in the neutron stadium20:06
* annegentle_ tries to keep up20:06
flaper87ttx: they are changing the release model based on the latest comment20:06
dhellmanngiven our recent open core discussion, and the general nature of the networking space, how much of this is actually open?20:06
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ttxflaper87: ah, nice20:06
sdagueas this is mostly network oriented I'd be highly currious on russellb, mestery, and markmcclain's feelings here20:06
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flaper87and the standard-deprecation one would be nice to have20:06
mesterysdague: My main concern is on yet another SFC API20:06
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ttxdhellmann: I think it's pretty neutral. It just exposes OpenStack resources in a wat NFV likes to have them20:06
mesteryOtherwise, I have no concerns20:06
russellbtacker is not a part of neutron, in fact it bypasses neutron20:06
flaper87but it depends on how solid they think their API is20:07
mesteryWell, I mean other htan it ties directly to ODL20:07
lifelessttx: o/20:07
mesterytacker has NEVER been a part of neutron20:07
russellbit overlaps with part of neutron in the API space20:07
russellbbut they've said they want to integrate with neutron20:07
mesteryEven when it was NOT an NFV orchestrator20:07
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russellbreally, if folks want a more in depth analysis on this, i'm happy to do so, but would need more time to do a dive and write something up on the review20:07
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jaypipesmy main concern (as just noted in my vote) is that Tacker is focused on NFV Orchestration, and so I believe belongs best in the OPNFV ecosystem, not OpenStack itself.20:07
* edleafe wanders in late, once again20:07
markmcclainmy only observation is we've tried to discuss working with them in prior cycles20:07
mesteryjaypipes: Seems reasonable to me at first glance20:08
dhellmannrussellb : "bypasses neutron" in what way?20:08
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russellbjaypipes: but OPNFV doesn't produce code, in theory20:08
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jaypipesrussellb: they do, apparently. :)20:08
russellbdhellmann: implementing SFC requires coordination with what Neutron does20:08
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russellbto do things in a way that is compatible with all Neutron backends20:08
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markmcclainand the functionality between astara and tacker do overlap is many places20:08
russellbthis sort of ignores that and calls directly into an SDN controller20:08
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dhellmannrussellb : so is it incompatible with neutron? or supplemental?20:09
russellbdepends on what backend you use20:09
* ttx thought he understood it but now is confused20:09
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russellbit's messy.20:09
mesteryrussellb: It is20:09
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mesteryBecause it talks directly to ODL20:09
mesteryWhich sets up networkign with neutron, right?20:09
annegentle_so we're sort of supporting both reference architectures and changes to neutron by enabling tacker in the ecosystem?20:09
mesteryannegentle_: There are no neutron changes proposed20:09
dhellmannso it uses heat to tell nova to make vms to run software to do network things, but then bypasses neutron to actually manage the networks connected to those vms?20:09
mesterydhellmann: Good summary20:10
russellbdhellmann: yes20:10
russellbthough the networks are neutron networks20:10
dtroyerthat doesn't sound too friendly to the overall could20:10
flaper87holy moly20:10
ttxrussellb: but that is what NFV is about, right20:10
russellbttx: which part20:10
mesteryttx: NFV is about bypassing neutron?20:10
ttxusing vms to do networking20:10
mesteryI may quote you on that ttx20:10
russellbusing vms to do networking, yes20:10
flaper87mestery: lol20:10
russellbfrom a high level, this is all sane20:10
dhellmannttx: that's not the part that concerns me, the bypassing bit is20:10
sdagueservice vms right?20:10
russellbit needs to be integrated better20:10
russellb(if we care to include that in criteria)20:11
dtroyerthe 'depends on which backend' part concerns me20:11
mesteryrussellb: Yes, because right now it's bypassing neutron and using ODL directly20:11
mesteryrussellb: Isn't it? Or is it no longer doing that?20:11
sdaguedoing service vms was a huge part of nfv20:11
russellbit is yes20:11
russellbservice vms *is* NFV :)20:11
mesteryOK, I knew at one point it was20:11
flaper87russellb: you mentioned you've seen the intent from the team to integrate better with neutron, right?20:11
mordredSO ... I do not believe I need to understand the technical implementation of tacker nor whether it's a good idea or not that it does so20:11
russellbflaper87: yes20:11
flaper87Should this be put on-hold and wait until that happens ?20:11
dhellmannhow does this relate to any of  our networking projects other than neutron?20:11
jaypipesdo we not have a tacker representative here?20:11
russellbflaper87: we aren't really holding other projects to integration bars like that....20:11
mesteryflaper87: ++20:11
mordredthe only concern that seems relevant is the neutron bypass, but that seems to be roadmap - I do not think it's necessary to make them integrate with neutron20:12
