Friday, 2017-09-15

zhenguomorning mogan!01:13
zhenguoliusheng: hi, please have a look at the release patch01:16
liushengzhenguo: ok01:17
liushengzhenguo: maybe we can wait after the official application ?01:20
zhenguoliusheng: not sure when01:23
liushengzhenguo: seems we can manually release in pypi if we just need that01:24
zhenguoliusheng: yes, we can tag a release 0.1.001:24
zhenguoliusheng: then start the next cycle01:24
liushengzhenguo: yes, you prefer we release now ?01:25
zhenguoliusheng: yes01:25
zhenguoliusheng: just a tag01:25
liushengzhenguo: ok01:26
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liushengzhenguo: seems we have a getting status API didn't covvered in client02:05
liushengzhenguo: which includes the "locked" field02:05
zhenguoliusheng: seems yes02:06
zhenguoliusheng: but server object should also include that02:06
liushengzhenguo: ok, so also need a status command ?02:07
zhenguoliusheng: do you think we still need that?02:07
liushengzhenguo: looks a bit redundant02:07
openstackgerritMerged openstack/mogan master: [DOC] Add availability zone docs for users
zhenguoliusheng: it's ok to remove it if redundant02:09
liushengzhenguo: ok02:09
liushengzhenguo: do you think locked_by also needed ?02:11
zhenguoliusheng: you can check nova's response02:13
zhenguoliusheng: seems that's not included02:13
liushengzhenguo: yes02:14
openstackgerritliusheng proposed openstack/mogan master: Add *locked* field in server response
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zhenguoliusheng: I just sent the release patch, hah02:54
liushengzhenguo: mogan or moganclient ?02:55
zhenguoliusheng: client02:55
liushengzhenguo: ok02:55
openstackgerritMerged openstack/mogan master: Add partitions to server API object
openstackgerritliusheng proposed openstack/mogan master: Drop the getting server state API
zhenguoliusheng: we already released the client03:04
openstackgerritliusheng proposed openstack/mogan master: Add *locked* field in server response
openstackgerritliusheng proposed openstack/mogan master: Drop the getting server state API
liushengzhenguo: you mean directly pushed in pypi ?03:05
zhenguoliusheng: it's already in pypi now03:05
zhenguoliusheng: and you can find the 0.1.0 tag on github03:05
liushengzhenguo: cool03:06
liushengzhenguo: how to do that ?03:06
zhenguojiusheng: just push a tag to gerrit03:06
zhenguoliusheng: you can clone the repo and use git tag -v 0.1.0 to show the info03:07
liushengzhenguo: which patch you done the change ?03:08
zhenguoliusheng: we also got a tarball
liushengzhenguo: did found03:08
liushengzhenguo: cool!03:08
zhenguoliusheng: I don't find, but there's one under zuul03:08
liushengzhenguo: hah03:09
zhenguoliusheng: but finished now03:09
liushengzhenguo: ok03:09
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zhenguoliusheng: just sent a brief email out to announce the client released03:30
liushengzhenguo: ok03:31
zhenguoliusheng: have tested the notifications patches?03:32
liushengzhenguo: yes03:34
zhenguoliusheng: ok, thanks, do we need some docs for developers?03:34
liushengzhenguo: yes, better to add03:34
zhenguoliusheng: it's appreciated if you can find or add some03:35
liushengzhenguo: ok, will try :D03:35
zhenguoliusheng: thanks03:35
liushengzhenguo: np03:35
openstackgerritZhenguo Niu proposed openstack/mogan master: [DOC] Add node aggregate manage docs
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openstackgerritliusheng proposed openstack/mogan master: Add *locked* field in server response
openstackgerritliusheng proposed openstack/mogan master: Drop the getting server state API
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zhenguoliusheng: anything else do you find we should fix?06:49
liushengzhenguo: nothing any more06:49
zhenguoliusheng: hah06:50
zhenguoliusheng: after your patches landed, I will go though the APIs06:51
liushengzhenguo: ok06:51
zhenguoliusheng: do you want to add some comments to the files to show some respects to the original users before we tag the release06:52