russellbnot that i disagree with the idea, just saying20:12
markmcclaindhellmann: it shares similar functionality as Astara20:12
sridhar_ramjaypipes: yes, listening in...20:12
ttxmordred: yeah, that's where I am too20:12
russellbi don't think overlap with astara is really relevant20:12
dhellmannmarkmcclain : does astara have an API now?20:12
russellbgiven that astara itself overlapped with existing stuff significantly, as well20:12
markmcclainplugin API yes20:12
markmcclainpublic facing REST API no20:12
jaypipessridhar_ram: do you have any comments or answers to the above lines of questioning and commentary?20:12
dhellmannmarkmcclain : ok20:12
mordredas both astara and takcker are deployer-oriented things without end-user APIs - it does not bother me that they have overlap20:12
ttxmordred: I think they help with the "ubiquitous" part of the mission by making openstack consumable by NFV folks20:12
mordredttx: I agree20:12
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dhellmannmordred : I thought tacker had a rest api?20:13
ttxeven if the way they consumz it makes little sense to us20:13
flaper87that's what they claim in the patch20:13
sdaguerussellb / mestery - how does it completely bypass neutron? How are actually compute VMs connected in this environment?20:13
thingeedhellmann: it does20:13
lifelessdhellmann: rest API ~= end user API I presume20:13
mordreddhellmann: I thought russel said that it wasn't supposed to be for end-users of the cloud20:13
thingeedhellmann: note in the comments when I asked about their rest api20:13
sridhar_ramjaypipes: our preference / plan is to always use neutron-sfc, we will cut-over to use that and deprecate direct calls to ODL once neutron-sfc is stable20:13
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russellbomg i can't keep up20:13
mesterysdague: It's talking to ODL to wire the networking up I believe, russellb correct me if I'm wrong here20:13
thingeemordred: that maybe true, but they still have a rest api20:13
flaper87russellb: me neither20:13
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dhellmannrussellb : it's all the acronyms20:13
mesterysridhar_ram: Does this use ODL directly to wire networking up for the VMs?20:13
sdaguemestery: right, but you still need to coordinate with nova somehow20:14
mordreddhellmann: +10020:14
ttxthingee: not really a enduser-oriented one though20:14
mesterysdague: Exactly, that's the part I'm not 100% sure on, sridhar_ram may know20:14
* dhellmann is acronumb20:14
russellbit's unrelated to actual VIF plugging20:14
thingeettx: correct, still a rest api though20:14
markmcclainmy issue is gratuitous duplication and that we've attempted in the past to reach out and work together where there's overlap and were basically rebuffed saying join us or else20:14
flaper87Can we have 1 convo? Like focusing on something ? It feels like we have 4 discussions now and it's networking we're talking about20:14
mordredflaper87: ++20:14
mesteryflaper87: Just get more bandwidth20:14
* mestery ducks20:14
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ttxvoice is to russellb so that he can empty his buffer20:14
mordredmarkmcclain: that is a statement that concerns me20:14
russellbmy overflowed and emptied20:14
flaper87mestery: LOOOOL20:14
sridhar_rammestery: there are couple of tacker-sfc backend planned .. one is for ODL that is further along (it hasn't landed yet). Another backend is planned for neutron-sfc20:15
flaper87Looks like we have sridhar_ram here and he can elaborate on some questions20:15
sridhar_rammestery: in fact neutron-sfc team members like cathy, louisef are planning to contribute the tacker part of the integration20:15
flaper87Can we start by asking 1 at a time?20:15
flaper87pretty please?20:15
mesterysridhar_ram: cool20:15
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sridhar_rammestery: the mess is only becoz.. these things evolved in parallel. initially we were not sure if / when neutron-sfc will flourish in the wild :)20:16
russellbi think i'd rather follow up on the review with some in depth comments at this point20:16
* rockyg is grateful for a chance to catch up20:16
odyssey4meheh, and now there's no conversation :p20:16
dhellmannsridhar_ram : where do the images managed by tacker come from?20:16
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ttxodyssey4me: I blame flaper8720:16
sridhar_ramdhellmann: glance20:16
flaper87russellb: ++ sounds fair to me20:16
dhellmannsridhar_ram : well, where does glance get them? are they defined as part of tacker? provided by the deployer? vendors?20:16
* flaper87 puts the blame hat on20:17
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russellbI *think* I have a decent idea of where the concerns/questions are, and hopefully I can try to address them20:17
russellbor at least express them on the review to give a chance for a clear answer20:17
ttxOK, maybe we could all post our concerns in one line really fast20:17
ttxif we have some20:17
russellbsure, and give me an action to follow up on the review20:17
sridhar_ramdhellmann: yes, there are two model.. operators first uploads to glance and tacker nfv templates references them .. and another feature (under works) to automatically upload images into glance as part of template onboard20:17
dhellmannI would like to understand how much of this is useful on its own, in light of our recent discussion about open core.20:18
ttxmarkmcclain: I hear you're concerned with lack of cooperation and gratuitous duplication20:18
mesterydhellmann: You're asking are their open source images to use, right? That's a good question!20:18
ttxand there is some concern around how it works around neutron, but I fear we enter implementation space20:18
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ttxdhellmann: arguably a gateway service is not useful on its own20:19
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russellbyep, some of that may be interesting to explore in comments, though it may not affect the actual vote20:19
dhellmannsridhar_ram : what I'm worried about is how someone wanting to use this gets a useful image to have tacker manage. Does it come with tacker? Do build instructions come with tacker? Do they have to make it up? Do they have to buy it separately?20:19
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ttxdhellmann: like EC2API20:19
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russellbit's worse than just images20:19
annegentle_dhellmann: my question as well20:19
thingeedhellmann: +1 also from a testing perspective, please.20:19
russellbeven the infrastructure that this depends on is WIP20:19
russellbOVS itself doesn't even have the functionality this depends on merged yet20:20
dhellmannttx: EC2API can be used by pointing it at OpenStack20:20
rockygthingee ++20:20
sridhar_ramdhellmann: we use OpenWRT as a reference VNF... again the hope is tacker will be able to orchestrate any type of vnfs both opensource and 3rd party20:20
dhellmannttx: I think this is closer to the way Poppy works, where you need something besides the tacker code to make it useful, and it's not clear that something is freely available or open source20:21
mesterysridhar_ram: Excellent, that's good to know (regarding OpenWRT).20:21
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ttxdhellmann: i see your point20:21
russellbdhellmann: not quite, it's all open source stuff20:21
russellbbut there's a ton of WIP here20:21
mesteryOpenWRT is open source last time I checked20:21
fungiopenwrt is a pretty excellent network operating system in fact (now if only openbsd could be properly virtualized)20:22
dhellmannrussellb : ok, I said "not clear" -- I'm not familiar with the space20:22
jeblairusing openwrt for this is kind of a cool idea20:22
dtroyermestery: it still is ;)20:22
russellbdhellmann: yep, just answering :)20:22
clarkbmestery: it depends on the imgae iirc20:22
clarkbsome come with driver blobs20:22
clarkbbut you can do it completely open source20:22
fungiwhich for a virtual appliance should hopefully be entirely unnecessary20:22
clarkbfungi: yup20:23
mesteryclarkb: Isn't that the case for many Linux distros? (But we're taking a sideways ride ...)20:23
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dtroyera project like this must build their own images to be useful…20:23
sridhar_ramclarkb: recent openwrt images works nicely with tacker.. we are auto uploading the image as part of tacker devstack install20:23
clarkbmestery: yup not trying to put a value assignment on it either way. Just pointing out that "openwrt" as a whole may not be foss20:23
jaypipes"physical interface that offers the network connections between instances of NS, VNF, VNFC (based on the VDU information element), PNF and a VL" god help us.20:23
clarkbdepends on how you built it where you got it from20:23
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mesterysridhar_ram: Out of curiosity, what types of VNFs does OpenWRT provide?20:23
ttxOK, so in summary I think we can say that given its rather novel position wrt the openstack ecosystem, Tacker inclusion needs careful consideration, and we'll continue clarifying on the review and at next TC meeting20:24
dhellmannclarkb : I'm only concerned that there is at least one way that it is open source, not that we block closed source options20:24
jaypipesmestery: it doesn't.20:24
jeblairdhellmann: ++20:24
mesteryjaypipes: That's what I was figuring :)20:24
jaypipesmestery: it's just the base OS image to build VNFs from.20:24
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dhellmannttx: ++20:24
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sridhar_rammestery:  it is a general purpose virtual router with routing, firewall, etc.. it also has installable pkg mgmt some of which might be from 3rd party.. we don't rely on them20:24
anteayattx ++20:25
jaypipesttx: welcome to telco :)20:25
ttxso digging in is not easy20:25
mesteryjaypipes: Say what? So they use OpenWRT for only routing then by default? I'm confused.20:25
thingeeIMO, if the open source alternative doesn't do what the API says it should, then it's not a working OSS alternative in the project. That's a blocker IMO if it's a bunch of work in progress.20:25
dtroyerOpenWRT makes a pretty decent micro-Linux base for a lot of things…not just routers20:25
ttxI could see it going both ways. in OpenStack as the NFV entry point, or outside OpenStack as something that consumes OpenStack20:26
jaypipesmestery: OpenWRT is simply a Linux distribution stripped down with a number of useful network control programs in it. A VNF would be a virtual machine launched from an openWRT image that wires together some of those network control programs and facilitates firewalling, load balancing, packet core transfer, etc20:26
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russellbbut to make that useful, it has to actually instruct the underlying network implemenation to send packets through it20:27