zhenguoliusheng: we can find some typically ones like console related and keypairs06:53
liushengzhenguo: seems better, but need  to check which patch the code reference to. and maybe some code files just reference the logic than code06:54
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zhenguoliusheng: please have a look at this
liushengzhenguo: ok07:05
liushengzhenguo: you can show the rest command works after typing table with "openstack baremetalcompute aggregate" ?07:17
liushengzhenguo: why I cannot07:17
zhenguoliusheng: you missed a blanspace07:17
zhenguoliusheng: *blankspace07:18
zhenguoliusheng: should be "openstack baremetalcompute aggregate "07:18
liushengzhenguo: it still print some unrelated command words07:18
zhenguoliusheng: really?07:19
liushengzhenguo: yes, maybe my env need to configure someting ?07:19
zhenguoliusheng: seems I didn't config anything07:19
liushengroot@szxbzci0007:/opt/stack/mogan# openstack baremetalcompute aggregate07:20
liushengaccess         alarm-history  bgpvpn         compute        container      endpoint       flavor         hypervisor     limits         object         ptr            role           service        subnet         user07:20
liushengacl            alarming       ca             configuration  credential     event          floating       identity       mapping        orchestration  quota          router         sfc            tld            volume07:20
liushengzhenguo: you can see above07:20
openstackgerritMerged openstack/mogan master: Update release notes
zhenguoliusheng: oh, I just tried on another env, but it works as well07:20
openstackgerritZhenguo Niu proposed openstack/mogan master: [DOC] Add node aggregate manage docs
openstackgerritMerged openstack/mogan master: Add *locked* field in server response
openstackgerritMerged openstack/mogan master: Drop the getting server state API
zhenguoliusheng: I can't find server groups docs on nova repo07:55
liushengzhenguo: seems yes07:57
zhenguoliusheng: seems all code changes are landed07:58
liushengzhenguo: yes07:59
zhenguoliusheng: please also go through the API if you got time07:59
liushengzhenguo: ready to release ?07:59
liushengzhenguo: hah07:59
zhenguoliusheng: we still have some time to test07:59
liushengzhenguo: ok08:00
liushengzhenguo: ok08:00
zhenguoliusheng: wait a min, I need to build the new api doc08:00
liushengzhenguo: ok08:01
zhenguoliusheng: ok, API docs update08:07
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openstackgerritZhenguo Niu proposed openstack/mogan master: [DOC]Add server groups manage docs
zhenguoliusheng: here's a doc for server groups
liushengzhenguo: ok09:14
zhenguoliusheng: regarding the server group doc, we already add afinitiy zone intruduction on the admin node aggregates doc09:33
zhenguoliusheng: server groups doc is for users, they can not define the affinity zone09:33
liushengzhenguo: ok, yes09:33
openstackgerritZhenguo Niu proposed openstack/mogan master: [DOC]Add server groups manage docs
zhenguoliusheng: do you prefer to release today?09:34
liushengzhenguo: I am working on adding a notification doc, but don't finish yet, but I think may you can release without this09:35
zhenguoliusheng: yes, we can prepare more docs09:35
zhenguoliusheng: and we need an email with the release to announce our first release09:36
liushengzhenguo: but don't need to strongly require all thing done before release. lol09:36
zhenguoliusheng: yes it is09:36
liushengzhenguo: can we show the release note now ?09:36
zhenguoliusheng: not build it yet09:37
liushengzhenguo: that would be cool if we add the link in email09:37
zhenguoliusheng: sure09:37
zhenguoliusheng: I need to manually add a 0.1.0 file09:37
zhenguoliusheng: seems we always sent email out while others are on vacation09:39
liushengzhenguo: hah :(09:39
zhenguoliusheng: oh, I dont' mean PTG is vacation, lol09:40
liushengzhenguo: maybe someone will look as there have hear Mogan in the PTG09:40
liushengzhenguo: * they09:40
zhenguoliusheng: not sure09:40
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