russellband it seems that's not actually merged at all20:27
jaypipesthingee: just don't use the acronym OSS. OSS means something different in telco-land :)20:27
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jaypipesthingee: Operational Support Systems20:27
russellband the one that's furthest along is specific to one SDN controller, and bypasses neutron20:27
ttxjaypipes: what doesn't20:27
jaypipesheh, indeed20:27
* flaper87 back... he hopes20:28
mesteryrussellb: Then why are we adding this to openstack?20:28
thingeejaypipes: fair point!20:28
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ttxrussellb: could you quickly expand on the "OPNFV doesn't do code" assertion ?20:28
mesteryIf that's the case, we should wait20:28
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russellbttx: OPNFV is a test and integration project20:28
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ttxrussellb: I thought they were producing something that used OpenStack and needed Tacker to interface20:28
russellbthey may write code, but their intent is to do all coding in upstreams20:28
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annegentle_so do they need tacker as their upstream?20:28
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russellbthey would never own code within OPNFV20:28
russellbthat's the idea.20:29
jaypipesrussellb: it's a reference implementation of ETSI NFV architecture on top of ODL and OpenStack. I don't see why Tacker doesn't better belong in OPNFV.20:29
ttxAh. So they would rather have the openstack-touching piece in OpenStack20:29
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annegentle_still, it's a ref arch20:29
russellbjaypipes: OPNFV doesn't see it that way.  they'd like to add whatever is needed openstack itself.20:29
lifelessthats kinda weird20:29
jaypipesrussellb: do we take direction from OPNFV now? :)20:29
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jaypipesrussellb: that came out wrong, sorry...20:30
russellbthe point is, they want to do this "thing" in OpenStack, and look to the community on the best way to do it.20:30
russellband if we see it as "not integrated well enough", that's good feedback20:30
russellbin fact, i have provided that feedback, and it seems to be taken20:30
ttxOK, I think we have primed the pump now. I suggest we move on to next topic20:30
jaypipesrussellb: I'm trying to point out that NFV != OpenStack and Tacker is NFV more than OpenStack, IMNSHO.20:30
lifelessok, thats cool. are they participating in design summit sessions?20:30
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ttxand use the review to talk between now and next meeting20:30
russellbsounds good20:30
ttxplenty of un in next topic too!20:31
ttx#topic Adds the Poppy CDN project to the Governance Repository20:31
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ttx#link https://review.openstack.org/27375620:31
ttxSo, round 2 of discussions around Poppy20:31
ttxThe main objection raised so far is around the nature of the service vs. the OpenStack mission20:31
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ttxI would summarize as: should a service which is only proxying to non-OpenStack commercial services be considered part of our "Open Source Cloud Computing platform".20:31
ttxPoppy is definitely compatible with OpenStack and part of the OpenStack "ecosystem". It's even developed in the OpenStack Way.20:32
ttxIt also makes sense as part of a public cloud offering, to channel partner services that you don't provide yourself. But...20:32
ttxOpenStack is precisely about open source infrastructure building blocks you can use to provide services yourself.20:32
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mordredthe alternative is for each cloud ot hav etheir own non-openstack api that a user has to use to use CDN20:32
dhellmannit also helps support hybrid and federated cloud solutions, because of the API abstraction20:32
ttxNot so much about working around missing components by brokering to non-OpenStack commercial services.20:32
mordredwhich has specifically been a problem for Infra in the past as a consumer of OpenStack clouds20:32
ttxSo I'm leaning towards a NO here. It's totally fine as an OpenStack-compatible project... It's just not what OpenStack is.20:32
ttxmordred: so CDN is special ?20:33
lifelessI don't understand the contention here TBH20:33
mordredyes, I think so20:33
annegentle_I'm leaning towards a YES here, it abstracts out vendors and offers a standard REST API. This could be super useful in say, swift, or other APIs20:33
mordredttx: I think given the nature of what CDNs are - I would rather have an OpenStack integrated way to integrate my openstack content with them20:33
sdaguemordred: so you would also argue this is defcore?20:33
ttxmordred: as I posted on the review... if another project was proposed that only proxied requests to cloud services implemented at Amazon, Azure and GCE, we would certainly not consider that helping with our mission. CDN should not be judged differently ?20:34
jeblairmordred: why is it the cloud's responsibility to provide cdn?20:34
sdaguebecause if it's not defcore, it doesn't solve your problem20:34
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mordredttx: we are directly provising competitive software that builds a thing like amazon, gce or azure20:34
lifelessttx: but you're setting up a strawman in your post20:34
mordredttx: so I think it would be specifically weird in that specific case20:34
mordredttx: but in this specific case20:34
dhellmannttx: those are all things that compete with openstack. CDNs don't do that.20:34
lifelessttx: the fact that there is no open backend *yet* is not the same as saying it will only accept proprietary backends20:35
annegentle_I also think that people never thought that Certs would be "free" but now we have Let's Encrypt. It's super useful for devs.20:35
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annegentle_So I think that CDN provides something end users will want.20:35
jeblaira cdn can be effective without being provided by your cloud vendor -- if one wanted to use a cdn, one could just use it.20:35
mordredI think that having a CDN interface is somethign that pretty much everyone who is deploying swift at public cloud scale has20:35
mesteryjeblair: Well said, ++20:35
annegentle_mordred: agree, and standards make our offering seem more holistic and user-centered20:35
thingeeannegentle_, lifeless since you are for this, how do you see the project being tested without a commercial entity?20:36
thingeemordred: ^20:36
mordredit is my understanding that the project has functional tests already20:36
thingeeopencdn is an idea at this point20:36
dhellmannwe have lots of examples of third-party CI already, too20:36
thingeeit's not a ref implementation20:36
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thingeedhellmann: there's nothing wrong with third party cis. that's not the concern I have20:36
sdagueannegentle_: I think the cert thing is a bad example, certs were always free, and skilled people always ran their own CAs20:36
annegentle_thingee: I'd like to encourage the team to think about an open implementation next, but not block20:36
thingeethe fact that all you have is third party cis is the concern20:37
annegentle_sdague: so skilled people won't run their own CDNs?20:37
lifelessthingee: I'd want to see an open backend for testing; e.g. global swift cluster20:37
mordredI guess to me this is not open core becuase a CDN is not a thing that someone installs locally20:37
sdagueannegentle_: they won't with poppy, because it doesn't allow that20:37
ttxmordred, lifeless: if there was an OpenStack project you could deploy to build a CDN using OpenStack clouds at multiple points of presence... would you still consider Poppy desirable ?20:37
thingeeannegentle_: I'd argue being accepted in is a good motivator to make sure that happens20:37
sdaguebecause it only does commercial ones20:37
annegentle_yeah thingee20:37
thingeethere's no rush to get this in20:37
lifelessttx: yes, I would20:37
dhellmannttx: yes, I would want it to have a backend to talk to that hypothetical service20:37
annegentle_sdague: we can reject until they have an open one, or accept with a trust level that "they are OpenStack"20:38
mordreda CDN is necessarily by definition a service someone consumes from someone - usually someone with a bunch of datacenters spread across the globe20:38
annegentle_mordred: where do you lean?20:38
anteayaI don't think that allowing them to continue development but not be mentioned in governance is blocking them20:38
lifelessttx: because - workload portability, consider swift in-house and rackspace's CDN externally.20:38
jeblairmordred: where you install it isn't the issue -- whether you can install it is20:38
mordredI have absolutely no problem with this joining the big tent20:38
mordredand I do not believe this is open core20:38
mordredI respect that other people disagree with me20:38
annegentle_I don't see this as open core either20:38
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ttxlifeless: I hear you20:38
annegentle_and also am fine with disagreement :)20:38
flaper87mordred: I don't, tbh!20:38
dhellmannopen core would be if you had to get the drivers separately from the service providers, but that's not the case here20:39
mordredI believe that I can install poppy and I do not have to also install proprietary software to make it work20:39
flaper87mordred: I mean, I don't disagree :P20:39
lifelessttx: not all openstack public clouds run swift; ceph is a thing20:39
thingeemordred: we have so many openstack projects today that have poor testing. This can't be tested continuously without the issues I raised dthat infra would have to depend on. Why are we adding to that?20:39
dhellmannthingee : then we'll highlight that in some way so potential users understand it20:39
mordredthingee: becuase I think that not having cdn integration available is worse20:39
ttxmordred: I agree that CDNs have certain properties that make them difficult to replicate, and that Poppy is certainly useful for our end users20:39
lifelessthingee: turn it around; what do we need the project to do to not be a testing burden.20:39
lifelessthingee: thats actionable advice we can give20:40
mordredI believe that as an end user I have been excluded from using services in the clouds I consume because there was no openstack cdn gateway that those vendors had the choice of using, thus there was no openstack api I could talk to20:40
flaper87I feel like the conversation is leading towards forcing the project to have a way to run local tests even though those tests won't even be sufficient/good20:40
ttxmordred: I'm trying to reconcile this with a rule we can apply, and with our recent discussions on what "no Open core" means today20:40
annegentle_thingee: why because of timing does one team get penalized? We're the ones that opened up the big tent.20:40
jeblairmordred: i guess whether this is open-core depends on some pretty precise semantics -- but regardless, this is an open source project that is simply a proxy to a proprietary service -- it doesn't feel very open source to me.20:40
flaper87I understand the concern of testing and I think it's important20:40
sdaguemordred / lifeless - I think what you are both saying though is not only is poppy openstack, but it's also got to immediately move to defcore, as that is required to give people guaruntees20:40
annegentle_We also need to be good stewards of the end users who need better services.20:40
sdaguejeblair: agreed20:40
thingeeannegentle_: because, we've evolved and matured.20:41
mordredttx: I believe that we have rules to guide us - and that we have human judgement we can apply when the rules themselves are insufficent20:41
flaper87but I don't believe the answer is: "come back with an open source backend to run your tests on"20:41
thingeewe expect quality20:41
lifelesssdague: uhm, I wasn't saying that. Let me thing.20:41
annegentle_sdague: not the point20:41
anteayaI disagree that continuing development and not being mentioned in governance equates to penalty20:41
jeblairmordred: you may have had an experience in infra that i did not have20:41
mordredjeblair: one of the reasons we could not use hpcloud's swift was that the only way to make a container public in hp was to use the hpcloud specific cdn service20:41
dtroyermordred: that is a deployment choice, not a limitation of OpenStack itself20:42
fungii believe the bad experience around this is that a particular openstack provider makes their swift implementation unusable without also using their non-openstack cdn20:42
mordredjeblair: the hp cloud team did, in fact, open source that code, but as it was not openstack there wasn't really a push for any of the other clouds to collaborate or adopt it20:42
thingeelifeless: not sure how anyone missed my repeating of an actionable item of a good reference implementation20:42
sdaguemordred: because swift can not be exposed without a CDN?20:42
lifelesssdague: is trove defcore?20:42
annegentle_anteaya: one Q on third-party testing, is it possible for poppy to be in governance but only have third-party ci for a time?20:42
clarkbmordred: that was rax, I think hpcloud did mostly work via public urls20:42
clarkbmordred: but its gone now so doesn't matter20:42
mordredclarkb: k20:42
clarkbsdague: no, it is just how people deploy it20:43
mordredso - honestly - I do not believe we're going ot argue each other into agreeing with each other20:43
clarkbwhich in itself should maybe be a defcore test20:43
jeblairmordred: sure, but we did not want to use a cdn.  and if we did want to use a cdn (as a cdn), we are not limited to the one provided by the cloud20:43
ttxmordred: so you would equate CDNs to electricity or the global DNS system, something that exists beyond openstack and that our end users need access to in order to breathe20:43
fungii understand swift _can_ be used without a cdn, so perhaps what needs to be defcore (if swift is also defcore) is a way to effectively use swift without also having to use a cdn20:43
annegentle_right I think that a vote is what works here20:43
anteayaannegentle_: that is up to the tc, but if the only testing they have is third party I would wonder why they are in governance20:43
mordredit's ajudgement call as to whether or not an open source project that proxies to non-locally-installable local services is open core or not20:43
clarkbfungi: +120:43
mordredI break one way20:43
jeblairmordred: i feel like the swift example is flawed, because that's an implementation detail that should not have leaked into the public api20:43
mordredother break the other way20:43
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lifelesssdague: so, trove is not in defcore AFAICT, but people find it useful and valuable, or so I'm told20:44
jeblairmordred: (if cloud-provider wants a cdn in front of swift, just put one there and don't tell the customer)20:44
mordredjeblair: sure20:44
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lifelesssdague: I don't see why suggesting that this can have the same properties implies it must be in defcore20:44
notmynamefor the record, the rax cloud is the exception, not the common case. they're the only swift deployer I know of who disables direct access to publicly readable data.20:44
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mordredttx: yes20:44
ttxOK, I'd like to talk about the Cassandra dependency quickly, and the fact that it kind of depends on the Oracle JDK20:44
mordredttx: what you said is more how I look at this20:44
ttxis that an issue or not ?20:45
sdaguenotmyname: ok, which means they are the only ones that need poppy, because of other decisions they made?20:45
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annegentle_the Cassandra dependency appears to be for local dev testing20:45
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amitgandhinzfwiw, poppy plans to add the ability to pass authorization headers to allow for non public readable containers20:45
dhellmannttx: can you elaborate? I think I missed the stuff about cassandra20:45
flaper87dhellmann: the only supported backend is Cassandra, AFAIU20:45
lifelesshttps://github.com/openstack/poppy/blob/master/setup.py makes me sad20:46
lifelessvery very sad20:46
annegentle_but I could be wrong, https://github.com/openstack/poppy#getting-started was what I was looking at20:46
dhellmannflaper87 : cassandra isn't a cdn? I don't understand.20:46
amitgandhinzwe currently have the cassandra driver which is production ready.  we can build another db driver if necessary since that is pluggable20:46
ttxdhellmann: Poppy has a dependency on Cassandra. Cassandra's authors ask you to install Oracle JDK and don't support OpenJDK20:46
fungithat makes it effectively non-free20:46
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mordredcassandra seems excessively heavy for local testing20:46
ttxfungi: right20:46
amitgandhinzthe cassandra driver is just to store the cdn settings, so that they can then be provisioned to any other cdn provider with the master copy held in poppy20:46
dhellmannyeah, that's more of a concern than the open core aspect20:46
flaper87dhellmann: sorry, database backend to store metadata or whatever they save there20:46
amitgandhinzflaper87: +120:46
flaper87and I believe that's more a concern than the previous topic20:46
dhellmannamitgandhinz : why aren't you using mysql?20:46
lifelessthere are two drivers; mockdb and cassandra20:46
lifelessit doesn't look like cassandra is for local testing at all...20:47
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fungiand i'm guessing mockdb is only for testing, given its name20:47
ttxdhellmann: you mean "why aren't you using oslo.db"20:47
flaper87amitgandhinz: ^20:47
dhellmannttx: yes, well20:47
amitgandhinzdhellmann: it was mostly for the distributed usecase we were going for which cassandra helped us meet20:47
mordredawesome. so - for that, I think we have two things where this does not behave much like an openstack project- the cassandra driver, and the very strange setup.py20:47
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flaper87mordred: the setup.py is easy (TM) to refactor, I think20:47
annegentle_flaper87: easy button (tm) :)20:48
flaper87the casandra driver might require more work20:48
mordredflaper87: I do not htink it's easy to refactor20:48
lifelessThe (tm) will certainly apply there20:48
ttxI for one would prefer if there were options beyond cassandra20:48
lifelessmordred: it is, its just cat $(find requirements) | grep -v -- - > requirements.txt20:48
fungiit is interesting that poppy has extended pbr to support requirements directories, without workign with pbr upstream to actually implement that20:48
flaper87mordred: Did I mention I had no idea what I was talking about?20:48
ttxbut I don't really want to ask them to work on that if we plan to reject them on the "no open source backend" reason20:49
flaper87mordred: jokes apart, what I menat is that it might require less time than adding a new driver20:49
dhellmannfungi : at one point pbr did support multiple requirements files, didn't it? or did we just talk about that?20:49
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mordredit's more the thing fungi mentions20:49
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mordredthis is a divergent view on pbr things - and the database backend is strange - especially for something the purpose of which is "store configuration settings" - neither of those 'feel' openstack-like to me20:49
lifelessfungi: dhellmann: it was proposed, and rejected20:50
fungidhellmann: it supports/supported interpreter-specific requirements sets, but i don't recall a general requirements file aggregation feature20:50
dhellmannlifeless : ah20:50
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dhellmannyeah, so without getting into the specifics (use "extras"), the setup thing can be changed relatively easily but the db driver will take more work20:50
annegentle_I think we can summarize for amitgandhinz20:50
dhellmannamitgandhinz: do you have plans for other db drivers?20:50
ttxmordred: I'm fine delaying them to get better alignment, but I would rather settle the "open core or not" question first20:50
lifelesswe're converging on upstream's practices, and the use of directories was pretty much opposite - not to mention that the interactions between the existing, broken, -pyN stuff and directories would have been very hard to track20:51
ttxmordred: otherwise we ask them to change things only to reject them in the end20:51
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mordredttx: I agree20:51
flaper87ttx: how can we settle on the open core question and stil ldelay them? IRC vote ?20:51
flaper87ttx: that said, I agree20:51
lifelessttx: so you're saying this is open core because there is no openstack CDN implementation ?20:51
amitgandhinzdhellmann: we have it on the roadmap to do a mysql driver, but no one has asked for it yet so hasnt been a big priority20:51
ttxflaper87: yeah, something like that. There is clearly no consensus on that issue20:51
fungior simply no viable and supported free/libre cdn software20:52
dhellmannamitgandhinz : think you're going to be told that will be a requirement, any minute now20:52
lifelessfungi: other than swift ;)20:52
fungiwouldn't have to be "openstack" cdn software20:52
flaper87ttx: I'd prefer delaying the vote until next week and give people more time to go through their ideas and what was discussed here.20:52
ttxlifeless: I'm not saying anything. I'm torn on this one20:52
flaper87That said, I think IRC vote is fine for the open core question20:52
lifelessTBH the cassandra thing doesn't bother me. I know it bothers other folk :)20:52
amitgandhinzso im okay being given a list of action items, but want to make sure there is a well defined list and we settle the open core issue20:52
fungilifeless: swift as a cdn? i'd be interested to see that model20:52
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amitgandhinzthe rest is just code that the team can handle ;-)20:53
lifelessfungi: global swift clusters have been a thing for a couple years now20:53
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ttxamitgandhinz: yes, we need to come to a decision on the larger issue first20:53
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mordredlifeless: that's an excellent point20:53
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lifelessfungi: obviously notmyname can say much more than I20:53
fungii suppose cdn doesn't have to mean "caching web proxy"20:54
fungiso point taken20:54
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ttxMaybe Poppy could interface with a set of Swift things20:54
notmynamelifeless: you speak truth (but IMO global swift != CDN)20:54
lifelessfungi: generally cdn's don't mean that anymore TBH - pre-loading of content is very common, as is edge processing20:54
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lifelessnotmyname: ok, would like to deep dive another time20:54
jeblairnotmyname: aren't folks doing processing in swift now?20:55
flaper87so, what's the plan? Vote now or next week? The meeting is about to end and there still seem to be some points being made20:55
flaper87I'd rather defer to next week and do a "vote only" topic20:55
ttxOK, I propose we continue that discussion and vote at the next meeting.20:55
mordredflaper87: it seems a week of flames I mean messages to a mailing list would be useful for folks20:55
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flaper87mordred: wasn't that last week ?20:55
* flaper87 stfu20:56
mordredflaper87: isn't that every week?20:56
ttx#info we need to settle the open core issue first, and then come up with a list of things to change before acceptance20:56
flaper87mordred: touche20:56
ttxwhich brings us to next topic20:56
amitgandhinzfwiw i appreciate the positive useful conversations that have happened on this topic (without it becoming too much of a flame war) ;-)20:56
notmynamejeblair: yes, with ecosystem integration things plugged into swift20:56
ttx#topic Open discussion20:56
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annegentle_amitgandhinz: good, yes.20:56
ttxI'll be away snowboarding next week, so I won't be around to chair the meeting if we are holding it20:56
ttxThere is the Ops midcycle in Europe too, which is likely to draw some attention away20:56
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ttxWe can skip, or else I'll need a volunteer for chairing20:56
* mordred will be at ops midcycle20:56
anteayattx: happy snowboarding20:57
flaper87I will be traveling next Tuesday (SURPRISE)20:57
flaper87so, perhaps we skip?20:57
ttxFeels like the IRC vote next meeting will need most people to be around20:57
mordredactually, /me will be on train travelling away from ops midcycle20:57
mordredyah - this is an important vote I think20:57
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lifeless+1 on skippiung next week20:57
jeblairperhaps we should do the vote in gerrit? :)20:57
annegentle_yeah skip I guess. I can run it if needed though.20:57
* russellb will be around20:57
* dhellmann expects to be around20:58
* edleafe will be around, not that that matters much :)20:58
ttxjeblair: yeah, we just need some way to formulate it20:58
anteayaedleafe: it matters to me20:58
mesteryI'll be here to FWIW20:58
edleafeanteaya: awwwwww20:58
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flaper87jeblair: ttx if we can do it on gerrit in some way, then I'd me more than happy to use gerrit20:58
markmcclainI'll be around too20:58
ttxok, I propose we skip next week, and find a way to vote in Gerrit (resolution or wat)20:59
ttxthat way we don't stall the discussion for two weeks20:59
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flaper87If someone can chair next week and there's quorum, we shouldn't skip it (just like the one I chaired). But the vote should happen in gerrit, though20:59
annegentle_I always learn at these meetings, hence witholding my vote20:59
ttxI'll find a way to formulate that. Maybe a comment in the yaml file21:00
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flaper87A place holder in the project's file?21:00
ttx#action ttx to propose some vote on the Poppy / opencore or not issue in Gerrit, separate from formal project team addition21:00
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flaper87like: "They will come, sit and wait"21:00
flaper87not sure if I'm making any sense21:00
ttxflaper87: yeah, something like that21:00
ttxok, time is up21:00
thingeefungi: I know, no break!21:01
ttxSorry it takes time to process those applications, because those are edge cases and we need to think more about them21:01
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ttxThanks everyone21:01
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thingeeping Qiming TravT gordc dirk mriedem daemontool21:01
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thingeePinging here as a reminder to join us in the #openstack-meeting-cp channel21:02
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mtreinishoh, there's another meeting channel, I guess I should pay more attention21:02
mtreinishI was wondering why I was getting pinged and there was no meeting :)21:02
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